the ultimate ccf guide for maidstone grammar school cadets electronic

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  • 5/22/2018 The Ultimate CCF Guide for Maidstone Grammar School Cadets Electronic - slidepdf...


    The Ultimate CCF Guide for Maidstone

    Grammar School Cadets

    Written By LCpl Thomas Walker

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    Note to reader

    This guide a basic summary of all notes you will learn

    in training with the cadets at Maidstone Grammar

    School. Some details will not be included however

    this is the first version so feel free to contact me if

    they need updating/adding to.

    Most of the notes are scanned in from a sheet I have

    written in the past however some things are typed

    up for my convenience. I hope these notes help they

    are free to be distributed and added too.

    - Thomas Walker

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    Shooting And Marksmanship

    Supportyou should be able to suppor the rifle without undue pyshical effort

    PosistioinEnsure you are in a good firing posistion eg not exposed

    Alignmentensure your eye, the rear sight, foresight and target are aligned

    Realesea slow steady realese of the trigger and follow through the shot

    The Breathing Cycle

    Take a few deep breaths to oxidise blood. Extend pause between inhaling and

    exhaling to 6 seconds. Realese the shot and then continue the breathing as


    The L98A2 Cadet GP Rifle 5.56mm

    Average Muzzle Velocity - 940 m/s

    Effective range400m, 600m with SUSAT

    30 Round magazine

    SA80Small Arms for the 80s

    Fires a 5.56x45mm NATO Round

    Sight Unit Small Arms Trilux (L9A1)4x Magnification

    Manufactured By BAE Systems and H&K Weighs 4.9kg

    Semi-Automatic FireCarry


    Sight Front/Foresight


    Flash Eliminator



    Sling LoopTrigger





    Rear Sling






    Bolt Release

    CatchPistol Grip

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    Types of Ammunition

    Ball ammunitionSmooth brass cartridge,

    jacketed bullet and percussion cap in base

    BlankNo bullet, end is crimpled with

    percussion cap in base

    Drill roundsSilver casing with grooves,

    copper bullet and no percussion cap in base

    Roundall the parts



    gunpowder and

    percussion cap


    that will be


    The reason we call the cadet weapon a rifle and not a gun is the way the barrel is

    designed. The barrel is rifled which means it has grooves in it to allow the bullet to travel


    The mechanism of the rifle works via a round being loaded into the chamber, a firing pin

    then comes up and hits the back of the round which ignites the percussion cap in the back

    of the round. A small explosion is then triggered using the gunpowder which propels the

    bullet out the rifle and causes the bolt to fly backward. This allows the spent case to be

    ejected and a new round to be dragged up and chambered.

    Other terms you may need are:

    GMPGGeneral Purpose Machine gun (You probably never use one of these)

    LSWLight support weapon (Fully automatic support version of the L98A2)

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    Map and compass

    MapA 2D representation of a birds eye view of a given area that represents it

    and all of its landmarks

    Northingsare the horizontal gridlines on a map

    Eastingsare the vertical gridlines on a map

    The average scale for an OS map is 1:10,000

    There are 3 types of north

    True NorthThe geographical location of the North Pole

    Magnetic NorthThe Direction the compass needle points towards

    Grid Norththe direction in which the gridlines points

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    The radio we use in cadets is the PRC-349 (Personal Radio Communicator)

    The PRC-349 has 400 channels

    When assembling a radio we must go through certain stages





    HarnessThe PRC-349s frequency range is 37 - 46.975MHz

    Working Range 0.5m Whip 1.0m Whip

    Rolling Country 1.8km 2.1km

    Flat country 1.0km 1.5km

    Urban 0.3km 0.5km

    Main rechargeable battery will last 24 hours after a 10 hour charge

    If needed 10AA penlight batteries will last for 16 hours

    Radio Facilities are as follows


    Radio Check



    You must never transmit a message in Radio Silence

    When using a radio we employ voice procedure




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    We also use




    Security then breaks down into

    Combat effectiveness

    Order of battle (orbat)



    Radio discipline means that there is no swearing or interrupting others and

    always sticking to the above voice procedure. On a platoon net we get a

    structure similar to the one below

    Keywords are

    Over = Expecting a reply

    Out = Not expecting a reply

    Roger = I understand/confirming that message






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    InterceptionAll radio traffic is vulnerable to this

    AnalysisAll intercepted traffic can be analysed for useful information

    Deceptionfalse information can be used to put ourselves or the enemy off

    Callsigna combination of letters and characters which identify a comms

    facility or an org/individual on a radio net

    During difficult conditions, extra care must be taken to avoid misunderstanding.

    Figures are sent digit by digit preceded by the proword figures

    When spelling a word say I Spell..

