the street savvy guide to the spirit world · 2020. 7. 11. · signs of spiritual presence ..... 44...


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Page 1: The Street Savvy Guide To The Spirit World · 2020. 7. 11. · Signs of Spiritual Presence ..... 44 Spiritual Healing ... interested in scientifically studying psychic abilities and
Page 2: The Street Savvy Guide To The Spirit World · 2020. 7. 11. · Signs of Spiritual Presence ..... 44 Spiritual Healing ... interested in scientifically studying psychic abilities and



A guide to psychic abilities, secrets the afterlife do not want

you to know, and their influence on our health and wealth

Phillip Fernsby

Page 3: The Street Savvy Guide To The Spirit World · 2020. 7. 11. · Signs of Spiritual Presence ..... 44 Spiritual Healing ... interested in scientifically studying psychic abilities and


© 2020 Phillip Fernsby

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced or modified in any form, including

photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and

retrieval system, without permission in writing from the


FOR MEMOIRS: The true personal accounts in this

book have been written to the best of the author's ability.

However, names have been changed, and some details

omitted to protect the privacy of individuals and businesses.

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Preface ........................................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................... 2

Proof Of The Afterlife ................................................... 5

Psychic Studies ............................................................ 10

The Psychic Medium ................................................... 12

Introduction To The Spirit World ................................ 15

Be Careful Who You Attract........................................ 18

Spiritual Attachment .................................................... 20

Hearing Voices............................................................. 23

The Frequency Sound .................................................. 25

Communicating With Spirit ........................................ 27

Messages From The Other Side .................................. 31

Personal Responsibility ............................................... 33

Processing Information ............................................... 35

Can Spirits Be Seen? ................................................... 37

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The Effects Of Empathy .............................................. 39

Signs of Spiritual Presence .......................................... 44

Spiritual Healing ......................................................... 47

Mysteries ..................................................................... 50

Other Psychic Phenomena ........................................... 52

Parapsychology ........................................................... 54

Consciousness ............................................................. 56

Near-Death Experiences .............................................. 58

Telepathy ..................................................................... 62

Extra Sensory Perception ............................................ 65

Precognition ................................................................ 70

Retrocognition ............................................................. 73

Psychometry ................................................................ 75

Psychokinesis .............................................................. 78

Astral Projection And Out Of Body Experiences ........ 80

Government Research ................................................. 82

The Akashic Records ................................................... 87

Mental Health Disorders ............................................. 89

Depression ................................................................... 95

Panic Attacks ............................................................... 97

Schizophrenia .............................................................. 99

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Bipolar Disorder ........................................................ 105

Schizoaffective Disorder ........................................... 108

Self-Harm .................................................................. 110

Personality Disorders ................................................ 111

Anger Management ................................................... 113

Social Withdrawal ..................................................... 115

Suicide ....................................................................... 117

Addictions ................................................................. 120

Child Imaginary Friends ............................................ 123

Mental Breakdown .................................................... 125

Talking Helps ............................................................ 128

Going Going Gone .................................................... 131

When Things Go Wrong ............................................ 133

Spiritual Awakening .................................................. 136

Faith And Religion .................................................... 153

Prayers ....................................................................... 155

Possession .................................................................. 157

Physical Abuse .......................................................... 159

Spirit Deterrents ........................................................ 162

The Art Of Distraction ............................................... 166

Spiritual Awareness ................................................... 170

Page 8: The Street Savvy Guide To The Spirit World · 2020. 7. 11. · Signs of Spiritual Presence ..... 44 Spiritual Healing ... interested in scientifically studying psychic abilities and

The Mind ................................................................... 173

Underworld Antics .................................................... 175

Psychic Scams ........................................................... 177

Underworld Communication ..................................... 179

Impacts On Wealth .................................................... 181

Brainwashing ............................................................. 186

Psychic Attacks ......................................................... 190

Special Effects ........................................................... 193

Business Demolition ................................................. 196

Around The Outside .................................................. 198

Fear Of The Afterlife ................................................. 200

Help Or Hindrance .................................................... 202

Energies And The Economy ...................................... 206

Alien Life Forms ....................................................... 212

Speculation ................................................................ 217

Conclusion ................................................................. 224

Acknowledgement ..................................................... 232

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sychic skills have always held a certain mystique. The

skills that defy scientific explanation are often

dismissed as fake or forgery by sceptics. But for each

sceptic, there is a believer. As a psychic and spirit medium,

I became inspired to unveil the truth behind various psychic

phenomena. I guess that most of you have picked up this

book looking for answers. And answers are what I am going

to deliver.


