the united church of canada page 2 · 2018-08-26 · the united church of canada...

THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Adolphustown-Conway Pastoral Charge 14 th Sunday after Pentecost August 26, 2018 Congregation standing if able Cong’al responses in bold text We are half way through the three year cycle ! GATHERING TO HEAR THE WORD "We are one faith community, celebrating God's Presence in two churches." Theme today is: "Putting on the Whole Armor of God" A Centering Prayer ringing of the Tibetan Singing Bowl LIFE AND WORK OF THE CHURCH: QUIET MUSIC & TIME TO PREPARE FOR WORSHIP: Friends may God be with you. And also with you. ACKNOWLEDGING THE TRADITIONAL TERRITORY: Recently in Parliament, the NDP have presented a motion to create a new statutory national holiday to be called "National Peoples Day". This new national holiday has also received the backing of the Liberal Government. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee created a number of "Actions" at the end of their report. Action #80 was to create a national holiday day of remembrance for those who suffered in the Residential Schools. Page 2 Two Dates were presented for consideration - June 21st - Summer Equinox or September 30th - Orange Shirt Day - the day the children each year were taken to the Residential Schools. First Nations are also considering these and other dates as well. No final date has been chosen. LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE: (Together) As we light the Christ Candle today, may this light shine in our hearts and our minds. Whether we turn to the left or the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "this is the way, follow it." (Isaiah 30:21). We have chosen Goodness over Evil in our lives based on our own Free Will. Guide us, as we live in this world of violence, to shield us and show us the path that leads to you. Amen. GREETING & CALL TO WORSHIP: (Together) Source of life, Our Creator God, you feed us with the spiritual food that is your love. Jesus the Messiah, You delivered us from darkness to light. Holy Spirit, the Wisdom of God, encompass us in the circle of your protection. Secure in your sustaining power, God, always with us and within us, show us how to use your wisdom and strength to challenge the evils of our time. Amen. OPENING PRAYER: Holy Wisdom, you granted Solomon's request for an understanding mind and the knowledge to discern good from evil. Fill us with such understanding and knowledge

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Page 1: THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Page 2 · 2018-08-26 · THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Adolphustown-Conway Pastoral Charge 14th Sunday after Pentecost August 26, 2018 Congregation standing

THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Adolphustown-Conway Pastoral Charge

14th Sunday after Pentecost August 26, 2018

Congregation standing if able Cong’al responses in bold text

We are half way through the three year cycle !


"We are one faith community, celebrating God's Presence in two churches."

Theme today is: "Putting on the Whole Armor of God"

A Centering Prayer

ringing of the Tibetan Singing Bowl



Friends may God be with you. And also with you.

ACKNOWLEDGING THE TRADITIONAL TERRITORY: Recently in Parliament, the NDP have presented a motion to create a new statutory national holiday to be called "National Peoples Day". This new national holiday has also received the backing of the Liberal Government. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee created a number of "Actions" at the end of their report. Action #80 was to create a national holiday day of remembrance for those who suffered in the Residential Schools.

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Two Dates were presented for consideration - June 21st - Summer Equinox or September 30th - Orange Shirt Day - the day the children each year were taken to the Residential Schools. First Nations are also considering these and other dates as well. No final date has been chosen.

LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE: (Together) As we light the Christ Candle today, may this light shine in our hearts and our minds. Whether we turn to the left or the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "this is the way, follow it." (Isaiah 30:21). We have chosen Goodness over Evil in our lives based on our own Free Will. Guide us, as we live in this world of violence, to shield us and show us the path that leads to you. Amen. GREETING & CALL TO WORSHIP: (Together)

Source of life, Our Creator God, you feed us with the spiritual food that is your love. Jesus the Messiah, You delivered us from darkness to light. Holy Spirit, the Wisdom of God, encompass us in the circle of your protection. Secure in your sustaining power, God, always with us and within us, show us how to use your wisdom and strength to challenge the evils of our time. Amen. OPENING PRAYER: Holy Wisdom, you granted Solomon's request for an understanding mind and the knowledge to discern good from evil. Fill us with such understanding and knowledge

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Page 3 that we may act as instruments of your loving desire for creation, working with you to transform our conceit into concern for others, our fear into love, our violence into peace, and our brokenness into wholeness. Amen.

HYMN: #288 Great is thy Faithfulness

INVITATION TO CONFESSION: (Together) "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God." (John 3: 17-21)

Time of Reflection...

PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Responsively) Creator God, we lament the violence in your creation,

We have used wealth and political power to steal the livelihood from those who are forced to live below our exalted social status.

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We see clearly that this enforced "social slavery" leads to violence against the world.

Help us to remember that we are all one in Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Expand our understanding of Your Kingdom to include all the beauty and colorful diversity of your creation.

Enable us to see that we are enriched rather than threatened by differences.