    Never say Repeat on the radio as that means resend the artillery strike. If a

    message needs repeating say Say again

    Always Never

    Use Correct VP Violate Radio Silence

    Maintain constant listening watch Compromise classified info

    Ensure frequency is correct Make long transmissions

    Answers all calls without delay Engage in unofficial conversations

    Listen before transmitting Identify yourself by name rank or unit

    Release presell promptly Speak faster than the worst stationcan understand

    Ensure the radio returns to receive Swear or lose your temper

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    To send a message assuming A is you B is the other station, C0 is your callsign,

    C1 is Bs callsign, M1 is your message and M2 is Bs message use the following

    format :

    A: Hello {C1} this is {C0}, Message over

    B: Hello {C0} this is {C1} Send message over

    A: Message reads {M1}

    B: Roger {C0} Message reads {M2}

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    First Aid and CASAID

    CASAID stands for Casualty Aid.

    There are 3 aims of first aid

    - Preserve the casualties life- Prevent worsening of the condition or further injury

    - Promote recovery

    As such these are called the 3 Ps

    All emergency aid is given by the first first aider(s) on the scene there are

    several pneumonics we use if this is us

    Dangercheck for cause of injury and clear it

    Reaction/responseis the causality alert, can you get a response

    Airwaysare their airways clear, check their throat and tongue

    Breathingare they breathing, feel for breath and look down their body

    Circulationfeel for a pulse or check blood circulation by pinching their finger

    When looking for danger use AMEGA

    Assessassess the situation, number of casualties and the danger

    Make saferemove any danger, you are no use if you get injured

    Emergency AidNow apply DRABC

    Get HelpShout for help or call emergency servicesAftercarestay with the casualty until told otherwise

    The aim of the recovery position is to

    1)Stop the tongue blocking the throat

    2)Allow fluid to drain from the mouth and reduce the chance of choking on

    stomach contents etc

    3)To keep the head, neck and back aligned while bent limbs keep the bodypropped in a comfortable but secure position to ensure you minimize the

    harm the casualty can cause to himself and others.

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    If the injured is suspected to be spinal do not move the casualty unless you

    absolutely have to (car on fire, in the line of fire etc)

    CPR stands for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. This is supposed to be done

    with interlocked fingers and at a pace of 100 BPM which is too the tune of

    Staying Alive. This must be performed until the casualty comes too or someone

    else takes over or until you psychically cannot carry on.

    When phoning emergency services, employ lioneel


    Incident Type

    Other services required

    Number of casualties

    Extent of injuries

    Emergency aid given

    Location (again)

    When dealing with shock:

    Symptom Treatment

    Pale and clammy Lie down

    Sick Raise legs above head

    Hyper or subdued Reassure

    Rapid shallow heartbeat Make sure airways clear

    With a break or sprain





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    Military Knowledge

    Here are the following ranks for soldiers.

    A private can also be called

    Sapper, guardsman or


    Commissioned officer ranks are achieved when passing out at RMAS which is

    the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst

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  • 5/22/2018 The Ultimate CCF Guide for Maidstone Grammar School Cadets Electronic - slidepdf...


    ArmThe main fighting force of the British army. This splits into two groups

    Combat forceson the frontline main forces that engage the enemy (PWRR,

    Ghurkha, and Dragoon Guards)

    Combat supportOn the frontline but providing support for the combat forces(royal engineers, royal signals, and royal artillery)

    Serviceprovides support to the arms in the fields of logistics and

    administration (royal logistics, army chaplains, army medical core)

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    HQ 36 RE

    Troops Troops Troops


    50 HQ SpartanSquadron

    20 Squadron

    69 Sqaudron 70 Squadron

    The Layout of the 36th

    Royal Engineers is so:

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    Within a section there are many duties which must be carried out to ensure the

    section is operating securely and efficiently

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    The organizational structure from Battalion is as follows.

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    Every rank will have a corresponding role:

    Leader of Rank

    Fire team Lance corporal

    Section CorporalPlatoon 2


    Company Major

    Regiment -

    Battalion Colonel/Lieutenant Colonel

    Brigade Brigadier

    Division Major General

    The Royal Engineers

    Our CCF Contingent is attached to the 36 Royal Engineer regiment, which is based in Maidstone.

    Nickname of Sappers

    One of the most highly regarded corps in the army

    Regimental HQ is in Chatham

    Motto is Ubique (Latin For Everywhere)

    2ndMotto is Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt (Latin for Where duty and glory lead)

    Cap badge also incorporates the British Army motto Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense (Latin forEvil be to him who evil thinks)

    Current Commander (as of 2014) is Brigadier S Hodder

    Chief Royal Engineers is Lt Gen Sir Mark Mans KCB CBE DL

    Consists of 15 Regiments

    Formed in 1717

    Regimental Song is Hurrah For The CRE

    History can be traced back to William The conquer with 900 years of unbroken service

    The name Sappers comes from World War 1. Where it was a French term for digging. The

    Royal Engineers would dig the trenches and under enemy positions and so the name

    Sappers was given as a nickname for Engineers as well as being the first rank in theregiment.

