the song of the lamb 1a - sam...

A Holy Nation - The Song of the Lamb Part 1A Sam Soleyn October 29, 2010 Midland, Texas Well good evening, it truly is a pleasure to be with you and to see all of you. There have been times before when we have gathered – I believe in this very place, it seems like a long time ago – but tonight and tomorrow, I believe God has called us together in this place for a very special time. One of the more recent times that Ive been in Midland, we talked about my coming for a couple of days to discuss, in one continuous progression, the things that God was saying to all of us, collectively. We made some effort to do that but it didnt come quite in the direction that we anticipated that the Lord would do but it never left my heart to come and meet with you to present the things that the Lord had shown and was showing to us in a continuous fashion, so that at the end of it we would have clarity about the direction that the Lord is revealing in the earth today. So thats my intention in being with you. I know that many of you, over the years, have expressed a desire for just such a time as this, where we could, in a continuous fashion – in the words that have been recently spoken by Corbett, “To prosecute a matter, from the beginning of it to the completion of it, in one continuous setting. So all the things that I hope to say here go together as one whole and tonights message will begin to frame the direction in which I wish to go. I have been praying a great deal about this time because I believe that all of the laboring that we have done in this region will reach a particular place now, and those who have received the Spirit of the truth that has been spoken over all these years will begin to lay ahold of the direction that God now gives because the foundation has been laid. I understand very well that it is not like God to give a direction until a people have been prepared, I understand that. When we were younger, we spoke the things we heard and saw then but they were more in pieces; they were in „thislot and „thisincrement and „thatpiece and we didnt necessarily see (at least I didnt) the overarching picture because a people – I certainly was not ready – to see the overarching picture. But what was necessary in order for me to be ready - and I suspect the same is true with you - what was necessary in order for you to be ready was that all these things had to come into place because the nature of God's building is often simultaneously to uproot, tear down, overthrow and destroy because things are in the way of what He wishes to build and to plant. Tonight we have present with us – I noted some brothers walked in from Virginia – Mike Gress who has spent some time here in Texas. When I first met him back in Maryland at a meeting, he was wearing cowboy boots and I immediately knew that he had some kind of connection with Texas. Though he may obscure that connection, I think he's secretly proud of it. So “Once a Texan,” they say, “always a Texan.” Welcome home. There are, of course, a number of others are with us from different parts of the state and even some that I'm looking out in the audience and seeing from New Mexico, many people are from outside of the region of Midland, Odessa for this conference. So in a way it is a local conference but in a way it is a regional conference as well. In this conference I'm well attended by men and women whom I both love and trust and in the course of these meetings A Holy Nation - The Song of the Lamb Part 1A 1

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A Holy Nation - The Song of the Lamb Part 1A Sam Soleyn October 29, 2010Midland, Texas

Well good evening, it truly is a pleasure to be with you and to see all of you. There have been times before when we have gathered – I believe in this very place, it seems like a long time ago – but tonight and tomorrow, I believe God has called us together in this place for a very special time.

One of the more recent times that I‟ve been in Midland, we talked about my coming for a couple of days to discuss, in one continuous progression, the things that God was saying to all of us, collectively. We made some effort to do that but it didn‟t come quite in the direction that we anticipated that the Lord would do but it never left my heart to come and meet with you to present the things that the Lord had shown and was showing to us in a continuous fashion, so that at the end of it we would have clarity about the direction that the Lord is revealing in the earth today. So that‟s my intention in being with you. I know that many of you, over the years, have expressed a desire for just such a time as this, where we could, in a continuous fashion – in the words that have been recently spoken by Corbett, “To prosecute a matter, from the beginning of it to the completion of it, in one continuous setting.

So all the things that I hope to say here go together as one whole and tonight‟s message will begin to frame the direction in which I wish to go. I have been praying a great deal about this time because I believe that all of the laboring that we have done in this region will reach a particular place now, and those who have received the Spirit of the truth that has been spoken over all these years will begin to lay ahold of the direction that God now gives because the foundation has been laid. I understand very well that it is not like God to give a direction until a people have been prepared, I understand that. When we were younger, we spoke the things we heard and saw then but they were more in pieces; they were in „this‟ lot and „this‟ increment and „that‟ piece and we didn‟t necessarily see (at least I didn‟t) the overarching picture because a people – I certainly was not ready – to see the overarching picture. But what was necessary in order for me to be ready - and I suspect the same is true with you - what was necessary in order for you to be ready was that all these things had to come into place because the nature of God's building is often simultaneously to uproot, tear down, overthrow and destroy because things are in the way of what He wishes to build and to plant.

Tonight we have present with us – I noted some brothers walked in from Virginia – Mike Gress who has spent some time here in Texas. When I first met him back in Maryland at a meeting, he was wearing cowboy boots and I immediately knew that he had some kind of connection with Texas. Though he may obscure that connection, I think he's secretly proud of it. So “Once a Texan,” they say, “always a Texan.”

Welcome home. There are, of course, a number of others are with us from different parts of the state and even some that I'm looking out in the audience and seeing from New Mexico, many people are from outside of the region of Midland, Odessa for this conference. So in a way it is a local conference but in a way it is a regional conference as well. In this conference I'm well attended by men and women whom I both love and trust and in the course of these meetings

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we'll introduce some of them to you. You‟ve already heard from Corbett and Judy and I want to acknowledge my profound appreciation to both of them for being largely the ones responsible for putting this conference together and I want you to join me as we give them a round of applause. John Huckabee introduced me and I'm not sure if he's grown fond of me over the years or if he's just grown mellow (laughing) but either way I'm not likely to question it, I'm simply enjoying it; John and Bobby Huckabee. And Doug Allen is here tonight with Nancy and they're the ones in the rolling pleasure palace out in the…(laughing) you know, when you're good friends you can get away with liberties like that. We'll likely hear from him so I won't be made to forget that. Many parts of our spiritual family are here and I welcome all of you, I am happy to see the brethren from around this region. And part of what this is to me is the recognition of those who have labored with me, supported the work, supported me in every conceivable way to carry forth this work. So I stand here before you tonight being fully aware that I am a voice speaking things of God in a season but I'm well supported in this matter and so it‟s about what God is doing in the earth and how He's using a people to do it.

In recent years, the circle has widened somewhat and even in recent times, Doug and Nancy and I have just returned from the Ukraine and Crimea where the word of the Kingdom and the spread of the message of the fathers heart being turned to the children and the hearts of the children being turned to the fathers is quite literally – and Doug and Nancy will recognize that this is no exaggeration – that this is quite literally the word that nations have been waiting to hear. Recently in a conference in Washington D.C., I was very surprised at the reception of this word because it‟s almost like God took us years ago, brought us out here into West Texas and one of the great blessings and benefits of „coming of age‟ spiritually in West Texas is that I know this for a fact: that if I could have made it here, New York would be a piece of cake. And so you have had a profound impact on me and in the training and pre

tion to carry this word.

But in all seriousness, I consider that this message and the reception of it in the world at this time, to be the thing that God intends to use to affect and to change entire nations. So tonight and tomorrow it is my intention to begin to layout and to complete the cycle of this presentation so that we will have understanding of the day in which we are.

I would like to begin with something from the book of Revelation. Some time ago I was at home and I heard in my spirit the words “The Lamb who was slain”. When I heard the words “The Lamb who was slain” it seemed like an extraordinary thing just to hear as a group of words together but I knew where it was, I knew it was in the book of Revelation, I knew it was in chapter 5. So I went and I looked, found the verse, Revelation chapter 5 and its verse 12, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth, wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and praise.” Now the Lord used that phrase to bring me here and my attention was caught by the surrounding passage of Scripture. So I want to talk to you about what I saw and I want to use this passage of Scripture to frame a most important concept.

Years ago, out here in West Texas at the college in Midland, I preached a message called “The Timing of the Lord” and it was a very elementary message when I got it. But I began to see that a God who knows the end from the beginning is never going to be surprised by what comes next and in fact, that He would ordain the sequence of events according to what He has already foreknown and that in our day and in our time, there are particular events designed to come into time in the day in which we live. That concept began to change my view of a number of things,

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not just eschatology, but it began to change my understanding that this Book was not to be interpreted in a fixed way for all time. But that‟s the foundation of religious thinking, religious thinking is that our forefathers had this measure of understanding and that from now on our job would be to keep in step with what our forefathers were given. As a consequence we have ended up with 500 year old manna that prevents us from understanding what God is doing today.

You see, there would be no need for gifts of the Spirit operating in men if everything that was to be known is now already known because God would speak - the Living God, the same God who wrote The Book - would speak through men and women as the ages advanced because the story is meant to be revealed progressively and it is this very Holy Spirit resident within persons who will be the one speaking when you hear the words that are coming out of the faces of men and women but in order to get to the place where there would be men and women competent to speak the word of the Lord in a season, God would deal with men and women to bring them to the place where a pure word could come out of them as He intended. And that this dealings of God would take us from childhood and infancy, to maturity so that when you are a child, you would speak as a child, you would understand as a child but when you become a man, when you become mature, you would matriculate to that maturity and you would put away the things that marked you out as a child while you took on that which you now decide that you are an adult in the Lord and that the messages God give when you are a child would be pre

tory but the messages He would bring through you as an adult would be for the building of His house, no longer for your training particularly and no longer for your personal consumption but you would come to be in the earth, a messenger of heavenly things.

Now these concepts fly in the face of the existing order of church because the presumption of the existing order of church is “it is once and always the same way”, that what was, is what is and what will be, that nothing will change because if it changes, then you must change. If God is moving forward in the progression of revealing that which He has spoken before, then you must migrate if you're going to stay in step with the Spirit, but if you didn‟t migrate then as Suzy Davis told us in her publication the last time I was here, prophetic publication, “The water holes would dry up.” Your presence here tonight is an indication to me that there is a people on the move and though water holes are drying up, you're not in distress because you know the One who causes water to come out of a rock and you're determined to move on and drink of the river of life.

So let me show you what the Lord showed me with respect to this thing in the book of Revelation regarding times and seasons and then we will specifically identify the nature of the time and the season and then we will look at the intention of God for giving form and order to what He's saying is the character of this season. So 3 steps, I know this is Texas and it‟s normal for there to be two steps, but there are 3 steps, that‟s called “the progressive two step” (laughing). I know where some of you spent some of your years. John said, “There was a door open before me” chapter 4 verse 1, “there was a door standing open before me into heaven and I heard a voice speaking like a trumpet, saying, „Come up here and I will show you what must take place after this.‟”

One of the mistakes that people make when they read the book of Revelation, is they do not see the shift in chapter 4 because in chapter 1 he simply says, verse 1, “The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon take place, He made it known

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by sending His angel to His servant John.” Now in the prolog it describes what is to take place soon and in that to take place soon, he frames all of that with two visions, two mysteries; the mystery of the candlesticks and the mystery of the stars. The candlesticks were seven churches and the stars were seven messengers. So He was sending a message to seven churches, these seven churches are referred to in the first three chapters. Those things were designed to happen „soon‟ but then after that, there were things also to happen and that‟s what chapter 4 is about. Chapter 4 is not about „soon‟ particularly, but „after that‟, the urgency was delineated for the seven churches things that would happen soon. And those things were spoken to John on the earth, after that he was taken up into heaven and the things that were to happen in heaven were to happen „after that‟. And so the time is different for the things that were to happen „soon‟ and the things that were to happen „after that‟.

Now when he was taken up into heaven the first thing he saw was Someone who was sitting on the throne, he saw 24 elders surrounding the throne, he saw four living creatures; he had a view of things as they were in heaven but he was invited into heaven to observe something and it began with Someone sitting on the throne, namely the Almighty God, holding a scroll in His hand. The scroll had writings on both sides and it was sealed with seven seals. John understood that what was written in the scroll was of great importance to all mankind, he understood why he was invited into heaven; he was invited into heaven to witness things that were to happen „after that‟. But those things had not yet come to the earth like that message he receives standing on the Island of Patmos, that message was for things that had already come out of heaven and come into the earth. But you know there are things in heaven that are supposed to come from heaven into the earth and in fact you were instructed to pray that those things that are on the launch pad in heaven to come to the earth, would come to the earth. What is such a thing as that - that is in heaven that you should pray should come into the earth? What is the most famous prayer in the scripture? What does it say? Of course.

There‟re things in heaven that are designed to come into the earth and when they come into the earth from heaven, they bring a different economy with them, that is when the seasons change. When the thing that is in heaven comes into the earth, it alters the configuration of things in the earth. There was one time when the Lamb was in heaven slain, that event had not unfolded in the earth, so no one could be saved in the earth. But then the Lamb came from heaven to earth and was slain in the earth, it happened that what was in heaven migrated into the earth.

What changed in the earth after that? The way was opened into heaven itself, a way was opened through the veil, that is to say, His flesh and the old order that existed to show that a new order would come gave way when the new order in fact came because in the same moment where the Lamb was being slain on the cross at Calvary, some few hundred yards away in the temple, the lamb was being slain as the lamb had been slain for centuries, but what happened? The presence of God was upon the One and the presence of God departed from the other. How do you know that? Because the veil was torn from top to bottom, the veil that brought the view of the mystery that was kept hidden, that veil was torn in two so that now you could look in and see everything as it was, indeed not only could you look in, you could enter it without consequence, whereas a day before had you wandered into the Holy Place you would have been pulled out dead but a day later the Romans could go in and trash the Holy Place. Why? Because that was only a type and shadow of that which would be opened when the side of the Lamb had been torn asunder with a Roman spear.

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Now by this, heaven had come into the earth and with it had come a migration of an economy that would permit us to live in the earth as if heaven itself were the economy that supported us in the earth because now men could call themselves – and it would be true – that men could be called the sons of God for the first time since Adam. It changed the economy of the earth, it changed the station of human beings on the earth visa a vie God the Father, it permanently changed from that day. Before that time, no one would be bold enough to say that he was the son of God, in fact, the One who was being crucified was the only one bold enough to say so and part of the reason He was on the cross was because He said so. But now all could come because heaven had moved into the earth, that portion of what was in heaven had made its way into the earth and with it had come to the earth a new reality from heaven.

So John heard, John was invited to come up to heaven to preview what was on the launch pad in heaven to come into earth because what was about to come into the earth was absolutely momentous, it was what heaven had planned for long ages past, but now the time had come. For long ages past, God hid in Himself a plan, the plan which represented the purpose for which He made man, He hid that in Himself. But now that the Lamb had been slain, all the conditions were met for that which preexisted in heaven to move into the earth and it would become the primary focus of heaven in the earth. It would be what God would accomplish in the earth now, it would be the central focus of what God intended. You must see this movement because when heaven moves into the earth there comes to be in the earth, days of heaven upon the earth. This is what we're invited to attend, this is what we're invited into, this becomes the source of our peace, our well-being, our order.

Brothers and sisters, when I first came to Midland I didn‟t understand these things but I needed to be changed and you needed to be changed too so that together we could be a people who could hear these things. John Huckabee and I were talking about this. Years ago when God began - I was out here on TV, seems like a long time ago, and we were talking about the Kingdom of God and the order of heavenly things and so on but that was as far as I saw, as much as I saw. And at that time we were all being matriculated, being brought to maturity so we could be given more of the same thing, but the more that belongs to the mature; you were meant to be given more that belong to the mature. We never had a vision of becoming mature so we could receive what we were saved for. And so that‟s what we want to talk about tonight.

Kathy Smith who is here tonight, two of my dear friends from this region was fond of saying to me, one time she said to me, “You‟re not the same man who came out here and I've heard that you‟ve spoke the truth because the word has done a work in me, as it has done in all of us.” Chris, as it has done in all of us. So we're ready for this next step off point.

John was invited to heaven for this specific reason, to see what God was about to bring into the earth. He was given two visions; one was to be related to the seven churches of Asia and they were specific in the scriptures, the other was to see what God meant to bring into the earth after that. It began now, with someone sitting on the throne, the Living God, holding a scroll on which was written all the things for the future, holding that scroll in His hand, sealed with seven seals. John knew the importance because he was invited to come into heaven to see, the voice that spoke to him said, “Come up here because I want to show you what is to happen after that.” So he came up with the expectation of being shown things and he knew immediately that those things were written in the scroll but the problem was that no one was found worthy - or so he thought - to break open the seals and to reveal what was written in the scrolls. So he said, “I wept and I wept.” One of the twenty four elders said to him, “Don‟t weep, see, the Lion of the

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tribe of Judah has overcome, He is worthy to open the seals and reveal what is written in the scroll.”

Now you would expect that when you heard “there was a lion” that you would see a lion, “I heard, „The Lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome‟” when you hear it‟s a lion, you would say, “Let me see where the lion is,” you would look for the roar. What does he see? A lamb, because from the heavenly viewpoint, the lion and the lamb are the same, Mark Reese would tell us that, the lion and the lamb are the same. From heaven you see, the view of things is different, what you hear and what you see are the same but they're different, that is why if you bring reason to the understanding of what you hear then all you can see is what is reasonable. So seeing you will not see, and hearing you will not hear, neither will you understand. So the things of the Spirit must be spiritually discerned because when you hear the announcement of a lion, when you see the lion, he‟ll be a lamb.

Now why is this so? This is so because there are two lions actually, there's a devouring lion and there's the Lion of the tribe of Judah. If the Lion overcomes in the same way that the devouring lion overcomes, then he's more the devouring lion than the devouring lion is; they're the same in character and the one who overcomes the other by the same methodology is more like the one he overcomes than the one he overcomes is like himself. I'll give you an example. Let us say that there are two men who employ fear to accomplish their purposes. This one particular fellow is dedicated to intimidating others and all of his accomplishments are accomplished by fear and intimidation and another fellow comes along who is better able to intimidate by fear and to get his way through fear and intimidation and overcomes the one who normally overcomes by fear and intimidation, then that one who overcomes him is the perfect definition of the genre of fear and intimidation than the one who is known for it. So shall I use two business men from Texas?

You see my point? There is no difference in their nature if what they do is the same. So the way the Lion of the tribe of Judah overcomes is fundamentally different from the way the devouring lion overcomes; the way the Lion of the tribe of Judah overcomes is defined by His role as the Lamb. So He's fundamentally different, that is why when you hear about the lion when you see Him he is different and yet He's the same because in the end what a lion does is the lion overcomes but this Lion overcomes by the character of righteousness, He does not overcome by devouring you, by intimidating you, by subjugating you, He's different. So when you hear from a heavenly viewpoint, when you see, the thing you hear and the thing you see are different but they are the same in the way that the Lion is the Lion of the tribe of Judah who overcomes but the way He overcomes is not by devouring, the way He overcomes is by submitting to the will of the One who sent Him. By the way, this is also how you overcome. How do you overcome again? By the blood of the Lamb – the Lamb seems to play a prominent role in defining you – by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of your testimony and what else? That you would not save your life, you will not defend yourself even unto death, that‟s the character of the Lamb. But you're overcomers, that‟s the character of the Lion. We're different, we do not do as the world does and yet we are secure in the power to overcome.

The other example of this same truth in the scripture, which we'll toss in here because it‟s been troublesome to some of you, is from chapter seven of the same book, of Revelation, it says, “And then I heard the number of those who were sealed,” chapter 7 verse 4, “then I „heard‟ the number of those who were sealed: 144,000,” so what does he hear? He hears one thing. What does he see? Verse 9, “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every tribe language and nation,” you hear one thing and then when you

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see it, it‟s different, it‟s the same multitude. And the key to this of course is from the tribe of Judah twelve thousand, you would never begin to refer to a fleshly arrangement if God intended to speak of the nation of Israel and their chronology, He wouldn’t begin with Judah. Who would He begin with? Reuben. Why? Because according to the flesh, Reuben would be the first born but according to the spirit, who is the lion? The Lion of Judah, this is the holy order. And the ancients had no reckoning that employed a number greater than a thousand, they didn’t have a comprehension of „millions‟; their highest number was a thousand. So in the scriptures you will find „a thousand, times a thousand‟ or „ten thousand times ten thousand‟ but they never made it to the concept of a million. So one hundred and forty four thousand, the unit of measurement is „thousand‟, which means as large as the count would be. The number twelve is the number of completion; twelve by twelve is the ultimate completion so it describes a perfect number that would be a great multitude. People have been stuck on this forever, hoping that their group was the hundred and forty four thousand. In heaven when you hear it, it will be one thing; when you see it, it will be what God intended for it to look like. So you cannot employ reason to understand the things of God, they come by revelation. Let‟s move into the heart of this that I brought you here to look at. So a Lamb was slain and he was told, “The Lamb is worthy to open the seals and to reveal what is in the scroll,” the Lamb in worthy. Now after that it says, verse 9, “and they sang a new song. You know what a new song is? A new song. I sometimes play these silly games with you to make the point. This song had never been sung before in heaven. Is that what it says? Where is John? In heaven. Where is this song being sung? In heaven. Is the song old or new? New. So heaven had not heard this song before. Are we all there? I should be able to say to you, “They sang a new song in heaven,” and we'll all go, “Yeah, heaven heard something for the first time,” but sometimes we have such blocks in our minds to the obvious things that sometimes we need to go through it because although Jesus had been raised from the dead, His disciples saw Him, they still doubted. So what did Jesus say? “Touch Me, handle Me. See, a spirit doesn’t have flesh and bone.” I sometimes have to walk through the mental constructs that keep us from accepting the things that are obviously true, “touch Me, handle Me,” that‟s in a sense what I'm doing, “Touch the information, handle the information,” Paul said, “I labored that Christ be formed in you,” this is the nature of my laboring to appeal to you, to plead with you, touch it, handle it, see it. “A new song in heaven” that means “heaven has not heard this song before”.

Where am I going with you with this? Because this is the first announcement in heaven of what is the lyrics of this song. This isn‟t just a praise song; this is the song of the Lamb, this is what has been accomplished so that now heaven is committed to the furtherance of this that is being sung. It was known in God, God hid it in Himself for long ages past but now the announcement is in correspondence with the Lamb, this is the Lamb's song. Heaven does not honor just anybody; the One who sits upon the throne gives honor and glory to the Lamb which means He commits the resources of heaven to the prophecy, to the fulfillment of the prophecy in the song of the Lamb. And now, for the first time ever, heaven reverberates with this truth and John was invited up to hear it because this truth would now come to be what was to happen in the earth „after this‟.

Are you with me? Where am I taking you? I took you into heaven to understand what heaven decreed forty years after the Lamb came back to heaven because from then on, all of what would happen in the earth would be to bring about that which honors and glorifies the Lamb from heaven into earth. This is what would migrate from heaven and define mankind in the earth. Are you with me? So what was in the song of the Lamb? “You were worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals,” that‟s verse 9, Revelation 5:9, “because You were slain,” stay with

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me here, it gets personal, “and with Your blood,” this was why the Lamb was slain, there was blood involved, “with Your blood, You purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” “Why did You do that? I suppose so You could take them to heaven?” if we would superimpose contemporary doctrine. This is heavens song, my dearly beloved brethren, God is not fooling around about what He intends to do, He's announcing what the Lamb accomplished and what now heaven is dedicated to accomplishing in the earth. This is the advance notice, this is the preview of the history of the world from this point on, “and with Your blood, You purchased men from every tribe, language, people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God and they will reign on the earth.” What is the intention of God, what is in the song of the Lamb? That God is going to create, on the earth - out of every tribe, language, people and nation – He's going to bring them together and He's going to form them into a royal priesthood and a holy nation.

