the use of divergent thinking to improve students’ … · judul skripsi : the use of divergent...

THE USE OF DIVERGENT THINKING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY IN WRITING (A Pre-Experimental Research at Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Takalar) A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Education Degree in English Department RENNI WULANDARI 10535 6223 15 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2020 i

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    CREATIVITY IN WRITING (A Pre-Experimental Research at Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Takalar)

    A Thesis

    Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah

    University in Partial Fullfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Education Degree in

    English Department


    10535 6223 15










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    Judul Skripsi : The Use of Divergent Thinking to Improve Students’

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    Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:


    NIM 10535622315

    Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

    Judul Skripsi : The Use of Divergent Thinking to Improve Students’

    Creativity in Writing (A Pre- Experimental Research at

    Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Takalar)

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    10535 6223 15



    Wamaa tawfiiqii illaa biallaahi

    Dan tidak ada kesuksesan bagiku melainkan atas

    (pertolongan) Allah.

    – (Q.S Huud: 88)



    Renni Wulandari. 2019. The Use of Divergent Thinking to Improve Students’

    Creativity in Writing (A Pre-Experimental Research). A thesis of English

    Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

    Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervised by Ummi Khaerati Syam

    and Ardiana.

    This research aimed at finding out whether the Divergent Thinking

    Method can enhanced the students‘ creativity in writing at XI IPA 1 of SMA

    Negeri 2 Takalar. The level of creativity can be improved through divergent

    thinking method and determined in three indicators including fluency, flexibility

    and originality. The students‘ creativity can be seen and measured in a writing

    essay. The method in this research, the researcher used a pre-experimental

    research which XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Takalar with the number of the subject 30

    students. The Instrument of this research was writing test.

    The result of mean score in pre-test that was 3.8, and it improved to 5.1 in

    the post-test. In addition, from t-test analysis, it was obtained that the t-test value

    was higher than t-table. It means that divergent thinking method had a significant

    effect on the students‘ creativity in writing (17.2>1.699). Therefore, the

    hypothesis of this research can be concluded that the Null Hypothesis (H0) was

    rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) was accepted.

    Key Words: Divergent Thinking, Writing Creativity, Writing Skill



    Renni Wulandari, 2019. The Use of Divergent Thinking to Improve Students’

    Creativity in Writing (A Pre-Experimental Research). Skripsi dari Jurusan

    Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas

    Muhammadiyah Makassar. Di bawah bimbingan Ummi Khaerati Syam dan


    Peneitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah metode berpikir

    divergen dapat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa dalam menulis di XI IPA 1

    SMAdari SMA Negeri 2 Takalar. Tingkat kreativitas dapat ditingkatkan melalui

    metode berpikir divergen dan ditentukan dalam tiga indikator diantaranya

    kelancaran, keluwesan dan keaslian. Kreativitas siswa dapat dilihat dan diukur

    dalam menulis karangan. Metode Penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan penelitian

    pre-experimental di XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Takalar dengan jumlah subjek 30

    siswa. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes menulis.

    Hasil dari nilai rata-rata di pre-test yaitu 3.8, dan meningkat menjadi 5.1 di

    post-test. Selain itu, dari analisis t-test diperoleh bahwa nilai t-test lebih tinggi dari

    t-table. Itu berarti bahwa metode berpikir divergen memiliki pengaruh yang

    signifikan terhadap kreativitas siswa dalam menulis (17.2>1.699). Oleh karena

    itu, hipotesis penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis null (H0) ditolak

    dan hipotesis alternative (H1) diterima.

    Kata Kunci: Berpikir Divergen, Kreativitas Menulis, Kemampuan Menulis



    Alhamdulillah, thank God Almighty for all the grace and abundant gifts so

    that the author can complete the preparation of the thesis with the title "The Use

    of Divergent Thinking to Improve Students' Creativity in Writing.

    The preparation of this research aimed to fulfill some of the requirements

    in order to obtain a bachelor's degree in education majoring in English Language

    Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

    University of Makassar.

    Thank you for my beloved parents (Mr. Sahir and Mrs. Sawiah), my

    beloved sister Mirnawati, my beloved brother Muhammad Fahri Adriansyah who

    always pray, motivate, spent, a lot of time to support writer in whole time and

    reminded the writer to finish this thesis as soon as possible. The author realizes

    that this thesis will not be realized without the maximum effort, guidance,

    assistance and helping both morally and materially from various parties.

    Therefore, on this occasion, let the authors thank the honorable:

    1. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., MM., The Chancellor of the

    Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, who has given the opportunity to

    study at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar the Teaching and

    Education Faculty of the.

  • gy, and m


    2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd.,M.Pd.,Ph.D. The Dean of Muhammadiyah University

    of Makassar which has been concerned with providing facilities and

    infrastructure so that the study process can run smoothly.

    3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd as the chairman of the English Education

    Department at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar who has given

    permission in the preparation of the thesis.

    4. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd.,M.Pd. as the first supervisor who patiently is willing to take the time, ener ind to guide the preparation of this


    5. Ardiana, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the second supervisor who patiently and

    carefully gave direction, input, advice and motivated me in writing this


    6. Drs. Hambali, S.Pd., M.Hum. as an academic supervisor who has given

    advice, direction, and assistance while completing studies at

    Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

    7. All lecturers majoring in English Education who have provided knowledge

    to the author while completing their studies at Muhammadiyah University


    8. Dra. ST. Rosmala as the head master of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar who has

    given permission for information assistance and research opportunities.

    9. All teachers of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar who have provided information and

    opportunities for researchers in carrying out research activities.


  • 10. Students of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar especially in class XI who have

    provided the required information. Thank you for participating in research.

    We wish you success always with you.

    11. My beloved friends, Anis Lisdayanti Irwan, Nurul Astari and my Amazing

    Class as my second family, thank you for always supporting me and being

    my best friends.

    The author realizes that this thesis is far from perfect. Therefore the

    authors accept suggestions, comments and constructive criticism.

    Makassar, 2020




    COVER PAGE ................................................................................................. i

    LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ............................................................................ ii

    APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii

    SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................... iv

    SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................... v

    MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vi

    ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... vii

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ix

    TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xii

    LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xiii

    LIST OF COLUMN ..................................................................................... xiv


    A. Background ........................................................................................... 1

    B. Problem Statement ................................................................................ 4

    C. Objective of Research ........................................................................... 4

    D. Significant of Research ......................................................................... 5

    E. Scope of The Research .......................................................................... 6


    A. Previous Related Findings ..................................................................... 7

    B. Some Pertinent Ideas ............................................................................. 9

    1. Concept of Divergent Thinking ...................................................... 9

    2. Concept of Creativity .................................................................... 16

    3. Concept of Writing ........................................................................ 26

    C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................... 31

    D. Hypothesis ........................................................................... 33


    A. Research Design .................................................................................. 34

    B. Variable and Indicator ......................................................................... 34

    C. Operational Definition of Variable ...................................... 35

    1. Divergent Thinking ....................................................................... 35

  • 2. Creativity in Writing ..................................................................... 35

