the seasons - project's diary


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Wherever I look in this big city I see trees that seem to be

on fire, old leaves, dead leaves and the barren ground dry and cold

with just a few blades of grass dried and fragile left to keep it warm.

The sky looks like cigarette ashes, and the gloomy clouds like smoke.

Cold rain drops fall from them trying hard to bring nature back to life.

On the city’s narrow alleys the wind blows strongly and the

leaves fight desperately not to fall off the branches.

The streets of the old historical centre seem empty although they

are full; full of people hidden under their thick clothes, blending

with the chaos of dead and living hues which autumn brings along.

It’s a loud noise but you can only hear the whisper of the wind

and that feeble and repetitive ‘drop, drop’.

It’s like a fire that the rain is trying to put out but it doesn’t succeed

and it keeps trying ‘drop, drop’.

By Maria Marin 8th grade

Translate Burlacu Ilinca 8th grade

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What I find special about autumn is that it comes with a wide collection of

leaves. No matter if it rains, or the wind blows, or if the sky is cloudy; to me the

most beautiful weather is in autumn. It is magical, no matter if it is

warm or cold.

I think autumn is the language of our hearts, it is the way our

souls tell their stories and dreams about people and about world.

In autumn we go to school, where we meet our teachers and

classmates whom we missed so much all summer.

This is why I love this season!

By Rea Silvia Cucu, 6th grade

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Autumn has arrived, caressing the earth with mild sun rays .

The trees wear stripped emerald coats while their branches carry the sweet burden of fruits.

Migratory birds with one last tear in the eye, leave their birthplace

to find warmer lands.

Leaves ornament the trees in red, brown, orange and yellow.

The gentle breeze of the wind make the leaves fall from the trees

making the earth become a fluffy carpet.

But fir trees have their leaves resistant and this way they always keep nature beautiful.

Animals diligently collect provision for autumn.

But all this will disappear as a mysterious dream in a while…just wait and see!

By Daniel Stanculescu and Vlad Mamula 6th grade

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Winter in Poland begins on 22nd December. It is the coldest season of the whole year. After autumn, the days are colder and shorter. The sun shines weakly and even the colour of the sky is cold blue. In December usually snows. It protects the plants from freezing.

Winter is the time when some animals hibernate. I think winter can be a pleasant season.

Although I don’t like the cold weather, I enjoy ice skating, sitting by the fireside, looking through the window at the trees covered with frost. I like when the first snow falls. The world looks magically covered with the pure white snow. I think it is also the best time to observe the sky. The nights are very dark and you can see the stars very clearly. I think that winter can be a nice time.

By DawidPłowiec, 5th grade

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The sky cries,

Silver flies,

Flakes of snow falling to us.

Let the Snowmen alive

And the reindeer laugh.

Winter’s here!

Please, come near.

Let Father Christmas of you hear

That you’ve been waiting for him.


By WiolettaJurek, 6th grade

True friendship does not freeze in winter.

One kind word can warm three winter months.

One crow does not make a winter.

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Far away in a warm southern country, little Musa was born. Flowers bloomed all the year round. The sun shone most of the time. Many wonderful plants grew wild. There were shells and seaweed and queer little fishes on the shore. When Musa was six years old his parents went to Europe. After a while the weather grew cold, and he had to wear thick woolen clothing. The sky was gray and cloudy one afternoon, and Musa had been standing by the window watching the street cars. Suddenly the air grew thick, and he could not see the houses opposite. Something white fell slowly down and rested on the window ledge. Then it disappeared. But more and more of the little flakes came. He was surprised when he touched it to find it so cold. He took some in his hand, but in a moment it was only a drop of water. By that time the street and the men's hats and coats were quite white. Musa was puzzled to find a name for the beautiful white substance, so he ran to his mum and asked her about it. She told him it was snow, and because the air was so warm in the beautiful country where he was born they never had any. The next morning he saw the little children of the neighborhood playing in it; but before noon the sun was so bright and warm the snow had all melted away. When the second snow-storm came Musa's dad brought home a beautiful sleigh, and gave his little boy great pleasure by drawing him up and down the street. Musa soon learned to go out by himself, and made many friends; especially of the little girls, as he was very generous with his sleigh. But he has never forgotten his surprise when he saw the first snow.

by students of the 6th grade

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5th Meeting of the project

3rd – 7th November 2014ALMONTE - SPAIN


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Autumn in Almonte

Written by: Amanda Witte and 6th grade students.


