the st.tammany farmer - chronicling america · mr. and mrs. bob smith have mov-ed into their new...

THE FARMER on sale every Sat- urday at Covington News Stand, _____The St.Tammany Farmer ___ B3ulloch's Drug Store, Schonherg's. Phairmacy, Covington; The Five, Cents Per Copy. ~~ D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922. VOL.49 No. 3 PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING OF POLICE JURY DEC. 12TH $32,000 Set'Aside for Salt Bayou Road To Be Used Now in Construction TAX ORDINANCE FOR YEAR 1923 Bills Ordered Paid, Other Business Transacted At Meeting Covington, La., Dec. 12, 1922. The Police Jury met in regular session on this date with the follow-. ing members, present: Theo. Den- dinger, Jr., H. N. Fendlason, C. M. Poole, J. M. Smith, R. C. Cooper, Emile Singletary, W. H. Davis, M. P. Schneider, J. B. Howze. Absent: Emile Burkenstock It was moved and seconded that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec- onded by Emile Singletary, that the Farm Demonstrator's salary from December 1, 1922, be $1500 a year, as per Act 15 of 1922, and the sec- retary is authorized to write Mr. Price, Farm Demonstrator, to re- fund to the parish the amount over- paid him, as per auditor's report of October 9, 1922. The mistake was made in paying Mr. Price too much salary by Dr. Wilkinson, of the Fartn Bureau, misrepresenting to the PD- lice Jury the amount to be paid. Carried. It Was moved by M. P. Schneider, seconded by W. H. Davis, that the freight due J. D. Kerr Gravel Co. be paid, amounting to $290.00, and the Good Roads Commission be auhtoriz- ed to pay same. Carried. It was moved by M. P. Schneider. seconded by J. M. Smith, that from this date the Finance -Committee discontinue their meetings the day, previous to the regular meeting, to approve bills, and henceforth meet on the morning of the regular meet- ing day. 'Carried. It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec- onded by H. N. Fendlason, that the secretary of the Road Commission find out the amount of gravel used 'from the rejected gravel of J. D: 'Kerr Gravel Co., at Lacombe. Carried. It was moved ,by J. M. Smith, sec- onded by H. N. Fendlason, that the president be authorized to borrow $6000.00 lo meet current expenses, same to be paid back on March 15, 1923. Carried. On motion of M. P. Schneider, seconded by J. M. Smith, the follow- ing resolution was adopted: Whereas, the Police Jury of St. Tammany parish in 1920 dedicated and set aside the sum of $32,000, the same to be used in the construc- tion of the Slidell-Salt Bayou, road, and, Whereas, this body now believes that the sad sum of money can be utilized advantageously in the con- struction of the said road, therefore be it Resolved by the Police Tury, in legal session convened, That the Good Roads Committee of the Parish of St. Tammany, composed of M P. Schneider, Emile Singletary and C. Marvin Poole, be and it Is hereby empowered, authorized and directed to expend, without any further de-. lay, the said $32,000 in the con- struction and improvement of the Slidell-Salt Bayou road. Yeas: J. B. Hows6 Joseph M. Smith, M. P. Schneider, C. Marvin Poole, Emile Singlutary, Win. H: Davis, Theo. Dendinger, Jr. Nay; R. C. Cooper. Absent: Emile Burk- enstock. AN ORDINANCE levying a tax for the year 1923. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tam- many, Louisiana, in legal session con- (Continued on page 4) WORK ON SIOWERS AND WATUER- WORKS BEGUN, Work has started on the water- works and sewers of Covington. Mr Bagley has his men at work. Con- tracts for building material and hauling have been made and the big Fairbanks-Morse engine is now be- ing put on its foundation at the S1. Tammany Ice & Manufacturing Com- pany. This engine is put up in a solid mass weighing sixty thousand pounds and had to be moved in its entirety and was a job of no small proportions. It is now lying beside its foundation of solid concrete sunk six feet in the ground and standing two feet above ground. It will be resting on its foundation today. This is the engine that generates the power for operating the pumps that will serve the water supply and that will give us a water supply in case of fire one thousand gallons a minute at .a pressure of 150 pounds. It will also furnish the power for the 200,000 gallons of water daily for household purposes. Manager Farris, Traffic Agent Mc- Mahon and Supt. Gould of the N. O. G. N. were in Covington Thursday and made arrangements that remov- ed all difficulties in the way of using the land, originally selected for thei power house. Next 'sunimer visitors to Covington will be greeted with great improve- ments in the facilities of the town and property holders will sleep with less dread of fire. The Covington Association of Com- merce will have their annual ban- quet on Monday, Dec. 18th. SLIDELL NOTES. By Staff Correspondent Married, in Gulfport, Miss., Satur- day, Dec. 9, 1922, J. T. Liddle, of tilidell, La., to-Mrs. Edna R. Gould, of Indianapolis, Ind., the Rev. C. S. Newman, of the Gulfport Presby- terian Church, officiating. Mrs. Liddle is the daughter of Mr. Theodore R. Randall, publisher of The Clay Worker; of Indianapolis, who is also the secretary of theNa- tional Brick Makers' Association. Mr. Liddle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Liddle, of Slideil, and well known in the parish and town. He has been for some twenty years a. valued connection of the Salmnen Brick & Lumber Co., and has served the town of Slidell as a member oi the council for several terms. At present he is a Justice of the Peace in and for the Ninth Ward of SL. Tammany parish, serving in the sec- ond four-year term of said office. We extend'hearty congratulatons to the happy couple and wish them a long and blissful married life. Mass Meeting Next Tuesday Night. . A mass meeting has been called for Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Dec. 19th, at the Community House, by the Chamber of Commerce. Every patron of the school and citizen of Slidell should be present. Eastern Star Elects Officers. Lane Shore Chapter No. 59, O. E. S., at their regular meeting, Tues- day, Dec. 12, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. S. Hursey, Worthy Matron; W. E. Varnado, Worthy Patron; Miss Hazel Martin, Associate Matron; kMrs. Jas. Robert, Conductress; Mrs. W. Crock- ett, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Ad- die Volman, Secretary;" Mrs. M. F. Simmons, Treasurer; Mrs. Robt. Smith,- Aida; Mrs. Bryant, Ruth; Mrs. F. C. Coney, Esther; Mrs. W. M. Quave, Martha; Mrs. Esther May- field, Electa; Mrs. G. B. Harrison, Warder; Mrs. F. B: Richardson, Marshall; Miss Lauderbrough, Chap- lain; Mrs. W. K. Varnado, Organist. Local and Personal. Mr. Albert. Salmen returned home Thursday after spending several weeks in South America. - Mr. Charles Liddle, of New Or- leans, spent the week' end with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Liddle. The many friends of Tiney Miles are glad to see him at home again. We hope he will soon be out again. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith spent Sunday in Bogalusa. Misses Lois Miles and Artie Rich- ardson spent Tuesday in New Orleans The Priscilla Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Jacques Aebli, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith have mov- ed into their new bungalow on Teddy Avenue. Mrs. O. Reed spent Saturday in New Orleans. Mesdames T. R. Moore and W. N. Buckley had as their guests Mr. Bert McRee, of Trent, 'Texas, T. - C. Mc- Ree, of New Orleans, and Mrs. Tom McRee and little son, of Houston. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yedder, of Pres- ton, Ohio, are spending the winter with the Neuhausers.