the working business plan presenters: mark scharlau – western region vice president justin...

The Working Business Plan Presenters: Mark Scharlau – Western Region Vice President Justin Scharlau – Harrisburg Branch Manager

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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The Working Business Plan


Mark Scharlau – Western Region Vice PresidentJustin Scharlau – Harrisburg Branch Manager

Why is it that we want our high school or college football coach to have a written plan to defeat each opponent; but for something as important as managing our businesses a written plan isn’t worth the time?

Two Types of Business Plans

I. Traditional business plan used to:1. Usually is done when opening a business

or once a year

2. Get a loan

3. Test durability of the business

4. Learn about the business and industry

Two Types of Business Plans (Cont.)

II. Working Business Plan1. Is ongoing

2. Find flaws in your current business

3. Allows owner to identify all areas of their business that need work and opportunities.

4. Is very concise

5. Use as a checklist to evaluate

6. Identifies specific solutions

Goals of a Working Business Plan1. To find the flaws, missing areas and

opportunities.2. Identify specific solutions.3. Implement an updated plan to improve the

flaws, fill in the missing areas and take advantage of the opportunities.

4. Keep it simple.5. Improve your business – sales, profits, etc. 6. Keep checklist on file and update it.

Categories to Review

1. Store Management

2. Team Management

3. Technology Management

4. Marketing and Sales Growth Management

5. Leadership Development

Fill Out Your Forms

1. Importance to create/fix

2. Urgency

3. Rank

4. Notes

Store Management Categories

• Standard Operating Procedures• Opening Procedures• Shift Procedures• Closing Procedures• Store Checklists• Equipment cleaning and maintenance problems

Store Management Categories (Cont.)

• Customer management

• Menu improvement – Ice Cream flavors/categories

• Menu improvement – Non Ice Cream

• Menu pricing

• Cash register systems

Store Management Categories (Cont.)

• Store/building improvement

• Store decoration improvement

• Inventory procedures

• Vendor ordering schedule

Team Management Categories

• Recruiting methods

• Interview techniques

• New team member training

• Ongoing training

• Motivation systems

• Firing and discipline systems

• Manager development

Team Management Categories (Cont.)

• Uniforms

• Staff meetings

• Timekeeping system

• Workers comp issues

• Scheduling system

Technology Management

• Improve computer hardware

• Improve computer software– Accounting– Graphic design– Database management– Task Management

Technology Management (Cont.)

• Improve phone system

• Improve fax system

• Improve email system

• Improve www presence

Marketing & Sales Growth Management

• Annual/season budget

• Customer profile research

• Media research

• Competitor analysis

• Competitor strategy

Marketing & Sales Growth Management (Cont.)

• Image development• Advertising calendar• Public relations strategies• Promotional calendar• Determine marketing strategy – Existing

customers• Existing customer


Marketing & Sales Growth Management (Cont.)

• Image development• Advertising calendar• Public relations strategies• Promotional calendar• Determine marketing strategy – Existing

customers• Existing customer


Marketing & Sales Growth Management (Cont.)

• Determine marketing strategy – New customers

• Ad tracking techniques

• Improve sales skills

• Day part analysis

• Day part strategy

• Additional profit opportunity

& growth strategy

Leadership Development

• Business success philosophy

• Goal setting skills

• Develop coaching skills

• Improve meeting skills

• Delegation techniques

• Improve time management

Financial Development• Cash flow management• Receivables management• Payables management• Asset management• Profit management• Improve accounting procedures• Tax strategy• Book keeping system

Rank Your Top 5 Categories to Work On

Sample Action Plan


Now What?

• Implement

• Follow Up

• Start Over

Working Business Plan Action Sheet



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