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    Basic Needs in the field:

    - Food

    - Shelter- Water

    - Warmth

    - Protection

    Triangular harbour:

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    Herringbone formation when patrolling

    A snap ambush is an ambush technique used when an enemy is known to be

    heading on a certain path. It involves 3 sections, 2 of which are in cut off groups

    which go will trap a group of enemies by going round the front and back and

    then the last section will be in the middle also known and the killing zone andwill eliminate the enemies

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    Types of patrolling include

    Staggered FileUseful for roads and wide tracks

    Extended lineuseful for large areas of open ground. One long line

    Single fileuseful for narrow paths or

    navigation on the proven route

    Arrow headuseful for open spaces when

    wanting a large area protected

    There are certain objectives that need to be taken into account when

    trying to be concealed. These are known as the 5 Ss and the 1 M

    Sighttry to remain out of plain view

    Soundkeep the sound to a minimum, watch for twigs etc

    Shadowbe wary of where your shadow is castround a wall etc

    Surface/shineremove shiny objects like cap badges or glasses

    Shapebreak up your natural shape to blend in easier

    Movementkeep movement low and steady. Only move when out of

    sight as human eye is naturally attracted to movement

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  • 5/22/2018 The Ultimate CCF Guide for Maidstone Grammar School Cadets Electronic - slidepdf...



    The aim and purpose of drill is to produce a cadet who is alert and

    obedient, and to provide the basis of teamwork.

    Boot Polishing Made Easy. Several Methods

    Method 1: Lighter Method

    Get your equipment laid out:

    Kiwi Parade gloss

    Lint Free cloth (x2) Cotton wool pads or buds (x3)

    Warm water




    First set light to your polish and let it burn until you have a decent amount melted. Now with your

    1stlint free cloth wrapped around your index and middle finger dip it in the melted polish so you get

    a thick layer of polish on it. Now apply to the toe cap area of the boot and rub until evenly spread

    all over. Now get your hairdryer on the warmest heat and warm the polish until it become liquidand starts to melt evenly over the top cap. Once even allow to dry, once dry wet your 3 cotton

    wool pads in the warm water. The first cotton wool pad will get some polish on it, use this to rub all

    over to remove the top layer of loose polish. Then use the second one to rub in small circles all

    over the boot. Repeat this for around 10 minutes. When done, apply another layer of polish as

    done in the start and re do the process. To get a glass shine you may need to repeat this process

    3-4 times and then finally buff with your second lint free cloth. A good tip to getting that final shine

    is to breathe on the boot and use a clean non wet cotton wool pad to rub in the condensation.

    Method 2: Spit Polish

    The equipment is similar to the above method

    Kiwi Parade gloss

    Lint Free cloth x1

    Cotton wool pads or buds (x3)

    Warm Water


    Lay out the newspaper as to protect the surface you are doing this on. Wet 2 of the cotton wool

    buds. On the first one put the parade gloss. The second one must be kept clean. With the first bud

    rub in a moderate amount of polish to give the entire toecap a light covering. Now with the second

    bud rub in small circles all over the toecap until all the polish is rubbed in. Now repeat this for

    anywhere upwards of 50 minutes. While this method will take longer than the one above, it

    produces a much deeper shine that looks smarter and will endure a lot more while not cracking.

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    Method 3: Bees waxing

    Mix polish and beeswax in a pot/bowl and heat it up with a hot air stripper until it melted. Use a

    lollipop stick to mix it up and paint it onto your boots with a paint brush, so it is on nice and thick.

    Paint more onto the top of the boot than the sides. Take the hot air stripper and wave it over the

    lumpy bits on your boots until it is all smooth. It will run, and that is why you lay more on the top

    than the sides. Before it is fully dry, take a sharp knife and cut away all the lumps that will have

    formed around the welts - they will peel off in one strip if the wax is not fully dry.

    Wait until it is completely dry, and then do it again.

    To avoid the cracking between the laces and the toecap - get boots that are one size too big and

    stuff them with paper, aim your blowtorch at the area between the toecap and the laces and heat

    the leather until it shrinks. This will have the effect of pulling the toecap up - but it also permanently

    forms the end of the boot, so when you walk the area does not crack (as there is no need for it to

    move - it is pre-shrunk). You need to have a pair of boots that is one size to big though, otherwise

    if you shrink your own boots then they will not fit.