the three musketeers · the three musketeers written by david loughery revisions by harley peyton...

The Three Musketeers Written by DAVID LOUGHERY Revisions by HARLEY PEYTON This material is the sole property of the Walt Disney Company and is restricted to the use of the Walt Disney Company and its authorized employees and agents. Distribution, disclosure, reproduction or sale of this material to unauthorized personnel is strictly prohibited. January 5, 1993

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Page 1: The Three Musketeers · The Three Musketeers Written by DAVID LOUGHERY Revisions by HARLEY PEYTON This material is the sole property of the Walt Disney Company and is restricted to

The Three Musketeers



This material is the sole property of the Walt DisneyCompany and is restricted to the use of the WaltDisney Company and its authorized employees andagents. Distribution, disclosure, reproduction orsale of this material to unauthorized personnel isstrictly prohibited.

January 5, 1993

Page 2: The Three Musketeers · The Three Musketeers Written by DAVID LOUGHERY Revisions by HARLEY PEYTON This material is the sole property of the Walt Disney Company and is restricted to




Dawn. A verdant field in Gascony. BIRDS CALL from tree-tops. The WIND RUSTLES through green leaves. A foxdarts into a thick hedge. And last, anti-pastoral, outof place -- the sound of CLASHING STEEL.

SUPERIMPOSE: France, 1625.

Suddenly, two young men burst INTO VIEW, sword pointscutting brilliant arcs through the morning air. Thefirst is GIRARD, bearded, nearly thirty, a man in everyfacet. The second, D'ARTAGNAN. Younger in appearanceand attitude. Exuberant, handsome. And at just thismoment, bounding over a low stone wall with a boisterouscry.

They battle across an expanse of turf thick with dew.Girard is the more polished combatant. But d'Artagnan isnearly a force of nature. He whips his sword through theair with wild-hearted abandon. He tumbles and somer-saults. This is fun.

Girard and d'Artagnan cross the field, pass over a woodenfence, struggle toward a stable and hayloft. As theyfight, both men utilize a variety of props. Handfuls ofhay, a wooden spar, quick kicks from heavy boots.Anything goes as the swords cut through the air.D'Artagnan, gaining increasing advantage, forces Girardup against a peaceful country manor. Girard, seeminglycornered, executes a gymnastic flip onto the roof,fights from this high angle. D'Artagnan merely smiles...and follows.


Seen briefly in silhouette against the rising sun, Girardand d'Artagnan scramble up the v-shaped rooftop, pauseto exchange swipes at the peak, then slide down the otherside, attacking, defending, as they go.


Inside the manor house, a HANDSOME WOMAN of forty glancesup from her writing table, hears FOOTSTEPS on the roof.She reacts -- curious, not afraid -- and steps to an openwindow. As if to follow the footsteps to the other side.

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Girard leaps to the ground first -- landing in an en-closure filled with SQUAWKING GEESE. D'Artagnan fliesafter. The geese scatter, d'Artagnan -- whose wildprogress frequently resembles that of a young colt --stumbles briefly. Girard seeks advantage, thrusts hissword toward the young man's heart. But d'Artagnanparries the blow with a heavy gloved hand, rolls overthe offending goose -- glances deadpan apology -- andrises to fight again.

The epic battle continues. Girard's modest success de-volves into desperate flight. D'Artagnan's seeminglyendless reserves are wearing him down. Then, at thelast possible moment, Girard spies escape: a slow-moving HAYCART RUIMBLING up the country road. He runstoward the cart, leaps upon it, turns back to d'Artagnanwith a confident smirk -- an expression that vanisheswhen the young Gascon executes a nearly impossible leapto join him.

And still they battle, the clash of swords a kind ofmusic by now, the men, their exuberance, the bright morn-ing all combined into a dazzlingly heroic display. Justthen: The haycart crosses a wooden plank bridge. Girardbacks from d'Artagnan's sword, weak from exhaustion, hestumbles. D'Artagnan has his man and he knows it. Heprepares one last blow --

-- And the haycart shifts, deposits both men over theside and down to the small muddy creek below. A comicalantidote to all this glorious swordplay.


Girard lands flat on his back, stunned, his sword out ofreach. D'Artagnan lands similarly, but recovers withgrace, or rather, as much grace as the muddy situationwill allow. He rolls toward Girard, sword in hand, andlightly places the sharp gleaming tip against his adam'sapple.

A long beat. Then a surprise. Girard begins to laugh,long and loud. D'Artagnan responds with a charmed smile.

D'ARTAGNANHad enough?


I believe now would be a goodtime to end your, uhm, formaltraining. Well done.


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D'ARTAGNANThank you, sir.

D'Artagnan leaps to his feet, races off without anotherword. Girard struggles upward, peers at the shape of hisclothing -- cut to ribbons, muddy and soaked.

GIRARDAnd god have mercy on whomeveryou meet next.



D'Artagnan races across the green fields, triumphant.


She stands at the open window, watches his coltish highsteps with love. Sadness too.



D'Artagnan steps through the country manor, calls out:


But he does not see her. D'Artagnan continues, chatter-ing proudly as he goes.

D'ARTAGNANDid you see us? You heard us,I'll bet. Girard finallysurrendered a compliment...though I almost had to kill himto get it... Mother...?

D'Artagnan comes upon an open door, a small room beyond.He pauses, then steps inside.


A Spartan interior. Heraldic emblems upon the wall, sou-venirs from battles won and lost.


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A piece of parchment, on it the words: "All For One, andOne For All." And, in a place of honor, a worn blue andgold tunic. Below it, the Handsome Woman, d'Artagnan'smother, kneels at an open chest. She turns back to him.


D'ARTAGNANDidn't you hear me? Girard --


D'Artagnan sighs, sits in a large wooden chair. A beat.His mother speaks quietly, eyes turned back to the openchest.

MOTHERYour father was a proud man. Andhe had a right to be. I neverknew one as brave or as kind. Heknew that his strength was a giftto be given in the service ofhonor. That is why he dedicatedhis life to his country and hisKing. That is why he gave hislife, for both.

She reaches into the chest, carefully extracts abeautiful saber.

MOTHERI watched you this morning andsaw someone I knew. You haveyour father's heart, his will tofight, his courage. But thesegifts have no value unless theyare given.

She rises, holds the sword out to him.

MOTHERIt's time for you find yourfortune with men as brave andas bold as you are. In Paris.With the King's Musketeers.

(re: sword)You'll need this.

D'ARTAGNAN(quiet, moved)

Father's sword.


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MOTHERForged in the Crusades, handedfrom generation to generation.

D'ARTAGNANAnd now to me.

D'Artagnan can't help it, his eager reply leavens thenobility of the moment with warm humor, youthful inno-cence. His mother smiles as she repeats.

MOTHERYes, son. And now to you.

With that, she holds out the beautiful saber. D'Artagnantakes it firmly into his hands.



A huge and beautiful field appropriate to the moment.Mother and son stand in the vast expanse. D'Artagnanholds a restless horse by the reins, his traveling satch-el attached to the saddle.

MOTHERI'm not your mother now. I'mspeaking for your father. Andthis is what he would have toldyou. Never forget the code ofthe d'Artagnans. It is yourspecial heritage.

(beat)Always seek out adventure...


MOTHERNever run from a fight...


MOTHERNever submit to insults. Exceptfrom the King.



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MOTHERAnd be wary of Cardinal Richelieufor he rules France through theKing.

A bittersweet moment. D'Artagnan posed before his firstgreat adventure. But not completely certain that hewishes to leave home.

D'ARTAGNANMother. Maybe I should wait.Until after harvest.

D'Artganan's mother smiles, understands. And speaksgently to urge him forward.

MOTHERYou've heard that every man inthe Musketeers is on the run fromsomeone or something?

D'ARTAGNANYes. But what am I running from?

MOGHER(gentle humor)

A shrew of a mother, and a draftyold house. Now go.

And in this fashion, she releases him. D'Artagnan sweepshis Mother into an embrace, now turns, heroic, and leapsinto the saddle. The horse reacts with a start, skittersin a half-cicle. D'Artagnan struggles to gain control,finally brings the horse to rein. He manages a charmedgrin. His mother smiles, scolds:

MOTHERAnd for heaven's sake, practiceyour horsemanship.

D'ARTAGNANHorsemanship. Got it.

D'Artagnan digs his heels into the horse's flanks, shootsoff across bright green fields. His Mother shields hereyes from the sun, feels a gathering of tears, andwatches him ride into the distance.


D'Artagnan's flight toward a new world.


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It FILLS the SCREEN, serves as background for the MAINTITLES. As the FINAL CREDIT APPEARS, and the MUSIC ENDS,the blade of a sword ENTERS FRAME. It slides beneath theemblem, pries it off the wall. The emblem falls to thefloor with an undignified thud. A fire blazes in a hugehearth behind it.


A room in the Musketeers Headquarters. The fallen emblemis retrieved by JUSSAC, an officer who wears the brightred tunic of the Cardinal's Guards.

JUSSACWhat should I do with this?

Jussac offers the emblem to a tall, elegant wraith inblack finery, a patch covers one eye. This is the COUNTDE ROCHEFORT, Richelieu's right hand, one of the deadli-est swordsmen in all of France.

ROCHEFORTThrow it on the fire witheverything else.

JUSSACBut this is the emblem of theMusketeers...

ROCHEFORTThe Musketeers no longer exist.Or haven't you heard?

(cold command)Throw it on the fire.

Jussac hastily adds the emblem to the fiery blaze, it isinstantly consumed. Rochefort watches it burn, thenwalks to a balcony overlooking a vast courtyard.


Grim, funereal silence as a hundred Musketeers removetheir blue and gold tunics, drop them into a pile thatalready contains their swords and muskets. TheMusketeers remain stoic throughout, unwilling to revealthe depth of their despair. The latter is supervised bythe Cardinal's Guards, who view their hated enemies'plight with satisfaction. This is a sad day for theMusketeers, the end of an era.

MONSIEUR DE TREVILLE forces a salute toward the captainof the Cardinal's Guards, hands over his own musket.


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Treville is the respected leader of the Musketeers. Thisis the saddest moment of all.

Rochefort watches from above, a cruel smile twists hislips. He steps to the railing, addresses the men below.


A hundred faces turn upward to regard him. And on eachthe same expression -- absolute loathing for the man inblack. Rochefort is not intimidated by this sea of con-tempt. He revels in it.

ROCHEFORTBy joint edict of His MajestyKing Louis XIII and His EminenceCardinal Richelieu, theMusketeers are officiallydisbanded. In preparation forthe coming war with England, yourranks and commissions are herebytransferred to the Infantry. Youwill be contacted and told whereto report. Until that time, youare instructed to return to yourhomes.

DE TREVILLE(shouting toRochefort)

And who will protect the King?

ROCHEFORTThe Cardinal's Guards are morethan capable of assuming that...responsibility.

Muttered curses and dissent throughout. Rochefort raiseshis voice to be heard:

ROCHEFORTYou are hereby ordered todisperse. Should even one of youresist... the entire corps willbe arrested and imprisoned.

(with pleasureand disdain)

'All for one, and one for all.'

As Rochefort intended, the Musketeers explode. Butbefore they can attack the Guards, de Treville's com-manding voice calls out above the clamor.


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14 CONTINUED: (2) 14

DE TREVILLEMusketeers!

And with that, the Musketeers freeze. Their eyes go tode Treville. There is a moment of silence as de Trevillechooses his words carefully. Even in defeat, de Trevilleis stoic.

DE TREVILLEGo to your homes. Wait. Ourday will come again.

De Treville shoots a defiant look at Rochefort who smilesin a patronizing manner. Then, de Treville leads hisMusketeers out of the courtyard.


He returns to the adjoining room where Jussac stands by.Rochefort has enjoyed himself immensely. He goes to amirror and preens, adjusting his eye patch to a more rak-ish angle. That's when he catches a glimpse of somethingbehind him. Something red. Rochefort turns.

a tall, powerfully built MAN stands in the shadows of theroom, a spectre in red.

ROCHEFORTYour Eminence.

Rochefort and Jussac instantly fall to their knees.

ARMAND DU PLEISS THE CARDINAL RICHELIEU steps out of thedarkness and into the light, his long crimson robesswirling about him like clouds of blood. His face islong, shrewd and intelligent. His eyes are penetrat-ing. He smiles his crocodile smile.

Richelieu observes a duty roster on one of the walls.It contains the names of all the Musketeers, past andpresent.

RICHELIEUHave they all been accounted for?


All but... three.

On Richelieu's face, a flicker of irritation.



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JUSSAC(speaking up)

I sent a patrol to find them butit hasn't returned yet.

RICHELIEUI want those Musketeers, notexcuses. Bring them in at once.



Jussac leads a regiment of the Cardinal's Gruards downParis' most colorful and notorious street. They reactto SHOUTING and VIOLENT NOISES coming from a tavernahead. The one called... The Dead Rat.

The tavern door flies open, and two of the Cardinal'sGuards are flung into the street, bruised and bloody.Just then: A window on the second floor bursts open,and a big Musketeer dangles a struggling Guard by hisfeet, threatening to drop him into the street. TheMusketeer, a man of enormous appetites -- wine, women,song -- is called PORTHOS. Jussac shouts:

JUSSACRelease that man!!

Happy to comply, Porthos lets go of the Guard who plungesto the street with a dull thud. Then, with a wink and apiratical grin, Porthos ducks inside. Jussac darkens,signals his men, and they rush toward the tavern.


Jussac and his company burst in and discover the room ina shambles, the aftermath of a violent fight. But fornow, all is calm.

A group of the Cardinal's Guards is seated around a bigtable littered with flagons and bottles. On the flooraround them are their swords and rifles. It appears theGruards are celebrating a victory. But wait. There'ssomething wrong with this picture. On closer inspection,we see that the Guards have been stripped to their under-clothes and tied to their chairs with ropes. They areall bruised and bloody. Some are unconscious.

Presiding over the "celebration" are two Musketeers.They sit at the head of the table, relaxing with theirboots up.


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One of them casually cleans his sword with a lace hand-kerchief. He is ARAMIS, the most handsome and dashing ofthe Musketeers -- a poet and idealist -- a gentleman ofgreat personal charm and style.

His companion is ATHOS, the Musketeers' deadliest andmost charismatic member -- also its most mysterious andtortured. Athos is the unofficial leader of the ThreeMusketeers, their planner and strategist. At the moment,he's sewing up a nasty gash on his right arm.


What is this?

Athos greets him with a dark smile.

ATHOSA private party. Go away.

ARAMISAthos -- is that any way to greetour guests?

Aramis leaps to his feet and bows graciously. He is theepitome of politeness.

ARAMISDon't be shy, gentlemen. Comein. Your friends have beenexpecting you.

Jussac is not amused.

JUSSACYour presence is requested atMusketeer Headquarters by CaptainRochefort.

Athos and Aramis exchange looks.

ATHOSThe Cyclops is a Captain? Hemust've made a pact with theDevil.

ARAMISOr the Cardinal.

ATHOSWhat's the difference?


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ARAMIS(with an edgeof contempt)

The Devil is more ethical thanthe Cardinal.

Jussac takes a step forward, fingering his saber.

JUSSACYou're instructed to come withme and surrender your tunics.

With a sweeping gesture, Athos indicates the bloodyGuards around him.

ATHOSThese gentlemen made a similarrequest.

JUSSACAre you refusing to comepeaceably?

ATHOSProbably. But I'll leave it upto my companions. Aramis?

ARAMISWe can't refuse Rochefort'sinvitation. It would beimpolite.

Athos tips back in his chair and gazes upward.

ATHOSAnd what do you say, Porthos?

To the Guards' surprise, Porthos is balancing on thebalcony rail above, just about even with a large wagonwheel chandelier.

PORTHOSI'll be right down!

With the grace of an aerialist, Porthos jumps from thebalcony and lands atop the chandelier. His weight causesthe chains suspending it to break. With a whoop ofpleasure, Porthos rides the chandelier down as it landssquarely atop Jussac's Guards, squashing them.

When the dust clears, only Jussac has been spared. Helooks on in disbelief as Porthos extricates himself fromthe wreckage and calmly brushes his clothes off.


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PORTHOS(to Athos andAramis; cheerful)

Ready when you are.

Athos and Aramis sheathe their swords, put on their hats,wrap their capes around them and cross the room to joinPorthos.

ARAMISCongratulations, Porthos. Youbrought down the house.

PORTHOSMy aim was off. I was trying tohit Jussac.

Athos fixes Jussac with a dark, threatening look.

ATHOSNow. About those tunics...

Jussac turns to watch Athos, Porthos, and Aramis step tothe street. He mutters as if to curse:




D'Artagnan, on horseback, pauses on a bluff overlook-ing the magnificent city on the Seine. What he beholdsis Paris as it looked in the early part of the Seven-teenth Century, its steeples and towers rising to meet thesky. For a country boy like d'Artagnan, Paris is amagical place where the wildest of dreams can come true.

D'Artagnan's reverie is broken by the sound of THUNDERINGHOOFBEATS coming from behind. He turns in response andwhat he sees is this:

Two women on horseback are riding for all they're worthpursued by two men on horseback.


His heroic blood stirs. Women in danger! As the womenGALLOP past, d'Artagnan leaps from his horse. Quicklyformulating a plan, he clambers up the trunk of a nearbytree and climbs out on a branch that overhangs the road.

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20 ANGLE 20

As the two riders pass underneath, d'Artagnan leaps intospace and tackles one of them, knocking him out of thesaddle. The rider hits the ground and is knocked sense-less. One down.

D'Artagnan scrambles to his feet as the second rider re-verses direction and GALLOPS back, charging d'Artagnan.The rider draws his saber.

D'Artagnan dodges the horse and the sword. He catchesthe second rider's arm and yanks him right out of thesaddle. The man lands with a painful thud atd'Artagnan's feet. Before he can recover, d'Artagnan isupon him with flying fists. One swift punch -- and thesecond rider is senseless. Two down.

D'Artagnan stands over his two victims, out of breath,but greatly pleased with his performance. He looks up asthe two women ride back to see what's happened.

The first woman is of noble breeding, a beautiful dark-haired girl in her late teens. Her name is ANNE. Hercompanion is roughly the same age, titan-haired andequally beautiful. Her name is CONSTANCE.

Anne regards the two men on the ground, then d'Artagnan.She shakes her head, laughs with delight and rides off.Constance remains. She smiles down at d'Artagnan fromatop her horse.

CONSTANCEDo you have any idea what you'vedone?

D'ARTAGNANI've saved you and your friendfrom these bandits.

CONSTANCEThese 'bandits' are the Queen'sown bodyguards.

D'Artagnan is stunned.


Constance points a finger in Anne's direction.

CONSTANCEIf I were you, I'd make myselfscarce. These men are going to bevery angry when they wake up.


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D'Artagnan looks at the two bodyguards who are beginningto recover. Then he looks up at Constance, feeling likea prize idiot.

D'ARTAGNANI didn't know. I thought...

Constance smiles at him, her eyes twinkling.

CONSTANCEDo you have a name?


CONSTANCEYou're a very foolish boy,d'Artagnan... but a very handsomeone. Good-bye.

Constance spurs her horse and rides off to catch up withAnne.

D'ARTAGNAN(calling after her)

Wait! You didn't tell me yourname!

But Constance is gone.

D'Artagnan stands in the middle of the road, feelingfoolish and oddly thrilled at the same time. The twobodyguards groan and grumble.

A bright reflection catches d'Artagnan's eye. He looksdown and sees a gleaming bracelet. He picks it up and...

D'ARTAGNANThe man who attacked you...

(pointing in theopposite direction)

... went that way.

With a guilty smile, d'Artagnan spurs his horse and rideslike Hell.



