
The Prisoner’s Life Page 1 of 74 The Prisoner’s Life Eht Retfa Efil Ages Ecofeminism and Christology/Feminism Theology and Spirituality Keisha L. Merchant, Tried by Fire International Online Chat Personality

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Eht Retfa Efil Ages Ecofeminism and Christology/Feminism Theology and Spirituality Keisha L. Merchant, Tried by Fire International Online Chat Personality The Prisoner’s Life Page 1 of 74


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The Prisoner’s Life Eht Retfa Efil Ages

Ecofeminism and Christology/Feminism Theology and Spirituality

Keisha L. Merchant, Tried by Fire

International Online Chat Personality

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This is going to be a chat about Intercession in Christ. It is my

reflections from the “Compassionate, Prophetic Intercession by Jim W.

Goll, 1995, Ministry to the Nations, Grandview Missouri.

Let’s begin; Jesus is our magnificent intercessor, what does that

truly mean? I am going to examine the scriptures from Luke 22:32,

Hebrew 7:25 and John 17:20. I am going to break down this session

through my eyes only. In Luke, Jesus prayed for me (you that your faith

may not fail. In Hebrew it says, Jesus always lives to make intercession

for everyone. In John, it goes on and states that Jesus ask on the behalf

of us that his Father we become one with us and together we will

become one and that the world would believe in Jesus. What does this

mean? I find that in our today’s government, our system is separate

from church and state. Our laws are governing around the capitalistic

ideology that we make money to spend money. We trade goods to gain

profit. Our needs and demands are based on our appetites. We increase

our profits no matter the scarcity. In the world, we learn to pay our

taxes, go into war, make deals and come home and do it all over again.

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For the education system we learn how to compete. We learn to

govern over people not partnership and collaboration on the sense of

educational equality. We face the haves and have-nots. We continue to

have predator ship relationships with people that are marginalized and

those who capitalized. Finding employment in the world is still not as

earning an honest dollar because most employers find cheap labor and

not equalize the playing fields with and “us and them” stance. It is so

often that our world is filled with health care and insurances that does

not protect the health and well being of every person that needs

assistance. I find that in this moment when Jesus said that he pray that

the world would believe in him comes to a point that they would

“repent,” but what does repent mean?

Repent, is a remedy that allows the world to shift into another

direction. The ideas around capitalism come from a standpoint of greed

and wealth. It leaves out the notion that when one is in control of

distribution equal quantity means equal in quality. This fact comes into

complication when most gate keepers decide to dilute the commodities

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for their buyers and sellers. It is within this equation that resources get

distributed and the balance is tipped to one side the side that most

resources land in the doorway of the producers and suppliers. The

laborers are left out of the equation. In the union of our world, we

continue to feed into the ideas that we are mastering our skills to work

up a corporate ladder for what? The ladder that never exists, Jesus

explains in this intercession that he bows in the throne room that his

hope and prayer is that the world would believe in him.

The belief system would have to change. Jesus demonstrated the

idea of the world would become a table of people that is inclusive.

These people would come from all walks of life. They would all

contribute their time and resources to equalize the playing field by

sharing what they have. If a man owned 20 lots, and had only one

family, and then his neighbors had none, this man would give his 19 lots

to those without the land. This notion is the fact that the world Jesus

wants to create is the distribution centers of resources especially natural

resources would be equalized by the natural ability to split all assets into

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equal shares. The world that would believe in Jesus would come to a

point that they have these remedies for health care. The health would be

distributed equally. Doctors would perform services equally in the

populations and calculate their needs per capita. These doctors would

divide the skills equally into teams that all teams would have specialties

that were able to facilitate health among each community. When Jesus

prayed he was asking for these ideas to be applied in the world not for

the sake of his own desire, but to give the world a remedy to their

greatest problem that is death, decay and aging. Jesus would announce

that his prayers did not end in the sense to save those that believed in

him only because he knew they would be gladly able to leave this world

and live in his world. But, he wanted greater opportunities for those

who did not or could not be part of his kingdom. He wanted the world

to experience what his world experience. The ability is to be immortal

and eternal with his father. He knew that without access to ideas, the

world would die, and the existence of population would be extinct. He

had an idea that would revolutionize the future generations and nations

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to come that would practice the methods that were innovative and

extraordinary for equality and eternal immortality in the body of

humanity and in their world, they would taste life eternally through the

Christ figure in the celestial kingdom.

Jesus prayer was for those who God bought him. He was able to

redeem those that were able to receive his message, live his message,

and breathe his message. These populations would be like gods and

goddesses, living on another plane that transported them from life into

another life. They would be exempt from the earthly sense and theories

or should I say laws of death. They were able to find the safety

resurrection of their Savior that in any sense would be ignored in the

world. They were a team recruited and scouted for the sake to prove that

love never fails. This is the everlasting convenient that was given to

them and a promise that would never be broken in the line of David.

This was the only solution for a nation of the celestial kingdom on earth

that would prevent humanity from corruption by granting evidence of

compassion. This was the episode in the chapters of globalization that

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would be interrupted to create break through of a new concept of eternal

life in the laws and theories of death, decay, disease and aging.

Lastly the prayer Jesus makes on the behalf of those who deny him

and decline his offer that he would intercede for them always. In

Hebrews 7:25 we see a gracious and an eternal gift of commitment and

determination that express love to the magnitude of no return. This is a

patient intercessor that believes in the ideas of prayer. Jesus is Pleading

on the behalf of the dead and those who could not ever come in the

presence of God in the universe due to their ways to ignore such a

salvation of hope and redemption for the It is within this framework that

the standpoint of Jesus, the ideology of restoration begins in this final

hour and prayer that Jesus intercedes forever for a soul not able to

receive love. It is within the concept of the world, a dying world rule by

slavery, death and decay that we learn that Jesus made up his mind that

in order for life to continue to the next chapter, Jesus must believe in

principles that would not fail him. The principles of intercession are the

number one key to salvation. The principles of compassion had to rule

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his heart and finally the principles of prayer had to consume his mind.

This is the opportunity we call intersections of the magnificent


What is intercession? It is the Latin word for intercede, It is when

someone intervenes. I wanted to take the time to break down the root

word to build the case that Christ is the greatest intercessor of our time

and first born of the dead. It is within this claim that I want to make

clear the Webster dictionary it is someone who reconciles parties or

mediate for peace. It is an entreaty for another. It is the process to plead

for another to be pardon or favored.

Now it is time to break down the role of an intercessor in the New

Testament. Romans 8, Hebrews 7:25, 1Timothy 2: 1, 2. In the Greek,

intercessor represents a conversation with someone, or to consult with or

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meet someone. It is encounter unexpectedly. In the Romans 8 the break

down to this scripture is: New International Version 2010

Life through the Spirit

• 1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in

Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit

who gives life has set you[a] free from the law of sin and death. 3

For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by

the flesh,[b] God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of

sinful flesh to be a sin offering.[c] And so he condemned sin in the

flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be

fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but

according to the Spirit.

Now this is the proclamation almost like of Declaration of

Independence. This is the reason why Christians proclaim their hope in

the world that the theories of death are two sides, the reality that we

decay and die and the spiritual suggestion that we can be free from our

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own human fallacies. It is within this framework that our humanity

allows our bodies to decay over time due to the laws of gravity, but in

this hope, the ideology in the system of Christ claims the peace treaty of

our souls that transcends our existence from one plane to the next

playing field. It is without doubt that we must convince ourselves that

we are not just living on our natural theories of complication. Our

natural theories of complication ignore the existence of Christ, his

resurrection and ascension into heaven as a human being that was

changed or transformed. This is what we have to understand the

magnitude of an interceding person that lived a human life, excelled in

the things of God and learned how to be obedient in applying the

knowledge of everlasting life as a covenant with God and creation.

• 5 Those that live according to the flesh have their minds set on

what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the

Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind

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governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit

is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to

God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those that

are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

Our ability to capture the essence of human life is almost an identifying

with the animalistic nature of flesh. The ability to understand biology is

that people have habits and are completely a system identical to their

twin the “animal kingdom” in that approach we learn that our behavior

is animalistic. This flesh, we are bound to within the walls of behavior

and survival. It is full of evidence and suggestion that people behave to

survive, compete and finally decay. These systems in the biodiversity

kingdom represent our need to be identical with the flesh of our

environment. The opportunities we have to understand technology,

information and even relationships may create a dynamic concern to our

realistic instinctive behavior to hunt and game. I find that we learn that

our vision does not go farther than the 24 hours that our day allows. We

do not have a formula to live completely, consistently and wholly as a

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sophisticated network without the devastation of conquers and

environment peril. This leaves this verse a susceptible notion that flesh

cannot please God not because God is not pleased with animals or the

biological make up of animals, but that the ability to exist is amateur and

almost unrealistic for the human culture. Basically the practice of

people cannot forecast their future because they do not know how to live

in their present moment without being swallowed up by death.