The heat of the day slowly fades as the bright summer feel, starts to not be so real.

The colors are changing though the rain is falling, and still the trees are loosing their leaves.

Cool mornings with grey skies, and birds searching for warmer times.

Children bundled in their thick coats and warm jackets, making their way to school.

They play in the playground as if it were summer, free of their winter clothes.

While snacking on oranges, apples and grapes the little ones run and play.

The heat of the sun brings warmth to their spirits, preparing for chilly nights at bay.

Warm food sits on the table, as the eggplants, peppers and squash await.

A piece of fruit finishes the meal, following with a sweet siesta date.

A comfortable eve to meet with good friends, enjoying a drink in the streets.

With their jackets back on, they reach the café, sipping on a coffee or tea.

Meanwhile, the children are doing their thing.

The sun disappears as the nightly chill follows, and back home they soon must go.

As usual they eat dinner and do their routine.

They´re fast asleep, no more unbearable heat, with only the fresh, cool air to breathe.

Autumn, you’re a wonderful thing.

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Monday 3rd November

Welcoming ceremony

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Tuesday 4rd


Columbus Places

We visited La Rabida, where Columbus started his travel; Nobel writer J.R. Jiménez`s house and Educational Authorities.

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Wednesday 5thNovember

Almonte and Fall Festival.

Every year at Primary School El Lince, we celebrate the arrival of autumn by having a festival. The students and their families bring seasonal foods like fruits, nuts and seeds. They often bring grapes, apples, oranges, pomegranates, nuts, walnuts, almonds, persimmons, acorns and quince. We decoratively present the autumn foods in an exposition where the students and volunteers later taste everything and enjoy themselves by socializing and being outside. It is a very enjoyable event for the elementary school.

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Thursday 6thNovember


We visited historical places in Seville: Alcazar Castle, Cathedral, Fine Arts Museum…

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Friday 7thNovember

PN Doñana and Farewell dinner.

Autumn is a beautiful time for Doñana National Park as it quickly fills with a huge variety of birds from all over Northern Europe. The birds cannot survive the cold in these colder climates and so they migrate to Doñana till the heat of spring and summer become too hot for them. Doñana’s vegetation changes as rain begins to fall again in the Park. The first rains start during autumn and the park undergoes a multitude of changes; from the leaves of the trees and vegetation changes, to the dunes. The park seems completely different depending on the season and the year and because of this, it attracts many visitors all-year round.

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Spring in the Czech Republic

Spring begins on 21st March and everybody in our village impatiently waits for spring. Why? Because winter in our region is very long and heavy. We have lot of snow every year and also it is very cold and frosty here during winter. Children like skiing, skating or snowboarding, but they more like cycling or being outside many hours with their friends. They like wearing t-shirts and shorts more than boots and coats or jackets.

In spring snow melts and the Sun starts to shine and warm, the grass is light green, there are lot of flowers everywhere. Nearly every house has its own garden, smaller or bigger, and people start to put seeds in the ground, water them and wait for their vegetable or flowers.

Everybody is happy in spring :-)

Spring poem by Emily Dickinson: I have a Bird in springWhich for myself doth sing

The spring decoys.And as the summer nears

And as the Rose appears,Robin is gone.

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I love spring, because I love animals

Most baby animals are born during spring. I have two cats and a dog in my house. I also have a horse in our garden, five sheep and six goats. We also have rabbits at my grandmothers. During winter our animals aren’t very happy, they

are at home and stables and they don’t want to go out of their houses. But when spring comes, they are furious. They start smiling and laughing :-) And

they have babies. A lot of babies! This year, we are having eight kittens and four puppies. But we don’t have any foal, because we had one last year.

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