the urban-rural continuum

THE URBAN-RURAL CONTINUUM intent Assess the current state of the rural character by using a photo- questionnaire survey that identifies the user’s perception of the rural landscape. figure 1 Example from the photo-questionnaire used at the second public meeting to gather data about stakeholder landscape perception. Rural Transitional Urban Low Scenic Beauty Medium Scenic Beauty High Scenic Beauty figure 3 This map shows the location of the photographs used in the survey coordinated with a color indicating stakeholder perception of scenic beauty. what we learned The elements of the natural landscape are preferred. Expansive views of open space, woods and hills are preferred. Signs of civilization detract from scenic beauty. Mature trees and extensive landscaping improve visual quality. Minimal setbacks and homes too close together detract from aesthetic appeal. The transition zone between city and countryside is becoming unclear. Urbanization is moving into the land between Georgetown and Sadieville. These lands were rated as having the highest rural character and most attractive scenic beauty. Conserving this land is in the best interest of the stakeholders. recommendations Use topography, landscaping, and creative site design to screen housing subdivisions from view. Cluster homes around open spaces. Redevelopment of commercial town center. Residential landscape needs to promote civic identity, respond to changing households. Examine the urban-rural continuum in the urban development perspective. Knowledge and understanding of population composition is key to providing public services. Establish a transfer of development rights program to conserve agricultural land and open space. Assessing the visual quality of the landscape throughout the county served as a way of gaining a holistic understanding of the relationship between the built and natural environments. Insights into these charac- teristics develop awareness regarding past development practices. Perceived Scenic Beauty Perceived Visual Character Stamping Ground Sadieville Georgetown Stamping Ground Sadieville Georgetown figure 3 This map shows the location of the photographs used in the survey coordinated with a color indicating stakeholder perception of visual character.

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THE URBAN-RURAL CONTINUUMintentAssess the current state of the rural character by using a photo-questionnaire survey that identifies the user’s perception of the rural landscape.

figure 1 Example from the photo-questionnaire used at the second public meeting to gather data about stakeholder landscape perception.


Low Scenic BeautyMedium Scenic BeautyHigh Scenic Beauty

figure 3 This map shows the location of the photographs used in the survey coordinated with a color indicating stakeholder perception of scenic beauty.

what we learned• The elements of the natural landscape

are preferred.• Expansive views of open space,

woods and hills are preferred. • Signs of civilization detract from scenic

beauty.• Mature trees and extensive

landscaping improve visual quality.• Minimal setbacks and homes too

close together detract from aesthetic appeal.

• The transition zone between city and countryside is becoming unclear.

• Urbanization is moving into the land between Georgetown and Sadieville. These lands were rated as having the highest rural character and most attractive scenic beauty.

• Conserving this land is in the best interest of the stakeholders.

recommendations• Use topography, landscaping, and

creative site design to screen housing subdivisions from view.

• Cluster homes around open spaces.• Redevelopment of commercial town

center.• Residential landscape needs to

promote civic identity, respond to changing households.

• Examine the urban-rural continuum in the urban development perspective.

• Knowledge and understanding of population composition is key to providing public services.

• Establish a transfer of development rights program to conserve agricultural land and open space.

Assessing the visual quality of the landscape throughout the county served as a way of gaining a holistic understanding of the relationship between the built and natural environments. Insights into these charac-teristics develop awareness regarding past development practices.

Perceived Scenic Beauty Perceived Visual Character

Stamping Ground



Stamping Ground



figure 3 This map shows the location of the photographs used in the survey coordinated with a color indicating stakeholder perception of visual character.





Stamping Ground



rurality issueControlling urbanization as a way of maintaining rural chracter and increasing prosperity of agricultural economy by making recommendations based on stakeholder preference.

survey resultThe open lands and rolling hills in the northern part of the county are perceived to have higher rural character and higher scenic beauty.

transitionSigns of civilization are perceived to be a detracting feature from scenic beauty and closeness of homes was described as “city homes in county setting.”

urbanizationThe rural landscape is perceived to be experiencing an increase in urbanization which is detracting from the scenic beauty and lowering its rural character.

