the types of corrective feedback implemented by …secara langsung membuat siswa mudah untuk...


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    Publication Article Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

    in English Department








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    [email protected]

    School of Teacher Training and Education

    Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) jenis umpan balik guru yang digunakan dalam

    mengajar teks deskriptif, 2) respon siswa dari umpan balik yang diberikan oleh guru dalam

    mengajar penulisan teks deskriptif. Dalam mencapai tujuan, peneliti menggunakan deskriptif

    kualitatif sebagai pendekatan untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data. Penelitian ini

    dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 Baturetno. Penelitian ini mengambil 30 siswa dari siswa kelas dua

    sebagai subyek penelitian. Penulis mendapatkan data dari penelitian dari acara, informan, dan

    dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan wawancara tentang proses

    pembelajaran menulis mengajar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwaguru menggunakan tiga jenis

    umpan balik korektif, yaitu umpan balik pada konten (umpan balik positif), umpan balik pada

    bentuk (umpan balik negatif) dan penggunaan tinta merah da tinta hitam dalam umpan balik

    korektif. Penulis dapat menyimpulkan, ketika guru memberikan umpan balik langsung ke siswa

    secara langsung membuat siswa mudah untuk memahami pelajaran dan mereka bisa tahu apa

    kesalahan mereka. Mereka mengatakan bahwa jenis umpan balik yang diterapkan oleh guru di

    pengajaran penulisan deskriptif membuat mereka mudah untuk menulis dan mereka dapat

    mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kesalahan. Guru juga menggunakan tinta warna untuk

    mengoreksi dalam pembelajaran. Dalam pengamatan, guru menggunakan redink ketika ia

    mengoreksi pekerjaan siswa. Dalam pengajaran umpan balik, siswa dapat mengetahui dan

    memperbaiki kesalahan setelah dikoreksi oleh guru.

    Kata Kunci: Tipe Umpan Balik Guru, teks descriptif


    This study is aimed at describing: 1) the types of the corrective teacher feedback used in teaching

    descriptive text, 2) the student‟s response of the feedback given by the teacher in teaching

    writing descriptive text. In achieving the objectives, the researcher used descriptive qualitative as

    the approach to collect and analyze the data. The research was held in SMP N 2Baturetno. The

    mailto:[email protected]

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    research took 30 students of the second year students as the subject of the study. The writer get

    the data of the research from event, informants, and document. The techniques of collecting data

    are the observation and interview about the writing teaching- learning process. The result of the

    analysis shows that the teacher used three types of corrective feedback, namelyfeedback on

    content (positive feedback), feedback on form (negative feedback) and the use of red ink and

    black ink in corrective feedback. The writer can conclude, when the teacher gives direct

    feedback to the students make easily to understand the learning and they can know what their

    mistakes. They said that the feedback type applied by the teacher in the teaching writing

    descriptive makes them easy to write and they can identify and correct the errors. The teacher

    also used of ink color to correction the learning. In the observation, the teacher uses the redink

    when she correct students work.In teacher corrective feedback, students can know and correct

    the errors after it is corrected by the teacher.

    Keywords: Teacher Corrective Feedback Type, descriptive text

    1. Introduction

    Writing has an important role in the context of English teaching as a foreign

    language in Indonesia. Writing is a means of communication is demanded. It is learner‟s

    need which cannot he neglected in the era of high competition. It means that student

    should he equipped with writing skills necessary for their future. They should be trained

    to write in English in other to be skillful writers. Written language is frequently used in

    the publication such as book, newspaper, magazine and literary work. It shows how

    important mastering writing skill is. For that reason, students should master writing skill.

    The objective of learning writing is to produce the kinds of written text. To

    produce a good writing product, the writer should follow various classroom activities

    involving some steps applied in writing process. Brown (1994) in Fauziati (2008 :144)

    distinguish for steps of writing : prewriting , drafting, revising, and editing. A more

    detailed account and stages of writing gas been proposed by White and Ardnt (1991) in

    Fauziati (2008 : 144) who argue that stages in process of writing include generating

    ideas, focusing, structuring, drafting, evaluating, and reviewing, which all interact

    recursively. Besides, there are many aspects that must be mastered by students to write

    well. According to Leki (1996) in Fauziati (2008 : 142) writing activity means to catch

    the grammar, spelling, and punctuation error.

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    Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses one topic for her research

    to know the problem faced by the teacher in applying and the advantages of teacher

    feedback technique in teaching descriptive text for the students.

