the virtual storage access method (vsam) - sas...

3 CHAPTER 1 The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Introduction 3 What is VSAM? 4 Access Methods 4 Access Methods and File Organization 4 Types of VSAM Data Sets 5 VSAM Record Structure and Organization 8 VSAM Data Access Types 11 Sequential Access 11 Direct Access 11 Keyed direct access 12 Addressed direct access 12 Keyed direct access with an alternate index 12 Skip Sequential Access 14 Introduction This chapter contains an overview of the Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). It presents basic VSAM terminology and concepts that you will need to process VSAM data sets. In particular, you will learn what access methods are and how they relate to data set organization. Then you will be introduced to the three types of access that VSAM provides to records in VSAM data sets. The access types are sequential direct skip sequential. Each of these access types is fully described in this chapter. You will learn about the three types of VSAM data sets. The organization of your VSAM data set determines how you can process it. The three types of data set organization are ESDS KSDS RRDS. These data set types are introduced and discussed briefly in this chapter. Each data set type is described in detail in Chapter 5, “Processing an ESDS in a SAS Job,” on page 47, Chapter 6, “Processing a KSDS in a SAS Job,” on page 55, and Chapter 7, “Processing an RRDS in a SAS Job,” on page 73, respectively. The VSAM data set types are summarized in Table 1.1 on page 7. In addition, five figures are presented to illustrate the concepts presented in this chapter. Figure 1.1 on page 7 demonstrates the organization of VSAM data sets. Figure

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Page 1: The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) - SAS · 3 CHAPTER1 The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Introduction 3 What



1The Virtual Storage AccessMethod (VSAM)

Introduction 3What is VSAM? 4

Access Methods 4

Access Methods and File Organization 4

Types of VSAM Data Sets 5

VSAM Record Structure and Organization 8VSAM Data Access Types 11

Sequential Access 11

Direct Access 11

Keyed direct access 12

Addressed direct access 12

Keyed direct access with an alternate index 12Skip Sequential Access 14

IntroductionThis chapter contains an overview of the Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). It

presents basic VSAM terminology and concepts that you will need to process VSAMdata sets. In particular, you will learn what access methods are and how they relate todata set organization. Then you will be introduced to the three types of access thatVSAM provides to records in VSAM data sets. The access types are

� sequential� direct� skip sequential.

Each of these access types is fully described in this chapter.You will learn about the three types of VSAM data sets. The organization of your

VSAM data set determines how you can process it. The three types of data setorganization are


These data set types are introduced and discussed briefly in this chapter. Each dataset type is described in detail in Chapter 5, “Processing an ESDS in a SAS Job,” onpage 47, Chapter 6, “Processing a KSDS in a SAS Job,” on page 55, and Chapter 7,“Processing an RRDS in a SAS Job,” on page 73, respectively. The VSAM data set typesare summarized in Table 1.1 on page 7.

In addition, five figures are presented to illustrate the concepts presented in thischapter. Figure 1.1 on page 7 demonstrates the organization of VSAM data sets. Figure

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4 What is VSAM? 4 Chapter 1

1.2 on page 9, Figure 1.3 on page 10, and Figure 1.4 on page 11 show the differencesbetween an ESDS, a KSDS, and an RRDS. Finally, Figure 1.5 on page 13 illustrates aKSDS alternate index.

This chapter addresses the needs of the new VSAM user. If you are already familiarwith the information that is presented here, you might want to proceed to Chapter 2,“SAS Options and Variables for VSAM Processing,” on page 15, which explains how toaccess VSAM data sets with the SAS System.

What is VSAM?VSAM stands for Virtual Storage Access Method and is available under the CMS,

OS/390, and VSE operating environments. Beginning with Version 7, VSE is notsupported by the SAS System; therefore, VSE concerns are not described in this book.

VSAM is an IBM data access method that provides three ways to organize records ina disk data set. The three kinds of data set organization are

� ESDS (Entry- Sequenced Data Set)� KSDS (Key-Sequenced Data Set)� RRDS (Relative-Record Data Set).

