the#moon fruit syndrome by raviivar ravi shankar

THE #MO N FRUIT SYNDROME a greedy for macbookpro productions film presents

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Page 1: The#Moon Fruit Syndrome By Raviivar Ravi Shankar


a greedy for macbookpro productions film presents

Page 2: The#Moon Fruit Syndrome By Raviivar Ravi Shankar

A made for Twitter Film

Based on the true contest

The following slideshow contains the exact twitter posts made by me on the basis of the contest rule that each tweet should have #moonfruit somewhere in it…just like this one…now enjoi

Follow me on

*The images used in this slideshow have been found online, the due credit goes to their creators, none of them belong to me. Thank you all for making this presentation visually possible.

Page 3: The#Moon Fruit Syndrome By Raviivar Ravi Shankar

his face...cherubic but intense, smooth-skinend but dented wd a scar, he said chewing the cigarette: " #moonfruit"

the word #moonfruit reaches the ears of da shrink, intellectually cosying up on his morpheus chair takin lil notes,sez #moonfruit?

my hero says " heard that #moonfruit....just CLICK ON IT will find more like me...this is real" #moonfruit

the shrink says"yes my son" i will go to #moonfruit but you gotta stop this..try a diffrnt word n wts up wid da hash in front of moonfruit?

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My hero says "it's a # not a hash's #moonfruit...nevermind...I am off now...u will never get will never understand us! "

The shrink sez: "Us? what do u mean by us? Thr r more like u? My hero sez: "gv me my meds.prscribe me my sleep. Fr hvn's sake! #moonfruit "

The shrink says: "you can't seem to finish any sentence without saying #moonfruit "

My hero says: " #moonfruit "

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One dose of MBP13inch for 24hrs for Extreme case of #moonfruit

-Doctor SN Rao

The shrink sez:"jst get outta here.Scribble Scribble.Here take ths to da chemist. It wl buy u sme sleep n mayb rid u of the #moonfruit !!!

My Hero: (Smiles. Scratches the scar on his cheek) I need sleep...i don't care about teh #moonfruit My hero grabs da

prescription.Walks out of da clinic.He walks to da nearby chemist.He reads da doc's note:MBP13inch for EXTREME #moonfruit!

My hero: The shrink knew what #moonfruit was?????


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The shrink in his office is writing in his journal: "789th victim of the #moonfruit syndrome!!!" *sly smile*

My hero runs bk 2da clnic to search for the shrink WHO KNEW ALL ABOUT #moonfruit.Bt instd ofda clnic der is anthr bldg.

Da bldg name reads tiurfnoom#. He sees a scooter.In da scooter mirror he sees the shop name.Bt ths time it reads da mirror image:#moonfruit

My hero is devastated: "WHAT ON EARTH IS #moonfruit" the voices in his head forces him

to speak....CLICK ON IT

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My hero decides to run back to the chemist....he opens his clenched fist...the prescrip note...MBP13inch fr Extrme #moonfruit

the chemist says: "U too Pythagoras? Evn u got da #moonfruit? Newayz v r outta stock try the next block. My advise stay away from Windows!!!

My hero wonders:"Why on earth did he call me Pythagoras? Didnt he do some

jazz with Triangles.And stay away from Windows? Wat is #moonfruit?

My hero runs. Runs like the wind.The wind whispers eerily "Dear #moonfruit...ur stamina is low coz u smoke.try fresh-fruit juice Moonling!"

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My hero crosses an intrsction n bangs into a juice cart.Da Indian juice guy hands over a drink"Sir!Jus like u orderd with extra #moonfruit.


My hero could see the next chemist shop. He says to himself, this has to b the place for me to find a cure for the #moonfruit....i reach

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this is NO chemist shop.It's an Apple Store how this be the cure!How can a friggin laptop cure my #moonfruit.

da gentle moon-faced Apple salesman corrects's not a laptop.its a macbook pro. with in-built access to #moonfruit through Safari

Safari?Apple?.My hero says.Da salesman sez:"r u related to da girl who just came 30 secs bk.behavin exactly like u.asking about #moonfruit?"

My hero sez: "Thr is some1 like me who suffers from this queer syndrome of using #moonfruit in evry sentence tht v say.I have 2 find her!

