the south lyon herald - imagine the possibilities · carpathians and their transylva. nina mps...

Oil Near Mountains Rumanian oil deposits are found at a number of places along the eastern and southern slopes of the Carpathians and their Transylva. nina Mps extension. Auction! Th. undenigned wflI sell at Public Auction on the . premises located at 11805 Clyde Road, 3 mile. north and 2 mile. east of Lemon’. Canton or 2 mile. north and 13 miles east ol Hartland, the property listed below, on Sat., Aug. 1 9 BEGINNING AT 12:30 F, M. LIVE STOCK (TB. and Bangs Tested) Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., bred Aug.2 Holstein Cow, 3 yr.., due Sept. 21 Holstein Cow, 8~s, due Oct.21 Holstein Jersey Cow, 2 yrl., fresh, calf by side The iatdles Auxiliary of Foreign Wars oj—South Lyon held a guest luncheon at the lionie of Mrs. E;l - ward Villerot on Sliver lake road. l’he luncheon wits pot-lock and there were many good tIIIngs to eat. The guests included Mrs. Frank Glenan and Mrs. Joseph Comiskey nf South Lyon, Mrs. Jack Patterson I Mrs. C. A. White anti Mrs. Alex ~Cameron of Green Oak. Cadet Nurse Ethel Mae Slabaugh I spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Slahaugh, Billy Hanson left Tuesday to spend the rest of the sulisiner Va— cation with his aunt, Mrs. H. E, Davii,atGrand 1-laven. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Slabaugh called Friday evening at thd home of Mrs. Eva Janke of Hamburg. - Mrs. Elmer Chenuwetts entertain. ed the \V. S. C. S. of New Hudson on thursday afternoon, In spite of the y~arlaweather there were quite a n’uitiber of ladies there. Guests Were M rs. Lutite r Slabaugh and Mrs. Ed. Vitierot of Green Oak and Mrs. Gaines and Mrs. Wheeler of New Hudson. Fhelr,ia Clienj,wvth was home for Saturday and SoiitlaY this week. ‘Vuby Ann CI,en,,wetli. the Infant daughter of S. S. John and Mrs. Cl,enowet Ii, also s 1 )eIIt several (lays with the Chenuweths. I icr itiother itid parents M r. a ud M is, Smith of I lowell vacationed itt Niaga ra Falls. M r. and Mrs. ‘ll~oi,ias J ohnsto,i of \\‘~tyne\‘eñ, 11w rsday callers at the Silcox blue. son, Junior MUlen of Detroit, Is spending a few weeks with thenu. Auction! CAP SMITH Auctioneer On account of nay wife’s poor health we have decided to give up house- keeping snd will sell at Public Auc. boa the contents of a house on Sat., Aug. 19 Commencing ~ at 2:00 o’clock at 344 Warron St., in South Lyon (near tho Michigan Seaunlen Tube Company’s plant Studio Couch Kitchen Cupboard 3 Rocking Chairs Smoking Stand Combination Book End and Maga- am 0 Table 3 Small Table, 2 Floor Lamps 6 Sliding Screens Table Lamp ~ Wardrobe 9x12 Congoleuun Rugs Small Throw Rugs Full Size Beds, Springs and Mnt- tresses 2 Dressers Roll Top Desk Kitchen Cabinet 2-Burner Electric Plato Kitchen Table Extenalea Table Kitchen Utensils: Pots, Pans, Dish. es, Skillets, Jars and Kitchea Clock Electric Sweeper Steekl!olding Chairs - Buffet a! Sideboard 2 Heating~toves, stove pipe - Fruit J~i•’ Stoneboat 19 Ft. Benc~> - Wheelbars~w Electric Fence Control and Wire So Ft. Steel Tape, Lufkin brand 2 Tool Boxes filled with all kind of Tools 4 Ft. Step Ladder 90 Ft. half inch Garden Hose - Potato Fork Wooden Barrel Lawn Mower Lawn Roller 1-Horse Cultivator 2 Halter Chains 2 Hone Collars I Single Harness 6OO~lbs. Soft Coal - - ~ New Horse Halter and Many Small Disabling Injuries Disabling Injuries in home ned. dents last year totaled 4,95O,O~— with 130,000 resulting In some per. manent disability. Wage loss, medi- cal expense and overhead insurance costs Were $600,000,000. ‘MIx Seed Many gardeners grow the first radish crop by mixing a few radish seed with the seeds of carrots, par. snips, parsley and beets, all of which can be sown as soon as the soil has been prepared. An early radish is used, whIch wiu germinate quickly to mark the location of the row, and come to maturity before the main crop has developed far enough to be injured by crowding. Require Glasses Most persons after 40 . years of age require glasses for reading and other close focusing work. Cheap Brushes Pieces of synthetic cellulose sponges, cut to size and fastened to wood or wire handles, make excel. lent and cheap brushes for clean- ing glassware. Stroag AdhesIves In all the talk about new postwar materials is buried the fact that many of them will result from vastly improved adhesives -which bond wood to wood, cloth to wood, metal to metal, wood or plastics. So strong are many of these adhesives, that under stress the material joined gives way before the glue.lIne does. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl, who are having in uuictlon stile of household goods on Saturday, August 19, will locate In the Itty Head apartmtnt this weekend, They are making the change because or the poor h.~alth of Mrs. WahI. Mr. and Mr~C’~tkyd l3renay, l3ro- die Wallace ~jid ‘~Mlss Margaret Wallace were cuLled to Saginaw, - Saturday, ~“hen word came that the home of their sister and daughter, Mrs. Cecelia \Vill, had been destroy. ~ed by fire. Douglas Will accom- Panled theist home Sunday to spend some time with his cousins, Jimmie and Dickle Brenay. Laura and Marie Anne Brenay also returacd with them to spend some time with Barbara Breaay . . FURNACES. - Cleaned and Repaired ALL MAKES ALL WORK GUARANTEED Drop a card to 7525 Butcher Road, Brighton, or phone 6877 Brighton. FREE ESTIMATES Cap Smith AUCTIONEER Securo Your Dató For Fall Auction Nowl Local News A boy ‘vas born at Haversliaw’s hospital Friday, the 1 itli, to Mr. and Mrs. William Piekurd of the Angle road .N awe, Samuel Royal. Weight 91 pounds. Itobert lienning came hoiuie frouui Pittsburgh, Munday night, where he has been attending the Reforiui- ed Presbyterian Semina ry. He iulans to be home for a month. Mrs. Clara 1-lenning Lowe caine from Geneva College, Beaver Falls, i’u., Friday night, after graduation and will be at the house of her l)Lr~ ents until the first of next week when she leaves for South Carolina tc~ be near her husband, Aviation Cadet Arnold ‘F. Lowe who ls sta. tinned at Shaw Field nenr Sumter, Friday evening the I, 0. 0. F. and Rebekalt lodges gave a surprise party for John Itognian, on the oc- easion of his 88th birthday which was Sunday, the lath. He received ninny useful gifts and cards. ice cream and cake was served, Guests numbered thirty, sonic being from Plyiuiouth. One of the inca guests was blind. He entertasaed the group by playing a number .of selections of his violin, Sunday, Mr. Itogunan was entertained by his children, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Richter, at Wi~oai. Here, tOo, there Were 30 guests, including six grand-children anti four -great grand-children. They came from Detroit, Northvllle, Howell, Grand Rapids and South Lyon. Five of Mr. flagman’s grandsons are in the Service. - - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Musoif and daughtertois~MrnndMrsrCfrarles Musolf and daughter Joan and Mr. and Mrs. , Araoid Cogger went to Cadillac, Sunday, where, on Mon- day they attended the double mill- tary funeral of the Musolfs’ niece, AiliiiiMusoli, 1, dadjhf~uWf Mrs~ Frank Carella and the late John Musolf, Jr. 5 formerly of this eom-’ munity, and her fiance, Don Batt -of the MaiifiT~’lidWiiahoaieiroin overseas service on leave.- They died in an automobile accident. Ar. lene’s brother, : Willard; ~who was with themwns injured. Other rela. tives from this section of the state who attended the funeral werei Mrs Bert Snow of Northvillc; l~rs. John PhillIps and san of Milan; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schockow and dasigh- icr of I’lyissouth; Mr. and Mrs. \VlhI Musolf and son of Dansvilleu Mr. and Mrs. August Musolf of Grass Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mur- ray of \Vhitmore Lake, 5 Plate Glass MIItItORS. $~.95 and . Ill), W’ ii,gleirul re Fo rnitu re Store—i loll) M r. and M rs. 3 olin ILtreis V1)511 an t I “~ i. re c ILlICrs at the K, liourns home Monday, Miss Doris Coggt r and Beat rice l’utts 0 t’ I Ii gliland We re Ii on ie I’ S.C r S u 11(1)1) ,,l iss I a \(• rut 1< renge r 0 1 l)a is— yule has been spending a few days as a guest if Miss M a rlene Coclu ran, ~il r, anil M rs. F red Itt-ed o f l’ous— lute ‘s.t. re t’ustertitiiied it din ncr by M r. and M rs. 1 lugli A runs last F’ri. (h~Ly. - M r. and M rs, Urn rge 1 Iktack utiud Son I.ton iril atteusdt’cl tiuc’ F’ltrltt iltireati ionic ut Island Lake, ‘I’ues- day. M r. mu M rs. l’dwln \Vlseuian and foiuuiI~ liatl Sunday dinuier ‘s’Ith cuuslns, M r, and 31 rs. A. J , Nt’stale lii~ Detroit, A daughter was burn at i-Layer— shaw’s liostiitnl, ‘laesday, iii Mr. and Mrs. John Kingsley. \~Jglst si pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Westplsal of Owosso and Rev, F.. McQuilluin of Detroit were callers of the F. M. Glenans, Sunday. M r. antI M rs. Arthur Clua 1 ,,iian, Sr. had SS guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nauenburg -and son Karl of Brighton. - Mr. and Mrs. Manley Wilson and son of Royal Oak enjoyed a fish fry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bridson, Sunday. - Mrs. Marvel Milotte and soil John of Bloomfield Hills were vlsi- tors at the Ross Spragues and 1. K. Biederstadt homes Sunday. Mrs. Ed. ‘fobia of Brighton and niece MIss Rose Mary Curtis of Detroit were callers at the Ed. WiaTh~hiiUmb~SatuTda~i1)ghtr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krenger of Dansviile and Mr. and ~Mrs. James Copeland of Northville had supper with the Coc’hirans, Sunday - night. ~AftersunM!nthree _d!