the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-04-22 [p ].the sun sunday april 22 ukjo r rh rnh1- ritq w 1i the path...

THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 22 UKJO r rH rnH1- rITQ W 1i THE PATH BEYOND THE LEVEE A Story Uadircrouid Railroad CtpytHV IM tv UfClurt Co IXTKOniCTJOV- iUny years ago long before the breakln th OfII War the writer of this book wf- rrivil engineer and land surveyor In what wa did l now called the Attakapas count- rt iiisa I bl b n sent tu l ulsiana by my stepfatbe- arn eie business It Mae bis InUntlon lha stuily nnd e ieinee I fhould return nnn n the Helllement near the mouth o U ila Illver on the West fonst of Afrlfn her eU Ihre in ar 1HI4 Mng nearly ul age and having no knowledge or ac- iiiiintanre with lha world except thai galne tKk and from Ihe ofllrers and crews o- r various vessels that tradisl nt our harramnii- My sttplather wns ambllious nn had lenl monv ami It an his darlltie scheme tu lay jj the cuiinlry into forms mlnnlM them am- MtabliHli an Independent government ut n the ptM ria 1- IertURal beld nominal possfsMoti ol the dls- Irjri h wlslieil to locati Anti he hat obtained I grant ol an ennrmous tract of land for purvo Th wl when the llave ullf ws- JnuriJhine pressure of the Eng Hh and American war vessels crippled him Jnannally and his harracoon Iwlng eventuall 4 ir vH he left Africa and sMtld In Missis- ipplin 1851 changes Interfered with his plans fur Vv ftiuralion and future prospects and I wn Milted depend upon mynelf- Th dck o n slaver was a wild school In which ID ham Ihe alphabet of life and when Oeorgo- Wesner approached me with his extraonlina- rjch Illllf knew the past history of hi- tpt pupil He often wondered at my easy adap- uuon to negrn character and my knnwledgi- IV l oast gibberish I commenced this narrative thlrtwu years ago bffnre my stepfathers death Since he died 1 have obtain possession of hi papers anil shall win puMlsli them They tell the story of the life ol an African ilver that rivals the wildest romance In Interest nil adventure while dealing In literal facts Many of the actors are yet living more Cal ami at the bottom of the sea C J HnAiiinv- CHAPTKIU Kir ten years previous tn the outbreak of late iv il War and until Ihe fall of FortSumtT I as a resident ol Ihe State nf Louisiana liuring the last five years Ihtoro the war I wa in accredited a ent of the then notorious tinder ground railroad n ctir ratlun whose history nrliten and unwritten contains enough romaiitl- iciventurfs hairbreadth escapw examples n client endurance and pathetic scenes to ftirnis- lti annals of a nation The legends of this road are no interwover with romance that It Is difficult to extract the Inn Irom the false In this story however I shal endeavor tn present a true narrative of event In which I wo personally Interested as they ncurred In the Hark Heltof iulslana In the day liefore the war lire years of my life were passed In the servici- rf this underground railroad and I was a direr participant In many of the events here chronicled I had a partner lioorge I Weiner a young man bout 21 years of ac a horn leader of mn tool anti detrmineil with a warm heart and opei hand to the call of the friendless but as an enemj man to be feared for he was a crack shot as a river pirate and to his ciml rnuragi ant resistless energy our success was largelj title He my Ideal then and although forty years He between then now I thrill with ail- miration as I think of tow He wa the son of n sugar planter nnd horn a few mils front Ih llayou Tech purish ol- Si Mars Ixiuisiana in Ihe Altfkapas country Ills father was butt his mother owned am- norked about negroes and until the yen before forming my acquaintance rnanagn- lIh plantation lie was well educated s lce Kngllsh ierman and French and was an accomilisheil musician Init he was MI thoroughly Imbued with the love o- iilventuro and ilanger that it almost tinfltteil- lilm for tiuslnesA nnd interfered with hit popu- larily nniong lh conservative Ilnnters wlir- ronslituted the bulk of the Allakajws vinilallon Hut they evlnceil a wholesnm risprtt for him founded I suspect upon his physical ns well is his Intellectual qualities for h Mood six fivi In his stockings wns well pro rlloneil and an adept In all athletic exercises Ionlrary to the usual habits of Southern gn llrnen he wits an abstainer from liqunrs hut he- an Inveterate cigarette smoker much lo- mv disgust His hair was black clustering m hrrt curls around his runhurned fare and big blue eyes had n habit of looking straight at ih lIon with whom he was conversing This Is a description of my tanner as he ap ear l in September IMS lie resided on a plantation in the sam vicinity where he and myself operated I IT Mur years under the auspices of the Ami Slavery ciely and as during that time iletectlven- ithnut number wet searchlnj for their aunt rrdil must b given for some boldness a nd shrewd n u m the enterprise We were well aware that it death In tx discovered ant we mad no tonfMnnts n th 10th day of September ISM I was sit line In my docrwny quietly smoking my cigar mi enjoying the beauty of a September Idmoon The clear air of the prairie was cnol- tnil ffaRTnnl and as I was enjoying its frislmess- Ianmg back In my rhnlr I Imaijlnil mysolf th happiest of men I was yutintr not So el nc from debt and owned the pretty I lieii on MJ biislness of lend nurveylug tnught me a gm l income In addition to lh profit ff my liti plantation This I worked with awisianc of one or two hands hired front the t lbfrintr Jantalion my ga wandered aimlessly around away rf h prairie I rooM faintly discern n speck just a leek nf nnving brown bickgrouinl up in tin c ol green that rolled to the edge of the horlMii- Mr eyes practised to such scenes nvMired rn- thi it was a mnunled titan and with the aid nf my fHdglnvt saw that h was moving Ion ill trail that M to horn with his horv at a MM neck gallop It was ieorgs HVnner s and- s he nearer I could see that writ excited n uniMiri state for him He slr ieht toward tin hitrhin putt as was liis wont Mippd Iii kridl tliriiiirli the hoU and over the end and ram liird m lining savagely at the end of his h then threw himself down iimbr tint hhud that a few yards from the hecknnlcir m In r m out undr lh tree anti sal down beside him hull aid h after he had smoked awhile- iffntyoiirasMistancilnanafTalr that Ills morn likly y will not mddls with Hecauss- if you assist your rock will Un equal danger with my ridn I was a little curious to know what tire riwrved- Huit Wnsner hail in view that menow- diVmy of a p rmij mck and laughlnicly- juiril What Is It steal a mule or rob Slop your chaffing Charlie It steal nSf and that In our criminal calendar h- ir le t crime twills so It in replied Viii had tvlter fan t rin it OmrlK lye trie l and nivrrly nt Ml her I understand In nigger Is A woman and blongs to I th whole von havent but you shall If you have i Til0 What has ln y I Vii came to Attnkapas anti when W Mry j11 shall l Ih judgf whether i m right anh n I your KppM In Sptemi sv Mm Nw- l I here wo no phyxician to he haul nd tf the rtlr Th 4 drloped and knowledge told me U was small l That was enough every living until flil In St the M lr to I I Ih C o I 1 h 1 the wa ill Mid f hIt a PIT I m h r- iP OAk hOI U lb I i 3 I I y In II r1 r8ln hr h r on rl I h I home from Irk this 1 on 101 d 1 M aoofno nol analhough- J S een 3 t b Ii frut U that hilt ihgruuin The are a a ant reik less urge iy < e Ire the y ama rode a Ij thu grew I than sere htt want utit sell got nor liateit tell hap ru1 the mltunl < > > < whites and negroes ned In terror Ont bit of chattel one child remained Cowlyii Lucy You have seen her I nodded asneiit- Mossa dnirge had been very good tn tier anti slm refuvd to leave him Thli girl remained true fnrgtttlng self In he anxiety fur me Her master sent for tier know- Ing how fatal the iliseaso win amoug negroes and li feared for lilt property She still refused to leave Dreading tlm crmlagloii he dared not send hi other negros for tier belnr cash tn- Attakapas h naturally tn keep his prop- erty tucy was valued at SI000 thru and promise of fiilur1 Ivauty Smallpox scars wouh null rontrlbuti to th market value uf a girl like her I haul stuilled medicine anti a very gom Idea nf the dlsenie and Its of treatment I expected that If very sick I nhnuld lose my reason and prepared fur It blnic determined to pill through unscarred If possible I prepared lashings tutu my arms and thin clolus to wet anti put over my face This done- I rolled lucy to m anti explained as fully a sI could tha conn1 to take I told her I might loosi my s uses but to fulliiw my mslrucUmiN ant not be afraid for 1 should bn too weak tolnluriher lam not afraid Mosna- Seorir God will take care of us wsn her quiet reply wasengnirwl toMIvs rly as you haVL prniiably heard lx fore She sent nn- n hti note of condolence in which it was evident fear pr dumlnale uvr Irr Imo for me How- ever she was my niulherr choice not mitts I my preparations maul I staggered to the tml nnd lay down to nr as Providence should determine This nai lha lost I realized for two weeks A wrt of tIme I lay In a stupor hut when aroused as I afterward learned was wild and pretty ugly through some of thosi long autumnal nights 1 was weak and helpless but thanks tu- Lucys unceasing ff nd forethought wo un- scarred by Ihe dread illneaM One midnight I nwoke The KMuber winds were sweeping over the drove tho tout ran IN sheets against the window pans Th candle burned dim but by us fnlnt light I could easily disttncuish the ntindnw of my faithful nurse I spoke sir ttirtfd her chair and tn my bedsM At nt iihe nsw that my reisil hind returned and falling on h r ktipos- 5h prnynl ns I never heard man or woman pray liofiT rind thanked Ond Hint hr prayers had been answered Think tharli sIte was not then 11 yens of age 1 trid In give h r my hand but ih was weak ID rii it then I asked for Iho- rrtrrur hld a small hand mirror before my IMP Due racer glance I turned away with a sight nf siiisfvtlon the nrdeil was passed I was iinsiMlhnl- Are you atone I Inquired She answered Yes Mr Have any of Mr Coverlyw family bn h r N sir Miss Klsf sent lhir HMII Hill utter but she told hint not income near enough- to crutch Ihe divas I could not make him h nr- acr m ns 1mdly ns I could nnd so only came twice and th cond time h had n bog over his head so the dleav wouldnt hit him I lay ttvre six weeks It nan nearly four more b fir I nns nbl to my mthr return however I was weak In holy anti rhnpsin mind and would hava help hut Lucys Then determined to repay her If I OMild I taught her to read slue ulrendv knew her Ittors tnt In n f w weeks could read- undentandinffly any fimple book And now Oiarlie conies the strangest tart of the story I beheva that srirl Is a white girl You know such things tire bapiened in 1iiiLslnna It was a lung lime hef she tuld me wind she remembers nbmit I er il and she did not say then thought she wvs white Poor child- I dont ut fhe illl think HO It was In- credible In a girl that hnd tent tier life as a nigger slave lint she said there was something strange In her first recollections That Nbe used to be lotted arid loved by a lady who must have been n suite lady and that did not talk Eng liMb to Item se was sure She says tile knots cite tnougnl tint lady wiw item lucre Is n q r r hung M n I well lucy inking a nap one tiny islie to nmka up I can tell nu lying on a pallet in room She haul n tWit ilrcnm and tried nut in lien sleep nild what she said was o nun nun aliei Now she can I sie k when she In awike and almost nn Acodlen In her slip ILM S ile accent I ve lenctime l r Acailien by way berausn a language people dint know might come In handy her tendency to make tro rreiuhc- if the way hrenci minis Irk tn her shows wivs tier nrst tongue thats iw sure IM we tire alive lucre alit now rtVI to go Uck She re anti water niieitiing around tier t- mving on it Now llinl misl luivn teen a Jour- ney nn tlo river Then en me n great lokne sic WOM i tier ieoin were sick she never saw Judy again anti all cite knows Is that tit dream Hint is not a dream she always teen a nigker slave Ihanle sIte hints rtn nl nit three years old Hie Ifce nuet No Orleans out with the worst plague it tutu ever twi I tell you 1 havo liaptencil Ibis were lley were nil wltii the fever lucy was felt among tle resr lu taken care got siiU tlie ntr slUennl nnd dliil probably and thi dark n lreil baby was soul liie remain of tin family Mime one did nut jru m or did n t want to consOler tre cnanc t nf a horrible blun- der I know the mnr s of blood well Ive remtfiilred It In hoe eyed blmid linlicd msgers In n tubule but I you finger nailis I her Immls where ever you look there not n sign i I It In lucy I can do nothing for ncr here remain her case npr could be priven before the law tOil If I made move to i M loverly would wll let or dn imcthlng wnr right nil lint I ran st iU her and tual I m going to I not told you tint nf this story of dliifks- Miiiu lying sick arid hclpleis and following with my iycs her untiring fnrin as h glidil in and out of chamber rfininUcencen of my past n continual through my sunk and clnudod mind AH I grew stronger deWrniumlion rne and my old wlf returmxl nothing but misry in my oppronchlnn mar null iClsi lh shadow of tlm plantation Ih wave mini iMlluti Held MiKid btiviin u I wrote u note nslung thil ih lie broken For nn answer I received nrnallcngnf runt her brother was a rnuiin who fell i call in br a a lance tot hits loin cousunH I accept huh chMlence also II was a cool slit and I knew u thf word bullet started tlrst anti stoptvd In his houlilfr while his colt tinconifottaliiy near my ace Hob was 1 lieu I wrote a joule hill nol to the old gen lleninn in lo him that I was with nnd the next one who thought h tint n cnll lo stand before me I would shoot through the lian I hat ended It BN thy began lose tint I wits in earnest luck tiferly is in but before h left he extorted a promise from his father not to sell lucy IVrhmw he I would want to and give her tree I have already niliirisl the Id man tlirmigli an agent l hun h r hut he ays he is ne hr for that her weight m diamonds wilt not buy her Now Charlie JtlchaM overly never shall call luv Ins Mil as he lhl elton with n llrce light I cannot fir If I cannot wUal tier 1 will shunt him I should n niiist r of Ingratitude illow this girl in whnni I own life to bo kept in hnpDKss Umdago such a sruiindrel ns ssy nothing of lh awful fact tint h i I hfllev n woman anti that 1 lovo hr I cannot to think nf It Of iMtiriH iould n l b as sure as Wesner that Oovrlyw lucy was a pure white but still even wilh no romantic to warp nint I thought it pofwibl lint his was cirrect s s ld curb things hnd Ibis ras wis enough As he tall a wild notion hal conic tutu my head II nttrai mo its quality anti I kn w too that rightly put through It he made profitable lin It without nn- th question of Iueys ran I saul tbit it you mid not I who have fallen in hurt with Lucy but I honor mil iie r into an agree mnt with lo devoir nur to running from this country Into States lucy included 1 will you tunlKlut Ivr at It if h reolied- Ve suit down and in an hour mn- iiclnl tnc plan that Kpl lh plnnlerM nf th south western in a of excite niiit five yell anti ran out of tb country neirros tn i lie value n of S10o 00 I This wets acnnnpllshed by two urn living In the illstrll lley roblwl one ol