- Miss Emrga Hursey spent Sunday in Brookhaven. Mrs. Frank Comfort spent Wed- nesday in New Orleans. Mr. Louis Murray spent Wednes- day in New Orleans. Miss Gladys Crockett returned to herhome Sunday after spending the week in Bogalusa. Mrs. M. S. Tuggle is spending the winter with her daughters, Mrs. Glasscock and Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. F. Salmen spent Wednesday in New Orleans. Among those attending'the Bap- tist State Convention in Bogalusa were Rev. J. H. Strother, Rev, and Mrs. Wingo, Mrs. F. B. Richardson, Mrs. C. M. Liddle, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Ed. Kennedy, 1iss Gladys. Ba- don, Mr. L. Vieger, Mr. U. G. Neu- hauser and Mrs. Hardee. Among those who attended the funeral of Miss Grice, at Picayune, Miss., were Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bhenke, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spears. Miss Audrey Richardson entertain- ed her Sunday Schcol Class at a social, Friday night. 'Delicious re- freshments were served and a most enjoyable evening wa7s spent. Misses Lilly Parker and Mabel Davis returned home after sipending the week with Mrs. G. W. Everett, in Bogalusa. While there they attend- ed the 'Baptist Convention.' -Mrs. C. M. Tilley is spending the week in Hattiesburg. -'Miss Bernice Comfort and Mrs. Ruby Crockett spent Wednesday in New Urleans. Miss Mandot and Mr. George Var- nade, of Folsom, motored to Slidell, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dick Simmons, of Tylertown, has accepted a position as manager of the men's department of the Sli- dell Stores. Miss Lena Whitfield had as her guests for the week end Misses Miri- am and Mildred Gosselin and their mother, Mrs. J. G. Gosselin, and Miss Lillie Mae Bell, of Covington. Mr. Clyde Polk is home to spend the Christmas holidays, from Vir- ginia, where he has been attending college. Mr. T. J. Eddins visited Poplarville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Snider spent last Wednesday in New Orleans. Mr. Clinton Parker spent Thurs- day In Poplarville. Miss Francis Howze spent Thurs- day in New Orleans. Mr. Frank- Neuhauser, of Cali- fornia, visited relatives here Wed- nesday while on his way to his home in Pennsylvania. Miss Hazel MartinRW.flaIOMbal Miss Hazel Martin spent Wednes- day in New Orleans. - Miss Midge Howze entertained the -Intermediate B. Y. P. U. at her home Thursday night. The young people spent a most enjoyable evening. 'CHISTMAS TREES. The Knights of Columbus will have a Christmas tree for the poor, in Cov- ington, December 24th. .The School League of Mandeville will have a Christmas tree and en- tertainment for public school child= ren, with program by grades, ,Dec. 22, at 1 p. im., mandeville. Your Christmas Gifts Will Land Here Lf- This is only one table in a large room of the "Gone Astray" de- partment of the Postal Service 'where thousands of Christmas packages arrive each year-due to poor wrapping and addressing by the senders. Uncle Sam warns you again this year through this newspaper to wrap your gift packages securely and address them plainly and, accurately. MANDEVILLE NEWS NOTES, PERSONALS Mandeville, Dec. 14.-The dedica- tion service of the new Mission Church of St. Ann took place at Lewisburg last Sunday morning. In spite of the dense atmosphere which prevailed, -a large crowd of people had assembled in front of the building for 9 o'clock to witness the ceremony. Sprinkling of the chapel on the exterior. by Abbott Paul, O. S. B., after he had intoned the "As- perges Me," which the choir continu- ed, served as the opening event. After this followed the Psalm "'Mis- erere." Preceding the entrance of the pro- cession into the chapel, Abbot Paul very impressively delivered an ora- tion onathe subject of the day. Chant- ing of the Litany of All Saints and recital of phalms were conducted while the interior was being blessed. Afterwards holy mass was rendered .by Rev. Father Thomas Schuster, priest in charge of the charge, dur- ing which Rev. Father Koegerl heard confessions. Offetatory by Dr. H. Bayon was a beautiful violin solo, accompanied by the organist, Mr3. S. Wallace. After the mass the Rt. Rev. Abbott gave a very appropriate sermon. Among the clergy present were Rt. Rev. Abbott Paul,. of St. Joseph's Abbey; Rev. Father Jos. Koegerl and Rev. Father Thomas Schuster, pastor in Mandeville, who 'also has charge 'of this new church. . The choir members who produced such wonderful musical selections in-' cluded Mrs. S. 'Wallace, organist, Misses B. Cornibe, E. Brown, A. Es- quinance, Mrs. A. Hopkins and Mrs. Weber. The large gathering present con- sisted of Lewishurg and Mandeville patrons, together with many guests and visitors from New Orleans, who have summer homes in Lewisburg. The suburban Catholics were con- spicuously represented. 'This beautiful 'little chapel, cen- trally located in the 'heart of the trees and easily available, was reno- vated from the old school by dona- tions of Mr. U. Marinoni, Jr., and his sister, Mrs. -Olga Nolan. The church is built in memory of their niother. Bazaar a Success. The Ladies'. Auxiliary of the Un- ion Protestant Church wishes-'-to thank each and every one for their generous contributions in purchasing at the bazaar held last Friday and Saturday for their church. They disposed of everything with the ex- ception of a few small articles, which are now for sale at Raquet's Bakery. Christmas Seals Placed on Sale. Christmas seals of the Red Cross made their appearance here last Fri- day and have been placed on sale in the many business places of the. town. Mr. J. E. Lemieux is chair- man of the committee. An.appeal has been made in the name of the Red Cross for intend- ing purchasers to buy early and use the seals on correspondence and all packages, to aid in the war against tuberculosis. Mandeville Wins. The members of Mandeville's quin- tet hung a scalp on their belts last Sunday afternoon when they defeat- ed the Madisonville five in a closely contested game. Preston Prieto, Mandeville's forward, caged.three field goals, Clay Prieto and Poirson scoring one each., The final whistle brought a' 10-5 victory for Mande- ville. After the game the quintet remained as spectators at the Madi- sonville-Ponchatoula game. '(Continued on page 3.) --- 0---- CHRISTMAS. Do not worry about what to buy for your wife or daughter. Just re- ceived new lot of Singer Sewing Ma- chines so you can buy one for her. It is the bdst Christmas present you can give her, and you do not need a large amount of money, because- you can pay for it by small monthly payments. It is better than any-, thing else, and you'll be glad of -it. It' is not necessary -to praise Singer, because Singur -Is known for best quality and easiest rinfnig machine, and are sold ~on very liberal pay- ments. -I repair "Singer Sewing Machines and have all parts on hand, also oil and needles-all that belongs to the Singur. I adjust free of charge all machines bought from' me.- I also -accept orders for the Little Singer Sewing Machine,' a very suit- able gift for the small girl. She can learn how to sew. It makles any elastic chain stitch; it has no shuttle and no bobbin te be wound. Call or uend postal to C. M. Smith, Box 462, Covington, Boston street, two squares fromt Main street toward river, uear brige.,- LU-6 PROGRAM FOR BENEFIT OF CHURCH Madisonville, Dec. 15.-The date and program of grand entertainment to be given by the school children for the B'efit of St. Catherine's Church, has been changed to Dec. 21, at 6 p. m. A very elaborate pro- gram has been arranged consisting of songs, drills, plays, recitations, btc., and is sure to please all. Yacht Ilys Arrives with.Merry Jlanch. The trim little yacht, Ilys, jointly owned by Mr. S. M. Mayer, Sr., and Mr. T. Denapolis, of New Orleans, arrived Sunday morn'.Wg crowdbd to, capacity with Dpeasure seekers. Every conceivable form of amuse- ment was indulged in and every one expressed themselves as having im- mensely enjoyed the diversion, es- pecially the sight-seeing tour that was conducted by Misses Mabel Per- rin, Dimples Ballam and Denia Chat- elier, their guests aboard the yacht -during the day. Quav- Motechek. The wedding sof Miss Elizabeth Motechek and Mr. Joseph Quave was quietly solemnized during nuptial mass at 4 oo'clock Tuesday morning, Dec. 12th, at. St. Catherine's Church. Rev. Qttmar Bliel, local pastor, per- formed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and a few friends. Both young people are from Madisonville and are well known and liked by a host. of friends who wish them much happiness. They expect to make Madisontfille their-home for the present. Personals.' Miss Lois Coney arrived Sunday from Amite for a short visit to Mr. .nd Mrs. Frank V. de Gruy. M91rs. Frank Hardie arrived from Hammond, Ind., to spend the winter season here, and is stopping at the Koepp Kottage. Mr. Paul Blanchard, of New Or- leans, is in Madisonville this week. Miss Jessie Jones spent Sunday in Bogalusp with friends. Mrs. Henry Cooper, of Covington, spent last week here with her sister, Mrs. M. G. Chatelier. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Haas.returned Wednesday from New Orleans where they visited Mrs. J. L. Meyers. Capt. L. F. Young is visiting his family here prior to leaving in a few days for Pensacola. Mrs. Earl Galatas and son spent several days in New Orleans with Mrs. E. V. Heughan. Miss Mayme Milloit will arrive Sat- urday evening from Gulf Park spend the Christmas season with her mother, Mrs. E. R. Haas.. Mrs. E. V. Heughen and little sons left last week to join Mr. Heughen in New Orleans. Mr. Kenneth Graham and Mr. A. M. Walker, of Hammond, were Sun- day visitors in Madisonville. Mrs. Albert Quave is in New Or- leans where she is undergoing medi- cal treatment. Misses Consuelo and Carlotta Lo- pez, of New Orleans, are visiting Dr. Charles Lopez. Mrs. Felix Currow arrived Thurs- day from Morganza, La., on a short visit to her home here. BLOND NOTES. BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers (nee Maggie Keating), on Saturday, December 2, 1922, a girl. Miss Ilabelle Dutsch left last week for ,Bogalusa where she has accepted a position. Miss Jennie Wilkins has returned from New Orleans where she under- went a serious operation. We are glad to learn she is doing nicely. Mrs. L. T. Rouse, of Hamilton, 0., has returned- to her home, after a two months visit here to Mrs. Lou Ezell and Miss Mae Ezell. Miss Ouida -Glisson, our primary teacher, spent the week end in Cov- ington as the guests of her parents. Miss Mae Ezell has returned home after a short visit to Bogalusa. Mr. Martin Meyers spent Sunday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mevers. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fussell were week end visitors of Mrs.. Lou Ezell and Miss Mae Ezell. Mr. Tim Brooks, of Cleveland, Tenn., is a visitor here for a while. Mr. A. J. Meyers, of Bogalusa, spent the. week end here as the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. P. -Dutsch. Every one is glad to learn of the recovery of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alli- son and famnily after their long spell of sickness. One of the most delightful events of the season was the marriage of Miss, Tressie Sharp and Mr. Frank (Brubi, Rev. Booth officiating.> The bride, who is a prefty brunette, was becomingly dressed in a traveling suit. - She carried a bouquet of roses. Heroly attendant was Miss Mesie Fussell, who was becomingly dress- ed in a serge suit, carrying a bouquef of roses The groomsaman was Mr. VIAL SENTENCED NOT LESS THAN 15 NOR MORES THAN 20 YRS Thursday Set for Hearing Motions and Appeal Tak- en to Supreme Court GRAND JURY IN ---BUSY SESSION Piplac 'and Other Liquor Cases Taken Up and Convictions Entered Judge Carter instructed the girnd jury to consider carefully violations of the law as to carrying concealed weapons and violation of the prohibi- tion law. That the man who has liquor on his person is as guilty as the man who' makes it. Also dis- -turbing the peace on public highways and near schools and churches. Emile Vial was taken to New Or- leans for safe- keeping pending ap- peal of case to the Supreme Court. District Court. State vs. L. B. Moore. trapping without license. lined $25 and costs, in default, 30 days in jail. Lentence suspended. State vs. Frank Blackwell et al: Disturbing peace. Not guilty. State vs. Gruff Revere. Retailing. Not guilty. State vs. L. David. Operating mo- tor vehicle without license plates. Guilty on technical grounds. Sent- ence deterred. State vs. R. W. Kemp. Nol pros entered. State vs. C. S. A. Fuhrman. Op- crating slot machine. Found guilty. Sentence deferred. State vs. Henry Warner. Nol pros entered. State, vs. Calvin. Holden. Guilty of having whisky in his possession.. Sentence deferred until January. State vs. Calvin Holden. Guilty of carrying concealed weapon. De- ferred until January, - State vs. Hy. Martin. Fined $10 and costs. Fine suspended on pay- ment of costs. State vs. Joe Washington.. Guilty Af retailing. Fined, $300 and costs, and 2 months in jail. In default of payment, an additional. 10 months. State vs. John . Piplack. Guilty. Sentence deferred in all cases. State vs. Mose Grantham. Guilty of having whisky in his possession. Sentence deferred. State vs. H. P. Wagner. Guilty of having whisky in his possess: on. Fined $350 and 60 days in jail, and in default of payment, 10 months additional imprisonment. Appealed to Supreme Court. State vs. Emile Vial, Sr. That he be imprisoned in the state ;eniten- tiary for a period of not leas than 15 years nor more than 20, and. that he pay a line of $1.00. Appealed to Supreme Court. - ---- 0----- The Ozone Dairy- Association an nounce- the change in the price of butter to 60sc per pound. They also have for sale the DeLaval Separators. which will be demonstrated.- They have dairy; horse, ox and poultry feed for sale at rock bottom prices -- 0---- OOVING'I'ON, A GREAT HEALTH RESORT. ,(From Bunki,e La., Record) Mr. Bonnie Gremillion,. proprietor of The Record, after three weeks spent in the pine woods at Covington -in Louisiana's "Ozone District"- wishes to recommend this health re- sort-to all in need of health recuper- ation.. A severe attack of typhoid fever' left him so reduced in vitality that he- was unable to recover his strength. Being advised to try the ozone and medicinal springs at 'Cov- ington, he decided to do so. He spent three weeks in the place and was so improved that he decided to spend three weeks mort, after visit- ing his family and looking after his business interests for a few days. In that time he gained 13 pounds in weight and much in strength, and says he feels "fine." We have talked with othdrs whose health has been wonderfully improv- ed, and one lady who claims to have been completely cured of T. B., by. a stay of several months, and treat- ment 'at the sanitarium. Others, we are told, have been curep of stomach troubles and other ailments simply by drinking the water and breathing the pine-wood air. Covington is situated In the most healthy spot in Louisiana, and about two and a half hours ride, by train, northeast from New. Orleans;. is a pretty town, with a resident popula- tion of something o'ler 3b000, swelled often to 5,00 by health and rest seek- ers. The town is well supplied with churches and business houses of all kinds; also good schools; and has good hotel 'and boarding house ac- commodations.' The healthfulness, of' .the. air and the excellent springs-magnesia, iron and sulphur--make the place a -mec- ca- for health seekers. People come to Covlngton from' all, over the Unit- ed State and from foreign countries. WANTED.--Highest prices paid for empty sacks. H. Young, Box 176,' Abita Spirings. Kelton Loyde. After the cerem.)ny delicious refreshments .were served in abundance. At the .cutting of. the wedding cake Mr. Sidney Bruhl, a b'other nf the groom, got the sliver 4Ime. The we4dlng -was a<ttended by man fribed, an4 relatives. - * ** *'* * * * * * * TO OUR READERIS. * The holiday edition of The St._ *. Tammany Farmer means more- * to this community than a mere * * display' of newspaper work. - * The stranger reading it will * judge our community by it. * * They will note how many merch-* * ants are advertisers and will * * form an opinion of the progres- * * siveness of the business men, * * Especially will this be true when ? * the character and appearance of " * the paper show- it to be worthy * * of support. * We believe our people will * * realize that the business that is * * advertised is the safest to pat- * * ronize. . It shows that the busi- * * ness is alive and willing to com- * * pete for the trade. Buy of a'l- * * vertisers. It is safest. * NOTICE. Don't forget to pay your poll and road tai for 1922. If the poll tax of $1.00 is not paid before.December 31st, 1922, ybu will be disfranchis- ed for two years; liable from 21 to 60 years. If the road tai of $1.00 is not paid before December 31st,. 