the world’s oldest stone artefacts from gona

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    opportunity for characterizing the oldest assemblages and for understanding the stone working capability of the earliesttool makers. Slightly younger artefact occurrences dated to 2423 Ma are known from Hadar and Omo in Ethiopia,and from Lokalalei in Kenya. Cut-marked bones dated to 25 Ma from Bouri in Ethiopia are now providing important

    clues on the function of these artefacts. In addition, Australopithecus garhi known from contemporary deposits at Bourimay be the best candidate responsible for the oldest artefacts. Surprisingly, the makers of the Gona artefacts had asophisticated understanding of stone fracture mechanics and control similar to what is observed for Oldowanassemblages dated between 2015 Ma. This observation was corroborated by the recent archaeological discoveriesmade at Lokalalei. Because of the similarities seen in the techniques of artefact manufacture during the LatePlioceneEarly Pleistocene, it is argued here that the stone assemblages dated between 2615 Ma group into theOldowan Industry. The similarity and simplicity of the artefacts from this time interval suggests a technological stasisin the Oldowan. 2000 Academic Press



    T he results of the intensive archaeological survey,and systematic excavations between 19921994have firmly established the significance of Gonafor understanding the timing and context of thebeginning of early stone technology (Semaw et al.,1997). The surface and excavated artefacts within thedeposits exposed east of the Kada Gona below thelevel of a tu named AST-275 are now firmly datedclose to 26 million years ago (Ma) by a combination ofSingle Crystal Laser Fusion (SCLF) 40Ar/39Ar datingand magnetostratigraphy. These are currently theoldest known Late Pliocene stone artefacts, and bydefinition they are representatives of the earliestarchaeology.

    The two East Gona localities of EG10 and EG12yielded close to 3000 surface and excavated artefactsproviding the first large data set for analysing the

    Middle Awash has brought insights to the function ofthese artefacts by yielding evidence of bones withstone-tool cut-marks and hammerstone fractures datedto 25 Ma (de Heinzelin et al., 1999). It was argued fora long time that the appearance of flaked stones in thearchaeological record signalled the beginning of anovel adaptation by Late Pliocene hominids with theincorporation of substantial meat in their diet (Harris,1983; Pickford, 1990; Vrba, 1990). Thus, the twocontemporary sites of Gona and Bouri are now shed-ding light on this issue by yielding complementaryevidence, the former with abundant stone artefacts andthe latter with evidence of use of such artefacts inbutchery activities. An important addition from Bouriis also the discovery of Australopithecus garhi, the newhominid argued to be the species responsible formaking the earliest stone tools (Asfaw et al., 1999). Ahandful of slightly younger Late Pliocene archaeologi-cal sites dated between 2423 Ma are known from theJournal of Archaeological Science (2000) 27, 11971214doi:10.1006/jasc.1999.0592, available online at http://www.ide

    The Worlds Oldest Stone ArtefImplications for Understandingof Human Evolution Between 2

    Sileshi Semaw

    CRAFT Research Center, Indiana University, 419 N. In

    (Received 3 February 2000, revised manuscript accepted

    The systematic archaeological and geological survey and eof well-flaked stone artefacts which are currently the oldestand excavated artefacts were recovered at 15 localities doradioisotopic dating (40Ar/39Ar) and magnetostratigraphy(Ma). EG10 and EG12 from East Gona are the mostcomposition and characteristics of the earliest stoneassemblages, and for understanding the knapping skillsof Late Pliocene hominids. Recent field research fromthe nearby contemporary deposits at Bouri in the

    119703054403/00/121197+18 $35.00/ on

    cts from Gona, Ethiopia: Theirtone Technology and Patterns15 Million Years Ago

    na, Bloomington, IN 47405, U.S.A.

    May 2000)

    avations at Gona between 19921994 led to the discoveryown from anywhere in the world. More than 3000 surface

    mented east and west of the Kada Gona river. Based onhe artefacts are dated between 2625 million years agoformative with the highest density, providing the bestnearby Hadar, in the Afar region of Ethiopia (Kimbelet al., 1996), Member F of the Shungura Formation inthe Omo, from southern Ethiopia (Chavaillon, 1976;Merrick, 1976; Howell et al., 1987), and the Lokalalei

    2000 Academic Press

  • an advanced stone working traditionthe Acheulianc. 15 Ma in Africa (Isaac & Curtis, 1974; Gowlett,

    region of Ethiopia and it encompasses more thansites of West Turkana, from northern Kenya (Roche,1989, 1996; Kibunjia et al., 1992; Kibunjia, 1994;Roche et al., 1999).

    The most informative Plio-Pleistocene archaeologi-cal sites in East Africa, providing major evidence forstone technology and the behavioural repertoire ofOldowan hominids between 2015 Ma, are OlduvaiGorge from Tanzania (Leakey, 1971) and Koobi Forafrom northern Kenya (Isaac & Harris, 1997). There area large number of additional archaeological sites in thistime period in the eastern, northern and southern partsof Africa. The archaeological sites from east Africainclude Melka Kontoure, Middle Awash, Gadeb andFejej from Ethiopia (Chavaillon et al., 1979; Clark &Kurashina, 1979; Clark et al., 1984, 1994; Asfaw et al.,1992) and Chesowanja from Kenya (Gowlett et al.,1981). Well-known sites of this interval with pebbletools (galet amenage) from north Africa are SidiAbderrahman from the Casablanca sequence inMorocco (Biberson, 1961; Clark, 1992) and AinHanech from Algeria (Balout, 1955; Sahnouni &de Heinzelin, 1998). Oldowan sites from the southernparts of the continent include Swartkrans Members 1and 2 (Brain et al., 1988), Sterkfontein Member 5(Kuman, 1994a, 1994b) and Kromdraai (Kuman et al.,1997). The ages of the sites from the northern andsouthern parts of Africa were estimated mainly basedon magnetostratigraphy and faunal correlations withthe East African sites, particularly with the faunalsequence documented from the well-dated Shungurasequence in the Omo.

    The main artefact types found in all of the archaeo-logical sites dated between 2615 Ma are cores, wholeand broken flakes, angular and core fragments, a smallnumber of retouched pieces and in some instancesunmodified stones transported to sites. The two basicOldowan flaking techniques used were the hand-heldpercussion (for example on the volcanic rocks found atGona and Lokalalei), and the bipolar flaking technique(the primary mode of stone working utilized on quartz,for example, at Omo). The 189 Ma KBS Industryfrom East Turkana has stone assemblages typical ofthe Oldowan. The absence of retouched pieces andspheroids/subspheroids was the criteria used for dis-tinguishing the KBS (Isaac, 1976). Assemblages with agreater variety of artefact types including spheroidsand retouched pieces become dominant later c. 15 Mawith the so-called Developed Oldowan. A few in-stances of probable retouched pieces were encounteredat Gona, and there were some specimens identified intothis category at Lokalalei 2C. The most distinctive ofall the assemblages are the Karari scrapers from KoobiFora dated to c. 1615 Ma. These may be standard-ized cores probably made from split cobbles or largethick flakes (Harris, 1978).

