the skills framework tel: (011) 442 0162 skills audits the skills framework

The Skills Framework Tel: (011) 442 0162 SKILLS AUDITS The Skills Framework

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The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162


The Skills Framework

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The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162


1. The Skills Audit

2. Benefits

3. Techniques

4. Competence

5. Current strategies

6. Case study

7. Implementation in different organisations

8. Cost implications

9. Problems of not conducting a skills audit

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The Skills Audit

“A key piece of information an organisation needs to improve is to know what skills and knowledge the organisation requires and what skills and knowledge the organisation currently has’ (

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Definition of a Skills Audit

“ a process for measuring the skills of an individual or


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Purpose and uses of skills audits

The key piece of information an

organisation needs to improve and to deliver to its Mission Statement and strategy is to know what skills and knowledge the organisation requires and what skills and knowledge the organisation currently has.

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Purpose and uses of skills audits

This information is essential for a number of reasons:

• know where to improve.

• better planned and more focused T&D.

• better defined recruitment needs.

• easier placement decisions.

• enablement of career pathing and succession planning.

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Benefits• Valid and valuable workplace skills plans• Improved skills and knowledge. • Lower training and development costs

because development efforts are more focused.

• Acquisition and use of information that can be used for purposes such as internal employee selection and placement.

• Increased productivity as people are better matched to their positions.

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The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162

2. Audit actual skills

3. Determine development

needs & plan for training/ restructuring

1. Determine skills


Skills matrix Skills

audit results


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Applied competence

“… the union of practical,foundational and reflexivecompetence”

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Foundational competence

“The demonstrated understanding of what the learner is doing and why. “

This underpins the practical competence and

therefore the actions taken.

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Practical competence

“The demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks in an authentic context. A range of actions or possibilities is considered and decisions are made about which actions to follow, and to perform the chosen action.”

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Reflexive competence

“The learner demonstrates the ability to integrate or connect

performance with understanding so as to show the learner is able to

adapt to changed circumstances appropriately and responsibly, and

to explain the reason behind an action.”

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Competency development

Business strategy

Strategic competencies

Divisional competencies

Job competencies- definitions

- proficiency levels - weightings

- links to US & learning intervention

HR strategy

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Current Strategies

1. Self-audits

2. Panel audits

3. Consultant audits

4. One-on-one audits

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Skills audit process flow

1. Communication

- Training

- Information sharing

- Instructions for self-audits.

2. Scheduling

3. Preparation

4. Conduct panel audits

- Rating

- Evidence

5. Feedback6. Reporting

- Individual

- Divisional

- Organisational

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The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162

Rating scaleRating Description Example0 No evidence of An individual does not currently display

competence display any form or level of competence in the

skill listed. He or she may require formal training and exposure to the skill in the workplace.

0.25 Some evidence of The individual may demonstrate part competence competence, but definitely needs formal

training and exposure to the skill in the workplace.

0.5 Evidence of An individual is competent, but needs tocompetence, needs improve. Training is the most effective solution.further training The individual may be at a lower level than the

position requires, i.e. at linear, instead of complex level.

0.75 Evidence of The individual is competent and has undergone competence, needs training. Further exposure in the workplacemore exposure to the would ensure improvement and full competence.skill The individual may be at a lower level than the

position requires, i.e. at linear, instead of intermediate level.

1 Full evidence of The individual is competent in the skills at the competence level allocated to his/ her position.

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Types of evidence

1. Direct - evidence produced by the employee

2. Indirect - Evidence produced about the employee

3. Historical - Evidence about the employee’s past performance

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Pitfalls to avoid during a skills audit

1. The Halo Effect

2. Perfectionism/Non- Perfectionism

3. External Factors

4. Self-perception

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“... the way in which we know and think about ourselves, in other words the characteristics, qualities and inner states that we attribute to ourselves.”

The individual self-audit is effected by a person’s self-perception.

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The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162

The principles of good skills audits

1. Fairness

2. Validity & Reliability

3. Transparency/ Openness

4. Constructive feedback

5. Evaluation of evidence

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The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162

Constructive feedback

• Turn problems into opportunities

• Provide constructive feedback

• Be objective

• Relate feedback to the employee’s needs

• Discuss the company’s grievance procedure in an open, non-threatening manner.

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Evaluation of evidenceUse the VACCS checklist. Is the evidence;

• valid

• authentic

• current

• consistent

• sufficient

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Examples of questions to ask when conducting a skills audit:Does this individual demonstrate competence in this particular skill in the workplace?

How does the individual demonstrate competence?

What evidence is available that proves competence?

Is this evidence valid, authentic, consistent, current and sufficient to prove competence?

What specific examples of competent behaviour exist? When have you observed or heard of evidence of competence?

Is the rating justified in terms of the available evidence?

Does the individual’s knowledge allow competent application of a particular skill?

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Reporting skills audit results

1. Organisational pie chart

2. Divisional radar report

3. Individual competence profile

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1. Organisational pie chart








A. Strategic competency listing B. C. D. E. F. G. The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162

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2. Divisional radar report

The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162

Department name - Divisional Radar Report






100Communication Skills (B)

Interpersonal Skills (B/E)

Administration skills (D)

Planning Skills (D)

Management Skills (G)

Marketing (B/C)

Loans Processing (A/B/C/D)

Computer skills (D)

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3. Individual competence profile

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Individual name & employee number








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Case study Large agricultural bank implemented over 5

months with scope of over 900 employees in 329 sites across the country. Process involved:

• Skills matrix development (competencies)• Training• Individual self-audit• Panel skills audit• Rating verification• Individual feedback• Analysis and reporting

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Different size organisations• Implementation in SMME versus larger

organisations only differs with regards to project timeframes and costs.

• timeframes and costs are established by identifying number of departments, number of jobs, number of individuals, purpose of the skills audit, skills audit approach and whether external consultants are to be used or not.

• In smaller organisations, the most basic and essential skills audit steps include competence identification and rating individual competence levels.

• The key objective of the skills audit is to ensure usefulness of information in achieving organisational strategy through skills development.

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Cost implications

• Training

• Time

• Administrative expenses

• Information systems/ software

• Communication

• Use of consultants, where necessary

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Problems in not implementing skills audits

• Invalid and unreliable training plans• Non-specific training plans• Little or no commitment to training &

development • Little or no alignment of training and

development to organisational strategy and objectives

• Non-implementation of the workplace skills plan and therefore the organisation will not be able to claim reporting grants

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Heather Watson

082 773 7779

[email protected]

The Skills Framework

(011) 442 0162

The Skills FrameworkTel: (011) 442 0162