the sims and powerpoint: a lesson plan for grade 8 content area: visual arts technology peng-hsu...

The Sims and The Sims and PowerPoint: A Lesson PowerPoint: A Lesson Plan for Grade 8 Plan for Grade 8 Content Area: Content Area: Visual Arts Visual Arts Technology Technology Peng-hsu Huang (Eric), Peng-hsu Huang (Eric), [email protected] [email protected] ETEC 414 – Fall 2007 ETEC 414 – Fall 2007 Nov 28, 2007 Nov 28, 2007

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The Sims and PowerPoint: A The Sims and PowerPoint: A Lesson Plan for Grade 8Lesson Plan for Grade 8

Content Area:Content Area:

Visual ArtsVisual Arts


Peng-hsu Huang (Eric), Peng-hsu Huang (Eric), [email protected]

ETEC 414 – Fall 2007ETEC 414 – Fall 2007

Nov 28, 2007Nov 28, 2007

About TheSimsAbout TheSims

TheSims is a game that allows players to build their own virtual home in a 3D environment within a limited budget. A player’s avatar will go to work to earn game currency and use that currency to improve their virtual home.

Overview of the LessonOverview of the Lesson

TheSims simulates real-world objects and this course utilizes this feature to help students to become familiar with 3D visual arts. The game has rich and variety of content but is easy to learn. All items such as furniture, house plants, electronics and sport equipment are in 3D design that will enhance a student’s 3D conception for advanced level visual art classes.

Learner AnalysisLearner Analysis

The learners of this lesson are eighth-grade students.A summary of learner analysis

• All students are required to finish Basic Visual Art and Introduction to Computer classes before they can register for this class.

• Students are capable of using a computer to collect information from the Internet by using various search engines.

• Students are highly motivated to learn new skills by using multimedia as a tool. (One of the girls, however, has not yet played any video game and is not really interested in this method.)

• 70% of the students scored above B on Basic Visual Art. • 85% of the students have Internet access at home and the rest of

them rely on the school computer lab.• Five students do not have PowerPoint in their home computer.

Learning ContextLearning Context

• The lesson will take place in the computer lab.• The computer will install TheSims program for students to use.• The class is medium size with 15 students.• The course is deigned to finish within 7 days at 2 hours a day.• The teacher will be using the computer connected to the projector in

the lab to do the lecture.• The teacher will provide handouts and a checklist for students with a

step-by-step procedure to build a basic home.• The teacher will also provide some websites for students’ reference. • On the last day the students will use TheSims to redesign their own


Performance ObjectivePerformance Objective

Using TheSims program to create a dream home, the eighth-grade student will use PowerPoint to design a four slide presentation to present their final work. The virtual home will be a minimum of 30’ x 30’, fully furnished, and at least one living room, one bedroom, one bath, and one kitchen.

Performance ObjectivePerformance Objective

C (Condition): Using TheSims program to design a virtual home and present it using PowerPoint

A (Audience): The eighth-grade student

B (Behavior): Student will use computer to design project and present it

D (Degree): The virtual home will be a minimum of 30’ x 30’, fully furnished, and at least one living room, one bedroom, one bath, and one kitchen.

Domain: Cognitive

HCPS III Standards: Fine ArtsHCPS III Standards: Fine Arts

Fine Arts, Grade 8

Standard: Visual Arts 

Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences

Benchmark FA.6-8.1.2

Apply selected elements and principles of art and design to communicate a particular message or opinion in an original work of art

Benchmark FA.6-8.1.4

Apply different qualities and characteristics of art materials, techniques, and processes to convey effectively different experiences, ideas, and opinions

NETS StandardsNETS Standards

• Basic operations and conceptsStudents demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.

Students are proficient in the use of technology.

• Technology productivity toolsStudents use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

• Technology research toolsStudents use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

Gagne’s Event #1Gagne’s Event #1

Event 1 Gaining Attention• Turn off the light in the lab • Project on the big screen a short movie made from TheSims to

catch students attention• The movie will show how the characters move and interact inside

the virtual world• Choose a fast paced background music• Have students point out which parts they like or dislike

Gagne’s Event #2Gagne’s Event #2

Informing the Learner of the Objectives• We have all had the experience when we visit other people’s homes and

wish that we had a kitchen or bedroom like theirs. This course will give you a chance to see how easy it is to build your virtual dream home.

• In this class we will be using the game TheSims to build your virtual dream home and present it using PowerPoint.

• I will show you some basic tips to build a simple home.

• Feel free to take notes or go online to search for ideas. Over the next few classes you will have many chances to revise your home or re-construct it. But remember, this is a seven session course. Don’t spend too much time on rebuilding your home.

