the windup of the roundup sale - chronicling america

vi-'J I" j I 1 1 i The LBADBR IS a hummer this week. Ben Peterson of this city was among our renewal subscribers Mon- day. John Cederstrom of Dayton was among our visitors this week and re- newed a subscription for Bernhard Nelson. P. A. Anderson, one of the popular clerks In Ghraft and Hanson's store, was among our renewal subscribers this week. Thomas Edwards came down from Watertown to attend the funeral of William M. Parke held here last Fri- day afternoon. John Evenson of Dayton who left ' for Norway last December to see bis father who was quite sick, is on hiB - way back across the ocean and will reach home next week. Mrs. C. E. Holmgren of Alcester was visiting among her many friends In Canton last Friday and favored the LKADER with a call to renew her subscription to the LEADKK. J. W. Roderick has been confined to his home lor some time with kidney trouble and a weak heart. Hiscondl tion was quite serious last Friday but J he Is holding hfs own well at this writing, N. O. Nelson Roe, an old resident . of Grant township, has moved to his new farm in Canton townsbip, former ' ly the S. G. Schlager place, where he will erect a handsome home during . the summer. He will make other valuable Improvements on the place. James L. Stevenson, one of the happy, prosperous, energetic farmers on the west side of Canton township, was a visitor and a renewal subscriber Monday. "No, there's nothing new out our way. I'm hunting for dry land and robins," said James. P. A. Paulson, one of the prosper- ous and progressive farmers down in Fairview township, was among our welcome visitors Monday. Mr. Paul- son has one of the best stock farms in the county and has been very success- ful In bis farm operations. He called to renew his subscription to The IiSADBB. .1^ Gideon Glendlnnlng came down from Lemmon last week to visit his Canton friends and he found a glad welcome. He Is looking fine and has enjoyed his homestead life. He has •old tbe stove that Em Madden kicked about and hence, according to Em's deductions, he will not be a bachelor much longer. Gid has a host of warm friends In Canton who wish him prosperity wherever he goes but would prefer to see him back in Can- ton. Mrs. C. E. Holmgren of Alcester, In Canton last Friday on her way home from St. Paul and Minneapolis where she purchased a large stock of millinery goods for the spring trade. She was formerly a resident of Can- ton and very popular in society cir- cles. 8lie has been a resident of Al- cester for some time and enjoys a splendid trade both In-Union and Llnooln oounty, Alcester being only tour miles south of tbe Lincoln coun- ty line. : - The rush of advertising last week Wednesday^and Thursday threw tbe entire force Into a rush and all hands were jumping. We had to print a sooond supplement and then failed to get < all our correspondence printed. Our correspondents always have the "right of way" but last week we were up against conditions which upset our regular order. Two pages and a half of new advertising came in after Wednesday morning and we had to take oare of It. This week we are prepared for everything—even a flood. Our modest little JRam's Horn Ca- nal was doing a rushing business last week. The water came from the north and west and rolled along north of the school house in volumn suffic- ient to fill a three foot culvert where an 18.-lnch squirt pipe was gurgling full. Back water flooded the school houses rounds, and created a beauti- ful oascade between Tom Collins and Mr. Norton, while over on the Linn oornsr where the 18 inch pipe was gasping for breath, a small flood was beating fiercely against the rock foun- datljH>)Of the Linn home. Dr. Lew- Ison and the editor of the LBADBR were about to telephone Satrum Bros, for a flat boat when the street com- missioner came along and threw a few siioks of dynamite Into tbe cavity at tbe Oathollo church corner and then tbe water moved faster carrying out a conglomeration of decayed tin cans, old rabbets, spoiled cabbage, summer otothss and rabbit nests, but there no adequate relief for tbe flood that came down tbe canal. It was watac.'water everywhere and no rub- bar boots to wear. There are two -sempdles In sight. One is to put in laiger cul verts and the other Is to oarry the water that c«mes down Broadway straight south psst the ' Ldnceta Oounty bank in a culvert un ^;£dsr the street. If the water from tbe aortk and west part of the city must bo oarfled iroand town, ample pro- vMansbouky be made to carry It off DB. J. K. IVILXTH, successor to Dr. Jennings, makes a specialty of Grown and Bridge Work. Don't miss the Beauty Chorus. Mr. and Mr. Baldwin will go east soon and expect to spend the summer in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tborson are expected home this week from their Washington visit. The "Show Girl" and Beauty Chor us at the opera house Saturday even lng of this week. The board of directors of Augustana college are holding their annual meet lng at the college. Read every page of the LEADHII You will find something interesting in every column. Judge and Mrs. Aikens and son Harry, came down from Sioux Falls to attend the funeral of Mrs. Barrett. Read the new ads and there are a number of them, and all tell of some thing that will interest you or your neighbor. Albert B. Severson and wife of In- wood, have moved to Canton and bave rented the II. A. Skle residence on east 5th street. Don't miss seeing and hearing the Beauty Chorus and Show Girl Com- pany at the opera house on Saturday evening of this week. The J. B. G. club met at the home of Miss Wlnnifred Hannah last Thursday afternoon. Delicious re- freshments were served and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. M. T. Gubrud and Andrew A. Rom- mereim were up from Norway Wed nesday attending a meeting of the school officers