    D. Population and Sample ........................................................ 36

    1. Population 36

    2. Sample 36

    E. Research Instrument ............................................................ 36

    F. Procedure of Collecting Data .............................................. 37

    1. Pre-Test 37

    2. Treatment 37

    3. Post-Test 37

    G. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................ 37


    A. Findings 43

    1. The Students‘ Creativity in Fluency .............................................. 43

    2. The Students‘ Creativity in Flexibility .......................................... 45

    3. The Students‘ Creativity in Originality ......................................... 47

    4. The Improvement of Students‘ Creativity in Writing ................... 49

    5. Hypothesis ..................................................................................... 50

    B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 51


    A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 55

    B. Suggestion ............................................................................ 55

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 57

    APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 61



    3.1 Assessment Rubric of Students' Creative Thinking Ability in Writing ... 37

    3.2 Assessment Descriptor of Students‘ Creative in Writing........................... 37

    3.3 Criteria for The Hypothesis Testing........................................................... 41

    4.1 The Pre-Test Score Percentage in Terms Fluency ..................................... 43

    4.2 The Post-Test Score Percentage in Terms Fluency .................................... 44

    4.3 The Pre-Test Score Percentage in Terms Flexibility ................................. 45

    4.4 The Post-Test Score Percentage in Terms Flexibility ................................ 46

    4.5 The Pre-Test Score Percentage in Terms Originality ................................. 47

    4.6 The Post-Test Score Percentage in Terms Originality ............................... 48

    4.7 The Improvement of Students‘ Creativity in Writing ................................ 48

    4.8 The T-Test of Students‘ Improvement ....................................................... 50



    4.1 Column of the Students‘ Creativity Improvement in Writing .................... 49




    A. Background

    Education is a learning process that can develop knowledge, educate and

    shape student creativity. The learning process can help students think, understand

    and be critical in responding to something. Education has the objectives as

    explained in the Republic of Indonesia Constitution No. 20 of 2003 concerning

    the education system which states that education aims to develop capabilities and

    form a dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the nation's

    life, develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and to

    the Almighty God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent,

    and a citizen of a democratic and responsible country. Therefore, education is an

    important thing for many people.

    In the education process, students are able to get a lot of knowledge from

    various kinds of subjects. One of the subjects is English. English is a subject that

    contains knowledge about foreign languages. It has become an important aspect of

    education because English is include in several language learning in our country.

    English functions as an international language and as a language system in

    communication. So, from that students' knowledge can develop by learning


    English has four skills including writing, reading, speaking, and listening.

    Writing is one way to express or express ideas that come to mind. Then, Reading

    is the ability to know the intent and purpose of the writing that is read. Speaking is


  • 2

    one of the abilities that can help someone convey thoughts, ideas and feelings

    verbally. Finally, listening is a skill and activity in listening that aims to identify,

    view and express the meaning contained in the ingredients of the treat. The four

    abilities have an important role in English.

    In learning English, students must be able to master the four skills. But in fact

    there are still many problems faced by students in learning English. One of the

    problems faced by students in English is writing. According to Pranoto

    (Mirnawati: 2013) writing means pouring thoughts into writing or telling to others

    through writing. Writing can also be an interactive expression or expression of

    feelings as outlined in writing. In other words, through the writing process we can

    indirectly communicate. However, in writing students still have difficulty writing

    down their ideas.

    According to Alfaki, (2015) problems that face students include the problems

    of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, content and organization. The first

    problem with punctuation problems according to Byrne, (1988: 16), the fact that

    punctuation has never been standardized to the extent of spelling, makes it is

    problematic. Second, capitalization problems for sentence initials, the beginning

    of important words, in topics, headings, etc. Kroll, (1991). Third, spelling

    problems due to influences of other languages, variant pronunciations and other

    historical reasons, the English spelling system which has become inconsistent is

    complex for students Gowere et al, (1995). Then, content problem learners of

    English also face problems of exploring ideas and thinking to communicate with

    others Clifford, (1987). According to Kharma, (1986), learners have the problem

  • 3

    of structuring paragraphs, topic development of a paragraph, structuring the whole

    discourse and a theme in a discourse.

    Writing problems cause students not to be creative in writing especially in

    writing content and developing a paragraph. Munandar (Mulyanti: 2012)

    formulates a language that is familiar to us, that "creative (creative thinking or

    divergent thinking) is an ability based on data or information that is available to

    find many possible answers to a problem, where the emphasis is on quantity, use

    and diversity of answers. So, students who have divergent thinking can be call as

    people who are creative and can solve problems by looking at problems from

    various perspectives.

    Creativity is very important in writing. A writing cannot develop without

    creative ideas. The problems faced by students in writing can be overcome by

    creativity. Students can develop their creativity through creative thinking or

    divergent thinking. In general, students only use or rely on convergent thinking

    but in writing students are require to think creatively. Limited to verbal reasoning

    and logical thinking that needs convergent thinking (i.e. thinking that leads to a

    single answer), while creative thinking or divergence is not or rarely stimulated

    Munandar (Mulyanti: 2012).

    Student creativity can be improved in one way, which is different thinking.

    Students can improve their creativity by generating many ideas through different

    thought processes. In realizing students' creative abilities, divergent thinking acts

    as a stimulus that will cause many responses, namely student creativity. Divergent

  • 4

    thinking is also useful for training students' thinking and helping students think


    Therefore, divergent thinking is a process to produce creativity. Creativity can

    be express through writing and writing must be able to make the reader

    understand what the meaning of the writing.

    B. Problem Statement

    From the explanation above, the focus of this research is to answer the

    problem or the research questions that are proposed. The problem statement in this

    research is ―does students‘ creativity in writing of aspect fluency of thinking,

    flexibility and originality can improve by using divergent thinking method?‖

    C. Objective of Research

    In English learning process especially writing skill the students need a

    creativity to develop their ideas in writing. Thus, based on the research questions

    raise above, this research aimed to find out whether or not the students‘ creativity

    can improve by using divergent thinking method in writing.

    D. Significant of Research

    1. Theoretical

    This research was expected to contribute to the world of education. The

    contribution was in the form of information and thoughts relate to the use of

    divergent thinking in writing.

    2. Practical

    This research is able to help students, teachers, schools, and researchers in

    various aspects.

  • 5

    a. Students

    This research was expected to help and become input for students who

    were informed by the teacher to overcome difficulties in the thinking

    process, especially in producing creative ideas by using divergent


    b. Teachers

    This research is expected to provide input to the teacher regarding the

    importance of increasing student creativity in writing and can also provide

    input to understand and develop knowledge in the learning process.

    c. School

    This research is expected to provide valuable information on efforts to

    improve learning so that it can support the smooth learning process,

    achievement of curricular targets, and expected absorption of students.

    d. Researchers

    This research is expected to help other researchers to gain new

    experiences, insights and understanding about the use of divergent

    thinking to improve students' creativity in writing.

    E. Scope of The Research

    In English subjects, writing is one skill that requires students to think

    creatively so that they can produce good writing. To produce creative ideas needs

    to be applied using divergent thinking to be able to help students think freely so

    they can produce many ideas. Therefore this research is limit to measure the

    creativity aspect such as fluency of thinking, flexibility and originality by using

    divergent thinking in writing.



    A. Previous Related Findings

    This chapter deals with some previous research findings. Many research have

    reported on divergent thinking and creativity in some aspect of the researchers'

    findings are carried out below:

    This research explain the creativity of aspect biology as in the research

    conducted by Anggatasari et al (2012) which states that divergent thinking has a

    positive effect on student creativity so that student creativity can increase and the

    use of divergent thinking strategies has a major influence on student creativity.

    This research is carried out by conducting observations and tests so that the results

    of students' creativity can be seen.

    Gibson et al (2008) in their research concluded that empirical studies of

    creativity have focused on the importance of divergent thinking, which supports

    generating new solutions to loosely defined problems. In this study divergent

    thinking is done in aspect music which shows the improvement of creativity in

    musicians. Therefore, it can be concluded that creativity can be improved through

    divergent thinking.

    Zeng (2011) in his research concluded that creativity is often assessed with

    divergent thinking tests. This article reviews the divergent thinking test are the

    major instrument for measuring people‘s creative potential. This article also focus

    on the issue of how to reliably and validity assess and predict people‘s real world

    creative potential.