    The stone assemblages dated between 2615 Maconveniently group into the Oldowan Industry (sensu

    1198 S. SemawLeakey, 1971) because of similarities in the com-position and simplicity of the artefacts, and in the1988; Asfaw et al., 1992; Clark, 1994). A technologicalstasis for the Oldowan tradition is suggested becauseof its long persistency in the archaeological record(Semaw et al., 1997).

    The Gona Study Area

    The Gona Palaeoanthropological Research Project(GPRP) study area is located in the west-central Afar500 km2 area with artefact- and fossil-rich Plio-Pleistocene sediments (Figure 1). The study area isbounded to the east by the Hadar study area, to thenorth by the Mile-Bati Road, to the south by theAsbole River and to the west by the Western EthiopianEscarpment. The major rivers within the study area,including the Kada Gona, the Ounda Gona, theBusidima and the Asbole, and associated small feed-ing streams, drain the surrounding areas flowingseasonally into the Awash River. A wealth of stoneartefacts and fossil fauna are currently being exposedby these drainages.

    More than 40 m of sediments are exposed along theKada Gona drainage, with at least two artefact-bearing horizons documented in the time interval be-tween 2620 Ma. The deposits contain clays and silts,tuaceous marker horizons and cobble conglomerates,which are prominent in the sections exposed within theKada Gona and surrounding drainages. Erosion isknapping techniques practiced by the hominids. TheOldowan lasted for over 1 million years with little orno technological change and it was later replaced by






    L. Turkana


    M. AWASH










    E R





    H R




    L. TANA


    Figure 1. A map showing Gona and Late Pliocene sites datedbetween 2423 Ma.rapid at Gona because of the high relief badlandstopography, and artefacts and fauna are exposed by

  • The highest density and the most informativeassemblages were those recovered from EG10 andEG12. Details of the results of this research, including

    and concentrated geological studies carried outbetween 19931994 provided a better resolution interms of stratigraphic details and tephra chronologythe age of the artefacts and their archaeological signifi-cance, and their implications for understanding thetorrential rains and rapidly washed into moderndrainages.

    Previous Field Research at GonaThe palaeoanthropological significance of much of thecentral Afar rift, including what are now recognized asthe Gona, the Hadar and the Middle Awash studyareas was first noticed in the late 1960s by MauriceTaieb while conducting a geological survey in theAwash river basin (Taieb, 1974 in Clark et al., 1984).More preliminary geological survey of the general areawas later undertaken by Kalb (1993 and referencestherein). The presence of stone artefacts of greatantiquity at Gona was known since the early 1970s, butthe archaeology and geology of the area received onlycursory attention while a wealth of remarkable fossilhominids of Australopithecus afarensis were beingdiscovered from the contiguous Hadar deposits(Johanson et al., 1978, 1982)

    The initial archaeological survey of the early 1970sled to the discovery of a low density scatter of surfaceartefacts east of the Kada Gona (Corvinus, 1976;Corvinus & Roche 1976, 1980; Roche & Tiercelin,1977, 1980). The first archaeological locality wasnamed Afaredo 1, and three further localities namedKada Gona 2, 3, and 4 were documented between twoconglomerates identified east of the Kada Gona river.The artefacts were estimated to 25 Ma based on theage of the BKT-2 tu from the Kada Hadar Memberof the Hadar Formation then thought to correlate withthe tu found underlying the artefact horizon (Roche& Tiercelin, 1977, 1980). Subsequent field research byHarris (1983) in the area west of the Kada Gonaresulted in the discovery of a low density of in situartefacts from a small excavation opened at WestGona locality 1 (WG1 for short). There were noarchaeological field studies undertaken in Ethiopiaduring much of the 1980s, and the first Gona fieldpermit was issued in 1987. Two additional Oldowanlocalities (WG2 and WG3) were documented at WestGona during the brief survey undertaken that year(Harris & Semaw, 1989).

    The first round of systematic archaeological andgeological fieldwork at Gona was initiated between19921994. The main objectives were to assess thepalaeoanthropological potential of the general studyarea and to firmly resolve the age of the Kada Gonaartefacts. Variable densities of surface and in situartefacts were found from 12 new localities distributedeast and west of the Kada Gona river (Figure 2(a)).behavioural evolution of Late Pliocene hominids, arepresented here. Further intensive field and laboratoryfor the artefact localities found east of the Kada Gona(Semaw et al., 1997; Feibel & Wynn, no date).

    The Kada Gona stratigraphic sequence can beseparated into three intervals. At the base of thesequence are the lacustrine sediments with mollusclayers, a Green Marker Tu, (a possible equivalent ofthe BKT-2L1 of Hadar well-exposed near EG10), andresearch is necessary to fully understand the geology,archaeology and palaeontology of the entire GPRPstudy area, and long-term systematic field studies arenow under way by a large multidisciplinary teamorganized in 1999. The results of the new round of fieldand laboratory research at Gona will be reported infuture publications.

    StratigraphyThe GPRP study area lies within the sedimentaryexposures of the Awash River basin. The Plio-Pleistocene Gona deposits are being dissected by themain rivers and their small tributaries which are cur-rently exposing ancient sediments with extremely richartefacts and fossil fauna. Following a preliminarygeological survey of the Afar region, Kalb (1993)assigned the Gona sequence as unconformable post-Hadar deposits comparable in age to the UpperPliocene Matabeitu Formation of the Middle Awash.Subsequent geological studies placed the Gonastratigraphy within the upper part of the Kada HadarMember of the Hadar Formation (Taieb et al., 1976;Aronson et al., 1977, 1981; Semaw et al., 1997).However, the upper boundary of the Kada HadarMember is still poorly studied, and its relationship tothe Gona stratigraphy is uncertain.

    Initially, three major Cobble Conglomerates andfour tuaceous marker horizons were recognized in thestratigraphic sequence exposed at Kada Gona (Roche& Tiercelin, 1977, 1980). Afaredo 1 was stratigraphi-cally placed higher up in the section and Kada Gona 2,3 and 4 were placed between the two conglomerateslabelled as the Intermediate Cobble Conglomerate(Conglomerat Intermediaire) and the Upper CobbleConglomerate (Conglomerat Superieur). The fourmarker tus from the oldest to the youngest weremarked as ashes IIV (Cinerites IIV) and later threeof these tus were relabelled by Walter (1980) asArtefact Site Tus 13 (AST-1, -2 and -3). The KadaGona artefacts were stratified above the AST-2 tephra(Figure 2(b)). Unfortunately, the three tus were con-taminated for K/Ar (or SCLF 40Ar/39Ar) dating andhave not yet yielded absolute ages for the artefacts.Geologist Craig Feibel (now at Rutgers University)was invited to work at Gona, and the first systematic

    Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 1199an overlying tu which may be a possible chemicalcorrelate of the BKT-2L of Hadar. Above these are the