Therefore, death has a victory.

• 9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the

realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if

anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to

Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is

subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life[d] because of

righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from

the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will

also give life to your mortal bodies because of[e] his Spirit who

lives in you.

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So, what is the realm of the Spirit? If the Spirit of God lives in you,

what does that mean? The same Spirit that lived in Christ means that the

life path of people must have a living presence that makes their lives

different from the biological make up of a regular person. This is a

challenging statement and claim that a Spirit could live in a person and

they become resurrected, ascended and seated as Christ has done, but not

just any spirit, but the same Spirit that lived in Christ. How can one

know if they have the same Spirit that live in Christ live in their body?

This same Spirit works salvation within, but the Spirit of Christ mediates

for you, and though you die yet you will live because that Spirit of

Christ intercedes for you to awaken. Now what is the difference

between the Spirit of Christ and the same Spirit that lived in Christ, the

Spirit of God? The Spirit of God is the mantle of God. The Spirit of

Christ is the interceder of God. The difference of the two is that Christ

mediates for your life, but it is in progress. The Spirit of God lives in

you and you are a slave to righteousness, and the progress has been fully

and completely made. The difference is that you are bound to salvation

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and the other is that you are promised salvation, and will receive it one


• 12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is

not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according

to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the

misdeeds of the body, you will live.

Now this is the challenge, though we are dead we will live. The

biological clock says this is not true, so who do you believe? This is the

wrestling of your consciousness and in this life we wrestle not with flesh

or blood, but with principles higher than our own self. We must

examine and convince ourselves that these principles of the Spirit are

greater, but have the potential to be true. In any sense, if we pass up an

opportunity as such as this, we miss out on the greatest achievement and

success story for humanity and that is immortality in the body. It rids us

of decay, aging, destruction, crime and disease, and that gives us eternal

life without facing death on a daily basis. Our lives will be exempt from

fear, torment, pain, suffering and our lives are rapture to higher playing

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fields than our biological clock. We are given a new biological clock.

This biological clock is given to us as a gift from the Immortality of the

Unknown that many doubt its existence is real. It is within our facts that

we miss the opportunity to be “gathered” for another life beyond our

mortal lives. Now that is the good news, that our bodies that decay will

not decay within the Spirit of God, and in our existence evidence of our

life never dying is the proof that God is real, and the Spirit life within us

is real. Now we must ask ourselves what are the misdeeds of our

bodies? We have pleasures that harm others and ourselves though we

enjoy these pleasures that we claim is our right to have these appetites

they are the misdeeds of our bodies. We live in the flesh when we

commit these crimes in our bodies, and then we face our decay, disease

and aging, death that keeps us prisoners of destruction and abuse.

Now you ask, what about the innocent who has never committed any

crimes or misdeeds in the body, what happens when they are murdered

or have a premature death, then you have a soul who never died. This

process is called the spirits that we claim we see as humans, but they

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look like ghosts, but they are real. Our minds are confused because they

cannot understand the complete story of their existence. They come and

go, manifesting in forms that disturbs our mental understanding of

cognitive reasoning. They are living because the Spirit that lived in

them kept them alive. We find this more in this generation then any

other generation due to the haunting in our reality. People are bound by

chemicals, diagnosed, and die from decay from being experimented on

by the medical processes because are knowledge is amateur on this level

of neurology and spirit. On one side we have specialists and experts

saying it is a malfunction of the brain, and on the other side, we have

experts saying it is existences beyond our normal comprehension. It is

so many views in this subject of ghosts that spirits are not meant to be

seen, but these spirits are seen, active and play roles in daily lives of our

existence because of the laws of the Spirit. These laws divide us from

the governmental laws of global realization and celestial government

practices. It is to some that are more susceptible to these visitations and


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Many faith based communities believe that a covering like the Passover

has been made to a hereditary treaty with families with the divine while

others are left outside of this treaty of peace. This peace of God is those

that have believed from hereditary practice and commitment to the belief

system of the Trinity, but it is still a mystery for the physical plane. The

physical plane is still convinced that the neurology of the brain is

functioned as a biological component and not a spiritual component

sending their experts into derision. This is the conclusion to the study of

the mind. The scientists are left deranged. For those with pure of heart,

they see God, and they are loved, therefore, knowledge is birth to

humanity to understand the things of God and spirit. Otherwise, the

populations would be troubled, confused, and moved by the quickening

of the unknown that has knowledge and authority over the physical

playing fields. It is no hidden or mystery to the spirit what happens on

the playing fields of the spirit. Only people have the blindness that can

not see through the darkness. This verse explains that people live after

death if they put away their misdeeds of the body, and if they never had

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misdeeds of the body, then they are alive. Though their body has

transformed, they are alive.

• 14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of

God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that

you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about

your adoption to son ship. [f] And by him we cry, “Abba, [g]


Let us clear up what does “slaves of righteous” and “sons of adoption”

truly mean. The slavery of righteousness means that your birth into

eternal life, the peace treaty with the cross through the trinity of God

creates within you a determination and commitment to God’s order, or

should I say new created system of love and grace. This new code of

ethics demonstrates a freedom that was never in existence between the

beginning of creation and now. This new adoption is created with the

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new code of ethics from the universe that came into power play with the

intervention of the affairs of humanity’s future. Therefore, the Christ as

an interceder becomes governor of a new creation, a new population that

is bound by a new system that has never been practice before, so when it

is said old things are no more, and new things are coming, it is the

evidence that a new code has arrived that swallowed up the old ways of

the law or I should say, laws of ethics in creation, humanity and

existences. It is a challenge to expand the mind on this level of

understanding because in this verse there is a reason you call God,

“Abba,” rather God. The notion that he is your father because he

adopted you into an existence that could not happen without his

intervention; that is his complete mediation of your transformation came

from the complete manipulation of his intelligence and maneuvering of

your old fate, he change into a new fate against his own ethics.

This standpoint begins when this verse says that God becomes your

father. A father that watches over you and protects you rather than a

judge of your misdeeds to punish you, sentence you and imprison you

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until you completely destroyed. This becomes a new method and a new

rehabilitation formula for the person who was a slave in the world

unknown. This understanding is a covering that changes your life as a

slave into a life as an adopted child gaining new rights, a new life of

privilege, power and responsibility as a child inherited blood. This is the

dilemma of this regulation because the slavery days are over, and the

days of family life with God is born, and with that in mind, the

transformation begins the process of mortality into immortality and

corruptibility into incorruptibility. We begin our lives as new creatures

in God’s Son’s intercessory lifestyle of the Redeemed and Restored.

Some will call these blessed because what was determined for their lives

were destruction, but God overcome destruction, intervened against their

government’s standards and manipulated their life path to generate a

change that would have been called a “thief” and in that process he stole

their fate, which would have been abuse, neglect, dysfunction,

corruption and systems of oppression, decay to death, he exchanged it all

for the love of his Son to save that person without permission to their

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sentence in earth to death, penalty and punishment by their own

pleasures and misdeeds that has become of the high mortality rate. He

gave them a new life of immortality, incorruptibility, health, wealth,

character, love and beauty, grace and so much more. This is the

exchange he gave to those that were lead by his Spirit out of the world of

the “flesh” that is destined to become extinct because of their hardness

to exploit and squander their assets and resources. Nothing can stop

them because their hearts are hardened by their own intelligence and

their generations will not listen to the wisdom of their oppressed.

• 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s

children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of

God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings

in order that we may also share in his glory.

What is this suffering? What is this glory? Who is testifying with our

own spirit that we are God’s children, and how we know that we are not

brainwashed, insane and have gone mad? It is within this process that

we trust that our love will prevail to be gentle, kind, loving, full of joy,

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laughter, self control and modest in our ways of consumption that our

lives will be quiet and still like the trees bearing fruit in season, until the

harvest, we will return to what we naturally are. Those who return to

dust were of flesh. Those who return of spirit, was spirit. Those who

return as immortals were reborn. Those who are resurrected ascended

and walk the earth were redeemed. And, the governors of God’s

kingdom are the ones who leave without transformation was chosen as

the elected officials of God. This is the process of the divine healing of

the dead, transformed, redeemed, rapture and elected officials created by


Present Suffering and Future Glory

• 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing

with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation wait in

eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the

creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the

will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[h] the creation itself will

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be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and

glory of the children of God.