1922, you are subject to prosecution; liable from 18 to 55 years. Residents of incorporated towns not liable for Parish Road Tax. WALTER GALATAS, d9-4t Sheriff and Tax Collector In Newberry's Seat * ---. --- - -- - *~~ ~~ .4IM*4 . James Couzens, millionaire mayor of Detroit and former partner of Henry Ford, is the new U. S. Sena- tor from- Michigan, appointed to. the Truman H. Newberry seat, the olrice to which ford aspired against: New- berry in the now famous election icandals; which finally resufted' ih Newberry's resignation this month. MASONS ELECT OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR.. At the regular meeting of Coving- ton Lodge, No. 188, F. & A. M., last Tuesday evening, the following of- ficers were elected for the ensuing year: R. N. Menetre, Worshipful Master. Bryan D. Burns, Senior Warden. J. H. Warner, Junior Warden. E. G. Davis, Treasurer. A. J. Park, Secretary. H. K .Goodwyn, Senior Deacon. Roy Nelson, Junior Deacon. E. L. Pfeffer, Chaplain.. E. H. Barringer, Master of Cere- monies. J. E. Nilson and F. B. Folkes, Stewards. George Glover, Tyler. HIGH GRADE PRIZE WINNERS. 4- St. Tammany parish is making a record as the home of high grade poultry, and among the breeders who have . won special notice is B. W. Brown, whose farm is near Chin- chuba on the Mandeville road. He has taken many first and second priz- es at the St. Tammany Parish Fair, when the competition was very strong, and he has been just as suc- cessful at other fairs. Following is a list of prize winners at the Florida Parishes Fair recently held at Ham- mond. It speaks for itself: S. C. White Leghorns-first hen, second hen and pullet. S. C. White Orpingstons-First and second hen,, first and second pullet. S. C. Anconas-First and second pen, first and second hen, first and second pullets. R. C. W. Wyandottes-First hen. Best display, Mediterranean class, Anconas. Best display of one breed from a Louisiana breeder, Anconas. Mr. Brown's shipping point Is Cov- ington, La., Postoffice at Chinchuba. WHY NOT USE THE BANKS? The burglary at Talisheek last week, which netted the burglars about $4100, shows that not all the money In the parish is deposited in th. banks. There is still some hoarded. Unfortunately there have been some bank failures in which the money of depositors is lost, but 'for every dollar lost in this manner, a hundred dollars have been lost by hoarding and otherwise carelessly handling money. There has never been the loss of a dollar by deposit- ors 'in banks in St. Tammany parishf and they are all strong and trust- worthy. There is absolutely no reason why any one should not bank their money in some of the parish banks. The hoarded dollar is ont-of circulation; the :banked dollar is in- circulation, thereby helping the com- munity just that much. We invite every hoarded dollar in the parish to be b1rought to our bank; if not tours, then one of the others, but for the good of the com- munity aid yourself BANK .YOUR MONEY. OOVINGTO1. BANK & TRUST CO., "at Tammany's Million Dollar Banlk" ovingto ..- Madisonville SURGLARS LOOT POST OFFICE AT TALISHEEKAND GET AWAY Maul Used To Break Down Door and Nitroglycerine Blow Out Safe Door OVER $4100.00 IN CASH AND STAMPS Alarm Given at 3 O'clock Sunday Morning, But No Trace of the Thieves Sunday morning at 3 o'clock it was discovered that the Talisheek post- office had been broken into and the. safe rifled of $50 worth of postage stamps, $40 in money, $2800 belong- ing to John Scarborrough and $1300 belonging to Scarborrough & Son, put in the safe for safe keeping. 4A maul used for breaking in the door of the postoffice and a cup in which nitroglycerine had `been pour- ed and used in blowing open the safe was found, but not trace of the thieves could be obtained. A number of robberies of this kind have occurred in this vicinity recent- ly. The postoffice at Franklinton and at Spring Creek, near Columbia, Miss., when $2000 of non-negotiable bonds were obtained, The authorities are on the lookout but thus far no information has been obtained that will lead to arrests, -- 0--- AT PARKVIEW THEATRE. Gloria Swanson in "The Impossible Mrs, Bellew," December 21 and 22. COURTHOUSE NEWER Dec. 11th Will RogrB, colored, was brought in from Slidelle by Mar-' shal Saxon, charged with carrying concealed weapons. A. Christie, of Bush,. charged with selling liquor, was re-arrested and placed under $2000 bond in esoh case. FOISOM -NEWS NOTES AND PER. SONALS. Folsom, Dec. 14.-The ladies of the Folsom Baptist Church gave a very- successful oyster feast at the Community House last Saturday which was well attended even tho the weather was bad. A beautiful cake was voted to Miss Ruby Spring as the most popular young lady in Folsom. The proceeds will be used is reseating the church. Folsom B. Y. P. IT. Visits New Zion B. Y. P. U. at Blond. The members of the Senior B. Y. P. U. of Folsom motored over to Blond Lo visit the B. Y. P. U. at the - New Zion Church, and rendered * very interesting and instructive pro- gram consisting of talks on Bible topics, a solo and quartet. Timer was a good attendance and a very enjoyabletime was had by all. Stork Visits Mr. and Mrs. Green. The stork made a' visit to -olsom - on the -wings of the storm, Sunday night, and left a boy and girl at the home of -Mr. and 'Mrs. Monroe Green. The twins have -attracted - a great deal of interest. Mother and babies are doing nicely and there Is hopes that. the father will recover. Personals. Mrs. J. W. York and Miss Barbara McGowan attended the meeting of the Eastern Star ii - Covington last Thursday night. Miss Merle Mandot, of Baton Rouge, spent the week end here with her sister, Miss Gertrude Mandot, who is one of our eofcient teachers. Mr. M. McGee, of Frauklintoil, was a guest at Spring's Hotel. last Monday. Mrs. Grace Browa returned home last week after spending- a month in Opelousas with her sister; Mrs. A. Mendoza. - Mrs. T. Ousman was a Covington visitor Tuesday, Rev. L. S. -Evans attended the Bap- tist convention - in Bogalusa last Thursday. John, Milton and Alfred York and Ward Fen'alason motored to 0 ving- ton Thursday night and enjoyed the picture show. Miss Hazel Spring, of Franklin- ton, and Mr. Emory Lane, of Boga- lusa, were the guests of Mrs. B. T. Spring and family, Sunday. Mr. Denham Bickham; of Clifton, spent the week -end here.- Misses Clarice and Josiy Frederick, of Covington, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Heints, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lionel Prodos, of New Or- leans, spent Sunday here as the guest of Miss Ruby Spring. Mr. S. J. Parker, of Bogalusa, was - a visitor to friends here Saturday. Mr. Dewey Wallis, of Abita,. spent a week here with his cousin, Mr. Norman Wallis, and family. Mrs. B. T. Spring returned home - Sunday after spending a - week inn New Orleans with her daughter, Mrs. S. Bogan. Messrs. J. W. York, Y. Mapes and Dr. F. R. Jones were business visit- ors to Covington last Tuesday. 'Mr. W. H. Thompson retuirned to his hoine in Oakdale, after spending three weeks here with Mr. N. Core; Miss Beulah Carroll spent several 'days lit Baton Rouge this week with Mrs. H. togers.- Miss bertrude -Mandot and Prof. G. W. Varnado motored to Slidell last Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Wallis visited her- sis.. - ter, Mrs. F. J. Martindale, in Cov- ington, Tuesday. Mr. D. Carroll spent the week end, here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Regbt. McKee and children, o, 1iy gston, are here on a visit to relat1Y9v and trBend i