of the county. John H. Sogn writes from James- town: ''I am on my way home from Bismarck. Please send LKADKR to Bowdon. Representative Brynjulson and myself helped to save the country. Andrew Toft,\ son-in-law of A. J. Rommereim of Pleasant township, is back from a three months' visit in old Norway. He and his wife are vis- iting in Pleasant township. Their home is in North Dakota. President H. K. Warren of Yank- ton college will speak morning and evening for Rev. Evans at the Con- gregational church next Sunday. Morning service at 10:45, evening ser- vice at 7:30, Sunday school at noon, Young People's meeting at 7 o'clock. You will receive a welcome at any of these meetings. The friends of Richard Judd will be pleased to learn that he recently departed for Alaska to accept a re- sponsible and high salaried position in that Northland. His brother, Warren, is also meeting with great success at Seattle, a fact that will be pleasant news for his old schoolmates and Canton friends. E. J. Straw of the real estate firm of Wendt Straw informs the LEADBR that the present outlook for business in Dakota is very flattering. Eastern men and men from the middle states are in correspondence with Wendt & Straw at present and from the tone of correspondence it is safe to predict a busy year for these gentle- men. Roy Smith, a student at Ames, came home Saturday for a Sunday visit with his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Smith. Roy had been ex- perimenting with a delicate chemical combination in the college laboratory, but the Ingredients refused to har- monize and a few of the molecules combined and hit Roy a bat on the eye and he came up home to give that eye a rest. He returned to Ames Monday. \ School Not«s. Basket Ball Friday night Sioux Falls boys vs. Canton boys. Alice Bergstrom was winner of the second prize in the Sioux Falls Press contest recently. There were 134 contestants and this certainly is a good showing for Alice and for our 8th grade. The entertainment given by Miss Juel's and Miss Cline's rooms last week was a huge success, the old Con- gregational church being crowded al- most beyond its capacity. All took their parts well and quite a neat sum was cleared. The long heralded game of basket ball for the city championship came off Tuesday night and ended in a de- cisive victory for the H. S. boys by a score of 36 to 10. The difference was largely due to tbe presence of Capt. Anderson in the game. The third quarter of school ends Friday March 26. Reports will be out for all H. S. grades on April 1st and school will close April 2nd for a spring vacation of one week, resum- ing work again Monday April 12th. Miss Manson has resumed her duties in the 8tb grade after an ab- sence of a week on account of sickness at her home. Mrs. Woodburn sub- stituted for her in her absence. Work is going ahead on the Senior Annual. It will contain sketches, stories, history of thq^H. S., jokes, cartoons, and halftones, and will sell for 50 cents. Those desiring copies may notify Mr. Woodburn at the H. 8. Marcla Helmey and Arthur Goetz are the editors. THE WINDUP OF THE ROUNDUP SALE Friday and Saturday, March 12th and 13th GREAT MUSLIN SALE I 0c Quality Bleached Muslin by the bolt per yard - - - - 8^C 8c Quality Bleached Muslin by the bolt per yard - - - - - 6%C 9c Quality Unbleached Muslin by the bolt per yard - - - The best grade of Percales, 36 inches wide either light or dark shades, only Good Percales 32 inches wide, only Very good grade of Mercerized Poplins in White, Black, Brown, Tan, Navy and light Bhie, a snap at per yd Fine Egyptian Tissues in a variety of colors and patterns only per yard in 14c 9c 25c 35c Muslin Underwear at Round Up Prices Ladies' Gowns and Skirts, handsomely trimmed with lace and embroidery, $1.50 Quality, 08C $ 1.00 Quality ----- 68C 50c and 65c Quality - 38C NEW DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING * Beautiful Serges in newest weaves, 75c to $1.25 54 inch Batistes, only 54 inch Panamas, only Good Brilliantine, only New Skirts, New Waists, quality and fit can t be beat. Uhe Store the jC/tt/e ZPrices CHRAFT & HANSEN CO., Canton S. D. Advertised L«tte». The following letters remain un- called for In tbe Canton post-office on Saturday, March 6,1909. Tom Baker foJf* ^ / Frank Kuhns » ~ » v', A*el Wahl . ' In calling for the abow list pl< say advertised. T. T. SMITH, P. M. Woods Liver Medicine is a liver regulator which brings quick relief to sick headache, constipation, bilious- ness and other symptoms of liver dis- orders. Particularly recommended for Jaundice, Chills, Fever, Malaria. The $1 size contains 2 1-2 times as mucb as the 50c size. Sold by Sher- man & Roche. * RURAL ROAD 6RA0ER AND DITCHER Free trial machine guaranteed to do mork work with less expense than any other side grader made. JOHN SIPPLE PARKER, - - SO. DAK. Simon Ulrikson LIVERY BARN Pboni 136. 7th and Broadway. EvaryiKliig PlraUolasi Rigs Day or Night. F. P. Feby 26. L. P. March 12. notice of Application for Probst* of Will. State of South Dakota. I M T_ p_nn,_ rnrt County of Lincoln, f* In County Court. In the matter of tbe Estate of Ervln Wal- rath, deceased. The State of South Dakota sends greeting- to Charles W. Walrath. Lay ton A. Walrath. and Ina P. Ferris, h etrs next of kin of Krvin Wal- rath, deceased. Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 25 day of February. A. I).. 