the theory of evolution


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Page 1: The Theory of Evolution
Page 2: The Theory of Evolution


Algine B. Casanova

Page 3: The Theory of Evolution

What is an


Page 4: The Theory of Evolution

Mirriam-Webster Dictionary:

Evolution○ A process of continuous change from a

lower, simpler, or worse to a higher,

more complex, or better state : growth

○ The historical development of a

biological group ( as a race or species )


○ A theory that the various types of

animals and plants have their origin in

other pre-existing types and that the

distinguishable differences are due to

modifications in successive generations

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Evolution is the change in

the inherited characteristics of biological populations over

successive generations.

It is a processes that give rise to diversity at every level

of biological organization, including species, individual

organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.

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4 History of Human Origin

4.1 Human Ancestor

○a. Australopithecines

○b. The Genus Homo

3 Periods

-Early, Middle and Late

○c. Homo Sapiens

○d. Modern Man

5 Evolutionism vs. Creationism

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First Question:

He was the first scientist

to formulate a scientific

argument for

the theory of evolution by

means of natural


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Fun Fact About


( Stinky feet )

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Don’t you know that….

At age of 12, Darwin

confessed in a letter, that

he only washed his feet

once a month at school,

due to a lack of anything

with which to wash.

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All life on Earth is descended from a last

universal ancestor that lived

approximately 3.8 billion years ago.

Repeated speciation and

the divergence of life can be inferred from

shared sets of biochemical and

morphological traits, or by shared DNA


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These homologous traits and sequences

are more similar among species that

share a more recent common ancestor,

and can be used

to reconstruct evolutionary histories, using

both existing species and the fossil


Existing patterns of biodiversity have

been shaped both by speciation and

by extinction.

Page 14: The Theory of Evolution

Charles Darwin was the first to

formulate a scientific argument for

the theory of evolution by means of natural


Evolution by natural selection is a process

inferred from threefacts about populations:

1) more offspring are produced than can

possibly survive,

2) traits vary among individuals, leading

to different rates of survival and

reproduction, and

3) trait differences are heritable.

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1.1 History Of Evolutionary

Thought Anaximander and Empedocles- they are the one

who proposed that one type of animal could

descend from an animal of another type during

the pre-Socratic Period.

Aristotle- understood all natural things, not

only living things, as being

imperfect actualizations of different fixed natural

possibilities, known as "forms", "ideas", or (in Latin

translations) "species".

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John Ray used one of the previously more

general terms for fixed natural types, "species",

to apply to animal and plant types, but he

strictly identified each type of living thing as a

species, and proposed that each species can

be defined by the features that perpetuate

themselves each generation.

The biological classification introduced

by Carolus Linnaeus in 1735 also viewed

species as fixed according to a divine plan.

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In 1842 Charles Darwin penned his first sketch of

what became On the Origin of Species.

Maupertuis wrote in 1751 of natural modifications

occurring during reproduction and accumulating

over many generations to produce new species.

Lamarck- "transmutation" theory of 1809, which

viewd spontaneous generation continually

producing simple forms of life developed greater

complexity in parallel lineages with an inherent

progressive tendency, and that on a local level

these lineages adapted to the environment by

inheriting changes caused by use or disuse in

parents. (Lamarckism)

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Darwin was partly influenced by An Essay

on the Principle of Population and noted

that population growth would lead to a

"struggle for existence" where favorable

variations could prevail as others perished.

2nd Question:

Who wrote that essay?

Thomas Robert Malthus

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Darwin was developing his theory of "natural

selection" from 1838 onwards until Alfred

Russel Wallace sent him a similar theory in

1858. Both men presented their separate

papers to the Linnean Society of London.

Thomas Henry Huxley applied Darwin's ideas

to humans,

using paleontology and comparative

anatomy to provide strong evidence that

humans and apes shared a common ancestry.

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Gregor Mendel reported that traits were

inherited in a predictable manner through the

independent assortment and segregation of

elements (later known as genes). Mendel's

laws of inheritance eventually supplanted most

of Darwin's pangenesis theory.

. Hugo de Vries connected Darwin's

pangenesis theory to Weismann's germ/soma

cell distinction and proposed that Darwin's

pangenes were concentrated in the cell

nucleus and when expressed they could move

into the cytoplasm to change the cells


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De Vries developed a mutation theory

that led to a temporary rift between

those who accepted Darwinian

evolution and biometricians who allied

with de Vries.

In the 1920s and 1930s a modern

evolutionary synthesis connected

natural selection, mutation theory, and

Mendelian inheritance into a unified

theory that applied generally to any

branch of biology.