D'Artagnan rides to the top of the ridge, stops suddenly,sees something that takes his breath away.

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Paris laid out for him like a jewel, cloaked in mystery,promising adventure and romance. D'Artagnan watches thewomen as they ride into the fabled city in the distance.He follows.



Athos, Aramis, and Porthos sweep into the now desertedcourtyard. Silence -- the last thing they expected --stops them in their tracks. The place is a cemetery,haunted by the ghosts of generations of Musketeers.Porthos is visibly distraught. Rochefort enters frombehind an archway.

ROCHEFORTI'll take those tunics,Musketeers.

PORTHOS(to Aramis)

What did he say?

ARAMISHe said he'll take those tunics.

PORTHOSTunics? Coming right up.

Porthos reaches inside his cloak and takes out a crumpledred tunic he took from one of the Cardinal's guards. Hedrops it on the ground, digs into a pocket and takes outanother. He finds another in his boot and another up hissleeve. There's one in his hat. Like a magician, hekeeps pulling red tunics out of the most bizarre places.

Athos and Aramis have a few guard tunics themselves.They pull them out and drop them into the growing pile.

ATHOSI was trying to remember the lasttime I saw you here. I know. Itwas the day you were kicked out ofthe Musketeers.

ARAMISConduct Unbecoming a Musketeer.Wasn't that the charge?

ROCHEFORTYou ought to know. Three witnessesstood against me.


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ATHOSIt was the least we could do.

The bitter memory hangs in the air for a moment.

ROCHEFORTYou are hereby ordered tosurrender your commissions andmake yourselves available forreassignment in the King's Army.

ATHOSAnd if we refuse?

ROCHEFORTYou will become outlaws. Huntedmen.

PORTHOSIt doesn't matter where I go orwhat I do. Sooner or latersomebody's calling me 'outlaw.'

Athos cuts him off with a look. He's familiar withPorthos' propensity for tall tales. But not here, notnow. Athos turns back to the balcony. Rochefort lobs ataunt.

ROCHEFORTAre you refusing to serve yourKing?

ARAMISWe are refusing to serve theCardinal.

PORTHOSSame thing, these days.

ARAMISFrance has one King too many.

ROCHEFORTI'll tell him you said that.

Athos, who has remained silent, speaks with quiet power:

ATHOSDo that, Rochefort. Tell hisEmminence the Cardinal that wewill continue to perform our swornduty to protect the King. Fromenemies across the sea.



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ATHOS (CONT'D)From traitors who sit at his righthand. And tell him that he cantake away our tunics, our muskets,even our swords. But he cannotstop us from being what we are.Musketeers.

The gauntlet has been thrown. Rochefort picks it up withglee.

ROCHEFORTI'll make sure His Emminence theCardinal gets the message. But Ican't promise he'll be pleased.

Rochefort steps back, disappears into the shadows. Abeat. The Musketeers regard each other.

PORTHOSWell, if we're going to beoutlaws, I suppose we'll have toget our affairs in order.

ARAMISAre you going to visit themalphabetically or in order ofpreference?

PORTHOSAlphabetically seems... fair.

ARAMISWhen it comes to you and women,fairness rarely applies.


We'll meet at the Columbier-Rougeat sundown.

(off their looks)To celebrate. And to plan our newlives.


ARAMISCitizens of France.

ATHOSThe three Musketeers.

And that is all that remains.


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Athos, Porthos, and Aramis step in different directions.



D'Artagnan rides through the streets of Paris. A countryboy happily stunned by the sights, sounds, and smells ofthe city. Merchants gossip and call to each other fromshop doors. Colorful vendors and pedestrians move alongthe crowded boulevard. Acrobats, puppeteers, and jug-glers perform on street corners. LAUGHTER and MUSICdrift from taverns and public houses.

D'Artagnan views it all with great enthusiasm. He seesthe exterior of the Musketeer Headquarters... wow! Thefuture belongs to him.

25 ATHOS 25

He crosses the courtyard to a large wooden door. But ashe reaches for the handle, the door flies open and smackshim in his injured arm.

D'ARTAGNAN(as he enters)

Look out!

ATHOS(wincing in pain)


D'ARTAGNAN(in a panic; lookingaround)

Where are they? Where are theMusketeers? I'm in the rightplace, aren't I?

ATHOS(through grittedteeth)

Not as far as I'm concerned.

Athos is wearing his cape in such a way that it hideshis Musketeer tunic. D'Artagnan has no idea who he'sdealing with.

D'ARTAGNANBut this is MusketeerHeadquarters...


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ATHOSNo. This was MusketeerHeadquarters.

D'ARTAGNANYou mean it's been moved?

ATHOSI mean the Musketeers have beendisbanded. Feel free to pokearound for souvenirs.

D'ARTAGNANWhat do you mean 'disbanded'?

ATHOSSome nonsense about being needed inthe army. Now if you'll excuseme...

D'Artagnan blocks Athos' path.

D'ARTAGNANBut I just got here. How can Ibecome a Musketeer if they've beendisbanded?

ATHOSI'd say you've got a problem.

D'Artagnan grabs Athos by his injured arm. Athos, stif-ling pain, fixes d'Artagnan with a deadly look.

ATHOSYou could use a lesson in manners.

D'Artagnan touches his sword, eyes flashing at the pos-sibility of a duel.


ATHOSI'm in a hurry now -- but I'llmeet you at the Carmes-Deshauxmonastery at noon.

Athos exits.

D'ARTAGNAN(calling after him)

I'll be there ten minutes early.(MORE)


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25 CONTINUED: (2) 25

D'ARTAGNAN (CONT'D)(to himself)

An hour in Paris, and I alreadyhave my first duel!

Just then, d'Artangnan spies two familiar figures onhorseback, distinctive cloaks hiding their faces. Anneand Constance, though he does not yet know their names.D'Artagnan hurries after.



START CLOSE ON Porthos, his rogue's grin, the twinkle inhis eye.

PORTHOSBut, Catherine, don't you see? Asan outlaw I'll be constantly onthe run from the Cardinal's guards,a refugee. Think of all the placesyou can hide me. I'm thinking ofthem now.


reveals Porthos leaning against an open window, speakingamiably to a pretty woman on the other side. She dabs atear from her eye, manages a nod.


Meanwhile, d'Artagnan races around another corner, down anarrow lane, and speeds after the ladies on horseback.He dashes through a muddy puddle -- spraying foul waterall over Porthos where he stands. D'Artagnan doesn'tnotice, a huge cart loaded with wine barrels has rolledINTO VIEW, blocking the lane. Fellow travelers shoutcomplaints, the cart driver shakes his head, makes anobscene gesture. It's a Seventeenth Century traffic jam.

D'Artagnan sees Anne and Constance dismount in the dis-tance, tie their horses, and step into an alley. A manwaits in the shadows to escort them. D'Artagnan leapsoff his horse, he means to continue his pursuit on foot.But he takes two quick steps, and... runs directly intoPorthos' outstretched hand.


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D'Artagnan looks up -- literally, given Porthos' impres-sive stature -- and sees the Musketeer's muddied tunic,and worse, a unique and expensive sash, now thoroughlysoiled.

PORTHOS(not a glimmer of agrin)

Do you know where this sash comesfrom?


PORTHOSIt is a gift from the Queen ofAmerica.

Porthos' righteous indignation is more impressive thanhis knowledge of current affairs. D'Artagnan corrects.

D'ARTAGNANThere is no Queen of America.

PORTHOS(to pretty woman)

Madame Augustine, would you excuseme for a moment, I'm going to killhim.

(back to d'Artagnan;ever the gentleman)

Now, where were we?

D'ARTAGNAN(glancing at theladies; the alley)

I rode through a puddle, muddiedyour sash, the Queen of Americaexcept there isn't one, I'm in ahurry, and you were about tochallenge me to a duel.


I was?

D'ARTAGNANThat seems to be the local custom.

Porthos lets out a weary sigh. He shakes his head.


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28 CONTINUED: (2) 28

PORTHOSEverywhere I go, it's always thesame. There's always some kid whothinks he's hot with a sword...some itchy punk who wants to goup against the great Porthos...

D'ARTAGNANThe great who?

PORTHOSThe great Porthos.

(when d'Artagnanisn't impressed)

Me, you idiot.

D'Artagnan gives him a blank look.

PORTHOSDon't you know who I am?

D'ARTAGNANThe world's greatest talker?

Porthos couldn't be more insulted. He sputters withrage.

PORTHOSAll right, you little puke! Youwant to die? So be it! Oneo'clock behind the Luxembourg!And bring a coffin!

D'ARTAGNANBring your own!


D'Artagnan thinks he sees Anne and Constance, races downthe alley, turns a corner, down a short street, makes ahasty decision, runs down yet another alley... and tum-bles into a shadowy lane. He stops, looks left andright. And does see them.

The ladies enter a chapel's back door, close the doorbehind them. D'Artagnan flies after, skids across cob-blestones, rips the door open... and finds himself faceto face with the man who has escorted Anne and Constancethis far.

D'ARTAGNANLet me pass.


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CARDINAL'S GUARDI'm afraid that's not possible.

D'ARTAGNANI must speak to those young women.

CARDINAL'S GUARDThe young women do not wish to bespoken to.

D'ARTAGNANI have something that belongs tothe Queen.



D'ARTAGNANA bracelet.

GUARDI'll deliver it for you.

D'ARTAGNANNo, you've been enough helpalready. Would you be so kindas to point out the Carmes-DeshauxMonastery?

The Guard points to a large building in the distance witha large cross.


30 INT. ROOM 30

PAN ACROSS the Virgin Mary and many lit candles to aBEAUTIFUL DAMSEL sharing a love seat with the thirdMusketeer, the dashing Aramis. Aramis has a book openand is reading from it.

The Damsel suddenly grabs Aramis and kisses him on themouth. Aramis politely extricates himself. He's not theleast bit embarrassed, only slightly amused.

ARAMISMadam, I'm flattered but I thoughtyou wanted me to tutor you intheology.


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DAMSELExcuse me, Monsieur Aramis. Butwhen you started talking aboutOriginal Sin, I lost control andbecame impassioned. It won'thappen again.

ARAMISThere's nothing unholy aboutexpressing one's emotions. Onthe contrary. Religion should beexperienced in a passionate, all-embracing way. We should feelfree to express our spirituality.

DAMSELYes, darling!

The Damsel attacks him again. Suddenly, a pounding onthe door.

MAN (O.S.)Open up!

DAMSEL(a gasp of fear)

My husband!

ARAMISYour husband!?

DAMSELAramis -- run!

But Aramis' heart is too noble. He gets down on hisknees.

ARAMISFirst we must pray to God forforgiveness.

That's when the door bursts open and the lady's husband,an irate MARQUIS enters with a pistol. His eyes blazewith madness. He aims the pistol at Aramis' head.

ARAMISOn second thought, God's oftenbusy.

Aramis leaps to his feet and sprints for the open window.

As the Marquis aims and FIRES, Aramis puts one foot onthe ledge and leaps into space. The shot misses him byinches.

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As d'Artagnan runs past. Aramis lands on top of him andthey go crashing to the cobblestones. As they untanglethemselves and get up...

ARAMISThanks. You broke my fallperfectly. But I do apologizefor the inconvenience...


Get off me!

D'Artagnan pushes Aramis aside. Aramis grabs d'Artagnanby the scruff of his neck and pulls him back.

ARAMISIf there's one thing I can'tabide, it's rudeness.

D'ARTAGNANYou fell on me!

ARAMISAnd I apologized for it.

D'ARTAGNANI suppose you'd like to teach me alesson in manners, too.

ARAMISI'd be honored.

D'Artagnan brightens. Another duel!

D'ARTAGNANHow's two o'clock behind theLuxembourg?

Aramis bows politely.

ARAMISIf that's where you wish to die,I won't disappoint you. Untilthen...

Aramis takes off. d'Artagnan swells with pride.

D'ARTAGNANThree duels in one day. I lovethis town.


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The Royal Palace of Louis XIII.

ANNE (V.O.)Have you seen the King?

SENESCHAL (V.O.)No, Your Majesty.


Anne, or rather, Queen Anne, steps into the throne room,a massive cathedral-like chamber. Twin thrones occupya raised dais. An entire wall is covered with a spectac-ular map of the world. The map contains every knowncountry and continent, including the New World. TheSENESCHAL exits, closing the doors with a resounding boom.

Anne pauses, all alone in the big, drafty chamber. Andfor the first time, she looks and acts her age. Barelya woman, chilled by the ghosts of all the French kingsand queens who came before her. And a long way fromhome. Anne steps to the great map of the world. Shereaches out to touch her own country, Austria, feels apang of separation. We hear:

MAN (O.S.)Your Majesty...

Anne reacts with a start. A tall, powerfully built manstands in the shadows, a spectre in red.

ANNECardinal Richelieu, you surprisedme.

Cardinal Richelieu steps out of the darkness. He smiles.

RICHELIEUHow was your ride?

Richelieu's question takes her by surprise. He bowsbefore Anne. Considering a reply, she extends her hand.The Cardinal kisses it.

ANNEMy ride...? Well, I... I'm notsure...

RICHELIEU(rising up)

Forgive me.(MORE)


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RICHELIEU (CONT'D)But your welfare ismore than a matter of personalinterest. It is a matter ofState. But rest assured, yoursecret is safe with me.

His manner is both charming and paternal. Anne, smartenough to exercise caution in all her palace dealings,is nonetheless touched by his concern.

ANNEThank you.

Richelieu turns to the great map, speaks gently.

RICHELIEUYou're homesick.

ANNE(after a beat)

Lonely. Is that the same thing?


Richelieu brings his eyes back to Anne, continues:

RICHELIEUAustria's loss is France's gain.

ANNEI'm not sure my new husband sharesyour opinion.

RICHELIEUNonsense. He's young, not blind.

ANNEMostly, he is absent. I've barelyseen His Majesty since our wedding,and that was three months ago.Whenever he's around me, he hasnothing to say.

RICHELIEUArranged marriages can bedifficult. Your father and Ithought yours would bring Austriaand France closer together.


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33 CONTINUED: (2) 33

ANNECountries align more swiftly thanpeople, I'm afraid. Louis and Iremain... far apart.

RICHELIEUMay I advise you?

He says it with seeming humility, not condescension. Annenods assent.

RICHELIEULouis was only nine years oldwhen his father was assassinated.He lost his childhood forever thatday. I have watched him growtoward manhood, seen the toll hislife demands. A boy who is notallowed to be a boy sometimes hasdifficulty becoming a man. He isshy, yet boastful. Giving, yetstubborn. But most of all, he isnot yet sure exactly who he is.The boy who lost his father. Orthe King of France.

ANNEBut how can I...?

RICHELIEUFlatter him. Make the boy feellike a King. So that the Kingmay be your husband.

Anne considers his eloquent advice, formulates a reply...when the huge doors to the throne room open with a dullboom, the Seneschal chants:

SENESCHALHis Majesty, the King.

The Seneschal steps aside as LOUIS XIII enters. He issurprisingly young, no older than d'Artagnan. His faceis handsome and intelligent.

RICHELIEUYour Majesty.

LOUISCardinal Richelieu, I've beenlooking for you.

As Louis strides toward them, Richelieu and Anne bow.


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33 CONTINUED: (3) 33

When Louis sees Anne, he reacts with an almost imper-ceptible start. Her presence catches him off guard.

LOUISOh. Anne. Hello. I didn't knowyou were here.

Louis hides his nervousness, not to mention his love,behind a formal veneer. Anne, emboldened by Richelieu'sconfidences, replies:

ANNEWould you like me to go?

Louis suddenly remembers the reason he's here. Determin-ation breeds a more capable attitude.

LOUISNo. Please, stay.

(to Richelieu, awarethat she is watchinghim)

Your Eminence, I demand an answer.

RICHELIEU(hiding his amusement)

Perhaps if I knew the question...

LOUISI've just been told that you wentahead and disbanded my Musketeers.

RICHELIEUYou approved the decision.

LOUISBut not the timing of the matter.I intended to address them myself,explain the situation...

RICHELIEUYour Majesty, France is on thebrink of war. We dare nothesitate.

LOUISBut these men are my personalguards...

RICHELIEUThey are the bravest fighters inFrance.



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33 CONTINUED: (4) 33

RICHELIEU (CONT'D)We'll need them in thefield if we're to win this warwith England. Buckingham plansto invade La Rochelle within themonth. I thought it best to actquickly --

LOUISI will be the judge of what isbest. For me, and for France.

He says it with newfound resolve. Richelieu receives therebuke with quiet grace. Anne watches the latter closely,suppresses a smile. The boy is nearer to King thanRichelieu imagined.

RICHELIEUOf course. Forgive me.

A tense beat. Anne, feeling out of place, steps towardthe door.

LOUISAnne? Are you all right?

ANNEYou two should continue thisdiscussion in private.

LOUIS(hesitates, seeks areason for her tostay)

Your thoughts on the matterinterest me. They might... help.

ANNEIt seems to me that... you'redoing very well on your own.

She means it. Anne smiles, exits. A beat. Louis sighs.

LOUISShe's beautiful.





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33 CONTINUED: (5) 33

LOUIS(after a beat)

Sometimes she scares me half todeath.

RICHELIEUMay I advise you?

Repetition reveals calculation. Louis nods. And theCardinal surprises with quiet humor:

RICHELIEUShe scares me too. As do allwomen who join beauty tointelligence. What's a man todo?

LOUIS(enjoying the Cardinal'shumor)

I have no idea.

RICHELIEUThe course of love is full offrightful turns. But, no matterhow you feel, no matter howhopelessly afraid... never lether know that you are anythingother than the bravest and mostconfident man in France. Makethat your starting point, andeverything else will fall... intoplace.

LOUISThe bravest man in France...

RICHELIEUGood advice for a shopkeeper.Let alone a King.

A beat. Richelieu acting as the lost father. And Louisappreciating it, speaking as a son:

LOUISYour Eminence, I'm sorry that Iwas sharp with you. It's justthat the Musketeers... well, they'renot just my guards. They're myfriends too.

RICHELIEUI know. But don't worry.



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33 CONTINUED: (6) 33

RICHELIEU (CONT'D)From now on, I'll take completeresponsibility for your welfare.

Indeed he will.



Richelieu bursts out of the Throne Room and is joined byRochefort. Walking quickly down a long hallway.

ROCHEFORTHe's a foolish boy. And barelythat.

RICHELIEUThat foolish boy is about tobecome a man.

(off Rochefort'slook)

Which is all the more reason forus to act... quickly.

ROCHEFORT(reacts, knows whatthis portends)

And the Queen...?

RICHELIEU(he smiles, lewd)

She will receive me in ways shenever thought possible. Privately.

HOLD ON the Cardinal and Rochefort, watching the King andQueen below.



D'Artagnan walks proudly toward the Carmes-Deschauxmonastery, bold and brave, his future at hand. Suddenly.

COACH DRIVER (O.S.)Get out of the way, idiot!!

A speeding carriage bears down on him. D'Artagnan leapsfrom its path, stumbles. He looks up in time to see thepassenger inside, and for a moment, time seems to stop.


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She is a noblewoman of remarkable beauty, her face framedby the carriage window. Long blonde curly hair thatcascades in ringlets to her shoulders, languid blue eyes,and skin as white as alabaster. She is known as MILADYDE WINTER. She is to sex, what Constance is to innocence.

D'Artagnan watches as if in a dream. The carriage, thebeautiful woman inside it. Paris wraps its arms aroundthe young man's heart. Suddenly: a second face enters thecarriage window, replacing hers, jarring by contrast. Itis the fierce visage of Milady's Indo-Chinese Bodyguard,PARKER. The bodyguard glares, pulls at the carriagewindow curtains, taking Milady, the dream, from view.

