the sat test

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  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test



    ELPT (English Language Proficiency Test)

    ELPT, or English Language Proficiency Test, assesses both your

    understanding of spoken and written standard English and how well you willfunction in a classroom where English is spoken. ELPT is primarily aimed atstudents who attend American high schools and:

    who are not native speakers of English and have completed two to four

    years of English language instruction in an Englishasa!econdLanguage program or in English enrichment courses and"or

    whose first language is not English and"or who usually speak a

    language other than English at home or at work.

    The test is offered at many test centres in #ovember and $anuary, and atparticipating high schools in April.

    %ost colleges in the &.!. re'uire that students submit scores fromstandardi(ed tests as part of their application packages. The most commonlyaccepted tests are !AT ), and !AT )).

    The SAT Tests

    SAT I: Reasoning.The !AT ) is a threehour test that measures a student*sability rather than knowledge. )t is split into sections that cover verbal and

    mathematical reasoning skills. %ost of the 'uestions are multiplechoice.

    SAT II: Subject Tests.The !AT )) sub+ect tests measure knowledge inspecific sub+ects. !AT )) sub+ect tests are primarily multiplechoice, and eachlasts one hour.

    SAT ELPT Tests are Reco!!en"e" for:

    !tudents whose first language is not English.

    !tudents who attend &.!. high schools, or who have studied in an

    international school where courses are taught in English.

    !tudents who have completed two to four years of English language

    instruction in an English as a !econd Language program or in Englishenrichment courses.

    !tudents who speak a language other than English at home or work.

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    World English SAT Preparation Recommendation

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    What is SAT?

    At the beginning, SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. In 1993, the SAT was renamed as theSAT Reasoning Test (or nown as SAT I!. "eanwhile, the former Scholastic Achie#ement Testwas renamed as the SAT Sub$ect Tests (or nown as SAT II!.

    SAT Structure

    %ach edition of the SAT includes a &erbal and "ath section, with a specific number of 'uestions

    related to content. The 'uestion tpes and number of 'uestions in each section are listed below.

    The Verbal Section

    The #erbal section of the SAT focuses on critical reading with more than half of the #erbal testde#oted to passage)based reading 'uestions. The #erbal test also includes analogies and sentencecompletions, which emphasi*e logical relationship, #ocabular, and how words relate.

    ContentNumber of


    &ocabular in +ontet -) Two 3/)minute sections plus one 10)

    minute sectioniteral +omprehension -)0

    %tended Reasoning 2)32

    4ther &erbal 5uestions

    6umanities )12

    Social Sciences )12

    7atural Sciences )12
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    6uman Relationships )12

    Total 0 minutes

    The Math Section

    The math section measures mathematical problem sol#ing and co#ers arithmetic, algebra, andgeometr using student)produced responses (grid)ins!, 'uantitati#e comparison 'uestions, andmultiple choice 'uestions.

    ContentNumber of


    Arithmetic Reasoning 1)19

    Two 3/)minute sections plus one 10)minute section

    Algebraic Reasoning 1)19

    8eometric Reasoning 1)1

    "iscellaneous Reasoning )

    Total / 0 minutes

    The Unscored Section

    In addition, there is one 3/)minute unscored section, nown as the #ariable or e'uating section.This unscored section ma be either a #erbal or math section. This section does not count towardthe final score, but is used to tr out new 'uestions for future editions of the SAT and to ensurethat scores on new editions of the SAT are comparable to scores on earlier editions of the test.

    GRE Test re!arationThe 8R%, which stands for 8raduate Record %aminations, is administrated b

    %ducational Testing Ser#ices (or %TS!. Since established, 8R% has been used b more thanthousands of :.S. graduate schools as an academic indicator for graduate admission. +urrentl,the 8R% eam consists of three parts; #erbal, 'uantitati#e and writing. The 8R% 8eneral Test is#er similar in format to the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT! which ou too in high school,ecept that in addition to the #erbal and 'uantitati#e sections, there is also an analtical section.

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    computeri*ed format. (Selected computeri*ed Sub$ect Tests are on their wa.! The ma$orad#antage of the computeri*ed #ersion is timing. >ou can schedule to tae the computeri*ed#ersion and ha#e it sent to a graduate program within a couple of wees. The pencil and paper#ersion, on the other hand, onl occurs on certain test dates throughout the ear and it taeslonger to ha#e our scores sent out. The ma$or disad#antage of the computer #ersion is that it

    costs almost twice as much.

    As of 199-)90, the pencil and paper #ersion of the 8R% will be administered in4ctober, ?ecember, April and

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    multiple)choice math and #erbal sections. It also features an analtical writing assessmentsection, which is comprised of two essas on business)related topics. ItBs the ind of test ou hateto tae and schools lo#e to re'uire.

    h is the 8"AT re'uiredC D)schools belie#e it measures our #erbal and 'uantitati#e sills

    and predicts success in the "DA program. Some thin this is a bunch of hooe, but most schoolsweigh our 8"AT scores hea#il in the admissions decision. If nothing else, it gi#es the schoola 'uantitati#e tool to compare ou with other applicants.