So when this age that was announced in heaven has run its course in the earth, what will happen in the earth? What will speak of the glory of the Lamb in the earth? “A people from every tribe, language, people group and nation,” not just that, not just a people gathered together to go to heaven but a people who have been formed into a royal priesthood and a holy nation. There will come to be in the earth a people who function as a nation! It‟s OK to applaud if you believe it. We were destined, prophetically, according to the song of the Lamb, to be formed into a functioning holy nation that would be characterized by a royal culture and a priestly function. We've lost our way, along the way, because as far as I know in the earth today, there is no anticipation of ever seeing the forming of – let alone the functioning of – a holy nation. A holy nation comprised of people from every tribe of mankind, from every language of mankind, from every people group of mankind, from every national source of origin of mankind. They will be formed together on the earth according to what the Lamb overcame by shedding His blood, to accomplish and heaven itself spoke to this prophetic truth as to how the Lamb would be glorified in the earth.

Brothers and sisters I'm telling you, we're not going anywhere until that City on the Hill is revealed in the earth. It‟s the bankruptcy of our ideas about God that causes us to sit on the edge of our seats watching television preachers tell us “Any day now we're going to get out of here,” an army en-route, being utterly defeated and the purposes of God having failed in the earth. Did we not remember that when Jesus began this age, He himself said, “You are the city on the hill, you are the light of the world,” that was the declaration in seed form. Forty years later, the last of the apostles of Jesus, on the earth, was invited up to heaven to witness the breaking of the seals and the revealing of what was under seal in heaven for long ages past. It is the intention of God, it was the intention of God to reveal now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God which He hid in Himself for long ages past, now to be revealed to principalities and powers in the heavenly realms that which He accomplished in Christ. And that will be revealed on the earth, the only question is whether or not a people will be ready through whom He may reveal the intention of God. The song has been declared in heaven and it will be so in the earth. All the breaking, all the seals that were broken revealed the sequences by which we would know the advance of this truth upon the earth.

Now I want to take it in a slightly different direction and for all intents and purposes, the discourse tonight is to lay out the foundation of where we want to go for the rest of the meetings.

The important thing was to note that it was said, “The Lamb's blood was shed,” there was a type and shadow of that truth on the earth before Calvary: the lamb would be slain, the blood would

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be collected in a basin and a priest would go into the Holy Place and sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice upon the Ark of the Covenant. Now, the Ark of the Covenant, let‟s consider that for just a few moments then we'll move on. It was a box made of Acacia wood, it was overlaid with beaten gold and on the lid of the box were what? Two cherubims. What would that tell you? That this was a picture of something that was in heaven because overseeing it were not beings of the earth but beings from heaven. Now the box itself, above the box the presence of God hovered because the angels guard the way into the presence of God. The presence of God was never in the box or on the box; the presence of God was always above the wings of the cherubims because it‟s picturing on the earth something that is in heaven. So the picture, though it is incomplete, is not inaccurate; if God were in a box in heaven, He‟d be in a box on the earth; if God were among the angels and not above them in heaven, then He would hover between the wings of the cherubims - but He was above. And it was above that was called the Mercy Seat because above was the presence of God, God is the one who shows mercy. What was in the box? Three things, Hebrews 8 tells us there were three things in the box, they were: Aarons rod that budded, two tablets of stone and the book of the law and a pot of manna. What is God telling us by these three things because these things are types and shadows, they're not the reality themselves, these are indications of what is before God in heaven. The whole thing is a shadowy picture of something that is in heaven, something that is before God forever. Now the box itself was called the Ark – or the container - of the Covenant. What covenant? Because these symbols are symbols of a covenant that exists before God, that God remembers, always. He places these symbols in the earth to give man some picture of what is central to the intentions of God. God doesn’t need for the box to be sprinkled every year with blood to remember His oath because God swore on oath to Himself so that those who put their trust in God, in this promise of God, might not be ashamed, that they might be confident because God cannot break His oath, God didn’t need to be reminded of His oath because His oath is above His name.

Why did He put a box called the Ark of the Covenant covered with angels, that is with two angels on the cover, with the book of the Law and the Ten Commandments, with Aaron‟s rod that budded and a pot of manna, in a gold box on the earth in the middle of the covenant from Mount Sinai, why did He put that in the middle of it and require them to sprinkle it with blood? Because He wanted them to recognize that that was the everlasting covenant and the covenant from Sinai was only in furtherance of that preexisting covenant. The first time God entered into this covenant with Himself was not at Mount Sinai – I'll show that to you in a moment – it was before the foundations of the world and that covenant committed God to a course of action that predetermined what He meant to do with human beings because the Lamb was slain „from the foundations of the world‟.

So what I'm saying to is, God decided - before He made human beings - what He was making them for, before He made them He decided what their purpose was for. He knew the whole story, the end from the beginning and He knew they would sin so He established the means for their redemption before He even made them. He had sworn on oath to Himself to do this. So when He made man, put him in the earth, He was going to accomplish this thing with them, we haven‟t said what it was yet. The three symbols in the box are the direct clues as to what He had in mind. When the song of the Lamb is sung, it is declared that there is a holy people to come from the earth in fulfillment of what was accomplished by the blood of the Lamb. You see? The Lamb who was slain from the foundations of the earth ended up in the earth at a point in time. The “from the foundations of the earth” was before the earth was formed; the Lamb was slain in heaven before the earth was formed, “The Lamb who was slain from the foundations of

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the world,” that means before God formed the earth the Lamb was slain, the agreement for the slaying of the Lamb had already occurred. Royce, that would be called „Risk Management‟. You know that what you are going to create is going to bring some problems with it, so your risk management is you will provide for the risk so that what you are making will end up being useful for its purposes, in spite of the fact that it would sin. It would not be lost to you because it sinned; you‟d pay the price to bring it back so that you could have what you're making them for. “What are you making them for?” is the question.

The song of the Lamb tells us, “Now that the Lamb has been slain, He can do it!” He can make them into a royal priesthood and a holy nation, nothing stops Him now from doing that, He can actuate this plan from the foundations of the world to memorialize that plan before the Lamb was slain, the blood of lambs was collected over time – that is, year by year – and sprinkled upon this box that contained the symbols of the intention of God. These intentions were memorialized in heaven, they're under a covering of angels, telling us it‟s a heavenly thing, but what these three symbols are define what God's intentions are.

So what are the three things? One was, Aaron‟s rod that budded. Now what is that? The rod is a part of a tree that you cut off; you don‟t walk around with the whole tree in the ground, cut it off. But it still buds, it has life in itself. This speaks of a resurrected people, a people who have overcome death, a people who are alive after death because you see, „a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse‟. How do you get a stump? In this part of the country, you have problems with mesquite stumps and sometimes an enterprising rancher will go out and pull up stumps. How do you get a stump? You must first cut down the tree, but if a shoot comes up out of a stump, the stump is its history but the shoot is a new growth. A rod that buds is the symbol of a thing that has life in itself, so He would say, “I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me, although he was dead, yet shall he live and whoever lives in Me and believes in Me shall never die,” that is why this holy people are first described as a resurrected people, a people who have passed from death unto life because eternal life is life that is connected to the Father, “This is eternal life: that they might know You, Father,” we thought eternal life was going to heaven. No, eternal life is about being reconnected to the life that is in the Father because we lost our connection to the Father. So Jesus says, “I am the way…” to what or to whom? “No man comes to the Father but by Me, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.” What is eternal life? Eternal life is “that they may know You and Me because I am the door to You.” We lost connection to the Father. What is eternal life? Eternal life is to be reconnected to the Father.

So a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, new life will come, a people who were once dead will come alive again because they‟ve been reconnected to the life that is in the Father, “You purchased men from every tribe language and nation,” for what? To form them into the people who are the sons of the Father because it is in the Father that life everlasting exists. Heaven itself does not confer everlasting life because heaven is but the domain of God, in the Father is life, in the Father is the identity, in the Father is the definition of son. It will not do simply to take us to heaven because heaven does not confer eternal life, no more than the earth can subdue your life in him because if you live in Him and believe in Him – even when you are on the earth – you cannot die. I don‟t mean physically, it‟s appointed to these houses of mortal clay - that have been assigned to us for the duration – it is appointed unto them once to die, they're not eternal. But the spirit that came out of the Father, resting in these beings, was se

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ted from the Father and Jesus came to show us the Father, to re-concile us to the Father. And so our message is simply this: that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Surely you remember these things. Eternal life is therefore the life reconciled to the Father because in Him is life and that life is the light of men, the Father has life within Himself and He's empowered the Son to impart that life to whomever the Son wills.

This is the truth you know, this is the truth. You‟ve not come to a mountain that is quaking and smoking, you‟ve come to the general assembly of the church of the firstborn, to the spirits of just men made perfect. That‟s what the invitation was about, to come home to the Father, that is typified in the three symbols by the rod that buds because it defies death, death has no dominion over this people who will be gathered from every tribe, language and nation because this is a people who have been reconciled - put back into – the Father. The next thing was a pot of manna. Manna was bread from heaven and it‟s designed to sustain the spirits of just men while they're being made perfect. Manna is food for the spirit. Jesus would put it this way, “I am the bread of life come down from heaven, your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and have perished but if you eat of Me you will live. I am the bread of life come down from heaven.”

In the great mystery of feeding the multitude on the mount with the five thousand, in that great mystery Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the symbol on the table of showbread. Do you remember? There were twelve baskets on the table of showbread and they were supposed to represent….? They were the bread of His presence. And God said to Israel, “I led you through all this vast and trackless desert to teach you this one thing: that man shall not live on physical food alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And Jesus would say to the devil, “You‟re not going to tempt Me to deny the true meaning of My existence by causing Me to focus on providing for Myself. Man shall not live on bread alone. I'm living here before you in this day by the words that proceed from the mouth of My Father.” And He would say, “I am the bread from heaven,” they would not receive Him, that statement was made in the context of having fed five thousand people and they gathered up, by instruction, how many baskets full? Twelve. What was the teaching in this? He was teaching them, “You will keep on following for the loaves and the fish, you keep on following for bread that perishes like your fathers did in the wilderness, whereas the bread of His presence by which you ought to have lived, though you experienced His provision for forty years, you, like your fathers, are concerned only about sustaining your normal lives. Look, all twelve loaves that represent the bread of My presence, all twelve loaves that signify who I am, are still untouched, they're not eaten. Here, look, twelve baskets full; I started out with twelve baskets full, I ended up with twelve baskets full, you have not eaten a morsel of who I am. Yet your bellies are full like your fathers were with manna in the wilderness.”

That‟s what He was teaching them but it didn’t keep Him from who He was, He knew that the days would come, following the song of the Lamb that the promise of heaven would be fulfilled in the earth and a people would arise who are the sons of God. So manna was prepared, food was prepared, God kept a memorial among men to remind them that this resurrected people would be fed by His presence. That‟s what the pot of manna signified, that He would send the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ to them, this resurrected people, and they would be filled with His presence and His goodness because they would not live by mere food alone, they would live in the presence of God. A people who could not be intimidated by the threat of death, a people who were fed by the heavenly host.

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The third thing was: tablets of stone and the book of the Law. What was that all about why did God put that in a box on the earth, symbolizing His commitment to mankind? How did that define man? Because you see, He didn’t just intend to resurrect them, He didn’t just intend to feed them; He intended to form them into a nation. The law formed Israel into a nation when they were previously a bunch of slaves, it was the law that gave them focus and direction when they were but a multitude heading somewhere and not being sure where they were going. God intended to give them a government that would form them into a nation. God intends, by putting those symbols into the box of the covenant, God intended to say that He would not just raise up a holy people, He would not just feed them, but He would form them into a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation. And He committed Himself to the remembrance of these things by having the lamb‟s blood be sprinkled on the box, until the Lamb came forth in heaven and a new song was sung in heaven, the song of the Lamb. All had been done in the earth that was required in heaven and now all of heaven would focus itself upon this one thing: to bring forth the glory of what was accomplished by the Lamb in the earth and the earth will remain until it yields this fruit for it was created with this purpose in mind. I know that in the frenzy of this moment, men and women are running back and forth everywhere trying to collect information on the same things we have heard for year after year, but I'm telling you now, there's a new sound in the earth, it‟s the sound of bones rattling where there was a valley of death where a great army had been destroyed, where a great people had been slaughtered by the prophetic sound of God. The bones are beginning to rattle.

Here is where I believe we are. Recently, I was making a trip across the Atlantic and my airplane was at thirty something thousand feet. From my place at thirty five thousand feet I was over Iceland, we were flying to the southern end of Iceland. From a two dimensional view - that is from latitude and longitude - I was exactly over Iceland and if we were looking in a two dimensional way, the spot you would put a pin on the map to indicate where I was and the spot where you pin on the map for Iceland would be identical. But from thirty five thousand feet in the air, I could see the horizon and the sun was coming up, I was already in a new day, I wasn’t hoping I would be in a new day, by my elevation I was already in a new day. The sun‟s rays were coming through the window where I was sitting. Straight below me in Iceland, everybody else was still in the dark. There's a thing in the scriptures called „Today‟, it is not a twenty four hour day, it is a place of elevation in God because your horizon is determined by your elevation. I was already in the new day, experientially, I had already seen the sun come up in the new day, Iceland would be sometime entering into the new day. God designates a people to be elevated in the spirit to hear a word from God that will position them in a new day while their brothers are still sleeping. Now to you who have been elevated in that way, you're given a prophetic vision of what has already come, but to your fellows who are yet asleep, the day has not yet come and they are right in saying that that day has not yet come because that day has not yet come for them, but for you that day has come. So I say to you in this day, “Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart,” Those in antiquity failed to enter His rest, failed to enter what God had already done. You see, God's rest is the thing that God has already done and prepared for you to walk in, you don‟t have to figure it out, you just have to enter it because He's gone before you and He's prepared the way, He is the way, your rest is by faith to enter it. Israel did not enter because they did not add faith to what they heard. Brothers and sisters here in this Permian Basin, this is not as we would say, “This is not our first rodeo,” but these are the most sober of times.

There's a sound – when a man that has come forth that has been with you for two decades, I'm not new to you, you’ve had every opportunity to hear me, to discuss me, to criticize me, to agree

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with me for two decades. I'm saying to you that a sound is coming forth from the throne of God and this is for you today. I'm convinced, looking into your faces, that you are the ones who have migrated into the „Today‟ of the Lord. You’ve been through a lot, I'm not saying you're the only ones, you understand, I'm not saying you're the only ones but you're the ones still standing. I believe you’ve walked through the night and you’ve come to a prophetic place where the sun is rising on the horizon, do not think that you are in the same elevation as you used to be, you’ve grown much older, I know that because all I have to do is look at Denny back there before he had a beard that was white; I remember him when he was a young man because we both were. We've walked a long journey and in that journey we have been going upward, we've been going forward but upward and there is an elevation in God from which a people ought to be able to hear and discern. I'm saying to you that the earth in our time, that which was begun two thousand years ago is being continued in our day; God is very serious about building and establishing a holy nation and we'll talk about what this holy nation looks like and we'll talk about what this holy nation is for in the hours that are ahead of us tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, God willing, I want to begin to open up to you a message entitled The Spirit of Adoption and I'm going to leave you with just this small framing. Unlike our view of adoption, when the scriptures speak of God having given us the Spirit of adoption, He's not talking about how we were cast off little kids who had no purpose, I am saying to you that the plan of God from before the foundations of the world was to position us in the Son as His heirs because the Spirit of adoption - far from being just a good intention of charitable goodness of God - was actually the intention of God; adoption is where someone deliberately positions you as a son that you might become his heir.

When we start to speak of The House of God, what we must be talking about was the original plan of God, who before the worlds were formed, positioned you in Christ to be adopted as His sons. God intended to position you as His son, to place you in the Person of His Son that you might become His heir because He intended with His sons to show the excellence and the glory of His nature. Some of you have heard us talk about the fact that the culture of the orphan has replaced the understanding of the son and we're living out of the concept of orphans, when God originally intended to call us forth as His sons.

As we begin to prosecute the matter of the forming of a holy nation, we'll revisit how God has positioned you in Christ according to Ephesians chapter 1, which is where I'll begin in the morning so you might consider Ephesians 1 as we talk about how God positioned you in Christ before you were born to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ and this was the intention of His heart. Then we'll speak after that of how you are to function, what is the mandate for your functioning in the earth? How is a son different from an orphan and how are the sons to be arranged together into a holy nation to show the excellence of Him who is our Father in heaven.

So tonight, that‟s probably all you have time to endure by an hour and a half but we'll go forward from here in the morning. I intend to make this deposit and show you the things that I've been shown. So, God willing, we'll pursue the matter and I trust that you will rest well, I trust that the Spirit of truth will proceed us in all of our proceedings and I especially pray for an endowment of the spirit of understanding that we might grasp the magnitude of that glory that was left to us as an inheritance from the Lord who left us His glory, that through it and in it we might be enveloped to the representation of that for which He came, He lived and He died. Amen

May all grace abound to you in the evening. Thank you.

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A Holy Nation - The Song of the Lamb Sam Soleyn October 29, 2010 Midland, Texas

The rod is a part of a tree that you cut off; you don‟t walk around with the whole tree in the ground, cut it off. But it still buds, it has life in itself. This speaks of a resurrected people, a people who have overcome death, a people who are alive after death because you see, „a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse‟. How do you get a stump? In this part of the country, you have problems with mesquite stumps and sometimes an enterprising rancher will go out and pull up stumps. How do you get a stump? You must first cut down the tree, but if a shoot comes up out of a stump, the stump is its history but the shoot is a new growth. A rod that buds is the symbol of a thing that has life in itself, so He would say, “I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me, although he was dead, yet shall he live and whoever lives in Me and believes in Me shall never die,” that is why this holy people are first described as a resurrected people, a people who have passed from death unto life because eternal life is life that is connected to the Father, “This is eternal life: that they might know You, Father,” we thought eternal life was going to heaven. No, eternal life is about being reconnected to the life that is in the Father because we lost our connection to the Father. So Jesus says, “I am the way…” to what or to whom? “No man comes to the Father but by Me, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.” What is eternal life? Eternal life is “that they may know You and Me because I am the door to You.” We lost connection to the Father. What is eternal life? Eternal life is to be reconnected to the Father.

So a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, new life will come, a people who were once dead will come alive again because they‟ve been reconnected to the life that is in the Father, “You purchased men from every tribe language and nation,” for what? To form them into the people who are the sons of the Father because it is in the Father that life everlasting exists. Heaven itself does not confer everlasting life because heaven is but the domain of God, in the Father is life, in the Father is the identity, in the Father is the definition of son. It will not do simply to take us to heaven because heaven does not confer eternal life, no more than the earth can subdue your life in him because if you live in Him and believe in Him – even when you are on the earth – you cannot die. I don‟t mean physically, it‟s appointed to these houses of mortal clay - that have been assigned to us for the duration – it is appointed unto them once to die, they're not eternal. But the spirit that came out of the Father, resting in these beings, was se

ted from the Father and Jesus came to show us the Father, to re-concile us to the Father. And so our message is simply this: that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Surely you remember these things. Eternal life is therefore the life reconciled to the Father because in Him is life and that life is the light of men, the Father has life within Himself and He's empowered the Son to impart that life to whomever the Son wills.

This is the truth you know, this is the truth. You‟ve not come to a mountain that is quaking and smoking, you‟ve come to the general assembly of the church of the firstborn, to the spirits of just men made perfect. That‟s what the invitation was about, to come home to the Father, that is typified in the three symbols by the rod that buds because it defies death, death has no dominion over this people who will be gathered from every tribe, language and nation because this is a people who have been reconciled - put back into – the Father. The next thing was a pot of manna. Manna was bread from heaven and it‟s designed to sustain the spirits of just men

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while they're being made perfect. Manna is food for the spirit. Jesus would put it this way, “I am the bread of life come down from heaven, your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and have perished but if you eat of Me you will live. I am the bread of life come down from heaven.”

In the great mystery of feeding the multitude on the mount with the five thousand, in that great mystery Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the symbol on the table of showbread. Do you remember? There were twelve baskets on the table of showbread and they were supposed to represent….? They were the bread of His presence. And God said to Israel, “I led you through all this vast and trackless desert to teach you this one thing: that man shall not live on physical food alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And Jesus would say to the devil, “You‟re not going to tempt Me to deny the true meaning of My existence by causing Me to focus on providing for Myself. Man shall not live on bread alone. I'm living here before you in this day by the words that proceed from the mouth of My Father.” And He would say, “I am the bread from heaven,” they would not receive Him, that statement was made in the context of having fed five thousand people and they gathered up, by instruction, how many baskets full? Twelve. What was the teaching in this? He was teaching them, “You will keep on following for the loaves and the fish, you keep on following for bread that perishes like your fathers did in the wilderness, whereas the bread of His presence by which you ought to have lived, though you experienced His provision for forty years, you, like your fathers, are concerned only about sustaining your normal lives. Look, all twelve loaves that represent the bread of My presence, all twelve loaves that signify who I am, are still untouched, they're not eaten. Here, look, twelve baskets full; I started out with twelve baskets full, I ended up with twelve baskets full, you have not eaten a morsel of who I am. Yet your bellies are full like your fathers were with manna in the wilderness.”

That‟s what He was teaching them but it didn’t keep Him from who He was, He knew that the days would come, following the song of the Lamb that the promise of heaven would be fulfilled in the earth and a people would arise who are the sons of God. So manna was prepared, food was prepared, God kept a memorial among men to remind them that this resurrected people would be fed by His presence. That‟s what the pot of manna signified, that He would send the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ to them, this resurrected people, and they would be filled with His presence and His goodness because they would not live by mere food alone, they would live in the presence of God. A people who could not be intimidated by the threat of death, a people who were fed by the heavenly host.

The third thing was: tablets of stone and the book of the Law. What was that all about why did God put that in a box on the earth, symbolizing His commitment to mankind? How did that define man? Because you see, He didn’t just intend to resurrect them, He didn’t just intend to feed them; He intended to form them into a nation. The law formed Israel into a nation when they were previously a bunch of slaves, it was the law that gave them focus and direction when they were but a multitude heading somewhere and not being sure where they were going. God intended to give them a government that would form them into a nation. God intends, by putting those symbols into the box of the covenant, God intended to say that He would not just raise up a holy people, He would not just feed them, but He would form them into a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation. And He committed Himself to the remembrance of these things by having the lamb‟s blood be sprinkled on the box, until the Lamb came forth in heaven and a new song was sung in heaven, the song of the Lamb. All had been done in the earth that was required in heaven and now all of heaven would focus itself upon this one thing: to bring forth the glory of what was accomplished by the Lamb in the earth and the earth will remain until it yields this fruit

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for it was created with this purpose in mind. I know that in the frenzy of this moment, men and women are running back and forth everywhere trying to collect information on the same things we have heard for year after year, but I'm telling you now, there's a new sound in the earth, it‟s the sound of bones rattling where there was a valley of death where a great army had been destroyed, where a great people had been slaughtered by the prophetic sound of God. The bones are beginning to rattle.