Community participation, in the form of photo-questionnaires, was a key component in understanding stakeholder’s perception of their landscape. Feedback was gathered from this survey and applied to de-sign recommendations concerning aesthetic qualities across the urban-rural continuum.



historic character of their downtowns. This prototypical urbanization study looked at the North Broadway corridor in downtown Georgetown. Opportunities for Smart Growth infill development and revitalization were explored through inventory, analysis, design and planning, as well as following the community vision.

analyzing opportunitiesA map of the existing land uses illustrated spatial configurations of the urban infrastructure (figure 1). An analysis map was created to identify the full range of opportunities within the area in order to present the most suitable scenarios for improvement of

connectivity and urbanization (figure 2). Areas of opportunity include the intersection of Washington Street and North Broadway, the North Water Street corridor, the historic Model Mills site, and the area stretching from Penn Avenue to the North Elkhorn Bridge along North Broadway. Also identified as an area with opportunity for connectivity was the entire area along the Royal Spring Branch.

Issues associated with reliance on the automobile, sprawl development such as an abundance of surface parking lots, a lack of diverse housing, and poor quality green space in the downtown area were also identified.





civic industrial















1/4 1/8 0


figure 2 The opportunities analysis looked at possibilities for increasing density and infill, providing connectivity, linking important landmarks, and improving streetscapes.

URBAN INFILL + REVITALIZATIONintentThis study focused on downtown Georgetown by creating a model which accommodates future growth, builds on the community’s vision of enhancing the quality of life, and preserves the historic downtown character.

opportunity for improved intersectionwith wayfinding aids

opportunity for connectivityopportunity for infill or densification

existing vegetationhistoric and/or natural landmarks














1/4 1/8 0


the community visionFor the stakeholders of Scott County, the urban landscape represents a rich history that is fundamental to the county’s social, economic, and environmental heritage. In the first public meeting, stakeholders put an emphasis on enhancing community identity and quality of life in light of rapid growth, while preserving the

figure 1 A figure-ground study illustrated the community’s need for a mix of land uses to be integrated into the vision of downtown.

Through an inventory and analysis process the core of the urban environment was mapped. This allowed the team to identify opportunities in this area that reflected the points of emphasis expressed by stakeholders in community meetings.



figure 5 This prototypical section through the residential area of North Water Street illustrates a variety of housing, an open space corridor with riparian stream buffer, and a public park and trail system. This creates a high-use space centered around community.

figure 3 Eight planning principles were identified based on stakeholder feedback from the second public meeting.

figure 4 This section illustrates the application of the eight planning principles along a segment of Water Street, looking at the Old Scott County Jail, which is currently the arts and cultural center in Georgetown. Stakeholders envisioned Water Street as an area which could greatly benefit from urban infill and revitalization.

figure 7 West Main Street has many opportunities for infill and revitalization, as well as the preservation of the historical identity and views to the courthouse.

figure 6 This illustrates revitalization of Model Mills through adaptive reuse and the integration of a park trailhead with signage. This will inspire community pride and involvement as well as actively preserve the historic mill.

riparian buffer


medium-high density residential

medium-high density residential

sculptural park and trail connection adjacent to art consortium pathpath adaptive reuse of historic infrastructure to provide a mix of uses

royal springbranch

two lane road with iconic gateway signage

multi-family residential

riparian buffer riparian buffer topography bufferwalkingtrail




sidewalk path single-family residential with community garden royal springbranch

two lane road

mixed-use + diversity

increased density


range of housing

preserve traditions

open space preservation

quality urban design

connectivity + walkability

approachIdeas and recommendations were developed which incorporated the eight planning principles (figure 3) at varying levels of rehabilitation, revitalization, and redevelopment. Future visions include transforming the currently scattered and disconnected area along North Water Street

into an iconic gateway into the downtown area through higher density mixed-use buildings (figure 4). Other recommendations include revitalizing the historic Model Mills through adaptive reuse for recreation and local economic viability (figure 6). Creating better pedestrian connections by mixing land uses,

providing urban green space, and increasing civic amenities were also important components of the vision (figures 5 and 7). Stakeholder collaboration allowed for a more cohesive, realistic approach built on the overall community vision, while still planning for future growth.