    "ost people feel the ha#e no control o#er the 8"AT. The dread it as the potential bomb intheir application. Dut ou ha#e more control than ou thin. >ou can tae a test)preparationcourse to re#iew the math and #erbal material, learn test)taing strategies, and build ourconfidence. Test)prep courses can be highl effecti#e. The =rinceton Re#iew offers what wethin is the best 8"AT course a#ailable. Another option is to tae a loo at Eaplan 8"AT prepcourses.

    6ow man times should ou tae the 8"ATC "ore than once, if ou didnBt aceit on the first tr. Dut watch out; "ultiple scores that fall in the same rangemae ou loo unprepared. ?onBt tae the test more than once if ou donBtepect a decent increase, and donBt e#en thin of taing it the first time withoutserious preparation. Two tries is best. Three, if there were unusualcircumstances or if ou reall need another shot at it. If ou tae it more thanthree times, the admissions committee will thin ou ha#e an unhealth

    obsession with filling in dots. A final note; if ou submit more than once score, most schools willtae the highest.

    If ou donBt ha#e math course on our college transcript or numbers)oriented wor eperience,

    itBs especiall important to get a solid score on the 'uantitati#e section. ThereBs a lot of mathbetween ou and the "DA.

    GMAT 'asics

    6ere, ou will learn about what is 8"AT, the a#erage 8"AT score, and thedifference between 8"AT and 8R%. e also co#er introduction to =roblemSol#ing,?ata =roficienc ,Reading +omprehension,Sentence +orrection, and+ritical Reasoning.

    GMAT Stud% Guides

    This site co#ers 8"AT test taing strategies, including 8"AT "ath,8"AT&erbal,and 8"AT Analtical riting. In each section, ou will find sample'uestions, how to answer and answers with eplanations.

    GMAT re!aration
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    e offer a full sample #erbal test ) sentence completion 'uestions, reading comprehension'uestions, analog 'uestions, and 9 antonm 'uestions;8"AT =ractice Tests(Sample Reading+omprehension 5uestions, Sample 8"AT Sentence +orrection 5uestions, and Sample 8"AT+ritical Reasoning 5uestions!.

    Also chec out our sample essa for 8"AT AA Issue 5uestions, and 8"AT AA Argument5uestions.

    GMAT 'oo(s and Soft$are

    Includes a comprehensi#e re#iew of online preparation courses, 8"AT prep boos,8"AT4fficial 8uide, and 4nsite 8"AT +lass..

    Test re!aration Schools ) ro*rams

    (b% State!

    +etter ) Writin* Career

    +SAT Test re!aration

    +SAT E,AM

    @irst of all, ou will learn basic information aboutwhat is SAToraw School Admission Test,how schools use SAT score(and SAT score chart! to e#aluate our candidac.

    +SAT re!aration Guides

    @urthermore, ou will learn to best sills, tips to obtain highest possible score on SAT test.Speciall, ou will find how to tacleogical Reasoning, Analtical Reasoning,Reading+omprehension, and SAT riting.

    Testin* Resource

    In addition, we offerSAT practice testsfor our practices. >ou can download with absolutelno cost.

    +SAT Re*istration

    e pro#ide the updated information for ou to register the SAT test, including SAT Test?ates,and SAT Test ocations.


    +ontent of the SAT

    Scoring of the SAT
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    T"E.+& Test of En*lish as a .orei*n

    +an*ua*eT4%@ stands for Test of %nglish as a @oreign anguage. This test is designed to

    measure understanding of spoen and written standard American %nglish and to assess how wella student will function in a classroom where %nglish is spoen. This test is designed for studentswhose best language is not %nglish or who normall spea a language other than %nglish athome or at wor. The istening and Structure are computer adapti#e. The Reading section, onthe other hand, is not adapti#e. %#er 'uestion is worth the same. @urthermore, ou donBt ha#e toanswer a 'uestion to be able to mo#e on to the net, so ou can sip around if ou want. Theriting section can either be done b hand or tped into the computer using an Americaneboard. To learn more about the T4%@, please follow the lins below.

    T"E.+ E,AM

    @irst of all, ou will learn basic information aboutwhat is T4%@or Test of%nglish as a foreign language, including istening +omprehension,Structure andritten %pression, and Reading +omprehension. how schools useT4%@ scoreto e#aluate our candidac, how to register T4%@, when to tae T4%@,and@A5sconcerning T4%@ eam.

    Ne$ T"E.+

    >ou can find the latest information and preparation techni'ues for the newT4%@ or T4%@ iDT(including Test @ormatand Test ocation!, and theT4%@ Score Table.