~s here ‘sithi her, parents, Mrs. Robert MWc— Giltivary (Agnes Read) retursied to her home in Detroit last Thuirs- day. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Anus and son lucky of Grosse lie ‘s’ere at the home of Mr. Arnis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle 13. Arms, for the weekend, Don Read had the misfortune to break his left arm last Friday, whesi he fell from a load ~ of oats while threshing, at the farm north and west of town. Members of Entre Noos chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, pie- nicked at Groonies Beach, Whit- snore Lake, last Thursday night. 1’hie attendance niiiuibered forty, Mr. and Mrs. tV, J. Emery and Dr. and Mrs. C. 0. Roberts and her sister, Mrs. IL. \V, .Mnrshall, iVef~Sundayrdhnaerguiests of Mr. and Mrs; .H, Letchifleld at Silver Lake, Mrs. -William Parker (Monterey Haiiilln ) Is at St , Josephis hospital, Aria Arbor, caring for her - sIster- In—law, Mrs. Sitn(lersnn of Gettys road, that city, ‘-‘ho underwent an operation. M r, and M ru l’~,(‘. Ilolurns nnd fanilly ~s’ereentertuul ned at Sunday dinner at t lie It. I), Frost home at Wilhlan,ston. Enroute ionic they visitetl at t lie hoiiic of M rs, l3oorns’ sister at Fo~vlervllle. Mrs ,~ \lfred Pyett and two cliii- dreis, Nancy and Jerry, leave today fnr their home in Ferguson, Miss— 0(1ri a fter spending a few days w’ltli Mrs Pyett’s father, Will Greer and grandmother, Mrs. F. fl Soults, at the Snults home, - ~MF~Eorl Sheldon of Adrian, her daughter and grand—duai ghter of Riishton, and l’fc, ‘Theodore Sheldon who is some on furlough after spending three years In the Aleutlans, called on Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Dean last Thursday. A datighter, Constance Neleen, was born Friday, August Ii, to Staff Sergeant and Mrs J, I). \ViV son, ot Mt. Carmel hospital, Detroit, Weight 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Staff Sgt, Wilson returned to his post in North Carolina, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coon re- turned home Sunday after spending four days aboard the cruiser of Dr. and Mrs. Vassar of Allen Park. The three Coon boys, - accompanied by Miss Lois Birckelhaw, sIlent the time with the boys’ grandparents in l)ctroit. - Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Hamhin entertained on Sunday, her hrother, James Mizer, Mrs. Miser and their daughters, Ha zel and Maxine of Pontiac, and son Staff Sgt, Ken. Mizer ivho Is home for rest period, after - 28.months’-service in the South Pacific, Dr. S.- R. Elkow of highland Park nod Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Chol. yin anti son Neal of Detroit spent Slinulily at the Elkow farm. Mrs. Leo Elkow returned to the city with the Chols’ins to stay Indefinitely— until (h!insagecasised hySsinday’g fIre Ii as been repai red. Richard T<iney rind grnnd-daugh— ter Bernice Radtke were in Lansing a recent weekend. Her hrother, t’. year-old Carl, retu ran] to South lyon with them to stay two weeks, I-Ic plans to return to lansing this weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Radtke, who ~s’ilIbe guests nt the Kiney home, I i~i rrisl,o C-a rv of ,%dri no spent the weekend with relatives here, :4 rs. (‘-ary rein med home ss’ithi him Siunulay nfter spending h%’o weeks lucre. i ssist i n g it the St nte Savings Ba nk dsiriog the illoess if Mrs. H, - .1. Sin i iii , NI rs. II. \V - ‘rule aon ! l)ii’kir’ ,,rrr,rri 1 ,anienl theni to the latters some i 0 Anb na n, lie had I hreui sp”oding soule t hoe here ~~‘itli I bus urra onlpn rents, - Mr. noel Mrs. 1~.V. Shinier and fa,siil~ tool ILS guests frouul Saturday ~~i~iitlt - tI,i,--eoidwefk,~ M~:uisul Mr,,~ i It. V . Put tertia ii g~ son .1 a oes a nil ~ ihauiglutu’r I~baiuue if I),9ytuun, Ohio ~ M r. a nil Mrs. H. I 1 Slatuter nod :children, Patty. Sandra rind (,ordoo - and Sirs. Ii l’nod of Grand Rapids ! antI Mn. ann 1 Mrs. F~. \\. Slatiter of ! lt;iz~’l i’ark. The group ineluunles sister .9011 three brotisens of Mr. - SI nub icr. ‘lhuey ra me to ~ee Lester ! Slauitn’r, jr., l’etta’ Offirrr arch (‘-lass, 0 lu~ is Ii u,roe tin leave, ‘s-h i~ e en non tu’ (ron, Soti t h (‘arahi 0fl t 0 ~ he West - Coast. C. Root and fri iii ly enjoyed a tn ii to Put—in—Bay rcci-nt ly. . Special on lualuy t’ril,s this !5~f,l~ As low as ‘~II . .~i I, \\‘ iiigleuzi ire F’uroiture Store- -~l lily, Nrs. ‘Iheron I i ½ a risele r sPent last ~deek ss’ith her un runt s, t lie Git,, I:., Dixons, at It.iy~ilOak. l)onald and II hut- I i \‘ i istle are 5 1 1en(liOg this ss’u’iL rousl sixt ~ilth, their graiitltia riots in l(o~’uil Oak. l)r, uuuad Mrs. I.. .t~(inisw,,luI and 51’liS visited at S In’ bunt if the l),,etor’s sister lila r (irauud Blanc, Sunday. Miss Dolores It ~ i-si’ liii rke is spending two week., siithu icr t’~uuisiui M Iss .-\ odrey J 0 ii’ I i \‘ ~ uselur at icr Sunshine i<ru,ill hiujulit. ~liss Elaine lluuat’k totcrt:uisieul the Young Busiuu,ss W~ ii uI’o’s clii hi if New 1-ludson ii I In- r huu,uiie ni, hunts road \%‘ediutsul~u~’ uuight. ~\l rs, George I l;uuk ruuud duusighi. ter Elaine and M his I t’uuuut Melt’hiert were in Detroit ii u rt sit’ last ~t et’k visiting in the lioiuui’ ~ if Mrs. l-laack’s hi rother and enuusyI lug ;u - t rip to Ilohi-Lo. - Mi. and’ Mrs. \Vll ho ui I hum and son, \Vllllaun hr. ~i-ilI suissus l’e by— log to Wayne.. ~ul r, soul Mrs. L, \r~ Slutiuter, who bought the liuson, ‘ii forune r B tsiv plaeu’ , su ~ IS I C t iuuie a go, wIll isiove there. \Silliitin Black u I f M ilford town— shiji has leased tIn’ II riuniett place it the north end u I f t sw 1 and is nioviog there witIi isis fuuuuu ily. The lease Is for three yeuu N, Sd it Ii option to buy. He p 1 uurss to 1 isut the ‘dl) acres t 0 t ruck gui rd, is i o r 1 o(I 5 mall fruits, along with I lie orehia nil. A son, David Ituiliert, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ituihuert ‘rattle of Adrlao, Tuesday, August 15, itt Bixby hospital, that city. Weight eight pounds. Mrs. 15. SV, Futtle has been staying at suer suns’s housue in Aulr~an~siuce”Susa1nyr”M rr—’l’sittle’ goes tonight and she nut! grandson Itichard will accoilipuuny hlrii home. —0—— -Methodist—Pastor- Writes From California Renders of the I leruuld still be pleased to read’ tlsm~ follnwiog letter from 11ev. R. C. ft ~Vliliaimss, who is vacationing in (-al iforniau l)ear Herald, - - ‘Here we are iii sit n oy Call forola, with Los Angeles the eden of this great state. What ii change from the oild—s.’est: blue “skies, bright sun— shi ne tempered to t lii ni glut uutu,uis— phere - by a cool Is ruez e t hi at blows in from the sea. suuuuki,sg - one feel First Presbyterian Eldridge M. McGehee, Minister 5 firih, 1 0 ‘di) i in—-I ) I V I N l’ \~‘ORSl-LlP I)uriuug this service tlit’ t’lioir syill sing II, uuutl,ti,i stud tlst~ u,uinistcr will hireuuc’hs uillulis th,t’ sIuE}Jett, ~‘‘;~ ltouitl tritier (‘i,nst ntit’tlcuui,’’ I 1 ‘dii it, Iii ——S (JN1)\\ S(’I 1001.. llu,~’il lsini’Ltlluutsv is tue salsirirstesi— li:3II Is Iii. .— (‘hIltISiIAN l’N— l)l.-~~’Olt, All ~i,titlis ire iiuvlteuh, ‘l’lsi, thom ‘dill hui,l,h iunuit’tlt’~ iii ‘l’uuesshuu 5 muiglst itt 7 ‘di) •,‘cloek in I lii (‘lb it nh . •uiut• ~Vt~kuiiitloit class, ~1rs. C’. 