Here is where I believe we are. Recently, I was making a trip across the Atlantic and my airplane was at thirty something thousand feet. From my place at thirty five thousand feet I was over Iceland, we were flying to the southern end of Iceland. From a two dimensional view - that is from latitude and longitude - I was exactly over Iceland and if we were looking in a two dimensional way, the spot you would put a pin on the map to indicate where I was and the spot where you pin on the map for Iceland would be identical. But from thirty five thousand feet in the air, I could see the horizon and the sun was coming up, I was already in a new day, I wasn’t hoping I would be in a new day, by my elevation I was already in a new day. The sun‟s rays were coming through the window where I was sitting. Straight below me in Iceland, everybody else was still in the dark. There's a thing in the scriptures called „Today‟, it is not a twenty four hour day, it is a place of elevation in God because your horizon is determined by your elevation. I was already in the new day, experientially, I had already seen the sun come up in the new day, Iceland would be sometime entering into the new day. God designates a people to be elevated in the spirit to hear a word from God that will position them in a new day while their brothers are still sleeping. Now to you who have been elevated in that way, you're given a prophetic vision of what has already come, but to your fellows who are yet asleep, the day has not yet come and they are right in saying that that day has not yet come because that day has not yet come for them, but for you that day has come. So I say to you in this day, “Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart,” Those in antiquity failed to enter His rest, failed to enter what God had already done. You see, God's rest is the thing that God has already done and prepared for you to walk in, you don‟t have to figure it out, you just have to enter it because He's gone before you and He's prepared the way, He is the way, your rest is by faith to enter it. Israel did not enter because they did not add faith to what they heard. Brothers and sisters here in this Permian Basin, this is not as we would say, “This is not our first rodeo,” but these are the most sober of times.

There's a sound – when a man that has come forth that has been with you for two decades, I'm not new to you, you’ve had every opportunity to hear me, to discuss me, to criticize me, to agree with me for two decades. I'm saying to you that a sound is coming forth from the throne of God and this is for you today. I'm convinced, looking into your faces, that you are the ones who have migrated into the „Today‟ of the Lord. You’ve been through a lot, I'm not saying you're the only ones, you understand, I'm not saying you're the only ones but you're the ones still standing. I believe you’ve walked through the night and you’ve come to a prophetic place where the sun is rising on the horizon, do not think that you are in the same elevation as you used to be, you’ve grown much older, I know that because all I have to do is look at Denny back there before he had a beard that was white; I remember him when he was a young man because we both were. We've walked a long journey and in that journey we have been going upward, we've been going forward but upward and there is an elevation in God from which a people ought to be able to hear and discern. I'm saying to you that the earth in our time, that which was begun two thousand years ago is being continued in our day; God is very serious about building and establishing a holy nation and we'll talk about what this holy nation looks like and we'll talk about what this holy nation is for in the hours that are ahead of us tomorrow.

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Tomorrow morning, God willing, I want to begin to open up to you a message entitled The Spirit of Adoption and I'm going to leave you with just this small framing. Unlike our view of adoption, when the scriptures speak of God having given us the Spirit of adoption, He's not talking about how we were cast off little kids who had no purpose, I am saying to you that the plan of God from before the foundations of the world was to position us in the Son as His heirs because the Spirit of adoption - far from being just a good intention of charitable goodness of God - was actually the intention of God; adoption is where someone deliberately positions you as a son that you might become his heir.

When we start to speak of The House of God, what we must be talking about was the original plan of God, who before the worlds were formed, positioned you in Christ to be adopted as His sons. God intended to position you as His son, to place you in the Person of His Son that you might become His heir because He intended with His sons to show the excellence and the glory of His nature. Some of you have heard us talk about the fact that the culture of the orphan has replaced the understanding of the son and we're living out of the concept of orphans, when God originally intended to call us forth as His sons.

As we begin to prosecute the matter of the forming of a holy nation, we'll revisit how God has positioned you in Christ according to Ephesians chapter 1, which is where I'll begin in the morning so you might consider Ephesians 1 as we talk about how God positioned you in Christ before you were born to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ and this was the intention of His heart. Then we'll speak after that of how you are to function, what is the mandate for your functioning in the earth? How is a son different from an orphan and how are the sons to be arranged together into a holy nation to show the excellence of Him who is our Father in heaven.

So tonight, that‟s probably all you have time to endure by an hour and a half but we'll go forward from here in the morning. I intend to make this deposit and show you the things that I've been shown. So, God willing, we'll pursue the matter and I trust that you will rest well, I trust that the Spirit of truth will proceed us in all of our proceedings and I especially pray for an endowment of the spirit of understanding that we might grasp the magnitude of that glory that was left to us as an inheritance from the Lord who left us His glory, that through it and in it we might be enveloped to the representation of that for which He came, He lived and He died. Amen

May all grace abound to you in the evening. Thank you.

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A Holy Nation - On Earth as it is in Heaven Sam Soleyn October 30, 2010Midland, Texas

I was explaining last night that the song of the Lamb - John was taken up into heaven to witness the triumph of the Lamb and in the triumph of the Lamb, a new order was inaugurated in heaven because as we were saying, things move from heaven to the earth, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” so the priority of what is, is in heaven because this is known before God for all the ages; God knows the end from the beginning. This is what is meant when the scriptures say “He knows the end from the beginning” it is why He's called The Alpha and the Omega because everything that is to come into earth, earth is about end and beginning or beginning and end, earth is about time, the eternal is not. All that is to come into time preexists in heaven so predestination is the destination that is already determined from heaven. God is not lost in this. So when things move from heaven into the earth, in the earth it is new but in heaven it is the pre-existing order.

So last night we went up with John into heaven to see why John was invited to “Come up here and I will show you what is to happen after this.” So the structure of the book of Revelation was, as it suggests, the revealing of what was to happen in the earth based upon what was unfolding before John in heaven. And we saw something in heaven, that there are things hidden in God that are not even revealed in heaven until the right time because the scroll of all things was held in the hand of He who sat upon the throne. There are things God hides in Himself, the only one who is Alpha and Omega is God; heaven is not by itself God, heaven is the dwelling place of God but all that is in heaven is not always known in heaven but all that is to come into the earth is already known in God and at the right time, even in heaven God will unfold by the breaking of seals, the things that were already known to God.

So John was invited to come up into heaven to observe the triumph of the Lamb and to be present when the Lamb was glorified, when heaven committed itself to presenting the glory of the Lamb in the earth. The Lamb had purchased by His blood, men from every tribe, language and nation to be formed into a royal priesthood and a holy nation on the earth because that‟s where men from every tribe, language and nation live. The reason John was called up as a witness to these things and then would be sent back to the earth, was that he could bear testimony of the things he saw in heaven and that testimony is recorded in a book called The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

For us, heaven doesn‟t need the information, earth does. Once the template has been established in heaven, it is inevitable that it is going to happen in the earth, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done….” You know this stuff. Now the difficulty that people typically have in listening to me is that I'm always attempting to convey what is true in the eternal in „time‟, as opposed to making up stuff on the earth that we hope pleases God. That is a very uncertain enterprise because if you don‟t know God as He is, how on earth are you going to know that you're pleasing God; you will think that the way you please man will also please God. Now how does God view the righteousness of man in relationship to God? You know the answer: as filthy rags, because unless the Spirit reveals God to us, it‟s impossible to know God.

So if we're going to undertake this certain enterprise of agreeing with God in the earth, it is to our tremendous advantage to be seated in heavenly realms with Christ Jesus, I read that

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somewhere you know, it seemed like a nice place to put it in. You know what, brothers and sisters, we read this stuff but we don‟t believe it, we think it‟s just nice poetry, “I'm „seated in heavenly realms in Christ Jesus‟, that‟s great, that‟s cool. Now let‟s go win somebody for Jesus.” If you're seated there, why are you seated there? You're seated there to see things from a heavenly point of view. This is what Paul would refer to as the „out-resurrection‟, the „ek-anastasis‟, the out-resurrection – so that you are seated in heavenly realms in Christ Jesus so you operate in the earth in the certainty of what‟s going on in heaven. That‟s why. So it was not like the Beatles „Magical Mystery Tour‟ that we went into heaven last night; you were invited up because John was invited up and the record is here. So as you are invited up to witness what John saw, you now become the owner of the same information. What did you see last night? You saw the glorification of the Lamb, a new song sung in heaven, the anthem of praise celebrating what the Lamb had accomplished on the earth. What had He accomplished? He had purchased men for God from every tribe, language and nation to form them into a royal priesthood and a holy nation.

If that‟s what He did, if that‟s what heaven – are you in agreement with me that that‟s what heaven said? Well then you know it is going to happen on the earth because the earth doesn‟t have any other purpose except to bear the fruit of what has been ordained from heaven. I don‟t care what the theologians say, I don‟t actually care what is popular; this earth will not pass away until it yields a royal priesthood and a holy nation. That‟s what God set it up for. It will not pass away until that time but because we don‟t have understanding of these things then when things get rough we want to pull the rip cord and escape and we have any number of people who will have us get in the „countdown‟ mode. It‟s the fare on television, on Christian television, “How close are we?” We are as close as the arrival of a holy nation.

Do you think God is afraid of what the devil might do? We are destined to overcome in the same way that the Lion of the tribe of Judah overcomes because that‟s what we're born out of. Now please understand I believe the Lord is coming back, I do, and I believe that you'll see the signs at the end of the age but it isn‟t this crazy speculation. I mean, it used to be Henry Kissinger was the antichrist and then it was Juan Carlos of Spain. Now guess who it is? Obama. When are we going to give up this foolishness and understand that there are set times in God and an administration that will produce the result for which the earth exists and then after that, the Bride and the Spirit will agree and that‟s when Jesus will come. Do you understand that we will participate in the agreement to bring Christ back? It‟s not this craziness, it‟s a distraction. The Bride, who would that be? You better say “Us” otherwise we'll give an altar call (laughing). The Bride and the Spirit; you, us together and the Holy Spirit will say, “We're ready,” When will that be? When we are living out the mandate for which the Lamb shed His blood, we will know we are ready, we will know we are ready and we will agree with the Holy Spirit. He‟ll say, “I think you're ready,” and we'll say, “You know, I think we are,” and then we'll say, “One, two, three come Lord Jesus.”

Calm yourselves, settle yourselves in the will of God, we have serious work ahead of us and it‟s the work of carrying the glory of the Lamb. It‟s as serious as it gets and the enemy is not going to run us off the planet, he's not. We‟ve been so frightened by these theologies that are primarily designed to get you to give some more money. Here it is, “Jesus is coming back. Give me more money because I'm telling you He's coming back.” Shouldn‟t you be in like the front of the line hoping to get up right away? It doesn‟t make sense, these are ridiculous emphases because we are largely a church that‟s lost its way but it‟s just then that God will send the voices of those crying in the wilderness saying, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord,” because

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there's an administration suitable for the fullness of time. Amen? So let‟s talk about this administration suitable for the fullness of time. What was it that the Lamb was known for? He purchased a people from every tribe, language and nation to form them into a royal priesthood and a holy nation because in that God is glorified. We took a look at who these holy people are, we saw that they are a resurrected people; they're born again of the Spirit, the rod of Aaron that budded that was in the Ark of the Covenant. We saw that these people ate the bread from heaven that satisfied their spirit man and we saw that these people were brought under the order and rule of the Spirit of God, formed into a holy nation as typified by the book of the Law and the tablets of stone. These were the emblems in the box known as the Ark of the Covenant, sprinkled with blood, inserted into the very heart of the Mosaic Covenant because God never forgot the covenant.

Now I want to lead off with that point and I would like to invite you to look with me at the book of the Galatians chapter 3 verse 15. Now some of this is very familiar to you already so I won't spend a lot of time on it. Galatians 3:15 says, “Brothers, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case.” So he's analogizing to a human covenant that people would understand. In other words, when you make an agreement among human beings, you can‟t change it unilaterally. So he's analogizing from that to a different case, “so it is in this case,” the case of Abraham and God, “The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say, „and to seeds,‟ meaning many people, but „to your seed,‟ meaning one person, who is Christ.” So Abraham was given the promise that came out of the covenant that God had previously established. You know what that covenant is, the covenant required the Lamb to be slain from the foundations of the world.

So it was the pre-existing covenant. All covenants, when they're established, produce results. The results benefit the people who are part of the covenant. Now as is the case of God, God is in a covenant with Himself; the Lamb is to be slain, the Lamb is God and the Father is the one who requires it so that in the shed blood of the Lamb a people could be drawn out from every tribe, language and nation because these people otherwise would have no future, they had sinned, “All had sinned and come short of the glory of God,” so somebody has to redeem them but they're redeemed for the purpose of being formed into a royal priesthood and a holy nation. This covenant is the original covenant.

Now God's going to work that out among human beings because they are the beneficial heirs of the covenant, that‟s why God established a covenant, not because He needed something but because He intended to benefit us. We are the heirs then, of this covenant. So Abraham, being a human, gets the promise that comes out of the covenant; he's an identified heir of the covenant. God doesn‟t make a covenant with him, God gives him the result of the covenant because that was the purpose, to bless and benefit man. So the Scripture does not say, “Seeds meaning many people but to your seed meaning one person, namely Christ.” Christ would be the one who would come whose blood would be shed and by the shedding of His blood God would now open the way for the nations to be received into Christ. So he was explaining that in verse 17 when he said, “What I mean is this: the Law…” what law? The Law of Moses, the Law from Mount Sinai, “the Law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise.” I mean, there it is, bigger than Dallas.

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The Law of Moses was a later event, 430 years after the promise was given to Abraham the Law came. And the Law coming 430 years later had no effect upon the covenant previously established by God; that covenant was established – as you have seen – from the foundations of the world. The promise that arose out of that covenant was given to Abraham, 430 years before the law. That‟s why God inserts, in the midst of the Sinai covenant – which is a different covenant. You remember of course, the covenant from Sinai is a different covenant, that‟s not the covenant that God made that benefited Abraham, Moses said that. Here, look, since we are here, because people have gotten very confused on these issues – look in Deuteronomy with me quickly. This is remedial stuff, I meant to start at a higher place than this this morning but I sense by the Spirit I need to remediate something. Look, Moses is speaking, this is Deuteronomy 5 - Deuteronomy as you will recall means “the second giving of the Law”; deuter is “second”, nomy is “law”, “Deuteronomy” is the second giving of the law”, it‟s a time when Moses rehearses the law to the people of Israel, the law that had been given 40 years earlier at Mount Sinai.

They were at the end of their journey in the wilderness and now it was time to enter the promised land, 40 years after, a generation had been lost in the wilderness and so Moses now revisits the occasion of their receiving the Law from Mount Sinai. So this is what Moses says, “Moses summoned all Israel and said, „Here O‟ Israel the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today, learn them and be sure to follow them,” verse 2 Deuteronomy 5, “The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb,” so it‟s very clear he's talking about the covenant from Mount Sinai, the Ten Commandments, the book of the Law, “The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb, it was not with our fathers that the Lord made this covenant,” who would be the fathers? Abraham - for one - Isaac, Jacob. This covenant from Mount Sinai is not a covenant God made with them. Did you ever notice that? We've just sort of rolled into one the covenant from Sinai and everything God ever said to Abraham. No, Moses is very explicit, he said, “This is not the covenant that God made with our fathers from Mount Sinai,” this is in the Torah! Deuteronomy is the last of the five books of the Torah. How on earth have we gotten so confused?

Let‟s read it again, “The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb, it was not with our fathers that the Lord made this covenant but with us, with all of us who are alive here today.” Is that explicit enough? With whom did God make this covenant from Mount Sinai? With the Jews that were present at Mount Sinai that day and not with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Are you with me? This isn‟t Sam Soleyn‟s idea, here it is. Now go back to Galatians where we were reading, you see the writer Paul understood what has deliberately been confused to modern, evangelical Christians. Where we were reading in Galatians 3 this is what he says, “What I mean is this: the Law, introduced 430 years later,” in other words, the covenant at Mount Sinai made between Israel that was present that day and God – a different covenant from the one that God made that benefited Abraham – “the Law, introduced 430 years later does not set aside the covenant previously established by God.” What does “previous” mean? Previous, it means “before”, at a time „before‟, that‟s why Moses would say, “This is not the covenant that God had with our fathers,” why? Because Moses understood that there was a covenant with the fathers, why would he not understand? Because what was the term of the covenant? “I will make of you a great nation and in your seed I would bless all the nations of the world,” that was the promise previously given to Abraham. Had God forgotten that promise? Was that part of the promise from Sinai? No, it‟s a different covenant. Well what happens when you make a different covenant? It changed the priesthood. We've surely not forgotten everything? So what priesthood administrated the covenant from Sinai? Levi! What priesthood administrated the

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covenant before that? Melchizedek. Who is Melchizedek? A king and a priest, “You purchased men for God from every tribe, language and nation to form them into…” what? Kings and priests, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.

What am I telling you? I'm telling you that the everlasting covenant is what required the shedding of the blood of the Lamb from the beginning to make them into a royal priesthood and a holy nation. This is not the covenant from Sinai but in the covenant from Sinai God inserted this box because the covenant from Sinai was given to prepare a people, to preserve a people from being annihilated by the accuser until the Seed should come. When the Seed, who is Christ, would come, He would restore men from every tribe, language and nation to the original intent of God. Are you with me? One of the reasons I am convinced that it is so hard and requires such hard labor in the scriptures is because the leaders have defaulted to the basest motives of the people. The basest motives of the people are to seek provision and protection in every way possible and the present evangelical gospel is nothing more than repackaged ways to offer the people hope for provision and protection because they realize when man se

tes himself from God, he knows he needs to clothe himself, he knows he needs to provide for himself; fallen from the grace of sonship, we end up in the culture of the orphan and the orphan does not place any value at all on an inheritance because the orphan does not expect an inheritance. From whom do you get an inheritance? From your father. The orphan has no father, that‟s why he's an orphan, that‟s how you describe an orphan: the fatherless. That‟s why my brothers and sisters, that is why we have had no longing for these things, we never thought that they were within our grasp. Yes they were words in a book but they didn‟t apply to us except by reference to them as words in a book.

Who expected that we would be formed into a holy nation that was described in terms of a priesthood of kings and priests? We know that‟s written but we don‟t believe it because this you see is what inheritance looks like. Instead we prefer the sweat of our brow, we want harvest because it comes from our labor but I'm here today to tell you there is something greater than the harvest, it‟s called „an inheritance‟, the inheritance comes without the sweat of your brow because of the love of your Father. O‟ may God grant us a renewing of our minds, we prefer the toil of fallen man because we know that if we plant and if we dig in the earth and we labor and we toil, that there's a law that says that, “as long as the earth remains, there is seed time and harvest,” we prefer that because of the certainty of it but we leave on the table the inheritance because before you could get to an inheritance you must acknowledge you're the son of somebody.

So what does the present church teach you? It teaches you about sowing and reaping but it doesn‟t teach you the culture of a son, that‟s why we have no appetite for being formed into a holy nation. I'm not saying that seed time and harvest is bad or wrong but I'm saying there‟s a higher order, there's a higher order. We kick the kids out of the house by the time they're eighteen no matter how poorly they're prepared for life because that‟s the principle of seed time and harvest and God help them if they require a little more from us to get going, and I know some of you have paid that price to the point where you wonder if there's a way to send them back to God. Think of what God taught you about His fathering of you in all of that, when you go through the hard times and the difficulties, how are you able to hold on to God? Because you know how you treated your own children, you know you didn‟t let go, that‟s how come you believe that He will never leave you nor forsake you. When everybody around you is unemployed, lo and behold, God keeps you employed; when opportunities dry up for everybody

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else, lo and behold, your Father who is in heaven remembers you with faithfulness and you don‟t melt down because you have come to believe that you have a Father in heaven who loves you like you have loved and cared for your own children. I suspect that settles you in the dead of night when the terrors come to dislodge you.

I actually believe that this mighty ship is slowly turning and we're actually getting this right, I believe we will actually get this right, that we'll return home to the spirit of sonship and with it we will see - I promise you before God - with it we will see the healing of our generations. The orphan has no hope for the healing of his generations because as far as the orphan is concerned, he's by himself. If it doesn‟t work out in the life of the orphan then he gives it up, he gives everything up but the son knows that it may take forty two generations to get from Abraham to Christ but in forty two generations it will be so. The son knows that it may take sixty two generations before the second Son appears to heal the mistakes of the first son but God will do it. Are you with me? We‟re changing the culture, we are left with nothing but throw away kids if we embrace the culture of the orphan but for the son it doesn‟t matter how far lost your generations appear to be, there is the reason to hope in who your Father is. When you establish the template of the culture of fathers and sons in the earth, it produces hope for generations and you may, as a father, die without seeing the fulfillment of that hope but you know the spirit of fathering and the spirit of sonship transcends generations to produce results promised in previous generations.

These are the things we have lost; these are the things God is going to bring back. At what price would God bring back generations that would otherwise be lost? He gave His own Son. So we scratch around and think about how much these children are costing us to keep them on track, it‟s the investment with which if you make God will honor. And you're not foolish for making those investments, by the Spirit of the Lord, make the investment, it‟s an investment in father and son, it‟s an investment in a house and it will be so, God is faithful, we've lost too many generations all ready to the culture of the orphan. I'm not talking about indulgence and coddling sin or anything like that, there's a place for the confrontation of all of that but it is the belief that the spirit of the father is more attractive than anything that is in the world and that eventually the errant son will run out of things to distract him and he will say in the midst of the pig pen, “You know, this hasn‟t worked out so good for me. You know, I think I'll go back to my father, they seem to be getting along fine with mother and dad. Maybe they have something that I need to look at again.”

Well anyway, I don‟t want to get too far into that, I'm just kind of lifting the edge of the carpet and saying, “There's stuff here that we need to revisit.” It was not the law from Sinai that came 430 years later and God didn‟t make that covenant with Abraham, He inserted, in the midst of that covenant, the renewing of the promise of a holy people, people resurrected from the dead like Aaron‟s rod, a people fed with manna from heaven because they're spiritual people and a people formed into a holy nation, the book of the Law suggesting that principle of order in the people to a common purpose. Now let‟s move on then to where I wanted to get started. We were recently in the Ukraine and we were doing a series of conferences in the Ukraine, we were in the town of L‟viv in the west of the country and Mark Reese who is here with us tonight, Mark is a prophet, he is one of my spiritual sons and Mark‟s spirit discerned how difficult it was for the Ukrainians to hear the message of sonship that I was presenting. And God gave him a word in that conference about what adoption means and it was as clear of a word on adoption as I've ever heard and the word in simple form was: Being positioned in sonship rather than adoption being „having pity on the little kid in the orphanage and taking him, getting the legal papers and

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bringing him into your house,‟ that adoption was very much about a deliberate positioning of someone as your son. When he said that, it opened up something for me that I want to share in a little bit more detail with you.