them owning several n plantation at the anw time flitting this tune we were never be- trayed nor discovered slid only once suspected hv our II mean to our will be explained hereafter IIMTKU II My motive fur undertaken this dangerous nuslnesn was love of ndviMilure Ui asslst my friend and some wnnll hope of gain Vesners heart VIAS In the vrnrk as It progressed He necame an enthusiast and I much the same flefnrn starting we agreed never In write one word upon Its subject never to tnist a tier n wIth i rret our lilenllly cr white man s SIr hAl I ill dl INn h I other I ow I j I I I f In IiI has or I hy I I I enl I nut D I lick I tceptuu the hcr 1 nl hrh r II hi l b 101N I hear I ur- n tr hippncd In 1110 rind owut In p1 b dllr d11 1d nl tiil 11101 tim Td IAP tIre a tt save t this titne Elsie uni to tick Itt riiT anti the prairie no1 came try the Ttflttito out Mt now title no iuh e that tutie trw the nut tter was getting wit uit French steep teen the the It meri lsi ti ttUltu lights nou iiiC thedarknws jiuI it hnue I tIlt it tInts ii 1st be wit I hit I tin tu t do i tilts lb t I luiveul I I lte hut ci uttiul- M mini I lit a nut suit iii iii I too lire lion sake 55 I en Iii Fit hilly tte fliI C even settli Inn Is Sutth tuti I ii nil free ri I tutu tsuu na I ii fur Ii Pit ant < < > > < < < > < > > I with our business sav In one Inslanoe w never did Negro testimony we well kntw woule we would never live town the InrtUeof a cimr- riHim NO strong would tw the feeling against ns- Wn arranged a by which we we couli write or in e neceasliy require lids we to tro learne1 tballl waskiiowiiloIoverly lucy II limit been old to e rge- AN my buMnesH called me frequently irom hom- no notice would I taken nl my lthere Inn started New when w axie till to make with thus leading to furiiNi the cities if war fmni New Orlennn anti tearing Item at a landln a few miles below this title town of Oreoln whet 1 a woodyard I haul nothing to do lucre except to sound Moore my head plait and lenti views Me not well and on wiifntly a little so I gate up this intent le for n tints tool hailing a tasting steamer kept on tn Ciiidnimll The traasii by rail Albany V omwimei- n little time From there I ti ik the steamer and about 7 ocliKk M Ocl H 1S63 foinul elf the stem ot the Ast r House thm the lintel York and the nut mo- frnqueiiied Southerners and much tn also found there a IV- Ilaiborn who lived butt a whorl illstancw from ru near the Terhe Pets people were rich and of good family He was a fleros fire eater and an Inveterate gaIn bier I knew him well enough and undeMtooi that It would not Iw advisable un my part to en deacon In shake him oil Hradley from Aliakapos be enlalmed and thn next moment arm was linked mine and we were drinking n brandy cocktail at Pel- iexttw When dill How far are you going When art you going home he In one breath I answered him as frankly as and was relieved tn flout thai he mint start for homo the next morning When morning came 1 him to the train I Met wrote Wesner n friendly letter tn let him know that I had neeu P t I then left hotel a tutu of exploration In March of thai Abomination to nil the olllce of the reek VrfAiinr This place I preferred to find without asking OH York was tilled with South- erners returning from the various Mimmer resorts I was well known on the MlMlylpli und Red rivers and did not care to be repotted M hunting for the 7rfSiiM ofOce wi or at least tried to avoid meeting any Snulhernerc espei lally I found the building will up card as Mr tStnlthniul requesturi nith Mr Horace tlreeley wan at In lilt prime the must notorious abolitionist In Ihe tnlon HasatrillHiiervousnt I entered the building in n very less nionrnts I was ushered Into the romi of the redoubtable Horace the man of all the world Sniilberners anti whose pert flutist feared There were two or three people In the room writing Mr bark In chair eliciting end of a pine mlck and evidently in no Ileasniit were abme his eyes nnd lie canned me closely Mr Smith your businevs I ran afford you hut a few moments Mr must ee alone I replied my business will tale hours Instead ol llles TWit will dn me huts These men nre sworn to secrecy In all buM Ties matters he reolied No sir not tome I answered opened the dour leading to his private office and I followed him Nnw your business quickly Mr ire name truth Charles 1 Hradley front Parish St Marys louUiara I am hero lo try to make arrangements with the men in run negroes from that and adjoining twrishes Into the free State I am a of fortune anti not a philan- thropist I will mnke Ihe venture life others must bear the expense II can give encouragement say so Name lime and place company t will unfold the whom you can trust for If this conspiracy Is made puKlr I am- an exile Irom home or my angry townsmen will suspend me from the nearest tree anti os I am worth a tine little In Louisiana I do tint wish tn be hiking life pretty well 1 do not cure in be Is your Nothlng hunt monev Yes love nf adventure and a delre- to destroy Ihe w hole slave system What Is your address he aked This I hint and promising to write nip a title specifying when he would niel me me out tint thus ended my first inter- view with I took a long walk after the Interview anti halt determined retreat content with assisting Wesner to abdtirl lucy hut In either case I wits risking neck and I concluded I should prefer to be hanged n great rascal rather than a petty one and continued my prrparnllons- T1APTFH III The next day was the Sahbnth Holh It Monday pastel and I had recalled no news from Mr Ireely- Tue d y afternoon I found n note at the hole rlrrks olllce requesting me to remain In my room from T oclock until H that evening I waited impatiently for the about 745 the naltrr bronchi up the ran of Mr Stephens He wits a thick headed fellow and wild that Mr Kntwissle wished to see me at Ids ofBce and requested me in accompany Mm I who Entwlnsle was that he dirt not know him though he knew where the nfflce was that he Stephens was a In the Tribune olflrn nnj was sent by Mr irreley I therefore concluded that he was till right anti without He look nie to the hack oilier of a bulklln- situatrd on a little cnurl n fen steps from llronir way I have forgotten Ihe street as I was only there In that office I toot Horace fireclayfierrll Smith a inemliciiftnntrrriH the Slat of New York iwhnsriiatnel wilt ivil mention as IIP Isstill unit a n whom they Introduced Mr Samuel Kntwbole Attic that nlchrslnterviewlt was Mr Knlnlssle with I dealt From words Innd spoken and nllunlcns made I do not think that was real name hut tilt checks and drafts WeT Iran signed nr Indorsed by Samuel linlwlssle tater in Ihe evening another gentleman made disappearance This was Mr Hirncyof Phllndli- ihln a al candidate fur Mr stated to Ihe other gentleman my proposition nnd called upon me In explain II to Iliem thus reader knows awl fully explaining my views The proposition by me and accepted by them was For every negro maui or woman delivered lo tItus agent the underground railroad at any point In Ohio nr soy other tree where he coiild bo besl e were to rerelve a sum of SWO and fur till children less than o years of age SlM tall over fl years to count as men or women A sum to cover all expenses was to be pdil drafts dtawn upon some financial g il f tlie Slavery III New York Ih rii M of the agent who received th fugitives Mm deemed voucher that our part waw The Anti Slavery was nun In for material and outfit im I then wanted ui en- able lo liegin operations which would amount to alum Stoic hesltancv tieing shown agreeing to furnish tlie money leaving them receipted hills anti for the amount we were ill our venture- We Intended to IMC m nvenues for tanspor- tation on by teasel or i ieam r from the snroast or on the Illver thn other across thus country viII the Iributarim of the Hrd anti Arkansas following the dilfrrenl bayous In us known coming mil on the hank of the Mississippi wood yanl Here wu could keep a curly If necewary months as Ihn country around was and wildernnw and no ever landed there from th river the deckhands of steamers calling for wood and they sldoni left the wK I explained this to them as well as my descrip- tive powers allow relumed wrote to Wesrir lo meet rue al Cairo in one month from that Mr Kntwissl hutch given ri the address of a young man who he uiih assist me in material loiether and take me in the dllferent locillttiis as I was a in the city anti I must material fur all necessary outfit something for jHissibio emergency What we most needed was a of or cnt Hs eatable if carrying leu nien each and built fi as In folded put Into a or trunk loc lran mrlation I already haul a plan for their construction and ideal Imat tell whether these would develop into anything practical tr useful when by n or on trlrtl wa i yet tn h dmonstrateii The next I called iin Mr Wllwoti and told him plans we went n black smiths shop where f showed the smith my draw- ings but he was thick headed and de of mechanical so I wasted no time with hint but went to a matiiificturtr of snaIl machln one Matthew Cnlfnti an Irishmih and a very Ingenious who comprehended the as sixm ai explained I ninth n bar- gain nub u instruct cani Tin went n mmel of simplicity strength carylng and was twenty fwt Inns six feet wide nt the Cnlre two feet deep and would cary twelve men we hunt lad In It the other was about eighteen long four feet wide eighteen end was io be used more for exploring anti working When this inU were we tint bnx remaining them tn river batik opened II anti lu last twenty eight minutes I into on th losnm- nf the HtldMin undeniably a A crowd of and men lined river bank garmg and watching our movements anti making commert I two or three to III anti the new bunt Threiif ih Imys did so anti I paddled out irha n half a mile and tack again Now gentlemen said I I have a great curi- osity in try the of hunt lo have a few of you Mn I will promise not tn drown you I held her well tn the dank until fifteen men and lull grown boys were sealed on th thwaru e hut tuuten III rUIIII hut II en 1I 11111111111 I r IIbtll1ll1nlL the Meafliet iannie liulhht out cr I m nlt hellos hi Ihl ar que 1I1Il Nl A m 1111 < I rOil I I CfrtI f1l hi II 0 I lid n m r uuuir turolert I lIomr CirpI I I m and hour 1101 and IonlAI1 fulluiweul him place of IrlIhl not hum ehicil frdp brlolI c I I 1111 I 11111111 Scd I II their t rill it drawing III I c hutnuc ellI iu rlllp nl IIn 111 I f 1I feet IlIrh rI I lIre tr 111 In hi we were eat Ii nil theut t e York taktit uuuiuwags lilt neil was s to V ll1 eu hate asked hit an Iuutert I tint s the mu reehI ml nit I eM to lily ever ant tutu I tn rig hanged I thu tuu the howurer ci uric tns if I Ii urn gui tlens it urn utnier I t ion w I nil a f Sottet tO this Item i f rut Ills nuis tat ii median uc tugethier Cr its ut uw thus or iii iinatint the ate ant < > > > > > < < < < then her off She floated handsomely with her gunwale nt least ten Inched out This was than I expected We around for fifteen minute landed liaulw our boat on the shore went to the for nu dinner returned anti started down the river In Ih arriving In Sew Ynrk JM at Cnmm hop in than four hours was well satisfied j CHAPTKH IV It was tow about lime to ex ect Wesner a Cairo and 011 won obliged to remain at least dayn longer In New I wrote him to contlnu lila Journey to New York At the expiration of a sask George Wewne tile evening walked Into Astor House I was glad enough to see him as 1 hal already anulhe Project In my mind and this wu to buy a small stock nf general goods and open a store near Werner plantation a very gui liMallon and Ih store would have a tendency In help our scheme extend our acquaintance unit bring us Into mnn Immediate contact with the free negroes In nor OiiUlCt The of these gwHla took Mimewhal than we expected antI It WBS the lest ol November before wi were back III Cairo Cm- twals were In two boxes inarknl for Hrad- leyN yard Arkansas One box contained both frames ldles to suit anti a few other Illllf- tiols the whole wilghlng a ttllle over JVI pounds The other contained the cam w covers and 280 pounds HnatM anti Iws than 710 He had several culls roM rigging and bolt aunt had also provided ourselves with a small twin nf No H a with no walls or ends This was simIlar lo utie already owned by me anti imed when surveying It woi about III the morning flee 10 when I lauded at the Stand- Ing Ulilf the I watched my partner on Uv dusk of the fast receding steamier as be dun the muddy Then for thn hind a sense of the work 1 had undertake begun to stare me In the face well known that bad some nilles the thHvariiiusstream running Into Ute Red and Arkansas limos a water course almost to the firmer river wait to make A path In Ihe waters o the St Francis on one of Ib caiioes through to the Mrram and from thence open way down tile variouscreekHnnd to thi Teche anti titer construct a rendtzvoua- s near our boxo of operations AS convenient was below a little place called Oreoln Went nf Ihe yard at a dis- tance nf about eleven stiles was II stream call l Haktr Creek This I never explored hut understood that II flowed Inln th St River tug Creek a tributary of the White Hlver was a short distance from the St Irancis and Its head- waters were well over toward that stream Although It was hut eleven mites In a direct tine In Maker Creek front our yard It wan per m or fourteen trail which we as we would lute to skirt around various ant titus high land a straight line l enc impossible nn armunt of these ob- structions linker Creek a little dried affair sluggish not over two rods wide al any place where we proposed tn strike It nol even os wide as that In the of the summ r there was but little water In Its channel In fact scarce enough In final a canne but at this season nf we hail hoped to hind three or four tech It flowed most of the way Ihnmrh an Impassable and titer were no settlements luc miles along Itt banks where we proposed locating our rood 1merdown was a clearing or no hut no bouses or fields within Mghl Its We therefore had no fear of Interruption nr al this end of the route H It had not been thus we must have abandoned yard as our terminus From the creek lo yard was a dense wMernewiaml through this I to make a path so plain that parties could get to the yard In otA after leaving the Mearner It was Important for us to have a reliable at this end of the route one threats coult Intimidate or I found such a one in Daniel V Moore a natlvi of he WRS afterward a Captain I the Army and wo shot at so thus narrative cannot Inlure him Pnor Moore1 His parents were on the steamer II Smith when Item exploded at Yldalli In lloth were killed n child penniless anti friendless Since then he world and finally engaged with m lo take charge of my where he had been- I believe about two To him I unfolded my plans careful not li mention Ve oers name sure of Ids flrrt from his love of adventure secom front hatred of the planters and lastly be- cause of the po IMe chance to money which this scheme promised To him In a great measure the suc- cess of oUT work I haul ten men wrxd slaves hired fo the season but as ramped anti worked two miles front the landing they saw nothing nf us 7i lit rontinwd nr HER nivnn Fnr tier lie Passed Sixteen Years In Exl Branded s a Murderer Prom th nalllmsrt Sun BmsToi Vn April 15 Connally Fields hn Just been relieved by the Governor of Vir- ginia of n rharge