VSAM allows three types of access to records in VSAM data sets. They are� sequential� direct� skip sequential.

In addition, VSAM provides� two direct access modes (addressed or keyed)� two access entities (logical records and control intervals)� two access directions (forward and backward)� retrieval options (such as generic key and key greater-than-or-equal).

The SAS System supports all of these VSAM features, although not necessarily in allpossible combinations. By specifying options in the INFILE statement in your SASprogram, you can read, update, create, and erase records from VSAM data sets. SeeTable 3.1 on page 28 for a summary of the operations that the SAS System supports.

Access MethodsAccess methods are software routines that control the data transfer between primary

storage (main memory) and secondary storage devices. Secondary, or auxiliary storage,is independent of the computer’s memory, for example, storage on tape or disk. VSAMis designed specifically for use with disks. Because VSAM data set structure permitsthe use of both direct and sequential access types, you can select either the type or thecombination of access types that best suits your specific application requirements.

Direct access means that you have the ability to read any data record in a data setdirectly, without reading preceding records in the data set. The terms direct andrandom are sometimes used interchangeably when referring to data organization,access methods, and storage devices. In this document, only direct is used, but you mayfind that random is used in other literature.

Access Methods and File OrganizationData stored on IBM disks can be organized in a number of ways, which are referred

to as data set types. IBM software supports the following data set types:

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The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 4 Types of VSAM Data Sets 5

� Physical Sequential (PS)� Partitioned Organization (PO: OS/390 operating system only)� Indexed Sequential (IS)� Direct Access Organization (DA)� Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM).

VSAM data sets can be one of the following:� Entry-Sequenced Data Set (ESDS)� Key-Sequenced Data Set (KSDS)� Relative Record Data Set (RRDS).

In each data set type except VSAM, the records are organized in a unique way,depending on their purpose. Each kind of data set organization has one or more specialaccess methods. For example, a data set that is organized in a direct manner, that is,DA organization, is characterized by a predictable relationship between the key of arecord and the address of that record on a DASD device. The programmer establishesthis relationship and must supply most of the logic required to locate the individualrecords.

VSAM is different from the other data set types because it provides a functionalequivalent for most of these data set organizations, and it is a multifunction,all-purpose access method. For instance,

� ESDS organization is the functional equivalent of physical sequential organization(PS).

� KSDS organization is the functional equivalent of indexed sequential organization(IS).

� RRDS organization is the functional equivalent of direct access organization (DA).

The kinds of data set organizations that you access with VSAM differ from someothers in that they are device independent from the user’s viewpoint and can be bothsequentially and directly accessed. You access a record by addressing the record interms of its displacement (in bytes) from the beginning of the data set, by its key, or byits record number.

The root of the VSAM access method is the VSAM catalog, which is a disk area fordefining data sets and disk space and maintaining information about each VSAM dataset. VSAM catalogs and data sets are created and managed with IBM Access MethodServices (AMS), a multifunction service program.

Types of VSAM Data SetsThere are three types of VSAM data sets. The main difference between the three

data set types is the logical order in which data records are arranged in the data set.The following is a description of each type of VSAM data set:

ESDS Entry-Sequenced Data Set — The record sequence is determined bythe order in which the records are entered into the data set, withoutrespect to the record contents. New records are stored at the end ofthe data set.

An ESDS is appropriate for applications that do not require anyparticular ordering of the data by the record contents or for thosethat require time-ordered data. Applications that use a log orjournal are well-suited for an ESDS data set structure.

KSDS Key-Sequenced Data Set — The record sequence is determined by akey containing a unique value, such as an employee, invoice, or

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6 Types of VSAM Data Sets 4 Chapter 1

transaction number. The key is a contiguous portion of the recordand is defined when the data set is created. The record order isdefined by the EBCDIC collating sequence of the key field contents.