First let me say, our view of adoption in contemporary society is very different from the biblical view of adoption. Again, our view is very much like what Mark described, and it was certainly true of the Ukrainians who had no concept that anybody would love them as a father, a whole nation of orphans. Literally, of a nation of forty million people, something like four million are actually orphans. Doug and Nancy and I were also there in the same trip and Doug and Nancy thought they were going to get light duty by staying in Kiev, you know, “Send Sam down to Crimea, we'll do the sight-seeing in Kiev and handle a few appointments.” But when I came back from L‟viv and met them in the hotel in Kiev, I watched Nancy walk across the lobby to go up to her room, and as we would say in West Texas, „She was „give out‟.” Those orphans worked them to the bone, what they didn‟t know is we had great fun down in Crimea. I mean for ten days straight they had appointment, after appointment, after appointment to deal with the spirit of the orphan in one form or another.

It‟s very likely that God is going to deliver into our hands a whole nation and some of you need to be available to be formed into teams of people just to train the leaders over there in how to begin to remediate the people from the culture of the orphan. And if you have some interest in possibly working in the Ukraine, I would suggest you get a hold of Doug and Nancy. Doug will be part of the ministry team tonight and so if that‟s an interest you have, when they're up here you might come up. We don‟t even have time to tell you about the gypsies, but that‟s another story – we put Mark off with the gypsies.

The earth is full of the spirit of the orphan, in practical terms, and the breakthrough that God is doing in the earth is to replace the culture of the orphan with the culture of the son. Mark was speaking about adoption and after he spoke, we experienced a breakthrough sort of like he was the hard tackle going up the middle and I was able to come in behind him and we made some headway on that occasion. The spirit of adoption, I'll give you an example of how this is more tangibly apprehended than say the idea of: you went into a Ukrainian orphanage and adopted a kid that nobody else wanted. At the time of Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar was looking at succession because the Roman Empire had been widely expanded throughout the known world. Now Julius had a son by the Egyptian queen of Ptolemy line, the Egyptian queen known as Cleopatra. And so the question was: should Julius‟ son by Cleopatra come to Rome and be the next emperor at the death of Julius? Because of the rivalries between Rome and Egypt, Julius knew that the Romans would never settle for an emperor who came out of Egypt. They were sure that his mother‟s influence would promote Egypt over Rome and the Romans would rebel, the Romans would not want that.

So Julius adopted Octavian who was the son of his sister, he adopted him. In the ancient world, especially in noble families, the question of succession was critical because with succession, you would carry on the purpose for which a family existed. In Hebraic terms it was called the Primogenitor, the one who was positioned to carry on the purpose for which a family existed. So Julius positioned Octavian to be his heir, even though Octavian was not his natural son - choosing Octavian over Cleopatra‟s boy, who was Julius‟ natural son. That‟s the principle of adoption, where you position someone as your son, though another might have a better claim to the same position. It‟s the father‟s choice to carry on the vision of who the father is, that concept is called the „Primogenitor‟. Now historically, the primogenitor was the first born son but God

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often chose someone - and the patriarch certainly chose - other than the first born son. For example, Abrahams first born was who? Ishmael. The scriptures say so, the scriptures say so. In Genesis 12, I believe, it says that, “These are the sons of Ishmael, the firstborn son of Abraham.” I understand that sticks in the throats of some people from around here but it‟s still true; Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham. Why was he not Abraham‟s heir? That‟s the question. Because he was a slave. Before Ishmael was born to Abraham and to Hagar, he was already the property of Abraham. Why? Because Abraham owned his mother. A slave can never be an heir because the mother must be also a free woman, that‟s Galatians 4, by the way.

You don‟t have to reach the question of whether or not Ishmael was Abraham‟s first born, he was, but he was not the primogenitor because of the disabling restraint of being first a slave. A slave can never be an heir. In simplest terms, let‟s say in the history of this nation, in the South, that the son of a female slave owned by a white slave owner would go the court to sue his father for his freedom and for part of the estate, what would the court do? Probably consent to his lynching. Why? Because under the law, the slave could never assert a claim of inheritance against his father because his father is first his owner; Ishmael was first owned by Abraham, before he was even born he was Abrahams property, he had no right of inheritance because he was a slave. He could not therefore stand for the purpose for which Abraham‟s line existed. For what purpose did Abraham‟s line exist? You read it, to bring forth the seed who would redeem all mankind. Abraham was given that promise. And so a son of Abraham who could inherit that promise would be the primogenitor and it wouldn‟t matter if the son in question Isaac were the second born, God could reposition the son as the primogenitor. That‟s the idea of adoption. It‟s to give the place of inheritance to someone who is not otherwise naturally qualified to have that place.

In two generations from Abraham, the same thing happened again; Jacob and Esau – Esau was the firstborn, Jacob however, preferred the inheritance. The inheritance that Esau was entitled to was to be the administrator of this same covenant we're talking about; the royal priesthood existed here in this time and Ishmael‟s place was to be the prince of God because all of those who were royal priests held the title that belonged to Christ, the high priest of this order held the title that belonged to the Great High Priest – King of Righteousness, Prince of Peace; Melchezidek, sar-shalom. You remember this stuff; I don‟t have to review everything with you I'm sure. Jacob first bought the right from his brother and that he would sell him the right, God despised the judgment of Esau, that he would sell the right to represent Christ as that high priest in that order at that time.

Jacob, as a supplanter, came out grabbing the heel of his brother, indicating that although God would have favor on him, this boy was gonna have a hard time. Now he bought the right from his brother but that didn‟t mean that God would actually honor his purchase, there would have to be a time when God would actually have to honor his purchase. Having purchased the right, he then had to get it past his father because his father had to confer the right because it was the fashion in which the priestly office was passed from father to son, by the laying on of hands.

So he deceived his father and his father thought it was his brother but he laid hands on him and imparted the right. So he was two thirds of the way home. Who had to agree? God. Now you understand what the wrestling with God was about. He wrestled with God and what did God call him? God changed his name from „heel grabber‟, from „supplanter‟, to one of the titles of Jesus Christ: Israel, „Prince of God‟.

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Whenever you refer to Israel, you're referring to a title under a royal priesthood, not under the priesthood of Levi. That is why God refers to „the House of Israel‟, a house of royal priests. So I hear this foolishness being batted about, about „replacement theology‟. What was God's original intent? To form a royal priesthood and He even gave the supplanter the title, but He gave him something to remember it by because he did not come by it peacefully, God would have given it to him peacefully, but he did everything he could to get it by supplanting and God marked him with it. God said, “You love to wrestle for everything, well here is the consequence of wresting: unlike the Christ, who will not have a bone broken, you'll walk with a limp because you were determined you would get it by hook or by crook. You set the pattern in which I will deal with you, I'll still give the blessing because you pursued it so much but I'll mark you with the way that you do things, you'll walk with a limp.” That is why when Moses comes to Mount Sinai, God says to him, “This is what you are to go and say to the house of Israel, „Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for Me a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation,” because that was the original promise and that was the promise inherent in the name change, Israel. It is when they began to behave by the fleshly nature of Jacob that they reverted to the Law but the promise of Israel still was held before them to be fulfilled in Christ.

I don‟t have time to debone that any further but all things are being revealed in the light of revelation at this time, in this hour and so much of the mistaken foolishness and deception is going to be unveiled and unpacked to a people who have finally become ready to hear these things. The original intent of God then, was to position you to be His heirs. It was not just some fly by night idea, a „last call‟ kind of a thing, it was the original intent of God to position you in the Son that you might be adopted, placed in, the Primogenitor. You were, in Christ, the original intent of God for having sons. You look like you don‟t believe me; you look like you're ready for a break. Just before you go on the break, look at this, Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3. We'll read from verse 3 to verse 14, I'll make a few comments and then it will be 10:30, we'll take a break.

I'm here introducing the idea of sonship through adoption and I'm explaining to you that adoption is not the „left over‟ option; I'm explaining to you that He always intended to position you in the Son, that you might be His heir. That‟s what I'm trying to explain what adoption is, it‟s the greatest thing you could imagine, adoption is the greatest thing you could imagine because God chose you, you didn‟t chose Him and it was not your condition that cried out to Him in pity. Before He made you, He decided He was going to position you to carry out the purposes of His nature; He decided that He was going to put you in the world so that when the world saw you, the world would see Him. This is what a primogenitor is, “If you‟ve seen me, you‟ve seen the Father because I am a true son,” you see? The orphan represents no one, he's too busy scratching for his provision and his protection and he has no inheritance but the son‟s purpose is to provide continuity of representation of his Father's being, for the son is the radiance of his Father's glory, the son is the exact representation of his Father, “If you‟ve seen Me, you‟ve seen the Father because the Father and I are One,” so when God said I'm going to draw you from every tribe, language and nation but I'm going to form you into a holy order of royal priests, I'm going to make you into a nation,” He was doing nothing short of assembling His house in the earth! Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is! That‟s what it‟s talking about and not this Sunday thing! Hallelujah, glory to God! As they would say in Lamesa, “I mean…” You see, if you'll stay with me long enough, I'll get it said; when I say it, I don‟t mean to leave any wiggle room. I fish like that, no actually I hunt like that, this is the day of the hunter. I hunt like that, I answer all the questions you would likely have about it, then I tell you what it is. Paul said, “I labored that Christ be formed in you,” so here it is, bigger than Dallas. What I've just said to you didn‟t take Paul an hour and a half (laughing), it took him

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eleven verses but I think he had some people he had labored with a long time, to work with. Or at least he intended they read it several times. Here it is, Ephesians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” note, “the God and Father…” – “who has blessed us in the heavenly realms,” where did He originally plan all of this? That‟s why you get to go to heaven to see this stuff, God takes John up to see it, John reveals it to His servants, “who blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessings in Christ,” it means everything that‟s in Christ. By the way, whenever the scriptures speak of „Christ‟ as opposed to „Jesus‟, when it speaks of Jesus he's speaking of the man; when he speaks of Christ, he's speaking of the anointing and the anointing is always corporate, meant to be inclusive, meant to include you, that‟s why it‟s spiritual and not carnal. Verse 4, “every spiritual blessing in Christ for He chose us in Him,” who chose us in whom? Our Father, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, chose us in Christ…” how long back? That‟s why I keep referring to an everlasting covenant, the beneficial interest of which was conveyed to Abraham 430 years before the Law. This is a long running promise, “He chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons.” That means by the exercise of His love, He positioned us in Christ to be considered as His heirs, deliberately. From what time did He have this idea? When we were lost and dying in sin? Before He created us, before He created us. That puts adoption in a little bit different light, doesn‟t it? It‟s what He started out to do. My goodness, He started out to do this, to position you in Christ. As what? “Adopted us as…” His sons through Christ Jesus in accordance with His pleasure and will to the praise of His glorious grace. In other words, when you see this thing you'll say like John, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we might be called…” what? Sons of God. You know it all comes together? “To the praise of His glorious grace which He freely gave us in the One He loves,” it‟s „in Christ‟ you see? In Him, we have redemption in His blood, the forgiveness of sins, that‟s how you're brought back and repositioned, “in accordance with the riches of His grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding,” He knew what He was doing and it was very wise for Him to do it that way and He made known to us the mystery of His will.”

You see, this was not always known, Paul is saying there's a mystery here. He made that mystery known to us “according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Christ,” that is, He planned ahead, „purpose‟ is to „plan ahead‟, “He planned ahead, in Christ, to put into effect when the times had reached their fulfillment,” in other words, Alpha and Omega, He plans it out to happen when it‟s the right time, “times had reached their fulfillment, to bring all things in heaven and on earth…” my goodness, can you imagine this stuff was always written like that? “All things…” where? In heaven and on earth, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven.” Everything in heaven and on earth will be brought under one Headship, “brought together under one head, even Christ. In Him we were chosen, having been predestined according to His plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will in order that we who are the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.”

I read that through very fast, I hope you'll read it through more leisurely and ponder it because predestination is not about the question of whether or not you were destined to go to heaven or hell; predestination is that God planned before the foundations of the world to include you in Christ, that was the plan, that‟s predestination. Biblical predestination is not what Luther and Calvin defined it as; biblical predestination is that God positioned you to be adopted as His son, that‟s the purpose for which He made man, that‟s the “pre-destiny”, the destination beforehand was that in Christ we would be positioned as the heirs of God. That‟s biblical predestination; it‟s

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not this other stuff, that was the product of the age of reason, “In order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory,” now “we” there is a reference to the Jews, they were the first, “and you also,” the Gentiles, “you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal,” what‟s a seal? The blessed Holy Spirit because this is the Spirit that you received that doesn‟t make you a slave again to fear; this is the Spirit you received that is the Spirit of adoption. It is the Holy Spirit who positions you in the Body of Christ, you remember that? I Corinthians 12:12 says, “For by one Spirit were you baptized into one Body,” you were given the Holy Spirit because He is the one who positions you in Christ, He deposits you into your inheritance, He is the one who effectuates, who gives effect to, the spirit of adoption. That‟s why this is the spirit of adoption. He positions you, He takes you out of the world and He positions you accurately in the Body of Christ. Beautiful, isn‟t it?

You were included in Christ, the Holy Spirit is the one who included you in Christ, the Holy Spirit is the one who knows where you fit, what part of the Body of Christ you are because the Body of Christ is a spiritual body, not a natural one. I Corinthians 12 is what I'm referring to alongside this as a

llel reading. So you were taken, delivered from the control of the spirit of this world - the spirit of the evil one – and you were positioned in Christ, accurately. You weren‟t just taken in and thrown in the door and then shut the door and go get another one. No, you were accurately positioned in Christ, you were fitly framed. Do you remember that expression? You were fitly framed into the Body of Christ, that‟s why you shouldn‟t forsake that assembling. Fitly framed, the Holy Spirit fitly framed you into the corporate Son so that your position in adoption might be one that functions to the glory of God. Oh my, good stuff. And you know what, He's going to bring it to pass where it will be seen in the earth, “Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit,” look at this language, “guaranteeing our inheritance.” What do heirs get? “Guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession to the praise of His name.”

There's much more I can say on this subject. I want you to note just one other thing and then we'll come to a break. Go back quickly to IICorinthians chapter 5 verse 17 and 18, that‟s all I have time for, we'll pick up here when we come back from the break, “Therefore,” IICorinthians 5:17, “therefore if any is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has passed,” the old has gone, “the new has come,” please look at this language, “all this is from God who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men‟s sins against them and He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”

I'll continue on from the role of sons as ambassadors of Christ when we come back from the break but you will notice here, we left it here: Christ is corporate, the corporate anointing into which you have been assembled. God was reconciling us, the world, to whom? To Himself. When we are reconciled to God through Christ, God is reconciling us to Himself. What are we reconciled as? Sons, sons; sons make up a family and sons and a family represent the father. So when we come back we'll talk about ambassadors and representation and then beginning in this session, we'll move into how the sons are arranged as The House of God. Let‟s take a break for about thirty minutes.

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Well we are offloading a lot of things, obviously, and I do not pretend that the mind can contain all of it but I am glad that you're here because there's an impartation that occurs physically, when you're in the physical presence of the word and of the presence of the Lord. So there is that grace that comes to you but in addition, I believe that many things will come back to you as you review the recording of these sessions. It‟s pretty clear that I'm laying out a foundation because a new order, a new progression forward, is what God has ordained. This is not a time to panic; this is not a time to lose heart. You know, the truth is many of you have been waiting for a very long time for these things. You may not have known specifically what it was that you were waiting for but I'm confident that as you hear these things unfold, there is a resonance in your spirit and this resonance in your spirit is confirming things that either you‟ve already known, you‟ve known in pieces, you‟ve known in parts, Paul said, “Now we see in part and then we'll see plainly,” and again, it‟s this progression - when we were children we thought as children, we understood as children, we acted as children but when we become mature, we have the opportunity to put away childish things. In our journey with God we're attended by the measure of understanding that we can hold at the time but as we mature, part of the very sign that we're maturing is the fact that God chooses to give us more. You see, all of the things I'm telling you are in fact our inheritance, revelation is the children‟s bread, this is the bread from heaven, this is the manna for the day, this is what God meant for you to have, to eat, to live, to support the life in Christ. I'm surprised really, that it was never this clear to us, that it was a journey and that the further on the journey you go, the more mature you would become and the stronger the meat would be that you would be given.

It really is a shameful thing that we - at this stage having spent years in the Lord - would be drinking milk, it really would be a shameful thing because it would say that we had arrested development and that we were not qualified to operate in the grace of God in our day. For myself, I hope that if I ever come to the place in life where I cannot move on in God that He‟ll move me up. I am very serious, I know whom I've believed, actually know whom I've believed and I'm fully persuaded of the things that I'm saying as I'm persuaded of Him and if the time comes in the earth where I can‟t see any more what He's saying for the earth, that‟s because my physical being impedes my being clothed with eternal things. And at that point I don‟t want to be here, I would have fulfilled my time and my destiny, then I want to go home. That‟s why we keep pressing the envelope, that‟s why I'm happy to see brothers and sisters I've known for decades here, still running the race, still pushing the envelope, still desiring; this to me is the spirit of Caleb, “Give me the hill, give me the hill because I've lived a lifetime of swinging the sword, I've lived a lifetime of taking the ground that is mine to take.”

God allots us, in the day we live in, God allots us a measure of victory for our day; it‟s not the victory of the past, those are things that are done and it won't be the battles of the future, that‟s for another generation but may God grant us that by the time we are through we will have left nothing undone that was meant to be done on our watch and in our time. Amen? So be it. May God answer us in that way, may a new spirit of perseverance come to us because we shall reap if we faint not, we'll enter and possess that which is ours as long as we're determined to keep moving on in the Lord, it‟s not about not resting, it‟s about resting in the Lord. Amen? Hallelujah. Let‟s lock and load, let‟s go up another hill.

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Now we talked about the heavenly vision from the seat on the throne, we looked with John to see the song of the Lamb; we saw that the original intent of our Father was to position us as sons, being the principle of adoption. Now comes the question: Why would He even want sons? I mean, isn‟t that the next question? “So You predestined us to be adopted as sons, You declared in the song of the Lamb that now the time had come on the earth to accomplish this. Now in Christ, You‟ve given us the „Corpus Christi‟, the Body of Christ, the spiritual man – and You‟ve put us in Christ, You‟ve positioned us in Christ as sons, You‟ve adopted us, You‟ve aligned us in Christ with the heavenly purpose,” The obvious question is: “Why do You want sons? Why do You want sons?” What is the nature of a son? How is a son different and what would a son be different from? When God put Adam in the earth, He positioned him as the primogenitor, primogenitor meaning this, this is what primogenitor means, it means: „That person who best represents the Father.‟ That means the Father is not physically present, or at least He's invisible but He desires to be seen as He is because in seeing Him we understand the purposes for our own existence. God positioned Adam in the earth as a son. You say, “What do you mean, „He positioned him as a son?‟” What does a son do? Because a son, you see, has a position relative to the Father, „son‟ has a position relative to the Father. A son is not just out „here‟ swinging away on his own, a son comes from the Father, so when you have a father and a son in two different places; you have the Father in heaven, a son in the earth, then who the Father is can be seen in the earth because the son has come from the Father.

The purpose then of putting a son in the earth, if you're a father, is to show the earth who you are. Now in that arrangement you have something called „a house‟. A house is not a building, we call a building a house when it houses, when it facilitates, a family; if no family ever lived in the building, it wouldn‟t be a house. You call the building after its purpose - it facilitates. All buildings are simply „facilities‟. What do we mean by that? They entertain; they permit activities associated with people. So when you have an office you don‟t call it a house because an office is a facility out of which someone who holds a position, works. So the „Office of President‟ has a facility out of which the President works, that‟s called the Oval Office because it‟s the shape of the office, the shape of the facility but it‟s called the oval office because the President is in the Office of President – here I'm not speaking of any particular president, just president – he's in the office, the people put him as the President - the office is called the Presidency, the Bureau, the space out of which he works. He may receive people there; he may write letters there, he may dictate things there. That bureau, we used to call it „a bureau‟, that space is called an „office‟ because the person who is there has an office, he has a position, it‟s called the Office of President. Is that clear?

A house is only called a house because it‟s a facility; it‟s a building facility, it‟s a physical facility that is useful for a family, that‟s why it‟s called a house. It takes its name after what it facilitates but a „house‟ is a „multi-generational family‟, a house is a multi-generational family, it‟s why we call the House of Winsor the „House of Winsor‟. If I were to ask you, “What‟s the House of Winsor?” You wouldn‟t say, “Buckingham Palace,” that‟s a house that the House of Winsor occupies but the House of Winsor, presently, is Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew; that‟s the house, three generations of them.

What do you think the genealogy of Jesus is about? The Bible has two references to the genealogy of Jesus: one in Matthew, one in Luke. The one in Luke covers sixty two generations. What do you think it does? It details The House of God from Adam to Christ, sixty two generations because in the first one we have the first son and in the last mention, sixty two generations later, you have the One who redeems the first one and in redeeming the first one,

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He redeems The House of God. That‟s what it‟s there for; it‟s not there to torture kids in Sunday school (laughing). That‟s what a house is. If you want to know the chronology of The House of God, you can find sixty two generations of it. Now if the first one is a son if God, who is the last One? The Son of God also. So what‟s the purpose of sixty two generations? To talk about the last Son who comes to redeem the first son because you‟re talking about a house.

These things are so simple, that we have to spend any time at all on it is more of a sign of how darkened our understanding has come to be about ordinary things. This shouldn‟t be a big deal, shouldn‟t require any more than just us saying „The House of God‟ and you would instantly know, “Oh yeah, that‟s sixty two generations recorded in Luke,” that‟s the family line, sixty two generations. The other genealogy of Jesus covers forty two generations, it‟s short by twenty because it begins at another place and the purpose of that beginning was not just to highlight „this one and this one‟ are the bookends of The House of God, it was to highlight a particular aspect of Jesus. So that genealogy in Matthew says, “This is the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” What is that about? Because he tells you it‟s the son of David, what does he mean to highlight with this genealogy? The genealogy of the King, the return of a royal priesthood. That‟s what it is; it‟s the return of the royal priesthood because Abraham was given the promise of the restoration of the royal priesthood, that‟s the promise that was given 430 years before law. So he goes back before the law to pick up the thread that would identify Christ as the Royal Priest when He would come. That‟s what that‟s about.

Now a son is one who represents his father. You will remember we talked about this, I know I've spoken about this in this city before, Adam was the first son; Adam was the son of God, that‟s what Luke 3 says. God positioned Adam in the earth to represent the rule of the throne of God because what was the first thing God said to Adam? Rule, have dominion. Why would God set His house in the earth and command it to rule? Because He had created the earth, the earth was now subject to the throne of heaven because the earth is the Lords. Look, if you create it, it‟s yours; you have the best claim to it if you create it and you create it with the intention of populating it, so your big problem with it is you have the duty to rule it. So who are you going to send to rule it? Your son. Why would you send your son to rule it? Because no one but a son can accurately represent a father. I'll say it again - no one but a son can accurately represent a father. Question: Why, why is that so? Why could you not just hire somebody to rule for you? Because you see, rule is not just about giving orders. Behind every system of law, behind every administration of rule, there is a culture. You know, law isn‟t just rules on a book to be interpreted; law is the intention to produce a certain society. The desire to produce a certain society resides in those who have the authority to create a society and the way they shape the society is through law but the ones behind the law have a philosophy that they wish to put into effect through law. Recently I was summoned to meet with the communist authorities in Cuba because my presence there apparently was problematic. Now I do have permission from our government to go and I did actually obtain a religious visa to visit the nation, so I was there legally from both sides. I had two interviews and after my first interview I believed they concluded that “This guy is somebody you ought to watch,” because I was giving them answers that were not the typical tourist answer. And I know they had been following us for quite a bit while we were there - summoned to meet with the second level of authority. I was concerned about it because contrary to a lot of what you hear, they do imprison preachers in Cuba and I had actually met with one of them before he had been imprisoned and he is in prison now for seven years.

