chroniclingamerica.loc.govthe san fraxcisco call, monday, december 19, 1898. 9 help wav...

THE SAN FRAXCISCO CALL, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1898. 9 HELP WAV ED-Cnntlnned. RECRUITS wanted for the United States Ma- rine Corps, United States navy; able-bodied, unmarrle.l mer. between the ages of "1 and 30 years, who are cttizens of the United States, or those who have lecally declared their In- tention to become such: must be of good char- ncter md habits nnd able to speak, read and wril English, and be between 5 feet 5 Inches nnd 6 feet In helpht. For further information apply al the Recruiting Office, 4J Ellis st., San Francisco. Cal. WANTED—Laborers and mechanics to know that Kd ltolkln. Reno House proprietor, >till runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large room?. 2."c per nig: . $1 to $3 per week. MKNnnil women to •m barber trade at San Francisco Barber College. ISS% Eighth st. BARBERS' Association Free Employment Office^ S^ FT'CHS. Sec. 325 Grant aye. TRY Lirulell House. Sixth and Howard sts. thoroughly renovated: 200 rms.: 15c, 25c night. SINGLE rooms. V*c. 20c, 25c per night; 75c, }. to $2 M per wk.' Elcho House. 5634 Market St. SAILORS, ordinary seair.en. rarpenters, coast, Australia. Europe. HERMAN'S, 2i; Steuart. WANTED— To rrl!ect vragta due laborers and clerks. Kncx Collection Agency, 11] Sutier st. SAILOrts ar.'i ordinary seamen wanted at LANE'S, itfi Davtn st.. near Jackson. SINGLE, furnished, fine. Urge, sunny an.l airy room. 2.1e r.lcht. Riseflale House. 321 E'.'.is st. TRY Acme House. 957 Market st.. below Sixth, for a room: 25c a n:cht: $1 a week. WINCHESTER H"u?p. 44 Third st.. near Mar- ket: TOO rroms. 2">c nlsrht: re.idlni; room: free 'hy* nr:i ' --'L-e to nr.rl from the ferry. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted—";?. 5.," guaranteed to ex- terminate ami irlve away every rat and mouse from any house or place within $ dayH; not poison, nor will it kill or harm anything but nits and mice; greatest money maker ever handled by agents; boys and girls make $12 to $15 weekly; write lick for terms and territory; we also want hustlers to take State agency. 3. S. MFG. CO.. Chicago, 111. LARGE insurance office desires city agent hav- ing goo.l connections an.l controlling busl- ness; salary paid. Box 724. 435 California st. AGENTS wanted. Call 2C2 Sixth st. after 9 ROOMS AND HOARD WANTED. RO. M and board by middle-aped lady in _ -*«>te family; --•..-'• terms. Box 7(6. * Call. \\ \vn:;>_Mi«M i;i i.\ tttous. BICYCLE in good order; cheap for cash- state price ami year made. Box Csc. Call office. MEDICAL. ALL ladles will be glad to Teara~thaT~Mrs7lbr' uwyer, furmerly of 226 Turk st.. has returned to the city and resume business; a sure and Eafe cure fur all female diseases from what- ever cause; all tho*? who are sick or discour- aged should call on the doctor and state their caFes before going elsewhere; they will find her a tr\;- friend; home for patients, with every cemfort; satisfaction guaranteed by ' MRS. DR. GWYER, £10 Eddy st., between ' Hyde and Larkin. ALL cases of monthly irregularities restored i Instantly fno matter what cause); 6afe and sure at any time; my celel rate remedies and tment have never been known to fall; travelers helped without delay; home in con- finement; medical attention; all those \u25a0Rho are uick and discouraged consult the re- liable tpeoiallsia free and confidential. MRS. DR. WYETH. 