the technology ticket

The Technology Ticket A Journey Through Action Research

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ECI 652 Capstone Project Presentation This paper poses the question To what extent will using Voki as an exit ticket enhance content mastery? Various educational journals and educational texts are used to provide a framework for the study. Action Research is used to provide a triangulation of data to draw conclusions from. Henricks (2013) text Improving Schools Through Action Research, is the primary steering resource throughout the entire study. Keywords: exit ticket, Voki, assessment


  • 1. A Journey Through Action Research

2. Jeff Costa North Carolina State University ECI 652 [email protected] Fall 2013 3. I. Reflection 1st Idea Test how differentiation of instruction would impact summative assessment in the form of a midterm examination. 4. I. Reflection 2nd Idea To what extent will using Web 2.0 technology as an exit ticket enhance content mastery? 5. I. Reflection 3rd Idea To what extent will using Voki as an exit ticket enhance content mastery? 6. I. Reflection Collaborative Partner: Ms. Maria Matthews Resume: Most experienced U.S. History teacher in school Social Studies Department Chair 7. II. Literature Review The NCSU online database, EBSCO, was used with the keywords Vokiand Exit Ticket to locate educational articles regarding the original Research Question: To what extent will using Web 2.0 technology as an exit ticket enhance content mastery? 8. II. Literature Review A. Enhancing classroom interactivity and engagement: CFL Learners perceptions of the application of Web 2.0 technology. Huang & Lin (2011) concluded that Vokis increasedopportunities for oral practice and metalinguistic awareness in a Chinese as a foreign language. 9. II. Literature Review B. Exit Tickets: The Reflective Ticket to Understanding. Owen & Sarles (2012) suggest the use of exit tickets to develop a better level of student understanding. The primary audience of the article are middle and high school media specialists whose students are involved in various steps of the research process. 10. II. Literature Review C. Empowering Fourth-Grade Researchers: Reaping the Rewards of Web 2.0 Student-Centered Learning. The article highlights a young teachers successes and identifies her challenges as she works to integrate technology into student learning in her fourth grade classroom using the NCTE 21st Century Framework The conclusion of the article offers further suggestions on how to realistically use the Framework in individual classrooms. These suggestions include: using Web 2.0 tools to alter usual projects or assignments, using technology to learn within all content areas, engage in meaningful assessment, expect chaos, and using the students as resources. 11. II. Literature Review D. Increasing Student Motivation in the Middle School Classroom. This study used math attitudinal surveys, exit tickets, observations, and interviews to determine if motivation in students would increase if the students were taught problem solving strategies in order to help them become more resilient. Shears (2004) discovered that students who performed well on exit tickets consistently demonstrated the ability to use problem solving strategies. As students completed their exit ticket, their mastery of their algebraic lesson became evident. 12. II. Literature Review E. Cognitive tools and student-centred learning: rethinking tools, functions and applications. Iiyoshi, Hannafin, & Wang (2005) extol the use of cognitive tools to scaffold student learning. They support the idea of using technological tools to scaffold information and help learner manage their cognitive load. 13. II. Literature Review F. Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education. This book describes concepts of assessment, testing, and evaluation in nursing education. Even though, Oerman & Gaberson (2006) described formative assessment for nursing schools, their theories on assessment can still be applied to the high school classroom. They paint a picture of using observation as well as data to make a value judgement about learners. 14. II. Literature Review G. Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) revised Blooms Taxonomy to reposition create at the top level of mastery learning. Their alterations are consistent with using the create nature of Voki. 15. III. Purpose The purpose of this collaborative action research is to identify towhat extent will using Web 2.0 technology as an exit ticket enhance content mastery. Using data acquired through action research and published academic articles about Voki and exit ticket, I wish to determine to what extent students will demonstrate mastery of content. Voki is a Web 2.0 tool that produces a customizable, 60-second speaking avatar. With Voki, students can research a topic, record a message, and listen to the playback. An exit ticket is a technique that allows the students to show what they are thinking and what they have learned at the end of a lesson. Before students leave, they have to hand the teacher a ticket filled out with an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, or a response to what theyve learned (Exit Ticket, n.d.). 16. IV. Setting/Participants/Collaboration 3rd block Honors US History classroom taught by Ms. Matthews, the Social Studies Department Chair. The class has 24 juniors, 2 seniors, and 2 sophomores. 19 females to 9 males. The racial breakdown of the class includes 13 Caucasian, 7 African-American, 7 Hispanic, and 1 Multiracial. On the day the Action Research was conducted four students were absent. The class has 2nd lunch, meaning 45 minutes in class, than lunch for 45 minutes, before returning for the final 45 minutes of class. Since the school has an off campus lunch policy for juniors and seniors, many in this class leave for lunch. 