HOLD ON d'Artagnan, bewitched, as the CARRIAGE RUMBLES offinto the city.



A beautiful house situated near the Seine. Milady'scarriage stops before it. She steps to the street,Parker follows. After a brief spoken exchange, the body-guard departs on some errand. HENRI, the driver, a brutal-looking fellow, incongruous in his elegant coachman'suniform, snaps the reins, and guides the carriage away.Milady steps inside.


REVEALS this to have been the POV of two men standing inthe shadows across the street. COUNT DE WINTER, forty-five, a kind face etched with sadness, and ARMAND DEWINTER, twenty-five, his son. They are well-dressed. Buttheir manner and appearance suggests that they havetraveled a long distance to find her.


ARMANDBut, Father...


He will not consider otherwise. Armand sighs, stands inthe shadows, and watches his father cross toward Milady'shouse.


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Milady stands before a mirror, reaches for one of the manyivory combs that adorn her hair. As she places the combwe notice a small flower-like tattoo on her arm. Shepauses to admire her beauty, then to see the image ofCount de Winter, now standing behind her, his eyes darkand cold. Milady does not move from the reflecting glass,she smiles.

MILADYCount de Winter.

COUNT DE WINTER(as much happiness asthe thought allows)

We found you.

MILADY(eyes on the mirror)

Yes. Now that you have, whatwill you do?

COUNT DE WINTERBring you back. To pay for whatyou did to my son.

MILADYAnd if I resist...?

COUNT DE WINTER(voice breaking withemotion)

I will kill you with my barehands.

The Count steps closer, close enough to touch. Milady,eyes bright with excitement, the smile still playing abouther lips, replies:

MILADYWell if that's the case, I'dbetter start packing. But first,my hair...

Milady, who has been removing combs throughout, reachesfor the next, and...



Armand keeps his eyes on Milady's house opposite. Nosign of his father. He looks about, impatient... andsteps across the street to enter.


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Armand climbs a flight of stairs. Still no sign of hisfather, or Milady. He calls out:


Worry makes him hurry. Armand takes hasty steps intoMilady's bedroom. The first thing he sees is his ownface in the mirror. The second is his father's inertbody below it. Armand gasps, races to his side. A thintrail of bright blood is seen briefly at the older man'sear. Armand gathers his father up into his arms, andbegins to weep.



The monastery is a windowless building bordered by abarren field, a dueling ground for men who have littletime to waste. Athos sits on a stone bench, waits forhis adversary to arrive. His horse is hobbled nearby.D'Artagnan rides INTO VIEW, dismounts.

ATHOSTen minutes early.

D'ARTAGNANI have another appointment at one.

ATHOSYou'll miss it, I'm afraid.

D'ARTAGNANI'll try my best to be on time.

Athos appreciates the young man's retort, takes a closerlook. Then he rises to his feet, the pain in his armmakes him wince.

ATHOSI asked two of my friends to actas seconds, but they are not aspunctual.

D'Artagnan notices Athos' pained expression, the blood onhis sleeve.

D'ARTAGNANBut you're wounded.

ATHOSDon't worry. I fight just as wellwith my left hand.


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D'ARTAGNANIf you'd rather kill me anothertime...

ATHOSThanks, but I see my secondscoming now.

Porthos and Aramis arrive on horseback. They dismount,view d'Artagnan with amazement. D'Artagnan reacts withsimilar surprise, smiles sheepishly.

PORTHOS(to Athos)

What're you doing? You can'tfight this man.

ATHOSWhy not?

PORTHOSBecause I'm fighting him.

D'ARTAGNANExcuse me, monsieur. But notuntil one o'clock.


Wait a minute. I've got a duelwith him, too.

D'ARTAGNANYes, sir. But not until two.

ATHOS(to d'Artagnan)

How long have you been in Paris?

D'ARTAGNANI arrived this morning.

ATHOSYou've been... busy.

D'ARTAGNANI've also fallen in love.

ATHOS(gruff to a fault)

Better to die for love than tolive for it. Gentlemen?


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41 CONTINUED: (2) 41

Athos gestures for Aramis and Porthos to stand aside. Hedraws his saber, ready to fight. A beat. And in thatmoment, d'Artagnan's face reveals an emotion he has neverfelt before in his young life. Fear. Athos sees it,allows him a moment to withdraw his saber. D'Artagnandoes so, they square off, touch sabers, and...

... Jussac leads a patrol of the Cardinal's Guards INTOVIEW.

JUSSACThere they are!!

Athos and d'Artagnan separate as Jussac and his fourswordsmen stride towards them.

ARAMISJussac. Again.

Athos steps forward to meet him.

ATHOSI told you the next time we metI'd want an answer. But I didn'texpect you so soon.

JUSSACThe three of you are under arrest.The boy's of no interest to meand is free to go. Do you intendto resist?

PORTHOSOh, don't be stupid. Of course weintend to resist. Just give usa second.

Porthos huddles with Athos and Aramis.

PORTHOSInteresting odds. Five of themand three of us.

ARAMISIt hardly seems fair. Let's givethem the chance to surrender.


Excuse me, but there are four ofus.

They turn and regard d'Artagnan.


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41 CONTINUED: (3) 41

ATHOSThis is not your fight. You'renot a Musketeer.

D'ARTAGNANI may not wear the uniform, but Ibelieve I have the heart of aMusketeer.

The three Musketters exchange smiles. D'Artagnan'syouthful bravado manages a small dent in their cynicism.

PORTHOSBold and brave.


ATHOSHave you got a name, boy?




The name has meaning for all of them. The Musketeerslook at each other, deadpan, shake their heads.


PORTHOSIt couldn't be.

Athos knows that it is. He steps forward, extends ahand. The others follow, shake as well. Athos intro-duces each in turn.

ATHOSAthos... Porthos... Aramis.

D'ARTAGNANPleased to meet you... How do youdo?... Good to see you again...

Meanwhile, Jussac and his Guards look on with increasingimpatience. He clears his throat, draws his saber. TheMusketeers turn toward the Guards, d'Artagnan standingamong them.


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41 CONTINUED: (4) 41

PORTHOSWell. Now that we're allacquainted...

ATHOSThe Cardinal's Guards.

D'Artagnan and the Musketeers draw their swords... andcharge.

42 FIGHT 42

Suddenly: nine men are locked in mortal combat. Athostakes a Guard named Cahusac, Porthos battles BISCARAT,and Aramis battles with two adversaries at once.D'Artagnan looks for an opponent... and finds himselfface to face with Jussac.

The fighting style of the Musketeers is an exuberant mix-ture of styles and techniques. Athos is a brutal swords-man, his strokes overpowering and savage. His repertoirealso includes swift kicks, solid punches, the occasionalelbow when necessary. Aramis is a seamless and gracefultechnician, he handles his two opponents with balleticease, an artist working with steel and flesh, rather thanpaint and canvas.

And last, and perhaps the most entertaining of all,Porthos. He is a walking arsenal, carrying a variety ofbizarre weapons on his body -- a crossbow, daggers, bolo,nunchucks -- all of which he uses with the polished skillof a master. Add this funhouse of armaments to hisalready impressive size and strength, and you have a one-man wrecking crew of epic proportions.

D'Artagnan's youthful energy is by now familiar. Hebounds about like a newborn tiger, encircles his adver-sary, changing stance and shifting his ground with alac-rity. Jussac is having a hard time defending himselfagainst his opponent who seems to be attacking from alldirections at once.

JUSSAC(losing patience)

Stand still! How do you expectme to kill you if you keep jumpingaround!!


A monk watches from the bell tower, incensed by the battleraging on the field below. He grabs the BELL rope, givesit a mighty pull... and sounds a clamorous ALARM.

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Porthos reacts to the interruption with irritation. Heproduces a pair of nunchucks. Biscarat looks at the oddweapon with professional curiosity, slight confusion...and Porthos whacks him on the side of the head, knockshim to the ground.

PORTHOS(eyes on the tower)

Damn monks. Always spoilingeverybody's fun.

Aramis replies while shifting from one foe to the next.

ARAMISThey are nearer to God...

PORTHOSThey're about to get a littlenearer to the hilt of my sword.



Porthos slides over to handle one of Aramis' opponents.He'd rather bicker from close range. But Biscaratstruggles to his feet, grabs his saber. Porthos seeshim, sighs.

PORTHOS(to Aramis)

Excuse me?

ARAMISI'm fine, thank you.

And Porthos returns to his original foe. Meanwhile,Athos' heavy strokes take their toll. Cahusac staggers,wounded in arm, shoulder, grazed at the head -- and fallsto the ground with a thud. Aramis calls out to him,indicates d'Artagnan:

ARAMISTake a look at our young friend.

ATHOSYou mean he's still alive?

Not only is d'Artagnan alive, but he's making a fool outof Jussac. Frustrated, enraged, Jussac makes a full lungeat him, but d'Artagnan ducks, then slips under Jussac'ssword like a snake and runs him through.


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Jussac falls to the ground, lies still. He is dead.

Athos and Aramis react, impressed. Then turn their fullattention on weakening foes. They disarm and disablethem with swift strokes. Meanwhile, Porthos chasesBiscarat into a grove of trees. The Guard has discoveredthe better part of valor, now runs for his life. Porthos-- who is at play as much as he is war -- takes a Spanishbolo from his cloak, and whips the balls over his head.Biscarat hears the odd WHIZZING sound, turns to face him.The color drains from his face.

BISCARATNow what...?

Porthos lets the bolo fly -- it catches Biscarat aboutthe neck, the balls slam into his head. The Guard dropsto the ground without a sound.

PORTHOSGod, I love my work.


A sudden silence, save for the occasional dull groan.D'Artagnan scans the battlefield, sees Aramis bendingover Jussac's body, speaking in solemn tones under hisbreath.

D'ARTAGNAN(to Athos)

What's he doing?

ATHOSLast rites. Aramis takes deathvery seriously.

Porthos returns in high spirits, stashes the bolo in apouch under his cloak. D'Artagnan sees the other weaponsthere, including a boomerang. Maybe next time.

PORTHOS(re: the bolo)

Do you know where this bolo comesfrom?

D'ARTAGNAN(a bold jest, giventhe circumstances)

The Queen of America?



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Porthos deadpans, then grins acceptance. All for one,and one for all. D'Artagnan beams.

ARAMISDon't encourage him. By killingJussac, the boy's made himselfan outlaw too.

ATHOSNot if he leaves Paris. Which isexactly what he's going to do.

D'ARTAGNANI can't leave. I just got here.

PORTHOSGo home, find a wench, live longand prosper.

D'ARTAGNANWhy can't I stay with you?

Aramis and Porthos look to Athos. As always, he willdecide.

ATHOSBecause I do not want you to.

It's hard to say whether he's acting out of concern forthe boy... or he simply doesn't give a damn. Whateverthe case, d'Artagnan is crestfallen. The Musketeersmount their horses, Porthos and Aramis adopt a friendliertone.

ARAMISI know Athos may seem cold andunfriendly, but don't let thatfool you.

PORTHOSHe really is cold and unfriendly.

ARAMISBut he's also right. This is ourfight, not yours. Go on, get outof here.

D'ARTAGNANWhatever happened to the motto ofthe Musketeers? 'All for one,and one for all.'

ATHOSWake up, boy. The Musketeers arejust a dream.


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45 CONTINUED: (2) 45

Athos spurs his horse, rides away. Aramis and Porthosfollow. HOLD ON d'Artagnan as he watches the Musketeersgrow small in the distance. Then, sadly, he steps to hishorse, climbs into the saddle. It has been both the bestand the worst day of his young life.

That's when a group of horsemen come riding around thecorner of the monastery -- five Cardinal's Guards led byRochefort himself. They see their wounded comrades,Jussac dead, and the three Musketeers escaping in thedistance.


There they go! After them!

But before Rochefort and the Guards can give chase,d'Artagnan rides into the middle of the field tochallenge them, as if to further prove himself worthyof the blue and gold.


Long live the Musketeers.

And d'Artagnan draws his saber.


The three Muskeeters rein their horses, look back tod'Artagnan's bold charge.

PORTHOS(with admiration)

Do you believe this kid.

D'Artagnan gallops toward the Guards to engage them. Heraces through PISTOL SHOTS like a demon possessed.Rochefort rides to the lead, draws his sword.

ROCHEFORT(shouts to theothers)

Fall back! I'll take him myself!

And like two jousting knights, d'Artagnan and Rochefortmeet in the middle of the field. Their BLADES connectwith a resounding CLASH, d'Artagnan is knocked clear ofhis saddle. He hits the ground with a painful thud.Rochefort's Guards leap towards him.

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Porthos and Aramis are greatly moved by d'Artagnan'scourage.

PORTHOSRochefort's got the boy.

ATHOS(seemingly unmoved)

Too bad.

ARAMISYou can't just leave him.

Athos spurs his horse, rides away. Aramis and Porthosexchange sad looks and hopeful comments.

ARAMISHe has a plan.

PORTHOSDefinitely. A plan.

And with that, they gallop after.


Meanwhile, d'Artagnan is soon outnumbered, and quicklysubdued.

GUARDThis boy fights like a wildcat.


Thank you.

The Guard clobbers d'Artagnan with the scabbard of hissword. The last thing d'Artagnan sees is the threeMusketeers riding into the distance. Then the WORLDTILTS, GOES SUDDENLY BLACK.



The walls and towers of France's most infamous prisonrise to meet a starless sky. The portcullis is raisedby men-at-arms, admitting a spectacular crimson carriagepulled by a team of snow-white stallions. The emblem ofthe Cardinal of France is emblazoned on the carriagedoor, and THROUGH its WINDOW we see the profile ofRichelieu.


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Lovingly, he fingers the upholstery of his extravagantcarriage.



A chamber in hell. Spiders the size of rats, rats thesize of small dogs. A foul stench in the air. D'Artagnanis sprawled in a corner, unconscious, on a filthy mattedfloor. The sharp tip of a sword pokes him in the chest.D'Artagnan wakes with a start, springs back into action.As if he was still battling Jussac at the Carmes-Deschaux.He slaps the sword away, leaps to his feet, and reachesfor his own. But it is gone.

D'ARTAGNANMy sword --

ROCHEFORTIt's magnificent. Where did youget it?

Rochefort steps INTO VIEW, the familiar eyepatch, admiringd'Artagnan's sword in his hands.

D'ARTAGNAN(after a beat)

It belonged to my father.

ROCHEFORTYour father...

Rochefort studies d'Artagnan for a long moment, then...

ROCHEFORTWell now it belongs to me. Icollect swords. I take themfrom the men I kill.

D'ARTAGNANI'm not dead yet.

D'Artagnan starts forward. But Rochefort raises thesword, points it at his throat. D'Artagnan freezes,feels the sharp tip of the blade.

ROCHEFORTSoon enough.

Rochefort shoves d'Artagnan back to the floor with aheavy boot. A beat. D'Artagnan peers at his dismalsurroundings.


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ROCHEFORTI'll give you a hint. It's notthe Louvre.


The Bastille! I'm in the Bastille!

ROCHEFORTWell, you're the first person whowas ever happy to be here.Unfortunately, your visit will bea short one.

D'ARTAGNANWhat do you mean?

ROCHEFORTYou killed one of the Cardinal'sGuards. An offense punishableby death.

D'ARTAGNANHe interrupted a duel I wasfighting.

ROCHEFORTAlso punishable by death.

D'ARTAGNANIt was a long day.

ROCHEFORTYou know them?


ROCHEFORTThe Musketeers.

D'Artagnan says nothing. He will not betray them.Rochefort leans close.

ROCHEFORTTell me where they are, and Iwill be lenient.



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49 CONTINUED: (2) 49

ROCHEFORT(after a beat)

I will give you your father'ssword.

A long beat. D'Artagnan eyes the gleaming saber, forgedin the Crusades. He nods, gestures for Rochefort tocome closer. As if to impart a secret. Rochefort tiltsdownward, d'Artagnan rises up... and whispers.

D'ARTAGNANGive me my father's sword, andI'll cut out your heart.

Bold words, bad timing. Rochefort snarls, slams the hiltof the sword into d'Artagnan's head. The youth slumpsfrom the wooden stool to the floor, unconscious.

ROCHEFORTFool. Like your father.

Rochefort storms from the cell. He nods at a grizzledjailer on his way out, indicates the chains and manacleson the cell wall. The jailer scurries over to d'Artagnan,inert in a shallow puddle of foul water. He lifts, dragshim toward the chains -- but d'Artagnan's eyes pop open,the jailer reacts with surprise, and...



The jailer exits from d'Artagnan's cell, closes the heavydoor behind him. A CLOSER look reveals d'Artagnan in thejailer's soiled tunic, eyes bright with adventure. Helooks left and right -- dank corridors, darkness, theOCCASIONAL GROAN. And steps lightly into the shadows.


He seeks exit, finds only a labyrinth. Two jailers con-verse, step towards him. D'Artagnan leaps into a celldoorway, allows them to pass. Suddenly: scabrous handsreach from inside the cell, grab d'Artagnan by the throat.He shudders, leaps free. And continues.

D'Artagnan steps deeper in the labyrinth. Frustrated,no way out. Just then: more FOOTSTEPS heading towardhim. D'Artagnan seeks refuge, watches as a cloakedfigure steps INTO VIEW, accompanied by a retinue ofsullen jailers.

D'Artagnan thinks fast... and joins them.


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D'Artagnan keeps step with the cloaked figure, the ret-inue. He keeps his head down, glances at the corridorahead, looking for a way out. But the cloaked figure isescorted up a long stairway, into another hall, andtoward a pristine wooden door. D'Artagnan watches asthe door opens, revealing... Cardinal Richelieu, a fear-some apparition in red, the most powerful man in France.

D'Artagnan's jaw drops. The cloaked figure steps inside.The jailers disperse. D'Artagnan takes steps as if tojoin them... then turns back, eyes the door, the Cardinaland the cloaked figure now behind it.


The cloaked figure bows to the Cardinal. Richelieusmiles, concupiscent. Rochefort stands in a corner,ignored for the moment.

RICHELIEUI have an errand that requiresyour singular talents.

The figure rises. The hood falls back... revealing theunforgettable features of Milady de Winter. She answersthe Cardinal's smile with a seductive expression.

MILADYI was beginning to think you'dforgotten me.

RICHELIEUForget you? Impossible.

Richelieu and Milady share a look of intimacy, two vipersfrom the same pit.


D'Artagnan slips closer, reaches for the handle, finds itunlocked. He opens the door a fraction, holds an earclose...


Richelieu produces a sealed document from his sleeve,and hands it to Milady.

RICHELIEUCarry this to the Duke ofBuckingham.


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You did it. An alliance withBuckingham.

RICHELIEUThe King left me no choice. Nowthat he's come of age, the boybelieves he should rule France.Instead of me.

Rochefort knows what this portends. He steps from thecorner.

ROCHEFORTYou're going to go through with... everything?

RICHELIEU(silences him witha glance)

Yes. Everything.(to Milady)

You're to leave for Calais atonce. A ship called thePersephone will carry you toEngland. It sails Tuesday,midnight. I want Buckingham'ssignature next to mine before theKing's birthday. Friday.

MILADYConsider it done.

RICHELIEUAnd doing so, shall earn you thegratitude of... a King.

Richelieu's not talking about Louis. He's talking abouthimself.



D'Artagnan leaps back from the door as it opens, headdown, shuffles to join the retinue of jailers as theyRETURN TO VIEW. Milady, unrecognizable behind her cloak,steps into the corridor, the retinue escorts her forward.D'Artagnan falls into place, eyes down, eager for escape.Just then: a hand slams down upon his shoulder.D'Artagnan looks up into the face of Captain Rochefort.