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So I was concerned that what answers I gave might endanger this brother who was our host for the time I was there and the Lord told me, He said, “Don‟t give any thought to what you are to say.” When I met with this guy it was so frustrating for him because – you know in the old pinball machines where the ball came up, you‟d pull back the thing and knock it – it was like I could see his thoughts pop-up, I could watch it run through the course and I knew what he was going to ask me thirty seconds before he asked me it, every time. It was frustrating to him because my answers seemed perfectly rehearsed and he simply could not get underneath and overthrow. So finally I just said, “Look, let‟s stop playing this game, these are the questions you want to ask me and here are my answers,” I went through question by question and gave him the answers. Now normally, politeness would say, if you say, „These are the questions you want to ask me,‟ politeness would say, “Nah, they're really not, I asked you the questions I was going to ask you,” but those were the questions he wanted to ask me so he didn‟t say no. So I gave him the answers he was asking for. And after that, he was as tame as a Lamb.

Now when you send someone to represent you and when you are representing the Father, you have the same culture as your Father. One of the things I said to him was this, this is why I came into this example, I said to him, “One of your questions is, you want to know what my presence here will do to destabilize your nation,” and I said, “As far as I know there will be nothing I do that will destabilize your nation politically,” I said, “I am an ambassador of the Kingdom of heaven and my Kingdom is far superior to your kingdom because all your kingdom can promise your citizens is state security but my Kingdom promises life beyond the grave. So why would I want to take over an inferior kingdom?” (laughing) It sat him down hard, I elaborated. I said, “You‟re thinking that all Americans have an interest in subverting Cuba, that may be so with some Americans but certainly not true with me because,” I said, “here is the difference: your nation has a form of government that is designed to produce state security because your king considers that to be the most important thing for this domain. The people where I'm from have a form of government designed to produce prosperity, not necessarily state security. It‟s a different form of government,” I said, “Now these are the ideas that men have about what‟s important in their domain and I find one position not greatly more attractive than the another,” I said, “Whoever is the sovereign gets to decide what the laws are about but the laws are designed to engineer a particular result. Your sovereign designed the laws to engineer the result of state security, our sovereign,” and I said, “in America the people are the sovereign – our sovereign decides that the laws exist to promote three things: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” I said, “That‟s why we have discussions about the „right to life‟ because that‟s what the sovereign says is important. Liberty, that‟s why we have arguments about police power versus citizens‟ rights; pursuit of happiness, that‟s why we have discussions about whether homosexual marriages should be the order of the nation or not depending on what your view of happiness is and how happiness is produced.” So I pointed out the obvious to him and that is, “Every system of law promotes an existing culture,” for example, in Cuba, when you land in Havana and you make your way into any city in which you're going to stay, the first thing you're required to do is register with the place at which you're going to stay; if you‟re a foreigner, you cannot stay with a Cuban because they wouldn‟t know what Cuban you‟re staying with because the individual Cuban would have no duty to report that you're staying with them but the first thing you have to do when you get to where you're staying is checkin, whether it‟s your guest house or your hotel and what they ask for immediately is your passport and they go downstairs, they write down the information, they call the central authorities in Havana, tell them, “The guy who landed at the airport X number of hours ago has now registered here with us,” they come back and they give you your passport back. Within minutes, the local authorities have

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somebody on your doorstep trying to get a physical view of who you are so they could follow you for the whole time you‟re there.

Now would we put up with that in America? No, because – what‟s wrong with doing it that way? We have a culture that says that‟s an infringement on my personal liberty, that‟s why we would not create laws to do that because we have a culture behind our laws. Why would they do that? Because they have a culture behind their laws. Laws are simply that which gives force to an existing culture. What is the primary value in their culture? State security, therefore those laws make perfect sense to them because that‟s the culture that these laws are meant to promote. Do you see what I'm saying? You see, we don‟t think like that, we just say, “It‟s the law,” it‟s not the law. So when you see something like that, one of your questions is: Does God require us to obey the law? The question before that is: What is the culture? Because the law gives force to culture, that‟s why there are unrighteous laws because there's unrighteous culture. Some of the conflicts that some of the believers have in our country is: Should they – because the law permits it – should they be participants in things like abortion? If you are in a certain profession, some aspects of medical profession, people have a „right‟, a legal right, should you participate? And often now they say, “If you're receiving government funds, you must,” you must do what? You must permit or agree with or help with something that you personally know violates your conscience. I'm simply explaining to you why it‟s a little more complex than „well the law says so‟ because what we do not understand is, there's a culture behind every system of law. You must remember these things, these are critically important.

What God puts in place by way of commandments and ordinances isn‟t just so we can have commandments and ordinances; it is in furtherance of a particular culture. Now who knows the culture of the Father? A son. Why, why does not a hireling, an orphan, know the culture of the Father? He has no father, his idea of what a father is is whatever he wants to avoid based upon his experience with a father. If your experience with a father has been one of an abusive father, what are you going to think when someone as an authority figure, as a father figure, says something to you that appears to be critical? What is your association? Abuse. Immediately, if someone is used to – one of my good friends says that the sport in his household on Saturday night when he was a child was to – I won't say his name – “Let‟s beat up Bob,” his father was drunk and for sport he would beat the kid. That‟s his experience. Now when we first started to talk about spiritual fathers, what do you think was his reaction? “I'm a man, nobody‟s gonna beat me again,” although we weren‟t talking about physical beatings, he was positioned in his head to avoid any relationship that would make him vulnerable because he had lived through that horror and wasn‟t ever going to submit himself, again, to the potential of being beaten.

What do you leave on the table when that becomes your attitude? You'll never know what it‟s like to really have an actually good father. What are you losing in the process? The example of what it means to be a father yourself. You cannot ever come to the thing that you didn‟t have and even if you come to it, you don‟t know that you have. So it‟s not like the alternative to the bad is not to have anything because to the orphan, if someone who is like a father raises the hand, then he immediately associates it with punishment. We had a dog, our last dog was Elliott - as in Elliott Ness – he was one of the untouchables, we got him from a rescue, he was a Great Dane, big dog, but that dog had been horribly abused and I had to learn how to walk by that dog and not even make eye contact, let alone raise my hand because any gesture I made, that dog watched me and if I raised my hand, I mean he was in the defensive position immediately. We have two entrances into our kitchen area and I promise you, if I walked into one entrance, that dog will get up and walk out the other entrance, didn‟t matter which entrance I walked into. As

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long as he lived – we don‟t have him anymore – but as long as he lived, I was the visiting boyfriend and if I ever raised my hand, he took off because his experience was that he anticipated being beaten. It‟s probably the only time in my life where I've gotten angry enough to get into a fight with someone, if you can imagine that – with the person who beat this dog up like that. But I see people like that all the time, who are constantly living out the anticipation of rejection.

That‟s the orphan culture in a nutshell, I tried to cut across the field so we could get where we're going without spending any more time than is necessary developing the thought. When Adam se

ted himself from God, he introduced a culture of being his own father, his own provision and his own protection; God sent Christ to reconcile us to the Father so that to us might be committed the ministry of reconciling the world to God. You see, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, restoring us to the position of sons to the Father and He's now committed to us that same ministry, that‟s what IICorinthians 5 tells us, “and He has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation, therefore we are Christ‟s ambassadors,” that makes us sons. Why? Because the son is the only one who can accurately represent his father because of this thing of a culture, the son knows the culture of his father; the orphan has no clue as to what the culture of the father is. How does the son know the culture of the father? Where does a son come from? When God made Adam, where did Adam come from? Perhaps the question before that is: What was the nature of Adam, who was Adam? Let‟s revisit the story again. I'm asking questions that are so fundamental because we missed the connections way back „here‟. God fashioned the body out of the dust of the ground. Was that Adam? No, that was „squeezed earth‟. What happens to the squeezed earth when you're done with it? It goes right back into the earth. So that wasn‟t Adam, scratch that off. What then would be Adam? God blew something from God into that rammed earth, that‟s who Adam was, Adam was spirit because God is spirit and what came out of God could only be spirit. Now you should remember this, “That which is born of flesh, is flesh; and that which is born of spirit, is spirit,” “Marvel not I say unto you…”

You see how easy this is? When Adam was born in that fashion, what was he? The question is: From whom was he born? He was born of God, therefore Adam was originally born of spirit, came out of spirit. To be born and therefore the term „son‟ means „that which comes out of the other‟. Now when you take something out of the other they are certifiably of the same nature; whatever comes out of another is like the other because it was originally in the other. That‟s the concept of son that is the biblical concept of „son‟. A son comes out of the other and the other is father and the one who comes out is son and the son is like his father, that‟s why he has the same culture as his father, that‟s why he can represent his father because he understands the ways of his father because he is like his father. That‟s how basic we have to get back, that‟s as basic as we need to get back to.

Now here‟s a fascinating thought: that was the spirit, spirit out ofs; Adam as a spirit came out of God who is spirit so Adam is the son of God. How did Eve come about? Do you realize that everything in the Bible has a purpose to it, that God didn‟t say, “Well I got that one done so let‟s roll out some more earth,”? In the Far Side cartoon the guy is making snakes, he rolls out one and says, “Man, these snakes are a synch to make.” Why did God make Eve by taking a rib out of Adam? Great purpose here, Adam then you see, is the father and Eve is the son, “Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones,” why are you making a wife for a man out of his own flesh? It‟s a great mystery, isn‟t it – “but I'm speaking about Christ and the church,” we're ahead of

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ourselves. Why are you making a wife for a man out of his own flesh? Because you mean for them to be one and you mean for her to be able to represent him to show him how in his representation of his Father, he is like his Father. What I mean is this: The great humility of God is that he would choose to express Himself through another, “Have dominion,” God says to Adam, “Have dominion,” dominate the earth.

When Adam rules the earth, what should the earth see in Adam‟s rule? They should see how God is because Adam is the son who comes out of God, who has the same culture as God. That is why the scriptures say, “The invisible God may be clearly seen by what has been created, that‟s why men have no excuse,” God meant to put Himself on display through Adam in the way that Adam ruled, you could see how God is because this is not a stranger, this is someone who is a partaker of the divine nature; the divine nature is spirit, Adam has a spirit from God. The intent of God was to put Himself on display through the rule of Adam and He wanted to confirm that principle to Adam by taking a wife for him out of his own flesh; she is both his wife and his son because God means for Adam to delight in the way that Eve represents Adam, “For the woman is, I tell you, the glory of the man.”

Have we forgotten these things? God meant for a man and a woman to show what picture? Christ and the church. How does the world see who Christ is? “Let them be one in this fashion…” I mean, look at the language, “Let them be one,” the woman and the man – “flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones,” he says, “She‟s mine,” does he have a right to claim her as his? Yeah, because she came out of him, that‟s how God arranged the whole thing because God never intended competition, you can only represent another if you‟re like the other. The order of God is „sameness‟, not competition and God meant for a woman to be the glory of a man by putting aspects of a man on display in a fashion that would bring glory and honor to the man just like God meant to put Himself on display in Adam to bring glory and honor to God. I tell you the truth, the scriptures say that “men might see your good works and,” do what? Glorify whom? Is this language of any meaning to us? It doesn‟t say glorify God in heaven, “glorify your Father who is in heaven,” these are terms of art, we've interpreted it as, “Go out and do good works for God and you will bring glory to God,” no, He says, “Let men see what I am doing through you and when they see Me acting through you, they will give glory to Me as your Father,” that‟s what He's saying, “and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

If the man ever saw himself as the father of the woman and that she is his son, rather than this stranger he imported, then how she acts will be of the greatest importance to him. He will take absolute delight in the way that she puts him on display. This isn‟t about good communication; this is about taking pleasure in the son. This is the nature of God; this is what we should be teaching the next generation. You're not marrying a woman for a while, you're receiving a gift from God through whom you must anticipate being put on display in a fashion different from what you could be put on display just by yourself and recognize that the glory that comes to you through her is what God intended for you to see to understand how in you He also is glorified.

You know, I think that might actually change our view of marriage. We had a gathering at my house not so long ago, a week ago in fact tonight, and for two or three days I reverted to being a strong back to help move tables and arrange things but most of the time she would just say, “Don‟t you have something to do?” (laughing) Which means, “You‟re decorating ideas are not impressive to me.” One time she asked me – not last week – she asked me, she said, “What do you think about so and so?” She was about to make a decorating change, and I said, “This is what I think,” and she said, “I don‟t think that‟s a good idea at all,” and I said, “Well, it escapes

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me why you bothered to ask me,” (laughing) she said, “I just wanted to know if my idea was a good idea, when I heard yours…(laughing) I knew it was all good.”

But we had a wonderful „soiree‟, that‟s the French for „soirée‟. We have some brethren from Texas who are here. And everybody thought that I'd gave a good showing, people came up to me and said, “This is a great party, I'm having a good time,” it was Lucy‟s birthday and Tamarind‟s and Rebecca‟s and other people so it was just time to get everybody together and do that. They thought I had put on an elegant „soiree‟, most of the time I was kept in my office (laughing), I said, “Yes honey,” a lot and we‟ll end up paying for it but some thought I had it going on and I just said, “I know it,” (laughing) I tell you the truth, the woman is the glory of a man, I tell you the truth. God arranged it so that what the man lacks, the woman may properly compliment, that‟s why the term in King James is, “she is a meet,” that word means „fitting‟, she is the appropriate one to finish out what you're lacking. God knew that man would lack things that could only be fulfilled by someone who knows his nature, who has his culture, who is a son to him. So He gave him a wife out of his own flesh so that they‟d have the same culture and he would receive her as that which is capable of putting him on display in a way greater than he could put himself on display and that was to show a heavenly principle, the principle of „son‟, “God was in Christ,” the Son, “reconciling the world to Himself and He made us heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” When He placed Adam in the earth to rule, He placed a son to represent his Father.

I'll end with this (I should end, shouldn‟t I?), I should end with this. Look at Hebrews chapter 2 please; I'm amazed at how the writers of the scriptures can say in one sentence what it takes me two hours to say. Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3, consider that we are in the Corporate Son, we are included in Christ, scriptures actually use those terms “included in Christ”. So whenever the Son is referred to, Son as heir, that‟s verse 2, “but in these last days He has spoken unto us by His Son,” that‟s Hebrews chapter 1 verse 2, “spoken to us by His Son whom He appointed heir of all things and through whom He made the universe. The Son is the radiance of His Father's glory and the Son is the exact representation of His Father's being.”

Who is the son? What is the role of a son, why would God send a son? Because the son radiates the glory of his Father, the son exactly represents his Father. Doug Allen has a wonderful teaching on the stages of sonship because you don‟t start out as a son who perfectly represents your Father, Jesus himself started out as an infant who grew up and at the age of twelve apprenticed Himself to the Father's business, to learn His Father's business which He learned through obedience by the things He suffered. But at thirty, He becomes the mature Son and God says of Him, “This is My believed Son in whom I am well pleased,” „He is now capable of exactly representing Me,‟ so Jesus would then, from that point on, say, “If you‟ve seen Me, you‟ve seen the Father,” why, why is that so? Because, “the Father and I are One, I have come from the Father; I came out of the Father and I am returning to the Father,” Now what did He pray for, what did He pray would be left behind when He went back? “Father, let them be one,” let „them‟, “all of those who would believe in Me,” later on, all of you, all of us, today, “let them be one in the same manner in which You and I are One; You‟re in Me, I am in You, I came out of You to represent You, You‟re in Me as I represent You.”

That‟s why I took you to this place of talking about sonship as that being that which comes out of the Father because that‟s what He left us as His glory, that we might be included in Him and He is in the Father; He's come from the Father, we are in Him, we‟ve come from the Father, “as the Father sent Me, so now I am sending you,” we've been substituted in, we are that part of His

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Body which is presently in the earth. We can never understand these things if we don‟t understand the fundamental principle of what it means to be called „son‟. The son comes out of the Father, but the Father and the son are one because the son was in the Father, comes out of the Father, therefore the son knows the culture of the Father, the son by the Spirit of the Father understands what the Father means to accomplish by what the Father says. That‟s why He will take us to heaven, through John, and show us what the Father is doing in the present world so that we may represent the Father, in the earth as sons, in exactly the way the Father desires to be represented. That‟s what this is about.

Now in the piece this afternoon, what I want to show you then, the next piece is the arrangement of the Corporate Son, the arrangement of the Corporate Son, the Holy Nation, “Let them,” when you speak of „them‟ you're speaking of „many‟, “let them be one in the fashion in which You and I are One,” whenever you're talking about „them‟, meaning „many‟ – from every tribe, language and nation – when you‟re configuring them together as one, into a holy nation, the „many‟ as „one‟ is corporate and the earth understands „corporateness‟ as „nationhood‟. The earth‟s view of many as one, many people as one people, their only frame of reference to grasp that is the formation of a nation; a nation is where many function as one. Our nation are the many who function as one, we're all sons to the Father and in our functioning corporately, we will represent the Father in heaven, all of the many facets of the one true Father is meant to be put on display through the „many‟ as „one‟, through a holy nation.

So I want to develop that a little bit further and then speak of the arrangement of a holy nation so that the many actually function as one. Amen? Alright, I'll see you this afternoon.

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A Holy Nation - The Arrangement of the Father's House Part 2 Sam Soleyn October 30, 2010Midland, Texas

So we got as far as IICorinthians chapter 5 that speaks about how God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, let‟s look at that again, IICorinthians chapter 5 verse 19, “that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men‟s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ‟s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ‟s behalf: be reconciled to God. God made Him who had no sin,” of course that would be Christ, “to become sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Now when we hear that God have us the ministry of reconciliation and has committed to us the message of reconciliation - that God is in Christ, and God in Christ is reconciling the world to Himself - we have not properly understood the distinction between the message of reconciliation and the message of conciliation. I bring up terms to frame certain, precise understandings; crisp understandings because part of what we have to do is deconstruct the present order in order to understand what it is so that in the order to be reconstructed, we are not simply reconstructing the thing that should have been torn down in the first place. So what is the distinction between „reconciliation‟ and „conciliation‟? The gospel is the gospel of „reconciliation‟; it is not the gospel of „conciliation‟. What is the distinction and where am I going with this? In the gospel of conciliation the presumption is that you cannot recapture the prior state; you cannot regain the prior existing state. So you're stuck with the break up, so now you turn your attention to getting as good a result as you possibly can in light of the break up.

Let me give you an illustration of what I mean. Let us say that there were two very good friends, let‟s call them Ben and Jerri. Ben and Jerri decided they would go into the business of making the world a sweeter place, so they got into the business of making a product that would accomplish that; they wanted to give something to the world, they couldn’t teach the world to sing but they wanted to give it something. Now this is purely hypothetical, so it is not to be confused with any living persons or any persons past or present.

So these two decide that they want to be in the business of creating this product for the betterment of humanity but along the way, a whole host of problems arose and they decided that they could not continue to engage in making this product but now they have all kinds of debts and they have some assets, they cannot decide how to apportion their debts and their assets; who gets what of the assets and who has to be responsible for what debts. So they go to the court and they ask the court to se

te out their responsibilities and to give them portions of the assets. When the court resolves those matters for them, what the court wants to do is make sure there is the best outcome in the remainder of their activities. So the court doesn’t give Ben all the assets and Jerri all the liabilities; the court will give Ben some of the assets and some of the liabilities and the same to Jerri and they‟ll try as best as the court might, to assign indebtedness‟s that go with the particular assets that the people get. That process is called „conciliation‟, you conciliate by fixing up the aftermath in such a way that the best, possible, fair result might come from the breakup of the estate. What would be reconciliation? If that‟s „conciliation‟, what would reconciliation? If you could in fact reconcile - I'm stretching out the terms so that you hear the sound of what I'm

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saying – if you could in fact „re‟ concile Ben and Jerri, what would they end up doing? Making sweet things for the world; you‟d put them back in their original intent. Are you with me?

When we accepted that the gospel was the gospel of „going to heaven‟, we subscribed to a gospel of conciliation and not to a gospel of reconciliation. Let me explain. The gospel of conciliation begins with the assumption – a true assumption by the way – that man is lost but what we do is we do not ask the question: from what state has he been lost? What is the state that he was in from which he fell? We simply seek to mitigate the consequences of his fall so the best outcome possible would come to him, we do not even think about putting man back in the relationship he had with his Father, we think of getting him to heaven; he skips over the abyss, he skips out of hell and he gets to go to heaven. That is the gospel of conciliation. It is true that man goes to heaven but news flash, you know what, he's not going to remain in heaven. It‟s been so long since we revisited these areas that you looked surprised, have you not read He's going to come again and He's going to bring those people who are in heaven with Him? If the goal is to go to heaven, leave them alone, they’ve reached home. If that‟s the goal, “Why are you coming back, we're coming to meet You? Don‟t come back, we don‟t want You to bring us back here.” It‟s kind of like the joke I once saw in a cartoon where there were two guys taking a break from shoveling the coals in hell and they had sweat pouring off of them and one fellow says to the other, leaning on his shovel and he says, “Ahh, the balmy days on Cape Cod, what I wouldn’t do to be on the deck of my sloop again, the wind whipping through my hair,” and the other guy said, “Well, I tell you right now, there's no way you'll get me to go back to Cleveland.” (laughing) We think Jesus is coming back to bring us back to Odessa, “Leave us alone, we'll be in heaven, thank you very much. No thank you, please, I think I'll stay in heaven,” we've forgotten, can you believe how much we've actually forgotten? What is God doing, what did He start it all for? What did He intend to end up with at the end? This is what He intended, that, “God will be all in all,” there are even a new heavens and a new earth. The gospel of conciliation is about getting saved out of the pit and going to heaven and staying there; the gospel of reconciliation is to be reconnected to your Father. Can I show this to you? God was in Christ reconciling men to what? To whom? To Himself, to Himself. What have we thought eternal life is? We thought of eternal life as going to heaven – we want out of here. In the sweet by and by we know we're gonna get out of here and I've been in some places like Cleveland, I wouldn’t want to come back, but that‟s not the point.