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3rd Question:

The branch of Biology

that studies genes and



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What is


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HeredityThe sum of the characteristics

and potentialities genetically

derived from one’s ancestors

The transmission of such qualities

from ancestor to descendant

through the genes

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What is its

connection to


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Evolution in organisms occurs through changes in heritable traits – particular characteristics of an organism. In humans, for example, eye colour is an inherited characteristic and an individual might inherit the "brown-eye trait" from one of their parents.

Genotype- traits are controlled by genes and the complete set of genes within an organism's genome.

Phenotype- the complete set of observable traits that make up the structure and behaviour of an organism.

Heritable traits are passed from one generation to the next via DNA, a molecule that encodes genetic information.[53] DNA is a long polymer composed of four types of bases

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4th Question

Portion/s of a DNA

molecule that specify a

single functional unit.


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Divergence in the

structural or functional

characteristics of an

organism from the

species or population

norm or average.

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How does it



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An individual

organism's phenotype results from

both its genotype and the influence

from the environment it has lived in.

A substantial part of the variation in

phenotypes in a population is

caused by the differences between

their genotypes. The modern

evolutionary synthesis defines

evolution as the change over time in

this genetic variation.

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5th Question:

Variation disappears when a new

allele reaches the point of _____ —

when it either disappears from the

population or replaces the ancestral

allele entirely.

a. Fixation

b. Combination

c. Alteration

d. Separation


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Mutation:A relatively permanent change in

hereditary material involving either

a physical change in chromosomes

relations or a biochemical change

in the codons that make up genes

Mutations are changes in the

DNA sequence of a cell's


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Mutations can involve large sections of a

chromosome becoming duplicated (usually

by genetic recombination), which can introduce

extra copies of a gene into a genome.[71] Extra

copies of genes are a major source of the raw

material needed for new genes to evolve.[72] This

is important because most new genes evolve

within gene families from pre-existing genes that

share common ancestors.[73] For example, the

human eye uses four genes to make structures

that sense light: three for colour vision and one

for night vision; all four are descended from a

single ancestral gene.

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6th Question:______ are large enzymes that produces

antibiotics; they contain up to one hundred

independent domains that each domains

catalyzed one step in the overall process, like

a step in an assembly line.

a. Polytetide Synthase

b. Polymortide


c. Poliketide Synthase

d. Polimetide Synthase


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Gene Flow:

Is the exchange of genes between populations

and between species. It can therefore be a

source of variation that is new to a population or

to a species. Gene flow can be caused by the

movement of individuals between separate

populations of organisms, as might be caused

by the movement of mice between inland and

coastal populations, or the movement

of pollen between heavy metal tolerant and

heavy metal sensitive populations of grasses.

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Evolution by means

of natural selection is the

process by which genetic

mutations that enhance

reproduction become and

remain more common in

successive generations of

a population.

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It has often been called a "self-evident" mechanism because it necessarily follows from three simple facts:

1. Heritable variation exists within populations of organisms.

2. Organisms produce more progeny than can survive.

3. These offspring vary in their ability to survive and reproduce.

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The central concept of natural

selection is the evolutionary fitness of

an organism. Fitness is measured by

an organism's ability to survive and

reproduce, which determines the size

of its genetic contribution to the next

generation. However, fitness is not the

same as the total number of offspring:

instead fitness is indicated by the

proportion of subsequent generations

that carry an organism's genes.

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7th Question:

An aspect of the developmental

pattern of the organism which

enables or enhances the probability

of that organism to survive and

reproduce.a. Adaptedness

b. Adaptive traits

c. Adaptation

d. Adapting


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Adaptation is the process that

makes organisms better suited

to their habitat. Also, the term

adaptation may refer to

a trait that is important for an

organism's survival.

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The following definitions are due to Theodosius


1. Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby

an organism becomes better able to live in

its habitat or habitats.[161]

2. Adaptedness is the state of being adapted: the

degree to which an organism is able to live and

reproduce in a given set of habitats.[162]

3. An adaptive trait is an aspect of the

developmental pattern of the organism which

enables or enhances the probability of that

organism surviving and reproducing.[163]

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Extinction is the disappearance of an entire

species. Extinction is not an unusual event,

as species regularly appear through

speciation and disappear through

extinction. Nearly all animal and plant

species that have lived on Earth are now

extinct, and extinction appears to be the

ultimate fate of all species.These

extinctions have happened continuously

throughout the history of life, although the

rate of extinction spikes in occasional

mass extinction events.

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8th Question:

Human activities are now the

primary cause of the ongoing

extinction event; what event or

phenomenon may further

accelerate extinction in the future?Global Warming

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History Of



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Do you believe that WE humans

really descended from APES??