    T"E.+ re!

    @urthermore, ou will learn to best sills, tips to obtain highest possible score on T4%@ test.Speciall, ou will find how to tacle istening +omprehension, T4%@ 8rammar, Reading+omprehension, %ssential T4%@ ords, and T%(including T4%@ %ssa riting Sillsand@ree T4%@ Sample %ssas!.

    Testin* Resource

    In addition, we offer se#eralpractice tests(T4%@ &olume 2 =ractice Tests! forour practices. >ou can download with absolutel no cost. GG T4%@ %ercises
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    /E+TS& /nternational En*lish +an*ua*e

    Testin* S%stem

    The International %nglish anguage Testing Sstem or I%TS is a test of %nglishlanguage proficienc, de#eloped b the :ni#ersit of +ambridge ocal %aminations Sndicate.There are two different I%TS tests that ou can tae; Academic and 8eneral. The former is usedfor uni#ersit entrance in %nglish Speaing countries.

    I%TS is not a test that ou can pass or fail. >our assessment will be reported according to ascale from bands one to nine. Dand one indicates that ou ha#e #irtuall no %nglish at all. Dandnine is nati#e speaer proficienc. :ni#ersities in Australia tpicall re'uire a band score ofbetween and .

    @or which band ou need to obtain, ou will ha#e to contact the uni#ersit ou wish to enter to

    find out the I%TS score the re'uire for entr into our chosen course.

    The I%TS does not test an specific nowledge. Rather, the test 'uestions ha#e been designed toreflect the general interests of people from an educated bacground.

    +andidates are tested in istening, Reading, riting and Speaing. Allcandidates tae the same istening and Speaing "odules. There is a choicebetween Academic and 8eneral Training in the Reading and riting "odules.

    The total time needed to complete the test is 2 hours and -0 minutes. The firstthree modules ) istening, Reading and riting ) must be completed in one da.

    The Speaing "odule ma be taen, at the discretion of the test centre, in the period se#en dasbefore or after the other "odules.

    Educational Testin* Ser#ice

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    Educational Testing Service

    Type 501(c)(3)

    Founded 1947



    660 Rosedae Rd,

    !a"rencevie #J0$64$,+princeton+NJ+08541&t=h&iwloc=A&hl=en,_New_Jersey,_New_Jersey,+princeton+NJ+08541&t=h&iwloc=A&hl=en,_New_Jersey
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test



    %&'!and%&'*tests, +R'+enera

    and u-.ect %ests and /rais eries


    Services %esting, assessments and researchor educationa use

    Website ets2org

    ecome sign at entrance to '% headuarters in !a"rence %o"nship

    essic a, one o the man8 -uidings at '% headuarters
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    !ord a, another -uiding at '% headuarters

    ehind essic and !ord as is a ae "ith ountains in the midde o it

    Educational Testin* Ser#ice(or ETS!, founded in 19-, located $ust outside =rinceton, 7

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    %TS ser#es indi#idual students, their parents, educational institutions and go#ernment agencies.e help teachers teach, students learn, and parents measure the educational and intellectualprogress of their children b

    !istening to educators, parents and critics

    !earning "hat students and their institutions need !eading in the deveopment o ne" and innovative products and services

    earn about our heritage. atch our #ideo, L=ositioning %ducational Assessment for the 21st+enturL (@lash, 12;/9M0.-"D!

    Read our report, Lhat ?oes It "ean to be an %ducational "easurement 4rgani*ation in the21st +enturCL

    Our Mission&To ad#ance 0ualit% and e0uit% in educationb pro#iding fair and #alidassessments, research and related ser#ices. 4ur products and ser#ices measure nowledge and

    sills, promote learning and educational performance, and support education and professionalde#elopment for all people worldwide.

    Our Vision& To be reco*ni1ed as the *lobal leaderin pro#iding fair and #alid assessments,research and related products and ser#ices to help indi#iduals, parents, teachers, educationalinstitutions, businesses, go#ernments, countries, states and school districts, as well asmeasurement specialists and researchers.

    Our Values&Social res!onsibilit%2 e0uit%2 o!!ortunit%2 and 0ualit%3e practice these #aluesb listening to educators, parents and critics. e learn what students and the institutions theattend need. e lead in the de#elopment of products and ser#ices to help teachers teach, students

    learn and parents measure the intellectual progress of their children.