1909. notice is hereby riven that Monday, the 15th day of March, A. D.. 1909, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the Court Room of said Court, at the City of Canton, In tbe County of Lincoln, hare been appointed as tbe time and place for proving the Will of said Errln Walrath. deceased, and for hearlnc tbe said petition for probate thereof and tbe issuance of Let- ters Testamentary therein, when and where any person Interested may appear and con- test the same. Dated at Canton. South Dakota, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1909. By the Court. HARBISON J. BHOWH. Attest: Judge of tbe County Court. Gao. OLIO*, Clerk of County Court. C. O. Knodsoc, Attorney for PettUoneer. P P Feb 26 LP Mch 12 Notice of Settlement of Final Account and Distribution. State of Soutn Dakota, I . emmtv Court County of Llnooln. f 38 " bounty court In the mutter of the estate of Samuel Souther- land. deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven that C. B. Kennedy, administrator of the estate of Samuel Soutb- erland deceased, has rendered and presented for final settlement, and tiled in this court bis ttnal account of his administration of said estate, and a petition for the final distribution of tbe said estate, and It appearing the :estate is ready for distribution; and that Monday the 19th day of April, A. D., 10U9, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at the court room of said court, at the court house in the City of Canton, in said County of Llnooln, has been appointed by the judge of said court for the final settlement of said final acoount, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and Hie his exceptions, in writing, to tbe said final ac- oount, and contest tbe same. And that at said time and place, upon the settlement of the accounts of the administra- tor, tbe residue of the said estate will be dis- tributed to such persons as by law are en- titled thereto. And that notice of said settle- ment and distribution thereof shall be given by the publication of this notice once a week for four consecutive weeks In tbe Farmers Leader, a legal newspaper, printed and pub- lished in said county; or by posting copies of this notice In three public places In said county, not less than ten days prior to said day. Dated at Canton, S. D„ this 33d day of Feb- ruary. 1908. By the Court: HARRISON J. BROWN. Judge. [Attest :1 OBORGE OLSON, Clerk. F P March 5 LP Mch. 19 Notice of Time Appointed for Proving Will and for Hearing Petition for Let- ter* Testamentary Thereon. State of South Dakota. ta. 1 J-ss. County of Lincoln In County Court within and for said county and state. March A. D.. 1909 term thereof. In the matter of tbe last will and testament and of the estate of John J. Condon, de- ccftsfldi The State of South Dakota Sends Greeting to Mary J. Condon. Louis J. Condon. Mary Condon and Marion Condon. Uelrs at law and next of kin of John J. Condon, deceased, and to all to whom these presents may come: Pursuant to an order of said Court, made on tbe 1st day of March. A. D.. 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Monday, the 22nd day of March. A. D.. being a day of the regular March A. D.. 1909, term of said court, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m„ of said day. at the court room of said court, at the court house In the City of Canton, in said county and state, bave been appointed by said Court as the time and place for proving the will and testament of said John J. Condon, deceased, and for hearing the application of Mary J. Condon, for the admission of said will and testament to probate and for Issuance to her of letters testamentary thereon, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file written objections to granting letters thereon to said petitioner: and also to said will and the admission there- of to probate, and may contest the same. Dated March 1st. 1909. By the Court: HARRISON J. BROWN. Judge. Attest: Geo. OLSON, Clerk of Courts. F. P. Feb. 5. L. P. Mar. 19. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. AVhereas. default has been made In the pay- ment of the Interest on money secured by a mortgage dated March Stb. 1905, executed by Ole N. Fedt. Jr. and Emman Fedt. mortgagors, to Levi Bemls, mortgagee, filed In the office of the register of deeds of Lincoln County. South Dakota, on the 17th day of March 1905. at 3 o'clock, p. m. and duly recorded in book 15 of mortgages on page 183. and Whereas, on the 9th day of January, 1909. the said mortgage was duly assigned, with the notes secured thereby, by the said mort- gagee to Farmers & Citizens Bank of Bryant. South Dakota, by an instrument of assign- ment filed In the office of said register of deeds on the ISth day of January. 1909. at 9 o'clock, a. m. and duly recorded In book 39 of mortgages on page 56. and Whereas, the amount claimed to be due up- on said mortgage at the date of this notice is In the sum of <1695.80. to-wlt : $1500.00, prin- cipal and $195.80, Interest. Now Therefore. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale In said mort- gage contained and In pursuance of the statutes Is such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount due with interest, expenses of sale " ded sheriff o kis deputy, atth tk* court house In the «Uy of Canton. I. D„ and tlO.OO. attorneys fees provided by law. at public auction by the sheriff of the county of Lincoln, or his deputy, at tbe front door of on the 22nd day of March. 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m. Following are the mortgaged premises to be sold: The east half of tlie southwest uiiar- ter of section 11 In township 100 of range 49 In Lincoln County, 8. D. Dated at Bryant. S. D. this 4th day of Feb- ruary. 1909. FARMERS & CITIZENS BANK Assignee and owner of mortgage. byO. ARNOLD. Cashier. G. A. S. ARNESON. Attorney for Assignee. F. P. Jan. 29. L. P. March 20. LEASE OF COMMON SCHOOL LANDS. Notice Is hereby given that on March 30th. 1909. all the unleased common school lands in Lincoln County, will be offered for lease at public auction, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., and 5 o'clock p. m„ at the front door of the court house In said county. Dated at Pierre, January 26th. 1909. O. C. DOKKEN. Commissioner of School and Public Lands. F. P. Feb. 19. L. P. March 26th SUMMONS. State of South Dakota. I In Circuit Court fss. Second Judicial Lincoln County. ) Circuit. Richard F. Pettigrew. Plaintiff, vs. Jose- phine E. Shaw, Nathan J. Bachelder. Bertha Flanders, the unknown heirs, devisees, lega- tees. and the executors or administrators and the creditors of Bertha Flanders, deceased. Mary Bachelder, Amanda Morrison, the un- known heirs, devisees, legatees and the exe- cutors or administrators and the creditors of Amanda Morrison, deceased. Jeanette Robin- son. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and tbe creditors of :Jeanette Uoblnson. deceased. Ethel G. Emery. Vesta L. Smith. Ned Shaw. Calvin G. Shaw, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Amos F. Shaw, deceased. George L. Stevens, the unknown heirs, devi- sees, legatees and the executor or adminis- trator and tbe creditors of George L. Stev- ens, deceased, Angelina G. Stevens. Edith A. Reynolds, Henry C. Fuller, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Henry C. Fuller, deceased. Mary I. Fuller. James E. Fuller, Guy G. Fuller, Elmer Fuller. Georgo E. Osborne. Francis A. Smith, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Francis A. Smith, deceased. Joseph C. Martin, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Joseph C. Martin, deceased. Luther A. Martin, Eliza A. Mann, Edward H. Martin. Sarah A. Martin, Sarah E. Martin. Irene Mar- tin. Theodore Gerrlsh. John P. Webber. Wil- liam P. Reynolds, the unknown heirs, devi- sees, legatees and the executor or adminis- trator and the creditors of William P. Rey- nolds, deceased. Charles A. Furbush. the un- known heirs, devisees, legatees and tbe exe- cutor or administrator and the creditors of Charles A. Furbush. deceased. Sarah A. Fur- bush, Martin L. Grimes. John Weaver. Carl Bonner. Ella E. Seybert, Martin L. Grimes. Fred M. Wells. West End Trust Co.. a corpor- ation. and Sarah A. Furbush as executrix and Martin L. Grimes and John Weaver, as executors of the last will and testament of Charles A. Furbush, deceased. Sarah A. Fur- bush. as general guardian of the estate of Carl Bonner, a minor, James A. McCullough, and all persons unknown who have or claim to have any estate or Interest In. or lien or lncumberance upon the premises described in the complaint, defendants. SUMMONS. The State of South Dakota to the above named defendants. Greetings: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff which was filed In tbe office of the clerk of this court at Canton, in Lincoln county. South Dakota, on the 5tb day of February. 1909 and which prays for a judgment quieting the title to and determination of all adverse claims against the premises described In the com- plaint. situate in said Lincoln county, to-wlt: The north half (H) of the southeast quar- ter (K) and lots one (1) and two (2). being the fractional south half (tt) of the northeast quarter (M) of section eight (8) and lot four (4). being the fractional sou thwest auarter (W) of the northwest quarter (X); the south half (tt) of the northeast quarter (M) and all of the southeast quarter i'4) and the southeast quarter (X) of the northwest quarter (.H), being lot three (3) In section nine (9), and tbe northwest quarter (M)of the southwest quar- ter (W> of section ten (10). al! in township one hundred (100). north of range fifty (50), west of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the undersigned, in bis office In tbe city of Sioux Falls In the county of Minnehaha and State of South Dakota within thirty days after completed service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and If you fall to answer tbe said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the com- plaint. V. S. G. CHKRRT. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sloax Falls. South Dakota. C. B. Kennedy, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CANTON State and U. S. court practice. Cyrus L. Wendt, Physician and Surgoon, Canton, S. D. Office in Wendt Block, 5th st. ASA FORREST, JR. Criminal Law. JOHN C. SOLEM Civil Law. Forrest & Solem, Lawyers. General court practice. Land Titles. Conveyancing, Probating of Estate, Wills drawn. Collections, Con- fidental agents. 206 East 5th St Phone No. 19. Canton, Sonth Dakota. DR. C. D. TUTTLE, Deputy State Veterinarian Office Over Slouz Valley Hard- ware Company. Office Phone 337 House Phone ao5 0. L. Campbell Licensed Embalmer and UNDERTAKER Calls answered day or night. Taylor Ptari|iiUre Co- Phone 243 W. J. Byrnes Undertaker and Funeral Director. Licensed Eijtbalijter. Telephone 131 CANTON, - - SOUTH DAK. G. H. Gulbrandsen riiysieiuii and Surgeon. Office over Olsen Bros. & Tobiasen's Store. Office Phone 244 House Phone 27 Canton, S. D. ELI LEWISON, Physician and Surgeon Over Lybarger's Store. Phone: Office, 360 call 2. Phone: Residence, 350 call 3. CANTON - - - - S. D. Chas. O. Knudson, AHorqey at Law. Office over Christopher & Olson. F. P. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jffloe over Lincoln Connty Bank O&nton. Residence 3 doors south of the Harlan House. Chas. W. Morrison, Physician and Surgeon Office in Syndicate Block Telephone I Office 123. I Residence. Rudolph hotel A. R. BROWN H. J. BROWN 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain oar opinion free whether ao invention is probably patentable. Commnnica* tlons strictly oonffQentfal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seennng patents. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. reeelre tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A. basdsnraely illustrated weekly. largest dr- cnlattsn of any sdentinc journal. Terms. $3 a rear: four months. $L Sold by all newsdealer*. Brown 8c Brown LAWYERS. —oprroB— Corner Broad war and 9th Street. L R. Janiiesou Practice in all courts. Office over Postoffioe. Canton, S. D. 1 tfohi) Ai)«ler«oi) 4L Soi| Undertaking J. J. ANDERSON *Lic«nsed Embalmer and Foneral Director. ^ Telephone 78. *

