the waiting


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A completed romance and fantasy English drama.


The Waiting



8 years ago..

The scene is in a hotel. There is crowds of people. There are flowers at the DR and DL of the stage, CS in between and a big banner written with words of Wedding of Mr Daniel Radcliffe and Miss Diana Edwards.


(Wedding song is playing in the background, the clapping sound of the crowds)

DIANA is walking slowly accompanied by the bridesmaid. Her DAD is waiting for her arrival and reach out for her hand. She strolls carefully and smiles to her father. Her dads eyes shine as he sees his daughter.

DAD: My precious princess. You look amazing! Today is the day, are you ready?

DIANA: Yes dad. Im so happy, I might cry.

DAD: No, dont cry. We dont want your makeup to get smudged.

DIANA: I am holding on my tears. (Giggling)

As they continue walking, DIANA can see DANIEL is grinning from ears to ears. She gazes at him until she reaches the spot. DAD let DANIEL to take over holding DIANAs hand.

DANIEL: (Taking DIANAs hand from DAD) Thank you Sir.

DAD: (Nodding head and standing next to the altar)

DANIEL: (Hold Dianas hand and kiss it) Hey sweetheart. (Winking)

DIANA: (Poking her tongue)

DANIEL: Ill catch you later. (Smirking)

(Wedding song ended)

PRIEST: Today, we are gathered in the name of the Lord to witness the united of two persons, Miss Diana Edwards and Mr. Daniel Radcliffe. Is there any objection upon this holy ceremony? (A silent moment)

PRIEST: Shall we continue? (Asking crowds)


PRIEST: (Reading scroll) Mr Daniel Radcliffe, will you accept Miss Diana Edwards as your life partner, to complete your life, love her in happiness and sorrow, until death takes its part?

DANIEL: Definitely, Yes.

PRIEST: (Reading scroll) Miss Diana Edwards, will you accept Mr Daniel Radcliffe as your life partner, to complete your life, love him in happiness and sorrow, until death takes its part?

DIANA: (the whole crowds and hall are silent. After a few seconds) YES, I DO!

PRIEST: In the name of love, you are officially husband and wife. Couple may exchange rings and share the sweet love.

(Tonight by Westlife is playing in the background.)

(Crowds cheering)

(The couple turn around facing the crowds and wave)




This setting takes place in a hospital. There are 3 chairs arranged at the C and symbol of H on the wall. When this scene opens, it is in the evening. The DOCTOR is facing DIANA and DANIEL while holding a paper.


(Tense music is playing in the background)

DOCTOR: Im sorry Mrs Daniel. I am afraid to say that you are not able to conceive child due to some problems of your fallopian tubes.

DIANA: (Starting to coo like a baby)

DANIEL: Is there any ways to fix this? (Talking while calming DIANA)

DOCTOR: Yes, there is. However, it might take at least a year or more to be done effectively.

DANIEL: Waiting is worth it. Well do whatever it might take.

(Walking out from the hospital)

DIANA: Im sorry for making you to wait Daniel. Its all my fault.

DANIEL: Shh. Baby its alright. No, its not your fault. We do this together remember? Ill love you no matter what. (Kissing her hands)

DIANA: I love you too.




8 years later.

The setting takes place at their home. Both couples have just come back from working. DIANA is working as a wedding designer. DANIEL works as a ship commander. They live near to the sea shore. Both of them reach home at the same time. There is a picture of a home by the seashore during sunsets shown by using a projector. There are table, chairs, a flower pot, a telephone, a laptop and a carpet arranged accordingly on the C of the stage.

When this scene opens, it takes place in the late evening.


DANIEL: I miss you like a moron sweetheart. (While coming closer to DIANA)

DIANA: Daniel, its been two years and you are living with me yet you still miss me like crazy? (Pouting)

DANIEL: Ive told you, my love will never fade. (Showing a dramatic face)

DIANA: I know that darling. I miss you more. Youre so cheesy eh. Hahaha

DANIEL: And guess what?

DIANA: What is it? (Looking curious)

DANIEL: I got promoted to be the captain of the sailing team to Bermuda Triangle! The pay is totally the highest payment Ive ever gotten and Ive been dreaming to go there since I was young. (Enthusiastic voice)

DIANA: literally? Yes Daniel, youve been telling me about your passions like lots of time. Hahaha. Im so happy for you, but isnt it risky to go there darling? (Sad tone)

DANIEL: I know right. Yes sweetheart, but I want to do this. Dont worry, Ill be perfectly fine. (Patting DIANA at her back and half embrace her)




This scene is in the house. The same arrangement as in scene 3. DIANA is standing at the C waving at DANIEL whos standing and walking from D to the back.