We are children of light and the darkness did not overcome it. Amen. Time of Reflection...

WORDS OF ASSURANCE: (Responsively) Great God of all that is listen, to us, we pray.

We turn on the TV and we see stories of pain, suffering and corruption.

Help us we pray, Help us to hear Christ's voice. Come and follow me, I am Goodness and Light.

Come and follow me, I am Love and Compassion for everyone, for always and forever more.

Show us Goodness in this time and place. Amen.

HYMN: #220 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty


As your Lay Worship Leader, I will do my best to reflect on the scriptures, through prayer and study of the commentaries and the history of those ancient days.

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As your guide, I will find ways to relate the scriptures to today's world. Are you willing to listen and respond practically to the power of the scriptures? Will you open your heart and your mind fully to the majesty of God's word? For those seek God with their heart will find an over abundance of grace, comfort and wisdom to guide each day of this life. As your guide I dedicate myself each Sunday to showing God's way ahead, showing all of you the path that leads to life eternal. Amen. SCRIPTURE READINGS: 1 Kings 8: 1-13 King Solomon dedicates the Temple Complex to God Psalm # 84 VU#800 How lovely is your dwelling place, O God Ephesians 6: 10-20 Put on the Whole Armor of God

For the Word of God in scripture. For the Word of God among us. For the Word of God within us.

Thanks be to God.


The Practical:

Why is there so much violence in the world today?

The Spiritual: Putting on the Whole Armor of God



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HYMN: #226


OFFERING: Invitation to Offering: (Responsively) Hesitant and fearful, still we offer ourselves and our gifts, O God to you.

Bless this offering we dedicate to you today. Bless this offering as your tools to bring wisdom and goodness to our world.

Bless our call to follow in faith, we have chosen goodness as the focus of our lives.

Bless our offering that is may lift high Christ's love for a hurting and divided world. Amen.

Presentation with #541 Praise God

OFFERING PRAYER: (Responsively) We bring before you, God, our gifts this Sunday.

These gifts are our labor, our gifts from our heart always searching for you.

We are constantly reminded that life in its richest form is to be shared with others as we face the world that continues to battle each day between good and evil.

Bless these gifts and the heartfelt desire in which they are being given.

In Christ's name we pray. Amen. A NEW CREED: #918 Voices United

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Jesus Christ calls you above the roar of the worlds news of violence and political scandal to remain steadfast, do not let the events of the day put pain in your heart. Reach out to your neighbor, love kindness and let goodness pour out to your family and friends. Walk humbly with Jesus and you will feel his arms wrapped around you bringing you peace beyond your understanding. Amen. CHORAL AMEN: #969 Amen


MINISTERS: all who worship here


ORGANIST: Marian Moon

CHURCH SECRETARY: Faye Littlefield

[373-9760 or 373-2803]

[email protected]

GREETERS: Aug. 26th – Tosha, Lydia & Beth Reid Sept. 2nd – Sylvia & Don Weese Sept. 9th – Jan Stark & Evelyn Tibbutt WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS. Please sign the guest BOOK at the back of the church.

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ACCESSIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE: Assistive devices available that you may borrow are: LARGE print Hymn books, Magnifying Glass, and Pen and Paper. If you have any requests, questions or wish to provide feedback regarding our today’s Greeter. If you or someone you know would benefit from a pastoral visit, please feel free to contact: Marian Moon at 613-373-2801 or [email protected] or Richard Weigand at 613-484-0891 or [email protected] and we will find pastoral care based on your needs. Please leave a message and you will receive a response in a timely manner. MESSAGE: “If you would like a copy of today’s message, please contact Penny Deman at 613-352-5523.” Groups using Conway Church contact Penny Deman for Chair Lift instructions. OUR WEBSITE is now up and running please check it our at

1. NUMBERS AT WORSHIP: Aug. 12th – 14 2. Please remember Food Bank. 3. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR SEPTEMBER 2nd:

Song of Solomon 2:8–13 Psalm 45:1–2, 6–9

James 1:17–27 Mark 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23

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5. On Sunday, August 26th the Old Hay Bay Church,

South Hay Bay Shore Road, Napanee, will honour our

root with its Annual Pilgrimage Service and the 2nd

Annual United Church Women's Communion Service.

The Communion Service will commence at 12:30pm under the leadership of Bay of Quinte President Barb De Jeet.

The Pilgrimage Message will be delivered by the Rev. Gary Walsh. Rev. Walsh was ordained in the Free Methodist Church and is currently the Executive Director of Wesley Acres Conference and Retreat Centre in Prince Edward County. This service starts at 3:00 pm and will be followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments.

for information and directions or follow us on facebook.

HUMOR [oops]

Scouts are saving aluminium cans,

bottles and other items

to be recycled.

Proceeds will be used to

Cripple children.