  • 7

    Jeon et al (2011) in his research is investigate the main effects of divergent

    thinking, domain knowledge, and two types of interest on creative performance in

    art and math, as well as moderating and mediating effects of the two types of

    interest. Both divergent thinking and domain knowledge contributed to creative


    Runco (1992) in his research concluded that children's creative thinking is

    often assessed with divergent thinking tests. This article reviews the literature on

    divergent thinking tests and suggests that the strengths of these tests include their

    solid theoretical bases, their reliability, their selective validity, and the vast

    literature available to assist interpretations. Specific conclusions supported by the

    research include the following. First, divergent thinking test scores are predictive

    of some types of performance (e.g., writing) but are not predictive of performance

    in other domains (e.g., art). Second, divergent thinking tests have discriminant

    validity, but the traditional scoring technique (with fluency, originality, and

    flexibility) may be inadequate, and the level of ability of the examinees must be

    taken into account when comparing ideational scores with intelligence test scores.

    Third, several personality traits (e.g., independence) and familial variables (e.g.,

    birth order, family size, age gap) are associated with performance on tests of

    ideational creativity. Finally, performance on divergent thinking can be influenced

    by models, including parental divergent thinking, incentives and reinforcement,

    task perception, environmental cues, stimulus characteristics, and age. Overall, the

    research suggests that these tests are useful as estimates of children's potential for

    creative thinking.

  • 8

    Based on the previous findings above, the researcher concludes that the

    research shows the same results that one's creativity can be improved and

    developed from any aspect. In this study the researcher will examine the use of

    divergent thinking on students 'creativity in aspects of English especially in

    writing skills that will add knowledge and insight into divergent thinking and

    students' creativity in writing.

    B. Some Pertinent Ideas

    1. Concept of Divergent Thinking

    a. Definition of Divergent Thinking

    Mark Runco (Wiwi Isnaeni et al. 2012), the ability of divergent

    thinking is not the same as creative ability, but divergent thinking ability is

    a potential feature for creative activities.

    According to Purwanto (Wiwi Isnaeni et al. 2012) divergent thinking

    is the ability to consciously hold new ideas that produce as much

    resolution as possible for a particular problem.

    Sivia et al. (Wiwi Isnaeni et al. 2012) state that divergent thinking is

    central to a variety of individual creativity. Divergent thinking requires

    students to be creative, so students will get used to opening their thoughts

    in finding inspiration to produce many creative ideas.

    Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate

    creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions Anoiko (2011). It is

    often use in conjunction with convergent thinking, which follow a

    particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases

  • 9

    is a ―correct‖ solution. Divergent thinking typically occurs in a

    spontaneous, free-flowing manner, such that many ideas are generate in an

    unorganized fashion. Many possible solutions are explore in a short

    amount of time, and unexpected connection are drawn. After the process

    of divergent thinking has been complete, ideas and information are

    organize and structure using convergent thinking.

    Activities which promote divergent thinking including creating list of

    question, setting aside time for thinking and meditation, brainstorming,

    subject mapping or ―bubble mapping, keeping a journal, creating artwork,

    and free writing. In free writing, a person will focus on one particular topic

    and write non-stop about it for a short period of time, in a stream of

    consciousness fashion.

    Molle et al. (Asri Widowati: 2008) defines divergent thinking refers to

    destructured mode of mental processing that aims ti activate as many

    mental representation as possible with only a weak associative connection

    to the task stimulus.

    Richard Fry (2007) defines divergent thinking is one of the stereotypes

    of creativity as a whole. In order to become ―creative‖, emphasis is place

    on a person developing and adopting a more divergent process and

    developing personal characteristic such as openness, tolerance for

    ambiguity, and willingness to the risk.

    From the definition above we can understand that divergent thinking is

    the way to produce many creative ideas that happen when there is a

  • 10

    stimulus which encourages more than one search for answers, makes it

    possible to bring up many ideas or solution to a problem.

    Picture 1. Divergent Thinking

    (Taken from Gudadhe, Wikipedia)

    b. The Elements of Divergent Thinking

    There are eight elements of divergent thinking. They are complexity,

    curiosity, elaboration, flexibility, fluency, imagination, originality, and

    risk-taking (Martin, 2015).

    1) Complexity

    The capacity to conceptualize difficult, multifaceted, many layered

    or intricate products or ideas.

    2) Curiosity

    The personality characteristic of displaying probing behaviors,

    searching, asking question, learning to get more knowledge or

    information about something, and of being able to go deeper into ideas.

    3) Elaboration

    The skill of adding to, building off of or embellishing a product or

    an ideas.

  • 11

    4) Flexibility

    The capability of creating varied perception or categories

    wherefrom come a range of different ideas pertaining to the same thing

    or problem.

    5) Fluency

    The skill of engendering many ideas so as to have an increase in the

    number of potential solution or associated products.

    6) Imagination

    The capability of dreaming up, inventing, or to think, to see, to

    conceptualize novel products or ideas, to be original

    7) Originality

    The skill of coming up with fresh, unusual, unique, extremely,

    different or completely new products or ideas.

    8) Risk-Taking

    The readiness to be courageous, daring, adventuresome take risk or

    experiment with new things so as to stand apart.

    c. The Procedure of Divergent Thinking

    There are three procedure or ways to practice divergent thinking. They

    are defining divergent thinking, stimulating divergent thinking, and

    practicing the divergent thinking techniques (Griffin: 2019).

    1) Defining Divergent Thinking

    a) Create solutions to problems

    Divergent thinking is a form of creative thinking, so it examines

    a problem using more of an out of the box mindset. Instead of

  • 12

    setting for a status-quo answer or no answer at all. In this case, to

    solve the question by asking ―what if tried it this way?‖ it is a

    thought process used to generate creative ideas. Instead of taking

    obvious steps and walking along a straight line, one looks at

    different aspects of the situation, creating different results.

    Divergent thinking encourages seeking and considering new and

    different methods, new and different opportunities, new and

    different ideas, and/or new and different solutions.

    b) Use the right brain hemisphere

    Whereas the left side of our brain is rational, analytical, and

    controlling, our right hemisphere is where we acquire our creativity,

    intuition, and emotional expression. It plays a key role in divergent

    thinking and the creative problem solving that depends on it.

    Divergent thinking is spontaneous, free-flowing, non-linear manner.

    It uses lateral, nontraditional, and unconventional thinking.

    c) Deviate from the standard problem-solving techniques used in


    Creative thinking is needed to solve problems; however, we

    don't really get to use it in the classroom. Instead, linear convergent

    thinking is required with multiple choice tests as a great example.

    This is not how a divergent thinking solves problem because it's

    associated with four main characteristics.

  • 13

    i. Stimulating Divergent Thinking

    i) Learn how to think and meditate

    Explore the ways you learn, and then create new patterns.

    When you're done, think about them. For those ideas that are

    more theoretical, figure out how you can connect them to

    your life experiences and what you've learned from

    experiments you've conducted in the past.

    ii) Force yourself to see with unusual points of view

    Do this even if it seems silly. For instance, imagine life

    as a banquet table, and you as one of the dishes. Now

    evaluate the table through several points of view of the


    iii) Learn how to ask questions

    Divergent thinking is not so much about finding answers

    as it is about asking the question to get to those answer.

    Asking the right questions will get you what you are seeking.

    The challenge, though, is to figure out the questions to ask.

    The more you formulate specific questions that delve into the

    differences, the better your chance of succeeding. Simplify

    complicated matter by breaking it down into pieces. Then

    expose each one by asking, "What if?".

  • 14

    iv) Practicing The Divergent Thinking Techniques

    There are some ways to practice the divergent thinking

    technique. First, brainstorm for ideas this technique is a tool

    that builds upon ideas. One idea generates another idea, which

    then generates another idea, and so on until a list of random

    ideas is compiled in a creative, unstructured manner. When

    brainstorming in a group atmosphere, allow everyone to think

    more freely. Don't pursue a practical solution. Instead, gather

    ideas that have the slightest relevance to the problem itself.