20S Turk st.. near Jones. ALL Ladies C only Dr. and Mrs. M. Davles, i true friends of all Invalids, men and women; ' f-0 years' pratcice; •\u25a0• and quick cure guar- anteed: any disease or irregularity; disgrace avoided; kind sympathy and aid; sure relief, though else fail: delloacy, privacy, home, etc.: babies adopted: travelers treated; no de- lay; self-cure sent; call or write; free; onfl- dential. MRS. M. DAVIES, 122S Market St.; ; ::s. $1; very strong. $2. ILL of Dr. Foulet's capsules are puaranteed absolute cure for all female diseases; post- I lively safe and sure; no danger of after ef- fects: taken tn time It also acts as a pre- \er.tlve; price $1 50 per box, sent free by mall en receipt of price: consultation on all special diseases free. WALLER BROS.. 23 Grant aye.. S. F. A caution— Sefore purchasing elsewhere write us. NEW process sent for female trouble; no mat- ter from hat cause and how long standing; every woman her own physician; safe and sure; no medicine or instruments used: con- sultation free: pills and capsules. $1; cure $5. By the well-known ladies' physician for 37 years. Call and see me for a safe cure. DR. POPPER. $18 Kearny st. A TREATMENT that restores Instantly all cases cf ntbly Irregularities from whatever cause: no instruments used: guaranteed cure nt office. $."; traveler? helped instantly: hours 8 a. m. to fi p. m. MRS. DR. KuHL, 1122 .. <:,]i>i «t... 1., t llasnn an) "AILMENTS'—Ladles In trouhle see Drs. Good- wln free: reliable, safe and sure: cure In 24 hours guaranteed: any complaints: no Instru- ments; maternity home; be«t medical at- tendance: cure. $5. Removed from 401 D Van Ness to 1362 A Mkt.,bet. Jones & City Hall ay. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL, world-renowned spe- \ cialist; . a.l monthly irregularities restored; whatever cause; all cases relieved immedate- | ly; call or write; confidential. 1023H Market. ALLmarried ladies know "Seguro." the neatest ! gboon to them. RICHARDS & CO.. Clay st.; j Jl 50. Send 2c stamp for circulars to SEGU- RO MFG. CO.. £31 \u25a0\u25a0: St.. Sacran Cal. DR. and MRS WEGEXER 1312 Golden Gate aye.; private home In conflnemeat, with every j comfort; best care and attendance: terms i moderate; Infants adonte.l Into good mes. ALPEAU'S French pIIIR. a boon to ladles wlth v female troubles: no ' inger; safe cure: $2 50; expressed C O. D. : don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS.. Coast Agents. Oakland Cal. . MRS. ACHARD. midwife: pleasant, sunny home in confinement. 156 Second st. Tele- phon< Green 52. Bellevue Sanitarium— Ladles cared for durlni; confinement. 727 Beilevue nve.. T.o<> Ar.cele?. ; _— —^— «— -—~^ EDUCATIONAL. HEALD'S Business College. 24 Post St.— Book- keeping, business practice, shorthand, typ- ' ing, telecraphy. languages, English branches: | . electrical, civil and mining engineering; suh- j veylngr, assaying, etc.: 20 teachers; UOu grad- uates placed since 1532; catalogue. ATRES' Business College. 723 Market st.; Indi- vidual Instruction in shorthand, \u2666yplngr. book- keeping, telegraphy. penmanship, English branches, etc.; life scholarship. <\u25a0**; low rates per week nd month. NO humbug— Mrs. Hamilton of 252H Fourth St.. schgol of dre*scutting: will cut and fit free dresses brought in on the lMh, 10th and 21st. LADY teaches piano and mandolin aghly: SOc an hour; excellent pianist and accompanist for entertainments and vocalists. 1209 Octavla. ENGINEERING School, civil, electrical, mln- ing meeh. survey, assay, archlt. : day * eve.; oft.' 1564. VAN DER NAILLEN. 953 Market. ELOCUTION & oratory: F. C. Caldwell! 1C yrs' experience. Emma Ppreckeis ' ldg. 927 Market. INSTRUCTION— VioIin, piano, met, mando- "lln. etc. THE MISSES LANE. 3341 24th st. BAN FRANCISCO Business College, 123« Mar- ket st; : 400 positions secured in last 2 years. BOOKKEEPING, rapid rnloulatlon, practically t.