Enhancing community identity and quality of life were issues that influenced the recommendations for the infill and revitalization of this urban environment. Transforming main roads into iconic gateways and rejuvenating historic landmarks through adaptive reuse were all proposed.



overviewProjected population growth within Scott County indicates there will be an increased need for residential neighborhood development. Current urbanization practices within the county are based on a cul-de-sac layout and focus on automobile circulation rather than the quality of life of stakeholders.

In developing the design guidelines, stakeholder concerns as well as sustainable design practices were considered. Research identified a variety of alternative design practices and strategies, including Better Management Practices (BMP), Low Impact Development (LID), Smart Growth, New Urbanism, Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), Green Building LEED Neighborhood Design (ND) and Sustainable Sites Initiative (SSI). These planning principles address development in regard to sustainability and include recommendations to help improve site design and implementation.

site selection A site in Scott County was selected to serve as a prototypical development model. The site, just north of Georgetown near I-75, incorporates a Tax Increment Funded (TIF) project and is located within the recently expanded urban service boundary (Figure 1).

design strategiesThree urbanization concepts were created to represent how the site could potentially be developed utilizing alternative design strategies. These concepts included a variety of density scales.

intentTo develop design guidelines for suburban developments within Scott County, Kentucky, that adhere to Smart Growth principles and New Urbanism strategies.

figure 1 This map illustrates the location of the prototypical development site within the context of Scott County. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network).

figure 2 This concept follows current development practices and regulations with low density, single-family housing options. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network)

figure 3 This concept is designed with coved streets and open park space with medium density, including single and multiple-family housing options. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network)

figure 4 This concept is developed with high density, mixed use areas and public open space. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network)

Concept one (Figure 2) depicts the current urbanization patterns within Scott County. This layout consists of 1,583 individual parcels with a density level of 3.99 dwelling units per acre. Concept two (Figure 3) incorporates coved street layouts and public park space. This layout consists of 1,000 individual parcels with a density level of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. Concept three (Figure 4) is comprised of mixed-use areas throughout the site and incorporates public green space. This layout is the most dense with a minimum of 8.99 dwelling units per acre and has the ability to increase density with vertical growth.

single family detached4 dwelling units/acre

single & multi family detached10 dwelling units/acre

multi family detached20-30 dwelling units/acre

Projected population growth within the study area indicates there will be an increased demand for resi-dential neighborhoods. To improve upon current urbanization practices, a variety of alternative design strategies were integrated with stakeholder input to form sustainable neighborhood developments.


recommendationAfter extensive research and stakeholder input, a final design (figure 6) was created that incorporates a variety of density scales and adheres to Smart Growth practices. Amenities in the final plan include a pedestrian mall within a mixed-use area (figure 7), in addition to an extensive trail network and conservation areas located throughout the site (figure 8). Areas designed to enhance interaction with Dry Run Creek provide educational opportunities for local schools.


figure 6 The final site plan incorporates stakeholder input and addresses the TIF development being implemented along I-75 across from the site. This layout includes a variety of housing options as well as mixed-use areas and open park green space.







site amenities 1 - open space2 - trail networks3 - conservation areas4 - apartment & condomineums5 - pedestrian mall6 - stream interaction

figure 7 A pedestrian mall in a mixed-use area provides conveniently located and safe shopping.

figure 8 Trail systems are incorporated throughout the site to promote routes for alternative transportation and increase physical activity.

To address the stakeholders’ desire for improved quality of life, Smart Growth and New Urbanism develop-ment strategies were implemented on a site to serve as a prototypical model for the entire county. These strategies integrate environmental, social, and economic concerns in a holistic manner.

site amenities1 - open space2 - trail network3 - conservation areas4 - apartments & condominiums5 - pedestrian mall6 - stream interaction



overviewResidents of Scott County, Kentucky, have identified the rural landscape of the county as a significant resource that is worth preserving for future generations (Figure 1).