17. IV. Setting/Participants/Collaboration Timeframe for the action research, based on the pace of the class, occurred during Goal 6 of the NC Standard Course of Study. Goal 6 United States interest in Imperialism at the turn of the century. Action research centered around a lesson on Yellow Journalism. I created a formative assessment based on open-ended test bank questions and Ms. Matthews came up with the idea to use the Voki to project a Yellow Journalistic message. We used Ms. Matthews summative assessment and I added one more Yellow Journalism question to it. 18. V. Intervention/Innovation Day 1 Upon completion of that days lesson, students will be split into two groups. Group A will be given three open questions regarding that days lesson. Group B will have to create a Voki demonstrating what was covered in that days lesson. Both exit tickets will be checked for accuracy. Day 2 All students will take a 9 question summative assessment from the previous unit. There are three questions on the assessment that correspond to the lesson on Yellow Journalism. Day 3 A focus group online survey will occur. Conclusions will be drawn after the assessment scores are crossreferenced with group membership and survey data. 19. VI. Methods of Data Collection Group A 3 QuestionsGroup B - Voki 20. VI. Methods of Data Collection Summative AssessmentFocus Group Survey 21. VII. Measures of Validity Table 6.2 Strategies for Increasing Validity was used asa guide for increasing validity 22. VII. Measures of Validity Ongoing Reflective Planning Developed during the National Board Submission Process. Used the website Tumblr to record specific reflections. 23. VII. Measures of Validity Peer Debriefing Regularly engaged in peer debriefing both with my cooperating teacher, Ms. Matthews and with another colleague in the class, Amanda Ireland. 24. VII. Measures of Validity Triangulation of Data SourcesRubricsFocus GroupsExit TicketsFormal and Informal Assessments 25. VII. Measures of Validity Audit Trail As a result of keeping accurate records of multiple data sources, an audit trail has been produced. It includes student answers to exit ticket question, submitted Vokis, survey results, and summative assessment answers. 26. Measures of Validity Present results to key audiences Shana KingAllison ReidWilliam HerringAmanda IrelandDr. HerveyJessica Webb 27. VIII. Results What is meant byYellow Journalism? 91% (11 out of 12) How was it spurred bythe Spanish-American War? 75% (9 out of 12) What was its legacy? 66% (8 out of 12) 28. VIII. Results Nine of the studentssubmitted a Voki via email to Ms. Matthews Three students didnot complete the assignment. 29. VIII. Results 30. VIII. Results 2. Give two reasons why the Spanish America War started. 3 Question StudentsVoki Students100% (12/12)75% (9/12) 31. VIII. Results 6. You supply the pictures and Ill provide the war. In 1898, when newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst made this statement to artist Frederic Remington, he was suggesting that: 3 Question Students Voki Students A. journalists valued accuracy 75% (9/12) 67% (8/12) and objectivity B. artists and writers resented being censored by the government C. artwork made newspapers more interesting to read D. journalism could be used to shape public opinions and policies 32. VIII. Results 9. All of the following are examples of yellow journalism EXCEPT A. Congress Declares War Against Spain 3 Question Students Voki Students B. Destruction of the warship 58% (7/12) 67% (8/12) Maine was the work of an enemy C. Crisis is at hand; Spanish Treachery D. Great Sea Victory! Vengeance for the Maine Begun 33. VIII. Results Of the Voki Students 1. All (11/11) Juniors 2. 4 males, 7 females 3. Perform well academically 4. Display reasonably good study habits 5. Most were satisfied with the use of Voki ** Ms. Matthews feels like there were some errors in honesty regarding the survey 34. IX. Conclusions To what extent will using Voki as an exit ticket enhance content mastery? We both independently and collectively concludedthat the initial use of a Voki as an exit ticket does not directly lead to content mastery. The data simply did not supportearlier assumptions . 35. IX. Conclusions To what extent will using Voki as an exit ticket enhance content mastery? Ms. Matthews offered that prolonged use of Web 2.0technologies, like Voki, would create different results. The students enjoyed the use of the Voki and six of nine displayed mastery of Yellow Journalism, but the Voki group scored lower on the summative assessment. Future research about the impact on student content mastery using Voki as an exit ticket would benefit from exploring the roles of multiple intelligences, a larger sample size and the use of Voki over a longer period of time. 36. X. References Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives: Complete edition, New York : Longman. Atkinson, T. S., & Swaggerty, E. A. (2011). Empowering Fourth-Grade Researchers: Reaping the Rewards of Web 2.0 Student-Centered Learning. Language Arts, 89(2), 99-112. Exit Ticket. (n.d.). - The Teacher Toolkit. Retrieved November 20, 2013, from Hendricks, C. (2013). Improving schools through action research: a reflective practice approach (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. 37. X. References Huang, C., & Lin, C. (2011). Enhancing Classroom Interactivity And Engagement: CFL Learners Perceptions Of The Application Of Web 2.0 Technology. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(6), E141-E144. Iiyoshi, T., Hannafin, M. J., & Wang, F. (2005). Cognitive tools and student-centred learning: rethinking tools, functions and applications. Educational Media International, 42(4), 283. Mays, L. C. (2011). WEB 2.0 Digital Tools: Try it yourself or co-learn with your students. Language Arts, 89(2), 102-102. Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2006).Evaluation and testing in nursing education (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc. Owen, D., & Sarles, P. (2012). Exit Tickets: The Reflective Ticket to Understanding. Library Media Connection, 31(3), 20-22. Shears, M. L. (2004). Increasing Student Motivation in the Middle School Classroom. Ontario Action Researcher, 7(3), 14.