Let me show you what eternal life is, turn to John 17 please, John 17 verse 1, note how Jesus begins, “Father, the time has come, glorify Your Son,” you note that? He sets up the relationship between the Father and the Son. This is very formal you know, Jesus is not saying, “Father, glorify Me,” He refers to Himself in the third person and positions Himself visa vie the Father as „Son‟, a very formal arrangement, a term of art – Father, Son. Now that‟s not just some oblique suggestion that a clever mind may form into something. Look at it, “Father, the time has come, glorify Your Son that Your Son may glorify You, for You granted Him,” now this is Jesus speaking and He is the Son but He's talking to the Father in the third person because He's referring to the relationship in its official capacity, not so much in it‟s personal nature, “I am here then as a representative of the Father, I am the Son to the Father who represents the Father and My purpose is to show the Father as He is,” that‟s what He's doing. Why do you think that‟s so? Because He's speaking in such a way that we would understand that He is presenting a benefit to third parties; this is not a personal conversation between two people that we're listening in on, this is a conversation that is designed to attract people into a belief system. You know how I know that? Because in the body of the text He will say, “My prayer is not for the twelve alone,

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My prayer is for…” this same chapter, “My prayer is for all those who will come after Me that they may be one, Father, as You and I are One,” He's setting up a

digm of understanding designed to include others in it. So this is not a private prayer, this is not a prayer of private communication, you're not eavesdropping on a prayer, He is setting it up with the deliberate intent of attracting you into a belief system.

We're still talking about „what is eternal life‟, we said that in the current view of eternal life, it‟s all about going to heaven. Is that His view? He says, “For You granted Him authority,” verse 2, “over all people, that He might give eternal life to those You have given Him.” Now the next question is: what is eternal life? “You’ve given Him authority to extend eternal life to all those You will give to Him,” so what is eternal life that He has to give to somebody else? “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God and Me,” notice He refers to Himself as Jesus Christ, He didn’t just say, “You and Me,” He says, “You the only true God and Myself, Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.”

Why is it important that Jesus also be known? Jesus Christ, not just the man Jesus, but „Jesus Christ‟, official title, official capacity. When He refers to Himself as Jesus Christ, He is referring to the corporate anointing, if He were referring to His person, He would have referred to Himself as „Jesus‟ or simply „Me‟. So He says, “This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God and Me because I am the way to You. I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life; no man comes to the Father but by Me.” So what are they to know if they “know Me”? They‟ll know the way of access to the Father. What is eternal life then? Eternal life is to reconnect the son to the Father. How is that to be accomplished? By the Son who is available to us that we might be assembled into the Son and therefore be connected again to the Father.

You see, eternal life is to be restored to your heritage in the Father, that is why our gospel is the gospel of „re‟ conciliation and not the gospel of conciliation. So you do not define eternal life as life in heaven because heaven itself does not confer eternal life to you; eternal life is in the Father and in the Son who is connected to the Father.

Because what would happen if heaven were to pass away and eternal life were to be a matter of being in heaven? Will the heavens pass away? Yes. Don‟t you remember these things from way back when you were Baptists? (laughing) Heaven and earth will pass away, I look for a new heavens and a new earth. They're designed to pass away. Heaven is not the location or source from which eternal life comes, eternal life comes from the source of life itself, the Father, the everlasting Father. What was it that we lost? When Adam sinned, he was disconnected from his Father. How do we know that? Pretty good indication when you start hiding from your own Father. Ours is the gospel of „re‟ conciliation because we are to be reconnected to the thing we were se

ted from; we are to be reconnected to life within the Father.

So it doesn’t matter where you are, if you're reconnected to the life of your Father you have eternal life. Do we now have eternal life? Yes. We're not waiting to go to heaven to have it because heaven does not define eternal life, so heaven may be or it may pass away but whoever is in the Lord will remain, “If you live in Me and believe in Me, you shall never die,” but it is not about natural life, it‟s about life in the Spirit, the reconnection of Spirit to spirit; the Spirit of the Father and the spirit of the son. The reconnection is what produces the result in the son of

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eternal life. So that‟s why this is eternal life, “that they may know You,” and, “the reason to know Me is there is no access to You except through Me; I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, nobody can get to You except through Me because I am the one You sent to restore the relationship between the Father and ourselves,” “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father because the Father and I are One.” Let‟s read on in John 17. That‟s eternal life. Now He gets to where I want to go where He says, “My prayer is not for them alone,” verse 20, “My prayer is not for the twelve alone, I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message that all of them may be one Father just as You are in Me and I am in You,” you remember all that I went through in explaining that a son comes out of the Father, the woman was taken out of the man, showing that she‟s simultaneously the wife of the man and the son of the man? The son being that the wife may put on display aspects of the character of the man that he is not as competent to put on display. So the glory of the man is the woman and the man and the woman are not se

te, that came after The Fall, after The Fall he began to see her not as “flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones”, after The Fall it was “the woman You gave me,” but before that it was “flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones”. He had one demonstrated skill at the time and that was to name things and so he said, “I'm gonna name you!” That was the quintessence of showing love at that time. The first thing when he sees her he says, “Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones. You know what, I'm gonna name you,” because he had been naming everything you see, that was how he was exercising authority, “I'm gonna name you: you're woman because you came out of me.” That was supposed to be funnier than you reacted (laughing). I saw somewhat of an old teenager being awkward in his courtship and not being quite sure how to respond to his first love, so he gives her his collection of stamps, what he had been spending all of his adolescence doing, “I got something for you,” he brings her three books of stamps that he's been collecting since high school. That‟s what Adam did, “I'm gonna name you, I'm good at this, OK. I'm naming everything, it‟s been working fine for me. I'm gonna name you.”

That‟s my take on it, but hey (laughing). That‟s when Lucy would say I'm really not funny (laughing). Long way from “flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones”, you're in the Father, the Father is in you, “May they also be in Us that the world may believe that You sent Me. I've given them the glory that You gave Me that they may be one as We are One; I in them, You in Me, may they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” Now the proof that Jesus came from the Father is found in the truth that we are one, “let them be one so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

The world has no way of knowing God the Father or Jesus Christ since the Father is spirit and invisible and the Lord used to be here but He's not here anymore, He's in heaven. What is the world‟s ability to recognize this matter of the Father and the Son, the union between the Father and the Son? Does the world have any ability to understand „many‟ as „one‟? No, not „many in spirit‟ as one but they do have one template that makes sense to them; for the world, many people as one, the only frame of reference that makes sense to them that captures that concept, the many as one, is this: a nation. In a nation many people have the capability of acting as one, you're still individual persons but what happens to a nation affects the individuals within that nation. So the world has a very limited concept of grasping how many may be one and that concept is that of a nation.

So to that end God intends to gather many people from every tribe and language and nation and to form them into one nation. The intent of forming us into one nation is to present the gospel of the Father and the Son to the nations of mankind. I'll say it again; the intent of forming

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the „many‟ into „one‟ is to present the gospel of the Father and the Son to the nations of mankind because nations can understand the functioning of a nation. So the invisible God can be put on display before the nations through the form of a holy nation, that is why the original plan of God that we looked at last night from the book of Revelation chapter 5, was to gather people from every tribe and language and nation and to form them into a holy nation. Because the intent is that by this, the union of the Father and the Son may be presented to entire people groups. A nation you see, in Scripture, is not necessarily a geographic nation, a nation in Scripture is the word „ethnos‟, „ethnic‟, „race‟. All the races of mankind originally came out of Adam, but all the races of mankind have been led astray by the sin of Adam but the intention of God was to reconcile all the nations of mankind to Himself through Christ. When we are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, the form of the relationship between ourselves and God is that of Father and son, we are put into the Corporate Son who is Jesus Christ and on the earth we represent the Father again as He is in heaven. So it comes to be that the ways of God are as visible on the earth as they are known in heaven but that is through the representation of the Corporate Christ; the Corporate Christ is variously referred to in scripture as „the Father and the Son‟, it is also referred to as the family of God, it is referred to as The House of God and it is referred to as a holy nation.

All these are different references to the same thing; each reference refers to a different pool of interests because God will reach man in all of these different ways. When God reaches a man at the level of a father and a son, He restores the person individually; when God reaches man in the order of a household, He reaches man in less than a national way but more in a broader way than in an individual way. All of these particular forms in which God reaches man are designed to address the particular permutations of The Fall. The Fall, you see, did not just affect God and Adam, The Fall affected many forms of relationships. For example, in The Fall the man was se

ted from his Father; in The Fall, the man was se

ted from his wife; and in The Fall the man would become se

ted from his children so that within one generation of The Fall, genocide entered the human picture because one brother kills another brother – two of the same father – and he gives the explanation to God when required by God to give an explanation, that he's not his brother‟s keeper.

We se

te out these things as if they're not connected. Why do you think Cain murdered Abel? Because there was no continuity of the concept of a family. What did he answer to God? “Why are You asking me about my brother? What responsibility do I owe for my brother? Why are You asking me? Do I owe any obligation or duty to my brother? I am, after all, an individual, my father taught me that because he se

ted himself from You.” All of the relationships that existed or would exist, in short order, were comprised by the fundamental loss of fellowship between the Father and the son. I was preaching this in Africa and when I explained that within one generation the spirit of genocide came into the world. When I used the word “genocide” it was explosive. Somewhere in the back of the audience a woman who understood what I was saying let out this shriek, this deep wail

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and the grieving moved around the audience, men started to weep. In fact, some of you have heard the tape of that particular set of meetings, we shut the tape off after just a little bit because we were just arrested, when Africa began – we were in South Africa – when Africa heard the Genesis of the spirit of genocide, it broke into a wailing and a weeping. And a man from Zimbabwe had to come forward and arrest and drive out the spirit of genocide from the continent of Africa because they live with it on a regular basis but when I showed them that the spirit of genocide came when the man was se

ted from his Father and the spirit of genocide entered between brothers.

So the order of God's house is designed to restore every incident of The Fall that‟s why we're not just people who have a father or we're reconnected to the Father, we're reconnected to the Father individually and we are formed corporately into something known as a holy nation that is capable of rescuing mankind from every conceivable effect of The Fall. How would you rescue mankind, for example, from the spirit of genocide if all there is is a relationship between „me and Jesus‟? What would be your framework? How would you solve the problem of genocide if it‟s just „me and Jesus‟? My point is there is no framework in which to do that. When we hear the term “a royal priesthood and a holy nation” we think what that means is that somehow magically, we are just a holy nation. We do not understand that God intends to actually rescue us, bring us in and put us in an order that is designed to show the world in that order, how to overcome the spirit of genocide. There has to be a functioning order that will show man how it is possible for people of every tribe, language and nation to be brought back into the household of God to function together practically. It is a kind of practical functionality that is described in the following terms, “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, nation,” ethnos, “shall not rise against „ethnos‟,” in The House of God because in The House of God there will be representative peoples from every, every, every tribe, language and nation. And that will happen at the same time that there are wars and rumors of wars in the rest of the world. That‟s when you are the light of the world! That‟s when you are a city on a hill! That‟s when you present the good news of the Father and the Son corporately! That‟s the hope of the nations! That‟s the day when nations will stream into the Kingdom! I read it you know, I believe it, I have it on perfectly good authority, for in Isaiah chapter 4 verse 1 it says, “In the last days, the mountain of the Lord‟s house shall be established on the top of the mountains and will be exalted above the hills and men will say, „Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that they will teach us their ways that we may walk in His path,‟ because out of Zion,” which is a reference not to physical Israel but a reference to the Spiritual Man, “out of Zion will go forth the law and the word of Lord from Jerusalem,” because those people in that city, the city on the hill, the one that is like the city that gives light to all mankind that is analogized to not lighting a candle and putting it under a bushel. This generation that we're in now, this age we're in presently began by Jesus declaring the following, “You are the city on the hill,” He was referring back to the prophecies of Micah and Isaiah, those prophecies that said, “In the last days, the mountain of the Lord‟s house shall be established on the top of the mountains and exalted above the hills,” that‟s what it was referring to and it is to this glorious connection of people from every tribe, language and nation that the nations of the world will be drawn and until the church comes to that place, the message to the world is less than what the world needs to hear because there's a declaration of the truth of the Father and the Son that requires that all of them may be one. I didn’t say that, that‟s what Jesus said, that‟s what you just read, “that the world may believe that You sent Me,” when? “When all of them are one in the fashion in which You and I are one,” that‟s when the world will believe. Don‟t worry about the current problems of the church and its connection to the Republican Party, that has nothing to

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do with anything, that‟s just us being forced out of our harlotry, that‟s just us being rescued from our deception. It‟s a good thing, it‟s a good thing that we're being se

ted out from our political harlotry because God will finally have a people He can do something with, who can be formed together into a holy people. Please don‟t hear me say now to get into harlotry with the democrats (laughing). My God, I'm not even going to go there.

How is the Nation of the Lord arranged so that we might become this nation that shows the grandeur and the glory of the Father and the Son in a corporate setting? My point is very exact: we cannot be all that Jesus prayed for, until all of us are one in the fashion in which the Father and the Son are One and that model of oneness is not „me and Jesus‟, it‟s “all of „them‟ as one”, the „them‟ as one is the description of a nation, a holy nation. The arrangement of the Holy Nation is designed to rescue man from things that man has been captured in from which he cannot be freed by you believing in Jesus by yourself, things such as genocide, such as entire nations that are orphans. Those are the actual realities of the world today and one of the reasons why this gospel of ours is no longer appealing to the world around us is because the problems are bigger than our gospel can fix.

We were just in the Ukraine, a nation of orphans, there was a church there of twenty something, thirty thousand Ukrainians, it was run by a Nigerian - some of you probably heard of it – who got very interested in prosperity and Ukrainians who had a history of being poor flocked to it. It has imploded, now it‟s down to about two thousand members. Ukrainians are still orphans, Ukrainians are still poor; that wasn’t the solution, a mega church preaching prosperity was not the solution to a nation of forty million people of whom nearly four million are orphans. We have to come up with a different model to actually begin to address the real problems of the world we live in I know, we've had a simplistic faith, not a simple faith but a simplistic faith for we've thought that our little storefront that we named „World X Outreach‟, we put a little church in a storefront building and we name it „World Outreach‟, give me a break, “We're going to reach the world,” alrightee then. It was common for the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement to take on grandiose ideas that fizzle when you get off the plane in India and the stench of the ghetto cuts across the bridge of your nose and your first instinct is to get back on the plane where you can breathe the air. „World Outreach‟, give me a break. I know, I know, you think I should be more respectful of people‟s delusionary ambitions. You know what delusion is, and how delusion is different from being psychotic?

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When you're delusional you'll build castles in the air; when you're psychotic, you'll inhabit them (laughing).

While we're on that, I heard that there were these messages on an answering machine at a psychologists office, the message said, “If you are calling about an MPD problem,” multi personality problem, “press 1, 2 or 3,” (laughing) “and if you're calling about an obsessive compulsive disorder, press 1 several times,” (laughing) “and if you're calling about a problem of

noid schizophrenia, don‟t leave a message, we know who you are.” „World Evangelism Outreach‟, there's a way God means to do that you know, but not through these little storefront operations or big denominations, what He means to do is to create a holy nation. Look at the intelligence and brilliance of God; He‟ll draw them from every tribe, language and nation and He‟ll form them into one Holy People and they‟ll move among the earth in relationship to each other in such a way that the world would say, “Well I'll be, lookee there, those people are getting along together,” the Arab loves the Jew, that‟ll be the day; the Jew loves the Arab, what is going on? The blacks and the Chinese are getting along just fine, Chinese aren‟t calling blacks „black devils‟, or for the matter, whites „white devils‟. All the prejudices of the earth have fallen down in this glorious city of God. Our problem is, we read it but we don‟t believe it, “The mountain of the Lord‟s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, exalted above the hills.”

Mark and I were riding back from Lviv not so long ago from Western Ukraine back to Kiev, we were having a conversation with Sergei Belov, a guy who is a bishop over a union of churches and I asked Sergei, I said, “Sergei, what would happen when the young people in your fellowships want to get married and God is saying that their spouses should come from the West, how would that work?” In the present order, there's no way for it to work but if The House of God is connected - and we'll talk about how it‟s connected here in a moment – if The House of God is actually connected, every manner of engagement, from marriage, to families, to business can happen anywhere in the world among The House of God. Opportunities are arising in Africa; one of the biggest problems in working in Africa is finding reliable people. You know who the reliable people in Africa are? Same kind of reliable people in America, real believers. And we are even now entering that time when, because there is such a hunger for the Kingdom of God in nations, major figures are coming to Christ because they actually want something else, they're seeking the stability and functionality of nations.

I'm telling you, we have to move up to something else other than our local church, it‟s time to move into another order because way back then John saw that the song of the Lamb included a portion about a Holy People formed into a nation to show forth the excellence of God the Father. When a generation arises on the earth that believes these things, at that time the grace will appear for those things to be so. You know how these things work? They work because God gives a grace for it to be so; when it was time to reach the Gentiles, God sent a man and filled him with the grace to preach the good news to the Gentiles and disposed the Gentiles by his same grace to receive the message as it came. That‟s how the gospel broke out from among the Jews and began to be heard among the Gentiles. God gives grace, God makes the way. When a people arise on the earth who believe the mandate of God for that time, God gives

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grace, that‟s how it happens. It‟s not the skill of men, you can search through Peter‟s message on the day of Pentecost to which three thousand responded, you could search through it for clues on sermon pre

tion and that won't „get er done‟, as we know to say out here. It‟s because the grace had appeared in the earth, at that time and because these very things are being said again on the earth, I promise you, there is about to be a pouring out of grace to accomplish the task of building a holy nation. How does God hope to arrange this nation, what is the intent of God in arranging this nation? Every aspect of the arrangement is in furtherance of the nature of the thing God is doing, the DNA of it. From beginning to end, every aspect of it is the reconciliation of the Father and the son; every aspect of our relationship to God is about the gospel of the reconciliation of the Father to the son. So the building of a nation will never depart from that fundamental truth of the Father and the son.

So how does God build it? We get a glimpse of it from the things that were written before. In Romans 15 verse 4, it says, “The things that were written before time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope,” God gives us types and shadows of the thing before He brings the thing into effect. So before the Lamb was slain who brought about the reconciliation of God and man, before that happened lambs were slain. What was the point? To keep the culture connected to the symbol of what God would bring about in reality. So lambs were slain until The Lamb was slain, after that, the reality replaced the shadow. Men went to offer their gifts in the temple, behind the curtain, until the reality came and the curtain was torn in two and now we may enter directly into heaven.

Everything that God means to bring about in reality, He first acquaints us with through type and shadow because while and during the pendency of the type and shadow, God is keeping connection with a culture so that when the reality comes it does not enter a blank slate or it does not enter a world without reference to the reality. So Abraham‟s nation was arranged in a fashion that gives us a template, or a type and shadow, of how the Kingdom of God is arranged - Abraham‟s nation. God gave a promise to Abraham that would result in bringing Jesus into the world in the flesh. The function, the purpose of Abraham‟s nation was to bring the fleshly Man into the earth, the purpose for a holy nation is to put on display the fullness of the Spirit Man, just like the natural Man was brought through a nation, the Spiritual Man will also be brought through a nation, the Holy Nation will bring forth the fullness of Christ just like the natural nation brought forth the man Christ Jesus. Son of man, Son of God; one is a type and shadow, the other is the reality because God's intent was not just to create the nation of Israel. God's intent was to bring a seed out of that from which He would bless all the nations of mankind. So it takes a holy nation to carry the headship of Jesus Christ. Amen? If you say amen to some of these things if they strike you that‟s OK, if you don‟t feel like it, don‟t patronize me, don‟t feel the need to patronize me (laughing). I've had pretty tough audiences, why do you think God put me out here in Odessa all these years? Listen, if I can make it out here, Ukraine is a piece of cake; I'm on a holiday in Ukraine, after I've come through this. For years I wondered why God had me out here, now I know why, now when I'm going to some tough place I say, “Well at least it isn‟t…” and I name a city out here (laughing).

Abraham‟s nation was arranged in a way that gives us a physical picture, a type and shadow, of the Holy Nation. In Abraham‟s house you remember there was first Abraham and he had one son, the son of promise, that was Isaac; Isaac had the son of promise, Jacob; then Jacob had twelve and at that point a nation was formed. Now the nation was formed at that point in seed

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form because twelve men do not constitute a nation but they are twelve fathers and from those twelve fathers over hundreds and hundreds of years, when they emerge out of Egypt you have a nation of three or four million people. Now you could see the arrangement of that nation that came out of twelve men, it‟s not time to consider that it‟s a whole nation when you only have twelve men, you must give it time because those twelve men are seeds from which a nation will come. Jesus didn’t have to start with one and another, and another and I could explain to you – but I won't take the time – to explain why it was first Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob and then twelve; Jesus could go straight to the twelve and with the twelve He planted the seed for a holy nation. That‟s what was anticipated, “all those who will come after Me because of them,” Jesus said, “let them be one as We are One,” so God always intended the „them‟ to come after the twelve because He planted the twelve in the earth as a seed, they were seed for a spiritual nation. Are you with me?

Isn‟t this stuff just beautiful? I mean, do you not see what this was about? So you'll have to catch up with these twelve centuries later in order to see the Holy Nation. That‟s why they didn’t become a holy nation in one day but it‟s why now what was planted then is to be organized, arranged as a holy nation but the template of their arrangement is in Scripture so we don‟t have to make up what we're doing as we go along. If we catch up with Israel – if you catch up with them at a point in time – you could actually pick up with them at any point and you'll see the same thing. Whether you pick them up as their coming up out of Egypt or you pick them up as they come out of Babylon and they need to be restored as a nation, it‟s the same thing. What do you find? You find a father and a son, you find „families‟, you find households, you find clans - and that‟s “clan” with a “c‟, not “klan” with a “k”, we just need to move past that. I know the moment I said that some of you went „ugghh‟, I saw you (laughing). One brother said, “mmm mmm, mmm”, not that kind of „klan‟, „clan‟ with a „c‟. I'll explain all of this to you - clans into tribes, tribes into a nation. Our immediate push back on that is we have no history of „many‟ being „one‟, so even though you know that all of Israel - twelve tribes of them – formed one nation because we have no history of that in our time, we push back. You know why? Because we're orphans, we hear that out of the culture of an orphan; we do not hear that out of the culture of a son. If you heard it in the culture of a son it would be „woo hoo‟. We get to be so much more, not that we have to divide between so many. The orphan constantly thinks about having to divide between so many; the son constantly thinks about the gathering again of the whole family. You're so much more when you're at a family reunion because you have all of these to whom you belong, you're not alone, you're not „out there‟, you actually have people you could rely on but in our culture we can‟t hear it because the orphan is all about „me‟, “If there are more of „us‟, then there's less for me,” that‟s how the orphan thinks. But in the template of Israel God gave us an opportunity to see the „many‟ as „one‟.

Now here are the distinctions between father and son, families, households, clans, tribes and a nation and then we'll look at them tonight, we'll look at them as they appear in a spiritual context in the New Testament. The form is not fleshly or physical when they appear in the New Testament because in the New Testament you're talking about the Jews and the Gentiles, that was the mystery to which Paul was the custodian and a mystery that was arranged by a suitable administration. The suitable administration is different for „many‟ as „one‟ - tribes, nations, languages and people – formed together as one, that‟s a different administration than if you have one people group - all from the same father, same color of skin, same hairtone, etc - if they're all physically one, you don‟t need the kind of arrangement that is spiritual, you need fleshly orders whereas in the other you will need spiritual order. So one operates by spiritual gifts, the other operates by physical lineage. Are you with me?