of murder nod outlawry which hn stood against the man since issi nod huts mused him to be an exile from honi All llne years Fields resided In hIm tar Ve t nnd without the privilege of returning lo hi unlive home in Smt roiinty Ylrelnin- n II free mnn Hi1 w charged wilh the burr dot nf hi lirnllirinlav William A Scott nnd hnvine tilled to nppear to answer lo tIme clmrc at live cnmeeutlvi1 terms of the court wn declared In lie a murderer nod outlaw Hark of ihl I v Interesting story of a hu- hnnduself The killing of Ylllinni A Scott wa due to bad blood lint had ej led between him nnd the Field family for fome time Seolt had l oen upon 1leldss land n whleh haul InienMd Mr Fields Scotts sister more that her husband The woman urged Field to rfltlei tItus matter with Scott The men met near Fields home rind a de- peral slrutrelei liotween Ilieni followed Mr Field joined with her liu bnnd In Ihn fight and before It vn over Hoolt fruit fatally wounded his body having been pierced hy Instrument The Idlllng created un- usual nt nnd llie gained that Field who had given himself to the ofllcHf WB Km of nn U- Nrulledfor murder llecau of Ihresls ngnlnst life In1 llwl and located III thus whern lie hn lnro lieeii Miecixsfiil having as a rnllroml rnnn- FloliKs wife in Scotl eotmlv hiied for and obtained u divorce upon I he ground nf doerllon Afterward In nf temtier she shot nnd wounded A respectable lady lu isimniiinlty Fur this crime BH idol nnd to ferve five year In the Virginia Penitentiary Before served IT time mil slut III nf- Ionsiiniptlon rId was pardoned bv She died a russ dnys utter lirr riturn home her the erret which her Inif had o retained brcum known II was Mrs Fields Instead of hot husband who murdered tier brother Some Hmo otter Ih trasedv n pnlr of scissors tulnid with Mood n outbid on bite cenn- nf thus murder Down a Jloantnln on an Avalanche fr in tlu WatWngttn 1 bad a most remarkable experience about year nco saul Mr Herman of Seattle Wash at the Hotel It was so re mariihl thai rerfons to whom I have related II regard me with Mispicinn anti not infrequently leave suit the Impression lhal as II prevari- cator I vould eclipse Ananias Hut hIrer tire three othr ierNons who can vouch fur the truth jf thus story We were prusiiectiug on n mountain in Van ouver It was In the spring nf the year and earth soft and wet When about half up the nf the mountain without lh slightest warning an area about one hundred fieemed lo break loose from the r t antI darted with llghlnlng Aeil down the moun lain The soerneil tu be about five or six feet deep and carried with il tree mocks and Fortunately myself and were rinse to upper of the sliding land anti Mut ride dn n the mountain sole nn that svalanche tens the most and perilous one I ver want to experience I route irunk of a fallen tree and my friends were cline ing ten ciou to Its We covered n of about a mils In I should about half a nlmile allboiich none of held stop atchvi The avalanche tutors tn a near the toot of the mountain In a small valley and strange lo of us tie ease one ellow wns struck nn the leg a Imuldr after we bed come m a Hoti Talk iranslt that ride txat anything I ever experienced ir heard of A fierlons Occasion Prom tht Chtraio Hally Ve- wStelluI win awfully nerrou when Jock Maude Wns It such a surprise KlelliXo I was afrilJ sonic one would come In anti Interrupt him Matterf of Interest Concerning llnrnei fully anti ohlr treated In THI BUMS lews columns than In tiny other medium Ad thus more valuable Till UN furobvlojti reasons Uemetubcr till ho ddl ten ork td II lilt time 91 idea s rMr our I w Ivllrd 11I 1 11m 1111 It IIn I Hr the- M Ih IIrlldl man 11I 1I1l hut I IIi O had lIr hi rlllllll UIEtUEn wifr lol1 Fled ml wa aln < III loonnr wit h 11111 nIl 11 lion AI the tit Itt t lOrlon I dl lIr A 7 AT com auto the tie abut tit sates mum the itrsitf make M hue lint halts whom co- operation wit line serIhie for Irk I ripa ci tin utah mr I wit s iso II mr Vi lila I lie seriously the a Kin was stile side lie say flume tunes f > ¬ < > < > > < W01IST OF ALL BAD liT WAS WKSTKKX lllll 771 r TEn lion HP IARxoxH aviru Not u Driperudn In Appeurince but lucidly Mm to Kin Ip Atlnitomill- cvlltrles And Horn hood Heeds Crrillt lleformed Onen eHory- VrH nlr MM the Heformed One the ver worst man In the whole world were Western Hill the terror of Ih Parsons iulfh III real nmiw was Thomas Smith anti bn were like A desperado than nny other man I ever wn- mitslilM n n tx ok on the Wild West Hill l oi- xhnwA titus deceitful n Is looks Outwardly Wenteru 11111 were A threelimes kalsmnlnn- sepulfhree lint Inwardly h nete n menniterl- ol ravening wolfs He were Atmut our fret his with lone Won dined linir antI A mild blue rye with a voice bit him like A womans than any woman I ever com across He always wore while kli gloves AH Knit with tassel an mmt Ken erlly when lie was out for gore he dressed li- n Nwaller tall thus Tuxedo roM had been Invenlrcl before Ilial mAn died hed A wore Informal n Units He wits n Mlrkler for ell quelle were Western Hill He rnilld d some things I never tune else do He rould shunt behind JIm with Just as much certainly as he rould shoot li front of him anti he could do It wltli both hands He was dendly A iloren times Ive reel him If Ive Keen It once standing itlnVlnir A the bar when sonic one of MN enemies would rom AireepIng up to the door liopln7 lo catch hln and kill him nnd each tIme that there little bat- man would turn round quirk as a llah and and nlrk first I seen him onre when seven of enemies Attacked him from behind didnt move for il seemed to me a long time Thei- he flashed round lila revolver spoke six times and six of tIn just dropped In their tracks and lay stilt of em shunt throueli the brain tl the left eye Tire seventh mnn come on knowing that HillNgun were empty Well what did 11111 do He squirt vichy Iron a syphoon At the last man and hint run- ning out of the place like all ponarasecl That Hill humorous you we and ready a lake Anti then h situ to me regretful like An 1 wernt dressed to recede company For he were In his pajamas having got out 01 bed to drink with me He were particular were Hill except with friends I other men a don or so has beer credited with Inventing the holdingup single handed of a It were who Invented it really He began ll lljiis Tin siege from Parson Oulrh were coming down lull not far from the with ten passenger anti about a million dollars In dust In the box Hill ran up hill toward It put his hands on thi heads of the leaders and swung himself onto the pot right between wheel horses Then tie run along tint pule to tint driver made hint rome down anti then at leisure drove the conch to n quiet and went through the passengers- He me afterward he got about A n half that haul There were a reputed million alre Aboard hut hilt got only 810000 out of hint and his reputation felt at once Vest d the same trick were done to a stag two hundred miles away Hill again How that man rould travel and by stare rubbing degenerate anti Hill began to rob trains He was thin Uine Train Ilobher hearth ol him He signalled a train one and when it stopped he lust ant while pretending Ir to engineer he llfied one off the trark careless like and put it on the ground Course that lust prevented the train from going on arid hull went at his took In a right good sum that night he told me Vow never guess what lllll did with his 111 gotten gains He founded an nsylnm for retired stage robbers anti another one for old a third one for children of desperadoes II wits lo hint In Ihe exciting life walking among the children In his or attention to some fear lady I r bless yilu It brings the tears lo mv eves now when I think of It Well well well II had lo be Twas hl love for rhlMren that brought tutor town at last Aol yet It was unintentional on the part of the child that did It Hill recognlred that fart tine day he drove up In his hone to see a child that been il with the grip He were In full dress so I knew he were awl he admitted he huh a lob on but he were never too htisv to wt his friends So he saw the killnnd mad him bv giving him a little six shoner anti 1 flask He had rune fault bad PUt UII were a fault he couldnt forgel the Wel the kid were tickle I 10 ilealh and Insisted that Hill should a pie of some randy the whole nti h teen Hill consented but It killed hint He choked on It lilt lust words were belter as It Is Poor Hill1 He were undoubtedly the very worst bed men ever known the irioni SAXMKOFP 4v The Russian Ripcdltlon Which llaton Tol Will d to un Inknnivn RegIon One ol the most Important polar expedition to b In the field Ihls year Is th parly that Hrroi- K von Toll with take tout the Arctic waters north of for thin fiirposo of exploring Sanni koll Land which has been seen nt a distance never Wt l Many rnrlcgraphers long de dined to indicate this land on their reaps berati they thought the evident of its eiistetice wa not reliable It was first seen by the Yakutsk merchant lacoh Sannlkoff When on a visit in the New Siberia Islands In 1811 he saw on a clear summer day from the northern Island ol the group the eoaM line of thin hitherto unknown land No one saw this land again until Daron von Toll standing on Kotelnol Ifland of New Siberian group In IfiSrt was rewarded with n dis- tant view of It Slncn then cartographers have not hesitated tnlndicale ibIs land im their traps It Is the belief of Haron von Toll that SannlkofI- l nd of an archipelago to which the lie l ng Islands discovered by the unfortunate also belong He thinks It probable that hn may find an of Im- tmrtsnt extent though It Is not likely that It In- cludes Islnnds of very large The on a much more ambitious Kcale than that first nlanned Harnn von Toll lie huts purchased a Norwegian whaler renamed It the Sarja and will start from St alxiit the middle of lime Accompanied by twenty men Including at astronomer a a He will steam the Arctic north of Into the Kara Sea it expert to advance In the first seawm much b yowl time penlnMla where he will rest winter In the summer of iDOl he will endeavor to push his ves el to the north of the New Mtxvln Islands and find a winter harbor either upon Situ nlliiilf Land or Dennett Island He will then give a year to bin In this region Is well known lo one of the most scientific of and the of tilt enterprise Is enhanced by the fact that his scien- tific work wilt I rf time best lie will give particular Attention lo meteorolnglcal re the region to Is realty the centre of a considerable rluster of land masses he will carefully map them anti learn as mulch of them as In the time at his illsimsal Then III the summer of 1002 he will begin his homeward Journey pnsslnr out of Arctic waters through thus being the second to make thus northeast ra Fegt which Nordrn- Bkiolil wits the llrM to accomplish rrVB OP IHCKWItKAT Crop Once In This Coanlrr bet Steadily nerre lnr What Is tIre rustler with burknhfAf Cakrs made of It anti eaten warm are regarded as very nutritious anti are stilt a favorite article of food with many thousand hut for alt that the culll- vatloit of the l steadily declining It must be thai A great many hive stopped eating buck- wheat rakes for there Is certainly n great deal less buckwheat in be eaten than In former days Thirty five years ago the farmers of our country nowcd every year over 1100000 acres la buck wheat Since then the crop huts sometimes been larger sometimes smaller but on tInt whole the acreage anti yield have been almost steadily rtrcrMsIn In 1808 icreai was 1T8SA2 only a little more than half that of thirlyfiva rs anti the yield was 11700000 bushels which wits ar nit onehalf the yield at the riMe of tint Civil War Vo explanation of this great decline in buck- wheat tech made It Is probable however that unreliability of Ito which Is somllmes large and sometimes small without emit apparent rra n for Inn variation has lit courasre many farmers Another reason for tin decline bn the larger use within the few of cereal wheat till of which conic under the general of hygienIc foods These have won many persons from their allegiance o buckwheat If buckwheat raising continues to decline per the bees most nf all will miss the they are very i irllal tn the flowers of this which secret A great steal nf that Is not however if the first iU lity as everybody knows who hits eden II- Huckwlieal Is not raised widely over the world and lids feet makes Its decline America where It Is most largely grown alt the more Interesting Hiifcsla and France are about the In that produce It and treat Britain has never taken In buckwheat e ke and lm dorli very little of Iht grain MEN like file rh If one fur anT- I tire em hi men each fur n tsiemn ulrh less lId tug none a saw lie sent was the hu OUt e lathes ant see p tat it nil t It lie eat it Its fee Siberia hunt the is ii part lpauttieii expedition site imwa 1arun hue lrtit A large grit n Pta the a desig- nation hone > < > IMK4V4M POLICKUKX I Not lug Enough or llr e Enonih to Hindi the IHiorderly Element HAVANA April IHThu rt organlr tlnti of police force U the general topic of dIscussIon by the prow and public An thin tcsull of kllllnu of a dl hntceJ American named Wnlsh thorn It a demand tint i whole fore be and that pntrolmrr- bo made d rMnlont nobly upon club when thojrtiroattnekrd OwIng to phralrnl In- ferlorlty o the men however such nn export ment would bo dangerous A robust man conM take a club K Cuban rollcemnn with but little risk Ileallzlni this the polln arc ready lo resort to pistol i The chief difficulty with the forca M at tree ant constituted g the physical weakness mind conoequont cowardice of lt components I Chief CartlenR realizes this If the stnndnn- nf hTnlcal uualincatlnns should be rnlsnd whlto Cubann would beprastlcallyshut out I Chief Cardcnns admits that would not of the required physique There are ni negroes on the force now They are mud and stronger men than thus whites mUlit make Rood policemen but while tin prejudice here against negroes In not so strong AS It I In this Inlted Rtates It fttlll exists j Chief Cardenas believes tlmt this prejudIce would Impair their usefulness as guardians o- the public pone There Is no public order against using nezrow but flen Iudlnw i opposed to It md thought that the whites j owned property and paid taxes should the city The Spaniards area strong and sturdy race but It In doubtful If the Cubans would be will leg to submit to Spanish pollco force Tho- Hpnnlards from certain provinces of Spain liars the strength and courage to do police duty unarmed unless political resentment should raise such an outcry among the people as to lead to race troubles Then of coumn armed or unarmed they could not stand against theprensure Some Americans have boon tried but tIn ray Is sosmnll that they refuse to stay Lack of knowledge of the language Is also a hindrance to their work If thn whole com- munity was Cuban then Cubans could do the work but where there ore two more sturdy anti robust races In the city Cubans are not equal to the task With revolvers killings mire sure to follow and without them there Is a question whether Cubans could preserve order The police of Santiago were disarmed by Gen Wood and they still maintained order there However that city U smaller titan Havana There mire many negroes on force there This will probably follow here though Gen Wool huts not yet considered the problem I which Is recognized nt a