0. lt,uhucrts, ti:ieluer - is m’)lseetimlg their (‘luristuuias tunIs the first of the ~u’eek, the il ass IS’ ii I sell t lut’se C a nls , I )o u I u t less t hit gi rls will call tubs ytili, tsr ~‘‘uui tuulgIst tt’It 1 uIui~uit~l rs, ltuuh,erts If interested. , , , Federated, Salem Corn M. Pennell, Minister Ssi malay uiuii ro I ng w’ u ~ rsh I p, I ii ‘at) o’clock. Seriumon tlit’uuie, Our ~ Vaths- er’s World’’. Bible schiuu,l at ~ 1145 a, us. (‘tirtis I luoiuilto,u, supt. \v ashteoaw coi;nty lirothenhsood services at Whiltsiio re I itke M it so- tlist church August 20 at 4u30 and luau I’. In. - l’ra~’er meeting \Vednesday es. ening at 7 mdi) in the church. fruuuuu Citlifm,rniut, \‘clnuii J syce Ci niswold spent the ss,’ckead with Dorothy Smith. I .uuis Itead is spending the week ‘V it hi M r and .‘d rs. \~‘hitty’ it Ited— :sl Iss Mildred lierrick n f S”ii Ni— luu,,ri, l’suuii,, spent several days re— s’.’iitls’ at tin \~‘ilklmisuuii hunt,. .-~lfrt’ml I h,lsiies of Fuiriiuisigt’sru w’luissm~ units recently lived Liii \~‘utrul tarot, t’alled on Mrs. I loUis ~hu,usuias’ (‘ceiling, l’fm’, ‘I’iuéuuilu,rt’ Slueldissi a fL,rruIcr Iliuse hum hutis’ is i 1 ueiidliug it ta’eust~’— ‘just, ihass’ furlough ~sitil rebut i it’s ii nil friends lii this vit’init”, Ii iii with uk iiuu,ther near Adrian, l’fs, Siirliluu, hsuus becus in the ;~leuitirisis t,ur liii. 101st tlgittt’eii iuuusmit lit ii scill rt’lsurt for farther shuit~’ at (~uuuihi I liuiiuu, Calif. Sunday it il:u’ grithsu’riiug iSlES held in Isis ltulou,r itt his iututlit’r’s home, cubIt sisty’tli’e iii at tlIuihluli(’t. l’hsose fru,iu this s-i~ s’iuslty iu’huu~ ittemuileil ss’erem the ,J,,himi Slut’huhoii faruully, ~lrs. F. 1’, Siiiuiuuu,os uiiud son, M rs, liessle Shieldoit utid .0)15, lion, ~tl i’s. l:lsk’ Ilaldwlsi and 5u,IiS~ l.iuusuitrd utuuil Frauik, intl ~frs. l’lleui l’rcnit’e intl duutighitttrs Elsie a nil .-% I l(’t’ frommi l3.~ ii t he>’, who are WE ARE NOW DISPENSER FOL THi P41W RADIONIC HEARING AID Accepted by the Council on PIns. Ical Therapy of theAmesican Med. hal AnodadOQ. You or. lsvilod to e ptc’ssd d.aaosshelloe. Ho obligaHoa The South Lyon Herald - . HAZEN J. SMITH, Publisher IDA Al. LIJ~SCH(. Ediaor Entered In the h’ost’,fftce in South Lyon, MIch. at second class niatter ~: sot_Tn-i LYON HERALD, SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN, THURS,, AUGUST 17, 1944 - WANTED FEMALE EMPLOYEES No Lxperience Necessary Must Comply With U.S.LL Rcglations NOVI’ EQUWPMENT Co. Novi Mich ~YeI. Northville 720 ) r Local News SOUTH LYON HERALD, SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN, THURS., AUGUST 17, 1944 . Slightly damaged 3 pc. Blond a Regular $39.60 ,P1~ATF0ltM l3edrot,ni Suite. Only $69.50 Whngle- ItOCKIIItS for $27.51). \\‘Inglcuiuire iiuire Furniture Stoge—l-Iolly. Furoit 0 nil ~~ore—Iiolly. ~ir, and M rs, Sam Camniarata Miss Margaret Wallace returned and uncle of Detroit were Sunday Saturday aftçr spending a ~ceek’sguests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buscai- vacation at ‘l’itusville, Pa. no. Mrs. Emory Ford Is In the new Qraée hospital in 1)etroit’—Roommu 514—where she underu’eist in Op- eration lait week \Vednesday. Mrs. Wilbur Keyes of Belle Cen- ter, 9liio caine Monday night and is spending the week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Henning mid lien isrothsers and sister who are also visitio g there now. - Local News (if C. CHURCH NOTES ,sis•jnipisssllsSl••uI5l•sImIflt s•las.s..s.n..s.ssssiu•llsaIIls’ : U _ - I ‘~ ~t~s B you need ~ ‘- ~ : ~ recommendBtXfl i_’ t _ I VITAMINB : ~ ±u;~ cOMPLEX ~r-- - -- ‘I CAPSULES-- - H 40’s 980 ~ 5 WO’s $1.98 Miss Park I WANTED WOMEN FOR PLEASANT, ~ LIGHT ASSEMBLY ~WORK. SHARE RIDES AVAILABLE FROM SOUTH LYON AND ADJACENT DISTRICTS. ALL PRODUCTS CO. ~ Hamburg, Michigan visiting relatives here. Mrs. Myrtle Hollis called nii Mrs. Brown and Barbara at i.apham’s Coraers Friday evening. (It-lit, * Notice! Our Plant Will Be Closed From Monday, Aug. 21, _Artigle., _ , . HORSE - I Gray Mare, coming 3 years old, kind and gentle - - - ~ - - TERMS—CASHI - EDWARD WAHL . Proprietor Gosidoa S~nith, Clerk - 0 Miss Joan h)oyle mit l)etroit is Guernsey Holstein Cow, 4 yrs .,Slie adisig a few mlui>’s thIs steak at fresh, calf by side the t,ever house IIfl Silver lake nd. Guernsey Cow, 3 yrs., due Oct. 22 Mrs. Jeff I,even, Patty aad Helen Guernsey Cow, 4 yrs., due Dee. 29 sIlent last Saturday In Detroit shop— Jersey Heifer, 2 yrs., due Nov. ping. 3 Holstein Heifer, 20 mos., due Feb. 15 Mrs. Claude Nicholas and Miss 3 Jeraey Heifer., 9 mos. old Osa Bair of Oxford were Wednes- 2 Holstein BuhI Calf~ 9 mos. old day guests at the hionie of their -HORSES niece, Mrs. Alex Cameron Miss 3 yr. old Colt, weight 1400 flair reasained to visit for a short 5 yr. old Horse, weight.1500 timute and will return to Oxford on HOGS ‘thursday of this week, Chester White Brood Sow ‘l’hue Levers report telephiuine calls 2 Chester White Shoats from boUt sons, 54. Rlekie H. Da- SHEEP vis, and Sgt. Charles ‘Davis, saying 6 20 Breeding Ewes all is well. ~ Shropshlre Ram - POULTRY aonannooooooe,o~eo5eooo~ 90 Range Size White Gaint - - Chicken, - -~ WORDEN 15 Brahma Chicks . I ~I 30 Hens, Leghorn I Mrs It It. Dixon, Correspondent SGeese cc CCC C0000 0 C 00G C000000CC 6 Turkeys - - FARM EOUIPMENT Bonnie Kleitder celebrat~d her Ford-l”erguson tractor - sixth birthday with a party in Ford 2-hottoizm plow, 12 inches which, twelve girls participated. A Tractor cultivator 1-lay loader large birthday cake centered the ~2Horse-drawl)’ Cultivators ~ table. She received ninny nice gifts. John Deere Corn Binder - Mist Bettie Jean Klendcr is SuperIor Grain Drill with fertilizer spending this week vacationing In attusehaneot - Bay City and SagInaw. Steel Wagon and Rack Mr. andMrs .W llliuuuiiKlendci~ en- MëC~fiiiidk~DèiihijDiithj~Rjk’~ tertained his nephew and friend Side-delivery ltake Culti 1 ,mickcr from Bay City Inst week. 2?Sec. Spi’ing.tooth Drag Mr. and Mrs. \\‘iui. Pickard of Single Walking Plow Sthén~Mile road have a 9~pound l3tuz’z Sask~~,ltls Mddel T nioior ~ born Auksist 11 at Willoughby WIzard electric fence farm. - 100 Ft. Garden Hose A baby girl was horn August II Cli,,re Boy milking machine on the former Davy farm ‘now the ~ Mumnune Spreader Hog Crate Willoughby farm, Pontiac road. 2~Deering ‘itowing. machines, 6 ft. ~ aad Mrs. Juinies Peek caine Con’s sheller , Wheelbarrow Thursday from hlighland Park and - Wheelbarrow sprayer lOOSteel posts spent the weekeuiil “ith Mr. and Bale barbed wire 2 Oil brooders Mrs. N. J. Bender, 3 Milk cans Pails and strainer Miss Peggy Bender spent several 2 50-Gal, Oil drunis Garden ‘l’ools days last week u’ith Mrs. Glen hay ropes, pulleys and fork \A’hittaker and Mrs. Fait at Silver 2 Sets of double harness ~ Lake. - - ~i Cross-cut saws 40 Grain bags Larue Ehrenberg went to ~Grand HOUSEHOLD GOODS Rapids, Friday ‘to attend the Amer- Drop-leaf table; 2 kitchen chairs; I icnn Legion convention. small table; I white Colonel Harold Fsirlong and wife kitchen table; 2 porcelain topsrfbr of Fort Riley, Kansas called. on his tables; small painted book-else; I aunt, Mrs. Anna Thompson,-- Mon- painted night table; three-qi~atter day. He expects to lie traiisferred size bed, springs and mattress; II soon, . - white dresser; mirrors; lamps; iron- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Sam - -Piekard of’ I ing board; odd chairs; ice box; pie. ~ Northvllle spent Ssuiidny with Mrs. ~nic tables; dishes; youth’s chair; ~ Frank Warren. . I high chair; child’s table and 2 chairs ~ Mrs. Frank Burgess and Arthur ~ fruit jars; 2 12-gal. crocks; other ~ were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. I ntiscellaneous items. and Mrs. Mortlmner Osborn in Salem Jewelry wagon Etc., Etc ,. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Doris I ~ HAY AND GRAIN Billie and Ituulluli,’ Harriet and Mich- I ~ About 250 bu.hds of Wheat tel Hinds slfl’slt Ssiodusy at Bob-Lo, I About 150 bushels Oats Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kehrl andl About 6 tons of’ Hay Dorothy, Mr. nod Mrs. It, R. l)lxon,I 10 Acres Corn in field Mr. -and Mrs. T. S. Dunn and Peg-I TERMS: All sums of $10 and under gy attended the fortieth annual re~ Cash; over that amount a credit of union of the Sampson family. There I 10 to 12 months on approved notes was an attendance of ninety-seven. at 6% interest. it was lucid it Prospect Park, \‘psl. Iantl, Sunday, j~iigust13, Seventeen I Walter A. Lane mimembers of this fatally are in Ser- Version -State-Bank,-H.