the three king

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  • 7/26/2019 The Three King





    BASSAM older son

    HAZIM second son

    RAHIM younger son




    BO" # $%&' ( c(rd)o(rd *oon

    BO" + $%&' ( c(rd)o(rd sun


    Se&&%ng: Ac& I- II- III &(.e /l(ce %n &'e K%ng0s )edroo*1

    ACT I

    2T'e K%ng %s on s&(ge $e(r%ng ( ro)e1 He0s ly%ng o3er cus'%ons1 He4s old (nd s%c.1 T'e

    Councelor .noc.s (& &'e door51

    KING:2coug'%ng5 Come in.

    COUNSELOR:2en&ers5Your majesty !o" #i# you s$en# t!e ni%!t&.

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    KING: 'a# my %oo# (ounse)or. I*m !a$$y to see you. I "as (ou%!in% a)) ni%!t an# I*m +ery


    COUNSELOR:,!y your majesty&.

    KING:Ea(! #ay I*m %ettin% o)#er. I*m si(- an# +ery tire#. It*s time t!at one o my sons ta-e my

    $)a(e to ru)e my -in%#om.

    COUNSELOR: Any o t!em (ou)# /e a %oo# -in%. T!ey are %oo# men inte))i%ent. !ea)t!y an#


    KING:T!at*s t!e $ro/)em. Ho" (an I -no" "!i(! one o t!em "ou)# /e a %oo# -in% 2&'ey

    sc(&c' &'e%r 'e(ds- (nd $(l. &'roug' &'e s&(ge &'%n.%ng1

    COUNSELOR:I !a+e an i#ea0. A +ery %oo# i#ea your majesty0.

    2T'ey $'%s/er1 6%&' ges&ures &'e K%ng see*s &o (//ro3e (nd &'(& 'e7s s(&%s8%ed1 T'e M(%d

    en&ers &'e s&(ge5

    KING:Te)) 1rin(e 'assam to (ome imme#iate)y to !e)$ me #ress u$.

    2T'e M(%d le(3es &'e s&(ge1 T'e K%ng see*s ner3ous (nd %*/(&%en&1 B(ss(* en&ers &'e s&(ge


    'ASSA2:E3(use me #ear at!er I "as )ate /e(ause4

    KING:2%n&erru/&s B(ss(*5enou%! o e3(uses an# !e)$ me #ress u$0.

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    'ASSA2:Yes yes ri%!t a"ay4 2yells5He)$er0. 2T'e Hel/er en&ers &'e s&(ge5Hurry u$ %o %et

    t!e Kin%5s suit0.

    HEL1ER:,!i(! one&.

    'ASSA2:Lets see4 )et me as-. 2To &'e K%ng5,!i(! suit are you %oin% to "ear to#ay&.

    KING:T!e suit "it! /)ue )a(e an# ye))o" stones.

    'ASSA2:2&o &'e Hel/er5'rin% t!e /)ue suit "it! )a(e an# ye))o" stones0.

    HEL1ER:Yes $rin(e 'ASSAM. 2yells52ai#0 2&'e M(%d en&ers &'e s&(ge (nd )o$s5'rin% t!e

    ye))o" stones or t!e Kin%*s /)ue )a(e suit.

    2AI6 7: E3(use me&.

    'ASSA2: O! sorry /rin% t!e /)ue suit "it! )a(e an# ye))o" stones.

    KING: It*s too )ate my son0. You "i)) !a+e to +isit t!e (ity a)) /y yourse). ,!en you (ome

    /a(- te)) me "!at you sa".

    'ASSA2:Yes at!er I "i)).

    KING:Or#er t!em to %i+e you a %oo# !orse.

    2B(ss(* )o$s (nd le(3es &'e s&(ge5

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    ACT II

    2T'e K%ng %s $e(r%ng ( ro)e ly%ng o3er cus'%ons1 B(ss(* .noc.s (& &'e door5

    KING:Come in.