So, what is this saying about the intercessors in God and in Christ? It

appears that the earth is liberated from its bondage when the children of

God are matured and full of their professions. This is my theory of

professionals. It is not when the children of God is babes in the earth,

but they are professionals, experts in their love and in their lifestyles

they mark their course in craft and excellence. They are not cruel, but

healers. They are not ones that are sometimes on and sometimes off

because they are approved of God through their study and their track

record in their life in Christ. They seek after Christ all the days of their

life, live in the everlasting covenant and reward others with forgiveness

and repentance, the opportunity to taste love, deeply. It is no doubt

these children are not just citizens of the universe but they are citizens of

love. They do not steal, kill or destroy God’s plans. They believe in

God’s love, and they are faithful and true to their faith in blessings.

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They are exempt from any curse. They are mastered by their passion to

love the unthinkable and that is salvation and mercy. They are not afraid

of embracing God’s will to be present in the moment of all his trials and

tribulations to mature the world into a nation that love the lord and after

God’s own heart. It is within this season of intercession they spend day

and night thinking of each soul. The soul that steals kills and destroys

praying that God will change their life, keep their hands from harming

and to increase the love to be obedient to God’s salvation of Christ to

each one of us.

It is also the day and night each believer prays for their love ones that

blessings would fall on their lives and the mantles of protection from

corruption, evil and wickedness, the darkness that separate own hope to

overcome our misdeeds. It is not that we are weak, but we are not able

without the intercessor of Christ to inspire us, motivate us, coach us, and

move us on to the higher calling, the divine soul, to increase our life and

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love for the only true path that is the everlasting covenant with the

Divine Trinity.

• 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the

pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we

ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we

wait eagerly for our adoption to son ship, the redemption of our bodies.

24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at

all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what

we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

This is what we do not have, immortality for our bodies, our living soul.

As we hope for immortality, our bodies wait patiently in line for God to

grant us eternal life for our bodies. Whether we are in earth waiting, in

the grave, in the paradise with Christ, or beyond, we are waiting for the

immortality for our souls. It is our souls that are waiting to be clothed

with immortality that was taken from Adam and Eve and that is our hope

that we do not have as of today, but one day we will have put our

clothing on, granted by Christ, the immortality will embrace our souls.

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Our souls will touch its intimacy and love its ability to love God on

higher levels in its first estate will be improved.

It is within this only hope that the earth yearns for the Adam and Eve

children to finish their waiting time, to increase their ability to live

forever because the damage will end. They would no longer have to

survive or be survivors of abuse and victims to our misdeeds. It is

apparent right now the world is starving for the food of heaven, to feast

on immortality the character that keep life living forever in love with

their creator. It is not within this thought that we struggle with our own

confidence that we are convinced that immortality is not a figment of

our imagination. We do not want to make things up with our mind but

to use realistic opportunities to capitalize on the right investments that

God has instilled in our heart. Without our own awareness of the truth,

we fail in our hope even to bring our own selves into submission to

believing in the great opportunities of immortality for our bodies that we

have so longed meditated over. It is in this life time that I’ve learned

that we are not alone, but the whole world has longed for the

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“supernatural” syndrome to come into our souls and taste the strength,

power and empowerment of being invincible. It is not within the web of

life that we have had the opportunity to be clothed with immortality yet

in our minds and in our entertainment we have seen visions of a

supernatural life that makes us heroes, people that are loved, adored,

cherished, and honored, a life of metamorphous into immortality right

before I eyes as though we are ministered by angels that our life is

changing before our eyes that we do not have to wait to go into the grave

for such a transformation, but we have it happening within us as each

day passes.

This hope creates in us the ability to wait, and find ourselves meditating

day and night for its wardrobe to clothe us like the superheroes

syndromes that is not reality today, but our hope it is coming soon to the

nearest believer. It is not without a shadow of doubt some of us want to

cast out the ideology that we have that coming to us. As though we will

eat the fruit and every day, in a twinkle of an eye we are like Christ,

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changed, transformed, and made in his likeness. We are moved from

one glory to the next.

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not

know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us

through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the

mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in

accordance with the will of God.

So, what do we say then while we wait for our “immortal” clothing for

our bodies, new bodies or improved bodies that make us new creatures

in Christ? I say that we are prayed up and for by the Holy Spirit when

we are weak. The days our lives seem to fail us and our hope seem so

dim in the brightness of our light. Our eyes grow weary, our

circumstances seem to betray us, and the world around us seem to be

decaying, in our death bed, as we lay down wondering why is this

happening; as though we had believed a lie, and our hope was a

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childhood memory of forbidden fruit. It is not without promise that our

Holy Spirit keeps us present, awaken, sober and able to stand in the fire,

end of time and waiting for our day to come to be clothed in the

promises of Christ, in his intercessor love, inheritance of remission of

sins. The ability to cast off misdeeds and put on immortality, to find the

heroes in us. We are not destined to be villains all our lives. We are

made for greater purposes that our villain days are numbered, and our

hero days will swallow up our days that we were villains. When this day

awakens in us we will never return to our vomit. We are forever

changed, in love, and never to look back to the dark days in our life, soul

and spirit, we have cast off and made our lives right in the presence of

God through the work of the Holy Spirit that groans ceasing on our

behalf to be changed and righteous in all our ways. It is within this

covenant of Christ that we are forgiven in our sins to have the

opportunity to hold the presence of the Holy Spirit and the work of the

Holy Spirit’s hands to create in us the manifestations of perfection and

love, the immortality that comes through the likeness of the Son of God

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that can over come and achieve all goodness by the power of the word.

It is within this anointing that our systems are changed, our methods are

changed, our practices are transformed, and we are forever caught up in

the Lord through his Holy Spirit that made our lives identify and reflect

the promises of God, as the rainbow in the sky we become a reminder

that Jesus is Lord and Savior over our existences.

• 28 and we know that in all things God works for the good of those

who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For

those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of

his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also

justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

More than Conquerors

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31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can

be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—

how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33 Who will

bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34

Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than

that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for

us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or

persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For your sake we face death all day long;

we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[j]

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, [k]

neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor

anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is

in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How are we conquerors without an intercessor? The prisoner is not able to become

a conqueror when they are enslaved and shackled to their fate. The idea of the last

high priest, the mighty intercessor is that the power of God lives in his promises to

keep us and protect us from our fate that make us short from the glory of God. Our

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daily lives consist of the fears of our enemies the perpetrators that eliminate our

natural opportunities to be excellent, and obtaining our potential. Without our

opportunities to have an intercessor who is real and working on many playing

fields, we would miss the opportunity to overcome our oppressor. The fact still

remains that the powers of the future and the unseen powers that work against us

and through us is not the defects in us. We are not defective in life due to the vine,

the true vine within the Christ figure head of the trinity. The salvation comes by

the work of Christ that destroys our fate to live in a disease filled life of death,

decay and perpetrators. The idea that we can become our own perpetrators is the

evidence that sin work within us to destroy us from within. The notion that the

parasitic life that we create from within from the misdeeds of our thought life and

emotional life transforms us and sends us to the grave that is the process of the

laws of biological theory that we must die. The fact remains that when we must

die comes from the prison of natural behavior and the natural life that keeps us in

our cells locked from eternal life, the immortal life that was taken from Adam and

Eve that day in the Garden of Eden. Once our immortal lives were stolen from our

magnificently made bodies, we were locked up in our life cell in our lives by the

response we make when we try to break free from our own bondage of death and

the perpetrator hunt.

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This is when Christ lives in us and through us that transfigure our souls into

a new dimension that his Holy Spirit intercedes night and day in groans that cannot

be understood by our humanity for our souls to eat from the tree of life, to be set

free from our own bondage of death to live an eternal life, but once that transition

is made, as slaves that were set free, our lives are moved to a realm that is new and

unknown, scary at times because we are moved to another status that is new and

unfamiliar to our being. We have a hardship to adjust to the new kingdom of God

that our citizenship is not natural, and now in our new lives, our bodies must adjust

to the new system, the clean air, and the response to our new system from within

challenges us to bow down and worship the maker and creator of our new

existence the rebirth that happens within a breath as though we were transported by

security from one station to the next. We leave our cells by the word of God, we

are transported from one cell to the next cell as though we are prisoners moving

from one prison to the next. Our lives in Christ is changed from a diseased life that

was destined for the grave to the immortal life that becomes destined for service

and eternal life set free from the grave as a pardon and elected and governor that

changes our fate from prisoner’s life to liberated life.

We are not enemies of God, and we are not bound by our chains any longer

when we accepted Jesus into our lives. Not that Jesus is the way, truth and life,

light of the world as the elite systems of a new aristocratic promise, but it becomes

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as a governor of a new state that we become heirs of and sometimes citizens or

residents of a system that we travel to through our acceptance of that domain. We

enter the domain not as royalty but as prisoners. We are slaves of the sinful life

that made us behave as criminals stealing from God and his kingdoms. We have

lived a life of misdeeds, and in his sentencing, his verdict of judgment that we

would never behave holy and live a life of holiness due to our appetite for pleasure.

