the squeaky clean legacy, chapter two

The Squeaky Clean Legacy By Professor Butters Chapter Two

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Chapter Two of the Squeaky Legacy.


Page 1: The Squeaky Clean Legacy, Chapter Two

The Squeaky Clean Legacy By Professor Butters

Chapter Two

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Gree$ngs.  I'm  Professor  Bu2ers.  .  .  

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And  my  two  adorable  companions,  Burt  and  Dizz,  who  are  much  as  pictured  here.  In  any  case,  we're  only  here  to  give  you  the  next  chapter  of  the  Squeaky  Clean  Legacy,  which  is,  um,  Squeaky  Clean.  Only  girls  inherit,  there  is  only  marital  WooHoo  and  only  Try  For  Baby.  When  we  last  leN  the  Goodytwoshoes,  they  had  one  son-­‐-­‐Mor$mer-­‐-­‐and  a  lullaby  had  just  rung  out.  Uh-­‐oh.  

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Thank  goodness  I  don't  really  live  in  this  charmingly  rus$c  shack  in  Pleasantview.  But  at  least  it's  nice  and  quiet,  unlike  the  Goodytwoshoes'  place,  with,  as  you'll  see,  seven  kids  and  several  cats.  There  are  a  few  more  twists  to  a  Squeaky  Clean  Legacy:  you  can  only  move  in  someone  you're  engaged  to.  You  can  break  an  engagement,  but  not  aNer  they've  moved  in-­‐-­‐you  have  to  marry  them,  and  you  have  to  stay  married.  The  consequence  of  breaking  these  rules?  Instant  disinheritance!  Non-­‐heirs  living  in  the  house  follow  the  Not  Under  My  Roof  rule:  they  can  WooHoo  like  mad,  but  only  somewhere  else,  like  a  photo  booth  or  a  hot  tub  on  a  community  lot.  Like  I  said-­‐-­‐I  don't  have  to  live  there.  

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Early  parenthood,  and  Rosie,  our  foundress,  has  fallen  asleep  in  her  food.  And  who  can  blame  her?  She's  pregnant  and  caring  for  babies  and  toddlers  all  the  $me.  She  had  a  career  in  show  business,  but  got  fired  for  never  showing  up.  And  she  is  a  bit  of  a  dumb  blond,  I'm  afraid.  

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Uh,  kid?  Kid?  Could  you  please  wait  $ll  you  get  to  the  cake  to  grow  up?  

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Nope,  Mor$mer  didn't  wait  $ll  he  got  to  the  cake,  he  grew  up  from  toddler  to  child  right  aNer  ge\ng  off  the  po2y.  

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This  puts  a  whole  new  spin  on  "growing  up  well."  Mor$mer's  got  his  Dad's  facial  features  (oh,  well)  and  his  Mommy's  eyes.  Six  neat  points,  two  shy  points,  six  ac$ve  points,  five  serious,  and  six  nice  points.  A  pre2y  balanced  personality,  only  he's  really,  really  shy.  

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Well,  we  can't  waste  a  cake,  and  Abner  is  about  old  enough  to  be  a  toddler  anyway,  so  here  goes.  

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Kaboom!  Abner  is  hurled  into  toddlerhood!  

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And  here's  Abner!  He  was  such  a  cute  toddler,  pity  he  didn't  stay  that  way.  

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And  Abner  grows  into  a  child.  ANer  Mor$mer,  I  started  to  name  the  kids  aNer  characters  in  Al  Capp's  old  comic  strip  "Li'l  Abner."  Ten  neat  points-­‐-­‐he  cleans  up  aNer  everybody  in  the  house-­‐-­‐three  shy,  nine  ac$ve  points,  nine  playful,  and  one  single  nice  point.  He's  a  grouchy  child,  though  honestly  I  can't  tell  un$l  they  get  a  li2le  older.  

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Oh,  come  on,  Shane.  This  can't  be  that  much  of  a  surprise.  It's  not  like  you  haven't  seen  it  before.  

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Yes,  it's  another  baby,  and  this  $me,  finally,  it's  a  girl,  named  Daisie  Mae,  aNer  the  heroine  of  L'il  Abner.  Good  thing,  as  only  a  girl  can  inherit  in  this  family.  

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This  is  a  pre2y  big  event-­‐-­‐Mor$mer  grows  up  into  a  teenager.  

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Abner  and  Miau  watch  as  Mor$mer's  rear  end  explodes,  annnnd.  .  .  

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Happy  birthday,  Mor$mer!.  .  .and  ewww.  Look  at  those  cheeks.  