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Page 1: THE WINDUP OF THE ROUNDUP SALE - Chronicling America





1 1


The LBADBR IS a hummer this week.

Ben Peterson of this city was among our renewal subscribers Mon­day.

John Cederstrom of Dayton was among our visitors this week and re­newed a subscription for Bernhard Nelson.

P. A. Anderson, one of the popular clerks In Ghraft and Hanson's store, was among our renewal subscribers this week.

Thomas Edwards came down from Watertown to attend the funeral of William M. Parke held here last Fri­day afternoon.

John Evenson of Dayton who left ' for Norway last December to see bis

father who was quite sick, is on hiB - way back across the ocean and will

reach home next week. Mrs. C. E. Holmgren of Alcester

was visiting among her many friends In Canton last Friday and favored the LKADER with a call to renew her subscription to the LEADKK.

J. W. Roderick has been confined to his home lor some time with kidney trouble and a weak heart. Hiscondl tion was quite serious last Friday but

J he Is holding hfs own well at this writing,

N. O. Nelson Roe, an old resident . of Grant township, has moved to his

new farm in Canton townsbip, former ' ly the S. G. Schlager place, where he will erect a handsome home during

. the summer. He will make other valuable Improvements on the place.

James L. Stevenson, one of the happy, prosperous, energetic farmers on the west side of Canton township, was a visitor and a renewal subscriber Monday. "No, there's nothing new out our way. I'm hunting for dry land and robins," said James.

P. A. Paulson, one of the prosper­ous and progressive farmers down in Fairview township, was among our welcome visitors Monday. Mr. Paul­son has one of the best stock farms in the county and has been very success­ful In bis farm operations. He called to renew his subscription to The IiSADBB.

.1^ Gideon Glendlnnlng came down from Lemmon last week to visit his Canton friends and he found a glad welcome. He Is looking fine and has enjoyed his homestead life. He has •old tbe stove that Em Madden kicked about and hence, according to Em's deductions, he will not be a bachelor much longer. Gid has a host of warm friends In Canton who wish him prosperity wherever he goes but would prefer to see him back in Can­ton.

Mrs. C. E. Holmgren of Alcester, In Canton last Friday on her way

home from St. Paul and Minneapolis where she purchased a large stock of millinery goods for the spring trade. She was formerly a resident of Can­ton and very popular in society cir­cles. 8lie has been a resident of Al-cester for some time and enjoys a splendid trade both In-Union and Llnooln oounty, Alcester being only tour miles south of tbe Lincoln coun­ty line.

: - The rush of advertising last week Wednesday^and Thursday threw tbe entire force Into a rush and all hands were jumping. We had to print a sooond supplement and then failed to get < all our correspondence printed. Our correspondents always have the "right of way" but last week we were up against conditions which upset our regular order. Two pages and a half of new advertising came in after Wednesday morning and we had to take oare of It. This week we are prepared for everything—even a flood.

Our modest little JRam's Horn Ca­nal was doing a rushing business last week. The water came from the north and west and rolled along north of the school house in volumn suffic­ient to fill a three foot culvert where an 18.-lnch squirt pipe was gurgling full. Back water flooded the school houses rounds, and created a beauti­ful oascade between Tom Collins and Mr. Norton, while over on the Linn oornsr where the 18 inch pipe was gasping for breath, a small flood was beating fiercely against the rock foun-datljH>)Of the Linn home. Dr. Lew-Ison and the editor of the LBADBR were about to telephone Satrum Bros, for a flat boat when the street com­missioner came along and threw a few siioks of dynamite Into tbe cavity at tbe Oathollo church corner and then tbe water moved faster carrying out a conglomeration of decayed tin cans, old rabbets, spoiled cabbage, summer otothss and rabbit nests, but there

no adequate relief for tbe flood that came down tbe canal. It was watac.'water everywhere and no rub-bar boots to wear. There are two

-sempdles In sight. One is to put in laiger cul verts and the other Is to oarry the water that c«mes down Broadway straight south psst the

' • Ldnceta Oounty bank in a culvert un ;̂£dsr the street. If the water from tbe

aortk and west part of the city must bo oarfled iroand town, ample pro-vMansbouky be made to carry It off

DB. J. K. IVILXTH, successor to Dr. Jennings, makes a specialty of Grown and Bridge Work.

Don't miss the Beauty Chorus. Mr. and Mr. Baldwin will go east

soon and expect to spend the summer in Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tborson are expected home this week from their Washington visit.

The "Show Girl" and Beauty Chor us at the opera house Saturday even lng of this week.

The board of directors of Augustana college are holding their annual meet lng at the college.

Read every page of the LEADHII You will find something interesting in every column.

Judge and Mrs. Aikens and son Harry, came down from Sioux Falls to attend the funeral of Mrs. Barrett.

Read the new ads and there are a number of them, and all tell of some thing that will interest you or your neighbor.

Albert B. Severson and wife of In-wood, have moved to Canton and bave rented the II. A. Skle residence on east 5th street.

Don't miss seeing and hearing the Beauty Chorus and Show Girl Com­pany at the opera house on Saturday evening of this week.

The J. B. G. club met at the home of Miss Wlnnifred Hannah last Thursday afternoon. Delicious re­freshments were served and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by all.

M. T. Gubrud and Andrew A. Rom-mereim were up from Norway Wed nesday attending a meeting of the school officers of the county.

John H. Sogn writes from James­town: ''I am on my way home from Bismarck. Please send LKADKR to Bowdon. Representative Brynjulson and myself helped to save the country.

Andrew Toft,\ son-in-law of A. J. Rommereim of Pleasant township, is back from a three months' visit in old Norway. He and his wife are vis­iting in Pleasant township. Their home is in North Dakota.