—Enrl,-C~riç -vice ---________________ - Harold Gates, Auctioneer ~ Mrs. Ruth Newton of DeKrborn t Phone Howell 10I3R •: and daughter Arlene of Ann Arbor were Sunday guests of the Kingsley OOO@GOnOOOOOnO3OO~OCOCOO sisters, Arlene, remained till Wed-I nesday. - GflEE2V OAK . Mrs. Dan Fitzgerald is quite ilh.,I Newton Sittith Is In St. Joseph’s I Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Correspondent hospital, hut expects sOoa to be able I -to rctara_t,,~his_honie,_however_h1e-~ -“ -~~CccCCcQocccc~b’~ocQQQ will be unable to work for some tIme, Mr. and Mrs. Max Millen’s grand-] to_Saturday,~Aug.~26 So We Wi~I Not Pick up Clothes’:UntilAug. - ‘it 250’s $4.23 . -‘ DEVELCi~II~ IN THE LABORATORIU Of McKESSON S ROBSINS j --;-—-~—-~-- . . ~-sssti.iissssssNsssIS - . ~ ~ Everett A. Jones, Owner - Telephone 3301 ~ .-—. ~ BUY OW While Available SHEEHAN’S CLEANERS HERRICK JEWELRY PLYMOUTH Phone 1197-W Howell, Michigan - GRAND ~ Theatre o BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN Matinee’ Sun. 3 p. m. coat. PHONE (Day or Nighl) New Hudson, MIch. - 2401 ‘PHIL + **** FRI 1 .SA-T- —mkUG~ 18-19 - - LADIES - COURAGEOUS With Loretta Young —PLUS— SIX GUN-LAW Marshal Qf Gunsmoke With Tex Ritter Russell Hayden Added—Cartoon L PhoneS. Lyon 4365 IPS FUNERAL HOME : ~POTATODIGGERS CORN HUSKERS and SHELLERS - Garbage Collection to Start in South Lyon NEXT WEEK! - - 10 GAL. GALVANIZED---:-: :Garbage Pail - ___ - ~“TTONLY~$1;Ø7H ‘- —I SATURDAY ONLY - - (Subject to Stock on Hand) Arms Hardware —-DOMESTIC EiE(TRI&iHOP~ HAY MOWER WINDROWER ( Windrows while mowing) SWEEP or BUCK RAKES - Sun., Mon., Tue.. 20, 21, 22 ~Romanpe audThiilhi”~ BELITA in Lady, -- Lets Dance! With James Ellison Walter Catlet Frick and Frack Now. Selected Shorts -.4 ~ Washer~ 3 Vacuum Cleaners, . - ANYThING ELECTRICAL. All Wfrk Guaranteed. - 1107 So. L Ice Dr. Wale 4e Telephone Walled Lake 191 “TURBIN TflE” SHALLOW AND DEEP WELL MOTOR DRIVEN Rich, frcgPo,1t Icoysi, CSock.d- Ptsih ,v.ry dpyh Mor, vitamin, - than in —9-out—of— 10 other-whIte brood,, Non.tlnsr, PUMPS and WATER SYSTEMS - Knisely Electric Co. (Direct drive, no belts, no trouble) -I) ~ 0Cc uLosves~u MILKING MACHINES and Specially Priced for Canningi Cane , ‘~- -~SUGAR------i5-~;- 1--.5W ELECTRIC MOTOR repair, REFRIGERATION Repahiag; HOUSE and POWER Wirkas. A Krogor Canning Value! Fruit JARS qts. 65c dox. Appliance Service and Repair. SOUTH LYON’ ( J. Keith’Afrni—Beit t*bisj~~~. Sun. Mon. Tuos. Aug. 20-21-22 MOONLIGHT in VERMONT Gloria Jean Ray Lynn —PLUS— “SECRETS of SCOTLAND YARD” Added—Cartoon WALLED LAKE ‘I Telephone WALLED LAKE 241F11 ph. C dot. PHONE 3341 Kruger’s Vitamin Enriched CANNED MILK . S S 4taIl 35c cans Saddle Ridge BARN EQUIPMENT Stanchions, Water Bowls, Salt Cups HAY TRACK and CARRIERS Combination ORCHARD and ROW CROP SPRAYERS BINDER and BALER TWINE LAWN and GARDEN HOSE PLOWSHARES—Cultivator STEELS GAS, OILS, GREASES USED OIL IN BARRELS, $2.50 bbl. (OIL YOUR DRIVEWAY AND ROAD) Vitamin Enriched MARGARINE MI-CHOICE For Nationally Advertised Merchandise- - - SHOP”AT -Rogers_Jewelers 17fl6 riiiRFRiver iFS~hfIild~DETRO’IT~ Open Thur5day, Friday, Salurday till 9 p. m. Expert Watch and - Jewelry Repairing CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED AT NO EXTRA COST South Lyon’s - Favorite Jewelry -Store NOTICE’~ lb. Kroger’s Famous Quality, Mellowed in Sherry Wine RODEO - ‘- AND FRUIT CAKES I WILL PAY A REWARD OF $100.00 IN Free Methodist C. B. Coilver, Minister Sunday sch,ool at 10 :00; church service at II uo. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at iiariiburg church,, ~00 CO C00CtS t~ @~ neoio ons 0000 1IUSIITON BASE LINE .Mr..,JJinaSmith,Correspondent— 0 CC C CC C CCC CCCCQ CC C CCCC 0 C Neiglula’rs tad friends !ish to express their syti,putthsy to ~itr, aunt M rs, Selieffler s, nul f,iriiilv In thiel r bereavetitent, ‘i’hiey received w,, nil fnooi the gi,.’t’ro,iient,’ ~,I,,oilst~’, thud their suii Francis, it Msinioe, Issisl breu, kIlled in at’tls,ii iii the Pacific where he had been f,,r tu’eoty—six moist I,s. M n nod Mn, Sclte filer have th ree otl,e r suns in Service; ‘‘sue each In ireland, J’~uiglttnul France, - M r, ansi - Mrs. Anslev Osborne i,f I )et roit sI)ent the weekend at the that lie Is experiemseing a ness’ clis- h-larry— C )slmnse—l,o,,te, covery, the elixir if life. ‘l’h,t’ lls,w. M r. and M l’s, Lewis Keonechyand cr5, palintrees, t,’rr;it’es, fruit trees, ~ -g~ieiitSatiinhii~evè’hing with groves everywhere ~il I lieyoad tles M rs My rtle I bIlls. - cniption. lteeent callers of M rs, My rUe ‘‘\‘u,ui hoard a l,u:s un a ear ussitl Ilislius were: ~%Irs, ‘SVhll Oakley and drive down to the ‘s.’’iside, a ,sile s,r ~mr’~, \% illiummi, Oakley usuid Mrs. I ~° away, and tl 3 e isighty Pacific ~hi,sutui A idrews apd son I lerhert rolls before your gaze, and In the ~~ 1~ i ‘~In t lie N avy and on furlough I background the majestic ,Pu,llhsutdes, You drive , up through the - grelu ‘l’opanga Gorge that rises nearly t’.’o thousand feet ab,ivm’ silt level, u,sitl front the suinailt 1)551! bats the In ost “0 fl der fi, I scene I us s ii gl ii a hil the San Fernando Valley- —nd, ‘in the lore sf es,u’hoy song u,,stl untying picture perspective. ~‘lt is not possIble to descnilse ill of this great ci t y of almost tu mu hir,ui ed boundaries ,- —Beverley lulls, I it- 1 cle’.’ ot,d, GIc ii t I ~ i Ic, h’loll yw’o’l il , r I e. ‘then there Is that great ‘‘G id’s Acre~ oadoul,tcdly, thcnio stuuuuig- nifleent of Its kind in all the world, with its ,,i,,stI’rllleees In st it sittiry md lovely lilt IC churches soil, is “l’h,e ‘Wee Kirk of the Heather”, a reproduction ,u I’ the ehu rchi where AnnIe Laurie worshipped In Scot- land. ‘l’hsere is ‘‘The Ch,m relu of the Little Floave r’’, and Kipling’s chiureh±Thic (‘lsurch of the Iteces- sioo il”. Ositst 1 ndlng among thi treasures l,i this cemetery is the S.’~nd i’ w I is I Ii e n~ ausoles, in repre— sentlog ‘l’lii, I ,,ust Supper,- —This syiaclow touk six and one—half years to sauike. I lere t no, one Is spellbound as lie passes irom place to place among the gr”at halls of marble ~ of thesis, ‘‘ii ole antI sInce would prohibit the situ ry ..f ,~Imee Seniple Mae— h’herino’s S:isiul;uy evening religious sh ow ~I I.e I’ ii t Ii e ilral—ll ke cli u sets eg the inoyle buss it’s and prnducing lots and otsirhi t ha t we have not seen as yet. - ,‘-\\‘e are han ng a wonderful tinue lucre in this great western state, ashier,’ the l;uys are balmy and the nights are caol. - ‘‘The 555 ocl:iy uiuorning of A sigust 6th I preuui’bs.’uI In Rosewood Metho- dist cliii reh where mv ., son is the mInIster of itutisic, and at the close of the Se riles~ a man told me that I he had driven about 60 miles to hear use, I Is, loud noticed in the SoutIf Lyon lberald thatFwnsto preach ttiuut sin i’ and he wanted to meet ole ‘‘aga ~n”. He said that I had perforruucul a committal service for his first wI fe: He then intronlime- ed himself a,s ~SS Ill Wilson, brother of flue ‘late l):ivc ‘SVilson, \Vell, the worlul Is ost 51 I ye ry big after nIh, “We have olin reservations nod hope to hr li;ii’k on schedule, It. C. G. Williams, I-. S,-—’l’luu’ 1-icrald is corniog through n, k It’s a wee breath from hiiutiie, lt,(’.(’r, ‘V. ‘WW’ ‘V’ ‘0 r~~”w’w”~’ ‘s” Cunning Needs ::- _:_-_- A ad-’ - :: :_- :;‘ -- CANNING SPICES sow a~ JONES DRUG STORE VICTORY BONDS TO ANYONE G~VING ME cake ~ .54 2’/ INFORMATION LEADING TOTHE ARREST AND Roy NOW FOR OVERSEAS MAiLING? MautnQ nags, sept, 1$—Oct. U HUGH ARMS CONVICTION OF THIEVES FOUND GUILTY OF KROGER 9 S HOT~DATEOCOFFEE STEALING APPLES IN MY ORCHARD AT NINE 28 Years Ford Cars—Trucks—Tractors FRENCH SPOTLIGHT Packed) lb. 27~ 3 l~ 59c (Vacuum SOUTH LYON MILE AND DIXUORO ROAD. (THE FORMER Flexible Farming Headquarters ~SAóUE ORCHARD) ~ - - - - * MICHIGAN Can Them NOW—WhIlo You Can! EUERTA FREL$TOtIE PEACHES 4*1 ------ NOW~iS~THETLME To START THINKING About Your Oil Supply for Next Season. COME IN and SEE US for BARREL or ‘/2 BARREL PRI(ES WALTER (ANE Northviile Fair Grounds South Lyon~ Phone 4961 5 lbs. 53c NORTHVILLE MICHIGAN AUGUST 16 to 20 Inc. SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. -S~ art 1 ~th L~èài~ 2m pkthent -~ Saks - - ~ - ~Ls ~ ~ ~— —asr~&ctsa ~ ‘‘>*“ -S~~’ ~ t t:-~t:~~ ~ PHONE 4981. SOUTH LYON Trick Riding and hoping Joe Greer’s lVHorse Liberty Hit ~tha~M~ ‘c-’ -- ‘~~‘ - ~ -t$nia~~ “--‘ ‘~ “-- is~. --‘sas~ -‘~“--- ~ Phone 3301 as~sssssstaa :: :: --- ~u V~- 16~Horse -Quadrille’- ‘---~--‘ ‘~‘-- MICHIGAN’S LARGEST RODEO :-,,, -.~ :_- : -~ £-~-< :-a~t ‘L-~ ~