    2B(ss(* en&ers (nd s%&s on &'e c'(%r5

    'ASSA2:Goo# e+enin% my at!er. I*m +ery tire# to#ay0.

    KING:Te)) me !o" #i# it %o&. ,!at #i# you see&. ,!at #i# you !ear&.

    'ASSA2:I !a# so mu(! un0. E+ery/o#y "as s!outin% 8Hai) to our %oo# -in%*s son09. T!ere

    "as musi( $)ayin% an# a )ot o $arties.

    KING:2y($%ng5Goo# you may )ea+e. You )oo- tire# an# I #on*t ee) +ery "e)).

    'ASSA2:Rest my #ear at!er.

    KING:O! te)) your /rot!er Haim to (ome ear)y tomorro" mornin% to !e)$ me #ress u$.

    'ASSA2:Yes at!er 2le(3es &'e s&(ge51

    2T'e K%ng closes '%s eyes1 Boy # $%&' ( c(rd)o(rd *oon en&ers &'e s&(ge slo$ly- s&(nds %n &'e

    cen&er o8 &'e s&(ge (nd &'en le(3es1 Boy + $%&' ( c(rd)o(rd sun en&ers &'e s&(ge slo$ly-

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    s&(nds %n &'e cen&er o8 &'e s&(ge (nd &'en le(3es1 T'e K%ng o/en '%s eyes (nd coug's1 He

    s&(nds u/ (nd s&(r&s $(l.%ng %*/(&%en&ly on s&(ge1 H(9%* en&ers &'e s&(ge5

    HA;I2:E3(use me at!er0. Last ni%!t I #i#n*t s)ee$ "e)) an# I (ou)#n5t "a-e u$.

    KING:Lets not "aste any time an# !e)$ me #ress u$.

    HA;I2:2yell%ng5He)$er (ome ri%!t a"ay0. 'rin% me my at!er*s suit0.

    2T'e Hel/er en&ers &'e s&(ge5

    HEL1ER:,!i(! one&.

    HA;I2:,!i(! suit "ou)# you )i-e to "ear to#ay at!er&.

    KING:I "ou)# )i-e t!e %reen one "it! %reen stones.

    HA;I2: 2&o &'e Hel/er5'rin% t!e %reen suit "it! %reen stones.

    2T'e Hel/er le(3es &'e s&(ge5

    KING:O! my son0. It*s %ettin% )ate an# I (an*t %o "it! you so you !a+e to %o a)one. Toni%!t

    you "i)) te)) me "!at you sa".

    HA;I2:I "i)) my at!er 2)o$s (nd le(3es &'e s&(ge51

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King



    2T'e K%ngs $e(rs ( ro)e (nd l%es o3er cus'%ons1 H(9%* .noc.s (& &'e door5

    KING:Come in.

    HA;I2:2en&ers &'e s&(ge (nd s%&s5,e)) I*m !ere to te)) you "!at I sa" #urin% my +isit to t!e

    -in%#om*s (a$ita).

    KING:I*m )istenin% my son.

    HA;I2:T!e ri(! $eo$)e too- me to +isit t!e (ity )imits. T!en "e "ent to t!e #o(- "!ere a s!i$

    "as un)oa#in% t!e most /eautiu) suits an# je"e)ry t!at you (an ima%ine. I re(ei+e# many %its

    or you an# or my /rot!ers.

    KING:2y($n%ng5 Goo# %oo# Haim I*m %)a# t!at you*re !a$$y. No" you (an %o an# rest an#

    #on*t or%et to te)) your youn%er /rot!er to (ome ear)y tomorro" mornin% to !e)$ me #ress u$.

