the smith pack - instruction manual

The Smith Pack (1.0) What is The Smith Pack? The Smith Pack is a brand new unit mod addon for Supreme Commander which offers unprecedented new options for warfare. It comprises 17 new units, with 15 of them having customised models and every one having a unique tool tip and full set of build pictures. So in short no more place holders. What are the new Units like? "Hacker" T1 Gunship* "Riskbreaker" T3 NGFS (Naval Gunnery/Fire Support) Ship* Experimental Spatial Rift Generator "Templar" T3 Siege Tank* "B-104 Armageddon" Flying Fortress* "Attorney" T2 Monitor* "Pylon" T3 Survey Ship* "Absolution" Experimental Strategic Shield "Obligation" T2 Siege Bomber* "Miracle" T3 Hover Tank* "Objection" T2 Bombard* "Kraken" Experimental Dreadnought* "Terror" T3 Carpet Bomber* "Liszt" T3 Submersible ECCM Suite* "Chekhov" T3 Tank Hunter* "Strauss" T2 Howitzer* "Constellation" T2 Battlecruiser* *Has a custom model (amount of editing varies)

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The Instruction manual for the modification The Smith Pack for the PC game Supreme Commander


Page 1: The Smith Pack - Instruction Manual

The Smith Pack (1.0)

What is The Smith Pack?

The Smith Pack is a brand new unit mod addon for Supreme Commander which offers unprecedented new options for warfare.

It comprises 17 new units, with 15 of them having customised models and every one having a unique tool tip and full set of build pictures. So in short no more place holders.

What are the new Units like?

"Hacker" T1 Gunship*"Riskbreaker" T3 NGFS (Naval Gunnery/Fire Support) Ship*Experimental Spatial Rift Generator"Templar" T3 Siege Tank*"B-104 Armageddon" Flying Fortress*"Attorney" T2 Monitor*"Pylon" T3 Survey Ship*

"Absolution" Experimental Strategic Shield"Obligation" T2 Siege Bomber*"Miracle" T3 Hover Tank*"Objection" T2 Bombard*

"Kraken" Experimental Dreadnought*"Terror" T3 Carpet Bomber*"Liszt" T3 Submersible ECCM Suite*"Chekhov" T3 Tank Hunter*"Strauss" T2 Howitzer*"Constellation" T2 Battlecruiser*

*Has a custom model (amount of editing varies)

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Further Information for Commanders:

"Riskbreaker - T3 NGFS Ship"Fluff text:Commander, the Riskbreaker is the stepping stone between your mid-range navy and the real big guns. It can't put out the damage of a Summit, but its missiles can't be ignored. It's main cannon taps energy from your power grid to fabricate and launch a shell downsized from the Mavor blueprints over a low-arc trajectory, and its aft weaponry can shoot down incoming missiles and aircraft. It might just give you the edge in a surface war if you can get one out before the enemy can bring their own battleships to bear.

The real details:It's a more powerful cruiser. It's got two artillery guns which require power to fire, and two clusters of four rapid-firing TacMissiles. Add to that TMD and a SAM turret and the fact it's the cheapest T3 ship and it's a good reason to get to T3 fast.

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"Templar - T3 Siege Tank"Fluff text:The Templar, Commander, is a worthy successor to the Pillar. It hits harder and can take a pounding. But be aware that it has limited intel and is very slow. Consider mixing them with Titans, and you've got a strong force for cracking an enemy defensive line.

The Real Details:It's a heavy tank designed around one gun. It's slow but has reasonable range and does 300 damage a shot. Bear in mind it can't hit moving targets...


Spatial Rift GeneratorFluff Text:You are not going to believe this, Commander. You know that a Stealth Generator prevents the enemy from observing you on radar? Well the brains behind Black Sun noticed that if they altered the equations slightly they could make things totally invisible to the enemy. So the SRG was born. It renders your entire base invisible to optical and radar sensors.

The real details: It's stealth and cloak in one experimental structure. It gets more useful as the map gets larger (on tiny weeny maps like Winters Duel, an omni in the enemy base can negate its effects entirely)

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but is a guaranteed annoyance if they haven't got omni. Plus, INVISIBLE MAVOR.


"Hacker" T1 Strafe BomberFluff Text:Our Commanders used to complain that Mech Marines couldn't hit jack from a transport. So we decided to put one of their guns on a stripped-down Wasp chassis, and see what happens. As it is, R&D fixed the MM's guns, but the Hacker proved so popular in tests we kept it around. It's weak but fast, and can tear light vehicles apart.