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My hero hears a scream.More of a shriek.Pierces through da mornin busy-street.Da bus moves n i see her.She had fainted.Holy #moonfruit!!!!!!

He runs to the spot where she lay...he bends down and rests her head on his lap...she is wearing a t-shirt that says '#moonfruit=MBP13inch'


He snatches a bottle of watr frm a kid, sprinkls it on her angelic face She opns her eyez luks at him n sez "#moonfruit"VIOLINS PLAYHe melts

The words "#moonfruit" from her mouth seemed sweeter than when any1 else had uttered it. But i forgot to see where her fingers wer pointin!

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My hero looks at the direction to wer her fingers wer pointing The Mall.just then his cell phone gets a Text. It reads #moonfruit@ mall-Mr.X

He tries calling that number...who was this he searching for a cure for #moonfruit too? Or is he da

1 who injured ths cute girl?

Cute Girl? She hd sign of her.mayb God hd sent her! Wt shud i do?shud i search for da girl or go 2 da mall?Aargh #moonfruit!!!

#moonfruit@ mall Mr.X

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He hears a ws frm da adjoinin cafe.He goes towrds da window wer da knock cme frm.WHAM!A punch wid a ruff voice hereugo #moonfruit!!

He falls, he hears da voice "I told u!STAY AWAY frm WINDOWS No wnder u r Not Responding.Srchn for da cure fr #moonfruit @da wrong place mate

My Hero wakes up tied to a chair Not Responding! I shUD have stayed away from Windows!Aargh!ENOUGH! NOW I HAVE TO FIND A CURE FOR #moonfruit

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My hero cannot move! He is tied! He can hear someone singing! It is MY VILLAIN! And da song tht he sang went like this~~#moonfruit lala~~

If u rembrMy Hero ws cherubic bt rugged.A cmplt #moonfruit.But My Villain is thin,wears thik glasses,pasted hair tht evn a storm cnt move!!!

My Villain luks strait into My Hero's eyes.U really think u cud beat me to it? N get da cure for #moonfruit? Do u evn hv an Ipod??? U Moron!

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My Villain says: "You idgit! Did u even notice tht evn i canot cmplete a sentence widout saying #moonfruit! Damn it! There its is again!!!"

My Hero tugs at da ropes wid which he is tied.Wt has an Ipod got to do wid all ths? I JUST can't cmplete a sentence widout sayn #moonfruit!!

My Hero luks arnd. It is da terrace of an old blding. On a workstn 5 screens with 5 cpus with the word #moonfruit constantly flashing on it!

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My Hero: You Friggin Coder!

You are recording all the statements that I make with #moonfruit in it and Auto-Twitting it using BOTs

    My Villain:WellWell! rv joinin the dots eh? Singin ~~tra la la evn u hv visited


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My Hero: Damn U! Frm nw on I will nt say a sentnce tht hs #moonfruit in it!OH GAWD WATS WRONG WID ME! Y can't i resist myself from sayn ths

My Villain:Greed has gotten into u my boy. Just like me u cnt resist sayn #moonfruit coz evn u want da swanky MacBookPro13inch for free!!!

MY HERO: FLASHES macbookpro13inch=MBP13inch

.da chemist's prescription FLASHES stay away from

Windows FLASHES...#moonfruit


Auto-Tweet Recording on

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 My Hero sudnly gets da strength of a Leopard (mac).He breaks open da ropes on da chair He lunges twrds MY Villain screamin #moonfruit!AAA!!

 My Hero tks a mini-usb keyboard lyn on da desk,slams it on MY VIllain's jewels who ws bzy recordn da #moonfruit Rapsong on da AUTO TWEET BOT

My Villain gets hit whr it hurts da most.He turns arnd luks dead into My Hero's eys gulps n sez: "Aiiii Y did u hit"

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My Hero stands up!He tks da chair n slams da Bot-Computers to pieces "Now let #moonfruit decide da winners n who will get da Mac Book Pro!"

My Villain is writhn in pain.My Hero hd nw controlld himself frm usin da word #moonfruit 2often.He glares@My Villain n jumps off da window

"Now Y did I jump off da Windows?Im nt superman.Is dis y dey sed stay awy frm Windows.Neway ths is VISTA so i gues i will land Slowly.Ciao"

Please convert me to a mac user…for that I need a mac first *wink*

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