Continued development pressures in rural areas of the county threaten the integrity of the culturally significant rural landscape. Existing development throughout the county has disrupted the continuity of the rural landscape and interjected housing and other landscape elements that are not perceived as compatible with the surrounding rural landscape.

intentTo develop three prototypical urbanization concepts which reduce the visual intrusion of housing development in order to maintain the impression of a rural landscape.

design processA multi-step process was followed in order to generate a three dimensional model of a selected site. This model was ultimately used to help illustrate three different design concepts. The modeling process took advantage of several computer programs, such

figure 1 Crumbaugh Road in southeast Scott County exemplifies some of the qualities of the rural landscape.

as ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and Google SketchUp. The final product of this process was a photorealistic model as seen in Figure 2.

figure 2 A 3D model was constructed using Google SketchUp to illustrate design concepts. The model began with a simple surface, and progressed to a photorealistic model with 3D trees. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network)

Preserving the rural landscape became a constant theme expressed during community input sessions. This resource has recently faced increased development pressure as a result of population growth. Several de-velopment strategies were proposed to mitigate the effects of growth and preserve the rural landscape.


RURAL HOUSING STRATEGIESrecommendationsThis model was used to help generate perspective visualizations of three design concepts (Figures 3-5). These three concepts represent a hierarchical approach which examines a series of development strategies ranging from the least complex to the most complex.

recommends clustering no more than four homes together in such a manner as to imitate existing farmsteads in Scott County. This concept also takes advantage of vegetation and topography as a way to screen dwelling units from view.

The first design concept recommends increasing the minimum lot size from 5 acres to 20 acres. The second design concept recommends clustering homes together on smaller lots, and using existing vegetation and topography to screen dwelling units from view. The final design concept

figure 3 The first concept recommends an unobtrusive drive (1) and a restricted lot size (2).

figure 4 The second concept recommends a shared open space (1), smaller lots (2), vegetative buffers (3), and topographic buffers (4).

figure 5 This concept clusters four homes together (1), uses vegetative and topographic buffers (2 & 4), and reduces the number of drives (3).

Three strategies were presented to the community that reflect different conservation tactics aimed at preserving the rural character of this landscape. Increased lot sizes, clustering techniques and an approach using traditional farmsteads give the community a variety of potential options.



overviewApproximately twelve miles in length, the Legacy Trail is the longest paved multiuse trail in Central Kentucky (Steve Austin, Personal Communication, March 23, 2011). The Legacy Trail opened in September of 2010, in time for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games that were held in Lexington at the Kentucky Horse Park. The trail served as a nonmotorized and recreational method of getting people back and forth from the Kentucky Horse Park and downtown Lexington. Extending the trail provides an excellent opportunity to continue the precedence set by the existing Legacy Trail segment as a greenway trail for the Bluegrass Region. Working towards the creation of a regional greenway system will allow for nonmotorized modes of transportation, which are more sustainable in regards to energy use, air quality and water quality. Extending the Legacy Trail provides the opportunity for Scott County to encourage active recreation and increased physical activity. It also provides access to the cultural, historical and ecological landscapes of the Bluegrass. These opportunities will assist in improving the physical and social health of communities within the Bluegrass Region.

This project was organized into three phases, which would help in the process of gaining support from the public, the landowners affected and politicians (figure 1). Phase one is established as the existing Legacy Trail segment, which expresses progress and possibility. The second phase is the Horse Park Segment which connects the Kentucky Horse Park to Georgetown College.

intentTo extend the Legacy Trail from the Kentucky Horse Park to Georgetown using design characteristics of the existing Legacy Trail, and develop a precedent for a regional greenway system for the Bluegrass.

figure 1 This map illustrates the three phases of the Legacy Trail extension project: the Existing Segment in green, the Horse Park Segment in red, and the Georgetown Segment in yellow.