We had become enemies against God because we had desires of the flesh rather

desires to worship of God. The desires of flesh had to be the pleasures that we self

indulge and that is our own evil and wickedness against God as enemies that were

ignorant to our own divine appointment to die in our vomit, the life that would be a

spectacle in the midst of those who could live a perfect and holy life, that is the

beings that were able to choose life and we fell short to that decision making

through our own inner appetite.

Our criminal life was choices made against God by our pleasures to destroy

our own body, the body that was created to worship and serve our Creator as

stewards of the earth, gardeners that cared for the gardens of God. We were

chosen to take care of his properties, but we fell short by the hour of our labor

when we took off and stole from God. We were thieves eating from trees that we

weren’t given permission to eat in his House. Therefore, our day in his court room

made us guilty, and we were punished under the laws of death, breaking the laws

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of God not to steal. Our felony made us live a life of rejection and our appetite

made us choose to destroy our body, soul and spirit, and in our human lifetime we

have continued the tradition to destroy in our self destruction and destruction of

others, the environment and within this framework, we denied our access to God’s

promise to give us life after our sentence of death.

Our cell is our dimension we live in. Our mind and heart is the complete

principle that we refrain ourselves from worship. We never find our way out of the

maze due to our stubbornness and hardened heart to live in our cell, the prisoner

life of poison not to worship God. Christ was not given to save healthy, those who

live their lives in the presence of God, those were the children that are immortals,

never to die because they ate from the tree of life. These children never stole from

God, they never fell short from the glory of God because they had a different spirit

like Caleb and Joshua, they found the spirit to please God, therefore, they are

favored, like Jacob from Esau and Abel to Cain, they were children that never died.

Jesus came from this pack. He was the alpha and omega from this pack, and

within his life before the journey into earth as the Christ head for the world, he

lived as God’s only begotten son. This is the notion that Jesus lived a life of

choosing to please God; he was after God’s own heart. He never left God’s side to

worship him from all his heart, mind, soul and strength, so when he became known

in the world, he taught from experience that his life before the world, he was with

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God as the word, he was God’s lawyer, he advocated beside God day and night,

advising him to what was lawful in his kingdom and what not, and at that moment

we glimpse into the Christ head as the prior partner in the celestial kingdoms of

God to initiate a new law, a proposed law, that the world could be loved by a

sacrificial offering from his beloved Son.

In this proposed law, in the celestial kingdom beside the Abba, God heard

his proposal of his policy and law that he chose him to complete his work for the

prisoners. He was in his throne room as the Abba, and made a decision that his

laws sent many to death. His life lead to sending created beings to death, and he

was missing one important factor that his ways were not satisfying to his slaves.

They were unsatisfied. They were separated from the love of God when they

chose to be selfish. This was a problem to his judicial system that his workers,

gardeners could not be part of his future because they were criminals at heart. One

moment was not enough to save them they lived their lives desiring to steal from

God. They defied his system, and he saw this as an epidemic problem. It was

spreading like wild fire among his kingdoms and disorder was changing his life

that he grieved that he created humanity because they were passing this disease

through their existence. They were not able to be healers, but they became

destroyers, assassins that were against God’s kingdom. God had to destroy their

existence before they would destroy all his work by infecting all that was good to

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be contaminated with corruption. This was the problem that God had to fix within

this Adam and Eve complex; he made them for one purpose to manage his

properties. They were unsatisfied, and wanted more, Eve wanted more, and so

their fate were behind bars due to their corruption.

The eternal high priest Jesus, Yeshua, came to this earth through his Holy

Spirit, the Comforter of his life, he knew his talents and gifts would heal God’s

criminals. He knew he was more than just a lawyer, healer and redeemer of God’s

laws. He knew that he was more than an accuser like his sibling. He wanted to

restore what was lost not because he wanted glory, but to demonstrate the greatest

love for his father, that he appreciated and valued his work. He did not want to see

God’s work go in vain. He wanted to see God’s love prevail over the free will of

humanity’s disobedience, and all the rebellion against God’s government, he knew

that this work would change his life. He left his first glory and within this

commission he knew that he was going beyond his ability and talents. His

investment and sacrifice was to leave his mansions, estates, and all his luxury,

wealth, riches and power to cloth himself with a hope that salvation would come to

God’s lost, the prisoners that had fallen to the rebellion. He knew that the criminal

mind may be a high risk because the desires of their heart would deceive them to

choose to be enemies and death would be an appetite rather than a law. They

would become a risk to the kingdom if he saved them. They were not trustworthy,

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but Jesus knew that his opportunity to change his father’s grieving to happiness

had to be changed from trouble to resolution.

His ability to leave his glory from wealth to poor and take on the risk to be

infected, die and tortured was not the blessing he was looking for but the blessing

came in the morning at the day of his victory to be conqueror of the grave, death

and the rebellion. He would master the deception of humanity’s dissatisfaction by

living their lives, becoming their husband, finding the bone of their bone, flesh of

their flesh, to relate to them to a point that he shared in their sentence to die and

taste the pain and smell the stench of the law that kept humanity from their fate in

the beginning to live eternal life under the authority of God in the celestial

kingdom. This intercessor was not born to be human, but born to be a mediator,

positioning himself through the clothing of weakness to the appetite of misdeeds.

Jesus knew that his heart could fall prey to the rebellion, and if he did not succeed

no one could save him, and he would be infected. This was the risk that he, God’s

only begotten Son could put himself at risk, and the sacrifice would be lost. The

Son of the Most High God had the potential to be recruited in the rebellion by the

infectious disease of misdeeds and the appetite to continue in misdeeds. He was

not able to withstand the pain to walk away from his Father, and that love was not

human. The love he had for his father was the love he had from the beginning, the

spirit that lived in him was the understanding why He loved his father. The love

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was from knowing why he valued his father’s work, his father’s boundaries, and he

was able to transcend that comprehension of the word through his life during the

short time he was sacrificing his immortal life to be human. In his transportation

into human life, he gave up immortality to save the world that could not see

beyond their appetites.

This prisoner’s life was a sacrifice if he would fail and the obedience to

justify God’s love would be lost. He would lose the opportunity to save the

workers that once was called God’s slaves, and now they have become part of the

rebellion workers of iniquity, a lawless life and that was what sentenced them to

die. They were not able to see Christ as the Son of God not because he was not

able to show his glory through his human form, but because he was not able to

relate to their misdeeds since he was in love with his father. He could not

understand why would they leave their first estate as slaves in the kingdom for a

squandered life as decayed beings destined for death. It was without doubt he

began to diagnosis his own prescriptions that men would be ignorant not knowing

that love was the source of God’s choice to create them, but that missing link that

lightened their own light bulbs in their minds was that they were not loved, but

rejected by the father, they were Esau and Cain. They were cast out as enemies,

beaten by death, and the grave was their cells, so Jesus had seen their sickness as a

way to cope with the rejection of his Father. They had to kill their pain that kept

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them from loving a God that rejected them due to what was their natural instinct as

though they could not change what was birthed to them.

Jesus as the intercessor was the first conqueror that knew that humanity

could not live this life alone. He saw their state of being, their consciousness could

not handle the fact they were not able to know the Love of God as he had known it.

Therefore, Jesus had to teach them like babes that he would promise to commit in

teaching them and training them in becoming one with his father as he was one

with them because they were without that talent and gift to love God. They could

not worship God or be obedient to God because they were without Love. Their

lives were created to work, be workers, but what was missing God did not give

them a heart of Love for righteousness. The love to worship God because God’s

love was a marriage love, and in his choice God never chose humanity to marry

until Christ; Christ married the world to God through his willingness to take on the

burden to teach humanity in eternity to learn to trust God. Jesus was going to

impart to humanity his spirit, his talents, his gifts, take them under his wings, and

raise them up as blood. He knew that as his children, they would call him Abba,

like his relationship his father, and then they would be able to be heirs to the throne

not because they deserved the keys to the kingdom, but because they would

become graduates of his mastery.

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The greatest gift he gave through his redemption plan was to love, and in

that proposal, he created a new law that love was the greatest of all laws. This was

added to the judicial system in the celestial kingdom that love would prevail over

the sentencing of future beings made by God. This future would rule under the

new system, new government that would be transformed from the old system of

legislation and judicial, executive righteousness of legal attributes to mercy and

grace to the legal system in the celestial kingdom. Jesus would become not just a

begotten Son, but he would be glorified by his father’s royal hand to be governor

over all his beings and those in the grave he would become their god. He had

given his son the dead. God is not the god of the dead, but through his Son, he gave

the keys to the lost. Jesus Christ becomes the god of the dead. God is the God of

the living, but his Son becomes the God of the Dead.