  • EG13WG1


    h River


    Awashsix fluvial cycles with the three major conglomerates(and three additional less prominent ones), and theartefact-bearing layers containing the oldest artefactsand the interbedded marker tus (labelled frombottom to top as AST-1, -2, -25, -275 and AST-3).Uppermost in the sequence at East Gona are the

    AST-25 and AST-275 were identified in 1993 in thestratigraphic sequence exposed near EG10 and EG12.The AST-275 (discussed below) proved to be signifi-cant for absolute age determinations of the two exca-vated localities. The oldest Gona artefacts are exposedstratigraphically below the AST-275 and above the





    Archaeological site


    AST-2.752.52 Ma

    BKT-2L2.94 Ma

    EG 10, 12, 13

    2.60 Ma






    Excavated siteUnexcavated site


    H RIVE















    EG 12, 13AST-2

    90 +900

    VGP Latitude ()

    90 +900



    90 +900







    R M




    Rutgers Cartography 1996


    M. AWASHTalalak R.

    0 15




    0 1










    Figure 2. (a) A map showing the excavated and surface-sampled Kada Gona localities. The excavated localities are shown with open circles.(b) Stratigraphy of the Kada Gona sites. Lithostratigraphy and markers from East Gona. The composite sections (934/2 and 936/7) arecorrelated with the magnetostratigraphy of EG12 and EG13. Stratigraphic markers are indicated next to the columns and correlations shownwith solid lines. Normal polarity is indicated by filled circles, and reversed polarity by open circles. Absolute dates are provided with units ofthe magnetic polarity timescale (MPTS) on the right (Figure after Semaw et al., 1997).(a)

    1200 S. Semawcapping strata characterized by fine-grained sedimentsand consolidated sand layers. The two new tus namedEG12



    4030 EAST-2 tus. Slightly younger artefact occurrences,estimated to be c. 20 Ma are widely distributed within

  • cally located just below the artefact horizon and theAST-2 marker tu. Therefore, the palaeomagneticanalysis gave a maximum age for the EG10 and EG12

    turbed primary context assemblages through furtherexcavations. Nearly 3000 artefacts were recoveredfrom surface and systematic excavations carried outartefacts, also corroborating the minimum 252 Ma40Ar/39Ar date obtained for the AST-275 (Semawet al., 1997). Stratigraphically, the artefacts are actuallycloser to the reversed magnetozone identified as thethe capping strata. AST-2 is the only marker thus faridentified west of the Kada Gona, and it is foundvariably exposed below the artefact occurrencesdocumented there.

    DatingAttempts were made earlier to tie the Gona AST tusto the three Bouroukie Tus (BKT-1, -2 and -3)identified within the Kada Hadar Member (Aronsonet al., 1977). Initial age estimates for the Gona artefactswere made based on the age of the Hadar BKT-2 tu.The age of the BKT-2 tu was problematic because ofseveral revised dates that ranged between 265314 Ma, implying the approximate age of the artefactsto be anywhere between 2530 Ma (Aronson et al.,1977, 1980, 1981; Walter, 1980; Walter & Aronson,1982; Hall et al., 1985). Correlation and dating eortswere further complicated because the BKT-2 tus areexposed as duplets and triplets named BKT-2u,BKT-2L and BKT-2L1 (Walter, 1980). The GonaAST-1 and -2 tus were suggested to be equivalent tothe Hadar BKT-2L and BKT-2u tus, respectively(Walter, 1980; Tiercelin, 1986). Because of the widemargin of the dates for the BKT-2, the Gona artefactswere loosely and conservatively estimated to c. 25 Mawith no firm dates (Harris, 1983). Because of thelack of absolute dates for the Gona deposits, the25 Ma age suggested for the artefacts was receivedwith caution (for example, Isaac, 1984; Toth & Schick,1986; Kibunjia, 1994). Therefore, resolving the ageof the Gona deposits was among the major prioritiesof the field research undertaken during the early1990s.

    The plagioclase-phyric bentonite AST-275 tuidentified above the AST-2 marker at East Gonaplayed a critical role in determining the age for the twoexcavated localities of EG10 and EG12 (Figure 2(b)).Volcanic crystals from AST-275 were dated by 40Ar/39Ar to 2517+0075. This tu is stratigraphicallyplaced c. 5 m above EG10 and EG12 (and directlyabove locality EG13), providing a minimum age of252 Ma for the oldest Gona artefacts. A detailedpalaeomagnetic analysis of the sediments sampled in1993 from the stratigraphic sections exposed at thesurface and excavated East Gona localities revealedthat the 26 Ma Gauss-Matuyama polarity transition(McDougall et al., 1992) occurred within the Inter-mediate Cobble Conglomerate, which is stratigraphi-lowermost Matuyama chron (26 Ma). An 40Ar/39Aranalysis of the unnamed tu (a possible chemicalat the two localities (Table 1). Additional artefactconcentrations were documented at several localitiesdistributed within laterally extensive deposits tracedabove the AST-2 tephra. Surface occurrences withcores, flakes and angular fragments were sampled atseveral localities from the east and west sides of theKada Gona. Most of the archaeological localitiesexposed on the east side of the Kada Gona wereclearly associated with the AST-2 marker tu andthe Intermediate Cobble Conglomerate. Therefore,they are the same age as EG10 and EG12. Furtherdetailed geological work is necessary to determine theage of the archaeological localities exposed withinthe capping strata. Localities WG1 and WG7 are theonly excavated assemblages from west of the KadaGona. WG7 was the furthest Oldowan locality docu-mented at the time from the Ounda Gona, and itscorrelate of the Hadar BKT-2L), sampled from thebase of the Kada Gona sequence stratigraphi-cally below EG10, yielded an age of 2940+0006 Ma(Semaw et al., 1997). This date is consistent with the295 Ma 40Ar/39Ar age reported for the main BKT-2Lfrom the Kada Hadar Member (Kimbel et al., 1994;Walter, 1994). In addition, the BKT-2u from Hadarwas dated to 292 Ma. The older date for the tusampled below EG10 is consistent with the stratigra-phy of the Kada Gona sequence. The stratigraphicrelationships between the Gona and Hadar depositshave yet to be resolved. The 19921994 research hasshown that except for the possibility of the BKT-2L1and BKT-2L, there appears to be no apparentlithochronological or geochemical correlations be-tween the AST Kada Gona tus and the BKT Hadartus (Semaw et al., 1997).

    The Gona Artefact Localities

    A total of 12 new archaeological localities wereidentified at East and West Gona between 19921994.These are in addition to the previous Afaredo 1,Kada Gona 2, 3 and 4 localities of Roche andTiercelin (1977, 1980), the WG1 locality discoveredby Harris (1983), and the West Gona localities ofHarris & Semaw (1989). During the 1992 survey,hundreds of stone artefacts were found eroding downsteep slopes at EG10 and EG12, and the high densityof the artefacts and their very fresh nature indicatedthat the materials had been exposed from the over-lying sediments very recently. The surface artefactsexposed at EG10 and EG12 consisted of cores, flakesand a large number of smaller size angular fragmentsindicating a high probability of recovering undis-

    Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 1201stratigraphic relationship to EG10 and EG12 needsfurther investigation.

