the seven orbs of the seven sages - · 2017. 4. 12. · 1- the legacy kai lay in his...

THE SEVEN ORBS OF THE SEVEN SAGES A fanfiction novel by DEFTSCAR Based on the game: Dragon Quest 8, by SQUARE EINX

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Page 1: THE SEVEN ORBS OF THE SEVEN SAGES - · 2017. 4. 12. · 1- THE LEGACY Kai lay in his bed, facing the roof. He had gone through so much. So much to get where he was now


A fanfiction novel by DEFTSCAR

Based on the game: Dragon Quest 8, by SQUARE EINX

Page 2: THE SEVEN ORBS OF THE SEVEN SAGES - · 2017. 4. 12. · 1- THE LEGACY Kai lay in his bed, facing the roof. He had gone through so much. So much to get where he was now




Page 3: THE SEVEN ORBS OF THE SEVEN SAGES - · 2017. 4. 12. · 1- THE LEGACY Kai lay in his bed, facing the roof. He had gone through so much. So much to get where he was now

1- THE LEGACYKai lay in his bed, facing the roof. He had gone through so much. So much to get where he was now. He had started as a boy, servant and soldier. But now he had grown to become a warrior, King and hero.

The adventure had started long ago. There was good and evil. The Goddess Empyrea and the Lord of Darkness Rhapthorne. The world of Light ( the world that Kai lived in) was ruled by Empyrea. A Goddess in the form of a bird. Not only was there a world of light, but there was a reverse world ruled by Rhapthorne, which was called: The World of Darkness. There was a balance. Good and evil had balanced for many years and had formed a way of life, until evil (by it’s nature) broke the peace. Rhapthorne transported himself to the world of light in order to destroy and rule. The only thing standing in his way was seven powerful sages each with their own powerful knowledge of the power of mana. (The power of magic). The sages had imense potential power. But this power could only be unleashed if all seven of them united under one common goal, the victory over Rhapthorne. So the Seven Sages united and joined forces. With the power of the Godbird, they sealed Rhapthorne away in a magical sceptre and locked it up in the castle of Trodain. And the only way for Rhapthorne to escape was if he was to kill all the heirs of the Seven Sages. And unleash his foul ‘human’ flesh. Even though human was hardly a word to describe it.

Kai sighed as he clearly remembered the night the scepter was stolen and the curse was placed on Trodain. An evil jester and theif, by the name of Dhoulmages, had stolen the sceptre after he heard about the tremendous power it obtained. Completely unaware that the Sceptre contained Rhapthorne. The Lord of Darkness seized his chance, and the moment Dhoulmages layed his hands on the Sceptre he became possessed. Rhapthorne then Placed a curse on Trodain, It’s King and Princess, freed himself and began his rampage on the Heirs of the Sages. The only way to lift the curse was to kill Rhapthorne himself. King Trode, Princess Medea ( newly cursed monster and horse) and Kai had all left immediately after Rhapthorne. They had met many friends on the way including Yangus the reformed bandit in whom Kai had saved his life. Jessica, a fierceless

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magician who happened to be the sister of one of the Sages Heirs. And Angelo, a Templer Knight who gave up his position th help Kai on his quest after he experienced Rapthorne’s power first hand.

After a long quest Rhapthorne had killed all the Heirs and was released from the power of the sceptre. Kai and his party had seized this opportunity to defeat Rapthorne once and for all. Empyrea knew that the only way Kai and his friends would have a chance, was if the Seven Sages joined them in their fight. So The Godbird Empyrea created The Seven Orbs of the Seven Sages. Orbs with the power to hold the souls of all the seven sages. So with the help of Empyrea and The Seven Sage’s Orbs they defeated Rhapthorne and the curse on Trodain was lifted. Once Rhapthorne’s curse had been broken and Princess Medea had turned to her former human form, Kai and Medea got married. Two weeks later King Trode died and Kai immediately became King.

And now he was here. Lying in his bed in The Castle of Trodain. Staring up at the roof. Reflecting on his life so far. With a stab of pain, he realised something that still hadn’t been cleared in this fateful chronicle. After Rapthorne’s defeat, where had The Seven Orbs of The Seven Sages gone? Empyrea hadn’t told them where the Orbs would go after the battle! It was like they disappeared of the face of the earth!

Kai lept out of bed and ran out of the room and down the hallway. He kept running until he came to the courtyards in which he saw his beautiful wife. “Medea!” He shouted as he ran over to her.“Kai? What’s wrong?” Medea said as she felt his disturbence.“You know the Seven Orbs right?”“Uh......yea?”“And you know when I killed Rhapthorne with the aid of the Orbs?”“Yeah?” She replied simply confused.“Well where did the Seven orbs go after the battle?”“Well, uh... I’m not quite sure, actually!”Kai looked at her with a look of fear. “If any evil were to strike now we will be powerless to oppose it without the orbs!”Medea smiled as she held his hands firmly. “There is no more evil in this land my handsome King! We are safe as long as we have each-other.”Kai smiled with absolute pride. “You are right.” He said as they kissed.When they broke Queen Medea began to walk away. “ Where are you going?” Kai asked.“Why the throne room of course! Race you there!” She replied teasingly.“I’ll beat you yet!” Kai said as he raced his wife to the throne room.

Kai remembered when they were children. They would race eachother all around the castle. Medea would win most of their races and then she would boast about them to the other children of the castle. Yet

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characteristicly, Kai was compeditive so he would demand a rematch, but then losing again to the superior speed of Medea, thus creating another rematch. This circle would continue to spin throughout the day.

Kai burst through the door of the Throne room. He glanced up and saw Medea sitting on the Throne with a cheeky smile on her face.“I beat you slow poke!” She giggled as Kai ran and tackled her. They rolled on the floor laughing and hugging. “Sire there are two men here who seek a word with you.” A Guard said as he came in with a shocked look on his face as he saw Medea and Kai rolling around on the floor.Kai and Medea got up uneasily and blushed. “Uh, well.....” Kai stammered.“Let them in?” The Guard advised.“Ah....yes. You go do that.” He replied as he straightened the crown on his head.”Ah, okay. Um.. I’ll do that.” The Guard said uneasily as he opened the door. In stepped two men in long Templar’s cloaks. One’s cloak was blue and the other red. One had black, short hair and the other silver and long.They both wore long silver swords at their belts and they both had a heroic look in their eyes. Then and only then did Kai realise who they where. It was the two templar brothers who had fought for freedom: Marcello and Angelo.

“Hey Kai! Buddy!” Angelo said happily as he hugged his old friend.”Long time no see!”Kai smiled as he put his hands on Angelo’s shoulders.”Good times friend, good times!”“Ha! Ha! Ha!”Angelo turned to Medea and Marcello and Kai shared a stiff handshake.“Your looking wonderfull this morning!” Angelo said to Medea. “You never change do you?” Medea replied pleased.“So what brings you here on this fine morning?” Kai said happily.”Are you hungry? Do you want some breakfast?”Marcello shook his black haired head in answer at all of Kai’s questions.“Our visit is not merely a visit for leisure, Kai.” Marcello said with a grave look on his face.”Yet a visit of great importance.”Kai frowned. “Come with me.” He said as he walked through a side door that led to a small room with a table and a map that covered the whole wall. In followed Angelo, Marcello and Medea. They all sat down at the round table. Kai remembered his adventures with Angelo. Angelo had joined him on his quest after Abbot Franscisco (Sage Heir and loyal friend) died at the hands of Rhapthorne. Kai, Yangus and Jessica had attempted to save the heirs life but failed. Angelo had been thankful for their efforts and joined them on their quest to defeat Rhapthorne. He had sought revenge.