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Oh,  ewww!  His  father's  cheeks  and  lips  look  even  worse  on  him!  Good  thing  you're  not  eligible  to  be  the  heir.  To  the  mirror  with  you,  young  man,  and  make  it  snappy.  

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Well,  that's  a  li2le  bit  be2er.  The  stubble  hides  the  chipmunk  cheeks.  

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Sorry,  Remington,  I'm  a  married  woman.  Come  around  next  genera$on  and  we'll  see  what  we  can  do.  

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When  Daisie  Mae's  first  birthday  rolled  around,  there  was  $me  for  an  actual  party.  

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Sure  you  don't  want  to  be  adopted  into  the  family,  Remington?  

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Right  in  the  middle  of  the  party,  and  the  new  female  cat,  Miau,  thinks  about  how  much  she  hates  the  mailman.  

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Daisie  Mae  celebrates  becoming  a  toddler  by  immediately  loading  her  pants.  

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This  was  an  a2empt  to  have  at  least  one  other  girl.  Twin  boys!  TWIN  BOYS!  Of  all  the  ro2en  luck!  That's  Sam  in  the  background,  and  Abijah  in  the  front.  Abijah  Gooch  is  one  of  Daisie  Mae's  unsuccessful  suitors  in  Li'l  Abner.  Sam  should  have  been  named  aNer  the  other  one,  Hannibal  Hoops,  but  I  couldn't  do  that  to  him  and  named  him  aNer  Marryin'  Sam  instead.  

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Abner  follows  the  family  tradi$on  of  growing  up  fresh  off  the  toilet.  He's  also  the  first  Fortune  Sim  in  the  family.  

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Whoo-­‐hoo!  Daisie  Mae  grows  up  well!  Six  neat  points,  two  shy,  six  ac$ve,  five  serious,  and  six  nice  points,  the  same  distribu$on  as  her  brother  Mor$mer.  

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There's  our  heiress  Daisie  Mae-­‐-­‐a  nice,  well-­‐behaved  Knowledge  Sim,  which  makes  my  job  easier.  

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Abijah  gets  an  A+  in  school,  but  no  one  is  around  to  no$ce.  

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Double  spin  .  .  .  

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.  .  .and  double  grow-­‐up.  That's  Abijah  on  the  leN,  and  Sam  on  the  right.  Abijah  has  the  same  basic  personality  as  his  older  brother  Abner-­‐-­‐i.e.  maxed-­‐out  neat,  somewhat  shy,  very  playful,  very  ac$ve,  and  very,  very  grouchy:  only  one  nice  point.  Sam  is  more  like  his  brother  Mor$mer  and  sister  Daisie  Mae.  The  twins  are  both  Knowledge  Sims,  but  this  will  probably  change  in  college.  

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For  some  reason,  both  Remington  and  Dominic  (the  llama  mascot)  decided  to  take  showers  at  Daisie  Mae's  birthday  party.  I  guess  it's  a  very  nice  shower.  

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Whoo.  Miau  is  one  grouchy  cat.  She  hates  the  mailman,  she  hates  Remington,  and  she  definitely  hates  Bonkers.  And  Bonkers  hates  her  right  back,  so  this  does  not  bode  well  for  a  Petacy.  

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Even  aNer  a  lot  of  marriage  and  a  lot  of  kids,  Rosie  s$ll  dreams  li2le  hearts  about  Shane.  Awwww.  

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Hmm.  This  is  certainly  going  well.  Maybe  Remington  has  a  thing  for  blondes.  

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Bonkers  in  mid-­‐flip,  with  Miau  in  the  background.  

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Miau  ran  away.  Luckily  I  put  collars  on  all  my  pets.  It  was  a  happy  day  when  Miau  was  brought  home.  Doesn't  she  look  smug?  But  she  and  Bonkers  were  such  enemies  that  the  Goodytwoshoes  put  her  up  for  adop$on.  

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Daisie  Mae  pain$ng  her  mom.  I  like  the  idea  of  each  new  heir  pain$ng  the  previous  one.  

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There  it  is.  .  .the  portrait  of  the  foundress  Rosie  Goodytwoshoes,  painted  by  her  daughter  and  heiress  Daisie  Mae.  

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Another  remodel.  We're  s$cking  with  the  sugary  pink  Barbie  Dream  House  theme.  

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Daisie  Mae  pain$ng.  You  can  see  the  portrait  of  her  mother  in  the  background.  

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I  admit  it.  .  .I  like  Mor$mer.  I  conjured  up  a  toilet  out  of  thin  air,  just  for  him.  Eventually  it  got  moved  inside,  but  it  first  appeared  so  he  wouldn't  be  forced  to  pee  himself.  

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As  the  eldest,  Mor$mer  was  the  first  to  start  skilling  away,  and  the  first  to  use  Dad's  new  surgical  sta$on.  