  • 1202 S. Semawe1.































































































































































































































































































































































































































  • 0 exThe Two Excavated Localities of EG10 andFigure 3. A photo showing the EG1EG12

    layers each suggesting minimal or no vertical displace-ment after discard. In addition, the fresh nature of theartefacts, and the absence of discernible size sortingindicated a primary geological context. The presence of

    cavation and the Kada Gona River.two horizontally discrete artefact levels may hint at

    East Gona 10 (EG10)

    A high density of fresh stone artefacts were founderoding down in the section exposed east of the KadaGona approximately 57 km upstream from its con-fluence with the Awash river. Locality EG10 and theKada Gona river are shown in Figure 3. The artefactsconsisted of cores, whole and broken flakes and a highdensity of angular fragments. The volcanic tus includ-ing the Green Marker, the unnamed tu (the possibleequivalent of the BKT-2L from Hadar), the AST-1,and -2, and the Lower and the Intermediate CobbleConglomerates are well exposed in the section (Figure2(b)). An area of 38 m2 was gridded at EG10 followingthe edge of the outcrops and 1549 artefacts werecollected from the surface and surface scrapes. A totalof 667 artefacts were excavated from an area of 13 m2

    (9+3 m2 extensions added to the north and 1 m2 to thesoutheast). The horizontal and vertical distribution ofthe excavated artefacts are shown in Figure 4. Therewere no fossilized bones retrieved from the excava-tions. The sediments were fine-grained with well con-solidated brown clay and glass shards from the alteredAST-2 tephra chemically identified within and belowthe artefact levels. There were two artefact levels atEG10 separated by 40 cm thick deposits. The artefactsfrom both levels were restricted within 10 cm thick

    repeated occupation at this locality which may be aresult of its close proximity to raw material sources andwater. The excavation was extended into a geologicaltrench towards the north down to the level of theIntermediate Cobble Conglomerate, but there were noartefacts recovered from the underlying sediments. Thefact that the artefact density is high in the south andsoutheast portion of the excavated area, and the pres-ence of artefacts still eroding down the slope some100 m to the south suggests that there may still be ahigh density of artefacts buried under the overburden.

    East Gona 12 (EG12)This locality is found in the Aybayto Dora stream, asmall drainage feeding into Kada Gona from the east.EG12 is located c. 300 m north of the EG10 excavationand c. 100 m west of locality EG13. The two localitiesof EG12 and EG13 hold similar stratigraphic pos-itions. All the volcanic marker tus and CobbleConglomerates found in the section exposed at EG10are also present here. The AST-2 tephra at EG12 isstratigraphically less than 05 m below the artefacthorizon. The Upper Cobble Conglomerate is well-exposed c. 15 m above EG12. A high density of surfaceartefacts were found exposed on a very steep-sidedStone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 1203slope at EG12. The composition of the artefacts wassimilar to EG10. Following the edge of the outcrops,

  • 105


    1204 S. Semawsitu. The artefacts were tightly clustered within 40 cmthick well-consolidated brown clay. Preservation and

    103an area of 26 m2 was gridded down to the level of theIntermediate Cobble Conglomerate. The horizontaland vertical distribution of the excavated artefacts areshown in Figure 5. A total of 309 artefacts wereretrieved from surface and surface scrapes. About 1 mof overburden was removed before reaching the arte-fact horizon and an area of 8 m2 (with additional 1 m2

    to the southwest) was excavated within fine-grainedfloodplain sediments yielding a total of 444 artefacts in

    sediment characters were similar to EG10 and therewere no fossilized bones recovered at EG12.

    Assemblage CharacteristicsThe composition and characteristics of the artefactsfrom EG10 and EG12 are broadly similar to otherPlio-Pleistocene Oldowan assemblages known in



    100.00 102.00

    Scale 1:1



    104100 102




    Scale 1:1

    Figure 4. Horizontal and vertical distribution of the EG10 excavated artefacts.Africa from deposits dated between 2615 Ma(Table 1). The Gona assemblages consist of cores,

  • bashing of the cobbles during the process of flaking or












    Scale 1:1

    Figure 5. Horizontal and vertical distribution of the EG12excavated artefacts.

    Table 2. Gona, unifacially and bi/multifacially flaked pie


    Surface E

    Uni Bi/Multi Uni

    Side choppers 3 2 8End choppers 3 0 0Side and end choppers 2 2 2Discoids 1 0 1Core scraper 0 2 0Polyhedron 0 0 0Total 9 6 11% 6000 4000 6875whole and broken flakes and a high density of angularfragments. Using criteria developed by Leakey (1971)for Olduvai Gorge Bed I and Lower Bed II, the Gonacores can be classified as choppers, discoids, poly-hedrons and heavy duty core scrapers (Table 2,Figure 6). Almost 99% of the artefacts fall into thecategory of debitage which include whole and brokenflakes, and angular and core fragments. A majority ofthe whole flakes from Gona show prominent bulbs ofpercussion and smooth release surfaces. Retouchedpieces are very rare. There are no specimens identifiedas manuports except for one split cobble collectedfrom the surface at EG12. Pitting and bruising marksidentified on some of the cores may hint to repeated




    Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 1205Uni=Unifacially worked, Bi/Multi=Bifacially or Multifacmay be a result of utilization for pounding activities,for example as hammerstones for breaking bones formarrow. However, one has to exercise caution becausefield observations have shown that weathering mayalso mimic these features as a result of exfoliation ofthe cortex on some of the surface exposed cores.

    Although a majority of the Gona cores were uni-facially worked, they were very well-flaked, suggestingexperienced knapping skills and mastery of the mech-anics of conchoidal fracture by their makers (Figure 6).Following Leakey (1971), some of the bifacial coresmade of elongated cobbles could have been classified asproto-bifaces. Current understanding of the Oldowantechnology strongly suggests that Plio-Pleistocenehominids were mainly after the production of sharp-edged flakes for use as cutting implements, with nopredetermined design intended for the shape of the endproduct (Toth, 1982, 1985, 1987). For example, exper-imental replication of the artefacts from Koobi Forahas shown that the final shape of the Oldowan coresand flakes were dictated mainly by the size and mor-phology of the clasts available, the flaking quality ofthe raw materials and the extent of flaking aordedduring the course of reduction of the cores (Toth, 1982,1985, 1987). In order to avoid the functional implica-tions inferred from Leakeys (1971) elaborate typology,


    vated Surface Excavated

    Bi/Multi Uni Bi/Multi Uni Bi/Multi

    0 1 0 4 10 1 0 0 01 0 0 0 32 1 0 0 01 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 05 3 0 4 5

    3125 10000 000 4444 5555ially worked.