difficult one One j tiring Is admitted That Is that the effort of the police court to put backbone Into the police has ailed because they did not have the judg moot or strength o character to stand It The census data from Washington has ar- rived anti It will probably be given out to morrow both lucre anti tn the United States VEir flEojov iv rov It Says Its Votaries Need Not Work and It li SpreadIng Fast MANILA March II A new religion hits been started In lurnn and sonic people think It will land to trouble Its main doctrine releases Its followers from thus necessity of working The supreme being tn whnm prayers are directed will II Is declared provide sustenance for alt true believers The religion Is therefore attractive to the Filipino who tines not do any more work than Is necessary tn keep himself in rice cigar cite anti belch nut anyway A man named lablnl started the religion and votaries are known as iablnlsls Jabinl- nnd several of his ilearons or duels n ere and informally stint thus Spanish authorities at Apiltt The new creed was not stam cd null however chief clerk Felipe took It up After doing a Illllr service In tire Filipino army Salvador tunic devotes himself In extending lint faith Wonderful Htorles go abroad miracles Salvador ties i fotmeil Sick are carried to hint to be cured Slid If they die under his treatment It Is said they wero not sincere In their faith The Galilnisllc religion as nearly as can lr learned Is very simple Tbe guiltier and him In an supreme being whn I to provide food to ful subjects In some manner cud to cures The chief nf the believer Is in make at least one pilgrimage a year tn tin maIn shrine which Is miles above San Iuls on a In tbe or swamp Here Salvador ha loud a erected It Is nn Imposing allalr of hamlet nnd thatch with a few seals Salvador styled himself lienrral and hr has Itwasal the suggestion ofnerernl of the village of Otis at last gave orders lo have Salvador In custody This happened two months agn this churjli was not and neither were Ids services which went on after a slight a new general being Installed In the person of Salvadors chief clerk Salvadors was due ID a belief that as an Insurgent leader he WAS the people to fresh outbreaks In addition lo the general there are several chiefs It is thin mnln of these chiefs to collect the tees which are regularly exacted from all believers At the present lIttle tho iablnlsllc church U thriving anti growing every day Planters that It lis takIng away their laborers It Is sail the new chuich tins nt least 10000 members The members eem to lie little atfeiled at the removal of Salvador fur they believe his trudy consists of two parts lentil And one A spiritual material Is of course in Manila the spiritual part returns to pray with the congrega Thin sick people who are carried lo that shrine on titters are to malts a complete mull feMion of their sins whereupon ulcers not A sign the has not made full admission of hits shortcomings anti therefore cannot be forgIven Controversies Which llftvci Been In Progress let n Century The controversy as in the boundary line between thin Stairs of Virginia and Tennessee which huts been In progress for moire than a hundred years and Involves Jurisdiction over A strip of land in the Cumberland Mountains nearly rums hundred miliw long has at last reached the Supreme rentrI of the United States which has been asked to appoint a hoard of commissioners lo survey and officially to declare where Virginia ends and Ten nwsee begins This contest nf the oldest Ixtneen the State is one only of several similar controversies which hate been going on fur many years Sum of tin States Involved tire Virginia Maryland tout Pennsylvania Kentucky und Ken Arkansas anti Missouri Texas anti Arkan its and California and Nevada Tennesiew wits admitted Into Hie Inion in- IM At that time the surveys of the mountain districts which are partly within Irglnla and partly within Teimevfe were Imperfect nnd lo sonic extent misleading and since then the ion nn lo where the line of division runs has been continued steadily but without ns yet city determination Few American Slnles separated by ordinary geographical lines Mich AS for instance New lerrey from Us neighboring States This tins of li tIre litter and New l r ey ties tween thi Delaware titter anti the Atlantic Orean- norlhof Delaware Hut the northern luxindnry which nry of Orange and llnckland counties V Is indllnlle has long been the subject of dis- pute In like mann r tn has the line rally the line which would divide New York Intro Connecticut anti Mnsvichu clts would be the Hirer the head of navigation of which at Troy Is almost exactly op iMl the boundary line between Maasarhii etis anti lIlt I for other reasons more crgent lhnnlhieof i raphy of time hudson Is inrludnl In New Sork ax well a seat until like convldora- tlons account for sonic of the division between Vextern Suite New YurkH boundaries though iipparently settled in 177il have been stibjeit to r mlnatlon from time m lime by various commis- sioners and ftcenu anti hate Nen established under authority of various legin- lallve enactments nit wits piisseil the lzlshture May 1S7 dlrntlng the com n ission rs to resume the work of examination of the true location ol the ininiiiii1iiis which mark the iteveral Ixmndarb of Stale as authoried by the Senate tesolullon of IW7 innectin with Pennsylvania and New respectively tn monuments nifty dilapidated nr been re- moved on boundary lines nf those Stales A romraltlee was for title imtpo June I lS7f In laM the New York commissioners met commissioners appointed hue Staw n Pennsylvania anti New for the f Ihe boundary lines us originally established anti marked with monument thus were authrrtzed to renrw tine dilapidated or lost monumenli end to erect ones If deemed Indfr lire provisions of this law th New Jersey wan as recently M 1853 and the Pennsylvania In POOR I the tIns I soldIer tIn disarmed tIns from ever the for they lie larger anti I was who guard tIm I its ii fun auut rut us enmesh dm mutdel huh that they cute qTITE lWf7ND4RlE cue eet ira hue lie uf lImo Sluitu ruIns clung ii e N en uork anu S ermunt thus te etanuimuui Ill it 2 this attul In jersey the tu ierse necesser line ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MINING CLAIM FOR BONES rnosrKcrint- IHMII EM ninur T9 tiisrunoxsIl- iunil lilts iif Three Animals In nn OH- Suunip leo lisle In the Sestiin In Pig fur then and 10 tiled llner CUlm for Land The Mxtodniu uf This Conntrr- IIH VNIIKIXS Cal April ItlOno of most romurknbln mining claims over filed hai recently canoe to light In Angelns A well known attorney huts on some parts of enormous tiiska of mnHtodon literally buncli of ttiiw found bv n client In Death Valley i unit It was on tho bones nf this animal that the claim wits flint Death Valley Is wellknown depression In tutu eastern and contra part of California In winter It Is not i particularly nttrnctlve region hunt In summer It lit several uVzree mom dlsagriciiblo thao almost anr ether Hpot on earth The heat which IH raillaltd from thn rocky mountain lucre Is unbearable nnd In midsummer this VIIHI unkeii pit In the homo of ihn unmlHtoriiu anti given over to trxolrinentnl Millions of yeir ago this region In eli prolx ability was covered with a forest growth nni was freqnentcd by largo anti ixiwerful mntta tout Tins valley offors few InducenirntH to any but the owners ot borux nuns anti gold silver and Collier prospector It so happened that on of thn littler entered the vulloy late during present on on nnd wandered through tins mountains looking for treasure or signs whan ho stumbled man bones Invostlgntlon showed that they were tnorely the Indications of others leneath his Mirfnci which haul not been wnsbedawuy nni- n little work resulted In uncovering some enormouH t links which could belong only lo am- nnlmal of thin elephant unity hove tlgatlon khnwed that In commit way three clean the elephants haul diet anti teen covoroJ up hero It wa Imposhlblo to take them out anti as thus prospector did not wish to remain thore ho adopted tire In- cenlotit expedient of inking out n miner claim and having It fllod with tnony bringing onu of the tusks to Ios Angeles to exhibit Thin excavations mule showed that the remains of throe mastodons wore lying to- gether undisturbed where they hail fallen ago From the nature of the surroundings It was evident that at one time there haul been n anti the assumption was henl nf mriftciJons hind wandered Into ihn slough foul had tn eome mIred Thus fact that three okelitons wern Ivlng side t y Klilo khnwert- n habit will known among todny when In fear they rush tngcthrr nod Btaud la grout American cildtlmo huts wen driven Into thn cwiimp huninn- encmltH or they mnv tints Into tItus in sinking Into the itiik nd- or mud whloh lint th of no many animals Titus the grmt elk Is found bogged In Irish Thus lllg llono is famous for thus remains of animal caught In thus trencherous mud anti whenever n mastodon skeleUm isdlsov rei1 It turns outihiit It W B trapped ellh r- In the of n clrenm or a I nz Tim three mastodon thus Maked nut will soon bn taken out bone by bone nnd mounted If thcv prove to be petloct will be ns valuable as a nuesct Tills dl covi ry of several In the same place In not unusual A still more re wi rnnde In Warren N J several venrs nto liy a farmer who In digging out until front it email swamp cnmeupun dkildtono of six Monte ol them were lying on their sides others stood erect shewing that ih y total nil hi eoini mired In this ancient bog tan easily Imairlne these monntiM stud their trumpeting thair btrug glee tn escape was the ground nf those strong mentors anti their have livn In Hlmu t ever county nnd oven on the Inland of Hinti lln n twenty mills out tn sen Th skeleton writ discovered In n railway cut south of Los AngelnD Tim Ukkmiii eerneil many feet nbovn titus bed ot tIme prisenf stream Into whleh tlu hiiei ami ICiiti trnrped In this region this remains of two event elephstils an loundtb the elephant the n wjitthern form ot the great mam- moth The two are en lly dlsilnaiilhed ih mum moth nnd elephant having huge teeth tIre surface of which flat with parallel lines whili the inothof the miiftoilon ratnl being made up apparently of flv teeth How lone non the mnstodon beonmo extinct l trot known but some naturRll tn belleva that It ronmed tint enrth within live hundred the most remarkable fenturn about this miltnal was tie rink which differed very materially In the different Clcs butt three tu ks one In the lower and two In upper Others haul four of these extraor- dinary weapon ittwo In each extending i Htialght In n mastodon found at Sitinonda tint two tusks were long flout sleniler tilt bent In toward ouch other swords than anything In what Is known an tIn Ohio mastodon two tusks iiflalropxlended out rising In a graceful curve while In lh lower lawn small nk llvl AV A I Isacurlous fact that In tilt the skeleton of voting mnstoilniistnund the tusk won In tha lower jaw of both mule end female In the e tunic It soon lost remaining In the male which haul thren formldnhle or fighting wcnponK In th ln lnifnn onyiro onoM common nn this continenth two tttski- reombled HIOHO nf tire ordinary elephant of toliny unit from the luster grew a of giving this animal the most for- midable armament of arty anlnmlof Its time a when It attacked Its It pierced It with four knives of Nine different species of these animals once roamed t Ilvn am known from India nnd Inur Inhuhlted the forests every HlatuIn the Vnlon Living ut Iho same were pigmy elephants trill larger titan sheep whll iludr not hiivu been larger than cats As remarkable as was the tusk armament of mnstodons there I record n modern alephiint which In Its dental tnr thini The animal wits observed by Thomas Hates FllGK a friend aol comnnnlon of Mvlncston In of his travels Thn htilmnl hnd nine tusks llvn were on right sift anti four on tho all glowing out of the upper Tho ordinary about thirty pounds each Just behind those a pair projected whlcli pointed downward mini An elophnnt with spiral tusks has b m seen anti slnuletuaked not uncommon In SoubuniliiiitwirB the matodons Hint there Is hardly n tnusmim In thin country without poilmiiis of their hut ptirfect nkoletotia- arH tint NO common Otto of best stands In Museum nt Albany known a this Vdion mastodon having leon foitud ancient pot hole The length of the Albany specimen loot II Inches height Philadelphia cnd Science anti Rutgers Lolligu have good The onn adopted to secure the three mtiito dons In by n minors claim hits attn u ed to sicure n whale down the const froth Urn The animal In- tho old sea hued of the 1lclocene ngo nt the of a olllT where the sea Is constantly washing It away A few weeks ago knee were un and a miners claim for thn trot was and they are now icing taken out on by one with the greatest care ftisrvrnov Oar Man Who Succeeded hy Ills Work on lbs till llnss Dram It Is n rtirtiiM and fict said CoL Allii r that n man ruin unit v distinction In- ii roniinunilv in hnl vef vnlk h may follow 10 r what hit may f It Is nut require hsl InsNhMll l i lilly pursuit lhat er vihrt- er bo dot hnll b dun Mi rlaliv ly well or- n such manner ns to catch th ruhlir Pulley onn knew n biss driimmr In a band w- hhn th Ivind parided was the centre of allrac Ion In li- Ili iadnllia bi wf in toll a i hUh success n any In His ilrumnting hal invelly huraiT ti i Ib rarrifd hit drum imiHlf In front of him ftiihoiil lIp by strain irniiml In back mid iiMd two drjm I n enr ng that llils i 1 sliiiiiirii r floim hisj- ml In i c nl tin n in what Is ni w iMId Host IIi lilv iimitiing lMl s in i ut thm ntrr nlwnv in rei t ilme but mill Oil rmt siirir iii viiriteini IK nnshlng on clink ir Imh in li ni si niniiilcil rn ntrn in ml bringing ine r Ixith mn tliy ngnm in- ieie s rs- ull rlii mi Mtroiis inmiliiii nver in- iqetlirinisM enueniv curl us nnd hidsl i3ibinilioiis f wiiiils thil ippiiild- th n f grilisiiu1 and humorous irre- itMv PI imi to unit ahng r n Ih hid ulii l bnml turned ut n M anil h er- In hn s ririinin r plnj Mfny n limn iy niglit in lit uh n we hid nrrhligln r si ns m the icin and Ihn- nnd out t lsi tem I have wslkcdi- lMIT where 1 iiitilil s tuft tOil wiirheH his ltuiii tel flyintf 1id ist n l riimli ri trout l IM bs loiibo tle drun1 nine Folks thnt ilntn I kniT horn u d null h v wniiil r d it him pout in- lis walk rn lif HA il yinson H lassilrumj- ihch might iil s in ti Miriot to Iliu h iroiri wiih nrv- oin pnl nnd rtginnlity qinh ibnt toni resixit nnd in nhaernf- nirsill thy nf displayed foul no h Mfil eRfly hsh ulilsanit irrTir tin si ibo haul tihlevcd distinction to thtt conuiiunlljr Ifll iiiiii a the the Los Itt tibho s a terrors the sonic euurious wlthtout appliances mill tIu core ages swamp there that I these elephant mu tip Ill ni I uotm ii t t ice thut lint that tub mini mit ii s trail t last Perfect wits lit I trrnsiouinn anti I lat flue rice ii It set I One the else tick ii was tusks the nit the art I utui lit tusks I tnt lit lOaf 21 Angel lie lace thus male trriii I mulrest mug S uric I tutu liiu I drullimuluuumgnn un nuil a arlene tutu feet Intuit suuiuual i nut e t II ri tan tEll inCh lIt trtal 11110 it tilt utttar Foul curt I 4 tIn I- U < I to Ill ru g Ito glttt I 1 ret uig it rui lu tick lute i untuut kuiuv rulu It tse it fin lute is ran ni P ul ni Ft un nail nut mttIu mtehi > < ¬ < ¬ < > ° <