    The first previous research was done by Atik Sri Rukmini (2011) from

    Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta with the title The Implementation of Teacher

    Corrective Feedback in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text to the Second Year Students

    of SMPN 1 Tunjungan in 2010/2011 Academic Year. In her research, she describes the

    implementation of teaching writing descriptive text by the teacher in teaching learning

    process by using corrective feedback in writing descriptive text. She used Miles

    &Huberman analysis technique, data reduction, data display, and conclusion and

    verification. The result of the study show teaching writing used corrective feedback in

    descriptive text for the second year students of SMP N 1 Tunjungan was successful and

    effective. The teacher used problem solving as a writing material.

    The second researcher is RatihYulianti (2012) from Muhammadiyah University

    of Surakarta with the title Teacher's Corrective Feedback In Teaching Writing Recount

    Text To The First Year Of SMA Muhammadiyah I Surakarta In 2011/2012 Academic

    Year. Her objective was described the type of teacher corrective feedback technique in

    teaching learning of writing recount text and described the problem faced by the teacher

    in implementing corrective feedback at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in 2011/2012

    Academic Year. Her research describes that the types of oral corrective feedback which is

    used by the teacher in teaching learning process of writing recount text is metalinguistic.

    The researcher found there five types of oral feedback from six types of oral feedback,

    namely; explicit correction, recast, clarification request, metalinguistic, and repetition.

    Her method was descriptive qualitative analysis and the object of her study was the type

    of corrective feedback in teaching learning of writing recount text and the problems faced

    by the teacher in implementing corrective feedback at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta.

    The Third researcher is IpungAnggoro (2013) fromMuhammadiyah University of

    Surakarta with the title Corrective Feedback Found In Speaking Class at The English

    Department Of Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta. His research describes that the

    types of corrective Feedback Used by the teacher in UMS. The researcher found there

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    five types of corrective feedback used by the teacher in UMS. That was clarification

    request, recast, met linguistic feedback, explicit and translation. The frequency of Each

    Type of Corrective feedback Used by the Teacher in teaching speaking in UMS. The

    frequency of the use of corrective feedback found clarification request found 69 data or

    about 59 %, recast 23 or about 19,7 % met linguistic found 17 data or about 14,5 %,

    explicit correction found 4 data or about 3,4 % and translation found 4 data or about 3,4

    %. The dominant Type of Corrective feedback used by the teacher in teaching speaking

    in UMS.

    2. Research Method

    In this research, the subject of the study is limited to the teacher and the students

    of SMP N 2 Baturetno especially at the second year. The object of the study is the

    technique of teaching writing descriptive text using teachers feedback applied by the

    teacher at SMP N 2 Baturetno. The data of this research are the activities of the students

    and teacher. The writer took field note from observation. There are three sources of the

    data: event, informant, and document. In this research, the writer uses three method of

    collecting data, there are observation, interview, and document analysis. The techniques

    for analyzing the data that are used by the writer are reducing the data, displaying the

    data, and drawing conclusion.

    3. Research Finding and Discussion

    3.1 Research Finding

    3.1.1 The Type of Teacher Feedback used in Teaching Descriptive Text.

    a) Feedback on Content (Positive Feedback)

    In feedback on form, the teacher not only corrects the students error

    very explicit by telling the students that their writing is wrong then tells the

    reason, but also very implicit by using repetition to the wrong word or

    sentence that is written by the students. Here is the analysis of feedback on

    content (positive feedback) based on the writer‟s observation.

    1) Metalinguistic Feedback

    In the observation, the writer also finds some metalinguistic

    feedback in the teaching learning process. In the metalinguistic, the

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    teacher provides comments or questions related to the well- formedness of

    the students utterances feedback.

    These are data in teaching learning process of writing class. Here,

    the writer found four excepts which used as the data. The first data,

    teacher asked the student to read his homework about descriptive text.

    But, the teacher fined the errors when students said as follow:

    Data 1 [MeL]

    Student : HeMr. Aldo

    Teacher : use – auxiliary verbs (is, am or are)

    Students : He is Mr. Aldo

    The metalinguistic can be seen when the students answer is

    incorrect. The answer is “HeMr. Aldo” whereas it must use

    auxiliary verb „is, are or am. So, the teacher corrects the answer by

    saying “You need an auxiliary verb „is‟ because the subject is the

    third singular person”.After that, students‟ reply the answer by

    using„is‟. This is an effective way to build students skill in


    b) Feedback on Form (Negative Feedback)

    In this research, the writer finds the correction in content and form. In

    feedback on form, the teacher not only corrects the students error very explicit

    by telling the students that their writing is wrong then tells the reason, but also

    very implicit by using repetition to the wrong word or sentence that is written

    by the students.

