the wednesday wars by gary d. schmidt

Calendar Cover Daniel Peña 7th Grade English Class The Wednesday Wars By Gary D. Schmidt

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Page 1: The Wednesday Wars By Gary D. Schmidt

Calendar Cover

Daniel Peña 7th Grade English Class

The Wednesday Wars By Gary D. Schmidt

Page 2: The Wednesday Wars By Gary D. Schmidt

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Holling Hoodhood has to stay with his teacher every Wednesday afternoon.

Holling thinks the teacher hates him.

Doug's older brother throws up on a teacher.

Holling thinks Mrs. Baker hates his guts.

Holling trips Doug's older brother.

Holling has to take a tutoring class with Mrs. Baker every Wednesday.

Face Your Fear


She Hates My Guts

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The cream puffs were covered in chalk dust.

Rats escaped.

Holling's sister wipes the flower off her face.Father disapproves of hippies.

Mrs. Baker had Holling clean the erasers.

Holling cleans the rat's cage.


Face Your Fear

Chalk Cream Puffs with a Side of Rat

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The rats ate all the cream puffs. Holling left the cream puffs on the window sill.

Holling is going to be a fairy in a Shakespearean play.

Mrs. Bigio's husband died in battle over in Vietnam.

People vandalized Mai Thi's house.

Holling didn't have enough money to pay Mr. Goldman, the baker.


Fairy Cream Puff

Darkest night to brightest dawn

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Mrs. Baker offers extra credit for seeing the play.

Holling wears his costume after his performance. The bus driver gives Holling a ride and a new baseball.

Holling, Danny, and Doug play baseball with 2 famous baseball players.

Danny, Merly Lee, and Mai Thi go to Holling's play.

Mickey Mantle refused to sign Holling's baseball.

Baseball Ceasefire Friends Play

When gods die, they die hard. It's not like they fade away, or grow old, or fall asleep. They die in fire and pain, and when they come out of you, they leave your guts burned.

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Butt Bruised Hero

Doug's older brother puts up pictures of Holling wearing yellow tights.

The weather is icy and freezing. Mrs. Bigio makes hot cocoa for the class but doesn't give any to Mai Tai.

The bus spins out of control. Holling saves his sister.

Vengeance is sweet

Holling throws a snowball at Doug's older brother.

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Holling goes on a date with Meryl Lee. Meryl Lee takes Holling's plans for the new middle school and shows them to her dad.

Meryl Lee's dad's company is going out of business.

Backstabbing Girlfriend Middle School

Hoodhood and Associates wins the architectural right to build a middle school.

Meryl Lee apologizes to Holling. Holling and Meryl Lee become friends.

Life is tragic, beautiful, & lovely


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Running of the Rats

Beware the ides of March

Holling makes the varsity cross country team.

The rats get run over by a bus!

Mrs. Baker trains him to run like an Olympic athlete.

Danny stands up for Mai Thi after an eighth grader makes fun of her.

Holling runs away and jumps a fence.

Danny goes to Washington, D. C.

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Holling’s dad doesn’t take him to Opening Day at Yankee Stadium.

Kwolski and Associates doesn’t have any work. Meryl Lee might be moving!

Preparation and Pride

Mrs. Baker takes him instead.

Danny cheers for Holling after Danny was tripped by eighth graders.

Running Baseball Kiss

Holling wins the varsity cross country race.

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Hide and Seek

Lost and Found

Apple cider spills in the coat room. Mrs. Baker takes Holling on a field trip.

Heather calls Holling in the middle of the night. Holling goes and gets Heather.

Mr. Kwolski got the Yankee contract and goes to NYC. Holling gets a ride to NYC.

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Lt. No School Strawberry

Life is smiles and miracles

They had to eat chili with their fingers.

Danny had a miracle.

Lt. Baker comes home! They great him with strawberries!

Holling dropped all the utensils except for one spoon.

He read all the words correctly from the Torah.

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