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Exiting.CUT TO:


D'Artagnan lands with a thud at Richelieu's feet.Rochefort hisses:

ROCHEFORTOn your knees.

When d'Artagnan fails to respond, Rochefort gives him amighty kick. D'Artagnan scrambles into the correctposture of supplication. Rochefort continues:

ROCHEFORTThis is the boy who killedJussac.

D'ARTAGNANI can explain that --


Rochefort punches d'Artagnan in the head, knocking him tothe floor. The Cardinal frowns.

RICHELIEURochefort. Violence solvesnothing. Leave him to me.

D'Artagnan reacts to the Cardinal's reasonable tone.Rochefort makes a sullen exit. The Cardinal smiles.

RICHELIEUPlease. Sit down.

D'Artagnan reacts with perceptible awe, as if seeing hisfirst movie star. He sits in a finely brocaded chair,looks at the Cardinal, an apparition in red. The Cardinalspeaks, his manner casual, friendly.

RICHELIEUHow much did you hear?


Not a word, Your Eminence. Istepped from my cell for a breathof air, and became lost in thecorridors, it's dark as you know,but then I saw a light up ahead,the light over your door, I...


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Richelieu smiles, dismisses d'Artagnan's tale with awave of his hand.

RICHELIEUYou may have many talents, myyoung friend. But guile is notone of them. Do you have a name?


RICHELIEUI've heard that name before. Areyou a Gascon?

D'ARTAGNANYes, Your Eminence.

RICHELIEUTell me. What brought you toParis. And don't say 'a horse.'

D'ARTAGNANI came to join the King'sMusketeers.

RICHELIEUBad timing.

D'ARTAGNANSo I've heard.

RICHELIEUD'Artagnan, I like you. I coulduse a capable young man like youin my Guards.

D'ARTAGNANI'm honored, Your Eminence, but Idon't think I would be verypopular with the other men. Notafter today.

RICHELIEUI suppose not. Your heart is seton being a Musketeer.

(off his look)When I was your age, I too haddreams of joining the Musketeers.


You, Your Eminence?


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58 CONTINUED: (2) 58

RICHELIEUWhy not? Becoming a Musketeer isthe fantasy of every youngFrenchman. Or should I say itwas...

(with seemingkindness, reason)

Like the Knights of the RoundTable, the Musketeers haveoutlived their usefulness. Theyare a thing of the past.

(beat)And so have your three friends.Tell me where they are, d'Artagnan,and I will spare your life.

Richelieu's seeming kindness conceals a heart of ice.D'Artagnan sees it now, replies quietly. No longer inawe, but in opposition.

D'ARTAGNANI'm sorry. But I can't tell youwhat I do not know.

RICHELIEUIn that case, give my regards tothe headsman.

D'ARTAGNANWhat about my trial?

RICHELIEUYou've just had it.

Richelieu turns for the door, means to dismiss him.D'Artagnan calls after.


RICHELIEUWhy? Do you object to losingyour head?

D'ARTAGNANYes. I like it where it is.

RICHELIEUThen tell me what I want to know,and perhaps you will keep it therea few years longer.

(beat)Where are the three Musketeers?


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58 CONTINUED: (3) 58

D'ARTAGNANI don't know.

RICHELIEUAnd if you did?

D'ARTAGNAN(after a beat)

I wouldn't tell you.

RICHELIEUI admire your courage, young man.You might have made a fineMusketeer after all.

Richelieu opens the door. Rochefort waits on the otherside.

RICHELIEUBut we'll never know, will we?

Rochefort steps into the room, grabs d'Artagnan roughlyby the arm, hurls him from the chair to the floor. Thistime Richelieu does not utter protest. Instead, heturns to the Captain, commands:

RICHELIEUFind the three Musketeers and killthem.

ROCHEFORTThey'll be dead by dawn.

RICHELIEUA comforting thought. Good night,d'Artagnan. Enjoy it. Morningcomes quickly.

With that, Cardinal Richelieu sweeps into the dark. HOLDON d'Artagnan for a beat. History's pawn.



BELLS TOLL. A motley crowd gathers around the executionscaffold, held back by men-at-arms. A hooded executionermounts the steps of the scaffold in the company of aPRIEST. The Priest wears a black cassock and a broadblack sombrero. The executioner, a large man, raiseshis axe and touches the end of the blade, cutting hisfinger. Razor-sharp. The executioner holds up hisbloody thumb.


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The crowd roars approval. And turns to regard the day'svictim as he is rolled INTO VIEW.

D'Artagnan stands, half-naked, his hands bound behind him,in a horse-drawn cart. The driver turns the cart, beginsa circuit of the square. The blood-thirsty crowd cheersand jeers at d'Artagnan. But d'Artagnan keeps his headhigh. If he must die, he will die with dignity.


Rochefort watches from a tower overlooking the square.Richelieu appears beside him.

ROCHEFORTMilady left at midnight. Byprivate coach.

RICHELIEUA remarkable woman. The mostbeautiful I've ever known. Andthe deadliest. Which wouldexplain my attraction.

(peering down atthe scene)

How is our young daredevil holdingup?

ROCHEFORTHe's wishing he'd never heard ofthe Musketeers.

Down below, the horse cart reaches the scaffold. A man-at-arms drops the tailgate, d'Artagnan steps down. He istaken into the custody of a CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS, andseveral men-at-arms carrying muskets.


The Cardinal's familiar carriage is parked a safe distancefrom the square. The Guards who attend it have wanderedoff to watch the festivities. The coachman remains,seated on top, braiding his whip. Suddenly, a gloved handgrabs the coachman, yanks him from his seat.


D'Artagnan is led by the Captain of the Guards up thestairs to the execution platform. The executioner andthe Priest wait patiently above. D'Artagnan sees thebloodstained block where his neck will soon lie; pales.The Priest mutters comfort:


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PRIESTFear not, my son...

D'Artagnan regards the Priest whose face is hidden be-neath the brim of his broad black hat. He holds alarge Bible in his hands.

PRIESTFor we are with you, always.

The Priest raises his face, reveals it... and winks. Itis Aramis. He whispers:

ARAMISAll for one, and one for all...

D'Artagnan's heart soars. He turns to face the execu-tioner. Porthos grins beneath the hood's overhang.

CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDSPrepare the prisoner.

Porthos lays his axe aside, approaches d'Artagnan in athreatening manner. He takes him by the scruff of theneck, and forces his head upon the chopping block. Thecrowd goes wild.

PORTHOS(whispers into hisear)

Don't worry, boy. You won'tfeel a thing.

The Captain of the Guards gives Aramis a suspicious look.

CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDSWhere is Father Rostand today?

ARAMISThe good father is... all tied up.

CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDSVery well. Proceed.

Porthos nods.


Meanwhile, on the perimeter of the square, two figuresride on horseback, they wear familiar cloaks. A CLOSERlook reveals Queen Anne and Constance. They ride throughthe city, towards the countryside beyond. But theirprogress has led them here. Anne frowns at the spectacle.


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CONSTANCEMen call it justice.

ANNEAre you surprised?

She replies with contempt, reins her horse away from thesquare, the crowd, the executioner's axe. But Constancefreezes in place, eyes wide. As d'Artagnan, upon thecart, rolls INTO VIEW.


For just a moment, their eyes lock. Inestimable spacebetween. Constance's eyes fill with tears, she watchesd'Artagnan. Porthos steps back from d'Artagnan, raiseshis axe. D'Artagnan shuts his eyes, wonders, mutters asilent prayer. That's when screams of panic erupt fromthe crowd. D'Artagnan raises his head to see the sourceof this mayhem.


The Cardinal's crimson carriage races toward the scaffold,scattering the crowd in all directions. Men shout, womenscream, all leaping to avoid the stallion's sharp hooves,the coach's THUNDEROUS spinning WHEELS. In the driver'sseat, clutching the reins in one hand and CRACKING a WHIPin the other... is Athos.

Porthos uses the heavy blunt end of the axe to topple theclosest men-at-arms. Aramis opens his Bible, pulls outa PISTOL, and BLASTS the saber from the hand of theCaptain of the Guards. A man-at-arms raises his musketto shoot the false priest, but d'Artagnan leaps out ofnowhere, lands on him with both feet, knocking the man-at-arms off the scaffold.


Athos pulls up alongside the scaffold.

ATHOS(the usual dourexpression, but ahint of levity)

Gentlemen, your carriage.Compliments of the Cardinal.


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D'Artagnan rushes to the edge of the scaffold, springsinto the air, landing on the seat beside him. Aramis andPorthos shed their disguises, jump after, light upon thecarriage. The roof fabric tears, they drop into theplush interior below. Athos CRACKS the WHIP... and thestallions race off through the crowd, towards freedom.

66 SQUARE 66

Constance watches the escape, transfixed, delighted. Asthe carriage barrels from the scaffold, she thrusts agloved fist into the air, triumphant.


67 TOWER 67

But the Cardinal looks on with horror.

RICHELIEUMy carriage.


Athos produces a dagger, cuts the leather ties that bindd'Artagnan's wrists.

ATHOSHold on!

Athos cracks the whip, driving the horses onward.



Aramis and Porthos have settled in comfortably. Porthosspies a wicker hamper on the floor.

PORTHOSWell, what have we here?

Porthos lifts the lid. Inside: bottles of wine, champagne,and a wide assortment of foods.

PORTHOSHow considerate of the Cardinalto provide us with a snack.


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Porthos extracts a bottle of wine, grabs a turkey leg.Aramis looks about the interior, spies a small ornatebox.


Aramis opens the box, reacts. It is filled with goldcoins, jewelry.

ARAMISHow is it that a man of Godbecomes a man of gold?

PORTHOS(looks on, grins)

Trinkets for the ladies.

ARAMISLet's share.


Aramis sticks his head through the hole in the fabricroof, hands the ornate box to d'Artagnan.

ARAMISWould you be so good as todistribute these? Your generositywill be greatly appreciated.

D'ARTAGNAN(open the box, reacts)


ARAMIS(to the point)

Throw the coins, boy. The peopleare hungry.

D'Artagnan grabs a handful of coins, and tosses them intothe air. Aramis smiles approval, drops back to thecarriage interior. Pedestrians see the gold, shout, andleap after. Their hurried steps impede the Guards' pro-gress, horses rear up, soldiers tumble. But several ofthe Guards manage to avoid the obstacle, pursue thecarriage with renewed determination. D'Artagnan hears aLOUD POPPING sound, ducks.

D'ARTAGNANThey're firing at us!


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Porthos sticks his head INTO VIEW, offers them a bubblingbottle of champagne, the source of the popping sound.


ATHOSYou know I prefer wine.

PORTHOSDon't go away.

Porthos ducks down, returns with a new bottle.

PORTHOSMay I recommend this findCabernet?

Porthos hands the bottle to Athos. Athos hands the reinsto d'Artagnan. D'Artagnan struggles with the reins, triesto control the horses. And beams, taking delight fromevery instant of adventure. Athos SMASHES the top of theBOTTLE, drinks deeply, settles back to enjoy himself.

ATHOSTurn right at the next street.

D'ARTAGNANThe next right...?


Athos growls, d'Artagnan jerks at the reins. The carriagecareens around the corner, tipping on two wheels.


Porthos looks up from his chest, champagne spilled allover his tunic... and a brand new sash.

PORTHOS(to Aramis)

That's it. Next time, you drive.



The carriage charges up a steep hill. At the summit, Athostosses aside his bottle, takes the reins from d'Artagnan.


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D'Artagnan sighs with relief. Athos yanks the brakelever, brings the horses to a halt, and leaps down fromthe driver's seat. D'Artagnan follows. Athos pulls thepassenger door open, revealing Porthos and Aramis inside.Gold coins on the carpet at their feet, food and drinkbetween them.

ATHOSGentlemen, this is the end of theline. I hope you had a pleasantride.

(to d'Artagnan)Unhitch the horses.

D'ARTAGNANBut the Guards.

D'Artagnan points to the bottom of the hill. The mountedGuards chase after, begin their ascent.

ATHOSDo as I say.

D'Artagnan hurries to the horses. Porthos and Aramisclimb from the cab. Porthos emits a contented belch.

ATHOS(to Aramis)

Your pistol and powder, please.

Aramis hands Athos a sack of powder, and his pistol.Athos tosses the sack into the carriage, takes aim withthe PISTOL, and SHOOTS it -- igniting the powder inside.

ATHOSStand back.

The interior of the Cardinal's carriage bursts intoflames.


D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers mount the Cardinal'swhite stallions, race off into the distance. Porthosshouts, laughing.

PORTHOSI'd give five years of your lifejust to see the Cardinal's face!



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The Cardinal's face is contorted in fury. He steps out ofa horse cart, approaches the charred remains of his be-loved carriage. He stares at the smouldering ruin for along beat. Rochefort and a company of Guards stand near-by, wait for him to speak. When he does, his tone ismeasured and calm.

RICHELIEUOne thousand pistoles on each oftheir heads, dead or alive. Theboy knows our plans.

Rochefort reacts with surprise.


75 EXT. WOODS - DAY 75

D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers rest against treetrunks in a hidden glade, polish off the last of theCardinal's food and drink. Their usual cynicism replacedby something approaching camaraderie. Aramis smiles asd'Artagnan attacks a turkey wing.

D'ARTAGNANI haven't eaten in three days.I guess with all the excitement,I forgot.

ARAMISYour trip from home has been aneventful one.

D'ARTAGNAN(he can't quitebelieve it)

Three days.

PORTHOSI heard of a d'Artagnan once. Hewas a captain in the Musketeerswhen we were just recruits.

D'ARTAGNANHe was my father.

ARAMISA good man, I'm told.

PORTHOSI knew there was somethingfamiliar about this boy.


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He died when I was nine.

The mention of the elder d'Artagnan's death casts a pall.D'Artagnan continues, tentative, the memory still hurts.

D'ARTAGNANAll my mother would tell me isthat he died in the service ofthe King.

An uncomfortable silence. It is Athos who finally speaks:

ATHOSD'Artagnan, your father and anotherMusketeer were ambushed andmurdered outside the Louvre.

D'Artagnan pales, stunned and silent. He manages abroken whisper:

D'ARTAGNANThis other Musketeer -- is hestill alive? I'd like to talkto him.

Athos shakes his head. Porthos adds:

PORTHOSYou already have. His name isthe Count De Rochefort.

D'Artagnan isn't listening. He stands suddenly, turns,and walks away. He doesn't want the Musketeers to seethe tears forming in his eyes. Aramis shouts after:



76 EXT. WOODS - DAY 76

D'Artagnan stands at a flowing stream, wipes the tearsfrom his eyes. Aramis appears at his side, offers silentcomfort, a hand on d'Artagnan's shoulder.


I imagined his death a hundredtime.



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D'ARTAGNAN (CONT'D)On a battlefield, defendinghis King. Fighting bravely forFrance. And now... I will findthe man who murdered my fatherand kill him where he stands.

ARAMISA man is better measured by hislife than by his death. Yourfather was bold, and brave.

D'ARTAGNANBut you never knew him...

ARAMISHe lives in you.

That's all the evidence Aramis requires. D'Artagnanpauses to reflect. Then wonders:

D'ARTAGNANAnd your father?

ARAMISI was orphaned at a young age.The church took me in.

D'ARTAGNANYou didn't have one.

ARAMISBut I did. He was a great man,a leader of the church. And hisexample inspired me to dedicatemy life to God's service.

Aramis opens his cloak, reveals a priestly cloth. Asecret he carries near to his heart.

D'ARTAGNANYou were a priest...

ARAMISI was a fool.

(eyes on the coolwater)

This great man, this father,betrayed the church, and turnedhis back on God. To worship powerand gold.



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76 CONTINUED: (2) 76

ARAMIS (CONT'D)(quietly)

It broke my heart to see it.

D'ARTAGNANAnd you became a Musketeer.

ARAMISI joined the Musketeers and astrange thing happened. I got myfaith back.

D'ARTAGNANBut who was that man...

ARAMIS(turns to face him)

All of France knows him. HisEminence, the Cardinal Richelieu.

D'Artagnan nearly jumps from his boots.



Richelieu stands on the roof of the Palais, lost inthought. He looks down and sees, through the smoke andmist, the silent rooftops of Paris, pointed, innumerable.Richelieu turns, and crosses to an elaborate pigeon coop.Servants attach messages to the legs of carrier pigeons.

Rochefort steps INTO VIEW, anxious, out of breath.


Your Eminence. The Musketeershave been sighted riding northon the road to Calais.

Richelieu nods, he already knows. He picks up one ofthe pigeons, strokes it gently.

RICHELIEUDon't worry. Thanks to our wingedfriends, every mercenary andbounty hunter in France will bewaiting for them.

(with a smile)Isn't modern communication awonderful thing?


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Richelieu releases the bird, and watches it streak sky-ward, flying across the sky.


78 EXT. WOODS - DAY 78

The three Musketeers gather around d'Artagnan, listen tohis story. In mid-telling:

D'ARTAGNAN... I couldn't hear it clearly,I was standing by the door, thevoices were low --


D'ARTAGNANThe Cardinal sent someone toEngland. With a secret treaty.


D'ARTAGNANHe's made an alliance with a mannamed, Bucking... Buckingham.

The Musketeers look at each other with alarm.

PORTHOSThe Duke of Buckingham?


Do you know him?

ARAMISHe rules England the way Richelieurules France.

D'ARTAGNANjA ship called the Persephone waitsfor the Cardinal's agent atCalais. To take him to England.Tuesday, midnight.


Calais is over two hundred leaguesfrom here...


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PORTHOSThis messenger and the treaty willprove the Cardinal a traitor. Ifwe can get our hands on them.

D'ARTAGNANWhat are we waiting for, let's go.


Athos stops their exuberant plots and plans with asingle word. All turn, wonder.

ATHOS(as always, thebottom line)

Does the Cardinal know you havethis information?


ATHOSThen he knows we have it too. Andhe'll do everything in his powerto stop us.

PORTHOSBut with three men trying, oneof us might be able to make it.


Bold words. D'Artagnan matures by leaps and bounds.Athos almost smiles.


Fog drifts across a lonely stretch of road. Suddenly:pounding HOOFBEATS come over the scene. MUSIC SWELLS.And galloping out of the fog come d'Artagnan and thethree Musketeers, riding hell-for-leather. HOLD ON thisheroic tableau for a long beat.


Four rough-looking MERCENARIES crouch on a low bridgespanning a shallow stream. They are armed with musketsand swords. The Mercenaries wait in the darkness, whispereagerly among themselves.


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One of them hisses for silence, all conversation ends.And the sound of HOOFBEATS is heard in the distance.Faint, but growing closer.

MERCENARYShoot low. We'll need theirheads for identification.

The Mercenaries raise their muskets, take aim. Right oncue, four horsemen come THUNDERING out of the mist. Butjust before they reach the bridge, the four horsemenbreak in half -- one pair rides to the left, the other tothe right. Before the Mercenaries realize what'shappened, the horsemen ride on either side, splashingthrough the shallow stream. In a flash, they return tothe road, and race away. Having avoided the bridgecompletely.

Cursing, the angry Mercenaries whirl about, FIRE atd'Artagnan and the three Musketeers as they ride intothe night. Porthos' merry laugh drifts back to mock them.



An overturned wagon lies in the ditch. Beer kegs litterthe roadway. The wagon's driver, an old FARMER, sits onone of the kegs, holding his head. D'Artagnan and theMusketeers gallop INTO VIEW, rein their horses to a stop.

FARMER(with relief)

Thank God for a friendly face.My horse broke loose. Can youhelp me move these kegs out ofthe road?

D'Artagnan starts to dismount.

ATHOSStay on your horse.

D'ARTAGNANHe needs our help.

ATHOSDon't worry. We'll help him.