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-04-22 [p ].THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 22 UKJO r rH rnH1- rITQ W 1i THE PATH BEYOND THE LEVEE A Story Uadircrouid Railroad CtpytHV IM tv UfClurt Co IXTKOniCTJOV-iUny



rH rnH1-

rITQW 1i


A Story Uadircrouid Railroad

CtpytHV IM tv UfClurt Co

IXTKOniCTJOV-iUny years ago long before the breakln

th OfII War the writer of this book wf-

rrivil engineer and land surveyor In what wa

did l now called the Attakapas count-

rt iiisaI bl b n sent tu l ulsiana by my stepfatbe-

arn eie business It Mae bis InUntlon lha

stuily nnd e ieinee I fhould return

nnn n the Helllement near the mouth o

U ila Illver on the West fonst of Afrlfn her

eU Ihre in ar 1HI4 Mng nearlyul age and having no knowledge or ac-

iiiiintanre with lha world except thai galne

tKk and from Ihe ofllrers and crews o-

r various vessels that tradisl nt our harramnii-

My sttplather wns ambllious nn had lenl

monv ami It an his darlltie scheme tu lay

jj the cuiinlry into forms mlnnlM them am-

MtabliHli an Independent government ut n the

ptM ria 1-

IertURal beld nominal possfsMoti ol the dls-

Irjri h wlslieil to locati Anti he hat obtained

I grant ol an ennrmous tract of land for

purvo Th wl when the llave ullf ws-

JnuriJhine pressure of the Eng

Hh and American war vessels crippled him

Jnannally and his harracoon Iwlng eventuall

4 ir vH he left Africa and sMtld In Missis-

ipplin 1851

changes Interfered with his plans fur

Vv ftiuralion and future prospects and I wn

Milted depend upon mynelf-

Th dck o n slaver was a wild school In which

ID ham Ihe alphabet of life and when Oeorgo-

Wesner approached me with his extraonlina-rjch Illllf knew the past history of hi-

tpt pupil He often wondered at my easy adap-

uuon to negrn character and my knnwledgi-

I V l oast gibberishI commenced this narrative thlrtwu years ago

bffnre my stepfathers death Since he died

1 have obtain possession of hi papers anil

shall win puMlsli themThey tell the story of the life ol an African

ilver that rivals the wildest romance In Interestnil adventure while dealing In literal facts

Many of the actors are yet living more

Cal ami at the bottom of the seaC J HnAiiinv-


Kir ten years previous tn the outbreak oflate iv il War and until Ihe fall of FortSumtTI as a resident ol Ihe State nf Louisiana

liuring the last five years Ihtoro the war I wa

in accredited a ent of the then notorious tinderground railroad n ctir ratlun whose historynrliten and unwritten contains enough romaiitl-iciventurfs hairbreadth escapw examples nclient endurance and pathetic scenes to ftirnis-

lti annals of a nationThe legends of this road are no interwover

with romance that It Is difficult to extract the InnIrom the false In this story however I shalendeavor tn present a true narrative of eventIn which I wo personally Interested as theyncurred In the Hark Heltof iulslana In the dayliefore the war

lire years of my life were passed In the servici-

rf this underground railroad and I was a direrparticipant In many of the events here chronicledI had a partner lioorge I Weiner a young manbout 21 years of ac a horn leader of mntool anti detrmineil with a warm heart and opeihand to the call of the friendless but as an enemj

man to be feared for he was a crack shotas a river pirate and to his ciml rnuragi

ant resistless energy our success was largeljtitle He my Ideal then and although fortyyears He between then now I thrill with ail-

miration as I think of towHe wa the son of n sugar planter nnd horn

a few mils front Ih llayou Tech purish ol-

Si Mars Ixiuisiana in Ihe Altfkapas countryIlls father was butt his mother owned am-

norked about negroes and until the yenbefore forming my acquaintance rnanagn-lIh plantation

lie was well educated s lce Kngllsh iermanand French and was an accomilisheil musicianInit he was MI thoroughly Imbued with the love o-

iilventuro and ilanger that it almost tinfltteil-lilm for tiuslnesA nnd interfered with hit popu-larily nniong lh conservative Ilnnters wlir-

ronslituted the bulk of the Allakajws vinilallonHut they evlnceil a wholesnm risprtt for himfounded I suspect upon his physical ns wellis his Intellectual qualities for h Mood six fivi

In his stockings wns well pro rlloneil and anadept In all athletic exercises

Ionlrary to the usual habits of Southern gnllrnen he wits an abstainer from liqunrs hut he-

an Inveterate cigarette smoker much lo-

mv disgust His hair was black clusteringm hrrt curls around his runhurned fare andbig blue eyes had n habit of looking straight atih lIon with whom he was conversing This

Is a description of my tanner as he ap ear l

in September IMS lie resided on a plantationin the sam vicinity where he and myself operatedI IT Mur years under the auspices of the AmiSlavery ciely and as during that time iletectlven-

ithnut number wet searchlnj for their auntrrdil must b given for some boldness a nd shrewdn u m the enterprise We were well aware thatit death In tx discovered ant we mad notonfMnnts

n th 10th day of September ISM I was sitline In my docrwny quietly smoking my cigar

mi enjoying the beauty of a SeptemberIdmoon The clear air of the prairie was cnol-

tnil ffaRTnnl and as I was enjoying its frislmess-Ianmg back In my rhnlr I Imaijlnil mysolfth happiest of men I was yutintr not Soel nc from debt and owned the prettyI lieii on MJ biislness of lend nurveylugtnught me a gm l income In addition to lh profitff my liti plantation This I worked withawisianc of one or two hands hired front thet lbfrintr Jantalion

my ga wandered aimlessly around awayrf h prairie I rooM faintly discern n speck

just a leek nf nnving brown bickgrouinl up in tinc ol green that rolled to the edge of the horlMii-

Mr eyes practised to such scenes nvMired rn-

thi it was a mnunled titan and with the aid nfmy fHdglnvt saw that h was moving Ionill trail that M to horn with his horv at aMM neck gallop It was ieorgs HVnner


s he nearer I could see that writ excitedn uniMiri state for him He slr ieht toward

tin hitrhin putt as was liis wont Mippd Iiikridl tliriiiirli the hoU and over the end and ramliird m lining savagely at the end of his

h then threw himself down iimbr tint hhudthat a few yards from the

hecknnlcir m In r m out undr lh treeanti sal down beside him

hull aid h after he had smoked awhile-iffntyoiirasMistancilnanafTalr that Ills morn

likly y will not mddls with Hecauss-if you assist your rock will Un equal danger withmy ridn

I was a little curious to know what tire riwrved-Huit Wnsner hail in view that menow-

diVmy of a p rmij mck and laughlnicly-juiril What Is It steal a mule or rob

Slop your chaffing Charlie It stealnSf and that In our criminal calendar h-ir le t crime

twills so It in replied Viii had tvlter

fan t rin it OmrlK lye trie l and nivrrlynt Ml

her I understandIn nigger Is A woman and blongs to

I th wholevon havent but you shall If you have

i Til0 What has ln yI Vii came to Attnkapas anti when

W Mry j11 shall l Ih judgf whetheri m right anh n I your KppM

In Sptemi sv Mm Nw-l I here wo no phyxician to he haul

nd tf the rtlr Th 4 drloped andknowledge told me U was small

l That was enough every living until flil In

St the





o I




















Ii 3


Iy In II r1 r8ln






I home fromIrk


1 on101 d 1 M aoofno nol analhough-






b Ii



hilt ihgruuin




a antreik less




e Ire





a Ij thu grew





utit sell

got nor

liateit tell hap

ru1 the






whites and negroes ned In terror Ont bit ofchattel one child remained Cowlyii LucyYou have seen her

I nodded asneiit-Mossa dnirge had been very good tn tier

anti slm refuvd to leave himThli girl remained true fnrgtttlng self In he

anxiety fur me Her master sent for tier know-Ing how fatal the iliseaso win amoug negroesand li feared for lilt property She still refusedto leave

Dreading tlm crmlagloii he dared not send hiother negros for tier belnr cash tn-

Attakapas h naturally tn keep his prop-

erty tucy was valued at SI000 thru andpromise of fiilur1 Ivauty Smallpox scars wouhnull rontrlbuti to th market value uf a girl like her

I haul stuilled medicine anti a very gomIdea nf the dlsenie and Its of treatmentI expected that If very sick I nhnuld lose my reasonand prepared fur It blnic determined to pillthrough unscarred If possible

I prepared lashings tutu my arms and thinclolus to wet anti put over my face This done-I rolled lucy to m anti explained as fully a s I

could tha conn1 to takeI told her I might loosi my s uses but to fulliiw

my mslrucUmiN ant not be afraid for 1 shouldbn too weak tolnluriher lam not afraid Mosna-

Seorir God will take care of us wsn her quietreply

wasengnirwl toMIvs rlyas you haVL prniiably heard lx fore She sent nn-

n hti note of condolence in which it was evidentfear pr dumlnale uvr Irr Imo for me How-

ever she was my niulherr choice not mittsI my preparationsmaul I staggered to the tml nnd lay down tonr as Providence should determine

This nai lha lost I realized for two weeksA wrt of tIme I lay In a stupor hut whenaroused as I afterward learned was wild and prettyugly through some of thosi long autumnal nights

1 was weak and helpless but thanks tu-

Lucys unceasing ff nd forethought wo un-

scarred by Ihe dread illneaM One midnight I

nwoke The KMuber winds were sweeping overthe drove tho tout ran IN sheets againstthe window pans Th candle burned dimbut by us fnlnt light I could easily disttncuishthe ntindnw of my faithful nurse

I spoke sir ttirtfd her chair andtn my bedsM At nt iihe nsw that my

reisil hind returned and falling on h r ktipos-

5h prnynl ns I never heard man or woman prayliofiT rind thanked Ond Hint hr prayers had beenanswered Think tharli sIte was not then 11

yens of age 1 trid In give h r my hand buti h was weak ID rii it then I asked for Iho-

rrtrrur hld a small hand mirror before myIMP Due racer glance I turned away with asight nf siiisfvtlon the nrdeil was passed I wasiinsiMlhnl-

Are you atone I Inquired She answeredYes Mr Have any of Mr Coverlyw family

bn h r N sir Miss Klsf sent lhir HMII

Hill utter but she told hint not income near enough-

to crutch Ihe divas I could not make him h nr-

acr m ns 1mdly ns I could nnd so only came

twice and th cond time h had n bog over his

head so the dleav wouldnt hit himI lay ttvre six weeks It nan nearly four

more b fir I nns nbl tomy mthr return however I was weak In holyanti rhnpsin mind and would hava help

hut Lucys Then determined to repay her If

I OMild I taught her to read slue ulrendv knewher Ittors tnt In n f w weeks could read-

undentandinffly any fimple bookAnd now Oiarlie conies the strangest tart

of the story I beheva that srirl Is a white girl

You know such things tire bapiened in 1iiiLslnnaIt was a lung lime hef she tuld me wind she

remembers nbmit I er il and she did not say

then thought she wvs white Poor child-

I dont ut fhe illl think HO It was In-

credible In a girl that hnd tent tier life as a niggerslave lint she said there was something strangeIn her first recollections That Nbe used to be

lotted arid loved by a lady who must have beenn suite lady and that did not talk EngliMb to Item se was sure She says tile knotscite tnougnl tint lady wiw item lucreIs n q r r hung M n I

well lucy inking a nap one tiny islieto nmka up I can tell nu lying

on a pallet in room She haul n tWit ilrcnmand tried nut in lien sleep nild what she said waso nun nun aliei Now she can I sie k

when she In awike and almost nn AcodlenIn her slip ILM S ile accent I ve

lenctime l r Acailien by way berausna language people dint know might comeIn handy her tendency to make tro rreiuhc-if the way hrenci minis Irk tn her shows

wivs tier nrst tongue thats iw sure IM we tirealive lucre alit now rtVI to go Uck She re

anti water niieitiing around tier t-

mving on it Now llinl misl luivn teen a Jour-

ney nn tlo river Then en me n great loknesic WOM i tier ieoin were sick she neversaw Judy again anti all cite knows Is thattit dream Hint is not a dream she

always teen a nigker slave Ihanle sItehints rtn nl nit three years old Hie

Ifce nuet No Orleans out with theworst plague it tutu ever twi I tell you 1 havo

liaptencil Ibiswere lley were nil wltii the feverlucy was felt among tle resr lu taken care

got siiU tlie ntr slUennl nnd dliilprobably and thi dark n lreil baby was soul

liie remain of tin family Mimeone did nut jru m or did n t wantto consOler tre cnanc t nf a horrible blun-der I know the mnr s of blood

well Ive remtfiilred It In hoe eyedblmid linlicd msgers In n tubule but Iyou finger nailis I her Immls where everyou look there not n sign i I It In lucy I cando nothing for ncr here remain her case nprcould be priven before the law tOil If I mademove to i M loverly would wll letor dn imcthlng wnr right nil lint I ran st iU

her and tual I m going toI not told you tint nf this story

of dliifks-Miiiu lying sick arid hclpleis and following

with my iycs her untiring fnrin as h

glidil in and out of chamber rfininUcencenof my past n continual throughmy sunk and clnudod mind AH I grew strongerdeWrniumlion rne and my old wlf returmxl

nothing but misry in my oppronchlnn marnull iClsi

lh shadow of tlm plantation Ih wave miniiMlluti Held MiKid btiviin u I wrote u note

nslung thil ih lie broken Fornn answer I received nrnallcngnf runt her brother

was a rnuiin who fell icall in br a a lance tot hits loin cousunHI accept huh chMlence also II was a cool

slit and I knew u thf word bulletstarted tlrst anti stoptvd In his houlilfr whilehis colt tinconifottaliiy near my ace Hob was

1 lieu I wrote a joule hill nol to the old genlleninn in lo him that I was

with nnd the next one who thoughth tint n cnll lo stand before me I would shootthrough the lian I hat ended It BN thy beganlose tint I wits in earnest

luck tiferly is in but before h lefthe extorted a promise from his father not to selllucy IVrhmw he I would want to

and give her tree I have alreadyniliirisl the Id man tlirmigli an agent lhun h r hut he ays he is ne hr forthat her weight m diamonds wilt not buy her

