thea 1331 collaboration design project powerpoint

Julius Caesar: A Rendition By Poria Dorali, Stephanie Turcotte, Faheem Ershad, and Miguel Ibanez

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Julius Caesar: A Rendition

By Poria Dorali, Stephanie Turcotte, Faheem Ershad,

and Miguel Ibanez

Director: Poria Dorali

Julius Caesar: The White-Collar Experience






The growth of unchecked power

and the resistances to is a

situation that can be applied to

innumerable situations.

It’s an interesting plot that

addresses the dichotomy between

the private life and the public life.

Stalin Khomeini



Leonardo DiCaprio


Kevin Spacey


William Shatner

Julius Caesar

Jon Cryer


The Spine: ▪ Doing what is Best.

As contextualized in the play, Caesar

and Brutus independently feel they

are doing what is best for Rome, or in

this version of the play, the company.

The Theme:

The theme of play is balancing the dilemma

between the private and public life.

The private life is accepting changes to


While the Public life questions

changes in society for one’s

belief of the public good



- The style of the play falls under the

realism category.

○ The scenes/actions are going to

be akin to events that could

happen in the corporate world right

now. - The play will be conducted in a very

serious manner as life or death

decisions are on the line.




▪ We argue that Julius

Caesar can even be

applied to the status

quo. Thus, we present

the play from the

perspective of a

modern day rich


Changes Include:

- Conspirators “Killing” =



- Conspirators dying =

End of conspirator’s


Directorial Concept:

Central Image

- Symbolic of the public life/ maximizing

one’s perceived public good

- It is a physical object that will given to

the conspirators, separating them from

the many

- It will appear in many posters around

the company to symbolize the general

public’s neglect of the public life for the

private life.

The Whistle

Set DesignStephanie Turcotte

Creating Environment for Performance and Performers

• Engaging Audience by keeping the stereotypical office scenes busy and varied

• Modern theme to reflect Caesar’s high status

• Each cubicle for the character would reflect their personality

• Ex. Brutus’s desk would be organized while Cassius’s is cluttered and nonprofessional

• Cubicles placed in back area of theater to allow space for characters to interact

Setting Mood and Style

• Since it’s a tragedy • Sober, straightforward, serious

• Office setting as depicted in movies• Modern, high quality • Use of dark woods and glass for sober

mood• Lack of nonprofessional props in setting,

excluding characters office desk, to maintain straightforward

• Serious setting created by cool and dark colors


• Made to look like real life office

• Lack of walls, for easier access to exits for performers

• Exception is background piece to act as wallpaper

• Impression that space is businesslike and professional

• But feeling the same emotions in a tragedy despite setting change from ancient Rome to modern office

Locale and Period

• Main setting in an office

When- March

Where- Silicon Valley

• Time period set in the 21st century• As opposed to Old Rome

• Shown immediately to the audience in the opening scene

• Act 1 setting is the outside of the office building, as everyone watches Julius Caesar enter

Design Concept • Created through the use of cubicles reflecting personality traits

• The setting is fashioned around the character • Julius Caesar always carries an air of importance and high class by the objects placed around him

• Once Caesar is retired, the setting becomes more chaotic and disorganized• Only near the end of the play will there be a feeling of stabilization and resolution

Central Image

• Symbolic of theme• Always out in the open while in inner office setting

• Represents ownership of the company

• Embodies all of characters traits•Their want to be the leader of Caesar Corp.