    See also;

    %TS =residentBs "essage

    D+"S 0-/21

    %TS has been certified b the Dritish Standards Institution (DSI! for its Dusiness +ontinuit"anagement Sstem. The D+"S program safeguards %TSBs critical operations and sstems aswell as the integrit of information entrusted to the organi*ation. %TS is one of onl four :.S.companies recei#ing this certification.
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test



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    %his artice is a-out an assessment agenc82 or the ngo;>ustraian %eescope2

    %his artice does not citeany references or sources2/ease hep improve this artice-8 adding citations to reia-e sources2

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    The Cambridge Assessment Networkis a #irtual centre of ecellence that has been created tohelp professionals in assessment share eperiences and increase their nowledge and epertise. Itdeli#ers a programme of =rofessional ?e#elopment in assessment and related issues. aunchedin 2//0, the +ambridge Assessment 7etwor is a #irtual centre of ecellence for professionals inassessment to de#elop and share their nowledge and epertise. It pro#ides a programme of

    professional de#elopment in assessment and related issues, and is building an internationalcommunit committed to high)'ualit assessment that enhances learning. %#er ear o#er3/,/// people wor with +ambridge Assessment b either attending conferences or b taingpart in topical debates from their des top.

    :+%S was established in 10 to administer eaminations for persons who were not membersof the :ni#ersit of +ambridge and to inspect schools, with the aim of raising standards ineducation. The Sndicate began eamining o#erseas in 13 and this aspect of its wor grew'uicl. In 1, the Sndicate was empowered to hold eaminations for commercialcertificates. The +ertificate of =roficienc in %nglish, the SndicateBs first eamination in thefield of %nglish as a foreign language, was introduced in 1913.

    In 13, the uni#ersities of 4fordand +ambridge created the4ford and +ambridge Schools%amination Doardwhich became part of :+%S in 1990. The :+%S 8roup absorbed se#eralother eamination boards, including the Southern :ni#ersities

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    -n the day of the Test of !poken English, a recorded interviewer will ask you 'uestions.!ome of the 'uestions will be printed in the test book, and the time you will have to answer

    each one is printed in parentheses after the 'uestions.

    hile most of the 'uestions on the test may not appear to be directly related to your

    academic or professional field, each 'uestion is designed to tell the raters how well you

    communicate in English.

    Although the T!E test is given at some T-E>L test locations, it is #-T 5ET administered as

    part of the T-E>L test. )t is administered separately.

    The test is appro;imately 91 minutes long and is delivered via audiorecording e'uipmentand a test book. A recorded interviewerer leads the e;aminee through the test and the

    e;aminee?s responses are recorded. A sample test is available for review.

    Ho/ are Test of S-oen English scores use",

    T!E scores are used by many intensive English programs and #orth American institutions of

    higher education to select international teaching assistants. The scores also are used forselecting and certifying education professionals, such as bilingual teachers and overseasbeginning teachers of English, as well as health professionals, such as physicians, nurses,

    pharmacists, physical therapists, and veterinarians.

    #here is the test gi0en,

    The test is administered /9 times a year at centers around the world under strict,standardi(ed procedures deigned to protect the security of the test. The test can be taken

    once a month on either >riday or !aturday. heck the test center list to see where the testis being given. Every test center is open to every properly registered person regardless of

    race, color, creed, or national origin.

    TSE( !vervie)

    What is the TSE*

    The Test of Spoken EnglishK (TS%!, the most widel used assessment of spoen %nglishworldwide, measures the abilit of nonnati#e speaers of %nglish to communicate effecti#el.The test is used for emploment, graduate assistantships, licensure and certification purposes.

    Who takes the TSE*

    If ou are a student or woring professional with %nglish as our second language, ou ma beased to tae the test to demonstrate how well ou can spea in %nglish.

    Where and )hen do people take the TSE*

    The original T4%@ iDTK test introduction schedule stated that the TS%J would bediscontinued as a stand)alone test as of

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    the TS% test to eaminees who need a speaing score. +hec the 2//9 H 1/ Information andRegistration Dulletin (=?@!for information about registering for the TS% test.&iew testinglocations and dates.This list will change as additional administration locations are establishedduring the ear.

    Who accepts TSE scores*

    Academic institutions, corporations, go#ernment agencies, health care sstems and otherorgani*ations use TS% scores to guide their decisions regarding graduate assistantships inteaching and research, emploment, licensing and certification.

    What is the TSE test format*

    The TS% uses speech acti#ities such as narrating, recommending, persuading, and gi#ing andsupporting an opinion to measure our abilit to spea in %nglish. >ou will be ased to tell astor, describe a graph and answer 'uestions. The session will be recorded and trained raters will

    determine our o#erall test score.

    The En*lish +an*ua*e roficienc% Test 5E+T6is offered b the +ollege Doard as an SAT IIsub$ect test. It is a 1)hr multiple choice test, designed to e#aluate the understanding of spoenand written standard American %nglish and use it in the classroom and dail interactions. Astudent whose nati#e language was not %nglish could ha#e chosen to tae this test instead of orin addition to T"E.+(Test of %nglish as a @oreign anguage! for college entrance depending

    upon re'uirements of the schools in which the student was planning to appl.