In this process, God did not allow the dead to live; this was the prisoner life

that was destined for disposal that they would be eternally damned and condemned

for their misdeeds against God. Therefore, God would not save them as father,

judge of the living. He would cast them out in outer darkness because the dead

was his enemies not his friends. Therefore, he would become their worst

nightmare. He was not the solution to their problem, but he was the problem to

their defective lives. In this sentence, God’s periodical sons and daughters would

be abominations, and there was no future for those who died. But, in his son, the

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great intercessor and last high priest because in his perfective love, his Son, made

it his business to save the world. In love for his father’s work, he could not watch

his father walk away and turn away from his own creation. He loved the world, so

he gave his only begotten Son to save them from their sentence of death, so they

would not be eternally condemned by his laws, his system to destroy his enemies.

Jesus becomes the God of the dead by the approval of his father. The only

chosen and approved god that takes over God’s rebellious. He was not given the

right to be God over the living, but as an heir to his father’s throne, to the kingdom,

the dead was his as an inheritance as a Son coming into his authority as a Prince.

This is the intercessor that we rejected at the cross. As criminals we are all from

the same blood reaping harvests of great iniquity whether from theft against God,

destruction against his creation or murder of our own lives, we are lost in our

rebellion and hate for God’s authority to rule us and be in charge over our lives

that keep us from our own appetites of desires that compromise our worship. Jesus

case is not easy, but his yoke is easier than our own judgment in that punishment

and that capital destruction is God’s good to the world when his enemies defy his

authority. It was the least he could do to teach his enemies not to go against his

promises to repent.

What is repent?

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Hebrews 7:25

25 Therefore he is able to save completely [and] those who come to God through

him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

Repentance was not part of the old celestial order. God was not able to give

repentance to the rebellious because he knew they would continue to make their

lives full of misdeeds. They could not live a perfected life. Repentance was vain.

God in his wisdom knew that the heart was deceptive for the enemy and rebellious.

He knew one mistake meant their existence would be a life full of mistakes if they

were given eternal life like his own. He knew that they would be undercover

enemies always speaking lies in their tongues that they would stop hating on him.

He knew their hearts were far from him. God the father knew their future and he

wanted to put them out of their misery because they would fall every time they

stood. They were not going to make it if they were able to survive. God destroyed

them to put them out of their own pain. His punishment would be painful and the

suffering would be great if they were to survive. Death was the good way for his

enemies rather then the sentence to be condemned and tortured. The torture was a

harsh way to teach his enemies to yield. God wanted to be goodly, as a father, and

discipline, but he knew that humanity’s heart could not obtain good due to their

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deception of their own desires to be wise which was the lie to cover up their desire

to destroy God, or attempt to do that destructive work against his work.

Instead of being cruel, death was the only way to a good end. It was the

medicine to their pain and rebellion. It was the good to their evil. It was their

silence to their hate. But, in that God, the father loved the world, what he made by

his hands were good, so why was it all going to vomit? Why was he creating

enemies rather friends? He could not create all beings as friends, but some went

sour. This was the process of repentance, in the plans of his Son to justify the

weak from the strong and the ignorant from the wise. He knew that humanity was

liars as a nation, so his Son had to step in with a successful plan that would not fail

his Father. Jesus as the Son of God knew that if he failed, then they would fail,

they had already failed from the beginning of time. Those who was exceptional to

the rule, somehow had an innocent and pure heart lived and never died, but those

were the exceptions, Enoch, son of Seth and Elijah. Moses was not able to achieve

purity but purity was found in him, therefore, he was the meek of the pure. This is

the process that repentance was created to transform the enemies of God into

friends from one life to the next. It was not a one day job, but a eternal life job that

would change the hearts of humanity from lies to trust and truth. It was the bride

of God’s system. It was the opposite of perfection that is the repentance and

redemption of his prisoner’s life.

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Never before and never again, this humanity would be chosen to be God’s

first butterfly. He would choose his Son’s proposal, the Word, to change their

hearts, metamorphism that could not be achieved without his Son’s words, the

promises would activate the heat, and the heat would refine their heart. Their heart

would change from crimson to purity, and that would be their journey from death

into life, and God’s dead would live, be restored, and again, the Esau factor would

be his authority and justification came through the path of Christ, his Son would be

rejected once, but never again, and so, humanity would be rejected once, but never

again. God’s dead and rebellious would be rejected once, but never again.

Repentance would be part of the justice system in the celestial kingdom. On one

hand the capital punishment was on his left hand, and now on his right hand, as a

bride, repentance would be added to his government.

1Timothy 2:1, 2 (refresh for life, New Life Bible, 2010)

1. First of all, I ask you to pray much for all men and to give thanks for them.

2. Pray for kings and al others who are in power over us so we might live quiet

God like lives in peace.

What can we do now, but to have a repentant life? The life is that allows us to

pray for all men, women and children. It is a life that we have the power and

privilege to pray for our government officials and all those who prey upon our

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lives as they are given power and desire to oppress their victims that may or may

not include us. For though God does not seem to show his favor over those that

die under their cruelty, it is their lives we pray because their innocence will not

stand in the test of time when they have to have their conscience as the storehouse

of God. For if God is for us then who can be against us. The conscious mind is

the subconscious existence that carry us through each life through the sacrifice of

Christ. This is what we are slaves to in the kingdom of God or outside the

kingdom of God is the reality of the insanity of our minds for all time. We will

bare the weight of our own condemnation that we cannot separate from our

misdeeds. God cannot save us from our own condemnation, but in Christ there is

no condemnation. It is within our own condemnation that will enslave us and trap

us from the truth that God love us. It is our own doubt that will torture us. It is our

own flesh that will kill us. It is within our own domain that our worst enemy will

not be God or enemies that are against us, but our own programming that will hold

lies against us and the deeds of our hands will keep us down and tired, but yet

without sleep. It is with this heavy burden that our prison will be our mind that

medication, drugs or death will not be able silence.

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This is what happens when an intercessor prays for us. They pray that we may

survive our own torture. The torture and problems that we carry due to our

rebellion that our lives will not have the peace of God that he gives us to those who

can receive through believing, but due to our unrighteousness selfishness will keep

us from believing the good news that Jesus would save us, and how would he save

us when we have done so much wrong in the world. This is the only truth that we

would have to overcome, the doubt and double mindedness that will keep us from

the love of God. No angels, not even death, hell or anything will keep us from the

love of God, but our own doubt and double mindedness will keep us from the love

of God. We will spend the rest of eternity wrestling with our own consciousness

and subconscious mind of all the killing, stealing and destroying we have

committed from our misdeeds of our own secrecy of our minds, hearts and spirits.

Now what is the need for an intercessor like the high priest of Christ that we are

able to draw upon his strength, his favor and inheritance when our lives will

crucify us a million times keeping us bounded in our prisons of torment and torture

of our own memories that we have shed innocent blood on our hands? What is the

evidence that we will be set free from such burden of eternal damnation? This is

our confidence in Christ which that comes in, the gift of the love in Christ to

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understand that he intercedes night and day for your life that you should come to

the understanding that love never fails. It is the pathway of love that his sacrifice

will shed light on our cells to break us out of our own eternal prisons of death,

separation of God, that we will trust God to save us.

Isaiah 64:5

Isaiah 64:5 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

5You greeted the one who gladly does right and remembers your ways.

You showed your anger, because we’ve sinned.

We’ve continued to sin for a long time.

Can we still be saved?

Jesus as the great intercessor reminds me of what a boss would say at a job.

You are fired if you absent. You must be here a hundred percent at work, doing

daily duties, and if we are not satisfied, we will replace you. Do you understand? I

remember as our government permits employers to be unconcern about the welfare

of their workers, their health and their livelihoods at home, we miss out on the

opportunity to be responsible, accountable and safe with God’s resources. We are

not able to understand that the intercessor is the person that bring health, happiness

and holiness together with people without access to these fundamental rights. It is

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within this understanding that we can see that we practice daily the misdeeds of

our souls to keep us separated and segregated from unity. Unity is the only means

to greatness and the ability to reach our greater potential, yet we divide daily as

though we are convincing that we can find a better way. The true and only way to

great potential is through unity and not division. I find that our lives in our culture

and society have leaded us to believe through its educational system that

competition is the only way to monopolized. I find that to be an error on our

system to monopolize only through capitalism. I think times will change when we

are able to capture the essence of Jesus teachings on sharing and breaking our

bread with one another.