    The second, keep a spiritual journal or using a journal enables

    you to capture and record the spontaneous ideas that people

    can have during unusual times and places. One member of the

    brainstorming team can be assigned to write down those ideas.

    Then later on, that journal can become a source book of ideas

    that can be developed and organized. Third, write freely focus

    on one specific topic and continue to write about it for a short

    period of time. Write down everything that comes to mind as

    long as it is about the topic. Don't worry about punctuation or

    grammar. Just write. You can organize, correct, and revise

    your content later. The purpose is to take a topic and then

    come up with several different thoughts about it within a short

    period time. Then, create a subject- or mind-mapping visual

    the students will put the brainstorming ideas in the form of a

  • 15

    visual map or picture. Make sure the visuals show the

    relationships among the ideas. The last arrange your ideas in

    an innovative manner to acquire the best results, you will need

    to apply both of divergent thinking and convergent thinking.

    They both play an important role in the process. Divergent

    thinking will supply the creativity while convergent thinking

    will analyze and evaluate those creative ideas and narrow

    them down.

    2. Concept of Creativity

    a. Definition of Creativity

    Rahayu (Fakhtan: 2017) says that student creativity is defined as the

    ability of students to create new things in their learning in the form of the

    ability to develop information obtained from teachers in the learning

    process in the form of knowledge so that they can create new

    combinations of learning. And according to Nana (Kenedi: 2017)

    creativity is the ability to make new combinations based on data,

    information or elements that exist.

    Utami (Kenedi: 2017) explains that creativity is an ability that reflects

    fluency, flexibility, and originality in thinking, and has the ability to

    elaborate on an idea. Therefore, creativity is one of the potential that must

    have of the students to produce many ideas and make students to think


  • 16

    Sudarsono (M Yahya: 2013) means creativity is the ability to create or

    the ability to reach solutions or the same solution very new, original, and

    imaginative about problems that are of a nature understanding,

    philosophical, aesthetic or otherwise.

    Wycoff (M Yahya: 2013) defines creativity by seeing things which is

    also seen by others around us, but makes connections which others don't

    think of. Creative means able to find new and useful solutions. People who

    creative brings new meaning or purpose in a task, finding new use, solve

    problems, or provide added value or beauty.

    According to Poerwadarminta (Wiwi Isnaeani et al. 2012) creativity is

    the result of creative thinking, namely the ability to combine new

    combinations of pre-existing elements, even in a simple form.

    b. The Characteristics of Creative People

    There are several characteristics of creativity that are explained by

    experts. According to Utami (Kenedi: 2017) presents several

    characteristics of creative attitudes, such as:

    1) Having confidence;

    2) Open to new and extraordinary experiences;

    3) Flexible in thinking and acting;

    4) Free in expressing themselves;

    5) Can appreciate fantasy;

    6) Interested in creative activities; and

    7) Believe in your own and independent ideas.

  • 17

    From the description above explains that students are creative will

    have high self-esteem, be open to an ability to collaborate on an idea.

    Further explained that creativity as a whole personality which is the result

    of interaction with the environment. That is, the environment that is the

    place where individuals interact can support the development of creativity,

    but there are also those that actually inhibit the development of individual


    Mihaly (Cherry: 2017) explained creativity allows us to stretch out

    minds, do new and exciting things, and engage ourselves in a way that

    takes us one step closer to reaching our full potential. Mihaly in his

    research said that there are ten skills he believes that creative people


    1) Creative People are Energetic, but focused

    Creative people have a great deal of energy, both physical and

    mental. They can spend hours working on a single thing that holds

    their attention, yet seem to remain enthusiastic all the while. This

    doesn't mean that creative people are hyperactive or manic. They

    spend a great deal of time at rest, quietly thinking and reflecting on the

    things that hold their interest.

    2) Creative People are Smart, but Also Naïve

    Creative people tend to be smart, but research has shown that

    having a very high IQ is not necessarily correlated with higher levels of

    creative achievement. In Lewis Terman's famous longitudinal study of

  • 18

    gifted children, for example, high IQ kids were shown to do better in

    life overall, but those with very high IQ weren't exactly creative

    geniuses. Very few of those involved in the study demonstrated high

    levels of artistic achievement later in life. Creative people are smart, but

    they are able to maintain their sense of wonder, curiosity, and ability to

    look at the world with fresh eyes.

    3) Creative People are Playful, Yet Disciplined

    A playful attitude is one of the hallmarks of creativity, but this

    lightheartedness and excitement is also mirrored by a major paradoxical

    trait — perseverance. When working on a project, creative people tend

    to exhibit determination and doggedness. They will work for hours on

    something, often staying up late into the night until they are satisfied

    with their work. However, a creative person realizes that real creativity

    involves combining both the fun and the hard work.

    4) Creative People are Realistic Dreamer

    Creative people like to daydream and imagine the possibilities and

    wonders of the world. They can immerse themselves in imagination and

    fantasy, yet remain grounded in reality. They are often described as

    dreamers, but that doesn‘t mean that they live with their heads in the

    clouds. Creative types, ranging from scientists to artists to musicians,

    can come up with imaginative solutions to real-world issues.

  • 19

    5) Creative People are Extroverted and Introverted

    Creative people tend to exhibit characteristics of both introversion

    and extraversion at the same time.

    6) Creative People are Proud, Yet Modest

    Creative people are often so focused on their next idea or project

    that they don't fixate on their past achievements.

    7) Creative People are Weighed Down by Rigid Gender Roods

    Mahly believes that creative individuals resist, to at least some

    degree, the often rigid gender stereotypes and roles that society often

    tries to enforce. Creative girls and women tend to be more dominant

    than other girls, he suggests, while creative boys and men are less

    aggressive and more sensitive than other males.

    8) Creative People are Conservative, Yet Rebellious

    Creative people are "out-of-the-box" thinkers by definition, and

    many often think of them as non-conformist and even a little bit


    9) Creative People are Passionate, but Objective about Their Work

    Creative people don't just enjoy their work. They dearly and

    passionately love what they do. Creative people love their work, but

    they are also objective about it and willing to be critical (and take

    criticism) of it. They are able to separate themselves from their work

    and see areas that need work and improvement.

  • 20

    10) Creative People Are Sensitive and Open to Experience, but Happy

    and Joyful

    The creative experience is also a source of great joy. It can bring

    tremendous happiness, and many creative people believe that such

    feelings are well worth the trade-off for any possible pain.

    Munir (Kamaruddin: 2017) define some characteristics of creative

    people. These are among the five main traits of a creative person.

    1) They are risk takers

    Creative thinkers are risk takers. They just love taking risk. In

    fact they would be very eager and excited to take up a project with

    high risk potential rather than going through routine tasks they

    considered as mundane. Risky environments force them to challenge

    themselves to seek multiple solutions.

    2) They have the dare to fail attitude

    Failure for them is a learning curve. They learn from all the

    mistakes made and all those mistakes actually stimulate a higher

    sense of curiosity in them. They have an open-mind view of things

    that there are many other doors that would lead them towards a

    solution they are looking for in facing current challenges.

    3) They are willing to be different

    In fact, they like to be different from the masses. What people

    think of them is not really a matter of concern as they have a very

    clear objective in life.

  • 21

    4) They choose to become a divergent

    They will do things that may challenge the boundary of normal

    thinking and perspective. They think outside the box (and they really,

    really do think outside the box) where they see opportunities and

    solutions from all sorts of angles that remained unnoticed to many

    others. They are also highly curious and inquisitive.