    A lot of colleges use the %=T to help them place entering students in appropriate %nglish andde#elopmental classes. The target testing group comprises students who attend :.S. highschools, whose best language is not %nglish, and who ha#e finished two to four ears of %nglishlanguage instruction in %nglish as a Second anguage program or students who ha#e studied inan international school where courses are taught in %nglish. oo through the following articlesfor more information about %=T.

    %=T =roficienc Ratings@ind out the information regarding the listening and reading proficienc le#els and their

    descriptions for the %nglish anguage =roficienc Test.
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    What is the ES'PT*

    %he '!/% ('ngish as a econd !anguage /acement %est) is student must tae the test in order to enro in an8 * cass2

    %aing the test, ho"ever, does not ensure admittance to the * program2tudents are paced into * casses according to their scores on the test2

    E+"EPT%!-tudents "ho attended

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test




    Who must take the ESLPT?

    A. All non-native speakers of English who have been predominantly

    educated in a language other than English, both undergraduates and

    graduate students.

    Note:Graduate students should contact their graduate advisor to

    confirm written English testing requirements.

    B. Non-native speakers of English who were enrolled in CMS classes

    (non-native speaker English classes) at the last school they attended in

    this country.

    C. Non-native speakers of English who believe they would benefit from

    studying with a teacher experienced in teaching composition to non-

    native speakers of English, even though they may have taken an English

    class for native speakers.

    D. Students with bilingual backgrounds who wish to substitute English

    410 for English 414.

    .escription of the TWE( test%'F stands or %est o ritten 'ngish2 %his test measures 8our 'ngish "ritingsis2 Gou "i "rite an essa8 on a given topic or 30 minutes2 %he scae or the %'score is 1 to 6 (1Ho"est and 6Hhighest)2 Gou "i -e ased to "rite either anopinion or argumentative essa82 Gou do not have to tae this test2 o"ever, i acoege or universit8 "ants 8ou to tae it, mae sure 8ou register prompt82 %he testis o@ered on8 ve times a 8ear "ith the %&'! test in >ugust, &cto-er, Iecem-er,
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    e-ruar8, and a82 Gou do not pa8 an additiona ee or %'2 Gour %' test score isreported separate82

    >our score will be based on the following criteria.

    12 !rgani/ation;; Io the ideas oo" each other ogica8C2 .evelopment;; >re the ideas supported -8 adeuate and reevanteampes, reasons, acts, and so orth

    32 'anguage usage;; >re the sentences ree o grammatica errors Io the8have varied sentence structures and voca-uar8


    Defore writing an essa, write down our ideas in outline form. This outline ser#es as a detailedplan for our composition. Indent the ma$or and minor ideas. The most crucial factor is to let theideas flow. ater, ou can add or delete an unnecessar or unwanted point. The purpose of

    writing an outline is two)fold. @irst, ou can see if ou are on the right trac and writing aboutthe topic that ou are ased to write about. Second, ou can see if our ideas relate to each otherand if the are arranged logicall.


    An essa has three components; An introduction, bod paragraph(s! and a conclusion. In theintroduction, the writer introduces the topic and states the thesis statement (main idea! of theessa. In the bod paragraph(s!, the writer supports the main idea with rele#ant e#idence. Thenumber of the bod paragraphs depends on how much support the writer gi#es for the point(s!heMshe has ad#anced. In the conclusion, the writer restates the thesis statement and summari*es

    the points supported in the bod paragraphs.

    Guidelines for an essa%

    >ou will be writing a multiparagraph opinion or persuasi#e essa for T%. ithin the 3/)minutetime limit, a)four)or fi#e)paragraph essa will be sufficient. There are man different was tode#elop an essa. It is best to use a format that is rather straightforward and eas to follow. %#erparagraph within the essa should ha#e a to!ic sentencewhich is generall the first sentence ofthe paragraph. @or eample, the traditional $or(!lace has *one throu*h chan*es in recent%ears3The topic sentence basicall controls the wa a paragraph is de#eloped. 7ow, the topicsentence has to be logicall supported b eamples and specific reasons. .irst, rather than

    commuting to the office, man emploees wor at home. Second, man worers no longerfollow a nine)to)fi#e da wor schedule. The more specific our supports, the more interestingour essa will be. The supports should pro#e the point that the topic sentence maes. Also, usetransitions between sentences and paragraphs to help the smooth progression of the ideas. 6ere,transitions first and second ser#e this purpose well.

    oo at another eample.

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    To!ic sentence&%arning a graduate degree has se#eral ad#antages o#er an undergraduate degree.

    Su!!ortin* ideas&A person with a graduate degree

    12 has -etter .o- opportunities2

    C2 has a more nancia8 secure uture232 is more ie8 to -e promoted2

    &rganiKation o a paragraph


    Supporting details;



    >ou ha#e onl 3/ minutes to write our essa. :se this time wisel.

    Spend 3 to 0 minutes for the outline.Spend 1)2/ minutes for the de#elopmental paragraphs.Spend 3 to 0 minutes for proofreading.

