the scientific method on the semantic web

SADI, SHARE and the Scientific Method The Quest for the Holy Grail

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Post on 16-Dec-2014




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Presentation to the iCAPTURE Center, Heart + Lung Institute at St. Paul's Hospital


Page 1: The Scientific Method on the Semantic Web

SADI, SHARE and the Scientific Method

The Quest for the Holy Grail

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The Problem

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The Problem

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The Holy Grail:(this slide created circa 2002)

Align the promoters of all serine threonine kinases involved exclusively in the regulation of cell sorting during wound healing in blood vessels.

Retrieve and align 2000nt 5' from every serine/threonine kinase in Mus musculus expressed exclusively in the tunica [I | M |A] whose expression increases 5X or more within 5 hours of wounding but is not activated during the normal development of blood vessels, and is <40% homologous in the active site to kinases known to be involved in cell-cycle regulation in any other species.

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Two novel technologies

developed in our lab

are getting us very close to the Holy Grail!

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Holy Grail Demo #1

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Imagine there is a “virtual database” containing all of the data from all of the databases,together with the output of

every conceivable analysis

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How do we query that database?

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A Brief Digression…

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Boxes became ovals…

Straight lines became curvy lines…

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Boxes became ovals…

Straight lines became curvy lines…

…and you want us to give you a grant for THAT??

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Relational Database


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Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



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Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID

“Foreign keys” are used to link tables in a database http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



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Links in Graphs consist of statements called


Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



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Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID

Both Data Sources are on the Same Machine http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



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Graph Data Sources (may be) on Independent Machines on the Web

Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



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Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID

“Meaning” of the connection between data-points is understood

only by the database administrator http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



Protein regulates


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“Meaning” of the connection in a Graph is explicitly labeled(and machine-readable!)

Protein Table-----------------------

Protein IndexProtein NameRegulates ID

Gene Table-----------------------

Gene IDTissue IDType ID http://ncbi.nlm/NR/NR_14487



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Connect all of the graphs in the world to one another

And what do you get?

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Mark Butler (2003) Is the semantic web hype? Hewlett Packard laboratories presentation at MMU, 2003-03-12

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The lavender portion represents biology – currently ~40,000,000,000 Triples(we and our collaborators will be doubling that number in the next 12 months)

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How do you find information on this

“Semantic Web”


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The query language used to discover and extract information represented in Graphs

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Unfortunately, YOU have to know which Web resources contain which Triples


Even if you do know this, SPARQL has significant limitations when attempting to

query over disparate Graphs(SLOW AND CUMBERSOME)

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If the data doesn’t existin any Graph at all…

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A novel way of making Triples available on the Semantic Web, using a technology called Web Services

“Services” for short

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We invented SADI to overcome some/all of these problems

…but I wont bore you with the technical details…

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Detour EndsPlease resume speed

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Imagine there is a “virtual database” containing all of the data from all of the databases,together with the output of

every conceivable analysis

Holy Grail Demo #1

How do we query that database?

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SHARESemantic Health And Research Environment

SPARQL enhanced by SADI

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A Novel SPARQL Query Engine

Overcomes some of the limitations of traditional SPARQL query-handlers

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A Novel SPARQL Query Engine

Overcomes some of the limitations of traditional SPARQL query-handlers

…and more…

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A Novel SPARQL Query Engine

Overcomes some of the limitations of traditional SPARQL query-handlers

…and more…

MUCH more!!

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What pathways does UniProt protein P47989 belong to?

PREFIX pred: <>PREFIX ont: <>PREFIX uniprot: <>SELECT ?gene ?pathway WHERE {

uniprot:P47989 pred:isEncodedBy ?gene . ?gene ont:isParticipantIn ?pathway .


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What pathways does UniProt protein P47989 belong to?

PREFIX pred: <>PREFIX ont: <>PREFIX uniprot: <>SELECT ?gene ?pathway WHERE {

uniprot:P47989 pred:isEncodedBy ?gene . ?gene ont:isParticipantIn ?pathway .


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What pathways does UniProt protein P47989 belong to?

PREFIX pred: <>PREFIX ont: <>PREFIX uniprot: <>SELECT ?gene ?pathway WHERE {

uniprot:P47989 pred:isEncodedBy ?gene . ?gene ont:isParticipantIn ?pathway .


