these are monologues 1

These are monologues, which give actors backstories for their character’s. At this writing (The forth draft) we are unsure as to whether they will be used for any other purpose. AT RISE On a darkened stage, three pools of light develop along the apron. Three beautiful women enter with the poise and elegance of runway models. COLETTE Comment allez-vous? Bon soir. je m'appelle Colette. I was born in the Bordeaux region of France 36 years ago. My families fortunes was built upon the backs of peasants in my Father’s vineyards. As a young girl, I grew up with a governess, nurtured by the tutors in languages, art and music, and the etiquette. I know I was privileged. I had everything, accept a relationship with my parents. My Mother died of, how do you say, un coeur brisé Ah! A lonely heart, yes? When my Father took a younger woman as his mistress. When he was drunk, he would come to my bed in darkness and I would was forced to satisfy his carnal perversions. I think my Mother knew that I was frightened by him, but she said nothing. She did nothing. After my Mother died, I left home to attend college in the United States. I was then sixteen years old. While living in Boston with my Father’s brother, I attended

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Page 1: These are monologues 1

These are monologues, which give actors backstories for their character’s.At this writing (The forth draft) we are unsure as to whether they will be used for any other purpose.


On a darkened stage, three pools of light develop along the apron. Three beautiful women enter with the poise and elegance of runway models.

COLETTEComment allez-vous? Bon soir. je m'appelle Colette. I was born in the Bordeaux region of France 36 years ago. My families fortunes was built upon the backs of peasants in my Father’s vineyards. As a young girl, I grew up with a governess, nurtured by the tutors in languages, art and music, and the etiquette. I know I was privileged. I had everything, accept a relationship with my parents. My Mother died of, how do you say, un coeur brisé Ah! A lonely heart, yes? When my Father took a younger woman as his mistress. When he was drunk, he would come to my bed in darkness and I would was forced to satisfy his carnal perversions. I think my Mother knew that I was frightened by him, but she said nothing. She did nothing.

After my Mother died, I left home to attend college in the United States. I was then sixteen years old. While living in Boston with my Father’s brother, I attended Boston Collage. I majored in the International business studies and then studied the acting craft for my pleasure. I graduated at the top my class in both disciplines. It was at this time I learned that my body was most valuable commodity. My uncle would withhold my stipend until he, as my father had, used my body for his carnal pleasure. I suppose he abused me because my aunt had left him for a much younger man. Funny this story, no?

Upon graduation, I left to make my fortune in Hollywood as an actress. It did not turn out quite as I had expected. The studios often asked me accompany young men on the red carpet. I had no qualms asking these men for ‘contributions’ when they wanted to use my body beyond being their Arm Candy. I easily turned my looks into a thriving business. There are the whores, yes? Les Escorts and then there is my rarefied market segment known les Courtesan. We can command donations in the many of thousands of dollars, Euros, Franks, Yen, or Whatever. We offer our companionship to Corporate Executives, politicians, pundits, brokers and bandits. And yes, we are highly compensated for our for many skills.

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At this point, I have acquired enough, how do you say?, Ah! “dirty linen,” yes? To make some governments squirm; to manipulate magistrates and frustrate financiers. Strange and yet this is true...

I simply wish my Father would die - Of natural causes of course ... I am his sole heir. Among the reasons I wish him dead is that I could retire to the pastorale life on the vineyards. C'est la vie!

Good evening, my name is Kimberly. Most people call me Kim. I grew up in a area called Korea Town near downtown Los Angeles. Mom and Dad were simple store keepers. We all lived together. My two older sisters are both married and live in other cities. My younger brother has finished Berkley with an MBA and a Law Degree.

KIMI was sixteen when, at my Mother’s direction, I was told to teach my brother about sex. He was fourteen years old. I was at a total loss as what to do. The only thing I could think of was a demonstration. The Victorian house had a dark, cool basement which became my classroom. My brother would get very excited as we would play our little a game I called it “cowgirl’s and Koreans. I’d tie his hands and feet with my rope and order him around. When he didn’t play the game the way I asked, I’d spank him. As our role play became more and more frequent, I could see that his little pecker was getting hard. I wore my satin cowgirl skirt, chaps, and boots. I would let fall open so he could get peek at my tittys. I admit that I kind of got off with his excitement..

