the vision thing: some thoughts on preferred futures

The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures Graham H May Futures Skills

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The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures. Graham H May Futures Skills. What future generations need from us. Peace and security A sustainable environment Avoidance of catastrophe Good governance The conservation, enlargement and dissemination of knowledge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Graham H May

Futures Skills

Page 2: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

What future generations need from us

Peace and securityA sustainable environmentAvoidance of catastropheGood governanceThe conservation, enlargement and dissemination of knowledgeThe well-being of children, particularly the elimination of povertyWidespread, life-long learning

Page 3: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

What future generations need from us

a pretty obvious list

a preferred present

are we there yet?

Page 4: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Peace and security

whose peace ?historical evidence

Pax Romana, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana all based on military power George Orwell

the future Pax Chinoise or Indienne

Page 5: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Avoidance of catastrophe

“A proper warning was not given. If we had given the warning and then it hadn’t happened, then it would have been the death of tourism in those areas.”

An earlier warning

Crying wolf

Which catastrophe?

Page 6: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Avoidance of catastrophe

Differential impact of the tsunamiMangroves reduced the impact

Preferences for redevelopmentLocal people or tourists

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Futures Skills


one of the world’s largest service industries

the world’s largest employer, employing 1 in 10 workers worldwide

accounts for one third of global services exports and over 6% of all exports

a preferred future for many

but maybe not all

the importance of values

Page 8: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Lisbon Strategy

“To become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs, and greater social cohesion.” What if you are American, Asian, African, or Australian?Are the aims compatible?

Page 9: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Free and fair trade

interpretation is critical evidence from the past opinions about the future WTO panel on Cross-border Gambling

“Members regulatory sovereignty is an essential pillar of the progressive liberalization of trade in services, but this sovereignty ends whenever rights of other Members under GATS are impaired.”

Antigua v. USA “ Without the enormous pressure generated by the

American financial services sector…there would have been no services agreement and therefore perhaps no Uruguay Round and no WTO.”

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Futures Skills


a crucial service that supports our economy and our life styles

Between 2000 and 2030 passenger transport in the EU-15 will grow by 50%, and freight transport by over 80%. 75%, will be by road. Aviation will double its share of passenger movement to over 11%

OK but

Page 11: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Page 12: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

An Ideal (most desirable) scenario

Based on a shift in values towards environmental sustainability and a belief that environmental quality and economic growth are not compatible this vision of a preferred future sees a significant decrease in transport demand for both passenger and freight transport with technology substituting for mobility through e-commerce and e-work.

Foresight for Transport

Page 13: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Preferred Futures

the “s” is crucial

our preferred future is not the only one

whose preferred vision dominates, what the preferred vision is, when it is envisaged it should be realised and how to bring it into effect

Page 14: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

Evaluating preferred futures

Whose preferred future is it? Whose interests does it promote and whose will be damaged by it? Why, by whom and how has it been prepared? What is the timescale involved? How might it be achieved? What might prevent it being achieved? Does it conflict with other preferred futures and can these conflicts be reconciled? Where might unforeseen results occur ?

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Futures Skills

A paradox

“Where there is no vision the people perish” Proverbs 29:18


“We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified” Aesop

Page 16: The Vision Thing: Some thoughts on preferred futures

Futures Skills

The role of the futurist

likened to that of the fool in the medieval court to ask the awkward questions

ask the awkward questions about our visions of the future Many of the apparently preferred futures of governments, businesses and others in responsible positions today suggest to me that the futurist as fool still has an important part to play