Suddenly: two other men step before the wagon, pointingmuskets. The ragged Farmer reaches inside his coat, pullsout a pistol, makes a smirking request:


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FARMERWon't you step down... Musketeers?

ARAMISGentlemen, I beg you. Please putaway your weapons and remove thesekegs from the road. We'd preferto ride on without having to killyou.

D'Artagnan and the "Farmers" gape at Aramis in surprise.

FARMERYou're threatening us?

PORTHOSIt's not a threat, it's a fact.If you don't haul those kegs away,you're dead where you stand.

The Farmer laughs, contemptuously. He raises his pistoland aims it at Porthos' head. But before he can pull thetrigger, THREE EXPLOSIONS ERUPT from under the cloaks ofAthos, Porthos and Aramis.

When the smoke clears, d'Artagnan is startled to see thethree dead "Farmers" sprawled in the road and the threepistols emerging from beneath the cloaks of theMusketeers.

PORTHOSMine hit the ground first.

ATHOSMine was taller.

Aramis swings out of the saddle and begins to performlast rites over the bodies. D'Artagnan still can't be-lieve what just happened. He turns to Porthos. Porthosraises the barrel to his lips and blows away the gunsmoke.

PORTHOSThere's only one rule, d'Artagnan-- stay alive.

THUNDER RUMBLES and RAINS begins to fall.



A large warm tavern with a ROARING FIRE.


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Present are the INNKEEPER, his wife, a few benighted tra-velers and THREE BARMAIDS. They turn as the door fliesopen and the Musketeers and d'Artagnan enter from a RAGINGSTORM. They keep their cloaks drawn about them and wearthe brims of their hats pulled low to cover their faces.

The occupants of the inn regard the new arrivals withsuspicion. Outisde, the STORM BLOWS. D'Artagnan closesthe heavy door. Fearful, the Innkeeper comes forward tomeet the four ominous travelers.

INNKEEPERGood evening.

ATHOSSee to our horses and bring ussome food.


I'm sorry but we have little tospare. The Cardinal's Guards werehere today. They helpedthemselves to our food and thenrefused to pay.


In the name of God, I'm sure.

Porthos is on the lookout for danger. He reaches insidehis cloak for a weapon and, in doing so, accidentallyexposes his Musketeer tunic.

BARMAID #1(crying out)


The sound of SLIDING STEEL as Athos, Porthos, Aramis andd'Artagnan draw their swords, ready to fight. They standback to back in a circle, ready for attack.

But there is no attack. Quite the contrary. The peoplehere are thrilled to see them.


Musketeers in my house! Gentlemen,put away your swords and come in.Anyone who fights the Cardinal iswelcome here.

The Musketeers lower their swords.


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ARAMISI think we've found a home.

The Musketeers return their swords to their sheathes andtake off their dripping hats and capes. The prettyBarmaids crowd around them to collect their gear and car-ry it to the fire.

INNKEEPERWe don't have much but what wehave is yours.

Porthos rubs his hands together, eager to indulge himself.He follows the Barmaids, booming in his loud, friendlyvoice.

PORTHOSLadies, you're in for a treattonight. Allow me to introducemyself. I'm the Musketeer theycall Porthos.

Porthos beams, waiting for a big response but nothinghappens. The Barmaids look at each other.

PORTHOS(repeating; louder)


Still no response. Aramis and d'Artagnan hide smiles.

ARAMISIt's hard to believe they haven'theard of the great Porthos.

PORTHOSOh, shut up, Aramis.

The three Barmaids perk up.

BARMAIDS(with excitement)

Aramis? Did you say Aramis?

And with that, the three Barmaids desert Porthos andscurry across the room to attach themselves to Aramis.Porthos shakes his head and flops down in a chair.

PORTHOSI don't get it. I just don'tget it.


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Moments later. Porthos regales the Barmaids with a tale.

PORTHOSI said, 'A Queen is no differentthan a barmaid in the dark. Thoughless... practiced in the arts ofpleasure...'

The Barmaids accept his leering compliment with glee.But d'Artagnan isn't so sure. Porthos, with two Barmaids,bellows a reply.

PORTHOSIf you're going to be a properMusketeer, you'll have to learnthe manly art of wenching. Right,ladies?

The Barmaids heartily concur. D'Artagnan looks overPorthos' shoulder, to the dark-haired Barmaid seen previ-ously. Porthos follows his gaze, grins.

PORTHOSAhh, very good. Your firstsubject. But you'll needinstruction. Watch closely.

Porthos pulls one of the Barmaids to his chest, bringsher lips toward his.

PORTHOSThe secret to wenching is thefirst kiss. For in that kiss, alasting impression is made. If itis weak, she will think you areweak. And if it is comical, shewill think you are a clown. Withme?

D'ARTAGNANWeak... weak. Comical... clown.

PORTHOSVery good. And as a Musketeer isnever weak, and only rarely aclown, your first kiss must be allthe things that you are. Likethis...

Porthos gives the Barmaid a powerful kiss. He breaks it,turns to d'Artagnan with a grin.


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PORTHOSYou may speak first if you like,your name, her name, an endearmentor two. But words are usually awaste of time.

ARAMISOnly if you don't know which wordsto say.

All turn to regard Aramis. He'll play along too.Porthos reacts with delight. D'Artagnan with interest.Aramis continues:

ARAMISWords may make a more lastingimpression than a thousand ofPorthos' kisses.

BARMAID(still reeling)

Not likely.

ARAMISI'll demonstrate. Please. Sitbeside me.

Aramis' courtly behavior is as out of place in these en-virons as it is persuasive. The Barmaid slips fromPorthos' lap, sits down on the bench beside him.Aramis does not touch her. He simply looks into hereyes... and begins to speak.

ARAMIS'Shall I compare thee to a

summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more

temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling

buds of May,And summer's leash hath all too

short a date;Sometime too hot the eye of heaven

shines,And often is his gold complexion

dimmed;And every fair from fair sometimes

declines,By chance, or nature's changing

course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not



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ARAMIS (CONT'D)Nor lose possession of that fair

thou owest,Nor shall death brag thou

wanderest in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou

growest;So long as men can breathe, or eyes

can see.So long lives this, and this gives

life to thee.'

The Barmaid, once skeptical, sits silently. Her facecovered with tears. Aramis pauses, almost embarrassed bythe outcome. He turns to d'Artagnan, cites:


PORTHOSThat's cheating.

The Barmaid on his lap disagrees.

BARMAIDIt's beautiful.

D'Artagnan looks at the dark-haired Barmaid across theroom. Porthos urges him on.

PORTHOSCome on, d'Artagnan. We haven'tgot all night.

D'Artagnan steps forward. The dark-haired Barmaid seeshim coming and smiles. D'Artagnan stands before her,hesitates, not sure where to start. Then, remembering asbest he can:

D'ARTAGNAN'Shall I compare thee to a summer'sday?

Thou are move lovely and moretempest, er, more tempered...'

(beat)Ahh, to hell with it --

D'Artagnan takes the Barmaid into his arms, delivers apowerful kiss. As previously demonstrated. Porthos andAramis smile proudly. The Barmaids cheer.

PORTHOSThe boy's a natural.


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ARAMISSo little time, so much to learn.

D'Artagnan drains his flagon, indicates Athos sitting ata table by himself, scowling, working on his third bottleof Burgundy.

ARAMISIn all the years I've know him...I have never seen Athos smile.

D'ARTAGNANWhy is he sitting by himself?

PORTHOSAthos takes his drinking seriously.Ignore him. He'll be his usualwarm, charming self by morning.

(calls out)Service! My lap is cold!

A Barmaid scurries INTO VIEW. Porthos grabs her by thewaist, adds the Barmaid to the one already sitting on hislap. The chair breaks beneath them, and all three gosprawling on the floor, laughing heartily.

84 ATHOS 84

He remains lost in drink. D'Artagnan appears beside him.He hides his concern behind a cheerful attitude.

D'ARTAGNANCome join us.

Athos pulls d'Artagnan down with a dark smile. He fillshis flagon for him.

ATHOSYou fight like a Musketeer. Let'ssee if you can drink like one.

D'ARTAGNANI'll drink anything you put infront of me.

ATHOSFamous last words.

(raising his flagon)What shall we drink to?

D'Artagnan notices the dark-haired Barmaid eyeing himacross the room.


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The word nearly makes Athos grimace. He stares atd'Artagnan for a long beat, then beyond. As if to lookinto another time and place. Finally:


(beat)Would you like to hear a story,d'Artagnan? A love story?

Athos' voice reveals unexpected vulnerability, the painhe keeps inside. D'Artagnan is fascinated, moved. Henearly whispers:


Athos takes a long pull from the bottle of burgundy,wipes the blood red wine from his lips.

ATHOSI once knew a man... one of theCounts of Berry. My nativeprovince. When the good Count wasabout your age, he fell in lovewith a visitor from Paris. Abreathtaking girl of seventeen.She was more than beautiful,d'Artagnan. She was...intoxicating. And this man, thepoor idiot, he married her.

D'ARTAGNANIsn't that what people do whenthey fall in love?


Be quiet and listen.(beat)

The Count took her to his castleand made her the first lady of theprovince. They were happy for atime, as happy as a man and awoman can be. Then one day, whileriding in the woods, the girl wasthrown from her horse, and knockedunconscious. The Count hurried tohelp her. Her dress was torn.



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ATHOS (CONT'D)On her her arm, the woman wore agold band in the shape of aserpent. It was the only articleof clothing she refused to remove.The Count's curiosity got the bestof him. He reached over and sliddown the gold band. He sawsomething on her arm... somethingshe'd kept hidden 'til then...


ATHOSThe fleur d'lis. She'd beenbranded...


D'Artagnan reacts with shock.

ATHOSThe Count's angel turned out to bea murderess who escaped theExecutioner's blade. She sworethat she loved him. Swore thatshe had changed. And if he wouldjust keep her secret, they wouldlive a long life together.

Athos pauses, imagines that life. The Count and hisangel.

ATHOSBut the Count was young and he wasstupid. He was tormented by theridicule of his social class. Andso he rejected her. For her liesand for her past.

(beat)And turned her over to theauthorities to be executed for thecrime.

Athos now turns his unflinching gaze on d'Artagnan.

ATHOSBut you see... his heart did notagree. The Count soon realizedwhat she had meant to him. Andwhat he had done.



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ATHOS (CONT'D)That his... betrayal was fargreater than her own.

(beat)Soon after he foreswore thesociety that shaped him. Gave uphis title. And was never seenagain.

D'ARTAGNANHe loved her.

ATHOSHe killed her. It seemed like thesame thing after a while.

HOLD ON Athos for a long time. As he gathers up his pain,and puts it back again.

Athos SMASHES open another BOTTLE. But the story hasmade d'Artagnan quite sober and a little sick to hisstomach. He refuses another drink.

ATHOSGood. More for me.

PORTHOSAramis -- play something with someblood in it! I feel like dancing!

Aramis launches into something appropriate. Porthos anda Barmaid get up and begin a festive folk dance.Porthos is damned good. His joie de vivre is infectiousand soon everyone in the inn is clapping and encouraginghim. Every once in awhile, another WEAPON -- a dagger orsomething -- drops out of Porthos' clothing and hits thefloor with a CLATTER.

That's when Porthos, dancing with abandon, spins out ofcontrol, trips and falls on Athos' table, crushing it tothe floor.

Porthos lies in the wreckage, staring up. Athos, totallyunperturbed, looks down and offers him the bottle.

PORTHOSCare to dance, Athos?

ATHOSOnly if I can lead.

Porthos blinks in amazement at Athos' grim face, thenbreaks out laughing.

PORTHOSAramis! Athos made a joke!

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86 ANGLE 86

The Innkeeper comes down the stairs wearing a nightshirtand a sleepy expression.

INNKEEPERExcuse me, gentlemen.

D'ARTAGNANWere we making too much noise?

INNKEEPERYou told me to wake you at dawn.



They turn in disbelief to the shuttered windows. Sureenough. Sunlight is peeking in through the cracks.



The sun rises, casts long shadows across a sparkling dew-wet field. D'Artagnan and the Musketeers ride INTOFRAME, continuing their journey to Calais. D'Artagnansquints ahead, wincing with every bump. Porthos grins.

PORTHOSBeautiful morning, eh, d'Artagnan?

D'Artagnan is terribly hung-over from the night'scarousing. He looks like he could puke at any moment.So that's exactly why Porthos shouts to him and says...

PORTHOSYou know, d'Artagnan, it's not agood idea to travel on an emptystomach. You really should havehad a big portion of those sheep'sbrains...

D'Artagnan covers his mouth. Porthos laughs good-naturedly.

D'ARTAGNANMy head feels like it's filledwith the King's marching band.Would you please stop whistling?


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PORTHOSWhistling? I'm not whistling.

D'ARTAGNANWell someone is.

PORTHOS(to others)

The Barmaid's kiss left him dizzy.

ARAMISI hear it too. It sounds like...

ATHOS(knows immediatley)

A connon ball.

Athos is cut off by an EAR-PIERCING WHISTLE as a CANNONBALL drops out of the sky and STRIKES the ground nearby,sending up a tremendous EXPLOSION.

PORTHOSI hate cannon balls.

Another BALL EXPLODES into the ground in front of them.Their horses rear up in fear, threatening to dump themout of their saddles. As the Musketeers and d'Artagnanstruggle to control their horses, they look back and seean old castle atop a distant hill.

A group of men operate two rusted cannons, left over fromsome long-forgotten war.

The Musketeers barely calm their horses, when anotherBALL comes SCREAMING their way, IMPACTING a few feetaway. As dirt rains upon them:

ARAMIS(to d'Artagnan)

How's your head now?

D'ARTAGNANI'm beginning to wish the Cardinalhad chopped if off.

ATHOSStay with us, and you just mightget your wish.

Athos spurs his horse across the field, d'Artagnan andthe Musketeers follow. But they discover crude battle-ments in their path. Athos changes direction, sees sixhorsemen waiting for them in the near distance. Hechanges direction again, as the horsemen charge after.


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They ride as fast their mounts will carry them. A cross-roads up ahead. Athos sizes up the situation, shoutscommand.

ATHOSSplit in half! D'Artagnan rideswith me!

D'Artagnan nods, thrilled to go with Athos.

ARAMISWe'll see you in Calais!

ATHOSOr hell!

Athos and d'Artagnan take off in one direction, Porthosand Aramis in the other. The pursuing horsemen soonrace INTO VIEW, break in half to give chase.



A room heavy with mist and steam. Behind a maze of gauzescreens, we discover Anne reclining in a large tiled bath,Constance attending. Constance replenishes the bath withpitchers of hot water drawn from a boiling cauldron.In mid-conversation, as confidantes and friends:

CONSTANCEBut how, your Majesty? How canyou tell if you're really in love?

ANNEDo you think about him all thetime?

CONSTANCE(considers; replies)


ANNEAnd when he's around, do yourknees feel as weak as water?


ANNEAnd when he looks at you, do yousuddenly forget how to breathe?


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ANNEThen you're in love.

CONSTANCE(thrilled by theknowledge; knew itall alone)

I am.

Anne turns to Constance, soap and water swirl about hernaked body. She wonders:

ANNEWho is he?

CONSTANCEYou'll never believe it.

ANNEOf course I will.



CONSTANCEThe young man who rescued us fromthe bandit.

ANNEThe young man on the scaffold?


ANNE(turns back in thewater, peers ahead)

You're right. I don't believe it.

A warm beat. Anne and Constance are friends as much asthey are Queen and subject.

CONSTANCEAre you in love, Your Majesty?

ANNEWhat an impertinent question.


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Anne pauses. If only her life, her emotions, were assimple.

ANNEMy love... is a matter of state.It's complicated.

A sad beat. Constance teases:

CONSTANCEDo you think about him all thetime?

ANNE(playing along)

As Queen, my mind touches on manysubjects.

CONSTANCEDo your knees feel as weak aswater?


CONSTANCEWhen he looks at you, do youforget how to breathe?

A beat. And Anne is a girl of eighteen again, not Queen.Wistful, she replies:

ANNEI hope he will someday. I hopeI will too.

HOLD ON Anne for a beat.



Anne steps to a dressing chamber, wearing a long robe,arranging her thick wet hair into braids.

ANNEConstance, have you seen my...?

Anne stops short. Cardinal Richelieu waits for her inthe dressing chamber, now bows, assumes a supplicant air.


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RICHELIEUYour Majesty, forgive me.


RICHELIEUI need your help. And could notin good conscience wait anotherminute.

ANNEYou want my help?


ANNEOn what matter?

RICHELIEUYour... husband.

ANNE(rememberingRichelieu's lastencounter with Louis)

Your King.

Richelieu allows the jest, remains silent, watchful.Anne resumes, chooses her words with care.

ANNEOf course. As Your Eminence hasbeen kind enough to advise me...

(nods assent)It's the least I can do.

Richelieu reacts with quiet pleasure. He steps closer.

RICHELIEUI am worried about the King's...happiness.

ANNEWhat do you mean?

RICHELIEUThe Huguenot rebellion, occupationin the Antilles and Cayenne. Thecoming war with France. These arenot the usual hobbies of youth.



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RICHELIEUAnd now he wishes to postpone hisbirthday celebration.


RICHELIEUHe feels it is not... appropriate.

ANNEIt sounds as though he isconcerned with more importantmatters.

RICHELIEUWhich is exactly why we mustcelebrate.

(off her look)To show the world that the King ofFrance is strong enough to faceany enemy on any field. To showFrance... that he is King.

(beat)He will listen to you. If youwill speak.

Richelieu makes his case with forceful eloquence, seemingloyalty. Anne considers, replies, noncommittal:

ANNEI will speak to him.

Anne senses hidden agenda, intrigues below the surface.The conversation's conspiratorial tone begins to disturbher.

ANNENow, if you'll excuse me, I...


Anne nods, turns back toward the chambers. Richelieucalls after.

RICHELIEUYour Majesty?

(off her look)Please understand that I do notunderestimate the value of yourassistance.



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RICHELIEU (CONT'D)And that I wish for you toconsider -- in fact, to know --all that you and I mightaccomplish. Together.

(quietly, as ifto justify)

For France.

Richelieu steps away, his red cape swirling behind him.Anne feels a chill, pulls her robe more tightly abouther body.



Infantry troops drill outside the King's palace, prac-ticing muskets and sabers.



Louis watches from a balcony. Richelieu appears, freshfrom his encounter with the Queen. Louis looks up,greets him with displeasure.


Louis watches from a balcony. Richelieu appears, freshfrom his encounter with the Queen.

RICHELIEUI'm sorry to be late, YourMajesty, but I was wrestling withan important matter of state.

Richelieu never allows the mask to slip. Even for aninstant. Louis glances at the throne room, the increasingnumber of Cardinal's Guards on duty. They make him feeluncomfortable. Louis speaks with renewed determination.

LOUISWhy is it I don't see any of myMusketeers?

RICHELIEUI'm afraid... that's impossible.



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RICHELIEUThey have become outlaws. Theyare terrorizing the countryside,robbing and killing innocentpeople.

Louis can't believe it.

LOUISThere must be some mistake.

RICHELIEUNo mistake. I have reports fromthe local constables involved.

Richelieu, ever prepared, produces a sheaf of papers. Nodoubt counterfeit. But Louis has no way of knowing. Hetakes the papers into his hands, reacts with sadness.


RICHELIEUThey are better off disbanded.

Louis turns back to the balcony, the soldiers marchingbelow. His mood glum and lonely. He sighs, moves on toanother matter of business.

LOUISYour Eminence, I've been hearingsome very troubling rumors aboutyou.

Richelieu nods, not the least bit concerned.