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Page 1: The St.Tammany Farmer - Chronicling America · Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith have mov-ed into their new bungalow on Teddy Avenue. Mrs. O. Reed spent Saturday in New Orleans. Mesdames T

THE FARMER on sale every Sat-urday at Covington News Stand,_____The St.Tammany Farmer ___

B3ulloch's Drug Store, Schonherg's.Phairmacy, Covington; The

Five, Cents Per Copy. ~~D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922. VOL.49 No. 3


DEC. 12TH$32,000 Set'Aside for Salt

Bayou Road To Be UsedNow in Construction


Bills Ordered Paid, OtherBusiness Transacted

At Meeting

Covington, La., Dec. 12, 1922.The Police Jury met in regular

session on this date with the members, present: Theo. Den-dinger, Jr., H. N. Fendlason, C. M.Poole, J. M. Smith, R. C. Cooper,Emile Singletary, W. H. Davis, M. P.Schneider, J. B. Howze. Absent:Emile Burkenstock

It was moved and seconded thatthe reading of the minutes of thelast meeting be dispensed with.

It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec-onded by Emile Singletary, that theFarm Demonstrator's salary fromDecember 1, 1922, be $1500 a year,as per Act 15 of 1922, and the sec-retary is authorized to write Mr.Price, Farm Demonstrator, to re-fund to the parish the amount over-paid him, as per auditor's report ofOctober 9, 1922. The mistake wasmade in paying Mr. Price too muchsalary by Dr. Wilkinson, of the FartnBureau, misrepresenting to the PD-lice Jury the amount to be paid.

Carried.It Was moved by M. P. Schneider,

seconded by W. H. Davis, that thefreight due J. D. Kerr Gravel Co. bepaid, amounting to $290.00, and theGood Roads Commission be auhtoriz-ed to pay same. Carried.

It was moved by M. P. Schneider.seconded by J. M. Smith, that fromthis date the Finance -Committeediscontinue their meetings the day,previous to the regular meeting, toapprove bills, and henceforth meeton the morning of the regular meet-ing day. 'Carried.

It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec-onded by H. N. Fendlason, that thesecretary of the Road Commissionfind out the amount of gravel used

'from the rejected gravel of J. D:'Kerr Gravel Co., at Lacombe.

Carried.It was moved ,by J. M. Smith, sec-

onded by H. N. Fendlason, that thepresident be authorized to borrow$6000.00 lo meet current expenses,same to be paid back on March 15,1923. Carried.

On motion of M. P. Schneider,seconded by J. M. Smith, the follow-ing resolution was adopted:

Whereas, the Police Jury of St.Tammany parish in 1920 dedicatedand set aside the sum of $32,000,the same to be used in the construc-tion of the Slidell-Salt Bayou, road,and,

Whereas, this body now believesthat the sad sum of money can beutilized advantageously in the con-struction of the said road, thereforebe it

Resolved by the Police Tury, inlegal session convened, That theGood Roads Committee of the Parishof St. Tammany, composed of M P.Schneider, Emile Singletary and C.Marvin Poole, be and it Is herebyempowered, authorized and directedto expend, without any further de-.lay, the said $32,000 in the con-struction and improvement of theSlidell-Salt Bayou road.

Yeas: J. B. Hows6 Joseph M.Smith, M. P. Schneider, C. MarvinPoole, Emile Singlutary, Win. H:Davis, Theo. Dendinger, Jr. Nay;R. C. Cooper. Absent: Emile Burk-enstock.AN ORDINANCE levying a tax for

the year 1923.Section 1. Be it ordained by the

Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tam-many, Louisiana, in legal session con-

(Continued on page 4)


Work has started on the water-works and sewers of Covington. MrBagley has his men at work. Con-tracts for building material andhauling have been made and the bigFairbanks-Morse engine is now be-ing put on its foundation at the S1.Tammany Ice & Manufacturing Com-pany. This engine is put up in asolid mass weighing sixty thousandpounds and had to be moved in itsentirety and was a job of no smallproportions. It is now lying besideits foundation of solid concrete sunksix feet in the ground and standingtwo feet above ground. It will beresting on its foundation today.

This is the engine that generatesthe power for operating the pumpsthat will serve the water supply andthat will give us a water supply incase of fire one thousand gallons aminute at .a pressure of 150 pounds.It will also furnish the power forthe 200,000 gallons of water dailyfor household purposes.

Manager Farris, Traffic Agent Mc-Mahon and Supt. Gould of the N. O.G. N. were in Covington Thursdayand made arrangements that remov-ed all difficulties in the way of usingthe land, originally selected for theipower house.

Next 'sunimer visitors to Covingtonwill be greeted with great improve-ments in the facilities of the townand property holders will sleep withless dread of fire.

The Covington Association of Com-merce will have their annual ban-quet on Monday, Dec. 18th.


By Staff CorrespondentMarried, in Gulfport, Miss., Satur-

day, Dec. 9, 1922, J. T. Liddle, oftilidell, La., to-Mrs. Edna R. Gould,of Indianapolis, Ind., the Rev. C. S.Newman, of the Gulfport Presby-terian Church, officiating.

Mrs. Liddle is the daughter of Mr.Theodore R. Randall, publisher ofThe Clay Worker; of Indianapolis,who is also the secretary of theNa-tional Brick Makers' Association.

Mr. Liddle is the son of Mr. andMrs. Chas. M. Liddle, of Slideil, andwell known in the parish and town.He has been for some twenty yearsa. valued connection of the SalmnenBrick & Lumber Co., and has servedthe town of Slidell as a member oithe council for several terms. Atpresent he is a Justice of the Peacein and for the Ninth Ward of SL.Tammany parish, serving in the sec-ond four-year term of said office.

We extend'hearty congratulatonsto the happy couple and wish them along and blissful married life.Mass Meeting Next Tuesday Night.. A mass meeting has been called

for Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock,Dec. 19th, at the Community House,by the Chamber of Commerce. Everypatron of the school and citizen ofSlidell should be present.

Eastern Star Elects Officers.Lane Shore Chapter No. 59, O. E.

S., at their regular meeting, Tues-day, Dec. 12, elected the followingofficers for the ensuing year: Mrs.S. Hursey, Worthy Matron; W. E.Varnado, Worthy Patron; Miss HazelMartin, Associate Matron; kMrs. Jas.Robert, Conductress; Mrs. W. Crock-ett, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Ad-die Volman, Secretary;" Mrs. M. F.Simmons, Treasurer; Mrs. Robt.Smith,- Aida; Mrs. Bryant, Ruth;Mrs. F. C. Coney, Esther; Mrs. W.M. Quave, Martha; Mrs. Esther May-field, Electa; Mrs. G. B. Harrison,Warder; Mrs. F. B: Richardson,Marshall; Miss Lauderbrough, Chap-lain; Mrs. W. K. Varnado, Organist.

Local and Personal.Mr. Albert. Salmen returned home

Thursday after spending severalweeks in South America.- Mr. Charles Liddle, of New Or-leans, spent the week' end with hisgrand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.Liddle.

The many friends of Tiney Milesare glad to see him at home again.We hope he will soon be out again.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith spentSunday in Bogalusa.

Misses Lois Miles and Artie Rich-ardson spent Tuesday in New Orleans

The Priscilla Club will meet at thehome of Mrs. Jacques Aebli, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith have mov-ed into their new bungalow on TeddyAvenue.

Mrs. O. Reed spent Saturday inNew Orleans.

Mesdames T. R. Moore and W. N.Buckley had as their guests Mr. BertMcRee, of Trent, 'Texas, T. - C. Mc-Ree, of New Orleans, and Mrs. TomMcRee and little son, of Houston.Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yedder, of Pres-ton, Ohio, are spending the winterwith the Neuhausers.-

Miss Emrga Hursey spent Sundayin Brookhaven.

Mrs. Frank Comfort spent Wed-nesday in New Orleans.

Mr. Louis Murray spent Wednes-day in New Orleans.

Miss Gladys Crockett returned toherhome Sunday after spending theweek in Bogalusa.

Mrs. M. S. Tuggle is spending thewinter with her daughters, Mrs.Glasscock and Mrs. Lewis.

Mrs. F. Salmen spent Wednesdayin New Orleans.

