the song of truth-9

The Song of Truth Chapter NINE London, England In London, there were so many people who came to see Dadaji. The head of the  Psychology Department of the University of Paris, told me he had experienced Dadaji's fragrance three weeks prior to meeting him, while taking breakfast with the Minister of Education of France. He came as a skeptic, and left Dadaji's  presence as a de votee of Truth.  The head of the Parapsychology Department of Oxford University, came with scientific devices to test Dadaji. Clear water in a sealed flask turned cloudy and fragrant at Dadaji's touch. He came as a scientist and became a lover of the Divine. Many more scholars came from the University of London. The official biographer to the Crown of England, came with a journalist from the London Times. I watched him go up to Dadaji's room, after our conversation. He was troubled and tense, yet at the same time a brilliant writer and historian.  When he came down the stairs he was fragrant, smiling and saying what a heavenly experience he had. Many people were gathered this particular night, and some related miraculous experiences which they attributed to Dadaji. He said once again that, "I can do nothing. These 'mi rae 1 es' only happen because it is God's Will. These healings are Truth healings." In so many cases, Dadaji is in front of  a group and at the same time, He travels to a distant place where the healing takes   place. This is beyond mind, explanation,  and understanding. Dadaji was asked this evening to speak of mind and Spirit. He responded, "When  we are born with the body, mind automatically comes along with it. Inevitably it brings various types of destined sufferings. We aggravate them further  by our mental ga me playing, inte llect, thoughts, actio ns and reaction s.  "It is very difficult to analyze our misfortunes. In order to do this we would have to mentally step out of the situation to see it impartially.. The question that naturally comes to our mind, is to ask whether any way exists to avert or to get rid of these sufferings. The only answer is that through all the afflictions, the only one who can live in peace and happiness is the one who can surrender all fear, thought, desires, and expectations of loss or gain to the Will of the Supreme Lord.  "It it always a great mistake to blame any particular person or to make anybody 

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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