the theory of additional forms in conversion(1)

THE THEORY OF COMPLEMENTARY FORMS IN CONVERSION By Carlos Alberto Urquizo Abril MBA-CPC INTRODUCTION Each man possesses a personal view of the world in which we e xist, it means that every man has a very own conception of the world around us and which we are also part. The universe is made to the measure of man's intellect and any conceivable construction due to a piece of reality that every man conceives and accepts as part of the truth of the world that he builds for himself. I for one think that the universe is constructed and composed of “forms”, to which, each of them, you can assigns a concept or a definition. COMPLEMENTARY FORMS The universe is constructed by a pair (2) of forms that complement each other, to create "another form" completely different from the other two. Do not forget that each "form" is it possible to assign a concept or a definition. I think i t's even more interesting when each is given a mathematical definition. It's like the heads and tails of a coin, heads and tails are two forms in complement and the coin is that something completely new, very different from the other two forms as previous concepts represent the heads and the tails, both separately. Strictly speaking no "heads form" and "tails form" exist separately, both forms exist (coexist) together in a "totally new" which is the coin, therefore, it means that there is only the coin itself. There are so many “forms” in the universe that are apparently separate, but in reality, in my worldview, they interact together and complement each other. There is, right now, a tremendous challenge for the scientists, finding the formulas that allow to explain and

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By Carlos Alberto Urquizo Abril



Each man possesses a personal view of the world in which we exist, it

means that every man has a very own conception of the world

around us and which we are also part. The universe is made to the

measure of man's intellect and any conceivable construction due to a

piece of reality that every man conceives and accepts as part of the

truth of the world that he builds for himself. I for one think that the

universe is constructed and composed of “forms”, to which, each of 

them, you can assigns a concept or a definition.


The universe is constructed by a pair (2) of forms that complement

each other, to create "another form" completely different from the

other two. Do not forget that each "form" is it possible to assign a

concept or a definition. I think it's even more interesting when each is

given a mathematical definition. It's like the heads and tails of a coin,

heads and tails are two forms in complement and the coin is that

something completely new, very different from the other two forms

as previous concepts represent the heads and the tails, both

separately. Strictly speaking no "heads form" and "tails form" exist

separately, both forms exist (coexist) together in a "totally new"

which is the coin, therefore, it means that there is only the coin itself.

There are so many “forms” in the universe that are apparently

separate, but in reality, in my worldview, they interact together and

complement each other. There is, right now, a tremendous challenge

for the scientists, finding the formulas that allow to explain and

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describe the famous "unified field", a mathematical physical model in

which it is possible to conceive as a whole either relativity physics

and quantum physics.

Under my conception are two "forms" of the same thing, or rather a

"form" totally new, which is expected to describe and explain true

and accurate this part of the reality of the world which we belong. I

understand that is also accepted in general the famous double nature

of light, sometimes corpuscle or particle, sometimes wave. Corpuscle

and wave are two "forms" of the same nature, which complement a

different and completely new "form" which is the corpuscle-wave.

Like this "form" in our universe are infinites, and perhaps our limited

knowledge and culture deprive us of the wealth of understanding the

complementary forms of each of them. These "forms" are the pillars

on which to build the universe, on which it is entrenched,

complement and interact with each other from (-) infinity to (+)

infinity, from the big bang to Hawking’s black holes, from cradle to

the grave. And let’s not forget that these “forms” complement each

other, one form cannot exist without the other, in other words,

coexist to create a new  “form” , different from the other two forms

that created it, and that last form is “the image of the final structure

that describes and explains reality in a logical, mathematical and

consistent way” . Nor should we lose sight of the fact that for this new

and authentic form, we create a new concept or definition. I think in

many cases we use to build "neologisms" that matches the new

concept or definition, made to measure the resulting form of the


Graphically I will present you some examples:

Man Woman

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Biocenosis Biotope


Heads Tails


Beam Underside


Origin Structure


Matter Energy

Mattenerg (Neologism)

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As an additional note, I will say that the forms involved incomplement, when you see each one separately, they seem to have

the feature "A form has something from the other form and vice

versa." For example, in relation to the matter and energy, we say

that matter has something (a property or condition, likeness or

similarity) of energy and energy has something (a property or

condition, likeness or similarity) of matter, note also that by

accepting the existence of some of the "forms" is necessarily accept

the existence of the other, it makes no sense to conceive of a form

without also conceiving the existence of the other form. What often

happens is that our reason and intelligence are concentrated on the

analysis and synthesis of the nature and properties of a "single form",

leaving out the shape that complements and coexists, I think such

destiny was that space and time had, until relativity merged them

forever in space-time (even any neologism hasn’t been created for

that), and like this example there are many others. An example

would say, "a part" takes on the properties of "the whole" and "the

whole" is closely related to the properties of "the part". A man who is

part of a society can not deny that possesses the traits and cultural

characteristics that have been inherited by their social environment

as well as logic and reason lead us to suppose that society is

nourished by the cultural contribution that is been able to release that

individual, during the passing of its being in that environment.


I am convinced that the universe is built in the form of a single

universal law that governs all things and through which it is possible

to describe and explain any observable phenomenon, not only in

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terms of mathematical and physical phenomena, but by extension to

any phenomenon, which includes our understanding and our

knowledge such as economic, sociological, biological, religious,

chemical, archaeological, historical, financial, etc.. In this sense thispaper formulates the concept and the idea of this Universal Law that

governs all, not from the physical and mathematical point of view,

which would have been something great, but rather from a simple

and logical view. Also because it is a multidisciplinary design is also

appropriate to make its principles in a general way.