President H. K. Warren of Yank­ton college will speak morning and evening for Rev. Evans at the Con­gregational church next Sunday. Morning service at 10:45, evening ser­vice at 7:30, Sunday school at noon, Young People's meeting at 7 o'clock. You will receive a welcome at any of these meetings.

The friends of Richard Judd will be pleased to learn that he recently departed for Alaska to accept a re­sponsible and high salaried position in that Northland. His brother, Warren, is also meeting with great success at Seattle, a fact that will be pleasant news for his old schoolmates and Canton friends.

E. J. Straw of the real estate firm of Wendt Straw informs the LEADBR that the present outlook for business in Dakota is very flattering. Eastern men and men from the middle states are in correspondence with Wendt & Straw at present and from the tone of correspondence it is safe to predict a busy year for these gentle­men.

Roy Smith, a student at Ames, came home Saturday for a Sunday visit with his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Smith. Roy had been ex­perimenting with a delicate chemical combination in the college laboratory, but the Ingredients refused to har­monize and a few of the molecules combined and hit Roy a bat on the eye and he came up home to give that eye a rest. He returned to Ames Monday. \

School Not«s. Basket Ball Friday night Sioux

Falls boys vs. Canton boys. Alice Bergstrom was winner of the

second prize in the Sioux Falls Press contest recently. There were 134 contestants and this certainly is a good showing for Alice and for our 8th grade.

The entertainment given by Miss Juel's and Miss Cline's rooms last week was a huge success, the old Con­gregational church being crowded al­most beyond its capacity. All took their parts well and quite a neat sum was cleared.

The long heralded game of basket ball for the city championship came off Tuesday night and ended in a de­cisive victory for the H. S. boys by a score of 36 to 10. The difference was largely due to tbe presence of Capt. Anderson in the game.

The third quarter of school ends Friday March 26. Reports will be out for all H. S. grades on April 1st and school will close April 2nd for a spring vacation of one week, resum­ing work again Monday April 12th.

Miss Manson has resumed her duties in the 8tb grade after an ab­sence of a week on account of sickness at her home. Mrs. Woodburn sub­stituted for her in her absence.

Work is going ahead on the Senior Annual. It will contain sketches, stories, history of thq^H. S., jokes, cartoons, and halftones, and will sell for 50 cents. Those desiring copies may notify Mr. Woodburn at the H. 8. Marcla Helmey and Arthur Goetz are the editors.

THE WINDUP OF THE ROUNDUP SALE Friday and Saturday, March 12th and 13th

GREAT MUSLIN SALE I 0c Quality Bleached Muslin by the bolt per

yard - - - - 8^C 8c Quality Bleached Muslin by the bolt per

yard - - - - - 6%C 9c Quality Unbleached Muslin by the bolt per

yard - - -

The best grade of Percales, 36 inches wide

either light or dark shades, only

Good Percales 32 inches wide, only

Very good grade of Mercerized Poplins in

White, Black, Brown, Tan, Navy and light

Bhie, a snap at per yd

Fine Egyptian Tissues in a variety of colors

and patterns only per yard


14c 9c



Muslin Underwear at Round Up Prices Ladies' Gowns and Skirts, handsomely trimmed

with lace and embroidery, $1.50 Quality, 08C

$ 1.00 Quality ----- 68C 50c and 65c Quality - 38C


Beautiful Serges in newest weaves, 75c to $1.25 54 inch Batistes, only

54 inch Panamas, only

Good Brilliantine, only

New Skirts, New Waists, quality and fit can t be


Uhe Store the jC/tt/e ZPrices


Advertised L«tte». The following letters remain un­

called for In tbe Canton post-office on Saturday, March 6,1909. Tom Baker foJf* ^ / • Frank Kuhns » ~ » v', A*el Wahl . '

In calling for the abow list pl< say advertised.

T. T. SMITH, P. M.

Woods Liver Medicine is a liver regulator which brings quick relief to sick headache, constipation, bilious­ness and other symptoms of liver dis­orders. Particularly recommended for Jaundice, Chills, Fever, Malaria. The $1 size contains 2 1-2 times as mucb as the 50c size. Sold by Sher­man & Roche. *


DITCHER Free trial machine guaranteed to do mork work with less expense than any other side grader made.


Simon Ulrikson

LIVERY BARN Pboni 136.

7th and Broadway.

EvaryiKliig PlraUolasi

Rigs Day or Night.

F. P. Feby 26. L. P. March 12. notice of Application for Probst* of Will. State of South Dakota. I M T_ p_nn,_ r„nrt County of Lincoln, f* In County Court.

In the matter of tbe Estate of Ervln Wal-rath, deceased.

The State of South Dakota sends greeting- to Charles W. Walrath. Lay ton A. Walrath. and Ina P. Ferris, h etrs next of kin of Krvin Wal­rath, deceased.

Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 25 day of February. A. I).. 1909. notice is hereby riven that Monday, the 15th day of March, A. D.. 1909, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the Court Room of said Court, at the City of Canton, In tbe County of Lincoln, hare been appointed as tbe time and place for proving the Will of said Errln Walrath. deceased, and for hearlnc tbe said petition for probate thereof and tbe issuance of Let­ters Testamentary therein, when and where any person Interested may appear and con­test the same.

Dated at Canton. South Dakota, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1909.

By the Court. HARBISON J. BHOWH.

Attest: Judge of tbe County Court. Gao. OLIO*, Clerk of County Court.