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Since scientists developed the

ability to decode the genome

and compare the genetic

makeup of species, some

people have been stunned to

learn that about 98.5% of the

genes in people and

chimpanzees are identical.

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Humans share a common ancestor

with modern African apes (i.e.,

gorillas and chimpanzees), making

us very, very distant cousins. We are

therefore related to these other living

primates, but WE DID NOT


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humans differ

from apes in




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1. Human brains are larger

and more complex.

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2. Humans have elaborate

forms of communication and


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3. Humans habitually

walk upright, can

manipulate very

small objects, and

can speak.

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1.1 Human Ancestor Most scientists believe our common ancestor

existed 5 to 8 million years ago. Then two species broke off into separate lineages, one ultimately evolving into gorillas and chimps, the other evolving into early humans called hominids. In the millions of years that followed, at least a dozen different species of humanlike creatures have existed, reflected in the fossil discoveries of paleoanthropologists, although many of these species are close relatives but not actual ancestors of modern humans.

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9th Question:

______ are the remains or

impressions of living things

hardened in rock.


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The earliest humans were found in Africa,

which is where much of human evolution

occurred. The fossils of these EARLY

HOMINIDS, which lived 2 to 6 million

years ago, all come from that continent.

Most scientists believe early humans

migrated out of Africa into Asia between 2

million and 1.7 million years ago, entering

Europe some time within the past 1

million years. What follows are some

highlights of the early human species that

have been identified by scientists to date.

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The name australopithecine means

“southern ape,” in reference to South

Africa where the first known fossils

were found. Many more australopith

fossils have been found in the Great

Rift Valley in eastern Africa, in

countries including Ethiopia,

Tanzania, Kenya, and Chad.

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The best-known australopith specimen is

“Lucy,” the partial skeleton of a female

discovered in 1974 in Hadar, Ethiopia.

Lucy belongs to a species,

Australopithicus afarensis, which thrived

in eastern Africa between 3.9 million and

3 million years ago. Scientists have found

several hundred A. afarensis fossils in

Hadar. Lucy lived 3.2 million years ago.

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By about 2.7 million years ago, so-

called robust australopiths (in

contrast to the earlier, gracile forms)

had evolved, with wide molars and

premolars and a facial structure that

indicate that these robust

australopiths chewed their food,

primarily tough, fibrous plants,

powerfully and for long periods.

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The Genus Homo

The genus Homo first evolved at least 2.3

million to 2.5 million years ago. The most

significant difference between members

of this genus and australopiths, with

which they overlapped, was their

significantly larger brains (about 30

percent larger, though still small

compared to modern humans).

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3 periods of Homo Evolution

1. Early Period

Species of early Homo, among them

Homo habilis, resembled australopiths in

many distinct ways, but they had smaller

teeth and jaws, more modern-looking

feet, and hands capable of making tools.

They probably lived from between 2.5 or

2.3 million and 1.6 million years ago.

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2. Middle Period

The middle Homo species, including

Homo erectus, evolved anatomically to

be more similar to modern humans but

their brains were relatively small (though

bigger than australopiths). They

probably overlapped with earlier Homo

species, as they developed perhaps

between 2 million and 1.8 million years


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3. Late Period

The final transition, from the middle

to late periods, happened about

200,000 years ago. Late Homo

species, including Neanderthals and

Homo sapiens, evolved large and

complex brains, leading eventually

to language, and developed culture

as an increasingly important aspect

of human life.

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Homo Sapiens Scientists have dated the oldest known fossils with

skeletal features typical of modern humans from 195,000 years ago. Early anatomically modern Homo sapiens fossils have come from sites in Sudan, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Israel. Many scientists have therefore concluded that modern Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and began spreading to other parts of the world 90,000 years ago or a little earlier, although whether, how, why, and when this happened is still in dispute. And it was not until about 40,000 years ago that anatomically modern humans, HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS, emerged.

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Modern Humans

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What we are today.

Walking straight and doing

a lot of tasks. We humans

are said to be the highest

form of animals because

we have brain that we can

use for thinking.

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10th Question:

The only thing that

Humans can do but

Animals cannot?

To ask


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m Science



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Which is

really true?




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What is a


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In science, a theory is an

overarching explanation

used to describe some

aspect of the natural

world that is supported by

overwhelming evidence.

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What is


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A system

A belief that God or other

supernatural exist

A commitment

A worship

A belief that all the things in the

world is created by one and

only God.

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Yesterday until


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Today Until


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And who

knows in the

future, this will

be the next….

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The End….

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Thank you!

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Credits to:

Rodel Ortega

Roden Ortega

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