    7el!ful Su**estions&

    rite !G on the topic 8ou are assigned to "rite a-outA other"ise, 8our

    essa8 "i not -e graded2 ae sure 8our hand"riting is egi-e2

    rite cear82

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    /3 What is the TWE? //3 7o$ is it scored? ///3

    TWE Sam!le Si4 Essa%s

    /3 What is the TWE?

    The Test of ritten %nglish (T%! is a re'uired component of the +omputer)Dased T4%@ andis designed to gi#e ou a chance to compose an essa under a thirt minute time constraint. It isan opportunit for ou to demonstrate academic writing proficienc in the following areas;

    1. To generate and organi*e ideas on paper.

    2. To support those ideas with e#idence or eamples.

    3. To use the con#entions of standard written %nglish.

    The purpose of the T%, which was introduced in

  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    of 0 to an essa and the second reader assigns it a 3, the scores are considered discrepant. In thiscase, a third reader scores the essa to ad$udicate the score.

    To date, more than 2,//,/// T% essas ha#e been scored, resulting in some 0,//,///readings. ?iscrepanc rates for the T% readings ha#e been etremel low, usuall ranging

    from 1 to 2 percent per reading. %ducational Testing Ser#ice.http;"a ,2//2. =rinceton, 7ew

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    eplicitl or implicitl. The essa will ha#e a high degree of grammatical correctness andsntactic #ariet but ma ha#e slight flaws in writing, consistent with timed, first draft prose.

    2. ?o ou agree or disagree with the following statementC ?ancing plas an important role in aculture. :se specific reasons and eamples to support our answer.

    8eneral criteria for this essa;To score a L,L an essa will ha#e a #er well organi*ed argument supported b specific reasonsand eamples to show whether or not dancing plas an important role in a culture. 7ot wafflingon the issue, the writer should tae a position. The argument should be logical and plausible andcause the reader to reconsider his point of #iew if he is in disagreement or cause the reader tofurther bolster his position if he is in agreement. The writer should gi#e two or more reasons tosupport his argument. The essa will ha#e a high le#el of polish but ma ha#e minor errors inwriting, consistent with timed, first draft prose.

    3. Some people thin go#ernments should spend as much mone as possible eploring outer space(for eample, tra#eling to the "oon and to other planets!. 4ther people disagree and thingo#ernments should spend this mone for our basic needs on %arth. hich of these two opinionsdo ou agree withC :se specific reasons and details to support our answer.

    8eneral criteria for this essa;To score a L,L an essa will ha#e a well organi*ed argument supported b specific reasons andeamples to show which position the writer agrees with. The argument should be logical and

    plausible and cause the reader to reconsider his point of #iew if he is in disagreement or cause thereader to further bolster his position if he is in agreement. The writer ma acnowledge theopposing position, but he will refute it with well chosen eamples and apt reasons. The essa willha#e a high le#el of polish but ma ha#e minor errors in writing, consistent with timed, first draftprose.

    -. =eople ha#e different was of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some readFsome eerciseF others wor in their gardens. hat do ou thin are the best was of reducingstressC :se specific details and eamples in our answer.

    8eneral criteria for this essa;To score a L,L the essa will be a well organi*ed one that accomplishes the two re'uirements ofthe assignment. @irst, the writer must gi#e at least two was to reduce stress. Second, the writermust show with specific reasons and eamples how the two was will be effecti#e in reducing thestresses of modern life. The essa will ha#e a high degree of grammatical correctness andsntactic #ariet but ma ha#e slight flaws in writing, consistent with timed, first draft prose.
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    0. ?o ou agree or disagree with the following statementC Teachers should be paid according tohow much their students learn. 8i#e specific reasons and eamples to support our opinion.

    8eneral criteria for this essa;

    To score a L,L an essa will ha#e a well organi*ed argument supported b specific reasons andeamples to show whether or not teachers should be paid according to how much their studentslearn. 7ot waffling on the issue, the writer should tae a position. The argument should be logicaland plausible and cause the reader to reconsider his point of #iew if he is in disagreement or causethe reader to further bolster his position if he is in agreement. The writer should gi#e two or morereasons to support his argument. The essa will ha#e a high le#el of polish but ma ha#e minorerrors in writing, consistent with timed, first draft prose.

    . In our opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for eample, honest, intelligence, asense of humor! that a person can ha#e to be successful in lifeC :se specific reasons and eamplesfrom our eperience to eplain our answer. hen ou write our answer, ou are not limited tothe eamples listed in the 'uestion.

    To score a L,L the essa will be a well organi*ed one that accomplishes the two re'uirements ofthe assignment. @irst, focusing on a singular idea, the writer must identif an importantcharacteristic for success. The characteristic chosen could be honest, intelligence, or a sense ofhumor, or it ma be a topic of the writerBs preference. Second, the writer must use specific reasonsand eamples from his eperience in eplaining wh the characteristic is important in helping aperson be successful. The essa will ha#e a high degree of grammatical correctness and sntactic#ariet but ma ha#e slight flaws in writing, consistent with timed, first draft prose.