-iughf short time. •r-trr T72 Parrott b'dg. LOST. $5 WARD for return: Ms Newfoundland dot: white breast, white spots on paws. Cor. Twenty-fifth and Bryant; phone Blue 1452. ON Dec. 14. from Poweil to Market. to Valencia tto Twenty-fourth st.. a box containing a<-- ! count honks nnd rtry fruits; lilH-ral reward. Ad«lre.«i« box 70!), Call office^ DIAMONP horseshoe s^.trfpin; liberal reward for return or Information of same. Box 637. Call office. SUNDAY at ferry. Scotch terrier answering name Mupple; nickel-plated collar: reward. C23 GoHen ClatP .t\e. . __»—^ -- CUtFET CLKA.M\G. CITY Steam Carpet-cleaning Worts Cleans, moves, lays carpets. C. H. STEVENS, Mgr.. 3S and 40 Eighth st. : telephone South 250. WHEN yov: become distrusted with poor work send to BPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet* bcatlne Works. 053-57 Teiiama St.; tel. S. 10. CARI cleaned at 3c per yard: laid at 3c. STRATTON'S, 3 Eighth St.: tel. Jessie '.'44. j X MITCHELL Carpet-cleanlnr Co.. 240 14th St.; cleaning 3c per yard: tel. Mission 74. CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating Works. 833 Golden Gate ave.: 'tel. East 126. ADVANCE Carpet-cleaning Co.. .02 Gutter St.; tel Mnln nn n 4 OHO WOLCOM. '"'roßrtetor. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ADVICE frre: divorce law a specialty; private; no fee without success; collections. G. W. HOWE, atty-at-law. i&i Market, cor. Stocktn. ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON, !)27 Market st. ADVICE free: divorce laws; private. J. B. EVANS. 14 McAllister, next Hibernia Bank. ALL private law cases, bankruptcy, collection, free advice; open evgs. A ttyMoCabe, 103 Larkin. ADVICE free— W. P ADAMS, 807 Emma Spreckels bldg.,i>27 Market: charges moderate. 1- B CLARK—Emma Hpreckels bldg, »27 Mar- ; ket: consultation free: no fee* In advance. SEWING MACHINES^ FOR sale, cheap— Singer and Wheeler < & l \u25a0 Wilson Hecond-hancl sewing machines. . In- quire at 14-16 Battery st. $2 MONTHLY, rented; repaired, nought, sold; . machine supplies. 145 Sixth; phone Mint 45. ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented; renairinj; at lowest rates. 20i Fourth st. BUSINESS CHANCES. A-S4OOO—HOUSE of 4 rooms, store "with~Btock of groceries liquors, etc.; lot 29x127:6; best location on Mission «t.; death of owner cause c: genuine bargain. WILKE & UNFUG 906 Market St. A—SI2OO—COAL and woo<i yard; established many years; doing good business; horses and wagons; rent $25; death of owner cause eft I^t-v^t"} 1 . ln If 1 ?. 4 ! v estment. Call WILKE & X NFUG, SO6 Market Et. A fi^ S ° C ir COUNTRY resort Santa Clara County; S "l bar u om: 2 parlors; 7 bed rooms; large grounds; horse and buggy; stock of liquors; {u_"-cl*M paying establishment; owner to \vii t.-J°J rJi ast; a bargain. , Particulars W ILKE & UNFUG. 906 Market st. A 7ltr" J: S , ;0 RXER srocery and bar; established >eari<, doing good-paying business; death of wit u-p- aY i Se ,^ f ,«? ale; 4 llvln * rooms; rent $45. IL ___& UNFUG. SO6 Market et. Ar«.3S°i,.SALOONA r«. 35 °i,. SALOON near R. R. depot: net rent «ni> $14; card and private rooms; the biggest •<?£ S « ln , ln the mark WILKE & UNFUG, •SOS Market *t. A-$7OO-DELICACY and grocery store on El- " s Bt. ; 5 livingrooms; rent $25: doing a good raying business: ncr to leave tor New York. WILKE & UNFUG. 906 Market st. A-s6so— COFFEE saloon close to Alcazar The- ater; first-class paying; rent $65; partners can't agree. WILKE & UNFUO, MM Market. S. H. GOULD & CO., 632 Market st., oldest and most reliable flrm in this line in the city, have for sale the following: A— sl6oo: grocery and bar; best location in Mission; > living rooms; stable; low rent; fine stock; good trade; stock will invoice fully price asked; thorough investigation. A—$100;A $100; groceries and liquor*; living rooms; must sell; really worth Investigating. A—s36o; candy route over 5 counties; team and wagon; well-established trade; clearing now net $75 per month. A— -$1100; bakery and delicacies; old-estab- lished business: fine trade; large stock; will trade for good rooming-house or sell either department separate; investigation solicited. A—Bargains in cigar stands; $125, $150. A—sl46o; meat market and fruit stand; cuts up 5 beeves, 2 calves. 