Among those attending'the Bap-tist State Convention in Bogalusawere Rev. J. H. Strother, Rev, andMrs. Wingo, Mrs. F. B. Richardson,Mrs. C. M. Liddle, Mrs. Thompson,Mrs. Ed. Kennedy, 1iss Gladys. Ba-don, Mr. L. Vieger, Mr. U. G. Neu-hauser and Mrs. Hardee.

Among those who attended thefuneral of Miss Grice, at Picayune,Miss., were Mr. and Mrs. C. B.Bhenke, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Howard andMr. and Mrs. W. A. Spears.

Miss Audrey Richardson entertain-ed her Sunday Schcol Class at asocial, Friday night. 'Delicious re-freshments were served and a mostenjoyable evening wa7s spent.

Misses Lilly Parker and MabelDavis returned home after sipendingthe week with Mrs. G. W. Everett, inBogalusa. While there they attend-ed the 'Baptist Convention.'

-Mrs. C. M. Tilley is spending theweek in Hattiesburg.-'Miss Bernice Comfort and Mrs.

Ruby Crockett spent Wednesday inNew Urleans.

Miss Mandot and Mr. George Var-nade, of Folsom, motored to Slidell,Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Dick Simmons, of Tylertown,has accepted a position as managerof the men's department of the Sli-dell Stores.

Miss Lena Whitfield had as herguests for the week end Misses Miri-am and Mildred Gosselin and theirmother, Mrs. J. G. Gosselin, and MissLillie Mae Bell, of Covington.

Mr. Clyde Polk is home to spendthe Christmas holidays, from Vir-ginia, where he has been attendingcollege.

Mr. T. J. Eddins visited PoplarvilleThursday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Snider spent lastWednesday in New Orleans.

Mr. Clinton Parker spent Thurs-day In Poplarville.

Miss Francis Howze spent Thurs-day in New Orleans.

Mr. Frank- Neuhauser, of Cali-fornia, visited relatives here Wed-nesday while on his way to his homein Pennsylvania.

Miss Hazel MartinRW.flaIOMbalMiss Hazel Martin spent Wednes-

day in New Orleans. -Miss Midge Howze entertained the

-Intermediate B. Y. P. U. at her homeThursday night. The young peoplespent a most enjoyable evening.


The Knights of Columbus will havea Christmas tree for the poor, in Cov-ington, December 24th.

.The School League of Mandevillewill have a Christmas tree and en-tertainment for public school child=ren, with program by grades, ,Dec.22, at 1 p. im., mandeville.

Your Christmas Gifts Will Land Here Lf-This is only one table in a large

room of the "Gone Astray" de-partment of the Postal Service

'where thousands of Christmaspackages arrive each year-dueto poor wrapping and addressingby the senders. Uncle Sam warnsyou again this year through thisnewspaper to wrap your giftpackages securely and addressthem plainly and, accurately.


Mandeville, Dec. 14.-The dedica-tion service of the new MissionChurch of St. Ann took place atLewisburg last Sunday morning.

In spite of the dense atmospherewhich prevailed, -a large crowd ofpeople had assembled in front of thebuilding for 9 o'clock to witness theceremony. Sprinkling of the chapelon the exterior. by Abbott Paul, O.S. B., after he had intoned the "As-perges Me," which the choir continu-ed, served as the opening event.After this followed the Psalm "'Mis-erere."

Preceding the entrance of the pro-cession into the chapel, Abbot Paulvery impressively delivered an ora-tion onathe subject of the day. Chant-ing of the Litany of All Saints andrecital of phalms were conductedwhile the interior was being blessed.Afterwards holy mass was Rev. Father Thomas Schuster,priest in charge of the charge, dur-ing which Rev. Father Koegerlheard confessions. Offetatory by Dr.H. Bayon was a beautiful violin solo,accompanied by the organist, Mr3. S.Wallace. After the mass the Rt.Rev. Abbott gave a very appropriatesermon.

Among the clergy present were Rt.Rev. Abbott Paul,. of St. Joseph'sAbbey; Rev. Father Jos. Koegerl andRev. Father Thomas Schuster, pastorin Mandeville, who 'also has charge'of this new church. .

The choir members who producedsuch wonderful musical selections in-'cluded Mrs. S. 'Wallace, organist,Misses B. Cornibe, E. Brown, A. Es-quinance, Mrs. A. Hopkins and Mrs.Weber.

The large gathering present con-sisted of Lewishurg and Mandevillepatrons, together with many guestsand visitors from New Orleans, whohave summer homes in Lewisburg.The suburban Catholics were con-spicuously represented.

'This beautiful 'little chapel, cen-trally located in the 'heart of thetrees and easily available, was reno-vated from the old school by dona-tions of Mr. U. Marinoni, Jr., and hissister, Mrs. -Olga Nolan. The churchis built in memory of their niother.

Bazaar a Success.The Ladies'. Auxiliary of the Un-

ion Protestant Church wishes-'-tothank each and every one for theirgenerous contributions in purchasingat the bazaar held last Friday andSaturday for their church. Theydisposed of everything with the ex-ception of a few small articles, whichare now for sale at Raquet's Bakery.

Christmas Seals Placed on Sale.Christmas seals of the Red Cross

made their appearance here last Fri-day and have been placed on salein the many business places of Mr. J. E. Lemieux is chair-man of the committee.

An.appeal has been made in thename of the Red Cross for intend-ing purchasers to buy early and usethe seals on correspondence and allpackages, to aid in the war againsttuberculosis.

Mandeville Wins.The members of Mandeville's quin-

tet hung a scalp on their belts lastSunday afternoon when they defeat-ed the Madisonville five in a closelycontested game. Preston Prieto,Mandeville's forward, caged.threefield goals, Clay Prieto and Poirsonscoring one each., The final whistlebrought a' 10-5 victory for Mande-ville. After the game the quintetremained as spectators at the Madi-sonville-Ponchatoula game.

'(Continued on page 3.)--- 0----CHRISTMAS.

Do not worry about what to buyfor your wife or daughter. Just re-ceived new lot of Singer Sewing Ma-chines so you can buy one for her.It is the bdst Christmas present youcan give her, and you do not needa large amount of money, because-you can pay for it by small monthlypayments. It is better than any-,thing else, and you'll be glad of -it.It' is not necessary -to praise Singer,because Singur -Is known for bestquality and easiest rinfnig machine,and are sold ~on very liberal pay-ments.

-I repair "Singer Sewing Machinesand have all parts on hand, also oiland

needles-all that belongs to the

Singur. I adjust free of charge allmachines

bought from' me.-

I also -accept orders for the LittleSinger Sewing Machine,' a very suit-able gift for the small girl. She canlearn how to sew. It makles anyelastic chain stitch; it has no shuttleand no bobbin te be wound.

Call or uend postal to C. M. Smith,Box 462, Covington, Boston street,two squares fromt Main street towardriver, uear brige.,- LU-6


CHURCHMadisonville, Dec. 15.-The date

and program of grand entertainmentto be given by the school childrenfor the B'efit of St. Catherine'sChurch, has been changed to Dec.21, at 6 p. m. A very elaborate pro-gram has been arranged consistingof songs, drills, plays, recitations,btc., and is sure to please all.Yacht Ilys Arrives with.Merry Jlanch.

The trim little yacht, Ilys, jointlyowned by Mr. S. M. Mayer, Sr., andMr. T. Denapolis, of New Orleans,arrived Sunday morn'.Wg crowdbdto, capacity with Dpeasure seekers.Every conceivable form of amuse-ment was indulged in and every oneexpressed themselves as having im-mensely enjoyed the diversion, es-pecially the sight-seeing tour thatwas conducted by Misses Mabel Per-rin, Dimples Ballam and Denia Chat-elier, their guests aboard the yacht-during the day.

Quav- Motechek.The wedding sof Miss Elizabeth

Motechek and Mr. Joseph Quave wasquietly solemnized during nuptialmass at 4 oo'clock Tuesday morning,Dec. 12th, at. St. Catherine's Church.Rev. Qttmar Bliel, local pastor, per-formed the ceremony in the presenceof the immediate families and a fewfriends. Both young people are fromMadisonville and are well known andliked by a host. of friends who wishthem much happiness. They expectto make Madisontfille their-home forthe present.