A KSDS is always defined with a prime index that relates therecord’s key value to its relative location in the data set. VSAM usesthe index to locate a record for retrieval and to locate a collatingposition for record insertion.

A KSDS is the most flexible approach for most applications sincethe record can be accessed directly, via the key field. Access is notdependent on the physical location of the record in the data set.

RRDS Relative-Record Data Set — The data set is a string of fixed-lengthslots, each identified by a relative record number (RRN). Each slotcan either contain a record or be empty. Records are stored andretrieved by the relative record number of the slot.

An RRDS is appropriate for many applications using fixed-lengthrecords or when the record number has a contextual meaning thatcan be used as a key.

Figure 1.1 on page 7 shows how the three types of VSAM data sets are organized.When a VSAM data set is created, it is defined in a cluster. A cluster encompasses

the components of a VSAM data set. ESDS and RRDS clusters have only a datacomponent. A KSDS cluster has a data component and an index component. The indexrelates each record’s key to its location in the data set. VSAM uses the index tosequence and locate the records of a KSDS.

Table 1.1 on page 7 summarizes the differences between the three VSAM data settypes.

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The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 4 Types of VSAM Data Sets 7

Figure 1.1 VSAM Data Set Organization: Data Components and Index Components

Table 1.1 Comparison of VSAM Data Set Types


Sequential access is by entry order primary key order RRN**

Direct access is by RBA** key RBA RRN

Record format can be fixed







Changeable recordlength

no yes no

New records added to end of file anywhere RRN slot

(if empty)

Embedded free spacedefined*

no yes no

Delete records and reusespace

no*** yes yes

Access throughalternate index

yes yes no

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8 VSAM Record Structure and Organization 4 Chapter 1


REUSE the file yes

(if no AIX**)


(if no AIX)


Can RBA or RRNchange

no yes no

* You can insert records and change their lengths.

** RRN= relative record number, RBA= relative byte address, andAIX= alternative index

*** You can, however, overlay a record if the length does not change.

VSAM Record Structure and OrganizationRecords in VSAM data sets are grouped into control intervals, the unit of data

transfer between main storage and secondary disk storage. Control intervals arecontinuous areas of direct access storage that VSAM uses for storing records andcontrol information describing them. Although the size of control intervals varies fromone data set to another, the size within a data set is fixed, either by VSAM or by theuser (within VSAM-imposed restrictions). If VSAM chooses the size, it does so based onthe DASD type, record size, and smallest amount of virtual storage space that userapplications make available for I/O buffers. A spanned record is one that exceeds theestablished control interval size by spanning one or more control interval boundaries.Spanned records are permitted in an ESDS and a KSDS but not in an RRDS.

Control intervals are grouped into control areas. Control areas are the units of a dataset that VSAM preformats as records are added to the data set. VSAM fixes the numberof control intervals for each control area. (Refer to Figure 1.2 on page 9, Figure 1.3 onpage 10, and Figure 1.4 on page 11 for a depiction of the control interval format used byeach of the data set types.) In addition, KSDS control areas are used for distributingfree space throughout the data set, as a percent of control intervals per control area.

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The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 4 VSAM Record Structure and Organization 9

Figure 1.2 ESDS Control Intervals and Control Areas

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10 VSAM Record Structure and Organization 4 Chapter 1

Figure 1.3 KSDS Control Intervals and Control Areas

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The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 4 Direct Access 11

Figure 1.4 RRDS Control Intervals and Control Areas

VSAM Data Access Types

Access to VSAM data sets can be either sequential, direct (random), or a combinationof both. Records can be retrieved in either a forward or backward direction.

Sequential AccessIn sequential access, a series of records is retrieved in sequence. Sequence has a

different meaning for each of the three VSAM data set organizations.

� In an ESDS, sequential access means that a record is retrieved by its entrysequence.

� In a KSDS, sequential access means that a record is retrieved by its key sequence.

� In an RRDS, sequential access means that a record is retrieved by its relativerecord sequence.

In all three cases, a record is located by its position relative to the last recordaccessed.