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The  cats  hate  the  TV  and  the  stereo  on,  so  the  TV  is  outside  and  the  stereo  gets  turned  off  if  they're  $red  and  want  to  sleep.  Yes,  the  cats  rule  the  house.  It's  just  like  real  life.  

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The  sad  fact  about  this  house  is  that  the  cat  makes  more  income  than  anybody  else.  Bonkers  is  in  show  biz,  and  he  is  a  star,  thank  you  very  much.  

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Well,  of  course  I'll  be  your  best  friend,  Remington.  

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Rosie  and  Shane  flir$ng  with  all  the  kids  in  bed  and  my  hands  off  the  controls.  Aww,  you  two.  Please  don't  have  another  baby.  

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Bonkers  was  so  snobby  that  aNer  trying  three  different  girl  cats,  the  Goodytwoshoes  put  him  up  for  adop$on,  too.  Here's  Shane,  blubbering  about  it.  The  top  earner  in  the  household  and  they  didn't  get  a  dime-­‐-­‐that's  penalty  enough,  don't  you  think?  And  they  all  miss  him,  but  we  need  a  coopera$ve  founding  cat.  

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Don't  even  think  about  it,  you  two.    

But  of  course  they  will,  because  they're  both  family  sims  and  Rosie  wants  to  marry  off  six  kids.  

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In  what  is  becoming  an  all-­‐too-­‐familiar  scene,  Rosie  heaves  again.  

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Shane's  excited  about  the  new  baby,  but  not  enough  to  quit  making  the  bed.  

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And  there's  li2le  Hopeful,  the  second  girl,  on  the  floor.  Another  birthday  party  with  the  usual  suspects  and  the  oldest  boys  invited  home  from  college.  

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Don't  be  deceived  by  Hopeful's  cuteness.  She's  almost  pre\er  than  her  sister,  but  she  is  a  mean  cuss  like  her  brothers  Abner  and  Abijah.  

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Mor$mer  and  Abner  working  out  in  the  gym  at  Sim  State.  Their  parents  met  here  and  if  it's  good  enough  for  their  parents,  it's  good  enough  for  them.  Mor$mer  is  even  wearing  sweats  just  like  his  Dad's  and  falling  off  the  treadmill  like  his  Mom.  

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I  gave  up!  I  gave  up!  This  is  Dreamboat,  the  third  girl  cat  we  tried  out  on  Bonkers,  and  Max,  the  boy  we  got  for  her.  They  were  compa$ble,  but  my  cats  would  not  make  friends.  This  is  the  only  $me  I  cheated,  and  it  was  just  to  pull  the  cats'  rela$onship  meter  up  so  we  could  get  this  Petacy  rolling!  

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And  it  worked.  .  .  Dreamboat  is  thinking  about  Max.  Sweet  roman$c  dumb  girl  that  she  is,  sort  of  like  Rosie.  

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And  here's  the  results.  .  .  two  girl  ki2ens,  Darling  and  Dearest.  Dreamboat  seems  to  be  a  good  cat  mom,  so  far.  

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Why  is  this  even  a  ques$on  anymore,  Rosie?  What  is  this,  the  sixth?  The  seventh?  I've  lost  track.  My  fault  for  not  le\ng  you  age  and  le\ng  you  WooHoo.  

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I'm  a  real  sicko,  I  know,  but  this  is  one  of  my  favorite  things,  the  closest  thing  The  Sims  has  to  yacking  up  a  furball.  If  only  they  were  colorless  and  disappeared  instantly.  

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This  is  the  last  $me  we'll  be  seeing  this,  thank  goodness.  

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Hawkins  grows  up,  exci$ng  for  him,  but  the  poor  thing  is  the  spare  of  all  spares.  He  can't  inherit-­‐-­‐he's  a  boy-­‐-­‐and  his  mom  only  wants  to  marry  off  six  kids.  I  have  an  idea,  Hawkins-­‐-­‐why  don't  you  go  look  at  clouds?  

Hawkins  is  named  aNer  Sadie  Hawkins,  the  woman  behind  Sadie  Hawkins  Day.  On  Sadie  Hawkins  Day  all  the  fear-­‐crazed  bachelors  take  off  a-­‐runnin'  and  the  marriage-­‐crazed  wimmin  take  off  aNer  them,  and  any  man  they  catch  has  to  marry  them.  Kind  of  like  this  Legacy.  

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So  with  six  of  the  kids  off  to  Sim  State,  the  boys  and  I  will  take  a  much-­‐earned  rest  un$l  the  next  chapter  of  the  Squeaky  Clean  Legacy!  Happy  simming!