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Post on 21-Aug-2018




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Page 1: The South Lyon Herald - Imagine the Possibilities · Carpathians and their Transylva. nina Mps extension. Auction! Th. undenigned wflI sell at ... Pittsburgh, Munday night, where

Oil Near MountainsRumanianoil deposits are found

at a number of places along theeastern and southern slopes of theCarpathians and their Transylva.nina Mps extension.

Auction!Th. undenigned wflI sell at

Public Auction on the . premiseslocated at 11805 Clyde Road, 3mile. north and 2 mile. east ofLemon’. Canton or 2 mile. northand 13 miles east ol Hartland,

the property listed below, onSat., Aug. 1 9BEGINNING AT 12:30 F, M.

LIVE STOCK(TB. and Bangs Tested)

Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., bred Aug.2Holstein Cow, 3 yr.., due Sept. 21Holstein Cow, 8~s, due Oct.21Holstein Jersey Cow, 2 yrl., fresh,

calf by side

The iatdles Auxiliary of ForeignWars oj—South Lyon held a guestluncheon at the lionie of Mrs. E;l-ward Villerot on Sliver lake road.l’he luncheon wits pot-lock andthere were many good tIIIngs to eat.The guests included Mrs. FrankGlenan and Mrs. Joseph Comiskeynf South Lyon, Mrs. Jack Patterson

I Mrs. C. A. White anti Mrs. Alex~Cameron of Green Oak.

Cadet Nurse Ethel Mae SlabaughI spent the weekend at the home ofher parents, Mr. and Mrs. LutherSlahaugh,

Billy Hanson left Tuesday tospend the rest of the sulisiner Va—cation with his aunt, Mrs. H. E,Davii,atGrand 1-laven.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Slabaugh

called Friday evening at thd homeof Mrs. Eva Janke of Hamburg.-Mrs. Elmer Chenuwetts entertain.ed the \V. S. C. S. of New Hudsonon thursday afternoon, In spite ofthe y~arlaweather there were quitea n’uitiber of ladies there. GuestsWere M rs. Lutite r Slabaugh andMrs. Ed. Vitierot of Green Oak andMrs. Gaines and Mrs. Wheeler ofNew Hudson.

Fhelr,ia Clienj,wvth was home forSaturday and SoiitlaY this week.‘Vuby Ann CI,en,,wetli. the Infantdaughter of S. S. John and Mrs.Cl,enowet Ii, also s

1)eIIt several (lays

with the Chenuweths. I icr itiotheritid parents M r. a ud M is, Smith of

I lowell vacationed itt Niaga ra Falls.M r. and Mrs. ‘ll~oi,ias J ohnsto,i

of \\‘~tyne\‘eñ, 11w rsday callers atthe Silcox blue.

son, Junior MUlen of Detroit, Isspending a few weeks with thenu.

Auction!CAP SMITH Auctioneer

On account of nay wife’s poor healthwe have decided to give up house-keeping snd will sell at Public Auc.boa the contents of a

house onSat., Aug. 19Commencing ~at 2:00 o’clock

at 344 Warron St., in South Lyon(near tho Michigan Seaunlen Tube

Company’s plantStudio Couch Kitchen Cupboard3 Rocking Chairs Smoking StandCombination Book End and Maga-

am0 Table 3 Small Table,2 Floor Lamps 6 Sliding ScreensTable Lamp ~ Wardrobe

9x12 Congoleuun RugsSmall Throw RugsFull Size Beds, Springs and Mnt-tresses 2 Dressers

Roll Top Desk Kitchen Cabinet2-Burner Electric PlatoKitchen Table Extenalea TableKitchen Utensils: Pots, Pans, Dish.

es, Skillets, Jars and KitcheaClock Electric SweeperSteekl!olding Chairs -Buffet a! Sideboard

2 Heating~toves,stove pipe -

Fruit J~i•’ Stoneboat19 Ft. Benc~> - Wheelbars~wElectric Fence Control and WireSo Ft. Steel Tape, Lufkin brand2 Tool Boxes filled with all kind of

Tools 4 Ft. Step •Ladder90 Ft. half inch Garden Hose -

Potato Fork Wooden BarrelLawn Mower • Lawn Roller1-Horse Cultivator2 Halter Chains 2 Hone CollarsI Single Harness6OO~lbs. Soft Coal - - ~

New Horse Halter and Many Small

Disabling InjuriesDisabling Injuries in home ned.

dents last year totaled 4,95O,O~—with 130,000 resulting In some per.manent disability. Wage loss, medi-cal expense and overhead insurancecosts Were $600,000,000.

‘MIx SeedMany gardeners grow the first

radish crop by mixing a few radishseed with the seeds of carrots, par.snips, parsley and beets, all ofwhich can be sown as soon as thesoil has been prepared. An earlyradish is used, whIch wiu germinatequickly to mark the location of therow, and come to maturity beforethe main crop has developed farenough to be injured by crowding.

Require GlassesMost persons after 40 . years of

age require glasses for reading andother close focusing work.

Cheap BrushesPieces of synthetic cellulose

sponges, cut to size and fastened towood or wire handles, make excel.lent and cheap brushes for clean-ing glassware.

Stroag AdhesIvesIn all the talk about new postwar

materials is buried the fact thatmanyof them will result from vastlyimproved adhesives -which bondwood to wood, cloth to wood, metalto metal, wood or plastics. So strongare many of these adhesives, thatunder stress the material joinedgives way before the glue.lIne does.

Local News

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl, who arehaving in uuictlon stile of householdgoods on Saturday, August 19, willlocate In the Itty Head apartmtntthis weekend, They are making thechange because or the poor h.~althof Mrs. WahI.

Mr. and Mr~C’~tkydl3renay, l3ro-die Wallace ~jid ‘~Mlss MargaretWallace were cuLled to Saginaw,

- Saturday, ~“hen word came that thehome of their sister and daughter,Mrs. Cecelia \Vill, had been destroy.~ed by fire. Douglas Will accom-Panled theist home Sunday to spendsome time with his cousins, Jimmieand Dickle Brenay. Laura andMarie Anne Brenay also returacdwith them to spend some time withBarbara Breaay .


- Cleaned and RepairedALL MAKES


Drop a card to 7525 ButcherRoad, Brighton, or phone 6877Brighton. FREE ESTIMATES


Securo Your Dató For FallAuction Nowl

Local News

A boy ‘vas born at Haversliaw’shospital Friday, the 1 itli, to Mr.and Mrs. William Piekurd of theAngle road.N awe, Samuel Royal.Weight 91 pounds.

Itobert lienning came hoiuie frouuiPittsburgh, Munday night, wherehe has been attending the Reforiui-ed Presbyterian Semina ry. He iulansto be home for a month.

Mrs. Clara 1-lenning Lowe cainefrom Geneva College, Beaver Falls,i’u., Friday night, after graduationand will be at the house of her l)Lr~ents until the first of next weekwhen she leaves for South Carolinatc~ be near her husband, AviationCadet Arnold ‘F. Lowe who ls sta.tinned at Shaw Field nenr Sumter,

Friday evening the I, 0. 0. F.and Rebekalt lodges gave a surpriseparty for John Itognian, on the oc-easion of his 88th birthday whichwas Sunday, the lath. He receivedninny useful gifts and cards. icecream and cake was served, Guestsnumbered thirty, sonic being fromPlyiuiouth. One of the inca guestswas blind. He entertasaed the groupby playing a number .of selectionsof his violin, Sunday, Mr. Itogunanwas entertained by his children, atthe home of his daughter, Mrs.Carl Richter, at Wi~oai.Here, tOo,there Were 30 guests, including sixgrand-children anti four -greatgrand-children. They came fromDetroit, Northvllle, Howell, GrandRapids and South Lyon. Five ofMr. flagman’s grandsons are in theService. - -

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Musoif anddaughtertois~MrnndMrsrCfrarlesMusolf and daughter Joan and Mr.and Mrs. ,Araoid Cogger went toCadillac, Sunday, where, on Mon-day they attended the double mill-tary funeral of the Musolfs’ niece,AiliiiiMusoli, 1, dadjhf~uWfMrs~Frank Carella and the late JohnMusolf, Jr.

5formerly of this eom-’

munity, and her fiance, Don Batt-of the MaiifiT~’lidWiiahoaieiroinoverseas service on leave.- Theydied in an automobile accident. Ar.lene’s brother, :Willard; ~who waswith themwns injured. Other rela.tives from this section of the statewho attended the funeral werei MrsBert Snow of Northvillc; l~rs.JohnPhillIps and san of Milan; Mr. andMrs. Ernest Schockow and dasigh-icr of I’lyissouth; Mr. and Mrs. \VlhIMusolf and son of Dansvilleu Mr.and Mrs. August Musolf of GrassLake and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mur-ray of \Vhitmore Lake,

5 Plate Glass MIItItORS. $~�.95and . Ill), W’ ii,gleirul re Fo rnitu reStore—i loll)

M r. and M rs. 3olin ILtreisV1)511an t I “~i. re c ILlICrs at the K,liourns home Monday,

Miss Doris Coggt r andBeat rice l’utts 0 t’ I Ii glilandWe re Ii on ie I’ S.C r Su11(1)1)

,,l iss I a \(• rut 1< renge r 0 1 l)a is—yule has been spending a few daysas a guest if Miss M a rlene Coclu ran,

~ilr, anil M rs. F red Itt-ed of l’ous—lute ‘s.t. re t’ustertitiiied it dinncr byM r. and M rs. 1 lugli A runs last F’ri.(h~Ly.