DIANA waves DANIEL a final goodbye from the house. They keep in touch using phone.

(Display different weather using projector)

One day, DANIEL does not give a call for almost 48 hours.

Day by day and night by night passed by. (Show the changing of day using symbol of sun and crescent moon)

After a week, finally theres a call.

(The sound of phone ringing)

DIANA: (Abruptly accept the call and said) Hello?

VOICE: Is this Daniels residence?

DIANA: (Nodding) Yes, How can I help you?

VOICE: This is the department of the international sailors. Maam I would like to let you calm yourself because I am going to deliver bad news to you.

DIANA: (Feeling thrilled) whatever it is, just spill it out! (Half-yelling) (Taking a deep breathe) Pardon me. Im a bit overwhelmed due to some situation. Can you tell me now please?

VOICE: Its okay maam. I want to tell you that Mr Daniel Radcliffe the captain of Triumph ship is missing.

DIANA: What? Im sorry, I think I heard a wrong thing. Could you repeat what youre saying just now?

VOICE: Yes maam. Im afraid to say that Mr Daniel was missing during the mission. Our team had been attacked by the pirates of Caribbean. I would like represent our team here to deliver our sorry for missing him. Were sorry Maam. We will searching for him maam. A conscription of army and police have been made for the searching mission. Hopefully, well find him.

DIANA: (Pressing her palm to her mouth) No, it cant be. Are you kidding me? please tell me this is some kind of joke.

VOICE: Im sorry maam but this isnt a joke. Im really sorry.







This scene takes place in DIANAs bedroom on a rainy morning. There are bed, a table, a flower pot and an alarm clock at the C.

(The sound of raining in the background and thundering sound)

DIANA: NOOO!!! (Waking up abruptly from the bed)

DIANA: Huhhh. (Breathing in and out in a fast rate while sitting at the edge of the bed)

Continue sobbing for a few seconds. She stops crying and pray to God.

DIANA: Almighty God, please take pain away. I cant do this anymore. I miss him too much.

(A magical sound in the background)

FAIRY: Greetings my darling. (Bowing her head)

DIANA: (Jump from her spot) Who are you? How did you get here?

FAIRY: My darling, I heard all of your whimpering. Im really touched my dear. (Putting her hands to her heart)

DIANA: How am I going to believe that youre even real? I am really turning nuts, isnt I? (Rubbing her eyes and pinching her skin) Ouch!

FAIRY: My dear, youll know it soon. Let me tell you something. Later, youll find out every un-living things will have their words for you. They will comfort you and accompany you. Someone that youve been waiting for will come soon and when he arrived, every un-living things will have no life anymore)

DIANA: (Turn her back) Thats impossible but (Look at the spot where the fairy was and searching for the fairy) Eh. Hello? Where is she?



(The sound of blaring alarm)

DIANA wakes up and presses the alarm clock shut. She takes a look at the alarm clock and it shows that it is 6:34 am. She arranges the bed sheet.

DIANA: (Sitting at the edge of the bed) I knew it. That was just a dream.




This scene takes place in a bathroom. The bathroom has a mirror, people with costume of TOOTHBRUSH, PILL CHIT-KIT-TAEK-AUN, CONTAINER, ATOMIC ENEMAS and all of the apparatus of bathing.


She washes her face.


DIANA: Hey. (Washing her face continuously while murmured lazily)

Suddenly she becomes aware

DIANA: Wait a minute, whos that?

TOOTHBRUSH: Its me. Toothbrush.

DIANA: WHOA! Am I dreaming again? (Half mumbling)

ALL: No youre not. (Saying at the same time in the same manner)

DIANA: OMG. Wow. I cant believe my eyes and ears.

TOOTHBRUSH: Well you must now.

DIANA: Okay. (Being more carefully and thinking). What am I going to do?

TOOTHBRUSH: Just do your daily routine. No worries. Well have fun with each other!

ALL: Yeah! Wuhoo! (Whistling sound)

DIANA: I better be off now guys. See you later.

ALL: Bye Diana.

DIANA: Okay. Now I see you guys. You all are able to talk! Bye! (Running away from the bathroom)

She goes to work and ended up like normal day. Before going to bed she clean herself and goes to sleep soundly. The next morning she wakes up and go straight to the bathroom. Diana and all the talking things started to become close like human to human relationship. More like siblings. They do have fun together.