    5) They are impulsive, fickle and change their mind quite often

    Too often creative thinkers are being exposed to new experiences,

    leading their minds in constant mode of thinking. They gauge huge

    amount of thoughts and opinions towards a problem they try to solve.

    This then resulted into them revising their understanding of a matter in

    an amazingly fast cycle and often decisions too. They tend to be fickle

    in many aspects of life as they are deeply engaged in the creative

    thinking process. Adding to the result, they tend to make impulsive

    decisions in accordance to their own ways of thinking, which is then

    misunderstood by many and interpreted as ‗not having a stand‘.

    c. Factors that Influence Creativity

    Education is a shared responsibility between family (parents), school,

    and society. The three educational environments have an influence on

    children's development, including in terms of creativity Mohamad Yahya


  • 22

    1) School Environment

    By entering the school education environment, a child will

    experience various changes. He must obey the demands of new

    authority figures, namely the teacher. He got to know and connect with

    many children of his age. For the time being he must be separated from

    his family. All of that will have a big impact on the attitude and

    behavior of a child. Teachers in schools have a very important role in

    students' intellectual, emotional and social development. The teacher

    helps the formation of values in students, such as life values, moral

    values, and social values.

    The teacher also plays a role in determining learning goals,

    choosing learning experiences, determining methods, and teaching

    strategies and most importantly being a model of behavior for students.

    The role of the teacher not only has an impact on student learning

    achievement, but also has an impact on student attitudes toward school

    and learning in general. The teacher can foster curiosity, motivation,

    self-esteem, and creativity in a student. Even teachers can have more

    influence than parents because the teacher has the task of evaluating

    the work, attitudes, and behavior of students.

    2) Family environment

    Family as the smallest environment in a society and is the first and

    foremost environment in human life cannot be ignored in influencing

    one's physical and mental development. In the daily interactions of a

  • 23

    child with his parents will have a big impact on their growth and

    development in the future.

    3) Community environment

    In addition to the school environment and family, one's creativity

    is also influenced by the community environment because every

    individual as a social being cannot release himself from society. As the

    largest environment, the community forms a culture that results from

    the various views and ways of life of its members. Culture is an

    integral part of every individual in that society.

    d. Aspect of Creativity

    In Guilford's intellectual structure model, through the category of

    divergent thinking, aspects of creativity such as the smooth thinking,

    flexibility, elaboration and authenticity of Utami (Apriani: 2017). The

    explanation of the four aspects of creativity is as follows:

    1) Fluency of Thinking

    The ability to produce many relevant ideas or answers and have

    smooth thinking.

    2) Flexibility

    The ability to produce ideas that are uniform and able to change

    the way or approach with other things and have different thoughts.

    3) Elaboration

    Developing, adding to, enriching an idea and detailing the details

    of an idea so that it becomes broad.

  • 24

    4) Originality

    The ability to give unusual answers, other than others, and rarely

    given by most people.

    e. Process and Stages of Creativity

    The many definitions of creativity do not directly describe the

    characteristics and processes. In the process of creativity, imagination and

    description play an important role, maybe also imaginative words are used

    in a variety of different uses Farida (Apriani: 2017).

    Munandar (Apriani: 2017) states that the creative process includes four

    stages, namely:

    1) Preparation is that someone prepares to solve a problem by

    learning to think, find answers, ask other people and so on.

    2) Incubation of activities to search for and collect data or follow-up

    information. The incubation stage is the stage where the individual

    seems to temporarily break away from the problem, in the sense

    that he does not think about the problem consciously but "incurs it"

    in the pre-conscious realm.

    3) Illumination stage of the emergence of insight or "aha-erlebnis",

    when the emergence of inspiration and new disturbances.

    4) Verify the stage where new ideas or creations must be tested

    against reality.

  • 25

    3. The Concept of Writing

    a. Definition of Writing

    Byrne (1990:1) defines writing is clearly more than prediction of the

    sounds. The symbols have been arranged according to certain in

    convention. As rule, however the students do not write just one sentence or

    a number of sentence as arranged in particular order and linked together in

    certain ways.

    Nunan (Hamid: 2014) writing are physical and mental act. It is about

    discovering ideas, thinking about how to communicate, develop them into

    statements and paragraphs that will be comprehensible to a reader Writing

    has dual purpose are to express & impress the writers must select the most

    advantageous medium for their writing, each types has a different level of

    difficulty which determined by its objectives. Writing is a process and also

    a product. The writer creates, plans, w rites various drafts, revises, edits

    and publishes and also the audience reads is a product.

    Nik et al (2010) states that writing is one of the most difficult skill for

    the students to acquire as writing requires a number of skill and

    conventions like organizing and developing ideas and information,

    choosing the right vocabulary accurately to eradicate the ambiguity of

    meaning and also the practice of accurate grammatical devices to focus

    and emphasize ideas.

  • 26

    According to Hyland (2000) argues that writing is a way of sharing

    personal learnings and writing courses that emphasize the power of the

    individual to construct his or her own views on a topic.

    From the definition above, it can be understood that writing is a skill

    that can help the students think freely, creative and flexibility. Writing is

    also the way to share many ideas in a writing.

    b. The Components of Writing

    There are five main components of writing. They are content,

    organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics (Saputra, 2014).

    1) Content

    The content of writing should be clear enough for readers so that the

    reader can understand the messages and gain information in it. Besides

    that, it is content should be also well unfiled and completed.

    a) Unity

    The writing regards to have good unity, if it has some main

    ideas and sentences contained in it develop that idea. The main

    idea is stated in the topic sentence and each or every supported

    sentences and related to that idea of the topic sentences. If a writer

    wants his/her writing is unfiled, he/she should not include the

    sentences that do not support the main idea of the topic sentences.

    b) Completeness

    Writing is said to have completeness if the main idea have been

    explained and develop fully completeness. The controlling idea

    with develop thoroughly by these of particular information. It is

  • 27

    relative to know how complex or general the topic sentences by

    having a complete writing. Is it expected that the content of writing

    will be clear and understandable for readers.

    2) Organization

    In organization of writing concern with the ways the writer

    arrangers and organize the ideas or the messages in the writing. It

    could be chronological order, order of importance, general to particular

    to general order. There are two parts of organization in this case, they

    are below:

    a) Coherence

    Coherence means all ideas stick together. A coherence

    paragraph is one in which the ideas are part in the right order and it

    does not make reader confuse. This make the writer‘s thought easy

    to follow sentence and paragraph.

    b) Spatial Order

    If the purpose of the paragraph is to tell them something looks

    most effective organization pattern is usually spatial, if the writers

    write a recount text about ―Holiday in Bali‖ they want the readers

    know the writer‘s experience in Bali.

    c) Grammar/Language Use

    In order to have grammar in writing, writers should attention to the

    use of grammatical rules concerning tenses, preposition, conjunction,

    clause (adjective or adverb clauses), articles, etc. The lack of

  • 28

    knowledge of grammar will make the content of writing vague and can

    lead to misunderstanding.

    d) Vocabulary

    One cannot write anything if she or he has nothing to express. He or

    she should express the ideas in form of words or vocabulary, the lack

    of vocabulary makes someone fails to compose what they are going to

    say because he or she feels difficult to choose words, appropriate

    vocabulary will help the writers to compose the writing and also make

    readers are easy to understand.

    e) Mechanics

    The use of mechanics is due to capitalization, punctuation, and

    spelling appropriately. This aspect is very important since it leads

    readers to understand or recognize immediately what the writer means

    to express definitely. The use of favorable mechanics in writing will

    make readers easy to group the conveying ideas or messages to the

    written materials.

    c. The Purpose of Writing

    Purpose is the reasons why a person composes a particular piece of

    writing. Focusing on purpose as one writers helps a person to know what

    form of writing to choose, how formal or informal the writing style should

    be, and how much should be written (Copeland, 2012).