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decade ago, I knew absolutely nothing about the

afterlife, mediumship or any other psychic skill for

that matter. In fact, I did not believe that there was anything

after death at all. I also dismissed all psychic mediums as a

bunch of loony tunes. My own spiritual awakening did not

go smoothly, merely because I failed to accept that there is

indeed something after death. I simply could not rationalise

with my experiences that defied science.

For the last seven years, I have continuously been in the

company of many members of the spirit world. I can

communicate with them seamlessly all day. During that

time together, we may have solved the mystery of life after

death and beyond. Now I am ready to share our findings

with you. Initially, I struggled to grasp what was happening

to me when I begin to hear voices. Like many others, I

turned to the internet to find the answers. I refused to

believe that there was anything else after death.

While ploughing through the barrage of information on


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the internet, I tripped across various articles that just led to

my further confusion. I was chasing my tail like a mad dog,

trying to find rational scientific answers to satisfy my mind.

Was I losing my marbles? From where were all these

messages coming? Had I succumbed to schizophrenia so

late in life? On visiting a doctor of Asian origin for an

opinion, he concluded: "You are just a very clever man."

His words were an inspiration to challenge some of the

medical profession on the root cause of some mental health

disorders and the main reason for writing this book.

In the beginning members of the afterlife were not

particularly subtle with their introductions, possibly

through sheer frustration that I was refusing to listen to

them. I will not be the only one who has had a bumpy start

to their spiritual awakening. Hopefully, my experiences will

put many other minds at rest as they embark on their

personal spiritual awakenings.

Over the last seven years, I have also immersed myself

in the study of other psychic phenomena. I was amazed to

find that psychic skills initially used and developed by

governments are now on the streets. Included are insights

into extrasensory perception, remote viewing, astral

projection and more—mind-blowing information for those

wishing to develop psychic skills including mediumship.

And of course, a definitive street-savvy spirit guide

would not be complete without including the antics of the

bad guys and girls in the spirit world. They are the ones that

affect our health and wealth. By the end of The Street Savvy

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Guide To The Spirit World, readers will possess a more

significant level of psychic awareness than most of the

population on the planet.

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Proof Of The Afterlife

eople who are reading this book will fall into three

different categories. Some who believe that there is

something after death, those that firmly do not, and the ones

that have an open mind. Now I am not about to ridicule

those who do not as I too fell into that category. As far as I

was concerned, I firmly believed that there was nothing

after death. Hence, I have only myself to blame for some of

the trauma I put myself through in the beginning! I am a

rational sort of person who also likes things nice and neat.

The possible existence of the afterlife did not tick all the

boxes in my brain. I could not find scientific answers

explaining their presence. I was pushed well out of my

comfort zone.

Have most of the incarnate population on earth become

non-believers of the afterlife as part of our progression?

Maybe our quest for knowledge and embracement of

technology has changed our perception of the world? If it

does not seem logical or is not scientifically proven, do we


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now automatically dismiss it? Of course, some prefer to

keep an open mind too.

Back in ancient times, our predecessors were under no

doubt that their ancestors survived death, and indeed they

also worshipped those ancestors. Just like today, some

people possessed mediumship abilities and could

communicate with the spirit realms in various ways. While

this book is not orientated to or promoting any particular

religion, occasionally I may pay reference to the topic. I

hope I do not offend anyone as I am not a specialist on the

subject of religion.

It comes as no surprise that the foundations of the

Christian Church revolved around spirit communication.

The Bible references many examples of interaction with the

spirits. Inspirational speeches, speaking in other languages,

angel messengers, spiritual voices, and examples of

spiritual communication.