Kai looked over to Marcello.” Why aren’t you still in hiding?”

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“Well after my incident with Rhapthorne....” Marcello said refering to a previous incident in which Rhapthorme possessed Marcello and used him to destroy the whole Isle of Neos. “......I had went into hiding in case an angry mob tried to kill me. I could come out of hiding now, because everyone is too focused on rebuilding Neos to be bothered about me.”Angelo frowned. “Enough chit-chat! We got to get down to buisness!”“What buisness?” Kai asked.“Our world is under threat.” Angelo said. If evil were to strike now we will be powerless to oppose it without the Orbs! Kai thought as he remembered the words he had said only a few minutes before. Kai looked at Medea distressed. “What is the threat?” Kai said as he turned towards Angelo.“It is Rhapthorne’s right hand demon.” Marcello answered darkly. “Gemon.”

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Jessica sat at the dinner table. Her long, flowing, red hair, was straightened. It looked marvellous. “Ahhh.” She sighed.‘The Albert Mansion. Always good to be back home.’ She thought as she recalled her adventures with Kai, Yangus, Medea and Angelo. Good times.It was a funny relationship she had with those friends. Even though half their adventure they were warding off dark monsters, she still had time to make friends and build companionship. Their quest was over, but she couldn’t help missing the thrill and excitment.“Jessica?” Jessica’s mother said from downstairs.”Don’t wait for me! You can start dinner without me!”“Okay Mum!” She answered as she greedily began eating her feast.

Jessica had regreted that moment when she was to busy greedily eating to notice the dark shadows looming in the room.

While Jesseica was rummaging in her food she began to feel a cool breeze on her neck. It sent a cold chill to her spine. And that wasn’t from the weather. “ Sarah?”“Yes?” A feeble, weak voice of a servant said from downstairs in the kitchen.“Are you sure you closed the windows this evening?” Jessica said as the cold air began to freeze the saliva in her mouth.“I’m sure of it Ms Jessica! I even cleened and dusted them too!” Jessica nodded off the coldness and continued her meal.Must be a hole in the roof or something. I should get Sarah to check on it.“I won’t be long now Jessica!”“Yes Mum. But you better hurry up or your food will go cold!”Cold. Why was it so cold? Jessica couldn’t think why. So she ravenously continued her eating extravaganza. Suddenly a gigantic woosh of cold air

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came tumbling in. It blew her fork out of her hand and on to the ground. Now that didn’t come from a small hole in the roof! She slowly leaned down to retreave it. Too soon had she done it before she came faced with her fate. She truly had regreted that night.

“Jessica?” Ms Albert said as she finally came upstairs from doing whatever she was doing. Unfortunately for Ms Albert, Jessica was no where to be seen. A cold wind was heard as it left the building.

- - - - - - - - Yangus opened the door of his house and began walking to the local Inn. He dodged a few beggars on his way, but apart from that his trip was totaly fine. Well thats what you get from living in Pickham. It’s such a scumbag of a place. Of course Yangus never chose to live in a run-down place like Pickham. The only reason he had returned was to pay a few goods that he owned a few people and then he’ll be on his merry little way. He was starting a Merchant buisness with his soon-to-be-wife (or at least he thought so), girl friend, Red. But this certain meeting he wouldn’t be paying anyone. They’d be payin ‘im. Since his adventures with da Guv, Jessica and Angelo, he’d reckon that a few people owed their lives to ‘im. He reckoned his was a hero! But of course he was far from that. Yangus reached the Inn. He opened the door and he casually walked in. He walked up to the front desk and becconed over to the Inn keeper.“What can I ‘elp with ya?” The Inn keeper asked. Yangus noticed the crappy old name tag on his robe labeled ‘Jonno’. He looked up at Jonno as the Inn keeper smiled, showing all his black disgusting teeth.“Well Jonno mi’ good mate. Would ya ‘appen to be able to get Asher down ‘ere? Got buisness with ‘im.”“Yeh sure.” Jonno replied as he turned around, back facing Yangus.“Sheryl! Get ya fat bum down ‘ere! Sum bloke needs ta talk with Asher!”“Coming Jonno!” An angry voice replied as an old hag appeared and stormed up the stairs in search of Asher.“Men these day! Always think they can boss us around! What do I get? What do I get? Nufin! Thats wot I get!”Shouting was heard from up the stairs. Smashing and banging was heard to a bits of pottery tumbled down the staircase. Finally, the 40 yr old, bruised and bashed Asher, appeared at the top of the staircase.“Yangus mi mate!”He said. “Want a spot of tea?”“No. ‘came ‘ere for a spiffic goods. You no wot I mean.” Asher nodded and walked up the stairs. “Wait for me outside! I’ll come with the goods.”Yangus nodded and he walked out of the Inn. Asher walked up the staircase as he dodged particulary sharp peices of pottery. Mother. You live with her, you try to leave. But marrying old besty aint cut it.

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Asher opened the door to his room and walked in. He sneaked up to a draw at the back of the room and caustiously opened the underwear draw. He looked around to see if anyone was looking before stuffing his hands in and pulling out a bag of coins. He then rushed out of the room, down the stairs and out the door of the Inn. Unfortunately for Asher, Yangus was no-where to be seen. In his place was the dusty dirt where he had been. A cold wind was heard as it left the spot were Yangus was standing only seconds ago.“Yangus? Yangus!”

- - - - -“Gemon.” Kai said as he gritted his teeth as he remembered his previous encounter with him. “That little bastard!” Medea said with rage. “I thought that we killed him when he tried to pick a bone with Empyrea!”“He’s like a lady.” Angelo said. “He keeps on coming back for me.” Medea looked at Angelo and rolled her eyes. “We’re really not in the mood for that junk now Angelo!”“Ha! Junk? I’m perfectly good looking thankyou!”“Good looking? Good looking? Your about as good looking as Kai ass on on a hot summers day!”Kai gave Medea a shocked look. “My ass is quite good looking thankyou!”“No it’s not! It’s fat and disgusting!”“Ha! The only thing fat and disgusting around here is your head!”“Why I never....”“ENOUGH!” Yelled Marcello at the top of his lungs. “It’s not going to help if we run around yellng like headless chooks! If we’re going to destroy Gemon once and for all, we need to start acting like a team. Now I know I’ve done some bad things, but thats in the past now. We need to put our differences aside to help defeat this menace.”Medea frowned. “Well what are we to do?”“Well that’s why we came here.” Angelo replied. “So, what do you think we should do.”“The Orbs.” Kai said as everyone turned to look at him. “We need to get the Seven Orbs of the Seven Sages. It’s the only way to defeat Gemon.”“The Orbs...” Marcello said in thought. “...and were might we find these orbs?”“Well after they scattered from the fight with Rapthorne, we lost all trace of them. We hadn’t a need for them so we didn’t seek them until now. But if I were to look for it, I would travel to Empychu. The Godbird Empyrea’s Country.” Said Kai. “Hopfully we could find Empyrea there. She’ll tell us where the orbs are.”“Great now that our destnation is settled, who shall journey?” Angelo said. “Who is willing to fight ‘till they die?”