    HA;I2:Yes my at!er. S)ee$ "e)) 2)o$s (nd le(3es &'e s&(ge51

    2T'e K%ng()oses !is eyes. Boy # $%&' ( c(rd)o(rd *oon en&ers &'e s&(ge slo$ly- s&(nds %n &'e

    cen&er o8 &'e s&(ge (nd &'en le(3es1 Boy + $%&' ( c(rd)o(rd sun en&ers &'e s&(ge slo$ly-

    s&(nds %n &'e cen&er o8 &'e s&(ge (nd &'en le(3es1R('%*- &'e K%ng0s younges& son en&ers &'e

    s&(ge (nd s%&s )es%de &'e .%ng1 T'e K%ng o/ens '%s eyes5

    KING:I see you (ame ear)y my #ear Ra!im.

    RAHI2:,!at (an I #o or you my #ear at!er.

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    KING:I*m too o)# I nee# !e)$ to %et #resse#.

    RAHI2:I*m !a$$y to !e)$ you. ,!i(! suit "ou)# you )i-e to "ear to#ay&. 2&(.es ou& ( /(/er

    (nd /enc%l &o $r%&e do$n &'e %ns&ruc&%ons5

    KING:To#ay I "ou)# )i-e to "ear t!e re# suit "it! %o)#en stones.

    RAHI2:An# "!i(! s!oes&.

    KING:T!e %reen s!oes.

    RAHI2:,!i(! !orse "ou)# you )i-e to ri#e to %o to t!e (ity&.

    KING:T!e /)a(- one "!i(! "as a %it rom my /rot!er.

    RAHI2:He)$er (ome !ere0 2&'e Hel/er en&ers &'e roo*51 1)ease /e so -in# an# /rin% me t!e

    Kin%*s ()ot!in% e3a(t)y as it is "ritten in t!is $ie(e o $a$er 2g%3es '%* &'e /(/er5-an# #on*t

    ma-e any mista-es2&'e Hel/er le(3es &'e roo* (nd co*es )(c. $%&' (ll &'e clo&'%ng1 To &'e

    'el/er5 I "i)) !e)$ my at!er. You may )ea+e

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    2R('%* )o$s (nd le(3es &'e s&(ge1 T'e K%ng s%&s- ( 8e$ *%nu&es l(&er R('%* .noc.s (& &'e


    KING:Come in my son.

    2R('%* en&ers 3ery &%red- (nd s%&s )es%de &'e K%ng1 He0s dressed $%&' old clo&'es5

    KING:You )oo- tire# an# /esi#es "!y are you #resse# )i-e t!at&.

    RAHI2:I "a)-e# a)) #ay an# I*m +ery tire#.

    KING:,!y&. 6i#n*t you ta-e t!e !orse&.

    RAHI2:No #ear at!er. I #e(i#e# to "a)- an# to #ress )i-e t!e most !um/)e o your ser+ants.

    No/o#y re(o%nie# me an# I (ou)# +isit e+ery $)a(e in t!e (ity. I o$ene# my eyes an# ears. I

    ta)- to $oor $eo$)e (ratsmen +en#ors an# 4 I*m +ery sa#.

    KING:Te)) me Ra!im. Kee$ te))in% me.

    RAHI2:I*m sa# /e(ause t!e -in%#om is )ess !a$$y t!an "!at it seems: T!e one "!o "or-s

    more is t!e one "!o !as )ess. I sa" $eo$)e "it!out a jo/ "a)-in% t!rou%! t!e (ity.

    KING:Kee$ ta)-in% Ra!im.

    RAHI2:I -no" t!at t!e ri(! $eo$)e %at!er "!eat in t!eir /arns to se)) it more e3$ensi+e ne3t

    year #urin% t!e "inter4 an# 4

  • 7/26/2019 The Three King


    KING:T!at*s enou%! my son0. I a)rea#y -no" a)) t!at /ut I am too o)# an# t!ere*s )itt)e I (an

    #o. You5re youn% an# you "i)) -no" !o" to ru)e /e(ause you are "i))in% to ser+e. You "i)) /e

    t!e ne3t Kin%. Tomorro" t!is "i)) /e your -in%#om so t!at I (an #ie in $ea(e2&'ey 'ug51

    THE EN6