Personals.'Miss Lois Coney arrived Sunday

from Amite for a short visit to Mr..nd Mrs. Frank V. de Gruy.M91rs. Frank Hardie arrived fromHammond, Ind., to spend the winterseason here, and is stopping at theKoepp Kottage.

Mr. Paul Blanchard, of New Or-leans, is in Madisonville this week.

Miss Jessie Jones spent Sunday inBogalusp with friends.

Mrs. Henry Cooper, of Covington,spent last week here with her sister,Mrs. M. G. Chatelier.

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Haas.returnedWednesday from New Orleans wherethey visited Mrs. J. L. Meyers.

Capt. L. F. Young is visiting hisfamily here prior to leaving in a fewdays for Pensacola.

Mrs. Earl Galatas and son spentseveral days in New Orleans withMrs. E. V. Heughan.

Miss Mayme Milloit will arrive Sat-urday evening from Gulf Parkspend the Christmas season with hermother, Mrs. E. R. Haas..

Mrs. E. V. Heughen and little sonsleft last week to join Mr. Heughenin New Orleans.

Mr. Kenneth Graham and Mr. A.M. Walker, of Hammond, were Sun-day visitors in Madisonville.

Mrs. Albert Quave is in New Or-leans where she is undergoing medi-cal treatment.

Misses Consuelo and Carlotta Lo-pez, of New Orleans, are visiting Dr.Charles Lopez.

Mrs. Felix Currow arrived Thurs-day from Morganza, La., on a shortvisit to her home here.


BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. JohnMeyers (nee Maggie Keating), onSaturday, December 2, 1922, a girl.

Miss Ilabelle Dutsch left last weekfor ,Bogalusa where she has accepteda position.

Miss Jennie Wilkins has returnedfrom New Orleans where she under-went a serious operation. We areglad to learn she is doing nicely.

Mrs. L. T. Rouse, of Hamilton, 0.,has returned- to her home, after atwo months visit here to Mrs. LouEzell and Miss Mae Ezell.

Miss Ouida -Glisson, our primaryteacher, spent the week end in Cov-ington as the guests of her parents.

Miss Mae Ezell has returned homeafter a short visit to Bogalusa.

Mr. Martin Meyers spent Sundayas guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mevers.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Fussell were weekend visitors of Mrs.. Lou Ezell andMiss Mae Ezell.

Mr. Tim Brooks, of Cleveland,Tenn., is a visitor here for a while.

Mr. A. J. Meyers, of Bogalusa,spent the. week end here as the guestof his sister, Mrs. W. P. -Dutsch.

Every one is glad to learn of therecovery of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alli-son and famnily after their long spellof sickness.

One of the most delightful eventsof the season was the marriage ofMiss, Tressie Sharp and Mr. Frank(Brubi, Rev. Booth officiating.> Thebride, who is a prefty brunette, wasbecomingly dressed in a travelingsuit. - She carried a bouquet of roses.Heroly attendant was Miss MesieFussell, who was becomingly dress-ed in a serge suit, carrying a bouquefof roses The groomsaman was Mr.



Thursday Set for HearingMotions and Appeal Tak-

en to Supreme Court


Piplac 'and Other LiquorCases Taken Up andConvictions Entered

Judge Carter instructed the girndjury to consider carefully violationsof the law as to carrying concealedweapons and violation of the prohibi-tion law. That the man who hasliquor on his person is as guilty asthe man who' makes it. Also dis--turbing the peace on public highwaysand near schools and churches.

Emile Vial was taken to New Or-leans for safe- keeping pending ap-peal of case to the Supreme Court.

District Court.State vs. L. B. Moore. trapping

without license. lined $25 and costs,in default, 30 days in jail. Lentencesuspended.

State vs. Frank Blackwell et al:Disturbing peace. Not guilty.

State vs. Gruff Revere. Retailing.Not guilty.

State vs. L. David. Operating mo-tor vehicle without license plates.Guilty on technical grounds. Sent-ence deterred.

State vs. R. W. Kemp. Nol prosentered.

State vs. C. S. A. Fuhrman. Op-crating slot machine. Found guilty.Sentence deferred.

State vs. Henry Warner. Nol prosentered.

State, vs. Calvin. Holden. Guiltyof having whisky in his possession..Sentence deferred until January.

State vs. Calvin Holden. Guiltyof carrying concealed weapon. De-ferred until January,- State vs. Hy. Martin. Fined $10and costs. Fine suspended on pay-ment of costs.

State vs. Joe Washington.. GuiltyAf retailing. Fined, $300 and costs,and 2 months in jail. In default ofpayment, an additional. 10 months.

State vs. John . Piplack. Guilty.Sentence deferred in all cases.

State vs. Mose Grantham. Guiltyof having whisky in his possession.Sentence deferred.

State vs. H. P. Wagner. Guilty ofhaving whisky in his possess: on.Fined $350 and 60 days in jail, andin default of payment, 10 monthsadditional imprisonment. Appealedto Supreme Court.

State vs. Emile Vial, Sr. That hebe imprisoned in the state ;eniten-tiary for a period of not leas than15 years nor more than 20, and. thathe pay a line of $1.00. Appealed toSupreme Court. -

---- 0-----

The Ozone Dairy- Association announce- the change in the price ofbutter to 60sc per pound. They alsohave for sale the DeLaval Separators.which will be demonstrated.- Theyhave dairy; horse, ox and poultryfeed for sale at rock bottom prices



,(From Bunki,e La., Record)Mr. Bonnie Gremillion,. proprietor

of The Record, after three weeksspent in the pine woods at Covington-in Louisiana's "Ozone District"-wishes to recommend this health re-sort-to all in need of health recuper-ation.. A severe attack of typhoidfever' left him so reduced in vitalitythat he- was unable to recover hisstrength. Being advised to try theozone and medicinal springs at 'Cov-ington, he decided to do so. Hespent three weeks in the place andwas so improved that he decided tospend three weeks mort, after visit-ing his family and looking after hisbusiness interests for a few days.In that time he gained 13 pounds inweight and much in strength, andsays he feels "fine."

We have talked with othdrs whosehealth has been wonderfully improv-ed, and one lady who claims to havebeen completely cured of T. B., by. astay of several months, and treat-ment 'at the sanitarium. Others, weare told, have been curep of stomachtroubles and other ailments simplyby drinking the water and breathingthe pine-wood air.

Covington is situated In the mosthealthy spot in Louisiana, and abouttwo and a half hours ride, by train,northeast from New. Orleans;. is apretty town, with a resident popula-tion of something o'ler 3b000, swelledoften to 5,00 by health and rest seek-ers. The town is well supplied withchurches and business houses of allkinds; also good schools; and hasgood hotel 'and boarding house ac-commodations.'

The healthfulness, of' .the. air andthe excellent springs-magnesia, ironand sulphur--make the place a -mec-ca- for health seekers. People cometo Covlngton from' all, over the Unit-ed State and from foreign countries.

WANTED.--Highest prices paid forempty sacks. H. Young, Box 176,'Abita Spirings.

Kelton Loyde. After the cerem.)nydelicious refreshments .were servedin abundance. At the .cutting of. thewedding cake Mr. Sidney Bruhl, ab'other nf the groom, got the sliver4Ime. The we4dlng -was a<ttendedby man fribed, an4 relatives. -

* ** *'* * * * * *


* The holiday edition of The St._*. Tammany Farmer means more-* to this community than a mere ** display' of newspaper work. -* The stranger reading it will* judge our community by it. ** They will note how many merch-** ants are advertisers and will ** form an opinion of the progres- ** siveness of the business men, ** Especially will this be true when ?* the character and appearance of "* the paper show- it to be worthy ** of support.* We believe our people will ** realize that the business that is ** advertised is the safest to pat- ** ronize. . It shows that the busi- ** ness is alive and willing to com- ** pete for the trade. Buy of a'l- ** vertisers. It is safest. *


Don't forget to pay your poll androad tai for 1922. If the poll taxof $1.00 is not paid before.December31st, 1922, ybu will be disfranchis-ed for two years; liable from 21 to60 years.