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“Me.” Said Marcello immediately. “Anything to do with Rhapthorne is my enemy. Including Gemon.”“I too will go.” Said Angelo. “Wherever Marcello goes, I will go, ecspecially if it means an adventure.”“I will journey ‘till I die.” Said Kai. “It is my duty as king over Trodain to protect this land against the darkness. Also I have unsettled buisness with Gemon.”“Well thats it......” Angelo began, but was soon cut off by Medea.“You won’t go without me. Ever since I was cursed into a horse, I have been left out of the action. But now that the curse is lifted, I wan’t to help restore peace in the land.”“But you are a lady Medea!” Kai said desperately. “You can’t go on a dangerous mission in almost no hope of return!”“And besides,” Angelo said. “Someone needs to keep governing Trodain.”“But I really wan’t to go!”

After a long and painful “civilised disgussion”, the matter had been sorted out. Angelo, Marcello and Kai were to journey to Empychu in hope to find the Orbs, while Medea was to stay back and govern over Trodain. They had also descided that they would send a messenger to collect Yangus and Jessica (old friends from their previous adventure), to join them on their quest. But of course when the messengers arrived, Jessica Albert and Yangus the reformed bandit, were no where to be seen. Of course there was a disturbence when the messengers returned alone, but Marcello had soon came to the conclusion that Gemon had nabbed them. This factor had made Angello, Marcello and Kai even more eager to begin their quest. And so the three heroes took up their swords once again. The quest for the Seven Orbs of the Seven Sages had truly begun.

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Angelo, Marcello and Kai, had walked for three hours now, and were getting quite close to the border of Trodain. The three began walking in silence. Before the quest had begun, Kai had gotten changed into his travelling clothes. A yellow robe, a blue undershirt, green pants, brown boots and a red bandanna on his head. He was in his adventuring mood again as he began to whistle merrily. Angelo was also in a good mood. He wore a broad smile of braveness and couragesness. Marcello on the other hand didn’t have such an opptimistic point of veiw. During the whole trip so far over the vast meadows, Marcello always had his sword drawn and ready, in case of any unexcpected monters. Of this he had found none, untill Angelo, Marcello and Kai came across a bridge over a crevace marking the border of Trodain.

On this particular bridge there was a bandit of enourmous size and structure. In his hands he held the most enourmous dam club you would ever of seen in your life. “Hide!” Marcello said as he grabbed Angelo and Kai and pulled them behind the cover of a tree. “We can’t let him see us.” He continued. Kai frowned. “I thought all the bandits were gone after I came to rule. Obvioulsy the guards haven’t been doing their job.....”“How are we going to get past?” Marcello said. “ We out number him in numbers, but when it comes to man power he wins the lot!”“Yeah but we have willpower.” Angelo said. “If we use some sort of distraction, we could sneak past with out him even noticing.” Kai nodded and immediately picked up a rock. “Watch and learn some tricks of the trade.” He said as he threw the rock into a tree. Half a second past but then two birds fell out of the tree and landed on the ground dead. “Wow!” Angelo started but was soon cut off by Marcello and Kai shutting him up

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furiously. The Bandit soon noticed the birds and crept over to them. “Who goes there?” He said as he obviously wasn’t smart enough to notice a trick or trap. “Now!” Kai whispered as the three of them crept out of their hiding place and began to creep towards the bridge. The Bandit was now inspecting the tree in hope for more dead birds to come falling out. He had no such luck.The three adventurers were walking on the bridge now. Trying not to look down at the menacing crevace below. The wood looked like it was going to snap any second, but suprisingly enough, it held the weight of all three of them. Angelo crept silently behind Marcello and Kai. “AHHHHHH!” He said as the plank that he was standing on suddenly gave way and Angelo was left dangling there by one arm. Too late. The Bandit had heard and was charging towards them with his club in the air like a crazy axe murderer. “I’LL KILL YOU! THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE MY WRATH? YOU WILL THINK DIFFERENTLY AFTER I’M THROUGH WI TH YOU! OR MAYBE IF I WHACK HARD ENOUGH, YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO THINK AT ALL!” The Bandit reached the bridge and took a wild swing at Marcello, who swiftly ducked and pulled out his sword. Kai rushed over to help Angelo up. “I don’t think this bridge is going to hold much longer!” He said as he struggled to lift the weight of Angelo. Marcello took a lunge at the bandit with his sword. The Bandit grabbed the blade of the sword and pulled, which sent Marcello tumbling behind the bandit. Then the moment that they all feared occured. The bridge collapsed. “Hold on!” Kai yelled as they all grabbed the floor of the bridge (including the bandit), and the bridge broke at one end and swun towards the other cliff-face. “Climb!” Kai said as Angelo gathered his senses and Marcello dragged The Bandit of the bridge, (which had now become a ladder), who then tummbled to his deaths at the bottom of the crevace. After a lot of struggling and climbing, they finally reached the other side and began walking towards the forest. Kai looked back at the bridge. “Damm! Now I have to pay for that to be fixed!”Angelo smiled. “It’s better that than a loss of a life!”“A bridge can be fixed but a life can’t.” Marcello said and the other two looked at him. “Ah... well we better continue. We’ve lost alot of time already and it’s almost night fall.” Marcello said uneasily as he began briskly walking off. Marcello. Kai thought as he soon followed Marcello along with Angelo. He’s gone through such a dark past. I only hope this quest can fix it all. Or at least fix his life.

- - - - -Medea looked out over her balcony over the land of Trodain. She might never see Kai again. She might never be able to raise a child with him and share the joy of parenthood. But no. Now that she was Queen, It was her duty to the Kingdom. Nothing got in the way of that. She had never questioned the way of things, until now. Now her husband was gone. If he

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was going to die, she would rather die with him. That’s why she really wanted to go. She was powerless. She couldn’t do anything but wait. And for now, she would do that.

- - - - -Marcello, Angelo and Ka had travelled fast in the past few days. They had covered ground like a speeding Sabrecat. They had past through the forest, through Farebury, past Alexandria (Jessica’s home town), and now they were heading for Port Prospect were they would find a ship to travel to Empychu. The road to Port Prospect was barely a road at all. It was just behind the shore of the ocean and the road was covered in mossy, wet rocks. So Marcello descided that they would travel along the beach, were there weren’t as many rocks to slip on. Seeing the ocean reminded Kai and Angelo of their adventures on the sea, riding The Magic Moonshadow Ship, and their little incident with a female bandit and treasure hunter named “Red”, and the ghost of Captain Crow.

Yet finally, after walking across Prospect Beach and Memory Lane, they came to Port Prospect. A Port and village on the end of the land, looking out on the ocean. It was getting late so Marcello, Angelo and Kai descided that they would sleep at the local Inn for the night.

“So that’s Marcello, Angelo and Kai?” Said the fat, old, cheerful woman at the front desk of the Inn.“Yes.” Said Kai, as he handed over the fee of twelve gold coins to the woman. “Here’s your cash.”“Thanks. And in return, here is your room keys.” Kai recieved the keys from the lady and pocketed them.“So what room are we in?”“Ah, last door on the left corridor. Number seven.”“Thanks! We do need a good sleep!” Kai said as a sleepy Angelo began to nodd off to sleep but was soon awakened when a scream was heard from one of the bedrooms.“Oh the Goddess!” The lady exclaimed. “That’s Lady Rosetta! Hurry! Help her!”“What room is she in?” Angelo exclaimed, (while inserting a heroic aura to the situation).“Number seven on the right side! But do hurry!” Then with no further hesitation, Marcello, Angelo and Kai, rushed up the stairs and down the corridor. “I just hope we are not too late.” Marcello said as he knocked the door down with a single kick. They just caught a glimpse of a reptilian-like creature before it jumped out of the widow. Marcello rushed over to the window and watched as the hideous creature silently disapeared into the night. “Blast it! We almost caught Gemon!”