    . It is generall agreed that societ benefits from the wor of its members. +ompare thecontributions of artists to societ with the contributions of scientists to societ. hich tpe ofcontribution do ou thin is #alued more b societC 8i#e specific reasons to support ouranswer.

    To score a L,L the essa will be a well organi*ed one that accomplishes the three re'uirements ofthe assignment. @irst, the writer must compare (i.e., show similarities! the contributions of artiststo societ with the contributions of scientists to societ. Second, not waffling on the issue, the

    writer should tae a position b choosing either the artist or the scientist as the one who maes themost important contributions to societ. The argument should be logical and plausible and causethe reader to reconsider his point of #iew if he is in disagreement or cause the reader to furtherbolster his position if he is in agreement. Third, the writer should gi#e two or more reasons tosupport his argument. The essa will ha#e a high degree of grammatical correctness and sntactic#ariet but ma ha#e slight flaws in writing, consistent with timed, first draft prose.
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    . Students at uni#ersities often ha#e a choice of places to li#e. The ma choose to li#e inuni#ersit dormitories, or the ma choose to li#e in apartments in the communit. +ompare thead#antages of li#ing in uni#ersit housing with the ad#antages of li#ing in an apartment in thecommunit. here would ou prefer to li#eC 8i#e reasons for our preference.

    To score a L,L the essa will be a well organi*ed one that accomplishes the three re'uirements of

    the assignment. @irst, the writer must compare (i.e., show similarities! the ad#antages of li#ing inuni#ersit housing with the ad#antages of li#ing in an apartment in the communit. Second, notwaffling on the issue, the writer should tae a position b choosing which place he prefers to li#e.The argument should be logical and plausible and cause the reader to reconsider his point of #iewif he is in disagreement or cause the reader to further bolster his position if he is in agreement.Third, the writer should gi#e two or more reasons to support his argument. The essa will ha#e ahigh degree of grammatical correctness and sntactic #ariet but ma ha#e slight flaws in writing,consistent with timed, first draft prose.

    9. >ou need to tra#el from our home to a place -/ miles (- ilometers! awa. +ompare thedifferent inds of transportation ou could use. Tell which method of tra#el ou would choose.

    8i#e specific reasons for our choice.To score a L,L the essa will be a well organi*ed one that accomplishes the three re'uirements ofthe assignment. @irst, the writer must compare (i.e., show similarities! different inds oftransportation he could use. This implies that the writer discuss at least two or more differingtransportation methods. Second, not waffling on the issue, the writer should tae a position bidentifing which method of transportation he would use. The argument should be logical andplausible and cause the reader to reconsider his point of #iew if he is in disagreement or cause thereader to further bolster his position if he is in agreement. Third, the writer should gi#e two ormore reasons to show wh he would choose this method of transportation. The essa will ha#e ahigh degree of grammatical correctness and sntactic #ariet but ma ha#e slight flaws in writing,consistent with timed, first draft prose.

    1/. Some people belie#e that a college or uni#ersit education should be a#ailable to all students.4thers belie#e that higher education should be a#ailable onl to good students. ?iscuss these#iews. hich #iew do ou agree withC %plain wh.

    To score a L,L the essa will be a well organi*ed one that accomplishes the four re'uirements ofthe assignment. @irst, the writer must 4D discuss wh a college or uni#ersiteducation should be a#ailable to all students. Second, the writer must 4D discusswh a higher education should be a#ailable onl to good students Third, not waffling on the issue,

    the writer should tae a position b choosing which #iew he is in agreement with. The argumentshould be logical and plausible and cause the reader to reconsider his point of #iew if he is indisagreement or cause the reader to further bolster his position if he is in agreement. @ourth, thewriter should gi#e two or more reasons to show wh he agrees with one of the #iewpoints. Theessa will ha#e a high degree of grammatical correctness and sntactic #ariet but ma ha#eslight flaws in writing, consistent with timed, first draft prose.
  • 8/9/2019 The Sat Test


    continue with todaBs lesson

    Guaranteed Education Tuition ro*ram

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

    The Guaranteed Education Tuition ro*ram, or GET ro*ram, is a 029 sa#ings planadministered b the :.S.stateof ashingtonfor residents of the state. As with an 029 plan,account owners in#est in the program on behalf of a beneficiar H tpicall the ownerBs child orgrandchild H in order to prepa for epenses associated with the beneficiar attending a highereducationinstitution.