Gagne’s Event #3Gagne’s Event #3

Stimulating RecallAsk students the following questions:• Present 2 pictures, one is 2D and the other is 3D and ask students

to identify which one is 3D.• Ask students where to find PowerPoint in program list from the

“start” button • Ask students how to start Internet Explorer, Firefox or any other web


Gagne’s Event # 4Gagne’s Event # 4

Presenting Stimulus Material• Give students a sheet of paper printed with some design examples• Give students a handout with basic instructions about the game

manual• Give an instruction manual on how to make slides using PowerPoint• Give a non-example and example to students

Gagne’s Event #5Gagne’s Event #5

Providing Learner Guidance• As students listen to the lecture, they will have a checklist to ensure

they have taken notes for each step (Ex: Create avatar, obtain virtual real estate, build walls and fences, purchase furnishings etc.)

• Circulate amongst the students and provide assistance as needed. Make sure they are on the right track making progress.

• Give specific, positive feedback and encouragement• Pay special attention to the female student who has no experience

or interest in video games.

Gagne’s Event #6Gagne’s Event #6

Eliciting Performance (Practice)• During the first class, students should have taken all the notes they

need and practiced building a virtual home at least once.• Before second class, students should have a blueprint finished

before they come to class. The students should start building their virtual home in the second class based on their blueprint.

• They will receive a checklist to ensure the require elements are included in their project.

• Walk around and provide guidance and encouragement.• Reinforce the requirements that they should include in their project.

Collect students’ innovative ideas for next class.

Gagne’s Event #7Gagne’s Event #7

Providing Feedback• A brief review will be held at the beginning of each class to

determine what kind of virtual home the students plan to build. This review session will be very short to allow time to complete the project.

• During the review, I will share any innovative ideas that I collected from previous sessions.

• I will provide a checklist so they can ensure their project fulfills the basic requirements. This will give me a measure of the students’ progress to ensure they are proceeding as necessary.

• I will also provide after class assistance so students can discuss their project with me.

Gagne’s Event #8Gagne’s Event #8

Assessing Performance (Testing)The sixth class will assess students’ performance• There will be no paper exam for this course. Grading is based on

their project presentation and attendance.• Students will present their project using PowerPoint.• Students will identify all required elements based on the PowerPoint

presentation and the checklist.• Students will also evaluate their peers’ work and vote for their

favorite design.

Gagne’s Event #9Gagne’s Event #9

Enhancing Retention and Transfer• On the last day of the class, students will use TheSims to

demonstrate what their real bedroom looks like and use TheSims to redesign it.

• On the day students vote for their favorite design, they will be required to give a short description of why they like it.


• Day 1: The course will focus on two parts. The first part is to recall the skills students have learned in previous computer and visual art classes. The second part will introduce basic concepts and game control. Then students will try-out the game for 30 minutes. The students will draw a blueprint at home and bring it to the next class session.

• Day 2: I will use the first 30 minutes to discuss common mistakes they made in their game try-out. The students will start their project by building the framework of the house. I will walk around and provide assistance as needed from this day until day fifth.

• Day 3: Students will start placing furniture, electronics, kitchen appliances, etc. I will recommend that students save their progress before spending on expensive items. That way they can always go back to previous setting if they don’t like it.

• Day 4: Students should have a virtual home built and avatar should be living and acting in the home.

• Day 5: Students should start taking some screenshots and compose their PowerPoint presentation.

• Day 6: Students will present their project. Each student has five minutes to present.

• Day 7: Students will use TheSims to construct their real bedroom. Then students will design a dream bedroom in TheSims.

NOTE: Class will be 2 hours each day

Multiple TechnologiesMultiple Technologies

• In this lesson plan, I integrated four technologies.– PowerPoint– TheSims– Make Screenshot with Paint– Internet– Word Processing

Student Technology UseStudent Technology Use

• Student must use the following technologies in order to finish the course.– They must create their project by using TheSims

– They must present their project in PowerPoint

– The only way to take a screenshot is through Paint

– Internet is optional for the students who do not have Internet connection at home

Reflection from Teacher’s PerspectiveReflection from Teacher’s Perspective

TheSims does not provide online function which TheSims2 does. This function allows students to build their home in a virtual world accessible to other players in real time. Internet access is a limitation to development of this course.

The computer lab has limited computer access and each student can only register for one hour use per visit. This can discourage students from improving their project.

The course was designed for seven days. By extending it to ten days the instructor could expand the content and could integrate more technology.


••••• ETEC 414 NETS handout• ETEC 414 Gagne’s 9 Events Handout• Student Examples from WebCT

The EndThe End

I hope this integrated technology lesson plan (TheSims and PowerPoint for Grade 8) using the HCPS III standards, the NETS for Students, ABCD objectives, and Gagne’s 9 Instructional Events will help you to incorporate technology into your Fine Arts—Visual Art curriculum.

Please feel free to contact me or Instructor if you have any questions or comments.

The lesson was created to demonstrate the possibility of what technology can do in visual arts and the positive use of video games.