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“I don’t think it was Gemon.” Kai said as he and Angelo knelt over the wounded lady Rosetta.“Why not?” Marcello said.“I’ve dealt with Gemon before. He never injures, yet he always kills.”Angelo shook his head with disgrace and pushed Marcello and Kai aside.“Move away! I have a charming affect on women and I think I get get ‘ol damsel in distress here to tell us what happened.”“Oh the Goddess.” Marcello said as Angelo knelt over Lady Rosetta and prepared for a kiss. “There’s always one in the family!”Angelo was just about to connect lips when he was hit by a ferocious punch in the stomach, then followed by a slap in the face. Angelo starred at Lady Rosetta with shock. Rosetta smiled cheekily. “I’m not that much of a damsel in distress Mr Charming!” After helping Lady Rosetta up onto a chair Marcello asked, “So my Lady, what excactly did you see in here?”Rosetta smiled. “I might be able to answer better if the wound in my arm was tended to and if I was given a spot of hot chocolate.”“Certainly!” Angelo replied while he rubbed a hot, red mark on his face. “The hot chocolate is on me.”

- - - - - - -“Well, I was sitting in my room going about my own buisness,” Rosetta said after the Innkeeper, (Judy), had tended to her wound and Angelo had “Generously” shouted out a little “spot of hot chocolate”.“When suddenly I turned around and there was the most horrid beast I had ever seen.” Rosetta started to sob a bit and started to rub her wrapped, wounded leg. “The dragon started to...”“A dragon!” Kai exclaimed in disbelief.“A dragon?” Angelo said dumbfounded. “Not in this time of month.”Marcello sneered at Angelo and then turned his gaze towards Rosetta. “I don’t supposed if we killed this dragon, we could recieve a reward? Maybe..... perhaps, enough money to buy a decent ship?”The lady laughed. “Money? Buy? Darling if you kill that Dragon, I’ll give you one for free!”“Free?” Said Angelo.“Free!” Said Kai greedily as he wouldn’t have to waste King Trodes inheritence.“Free.” Rosetta confirmed.“But how?” Questioned Marcello. “What right do you have to give away free ships willy-nilly? Ae you the manager of the ferry industry here?”“No but my uncle is.”“Uncle?” Said Kai.“Yeah. He owns the boating industry here. If you slay the dragon I’ll put in a good word for you.”

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Kai got up, smiled and shook her hand briskly.“Thankyou for the offer! We’ll have the dragon slayed in no time!”“Good.” Lady Rosetta said. “Bring back the head so that I know your not taking me for a fool.”Kai smiled and signalled for Angelo and Marcello to follow them to their room. When they reached the room and the door was securely shut behind them, Angelo broke. He pushed Kai against the wall. “What’s your problem?”“Come on! We’ve defeated dragons before!” Kai replied as he struggled to break free of Angelo’s grasp.“Angelo control yourself!” Marcello stepped in and seperated the two.“You don’t actually agree with him do you?” Angelo said, feeling torn.“Well considering the situation, yes. We’ve lost most our gold from that fight with the sabrecat on the way here and we need to save what we have left!” Marcello replied sincerly.“We are going to die!”“Get a grip of yourseft!” Kai yelled as he grabbed hold of Angelo’s shoulders. Angelo punched Kai in the face and Kai released his grip and staggered back. Marcello put his hand too his sword. “What was that in aid for? We are mean’t to be fighting Gemon, not ourselves!”“Excactly!” Angelo cried. “Gemon! Not a dragon!”Marcello shook his head. “ Why are you scared of this dragon? You’ve fought other dragons before!”“It isn’t the same!” Angelo exclaimed as he began to sob. “This dragon killed my father!”Marcello was shocked. “Our father? How dare you mention that traitor! The father who had an affair with a maid and created you! Good for him! He deserved it!”“SILENCE!!!!!!” Kai cried as he ran between the half-brothers. “Shut up you spoiled-king-brat! Angelo said with a punch that knocked Kai head-over-heels and out for the count. “I quit!” Angelo said as he stormed out of the room and down the stairs. Marcello rushed out after him, sword drawn. “Angelo, I don’t want to do this.” He said as he saw Angelo aproach the door. Angelo turned. “Don’t follow me my half-brother scum! I’m going to travel to Alexandria and stay at the Inn for whats left of the night. So don’t follow me!”“ Angelo”. Marcello said confortly as he layed his hand on Angelo’s shoulder. “Don’t do this.”“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Angelo spun around, drew his sword and slashed Marcello across the chest, nailing him to the ground and giving him a deep cut along his chest. And as Judy and Rosetta came running at Marcello’s aid, all Angelo could do was stop and stare. He’d lost It. He breathed sharply with short and rushed breath. He walked forward in order to help Judy and Rosetta withe Marcello. But the women clutched Marcello’s lifeless body with a look of fear in his face. Angelo turned and ran out of the Inn. When he escaped Port Prospect, and begun to run along the

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beach, he tripped over in a puddle of water sand when he did so, the water turned from colourless to a deep red. Angelo looked frantically over his body for a wound. But he found none. Then he realised this was not his own blood, It was Marcello’s. He had lost. He was ruined. But the strangest emotion he felt was an unusual one for his personality. But for the second time in his life he realised what it was. For it was the same feeling that he had when he had first come to the Abbey. And when Marcello realised that he was his half-brother. The feeling was rejection.

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“Heresssss your foooood ssssssscum!” A snake beast said as it passed some brown “food” that resembled poo through the iron bars of the cell.Jessica sneered as she picked up the tray and took a sniff.“AHHGHHHHH!” She cried in disgust. “Thats not food! It’s your own crap!”“Call it what you like!” The serpent sneered. “If you don’t eat it you’ll starve!”“AHHHHHHHHH!” Cried Yangus as he ran towards the serpant. He stuck his hands through the bars and began ruthlessly strangling the serpent.“That’ll teach ya to serve us crap fa dinner!” Yangus said as he through the snake against the wall. The Serpent was dazed, but recovered when Yangus yelled out, “Tell Gemon ta give us some proper food! And don’t go food poisoning it either!”The Serpent did his best to smile as he slowy slithered away. “Of course....”“Good!” Yangus replied as he turned to face Jessica.“ So Yangus,” Jessica said. “Do you think Gemon will give us proper food?”“Meh....” Yangus replied. “If he doesn’t I’ll bash the willies out of ‘im!”Jessica leened her back up against the wall in thought. “Well if he gives us proper food he’ll probably wan’t took keep us alive. But for what?”“Beats me!” Said Yangus just before they heard a hissing noise. “Don’t talk. I think ‘ol serpent buddy is back.”Jessica and Yangus kept their eyes glued on the door up ahead as it slowly creeked open. And in came the Serpent. “ Gemon wan’ts to speek with you two.”“Finally!” Yangus said. “Time for a bashing!”“There will be nothing of the ssssssssort!” Serpent said. “I’m going to open your cell so you can come out now. Ssssssso DON’T try anything!”“Goody!” Whispered Yangus to Jessica. “When he releases us we can pound ‘im!”“And escape!” Jessica added in whisper.“Ramicom! Comimra! Help me open the cell!” Yelled the Serpent, as two ferocious creatures entered the room. Ramicom was a four-armed human body, with a lions head. Comimra was human shaped, but was covered with ugly, brown scales and scabs. Comimra’s teeth were black and pointy. Some were missing, while others were decaying. He had sharp pointed claws on both hands and feet. The two beasts walked towards the cell and Ramicom opened the cell door with ease because of his four arms.“So much for escaping!” Jessica said as she was seized by Comimra’s foul body and Yangus was seized by Ramicom’s four arms of strength. Yangus tried to struggle free but Ramicom came back with a roar from his Lion head that shut Yangus up. Once the beasts had pulled Yangus and Jessica out of the Cell, the Serpent signalled for Ramicom and Comimra to follow