Diana and the tools are talking and laughing.

After few days (Shown using written paper)

She wakes up like usual but feels like crying again. She walks her way to the bathroom. She looks at the toothbrush. It seems to feel the same way.

DIANA: Morning

TOOTHBRUSH: (Replying effortlessly) Morning

DIANA: Youre going to be alright

TOOTHBRUSH: Its has been 46 days since he last used me.

DIANA remains silent.

TOOTHBRUSH: (A sudden emotional tone) Why did he not take me with him? He used me every day before that! Am I that am I that easily forgotten? I was very sincere, servicing him all these while!

DIANA: He's got that other toothbrush, remember? The one he took with him whenever he went to the islands. He must be using that other toothbrush now.

TOOTHBRUSH: Yeah. the Island Toothbrush.

SMALL PLASTIC CONTAINER: Hmm. I remember our trips to the islands, they were awesome!

DIANA: I've been meaning to ask you, did he actually use any of the medications I put inside you?

SMALL PLASTIC CONTAINER: Once or twice. He took the Paracetamol this one time when his ears were ringing non-stop after the afternoon dive during last his trip to Perhentian before the season ended last year. He slept very soundly after that.

DIANA: Yeah, I remember that, he did complain about the ringing ears after he came back - said he consulted an online Dive Doctor about it and it was due to the underwater pressure or some kind of imbalance or something like that.

SMALL PLASTIC CONTAINER: And this other time he gave Panadol Soluble, or was it Medicated Plaster, to his diver friend, so proud that among all divers he was the only one who had the supply. 'My wife packed it for me and put it into my bag each time, without fail', I remember he boasted with that smirk on his face.

PILL CHI-KIT-TECK-AUN 1: I wonder if he's got his supply nowadays. You know him, he's got a very weak stomach, always gets the constipation followed by diarrhoea and after that constipation again, and the diarrhoea again, it was never ending.

PILL CHI-KIT-TECK-AUN 2: Yeah, that was how we became best friends, right Atomic Enema? (Smiling to Atomic Enema.

ATOMIC ENEMAS: (Nodding its head agreeing Pill Chi-Kit-Teck-Aun)

DIANA: I don't know. But he can find the supply himself. It's easy to buy you guys, all sundry shops and pharmacies sell your kind, you know that.

TOOTHBRUSH: Like when he bought the Island Toothbrush?


(My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion is playing in the background)

TOOTHBRUSH: Do you miss him too? (Stop and look at DIANA for a moment before proceeding). I see you sigh in here, in front of the mirror, every morning since he left. You must miss him a lot too huh? How long have you been with him anyway? 8 years isn't it?

DIANA: It'll be alright, Toothbrush. It'll be alright. (Patting TOOTHBRUSH and walk away)




This scene is in the sitting-room of the house.

DIANA sits on the chair next to the telephone. She has been waited for his return for almost 2 months. When suddenly..

(The sound of ringing telephone is playing)

DIANA: Hello?

VOICE: Hello sweetheart. I miss you

DIANA: Are you messing with me? Why is your voice sounded like my Daniel? (Sounding hesitant)

VOICE: Yes sweetheart. I am back. Im sorry for making you to wait for me. Please forgive me for everything.

DIANA: I..I (Stuttering)

VOICE: Please my dear. Go to the door and open up the door for me please, Im cold.

DIANA: (Giggling while holding tears) Hold on Daniel. Youre going to pay for making me to wait.

VOICE: I am waiting darling.

DIANA rushes to the door and opens it with a huge hope and reliefs. DANIEL is standing in front of her and smile widely. His eyes shines and holding a bouquet of roses.

DANIEL: Now darling, arent you going to let me in? Im freezing.

DIANA smiles and embrace him like shes going to lose him again.

They continue to chatter and be with each other like theres no tomorrow. DANIEL tells her everything.

DIANA goes to the bathroom again.

DIANA: Hey guys, he is back! (Shouting excitedly)


DIANA: Oh right, now I remember what the fairy told me. Daniel is here and now you guys be gone. Im going to miss you all. I love you. Thank you for being with me. I hope you can hear me.

She walks away and the FAIRY come back inside the bathroom.

FAIRY: Goodbye people. (Wink and holding her magic wand)



Written by Stella Ann Anak Oliver