RICHELIEUThere are so many to choose from.Is it the one about my allegedalliance with Buckingham? Let'ssee if I remember it correctly.While the English attack fromwithout, I'll undermine the thronefrom within -- depose you -- andbecome sovereign of France myself.That rumor, Your Majesty?

Richelieu smiles, his face a mask of innocence.

LOUISIt does seem rather farfetched.


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92 CONTINUED: (2) 92

RICHELIEUIf there are any doubts of myloyalty, they'll be put to restwhen we appear together at yourbirthday celebration.

LOUISI've been thinking about that. Abirthday celebration when we'reon the brink of war...

RICHELIEU(alert, ready forthis as well)

Your subjects are eager tocelebrate the birth of their Kingat a time like this.

LOUISI'm not so eager.

RICHELIEUI have an idea. Why don't youdiscuss the matter with yourQueen?

Louis looks up, wonders. As Richelieu draws him deeperinto his spider's strategems.



Porthos and Aramis ride hard, look back over theirshoulders. They crest the top of a bluff, rein theirhorses to a stop. They can afford to rest for a moment.Their pursuit is at least a mile behind them.

ARAMISMy horse will not survive anotherleague.


ARAMIS(in kind)

Ten, twenty at the most.

Porthos looks into the near distance, manages a wearysmile.


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PORTHOSHere's just the thing. A nice,relaxing boat ride.

At the bottom of the hill: a crude ferry lands at thebank of a swift, choppy river.



The ferry is an open flatboat -- a wooden platform, aboutfifteen-by-twenty feet. It travels from one shore to theother by means of a ferry rope. Transport is slow, thetrip to the other shore takes nearly five minutes.

As Porthos and Aramis arrive, the flatboat is just re-turning, piloted by its FERRYMAN, a hunched and weather-beaten gnome. Four passengers wait to be carried across-- TWO GENTLEMAN CAVALIERS on horseback, and a countryWOMAN and her child. As the flatboat enters its slip,the two Cavaliers urge their horses on board, rudelyjostling the Woman and her child to the rear.

The Ferryman, an experienced boot-licker, bows andscrapes to the Cavaliers, collects the coins they tossto his way.

FERRYMANA privilege to carry you on myhumble boat...

The Ferryman turns a greedy eye on the Woman and child.

FERRYMANTwo pistoles.

WOMANBut I only have one. Couldn'tmy child ride free? She's sosmall...

FERRYMAN(hand outstretched,demanding)

Two pistoles.

A courtly voice intervenes.

ARAMISPut away your money, madame. Youand your child will cross theriver under our protection. Forfree.


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All turn to regard Aramis on horseback, Porthos at hisside. The Woman reacts with grateful surprise. TheFerryman is outraged, spittle flies as he curses andprotests.

FERRYMANNobody rides for free! Underyour protection bloody wellindeed! I'll teach you a thingor two about protection! Apple-cheeked young fools!! -- Just whodo you think you are!!

ARAMIS(waits for thetirade to cease;simply)


Two two Cavaliers react to the word. The Ferryman does,too -- into cringing, obedient servant.

FERRYMANMusketeers? Well, why didn't yousay so? Of course you'll ride forfree. I insist on it. This way,pretty madame. My what a lovelylittle girl...



Aramis takes Porthos by the shoulder and turns him sohe can see their pursuers pouring over the top of thehill on their horses.


And with that, Porthos takes the sharp edge of his boom-erang and brings it down on the dock rope. The ropesplits and the ferryboat lurches away from the dock.


The pursuers charge down the hill and ride to the end ofthe dock but they're too late. Porthos and Aramis havegotten away.

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91.96 FLATBOAT 96

Porthos laughs and taunts the angry pursuers. Aramisties scarves around the horses' eyes to blindfold themfor the crossing. Then he turns around and sees whatAramis is already seeing -- the two Cavaliers watch themwith keen interest.

FIRST CAVALIERYou're those Musketeers everyone'sbeen looking for.

PORTHOSPopularity has its price.

The First Cavalier smiles, produces a flask.

FIRST CAVALIERI have some excellent brandy here.Would you gentlemen care to drinka toast with us to the Cardinal?

PORTHOSWe'd be happy to.

Porthos produces a bottle from under his cloak.

PORTHOSIf you'll drink one with us tothe King.

SECOND CAVALIERBut the only King we the Cardinal.

ARAMISThere are those who would callthat treason.

FIRST CAVALIERHappily, no such objections havebeen raised... here.

PORTHOSAll right. I'll object.


PORTHOSLet's see. You are, by your dressand by your manner, members of abone-lazy class of servile ninnyhammerswhose slavish allegiance to HisEminence the Cardinal is as thatof a dog who likes nothing betterthan to sniff today where he haspeed the day before.


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Piss is piss, no matter what robessurround it.

ARAMISWell said. I'm impressed.Ninnyhammers.

PORTHOSI was momentarily inspired.

The Cavaliers are not amused. The first replies inmeasured tones, his lips white with fury.



By all means.

FIRST CAVALIERBetter to be a dog in the serviceof a great master, than a beef-witted moron so dazzled by thethrone that he does not see thetrue nature of the foolish boywho wobbles atop it. Which is tosay, that most muddy-brained ofall men... a Musketeer.

The Cavaliers have already pulled out their swords.Porthos and Aramis now reach for their own. Porthosdeadpans:

PORTHOSMaybe there's something about usthat just pisses people off. Atleast I'd like to think so. It'stoo bad we can only kill themonce.

97 FIGHT 97

The middle of a river on a rocking flatboat is not thebest place for a duel. But the combatants make the mostof it. Slipping, sliding, and falling. They attack witheverything they've got. The Cavaliers are excellentswordsmen. And, as if that were not enough, theMusketeers have an additional disadvantage -- they mustkeep the Woman and child clear of the flashing blades.


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Porthos drives his opponent about the flatboat with adevilish grin, chases him between -- and at one point,over -- blindfolded horses.

Aramis duels with the expected artistry, gradually re-ducing his opponent to tatters. At one juncture, thechild loses her footing, slides toward the low end ofthe flatboat, the deep river beyond. Aramis executes aneat sidestep, stops the child's desperate progress withone arm while continuing to do battle with the other.He returns child to Mother with a grin, continues.

The two Cavaliers are soon vanquished, groaning on theflatboat deck. Porthos and Aramis meet at the middle,breathless. Porthos complains:

PORTHOSI've been called a lot of thingsin my time...

ARAMIS(eyes on theopposite shore)


PORTHOSBut beef-witted is a little morethan I can stand, not to mentionunfair...



Aramis indicates the opposite shore as the flatboatapproaches it. There, waiting patiently, swords andmuskets already drawn... is a patrol of Cardinal'sGuards.

ARAMISCan you swim?

PORTHOS(doesn't like thesound of this)

No. My horse can.

ARAMISThat'll do.



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Aramis hurries to his horse, takes off the blindfold.Porthos grumbles after, follows suit. They leap atoptheir mounts, the horses slip upon the wet deck as theyguide them to the edge.

ARAMISYou go first and I'll watch yourprogress.

PORTHOSNo, no. Please. After you.

Stalemate. Then, they can't help it, Aramis and Porthosgrin. Life is an adventure, lived to the fullest. Theycount...

ARAMIS AND PORTHOSOne, two -- three!

And with that, as the Woman and child, the Ferryman lookon, Aramis and Porthos guide their horses into the ragingriver. The Woman whispers after:

WOMANThank you. God speed.

Porthos manages a wink as he floats into the distance.

98 ON SHORE 98

The Cardinal's Guards react with anger and disbelief.

99 RIVER 99

A wild ride down the ROARING RIVER. Porthos clinging tohis horse for dear life. Aramis keeping an eye on hisfellow Musketeer... and the deep rapids up ahead.

Through twists and turns, walls of white water, hugeboulders, and gyrating whirlpools... Aramis and Porthosfinally reach a quiet pool, a leafy shore beyond. Theylead their horses from the water, step toward dry land...and see yet another (or perhaps the same) patrol ofCardinal's Guards. Waiting, swords drawn, for theirarrival.

Porthos looks down at his latest sash -- destroyed likethe others. Aramis draws his saber, mutters.

ARAMISA nice relaxing boat ride...


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And with that, Aramis and Porthos charge towards theGuards.



Cool, clear water. WIDEN to reveal d'Artagnan and Athosat a shallow pond, watering their horses. The forestaround them is dark and primeval.

D'ARTAGNANDo you think we've lost them?

ATHOSThey'll catch up eventually.

To the point, as always. D'Artagnan pauses to look attheir beautiful surroundings, remembers:

D'ARTAGNANMy father used to hunt in a forestlike this. He promised to take meon my tenth birthday. I don't knowwhy he picked that year. Somethingabout a boy becoming a man. I'dlay in bed at night and imagine it,just the two of us. But he diedbefore I could go with him.

Athos is unmoved, or so it would seem. He replies withquiet cynicism:

ATHOSWell. You have your boyhood wishat last. The dark forest. Thethrill of the hunt. The nearnessof death.

Only d'Artagnan is the hunted, not the hunter.

D'ARTAGNANI'd be proud to die for my King.

ATHOSI just wanted to save you from thelife of a Musketeer. You don'thave to go looking for experience,d'Artagnan. It'll find you soonenough. And when it does -- itwill mark you forever.

Athos rides into the forest. D'Artagnan hurries tofollow.


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101 EXT. FOREST - DAY 101

Athos leads d'Artagnan through the forest. Sunbeamsshoot down through thick branches like golden bars. Apastoral setting, almost peaceful. And then: THUNDERINGHOOFBEATS. Athos and d'Artagnan turn in surprise, seeSIX HORSEMEN CRASHING through the glade.


Athos and d'Artagnan GALLOP through the dense forest.The horesmen FIRE PISTOLS as they ride. A SHOT grazesd'Artagnan's shoulder, he staggers, retains his mount.Athos leads them up a hillside, a series of boulders atthe top. The climb is fast and treacherous, GUNFIRE allaround them. Athos' horse is struck by a bullet, stag-gers forward... and collapses just as they reach thecrest. D'Artagnan leaps off his horse, takes cover withAthos behind the boulders. Athos takes aim, FIRES aSHOT, and kills one of the horsemen below. The otherscurse, leap from their mounts, seek cover. SHOTS WHIZback and forth like angry hornets.

Stalemate, but not for long. They are badly outnumbered.The horsemen creep slowly up the hillside, from tree totree. Athos turns to d'Artagnan as he reloads:

ATHOSI'll hold them off for as long asI can. Go on without me.

D'ARTAGNANI can't leave you here. Not likethis.

ATHOSRide to Calais and stop theCardinal's agent.

D'ARTAGNANAthos... I can't.

Athos points his pistol at d'Artagnan.

ATHOSGo, or I'll kill you myself.

A few days ago, d'Artagnan would have obeyed withoutquestion. Fearful, if nothing else. But not here, notnow.

D'ARTAGNANA duel then.


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ATHOSYou're insane.

D'ARTAGNANWe never finished the first.

ATHOSAll right. I'll toss a coin.Tails I stay, heads you remain.Agreed?

D'Artagnan nods. Athos FIRES off another SHOT. Heproduces a gold coin, flips, slams it between palm andhand. And looks between.


Heads. D'Artagnan is to remain. Athos looks up withoutmissing a beat.

ATHOSTails. I stay.

Athos returns the coin to his doublet without givingd'Artagnan a chance to see.


Athos reloads, FIRES below. D'Artagnan recognizes thekindness he has received. That Athos cannot fully expressit. And that there is no use arguing with him.

D'ARTAGNANAt least take my pistol.

He gives it to Athos. They clasp hands.

ATHOS(gruff; yet proud)

Don't let us down... Musketeer.

There are tears in d'Artagnan's eyes. He knows Athoshasn't got a chance.

D'ARTAGNAN(a choke of emotion)

I'll never forget you.


Athos turns away, SHOOTS at another horseman. D'Artagnanruns to his MOUNT, GALLOPS away.

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104 D'ARTAGNAN 104

He rides, straining to hear the sounds of GUNFIRE. Aslong as the SHOTS continue, he knows Athos is alive.Abruptly... the SHOTS CEASE.

D'Artagnan swallows his heart, and rides.



A lonely stretch of road, illuminated by moonlight. Asignpost announces: CALAI 15 LEAGUES. An exhaustedHORSE CLOPS INTO VIEW, its rider half-conscious in thesaddle. It is d'Artagnan. He can barely keep his eyesopen. Suddenly, d'Artagnan passes out, tumbles fromhis saddle, and lands in the middle of the road. Heopens his eyes once -- a sky filled with stars -- thencloses them.

We hear HORSES, and the CREAK of a CARRIAGE APPROACHING.The DRIVER brakes, and the horses are brought to a haltjust short of trampling d'Artagnan. In the darkness, wecan make out other shapes, rugged men on horseback,bodyguards to the carriage's passenger. Milady deWinter.

MILADY (O.S.)What is it, Henri?

HENRI (DRIVER)There's a body in the road, Milady.

MILADY (O.S.)Be careful.

Pistols are cocked. Henri's shadow falls acrossd'Artagnan's body.

HENRIIt's a young man. He appears tobe injured.

We hear the CARRIAGE DOOR OPEN. FOOTSTEPS to d'Artagnan'sside.

MILADY (O.S.)My, what a handsome boy. Put himinside with me.

Strong hands grasp d'Artagnan and lift him from the coldground.


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Out of the darkness, a face appears, BLURRY and OBSCURED.It FILLS the SCREEN, slowly swimming INTO FOCUS. It isMilady de Winter, even more beautiful in CLOSEUP.Familiar, and no doubt deadly, ivory combs gleam in herhair. She smiles warmly.

MILADYWelcome back. Did you dream?


reveals the interior of a bed chamber at a roadside inn.D'Artagnan, regaining his senses, finds himself proppedup in a large bed. He blinks into the face of Miladywho sits at the edge. His eyes widen with recognition,faint awe.


MILADYHave we met?

D'ARTAGNANI... saw you in Paris.

D'Artagnan notices that his shoulder has been bandaged.He looks around the large room. A FIRE ROARS in thegrate. Food and drink have been set upon a table.D'Artagnan continues, still groggy, uncertain:

D'ARTAGNANWhere am I...?

MILADYThis is Calais.

D'ARTAGNAN(with a jolt)

Calais!(muttered; to self)

The ship... Tuesday at midnight...

D'Artagnan leaps out of bed. Then realizes he is starknaked. Milady smiles. D'Artagnan gathers a bedsheetaround him.


Where are my clothes?


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107 CONTINUED: 107

MILADYFilthy. I'm having them cleaned.Is something wrong?

D'ARTAGNANWhat day is it? What time?!

D'Artagnan runs to a window, and throws open the shutters.Beyond: the harbor lights of the Port of Calais.

MILADYIt's Tuesday, near nine.

D'ARTAGNANNine? Are you sure?

Somewhere in the night, a BELL TOLLS the HOUR. Miladysmiles.

MILADYQuite sure.

D'Artagnan relaxes slightly. Milady rises from the bed.She wears a sky blue dressing gown, something soft andsilken beneath it. D'Artagnan reacts perceptibly. En-joying his discomfort, Milady crosses the room, joinshim at the window.

MILADYAre you in a hurry?

D'ARTAGNAN(after a beat)

How did I... get here?

MILADYI found you in the road.Discarded. Like an unwantedkitten. Do you have a name orshall I make one up for you?


My name is d'Artagnan.

MILADYD'Artagnan. I like that. I amthe Countess de Winter. Milady.


MILADYMy husband's dead.


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107 CONTINUED: (2) 107

D'ARTAGNANI'm sorry.

MILADYI have learned to live with death.

She manages to combine sympathy, seduction, and just ahint of danger. All in a single reply. D'Artagnanhesitates, he is not immune to her charms, then:

D'ARTAGNANCountess, I'm very grateful forwhat you've done, but I can't stayhere. I've got...


D'ARTAGNANImportant business.

MILADYHow mysterious. A handsome youngman with 'important business' inthe still of night. Does itinvolve a young lady?


MILADYDoes it require clothes?

D'ARTAGNANYes. I need my clothes.

MILADYThey won't be ready for at leastan hour.


MILADYI told the innkeeper to bring themwhen they are dry. Until then,I'm afraid you are my prisoner.Would the prisoner care for adrink?

Milady crosses to the table, food and drink upon it. Asshe passes by the fire, her dressing gown seems to disap-pear, revealing a silhouette that makes d'Artagnan'sheart stop.


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D'ARTAGNAN(always innocent;never coy)

I am... thirsty.

Milady pours wine into glasses, turns to face him. Andoffers a smile that dazzles and burns.

MILADYGood. Then we will sit by thefire, and eat and drink, and youmay impress, perhaps even move me,with the story of how you came tolie unconscious, in the middle ofthe night, on the road to Calais.

(soft seductively)I love a good adventure.

D'Artagnan hesitates, then steps to her.



A CARRIER PIGEON FLUTTERS out of the dark sky, and entersits box. The little door on the other side opens. Ahand reaches in and removes the bird. Richelieu unpeelsthe message on its leg.



A room as cold as the man who owns it. BehindRichelieu's desk, there is a life-sized portrait of theKing. Rochefort occupies a window seat, cleaningd'Artagnan's sword. He lifts it to the light, andslashes the air. He stands, duels with an imaginaryopponent. Richelieu enters with the message.

RICHELIEU(dry; re: Rochefort'sfencing)

The wonderful thing about animaginary opponent is that he isalways greatly skilled, and alwayseasily defeated. The pride ofvictory, without the risk of loss.If only life were like that.

Richelieu sits at his desk, peers at the message. Helooks up, pleased.


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109 CONTINUED: 109

RICHELIEUMilady has reached Calais.

ROCHEFORTI told you not to worry about theMusketeers. They are dead by now.

RICHELIEUBuckingham's signature will be onthe treaty by morning.

ROCHEFORTThe King's birthday celebration...?

RICHELIEUWill proceed as planned. Thanksto the kind intercession of QueenAnne.

Rochefort steps closer, speaks quietly.

ROCHEFORTAnd our plans...?


Will proceed as well.

Richelieu pours two glasses of port, offers one toRochefort. They turn, raise their glasses to theKing's portrait. And drink.



D'Artagnan and Milady face each other on a rug in frontof the roaring fire. The plate of food between them isempty. They drink wine from goblets. D'Artagnan drainshis cup, and stares into the burning embers. Miladyspeaks quietly, with seeming compassion:

MILADYYou are sad.

D'ARTAGNANI was thinking about my friends.

Milady knows when to speak, and when to listen. Shelooks at d'Artagnan with gentle expression, allows him tocontinue. The warm room, the wine, her kindness. Allconspire to loosen his tongue. D'Artagnan speaksquietly, from the heart:


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D'ARTAGNANThe three best friends a man couldhave. We were separated on ourway to Calais. I'm afraid I'llnever see them again.

MILADYWhat brings you here?

D'ARTAGNANI'd like to tell you. But I can't.

MILADY'Important business.'

D'Artagnan nods. He wants to impress her. He wants herto know how brave he is. And Milady is well aware of it.She looks down, assumes a more vulnerable pose.

MILADYI understand. Men make bold plansin secret. And women wait... tomourn, or to celebrate the outcome.I know from experience, it's alonely vigil.

D'ARTAGNAN(after a beat)

All I can tell you is... I'm on amission for the King.

MILADY(looks up; laughslightly)

I've heard that one before.

D'ARTAGNANI'm serious.

MILADYYou are a young man. And youngmen are given to exaggeration.However, if you would like toentertain me with a story, I'meager to hear it. And please,make it very brave, filled withhandsome knights and beautifulladies. I know, a dragon --

There is nothing a man is more loathe to experience thana woman who does not take him seriously. D'Artagnan actsaccordingly, and reveals:


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D'ARTAGNANI came to Calais to stop a spyfrom sailing to England.