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    The 8%T =rogram is a prepaid 029 plan, and accounts ma onl be opened b, or on behalf of,

    residents of the state of ashington. The #alue of an account is dictated b the 'uantit ofLunitsL purchased. :nits ha#e a purchase #alue and a paout #alue which are sub$ect to increasetwice earl. The:.S. dollarpaout #alue of one unit is alwas e'ual to one percent of theannual full)time, undergraduate, in)state tuition and state)mandated fees at the most epensi#epublic uni#ersitin the state H either the :ni#ersit of ashingtonor ashington State:ni#ersit. The purchase price of one unit is slightl higher than the paout #alue.

    :se of the funds in#ested in 8%T are restricted to tuition and other epenses associated withhigher education(e.g., room and board, boos, mandator fees!. :nits purchased must beretained for a minimum of two ears before the can be used. In#estments are not ta)deductibleFhowe#er, the increase in account #alue o#er time, as well as disbursements to pa for higher)

    education epenses, are both ta)free. ?isbursements for purposes other than to pa for higher)education epenses are sub$ect to income taesandMor penalties imposed b both the programand the Internal Re#enue Ser#iceF eceptions are made for certain circumstances such as thedeath of the beneficiar or the beneficiar recei#ing a scholarship, in which case income ta isstill imposed but penalties are not.

    Accounts ma onl be opened b, or on behalf of, ashington residentsF howe#er, disbursementsfrom the program ma be made to an higher education institution in the :nited States, as well
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    as some foreign institutions, that participate in financial aid programs through the :nited States?epartment of %ducation.

    In#estments in the program are baced b the stateF i.e., the state assumes all in#estment ris andguarantees that returns on in#estments will eep pace with inflation and increases in college

    tuition o#er time. The program currentl does not recei#e an appropriations from the stateFhowe#er, per state law R+ 2D.90./0/,P1Qthe state is re'uired to pro#ide funding in the e#entthat the programBs a#ailable funds are insufficient to co#er its paout obligations.

    6ow 8%T ors

    6ow does 8%T orC8%T is ashingtonBs 029 =repaid +ollege Tuition plan that helps families sa#e for college. Itwors on a LunitL sstem, where 1// units represent one ear of tuition and state)mandated fees.iewise, -// units represent four ears.

    The unit cost is based on the unit price in effect toda when ou purchase them.

    The unit #alue will be the real cost of tuition and state mandated fees of the highest

    priced ashington public uni#ersit (: or S:! for each academic ear whene#erour child attends college. 8%T is 8:ARA7T%%? b the state of ashington to matchrising tuition costs, e#en if the double or triple.

    >ou can use our units at nearl an public or pri#ate uni#ersit, communit college or

    #ocational school in the countr.

    The monetar #alue remains the same, so if our school costs more than : or S:,

    ou pa the difference. If it costs less, ou can use etra units to pa for room and board,

    boos or other higher education costs.

    7o$ does the *uarantee $or(? /s GET safe and secure?

    +lic hereto read more about the 8%T guarantee.

    6ow much does it costC

    To get started, complete an enrollment form and include a one)time 0/ enrollment fee,

    then choose our plan. %ach student ouBre sa#ing for needs an indi#idual account. The current unit price is 1/1, and ou can purchase an number of units, from one to

    0// units per student. >ou can sa#e through either the ump Sum =lan (mae

    contributions whene#er ou want! or the +ustom "onthl =lan (contribute a specifiedamount each month!. 4r, ou can choose a combination of both. The cost of unitsincreases once or twice a ear. hen ou purchase ump Sum units, ou pa whate#erunit price is in effect at the time of purchase. 4n a +ustom "onthl =lan, ou can LlocinL whate#er is the current price and sa#e for the number of units ou want o#er time.GET is a self-sustaining program so Lump Sum units inlude a premium and the Custom

    !onthl" Plan ontains a finane harge# $ou need to hold "our units for at least two
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    "ears before using them% and will need to hold them for four "ears before "ou reali&e a


    h should I sa#e for college with 8%TC >our 8%T account is guaranteed to increase in #alue at the same rate of tuition increases

    at : or S:. >our sa#ings are not sub$ect to the ups and downs of the stoc maret. As a 029 plan, 8%T offers ta)free growth and withdrawals for our sa#ings

    8%T is fleible and eas to use. Relati#es and friends can contribute to our account.

    =lans can be ad$usted if our financial or personal circumstances change. If our childgets a scholarship or doesnBt attend college, ou can transfer our account to anotherfamil member or re'uest a refund.

    6ow do I get startedC @irst, open a 8%T account online and name the student as the beneficiar.

    Second, choose what pament or sa#ings plan wors best for ou and our famil.

    Third, mae our contributions based on the plan ouB#e chosen.

    @inall, when our student is read to attend college, tell 8%T to either pa the college

    directl or reimburse ou for eligible epenses ouB#e paid out of pocet.

    atch our sa#ings grow 8%T offers families the chance to pro#ide for a childBs future college

    epenses b putting mone awa toda. The earlier ou start sa#ing, the greater the increased

    #alue of our 8%T account.