  • 13

    1206 S. Semaw(1971) typology is still important for comparing earlystone assemblages because most artefacts of this period4Isaac et al. (1981) outlined a scheme for classifyingearly stone assemblages from a simple technologicalperspective. These were the Flaked Pieces (cores/choppers), Detached Pieces (flakes and fragments),Pounded Pieces (cobbles utilized as hammerstones,etc.) and Unmodified Pieces (manuports, stones trans-ported to sites). This is a useful technological approachfor describing early stone assemblages, but it may maskcertain details important for examining behaviouralchanges in artefact manufacture and use during theLate PlioceneEarly Pleistocene. The use of Leakeys

    have been described following her conventions (forexample, Chavaillon, 1976; Merrick, 1976; Isaac &Harris, 1997). Further technological studies may beessential for devising typological schemes standard forclassifying early stone assemblages, and for under-standing significant behavioural changes, if any, inOldowan artefact manufacture through time.

    The coresThere were a total of 31 cores (16 in situ) from EG10









    Figure 6. Drawings of artefacts (cores and whole flakes), excavated from EG10 and EG12. (1) unifacial chopper, EG10, (2) discoid, EG10,(3) unifacial side chopper, EG12, (4) unifacial end chopper, EG12, (5) partial (irregular discoid), EG12, (6) unifacial side chopper, EG10,(7) unifacial side chopper, EG12, (810) whole flakes, EG10.2and a total of 12 cores (9 in situ) from EG12 (Table 2).A majority of the Gona cores were worked unifacially

  • materials and a majority of the flakes removed hadsmooth release surfaces. Using the criteria of Leakey

    counts on in situ cores vary between 814 scars atEG10 (mean=11, ..=1) and between 323 at EG12 range between 1085 mm (mean=38, ..=16), and

    those from EG12 between 10128 mm (mean=34,(mean=11, ..=5). There are no pieces from EG10and EG12 identified as hammerstones or unmodifiedpieces.

    DebitageThe Detached Pieces (of Isaac et al., 1981) producedduring the process of the reduction of the cores wereclassified as debitage following the criteria outlined byLeakey (1971). These include whole and broken flakes(split, snapped, and split and snapped), and angularand core fragments. Close to 99% of the artefactsfrom both EG10 and EG12 were identified into thiscategory. The most informative in terms of hominidknapping skills and early stone technology are thewhole flake category (details are discussed below). Theother debitage categories are dealt with in greater detailin Semaw (1997) and will not be discussed here.

    The whole flakesThe complete Detached Pieces with diagnostic strikingplatform, bulbs of percussion and a clear releasesurface were identified as whole flakes. There were atotal of 438 (275 surface and 163 excavated) fromEG10 and a total of 241 (94 surface and 147 excavated)whole flakes recovered from EG12. The whole flakesfrom EG10 account for 18% of the artefacts identifiedas debitage, where as 30% of the whole flakes fromEG12 fall into this category. The most striking feature(1971), the majority of the cores (Flaked Pieces of Isaacet al., 1981) were identified as unifacial side choppers.Nearly 20% of the excavated cores from EG10, and55% from EG12 were bifacially worked (Table 2).There were pieces identified as discoids, polyhedronsand core scrapers from EG10, but most of the coresfrom EG12 were side choppers and side and endchoppers (except for 1 discoid recovered from thesurface).

    The in situ cores from EG10 range in maximumdimensions between 67106 mm with a mean of 83 mm(..=10), and the EG12 cores vary in size between5892 mm with a mean of 77 mm (..=9). Scarfrom rounded trachyte cobbles (very few on splitcobbles). Although most were unifacial, the Gonacores were surprisingly very well-flaked for such anearly age. The makers were involved in bold flaking,with excellent eye-hand coordination when seekingacute angles and removing large flakes from cobbles.Despite the unifacial pattern of flaking seen at Gona,some of the cores were exhaustively flaked with nega-tive impression of several generations of scars present.In addition, they were selecting for fine-grained rawof the whole flakes from Gona is the presence of clearand prominent bulbs of percussion on a large number..=16).

    Raw materialsTrachyte was the main raw material utilized formaking the EG10 and EG12 excavated artefacts,accounting for more than 70% of the assemblages. Thetrachyte from Gona tends to be fine-grained, light-brown or grey in colour often with phenocrysts anddark brown cortex. The main raw material sources forthe Gona tool-making hominids were stones fromnearby ancient streams accessible in the form of water-worn, rounded, fist-sized cobbles. For example,the presence of a channel cut-and-fill geologicallydocumented between EG12 and EG13 indicated thatthe clasts from the underlying Intermediate CobbleConglomerate were readily available from nearbyancient streams for tool-making hominids c. 2526 Ma. This same conglomerate is exposed laterallyfor more than 1 km, and a total of 103 cobbles suitablefor making artefacts were randomly picked from theconglomerate exposed below EG10 for a preliminaryassessment of the dominant raw material types acces-sible for making the Gona artefacts. The size of theclasts picked vary between 17060 mm (mean=105,..=28). About 48% of the raw material types wereidentified as trachyte (or trachytic ignimbrite). Rawmaterials identified as rhyolite accounted for 27%, lavafor 23% and chalcedony and breccia for the remainingof the specimens (Figure 6). As is the case with thecores, trachyte was the dominant raw material.

    The flake type system developed by Toth (1982) wasused in order to examine the stages of flaking repre-sented at these localities. Toth (1982, 1987) recognizedsix flake-types based on presence/absence of cortex onthe striking platform and dorsal surface of wholeflakes. These include Type I (cortex platform/cortexdorsal), Type II (cortex platform/part cortex dorsal),Type III (cortex platform/no cortex dorsal), Type IV(no cortex platform/cortex dorsal), Type V (no cortexplatform/part cortex dorsal), and Type VI (no cortexplatform/no cortex dorsal). Cortical flakes (Toth typesI, II and IV) are rare, and the whole flakes aredominated by Toth types III, V and VI. Observationsfrom experimental replicative work suggest that thepreponderance of Toth Type III in the whole flakesseem to be consistent with the abundance of exten-sively flaked unifacial cores at Gona (Toth, pers.comm.). Dorsal scar counts on the whole flakes attestthat the hominids were actively working on reducingthe cores. The number of dorsal scars on the in situwhole flakes from EG10 vary between 112 (mean=3,..=2), and those from EG12 range between 0-7counts (mean=2, ..=1). In terms of sizes, the maxi-mum dimensions of the in situ whole flakes from EG10

    Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 12072%. Artefacts made of rare and exotic raw materialssuch as chert are known from WG2 and EG13. The

  • Lokalalei 2C (LA2C)Lokalalei 1 (GaJh5)A total of 466 stone artefacts (417 excavated) includingcores whole and broken flakes, angular fragmentsand pounded pieces were recovered at Lokalalei 1(Kibunjia, 1994). The artefacts were in silty claystones,Late Pliocene Artefact Assemblages fromOther East African SitesThere are only a handful of archaeological sites inAfrica which are older than 20 Ma. These includethe Omo, Hadar and Bouri localities from Ethiopia(Chavaillon, 1976; Merrick, 1976; Howell et al., 1987;Kimbel et al., 1996; de Heinzelin et al., 1999), andthe Lokalalei sites from Kenya (Roche, 1989, 1996;Kibunjia et al., 1992; Kibunjia, 1994; Roche et al.,1999). With the exception of Gona and Bouri, the ageof these sites cluster between 2324 Ma. There aretwo sites, Senga 5a from Eastern Zaire and Mwimbifrom the Chiwondo Beds in Malawi, with claims forthe presence of archaeological sites with estimated agesof c. 2223 Ma. However, there are no absolute datesto corroborate these claims (Harris et al., 1987, 1990;Kaufulu & Stern, 1987).