As we said there are "two ways" (2) in perfect coexistence and

complement (harmony) that generate a "form", new and different

than the other two, is actually the latter "form" that actually exists.

So far the conception of the complement of "forms" no major problem

for understanding and this is at this point, where the analysis of how

they interact, coexist and complement this pair of "forms" should be

analyzed more rigorously. I think the concept of "add forms" is

primarily an art form that accepts and resists the universe, but more

than the simple addition I am sure that there is a unique construction

in which such forms exist yet complement in CONVERSION, that is a

"form1" is becoming another "forma2" with which complements and

interacts, and that "forma2" is becoming the "form1" with which

complements and interacts so simultaneously. Therefore the

 “Universal Law of Forms” is stated as follows:




Graphically the theoretical statement can be as follows:


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If you ask me when that stars to happen this supplement and the

 “convertibility of forms” would say that this occurs from the (-infinityto + infinity).





This "unique" is essentially a theoretical model of the Law of 

complementary forms, tailored to the reality and its various


An interesting consequence of this process of "conversion forms" is

that it is possible to predict the result to be achieved, in other words

we can predict that the way to become the form B simultaneously to

form B becomes the form A.


So far we have shown that there is a "couple of ways" in which they

become mutually complement, one another, simultaneously. We

assume that this process of conversion of form A in form B has a

start time t 1 will call as it is logical to assume you have a term time

(after conversion) will call t 2. Imagine for a moment that the start

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time t 1 form A and form B are in a state of "add-static", then occurs

the "dynamic" in the form A becomes a B and form B becomes the

form A, this is where something happens that I find extremely

interesting, because I have to say: “The result of the conversion of form A, B but not strictly a form of B or better a B1, just as the

conversion of form B is not A strict but a form of A or better, a A1 ".

Expressed graphically:


T1 A B

T2 A1 B1


…. Therefore I will affirm that A is similar, similar, but not equal to A1

while B is also similar, similar, but not equal to B1.

On the other hand I will argue that “A and its different forms” is

equivalent to “B and its different forms”, in other words: 


A is equivalent to B

A1 is equivalent to B1

A2 is equivalent to B2

A3 is equivalent to B3


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I will put a couple of simple examples of everyday life:

1) The "shape day" and "the shape night"


T 1 Day Night

T 2 Day1 Night1


It is easy to imagine at any point on the dark side of the planet and

say that in relation to this point, half across the earth this day and

the place where that point lies is at night, on this there is no greater

contradiction. With the passing of the minutes and hours watching

something that happens spontaneously and naturally, and the

rotation and translation of our planet: the point of observation was a

reference to substantiate our claim "it's night here it is day there “has

not changed, what was changed is that depending on the chosen

point of observation has changed our statement, it has become this:

 “it is day here an it is night there”. 

2) The "shape father" and "the shape son"

T 1 form1 = father form2 = son

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T 2 form1a = father1 form2b = son1

Given a T1 imagine the year 1930 and see a picture of a man who

has had her first child, now as a T2 imagine 2011 in present time and

it happened that the form2 (son) has become a shape of f1 (father),but not exactly like f1 (father), but rather is a similar or similar, so it

is a f1a (father 1). Moreover, the form1 (father) has become a form

of f2 (son), but not exactly like f2 (son), but rather is a similar or like

so it is a f2b (son1).

Under the figure of this idea I would assume the following:


Gravity Electromagnetism

Gravity1 Electromagnetism1


I have had some interesting readings that speak of real time and

imaginary time, well then I would say that:


Real time ( tr ) Imaginary time ( ti )

Real time 1 ( tr 1 ) Imaginary time ( ti 1 )


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And all this, what happened to the space? Is not it also possible to

conceive a real and an imaginary space?

Particulary I would rather assume the following:


Space – Real time Space – Imaginary time

Space – Real time 1 Space – Imaginary time 1


Scientists talk about dark matter, but what happened to the dark



Dark matter Dark energy

Dark matter 1 Dark energy 1


The famous formula e = m.c2, What remains for the dark matter and

dark energy?

I am sure that this behavior occurs the Universe, this mysterious

process of addition and conversion is challenge for physicists and

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mathematicians and men of science and art also unlink the mysteries

of their coexistence and conversion.

It fails to mention that when the forms are converted to complementone another in that process involves a number of forces both

deterministic and quantum mechanical forces which can validly be

studied and designed under the idea of the design of forms in

addition, coexistence and conversion have been discussed here.


I will add more a theoretical postulate the theory of complementary

ways in conversion. Imagine for a moment two (2) planes facing each

other. The first and second call it will call PX and PY, in the

foreground so write down vertically a number of concepts

representing "existing forms" in the background and do the same, so

write down vertically a number of concepts also representative "forms

existing “complementary forms, coexisting with the foreground, as


Plane X Plane Y


Old New

Father Son

Creator Piece

The elements The man

Transmute Transcend

Creation Selection

The natural The spiritual

The most The one


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I think there is some correlation or correspondence (say to affinity)

between the concepts aligned in the plane group X, so it is aligned

with the concepts of the plane in the group Y. Somehow this

correlation property and affinity between the ways in addition andconversion reveals that in our universe, the existence of two (2) ways

to complement and help us to conceive of conversion in a more

precise and accurate this infinite reality we are part. Note that it is

even possible combinations of concepts representing the shapes of 

the X Plan with the concepts representing the plane and forms, such

as "elements transmute and transcend man."


The universe exists in two forms that interact and complement, but

also become each other, one another, simultaneously. On these two

forms is that reality is constructed which are a part. Therefore our

whole conception of the different phenomena and processes that exist

in the universe, should be held in the conception of this

complementary pairing.