At on point I realized he was having all the fun. So we would finish our game and I’d wind in my bedroom with my hand buried in my undies. So, the next time we played, I took off my skirt entirely and I just wore the chaps without anything else underneath. He got a good look at the difference between girls and boys. My Mom wanted him enlightened? I enlightened him.

Things changed forever when he came home one afternoon with three of his friends. I didn’t play the game as my brother had told the tale, so they pined me down and I’m the one who got the lesson. They took advantage of every part of my nubile sixteen year old body. At first, I

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tried to resist. I was overwhelmed. I admit and the truth be told, we played the game their way after that. I think that’s when my brother got his real education that summer. Me? I keep my eyes closed but learned what having multi orgasms meant.

I finished up at Stanford with my MS degree that Fall. The world did not embraced me as an Asian wunderkind. One afternoon, I get a call from my brother asking if I would have dinner with one of his clients. I was thinking that I was going to entertain some old guy dude so my brother could get brownie points.

I put myself together and at the appointed hour, the doorbell rings. Imagine my surprise - a fully uniformed chauffeur was standing there, cap and all. Off we went in a slinky black limo. When we arrived, at the most Chi-Chi restaurant in town, the door opens, and standing there is a tall . blond . blue . eyed hunk of a . . white guy.

The ambiance was elegant, the conversation stimulating and the meal gourmet. Dinner passed quickly. When we get back into his limo he asks . Are you ready for this? “Is it true that you play a mean game of Cowgirls and bad little white boys?” I should have guessed that I was to be his desert.

We spent the night in every conceivable position. The next morning over room service, he hands me an envelope with thirty-five hundred dollars . . cash. I didn’t flinch. I’ll tell you this ladies and gentlemen, I never went back to that office job. I seemed knew intuitively what I was to do next.

My date was generous with my phone number. I’d see him when he was in the city. He continues to be very generous with me to this day.

I worked as an independent contractor. I saw my “first date” on occasion. Thanks to him I had many other clients. I met The Baroness in a Rodeo Drive shop. She promptly recruited me as a client. It was she who introduced me to Colette.

LANEHi, yawl. My name’s Duane. I’ve got nothing fancy to tell you like my associates here. I got laid for the first time when I was 15 years

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old in a hay stack out in the barn. Isn’t that quaint? The boy said he wanted to experiment with me. He was a 23 years old cowhand and the experiment turned out to be a lesson on how to, uh, milk a cow. I’ll tell you though, I had never seen a cow’s teat that big before. We did it a lot that summer, and I got pretty good at the experiment.

Now, I’m not complaining here because it’s all good, but David got me pregnant with his first few strokes and, then proceeded to disappear into thin air.

Two years after my abortion, I graduated from high school. I eventually I got an AA degree I Art History with a Minor in interior design. I was so sure that I was going to make my personal fortune in the Art Gallery Game, but I was wrong. As it turned out, there was a glass ceiling in those days. And it was set very low. I wound up fucking my way into my most lucrative deals. What I finally realized was that I had started a very profitable niche business.

That’s how I met Colette. I can look pretty good in a satin dress, so I’d fit right in with the rich folks at various gallery openings and charity events. I would discreetly offer my phone number to anyone who asked. I was at one event or another when I saw this beautiful woman come enter the room with a distinguished gentleman on her arm. My first thought was that she could have done a whole lot better than the old guy. I admit it, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was elegant. She worked the room with this guy like a politician's wife. I couldn’t believe it... I was getting wet just staring at her move. I new I needed too meet her.

We did meet - in the ladies room. I was touching up on my make-up and was into my own image in the mirror when I heard the clatter of high heels on the marble floor. Then I heard a sultry voice with a hint of a French dialect say... “You’ve been staring at me all night.” She slid right up next to me. I was startled, “You’re so beautiful” With out missing a beat she says to me, “Did you drive yourself here tonight?” That voice put a twist in my thong. I mumbled, “Yes.” “Then you will drive me home and I’ll give you a glimpse of your future.” With that, she reached over, took my blushing face in her hands, and kissed me... We have been together, as business partners ever since.After a beat, the three women take a step backward, spin and

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disappear up stage into the darkened set. CHARLOTTE stops after a few step, spins and returns to the apron of the stage.

CHARLOTTE)Did I fail to mention that this evening’s entertainment is a murder mystery? At any rate, please don’t blame it on the Butler because he’ll be dead before the end of the first act.

CHARLOTTE gratefully spins and heads up stage.