35 sheep per week; 2 ' horses. 2 wagons; all cash trade; thorough trial solicited. A— KREDO & CO 22VJ, Geary st Real Estate and Business Chances. $s:.o— Grocery and bur; value In strk. $7"o— Grocery and bar; Third st. : snap, $300—Grocery and bar; a real bargain. KREDO & CO.. $1750— Saloon; cor. Market; receipts $75 daily. $100 Saloon; corner; near cattle market. .... 224 Geary st. $3,.»— Cijcar stand; clears $100 monthly. $175—Cigar stand; $10 dally. KREDO & CO. A— slso; COFFEE and lunch; $15 daily: must sell; other business. KREDO &CO.. 22% Geary. ' $1500— Lodging house: 40 rooms, bargain; part cash If desired. M'LAUOHLIN & CO.. 777 j Market st. $10<)0— Partner wanted In saloon; established 30 years: receipts over $SOO per month. M'LAUGHLIN & CO.. 777 Market st. $500 GROCERY store; north of Market st. ; liquors by the bottle; stock worth the money. Mclaughlin & co., 777 Market st. [ CANDY and Ice cream parlor and dcli- i cacy store; a bargain on account of departure. Mclaughlin & co.. 777 Market st. $125 COFFEE and chop house; a bargain Mc- LAUGHLIN & CO., 777 Market st. $325— GROCERY; bar. $600—Cigar stand; bargain. $275- Branch bakery. JlfiOO Candy store. " $1200— Saloon; down town. __^ JONES. 865 Market st. ! $100— PARTNER wanted in exclusive business; ! $12 to $1S a week each. WESTERN INVEST- MENT CO.. 9 Geary st. $400— PARTNER wanted In light business, where the services gf plain, steady man are preferred to hired help; business long estab- lished and too much for one man: no expe- rience required; trial given; $1S to $30 a week each. Western Investment Co.. 9 Geary st. M. W. MOON & CO.. formerly th National Agency at 7 Grant aye.. are now locate.! at IOOS Market Et. and have buyers to Invest In any legitimate business; parties willingto sell give U8 a call. $500 CANDY store, factory and ice cream par- lors; the best town in State; will teach the buyer the business. H. C. DECKER. 1020 Market st. - $60— CIGAR store: clears $1 50 a day; can be increased. 141 Fifth st. WELL-ESTABLISHED plumbing and hard- ware business In country town 60 miles from San Francisco; reasonable terms. For full j particualrs apply H. HACKE. 675 Bryant st. ; FOR SALE—A saloon and eating house In the : best part of the city; very low rent; party must go Kast. Address 215 Stevenson st. TOM ROBINETT. SMS— SEVEN furnl?h»<i rooms and bar; $315—4 furnished rooms and cigar stand. WARD & MARTIN, lOis Mwket, opp. Hibemia Bank. CRACKER route for sale; clearing $150 per month; a trial given; this is a genuine busi- I ness. 1120 Church st., corner Twenty-third. ] WANTED— Secretary for financial institution j who will put in a few thousand dollars; must be competent. Address box 641. Call. HALF interest In dairy; 150 cows. JOHN EGLI, 121 Sycamore St.. Ocean View. HALF interest In photograph gallery for sale. Inquire 113S Market \u25a0• SHOE shop: doing fine business: good loca- j tion; cheap rent: reasonable. 332 Bush st. $2000 CASH—Men's furnishing business for sale; \ located on one of the best business streets. : Address .rnishing, box 726. Ca!'