- M r. and M rs, Urn rge 1 Iktack utiudSon I .ton iril atteusdt’cl tiuc’ F’ltrlttiltireati ionic ut Island Lake, ‘I’ues-day.

M r. mu M rs. l’dwln \Vlseuianand foiuuiI~ liatl Sunday dinuier ‘s’Ithcuuslns, M r, and 31 rs. A. J , Nt’stalelii~Detroit,

A daughter was burn at i-Layer—shaw’s liostiitnl, ‘laesday, iii Mr.and Mrs. John Kingsley. \~Jglstsi pounds.

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Westplsal ofOwosso and Rev, F.. McQuilluin ofDetroit were callers of the F. M.Glenans, Sunday.

M r. antI M rs. Arthur Clua1

,,iian,Sr. had SS guests Sunday, Mr. andMrs. Ernest Nauenburg -and sonKarl of Brighton. -

Mr. and Mrs. Manley Wilson andson of Royal Oak enjoyed a fishfry at the home of Mr. and Mrs.George Bridson, Sunday. -

Mrs. Marvel Milotte and soilJohn of Bloomfield Hills were vlsi-tors at the Ross Spragues and 1. K.Biederstadt homes Sunday.

Mrs. Ed. ‘fobia of Brighton andniece MIss Rose Mary Curtis ofDetroit were callers at the Ed.WiaTh~hiiUmb~SatuTda~i1)ghtr

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krenger ofDansviile and Mr. and ~Mrs. JamesCopeland of Northville had supperwith the Coc’hirans, Sunday -night.~AftersunM!nthree _d!~s here‘sithi her, parents, Mrs. Robert MWc—Giltivary (Agnes Read) retursiedto her home in Detroit last Thuirs-day. ~ —

Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Anus and sonlucky of Grosse lie ‘s’ere at thehome of Mr. Arnis’ parents, Mr.and Mrs. Earle 13. Arms, for theweekend,

Don Read had the misfortune tobreak his left arm last Friday, whesihe fell from a load ~of oats whilethreshing, at the farm north andwest of town.

Members of Entre Noos chapter,Order of the Eastern Star, pie-nicked at Groonies Beach, Whit-snore Lake, last Thursday night.1’hie attendance niiiuibered forty,

Mr. and Mrs. tV, J. Emery andDr. and Mrs. C. 0. Roberts andher sister, Mrs. IL. \V, .Mnrshall,iVef~Sundayrdhnaerguiestsof Mr.and Mrs; .H, Letchifleld at SilverLake,

Mrs. -William Parker (MontereyHaiiilln ) Is at St , Josephis hospital,Aria Arbor, caring for her - sIster-In—law, Mrs. Sitn(lersnn of Gettysroad, that city, ‘-‘ho underwent anoperation.

M r, and M ru l’~,(‘. Ilolurns nndfanilly ~s’ereentertuul ned at Sundaydinner at t lie It. I), Frost home atWilhlan,ston. Enroute ionic theyvisitetl at t lie hoiiic of M rs, l3oorns’sister at Fo~vlervllle.

Mrs ,~ \lfred Pyett and two cliii-dreis, Nancy and Jerry, leave todayfnr their home in Ferguson, Miss—0(1ri after spending a few daysw’ltli Mrs Pyett’s father, Will Greerand grandmother, Mrs. F. fl Soults,at the Snults home, -

~MF~Eorl Sheldon of Adrian,her daughter • and grand—duai ghterof Riishton, and l’fc, ‘TheodoreSheldon who is some on furloughafter spending three years In theAleutlans, called on Mr. nnd Mrs.Clarence Dean last Thursday.

A datighter, Constance Neleen,was born Friday, August Ii, toStaff Sergeant and Mrs J, I). \ViVson, ot Mt. Carmel hospital, Detroit,Weight 7 pounds, 9 ounces. StaffSgt, Wilson returned to his post inNorth Carolina, Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coon re-turned home Sunday after spendingfour days aboard the cruiser of Dr.and Mrs. Vassar of Allen Park. Thethree Coon boys, - accompanied byMiss Lois Birckelhaw, sIlent thetime with the boys’ grandparentsin l)ctroit. -

Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Hamhinentertained on Sunday, her hrother,James Mizer, Mrs. Miser and theirdaughters, Ha zel and Maxine ofPontiac, and son Staff Sgt, Ken.Mizer ivho Is home for rest period,after - 28.months’-service in theSouth Pacific,

Dr. S.- R. Elkow of highlandPark nod Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Chol.yin anti son Neal of Detroit spentSlinulily at the Elkow farm. Mrs.Leo Elkow returned to the city withthe Chols’ins to stay Indefinitely—until (h!insagecasised hySsinday’gfIre Ii as been repai red.

Richard T<iney rind grnnd-daugh—ter Bernice Radtke were in Lansinga recent weekend. Her hrother, t’.year-old Carl, retu ran] to Southlyon with them to stay two weeks,I-Ic plans to return to lansing thisweekend with his parents, Mr andMrs. Ed. Radtke, who ~s’ilIbe guestsnt the Kiney home,

I i~irrisl,o C-a rv of ,%dri no spentthe weekend with relatives here,:4 rs. (‘-ary rein med home ss’ithi himSiunulay nfter spending h%’o weekslucre. issist in g it the St nte SavingsBa nk dsiriog the illoess if Mrs. H,

- .1. Sin iiii , NI rs. II. \V - ‘rule aon! l)ii’kir’ ,,rrr,rri

1,anienl theni to the

latters some i0 Anb na n, lie hadIhreui sp”oding soule t hoe here ~~‘itliI bus urra onlpn rents, -

Mr. noel Mrs. 1~.V. Shinier andfa,siil~ tool ILS guests frouul Saturday

~~i~iitlt- tI,i,--eoidwefk,~ M~:uisulMr,,~i It. V . Put tertia ii g~ son .1 a oes anil~ihauiglutu’r I~baiuue if I),9ytuun, Ohio~M r. a nil Mrs. H. I 1 Slatuter nod:children, Patty. Sandra rind (,ordoo- and Sirs. Ii l’nod of Grand Rapids! antI Mn. ann

1Mrs. F~. \\. Slatiter of

! lt;iz~’l i’ark. The group ineluunlessister .9011 three brotisens of Mr.

- SI nub icr. ‘lhuey ra me to ~ee Lester! Slauitn’r, jr., l’etta’ Offirrr arch (‘-lass,

0 lu~ is Ii u,roe tin leave, ‘s-h i~e en non tu’(ron, Soti th (‘arahi 0fl t 0 ~he West

- Coast.

C. Root and fri iii ly enjoyed atn ii to Put—in—Bay rcci-nt ly.

. Special on lualuy t’ril,s this!5~f,l~As low as ‘~I I . .~iI, \\‘ iiigleuzi ire

F’uroiture Store- -~llily,Nrs. ‘Iheron I i ½a risele r sPent

last ~deekss’ith her un runt s, t lie Git,,I:., Dixons, at It.iy~ilOak.

l)onald and II hut- I i \‘ i istleare 5

11en(liOg this ss’u’iL rousl sixt

~ilth, their graiitltia riots in l(o~’uilOak.

l)r, uuuad Mrs. I.. .t~(inisw,,luI and51’liS visited at S In’ bunt if thel),,etor’s sister lila r (irauud Blanc,Sunday.

Miss Dolores It ~i-si’ liii rke isspending two week., siithu icr t’~uuisiuiM Iss .-\ odrey J 0 ii’ I i \‘ ~uselur aticr Sunshine i<ru,ill hiujulit.

~liss Elaine lluuat’k totcrt:uisieulthe Young Busiuu,ss W~ii uI’o’s clii hiif New 1-ludson ii I In-r huu,uiie ni,hunts road \%‘ediutsul~u~’uuight.

~\lrs, George I l;uuk ruuud duusighi.ter Elaine and M his I t’uuuut Melt’hiertwere in Detroit ii u rt sit’ last ~tet’kvisiting in the lioiuui’ ~if Mrs. l-laack’shi rother and enuusyI lug ;u - t rip toIlohi-Lo. -

Mi. and’ Mrs. \Vll ho ui I hum andson, \Vllllaun hr. ~i-ilI suissus l’e by—log to Wayne.. ~ulr, soul Mrs. L, \r~Slutiuter, who bought the liuson, ‘iiforune r Btsiv plaeu’ , su ~ISIC t iuuie ago,wIll isiove there.

\Silliitin Black uI f M ilford town—shiji has leased tIn’ I I riuniett placeit the north end u I f t sw 1 and isnioviog there witIi isis fuuuuu ily. Thelease Is for three yeuu N, Sd it Ii optionto buy. He p

1uurss to

1isut the ‘dl)

acres t0 t ruck gui rd, isio r 1 o (I 5mallfruits, along with I lie orehia nil.

A son, David Ituiliert, was bornto Mr. and Mrs. Ituihuert ‘rattle ofAdrlao, Tuesday, August 15, ittBixby hospital, that city. Weighteight pounds. Mrs. 15. SV, Futtle hasbeen staying at suer suns’s housue inAulr~an~siuce”Susa1nyr”Mrr—’l’sittle’goes tonight and she nut! grandsonItichard will accoilipuuny hlrii home.


-Methodist—Pastor-Writes FromCalifornia

Renders of the I leruuld still bepleased to read’ tlsm~ follnwiog letterfrom 11ev. R. C. ft ~Vliliaimss,whois vacationing in (-al iforniaul)ear Herald, - -

‘Here we are iii sit noy Call forola,with Los Angeles the eden of thisgreat state. What ii change from theoild—s.’est: blue “skies, bright sun—shi ne tempered to t lii ni glut uutu,uis—phere - by a cool Is ruez e t hi at blowsin from the sea. suuuuki,sg - one feel

First PresbyterianEldridge M. McGehee, Minister


1 0 ‘di) i in—-I ) I V I N l’ \~‘ORSl-LlPI)uriuug this service tlit’ t’lioir syillsing II, uuutl,ti,i stud tlst~ u,uinistcrwill hireuuc’hs uillulis th,t’ sIuE}Jett, ~‘‘;~

ltouitl tritier (‘i,nst ntit’tlcuui,’’I 1 ‘dii it, Iii ——S (JN1)\\ S(’I 1001..

llu,~’illsini’Ltlluutsv is tue salsirirstesi—

li:3II Is Iii. .— (‘hIltISiIAN l’N—l)l.-~~’Olt,All ~i,titlis ire iiuvlteuh,

‘l’lsi, thom ‘dill hui,l,h iunuit’tlt’~ iii‘l’uuesshuu

5’ muiglst itt 7 ‘di) •,‘cloek in I lii

(‘lb it nh .