    It will be important to provide a brief review on thecontext and assemblage characteristics of the artefactsfrom the well-dated Late Pliocene Lokalalei sites for abetter understanding of the issues raised by variousresearchers on the beginning of stone working tech-nology and on the knapping skills of the earliest toolmakers, and thereby for assessing the industrial anityof the earliest artefact assemblages.

    There are two Late Pliocene archaeological localitiesat West Turkana including Lokalalei 1 (GaJh5)excavated in 1987 and 1991 (Kibunjia et al., 1992;Kibunjia, 1994), and Lokalalei 2C (LA2C) excavatedin 1997 (Roche et al., 1999). The artefacts at bothlocalities were found within the same horizon tracedstratigraphically above the Kalochoro tu. This tuwas chemically correlated to tu F of the ShunguraFormation and the Lokalalei artefacts were datedto 2324 Ma (Feibel et al., 1989). Australopithecusboisei/aethiopicus is the only hominid known thus far atWest Turkana from deposits that are near contempo-rary with these artefacts (Walker et al., 1986). TheLokalalei assemblages are important for understandingLate Pliocene hominid stone working technology,and their behavioural implications require a closerexamination.preponderance of trachyte (>70% of the EG10 andEG12 assemblage) at Gona implies that the hominidshad a preference for this particular raw material, andthey selected it over others because of its good flakingquality.

    1208 S. Semawand they were fresh. Two bones with possible cut-marks were identified from the excavations. More thanThe artefact occurrences at LA2C are c. 1 km distancefrom Lokalalei 1 (Roche et al., 1999). LA2C yieldedover 2500 stone artefacts which consisted of cores anddebitage and some retouched pieces. Unique to theassemblages is the presence of a large number ofrefitting pieces, accounting for 20% of the excavatedartefacts. There were no cut-marked bones at LA2C.Ten dierent raw materials were identified as potentialsources, but basalt and phonolite were selected andused. The cobbles ranged from coarse to fine-grained basalt, with minimal flaking observed on thecoarse-grained cobbles (Roche et al., 1999).

    Remarkable dierences in technology and motorskills are reported for the Lokalalei 1 and LA2Cassemblages (Roche, 1989; Kibunjia, 1994; Rocheet al., 1999). Despite the fact that both localities weretraced within the same stratigraphic horizon separatedby only c. 1 km, the Lokalalei 1 hominids were sug-gested to be less competent in striking flakes fromcobbles (Roche, 1989, 1996; Kibunjia, 1994), and theLA2C artefacts were described as sophisticated, andthe hominids more advanced in cognitive and motorskills capable of striking flakes from preparedplatforms (Roche et al., 1999). Furthermore, the twotypes of cores, i.e. the less elaborate, apparentlyflaked from the coarse-grained basalt and the moreelaborate struck from the fine-grained cobbles,50 cores were identified which average close to 100 mmin size. The main raw material used was lava. Accord-ing to Kibunjia (1994: p. 165), despite the presence ofopportune striking platforms on the cobbles, thecores were not intensively flaked, with only 112 flakescar counts. About 80% of the flaking scars on thesecores are characterized by step fractures and only a fewinstances of complete flake removals were observed . . .Cores appear to have been abandoned after severalattempts of flaking if most of the products obtainedwere the step/hinge flakes (Kibunjia, 1994: p. 165).There were also some well-flaked cores at Lokalalei 1.The presence of two types of cores (several with lots ofsteps/hinges, and some well-flaked) was recognized, butthe reasons for these dierences were not adequatelyexplained. Nonetheless, Kibunjia (1994: p. 165) con-cluded that factors other than raw material accountfor the poor technology and he named a newNachukui Industry (also referred to as theNachukui facies) to dierentiate Lokalalei 1 fromassemblages that postdate 20 Ma. The Shungurafacies earlier named by Chavaillon (1976) for theOmo was accepted as a distinct industry (facies), andboth were assigned into a new Omo IndustrialComplex. With no details yet available, the Gonaartefacts were also included in this Industrial Complex(Kibunjia, 1994).were found in both the Lokalalei 1 and LA2Cassemblages.

  • The Stone Working Technology/ArtefactTradition Between 2615 Ma

    The industrial anity of the stone assemblages knownfrom archaeological sites that are dated between 2620 Ma remained controversial until the discovery of ahigh density of well-flaked artefacts from EG10 andEG12 (Semaw, 1997; Semaw et al., 1997). LatePliocene hominid understanding of the mechanics ofconchoidal fracture, and their ability to strike work-able flakes from cores prior to 20 Ma has beenquestioned by a number of archaeologists (Chavaillon,1976; Piperno, 1989; Roche, 1989; Kibunjia, 1994).These researchers argued that the hominids who livedprior to 20 Ma had poor coordination and lessknapping skills compared to the more competent stoneknappers who made the Oldowan known later in theEarly Pleistocene (for example at Olduvai and KoobiFora). A pre-Oldowan phase was suggested by themain proponents of the idea (Roche, 1989, 1996;Piperno, 1989) to dierentiate the pre-20 Ma assem-blages from the elaborate Oldowan artefacts knownlater between 2015 Ma. However, the validity of thisassessment was put in to question following the discov-ery of the oldest well-flaked artefacts at Gona whichwere assigned to the Oldowan Industry (Semaw et al.,1997). The recent discovery from LA2C corroboratesSemaw et al.s (1997) earlier observation on the sophis-ticated understanding of stone flaking techniques byancestral hominids prior to 20 Ma.