    There are ten different types of purpose include: to express; to

    describe; to explore/learn; to entertain; to inform; to explain; to argue; to

    persuade; to evaluate; and to problem solve.

  • 29

    1) Writing to Express

    In expressing writing, the writer‘s purpose or goal is to put thoughts

    and feelings on the page.

    2) Writing to Describe

    Writing to describe means to portray, places, things, moments and

    theories with enough vivid detail to help the reader create a mental

    picture of what is being written about. Description allows the audience

    to feel a thought they are a part of the writer‘s experience of the


    3) Writing to Explore/Learn

    In exploratory writing, the writer‘s purpose is to ask key question

    and reflect on topics that defy simple answer. In those topics where

    intuition and reflection are more important than rational analysis or

    argumentation, writers focus more on their journey of discovery than

    on any definite answer.

    4) Writing to Entertain

    As a purpose or goal of writing, writing to entertain is to relax the

    audience and share some story of human foibles or surprising actions.

    5) Writing to Inform

    The purpose of informational or reportorial writing is to convey

    information as accurately and objectively as possible. Other example

    of writing to inform include laboratory reports, economics reports, and

    business report.

  • 30

    6) Writing to Explain

    Writing to explain, or expository writing, is the most common of the

    writing purpose. The writer‘s purpose is to gather facts and

    information of the writing purpose. The writer‘s purpose is to gather

    facts and information, combine them with his or her own knowledge

    and experience, and clarify for some audience who or what something

    is, how it happened or should happen, and or why something


    7) Writing to Argue

    It attempts to convince it is audience to believe or act in a certain


    8) Writing to Persuade

    Persuasive writing means to convince there a ders to accept the

    main idea, even though it may be controversial.

    9) Writing to Evaluate

    Writing to evaluate a person, product, thing, or policy is a frequent

    purpose for writing. It argues for the merits of the subject and presents

    evidence to support the claim.

    10) Writing to Problem Solve

    Problem solving is another specific type of argument: the writer‘s

    purpose is to persuade his audience to adopt a solution to a particular


  • 31

    Divergent Thinking

    Procedures Creativity


    the Idea

    Fluency of


    Keep a spiritual



    Originality Write Freely

    Create a Subject

    or Mind Mapping

    Arrange the



    C. Conceptual Framework

    Every student has different ways of thinking so they have different levels

    of creativity. In this study the researcher will examine the use of divergent

    thinking to improve students' creativity in writing. The researcher will use

    divergent thinking as a method in the teaching and learning process, especially

    in writing skills. Divergent thinking is one way of thinking that can support

    students' potential so that someone can think creatively.

    The ability of creativity can be improved through divergent thinking by

    following several procedures including brainstorming ideas, keep a spiritual

    journal, write freely, create visual subject or mind mapping, and arrange the

  • 32

    ideas in an innovative manner. Brainstorming is a tool to build upon ideas.

    Keep a spiritual journal using capture and record the spontaneous ideas. Write

    freely to write everything that comes to mind as long as it is about the topic.

    Create visual mapping or subject matter, students will write the brainstorming

    ideas in a visual map or picture. And the last ideas, the students need to apply

    the divergent thinking and convergence thinking because it is an important

    role in the process.

    In supporting creativity, students must have or be included in the

    categories of some aspects of creativity including fluency of thinking,

    flexibility, and originality. Students must be fluent in thinking that it is easy to

    find ideas. Thinking flexibly can help students gather creative ideas. And the

    last is originality, students must produce creative ideas from their own

    thoughts so that their writing can be accounted for authenticity.

    Therefore, to produce creative writing, students must be in the category or

    aspect of creativity and follow the divergent thinking procedure so students

    can easily write down and organize their ideas so that their creativity and

    writing abilities can be improved.

    D. Hypothesis

    The hypothesis of this research formulated as follow:

    1. H0 (Null hypothesis): The divergent thinking cannot improve students'

    creativity in writing.

    2. H1 (Alternative hypothesis): The divergent thinking can improve students'

    creativity in writing.



    This chapter deals with the research design, variable, population, and sample,

    instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique of data


    A. Research Design

    In this research, the researcher used pre-experimental design with pre-test

    and post-test design, involving a single class. The one group pre-test and post-

    test was represented in the following diagram.

    TI X T2


    TI = Pre-Test

    X = Treatment

    T2 = Post-Test

    (Sanjaya, 2013: 103)

    B. Variables and Indicators

    Arikunto (2002: 96) suggests that research variables are what the focus of

    research. Meanwhile, Sugiyono (2013: 38) argues that the research variable is

    basically everything in the form of what is determined by the researcher to be

    studied so that information about it is obtained.

    From some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that in the research

    there were variables that become the focus of research attention to be study so that

    information can be obtain about these matters and conclusions were drawn.


  • 34

    In this research there were two variables, namely the independent variable

    and dependent variable.

    1. Independent Variable (X)

    Independent variable was a variable that affects or becomes the

    cause of the emergence of the dependent variable. Independent variable in

    this research was divergent thinking (X).

    2. Dependent Variable (Y)

    Dependent variable was a variable that influence or becomes a result

    of the independent variable. The dependent variable in this research was

    students' creativity in writing (Y).

    C. Operational Definition of Variable

    1. Divergent Thinking

    The divergent thinking refers to in this research as a method that was

    applied to find out the ability of students to think broadly by generating ideas

    and can solve a problem by exploring many solutions.

    2. Creativity in Writing

    Creativity in writing in this research were ideas that arise through the

    process of divergent thinking.

    D. Population and Sample

    Population, according to Sugiyono (2008: 80), is a generalization area

    consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics set

    by the researcher. Sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by

    the population (Sugiyono, 2013: 81).

  • 35

    1. Population

    The population of this research was the students at SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.

    This school was located on the road Ranggong Dg. Romo Pattallassang

    district Takalar regency, South Sulawesi. There were twelve classes where

    entire classes learn English in eleventh classes. In this research, researcher

    only took the population in the eleventh class, namely classes XI IPA 1, XI

    IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4, XI IPA 5, XI IPA 6, XI IPA 7, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2,

    XI IPS 3, XI IPS 4 and XI IPS 5 which consisted of 35 students except XI IPA

    1 which consisted of 30 students from each class. Therefore, the population in

    this research consisted of 390 students from twelve classes.

    2. Sample

    In this research, the sample was selected by using purposive sampling

    technique. The sample is representative of the population. Sampling was

    intended so that research can take place effectively and efficiently. In this

    research, the researcher chose XI IPA 1 class consisted of 30 students.

    E. Research Instrument

    Research instrument was a tool that was used by researchers in collecting data

    so that their work is easier and the results are better, in the sense of being careful,

    complete and systematic so that it is easier to process (Arikunto, 2002: 136). The

    instrument of this research was test. The test was used to figure out the students‘

    creativity score. The test was given through pre-test and post-test. The test was the

    students‘ creativity in writing which used argumentative essay.

  • 36

    F. Procedure of Collecting Data

    Data collection techniques are ways that can be used by researchers to collect

    data Arikunto (2002: 126). In collecting data, the researcher follows the procedure

    as follows:

    1. Pre-Test

    Before giving a treatment, the researcher gave a pre-test for each student in

    the class. The pre-test‘s objective was to know the students‘ creativity before

    they were given a treatment. This test spent 80 (2 x 40) minutes. In the test the

    students made some paragraph of opinion and thoughts essay based on their

    creativity in writing. The students were given 1 hour to write their creative

    ideas in writing.

    2. Treatment

    After the pre-test, the researcher teached the students for eight meetings.