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That‟s the stuff you’ve been reading about in the Bible, that‟s why the Bible will even talk about spiritual gifts. If we were a natural nation, physical nation, there would be no need for that, just go to your physical father. But the arrangement has to be spiritual. So you're physical father will look like you, will have the same history as you, will do what you have done; if he's a shoemaker, you'll be a shoemaker. That‟s about flesh. But in the spirit your spiritual father may be of a different race. Doug Allen and I were down in Cape Town – this isn‟t a travel log, this is just where it happens – and the thing about it was how powerful the effect was. We were in Cape Town about ten years after apartheid and the coloreds – „colored‟ is a racial group in South Africa, there are blacks who are traditional Zulu and other descendants of those tribes, there are whites who are called the Afrikaners, who are descendants from European settlers, there are Indians from India, and there are coloreds, „coloreds‟ are a mixed race people; former official racial group, not a slur or any slight.

We were in Cape Town and I was due to give a lecture at a college there in Cape Town as part of the arrangement to which I was invited. So when we drove up there were already a lot of people there and people just went in to get their seats and so on. And they were sitting in a theater style arrangement and I needed to go in and be mic‟ed for the occasion so Doug just said, “I'll bring your bag in,” not unusual, Doug is always helpful and considerate of me, Nancy taught him to do that. So I left and went in and was getting mic‟ed and all of that and turned around and Doug was on the stage, he had gone and put my bag where I was to be seated and he came back toward me – now the audience is out there, ten years after apartheid – Doug comes to me and we meet each other half way on the stage, we embrace each other, kiss each other on the lips. The air was sucked out of the room (laughing), never in their born days had they ever thought they would see a thing like that - a white man kissing a black man, on the lips, on the stage. That message was more powerful than anything I said that night or since. They saw something that they could not explain; they knew if we were playing that other game we would at least have the decency….to I have to hit you in the face with a mop? There it was, in front of God and everybody and it shifted the universe of their experience in an instant. They understood in one second what a spiritual father and a spiritual son were like and it set a standard in them from which they could not possibly retreat as if they had never seen it or known. Amazing. So when we speak of the Holy Nation, you're speaking of spiritual gifts, you're speaking of arrangements of relationships that are designed to show the excellence, the plentitude, the multiple facets of God the Father in the earth. That‟s what it‟s about, it‟s not just some new configuration of the shepherding movement, as some would likely consider. One of the reasons why a lot of these things were counterfeited or men handled them badly not intending to be counterfeits. One of the reasons why was Satan always knew what God would do; he always knew that at some point we would get here because whether it was when the memory of these things had faded because so many generations had passed or within the time of these things, in the living memory of others, that at some point God would rearrange His house in the fashion of Father and son and in that arrangement of His house, all the ills of mankind would be cured, that in the arrangement of His house, the glory and the excellence of the nature of the Father would be put on display through the son. Satan always knew that and that‟s why he has ambushed every move of God that goes in that direction. Now I've got news for you: the son will be taken into Egypt and the son will be brought out of Egypt; the son will survive and the glory of God will be put on display.

And if it seems like I am naive, I am not, I'm a believer; I'm not naive, I know what has happened, I know how things sound to people but I say them anyway perchance somebody will

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hear. And the seed of this thing will fall into the earth, die and produce something that God always intended. I will not leave for another generation the things that were to be attended on my watch, I will not, so help me God I will not because it‟s hard enough to do what you are called to do and also take up the task of your fathers, that your fathers had to do because in the day of your fathers there is grace on them to do the thing that they're supposed to do but in your day there‟s a different grace and if you have to go back and remediate the sins of your fathers or the neglect of your fathers, you may have to do that with special provisions of grace. So let‟s „get er‟ done‟ in our time.

Alright, five more minutes and I'll be done with laying out this particular piece. In Abraham's house, when it reached the twelve in Jacob you had the seed of a nation, when you bring them up out of captivity, they're known by who their fathers are; fathers and sons become the order of that house. Fathers and sons are collected together in a family, in the family unit, each son has a father, so that son learns from his father how to be a father. Might that be useful? Is that a useful thing to learn? Each son learns how to be a father but each son also learns how to live with the other sons of his father. The other sons of your father are called your „brothers‟. What problem does that solve at the family level? The tendency to murder your brother, for one. Where do you think these people learn to kill each other with such abandon? You check out these nations and what do you find? Whole nations that are fatherless, nobody ever taught them to be responsible for their brother. Where do you learn to care for your brother? From your father because your brother is as important to your father as you are.

Remember the story of the prodigal? The brother who stays home, what does he say? “Your son whose wasted your substance in riotous living, he's come back,” what does the father say? “Your brother has come home,” your brother, it‟s the father who implants the idea that the sibling is your brother. When Tamarind referred to Nick as a coo-coo head (I never have figured out what a coo-coo head was), right then I could see the spirit of genocide come up (laughing). So I would say, “What did your sister say?” I reminded him, “this is your sister, my other son; you're my son, she‟s my son,” the reason it requires the father you see, is that a child – male or female – comes out of the seed of the father. The woman doesn’t have a seed, she has the perfect environment to receive the seed but the seed is the seed of the father. So it‟s the father who reminds the brothers of the identity of each of the sons and it heals the problems that began in The Garden. This is the wisdom of God, don‟t we know, this is how you get back with your brother, “Your brother has come home,” not “My son, yes he is that but in being my son he's also your brother and we'll kill the fatted calf and you'll help me skin it. We‟ll have music and dancing in my house because your brother, my son, your brother has come home.” We have a culture of celebrating the value of every member of the house, otherwise we're the Lord of the Flies, every man for himself.

With the breakdown of the role of the father we have this murderous competition among mankind, it‟s why it started. You know, any of you who have children know you have to referee and you‟re the one who reminds them that they're one unit, that‟s where they re-learn it, in The House of God. When you have a father who has a son who is from Africa and another son who is from Europe and one who is black and one who is Chinese, how are they going to learn that each one is the brother? Because the father loves them the same and they learn to love one another in that way. That‟s how we come back in the arrangement of this house. This is how we practically learn that we are one! It‟s not some magical mystery tour, nobody waves a wand over us and changes our mind, it is a learned response! It‟s learning the culture of the father! And God gives us fathers who show us the Father. This is the spirit of Elijah, “In the last days, I

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will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.” What does the spirit of Elijah cry out? “My father, my father!” The earthly that shows the heavenly, that‟s the mystery and the first unit of this great Holy Nation begins with a family, fathers and sons - not congregation and preacher; not pastor and sheep; father and son and a son may be a female just as readily as a son may be a male because you're not their natural anything. You're taking a place that God has assigned you – which is His place – you're taking up, you're stepping into the place God gave to you which is His place. That’s why God keeps you accountable for the way you treat His children; ultimately they're not your children, their His children; you're the father that God assigned to take His place to show who He is to His children, “My father, my father,” “if you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father,” this is the spirit of Elijah, it is the grace of the age that we're in. God has restored to the earth the grace that will cause the hearts of men to turn to others who are not even their natural children. Don‟t you know, that‟s a grace? I mean, if we execute this properly - and it‟s not pastor and congregation, it‟s not sheep and shepherd, it‟s father and son - there's a laying down of life involved and it will restore the family of God.

Families are gathered in bigger units called “households‟, Abraham had in his household at least 320 men who could be armed to go and rescue lot. So a household is comprised of multiple families; the basic unit is the father and the son, the family is the next grade of it, in the family there are many sons to one father, all the brothers are brothers, all the brothers learn the value to each other, of each other. With that building block those families then are arranged into a household because households – and there's a father over those households – those fathers of the households are called „elders of the city‟, that‟s who elders are because they have responsibility to care for families within their household.

So the influence upon a city is the influence of the households and the fathers are the elders of the city. We want cities to come to us and ask our opinion about things on the basis of congregations. What do we know about managing a city if we are pastors of congregations? But if you care for the house, if you care for every member of the household, then you are already functioning in such a way that the city can learn from you because you are already doing the work, out of love, that they're trying to do, out of civic duty. I think you'll do a better job than they can and I think your house will be in better order than their political house and there will come a time when they will ask you – not because they want your vote – but because they actually want good government and you know how to rule out of love; the greatest government on earth is the one that can function out of love. The elders who sit in the gates of the city are ruling the families in their house, that‟s what it was in the old days, when Israel was established as a nation that‟s actually what elders were, they weren’t just old men, these were the same fellas about whom it is said „he begat this one and that one and the other‟ and they „begat‟ all these others. So when they moved into a town or into a region or into an area, they had authority to act because they represented people and the quality of their rule was manifested in the order of their house. And the nation saw them and envied them because they loved one another.

Households. So we start with the man and his father, we move into a family, we collect families into households at the level of father and son the man learns how to be a father by first being a son; in the level of the family, he learns how to get along with his brothers; in the level of a household, he's part of the government of a city. What am I doing? I'm showing you how a nation is arranged because all these are units of nations. What do we think the Kingdom of God is? Many cities within a nation, that‟s what any kingdom is. Is it not, is it not? How do we talk about a kingdom? A kingdom has cities that are in regions that form a nation, that‟s what I'm

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describing to you because there are multiple cities in any region, the reference to the family at that level is the reference to a clan, a “clan”. What good is a clan, what is it good for? What if there's a problem in a city, a massive famine in the city where you have brothers and the households within that city cannot solve the problem? What do you do? How do you take care of them? “As I gave orders to the churches of Galatia, so also do you, Corinthians,” what are the „churches of Galatia‟? They‟re cities; Galatia was a whole region, cities in the region included Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe. So he gives orders to the churches of Galatia to send aid to whom? Jerusalem, “Send aid to your brothers in Jerusalem,” he didn’t just do that with the churches of Galatia, the churches of Macedonia – Macedonia is a whole region – the churches of Macedonia sent relief, regions sent relief to the brothers in Jerusalem. Now all we can do is pray for them because we don‟t know what else to do, we're not arranged as a Holy Nation, we cannot actually affect the condition of anybody; Oprah Winfrey can write a check - that makes all the donations of the church look like change - to relieve the city of New Orleans.

So whose influence do you suppose will pervade cities when Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can put together tens - perhaps hundreds – of billions of dollars to engineer the order of the earth? Who do you think will show the more excellent way to people who are looking for some form of human good will? Do you not understand the need, the crying need to arrange all of the tens of millions of us in the earth from every tribe, language and nation into one Holy Nation? It will be our influence that shapes the world, we don‟t need a seat at anybody‟s political table at that point, we are a different kingdom, we will show forth the excellence of our Kingdom and our King. And God said it will be so, and it will be so. This is the Song of the Lamb.

Cities comprise a region, the same family moves out into regions or clans and the clans form tribes because at that point tribes comprise a nation and we are positioned as a holy nation to be the ones to whom the nations of the earth come to seek answers and understanding based upon our government. Have you noted every aspect of this governmental form that I have described to you is about a family? It‟s about a father and a son. In ancient Israel the weakness in this system was this – well first off, God gave every family an allotment of land because you had to have an inheritance, a stake, in the whole picture – the weakness in the system was: you could lose your stake. If you were sick and needed to sell your land, somehow any disaster that would come up that would require you to be divested of your land; you would lose your stake in this order. So how did God remedy that problem? The Jubilee. In every generation, forty years, He gave the land back. Why? Because this was an arrangement for the ultimate social order of peace. This is a type and a shadow of a kingdom of peace - „righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost‟. Do you see what this thing means? By God's grace we will get there but we won't right now.

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I thank Nathan for the prophetic song. You know, about the time I think we're not making any headway…One time someone said to me, I was up near Washington D.C. and I was explaining something about the primogenitor and about how Judah was selected on the basis of the pledge he gave to God and this one fella said, “Noaa, that ain’t in the Bible,” he said, “Are we reading the same Bible?” he said, “How do you get that, out of that?” So I told him, I said, “You know, when you're one of the big dogs you get these special bibles from God,” I think he went away thinking that was true. But about the time I sometimes grow weary and wonder if and when we will see the breakthroughs, God will give me a sign like tonight. Nathan came and said, “I have a song,” he said, “I believe it’s a prophetic song,” I haven’t heard the song but I know his spiritual father and I know the quality of Nathan's life, so it wasn’t even a second thought that I should make way for him to come and offer this song. And then the children came forward and sealed the deal.

You see, God will in the midst of us, He will insert a sign and a token because I think often my mindset centers and focuses on my generation somewhat and as I look at the prospects of my generation, hearing these things and being affected by them sufficient to change, sometimes I despair. But when I see this tonight I recognize that while I was not looking, or not looking so carefully, God had raised up a generation that was tuned to the frequency of heaven. I'm always amazed at what God will do when I least expect it.

I want to begin tonight with just a different kind of introduction than the way that I was going. In Acts 2 it says, “Now when the day of Pentecost had fully come, suddenly there came from heaven the sound like as of a rushing mighty wind and there appeared onto them cloven tongues like as unto fire that sat on each of them and they began to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance.” The word there for ‘a sound’ means ‘an echo’, in fact, Kenneth Wuest in his translation renders it ‘an echoing sound’. What it means is that there was a release of something from heaven into the earth and there was a resonance, the sound resonated back to heaven from the earth. When the elder escorting John saw that John was weeping, as we read last night from the book of Revelation the fourth chapter, he said, “Don’t weep, see, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome,” and then there was the sound in heaven, the Song of the Lamb. That meant that God determined at that time that before the age of man concluded, the glory of the Lamb would be presented in the form of a Holy Nation, a people gathered from every tribe, language and nation, formed into a kingdom of priests and a Holy Nation to whom the nations would come for instruction. When that process began in the earth, it began with an incremental deposit in the earth, a sound came from heaven and the people on the earth responded to the sound from heaven and God found a people on the earth with whom He could deposit this grace.

Every time God gets ready to deposit another increment of the same thing, there will come a sound from heaven and what it’s waiting for is the echo back to God from a people who see it, who get it and once that happens, it changes the order of the earth. When I was sitting here tonight realizing that the echo of that sound of a Holy Nation was heard in the corner of this room, children said, “Zion is rising and nations will come to your rising, O’ God, Zion is rising,” and that tells me if it takes two generations from me, the third generation, for Zion to rise, the

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sound is already echoing back to heaven from a generation. You know where we're going? We're going toward that sound because they are the future. In the days of their infancy when their voices are not heavy, when their voices are the light sounding voices - nearly that which you would associate with angels - the generation symbolically appeared before us tonight. If we could see, this is what we would see, a generation whose voices have not been sullied by the discontent and the hopelessness of the age - say to God – you know, they weren’t singing for us, they were echoing a sound back to God, “Zion is rising in the earth, we are it.” This is where we're going. By this generation, I do not anticipate in the lifetime of this generation that anyone would need to slug through the order of this day and last night, as I have done. Why? Because it would not be necessary, their ears would have been attuned early to the sound of the Lord walking in The Garden in the cool of the day. If we had eyes to see, this is what we would see; if we have ears to hear, this is what we would hear. There is a generation now in the earth who can hear and see what God is saying so there is a generation in the earth who when they hear that the Lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome they are waiting to see and when they see the Lamd they'll recognize the Lamb and the Lion are one. There's a rising in the earth now, a generation who will hear that there was a multitude of 144,000 of the nation of Israel arranged in the order of Judah and they will see a multitude without number from every tribe language and nation and they’ll know it's the same thing because in them there will be no contradiction because they will see as they ought to see, they will hear as they ought to hear and it will not be a contradiction to them.

The Lord said concerning this generation, “I will arouse your sons O’ Zion against your sons O’ Greece and I will make you as a warriors bow,” Greece is known for reason; Zion is known for righteousness – righteousness and reason are already at war and you heard the sound of Zion overthrowing the order of reason in their generation. This was a mighty prophetic symbol that the Lord whom we seek suddenly gave to us while we were hardly looking the Lord came in and sounded forth the anthem of the third generation. It takes three generations to change a culture, that’s why it was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and then the twelve because Abraham began in polytheism. It takes three generations – he refused to allow his son Isaac to go back among his people to find a wife, in fact he said, “Do not let my son go back among them, I've brought him out of that condition, do not recontaminate him by exposing him again to his ancestors.” He sent Eleazar to find a wife.

Jesus did not have to have a change of culture that required a wait of three generations, that’s why when He came He went directly to the twelves. Let us understand, let us understand beloved brethren, it was God who said the following, this is from the book of Isaiah. From Isaiah chapter 2 and Micah chapter 4, we'll look at both of them because it’s the exact same prophecy, “This is what Isaiah, son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem,” now why on earth would it be concerning Judah and Jerusalem? Who comes out of Judah? The conquering Lion, it’s a prophecy about Jesus’ triumph and Jerusalem is the city of God. This is a prophecy, it’s not about natural anything, “In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be established,” whose house, by the way? The Lord's house. What is the Lord's house? What is a house? The sons, for many generations. In the last days this is what will happen to the house of God: the mountain will be established. That’s a lovely word, it means we shall not be moved anymore, it means it will not be temporary, it means it will be the permanent vesting, “as chief among the mountains,” ‘mountains’ is a symbol for nations, we will be the chief nation among the nations, “it will be raised above the hills,” and in case you think I'm stretching it, “and all nations will stream into it,” into that nation. “Many peoples will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, He will teach us His ways,” that’s their

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hope in coming up to the mountain of the Lord, that’s the hope in coming up to the God of Jacob, that God will teach them, the nations, His ways, “so that we may walk in His paths. The law will go out of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people, they will beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not take up sword against nation,” the word here in the Hebrew will be translated in the greek ‘ethnos’, “nor will they train for war anymore. Come O’ house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord”.

And the same prophecy is repeated in Micah chapter 4, “In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be established as chief among the mountains, it will be raised up above the hills and people will stream to it,” that’s your evangelism. You see, that’s evangelism, people streaming to anything means that’s the thing that’s captivated the attention of the people at the time. People will stream to it, “many nations will come and say…” do you see that? “Many nations will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, He will teach us His ways so that we may walk in His path.’ The law will go out from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, He will judge between many peoples.” Who will settle the disputes among the nations? We will, that’s what it says, “He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes,” for strong nations far and wide, “they will beat their swords into plowshares, spears into pruning hooks, nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore,” every man will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree and no one will make them afraid for the Lord almighty has spoken it. All nations may walk in the name of their God's; we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.

You see, we've never believed this, that’s why the song of the Lamb says God will form these people into a holy nation because it takes a nation to put the fullness of Christ on display; many members, one Body. Do you realize we have never had a theology announced or articulated to us about all that we're doing being ultimately gathered up and formed into a nation, into a holy nation? And yet, to put the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ fully on display requires a holy nation. The clever ones put this over in the millennium because they see no possibility that it will occur in this timeframe but do you know what it says, “In the last days,” of this epoch. This is not for the millennium, both prophecies said it’s “in the last days” because He saves the best for last. We will reach the crescendo of our existence on the earth, as the Body of Christ, “in the last days” and we will collectively be presented as the hope of the nations. So I suspect it will be useful to us to revisit our theology about escape, we will not be pleading with Jesus to come and rescue us, we will very calmly agree with the Spirit that our mandate in the earth has been completed and we'll invite the Lord to return. We will not be driven from the planet, if we are driven from the planet it is because the enemy has triumphed; if we have to be rescued by being ‘beamed out’, it is because our enemy has overcome us. No, when it’s time for the Lord to come back we will know it because the mandates of prophetic Scripture would have been fully completed among us and this one stands in the way because this one presents a very different ending to the phrenetic prophesings of something else, “In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be fully established, the government will be upon His shoulders and of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end,” because God has declared it to be so.

We spoke about the arrangement because once you start thinking about a holy nation obviously it’s going to be arranged differently from a congregation. I'm always amused how we'll have a congregation and we'll decide that all that the scriptures say about the government of God must fit in this congregation, it’s kind of ridiculous when you think about it. This storefront

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‘World Outreach Center’, you're wondering how to pay the rent and we'll have to have on staff apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. It’s a government of a nation, not the government of a storefront operation. God has a government for His nation and it’s arranged differently because from beginning to end and throughout all of it, it is showing the relationship between a father and a son and it is the reconciled relationship between a father and a son that heals the problems of the nations at every level because you know why the problems of the nations have come to be as they are? Because of the culture of the orphan. Every problem that man has today can be traced to the ‘me first’ attitude inherent in the culture of an orphan. Whether we're talking about personal relationships or we're talking about vast relationships, the relationship of nations, because the orphan is always afraid. What did the man say, what did he give as his answer to God as to why he didn’t just show up? “I heard the sound of Your voice in The Garden and I was afraid,” when you make decisions that are governed by fear it’s always about provision and protection, you're personal provision and protection. But we reached back into the understanding and we said, “The culture of a son is about representing the Father.”

So how it is arranged? We looked at Abraham's nation as the template for the arranging of the house in the natural to see the order of the arrangement in the spirit. Abraham's nation began with a father and a son and a son got his inheritance from his father and when that failed, God established the year of Jubilee to restore the order of that form, so every fifty years the next generation got it's inheritance back, the system rebooted and you started it over again. That’s what God was doing, a father and a son – brothers - you learn from your relationship to your father how to be a father and you learn in the attitude of your father toward his other sons what it means to be brothers and as simple as that we begin to cure the spirit of genocide, simple as that. Sufficient to say, we would never have a brother killing a brother if that brother believed that his brother was as valuable to his father as he is and if we had in place a father who loved all of them, it would be the father's love that would restrain the brothers in their violence toward each other.

The seed of genocidal violence would never be released in the earth - where one nation will go to war with the intent of annihilating another nation - if they understood the value of that nation to their father. The seed of it is restored – the remedy comes in many sons, one father and all the sons see the value of each son to the same father. Do you not understand this is why the Scriptures taught us

bles like “If a man has a hundred sheep and one goes astray, what does he do? He leaves the ninety and nine in a protective place and he goes to find the one,” now what is he telling the ninety nine? “If you are the one, I'll come and get you because each one of you is as valuable to me as all of you but if you will not go after the one, you're telling all one hundred of them that none of them are important to you and therefore none of them ought to be important to each other. When you hear these fellows saying, “We just are too busy to go chasing this one down,” that’s not the attitude of a father, that’s typically the attitude of a hireling and what you manage to tell everybody in the congregation by that attitude is, “You're not important either, not important to me why should they be important to you?” And that’s why we could get by with this foolishness that we do every Sunday, it’s why we could get by with it, it’s why we could come in and fellowship with the back of peoples heads and think nothing of it because they're just as important to us as they're important to the guy up front.

It’s a culture, you see, I'm not slamming anybody, the system isn’t supposed to do anything else, it’s doing exactly what it’s designed to. But a father, one with the heart of a father with go

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after the one and in doing so he does two things: he teaches each one how important all of them are to him and when he models that to them they get the picture. Our brothers should be as important to us as they're important to our Father because this is our Father's culture. Some time ago, a man I knew well was dying and another fellow was visiting him and the man was crying, this man was a very important minister of the Lord, very influential minister of the Lord. When the other man who was visiting him saw him crying, he asked him, he said, “Why are you so sad?” The man who was crying knew that it was likely that he was dying because he had some operations and knew that his life was potentially drawing to a close. And this man said to the one who asked him, he said, “All of the men have a relationship with me but they don’t have a relationship with each other,” he was right, that was true. And he could see that the nature of his work was that it wouldn’t survive because they all had a relationship with him but none of them had a relationship with each other. If it’s not the culture of a father because if it’s the culture of a father what automatically happens is that all of the sons to that father learn from the father the value of each of these sons to him and therefore the value of each of them to each other. There were divisions in this man's spiritual family for a long time and he never addressed them. These are serious things.