To introduce the idea of connectivity and greenways to the community, a bike trail is being proposed. This feature has received considerable interest among stakeholders which indicates a desire for a more connected community and the benefits associated with its implementation.


Section drawing of the Rails-with-Trails segment.


A variety of routes and options were provided to stakeholders for their input. Several constraints required innovative means of thinking to ensure a safe and secure route for this trail. Trailheads are placed at convenient locations to provide ease of use.

recommendationsIn order to maintain a cohesive design vocabulary throughout this project, the design concepts developed by CBA, Inc., and Strand Associates for the existing Legacy Trail are continued in the proposed Legacy Trail extension. Limestone plays an important role in many aspects of the Bluegrass Region. It is a commonly used building material, and is featured in the dry laid fences seen all across the landscape. This cultural, physical, and economic connection with limestone was used as inspiration for the overall design concept for the Legacy Trail. The Horse Park Segment (figure 2) follows existing roadways along the perimeter of the Kentucky Horse Park property for safety and security reasons established by the administrators of the Kentucky Horse Park. This segment will continue from the North Legacy Trailhead to the I-75 tunnel near the Barton Farm. This segment will use matching signage and bicycle infrastructure to get through the Horse Park while remaining nonintrusive to Horse Park functions and aesthetics. The Georgetown Segment (figure 3) will be primarily off road and will use the same design standards as the existing Legacy Trail. This segment will terminate at the Georgetown College Athletics Campus at a recommended trailhead.

figure 2 This is a map of the proposed Horse Park Segment which utilizes existing infrastructure. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network)

figure 3 This is a map of the proposed Georgetown Segment that illustrates route options based on a variety of opportunities and constraints. (Data Source: Kentucky Geography Network)

Rest area on the Horse Park Segment.

figure 4 (a-c) Illustrations of various program elements proposed for the Legacy Trail Extension.

Proposed pedestrian bridge to safely cross the U.S. 460 Bypass.

Program elements planned for the Legacy Trail extension include (figure 4a-c):• trailheads• rest areas• public art• educational/interpretive signage• limestone landscape elements• pedestrian bridge• rails with trails corridor• native landscape plants

a b



Rest area on the Horse Park Segment.


overviewAccording to Jack Ahern (1995) in an article in Landscape and Urban Planning, “greenways are networks of land containing linear elements that are planned, designed, and managed for multiple purposes.” They are not meant solely for recreation but also for the movement of materials, species, and nutrients. This component project involves the development of a prototypical greenway master plan that follows the North Elkhorn Creek in Scott County, Kentucky (Figure 1). Along with the plan is a set of trail standard recommendations aimed at improving the quality of the creek and adjacent landscape as well as the experience for potential trail users.

goalsGreenways often fall into one of three major, overlapping categories: ecological greenways, recreational greenways, and greenways of historical heritage and cultural values (Fabos, 1995). Using this framework, the design team developed three

project goals to define the North Elkhorn Creek Greenway (Figure 2).

1. connectivity2. ecological restoration3. recreation through cultural and

historical preservation

inventory + analysisThe North Elkhorn Creek has been dubbed a county “gem” as it meanders through a variety of urban and rural settings. The design team performed an inventory that looked at

physical features as well as important cultural and historic amenities along the creek. Of particular importance were topography (Figure 3), geology, hydrology, and existing historic amenities. Of the issues that arose, the single most important was the declining riparian forest and wetland buffers along the entirety of the creek. Because riparian zones have the role of protecting the stream corridor through pollutant-filtering and erosion-prevention, they are vital to preserving

intentDevelop a greenway along the North Elkhorn Creek that increases connectivity, enhances surrounding ecology, and provides a recreational amenity for Scott County.

figure 1 This map represents the regional context of the North Elkhorn Creek.

figure 2 This diagram illustrates the three project goals and proposed features.

The North Elkhorn Creek has been described as a gem by stakeholders in this community. It is currently underutilized and brimming with potential. Developing this corridor, which stretches across the county, provides opportunities for connectivity, ecological restoration and recreation.