• Adds to design as whole

• Stock Certificate • Red in color- representing violence from original play

• Enlarged onstage for the audience to see


• Costume is coordinated• Professional dress attire matched to the setting

• Scenic elements coordinated with lighting to add depth and texture

• Related to designers concept and script• Setting displays both physical and emotional levels

• Chaos or structure • Use of warmer colors at the climax of the play to excite the

audience and reflect the characters actions • Cooler colors placed at heavy dialogue scenes to focus

attention onto the characters

Practical Design Problems

• To accommodate performers, main props, such as desks, will be placed near the end and back of the stage

• Type of theatre taken into account for the ground plan, this play with be in a Proscenium

• Heavy things will be placed on wheels for easy mobility in between scene changes

• Limit on amount of props and decorations so that the audiences main focus will be on the characters

Light DesignFaheem Ershad

Types of Lights We Plan to Use

Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight

Used to create bright, hard edge spot

Intended for characters that like being in the

limelight, limited distribution

Standard yellow light for general visibility of


High intensity light to show strong office

setting lighting

Pointed mainly at Julius, Cassius, and Brutus

Denoted by

Mainly used in indoor scenes

Types of Lights We Plan to Use


Creates a diffused wash of light, even

distribution over setting

High intensity to show daylight,

noon/afternoon times

Will illuminate entire stage and scenery

Used for outdoor and indoor scenes

Multiple lights used in order to brighten the

tone of the setting

Light movement, slow fade in between scenes

Denoted by /

Types of Lights We Plan to Use

Automated Light

Only used for creating special effects/patterns

to highlight emotions of characters

Will add different colors (e.g. purple, red, blue)

on top of the ellipsoidal light

Low intensity light to present slight hues of


Limited distribution

Denoted by

Stage Lighting

A similar light rig

(picture to the right) will

be utilized for the

proscenium arch stage

Brown line represents

front rig which contains

lights configured

exactly like the back rig

Rhythm involves slow

fades in/out in order to

keep audience

engaged conceptually

Focus will be on actors,

scenery, and

background on stage

2 4 6 2 2

Stage Lighting

45 Degrees Upward

Straight Downstage

Color: Blue

Used for darker

scenes, single actor

45 Degrees Upward

Straight Downstage

Color: Pink

Used for brighter

scenes, single actor

90 Degrees SL/SR

Straight Downstage

Straight Upstage

Used when multiple

actors on stage

Stage Lighting

90 Degrees SL/SR

Used for conspirators and

exchanges between

Cassius and Brutus

45 Degrees SL/SR

Used for when Julius is

judged/Cassius and

Brutus kicked out

Mood and Style


In the presence of Julius: blithe, joyful

In the midst of conspirators: dark, somber



Lights will not be overly bright or dark

LIghts will reflect the size of the setting

The Central Image

Julius at Downstage

Cassius at Stage Right looking away

Brutus at Stage Left looking back at Julius

Symbolic of the relationship between the three

Purple - glory, power, ambition

Red - anger, malice

Blue - loyalty, trust, wisdom

Costume DesignMiguel Ibanez

Style of Production

• For a production set in modern day, costumes used would reflect professional business attire.

• Suits, ties, shoes, for both male and dresses for female.

Historical Period and Locale• Present 21st century.

• Business office, with individual cubicle corresponding to each of the characters

• Business attire reflects the modern setting of the play.

Nature of Characters

• Julius Caesar- Black suit with red accent to symbolize the power and leadership that Julius has. Along with jewelry and suit cuffs.

• Brutus- Black and blue suit, professional look but not as sharp as Julius. But also unique since he is the hero of the tragedy.

• Antony- one of the more “rat” like personalities. Skinny in size, and messy in attire and sharpness.

• Cassius- lacks integrity, wears button up shirt and slacks.

• Octavius- Son of Caesar, young adult doesn't dress in professional attire until he controls business after the death of his father. Button up shirt and jeans.

• Calpurnia- Caesars wife, black dress.

• Flavius, Cicero, and Decius are dressed more casual since there roles are of less authority.

Relationship Among Characters• Caesar, Brutus, and Cassius all are of high authority and belong to their own

group. Emblem sewn on ties resemble their authority and closeness.

• Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus all are in the same “alliance” in the play, so are dressed more similarly.

• Octavius has a unique look to him that makes him stand out, suggesting his importance in the play.

• Flavius, Cicero, and Decius are dressed more casual since they don’t have leadership roles in the play.

SourcesSlide2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:



SourcesSlide 20:

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