Note that there is no “From” clause… I have neglected to tell the system where to look for the answer, I am simply asking my question

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Now stick that query into SHARE

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Recapwhat we just saw

A standard SPARQL query was entered into SHARE, a SADI-aware query engine

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Recapwhat we just saw

The query was interpreted to extract the individual data/relationships being


(and any component/sub-properties, as we shall see later!)

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Recapwhat we just saw

The “triple-patterns” required to answer the query are passed to SADI for

Web Service discovery

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Recapwhat we just saw

Services capable of generating those triple-patterns are automatically executed,

the triples are stored, and the query is resolved.

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Recapwhat we just saw

We posed, and answered a ~complex database query


(in fact, the data didn’t even have to exist...)

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Holy Grail Demo #1

Align the promoters of all serine threonine kinases involved exclusively in the regulation of cell sorting during wound healing in blood vessels.

Retrieve and align 2000nt 5' from every serine/threonine kinase in Mus musculus expressed exclusively in the tunica [I | M |A] whose expression increases 5X or more within 5 hours of wounding but is not activated during the normal development of blood vessels, and is <40% homologous in the active site to kinases known to be involved in cell-cycle regulation in any other species.

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Holy Grail Demo #2

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Show me the latest Blood Urea Nitrogen and Creatinine levelsof patients who appear to be rejecting their transplants

PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX patient: <> PREFIX l: <> SELECT ?patient ?bun ?creatFROM <>WHERE {

?patient rdf:type patient:LikelyRejecter .?patient l:latestBUN ?bun . ?patient l:latestCreatinine ?creat .


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Likely Rejecter:

A patient who has creatinine levelsthat are increasing over time

- - Wilkinson MD

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Likely Rejecter:

…but there is no “likely rejecter” column or table in our database…

only blood chemistry measurementsat various time-points

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The definition of a LikelyRejecter is encoded in a machine-readable document written in the OWL language (“Ontology”)

“the regression line over creatinine measurements should have an increasing slope”

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The machine continues to burrow down through the definition and discovers that regression lines have things like slopes and intercepts, etc…

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Two magical events occur…

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The machine figures out

by itself

the need to do a Linear Regression analysis

in order to answer your question

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The machine figures out

by itself

how and where that analysiscan be done

and does it automatically!

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The SHARE system utilizes SADI to discover analytical services on the Web that do linear regression analysis

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How do we do that?!?

We let the data describe itself!

This is a different frommost of the bioinformatics world,

where the person giving you the data also tells you how to interpret it

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Data exhibits “late binding”

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Late binding:

“purpose and meaning”of the data is

not determined untilthe moment it is required

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Benefitof late binding

Data is amenable toconstant re-interpretation

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Blood Creatinine measurements

were not dictated to be (only)

Blood Creatinine measurements!

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The data had the ‘qualities/properties’ that

allowed the machine to infer

that they were Blood Creatinine measurements

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But the data also had the ‘qualities/properties’ that

allowed them to be interpreted as

X/Y coordinate data by another Service

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Holy Grail Demo #2

Align the promoters of all serine threonine kinases involved exclusively in the regulation of cell sorting during wound healing in blood vessels.

Retrieve and align 2000nt 5' from every serine/threonine kinase in Mus musculus expressed exclusively in the tunica [I | M |A] whose expression increases 5X or more within 5 hours of wounding but is not activated during the normal development of blood vessels, and is <40% homologous in the active site to kinases known to be involved in cell-cycle regulation in any other species.

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The Holy Grail may not yet be in-handbut we can at least see it from here!

So… now what?

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Mark’s Manifesto

What is my next “Holy Grail”?

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Support for the in silico Scientific Method

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)

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The Scientific Method

Discourse: What do you believe? What do I believe?

Disagreement: You’re wrong! And I’m gonna prove it!

Clarity: This is the experiment I am going to do

Reproducibility: This is how I did it (“provenance”)

Clarity: This is my new hypothesis

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The Scientific Method

Discourse: What do you believe? What do I believe?

Disagreement: You’re wrong! And I’m gonna prove it!