•uiut• ~Vt~kuiiitloitclass, ~1rs. C’.,uhucrts, ti:ieluer - is m’)lseetimlg their(‘luristuuias tunIs the first of the~u’eek, the il ass IS’ ii I sell t lut’seC a nls , I )ou I u t less t hit gi rls will calltubs ytili, tsr ~‘‘uui tuulgIst tt’It


ltuuh,erts If interested. , ,,Federated, Salem

Corn M. Pennell, MinisterSsi malay uiuiiro I ng w’ u ~rshI p, I ii ‘at)

o’clock. Seriumon tlit’uuie, Our ~Vaths-er’s World’’. Bible schiuu,l at ~1145a, us. (‘tirtis I luoiuilto,u, supt.

\v ashteoaw coi;nty lirothenhsoodservices at Whiltsiiore I itke M it so-tlist church August 20 at 4u30 andluau I’. In. -

l’ra~’er meeting \Vednesday es.ening at 7 mdi) in the church.

fruuuuu Citlifm,rniut,\‘clnuii J syce Ciniswold spent the

ss,’ckead with Dorothy Smith.I .uuis Itead is spending the week

‘V it hi M r and .‘drs. \~‘hitty’ it Ited—

:sl Iss Mildred lierrick n f S”ii Ni—luu,,ri, l’suuii,, spent several days re—s’.’iitls’ at tin \~‘ilklmisuuii hunt,.

.-~lfrt’ml I h,lsiies of Fuiriiuisigt’sruw’luissm~ units recently lived Liii

\~‘utrul tarot, t’alled on Mrs. I loUis~hu,usuias’(‘ceiling,

l’fm’, ‘I’iuéuuilu,rt’ Slueldissi a fL,rruIcrIliuse hum hutis’ is i

1ueiidliug it ta’eust~’—

‘just, ihass’ furlough ~sitil rebut i it’sii nil • friends lii this vit’init”, Ii iiiwith uk iiuu,ther near Adrian, l’fs,Siirliluu, hsuus becus in the ;~leuitirisist,ur liii. 101st tlgittt’eii iuuusmit lit iiscill rt’lsurt for farther shuit~’ at(~uuuihi I liuiiuu, Calif. Sunday itil:u’ grithsu’riiug iSlES held in Isis ltulou,ritt his iututlit’r’s home, cubIt sisty’tli’eiii at tlIuihluli(’t. l’hsose fru,iu this s-i~s’iuslty iu’huu~ ittemuileil ss’erem the ,J,,himiSlut’huhoii faruully, ~lrs. F. 1’, Siiiuiuuu,osuiiud son, M rs, liessle Shieldoit utid.0)15, lion, ~tli’s. l:lsk’ Ilaldwlsi and5u,IiS~ l.iuusuitrd utuuil Frauik, intl ~frs.l’lleui l’rcnit’e intl duutighitttrs Elsieanil .-% I l(’t’ frommi l3.~ii t he>’, who are



Accepted by theCouncil on PIns.Ical TherapyoftheAmesican Med.hal AnodadOQ.

You or. lsvilod to e ptc’ssdd.aaosshelloe. Ho obligaHoa

The South Lyon Herald -

. HAZEN J. SMITH, PublisherIDA Al. LIJ~SCH(.Ediaor

Entered In the h’ost’,fftce in SouthLyon, MIch. at second class niatter



No Lxperience NecessaryMust Comply With U.S.LL Rcglations

NOVI’ EQUWPMENT Co.Novi Mich ~YeI.Northville 720



Local News


. Slightly damaged 3 pc. Blonda Regular $39.60 ,P1~ATF0ltM l3edrot,ni Suite. Only $69.50 Whngle-

ItOCKIIItS for $27.51). \\‘Inglcuiuire iiuire Furniture Stoge—l-Iolly.Furoit 0 nil ~~ore—Iiolly. ~ir, and M rs, Sam Camniarata

Miss Margaret Wallace returned and uncle of Detroit were SundaySaturday aftçr spending a ~ceek’sguests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buscai-vacation at ‘l’itusville, Pa. no.

Mrs. Emory Ford Is In the newQraée hospital in 1)etroit’—Roommu514—where she underu’eist in Op-eration lait week \Vednesday.

Mrs. Wilbur Keyes of Belle Cen-ter, 9liio caine Monday night andis spending the week with her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Henningmid lien isrothsers and sister who arealso visitio g there now.

- Local News



,sis•jnipisssllsSl••uI5l•sImIflt s•las.s..s.n..s.ssssiu•llsaIIls’: U_ - I ‘~~t~sB you need

~ ‘- ~ ‘ : ~ recommendBtXfl


: ~ ±u;~ cOMPLEX

~r--- -- ‘I CAPSULES-- -

H ‘ 40’s 980~ 5 WO’s $1.98




ALL PRODUCTS CO.~Hamburg, Michigan

visiting relatives here.Mrs. Myrtle Hollis called nii Mrs.

Brown and Barbara at i.apham’sCoraers Friday evening.



Notice!Our Plant Will Be ClosedFrom Monday, Aug. 21,

_Artigle., _ ,

. HORSE -I Gray Mare, coming 3 years old,

kind and gentle -- - ~ - - TERMS—CASHI -

EDWARD WAHL. Proprietor

Gosidoa S~nith,Clerk- 0

Miss Joan h)oyle mit l)etroit isGuernsey Holstein Cow, 4 yrs .,Slieadisig a few mlui>’s thIs steak atfresh, calf by side the t,ever house IIfl Silver lake nd.Guernsey Cow, 3 yrs., due Oct. 22 Mrs. Jeff I,even, Patty aad HelenGuernsey Cow, 4 yrs., due Dee. 29 sIlent last Saturday In Detroit shop—Jersey Heifer, 2 yrs., due Nov. ping. 3Holstein Heifer, 20 mos., due Feb. 15 Mrs. Claude Nicholas and Miss3 Jeraey Heifer., 9 mos. old Osa Bair of Oxford were Wednes- 2Holstein BuhI Calf~9 mos. old day guests at the hionie of their

-HORSES niece, Mrs. Alex Cameron Miss3 yr. old Colt, weight 1400 ‘ flair reasained to visit for a short5 yr. old Horse, weight.1500 timute and will return to Oxford on

HOGS ‘thursday of this week,Chester White Brood Sow ‘l’hue Levers report telephiuine calls2 Chester White Shoats from boUt sons, 54. Rlekie H. Da-

SHEEP vis, and Sgt. Charles ‘Davis, saying 620 Breeding Ewes all is well. ~Shropshlre Ram -

POULTRY aonannooooooe,o~eo5eooo~90 Range Size White Gaint -

- Chicken, - - ~ WORDEN15 Brahma Chicks . I ~ I

30 Hens, Leghorn ‘ I Mrs It It. Dixon, CorrespondentSGeese cc CCC C00000 C 00G C000000CC6 Turkeys - ‘ -FARM EOUIPMENT Bonnie Kleitder celebrat~d herFord-l”erguson tractor - sixth birthday with a party inFord 2-hottoizm plow, 12 inches which, twelve girls participated. ATractor cultivator 1-lay loader large birthday cake centered the~2Horse-drawl)’ Cultivators ~ table. She received ninny nice gifts.John Deere Corn Binder - Mist Bettie Jean Klendcr isSuperIor Grain Drill with fertilizer spending this week vacationing In

attusehaneot - Bay City and SagInaw.Steel Wagon and Rack Mr. andMrs.W llliuuuiiKlendci~en-MëC~fiiiidk~DèiihijDiithj~Rjk’~ tertained his nephew and friendSide-delivery ltake Culti

1,mickcr from Bay City Inst week.

2?Sec. Spi’ing.tooth Drag Mr. and Mrs. \\‘iui. Pickard ofSingle Walking Plow Sthén~Mileroad have a 9~poundl3tuz’z Sask~~,ltlsMddel T nioior ~ born Auksist 11 at WilloughbyWIzard electric fence farm. -100 Ft. Garden Hose A baby girl was horn August IICli,,re Boy milking machine on the former Davy farm ‘now the

~Mumnune Spreader Hog Crate Willoughby farm, Pontiac road.2 ~Deering ‘itowing. machines, 6 ft. ~ aad Mrs. Juinies Peek caineCon’s sheller , Wheelbarrow Thursday from hlighland Park and -Wheelbarrow sprayer lOOSteel posts spent the weekeuiil “ith Mr. andBale barbed wire • 2 Oil brooders Mrs. N. J. Bender,3 Milk cans Pails and strainer Miss Peggy Bender spent several2 50-Gal, Oil drunis Garden ‘l’ools days last week u’ith Mrs. Glenhay ropes, pulleys and fork \A’hittaker and Mrs. Fait at Silver2 Sets of double harness ~ Lake. ‘ - -~i Cross-cut saws 40 Grain bags Larue Ehrenberg went to ~Grand

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Rapids, Friday ‘to attend the Amer-Drop-leaf table; 2 kitchen chairs; I icnn Legion convention.small table; I white Colonel Harold Fsirlong and wifekitchen table; 2 porcelain topsrfbr of Fort Riley, Kansas called. on histables; small painted book-else; I aunt, Mrs. Anna Thompson,-- Mon-painted night table; three-qi~atterday. He expects to lie traiisferredsize bed, springs and mattress; I Isoon, . -white dresser; mirrors; lamps; iron- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Sam - -Piekard of’Iing board; odd chairs; ice box; pie. ~Northvllle spent Ssuiidny with Mrs.~nic tables; dishes; youth’s chair; ~Frank Warren. .

