the topic-perspective model for social tagging systems

The Topic-Perspective Model for Social Tagging Systems 蔡蔡

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The Topic-Perspective Model for Social Tagging Systems. 蔡跳. INTRODUCTION. social data--social annotations--tags a new type of information source tag recommendation、prediction 、clustering、classification、IR. Tags. RELATED WORK1. Topic Analysis using Generative Models text mining: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Topic-Perspective Model for Social Tagging Systems


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• social data--social annotations--tags

• a new type of information source

• tag recommendation、 prediction 、 clustering、 classification、IR

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• Topic Analysis using Generative Models

text mining:

1.Naïve Bayesian model,

2.Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (PLSI) model,

3.Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model• correlated LDA, switchLDA, Link-LDA, To

pic-Link LDA

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• Generative Models for Social Tagging

1.Conditionally-independent LDA (CI-LDA) model

2. Community-based categorical annotation (CCA) model

3.correlated or correspondence LDA (CorrLDA) model

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DXK doc-topic分布)(w KXW topic-word分布)(t KXT topic-tag分布

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Topic-Perspective Model

• 真实模拟 annotation的生成过程, user 、 document、 word、 tag统一在一个模型中

• motivation:表示和连接可见的及不可见的变量

• Output: user perspective可用于个性化搜素

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)(d DXK doc-topic分布)(w KXW topic-word分布)(t KXT topic-tag分布

LXT persp-tag分布

)(u UXL user-persp分布

a vector indicating the probability each tag is generated from topics

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Parameter Estimation

• Variational expectation maximization

• Expectation propagation

• Gibbs sampling

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Parameter Estimation

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Parameter Estimation

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Experiments and results

• Datasets:, 1-2 2009, 41190 documents, 4414 users, 28740 tags, 129908 words, 10% test, 90% train

• Evaluation Criterion: perplexity.概括归纳新文档的 tags的能力

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Experiment Setup

• Topic K Perspective L 的选择

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Discovered topics and perspectives

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