C. O. Knodsoc, Attorney for PettUoneer.

P P Feb 26 LP Mch 12

Notice of Settlement of Final Account and Distribution.

State of Soutn Dakota, I . emmtv Court County of Llnooln. f38" 1° bounty court In the mutter of the estate of Samuel Souther-

land. deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven that C. B. Kennedy,

administrator of the estate of Samuel Soutb-erland deceased, has rendered and presented for final settlement, and tiled in this court bis ttnal account of his administration of said estate, and a petition for the final distribution of tbe said estate, and It appearing the :estate is ready for distribution; and that Monday the 19th day of April, A. D., 10U9, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at the court room of said court, at the court house in the City of Canton, in said County of Llnooln, has been appointed by the judge of said court for the final settlement of said final acoount, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and Hie his exceptions, in writing, to tbe said final ac­oount, and contest tbe same.

And that at said time and place, upon the settlement of the accounts of the administra­tor, tbe residue of the said estate will be dis­tributed to such persons as by law are en­titled thereto. And that notice of said settle­ment and distribution thereof shall be given by the publication of this notice once a week for four consecutive weeks In tbe Farmers Leader, a legal newspaper, printed and pub­lished in said county; or by posting copies of this notice In three public places In said county, not less than ten days prior to said day.

Dated at Canton, S. D„ this 33d day of Feb­ruary. 1908.

By the Court: HARRISON J. BROWN. Judge.

[Attest :1 OBORGE OLSON, Clerk.

F P March 5 LP Mch. 19 Notice of Time Appointed for Proving

Will and for Hearing Petition for Let­ter* Testamentary Thereon.

State of South Dakota. ta. 1 J-ss.

County of Lincoln In County Court within and for said county

and state. March A. D.. 1909 term thereof. In the matter of tbe last will and testament

and of the estate of John J. Condon, de-ccftsfldi

The State of South Dakota Sends Greeting to Mary J. Condon. Louis J. Condon. Mary Condon and Marion Condon. Uelrs at law and next of kin of John J. Condon, deceased, and to all to whom these presents may come:

Pursuant to an order of said Court, made on tbe 1st day of March. A. D.. 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Monday, the 22nd day of March. A. D.. being a day of the regular March A. D.. 1909, term of said court, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m„ of said day. at the court room of said court, at the court house In the City of Canton, in said county and state, bave been appointed by said Court as the time and place for proving the will and testament of said John J. Condon, deceased, and for hearing the application of Mary J. Condon, for the admission of said will and testament to probate and for Issuance to her of letters testamentary thereon, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file written objections to granting letters thereon to said petitioner: and also to said will and the admission there­of to probate, and may contest the same.

Dated March 1st. 1909. By the Court:

HARRISON J. BROWN. Judge. Attest: Geo. OLSON, Clerk of Courts.

F. P. Feb. 5. L. P. Mar. 19.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. AVhereas. default has been made In the pay­

ment of the Interest on money secured by a mortgage dated March Stb. 1905, executed by Ole N. Fedt. Jr. and Emman Fedt. mortgagors, to Levi Bemls, mortgagee, filed In the office of the register of deeds of Lincoln County. South Dakota, on the 17th day of March 1905. at 3 o'clock, p. m. and duly recorded in book 15 of mortgages on page 183. and

Whereas, on the 9th day of January, 1909. the said mortgage was duly assigned, with the notes secured thereby, by the said mort­gagee to Farmers & Citizens Bank of Bryant. South Dakota, by an instrument of assign­ment filed In the office of said register of deeds on the ISth day of January. 1909. at 9 o'clock, a. m. and duly recorded In book 39 of mortgages on page 56. and

Whereas, the amount claimed to be due up­on said mortgage at the date of this notice is In the sum of <1695.80. to-wlt: $1500.00, prin­cipal and $195.80, Interest.

Now Therefore. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale In said mort­gage contained and In pursuance of the statutes Is such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, to satisfy the amount due with interest, expenses of sale

" ded sheriff o

kis deputy, atth tk* court house In the «Uy of Canton. I. D„

and tlO.OO. attorneys fees provided by law. at public auction by the sheriff of the county of Lincoln, or his deputy, at tbe front door of

on the 22nd day of March. 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m. Following are the mortgaged premises to be sold: The east half of tlie southwest uiiar-ter of section 11 In township 100 of range 49 In Lincoln County, 8. D.

Dated at Bryant. S. D. this 4th day of Feb­ruary. 1909.

FARMERS & CITIZENS BANK Assignee and owner of mortgage.

byO. ARNOLD. Cashier. G. A. S. ARNESON.

Attorney for Assignee.

F. P. Jan. 29. L. P. March 20.

LEASE OF COMMON SCHOOL LANDS. Notice Is hereby given that on March 30th.

1909. all the unleased common school lands in Lincoln County, will be offered for lease at public auction, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., and 5 o'clock p. m„ at the front door of the court house In said county.

Dated at Pierre, January 26th. 1909. O. C. DOKKEN.

Commissioner of School and Public Lands.

