the six strand matthew walker knot

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  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


    The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot

    1. Gett ing ready ~

    The Mathew Walker Knot (MWK) was, for a very long time, t he only knot named after

    an individual. He was a British Navy rigger and invent ed this elegant , almostmysterious, decorative knot. There are diffe rent versions depending on the number of

    strands. A three- strand knot can be relatively easy, the six-strand one we are tying

    here is said to be much more diff icult. But the difficulty is really only in staying

    focused. Well tie t he knot as part of a lanyard it serves as a transition from one

    type of braid or sinnet to another. In the photo you can see t wo MWK knots separating

    French sinnet (on the lef t) f rom the braids with the Star-knot Button and then again

    separating the braids from the continuing of the Half-round sinnet on the right. This

    tutorial with step- by-step photos should guide you to a very successful result.

    Tools and techniques:

    Several tools and techniques are going to help you to tie t his knot successfully. I use

    two kinds of pliers as the key tools. The smaller blue- handled pair I use f or both

    making the space or pathway for another strand as youll see below and sometimes

    for t ightening a knots individual strands. The parallel-jaw pliers I use exclusively for

    this knot because it helps the internal guts of the knot to fit bett er together and tighten

    up as youll see below. You must make sure any such tool is eithe r

    cleaned met iculously or used only for t his task. Other tools may

    serve the same purposes use what youre most comfortable with.

    I use a Constrictor knot to hold any part of knot and lanyard work temporarily. So, for

    example, when the braids above are complete and the second MWK needs t o be

    added, I tie a constrictor around both braids to hold them securely. The following

    photos show the constrictor in three phases.

    Basically it is a clove hitch with an overhand knot under one strand. The first photo

    shows the clove hitch;

    The second shows the overhand knot tied underneath;

    The next one shows the knot partially snugged up; youll need to t ighten it so its neat

    and the strands are close together.

    When in use for t he MWK make sure it is snug you dont want it slipping before you

    re ready!

    Finally Ive found there are a f ew *Secrets* that will help you tie t his knot much more

    successfully. Ill indicate those below with aste risks so youll know to pay special

  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


    Notice how the strands are being managed those already knotted are on the right,

    those still to go on the left .

    3. Now 4, 5, 6 ~

    Now it starts to get a bit more complicated. The photo on the right shows the

    beginning of the fourth knot you can see the space waiting for the strand here ,

    then its in place in the second photo be low on the right.



    The strand goes around the back like the others and now we have to get it up through

    the three existing strands and its own loop. Here I use the small pliers see the third

    photo, and note t hat any similar tool will do.


    *Its important to count carefully*

    Did you notice the second *secret *? I count down from the new loop at the top right

    we need t o go under four t he three strands weve kept on the right to remember t henumber of knots already tied and the new one. As they say in carpentry, Measure

    or count twice!

    The fourth strand is now in the space made by the pliers in the photo on the right.

    As you do the same for t he f ifth and sixth strands you may find youll need t o make t he

    path and run your strand up first under the previous wraps, then in a second shot

    under its own loop.

    I find somet imes the new loop seems too far to the right to get all in one t ry.

    4. Fairing up ~

    So here , all knots have been tied its still a bit loose and its time for a quality control


    Look all around to see that everything is in place. In the photo you can see one wrap

    thats not. It needs to be moved over and up to be in the right spot.

    *Snugging slowly*

    I use my finger nail to hold the top on one knot while Im snugging slightly each strand

    to even them all up.

    Then I use my thumb to hold the knot while I snug slightly one strand at t ime all

    around we need t o leave it a bit loose but with all knots and strands looking the


    Also look from the top down to be sure all strands coming out look right. If not , this is

    the time to correct perhaps by pulling one strand out and starting that one over. Its

    not hard to miss one loop when youre going under with the 4th, 5th or 6th strands. At

    times Ive had to start the whole t hing over!

  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


    Your knot should look like this.

    Now were re ady to move the knot into position.

    5. Moving down ~

    So now we have t o move the knot down theres a space above the constrictor, then

    there will be a small sect ion of slack to t ake up once the constrictor is removed.


    Ive found this technique to be very eff ect ive in get ting this knot to where we want it to


    In the photo on the right, Ive t aken the knot above, held all six strands in one hand and

    the constrictor (or below) in my other and done what I call a series of small pump-

    push movement s. Notice the knot is down to the const rictor and much looser.

    So now it needs to be snugged up again using the technique discussed in step 4

    above. Do it gently and with finger nail or thumb tighten one strand at a time. I go

    around clockwise once then counterclockwise once pulling slightly on each strand.

    The slightly is key to get ting this right tightening one strand too much

    at this stage knocks the whole knot of f.

    Then remove the constrictor and repeat this whole procedure gently and slowly.

    When the knot is in the posit ion you are happy with no slack and looking good

    coming out of the braids we starte d with, you are ready for t he f inal step.

    At this point, your knot should look like this one.

    6. Finishing ~

    The final tightening is just like weve been doing with the *secret* techniques weve

    bee n using: *slowly* and *slightly* one strand at a time.

    *Hold the barrel*

    Again I hold the whole knot bet ween my thumb and forefinger while tighte ning each


    Heres another, sort of side view.

    *Shape the knot*

    The next technique Ive found very ef fective is to shape the knot as I tighten. I use the

    parallel jaw pliers because they are the right size and make it easy. Riggers working

    with larger knots of diff erent t ypes use wooden hammers. You could use a small

    hammer here if you like just make sure as you drag it out of the tool bin that it s


    So go around and around the knot with t he pliers or a hammer gently squeez ing or

    hammering. Then snug all strands again going first clockwise, the n squeezing or

    hammering, then counterclockwise.

    Repeat , repeat , repeat until its hard and tight.

  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


    Re-t ighten as necessary if this produces any additional

    slack in the knot: The MWK's beauty is in the tight spiral

    it produces.

    Congratulations! Were done! Some like to

    leave t he barrel round; others like t o make it

    oval you can flatte n it a bit with the pliers or

    a hammer.

    I hope t his tutorial has been easy to read and follow. If not,

    or if you have any questions on it, please fe el fre e to email

    Vince and he'll re lay the questions / comments to me.

    Charles T. Wilson, Sept 2010

    San Francisco, CA

    The Six strandMatthew Walker Knot

    Courtesy ofMr. Charles T. WilsonSan Francisco CA

    Last updated 09-22-2010

    Click on anypicture to bring

    up a larger


    The Matthew Walker knot has defied me for longer than many of you have been breathing. I've had

    countless people t ry to

    show it to me, send me descriptions and otherwise drill the making into my pea-sized brain,and

    finally, Charles T. Wilson, out

    there on the Lef t Coast, has succeeded. Herewith his writeup and photography on doing the

    Matthew Walker in a

    six-stranded version.

    Once you get this

    one down, you will be able to do this knot in any number of strands.

    As in all of my tutorials, clicking on the picture beside the t ext will give you a larger shot for more

    detailed examination.

    Bonne chance!

  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


    All content this page 2004-2011Charles T. Wilson & Frayed Knot Arts.

    All rights reserved.Reproduction or use prohibited without

    our prior written permission.




  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot


  • 8/13/2019 The Six Strand Matthew Walker Knot