    1) No correction but comments and question on content

    In this type, the teacher gives a correction in teaching learning

    process. Here is the data of this type, when the teacher asked students to

    make a group to make a descriptive text

    Indri Setiawatik (18)

    Kharisma Suri (20)

    My Sister

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    My name is Mely. I am 14 years old. I have one sister. Her name is Metta. She

    is 20 years old. She is tall. She is beautiful girl. She have long wavy hair. Her favorite

    food is all about seafood. She like drinking lemon tea everyday. Her hobbies are playing

    badminton. I sometimes play with her. She is funny person. I like her.

    According to the data above it shows that the teacher did not give a

    correction. He marked the studentsworksheet. It would make students confused. It

    is because since there is no comment or correction given by the

    teacher.Whereasthe students need correction to understand the context. Actually,

    there are many errors made by the students in their work above.The errors are:

    „She have long wavy hair‟. This sentence is incorrect, and the correct sentence is

    „She has long wavy hair‟. Another incorrect sentence is „She like drinking lemon

    tea everyday‟. The correct sentence is „She likes drinking lemon tea everyday‟.

    This type of correction is not suitable for the second year students of SMP

    N 2 Baturetno, because most of them have lack of motivation.

    3.1.2 Identification of form errors without help toward correction

    In this type, teacher only identifies the form of errors, but the

    teacher did not help on the correction. Sometimes the teacher used this

    type. He only identifies the error but he did not help the students to revise

    their work. For example the teacher moves around the class and he finds

    one of his students who made a text. He corrected the text and said: “it is

    wrong, use V1” without additional explanation on the matrial.

    3.1.3 Indirect error marking using a coding system for learner self correction

    In teaching learning process, the teacher often uses this type. He

    uses indirect error marking using a coding system for learner self-

    correction. He gives sign or circle to mark the error of students work. Here

    is the example:

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    Nama : Dessela Takbir Riyanti

    Kelas : VIII A

    Absen : 12

    My Brother

    I have a brother. Her name is Habibi. He is a friendly and handsome boy. He is

    17 years old. He have short and straight hair. He is a student of SMA 2 Salatiga. He go to

    school by motorcycle. He go to school at 6.30 every morning. Her hobby is playing

    football. He likes watching football match.

    The correction above shows that the teacher does the type of

    correction feedback indirectly on the error marking using a coding system

    for learner self – correction type. With this correction type, the teacher

    gives correction by using sign to mark the error, but the students must

    correct them by herself/himself.

    3.1.4 Direct correction of form errors

    Direct correction of form error means the teacher corrects it

    directly. In the class which is observed by the writer, the teacher seldom

    uses this type. When the teacher checked students work one by one, he

    found an error made by student. One of the errors is made made by Adetya

    Restu Putra.He wrote: I have one brothers and two sisters. Directly the

    teacher marked the error made by Adetya. The correction is: I have one

    brothers and two sisters. The correction was done directly by the teacher at

    the same time.

    3.15 The use of Red Ink and Black Ink in Corrective Feedback

    The use of ink color has certain meaning. Using pencil or blue/black ink to

    mark is less excoriating than red ink.The students own writing then stands out

    as the important writing on the page.What should be remember is that it is

    notalways necessary or productive to highlight every grammatical error. The

    marking should focus primarily on the purpose of the writing and whether the

    student has achieved the required individual outcome. The red ink means that

    it has taken on negative connotation and such limits the constructiveness of

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    comments written in red ink. In the observation, the teacher uses the red ink

    when she correct students work.

    The teacher does this strategy, he always using red ink to correct students


    Following is the evidence of the correction by using red ink :

    Nama : Febryan Munandar

    Kelas : VIII A

    Absen : 15

    My Father

    My father is about 40 years old. He have short and black hair. He is very friendly because he

    knows almost everybody in the neighborhood. He is a diligent man. He cleans the garden and yard

    every Sunday. He often works on the garden with his children.He is a good volleyball player. He

    plays volleyball with our neighbors in the community center every Saturday.

    The data above shows that some students still make some mistakes,

    especially when they use conjunction because, although and when they use a

    mental verb „have or has‟ and preposition„on‟. In this case the teacher has to

    repeat the explanation clearly

    3.1.6 The Students Responses of the Teaching Writing Descriptive

    Text Using Teacher Corrective Feedback

    The review of the students responses of the teaching writing using teacher

    feedback is different from one and others student. The teacher uses corrective

    feedback in teaching writing descriptive text because it is very effective. It means

    that the teacher can identify the students‟ difficulties by knowing their errors.

    From the difficulties of the students there are some responses.