Many modern-day spiritualists believe that Jesus had

exceptional psychic and mediumship skills. He

demonstrated powers to heal and performed inspirational

teachings. Some of those in the presence of Jesus also

witnessed ‘miracles.’ After his death, his followers saw and

heard Jesus. It appears that mediumship played an essential

part in the spreading of the new religion. In the fourth

century though, Christian leaders outlawed the use of

psychic and mediumship abilities. Subsequently, they were

only to be performed by the Christian priesthood. Any

others found to be demonstrating spiritual capabilities were

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denounced as false prophets or evil sorcerers and were

liable to punishment.

The year 1484 saw the Pope strongly condemn

mediumship. A book entitled Malleus Maleficarum or

‘Hammer of the Witches' reached publication. The content

depicted that all people who communicated with spirits

were witches and that they should receive punishment. An

extended period of persecution ensued where people

suspected of using psychic abilities were put on trial,

tortured, or executed. Thousands of mediums met their

death at the hands of the witch hunters.

Moving on a few centuries, the Hydesville Rappings

were regarded by many as the beginning of modern-day

spiritualism. Mr and Mrs Fox had moved into a house in

Hydesville, New York, along with their two daughters,

Catherine aged ten and Margaret fourteen. After moving in,

they began to hear strange noises every night. On the

evening of March 31st, 1848, the sounds were audible as

usual. Inquisitively, Catherine, who was the youngest, made

noises with her hands and fingers. In response to Catherine,

the same number of noises boomed out loud. Margaretta

then spoke, “Do this just as I do.” Striking one hand in the

other, she counted out loud, “one, two, three.” In response,

three knockings came back.

Mrs Fox spoke up, “Count to ten.” Ten strokes followed.

She then asked the ages of each of her children in

succession. Each time, the correct number of rappings

corresponding to their ages came back. There was great

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excitement. Neighbours eagerly came to witness the

rappings. Further interaction with the communicator

revealed that the spirit was a peddler, murdered for his

money and possessions by a former tenant. They

established his body had been buried in the cellar of the

house around five years ago.

The Hydesville rappings attracted great interest both

locally and further afield. Mr E.E. Lewis recorded the

phenomenon with twenty-two signed statements from those

who witnessed the events. The story of the Hydesville

rappings led to an explosion in spiritualist activity within

the USA.

In the late 1920s to early 1930s, there were around two

hundred and fifty thousand practising spiritualists. Also,

there were many spiritualist societies in the UK, in addition

to people practising spiritualism in small private circles.

Engaging and communicating with the spirit world right in

your front room was becoming a popular evening pass time

in the days before televisions, mobile phones and the world

wide web.

Spiritualism continues to be practised, primarily through

various Spiritualist Churches in the United States, Canada,

Australia, and the United Kingdom. In the UK, over three

hundred Spiritualist churches and centres open their doors

to the public, with free demonstrations of mediumship

performed regularly.

Members of the afterlife may have been welcomed in our

front rooms a century ago, but the general opinion of the

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public may no longer be the same. Fortunately, there will

always be those that relish the company of the afterlife.

There is nothing quite like a happy medium.

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Psychic Studies

till not convinced that the spirit world exists? Those

who have the time and initiative could prove it to

themselves. Across the globe, numerous institutions are

offering all manner of psychic and spiritual development

courses. Before starting any psychic development or

mediumistic work, it is prudent to embark on an

introductory course. These are an excellent way to explore

different areas of psychic and spiritual growth, helping

everyone to choose the discipline they would like to pursue


In London, there is The College of Psychic Studies,

offering a full spectrum of in house and online tuition.

There are many courses available, including Mediumship &

Psychic Development at foundation, intermediate and

advanced level.

The International Academy of Consciousness also has a

presence in London, along with the Spiritualist National

Union that provides mediumship tuition. If you are


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interested in scientifically studying psychic abilities and life

after death, England's Coventry University has just the

program for you. According to the school, its distance

learning MSC in Parapsychology provides a thorough

empirical, theoretical and methodological introduction to

the controversial field of parapsychology. Whether or not

you believe in ESP, you have got to admit a course title

‘Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis Research’

sounds quite appealing?

I never embarked on any mediumship or psychic

development courses before the afterlife chose to

communicate with me. While there are many organisations

throughout the globe, I have just listed a few institutions as

examples. I am not affiliated with them or providing a

personal recommendation for their tuition. I have added

them simply to endorse that the spirit world does exist,

should anyone already be hearing their voices, or are

interested in developing psychic medium skills.