. office. $90—SALOON, fixtures and stock: complete; rent $20; genuine bargain. Apply 31S Minna., OLD-ESTABLISHED drinking saloon for sale cheap. Inquire at 650 Sacramento, nr. Kearny. | : PAYING bakery for sale. Corner Web- ster and Ellis sts. | i BARBER shop— First-class two-chair 15c shop. I I completely furnished rooms in rear: sickness. ! Address box 1937. Call office. | j GOOD paying grocery and bar in Mission; rea- j Inquire 1003 Mission St. «- j ; WELL-EQUIPPED hoarJimr and livery stable; j barn full: reason for selling sickness; must sell before winter: 3S boarders; 20 Hvery and wcrk horses: buggies; surrieg: carriage; ; double and single harness; all that a good j etable requires. Address box 377, Call Office. ; GOOD corner ba'ery; only store; doing good; business: reason for selling, other business \ in the East. Apply Call office. COFFEE, tea and spice solicitors headquarters; fupplled as want.d at lowest prices. lO.*-UJ Eetle st LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE. hTc. DEi ECER, 1020 Mark-- Fifth. 110-room corner house $6500 ' 10-room house; worth $1000 EOO | 32 rooms; fine corner 1850 . 14-room house; only 600 26-room house; rent $50 750 \u25a0 9-room house to rent; furnished 6-room flat; rent $22 250 14 rooms; on Sutter st 450 82 rooms; reduced from $5000 to 2500 10 rooms: on Sutter st 250 24-room house; new house and furniture, 850 , S rooms; new furniture; cost $550 200 : 12 rooms: on Market St.; rent $40 450 ' 10-room house; only : 1".O 21 rooms: corner; clears $150...* BSO 46-room house; corner 1200 I HAVE HOUSES ALLSIZES AND PRICES. MONEY LOANED ON ANY HOUSE. H. C. DECKER, 1020 Market st. A— KREDO & CO 22>^ Geary st. Money advanced on all houses. 9 rooms; nice house; clears i'i'> $325 10 rooms; bay-window corner; transient.. BfiO 14 rooms: all bay-windows; a snap $00 17 rooms; Jones st.; clears $75 700 23 rooms: Fifth St.: clears $75 f|Oo 30 rorm.-j; best en Kearny: offices 2200 105 rocms; best known house on <oaßt 4000 ; And others. Call and get list. KREDO. A—slso0 rooms; nicely furnish".-!; keeps 20 | rooms for transient; always full; will clear $200 per month. KREDO & CO., 22% Geary. wins: & CO.. 646 Market st. 14 rooms; near Orpheum: cost $1500: must rifice; almost a gift $ C5O j 15 ms; offices; near Chronicle; cheap rent: »in exceptional chance; see it 850 10 rooms': sunny corner: If y v have $250 we w'll furnish the balance 450 35 rooms: fac'ng Union square; rhea;> rent: Inspection invited; A No. 1 place. 2300 ' S2 rooms; rent only 1200; water free; greatest opportunity ever ouered: lnves- tlgate 2700 A— s?so; HOUSE of 35 rooms; rent $r.O: or Ffrkton St.: alcknesw In family cause of jrreat bargain. WILKE & UNFUG, 906 Market st. A— s2ooo CASH: R0 rooms; elevator: rent $200: clean $200. KPECK & CO.. 602 Market st. A—SNAP: $1000: corner. 70. rms; clears $100. A t '"'X A CO.'B. 502 Market st " "" ! HORSES. FOR Sale Pair of well matched standard bred and very fast bay trotters, with buggy and harness," complete: fine road team for a gen- tleman. Address 8., 220 Montgomery aye. / ~ CO HORSES of *ver. description at Emporium BaleerardS. 220 Valencia *t.. bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth: also buggies, wagons, har- nesß. etc.. at your own price. <0 HORSES f r sale; also witions. buge'es. rsrts harness: Grand Arcade Horse Mar- ket IT? Sixth: auction «n!e« rverv Wedne»- day SULLIVAN * T">OYT.F Aiirti.-ineers. ; WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. GENTLE black mare, top buggy harness, etc.; cheap; suitable for lady. 1031 McAllister st. " ~~ TO LEASE. ' FURNISHED hotel in Benlcta: 2 minutes' . walk to Baker & Hamilton's Agricultural ; Works. Apply American Hotel, Benlcia, Cal. HOISES TO LET. j Send for circular; houses to let all parts of city. G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery. ELLIS House of 7 rooms and bath; yard; rent $15. Apply 626 Eddy st. TURK, 812, near Franklin— Modern sunny house, 9 rooms: bath: garden front and rear. J WE can rent you a house with or without a flagpole. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Mont- gomery st. 12- ROOM house; fine for renting rooms. 29 Oak 6t.. near Market. Apply at 15 Grant aye. $20—« ROOMS and bath (new); Sutro Heights: grand marine view; near 2 , car lines. 410 Fqrty-fifth aye. ' , ' : _^_ COTTAGES TO LET. $15—COTTAGE, 4 rooms, bath, baßement; $15, upper flat, 5 rooms, bath. Apply at 220 13th. FLATS TO LET. BERNARD. 10, bet. Pacific, Broadway, Taylor and Jones 3 rooms and bath, $11. FELL. Flat. 4 rooms and bath; hot and cold water; yard and basement; rent $15; key 13 Fell. FILLMORE. 2216%— renovated flat; 6 large rooms and bath; reduced rent. BURN- HAM & MARSH CO.. 20 Montgomery St. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. S% Lewis St., oft Taylor, near Post. MODERN flat of 4 rooms and bath. ISO 7 Eddy Bt.. near Scott; rent cheap. SECOND, 625— Flat, 6 sunny rooms, $14; also sunny cottage. SIXTEENTH. 3176, near Guerrero— flat, 4 rooms and bath; modern Improvements; will let cheap; also store; nice living rooms. SUNNY flat, 6 rooms, bath; modern imp. .large sunny yard; rear entrance. 2806 Howard. TWO sunny flats; newly papered and painted; $8 and $10. 2041 Harrison st. WE can rent you a flat with or without a flaspcle. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Mont- gomery st. $12. $14. $17; FLATS, light and sunny; 4. 5 and 6 rooms. 2209 Geary St. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. CLEMENTINA, 707— Nice sunny housekeeping rooms; bath and wash room; $7. EDDY, 4S3— unfurnished rooms; new flat; ele- gant parlor suite, with kitchen. EDDY, 915—2 large furnished sunny rooms; all conveniences; line location; private residence. EDDY, 817— Very desirable connecting house- keeping rooms; no children; private residence. FIFTH. 909—New house; connecting suite, par- I r, bedroom, kitchen; sunny; running water; gas. j FIFTH. 322— Large sunny front bedroom and kltchei grate, water, sink, bath; private; $11. FOLSOM. 525— Large sunny furnished rocm; light housekeeping; $1 M weekly. | FOLSOM. 1136—3 sunny rooms, complete for housekeeping; rent $12 50. FOLSOM, 1613, near Twelfth—Three sunny un- furnished housekeeping rooms: balU. GROVE, 202. corner Van Ness aye.—Suite of 3 Eunny unfurnished rooms, with gas range. GUY place, 12, off First, Just above Folsom— $16: 6 rooms and bath; lower part of house. HAMPTON place, off Folsom. bet. Second and Third— Bay window; irooms; yard; base- ment: $11. HOWARD, 525—Pleasant front room; furnished complete for housekeeping; others reasonable. KEARNY. near Sutter— unfurnished front rooms for offices or housekeeping; gad free; cheap rent. Apply 15 Grant aye. j LARKIN. 433—2 rooms for housekeeping; rent ! reasonable. i LEAVENWORTH, 150S. nr. Jackson— 3 fur- ' nished sunny rooms; bath; $10. MARKET, 102S— Large sunny front room and kitchen; folding bed; closet; call after 6 p, m. MISSION, 1220— Sunny room for 2; running water; grate; light housekeeping; also single. NINTH. 21—Suite of sunny rooms furnished for light housekeeping: running water: stove. NINETEENTH, 4045. near Castro— 3 unfur- nished sunny housekeeping rooms; cheap. OAK. 12— Large alcove room; running water; folding bed; cook stove; rent $10. OAK. 111—2 or 3 nice sunny housekeeping rooms; modern improvements. OCTAVIA. 311— Elegant new sunny furnished bay window; corner floor: bath: gas: yard. .sn,\'Kß. 165, nr. Fourth— Front parlor and kitchen furnished for housekeeping. ' \ SIXTH, 21C%— 2 nlre sunny front rooms for light hkpg: also single: reasonable; quiet. SIXTH, 393. corner Harrison— Sunny front room3, furnished for housekeeping. SIXTH, 42'"' -Housekeeping rooms; also elegant parlor suite; running water, bath, closets. STEIN ER. 1433— Three or 4 rooms furnished for housekeeping. TEHAMA. *62, near Second— s3; lower part of i house; first rate order. TENTH, 136, corner Minna—Sunny housekeep- ing rooms; running ter; stove. VALENCIA. IC2S— 3 furnished rooms for house- keep! rent $10. 