the xyz affair


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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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The XYZ Affair. Remember???. When we did the political cartoon activity about Supreme Court Justice John Jay going to Britain to make a treaty (or agreement) for the U.S.?? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The XYZ Affair
Page 2: The XYZ Affair

Remember???When we did the political cartoon activity

about Supreme Court Justice John Jay going to Britain to make a treaty (or agreement) for the U.S.??

Well!.... France (who was at war with Britain) took that as a U.S. attack to France. So France stopped U.S. ships from reaching Britain.

Page 3: The XYZ Affair

In 1794…John Adams, who was President at the time,

wanted to avoid a war with France and sent delegates to solve the conflict.

French foreign minister, Charles de Talleyrand, refused to meet!! But…. He sent 3 agents to demand a bribe and money from the U.S.

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John Adams was furious!The U.S. replied “Not a sixpence!” Refused to

pay… and referred to the 3 French agents as X, Y and Z.

This became known as the XYZ Affair.

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In Reaction…Navy Department was created.Built a larger army with George Washington

as general.Most Americans hated France… except the

Republican party were still okay with the French.

This made many Americans upset with the Republican Party

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Alien and Sedition ActsWith a threat of the war, Americans were

more suspicious of aliens who were still loyal to FranceAliens: immigrants living in the country who

were not citizensSo, Federalists responded with laws called

the Alien and Sedition ActsSedition: activities aimed at weakening the


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Aliens and Sedition Acts1. Naturalization Act: Must be residents in the

U.S. for 14 years instead of 5 to gain citizenship

2. Alien Act: President could imprison aliens or anyone considered dangerous out of the country

3. Sedition Act: was a crime to speak, write, or publish any “false, scandalous and malicious critisicims of the government”

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But it didn’t last…

Federalists and Republicans argued over these laws. Adams never went to war with France and a lot of people were angry with him because of it.