The real details: If UEF get a T2 and T3 gunship, why not give them a formal T1 one too! It's weak (50dps, but it rarely hits with every shot) but ludicrously fast and fun to use.

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"B-104 Armageddon" Experimental Flying FortressFluff Text:Well we've gone a long time without something big and noisy to put in the air, Commander, but it's arrived. And it is big. We've put enough armour on this thingto survive the thickest anti-air fire, and its bomb bays can put eight tactical nukes over a wide enough area for them to count. Now you won't be hunting ACUs with this thing, it's not accurate enough. But if the enemy has buildings clustered together they can wave goodbye to the lot of them. And just in case anything pesky can evade these bombs, by virtue of flying or being small, it has four Plasma Howitzers and a railgun to stop them dead.

We've even added a depth-charge to it to hunt subs.

The Real Details: Eight Ambassadors, a Stork and two Broadswords combine together, Power Rangers style, to form the ultimate turtle breaker. It can't hit anything smaller than a Mex, or in fact anything that moves at all, but for smashing bases there's nothing better.

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"Attorney" T2 MonitorFluff Text: Defending your coasts is annoying, Commander. Anyone can tell you that. Especially when the ships start getting bigger and the subs just won't cut the mustard.So, we developed the Monitor class of ship. It's purposeful, well armoured and armed with enough firepower to wreck comparable ships. Leave them patrolling your coastlineand you're safe until the real battleships start appearing.

The real details: A T2 Battleship with light cannons. Its broadside is quite strong, and it has enough HP to tank while air support comes.

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"Pylon" T3 Survey ShipFluff Text:If the enemy outproduces you on the sea, then we can recommend one thing. Construct additional Pylons. They have a full T2 Engineering Suite, the ability to repair shipsand a light Railgun. However, some bright spark decided it would be funny to upload the blueprints to the Fatboy of all things. Don't try building one there, it won't work.

The Real Details: A T2 Engineer with 10k HP and an AA gun? Sounds nice to me! There's no build animations yet, but they will be coming...

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"Liszt - T3 ECCM Submarine"Fluff Text:You know I said stealth is key, my boy? It still is. And if you're going to sea, then you'll need one of these to keep hidden. It's a work of art, a submersible stealth generator that can hide a battleship with ease. And its gun can pick off spy planes when it's on the surface.

The real details:It's a T1 sub with a built-in stealth, radar, and sonar stealth system. Shifted to T3 and given a power drain of 80 per tick, along with an anti-air gun and long-range torpedoes, it can hide your fleet while sniping enemy sonar buoys etc.

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"Terror - T3 Suppression Bomber"Fluff Text:Even at the late stages of war, my boy, the enemy will still rely on massed tanks and fields of resource centres. They are fragile, are they not? So why waste a Strategic Bomber when you can carpet bomb the area and kill two birds with one stone!

The real details:It's an alternative to the T3 Bomber which does massive area damage rather than focussed damage. So you can shield against it but if you've got a massive army a few of these will take it down in seconds. Likewise, protect your matrices! These things eat closely packed bases.

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"Kraken - Experimental Dreadnought"Fluff Text:Why should those vile creatures, the Aeon, rule the seas with their battleship? Or why should the cursed UEF use their submarines and toys to sink our ships? The Kraken, my boy, is the answer! It is everything for a sea war. Its forward guns fire slowly but can tear through armour. Its rear mortars can go from firing to fully reloaded in seconds. Its sponson cannons are lifted from a Gunther. It can rip aircraft apart with its pair of flak guns, one a traditional projectile, the other a laser. Use the Kraken, my boy! Use it to own the seas!

The real details:It's a naval experimental. It's got fore guns which are like three TMLs firing at once and rear guns which rapid-fire. Add to that torpedoes, flak guns and four sponson cannons and a secondary front gun for adding a little punch to a broadside and you've got 76k HP of floating death (that's more than a Tempest). It can shoot across a 10km map with ease, but it takes a SCU 16 minutes to build, so you won't be massing them!

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"Strauss" - T2 Mobile HowitzerFluff Text:The TML-6 is a thing of beauty, my boy. As is the Viper.

But missiles have a failing and that is that they can be intercepted. But a shower of shells from on high? It cannot! The Strauss can cover a chokepoint with shells without a second thought, so use it when the Viper cannot fulfil your needs.

The real details: It's a rapid fire T1 artillery with longer range and a larger splash. Great fun in large numbers.

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"Chekhov" - T3 Tank HunterFluff Text:The Galactic Colossus. Is it not something which strikes fear into your heart?