4 ROOMS and bath and washroom. 1106V4 Treat avenue. 3 AND 2 large unfurnished rooms: cellar and yard: cheap. Inquire 66] Sixth st. ROOMS YO LET. ARLINGTON House, 127 Kearny r.t.— Pleasant runny rooms: en eulte or i ngle: rrst-ciaaj in every respect, terms reasonable, BALBOA. The. 1049 A Market—Changed hands: renovated; rooms 50c, tultes $1 per day; less per week: country trade solicited; elev'tr;tei. BRUNSWICK—I43 Sixth St.. corner Howard- rooms en suite or single. 25c to $1 a night; $1 25 to $5 week; open all nlsrht; Howard-at. cars pass house direct from all trains. BUSH SOS—Nicely furnished double rooms; suitable for couple; very rear.4iable. BUSH, £63 Nicely furnished sunny single or double room; private family; gents; refs. CALIFORNIA,1520— Nicely furnished front hall room, wii.. or without board; boarding. CARROLLTON. 1206 Market, oor. Colden Gate- Nicely furnished room* and > fflces. DELAWARE, 1433 Market— Furnished or un- furnished sinu-le and double rma. ; $8. $18 mo. DOLORES, 429—3 furnished rooms to let; rent cheap; coll evenings. EDDY, 118—Sunny pleasant furnished rooms; central; very desirable; $6 per month upward. EDDY, 207 Nicely furnished sunny single room, $5; also 2 double sunny rooms, $7 and $8. EDDY. 330, between Jones and Leavenworth Handsome parlor suite; also single rooms; carpets and furniture entirely new; at rea- sonable rent. ELLIS, 41S (Grand Carnot)— Nice sumy suites & -In?.. $1 50. $6 wk. : 60c, $1 day: tel. 81. 1354 FILLMORE, 1720—7 handsomely modern ' papered sunny rooms; larjje yard and b^- ... t. GEARY, Newly fur. sunny front rms.: 3' unfur.; cor. rms.; Ist floor; baths; transient. GEARY. 425, "The Gage"— Elegant furnished, | en hUite and single; hot and cold water; bath. GEARY, 622— Large front sunny bay window 1 room; also others; hot and cold water. GLOBE use, --' Howard— Per night, 25c to $1; week. $1 to $4; reading room; Howard cars. GRAND SOUTHERN. SE. cor. teventh and Mission—Pleasant sunny rooms; en suite and single: elevator; moderate rates; families. HANCOCK House, 7SI Mission-Select family rooming house; $1 50 to $6 er week. HASKELL. The. 121 Powell— New management; cheap, neat, light, sunny rooms; transient. HOWARD. S74 Sunny rooms cheap; or will sell out cheap; good location. HOWARD. 953%. near Sixth—Newly furnished sunny rooms; bath: $1 week up; quiet house. HOWARD, 1800, corner Fourteenth— 3 sunny front rooms; rent $$. JESSIE , S12 To let, a large sunny front room, unfurnished. MECHANICS' HOUSE, 456 Flfth-Everythlng new; rms.. single or suite. $1 wk. trans- cient: bar in connection. F. W. Gardener, bro. C. J. Gardener of Folsom and Rausch, prop. MINNA, 667, cor. Eighth— Newly furnished bay- window room, $1 per week; transient. MISSION. 933 (Mint House)— Nice sunny fur- nl»>hed rooms; transient: new house; central. NINTH, 20, near Market— bay-window room; folding bed: grate; gas; $S. O'FARRELL. 20—Sunny furnished rooms; ele- vator; electric lights; day. week ,or month. PIEDMONT House. 119 A 6th— Nicely furnished cunny front rooms; double, single; first class. PINE. 1004, near Taylor—Sunny furnished and unfurnished rooms; reasonable. ; POST. 909— Newly furnished sunny rooms; single and double; $5, $7, $8; private house. SEVENTH, 178—Cheerful sunny furnished front rooms; $! per week. SEVENTH,' 179—New house, newly furnished; modern, sunny; Eingle or suite; $6 to $20 mo. SHERMAN Apartment House. 