the skeletal & muscular system

The Human Body: Skeletal System

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: The skeletal &  muscular system

The Human Body:Skeletal System

Page 2: The skeletal &  muscular system

Skeletal System The skeleton is

made up of all the bones in our body.

It gives our body our shape and protects our vital organs (brain, heart, and lungs)

If you had no skeleton, you would be a blob. �

Page 3: The skeletal &  muscular system


1. The eggs are going to represent a brain.2. Place 1 egg in container. Seal the lid.3. Jog around the room, shaking the container. What

happened? 4. Now try the same thing with the other egg, but this

time you will add some protection.5. Fill the container to the very tip top with water. 6. Place the egg in the container and seal it closed

with some masking tape. 7. Now jog around the room in the same way as

before. 8. Carefully open the container. What happened

this time?

Page 4: The skeletal &  muscular system

VocabularyWatch Me!

• Bones: Hard on the outside but inside they are soft, but strong. They come in all shapes and sizes!▪ Bones are made up of calcium it keeps our bones

strong and healthy. ▪ What types of liquids give us calcium?

• Cartilage: is a cushion (mostly fluid) that protects the bones and stops the bones from rubbing against each other and wearing down.▪ Feel your ear and nose they are mostly made of


Page 5: The skeletal &  muscular system

Vocabulary Watch Me!

• Joints: Where bones come together• Ligaments: Stretchy bands that hold

bones together at the joint.

Joints Ligament


Page 6: The skeletal &  muscular system

VocabularyPlay Me

• Bone Marrow: Bone marrow is sort of like a thick jelly, and it makes blood cells. There is red and yellow bone marrow.

Red : is the kind in which blood cells are made.

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Page 8: The skeletal &  muscular system

Muscular System:Play Me

There 630 active muscles in your body. 3 Types: Smooth, Cardiac (Heart),

SkeletalSmooth Muscles: You can't control

this type of muscle. Your brain and body tell these muscles what to do without you even thinking about it.

Skeletal Muscles: are attached to your bones with tendons.

Page 9: The skeletal &  muscular system

Fast Facts You are born with about 350 bones. Adults have 206 bones. Our bones make millions of new

blood cells every day (bone marrow)

Giraffes and humans have the same number of bones in their neck 7!

Page 10: The skeletal &  muscular system

Exit Ticket

Write down 2 things you have learned about the skeletal system.

Page 11: The skeletal &  muscular system

Chicken Wing Experiment To better understand what bones are

made of, we are going to experiment on a chicken bone.

Chicken bones are similar to our own. They are similar enough that we can learn a few things about our own bones!

Page 12: The skeletal &  muscular system

Can you find this on your chicken wing?

Joints Ligament


Page 13: The skeletal &  muscular system


Complete the worksheet, read about the skeletal system and then label

the body parts of the skeleton.

Page 14: The skeletal &  muscular system

Making A Skeleton Each member of your group will get

a part of a skeleton. Label each part of the skeleton then

glue it together.

Page 16: The skeletal &  muscular system

Experiment Follow Up/ Quiz

Let’s check on our chicken wings and record our results and SHARE!