the taliban regime

TheTaliban REGIME

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



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TheTaliban REGIME


How did the Taliban start? What does the Taliban want? How did the Taliban affect

Afghanistan? How did the Taliban gain power

and fall?

Who is the Taliban? The Taliban arose in 1990 in northern

Pakistan after Soviet troops left Afghanistan, coming into attention in 1994

The Taliban first appeared in religious seminaries which taught fundamentalist Sunni Islam with Deobandism influences

Taliban is translated to mean “the Seekers”

The Taliban was initially accepted by the Afghans for their promise to end the war of the warlords, but imposed a strict interpretation of Islamic law

The spiritual leader is Mullah OmarMullah Omar


To impose an augmented form of Sharia Law under controlled areas

Banning images of human form Restrict role of women Interpret the Koran (Quran) literally,

with no adjustments to modern day

The rise and fall of the Taliban The Taliban and its rule arose from the chaos of post-

Soviet Afghanistan It began as an Islamic and Pashtun politico-religious

movement composed of madrasa students in southern Afghanistan

Overwhelmingly ethnic Pashtuns, the Taliban blended Pashtunwali tribal code with elements of Deobandi Islamic teaching to form an anti-Western and anti-modern Islamic ideology with which it ruled

It began to receive support from neighboring Pakistan as well as from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

The Taliban were perceived as being particularly brutal towards those they considered non-Afghans. Pashtun people comprised the vast majority of the Taliban movement

As the Taliban expanded from their southern and south-eastern strongholds, they encountered more resistance due to the fact that their brand of Deobandi Islam, incorporated with the pashtun tribal code of Pashtunwali, was alien to the other ethnic groups of Afghanistan.

The Battles of Mazar-i-Sharif, where Taliban fighters killed between 8000-10,000 Hazaras and Uzbeks in response to 3000 executed Taliban fighters were a result of this ethnic tension

The Taliban conquered (fetih) Kabul in 1996

They ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001 with name ‘The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’

Even at the peak of their influence, the Taliban did not control the entirety of Afghanistan, as about 10% of the country in the northeast was held by the Northern Alliance.

Effects of the Taliban Education of girls is banned Adult literacy rate is 27% for men and 5.6% for women Women are restricted to their homes and banned from

employment, driving, education, wearing makeup, or leaving home without a male relative

Forms of leisure have been banned, such as music, movies, TV, celebrations or any kind of mixed-gender gathering

Cigarettes and alchohol have been banned, as well as pets and photographs of people and animals

Men are forced to grow beards Burqas (some type of costume) are mandated for women

to wear outside the home