    Teaching and learning about the objective of the material and the teacher gave

    the information about the procedure of using divergent thinking method.

    3. Post-test

    Post-test was given to the class after giving the treatment. The procedure

    of post-test was the same as the pre-test. The researcher gave the post-test to

    the students. The test was similar to pre-test. The function of post-test was to

    know the students‘ knowledge and ability in creativity mastery after teaching

    opinion and thoughts by using divergent thinking method.

    G. Technique of Data Analysis

    Data analysis was an activity of grouping data based on variables and types of

    respondents, tabulating data based on variables from all respondents, presenting

    the researched variable data, performing calculations to answer the problem

  • 37

    formulation and performing calculations to test hypotheses conducted (Sugiyono,

    2008: 147). In this research, data analysis techniques were used to determine the

    extent of the use of divergent thinking on students' creativity in writing. The data

    obtained from pre-test and post-test were analyzed by using t-test. All the data

    account by using manual computation.

    There was procedure to do the data analysis that used test and the data of

    students‘ achievement in writing argumentative essay. The researcher collected

    the data to be assessed based on the assessment of creativity and writing. The

    researcher used several formulas that regulate the research in the test as below.

    a. Assessment Rubric of Students' Creative Thinking Ability in Writing

    Table. 3.1

    No. Rated Aspect Score

    1 Fluency 1 2 3 4 5

    2 Flexibility 1 2 3 4 5

    3 Originality 1 2 3 4 5

    Total Score

    Adapted from Munandar (1999)

    b. Assessment Descriptors of Students‘ Creative in Writing

    Table. 3.2


    Score Score Descriptors Quality

    Fluency 5 The results of students' essays show

    fluency if within 80 minutes the number

    of words used in the essay is more than

    200 words.



  • 38

    4 The results of students' essays show Fluent

    fluency if within 80 minutes the number

    of words used in the essay is 150-199


    3 The results of students' essays show Fluent

    fluency if within 80 minutes the number Enough

    of words used in the essay is between

    100-149 words.

    2 The results of an essay show the fluency Less

    if within 80 minutes the number of words Fluent

    used in the essay is between 50-99


    1 The results of essays of students did not Not

    show fluency if within 80 minutes the Fluent

    number of words used in the essay was

    less than 50 words.

    Flexibility 5 The results of students' essays indicate

    flexibility if there is diversity in the

    structure of sentences which can be

    either a combination of sentences (1)

    simple, combined, and complex, or (2)

    declarative, introgative, and imperative

    sentences, or (3) sentence length (short

    sentences less than five words, long

    sentences of more than ten words). If

    there is flexibility in the content or ideas

    which include (1) imagination, namely

    whether the sample shows a rich or not

    imagination, or (2) fantasy, the extent to

    which the essay only contains facts or




  • 39

    4 The results of students' essays indicate Flexible

    flexibility if they meet the 4 criteria.

    3 The results of the students' essays Flexible

    indicate flexibility if they meet the 3 Enough


    2 The results of students' essays indicate Less

    flexibility if they meet 2 criteria. Flexible

    1 The results of students' essays do not Not

    show flexibility, if only 1 or not 1 meets Flexible

    the criteria.

    Originality 5 The results of students' essays show Very

    authenticity including (1) title, (2) Original

    solving the ending of the story, (3)

    humor, (4) characterization, and (5)

    writing style.

    4 The results of students' essays indicate Original

    authenticity if they meet 4 criteria.

    3 The results of students' essays indicate Original

    authenticity if they meet 3 criteria. Enough

    2 The results of students' essays indicate Less

    authenticity if they meet 2 criteria. Original

    1 The results of students‘ essays do not Not

    show authenticity if only 1 or 1 does not Original

    meet the criteria.

    Adapted from Munandar (1999)

    c. Scoring The Students‘ percentage writing of Pre-test and Post-test

    P = 𝑓𝑞 x 100% 𝑁

    (Gay, 2006)

  • 40

    Findings the students‘ improvement score, the researcher use a

    formula as follows:

    1. Calculating the mean score of the students‘ writing test by using the

    following formula:


    X : Mean Score

    ∑X: Sum of all score

    𝑋 = ∑𝑋


    N : Total number of the sample

    Gay (1981: 298)

    2. Calculating the all of mean score of the students‘ creativity in writing

    test by using the following formula:


    𝐶𝑇𝑆 = 𝑠1 + 𝑠2 + 𝑠3


    S1 : Mean Score in Terms Fluency

    S2 : Mean Score in Terms Flexibility

    S3 : Mean Score in Terms Originality

    Modified from Kemendikbud (2013: 14)

    3. Finding out the significant different between the pre-test and post-test


    t = 𝐷

    ∑ 𝐷2−(∑ 𝐷2

    √ 𝑁

    𝑁 (𝑁−1)


  • 41


    T = Significance

    D = Mean of the different

    𝐷 = The sum of all score

    N = Total number of score

    Gay (2000:351)

    4. Hypothesis Testing

    After got the students‘ significance scores (value of t) it was compared

    with the value of t-table. When it was found that the value of t-test was

    equal or greater than the value of t-table, it means that Null Hypothesis

    (H0) was rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) was accepted because

    there is significance difference between pre-test and post-test and after

    taught writing by using divergent thinking method. The criteria for the

    hypothesis testing as follows:

    Table 3.3 Criteria for the hypothesis testing



    H0 H1

    t-test >t-table Rejected Accepted




    This chapter presented the result of the data of the students‘ creativity in

    writing. The finding of this research presented the result that covers students‘

    creativity in fluency, flexibility and originality by using divergent thinking

    method. The discussion of this research covered further explanation of findings.

    A. Findings

    The type of research was an experiment that used quantitative data

    analysis. Based on the research data it can be described in detail about the

    influence of using the divergent thinking method toward the students‘

    creativity. This research aimed to measure the students‘ creativity that can be

    observed in the following analysis into two parts, namely pre-test data and

    post-test data.

    1. The Students’ Creativity In Terms of Fluency

    The finding presented the result of score percentage of students‘

    creativity in terms of fluency and comparing the score percentage

    between pre-test and post-test.

    a. Pre-test

    In the pre-test, the researcher presented the result of the

    percentage of students‘ values in writing essay in fluency terms

    before use divergent thinking as a method in teaching. This

    research involved 30 students and was conducted at the eleventh

    grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.


  • 43

    Table 4.1. The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity

    Writing in Terms of Fluency of Thinking





    Frequency %

    1 Very Fluent 5 0 0%

    2 Fluent 4 2 6.7%

    3 Fluent enough 3 6 20%

    4 Less Fluent 2 1 3.3%

    5 Not Fluent 1 21 70%

    Total 30 100%

    Table 4.1 showed that the group of students who had the largest

    frequency lies in the classification of not fluent with a 21 (70%)

    frequency whereas, then there were 6 (20%) frequency in fluent

    enough and there was no in the very fluent classification. Overall it

    means that the students' scores and percentages in the pre-test were

    still low because more than half of the students got not fluent


    b. Post test

    In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of

    percentage of students‘ score in writing essay in terms fluency after

    using divergent thinking as a method in teaching. This research

    involved 30 students and was conducted at the eleventh grade of

    students of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.

  • 44

    Table 4.2. The Post-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity

    Writing in Terms of Fluency





    Frequency %

    1 Very Fluent 5 2 6.67%

    2 Fluent 4 6 20%

    3 Fluent enough 3 1 3.3%

    4 Less Fluent 2 20 66,7%

    5 Not Fluent 1 1 3.3%

    Total 30 100%

    Table 4.2 showed that the group of students who had the largest

    frequency lies in the classification of less fluent with a 20 (66.7%)

    frequency whereas, then there were 6 (20%) frequency in fluent, and

    there were 2 (6.67%) frequency in the very fluent classification.