    The first from the metalinguistic feedback is the teacher provides

    comments or questions related to the well- formedness of the student‟s utterances


    Based on th interview and observation the students response of second

    year students of SMP N 2 Baturetno, one of the student says that:

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    “Dengan pengajaran ini guru memberikan feedback dan membantu mengoreksi

    pekerjaan saya yang salah mbak, jadi saya tau kesalahan jawaban saya”

    It shows that the teacher gives feedback to the students, and the feedback

    can make the students think more clearly. So students will answer the question


    Then, the teacher uses no correction but comments and question on

    content to teaching writing descriptive text. In this type of corrective feedback the

    teacher did not give a correction. She marked the studentsworksheet. It would

    make students confused. It is because since there is no comment or correction

    given by the teacher.Whereasthe students need correction to understand the


    Based on th interview and observation to the students of second year

    students of SMP N 2 Baturetno, one of students said: “saya tidak tahu kesalahan

    pekerjaan saya ada dibagian mana mbak, karena guru tidak memberi tanda salah

    atau memberi tahu bagian yang salah”

    This type of correction is not suitable for the second year students of SMP

    N 2 Baturetno, because most of them have lack of motivation.

    Next type is indirect error marking using a codingsystem for learner

    selfcorrection. This type often use for teaching learning in writing. Based on the

    interview and observation to the students of second year students of SMP N 2

    Baturetno, one of student says that, “Jadi guru biasanya menyoret bagian yang

    salah pada lembar keja saya dan saya harus membenarkan pekerjaan saya

    sendiri mbak”

    With this correction type, the teacher gives correction by using sign to

    mark the error, but the students must correct them by herself/himself.

    The use of ink color has particular meaning. Using pencil or blue/black

    ink to mark is less excoriating than red ink. The marking should focus primarily

    on the purpose of the writing and whether the student has achieved the required

    individual outcome. The red ink means that it has taken on negative connotation

    and such limits the constructiveness of comments written in red ink. In the

    observation, the teacher uses the redink when he correct students work.

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    Based on the interview and observation to the students of second year

    students of SMP N 2 Baturetno, one of student says that, “Dengan guru

    memberikan coretan merah pada pekerjaan saya itu lebih memudahkan saya

    mbak, untuk mengetahui kesalahan saya ada dibagian mana”

    So, the writer can review type of teacher feedback in teaching learning in

    writing descriptive text, the conclude of the type that the students easily to

    understand the learning using corrective feedback. They can know what their


    Based on the interview and observation to the students of second year

    students of SMP N 2 Baturetno, one of the students say that,

    “sayalebihsenangmenggunakanteknik corrective feedback.Karena sayabisa tau


    The teacher used some type of corrective feedback in teaching writing

    descriptive text. And the student responses of the teaching writing descriptive text

    using teacher feedback is different from one and others student,because

    depending on the type of feedback given the teacher. The writer can conclude,

    when the teacher gives direct feedback to the students make easily to understand

    the learning and they can know what their mistakes. They said that the feedback

    type applied by the teacher in the teaching writing descriptive makes them easy to

    write and they can identify and correct the errors.

    The teacher also used of ink color to correction the learning. In the

    observation, the teacher uses the redink when she correct students work.In teacher

    corrective feedback, students can know and correct the errors after it is corrected

    by the teacher. Here, the teacher does not only correct the errors directly by

    writing the correct one, but also pointing out and explaining to the students so that

    they can correct by themselves. In addition, the teacher can identify the student

    difficulties by knowing their errors so that it can accelerate the teaching learning

    process. Besides, it is very helpful for the students because they know their errors.

    3.2 Discussion

    Based on the writers observation, the corrective feedback type was done

    by teacher in SMP N 2 Baturetno of the second year students. The teacher used

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    five types of feedback on content from six types of feedback on content, namely:

    recast, clarification request, metalinguistic, and repetition. In feedback on content,

    the teacher gave both of positive and negative feedback. The positive feedback

    can be seen at metalinguistic process. In metalinguistic process, the teacher gave a

    feedback which can build students motivation to repair their grammar. The

    teacher suggested students to correct their answer by giving direction, such as:

    “use present tense”. By using this type, students can enrich their vocabulary in


    For the writing feedback, the teacher also gives negative feedback. The

    teacher used four of eight types of feedback, namely: no correction but comments

    and question on content, identification of form errors without help toward

    correction, indirect error marking using a coding system for learner self-

    correction, and direct correction of form errors. The types of feedback used by the

    teacher in writing feedback in negative too. He only gave a mark in error word, or

    gave question mark in the content. It is negative for the second year students of

    SMP N 2 Baturetno who most of them are extraordinary naughty. They have low

    motivation to revise their own error without the help of the teacher.