Elkhorn Creek the aquatic ecosystem. Extensive research found that a width of nearly 100 feet is effective at filtering nearly 85% of harmful pollutants from ground and surface water (Hellmund & Smith, 2006) and was therefore used as a standard recommendation along the greenway (Figure 4).

After an in-depth analysis, the design team made recommendations on greenway trail routing options. The team was also able to identify five potential trailhead nodes that could serve as important ingress and egress points for the greenway (Figure 5).

figure 3 The Oxbow Slough provides a dramatic shift in topography from uplands to floodplains.


NORTH ELKHORN CREEK GREENWAYtrail standardsHaving identified potential greenway trail routes and trailheads for the North Elkhorn Creek Greenway Master Plan, the design team developed a set of trail standards with the intention of creating a safe environment for trail users while preserving the environmental integrity of the creek and adjacent landscapes. Among the standards are guidelines for riparian zone phases (Figure 6), trail overlook areas (Figure 7), roadside trails (Figure 8), and road crossings (Figure 9).

trailheadsA trailhead rating system was adapted from the work of the Bucher, Willis, and Ratliff (BWR) Corporation on the Northland Trails Vision Plan. The system assigns trailheads to one of three levels based primarily on location. Each level has a recommended set of program elements. Level One trailheads are primarily urban and have a greater number of program elements while Level Three trailheads are primarily rural and have a minimal number of program elements (Figure 10). The design team made recommendations as to which level each of the five identified trailheads should be assigned. However, stakeholders are free to alter program elements as necessary.

figure 6 This diagram represents four phases in riparian forest cover, with the recommended phase adhering to the 100-foot standard. Due to development constraints, the preferred phase is nearly unattainable.figure 5 This map shows the recommended greenway route and locations of trailheads.

Identifying areas of interest along this waterway was one of the initial steps in developing the greenway. Addressing ecologically sensitive areas like riparian zones became a focal point during this process. Trail standards were created that reflected the preferred routes.

figure 4 This diagram illustrates the recommended widths and compositions of trails and various zones within the riparian buffer. Zone widths may vary but the entire riparian buffer should be no less than 100 feet wide.



scott county

visualizationThrough the analysis process, the design team identified areas along the recommended North Elkhorn Creek Greenway that could be improved using a variety of design strategies. Aside from the developed trail standards, the team sought to maintain the broader project goals of connectivity, ecology, and recreation by adhering to a set of objectives aimed at environmental improvement and construction cost reduction:

• Practice riparian restoration and wetland remediation

• Retain and reuse existing infrastructure

• Highlight existing amenities• Be as minimally invasive as possible• Maintain the site’s historical integrity

through the use of appropriate building materials

• Incorporate signage and amenities that encourage trail users to take pride in the greenway

One site identified as needing improvement is the acclaimed “fishing hole,” located off of Robinson Road. Figures 11 and 12 show the design team’s recommendations for ecological restoration along the creek and how the existing dam can be used as a base for a pier that provides cross-creek access to the greenway as well as a portage point for canoers and kayakers.

A second site identified as needing improvement is located off of Galloway Road at the historic Galloway Pike Iron Bridge. Figures 13 and 14 show how the site can be improved through the planting of native grasses along the stream bank and restoration of the existing bridge.

figure 7 This diagram represents an overlook area along the North Elkhorn Creek.

figure 9 This diagram illustrates recommended standards for road crossings.

figure 8 This diagram represents a roadside area along the North Elkhorn Creek.

Riparian restoration, historical integrity, infrastructure reuse, and minimally invasive practices are all key points in the proposal for this greenway. By implementing overlooks and amenities at appropriate loca-tions the greenway reaches out to the whole community instilling a sense of pride.



figure 11 This photo shows the initial site conditions at a fishing site located on Robinson Road.

figure 12 This rendering shows the same site after implementaion of the design team’s recommendations.

figure 10 This diagram represents the trailhead rating system developed by the design team based on the BWR Corporation and their work on the Northland Trails Vision Plan.