    The two opposing views of Roche, (1) that all theartefact assemblages that are older than 20 Ma aretechnologically less elaborate and group into the pre-Oldowan (1989, 1996), and (2) that the 2324 Maartefacts from LA2C are sophisticated (Roche et al.,1999), were arguments forwarded based on ideasmainly derived from the study of the artefacts from thetwo spatio-temporally associated Lokalalei sites.Semaw et al. (1997) have shown that the hominidsresponsible for making the 2526 Ma Gona artefactsunderstood the flaking properties of the raw materialsavailable, that they selected for appropriate cobbles formaking artefacts and that they were as competent asEarly Pleistocene hominids in their knapping skills(Figure 6). Roche et al.s (1999) discovery indicatedthat the hominids at LA2C had access to basalt(coarse-grained and fine-grained), and the majority ofthe refitted artefacts were made of the fine-grainedtype. This evidence clearly shows that the earliest toolmakers selected for finer and better-flaking raw ma-terials. In addition, albeit small quantity, the artefactsfrom Hadar are typical of the Oldowan tradition(Kimbel et al., 1996). Contemporary hominids at Omohad access to small sized quartz pebbles, and the smallsize of the artefacts at Omo was dictated by thesize and flaking quality of the quartz raw materials(Merrick, 1976).The main thrust of Semaw et al.s (1997) argumentwas to show that the pre-Oldowan designationsuggested earlier by Roche (1989, 1996; and Piperno,1989), and the Omo Industrial Complex subsequentlyproposed by Kibunjia (1994) for assemblages olderthan 20 Ma are not warranted because of the presenceof well-flaked artefacts from the Gona deposits andLA2C. Because of the similarities among the cores andthe high level of flaking skills observed, the stoneartefacts dated between 2615 Ma group into theOldowan Industry (sensu Leakey, 1971), and there isno compelling evidence for a pre-Oldowan phase.Dierences in raw material types, quality of flakingand distances to sources may account for the relativelygreater degree of core reductions shown for the Oldu-vai and Koobi Fora artefacts compared to Gona andother Late Pliocene assemblages (Semaw et al., 1997).Because of a lack of remarkable dierences in thetechniques and styles of artefact manufacture for over1 million years (2615 Ma), a technological stasis wassuggested for the Oldowan Industry (Semaw et al.,1997). A recent study of the artefact assemblages fromthis time period by Ludwig & Harris (1998) is inagreement with the technological stasis proposed here.

    Contrary to earlier views for Lokalalei 1, the LA2Cexcavated artefacts were argued to be sophisticated(Roche et al., 1999). How sophisticated were the LA2Cartefacts compared to older, contemporary or youngerOldowan assemblages? This point is not clear from therefitting analysis. In addition, according to Roche et al.(1999: p. 59), the stasis hypothesis cannot hold outagainst the detailed technological analysis of theLA2C. How the discovery of these abundant refittingpieces imply more sophistication and how theiranalysis refutes the technological stasis hypothesisneed further explanations. The presence of a highpercentage of refitting pieces at LA2C at 2324 Mastrongly suggests that the fine-grained basalt cobblesaccessible for the Lokalalei hominids were of goodflaking quality, the site was well-preserved and it wasnot disturbed by fluvial processes (for example, seeSchick, 1986, 1987). There were two grades of basaltcobbles (coarse and fine-grained) used at Lokalalei 1and LA2C. It is possible that the fine-grained cobblesflaked well yielding a large number of the refittingpieces, and the coarse-grained cobbles did not flakewell and they were discarded after several attemptsfailed to produce flakes sustainable for use (seeKibunjia, 1994). It seems that experimental replicativework is required to determine the influence of the rawmaterials (for example, Toth, 1982; Jones, 1994), andto explain why there are technologically sophisti-cated and less elaborate cores within the assem-blages of the spatio-temporally well-constrainedLokalalei sites which are within walking distance fromeach other. The flaking quality of the cobbles andthe distances hominids had to travel to acquire rawmaterials had bearing on the nature and degree of corereductions seen in the assemblages documented

    Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 1209during the Late Pliocene. The Omo artefacts weretechnologically simple and smaller in size because they

  • Australopithecus aethiopicus originally identified in theOmo (Howell et al., 1987), and later at West Turkana

    first stone artefacts were used for processing plantfoods. There are certain indications from microwear(Walker et al., 1986); and Australopithecus garhirecently discovered from the Hata beds of the BouriFormation in the Middle Awash (Asfaw et al., 1999).According to Suwa et al. (1996), both the non-robustand the robust lineages are represented c. 27 Ma in theShungura Formation. The robust lineage was identifiedas Australopithecus aethiopicus and it was sampledfrom Members C through F (2723 Ma). The non-robust hominids from Members E-G are assigned toa. Homo sp. indet. Those known c. 2024. Ma areearly representatives of the genus Homo and havesimilarities to species labelled as Homo rudolfensis(Suwa et al., 1996). Fossil remains of early Homoestimated to this time interval are also known fromother parts of Africa (Hill et al., 1992; Schrenk et al.,1993). Thus far, the known range of Australopithecusaethiopicus is restricted to the Omo/Turkana basin, andAustralopithecus garhi is identified only from the Afarregion of Ethiopia. Australopithecus garhi is argued tobe a strong candidate responsible for making and usingthe oldest known artefacts in the Afar, but some arguethat there are no grounds for excluding Australo-were made of small size quartz brought from furtherdistances (Merrick, 1976). The well-flaked nature ofthe Gona artefacts, and the presence of a high concen-tration at EG10 and EG12 can be explained by the factthat the hominids at Gona had easy access to well-flaking raw materials available from nearby ancientstreams.

    Simple unifacially and bifacially flaked cores, and avery high percentage of debitage are the main artefactsknown in almost all of the Late PlioceneEarlyPleistocene Oldowan assemblages. Further investiga-tions will be carried out to determine whether or notthe preponderance of unifacial flaking was typical ofthe oldest Gona artefacts or a result of sampling bias.More bifacially/multifacially flaked cores includingspheroids/subspheroids and retouched pieces appearlater c. 1615 Ma with the Developed Oldowan. Itis strongly argued here that there is no compellingevidence to warrant dierent facies or industries for thestone assemblages known between 2615 Ma otherthan the Oldowan as originally defined by Leakey(1971).

    The Makers and the Function of the EarliestStone ToolsThere are no modified stones or bones with evidence ofdefinite stone tool-cut marks known from deposits thatare older than 26 Ma. Therefore, it is likely thatAustralopithecus afarensis was not involved in activitiesthat required the use of modified stones. There are twohominids known c. 25 Ma in East Africa including

    1210 S. Semawpithecus boisei as maker and user of stone tools (Wood,1997). Both hominid species are contemporary withstudies on artefacts from Koobi Fora (Keeley & Toth,1981) and from Gona (Beyries, 1993), but strong caseshave yet to be made based on the archaeological recordto demonstrate the use of flaked stones for processingplant food items.

    SummaryLate Pliocene hominids began manufacturing andutilizing flaked stones c. 26 Ma, and the Gona locali-ties provide the earliest evidence of a high densityof stone artefacts from laterally-extensive depositsexposed east and west of the Kada Gona river. Thebeginning of the use of modified stones was a majortechnological breakthrough which opened windows ofopportunities for eective exploitation of availablefood resources including high nutrient meat and bonemarrow from animals. The cut-mark and bone fractureevidence from Bouri provides strong evidence for theincorporation of meat in the diet of Late Pliocenehominids as early as 25 Ma. The sudden appearance ofthousands of well-flaked artefacts documented fromseveral localities in this time interval is intriguing. Itmay mean that the beginning of the manufacture anduse of flaked-stones was a novel adaptive strategywhich appeared abruptly c. 26 Ma and spread throughpopulations quickly. On the other hand, there is apossibility of finding modified stones/and or bonesfrom older deposits if the manufacture and use offlaked stones evolved gradually. Thus far, the evidenceis strongly in favour of an abrupt appearance ofthe earliest stone tools dated between 2526 Ma.Actually, the stone artefacts from Gona are close to26 Ma, and a bit older than Australopithecus garhi.Therefore, there is a possibility for further discovery ofthe same species from older deposits, or the likelihoodof finding a dierent species in the Afar region thatmay have lived between Australopithecus afarensis andAustralopithecus garhi in the time interval between2925 Ma. The fossil remains of early Homo ident-ified from the Omo (2420 Ma) and Hadar (2423 Ma) are contemporary with the Hadar, Omo andLokalalei artefacts. Therefore, early Homo may beuncontested as the maker and user of stone artefacts,but the case for Australopithecus garhi as the first toolmaker is also compelling.