What happens when we trust each other without accountability? People

know that people sometimes betray one’s trust through breaking bonds by being

unavailable when necessary. People use the excuse to be unavailable due to

“choice” and what happens in a dictator ship world that commits to forcing people

to be responsibility regardless of their appetite for regulation and equal

distribution? People begin to rebel and cause serious chaos for fighting their ways

through the normal system that would lead them to believe they cannot settle for a

demand of righteousness versus the freedom of unrighteousness. Our system could

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not stand the age of time if we continue to battle with the principle of unity. Christ

as an intercessor would mean that his compassion to bridge the gap to ignorance,

not knowing better and dysfunctional errors and misdeeds that are found in

pleasure, power and privilege allows a person to question salvation and

immortality, would rest on the death of a soul.

A death of a soul is the only witness that Jesus was the intercessor for that

soul. According to the claims Jesus as an intercessor would hold the key to

righteousness and without righteousness souls can not enter into immortality, the

Garden of Eden and eat from the tree of life, eternal life, the knowing of God. This

is the key component that human life seem to miss when realization set in on the

hour of death, destruction, disease and decay. It is within this intercessor, we must

question his integrity to truth and hope that the evidence in his promise that we are

saved by the notion that intercession is the only way, truth and life that guarantees

faithful access to power and privilege of the immortal life. It means that Jesus

could possibly be the only true intercessor over a person’s dead soul. What

evidence does that matter for a dead soul to continue after the decomposition of his

body? Why does it matter if the body is destroyed, and the soul is missing? Does

this means that the body is destroyed and the soul, this is the complexity of the

intercessor’s position in the dead soul that transition from decomposition of decay

to composition of transfiguration.

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Genesis 28:10-17

Genesis 28:10-17 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

Jacob’s First Encounter with God

10Jacob left Beersheba and traveled toward Haran. 11When he came to a certain

place, he stopped for the night because the sun had gone down. He took one of the

stones from that place, put it under his head, and lay down there. 12He had a dream

in which he saw a stairway set up on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven.

He saw the angels of God going up and coming down on it. 13The Lord was

standing above it, saying, “I am the Lord, the God of your grandfather Abraham

and the God of Isaac. I will give the land on which you are lying to you and your

descendants. 14Your descendants will be like the dust on the earth. You will

spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. Through you

and through your descendant every family on earth will be blessed. 15Remember, I

am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will also bring you back

to this land because I will not leave you until I do what I’ve promised you.”

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16Then Jacob woke up from his sleep and exclaimed, “Certainly, the Lord is in

this place, and I didn’t know it!” 17Filled with awe, he said, “How awe-inspiring

this place is! Certainly, this is the house of God and the gateway to heaven!”

Sometimes we question whether or not God is in this place. We find

ourselves running wild all of our lives because of the oppression of our culture and

society. We cannot escape the slavery that comes with being born in our world.

What our most enslaved moment is the day of our victimization. We are put in this

body that decays, and we do not know medically how to stop the process of its

termination. It is in our own subjective mind that we contemplate how to enjoy

this life because we are not sure whether or not tomorrow is promised, or for that

matter the next hour. We settle for wine in exchange for proposals that God is a

keeper of promise. But, who is God? This is the section that keeps us wondering

what is next in the chapter when we spill our souls out like liquid questioning our

existence. I find that within our lives love seems to be the golden thread to this

forever dilemma of decay and destruction of the aging factor and criminal state. I

have pondered this notion that God is with us though we are not with God.

Though we cannot receive or believe such a covenant of promise that he will never

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leave us or forsake us, as we toss back and forth in our death bed, we cry Abba,

where are you?

This is the promise that we feel that God has betrayed us in the grave, that our lives

we live in a slave compacted time frame and that hour comes that our promise to

be alive becomes a lie. It is not a lie because like babes we only see as clearly as

we are developed in the spirit. In the spirit we walk, talk and understand but in the

flesh we only grieve and retrieve the emptiness of the world that promises us a

false hope to live again. To live again by who’s means? The examination that we

are to live again through some sort of feeding grounds for the decomposers that

feed the producers, we are still a corpse that lay in the bed of no return to the eyes

of the flesh. This is the process that we call a covenant that has been broken for

the heart of the believer who cannot see past their fleshly eyes. Their fleshly eyes

only can see as far as their fleshy nose. This is the complication to the life of the

spirit in the body of a flesh. It is when the prophet speaks those who has ears to

hear cannot hear, and those who has eyes to see, but cannot see, becomes a reality

of the flesh and of the spirit. We find that the flesh becomes the governor of the

body instead of the spirit.

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This is how Jesus responded to the flesh, you do not know because you never knew

me. You do not understand because you never knew what and where I’ve come

from truly if you have known you would have seen what and where I am going.

This is the spirit chatting with the flesh. The flesh as a babe cannot develop its

understanding until it is taught by the spirit. Sometimes, we ignore these teachings

because it is so undeveloped that our risk is to believe in an unknown that is not

familiar therefore not real to our own reality because our flesh is not ready to

develop its own reasoning of the spirit. Especially, as people, we are the reasoning

of the Word, the Christ head in the God formulation of eternal life that is salvation

through a covenant with the body and humble life of the flesh. We are the living

souls that bare witness that Jesus saves. In what degree does he saves, is what type

of intercession he bares the marks and rescue missions on our souls and the hour of

need. Now we have to question the integrity of why some are saved and why not

all are saved.

1 Samuel 22: 11-19

1 Samuel 22:11-19 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

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11Then the king sent for the priest Ahimelech, who was Ahitub’s son, and his

entire family who were the priests in Nob. All of them came to the king. 12Saul

said, “Listen here, son of Ahitub!”

“Yes, sir?” he responded.

13Saul asked him, “Why did you and Jesse’s son plot against me? You gave him

bread and a sword and prayed to God for him so that he can rise up against me and

ambush me, as he’s doing now.”

14Ahimelech asked the king, “But whom among all your officials can you trust

like David? Your Majesty, he’s your son-in-law, the commander of your

bodyguard. He’s honored in your own household. 15Is this the first time I have

prayed to God for him? Not at all! You shouldn’t blame me or anyone in my

family for this. I knew nothing at all about this.”

16Saul said, “Ahimelech, you and your entire family are going to die.”

17“Turn and kill the Lord’s priests because they support David,” the king said to

the runners standing around him. “When they knew David was fleeing, they didn’t

inform me.” But the king’s men refused to attack the Lord’s priests.

18So the king said to Doeg, “You turn and attack the priests.” Doeg from Edom

turned and attacked the priests, and that day he killed 85 men wearing the linen

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priestly ephod.[a] 19He also killed the people of Nob, the city of the priests. Using

his sword, he killed men and women, children and infants, cows, donkeys, and


What are we to do with this idea that we are kept not by works but by God’s

blood? What does this mean that we have to base our whole lives on what we

perceive as a figment of our imagination. In our age, we have discovered the

mental illness is still a medical industry that is not completely understood nor

completely advanced in its awareness on what makes our lives healthy and

unhealthy? We have our own theories and experts have their own theories, but at

the end of the day, most of our advances have been centered on a temporary

gesture of cure and remedy. It is in our minds that we express our well being and

success through our ability to pay our bills, but at the end of the day we must lay

our heads down in the ideas of what we practice as peace or torment. We are

struck by the hope and desires that we will succeed based on a path that we choose,

or allowed to choose. We find ourselves practicing methods that bring us to our

knees in pain from disease or fighting parasites that keep us derange in criminal

activity or solitaire from social contact and social stability. Our righteousness does

not mean anything when we beg for mercy and approval from the right people

because the paradigm is not for everyone and for a short and limited time we have

to respond within our basic needs and assessment of hierarchy, classification and

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ordinances. I find that we are left to study and meditate on medicated notions that

drugs are the key to our problems.

Our ideology is not based any longer about finding a cure or an antidote, but

a temporary fix for a permanent failure. It is not ignored that our doom and gloom

attitude becomes our cells and our prison becomes the people who are positive and

then die. It is a reinforcement that our faith is not evidence of substance or

subsistence but actually spiritual components that exist only through virtue and

promises. Is promises broken, and who do we get these answers from after people

are dead? Can the living be a witness? Of course, not so why do we have experts

on this side of the fence of the grave? It is within my chat that we examine the

possibility that life is born through Christ and life evermore is born through his

blood in the crucification that examines the opportunities of life forevermore as

though the first Adam had never fell to the sin to die and choose death. As though,

Eve never became deceive, and time becomes rebounded because of the notion that

Jesus saves, but whom?

Is that a possibility that an interceder saves a soul that must die according to

the biological make up of his genetic component of decay and aging processes? Is

he or she bound to their laws of biological science? Do we make up the laws

though our faith; therefore, does our science become our legal system of justice for

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a man’s forthright comes from the thoughts and deeds of his mouth? I find that we

do not see the complete and overhaul of a criminal practice that shares his sins by

perpetrating on others. More or less, he or she is convince that his or her actual

existence is worth the pain and suffering of others only to find that in the end of

their lives their science and practice became their own dimensions of confinement.