Several locations along the greenway were seen as needing immediate improvements. By implementing existing infrastructure at these locations the greenway proposal offers a more sustainable approach while limiting unnecessary intrusions.

greenway elements

figure 13 This photo shows the initial site conditions near the Galloway Pike Iron Bridge.

figure 14 This rendering shows the same site after implementation of the design team’s recommendations.



overviewGreat Crossing Park is located less than 5 miles west of downtown Georgetown near the intersection of Frankfort Road and Stamping Ground Road. The original site was 4.8 acres but with a recent addition, the site is now nearly 132 total acres. Scott County stakeholders have made it apparent that the county is in need of updating the existing public parks and green spaces as well as creating more parks designated for a mixture of recreational use. Great Crossing Park is at the top of the list in the needs analysis conducted by the Scott County parks and recreation officials.

goalsWhile there were multiple goals identified by the design team during this project’s progression, the over arching goal for Great Crossing Park was to generate a new master plan that would provide for a variety of recreational uses and integrate the park and viable green space into a larger green network (figure 1).

This component project utilizes the different program elements in the master plan to actively engage the community in ecological education (figure 2) and encourage fitness education. An example of a program element that could be used for nature education would be the development of a nature study area in the center of the park which would have ecology identification markers along the loop trail to help educate those who are experiencing the walking/running trail that moves throughout the site.

intentCreate a Master Plan for Great Crossing Park that provides a variety of active and passive recreation opportunities while mitigating negative impacts on the surrounding area.

inventory + analysisAs in any project, an understanding of the existing landscape structure is a necessary starting point from which to determine the design directives (Groome, 1990). The design team used several methods for gathering inventory information related to the Great Crossing Park and analyzing it within the context of the project’s goals. The first technique involved a physical inventory of the site and surrounding area which required research and numerous site visits. This information was then critically

figure 2 The North Elkhorn Creek meanders along the perimeter of Great Crossing Park allowing for riparian zone preservation opportunities, as well as ecological education.

figure 1 This graphic represents the refined Great Crossing Park Master Plan.

Baseball Complex

Nature Study

Canewood Subdivision

Disc Golf

Trail Network

Disc Golf

Dog Park

Exercise Track







Riparian BufferNorth Elkhorn


Football Field

Soccer Fields

Basketball Courts

Lap Pool

A lack of recreational infrastructure in the county invited an opportunity to develop a new park that can serve a wide range of interests. Passive and active recreation activities were included in the parks program elements.



analyzed to identify the opportunities and constraints that the site may hold. The second method utilized a Geographic Information System (GIS) which is a computer software program used to obtain, integrate and analyze multiple forms of data, such as up-to-date aerial images and existing topography, as well as locations of features like current property boundaries, streams and rivers, 100 year floodplain, educational facilities, and existing structures both on and off the site. The GIS program allows for users to overlay the inventory data which can then be used to determine the location of areas that are more suitable or less suitable for particular

figure 3 This photomontage illustrates some of the proposed improvements to the existing trail system that runs along the perimeter of the park.

design elements or land uses. A third form of inventory used throughout the progression of this project was the solicitation of input and information from stakeholders during the public meetings. This input was important because it provided insight to the desires and needs of the community that was not available from other sources.

processFollowing the completion of the inventory, the analysis phase identified areas of opportunity, constraint, and suitability for particular uses. This allowed the design team to establish guidelines for the design process,

This park is intended to connect to a much larger green network proposed for the county. This will enhance the importance of connectivity throughout the community while also following sustainable practices associated with riparian zones to restore and preserve water quality.

which began with ideation using organizational bubble diagrams. Once a general organizational layout was determined, then specific program elements were identified to create conceptual designs. Multiple design concepts were created and presented to stakeholders during the second public meeting and their input was solicited and used for further concept development. From those conceptual designs and the input from stakeholders, the final park masterplan design began to take shape. Program elements, which were preferred by stakeholders from the earlier designs were integrated into the finalized master plan for Great Crossing Park.