    Based on the data above, we can conclude that the teacher uses two kinds

    of corrective feedback, that are positive and negative feedback. In implementing

    the positive feedback, the teacher diretly writes the correct one to the students‟

    errors. Richard and Lockhart (1994:189), state that positive feedback can be done

    by indicating an incorrect answer and expending or modifying a students‟ answer.

    It means that the teacher directly tell the incorrect one then correct it. The analysis

    of the data, the teacher applies the suitable process of positive feedback.

    In addition, the teacher also uses negative feedback to the students‟

    writing. The teacher gives a circle sign then tells that it was wrong but she did not

    correct it. She explains why it is wrong, and then she asks the students to correct

    it by themselves. Richard and Lockhart (1994:190) also explain that negative

    feedback can be accomplished in different way such as pointing out the error and

    asking the students to self correct and commenting on an error and explaining

    why it is wrong. Based on the writers‟ observation, the teacher implements the

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    negative feedback by pointing out them to the errors, explain the reason why it is

    wrong without writing the correct one then asked the students to have self correct.

    In this observation the teacher used five types of teacher corrective

    feedback. From the theory teacher should give the student written correction in

    their paper, but usually the teacher just return student‟s worksheet without

    correction. So, the student don‟t know what they mistakes.

    The authorities said that using red ink is not effective for the corrective

    feedback, but in this observation the teacher uses the redink when she correct

    students work. There is an article explain about use red ink in learning can give

    negative impact for student, Sociologists Richard Dukes and Heather Albanesi of

    the University of Colorado claim in a paper they've had published in The Social

    Science Journal that when teachers use a red pen to add comments to student

    papers, students perceive them more negatively than if they use another color pen.

    Red ink have traditionally been used by teachers when grading papers ostensibly

    to make their comments and markings stand out from the original work but this

    new research suggests that the use of a red pen may convey unintentional negative

    emotions.Butit is differentgoal from the observation, this article show that using

    red ink can impact negatively but this observationprove that by using red ink the

    student can easily find out the errors in the lesson. The teachers‟ purpose use red

    ink is to show the students‟ error and they can know their mistakes easily. So, in

    teacher corrective feedback, students can know and correct the errors after it is

    corrected by the teacher. Here, the teacher does not only correct the errors directly

    by writing the correct one.

    Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses one topic for her

    research to know the problem faced by the teacher in applying and the advantages

    of teacher feedback in teaching descriptive text for the students. Because from the

    previous study they show that teaching writing used corrective feedback in

    descriptive text was successful and effective.

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    4. Conclusion and Suggestion

    After describing and analyzing the data, the writer draws conclusion based on

    the observation of the teaching writing descriptive text using teacher feedback to the

    second year of SMP N 2 Baturetno as follows:

    1. The type of teacher feedback used in teaching descriptive text are feedback on

    content (positive feedback), feedback on form (negative feedback) and the use of

    red ink and black ink in corrective feedback. Feedback on content which is used

    by the teacher in teaching writing descriptive text is metalinguistic. In the

    metalinguistic, the teacher provides comments or questions related to the well-

    formdness of the students utterances feedback. And the second type is feedback

    on form (negative feedback) namely: no correction but comments and question on

    content, identification of form errors without help toward correction, indirect error

    marking using a coding system for learner self correction, and direct correction of

    form errors. And the last type is the use of red ink in corrective feedback, in this

    observation the teacher uses the red ink when she correct students worksheet.

    2. The students responses of the teaching writing descriptive text using teacher

    corrective feedback is different one and others. In response to the metalinguistic

    feedback, where the teacher give feedback and help them to correction their work,

    the first from the metalinguistic feedback is the teacher give feedback and help

    them to correction their work, the students said that they know their mistakes.

    The second respon from the teacher uses no correction but comments and

    question on content, in this type of corrective feedback the teacher did not give a

    correction and give back their worksheet. This strategy makes students confused.

    This type is not suitable for the students. The next respon from indirect error by

    using a coding system for learner self correction. In this type, the teacher gives

    correction by using sign to mark the error, and students must correct them by

    herself/himself. And the last respon is the use red ink in corrective feedback. In

    this case, the teacher gives correction by using red ink to mark the error. They

    admit that using red ink to correct their worksheet can make them easily

    understand the learning and they can know what their mistakes. It can be

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    concluded that the student responses of the teaching writing descriptive text using

    teacher feedback is different from one and others student,depending on the type of

    feedback given the teacher.


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