I high chair; child’s table and 2 chairs ~ Mrs. Frank Burgess and Arthur~fruit jars; 2 12-gal. crocks; other ~were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.I ntiscellaneous items. and Mrs. Mortlmner Osborn in SalemJewelry wagon Etc., Etc ,. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Doris I

~ HAY AND GRAIN Billie and Ituulluli,’ Harriet and Mich- I~About 250 bu.hds of Wheat tel Hinds slfl’slt Ssiodusy at Bob-Lo, IAbout 150 bushels Oats Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kehrl andlAbout 6 tons of’ Hay Dorothy, Mr. nod Mrs. It, R. l)lxon,I10 Acres Corn in field Mr. -and Mrs. T. S. Dunn and Peg-ITERMS: All sums of $10 and under gy attended the fortieth annual re~Cash; over that amount a credit of union of the Sampson family. There I10 to 12 months on approved notes was an attendance of ninety-seven.

at 6% interest. ‘ it was lucid it Prospect Park, \‘psl.Iantl, Sunday, j~iigust13, Seventeen IWalter A. Lane mimembers of this fatally are in Ser-

Version -State-Bank,-H.—Enrl,-C~riç-vice ---________________

- Harold Gates, Auctioneer ~ ‘ Mrs. Ruth Newton of DeKrbornt Phone Howell 10I3R •: and daughter Arlene of Ann Arbor‘ were Sunday guests of the KingsleyOOO@GOnOOOOOnO3OO~OCOCOOsisters, Arlene, remained till Wed-I

nesday. -GflEE2V OAK . Mrs. Dan Fitzgerald is quite ilh.,I

Newton Sittith Is In St. Joseph’s IMrs. Alex. Cameron, Correspondent hospital, hut expects sOoa to be able I

-to rctara_t,,~his_honie,_however_h1e-~-“ -~~CccCCcQocccc~b’~ocQQQwill be unable to work for some

tIme,Mr. and Mrs. Max Millen’s grand-]

to_Saturday,~Aug.~26So We Wi~INot Pick upClothes’:UntilAug. - ‘it


--;-—-~—-~-- . . ~-sssti.iissssssNsssIS -

. ~~ Everett A. Jones,Owner ‘ ‘ - Telephone 3301 ~

.-—. ~

BUY OWWhile Available



Phone 1197-W

Howell, Michigan -


Matinee’ Sun. 3 p. m. coat.

PHONE (Day or Nighl)

New Hudson, MIch.

- 2401




FRI1.SA-T- —mkUG~18-19


With Loretta Young



Marshal Qf GunsmokeWith Tex Ritter

Russell Hayden



PhoneS. Lyon 4365




- Garbage Collection toStart in ‘ South LyonNEXT WEEK! -

- 10 GAL. GALVANIZED---:-:

:Garbage Pail -

— ___ - ‘

~“TTONLY~$1;Ø7H ‘ ‘- —I


(Subject to Stock on Hand)

Arms ‘ Hardware—-DOMESTIC EiE(TRI&iHOP~

HAY MOWER WINDROWER( Windrowswhile mowing)


Sun., Mon., Tue.. 20, 21, 22

~Romanpe audThiilhi”~


Lady,-- Lets Dance!

With James EllisonWalter CatletFrick and Frack

Now. Selected Shorts

-.4 ~ Washer~3VacuumCleaners,

. - ANYThING ELECTRICAL. All Wfrk Guaranteed. -

1107 So. L Ice Dr.‘ Wale 4e

Telephone Walled Lake 191


Rich, frcgPo,1tIcoysi, CSock.d-Ptsih ,v.ry dpyhMor, vitamin,

- than — in—9-out—of—10 other-whItebrood,, Non.tlnsr,


-KniselyElectric Co.

(Direct drive, no belts, no trouble)

-I) ~ 0CcuLosves~u


Specially Priced for Canningi Cane , ‘~-



A Krogor Canning Value! Fruit

JARS qts. 65cdox.

Appliance Service and Repair.


( J. Keith’Afrni—Beitt*bisj~~~.

Sun. Mon. Tuos. Aug. 20-21-22


Gloria Jean Ray Lynn






TelephoneWALLED LAKE 241F11

ph. Cdot.

PHONE 3341

Kruger’s Vitamin Enriched CANNED

MILK . S S 4taIl 35ccans


BARN EQUIPMENTStanchions,Water Bowls, Salt Cups






Vitamin Enriched MARGARINE


For Nationally Advertised Merchandise-



17fl6 riiiRFRiver iFS~hfIild~DETRO’IT~Open Thur5day, Friday, Salurday till 9 p. m.

Expert Watch and -


South Lyon’s -Favorite Jewelry -Store



Kroger’s Famous Quality, Mellowed in Sherry Wine

RODEO‘ ‘ - ‘- AND




Free MethodistC. B. Coilver, Minister

Sunday sch,ool at 10 :00; churchservice at I I uo. Prayer meetingWednesday evening at iiariiburgchurch,,

~00CO C00CtS t~@~neoio ons 0000



0 CC C CC C C CC CCCCQCC C CCC C0 C‘ Neiglula’rs tad friends !ish toexpress their syti,putthsy to ~itr, auntM rs, Selieffler s, nul f,iriiilv In thielrbereavetitent, ‘i’hiey received w,, nilfnooi the gi,.’t’ro,iient,’ ~,I,,oilst~’,thudtheir suii Francis, it Msinioe, Issislbreu, kIlled in at’tls,ii iii the Pacificwhere he had been f,,r tu’eoty—sixmoist I,s. M n nod Mn, Sclte filerhave th ree otl,e r suns in Service;‘‘sue each In ireland, J’~uiglttnulFrance, -

M r, ansi -Mrs. Anslev Osborne i,fI )etroit sI)ent the ‘ weekend at the

that lie Is experiemseing a ness’ clis- h-larry— C )slmnse—l,o,,te,covery, the elixir if life. ‘l’h,t’ lls,w. M r. and M l’s, Lewis Keonechyandcr5, palintrees, t,’rr;it’es, fruit trees, ~ -g~ieiitSatiinhii~evè’hingwithgroves‘everywhere ~il I lieyoad tles M rs My rtle I bIlls. -

cniption. lteeent callers of M rs, My rUe‘‘\‘u,ui hoard a l,u:s un a ear ussitl Ilislius were: ~%Irs,‘SVhll Oakley and

drive down to the ‘s.’’iside, a ,sile s,r ~mr’~,\% illiummi, Oakley usuid Mrs.I ~° away, and tl

3e isighty Pacific ~hi,sutui A idrews apd son I lerhert

rolls before your gaze, and In the ~~1~

i ‘~In t lie N avy and on furlough I

background the majestic ,Pu,llhsutdes,You drive ,up through the - grelu‘l’opanga Gorge that rises nearlyt’.’o thousand feet ab,ivm’ silt level,u,sitl front the suinailt 1)551! bats theIn ost “0 fl der fi, I scene I us s ii gl iia hilthe San Fernando Valley- —nd, ‘inthe lore sf es,u’hoy song u,,stl untyingpicture perspective.

~‘lt is not possIble to descnilse illof this great cit y of almost tu mu hir,uied boundaries,- —Beverley lulls, I it-

1cle’.’ot,d, GIc iitI ~i Ic, h’lollyw’o’l il , rI e.

‘then there Is that great ‘‘G id’sAcre~oadoul,tcdly, thcnio stuuuuig-nifleent of Its kind in all the world,with its ,,i,,stI’rllleees In st it sittirymd lovely lilt IC churches soil, is“l’h,e ‘Wee Kirk of the Heather”, areproduction ,u I’ the ehurchi whereAnnIe Laurie worshipped In Scot-land. ‘l’hsere is ‘‘The Ch,m relu of theLittle Floave r’’, and Kipling’schiureh±Thic (‘lsurch of the Iteces-sioo il”. Ositst 1 ndlng among thitreasures l,i this cemetery is theS.’~nd i’w I is I Ii e n~ausoles, in repre—sentlog ‘l’lii, I ,,ust Supper,- —Thissyiaclow touk six and one—half yearsto sauike. I lere t no, one Is spellboundas lie passes irom place to placeamong the gr”at halls of marble~ of thesis,

‘‘ii ole antI sInce would prohibitthe situ ry ..f ,~ImeeSeniple Mae—h’herino’s S:isiul;uy evening religioussh ow ~ I I.e I’ ii t Ii e ilral—ll ke cliu sets egthe inoyle buss it’s and prnducing lotsand otsirhi t ha t we have not seenas yet. -

,‘-\\‘e are han ng a wonderful tinuelucre in this great western state,ashier,’ the l;uys are balmy and thenights are caol. -

‘‘The 555 ocl:iy uiuorning of A sigust6th I preuui’bs.’uI In Rosewood Metho-dist cliii reh where mv., son is themInIster of itutisic, and at the closeof the Se riles~a man told me that

I he had driven about 60 miles tohear use, I Is, loud noticed in theSoutIf Lyon lberald thatFwnstopreach ttiuut sin i’ and he wanted tomeet ole ‘‘aga ~n”. He said that Ihad perforruucul a committal servicefor his first wI fe: He then intronlime-ed himself a,s ~SSIll Wilson, brotherof flue ‘late l):ivc ‘SVilson, \Vell, theworlul Is ost 51 I ye ry big after nIh,

“We have olin reservations nodhope to hr li;ii’k on schedule,

It. C. G. Williams,I-. S,-—’l’luu’ 1-icrald is corniog

through n, k It’s a wee breath fromhiiutiie, lt,(’.(’r,

‘V. ‘WW’ ‘V’ ‘0 r~~”w’w”~’ ‘s”


::- _:_-_- A ad-’ ‘- :: :_- :;‘ -- ‘CANNING

SPICESsow a~



cake ~ .542’/


Roy NOW FOR OVERSEAS MAiLING?MautnQ nags, sept, 1$—Oct. U





28 Years Ford Cars—Trucks—Tractors


lb. 27~ 3 l~ 59c(Vacuum



Flexible Farming Headquarters

~SAóUEORCHARD) ~ - - - -


Can Them NOW—WhIlo You Can!





Oil Supply for Next Season. COME INand SEE US for BARREL or ‘/2 BARREL



Northviile Fair Grounds

South Lyon~Phone4961

5 lbs.53c


AUGUST 16 to 20 Inc.SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M.

-S~art1~th L~èài~2mpkthent-~ Saks

- - ~ - ~Ls ~ ~ ~— —asr~&ctsa ~ ‘‘>*“-S~~’‘ ~ t t:-~t:~~ ~


Trick Riding and hopingJoe Greer’s lVHorse Liberty Hit

‘ ~tha~M~ ‘c-’“--‘~~‘-~-t$nia~~ “--‘‘~“--is~. ‘--‘sas~-‘~“---~

Phone 3301


:: :: --- ~u V~- 16~Horse-Quadrille’- ‘---~--‘ ‘~‘--


:-,,, -.~ :_- : -~£-~-< :-a~t�‘L-~~