What more that the just shall live by their faith. In order for salvation to come into

the heart, mind, soul and spirit of people and humanity, the systems of the world, it

must be spoken by those legal attributes of divine laws in the spoken word. The

measurements of men, are the measurements of God, so what does that mean?

This is the challenge to speak into existence, if so, why would we need an

interceder if our own words gave us eternal life? What is the break through of our

own practice and the biological clock that our science have deemed us worthy to

decay, decompose and produce from one dirt particle to another atom particle? I

find that we are chemical bounded not because of the liquidation of components

and ingredients of solids and liquids, but we are bounded by the chemicals of God,

the anatomy of God that surpass all understanding one life into another. We are

bound by the blood of God, but why are we bound by the blood of God when we

are free to die? We have that right and now that authority to die for the sake of

biological preposition. We are not consumed by the Word of God, the Spirit that

bought life to the immortals that we have not seen, but understood through our

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readings, studies, and passing of ancestry story tellers. We are wrapped with the

notion that we can be healed based on positive thinking, yet we ignore the

possibilities that we can be set free from death, decay, disease, destruction and

criminal intersections. Our prisoner’s life begins at birth and end in death, so we

think, and so we speak, therefore, so we practice. It is a man that becomes his own

reality based on his own spoken word? If that is the case, then why do we need the

witness of the firstborn of the dead that is Jesus Christ? If we are the only ones

that give ourselves our own death and life through our words that make us into our

own practice. I find that our intercessor is not the witness that death can be

overcome, but that an intercessor is someone that pleads on the behalf of a person

who cannot speak. Therefore, someone who cannot obtain and access the real truth

of life that was promised to the right standing with God, this was impossible

because we were taught, trained to be enemies of God by going our own way,

separate from his own, therefore, this is why we could not speak our own spoken

word. Our own spoken word would lead us in disarray and that spoken word

becomes our poison even in our positivity we only speak for the moment and

treasures are saved up are treasures that rot as we rot. This is the accumulation that

we set upon ourselves in our own ego and arrogance to provide and sustain life

through speaking words of positivity to life for a moment as though one moment

was enough in the land of endless moments.

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2 Samuel 1: 11-16

2 Samuel 1:11-16 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

11Then David grabbed his own clothes and tore them in grief. All the men with

him did the same. 12They mourned, cried, and fasted until evening because Saul,

his son Jonathan, the Lord’s army, and the nation of Israel had been defeated in


13David asked the young man who had brought him the news, “Where are you


And the young man answered, “I’m an Amalekite, the son of a foreign resident.”

14David asked, “Why weren’t you afraid to take it upon yourself to destroy the

Lord’s anointed king?” 15Then David called one of his young men and told him,

“Come here and attack him.” David’s young man executed him 16while David

said, “You are responsible for spilling your own blood. You testified against

yourself when you said, ‘I killed the Lord’s anointed king.’ ”

We face the greatest battle; the battle of no return, the storing up treasures

that rot and ignoring the possibilities to store treasures that will never rot. We

spend our whole lives convincing ourselves that we will be okay if only someone

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would carry us into entitlement that we deserve to live if we are transported to

another life. We do not have to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take

care of itself. It is no wondered that we drink, be merry and live for today. It is the

same positivity that we continue to forgive one another for selfish gains, and then

we continue in these selfish gains as though the forgiveness was enough to

continue to abuse the power we once promised to be upright and maintain order

through responsibility and accountability. It is with this Christ we find ourselves

righteous because we were promised righteous. It is the ordination through Christ

we exempt ourselves to bare good fruits and harvest of love to heal the sick, raise

the dead and visit the imprisoned, yet we find ourselves not lost and not

condemned in judgment day, as our teachers bore the wounds before us, the Christ

head, said, the promise that he will never leave us or forsake us, so why would we

care if we die tomorrow?

In the angels’ wings, we are swept up in the paradise and bosom of Abraham

where we are fed and cared for, but our lives on earth is truly missed and we find

our rightful heirlooms in heaven abroad the universe and never find heaven on

earth in our lifetime. What happens to this formula when we pray day and night,

and then fall by the sword? We must question the whole notion of God never

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leaving us and forsaking us? As though we robbed God, but in the end, we only

can find mercy because in the interceding process mercy is given to those who

asked? It is not that simple in this chat we understand that the harvest is not the

work of our hands only, but by the power within our words in our lives as we

speak a spoken word in the existence or does our lives show a powerless life that is

sucked dry by parasites we are not able to see, taste, feel, touch and hear. Our

senses know our lives is fruitless because we feel pain, suffering, see it around us,

and know that our experts agree, but we learn to accept it, abide in it, and return to

our own vomit because nothing else is normal. Our lives are centered on self not

because we are immortals obtaining the greatest achievement and success story of

man and woman, and child, but because we have been bitten by normalcy and

subjectivity by our peers that lay before us. Where they lie we lay, and where they

journey we journey. We have become our own worst enemies, the people that

follow after words that show no power, speak words of no power and then our

lives are not raised from the grave and we call that normal, healthy and a biological

chemical balance to excuse our failures to reach our true potential that is the

testimony of Christ as an interceder that promise us better return from our

investment and money that is treasure that cannot rot, our true forgiveness and

resurrection of our lives.

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Job 36:32

Job 36:32 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

32He fills his hands with lightning

And orders it to hit the target.

Though we cannot accomplish true targets of being part of the firstborns of

the dead, we keep speaking silently that maybe and secretly just maybe God never

fails, the promises would come back with good report that we are saved from our

hour of death, disease, decay and destruction from our corruption, misdeeds and

parasitic competitive perpetrator that is found within us and others. It is hard to

swallow that the Kingdom of God is near closer then we think, even from the word

out of our mouths that our intercessor is within reach. It is evidence that our story

of Jesus Christ has made progress in a world of dying notions that we are doomed

to our extinction to learn to get along and manage our own welfare needs to exploit

and deteriorate. As though to die was a commodity and to live was an unattainable

feat. I find that it is not the virgin that is rare but the life of a person after decay.

What is a promise when broken? The intercessor is that promise, and if it is

broken who is responsible the accuser or the intercessor? This is the question that

man fails to ask in the celestial impact on human life. This is the science that is

never achieved. This is the ultimate mission of humanity when war comes into

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forefront. The ideas are that laws are centered on a legal system and justice system

without a promise that can never be broken? It is more than mercy that justifies a

person but an intercessor that take a promise and a person toward the life of a law.

If a law is temporary then the life of a law is the life of a person therefore that is

the reason for the Jesus Justification to the law. The law must exceed the life of a

person. Now this is the concept that Jesus saves, to whom is proven to live outside

of the law if it does not exist or if it passes away then what happens to the person

that commits the crime under the law?

When these law givers made accusations they were bounded people in the

law, and that law was a notion that spoke against the person’s life. Therefore, that

person became a prisoner to the law. This law sustained that person until that law

died with that prisoner. The law justified its poison through its crimination and

punishment, and that completely erased its existence to demonstrate the power of

correction and edification that made the person whole or rehabilitate. This is the

promise that was kept out of the law to never be broken and that is to completely

make a person whole under the law. Now we dive into the greater chat of the Jesus

mastery of the law that changed the man and woman from within. The humanity

principle of human right to be promised under and through the law was never

heard of to be completely whole in the law and through the law. This made it

complicated that a person could be punished and leave from under the law as

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whole, completely whole, and now that is the challenge with the law, how can that

be without an intercessor? It is the bulls’ eye factor that the law can be used to

completely transform a person from punishment into transformation. It is within

the science of Jesus Christ, we have reconciled under and through the law that

bares us a witness that we are exempt from the law because we are completely

transformed and given wholeness though that promise in the law of punishment

and now suffering and pain from punishment becomes our healing and remedy to

our misdeeds when we die.

This is the Christ era of resurrection and salvation under the law, but grace

given through his intercessor because the law is incomplete without a lawgiver.

The fact that we are prisoners under the law the law giver writes and speaks the

law into existence, and we submerse our own lives in the punishment of its

misdeeds that break the promises of wholeness from its obligation to transition our

lives from paying the price to crying Abba, we need to speak to you.

Now this is the law that separates us from the promise to live eternally and

to know God that we could not speak the word that gave us promise from

punishment and destruction that is Jesus who was to announce that intercession

came from that liberation, the word that kept its promises when spoken. Therefore,

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Abba became alive in that person’s life, and salvation became a real component to

the prisoner’s life.