Now Charlie JtlchaM overly never shallcall luv Ins Mil as he lhl

elton with n llrce light I cannotfir If I cannot wUal tier 1 will shunt

him I should n niiist r of Ingratitudeillow this girl in whnni I own life to bo kept

in hnpDKss Umdago such a sruiindrel nsssy nothing of lh awful fact

tint h i I hfllev n woman anti that 1

lovo hr I cannot to think nf ItOf iMtiriH iould n l b as sure as Wesner that

Oovrlyw lucy was a pure white but still evenwilh no romantic to warpnint I thought it pofwibl lint his

was cirrect s s ld curb things hnd

Ibis ras wis enough As he talla wild notion hal conic tutu my head II nttraimo its quality anti I kn w too thatrightly put through It he made profitable

lin It without nn-

th question of Iueys ran I saultbit it you mid not I who have

fallen in hurt with Lucy but I honormil iie r into an agree mnt with lo

devoir nur to running from thiscountry Into States lucy included 1 will

you tunlKlut Ivr atIt if h reolied-Ve suit down and in an hour mn-

iiclnl tnc plan that Kpl lh plnnlerM nf th southwestern in a of exciteniiit five yell anti ran out of tb countryneirros tn i lie value n of S10o 00 I

This wets acnnnpllshed by two urn livingIn the illstrll lley roblwl one ol them owningseveral n plantation at theanw time flitting this tune we were never be-

trayed nor discovered slid only once suspectedhv our II mean to ourwill be explained hereafter


My motive fur undertaken this dangerous

nuslnesn was love of ndviMilure Ui asslst my

friend and some wnnll hope of gain Vesnersheart VIAS In the vrnrk as It progressed He

necame an enthusiast and I much the same

flefnrn starting we agreed never In write one

word upon Its subject never to tnist a tier nwIth i rret our lilenllly cr white man
















f In



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I nut D I

lick I tceptuu thehcr

1 nl


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b101N I



n tr

hippncd In 1110 rind owut Inp1

b dllr d111d


tiil 11101




tIre a



t this titne Elsie

uni to tick Itt riiT anti


prairie no1




Ttflttito out Mt now title




that tutie



nut tterwas getting




steepteen the



meri lsi ti ttUltu lights nou iiiC thedarknwsjiuI it hnue


tIlt ittInts ii




I hit I tin tu


do i tilts lb t I luiveul I I lte hut ci uttiul-


miniI lit

a nut suit iii iiiI too lire lion


55 I enIii


hilly ttefliI



settli Inn Is

Sutth tuti

I ii nil


ri I tutu tsuu na I ii

furIi Pit ant






< <





I with our business sav In one Inslanoe w neverdid Negro testimony we well kntw woule

we would never live town the InrtUeof a cimr-

riHim NO strong would tw the feeling against ns-

Wn arranged a by which we we couliwrite or in e neceasliy requirelids we to tro

learne1 tballl waskiiowiiloIoverlylucy II limit been old to e rge-

AN my buMnesH called me frequently irom hom-no notice would I taken nl my lthereInn started New whenw axie till to make with thus leading

to furiiNi the cities if war

fmni New Orlennn anti tearing Item at a landlna few miles below this title town of Oreoln whet1 a woodyard

I haul nothing to do lucre except to sound Mooremy head plait and lenti views Menot well and on wiifntly a little so I gateup this intent le for n tints tool hailing a tastingsteamer kept on tn Ciiidnimll

The traasii by rail Albany V omwimei-n little time From there I ti ik the steamerand about 7 ocliKk M Ocl H 1S63 foinulelf the stem ot the Ast r House thmthe lintel York and the nut mo-

frnqueiiied Southerners and much tnalso found there a IV-

Ilaiborn who lived butt a whorl illstancw from runear the Terhe

Pets people were rich and of good familyHe was a fleros fire eater and an Inveterate gaInbier I knew him well enough and undeMtooithat It would not Iw advisable un my part to endeacon In shake him oil

Hradley from Aliakapos be enlalmedand thn next moment arm was linked mineand we were drinking n brandy cocktail at Pel-iexttw

When dill How far are you goingWhen art you going home he In onebreath

I answered him as frankly as andwas relieved tn flout thai he mint start for homothe next morning

When morning came 1 him to thetrain I Met wrote Wesner n friendly letter tnlet him know that I had neeu P t I then left

hotel a tutu of exploration In Marchof thai Abomination to nil the olllceof the reek VrfAiinr

This place I preferred to find without askingOH York was tilled with South-

erners returning from the various Mimmer resortsI was well known on the MlMlylpli und Redrivers and did not care to be repotted M huntingfor the 7rfSiiM ofOce wi or at leasttried to avoid meeting any Snulhernerc espei lally

I found the building will up card as MrtStnlthniul requesturi nith MrHorace tlreeley wan at In lilt prime

the must notorious abolitionist In Ihetnlon HasatrillHiiervousnt I enteredthe building in n very less nionrnts I was usheredInto the romi of the redoubtableHorace the man of all the world Sniilberners

anti whose pert flutist fearedThere were two or three people In the room

writing Mr bark Inchair eliciting end of a pine mlck and

evidently in no Ileasniitwere abme his eyes nnd lie canned meclosely

Mr Smith your businevs I ran afford youhut a few moments

Mr must ee alone I repliedmy business will tale hours Instead ol

llles TWit will dn me huts

These men nre sworn to secrecy In all buMTies matters he reolied

No sir not tome I answeredopened the dour leading to his private office

and I followed himNnw your business quicklyMr ire name truth Charles

1 Hradley front Parish St Marys louUiaraI am hero lo try to make arrangements with the

men in run negroes from thatand adjoining twrishes Into the free State

I am a of fortune anti not a philan-thropist I will mnke Ihe venturelife others must bear the expense II cangive encouragement say so Name

lime and place companyt will unfold the whom you cantrust for If this conspiracy Is made puKlr I am-

an exile Irom home or my angry townsmen willsuspend me from the nearest tree anti os I amworth a tine little In Louisiana I dotint wish tn be hiking life pretty well 1 donot cure in be

Is your Nothlng hunt monevYes love nf adventure and a delre-

to destroy Ihe w hole slave systemWhat Is your address he aked This I

hint and promising to write nip a titlespecifying when he would niel me

me out tint thus ended my first inter-view with

I took a long walk after the Interview anti haltdetermined retreat content with assistingWesner to abdtirl lucy hut In either case I

wits risking neck and I concluded I shouldprefer to be hanged n great rascal rather thana petty one and continued my prrparnllons-


The next day was the Sahbnth Holh ItMonday pastel and I had recalled no news fromMr Ireely-

Tue d y afternoon I found n note at the holerlrrks olllce requesting me to remain In my room

from T oclock until H that eveningI waited impatiently for the

about 745 the naltrr bronchi up the ran of Mr

StephensHe wits a thick headed fellow and wild that

Mr Kntwissle wished to see me at Ids ofBce andrequested me in accompany Mm I

who Entwlnsle was that he dirtnot know him though he knew where the nfflcewas that he Stephens was a In theTribune olflrn nnj was sent by Mr irreley I

therefore concluded that he was till right anti

withoutHe look nie to the hack oilier of a bulklln-

situatrd on a little cnurl n fen steps from llronirway I have forgotten Ihe street as I was onlythere

In that office I toot Horace fireclayfierrll Smitha inemliciiftnntrrriH the Slat of New Yorkiwhnsriiatnel wilt ivil mention as IIP Isstillunit a n whom they Introduced MrSamuel Kntwbole

Attic that nlchrslnterviewlt was Mr Knlnlsslewith I dealt From words Innd

spoken and nllunlcns made I do notthink that was real name hut tilt checks anddrafts WeT Iran signed nr Indorsed bySamuel linlwlssle

tater in Ihe evening another gentleman madedisappearance This was Mr Hirncyof Phllndli-ihln a al candidate furMr stated to Ihe other gentlemanmy proposition nnd called upon me In explainII to Iliem thusreader knows awl fully explaining my views

The proposition by me and acceptedby them was

For every negro maui or woman delivered lotItus agent the underground railroad at anypoint In Ohio nr soy other tree

where he coiild bo besl e wereto rerelve a sum of SWO and fur till children lessthan o years of age SlM tall over fl years to countas men or women A sum to cover allexpenses was to be pdil drafts dtawn

upon some financial g il f tlieSlavery III New York Ih rii M of the

agent who received th fugitives Mm deemedvoucher that our part waw

The Anti Slavery was nun In formaterial and outfit im I then wanted ui en-

able lo liegin operations which would amountto alum Stoic hesltancv tieing shown

agreeing to furnish tlie money leavingthem receipted hills anti for the amount

we were ill our venture-We Intended to IMC m nvenues for tanspor-

tation on by teasel or i ieam r from the snroastor on the Illver thn other acrossthus country viII the Iributarim of the Hrd antiArkansas following the dilfrrenl bayousIn us known coming mil on the hank ofthe Mississippi wood yanl Here wu couldkeep a curly If necewary months asIhn country around was and wildernnwand no ever landed there from th river

the deckhands of steamers calling forwood and they sldoni left the wK

I explained this to them as well as my descrip-tive powers allow relumed

wrote to Wesrir lo meet rue al Cairoin one month from that

Mr Kntwissl hutch given ri the address of ayoung man who he uiih assist me in

material loiether and take me in thedllferent locillttiis as I was a in the cityanti I must material fur all necessaryoutfit something for jHissibio emergency

What we most needed was a ofor cnt Hs eatable if carrying leu nien each andbuilt fi as In folded put Into a or trunkloc lran mrlation

I already haul a plan for their constructionand ideal Imat tell whetherthese would develop into anything practical truseful when by n or ontrlrtl wa i yet tn h dmonstrateii

The next I called iin Mr Wllwoti and toldhim plans we went n blacksmiths shop where f showed the smith my draw-ings but he was thick headed and de

of mechanical so I wasted no time withhint but went to a matiiificturtr of snaIl machln

one Matthew Cnlfnti an Irishmih and a veryIngenious who comprehended the assixm ai explained I ninth n bar-gain nub u instruct cani Tinwent n mmel of simplicity strength carylng

and was twenty fwtInns six feet wide nt the Cnlre two feetdeep and would cary twelve men we hunt lad

In It the other was about eighteenlong four feet wide eighteen endwas io be used more for exploring anti working

When this inU were we tintbnx remaining them tn river batik opened IIanti lu last twenty eight minutes I into

on th losnm-nf the HtldMin undeniably a

A crowd of and men lined river bankgarmg and watching our movements anti makingcommert I two or three to III anti

the new bunt Threiif ih Imys did so antiI paddled out irha n half a mile and tackagain

Now gentlemen said I I have a great curi-osity in try the of hunt

lo have a few of you Mn I will promisenot tn drown you

I held her well tn the dank until fifteen menand lull grown boys were sealed on th thwaru


hut tuuten III rUIIII hut II




IIbtll1ll1nlLthe Meafliet iannie liulhht




mnlt hellos





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then her off She floated handsomelywith her gunwale nt least ten Inched out

This was than I expected Wearound for fifteen minute landed liaulwour boat on the shore went to the for nudinner returned anti started down the river In Ih

arriving In Sew Ynrk JM at Cnmmhop in than four hours

was well satisfied


It was tow about lime to ex ect Wesner aCairo and 011 won obliged to remain at leastdayn longer In New I wrote him to contlnulila Journey to New York

At the expiration of a sask George Wewnetile evening walked Into Astor House I wasglad enough to see him as 1 hal already anulheProject In my mind and this wu to buy a smallstock nf general goods and open a store nearWerner plantation a very gui liMallon and Ihstore would have a tendency In help our schemeextend our acquaintance unit bring us Into mnnImmediate contact with the free negroes In norOiiUlCt

The of these gwHla took Mimewhalthan we expected antI It WBS the lest ol

November before w i were back III Cairo Cm-

twals were In two boxes inarknl for Hrad-leyN yard Arkansas One box contained both

frames ldles to suit anti a few other Illllf-tiols the whole wilghlng a ttllle over JVI poundsThe other contained the cam w covers and

280 poundsHnatM anti Iws than 710

He had several culls roM rigging and boltaunt had also provided ourselves with a

small twin nf No H a with nowalls or ends This was simIlar lo utie alreadyowned by me anti imed when surveying

It woi about III the morning flee 10when I lauded at the Stand-

Ing Ulilf the I watched my partner on Uv

dusk of the fast receding steamier as bedun the muddy Then for thn hinda sense of the work 1 had undertakebegun to stare me In the face

well known that bad some nillesthe thHvariiiusstreamrunning Into Ute Red and Arkansas limosa water course almost to the firmer river

wait to make A path In Ihe waters othe St Francis on one of Ibcaiioes through to the Mrram and from thenceopen way down tile variouscreekHnndto thi Teche anti titer construct a rendtzvoua-s near our boxo of operations AS convenient

was below a littleplace called Oreoln Went nf Ihe yard at a dis-tance nf about eleven stiles was II streamcall l Haktr Creek

This I never explored hut understoodthat II flowed Inln th St River tugCreek a tributary of the White Hlver was ashort distance from the St Irancis and Its head-waters were well over toward that stream

Although It was hut eleven mites In a directtine In Maker Creek front our yard It wan per

m or fourteen trail which weas we would lute to skirt around

various ant titus high land a straightline l enc impossible nn armunt of these ob-

structionslinker Creek a little dried affair

sluggish not over two rods wide al any placewhere we proposed tn strike It nol even os

wide as that In the of the summ r therewas but little water In Its channel In fact scarceenough In final a canne but at this season nf

we hail hoped to hind three or four tech Itflowed most of the way Ihnmrh an Impassable

and titer were no settlements lucmiles along Itt banks where we proposed locatingour rood

1merdown was a clearing or no hut no bousesor fields within Mghl Its We thereforehad no fear of Interruption nr al thisend of the route H It had not beenthus we must have abandoned yard as ourterminus

From the creek lo yard was a densewMernewiaml through this I to makea path so plain that parties could get to the yardIn otA after leaving the Mearner

It was Important for us to have a reliableat this end of the route one threats coult

Intimidate orI found such a one in Daniel V Moore a natlvi

of he WRS afterward a Captain Ithe Army and wo shot atso thus narrative cannot Inlure him

Pnor Moore1 His parents were on the steamerII Smith when Item exploded at Yldalli

In lloth were killed n childpenniless anti friendless Since then he

world and finally engaged with mlo take charge of my where he had been-I believe about two