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him out of the room. Yangus and Jessica were led down a flight of stairs out a door and into a courtyard. As they walked across the courtyard, Jessica noticed statues of dragons, wolves and lions. But the worst statue of all was the one in the center of the courtyard. The statue was surrounded by a circle of dead, white trees. And in the center of the trees was a statue of The Lord of Darkness: Rhapthorne. Serpent, Ramicom and Comimra all bowed down to the statue and recited a chant that sickened both Jessica and Yangus. The beasts chanted:

Rhapthorne........posess my you can rule all will.......still long as you still......have followers of darkness........Rhapthorne will LIVE!

Yangus turned away in disgust. But Jessica kept her eyes fixed on the statue. It did not scare her. All Rhapthorne was was a fat, piece of poo, that Jessica ( a GIRL) had killed. In her eyes Rhapthorne was a weakling.The beasts got up and continued to lead the way. Yangus followed but stopped at the statue. He smiled and picked up a rock that he used to draw a moustach on Rhapthorne. Yangus chuckled to himself, but then quickly joined the group before anyone noticed anything.

The Serpent led them out of the courtyard and down a hallway. Jessica noticed menacing pictures painted on the wall. Pictures Of people dying at Rhapthorne’s hand. Rhapthorne cursing Trodain. And pictures of Rhapthorne killing the seven heirs of the Seven Sages. But the lastest addition, (nearing the end of the corridor), was a picture of a winged beast sitting on a throne, with pictures of Jessica and Yangus locked up in a cell. “Wow!” Jessica thought. “These paintings must be pazinted pretty quick! We were only captured a few days ago!”

As they reached the end of the corridor, they stopped in front of an enourmous red door. Jessica expected for Ramicom or Comimra to open the door, but suprisingly enough, when the Serpent slithered towards it, the door swung oped instantly. Inside was a hall. Filled from top to bottom with marble. Marble floor, marble roof, marble walls and giant marble collums. The Serpent led them down the long and wide hall. And at the end of the hall they could spot a small light. As they neared the light grew bigger and Jessica reasiled it was a flame. And when they reached the end of the hall, sitting on a throne, with a fireball in his hand, was Gemon.

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Gemon was a Gryphon. A beast with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Yet Gemon was no ordinary Gryphon. He was a Dark War Gryphon. Born in the world and train for chaos. And plus, Gemon was twice, maybe even three times the size of a normal Gryphon. And he was evil. Ramicom and Comimra both released their grips on Yangus and Jessica and they (including the Serpent), bowed in honour of Rhapthorne. Yangus considered making a run for it. But even if he could get past the magic-sealed door, where would he go to next? The place was probably swarming with sentries even worse than Ramicom and Comimra.

Gemon looked up at the Serpent. “Hissaru. You have brought the prisoners I see.”“Not for long!” Jessica cried. “We’ll escape! You’ll see!”“Strong words for one surounded by creatures that could snap you, limb from limb.” Gemon answered as he moved into a more comforting position on his throne.“We’ll pound ya!” Yangus cried. “We did it before so we can do it now!”Gemon attempted a smile, but his beak got in the way. “You defeated me before when I was weak. But now I am strong! Every day I pray to Rhapthorne’s statue. And every day I grow stronger. As do all my minions.” Gemon said. “So every time I pray to Rhapthore, a bit of his soul posesses me! SO NOW I WILL CRUSH YOU!” Jessica and Yangus staggered back at Gemon’s sudden burst of anger. After that they dared not rouse him.

“Gemon.” Said Jessica. “Why are you keeping us prisoners?”Gemon snickered and smiled deviously. “It is all part of my plan, to fulfill my masters goal,”“To rule the world of light....” Jessica said silently in understanding. “Our world. But why have you captured us?”“With the Seven Heirs of the Seven Sages gone, us World of Darkness dwellers are free to travel from both world of light and world of dark as we please. But the darkness creatures, (such as myself, Hissaru, Ramicom and Comimra), as uneasy about taking over this world. Humans already highly populate this world and YOU have already defeated us before.” Gemon said.“Lil ‘ol us!” Yangus said cheerfully, but recieved an angry glare from Gemon.Jessica stepped forward. “But I still don’t get why you captured us in the first place! I mean, if you wanted to removed all threats, why didn’t you capture Kai and Angelo too!”Gemon snickered. “Because you too can help me destoy ALL the people that are a threat.”Gemon raised his hands and chanted the Rhapthorne chant. But this time he added some extras:

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Rhapthorne.......enter Jessica and Yangus’s pittyfull souls......corrupt them.......posess them and make them loose control.....make them murder and slaughter.......Kai the King,Angelo the Knight,Marcello the Forgiven,Medea the Gracefull,and the seven sages,Master Gozo the Sorcerer,Alexander Kranbartle the hero,Egeus the monk,Golding the Warrior,Kupas the Magician,Kadan the Scholar,Regnar the Heavenly,and The Godbird Empyrea,will all die at the hand of Jessica and Yangus......Rhapthorne posess them......And LIVE!

“Now.” Gemon said, turning to Jessica and Yangus. “Go and follow Hissaru to your new quarters. And tomorrow, you, Hissaru, Ramicom and Comimra, will begin your quest to kill all my threats.”“Bu...” Yangus started but was cut short when Jessica stamped on his foot.Yangus gave her a confused look but then descided to join in with bowing to Gemon. As the group got up from bowing, Gemon shouted. “NOW GO! AND DO MY BIDDING!”