    Without associated fossilized animal bones bearingevidence of cut marks, the function of the oldest stoneartefacts from Gona remained speculative for a longtime. The recent cut-mark data from Bouri indicatesthat early hominids c. 25 Ma began incorporatingsome amount of high nutrient meat in their diet.Further detailed research is needed to determine whymeat became an important food item by this time andhow it was acquired. It is not clear whether or not themodified stones in the archaeological record between2526 Ma or probably a bit earlier.

  • discoveries at Gona. A new round of multidisciplinarysystematic research at Gona organized in 1999 hasResearch is still under way to address the question ofwhat triggered early hominid beginning of the use ofmodified stones c. 26 Ma. Some link the appearanceof stone tools and early Homo with the onset of thebuild up of ice sheets in the northern hemispherewhich resulted in major global cooling documentedbeginning c. 2728 Ma (Vrba 1985, 1988, 1990, 1995;de Menocal, 1995; de Menocal & Bloemendal, 1995;Shackleton, 1995). Exactly how global cooling aectedAfrica and the causal links which led to the physicaland behavioural changes seen in early hominids c. 2625 Ma are not yet well understood. Others argue forregional uplifts and tectonic activities having a majorimpact on Late Pliocene hominids and the faunalcommunity in Africa at this time (Denys et al., 1986;Pickford, 1990; Partridge et al., 1995). Future investi-gations at Gona of the palaeoenvironment from thiscritical time period based on faunal evidence, geologi-cal and isotope studies, can provide further crucialevidence for understanding the settings for the appear-ance of stone artefacts and to identify the makers(Cerling & Quade, 1993; Brown, 1995; Wesselman,1995; White, 1995; Cerling et al., 1997).

    The archaeological evidence from Gona at 2625 Ma and the other Late Pliocene sites dated to2423 Ma and their implications for understand-ing early hominid behaviour can be summarized asfollows.

    (1) The makers of the earliest Gona artefacts had aclear mastery of the mechanics of conchoidalfracture by c. 26 Ma and well-flaked artefacts areknown from several archaeological sites dated to2324 Ma in East Africa.

    (2) Ancestral tool makers (beginning c. 2625 Ma)chose appropriate size cobbles when making arte-facts, selected for raw materials with good flakingquality, sought for acute angles when strikingcobbles and produced sharp-edged implementsused for cutting.

    (3) It seems that the main intent of Oldowan toolmakers was the production of cores and flakeswith sharp-edges which were probably used forcutting up carcasses to access high nutrient meatfrom animals (not yet clear whether hunted orscavenged). The absence of well-preserved highdensity of bones with stone tool-cut marks fromthe sites dated between 2520 Ma may be ataphonomic bias, but some of the artefact occur-rences of this period are found in association withnumerous broken bones.

    (4) The makers of the earliest stone artefacts travelledlong distances to acquire raw materials (forexample at Omo and Bouri), implying greatermobility, long-term planning and foresight notrecognized earlier. They probably habituallycarried artefacts (as suggested by the evidence

    from Bouri) and unmodified stones over thelandscape.made a promising start in addressing these questions,and the results will be published in the near future.

    AcknowledgementsA field permit for the Gona research was issued by theCenter for Research and Conservation of CulturalHeritage (CRCCH) of the Ministry of Information andCulture of Ethiopia. I would like to thank the L. S. B.Leakey Foundation, the National Science Foundation,the Boise Fund and Ann and Gordon Getty for theirgenerous support for the 19921994 field seasons.EG10 and EG12 were excavated with ProfessorJ. W. K. Harris (Rutgers University). He deservesspecial mention for his advice and time in the field. DrCraig Feibel (Rutgers University) assisted in the fieldand laboratory with the details on the geology ofGona. Dr Paul Renne of the Berkeley GeochronologyCenter (BGC) is responsible for the paleomagnetic and40Ar/39Ar dating, and I am grateful for his assistance inresolving the age of the Gona artefacts. I am grateful toDr Nicholas Toth and Dr Kathy Schick (CRAFT,Indiana University) for oering me a Postdoctoralfellowship, and for their invaluable comments on anearlier draft of this manuscript. I would like to thankYonas Beyene, Berhane Asfaw, Tim White, ClarkHowell, Desmond Clark, Manuel Dominguez-Rodrigo, Robert Blumenschine and John Cavallo fortheir support. I also thank Michael Rogers for his(5) The oldest archaeological traces known in Africaare thus far restricted to the Afar region and theOmo/Turkana basin. Although these occurrencesare geographically restricted, the artefacts are of ahigh density character probably implying habitualtool use as early as 26 Ma.

    (6) Plio-Pleistocene hominids lived close to water andraw material sources, mainly along courses ofancient streams, where there were trees used asshelters and as refugee from predators.

    (7) The same stone working techniques and styles oftool manufacture persisted for over 1 millionyears (2615 Ma) implying a technological stasisin the Oldowan.

    Further palaeoanthropological multidisciplinary fieldand laboratory studies can help elucidate the environ-mental settings for the appearance of stone artefacts,for understanding of their adaptive significance, andfor assessing the reasons for the behavioural andphysical changes seen in Late PlioceneEarlyPleistocene hominids. The two contemporary Afarsites of Gona and Middle Awash have great potentialfor providing archaeological data for further detailedunderstanding of these questions. Furthermore, theidentity of the makers may be clarified through further

    Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia 1211comments and kind assistance. My gratitude goes tothe Afar people for their hospitality and support in the

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    1214 S. Semaw

    The World's Oldest Stone Artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia: Their Implications for Understanding Stone Technology and Patterns of Human Evolution Between 2.61.5 Million Years AgoIntroductionFigure 1

    The Gona Study AreaPrevious Field Research at GonaStratigraphyFigure 2

    DatingThe Gona Artefact LocalitiesTable 1Figure 3

    The Two Excavated Localities of EG10 and EG12East Gona 10 (EG10)East Gona 12 (EG12)Figure 4

    Assemblage CharacteristicsFigure 5Table 2Figure 6The coresDbitageThe whole flakesRaw materials

    Late Pliocene Artefact Assemblages from Other East African SitesLokalalei 1 (GaJh5)Lokalalei 2C (LA2C)

    The stone working technology/artefact tradition between 2.61.5MaThe makers and the function of the earliest stone toolsSummaryAcknowledgementsReferences