F. P. Feb. 19. L. P. March 26th SUMMONS.

State of South Dakota. I In Circuit Court fss. Second Judicial

Lincoln County. ) Circuit. Richard F. Pettigrew. Plaintiff, vs. Jose­

phine E. Shaw, Nathan J. Bachelder. Bertha Flanders, the unknown heirs, devisees, lega­tees. and the executors or administrators and the creditors of Bertha Flanders, deceased. Mary Bachelder, Amanda Morrison, the un­known heirs, devisees, legatees and the exe­cutors or administrators and the creditors of Amanda Morrison, deceased. Jeanette Robin­son. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and tbe creditors of :Jeanette Uoblnson. deceased. Ethel G. Emery. Vesta L. Smith. Ned Shaw. Calvin G. Shaw, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Amos F. Shaw, deceased. George L. Stevens, the unknown heirs, devi­sees, legatees and the executor or adminis­trator and tbe creditors of George L. Stev­ens, deceased, Angelina G. Stevens. Edith A. Reynolds, Henry C. Fuller, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Henry C. Fuller, deceased. Mary I. Fuller. James E. Fuller, Guy G. Fuller, Elmer Fuller. Georgo E. Osborne. Francis A. Smith, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Francis A. Smith, deceased. Joseph C. Martin, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and the executor or administrator and the creditors of Joseph C. Martin, deceased. Luther A. Martin, Eliza A. Mann, Edward H. Martin. Sarah A. Martin, Sarah E. Martin. Irene Mar­tin. Theodore Gerrlsh. John P. Webber. Wil­liam P. Reynolds, the unknown heirs, devi­sees, legatees and the executor or adminis­trator and the creditors of William P. Rey­nolds, deceased. Charles A. Furbush. the un­known heirs, devisees, legatees and tbe exe­cutor or administrator and the creditors of Charles A. Furbush. deceased. Sarah A. Fur-bush, Martin L. Grimes. John Weaver. Carl Bonner. Ella E. Seybert, Martin L. Grimes. Fred M. Wells. West End Trust Co.. a corpor­ation. and Sarah A. Furbush as executrix and Martin L. Grimes and John Weaver, as executors of the last will and testament of Charles A. Furbush, deceased. Sarah A. Fur­bush. as general guardian of the estate of Carl Bonner, a minor, James A. McCullough, and all persons unknown who have or claim to have any estate or Interest In. or lien or lncumberance upon the premises described in the complaint, defendants.

SUMMONS. The State of South Dakota to the above

named defendants. Greetings: You are hereby summoned and required to

answer the complaint of the plaintiff which was filed In tbe office of the clerk of this court at Canton, in Lincoln county. South Dakota, on the 5tb day of February. 1909 and which prays for a judgment quieting the title to and determination of all adverse claims against the premises described In the com­plaint. situate in said Lincoln county, to-wlt:

The north half (H) of the southeast quar­ter (K) and lots one (1) and two (2). being the fractional south half (tt) of the northeast quarter (M) of section eight (8) and lot four (4). being the fractional sou thwest auarter (W) of the northwest quarter (X); the south half (tt) of the northeast quarter (M) and all of the southeast quarter i'4) and the southeast quarter (X) of the northwest quarter (.H), being lot three (3) In section nine (9), and tbe northwest quarter (M)of the southwest quar­ter (W> of section ten (10). al! in township one hundred (100). north of range fifty (50), west of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the undersigned, in bis office In tbe city of Sioux Falls In the county of Minnehaha and State of South Dakota within thirty days after completed service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and If you fall to answer tbe said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the com­plaint.

V. S. G. CHKRRT. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sloax Falls. South



State and U. S. court practice.

Cyrus L. Wendt, Physician and Surgoon,

Canton, S. D.

Office in Wendt Block, 5th st.

ASA FORREST, JR. Criminal Law.

JOHN C. SOLEM Civil Law.

Forrest & Solem, Lawyers.

General court practice. Land Titles. Conveyancing, Probating of Estate,

Wills drawn. Collections, Con-fidental agents.

206 East 5th St Phone No. 19. Canton, Sonth Dakota.

DR. C. D. TUTTLE, Deputy State Veterinarian

Office Over Slouz Valley Hard­ware Company.

Office Phone 337 House Phone ao5

0. L. Campbell Licensed

Embalmer and UNDERTAKER Calls answered day or night.

Taylor Ptari|iiUre Co-Phone 243

W. J. Byrnes Undertaker and Funeral Director.

Licensed Eijtbalijter.

Telephone 131 CANTON, - - SOUTH DAK.

G. H. Gulbrandsen riiysieiuii and Surgeon.

Office over Olsen Bros. & Tobiasen's Store.

Office Phone 244 House Phone 27 Canton, S. D.

ELI LEWISON, Physician and Surgeon Over Lybarger's Store. Phone: Office, 360 call 2. Phone: Residence, 350 call 3.

CANTON - - - - S. D.

Chas. O. Knudson, AHorqey at Law.

Office over Christopher & Olson.


Jffloe over Lincoln Connty Bank O&nton. Residence 3 doors south of the

Harlan House.

Chas. W. Morrison, Physician and Surgeon

Office in Syndicate Block Telephone I Office 123.

I Residence. Rudolph hotel




COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may

qnlckly ascertain oar opinion free whether ao invention is probably patentable. Commnnica* tlons strictly oonffQentfal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seennng patents.

Patent* taken through Munn A Co. reeelre tpecial notice, without charge, in the

Scientific American. A. basdsnraely illustrated weekly. largest dr-cnlattsn of any sdentinc journal. Terms. $3 a rear: four months. $L Sold by all newsdealer*.

Brown 8c Brown

LAWYERS. —oprroB—

Corner Broad war and 9th Street.

L R. Janiiesou

Practice in all courts. Office over Postoffioe. Canton, S. D.

1 tfohi) Ai)«ler«oi) 4L Soi|

Undertaking J. J. ANDERSON

*Lic«nsed Embalmer and Foneral Director. ^

Telephone 78. *