After the meeting Yangus and Jessica were led to their new quarters. But this time, the beast did not even touch them. They treated the two like royalty. They were led out of the throne room and down the corridor of pictures again. But this time there was a new addition to the collection. In the well detailed picture, Gemon was lifting his hands and Jessica and Yangus were being posessed by Rhapthorne’s soul. “That’s weird!” Thought Yangus. “I don’t feel posessed!” Onces they came out of the corridor, they passed the Rhapthorne statue and Yangus crossed his fingers in hope that no-one noticed the little “makeover” that he had given the statue earlier. No-one noticed. After they crossed the courtyard, they were lead up a flight of stairs that spiralled up to a tower. At the top of the tower, was a big door. Obviously the entrance to their new quarters.“Here is your quarters.” Hissaru the Serpent said. “You will be woken at 3 am tomorrow to start our hunt.”“Thankyou.” Said Jessica. “We appreciate your help.”Hissaru smiled. “All we can do for Sage slayers! Sleep well and we’ll see

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you in the morning.”Hissaru left the tower but Ramicom and Comimra stayed behind.“Sage slayers!” Ramicom said in a growling sort of way because of his lion head. “Yes Ramicom?” Jessica answered.“We have some gifts for you.” He replied as Comimra handed Jessica a jaggard, glowing red sword.“The Posessed Slayer Sword,” Comimra whispered as Jessica tested the sword by giving it a few test swings. “For you my precious.”Comimra moved on to Yangus. He handed him a pitch-black battle axe.“Oh yeah thats what I’m talking about!” Yangus cried, happy to see his favourite type of weapon again. Comimra then slinked back next to Ramicom, who said: “Ok, have a good sleep and tomorrow we go sage hunting!”Ramicom and Comimra then left the tower. After they were gone, Yangus asked Jessica what the deal was but Jessica automatically rejected the question and said she’d anwser it when the were inside their room. So they walked into their room. The door slammed behind them. “That was freaky.” Yangus said as he begun to notice his surroundings.“Creepy place!” He noticed. And he was telling the truth! The room was empty exept for two beds and two statues. The two red beds faced eachother and they both had a statue of Rhapthorne each over-hanging their beds. At the far side of the room there was a large door, that obviously led to a balcony.“Mind if ya tell me wots up at the balcony?” Yangus asked.“Not at all.” Jessica answered. “This place gives me the creeps anyway!”The two walked across the room, opened the door and out to the balcony. It was a full moon. Yangus tried to stand up taller to see if he could recognise the land and figure out where they were. But Gemons castle was probably on some tall mountain, because they were above the clouds and Yangus couldn’t see a thing.“We’ll know where we are when we start our travels tomorrow.” Jessica said seeing Yangus’s desperate attempts to find out where they were.“Ut just doesnt make any sense!” Yangus sobbed. “Are we mean’t to be posessed by Rhapthorne or something!”“I’m not sure about everything, but I think I’ve got it all pretty much down-pat.” Jessica said. “What I think has happened is that Gemon has captured us to hunt down and kill, Kai, Angelo, Marcello, Medea, the seven sages and Empyrea.”“Yeah! But why would we kill them! They are threats to him but they are mates ta us!” Yangus said.“Well Gemon tried to get Rhapthorne’s soul to posess us to do his bidding. But I place an insulating magic sheild arround us to protect us from curses. So Rhapthorne never got through.”“Well thats a relief! But the Seven Sages, Marcello and Empyrea, whats up with them?”

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“I’m not sure how Gemon wants us to kill them! But what I do know is that we musn’t.” Jessica said. “And besides, we’ll get to meet Kai and Angelo again, so maybe we can let them in on some behind-the-scenes info.”“Yeah!” Yangus agreed. “Like double agents!”“Excactly!” Se replied, happy that Yangus finally understood. “Why don’t we sleep out on the balcony tonight?”“Dosen’t mind me the slightest!” Yangus said. “Our “room” gives me the creeps!”

So the two slept out on the balcony that night. Waiting for the next day when they would become double agents.

- - - - -Medea looked out over her balcony on the castle of Trodain at night. And somewhere out near Port Prospect she heard a Dragon’s roar. She hung her head and walked back inside.

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5-DRAGON’S ROAR“Will he be fine?” Kai said to the Port’s Healer: Guzmas.“No.” Guzmas said. “His wound is too deep. He will die.”“Die?” Kai said and almost whispered.“Yes.”“Is there any cure?” Kai cried desperately. “There must be something....”“NO!” Guzmas yelled.“But but....” “Are you deaf boy? NO!”Kai turned from shock to anger. “I am not a boy! I AM KING! KING OF TRODAIN!”“Prove it!” Guzmas the healer jeered.Kaid didn’t know how he did it, but somehow he did. He focused on all his anger and pictured a tsunami crashing, twirling, tumbling. And somehow, he created a red wave of magic, that sent Guzmas flighing and crumbling against the wall.“I AM KING!” Kai repeated, feeling his power grow. “What is the cure!”“Dragons blood.” Guzmas said, clearly realising that he had just mocked the king of Trodain. “Dragons blood, your majesty.” He added.“dragons blood......” Said Kai in thought. “I must slay the dragon so that Marcello can be healed and he and I can recieve Rosetta’s reward and sail away on our quest. Without Angelo. Angelo was not the one at stake here. He would almost be at Alexandria by now and after that he’d go back to living his normal life as a Templar. But Marcello’s need was ergent.” Kai thought.Kai looked over at Lady Rosetta as Judy knelt beside Marcello’s body.“Rossetta.” Kai said.“Yes?” She replied.“Would you still be able to give me that ship you promised if I kill that Dragon?”Rossetta looked confused. “Of course!”A dragons roar thundered through all of Port Prospect as Kai walked towards the door.“Good.” He said. “Because next morning your going to wake up to a bleeding dragon’s head!” Kai said as he walked out of the Inn and slammed the door.

- - - - -Kai ran along the beach with his soldiers sword strapped to his back. He was determined to slay the dragon. He ran through a puddle of blood. The dragon must of gone this way. He thought, completely unaware that the

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blood was from Angelo’s hands. Kai stopped running and leaned against one of the beaches palm trees. But he soon resumed his running when he heard a dragons roar coming from one of the hills over looking Port Prospect.“Gotcha!” Kai thought as he began to sprint up the hill with the morning sun rising behind him. The run up the slope took a minute or so and finally when Kai reached the top, he found a flat platform of grass spreading about 8 meters squared. And lying in the middle of the plateau, was Angelo with an enormous green-scaled dragon towering over him.“ Kai of Trodain....” croaked the dragon in delight. “i knew you’d come.” Kai threw off his red bandana and let his brown hair spike out.“I’ve come for Angelo.”“Ahhhhhh....” Croaked the Dragon. “The Templar boy. Sorry but I will have to kill you and the Templar Knight.”“Why?” Asked Kai.“Because you and the Templar boy share the blood of Ramia, The Godbird Empyrea. You are a threat to my master Gemon and his higher master, Rhapthorne.”“Rhapthorne is dead.” Kai said Angelo, some other friends and I slayed him.”“Yes.” Agreed the dragon. “Slayed his body, but not his soul. His soul lives in Gemon and The Sage Slayers.”“The Sage Slayers?”“The Sage Slayers are Rhapthornes tools.” Replied the dragon. “They are currently on a mission to destroy all of Gemon’s threats.”“The Seven sages.....” Kai said.“Yes.” Said the Dragon. “Aswell as Empyrea, The Templar brothers, your wife and......”“And?”“And you.” Answered the Dragon will a snarl.Kai drew his sword as the sun light bounced of its metal.“Step away from Angelo!” Kai yelled. “Or I’ll kill you!”The dragon chuckled deviously as it swooped up Angelo with its jaws and gnawed his right-arm off.“ANGELO!!” Kai screamed as the dragon dropped Angelo’s body and began to crunch on his arm. The dragon finished eating and gulped up the remains of Angelo’s arm. It hurt Kai to see his friend lying there. With only three out of his four limbs. Angelo needed medical attention, he needed to be rescued from the dragon. Even though Angelo had almost killed Marcello in his outburst, he was still Kai’s friend. Kai needed to kill the dragon for a number of reasons. To rescue Angelo, to give Marcello the cure (dragons blood), and to deliver the dragon’s head to Lady Rosetta so they could borrow a ship so they could continue their journey to Empychu, so they can talk to the Godbird Empyrea who would show them the way to the Seven Orbs of The Seven Sages so they could use the orbs to defeat Gemon and stop him from taking over the world of light.