Clarity: This is the experiment I am going to do

Reproducibility: This is how I did it (“provenance”)

Clarity: This is my new hypothesis

Workflows (e.g. myExperiment)

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Another Brief Digression…

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“Facebook” for Scientists

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An exciting evolution in the way Researchers express and share

their in silico “Materials and Methods”

Through things called ‘Workflows’

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Workflows are explicit representationsof the method by which an analysis was done

and which resources are used to do it

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Workflows can be very simple…

“Blast this sequence”

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Or not...

This workflow takes in a CEL file and a normalisation method then returns a series of images/graphs which represent the same output obtained using the MADAT software package (MicroArray Data Analysis Tool)

Also returned by this workflow are a list of the top differentially expressed genes (size dependant on the number specified as input - geneNumber), which are then used to find the candidate pathways which may be influencing the observed changes in the microarray data.

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Why bother?

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A workbench for designing and executingScientific Workflows


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Load-up your data and press “play”!

…Then go home for the weekend! You are just one click away from your M.Sc.!!

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By the by…

The SHARE application automatically creates a Workflow and then automatically runs it.

This is where the data comes from to answer the queries…

Workflows are a Good Thing™

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Detour EndsPlease resume speed

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)

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At the moment the Semantic Web in Healthcare

and Life Sciencesaddresses these issues by attempting to create


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Large, centralized ontologies (e.g. the Gene Ontology)that claim to represent community agreement about “biological reality”

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…is that Science?

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)

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Clarity (hypothesis)

Ontology Consortia


Clarity (experiment)

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Clarity (hypothesis)

Ontology Consortia


Clarity (experiment)

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Ontology Consortia


Clarity (experiment)

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To restore the “traditions of Science”

to in silico science

The Semantic Web needs to encourage/facilitate

personal opinion and debate

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What has this got to do with SADI and SHARE?

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PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX patient: <> PREFIX l: <> SELECT ?patient ?bun ?creatFROM <>WHERE {

?patient rdf:type patient:LikelyRejecter .?patient l:latestBUN ?bun . ?patient l:latestCreatinine ?creat .


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Likely Rejecter

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I created a small ontology describing my definition of

a Likely Rejecter

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… it was MY ontology!

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I can re-use it

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I can modify it as I change my world-view

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)

I can publish it for others to use

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)Others can modify it and/or

compare it to THEIR world-view

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Clarity (hypothesis)



Clarity (experiment)

Sharing my ontology gives opportunities for “micro-attribution”

“Credit” to me is automatic when someone uses my ontology in their ontology/query

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Using SADI and SHAREmy personal world-view is

explicitly expressed and can bedynamically evaluated against

global data and knowledge

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…but there’s more…

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“Likely Rejecter”

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I made that up! It came out of my head!

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What’s another word for a world-view that you make-up?


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Clarity (experiment)The “Likely Rejecter” OWL Classis an explicitly-expressed hypothesis;

Members of that class may or may not exist!

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Ontologically-expressed Hypotheses drive the discovery, assembly, and analysis of data capable of evaluating their validity

Blood Pressure




Database 1 Database 2



Analytical Algorithm

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Join us!

SADI and CardioSHARE are Open-Source projects

Come join us – we’re having a lot of fun!!

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C r e d i t s

B e n j a m i n V a n d e r V a l k ( S H A R E & S A D I )

L u k e M c C a r t h y ( S A D I , S H A R E , T a v e r n a , C a r d i o S H A R E )

S o r o u s h S a m a d i a n ( C a r d i o S H A R E )

D a v i d W i t h e r s( T a v e r n a )

E d w a r d K a w a s ( S A D I S e r v i c e a u t o - g e n e r a t o r )

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U o f N e w B r u n s w i c k

D r. C h r i s B a k e rA l e x a n d r e R i a z a n o v

C a r l e t o n U n i v e r s i t yD r. M i c h e l D u m o n t i e rM a r c - A l e x a n d r e N o l i nL e o n i d C h e p e l e vS t e v e E t l i n g e rN i c h a e l l a K i e t hJ o s e C r u z

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Microsoft Research

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This presentation available on SlideShare: keywords ‘wilkinson’ ‘iCAPTURE’ ‘HLI’