the school’s population is: 665 kids ; 54 teachers 2 school secretary


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Post on 07-Jan-2016




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TÉGLÁS. Our school is a primary school. The children’s age are from 6 to 1 4 years old. The School’s population is: 665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary . We handed out the questionnaires to: 86 children, 17 teachers, 70 parents. Questionnaire for students - breakfast. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary
Page 2: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

The School’s population is: 665 kids;

54 Teachers

2 School secretary.

We handed out the questionnaires to:

86 children, 17 teachers, 70 parents.

Our school is a primary school. The children’s age are from 6 to 14 years old.

Page 3: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

Do you have breakfast before going to school?

Always 29 (34%)

Usually 8 (9%)

Sometimes 25 (29%)25 (29%)

Never 24 (28%)

What do you have for breakfast?

Sandwiches, sliced bread and butter, cheese, muesli, cereal, eggs, toast, french toast, pastries, rice pudding, cream of wheat, cocoa, milk, tea, yogurt, jam, bread,

Page 4: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How often do you eat…

…vegetables? … fruits?

For every meal 5 (6%) < 8 (9%)

Once or twice a day 32 (37%) < 37 (43%)

A few times a week 31 (36%) > 30 (35%)

Rarely 18 (21%) > 11 (13%)

Never 0 (0%) = 0 (0%)


22 : : 22

They eat more fruits

a day.

Page 5: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

What do you usually eat during school breaks?

Fruit or vegetables 7 (8%)

Sandwiches 65 (76%)

Crisps 7 (8%)

Chocolate or other sweets 7 (8%)


quark rod (túró rudi), what I get in the cafeteria, hamburgers, pizza, cake, chocolate „shell”, etc..

Page 6: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How often do you…

…eat fast food? … drink fizzy drinks?

Every day 3 (3%) < 26 (30%)

A few times a week 22 (26%) < 27 (31%)

Rarely 55 (64%) > 29 (34%)

Never 6 (7%) > 5 (6%)

Page 7: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How much water do you drink every day?

3 glasses or more 49 (57%)

1-2 glasses 15 (17%)

I rarely drink water 16 (19%)

I don’t drink water at all 6 (7%)

What’s your favourite drink?

Water, cola, fruit juice, tea, soda, lemonade, syrup, multivitamin, milk,

energy drinks!

The frequency and the amount of each are directly proportional.

Page 8: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

What’s your favourite food?

They prefer fast food, than home made or typical Hungarian dishes.

Chinese food, macaroni, spaghetti, sandwiches, fried meat and potatoes, hamburgers, pizza, lazagne, roast beef, gyros, potato noodles, chili beans, pancakes, ratatouille, roast potatoes, mushroom, fish, noodles, hot dogs, chicken, rice, poppy seed noodles, chicken soup, stuffed cabbage, rice pudding, cream of wheat, ratatouille (lecsó), potato casserole, roast Brasov.

Page 9: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How much time do you spend…

…on watching TV? …using a PC?

More than 4 hours a day 15 (17%) > 11 (13%)

2 - 4 hours a day 33 (38%) > 22 (26%)

1 – 2 hours a day 23 (27%) < 29 (34%)

Less than 1 hour a day 15 (17%) < 24 (28%)

They spend more free time with watching TV than using

a PC.

Page 10: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How often do you do/play them?

Every day 36 (42%)

A few times a week 34 (40%)

Rarely 8 (9%)

Never 8 (9%)

What sports do you do/play in your free time (not on PE lessons)?Dancing, cycling rollerblading, skateboarding, soccer, running, swimming, walking, gymnastics, handball, volleyball, corpse hop, skiing, jumping rope, weight lifting, tennis, basketball, karate, badminton, archery.

Do you feel fit and healthy?

Yes, very fit and healthy 18 (67%)

Yes, quite fit and healthy 58 (21%)

Not very fit and healthy 6 (7%)

Not fit and healthy at all 4 (5%)

Page 11: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

Does you child have breakfast at home before Does you child have breakfast at home before leaving for school?leaving for school?

Always 25 (36%)

Usually 14 (20%)

Sometimes 11 (15%)

Rarely 12 (16%)

Never 8 (13%)

What does your child usually have for breakfast?What does your child usually have for breakfast?

Muesli, yogurt, cereal, eggs, cold cuts, cheese, milk, cocoa, tea, bread and butter, jam, sandwich, quark rod, sausage, french toast, peanut butter bread, toast, sandwiches, fruit, apple, banana, etc..

Page 12: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

Do you encourage your child to eat fruit and vegetables?Do you encourage your child to eat fruit and vegetables?

Yes 62 (89%)

Sometimes 5 (7%)

No 3 (4%)

If yes, how do you do it?If yes, how do you do it?

Contains vitamins, healthy, delicious, eat together, her/his body needs it, I cook / I pack fruits or vegetables, I put it in cakes.

Page 13: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

What does your child have for lunch at school?What does your child have for lunch at school?

Doesn’t have lunch at school 9 (13%)

Homemade lunch 23 (33%)

Eats in a school canteen 38 (54%)

Fruit or vegetable 0

I give him/her money to buy

whatever he/she wants 0

How often do you take your child to a fast food restaurant? How often do you take your child to a fast food restaurant?

Every day 0 (0%)

A few times a week 0 (0%)

Once a week or less 3 (4%)

Rarely 49 (70%)

Never 18 (26%)

Page 14: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How often do you play sports together with your child?How often do you play sports together with your child?

Every day 9 (13%)

A few times a week 14 (20%)

Once a week or less 8 (11%)

Rarely 28 (40%)

Never 11 (16%)

What sports do you play together?What sports do you play together?

Cycling, badminton, running, gymnastics, skates, tennis, walking, dancing, soccer, tennis, hiking, volleyball, karate, rope

Page 15: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

Do you set a time limit for your child to use a computer?Do you set a time limit for your child to use a computer?

No 18 (26%) Yes 52 (74%)

Do you set a time limit for your child to watch TV?Do you set a time limit for your child to watch TV?

No 24 (34%) Yes 46 (66%)

Page 16: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

Which topics connected with health life style are included in your teaching programme?

Healthy food and drink 16 (94%)

Practicing sports 9 (53%)

Negative influence of an unhealthy diet 11 (65%)

Negative influence of lack of sport 7 (41%)

Negative effect of watching too much TV and using computers 12 (71%)


Smoking, alcohol, drugs,

grooming information,

the environment.

Page 17: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary

How do you encourage your students to live a healthy lifestyle?

Organize sport tournaments 4 (24%)

Organize hiking/bicycle trips 4 (24%)

Going to the swimming pool 4 (24%)

Doing physical exercise in the classroom 3 (18%)

Preparing/eating healthy meals together 3 (18%)

Talking about healthy lifesyles 12 (71%)


Health Day, projects, posters, drug preventionlectures, team games in the yard, sports competitions.

Page 18: The School’s population is:  665 kids ; 54 Teachers 2 School secretary