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Kai had expected Angelo and Marcello to be by his side when they were to face the dragon. But now they were all counting on him. This was his time. If he failed this he Angelo and Marcello would die, and Gemon will rule. The dragon had to be slayed, and Kai was the only one to do it.

Kai narrowed his eyes on the Dragon and held his sword in an attacking position. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He cried as he lept over the dragons head and landed behind the reptile. Kai slashed and slashed again at the dragons scales, but his sword was power-less against the dragons armour. The dragon turned around and roared as it swung it’s tail at Kai like a furried gorilla. Kai took the imoact head-on, and as of a result of that, he was flung several metres and his sword soared off, down the cliff.Oh, well. Kai thought. My sword didn’t affect him anyway. Maybe I should try some magic.

Kai focused on a Ray of Electricity, as the dragon soared through the air ready to swoop down on him. Time seemed to stop as the dragon charged down from the sky and Kai held a ball of electricity in his hand. When the dragon was within stricking distance of Kai, Kai unleashed his Ray of Electricity on the beast. Bursts of electricity shot through the reptile as it shreeched in agony. The dragon begun to fall out of the sky and within three seconds, it had landed right in front of Kai. Right at his feet. Dead. Kai walked up to his bandana and expertly tied it on his head. He looked at the dragon and Angelo’s bodies.

How am I ever gonna get Angelo and the head of the dragon back to the Inn? He thought. And how am I ever going to chop off the dragon’s head without a sword? The problems of life!Kai, the King of Trodain and friend of the Goddess Empyrea chuckled to himself. The main problem was over and he was happy. Marcello and Angelo are safe and they were able to continue their journey. That’s all that mattered. But as Kai stood there on top of the hill over looking the sea, he couldn’t help feeling empty. “It’s Medea.” He realised. “I miss her. But once Gemon is defeated, I can return home to my wife.”

That was all that mattered.

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6-SAILINGKai returned to the Inn at about 8:30 in the morning with an armless Angelo, and the head of the dragon he had killed. He had cut the head off with a stone, so it took a couple of hours to complete. He had slung Angelo over his shoulder, and he had struggled to hold the dragons head with one hand. But finally after a very slow pace, he had made it back to the Inn. The Healer Guzmas was still there beside Marcello as Kai handed the dragons head to him. Guzmas then poured the dragons blood into Marcello’s gaping mouth and almost instantly, Marcello’s wound healed and turned into a very faint scar. Marcello came to a few minutes later. Next Kai showed Guzmas Angelo’s condition in which the healer frowned at.“His right arm is gone.” Guzmas had noticed. “This will be very hard to repair. But back in my day I was a mechanic, so I think I might be able to fix him up with a robotic arm. But it will take a few weeks to create.”Guzmas then fed Angelo the dragon’s blood. His wound stopped bleeding but he was still three limbed.

And finally Kai had to deliver the dragon’s head to Lady Rosetta. It was still morning and Rosetta had only just woken in time for her breakfast to be deliverd to her room on a platter. But instead of juice, bread and jam, she recieved a dragon’s head, staring right back at her. She then agreed to give them the boat, but she had to tell her Uncle to delay the boat hire until Angelo had recovered and had recieved his new arm.

Weeks passed but finally that time was near. Angelo had recieved his new robotic right arm and he was getting quite good at controling it. It was midday a 3 weeks after the dragon battle and Marcello, Angelo and Kai were at the Port of Port Prospect, on their ship saying their last good byes to their new friends. Judy the Inn keeper, Guzmas the healer, Lady Rosetta and her macho Uncle Steve were all there waving good bye. (Not to mention the whole of Port Prospect after they had heard that King Kai had slayed the dragon.) After Goodbyes Kai adressed every one.“As King of this land I’d like to say that I hope next time I see you all, it will be on a better note when Marcello, Angelo and I defeat Gemon!”The crowd clapped and cheered at their favurnite hero’s.Marcello stepped forward. “I would like to say thankyou to Guzmas for healing me when I was injured.”Then Angelo stepped forward. “Thankyou Mr Guzmas.” He said cheerfully. “I owe my right arm to you.”Guzmas smiled and stepped forward. “Your Majesty,” He said adressing Kai. “I see that you and your friends will be fighting Gemon and many other evils. So I offer my services as healer to aid you with your wounds.”“But!” Kai started but was soon cut off by Guzmas.

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“I insist.” He said.Angelo smiled and turned to Kai. “Let him repay us! Besides I could use a good back-massage!”

Kai agreed and they said their final fare wells. So the four of them, Kai, Marcello, Angelo and Guzmas, stepped on to their grand sailing boat, and began to sail away.A few minutes passed and Angelo stopped calling out to Rossetta and Judy who were both only specks on the horizon now.“Well.” Said Marcello. “I’ll think our stay at Port Prospect was definately a memorable one.”“I’m sorry once again for my outburst.” Angelo said to Kai and Marcello.“I shouldn’t of been so irrational.”“Its alright.” Kai said. Marcello just grunted. Clearly not as forgiving.Guzmas walked up to Kai. “I think I’ll go to sleep now.” He said.“Why? Its only midday!” Kai answered suprised.“Yes.” Guzmas agreed as he peered over the edge of the boat and stared into the constantly rocking see. “I think I need to puke!” He exclaimed as he rushed to the ship’s bathroom and regurgitated up his meatballs that he ate the other night. Although, they didn’t looked so appealing anymore.

“So...” Kai said, disgusted by Guzmas’s puke. “How did you two find out about Gemon? Because from all that I know is that you suddenly came knocking on my door telling me that Gemon has returned.”

Angelo smiled and glanced at Marcello. “ Its a long story, but its a pretty good one.”“We are sailing!” Kai exclaimed. “I’ve got all the time in the world!”Marcello smiled. “It all started when......”

NOTE: Ok, so Marcello and Angelo told their story about how they found out about Gemon’s plot. But you see, there were a lot of destractions. Kai butting in, Angelo laughing in hysterics and Guzmas puking. So I’m just going to tell you the story without all the interuptions. So here we go............

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7-What really happened

It all started at Kai’s official crowning of King. King Trode (Kai’s father in-law) had died a few days before that and almost immediately, Chancelor Aradam (King Trode’s right hand man), had descided to crown Kai at once so Kai could restore order to the chaos of Trode’s death. Absolutely everyone was there. Chancellor Aradam, the people of Trodain and people from all the nearby towns (like Port Prospect, Alexandria and Farebury), Angelo, Jessica and Yangus, (plus all the other friends Kai had made along his previous quest), and of course his wonderfull wife Medea were all there. It was a spectacular cerimony. And after the event King Kai had asked Jessica, Angelo and Yangus to stay with him at the castle for a few days before they returned home. (Jessica to her mother at Alexandria, Yangus to his partner Red at Pickham, and Angelo to Mellea Abbey with the company of his fellow Templars.)