MILADY(alert; thoughd'Artagnan doesn'tsee it)

A spy...?


MILADYI believe you...

(beat)Aren't you afraid?

D'ARTAGNANMusketeers are not afraid ofanything.

MILADYI knew it. I knew you were aMusketeer the moment I saw you.


MILADYOf course.

(with sudden concern)But, d'Artagnan, if this spy wasto find out you are here, yourlife could be in grave danger.

D'ARTAGNANA Musketeer is not afriad ofdanger.

MILADYI'm dangerous. You're not afraidof me?

Her tone heralds a sudden shift. D'Artagnan sees thelook in her eyes, can almost feel her lips upon him.But he resists. There is Constance's memory to consider.And midnight as it approaches.

D'ARTAGNANYou're not dangerous.

MILADYThen what am I?


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D'ARTAGNANYou're... beautiful.

Milady covers him with caresses. D'Artagnan resistsslightly, but she presses closer, she will not be denied.

Milady leans close, runs a fingertip along the line ofhis jaw. Her dressing gown falls open at the top, enoughfor d'Artagnan to see her breasts as they press againstthe silk beneath it. Milady speaks as her finger traces.

MILADYBeauty, danger. They are the same.

And with that, she reaches up to her hair, an ivorycomb...


He cannot continue. Constance, the hour, a confusion hecannot deny.

D'ARTAGNANI'm sorry --

D'Artagnan pulls back -- just as Milady's arm arcs downtoward his neck, holding a long sharp stick pin, almost adagger, attached to an ivory comb. D'Artagnan sees it inthe nick of time, parries with his free hand, knockingthe dagger to the rug. Milady leaps after it, hands out-stretched. D'Artagnan follows, battles for the dagger,stunned with fear and surprise:

D'ARTAGNANWhat're you doing?! Have you lostyour mind?!

MILADYYou came to Calais to stop a spyfrom sailing to England.

D'Artagnan nearly chokes on the knowledge. Milady is themessenger he is seeking. He grabs the dagger, rolls tothe side. Milady staggers after, the shoulder of hernegligee rips open. D'Artagnan sees the soft white flesh,reacts with shock, recognition -- she bears the brand ofthe fleur de lis. The infamous mark of the murderess.

Just as Athos told it to him. Not so long ago.



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MILADY(crying out)


The chamber door flies open. Henri and Parker, the Indo-Chinese bodyguard, appear. Parker faces d'Artagnan witha half-smile. He holds out his hands, both empty. Andsteps toward him. D'Artagnan looks at the dagger in hisright hand. Then, unwilling to fight the man with an un-fair advantage, he tosses the dagger to the side, stepsforward to meet him.

Parker disposes of d'Artagnan with lightning speed. Aseries of unexpected kicks, brutally efficient blows.The young man is unfamiliar with, and no match for, themartial arts. Parker hoists d'Artagnan to his feet,dazed. Henri picks up the dagger with bad intentions.Milady straightens her dressing gown, adjusts her hair,and commands:

MILADYKill him.

Parker holds him fast. Henri steps forward. Andd'Artagnan thinks fast.

D'ARTAGNANYou can kill me. But a surprisewaits for you in England. Thateven Buckingham can't prevent.

MILADY(stops Henri witha gesture)

What... surprise?

D'ARTAGNANThat's one thing I'll never tellyou.

MILADYD'Artagnan. You are young, vain,and foolish. But I do not knowif you are clever.

D'Artagnan's expression reveals nothing. Except tosuggest the existence of a secret he is bravely keeping.Duly deceived, though she doesn't know it, Milady changesher mind.

MILADYWe'll take him with us.



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MILADY (CONT'D)(to d'Artagnan,with a nod atParker)

Parker will devise ways toconvince you to share your finalsecret with me. It is a longvoyage.

Milady's eyes show nothing but cold cruelty.



Milady emerges from her room, dressed for travel. She isfollowed by d'Artagnan, now clothed. He is flanked byHenri and Parker. Henri presses the blade of a knifeagainst d'Artagnan's side.

HENRIThe bodyguards are waiting outside.

Milady leads them down the hall. But when she reachesthe landing, and looks at the tavern below... she drawsback with surprise.


The innkeeper, roused from sleep, and wearing a night-shirt, is engaged in urgent conversation with Armand deWinter -- the son of the man Milady killed in Paris. Theinnkeeper shakes his head. Armand grabs him by thecollar.

D'Artagnan sees Milady's reaction -- surprise, impatience,and just a hint of fear. Milady commands:

MILADYThe back stairs. Hurry!

They change directions. As he is pulled away, d'Artagnancatches a glimpse of Armand de Winter below.


114 EXT. INN - NIGHT 114

Milady's coach emerges from the carriage house, speedsaway in the direction of the harbor. In the driver'sseat, Henri whips the horses, driving them onward.Milady's seven bodyguards follow on horseback.


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D'Artagnan and Parker sit across from Milady. Her facebetrays faint doubt, apprehension. Emotions she is notused to feeling, let alone displaying to the world aroundher. D'Artagnan sees his opening... and speaks:

D'ARTAGNANThe man at the inn... what didhe want?

MILADY(hollow laugh)

Justice. Honor. Revenge.


MILADYHe is the brother of my latehusband, Lord de Winter. Heblames me for de Winter's death.He thinks I murdered him.

D'ARTAGNANDid you murder your husband,Milady?

MILADYWhat do you think?

A beat. D'Artagnan studies her pale, beautiful face.Remembers Athos' tale of love and loss.

D'ARTAGNANI think he's not the first husbandyou killed.

(off her look)I once knew a man, one of theCounts of Berry. He told me astory... of beauty and danger.He was the bravest man I've everknown. And the saddest.

MILADYI know...

The truth strikes home. Milady cannot conceal it. Butshe does not react with anger or scorn. D'Artagnan hasreminded her of the one thing in the world that stilltouches her heart. D'Artagnan looks at her with a steadygaze. Milady cannot hold it, she turns to the carriagewindow.


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Milady's carriage turns down a steep lane that leads tothe harbor. The fog is so thick that only the masts ofthe schooners can be seen, poking out of the gloom.Their lanterns glow gloomily. The carriage comes to astop.



The lights of the harbor are muted by low-hanging fog.We see the outline of a ship waiting at the pier. Henrihelps Milady out of the carriage. D'Artagnan follows.Milady's bodyguards dismount, six of them. A motleybunch of sinister killers. They look around the pier,ready for any encounter.

D'Artagnan takes in his surroundings. There is a mel-ancholy air about him.

MILADYWhat's the matter, d'Artagnan?Still hoping for your friends toride to the rescue?

D'ARTAGNANMy friends are dead.

MILADYWell. If it's any consolation,you'll soon be joining them.

Milady's return to form does not surprise. Parker shovesd'Artagnan toward the fog-enshrouded ship. A name can bemade out on her barnacled hull. Persephone.


118 EXT. PIER - NIGHT 118

Henri calls out to the ship, which is little more than anoutline in the fog, her boarding gangplank leading tothe soupy darkness of her deck.

HENRIWe are the Countess de Winter'sparty, arrived from Paris.Permission to come aboard.

There is no reply. Closely guarded by Parker, d'Artagnanstrains to see.


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VOICE (O.S.)Permission granted.

Milady nods to Henri. He steps up the narrow gangplank,followed by Milady, d'Artagnan, Parker, and the sixbodyguards.



The deck is filled with swirling fog. Henri peers intothe gloom as he climbs aboard, followed by the others.He addresses one of the crew, a tall figure standingnearby.

HENRITake us to your captain.

The tall figure does not reply, nor does he move. Henridemands:

HENRIWhat are you, deaf?

Henri goes to shake the man. He grabs his arm, and theman pitches forward, falling face first on the deck.Henri jumps back in alarm. Milady and the others react.

BODYGUARDWhat is this?

Milady's Bodyguards rush around the deck, confront theother silent silhouettes. They, like the tall figure...are dead. The limp bodies topple at their touch. TheBodyguards shout alarm and panic:

BODYGUARDSDead! They're all dead!

PORTHOS (O.S.)Well I certainly hope so. Afterall that hard work.

That's when Porthos, and Aramis -- come swooping downfrom above like avenging angels. They swing on the endsof ropes, slicing through the air, then dropping feetfirst on top of Milady's Bodyguards. D'Artagnan standsopen-mouthed, as his three friends draw their swords.

ARAMIS(calling to him)

You look like you've seen a ghost.


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D'ARTAGNANTwo of them.

PORTHOSRemind me to tell you the storyof horses that could fly aboveraging waters. A heroic tale oflove, death, and Musketeers.Suitable for the general public.

Porthos wades into the Bodyguards, at play, shouting ashe goes.

PORTHOSAll right then. All those whowish to die, raise your hands!Don't by shy, there's plenty togo around!

D'Artagnan grabs a sword from the deck, turns to jointhe fray. And finds himself face to face with Parker, theIndo-Chinese bodyguard. Parker has two Oriental swordsspinning in his hands. One knocks d'Artagnan's sword outof his hand. D'Artagnan does a back flip but falls onthe slippery deck. As Parker is about to chopd'Artagnan's head off, his face grimaces as he is liftedon a sword OUT OF FRAME. In the mist Athos is revealed!

ATHOSSorry I'm late. Did I missanything?

D'Artagnan almost cries with happiness. He leaps to hisfeet and embraces Athos.

D'ARTAGNANI thought you were dead.

ATHOSKeep your mind on the mission,d'Artagnan.

He winks at d'Artagnan, returns to the fray. D'Artagnanfollows. The Musketeers confront Milady's evil Bodyguardsin the night and fog. Athos with brutal perfection.Porthos with strange weapons and a healthy sense of theabsurd. And Aramis with familiar grace and artistry --and a marked determination to disable, not kill, hisopponents.

Milady views the latter with alarm. As the battle ragesaround her, she retreats into the shadows.


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Athos and d'Artagnan find themselves fighting side byside. Athos observes d'Artagnan's technique -- the usualfrenetic windmill of feint and thrust -- with a frown.

ATHOSBoy, it's a miracle you're stillalive fighting like that.

D'ARTAGNANWhat do you mean?

ATHOSFirst, always find your enemy'sweakness. Second, take advantageof it. Watch me.

One of the Bodyguards, who wears a wooden leg, attacksAthos. Athos kicks the false leg out from under him,knocks him to the deck. D'Artagnan repeats, even as hedisables his own foe.

D'ARTAGNANFind the weakness. Take advantage.Got it.

Aramis kneels at a dying man, delivers muttered lastrites. A Bodyguard races INTO VIEW, means to kill himwhere he kneels. Aramis doesn't miss a beat -- he shifts,rises, delivers a punch and kick, knocking the man off theship to the water below. A SPLASH is heard. And Aramisresumes a priestly pose, continues the litany.


120 EXT. PIER - NIGHT 120

Two SAILORS, crew members of the Persephone, return tothe ship after a night's drunk. They see and hear themayhem ahead.

SAILORThat's our ship...

The two Sailors pull out daggers, and bound up thegangplank.



The two Sailors find themselves in the middle of a wildbattle. They look around for someone to assault, see alarge Musketeer with his back turned. They charge.


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Porthos hears them coming, spins. The two Sailors stopin their tracks, eyes popping with horrified recognition.

BOTH SAILORSPorthos the Pirate!!

With a collective "yah!" the two Sailors drop theirdaggers, and flee into the foggy night. Porthos looksabout to see if anyone noticed their exit. D'Artagnangrins nearby.

PORTHOSI told you I was famous.

D'ARTAGNANPorthos the Pirate?

PORTHOSPrivateer. There's a difference.

Every Musketeer is running from something or someone.D'Artagnan deadpans:

D'ARTAGNANI love a good sea story. Do tellme sometime.

Porthos reacts to d'Artagnan's jest. But before he canreply, the youth has bolted back to the fray.

122 HIGH ANGLE 122

The battle raging aboard the Persephone, sabers flash,PISTOLS EXPLODE.


Athos drives several Bodyguards back with his sword,notices d'Artagnan working his way towards him.

ATHOSDid you find the Cardinal's spy?


ATHOSDid you kill him?

D'ARTAGNANAthos. The spy... is a woman.


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Athos turns to d'Artagnan, wonders. And at that moment,sees a figure at the gangplank, swathed in fog and diffuselight. Milady. Time stops as they regard each otheracross the deck, the battle between.


Milady turns and runs into the night. Athos races after.


124 EXT. PIER - NIGHT 124

With the speed and grace of a panther, Milady runs downthe gangplank, climbs into the saddle of one of herBodyguard's horses, and gallops off. Athos appearsmoments later, leaps into the saddle of another horse.And gives chase.



Milady whips her horse, drives it onward. But Athosovertakes, leaps from his saddle, takes her into his arms.They fall to the ground with a crash. Milady grabs thedeadly comb from her hair, grips the dagger's handle.Athos, stunned from breaking their fall, rolls to hisside. Milady peers at his face, vulnerable in the half-light. And lowers the dagger. She will not kill him.

Milady scrambles to her feet, runs toward a dark forest.But Athos stands and shouts:


Milady takes a halting step, then turns to face him.Athos holds his musket in a steady hand. A very longbeat. Milady takes a step closer. Finally, she whispers,with love, with hate:


ATHOSHow did you do it, Sabine? Howdid you come back from the dead?


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MILADYA kind gentleman took pity on me.

ATHOSI did not.

MILADYNo, Count. You were too proud tolisten to the truth. I learnedthe value of lies soon after.

Athos grips the pistol tighter, as if to ward off thepast and what it brings.

ATHOSGive me the Cardinal's treaty.


ATHOSThen I will shoot.

Athos cocks the trigger. Milady whispers:

MILADYBe kind. And aim for my heart.

Athos' face is a mask of contradiction. He tries to pullthe trigger, but it is not in him. Milady recognizeshis pain with a nod. She feels it, too. Then, briefly,before she leaves him, Milady speaks softly. The past,their love, and where it led them.

MILADYI remember... everything.

She turns and runs away... directly into the arms ofArmand de Winter. He has ridden, and he has followed,and he has finally found her here.

ARMANDCountess de Winter...

As d'Artagnan, Porthos, and Aramis arrive on the scene...



The public room is empty, save for d'Artagnan and thethree Musketeers. They gather around a table. Aramisholds the treaty in his gloved hand. The mood is somberand tense.


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ARAMISThe treaty outlines Richelieu'splan to forge an alliance withBuckingham.

PORTHOSWhat about the King?

ARAMISHe is not mentioned directly. Butthe agreement is contingent on a'demonstration' of the Cardinal'spower.

D'ARTAGNANA demonstration? What does thatmean?

ARAMISI don't know.

Athos' face grows dark. He has been silent throughout.Now he rises to his feet.

ATHOSI know someone who does.

D'Artagnan, Aramis, and Porthos watch in grim silence asAthos crosses the room to an imposing door.



A fire burns in the grate. Milady sits beside it in achair, staring into the glowing embers. Their hot re-flection dances in her pale blue eyes. There is a KNOCKat the door. Armand de Winter emerges from a dark cornerof the room where he has been standing guard with animpassive executioner. He crosses to the door, opens it.And Athos steps inside.

ATHOSI'd like a word with yourprisoner.

ARMAND(a beat, he nods)

She dies at dawn.

Athos nods, and steps to Milady, stands before her.Milady stares at the fire, speaks softly, her eyes on theflames.


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MILADY(quietly sardonic)

Did you come to offer meconsolation?


Milady turns, looks up to face him.

MILADYThere was a time when I would'vegiven my life for a kind word.

ATHOSI could not give it, Sabine.I was... a fool.

Milady hears the regret in his voice, holds his gaze.Athos indicates Armand in the corner.

ATHOSDid you kill his brother and hisfather as he says?

MILADY(a long beat,honest at thelast)

I have become... the nightmareyou once thought me to be.

ATHOSBut not before. Not us.

MILADYNo. The memory will keep mecompany.

Athos kneels at her side, near to pleading:

ATHOSDo you know the Cardinal's plans?


ATHOSTell me.

MILADYWill you spare my life?

ATHOSI can't.


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MILADY(remembering anothertime, another place)

Society demands swift justice.(off his look)

I'll take the secret to my grave.

ATHOSSabine. You'll die for yourcrimes. Nothing can stop that.But how you leave this world isup to you.

Milady offers a half-smile, takes his hand in hers.

MILADYWhat did the world ever do for me?

HOLD ON Athos. Milady's hand in his. All that he isfeeling.



A hundred feet below, waves crash on a rocky shore. Onthe jagged cliff above, a black mass of trees is outlinedagainst a stormy sky filled with copper-colored clouds,surreal in effect. A sinister procession approaches thecliff.

Porthos leads Milady. She wears a simple white shift,her hair pulled back into a long braid. She looks yearsyounger, the girl she used to be. The Executioner walksbehind them. Followed by Armand de Winter, Aramis,d'Artagnan. And Athos. He watches every step.

The procession stops at the cliff's edge.

THUNDER RUMBLES. Lightning slashes the sky. TheExecutioner ties Milady's hands behind her. TheExecutioner removes a bright scimitar from beneath hiscloak. Milady catches Athos' eye. He holds her gaze.

He stares at Milady unflinchingly, as if to burn herimage into his eyes, so that he might keep it there untilthe day he dies.

Aramis reaches inside his cloak, removes the sacredpriestly cloth he carries.


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The Executioner delivers the formal litany:

EXECUTIONERI forgive you for your crimes.Die in peace.

Athos repeats, whispers:

ATHOSDie in peace.

Aramis comes forward, intones:

ARAMISI am the resurrection and thelife, sayeth the Lord. He thatbelieveth in me, though he weredead, yet shall he live; andwhosoever liveth and believethin me shall never die...

The Executioner's sharp blade shines in the light ofdawn.

EXECUTIONEROn your knees.

Milady kneels, the Executioner steps closer. The tableausilhouetted against a reddish glow on the horizon. TheExecutioner brushes Milady's braid from her neck,exposing the soft white skin beneath. He raises thescimitar overhead, and just as he is about to bring itdown... a cry is heard, torn from the heart:


Athos grabs the Executioner's wrist, and twists thescimitar loose. It falls to the ground.

EXECUTIONERWhat's this...?

Porthos leaps forward, locks his great arms around Athos.


But Athos breaks free. Milady rises to her feet. Athosrushes to her.

ATHOSForgive me, Sabine. Pleaseforgive.


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The words he could never say, finally spoken. Miladylocks eyes with him. Athos' desperate act, the purefeeling it signifies, has given her a kind of release.And the strength to face her fate.

MILADYThe Cardinal intends to assassinatethe King at his birthday celebrationon Friday.

And with that, Milady reaches forward, offers a gentlekiss. Then, as Athos and the others look on, stunned,uncertain... she takes a backward step, finds thecliff's edge... and steps over it. The Executionerrushes to look after. The others follow. Except forAthos, who remains rooted in place, eyes on thedistant horizon. A long silence. THUNDER RUMBLES.

EXECUTIONERGod's justice be done.

D'Artagnan sadly lowers his head. Porthos puts aconsoling hand on his shoulder. Aramis stands to theother side, mutters:



D'Artagnan, Porthos, and Aramis turn. Athos has regainedhis former self. Stoic, in command. And hiding a brokenheart.

ATHOSThe King's life in danger. Wehave work to do.


START CLOSE ON the now familiar portrait of KingLouis XIII, usually found hanging behind Richelieu'sdesk. A SHOT RINGS OUT -- and a blast tears throughthe painting, leaving a smoking hole where the King'sheart should be.

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REVEALS Richelieu and Rochefort as they walk across theroof to the painting, appraise the damage. Thie Cardinalpokes a long finger into the hole.