Direct AccessWith direct access, data storage or retrieval depends only on the location of the

record and not on a reference to records previously accessed. Each record is stored orretrieved directly, according to its logical address (its key or relative record number,RRN) or its address relative to the beginning of the data set (relative byte address, or

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12 Direct Access 4 Chapter 1

RBA). Thus, there are two direct access modes: keyed by key or relative record number,and addressed by relative byte address.

Keyed direct accessIn keyed direct access, records are retrieved or stored by either� an index that relates the record’s key to its relative location in the data set� a relative record number (RRN) that identifies the record wanted. The RRN is

relative to the first record in the data set.

The SAS System supports keyed access to logical records in both KSDS and RRDSdata sets. Keyed access to data records in KSDS data sets is by key; in RRDS data sets,keyed access is by the relative record number.

Addressed direct accessIn addressed direct access, the entire data set is treated as a continuous stream of

bytes. A record is retrieved and stored directly by its address relative to the beginningof the data set (relative byte address, or RBA), which is dependent on the record’slocation relative to records previously accessed. The SAS System supports addressedaccess to logical records in ESDS and KSDS data sets. It also supports addressedaccess (read only) to control intervals in all three data set types.

Keyed direct access with an alternate indexAn alternate key index, commonly called an alternate index (AIX), provides another

way to access a VSAM data set. The advantage of an alternate index is that youeffectively reorganize the data set instead of keeping separate copies organized indifferent ways for different applications. For example, suppose you have a KSDS withthe employee number as the prime key. By building alternate indexes using employeenames and department numbers, you can access the same data set in three ways: byemployee name, by employee number, or by department number. The alternate keydoes not have to be unique; that is, there can be more than one record with the samealternate key.

Figure 1.5 on page 13 illustrates an alternate index with nonunique keys over aKSDS. The base cluster records are sequenced by employee number, which is the primekey. The alternate index records are sequenced by department number, which is thealternate key. Each alternate index data record points to the prime key (employeenumber) in the base cluster. Note that because the alternate keys are nonunique therecan be multiple base records with the same department number.

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The Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 4 Direct Access 13

Figure 1.5 KSDS with Alternate Index (Nonunique Alternate Keys)











Wood, FP

Branch, OS

Taylor, NR

Powell, ME

Helms, BL

Beach, SD

Smith, CJ

Adam, LA



























Base-Cluster Data Records

Alternate IndexData Records


Prime Key = Employee numberAlternate Key = Department number

= Alt

Alternate indexes can be built over a KSDS or an ESDS. You define and build analternate index using the IBM utility program Access Method Services (AMS). The dataset over which an alternate index is built is called the base cluster. The alternate keycan be any field having a fixed length and a fixed position within each record. Thealternate index itself is a KSDS. The data component of an alternate index contains thealternate key, followed by a pointer to the appropriate record(s) in the base cluster. In aKSDS, the pointer is the prime key; in an ESDS, the pointer is the RBA of the baserecord(s).

A path logically relates a base cluster and one of its alternate indexes. You defineand name a path to access the base cluster records through a specific alternate indexwith AMS. Refer to Chapter 8, “Using Alternate Indexes for VSAM Data Sets,” on page87 and the appropriate IBM documentation for more information on defining alternateindexes.

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14 Skip Sequential Access 4 Chapter 1

Skip Sequential AccessA combination of both direct and sequential access can be used in a two-step process

called skip sequential access. Use keyed direct access to find a starting point. Once theinitial record is obtained, additional records are retrieved sequentially. Skip sequentialprocessing can be used with a KSDS, RRDS, and, if it has an alternate index, an ESDS.

Skip sequential processing is useful when� performance is important. Processing skip sequentially can improve performance

and reduce overhead since a simple sequential retrieval is faster than directretrieval.

� you know the key, RBA, or RRN of the first record you want but do not know thekey, RBA, or RRN of the subsequent records.

� you want to process the data set sequentially, starting at a record other than thefirst.