    Overall it means that the students' scores and percentages in the pre-

    test were slightly improved because half of the students got very

    fluent scores.

    2. The Students’ Creativity In Terms of Flexibility

    The finding presented the result of score percentage of students‘

    creativity in terms of flexibility and comparing the score percentage

    between pre-test and post-test.

    a. Pre-test

    In the pre-test, the researcher presented the result of the

    percentage of students‘ values in writing essay in flexibility terms

    before use divergent thinking as a method in teaching. This study

  • 45

    involved 30 students and was conducted at the eleventh grade

    students of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.

    Table 4.3. The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity

    Writing Essay in Terms of Flexibility





    Frequency %

    1 Very Flexible 5 0 0%

    2 Flexible 4 2 6.7%

    3 Flexible enough 3 6 20%

    4 Less Flexible 2 1 3.3%

    5 Not Flexible 1 21 70%

    Total 30 100%

    Table 4.3 showed that the group of students who had the largest

    frequency lies in the classification of not flexible with a 21 (70%)

    frequency whereas, then there were 6 (20%) frequency in flexible

    enough and there was no in the very flexible classification. Overall it

    means that the students' scores and percentages in the pre-test were

    still low because more than half of the students got not flexible scores.

    b. Post test

    In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of percentage

    of students‘ score in writing essay in terms flexible after using

    divergent thinking as a method in teaching. This research involved 30

    students and was conducted at the eleventh grade of students of SMA

    Negeri 2 Takalar.

  • 46

    Table 4.4. The Post-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity

    Writing Essay in Terms of Flexibility





    Frequency %

    1 Very Flexible 5 2 6.67%

    2 Flexible 4 6 20%

    3 Flexible enough 3 3 10%

    4 Less Flexible 2 19 63.33%

    5 Not Flexible 1 0 0%

    Total 30 100%

    Table 4.4 showed that the group of students who had the largest

    frequency lies in the classification of less flexible there was no

    frequency whereas, then there were 19 (63.33%) frequency in less

    flexible and there were 2 (6.67%) in the very flexible classification.

    Overall it means that the students' scores and percentages in the pre-

    test were slightly improved because half of the students got very

    flexible scores.

    3. The Students’ Creativity In Terms of Originality

    The findings presented the result of score percentage of students‘

    creativity in terms of originality and comparing the score percentage

    between pre-test and post-test.

    a. Pre-test

    In the pre-test, the researcher presented the result of the

    percentage of students‘ values in writing essay in flexibility terms

    before use divergent thinking as a method in teaching. This research

  • 47

    involved 30 students and was conducted at the eleventh grade

    students of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.

    Table 4.5 The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity in

    Writing Essay in Terms of Originality





    Frequency %

    1 Very Original 5 0 0%

    2 Original 4 1 3.3%

    3 Original enough 3 2 6.7%

    4 Less Original 2 6 20%

    5 Not Original 1 21 70%

    Total 30 100%

    Table 4.5 showed that the group of students who had the largest

    frequency lies in the classification of not original with a 21 (70%)

    frequency whereas, then there were 6 (20%) frequency in less original

    and there was no in the very original classification. Overall it means

    that the students' scores and percentages in the pre-test were still low

    because more than half of the students got not original scores.

    b. Post test

    In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of percentage

    of students‘ score in writing essay in terms originality after using

    divergent thinking as a method in teaching. This research involved 30

    students and was conducted at the eleventh grade of students of SMA

    Negeri 2 Takalar.

  • 48

    Table 4.6 The Post-Test Score Percentage of Post-Test Result of

    Students‘ Creativity in Writing Essay in Terms of Originality





    Frequency %

    1 Very Original 5 1 3.3%

    2 Original 4 2 6.7%

    3 Original enough 3 6 20%

    4 Less Original 2 20 67%

    5 Not Original 1 1 3.3%

    Total 30 100%

    Table 4.6 showed that the group of students who had the largest

    frequency lies in the classification of less original with a 20 (67%)

    frequency whereas, then there were 6 (20%) frequency in original

    enough and there was 1 (3.3%) frequency in the very original

    classification. Overall it means that the students' scores and

    percentages in the pre-test were slightly improved.

    4. The Improvement of Students’ Creativity in Writing

    The improvement of the students‘ creativity score obtained through

    writing test.

    Table 4.7

    No. Indicators of Creativity Mean Score

    Pre-Test Post-Test

    1 Fluency 3.26 5.2

    2 Flexibility 3.26 5.3

    3 Originality 2.9 4.8

    Total 9.42 15.3

    Improvement 3.14 5.1

  • 49

    Column 1.

    The result above showed that the students‘ score improved after using

    divergent thinking as method in teaching and learning process. It was proved

    by comparing students‘ score in pre-test and post-test. It can be seen in the

    table 4.9 that in pre-test was 3.8 and in the post-test was 5.1.

    5. Hypothesis Testing

    Hypothesis was a temporary answer to the problem that must be formulated as

    stated in Chapter II. The hypothesis proposed in this research was "the divergent

    thinking can improve students' creativity in writing at SMA Negeri 2 Talakar

    especially in class XI IPA 1 in writing. In this research the researcher uses t-test

    analysis on the level of significance (p) = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) =

    N-1 (30-1=29) and the t-table was 1.699. The table shows the result of the t-test

















    t Sc


  • 50

    Table 4.8 The T-Test of Students‘ Improvement

    Aspect of Creativity T-test Value T-table Value

    Fluency 16.92


    Flexibility 2

    Originality 32.16

    Student’ Creativity 17.02

    Table 4.8 that the t-test value in aspect of creativity were improved. It

    could be seen on the table that the t-test was higher than t-table (17.02>1.699).

    It indicated that there was a significant difference between the result of the

    students‘ pre-test and post-test by using divergent thinking as method in

    teaching. It means that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the

    alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted.

    B. Discussion

    One way to think creatively is to think out of the box habit or not focus on one

    thing. In this research, researchers discussed about the use of divergent thinking to

    improve students' creativity in writing. In creativity there were several indicators

    that serve as a reference in measuring creativity including fluency, flexibility and


    After calculating and comparing the t-test value and t-table value, it was found

    that t-test value was greater that t-table (T-Test> T-Table), the final result showed

    that t-test value for the final score of students‘ writing ability was (17.02 > 1.699).

    It means that there was significant difference between the students‘ creativity in

    writing before and after used divergent thinking method. It was also said that the

  • 51

    null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was


    As explained in the previous finding section, it showed that the use of

    divergent thinking method improved the students‘ creativity in writing. It was

    supported by the students‘ score of pre-test and post-test that was improved


  • 52

    The ability to think creatively is the key to success in solving problems,

    because creativity is the bridge between the management of cognition and the

    execution stage so that someone has a convincing achievement or outcome

    (Sunito et al., 2013: 12). In the writing process students must be fluent in thinking.

    Smooth thinking was an indicator of the ability to think creatively that was easiest

    to identify from students' essays, because it can be evaluated based on the number

    of words used in the essay. Furthermore, students must has aspects of fluency in

    order to be said to be creative.

    Runco (1987) found that problem discovery is an important step in the

    creative process. This investigation was carried out to examine the role of problem

    finding in divergent thinking and students' creative performance. These result

    supported the theory of different components of thought and creativity, and are

    consistent with the developmental view of problem finding. Related to this

    research, the students must examine their thinking by looking for problems in the

    topics which they analyzed so that they can produce ideas with different thinking

    patterns. Rumekar (2014) which found that divergent thinking ability was an

    indicator of creativity so to develop student creativity it was also necessary to

    develop divergent thinking abilities of students. Similarly in this research that the