Jessica and Yangus agreed to stay for a while, but Angelo could not.“I wan’t to visit Marcello.” Angelo had said. “He’s hiding out in the mountains just over looking this place.” (He said refering to Trodain.)“He’s a bit of a tortured souls after he was possesed by Rhapthorne and all. I was planning to drop over to the mountains and give him some food. You know. Just to help him out.”

And thats excactly what Angelo did. After the crowning, Kai supplied Angelo with some food and a horse named Archie, and Angelo was off the very next day. Riding up the mountain to visit his tortured half-brother, Marcello.

Angelo’s trip up the mountain was long and painful, but the time was well spent. After a week of hiking, Angelo had made it only half way up the mountain. But that was as far as he needed to go. He had reached Marcello. Angelo found Marcello in a hut made of bits of wet, rotting wood. Marcello was hungry, tired, hurt, and on the brink of madness, and it had only been Angelo’s bread, chicken and kindness that had kept Marcello alive. After a few days of tending to Marcello’s wounds and giving him time to rest, Angelo began to talk to Marcello.“So,” Angelo had said. “Are you still hurt about what happened with Rhapthorne?”Marcello sat up from lying down on the grass.“A bit. But it still cuts me to think that he posessed me and used me to kill all those people.”Angelo sighed.“Marcello, it wasn’t you doing it! It was all Rhapthorne!”“Yes,” Marcello agreed. “But I thought I could resist his posession and gain

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his powers. I was a fool. I was not stronger than him! He won the battle and posessed me! He made me kill ten thousand people!”

Angelo and Marcello began to weep in pain.

“Angelo,” Marcello said as they began to stop their sobbing. “Why did this have to happen? If you wern’t born this would of never of happened! If you wernt born you would of never of joined those travelers in their quest! You would of never of upsetted Rhapthorne! Which is why he went for me!”Angelo frowned, “I’m sorry Marcello but I cannot change the course of history, but I can change the course of now. Marcello, come with me.”Angelo extended his hand.“Come with me back to the Abbey. We can live life like the old times! What do you say?”Marcello spat. “Please Angelo, do not flatter me with your pittyful attempts to redeem myself. I cannot do anything good. I am evil. I killed ten thousand people......”Angelo stood up and headed for the door at which he stopped at turned to Marcello. “I thought you were my brother.” He said“Half-brother.” Marcello said as Angelo took a step out of the hut and looked up at the night sky.“Ah...... Marcello?” Angelo said nervously.“Shutup Angelo! Let me die!” Marcello answered.“No Marcello!” Angelo yelled . “I think, I think, I think Its.....”Marcello got up off the floor, out of the hut and looked up at the sky. He was just in time to see a red hole open up in the sky. A bird screech was heard and right out of the portal in the sky came a enourmous, glowing, purple/blue bird. The bird screeched and landed on the ground right next to Angelo and Marcello. Marcello jumped back stunned. The giant bird lifted its wing and patted Angelo as Angelo sobbed with happiness.“Angelo!” Marcello cried as he fumbled on his ground for his sword. “Stay away! Please don’t kill me!”Angelo smiled and turned to Marcello as the bird seemed to smile.“Brother, don’t you see? Its who we grew up with in the Abbey for so long! Don’t you recognise her”Marcello frowned. “Abbey? I do not remember a big, glowing bird from the Abbey!!!!”“Marcello.” The bird said. Her voice was so sweet it made you want to cry. “I am Empyrea.”Marcello’s face turned from rage to humbled astonishment.“Oh the Goddess!” He cried as he and Angelo bowed at the Godbird Empyrea’s feet.

“My sons..” Empyrea said soothingly. “I bring you grave news”Angelo and Marcello stood. “We are ready for your command Empyrea.”

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Angelo said.“Child.” The Goddess whispered. “Please address me as Ramia, my name from my world.”“Ramia.”Marcello said. “Where is your world?”Ramia smiled. “One day man will discover my world and the secrets surrounding other worlds, but for now, I prefer to matain secrecy.”Angelo stepped closer to the bird. “Empyre....ah.... I mean Ramia?”“Yes?”“What is this news?”The Godbird narrowed her eyes. “Rhapthorne has risen again. But not as the shape of himself. He has posessed the soul of his right-hand man,” She started but Angelo butted in.“Gemon.”

After a long time of talking, they came to a conclusion that Gemon wanted to reign the world of light, and then travel to other world to conquer them too. They thought that Gemon would of set up a military base somewhere isolated to plan his attack. They also descided that Marcello and Angelo would travel to the closest man of power, Angelo’s friend, King Kai of Trodain. They hoped to tell Kai of Gemon’s plot and hoped that he would know what to do in a time such as this. They also hoped thet Kai would contact Jessica and Yangus,(who would of returned home back now), telling them to return to Trodain immediatly to begin their quest to over throw Gemon’s plot. Marcello had insisted joining Angelo’s quest, fueled by Marcello’s hatred with anything to do with Rhapthorne.“Its not a matter of heroics.” Marcello had said to Angelo and Ramia. “It is a matter of revenge. And revenge is not the dealings of a hero.”

So after the three of them had their plan down-pat and Marcello and Angelo were ready to ride double on Archie (Angelo’s horse), Ramia said her goodbyes.“Now I must go.” Ramia had said when they had saddled up and Angelo and Marcello sat on Archie’s back.“Your going?” Said Angelo. “Why not help us? Why do you have to leave us now? Why can’t you help on our quest? I mean, who would stand in the way of us when we have the Godbird Empyrea on our side?”Ramia smiled as her purple feathers flashed in the morning light. “Son, I am not abandoning the quest. But I have another task concerning Gemon’s defeat at Empychu island.”Marcello looked confused. “Empychu? Why there?”“I can not tell you the meaning of my sudden departure my friend.” Ramia answered. “But I can tell you this: A battle is on the brink of occurence. It will take all your time and skill to take victory in this battle. But the reward will be greater than you could ever imagine.”Angelo shuffled into a new position on Archie’s body. “So I guess it’s goodbye.” He said.

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“Not for long my heroes.” Ramia said as she beated her wings and flew away into the morning sun.“Now.” Marcello said as he put his arms around Angelo’s back for support. “Let’s make haste to Trodain. And onwards to revenge.And with that, Angelo and Marcello rode off down the mountain and to Trodain, where our story began.

- - - - - -“Wow.” Said Kai after Marcello and Angelo had finished telling their story.“So that’s how it happened.”Angelo flexed his robotic arm. “Yeah. But it was dfinatelly a coincidence how we are going to Empychu. Exactly where Ramia said she’d be.”Marcello looked over the ocean as they sailed. “A coincidence maybe. But you never know with Ramia. She could of foretold this event before it even occured.”“Maybe.” Kai agreed. “I just hope when we get there Ramia will know where the Seven Orbs of the Seven Sages are.”“Yeah.” Agreed Angelo. “Hey! Where’s Guzmas? He’s been gone a while.”“I’m here.” Guzmas said as he staggered out of the ships cabin door. “Man I swear those meatballs weren’t green when I first ate them.”Marcello shuddered. “Are you going to bed?”“Yeah, I’ll rest up till evening. Hey. By the way, what’s this “save the world” quest about anyway?”“Ha!” Laughed Angelo. “Here we go again!”Guzmas smiled. “It’ll be days till we reach Empychu, so I got all the time in the world to hear your story.”So Marcello, Angelo and Kai told their story from begining to end. From the journey of the cursed king, to their sailing trip now.

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7-The Sage Slayers