ROCHEFORTHe can do it every time.

Rochefort signals approval to a solitary marksmanpositioned far away on one of the roof parapets. Themarksman rises from a shooter's crouch, bows curtly,and begins to reload his musket.

RICHELIEUAnd he has no qualms about...

ROCHEFORTNone. He believes that man shouldhonor no Kings before God.

RICHELIEUA man of faith. How delightful.

(turns back tothe painting)

Whatever you're paying him, doubleit. I want the King's birthday tobe a memorable event. And rehangthis painting in my chamber. Justas it is.

HOLD ON Richelieu for a beat. Framed by a sky filledwith stars. His evil intent.


131 DAWN 131

breaks. MUSIC UP, and...



D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers thunder through onhorseback. Pedestrians scurry to get out of their way.As they ride past, Porthos raises a crossbow and firesit. The arrow slices through the air with a terriblehum and imbeds itself on the public wall. Attached tothe arrow is a piece of parchment, like the one ind'Artagnan's father's study. It reads: All For One,And One For All.


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A CAPTAIN in the Cardinal's Guard makes a publicpronouncement from horseback outside a cathedral.Townspeople are gathered around.

CAPTAIN... the aforenamed Musketeers aredeclared outlaws and are sentencedto death. Any person shelteringor aiding them will be hanged --

HOOFBEATS interrupt. The Captain turns in irritation.And Porthos and Aramis ride to either side, snatch theman up by the arms, drag him briefly through the air,and deposit him with a thud against a hitching post.The Captain, stunned, looks down at the piece ofparchment now attached to his chest. All For One, AndOne For All.



As the word is passed to Musketeers in homes andpastures, brothels and gaming casinos. Galvanizing theminto action. All For One, And One For All.


135 EXT. PARIS - DAY 135

The city as SEEN FROM the hills. A glorious sunny day.


136 EXT. LOUVRE - DAY 136

The citizens of Paris move through the streets. Theyshare a common destination, the Palace. A festive moodis in the air. And why not, it is the King's birthday.



A gathering of nobles and ladies, all in full ceremonialdress. Rochefort is there as well, the familiar eyepatch, in command of the Cardinal's Guards. A Seneschalwaits at the door with two flanking lines of trumpeteers.The trumpeteers raise their instruments and blow a royalblast.

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Louis, Queen Anne, and their retinue enter from acorridor, proceed slowly across the room toward thebalcony that overlooks the waiting crowd outside.Noblemen bow, and their ladies curtsy as the King andQueen pass. Constance, dressed for the occasion, lookson from the sidelines, smiles. The King and Queenproceed, two teenagers with the world at the feet.

LOUISThey look... happy.

ANNEHungry, more likely.

LOUISStill, you were right about thecelebration. And when the Cardinaltold me how much it meant to you...

ANNEI said nothing.

LOUISBut... ?

ANNEThe Cardinal expressed inconfidence how much the celebrationwould mean to you...

Both pause to consider the manipulation.


Richelieu stands in an anteroom just off the procession,he watches the King and Queen as they walk, speaksquietly, to himself:

RICHELIEUI'm not sure which is sadder... todie so young. Or to die a King.

Richelieu turns from the procession. Speaks to Rochefortwho pauses in the shadowy alcove behind him.

RICHELIEUFrance will not go wanting. A newKing will sit on the throne. Thetrue King after all...

He says it quiet fervor, the dream at long last withinreach. Then, as if to reassure:


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RICHELIEUIs everything ready?

ROCHEFORTYes, Your Eminence.

RICHELIEUAre you sure?

ROCHEFORTI'd stake my life on it, YourEminence.

RICHELIEU(a dark beat)

Rest assured, Captain. You have.



The balcony has been colorfully decorated. The crowdfocuses its attention on the empty space where the Kingwill soon appear. Below, the entrance to the Palace isprotected by a double line of the Cardinal's Guards,resplendent in their crimson tunics. It would take anarmy to get past them.



The streets leading to the Palace are clogged withpeople, all pushing and straining to get closer.D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers arrive on horseback,are forced to dismount. They push through the crowd,trying to reach the Palace, afraid that they will be toolate. Athos barks orders as they struggle forward:

ATHOS(to d'Artagnan)

Look through the surrounding area.We'll try to reach the King...



Athos and the others press on. D'Artagnan, a littledisappointed to be left behind, pauses, checks thebuildings that loom overhead. Then he starts, reactswith shock and surprise.

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The bell tower of the Carmes-Deschaux monastery. Afigure moving about, dimly-viewed, but this much isclear. The man is not a monk. And he is carrying amusket in his hands.


D'Artagnan turns to alert the Musketeers. Too late, theyhave already vanished into the throng. D'Artagnan takesoff running for the monastery.

144 BELL TOWER 144

HIGH ABOVE the swelling scene. The marksman assumes acrouching position, raises his musket, and trains it onthe empty balcony where the King is soon to appear.



Louis and Anne continue toward the balcony. Richelieutrails the royal couple. He nods to Rochefort inpassing. They exchange significant smiles. Anne spotsthe smirk on Rochefort's face. He resumes a supplicantpose. Anne glances back, Richelieu behind them.

ANNEI do not trust him.

LOUISI'm not sure who to trust.

ANNEThen we will discover the truthtogether.

Louis likes the sound of that. They step side by sidetoward the balcony.


146 INT. STEEPLE - DAY 146

Bell ropes, hundreds of feet long, dangle down thevertiginous shaft. D'Artagnan races up the narrow,circular stairs. Above him is the open trap to the belltower. He catches a glimpse of the marksman, backturned, taking aim.


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Athos, Porthos, and Aramis push their way through thecrowd, trying desperately to reach the Palace entrance.But the throng is impenetrable. Athos turns, wonders.And shoots a worried look at the bell tower of theCarmes-Deschaux, looming against the sky, as if to intuitthe danger lurking there.



Louis and Anne lead the procession to the doors of thebalcony. The crowd roars and the TRUMPETS BLARE. TheKing steps into the sunlight. The Queen follows, thenRichelieu. The three most important people in Francestand together, acknowledging the clamoring multitudes.


The marksman takes careful aim. The cheering down belowis like a faint whisper at this altitude. The marksmancocks the hammer of his flinklock.


150 INT. STEEPLE - DAY 150

D'Artagnan hears the click of the musket's hammer, andknows he must act now. He looks around and sees hischance. D'Artagnan leaps off the stairs and grabs ahandful of rope, using his weight to RING the BELLoverhead.



The BIG BELL makes a resounding, ear-splitting CLANG --causing the marksman's SHOT to go wild.



The SHOT misses the King and EXPLODES INTO the WALL aninch from his head. Louis turns to Richelieu -- seesanger and disappointment flash on the Cardinal's face.Just for an instant... but it is enough.


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153 INT./EXT. LOUVRE - DAY 153

Pandemonium, inside and outside the Palace. Athos,Porthos, and Aramis emerge from the crowd at the entrance,draw their swords, and prepare to rush the long line ofGuards protecting the doors. The Guards cannot believewhat they are seeing. Three men against a hundred. It'sridiculous. But then... the looks on Guards' faces beginto change, subtly at first, from amusement to horror.

154 THEIR POV 154

Behind Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, something incrediblehappens. Musketeers appear from every direction. Somefrom the surrounding crowd. Some from buildings, roof-tops. Others appear on horseback, a few disguised asmonks. And all defiantly wearing their blue and goldtunics.

The murmur of the crowd becomes an excited roar. Thecorps of Musketeers line up behind Athos, Porthos, andAramis. Porthos and Aramis exchange a smile. Athoskeeps his usually dour expression. But his eyes arecharged with excitement. They raise their arms, andface the long line of Guards. A hundred sabers flash inthe sunlight.

ATHOSSave the King!!

The Musketeers charge. It is a glorious sight.



D'Artagnan scrambles up through the trapdoor, and tacklesthe marksman. As the BELL CONTINUES TO CLANG, they fighthand-to-hand. The marksman forces d'Artagnan toward theedge of the tower. Two hundred feet to the ground below.They remain deadlocked for a beat, the marksman inchingd'Artagnan backward, certain death behind him. And atthe last moment, d'Artagnan summons up the strength ofthree -- and shoves the marksman backward with a resound-ing kick.

The marksman stumbles, falls through the open trapdoor,and plunges to his death.

D'Artagnan peers down the shaft. There's a faint CRASHas the marksman hits bottom. Utilizing the bell ropeslike a fireman's pole, d'Artagnan grabs hold and slidesdown into the abyss.


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Pandemonium reigns. Rochefort instructs his Guards toclose the huge door to the great hall. The members ofthe King's royal court run in panicked circles, convincedthe palace is under seige. Constance pauses amid theriot, seeks the Queen.

But Richelieu has found her first. He steps to Anne,assumes an air of priestly innocence.

RICHELIEUYour Majesty...

But Louis steps INTO VIEW, puts a protecting arm aroundhis wife, speaks stern command:

LOUISLeave us... alone.

That's when a loud BOOM rocks the room.


The great door shudders under the impact of a terrificblow. Another BOOM and the great hall is plunged intofurther chaos. The regiment of Guards rush forward,press their bodies against the door to secure it.

BOOM -- the great door threatens to split in half.

Richelieu huddles with Rochefort amid the rising panic.His eyes narrow to mean slits, he gestures toward Louisand Anne across the room.

RICHELIEU(a cold whisper)

Kill him. Kill her, too.

Rochefort draws d'Artagnan's sword from its sheath. Headvances on Louis and Anne. Louis has witnessed thelatter, treason confirmed. He raises his own sword,prepared to protect his Queen. To die for her ifnecessary.

LOUIS(to Anne)

Get behind me.

Rochefort takes confident steps toward the King. Butone last BOOM and the great DOOR comes CRASHING down onthe Guards, revealing a tide of Musketeers on the otherside. Athos, Porthos, and Aramis at the lead.


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Louis breaks into a wide grin. The Musketeers wade intothe Guards, and the great hall is transformed into a bat-tlefield. Rochefort turns, sees Athos charging at him.

ATHOSGreetings, Monsieur Cyclops. Arewe interrupting?

ROCHEFORTNot for long.

Athos and Rochefort lock swords and duel.

158 BATTLE 158

Musketeers surround Louis and Anne to ward off attack.But the young King has no intention of being protected.He wades to the fore, fights side by side with hisMusketeers. Anne watches him with a host of emotions.Respect, admiration... love. Louis pauses to return hergaze, then returns to battle.

Constance dashes through the fray. She sees a Guardslip behind a curtain, approach the Queen. She grabs aheavy goblet, shouts:


Anne looks up. Constance tosses the goblet to her. Annecatches it neatly, brings it down on the head of thehapless Guard. Constance smiles, leaps forward.

Aramis cuts down a Guard. As another man comes at himfrom behind, Porthos intervenes, runs the man through.The two Musketeers pause to exchange deadpan thanks,and continue.

Athos and Rochefort slash at each other. It is a mightyconfrontation. But Athos soon gains the upper hand.Rochefort shouts to a nearby Guard for help. Now it'stwo on one. Athos receives a wound in the shoulder, hestaggers... and the treaty falls from his tunic to thefloor. Rochefort reacts with a start, he grabs thetreaty, stuffs it into his doublet. Athos shakes offthe sudden pain, disposes of the Guard. Rochefort andAthos face each other a second time. Athos wounded,Rochefort confident he can finish the injured Musketeer.

But Athos merely changes sword hands. Rochefort reacts.Their SABERS CLASH as they draw together. Rochefortgrabs a dagger from his belt with his free hand. ButAthos sees it coming, and smashes Rochefort across theface with his fist.


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Rochefort goes sprawling. He loses his sword, it slidesacross the floor until someone's foot stops it.Rochefort looks up... and sees d'Artagnan standing onthe blade.

D'ARTAGNANThis sword belongs to me.

D'Artagnan stoops to pick up his long-lost sword. Hetosses his other saber to Rochefort, who catches itneatly. Athos watches from a short distance, knowsthis moment belongs to d'Artagnan. He will not intervene.But he shouts:

ARAMISD'Artagnan. Kill him where hestands.

These are d'Artagnan's words. A son vowing to avenge thedeath of his father. D'Artagnan wonders. Rochefortconfirms.

ROCHEFORTBy all means. Let's discover ifyou are as brave a man as yourfather was. And as foolish.

D'ARTAGNAN(stunned by therevelation as itunfolds)


ROCHEFORTHe died for his King and forFrance. But most of all... hedied on the end of my sword.

(the final curse)As will you.

Rochefort smiles a taunt. D'Artagnan raises his sword,whispers to heaven.

D'ARTAGNANThis is for you, Father.

Then, eyes blazing, d'Artagnan attacks Rochefort witheverything he's got, driving him into an adjoiningchamber.


A FIRE ROARS in a great stone hearth. Its light pro-jects giant shadows on the wall as d'Artagnan andRochefort duel, slashing at each other.

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160 GREAT HALL 160

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis take the fight to theCardinal's Guards. Each with his by-now familiartradmarks. King Louis fighting beside them.


They battle before the blazing fire, sweat covers theirfaces. Rochefort wears a wolfish grin. But d'Artagnanhas learned his lessons well. He attacks with gusto.Rochefort's grin soon turns toward desperation. Hecannot match the boy's vengeful steel. So he drives aknee into d'Artagnan's groin. D'Artagnan falls to thefloor. Rochefort means to finish him there. Butd'Artagnan rolls away from the blade, leaps back to hisfeet. Undaunted, he hurls himself at his hated opponent.

Rochefort sidesteps, throws d'Artagnan against a wall.He pins him there, stunning the youth. And hisses withsuperior disdain:

ROCHEFORTOne thing's certain. You're noMusketeer.

But d'Artagnan remembers Athos' advice. "Always findyour enemy's weakness." He shoves a thumb intoRochefort's good eye. Rochefort stumbles backward.D'Artagnan plunges his sword into Monsieur Cyclops'sheart.

D'ARTAGNANTake it back...?

ROCHEFORTI might... have been... mistaken.

Rochefort crumples to the floor, dead. D'Artagnan looksat Rochefort's blood on his sword. His father's deathfinally avenged. That's when he hears the RUSTLE of aSILKEN ROBE. D'Artagnan pivots, sees Richelieu kneelingat Rochefort's body... extracting the treaty from hisdoublet.


Richelieu smiles, hurls the treaty into the blazingfireplace. As the flames begin to lick at the parchmentpaper, d'Artagnan flies past the Cardinal, and divesafter to retrieve it.


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Athos, Porthos, and Aramis enter the room. D'Artagnanstumbles out of the fireplace, covered with soot,clutching the treaty. He grins. ON d'Artagnan's lookof triumph...



A short time later. The battle is over. The Musketeershave won. On the dais, Louis and Anne confront Richelieuwho is a prisoner now, guarded by several Musketeers.Louis holds the recovered treaty in his hands.

D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers stand nearby.

RICHELIEUYour Majesty, that document is anobvious forgery. I am clearly thevictim of a conspiracy designedand perpetuated by these threeMusketeers.

Richelieu assumes a trustworthy pose, one familiar toboth King and Queen.

LOUISThis is a complicated matter,Your Eminence, affecting bothFrance and the crown...

A beat. As all wonder if Richelieu will manage to eludeblame after all. But Louis continues with quiet author-ity, just a trace of humor. As King, and as a man.

LOUISAnd so, until such time as I andmy advisors --

(gestures towardAnne; theMusketeers)

-- can determine the whole truthof the matter. I invite you toawait our decision in the comfortof... the Bastille.

Musketeers close in around the Cardinal. He fumes,protests.

RICHELIEUYou can't do this to me. I'm theCardinal of France.


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LOUIS(never more certain)

And I am its King.

Shouts of "Long live the King! Long live the King!"

LOUISAnd as King... I hereby reinstatethe Musketeers.

A tremendous cheer is heard from all. Richelieu is ledfrom the room. He pauses in front of d'Artagnan.

RICHELIEUCongratulations, Monsieurd'Artagnan. I'll be keeping aneye on you.


Thank you, Your Eminence. I'llbe watching you, too.

Richelieu smiles his crocodile smile. Followed byguards, he turns and strides away, hands clasped behindhis back, scarlet robes billowing behind him.

Louis turns to the Musketeers. He indicates d'Artagnan.

LOUISIs this the young man who savedmy life?

Porthos puts a hand on d'Artagnan's shoulder.

PORTHOSHis name's d'Artagnan, Sire.

LOUISApproach, d'Artagnan.

D'Artagnan's heart pounds as he draws closer to King andQueen. Then he remembers, reaches into his doublet. Andturns to the Queen.

D'ARTAGNANI have something that belongs to... Your Majesty...

D'Artagnan produces the bracelet he found on the countryroad. He holds it out to her. The King wonders, theQueen smiles.


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ANNEThank you, d'Artagnan. But thebracelet does not belong to me.

(off his look)It belongs to her.

Anne indicates Constance, who steps forward, INTO VIEW.D'Artagnan and Constance lock eyes for the third time.The thrill of recognition, the promise of romance,charges between. D'Artagnan slips the bracelet aroundher wrist. Constance kisses him on the cheek. Louiscontinues:

LOUISD'Artagnan, I am in your debt.What can I do to repay the courageyou've shown me? Anything,D'Artagnan. Whatever your heartdesires...

D'Artagnan knows what he wants. But he is tongue-tied,unable to ask for it. Athos asks for him.

ATHOSMajesty, his heart has only onedesire. To become a Musketeer.

D'Artagnan looks at Athos, thankful for the intercession.Louis answers with pleasure.

LOUISThen kneel, d'Artagnan.

D'Artagnan drops to his knees. Louis lays the blade ofhis sword on each of his shoulders.

LOUISThe world is an uncertain realm,filled with danger. Truthdespoiled by broken promises.Honor undermined by the pursuitof gold. Freedom sacrificed whenthe weak are oppressed by thestrong. But there are those whooppose these powerful forces.Those who dedicate their lives totruth, honor, and freedom. Theyare a constant reminder to all ofus. That such a life is not justpossible, but necessary to ourcontinued survival. As a country,as a King. These men are known asthe Musketeers...


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As Louis speaks, D'Artagnan closes his eyes; countlessimages rush through his mind. His home in Gascony,Constance and Queen Anne on the country road, his firstencounters with Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, theiradventures together, the face of Milady. It's been abusy week.

LOUISRise, d'Artagnan. And join them.Musketeer.

D'Artagnan stands, transformed from boy to man. BELLSRING in the distance. Constance smiles brightly, tearsgleam in her eyes. Athos, Porthos, and Aramis surroundtheir young friend, and happily present him with thebright blue tunic of the Musketeers. They slip the tunicover d'Artagnan's head, react with a cheer. D'Artagnanhugs each of the three. For each has given him giftsmore valuable than gold.

Porthos, Aramis, and last... Athos. Who, to the surpriseof all who know him... smiles.

PORTHOSDo my eyes deceive me?

ARAMISI find it hard to believe myself.

PORTHOSHis lips, unused as they are tosuch a contortion, twisted andstretched... into a smile.

ARAMISIt was spectacular. And whatteeth.

D'Artagnan basks in their company, wonders aloud.

D'ARTAGNANI know this is a stupid question.But what exactly does a Musketeerdo?

Porthos and Aramis exchange a glance. They're not sosure themselves.

PORTHOSTruth... honor...

ARAMIS(helpfully suggestsa third)

And freedom.(CONTINUED)

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PORTHOSWeren't you listening?

163 HIGH ANGLE 163

The Three Musketeers -- no, make that the fourMusketeers -- raise their swords, and clash bladestogether, causing them to give off sparks.

D'ARTAGNANAll for one...

OTHERS... And one for all!!

MUSIC SOARS. The curtain falls.