Isaiah 53:12

Isaiah 53:12 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

12So I will give him a share among the mighty,

and he will divide the prize with the strong,

because he poured out his life in death

and he was counted with sinners.

He carried the sins of many.

He intercedes for those who are rebellious.

Now that we have contemplated that life within Christ is different from that

life without an intercessor brings us to this one calculation, greater is he that lives

in you then the one that lives in the world without an intercessor. What is the

notion that life beyond biological promises could possibly mean a life of eternal

wholeness? He is committing the “absence of death” because the word lived in the

speaker that announces the testimony of its laws within its life. The prisoner can

understand this fully what a law can do in binding the person from freedom, now

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the prisoner can be the teacher of the law that binds them into wholeness and

eternal life. This is the law that promises us eternal life through the word that we

speak that God is savior through his intercession and Son that bore the life of the

laws that broke promises that kept humanity in the grave this far. The prisoner of

death could only be set free from its cell through the law, what law would speak

over that life, but the law of the intercessor who wrote and spoke of the law that

govern all laws, the laws of resurrection when he said raise the dead, heal the sick

and set the captives free in my name, you must do such as these, visit the prisoners,

orphans and widows. What was he talking about in the blessings of the pure in

heart and hunger of righteousness, goodness in thought and spoken of the word.

We find only one reason that Jesus became the intercessor to intercede on the

behalf of those who could not speak the word. Pleading on their behalf, they were

missing one link to the access to eternal life, wholeness and exchanged it for their

poisoned life as a biological dead component of a law that was broken. He knew

they would and could never speak that promise into their being to raise them from

their own cells, set their own selves free in the pit they dug, but he gave them

eternal life through the word they spoke, and those words were his. This is why

they called him the Word of God.

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Isaiah 53:6

Isaiah 53:6 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

6We have all strayed like sheep.

Each one of us has turned to go his own way,

and the Lord has laid all our sins on him.

What then can we say, but that one sacrifice changed all of our lives? No we

cannot say that one sacrifice changed all of our lives then we would convince

ourselves that our own sacrifices were enough to change each other lives, and we

would miss the point of an intercessor. The inciting does not come from a general

populace of spoken words amiss, because the intentions of our hearts are bound by

the broken promises of the law that created this mess from the beginning.

Therefore, the reason that we had the Son of God sent from his home town, to our

home town was to intervene, intersect the only fumble ball we had in play, the

deception of our lives that bound us to the law of death, the biological decay of our

bodies, that our minds could not wrap around the notion that we could live because

we had a law spoken over our lives. What was this law?

This law is called Jesus. This is when the name is spoken the law is

practice, then it is initiated through the intercession that we cannot deny that we are

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saved from the poisoned life that is given from the law of destruction, that is our

word is our bond. Well I should say, broken bond. Our broken bond is that law.

We created laws that break us, and the law, the first law that broke us is when the

first Adam and Eve spoke that they would surely die, and yet they said, they will

not surely die. This is the first law that was given to humanity. This law was

spoken many years later as we come and go, now here we are after Jesus Christ

who spoke a law into humanity as Adam and Eve, the law of you shall forgive sins

and they shall live. What is the fact that we still need his intercessory words to

bridge the gap from one law to the next law? This is the theory that this chat is

centered around that the laws is a promise either broken or kept.

We see the celestial kingdom and the church suffering for what? This is

what we examine in this chat the laws of suffering. This was demonstrated

through the redemption of Jesus Christ as a law giver. The laws proposed in this

report is that Jesus could speak a word that the promise that God would forgive

sins, could possibly raise the dead, heal the sick, change the path of the prisoner,

widow and orphan by the word that was spoken. The spirit in the word was not

man, but God, and in that life, that word becomes alive through the person’s body.

This raises the dead and set captives free from the broken laws of destruction in the

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body. The reason the law was not kept because punishment was part of the capital

that was sent on that person’s life as a ransom. They could not escape its chase

due to the bid on their lives. What do I mean by a bid? The law had went before

the person that they would break the law, and when found alive or dead they would

be claimed as a lawbreaker, and therefore their capital punishment would have

been a spiritual and physical corruption to the body. This is the decay that creates

a process of biological clocking ticking away as though man was another piece of a

particle and that particle was useless because life was missing from it.

Jesus Christ as an intercessor understood these principles and laws, proposed

as a law giver in the celestial kingdom to write laws that could not be broken.

These laws were announced; spoke in the court of order that set the path of

humanity. These laws were practiced, and spoken into the life of a prisoner, and

then that prisoner is set free. In the end, the beginning of the story becomes a

transition from one law to another.

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Colossians 1:24

Colossians 1:24 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

Paul Describes His Work

24I am happy to suffer for you now. In my body I am completing whatever

remains of Christ’s sufferings. I am doing this on behalf of his body, the church.

Now what in the world is suffering got to do with this salvation called Christ

the begotten of the Living God? What in the world do we understand about

suffering and the rehabilitation of the life of a person? I find that in this complete

knowledge of the Christ in Christology, we see that people are able to choose life,

but suffering from life obstacles leave us wondering why do good people suffer? It

is evident that the curse had some points in its elements and components of pain

and suffering. When one think of suffering and pain, one think of the challenges

that life presents itself over time on the body. The body eventually decays due to

the wear and tear of its existence to withstand time. I find that within in my age of

reasoning that people suffer not because they make mistakes, but they suffer

because the people around them make mistakes. The intersection is the cross roads

of people’s behavior, choices and especially their own ignorance to deny others

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safety and security due to their lack of responsibility and sense of accountability of

their actions. This is the notion that suffering begins and ends in the peer’s

ballpark as a bully. The bullying network of life is that people are allowed to grow

with other people. As Jesus states, the weeds grow with the flowers. Though

some people are the weeds strangle the flowers, which they are defined as species

that dominate and take over property for sThey are fighting for competition to gain

access to their resources to survive, and that process we call the cycle of life under

the curse. This is the curse that we all fall by the way side, though we are not

meant to endure to the end of its challenges, but there is a good news in this factor

that Christ saved us from our own curse, the curse of others, and the curse of the

world, which is the curse in the life cycle. What does this mean? The process of

suffering and pain is not a blessing, but God working all out for the good of those

who love the Lord. This is the process we call conditioning. If we use the health

terminology of healthy living, dysfunction is only a chapter or a segment in

someone’s life from one choice to another. In the celestial kingdom suffering and

pain is that segment in the world that God uses as a choice to develop the human

race from one chapter to another based on the preference of His own choices to

work it all out.

Though we cannot see it all worked out as though hidden in Christ we

master our lives not by our choices alone, but by every word of God that manifests

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our spirit life throughout our natural embodiment with the body and flesh. We

learn that our conditions is not mastered by our misdeeds, but by the Coach that

train us, teach us, perform through us in the Book of Life, the playbook to regroup

our lives to solidify the necessary tools to enrich our lives as we grow fit to one

performance to the next in the plans that only can encourage with good news.

Paul may describe his work, but God’s work was his role model. He was not

going off on a limb when he said; I am completely giving myself over to suffer for

the church and for Christ. He was acknowledging that through his sufferings that

are caused by the intersections of oppression and people’s ethics or lack therein, he

was making a way and preparing a path for a future generation to copy his system

of laying their life down for a friend. He was empowering the church to live a

righteous life by working out the good through a poor circumstance. He wanted to

teach all to work it all for the good, and not leave anyone behind. He was

demonstrating the principle of duplication. Suffering was a natural cycle of decay,

the life that is bought before Christ; this life will be swallowed up with the after

Christ. This generation like Moses had to be raised in a new system of working it

all out until suffering pass, they must travel through sufferings as they travelled

through the wilderness to get to their promises of God. This is what I call the

journey of blessings. The blessings are real, and they are alive. They are

manifesting as you continue along the journey as though a race was the straight

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path and finishing the race was the manifestation of working out the sufferings on

the path to accomplish the mastery of the race. This is the process of an athlete,

and a Christ athlete would continue to condition for the performance of sufferings,

the games, and schedules of the games of performances are in the roots of the

Christ salvation to prevent the body from dying, giving up and courageous enough

to stand, even when it cannot stand, but to see to it one should stand because of that

we work it all out for the good of those that love the Lord. This is the regime for

the Christ student that masters the obstacles, challenges, hurdles and oppressions

that breaks us and eventually imprison our lives until we cry Abba, Jesus save us.

Now this is the final note that suffering work through us, and not in us, but refining

us as though we are perfecting our lives to higher standards of creative beings. We

are accessible to the glorious prosperity that the body has longed to taste and live.

This is the immortal life for our tired souls that have journeyed through the Valley

of Death, (Psalms 23) and that is the hills of sufferings we must climb if need be.