How then, is the House of God arranged? Again, Abraham's house was a template; first a father and a son because that was what was lost, the relationship with the Father was lost, God is restoring the relationship with the Father, “My father, my father!” The earthly showing the heavenly, this is the spirit of Elijah as we spoke earlier, Jesus says, “I have come to show you the Father.” In the order of God, God will take the mature and use the mature to show the immature what the mature looks like so that the immature might become mature. Can you think of a better system than that for raising people from immaturity to maturity? You assign the mature to represent and to be the standard of the mature and you assign the immature to the mature with the intent that the immature might become mature. If you don’t do that, you need to run a nursery for a long time, you'll warehouse people because they have no path forward by which they can become mature.

Now here is the thing, why do you need spiritual fathers? I mean here I'm making the

llels right away, from the natural to the spiritual. Why would anybody need a spiritual father? Is not God the Father enough? And don’t you remember that the scriptures say, “Call no man upon the earth your father for there is One who is your Father in heaven,” by the way it also says, “Call no man on the earth teacher for one is your Teacher.” First, why would you need an earthly person representing the heavenly father? Leave aside the obvious and glaring example that Jesus was God who came in the flesh; Son of man, Son of God – and with the specific intent to show us the Father. What is the idea that an orphan has of who a father is? An orphan's idea of who a father is suffers from the fact that an orphan has no idea what a father is. I mean, who is an orphan? What is another word for orphan? Fatherless. What idea does a fatherless person have about being a father? Well I'll tell you one of the ideas he has is “don't beat me” or more specifically, “Don’t correct me,” Why? Because to the fatherless man, correction is always equated with rejection and abandonment because anytime he has been corrected it has been in the context of being rejected. If you do not have a father, if you grew up without a father, your identity will always be in question to you; you can't make enough money, you cannot become powerful enough, you cannot be respected enough to satisfy the hole in your person. Why? Because what is lacking in your life is the sense of who you have come from.

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An orphan will always see the hand raised in discipline as synonymous with being rejected, being abandoned, being alone. You cannot put the kind of pressure required to bring a person to maturity upon an orphan because he will resist you because his only response is his belief that that kind of pressure is exploitive. But one who grew up with a father, grew up with seeing the aftermath of discipline, one who grew up with a righteous father is well able to understand that the love inherent in discipline is more what the father owes him than it is anything he does to him. My children grew up with a father and I confronted Tamarind - more so than Nicholas – as often as I needed to, at 32 she writes me notes about how happy she is – never thought I'd live to see the day – uses words like “how happy I am that you are my father”, I thought the girl forgot. No, she didn’t forget, she became mature, she understands now what I knew then and that she had no clue about because all of her friends, who are fatherless, could do anything they wanted to and I was never impressed by the argument that “everybody was doing it”, I would say, “You’re not everybody.” She was frustrated, there were times when she wanted to be like everybody but I wouldn’t let her. Now that the stories have played out and everybody has children out of wedlock and everybody’s on their third marriage and they're barely thirty and some of everybody are in prison, and some of the other everybody’s are working in dead end positions. Now she has a little bit different lens through which to view why she isn’t everybody, she would have cursed me if I rejected her by not applying discipline to her at the right time. She could properly say to me, “Why did you not do this? You knew, you should have known, you are my father.” One time I said to Nick, I said, “I'd much rather be your father than I be your friend,” I said, “because God holds me accountable for raising you properly. And if I'm never your friend because I choose to raise you properly, that’s OK, it’s a price I will pay. Now he tells me things like, “Well, whenever I'm in a tough situation and I don’t know what to do, I ask myself, ‘What would my father do?’”

You learn from your father, you learn from the mature how to become mature; in the day that you are immature you'll be subject to the discipline of the mature but you won't always be immature. The certainty is, if you're never subject to the discipline of a righteous father you can never actually be a righteous father yourself because there's no path for you to come to that. I've often lamented the fact that so many of these bright young children who ‘twisted off’ - as we’d say here in this part of the country – who lost their way early; they were as bright, they were as articulate, they were as capable, they were as gifted as my children and the reason they ended up in horrifying circumstances was simply: that they didn’t have a father. And the reason that mine had every opportunity was that I was their father, as far as I know that was the only difference. The House of God is not the house of orphans, the House of God you see, is a house of sons, sons to the Father and it’s the Father's good pleasure to assign fathers to His house so that His children are not orphans in their thinking. If you're an orphan in you're thinking, you will always relate to God as big and powerful but never loving, you will be surprised when He does anything good for you, you'll live your life always anticipating that the best scenario is where you'll only have 'enough' because you live under the law of sowing and reaping, you do not live in the relationship that gives you an inheritance.

All that your Father God is doing with you in the early days of your life is disciplining and training you so that when you come to another stage in your life He could entrust you with stuff; He could entrust you with order, He could entrust you with rule, He could entrust you with resources because you'll act righteously with them and if He never did that for you - you may become wealthy, you may have authority in these things but you'll always use it in a selfish way, you'll never rule with it because you'll never have enough, any rule you exercise as a result of it will be to further your own interests and no one will ever see the goodness of God manifested in

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your person. You tell me the rich person that you know who is not a true believer that people look to and say, "Ah, I see God in that person." It just isn't there.

So in the level of a family you learn the importance of being a father from a father, you learn the importance of your brothers from the importance your father places on your brothers. What about the statement that I raised earlier that said, "Call no man upon the earth your father, for One is your Father who is in heaven," what about that? Do we just swat that aside and say, "Ah, that's not important because it gets in the way of our doctrine,"? No, that's why I brought it up, I brought it up so that you would know I'm held accountable to the word of Scripture. Now let me move through it in a way that I think will let you get a hold of it very quickly. The Apostle John in John chapter 3 verse 16, most famous verse of Scripture, said, "For God so loved the world," you should know this passage, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son," the word for 'world' in the Greek is 'kosmos'. John, "for God so loved the 'kosmos' that He gave His only Begotten Son," same John writing in I John chapter 3 says, "do not love the world," you know what the word for 'world' is there? Kosmos. "Do not love the kosmos and if you love the kosmos, the love of the Father - who loves the kosmos - is not in you. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the kosmos," I John 2 says, "Do not love the kosmos because if you do, the love of the Father is who loves the kosmos, is not in you." Now that's one fine mess I got us in, 'obvious contradiction, one of the reasons you can't believe the Bible, contradictions everywhere,' rubbish. It's a simple matter of different meanings to the same word, do we use that in english? If I were to say to you, "I've been traveling in the world," what would you understand? I've been moving about in the geography. But if I were to say, "Some people I know live in their own world," would that be the geography I've been moving about in? Better not be. Do you understand the difference? Certainly, you're english speakers and you know you can use one word to describe many different things. Should you use a different word? No, because they're both 'worlds' in the way you might describe a world, they happen to be different worlds; not 'this' one but 'this' one. You don't need to use a different word, the context decides what the word means when you have multiple meanings for one word.

So what's the distinction? The 'world' that God loves is people, that's one of the meanings of 'world' and the 'world' you should not love is an arrangement of systems created, not by God, but by the evil one to induce your reliance upon them rather than upon God. So if you love those systems you cannot simultaneously rely upon God. Simple, no big dilemma. Why? Because there are five different meanings to the word 'kosmos', just like I gave you two different meanings to the same word 'world' in english. There are nine different meanings to the word 'father', when He says, “Call no man upon the earth your Father,” He's using the most descriptive of those words and what He's saying is, “You’re not born of the spirit of anybody else,” so no one can actually have a higher place described in the term 'father' than God. In fact, if that were the case it would be idolatrous but is it appropriate to call your natural father 'father'? Sure, because even the Bible itself recognizes you may be born of two sources; that which is born of flesh has a father and it's not God because God is not the father of your flesh. How else may you be born? Our spirit, that which is born of flesh, is distinct from spirit; that which is born of spirit, is distinct from flesh. When you are born of God, of what source are you born, spirit or flesh? Spirit. And so He's saying, “No one else is the father of your spirit,” is He also saying “no one is the father of your flesh,”? No, He would never be saying that because He himself says you can be born of flesh, in fact, if you're here, you're born of flesh; and if you're not here I don’t really care if you understand or not. Can you say that Henry Ford is the father of the American automobile? Sure. I suppose that means then that the American automobile came out of the loins of Henry Ford. No, that's another meaning, there are nine different meanings. That is why

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on the one hand Jesus could say, “Call no man on the earth your father,” and Paul could say – look at this from I Corinthians chapter 4 – otherwise we have a solid problem. I Corinthians chapter 4:14 says this, it says, “I am not writing this to shame you but to warn you,” Paul to the Corinthians by the way, “I am not writing this to shame you but to warn you as my dear children, even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ you do not have many fathers for in Christ Jesus I became your father through this gospel,” what kind of father is he describing here? A spiritual father, “in Christ Jesus,” which means, “in the arrangement of the house, in the arrangement of the spiritual house God assigned me to the role of representing Him to you and I take this role so seriously because I have heard some of you have become arrogant, I'm going to come to you and I'll find out what these arrogant people are talking about,” and before that he says, “and if you don’t straighten up by the time I come to you, you'll decide whether I come to you with a whip,” I promise you, today if any pastor you know threatens to come to you with a whip, you'll be out of there and over to the next church. You heard the story about the fellow who was rescued after like three or four years of being on a deserted island. They found him and they came to rescue him and he was showing them around the island and he said, “Now this is the hut where I sleep, and this is the hut where I cook, that's the hut where I do my washing and this one over here was my church,” and they said, “Well whats that one?” He said, “Thats the church I used to belong to.” (laughing)

Only a father could threaten to come to you with a whip, only a father could hold you accountable in that fashion. Not only to the Corinthians did he say that, but he also said, verse 17, “I'm sending you Timothy, my son whom I love,” he calls Timothy his son, he calls the Corinthians his children, John does the same thing, he writes to the elders of the beloved elect lady and to my dear children. Peter writes about his son in the Lord, this is not some vague New Testament concept, they understand that the House of God is primarily arranged between father and son and with that, spiritual 'families' and families being gathered together into households, the households are overseen by elders, the elders of households, the fathers of the households are the elders of the city because by definition you cannot become the father of a household – of multiple families forming one household without having some maturity and some age on you. It's what it means to be a father at that level. But when problems arise with the Jerusalem church and you need to secure aid and help for it and much aid and help is required, you need more than a city to come to the aid of those brethren. So you speak to the churches of Galatia because you're a father to them as well; Paul is father to the Corinthians but he's father to the churches of Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe and he could give an order to them to send relief to the brethren in Jerusalem.

They understood this order and in fact, he wasn’t just the father to that clan, he had clans in various other places like Macedonia because Paul was quite literally the father to the Gentiles. So his 'tribe' if you like, in that day was the tribe of the Gentiles. Why would he issue an order to the Gentiles, to help the Jews? Because Peter is his brother, he and Peter have com

ble assignments; Peter is the father to the church among the Jews. Peter has a hard time accepting Gentiles, Paul gets after him as any good father would for rejecting his children, calls him down on occasion but it's the relationship between Peter and Paul that the church overcomes the largest problem facing the New Testament church which was racism. And although the church in Jerusalem never actually accepted Paul – every time he went to Jerusalem he had trouble – yet he would raise support to care for them because of his relationship with Peter. These twelve, early in the days of the church, established the seed form for the functioning of a holy nation that accomplished the impossible even in their day, which

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was the unifying of the Jews and the Gentiles; these were the patriarchs of the early church. Do you know what the word 'patriarch' means? It's one of the nine meanings of the word 'father', the fathers decided the issues that divided the church. Do you think we'll ever see the time again on the earth when there are patriarchs who could bring nations into line within the the House of God? God told us that it would be so in the end of the age.

What we saw in seed form two thousand years ago when it arises again in the earth in our time, it will not be in seed form; it will be the full ear of corn, it will be the thing as God foresaw it so long ago. It's absurd to think that God is going to deliver nations into the church in it's present condition, we have no governmental form to teach us anything about what to do with nations who have come into the House of God but did He not say, and have you not read and do you not believe that nations will stream to it? When will that be? When it's order has been restored and fathers have been raised up at all these levels. Did anybody vote on admitting Gentiles into the Body of Christ? Who decided it? Was that an important issue for the first century church? It would have torn it apart. If that issue were not addressed, it would have stopped the church dead in it's tracks and it would have died with the fall of Jerusalem. How was the issue resolved? By public vote? By a convention with elected members? No, there were fathers in the church who were qualified, God had appointed them, they were qualified, they were called 'apostles' and they were the ones who were qualified to resolve the issue and they wrote letters and gave orders to the church to come in line with the heavenly mandate. That's what caused the church to navigate the difficulties of their time and even by the close of the first century, the church had permeated the world as it was at the time because there was a leadership capable of presenting a holy nation to a people at that time! amen.

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When the issues arose, apostolic counsels decided them, they weren’t done by vote, it was done by the mature who were endowed with the Spirit of God. Every issue that potentially could divide the Body of Christ was resolved by those with the competence to do so.

How crazy is it that we have the new convert as a member, deciding right along with the most mature of saints and the ignorance of the immature may negate the experience and wisdom of the mature. This is madness! No wonder we can't get up off the deck, it should never have been like this, we imported american democracy into the Kingdom of God and we substituted the authority and power of the Holy Spirit, together with the gifts of the Spirit, for the popular vote. That's why we keep the Christian flag and the American flag behind the pulpit, it's our form of government.

The order of God's house is being restored, it has started again with the revelation of father and son and spiritual families and it's now moving up to the place of households some early indication of clans. I do not yet see that we have the manifestation of tribes yet, in the earth although I see some people arising in the earth with influence of that scope and magnitude. In recent times some of you have been wondering what I am doing when I'm not here in midland anymore, I'm not saying I'm not coming to Midland, when I'm not here I used to be here what, twice a month. Denny has some idea of it, I called him late one night, I was out in South Africa in Zulu land in South Africa and needed to talk with him about a matter. He said to me, “Where are you?” I said, “You won't believe it but I'm meeting with people, with men and women in the earth whose concept is about bringing whole nations into the Kingdom. I stood on a platform in Zimbabwe about three years ago and in my audience were members of Mugabe’s government, I promise you this, when you're standing on those platforms it's not 'three points and a poem', something a little more involved. You have to talk to the nations about their history and you have to challenge them, walking delicately through the situations that are presently there. In fact, my message that night was on the need for Mugabe to transition the government, that's the kind of message which when you preach, if it doesn’t go well, you get in an accident on the way back to the airport. In fact – permit me to tell you just this little bit and then I'll wrap it up – this is something for heaven sake we need to broaden our horizons because God would have us broaden our horizons.

When I gave the message I talked about what happened when Zimbabwe was released from the British Empire and how the old lions that fought to secure that release accomplished that measure of what was necessary but how often those skilled in doing that are not as skilled in the administration of that which they fought to get. I analogized between David and Solomon, that David was the king who established the nation of Israel but Solomon was the one who brought it to it's glory but Solomon was the son of David. And I explained to two of Mugabe’s ministers sitting in the audience, I explained that the old lions fought for something that could only be more completely achieved in the next generation, that the next generation needed to respect the fathers who went before them but the fathers needed to acknowledge when the sons had arisen and were ready to take the place and to move it to the next level.

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When we were done – Doug is my witness – as we were finished one of the ministers came forward and said, “Pray for me, I am a Christian,” a minister of the government of Mugabe stood before us and said, “Pray for me, I am a Christian,” so we laid hands on him and gave him as a gift from the Kingdom of God to the nation of Zimbabwe, to help bring about peace and good order in the country. The man was transformed from a public servant to an ambassador of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, given as a gift from the Kingdom to a nation to bring forth order and peace. The other one button holed us in the hallway and he said, “Now yours is not a colonial message,” because they’re very concerned about colonialism and they hear the sound of colonialism. So I said, “No,” and we talked and got down in the elevator, walked and were waiting on the curb for our transport to arrive to take us back to the hotel, he says to me, he says, “This is an important message,” he said, “I promise you this: I will have the message transcribed and I'll put it on the desk of our president,” and I thought, “He’s being nice to me,” so I said, “Ok, good idea,” he said, “When you come back, have your people contact us, we would like to have a dialog with you and the ministers of government,” I said, “I'd be honored to do that.”

Three years went by and they had a lot of problems, as you will recall, a lot of people were killed - genocidal acts – and I didn’t go back, in fact I haven’t been back there. But I was back in South Africa in May of this year and the brother who invited us to come to Zimbabwe was in South Africa in the same conference and he said to me, he said, “Oh, Doctor Sam,” that's how they call me over there, you can call me Sam, very formal you know, “Doctor Sam,” he said, “did you ever hear what happened as a result of your visit to Zimbabwe?” And I said, “I haven’t heard, have no way of communicating, didn’t know that I needed to follow up,” he said, “You remember the minister who told you he’d transcribe?” I said, “Yeah,” he said, “He did and the president read it and liked what you said, so they ordered that the audio be played five times on national radio,” he said, “I'm empowered to ask you to be part of a committee to reconcile the nation,” So I'm officially listed on the registry of the committee to reconcile the nation of Zimbabwe as an outsider in this thing. I tell you that because this thing I'm telling you about, about a holy nation, one of the things I said to them, I said, “If sixty eight or seventy percent of Zimbabwe claims to be christians, then the problem in the country is our problem.” I said, “If this many people in this nation are believers, then the condition of the nation is our problem.” And I challenged the church, I said, “The problem is that the church wants to benefit from devouring the carcass of a dying nation rather than offering it's solutions that come from the Kingdom of God,” I said, “We should be backing up from wanting political power, wanting influence, to be that Kingdom that supplies answers to you,” one of the things I said was, “On behalf of the Body of Christ we apologize to the nation of Zimbabwe.” That's when he knew that it wasn’t colonial.

I was recently in Cuba and I mentioned that earlier on. The official wants to talk with me again because he has not yet met someone who could boldly tell him that our Kingdom is superior to theirs and therefore we have no interest in taking over their kingdom. Who speaks like that in the world today, to leaders of nations? I have not yet seen the Holy Nation take form but I'm seeing the Morning Star rise and I know that the day is not far. That's why the analogy that I gave to you last night is so powerful to me, from thirty five thousand feet in the air I could see the horizon and I could see the sun coming up over the horizon. The people directly before me – I was flying over to europe – the people in Iceland directly below me, thirty five thousand feet below me on the surface were still in the darkness of the night but by reason of my elevation, I was already in a new day. I could already see the dawn of the new day, I wasn't hoping for a new day to dawn, I was already in the new day.

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The prophetic sound of these new things is meant to bring us up from where we are so that we are seated in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus so we can see what He sees in the day that He has given to us, this is the day that the Lord has made! Now that's a different rendition of it, you heard the sound of children responding to the Spirit of God, announcing to the earth that Zion has arisen. What more will it take for us to understand? Are we the kinds of people who can hear the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day? Are we that people? I have come before you here to tell you not just of some arrangements by which we get titles, I've come to lay out the order of the rising of the Holy Nation and to invite those who would come to come into that order, to be formed into a nation of kings and priests. The primary element of it is a father and a son because the strength of this nation always is the strength of the relationship between the father and the son; it's the natural showing the spiritual.

When that which God has started to do now - He began this two thousand years ago, He gave us the blueprint for it two thousand years ago - we are experiencing the template of it and the early success of it two thousand years ago. But do you know what? That seed fell into the ground and it died, that seed of those twelve men forming a holy nation back then fell into the ground and it died because we haven't seen it nearly for two thousand years. What do you think is going to happen? What happens when a seed falls into the ground and dies? It comes up in all that it was supposed to be and verily I say to you, this is the day when it is breaking forth from the dust of the earth, like this mighty nation that once was that was reduced to bones, many and dry, but by the Spirit of God it will rise again as an army. This imagery, this metaphor, it's replete in it's representation in scripture. You must understand that God will finish what He has started. The Song of the Lamb is that from every tribe, language and nation God will gather to Himself a people, men from every tribe, language and nation and He'll form them into a Kingdom of priests and a Holy Nation.

I've preached this message because I believe it and I used to say that if I died and did not see it happen, it's still the truth and it will come forth, but tonight my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. I heard and I saw, I heard and I saw. And from here, I believe, the increase of this there shall be no end. O' my beloved brethren, this is a time to shift and to change, it's a time to migrate, when God gives us a different order, when God gives us a change order, it's time to change, it's time to migrate. This is not the time nearly to say, “Who's my spiritual father? Who's my spiritual father?” This is a time to let the Lord show you who have you been assigned to? The Scriptures say, “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves..” to whom have you been assembled for the purpose of raising you to that maturity? Who are you responsible for if you are a father? Those are the questions. There are many other questions which I don’t have time to take up now and if I were to take them up now it would take us into another whole dimension. I will answer just this one because it's important, it's critically important. Is a woman a son? The answer: yes because we are talking about a spiritual sons. Women may be spiritual sons. And in regards to that, the spiritual father has sons who are both male and female because the spiritual father is a type, an earthly type, of God the Father.

I'll leave it at that juncture.

Tonight there are many spiritual fathers in this house. Some of you in this gathering tonight, some of you I have had the privilege of working with for many years, some of you regard me as a spiritual father and some of you have spiritual families of your own. I believe this is the time when God is making spiritual families available because it's the way of God, as Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans,” and it's the way of God to put the lonely into families. It's by the

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association of families, where people are gathered up from relationships, from loose and unspecified relationships to be formed into the House of God, for a house is the compilation of families. If you belong to Christ, then you've made it back to the genealogy of the sons of God; sixty two generations from Christ was the first Son of God, you make it back to Christ, you're part of the House of God in the earth, if you make it back to Christ, you're part of the promise given to Abraham that a royal priesthood and a holy nation will be fashioned out of the sons of God. That nation – Zion, the perfection of beauty - is arising in the earth now. It went into the ground after a brief and spectacular, early appearing and it is breaking forth and kings will be drawn to the brightness of your dawn, O' Zion, the perfection of beauty. For it is out of this that God will shine forth.

This is not a time to shrink back. I know that the sounds of these things may be new to some of our hearers, I've labored to show you the precise nature of these things in the scriptures. Many nations are desirous of hearing these things and when we go among them, they’re eager to receive the word of the Lord but here in America, we are suspicious of that which is new because we have not learned how to measure these things by the templates of the Spirit and the Letter. And one of the responsibilities of being mature is to judge what you hear, you must judge what you've heard and what you decide, God will answer as to whether or not your decision is accurate or inaccurate. This is the nature of the case but we no longer have the luxury of being neutral, for neutrality is itself a decision. So I commend you to God and to the word of His grace that is able to build you up and to establish you among the sanctified. May every grace abound to you.

I hope in my presentation I've done nothing to try to draw you into something. Certainly here at the end of my presentation I leave before you the responsibility to decide about what you've heard and I pray that the Lord will continue to move you forward and add every grace to you as you come into the fullness of who God has made you to be in the earth. So be it, amen.

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