If the road tai of $1.00 is not paidbefore December 31st,. 1922, you aresubject to prosecution; liable from18 to 55 years.

Residents of incorporated townsnot liable for Parish Road Tax.

WALTER GALATAS,d9-4t Sheriff and Tax Collector

In Newberry's Seat

* ---. -------

*~~ ~~ .4IM*4 .

James Couzens, millionaire mayorof Detroit and former partner ofHenry Ford, is the new U. S. Sena-tor from- Michigan, appointed to. theTruman H. Newberry seat, the olriceto which ford aspired against: New-berry in the now famous electionicandals; which finally resufted' ihNewberry's resignation this month.


At the regular meeting of Coving-ton Lodge, No. 188, F. & A. M., lastTuesday evening, the following of-ficers were elected for the ensuingyear:

R. N. Menetre, Worshipful Master.Bryan D. Burns, Senior Warden.J. H. Warner, Junior Warden.E. G. Davis, Treasurer.A. J. Park, Secretary.H. K .Goodwyn, Senior Deacon.Roy Nelson, Junior Deacon.E. L. Pfeffer, Chaplain..E. H. Barringer, Master of Cere-

monies.J. E. Nilson and F. B. Folkes,

Stewards.George Glover, Tyler.


St. Tammany parish is making arecord as the home of high gradepoultry, and among the breeders whohave .won special notice is B. W.Brown, whose farm is near Chin-chuba on the Mandeville road. Hehas taken many first and second priz-es at the St. Tammany Parish Fair,when the competition was verystrong, and he has been just as suc-cessful at other fairs. Following isa list of prize winners at the FloridaParishes Fair recently held at Ham-mond. It speaks for itself:

S. C. White Leghorns-first hen,second hen and pullet.

S. C. White Orpingstons-Firstand second hen,, first and secondpullet.

S. C. Anconas-First and secondpen, first and second hen, first andsecond pullets.

R. C. W. Wyandottes-First hen.Best display, Mediterranean class,

Anconas.Best display of one breed from a

Louisiana breeder, Anconas.Mr. Brown's shipping point Is Cov-

ington, La., Postoffice at Chinchuba.


The burglary at Talisheek lastweek, which netted the burglarsabout $4100, shows that not all themoney In the parish is deposited inth. banks. There is still somehoarded. Unfortunately there havebeen some bank failures in whichthe money of depositors is lost, but'for every dollar lost in this manner,a hundred dollars have been lost byhoarding and otherwise carelesslyhandling money. There has neverbeen the loss of a dollar by deposit-ors 'in banks in St. Tammany parishfand they are all strong and trust-worthy. There is absolutely noreason why any one should not banktheir money in some of the parishbanks. The hoarded dollar is ont-ofcirculation; the :banked dollar is in-circulation, thereby helping the com-munity just that much.

We invite every hoarded dollar inthe parish to be b1rought to ourbank; if not tours, then one of theothers, but for the good of the com-munity aid yourself BANK .YOURMONEY.OOVINGTO1. BANK & TRUST CO.,"at Tammany's Million Dollar Banlk"

ovingto ..- Madisonville


GET AWAYMaul Used To Break Down

Door and NitroglycerineBlow Out Safe Door


Alarm Given at 3 O'clockSunday Morning, But No

Trace of the Thieves

Sunday morning at 3 o'clock it wasdiscovered that the Talisheek post-office had been broken into and rifled of $50 worth of postagestamps, $40 in money, $2800 belong-ing to John Scarborrough and $1300belonging to Scarborrough & Son,put in the safe for safe keeping.

4A maul used for breaking in thedoor of the postoffice and a cup inwhich nitroglycerine had `been pour-ed and used in blowing open the safewas found, but not trace of thethieves could be obtained.

A number of robberies of this kindhave occurred in this vicinity recent-ly. The postoffice at Franklintonand at Spring Creek, near Columbia,Miss., when $2000 of non-negotiablebonds were obtained,

The authorities are on the lookoutbut thus far no information has beenobtained that will lead to arrests,


Gloria Swanson in "The ImpossibleMrs, Bellew," December 21 and 22.


Dec. 11th Will RogrB, colored,was brought in from Slidelle by Mar-'shal Saxon, charged with carryingconcealed weapons.

A. Christie, of Bush,. charged withselling liquor, was re-arrested andplaced under $2000 bond in esohcase.


Folsom, Dec. 14.-The ladies ofthe Folsom Baptist Church gave avery- successful oyster feast at theCommunity House last Saturdaywhich was well attended even thothe weather was bad. A beautifulcake was voted to Miss Ruby Springas the most popular young lady inFolsom. The proceeds will be usedis reseating the church.Folsom B. Y. P. IT. Visits New Zion

B. Y. P. U. at Blond.The members of the Senior B. Y.

P. U. of Folsom motored over toBlond Lo visit the B. Y. P. U. at the -

New Zion Church, and rendered *very interesting and instructive pro-gram consisting of talks on Bibletopics, a solo and quartet. Timerwas a good attendance and a veryenjoyabletime was had by all.

Stork Visits Mr. and Mrs. Green.The stork made a' visit to -olsom -

on the -wings of the storm, Sundaynight, and left a boy and girl at thehome of -Mr. and 'Mrs. Monroe Green.The twins have -attracted - a greatdeal of interest. Mother and babiesare doing nicely and there Is hopesthat. the father will recover.

Personals.Mrs. J. W. York and Miss Barbara

McGowan attended the meeting ofthe Eastern Star ii - Covington lastThursday night.

Miss Merle Mandot, of BatonRouge, spent the week end here withher sister, Miss Gertrude Mandot,who is one of our eofcient teachers.

Mr. M. McGee, of Frauklintoil,was a guest at Spring's Hotel. lastMonday.

Mrs. Grace Browa returned homelast week after spending- a month inOpelousas with her sister; Mrs. A.Mendoza. -

Mrs. T. Ousman was a Covingtonvisitor Tuesday,

Rev. L. S. -Evans attended the Bap-tist convention - in Bogalusa lastThursday.

John, Milton and Alfred York andWard Fen'alason motored to 0 ving-ton Thursday night and enjoyed thepicture show.

Miss Hazel Spring, of Franklin-ton, and Mr. Emory Lane, of Boga-lusa, were the guests of Mrs. B. T.Spring and family, Sunday.

Mr. Denham Bickham; of Clifton,spent the week -end here.-

Misses Clarice and Josiy Frederick,of Covington, were the guests of Mr.and Mrs. Emile Heints, Saturday andSunday.

Mr. Lionel Prodos, of New Or-leans, spent Sunday here as the guestof Miss Ruby Spring.

Mr. S. J. Parker, of Bogalusa, was -

a visitor to friends here Saturday.Mr. Dewey Wallis, of Abita,. spent

a week here with his cousin, Mr.Norman Wallis, and family.

Mrs. B. T. Spring returned home -

Sunday after spending a - week innNew Orleans with her daughter, Mrs.S. Bogan.

Messrs. J. W. York, Y. Mapes andDr. F. R. Jones were business visit-ors to Covington last Tuesday.

'Mr. W. H. Thompson retuirned tohis hoine in Oakdale, after spendingthree weeks here with Mr. N. Core;

Miss Beulah Carroll spent several'days lit Baton Rouge this week with

Mrs. H. togers.-Miss bertrude -Mandot and Prof.

G. W. Varnado motored to Slidelllast Sunday.

Mrs. W. T. Wallis visited her- sis.. -

ter, Mrs. F. J. Martindale, in Cov-ington, Tuesday.

Mr. D. Carroll spent the week end,here with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Regbt. McKee andchildren, o, 1iy gston, are here ona visit to relat1Y9v and trBend i