To him I unfolded my plans careful not li

mention Ve oers name sure of Idsflrrt from his love of adventure secom

front hatred of the planters and lastly be-

cause of the po IMe chance to moneywhich this scheme promised

To him In a great measure the suc-cess of oUT work

I haul ten men wrxd slaves hired fothe season but as ramped anti worked twomiles front the landing they saw nothing nf us

7i lit rontinwd

nr HER nivnnFnr tier lie Passed Sixteen Years In Exl

Branded s a MurdererProm th nalllmsrt Sun

BmsToi Vn April 15 Connally Fieldshn Just been relieved by the Governor of Vir-

ginia of n rharge of murder nod outlawrywhich hn stood against the man since issinod huts mused him to be an exile from honiAll llne years Fields resided In hIm tarVe t nnd without the privilege of returning

lo hi unlive home in Smt roiinty Ylrelnin-n II free mnn Hi1 w charged wilh the burrdot nf hi lirnllirinlav William A Scottnnd hnvine tilled to nppear to answer lo tIme

clmrc at live cnmeeutlvi1 terms of the courtwn declared In lie a murderer nod outlawHark of ihl I v Interesting story of a hu-

hnnduselfThe killing of Ylllinni A Scott wa due to

bad blood lint had ej led between him nndthe Field family for fome time Seolt hadl oen upon 1leldss land nwhleh haul InienMd Mr Fields Scotts sistermore that her husband The woman urgedField to rfltlei tItus matter with Scott The

men met near Fields home rind a de-

peral slrutrelei liotween Ilieni followed MrField joined with her liu bnnd In Ihn fight

and before It vn over Hoolt fruit fatallywounded his body having been pierced hy

Instrument The Idlllng created un-

usual nt nnd lliegained that Field who had given himself

to the ofllcHf WB Km of nn U-Nrulledfor murder llecau of Ihresls ngnlnst

life In1 llwl and located III thuswhern lie hn lnro lieeii Miecixsfiil having

as a rnllroml rnnn-FloliKs wife in Scotl eotmlv

hiied for and obtained u divorce upon I he groundnf doerllon Afterward In nf temtiershe shot nnd wounded A respectablelady lu isimniiinlty Fur this crime BH

idol nnd to ferve five yearIn the Virginia Penitentiary Beforeserved IT time mil slut III nf-

Ionsiiniptlon rId was pardoned bvShe died a russ dnys utter lirr riturn home

her the erret which her Inifhad o retained brcum known

II was Mrs Fields Instead of hot husbandwho murdered tier brother Some Hmo otterIh trasedv n pnlr of scissorstulnid with Mood n outbid on bite cenn-

nf thus murder

Down a Jloantnln on an Avalanche

fr in tlu WatWngttn1 bad a most remarkable experience about

year nco saul Mr Herman of SeattleWash at the Hotel It was so re

mariihl thai rerfons to whom I have relatedII regard me with Mispicinn anti not infrequentlyleave suit the Impression lhal as II prevari-

cator I vould eclipse Ananias Hut hIrer tirethree othr ierNons who can vouch fur the truthjf thus story

We were prusiiectiug on n mountain in Van

ouver It was In the spring nf the year andearth soft and wet When about half

up the nf the mountain without lhslightest warning an area about one hundred

fieemed lo break loose from the r tantI darted with llghlnlng Aeil down the mounlain The soerneil tu be aboutfive or six feet deep and carried with il treemocks and Fortunately myself and

were rinse to upper ofthe sliding land anti Mut

ride dn n the mountain sole nnthat svalanche tens the most and perilousone I ver want to experience I routeirunk of a fallen tree and my friends were clineing ten ciou to Its We covered n

of about a mils In I should abouthalf a nlmile allboiich none of held stopatchvi The avalanche tutors tn a nearthe toot of the mountain In a small valley andstrange lo of us tie ease oneellow wns struck nn the leg a Imuldrafter we bed come m a Hoti Talkiranslt that ride txat anything I ever experiencedir heard of

A fierlons Occasion

Prom tht Chtraio Hally Ve-wStelluI win awfully nerrou when Jock

Maude Wns It such a surpriseKlelliXo I was afrilJ sonic one would

come In anti Interrupt him

Matterf of Interest Concerning llnrneifully anti ohlr treated In THI BUMS

lews columns than In tiny other medium Adthus more valuable Till

UN furobvlojti reasons Uemetubcr till









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liT WAS WKSTKKX lllll 771 r TEnlion HP IARxoxH aviru

Not u Driperudn In Appeurince butlucidly Mm to Kin Ip Atlnitomill-cvlltrles And Horn hood Heeds

Crrillt lleformed Onen eHory-

VrH nlr MM the Heformed One the verworst man In the whole world were WesternHill the terror of Ih Parsons iulfh III

real nmiw was Thomas Smith anti bn werelike A desperado than nny other man I ever wn-

mitslilM n n tx ok on the Wild West Hill l oi-

xhnwA titus deceitful n Is looks OutwardlyWenteru 11111 were A threelimes kalsmnlnn-sepulfhree lint Inwardly h nete n menniterl-

ol ravening wolfsHe were Atmut our fret his with lone Won

dined linir antI A mild blue rye with a voice bithim like A womans than any womanI ever com across He always wore while kligloves AH Knit with tassel an mmt Kenerlly when lie was out for gore he dressed li-

n Nwaller tall thus Tuxedo roM had been

Invenlrcl before Ilial mAn died hed A woreInformal n Units He wits n Mlrkler for ell

quelle were Western HillHe rnilld d some things I never

tune else do He rould shunt behind JIm withJust as much certainly as he rould shoot li

front of him anti he could do It wltli both handsHe was dendly A iloren times Ive reelhim If Ive Keen It once standing itlnVlnir A

the bar when sonic one of MN enemies would romAireepIng up to the door liopln7 lo catch hlnand kill him nnd each tIme that there little bat-

man would turn round quirk as a llah andand nlrk first I seen him onre when sevenof enemies Attacked him from behinddidnt move for il seemed to me a long time Thei-

he flashed round lila revolver spoke six timesand six of tIn just dropped In their tracksand lay stilt of em shunt throueli the braintl the left eye Tire seventh mnn come onknowing that HillNgun were empty

Well what did 11111 do He squirt vichy Irona syphoon At the last man and hint run-

ning out of the place like all ponarasecl ThatHill humorous you we and ready

a lake Anti then h situ to me regretful likeAn 1 wernt dressed to recede company

For he were In his pajamas having got out 01

bed to drink with me He were particular wereHill except with friends

I other men a don or so has beercredited with Inventing the holdingup singlehanded of a It werewho Invented it really He began ll lljiis Tinsiege from Parson Oulrh were coming downlull not far from the with ten passengeranti about a million dollars In dust In the boxHill ran up hill toward It put his hands on thiheads of the leaders and swung himself ontothe pot right between wheel horses Thentie run along tint pule to tint driver made hintrome down anti then at leisure drove the conchto n quiet and went through the passengers-He me afterward he got about A

n half that haul There were a reputed millionalre Aboard hut hilt got only 810000 out of hintand his reputation felt at once

Vest d the same trick were done to a stagtwo hundred miles away Hill again Howthat man rould travel

and by stare rubbing degenerateanti Hill began to rob trains He was thin

Uine Train Ilobher hearth olhim He signalled a train one and whenit stopped he lust ant while pretending Ir

to engineer he llfied oneoff the trark careless like and put it on the groundCourse that lust prevented the train from going

on arid hull went at histook In a right good sum that night he told me

Vow never guess what lllll did withhis 111 gotten gains He founded an nsylnmfor retired stage robbers anti another one forold a third one for childrenof desperadoes II wits lo hint In Ihe

exciting life walking among thechildren In his or attention to somefear lady I r bless yilu It brings the tearslo mv eves now when I think of It

Well well well II had lo be Twas hllove for rhlMren that brought tutor town at lastAol yet It was unintentional on the part of thechild that did It Hill recognlred that farttine day he drove up In his hone to see a childthat been il with the grip He were In fulldress so I knew he were awl he admittedhe huh a lob on but he were never too htisv to wthis friends So he saw the killnnd madhim bv giving him a little six shoner anti 1

flask He had rune fault bad PUt UII were a faulthe couldnt forgel the Wel the kid weretickle I 10 ilealh and Insisted that Hill shoulda pie of some randy the whole nti h teen

Hill consented but It killed hintHe choked on It lilt lust words werebelter as It Is

Poor Hill1 He were undoubtedly the veryworst bed men ever known the

irioni SAXMKOFP 4v

The Russian Ripcdltlon Which llaton TolWill d to un Inknnivn RegIon

One ol the most Important polar expeditionto b In the field Ihls year Is th parly that Hrroi-

K von Toll with take tout the Arctic waters northof for thin fiirposo of exploring Sannikoll Land which has been seen nt a distancenever Wt l Many rnrlcgraphers long dedined to indicate this land on their reaps beratithey thought the evident of its eiistetice wa

not reliable It was first seen by the Yakutskmerchant lacoh Sannlkoff When on a visit in

the New Siberia Islands In 1811 he saw on aclear summer day from the northern Island olthe group the eoaM line of thin hitherto unknownland No one saw this land again until Daronvon Toll standing on Kotelnol Ifland of NewSiberian group In IfiSrt was rewarded with n dis-

tant view of It Slncn then cartographers have nothesitated tnlndicale ibIs land im their traps

It Is the belief of Haron von Toll that SannlkofI-l nd of an archipelago to which the liel ng Islands discovered by the unfortunate

also belong He thinks Itprobable that hn may find an of Im-

tmrtsnt extent though It Is not likely that It In-

cludes Islnnds of very largeThe on a much more ambitious

Kcale than that first nlanned Harnn von Tolllie huts purchased a Norwegian whaler renamedIt the Sarja and will start from Stalxiit the middle of lime Accompanied by twentymen Including at astronomer aa He will steam the Arcticnorth of Into the Kara Sea itexpert to advance In the first seawm much b yowltime penlnMla where he will restwinter In the summer of iDOl he will endeavorto push his ves el to the north of the New MtxvlnIslands and find a winter harbor either upon Situnlliiilf Land or Dennett Island He will thengive a year to bin In this region

Is well known lo one of the mostscientific of and the of tiltenterprise Is enhanced by the fact that his scien-tific work wilt I rf time best lie willgive particular Attention lo meteorolnglcal re

the region to Is realtythe centre of a considerable rluster of land masseshe will carefully map them anti learn as mulchof them as In the time at his illsimsalThen III the summer of 1002 he will begin hishomeward Journey pnsslnr out of Arctic watersthrough thus being the secondto make thus northeast ra Fegt which Nordrn-Bkiolil wits the llrM to accomplish


Crop Once In This Coanlrr betSteadily nerre lnr

What Is tIre rustler with burknhfAf Cakrsmade of It anti eaten warm are regarded as verynutritious anti are stilt a favorite article of food

with many thousand hut for alt that the culll-vatloit of the l steadily declining It mustbe thai A great many hive stopped eating buck-

wheat rakes for there Is certainly n great dealless buckwheat in be eaten than In former days

Thirty five years ago the farmers of our countrynowcd every year over 1100000 acres la buckwheat Since then the crop huts sometimes beenlarger sometimes smaller but on tInt wholethe acreage anti yield have been almost steadilyrtrcrMsIn In 1808 icreai was 1T8SA2

only a little more than half that of thirlyfivars anti the yield was 11700000

bushels which wits ar nit onehalf the yieldat the riMe of tint Civil War

Vo explanation of this great decline in buck-wheat tech made It Is probablehowever that unreliability of Ito whichIs somllmes large and sometimes small withoutemit apparent rra n for Inn variation has litcourasre many farmers Another reasonfor tin decline bn the larger use within the

few of cerealwheat till of which conic under the general

of hygienIc foods Thesehave won many persons from theirallegiance o buckwheat

If buckwheat raising continues to decline perthe bees most nf all will miss the

they are very i irllal tn the flowers of thiswhich secret A great steal nf that Is nothowever if the first iU lity as everybody knowswho hits eden II-

Huckwlieal Is not raised widely over the worldand lids feet makes Its decline America whereIt Is most largely grown alt the more InterestingHiifcsla and France are about theIn that produce It and treat Britain hasnever taken In buckwheat e ke and lmdorli very little of Iht grain



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I Not lug Enough or llr e Enonih to Hindithe IHiorderly Element

HAVANA April IHThu rt organlr tlnti ofpolice force U the general topic of dIscussIonby the prow and public An thin tcsull ofkllllnu of a dl hntceJ Americannamed Wnlsh thorn It a demand tint

i whole fore be and that pntrolmrr-bo made d rMnlont nobly upon club whenthojrtiroattnekrd OwIng to phralrnl In-

ferlorlty o the men however such nn exportment would bo dangerous A robust manconM take a club K Cuban rollcemnnwith but little risk Ileallzlni this the pollnarc ready lo resort to pistol

i The chief difficulty with the forca M at treeant constituted g the physical weakness mind

conoequont cowardice of lt componentsI Chief CartlenR realizes this If the stnndnn-

nf hTnlcal uualincatlnns should be rnlsndwhlto Cubann would beprastlcallyshut out

I Chief Cardcnns admits that would notof the required physique There are ninegroes on the force now They are mud

and stronger men than thus whitesmUlit make Rood policemen but while tinprejudice here against negroes In not so strongAS It I In this Inlted Rtates It fttlll exists

j Chief Cardenas believes tlmt this prejudIcewould Impair their usefulness as guardians o-

the public pone There Is no public orderagainst using nezrow but flen Iudlnw

i opposed to It md thought that the whitesj owned property and paid taxes should

the cityThe Spaniards area strong and sturdy race

but It In doubtful If the Cubans would be willleg to submit to Spanish pollco force Tho-

Hpnnlards from certain provinces of Spainliars the strength and courage to do policeduty unarmed unless political resentmentshould raise such an outcry among the peopleas to lead to race troubles Then of coumnarmed or unarmed they could not standagainst theprensure

Some Americans have boon tried but tInray Is sosmnll that they refuse to stay Lackof knowledge of the language Is also ahindrance to their work If thn whole com-munity was Cuban then Cubans could do thework but where there ore two more sturdyanti robust races In the city Cubans are notequal to the task With revolvers killings mire

sure to follow and without them there Is aquestion whether Cubans could preserveorder

The police of Santiago were disarmed byGen Wood and they still maintained orderthere However that city U smaller titanHavana There mire many negroes on forcethere This will probably follow here thoughGen Wool huts not yet considered the problem