It shouldn't be! And that is why the Chekhov should never leave your front line! Use its four positronic lasers to slice your foes apart! Let its thin profile allow it to evade the inevitable return fire! It is the tip of the spear!

The real details:A Rhino which snipes. Long-range, slow-firing lasers. Good against experimentals.

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"Constellation" - T2 BattlecruiserFluff Text:We cannot be expected to rely on Salems for all our naval combat, can we? They are, after all, a little dull. So why not try the Constellation? It has much moreability to spread fire, and is far better for smashing enemy units on land. Plus its Nanodart missiles can either be used to crack ships or to swat aircraft fromthe sky!

The Real Details: A heavily armed patrol ship/bombardment vessel, it's a good option at T2 because it can attack both ground and air with enough force to dent a tank raid or a gunship snipe.

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"Absolution" Experimental ShieldFluff Text:Those who resist the Way may barricade themselves behind a seemingly impenetrable defensive wall. They may try and shell you into submission.

But the Absolution renders this futile. Proven even against the UEF's greatest gun, it shelters you until you have force enough to strike out.

The real details: It's a massive shield that can keep your targets of importance safe from even a Mavor. But bear in mind GCs/Monkeylords/Fatboys and nukes can easily bring it down.

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"Obligation" T2 Airborne MMLFluff Text:The Evensong is...lacking, some Commanders say. So we have refined it into a more perfect, more harmonious form. We have taken the Serpentine missile and used it to replace the torpedo tube on a Skimmer in light of these complaints. It provides greater mobility and more chance of attacking behind enemy defences.

The Real Details: A FLYING MML! It's perfect for outwitting things like Buzzkills. What strategies could await?

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"Miracle" T3 Heavy Hover TankFluff Text:When the enemy cowers on their islands, then a force must cross the seas to reach them. Spread The Way by means of these tanks, Commander.Their guns fire quickly and over a long distance, so as to bring salvation all the faster.

The Real Details: It's an Aurora on steroids. Three guns instead of one and nearly as much HP as a Harbinger.

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"Objection" T2 BombardFluff Text:A wave of fire crashing upon enemy ships is what this vessel offers. Keep it at the front of your fleet so its guns can play upon the enemy's armour.

When they are weak, let your other vessels finish them off...

The Real Details: Five weak Oblivion Cannons. Pretty pyrotechnics, and good damage. (Note - this does NOT do 5250 dps - it doesn't have full-size ones!)

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Getting Started with the Smith Pack

What to do first:

1) Delete any versions of UNITMOD that you have lying around. UNITMOD is what The Smith Pack was called before its regeneration. If you don't then there is a good chance you will not be able to use either mod.

2) Extract the archive TheSmithPack.rar to “My Documents -> My Games -> Gas Powered Games -> Supreme Commander -> Mods” and do not interfere with the folder structure.

3) Check you have the following folders in your new folder (TheSmithPack):● units● hook● icons

What to do next:

1) Open up Supreme Commander.2) Go into the Mod Manager.3) Select “The Smith Pack”.4) Play a game.

If you used the Vault:

1. Don't Panic. Everything should be in the right place already, and you probably downloaded this file from the thread on the GPG forums.

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Infrequently Asked Questions:

What is in the pipeline for the smith Pack?

More units! I'm working in conjunction with GeoManNL to make crawling bombs ready for FA's release, along with a T3 ship for Aeon, a T2 aircraft for UEF and Cybran (an AWACS for the former and a fighter for the latter), some old ideas I had (T1 torpedo bombers, a turreted version of the Loyalist's missile retargeter and much more) and anything that you people can think of.

I don't think it's balanced!

Then hop over to the thread and tell me about it. I seriously can't read minds, and so if there's something wrong then tell me!

It broke my computer!

Unlikely, but I don't want to rule the possibility that there's a problem with the code out. If you get a crash to desktop then tell me how it happened (what you were building, what you were using to do what etc) and I'll try to recreate it. If I can't then it's probably not my problem.

Did you do this alone?

Absolutely not! I'd like to thank the following people for their hard work:

● PUREVENOM● GeoManNL● theman● C.Lupus● Legion_Darrath

And I'd like to thank everyone who plays this mod!

What other mods do you roll with?

I usually use the truly brilliant After the War, the ineffably useful Premade Build Formations, the classic TA style Underwater Buildings and the decidedly superficial “AI Names Units” and “All Your Voices”.

However, if you people liked The Smith Pack then I must recommend you support Alien Nation, who have the exclusive right to use the Kraken's model in their pack as well.

Plus, they have been working with Sorian to enable AI support in user-made content. Give them your support!