I which Is recognized nt a difficult one Onej tiring Is admitted That Is that the effort of

the police court to put backbone Into the policehas ailed because they did not have the judgmoot or strength o character to stand It

The census data from Washington has ar-

rived anti It will probably be given out tomorrow both lucre anti tn the United States

VEir flEojov iv rovIt Says Its Votaries Need Not Work and It

li SpreadIng FastMANILA March II A new religion hits been

started In lurnn and sonic people think It willland to trouble Its main doctrine releases Itsfollowers from thus necessity of working Thesupreme being tn whnm prayers are directedwill II Is declared provide sustenance for alt truebelievers The religion Is therefore attractiveto the Filipino who tines not do any more workthan Is necessary tn keep himself in rice cigarcite anti belch nut anyway

A man named lablnl started the religion andvotaries are known as iablnlsls Jabinl-

nnd several of his ilearons or duels n ereand informally stint thus Spanish authoritiesat Apiltt The new creed was not stam cdnull however chief clerk Felipe

took It up After doing a Illllr serviceIn tire Filipino army Salvador tunic devotes himselfIn extending lint faith Wonderful Htorles goabroad miracles Salvador ties

i fotmeil Sick are carried to hint to be curedSlid If they die under his treatment It Is said theywero not sincere In their faith

The Galilnisllc religion as nearly as can lrlearned Is very simple Tbe guiltier and

him In an supremebeing whn I to provide food toful subjects In some manner cudto cures The chief nf the believerIs in make at least one pilgrimage a year tn tinmaIn shrine which Is miles aboveSan Iuls on a In tbe or swamp

Here Salvador ha loud aerected It Is nn Imposing allalr of hamlet nnd

thatch with a few sealsSalvador styled himself lienrral and

hr has Itwasal the suggestionofnerernl of the village ofOtis at last gave orders lo have SalvadorIn custody This happened two months agnthis churjli was not and neither wereIds services which went on after a slight

a new general being Installed In theperson of Salvadors chief clerk Salvadors

was due ID a belief that as an Insurgentleader he WAS the people to freshoutbreaks In addition lo the generalthere are several chiefs It is thin mnlnof these chiefs to collect the tees which are regularlyexacted from all believers

At the present lIttle tho iablnlsllc church Uthriving anti growing every day

Planters that It lis takIng away theirlaborers It Is sail the new chuich tins ntleast 10000 members The members eem to lielittle atfeiled at the removal of Salvador fur theybelieve his trudy consists of two partslentil And one A spiritual material

Is of course in Manila thespiritual part returns to pray with the congrega

Thin sick people who are carried lo that shrineon titters are to malts a complete mullfeMion of their sins whereupon

ulcers not A sign thehas not made full admission of hits shortcomingsanti therefore cannot be forgIven

Controversies Which llftvci Been In Progresslet n Century

The controversy as in the boundary line betweenthin Stairs of Virginia and Tennessee which huts

been In progress for moire than a hundred yearsand Involves Jurisdiction over A strip of land inthe Cumberland Mountains nearly rums hundredmiliw long has at last reached the Supreme rentrIof the United States which has been asked toappoint a hoard of commissioners lo survey andofficially to declare where Virginia ends and Tennwsee begins This contest nf the oldestIxtneen the State is one only of several similarcontroversies which hate been going on fur manyyears Sum of tin States Involved tire

Virginia Maryland tout PennsylvaniaKentucky und Ken

Arkansas anti Missouri Texas anti Arkanits and California and Nevada

Tennesiew wits admitted Into Hie Inion in-

IM At that time the surveys of the mountaindistricts which are partly within Irglnla andpartly within Teimevfe were Imperfect nnd losonic extent misleading and since then the ion

nn lo where the line of division runs hasbeen continued steadily but without ns yet city

determination Few American Slnlesseparated by ordinary geographical lines

Mich AS for instance New lerrey fromUs neighboring States This tins ofli tIre litter and New l r ey tiestween thi Delaware titter anti the Atlantic Orean-norlhof Delaware Hut the northern luxindnry

whichnry of Orange and llnckland counties V Isindllnlle has long been the subject of dis-pute In like mann r tn has the line

rally the line which would divide New York IntroConnecticut anti Mnsvichu clts would be the

Hirer the head of navigation of whichat Troy Is almost exactly op iMl the boundaryline between Maasarhii etis anti lIlt I

for other reasons more crgent lhnnlhieof i

raphy of time hudson Is inrludnlIn New Sork ax well a seat until like convldora-tlons account for sonic of the division betweenVextern Suite

New YurkH boundaries though iipparentlysettled in 177il have been stibjeit to rmlnatlon from time m lime by various commis-sioners and ftcenu anti hate Nen

established under authority of various legin-lallve enactments nit wits piisseil thelzlshture May 1S7 dlrntlng the comn ission rs to resume the work of examination ofthe true location ol the ininiiiii1iiis which mark theiteveral Ixmndarb of Stale as authoriedby the Senate tesolullon of IW7 innectinwith Pennsylvania and New

respectively tn monumentsnifty dilapidated nr been re-

moved on boundary lines nf those StalesA romraltlee was for title imtpo JuneI lS7f In laM the New York commissionersmet commissioners appointed hue Staw nPennsylvania anti New for the f

Ihe boundary lines us originallyestablished anti marked with monument thus

were authrrtzed to renrw tinedilapidated or lost monumenli end to erect

ones If deemed Indfr lireprovisions of this law th New Jersey

wan as recently M 1853 and thePennsylvania In




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EM ninur T9tiisrunoxsIl-

iunil lilts iif Three Animals In nn OH-Suunip leo lisle In the Sestiin In Pig furthen and 10 tiled llner CUlm forLand The Mxtodniu uf This Conntrr-

IIH VNIIKIXS Cal April ItlOno ofmost romurknbln mining claims over filed hairecently canoe to light In Angelns A wellknown attorney huts on some parts ofenormous tiiska of mnHtodon literallybuncli of ttiiw found bv n client In DeathValley i unit It was on tho bones nf this animalthat the claim wits flint Death Valley Iswellknown depression In tutu eastern andcontra part of California In winter It Is not iparticularly nttrnctlve region hunt In summerIt lit several uVzree mom dlsagriciiblo thaoalmost anr ether Hpot on earth The heatwhich IH raillaltd from thn rocky mountainlucre Is unbearable nnd In midsummer thisVIIHI unkeii pit In the homo of ihn unmlHtoriiuanti given over to trxolrinentnl

Millions of yeir ago this region In eli prolxability was covered with a forest growth nniwas freqnentcd by largo anti ixiwerful mnttatout Tins valley offors few InducenirntH toany but the owners ot borux nuns anti goldsilver and Collier prospector It so happenedthat on of thn littler entered the vulloy lateduring present on on nnd wanderedthrough tins mountains looking for treasure orsigns whan ho stumbled manbones Invostlgntlon showed that they weretnorely the Indications of others leneath hisMirfnci which haul not been wnsbedawuy nni-n little work resulted In uncovering someenormouH t links which could belong only lo am-

nnlmal of thin elephant unity hovetlgatlon khnwed that In commit way three cleanthe elephants haul diet anti teen covoroJ uphero It wa Imposhlblo to take them out

anti as thus prospector didnot wish to remain thore ho adopted tire In-

cenlotit expedient of inking out n minerclaim and having It fllod withtnony bringing onu of the tusks to Ios Angelesto exhibit

Thin excavations mule showed that theremains of throe mastodons wore lying to-

gether undisturbed where they hail fallenago From the nature of the surroundings Itwas evident that at one time there haul been n

anti the assumption washenl nf mriftciJons hind wandered Into ihnslough foul had tn eome mIred Thus fact thatthree okelitons wern Ivlng side t y Klilo khnwert-n habit will known among todnywhen In fear they rush tngcthrr nod Btaud lagrout

American cildtlmohuts wen driven Into thn cwiimp huninn-encmltH or they mnv tints Into tItus

in sinking Into the itiik nd-or mud whloh lint th

of no many animals Titus the grmtelk Is found bogged In Irish Thuslllg llono is famous for thus remains ofanimal caught In thus trencherous mud antiwhenever n mastodon skeleUm isdlsov rei1 It

turns outihiit It W B trapped ellh r-

In the of n clrenm or a I nz Timthree mastodon thus Maked nut will soon bntaken out bone by bone nnd mounted Ifthcv prove to be petloct will be ns valuable asa nuesct

Tills dl covi ry of several In thesame place In not unusual A still more re

wi rnnde In Warren N Jseveral venrs nto liy a farmer who In diggingout until front it email swamp cnmeupundkildtono of six Monte ol themwere lying on their sides others stood erectshewing that ih y total nil hi eoini mired In thisancient bog tan easily Imairlne thesemonntiM stud their trumpeting thair btrugglee tn escape was theground nf those strong mentors anti their

have livn In Hlmu t evercounty nnd oven on the Inland of Hinti lln ntwenty mills out tn sen Thskeleton writ discovered In n railway cut southof Los AngelnD Tim Ukkmiiieerneil many feet nbovn titus bed ot tIme prisenfstream Into whleh tlu hiiei

ami ICiiti trnrped In this region thisremains of two event elephstils an loundtb

the elephantthe n wjitthern form ot the great mam-

moth The two are en lly dlsilnaiilhed ihmum moth nnd elephant having hugeteeth tIre surface of which flat with parallellines whili the inothof the miiftoilonratnl being made up apparently of flv

teethHow lone non the mnstodon beonmo extinct

l trot known but some naturRll tn bellevathat It ronmed tint enrth within live hundred

the most remarkable fenturnabout this miltnal was tie rink which differedvery materially In the different Clcsbutt three tu ks one In the lower and twoIn upper Others haul four of these extraor-dinary weapon ittwo In each extending

i Htialght In n mastodonfound at Sitinonda tint two tusks werelong flout sleniler tilt bent In toward ouch other

swords than anything In whatIs known an tIn Ohio mastodon two tusks

iiflalropxlended out rising In agraceful curve while In lh lower lawn small

nk llvl AV A I

Isacurlous fact that In tilt the skeleton ofvoting mnstoilniistnund the tusk won In thalower jaw of both mule end female In the etunic It soon lost remaining In the malewhich haul thren formldnhle or fightingwcnponK In th ln lnifnn onyiro onoMcommon nn this continenth two tttski-reombled HIOHO nf tire ordinary elephant oftoliny unit from the luster grew a of

giving this animal the most for-midable armament of arty anlnmlof Its timea when It attacked Its It pierced It withfour knives of

Nine different species of these animals onceroamed t Ilvn am knownfrom India nnd Inur Inhuhlted the forestsevery HlatuIn the Vnlon Living ut Iho same

were pigmy elephants trill larger titansheep whll iludr not hiivu beenlarger than cats As remarkable as was thetusk armament of mnstodons there I

record n modern alephiint which In Its dentaltnr thini The animal

wits observed by Thomas Hates FllGK afriend aol comnnnlon of Mvlncston Inof his travels Thn htilmnl hnd nine tusks llvnwere on right sift anti four on tho allglowing out of the upper Tho ordinary

about thirty pounds each Justbehind those a pair projected whlcli pointeddownward mini An elophnnt withspiral tusks has b m seen anti slnuletuaked

not uncommon InSoubuniliiiitwirB the matodons Hint there

Is hardly n tnusmim In thin country withoutpoilmiiis of their hut ptirfect nkoletotia-arH tint NO common Otto of best stands In

Museum nt Albany known a thisVdion mastodon having leon foitud

ancient pot hole The length of the Albanyspecimen loot II Inches height

Philadelphia cnd Scienceanti Rutgers Lolligu have good

The onn adopted to secure the three mtiitodons In by n minors claim hitsattn u ed to sicure n whale down theconst froth Urn The animal In-

tho old sea hued of the 1lclocene ngo nt theof a olllT where the sea Is constantly washingIt away A few weeks ago knee were un

and a miners claim for thn trot wasand they are now icing taken out on

by one with the greatest care

ftisrvrnovOar Man Who Succeeded hy Ills Work on lbs

till llnss DramIt Is n rtirtiiM and fict said CoL

Allii r that n man ruin unit v distinction In-

ii roniinunilv in hnl vef vnlk h may follow10 r what hit may f It Is nut require

hsl InsNhMll l i lilly pursuit lhater


er bo dot hnll b dun Mi rlaliv ly well or-

n such manner ns to catch th ruhlir Pulley

onn knew n biss driimmr In a band w-hhn th Ivind parided was the centre of allrac

Ion In li-

Ili iadnlliabi wf in toll a

i hUh success n any In His ilrumnting halinvelly huraiT ti i Ib rarrifd hit drumimiHlf In front of him ftiihoiil lIp by strainirniiml In back mid iiMd two drjmI n enr ng that llils i 1 sliiiiiirii r floim hisj-

ml In i c nl tin n in what Is ni w iMIdHost IIi lilv iimitiing lMl s in i ut thmntrr nlwnv in rei t ilme but mill Oilrmt siirir iii viiriteini IK nnshlng on clinkir Imh in li ni si niniiilcil rn ntrnin ml bringing ine r Ixith mn tliy ngnm in-

ieie s rs-

ull rlii mi Mtroiis inmiliiii nver in-iqetlirinisM enueniv curl us nndhidsl i3ibinilioiis f wiiiils thil ippiiild-

th n f grilisiiu1 and humorous irre-itMv PI imi to unit ahng r n Ih hid

ulii l bnml turned ut n M anil h er-In hn s ririinin r plnj Mfny n limniy niglit in lit uh n we hid

nrrhligln r si ns m the icin and Ihn-nnd out t lsi tem I have wslkcdi-lMIT where 1 iiitilil s tuft tOil wiirheH hisltuiii tel flyintf 1id ist n l riimli ri troutl IM bs loiibo tle drun1

nine Folks thnt ilntn I kniT horn u dnull h v wniiil r d it him pout in-

lis walk rn lif HA il yinson H lassilrumj-ihch might iil s in ti Miriot to

Iliu h iroiri wiih nrv-oin pnl nnd rtginnlity qinh ibnt toni

resixit nnd in nhaernf-nirsill thy nf displayed foul no h Mfil eRfly

hsh ulilsanit irrTir tin siibo haul tihlevcd distinction to thtt conuiiunlljr


a the


LosItt tibho





sonic euurious

wlthtout appliances

mill tIu core


swamp there that I

these elephant mutip

Ill ni I uotm ii t t ice





mini mit ii s trail t

last Perfect

wits litI

trrnsiouinn antiI lat

flue rice iiIt





tick ii





art I utui lit

tusksI tnt

lit lOaf


Angel lielace




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isran ni P ul ni Ft unnail nut mttIu mtehi