23 Eighth »t.. near Furnished and unfurnished. > STOCKTON, 242— Sunny ', front rooms; \u25a0 suites, single; facing plaza; day or month. SUTTER. Clean and comfortable furnished rooms; single and en suite; very reasonable, | V \u25a0 ROOMS TO LET— Continued. TAYLOR, 109— Handsomely furnished suite. suitable for doctor's office, clairvoyant or massage parlors; transient solicited. TAYLOR. 223—Nicely lurnished tront rooms: fn suite or \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'gle: bath, gas. KOOMS A.ND BOARD. BUSH. 1094—2 front rooms; excellent home cooking: 2 meals; reasonable. FELL, 26—2 nicely furnished *unny rrx.m?, with board: reasonable; gas; gents preferred. FIRST, 415—Swedish private boarding, with room, $4 a week up; elegant parlor suite. HOTEL Fairmount. 1714 Market— Elegant new furniture; first class in every respect; table unsurpassed; hot and ccld water; elevator; suites, with board for 2. $50 a month up. IRVING. 1070 Valencia— Large sunny front al- cove room. O'FARRELL. 742— Sunny single rm :also sunny parlor for 3 gentlemen; home comforts; piano. SITTER, 112-S— Elegant ronm and board; loca- tion unsurpassed; reasonable. VAN NESS. 400 Large sunny room with board for two; separate beds: very cheap. VAN NESS aye.. 519— Sunny furnished suites j and 6ingle rooms; first-class table board. VAN NESS aye., 712— Sunny pleasant rooms, with board; gas; bath; $20 per month up. VAX .\"ESP. 9."'"»—Reautlful sunny rooms, with hoard: electric lights: reasonable. CHILDHE.V BOARDED. WOMAN would like child to raise on bottle; mother's care: no other children: or would take older child. 106 Natoma st. I EXPERIENCED lady would board infant or I older children: mother's care; $10. 2SS2 Slx- j teenth st., near Howard. TURK, 524 Wanted children or Infants to board; Ger. fam.; good home: mother's care. STORES TO LET. GROCERY and bar to let. Northwest corner Eighth and Natoma sts. ; living rooms. STORE: 3 sunny living rooms; rent $12 50. 810 Flllmore St., corner Haight. TWI )-show-window store and two living rooms to 1-t; cheap. ISO 2 Howard st. OFFICES TO LKT. EMMA BPRECKELS building. 927 Market St.— Light, heat, ianitor and telephone; rents $12 50 to $20. ASHTON & GARDNER, room 210. jGOLDEN GATE aye., 503— Double parlors, car- i peted, suitable for doctor, dentist; gas; bath. STABLES TO LET. STABLE, 4 stalls or more If desired; $11 per 1 month. 415 First st. MUSICAL ISSTRIMESTS. \u25a0 A BEAUTIFUL Hardman; used few months only; a great opportunity. The J. DEWING CO.. sole agents Hardman piano, second floor. Flood building. A FINE practically new Chlckerlng upright; carefully selected by the owners at the Chick- ering fuctory; sacrificed Immediately on ac- count of loss of business. See ot at once at r \u25a0- m U\ Flood building. A MAGNIFICENT new Hallet & Davis piano willbe sold at once to beet offer. Room 12, Flood building. WANTED To puchase a good upright piano. Room 12, Flood building. AT $5 50 PER MONTH INSTALLMENTS AND UPWARD. $3 50 per month rent; new pianos. Heine upright $293 00 Bteinway upright 187 50 ('nickering upright 235 00 Sohmer upright 115 00 Knabe upright 275 00 And over 20 bargains from $40 up; buy direct of manufacturer and save $50 on each piano. Office of HEINE PIANO MANUFACTURING CO., ISG Ellis st.. Y. M. C. A. building. AS we are selling good upright pianos for $6 caph and $8 per month, we ask you to Investi- gate and approve this method; prices are thn Fame as if purchased for all cash: bargains In good second-hand uprights upon same easy t aymente and some good pianos for $3, $4 and $: per month. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO., St. inwny dealer?, corner Kearny and Sutter sts., San Francisco, and Thirteenth and Broad W;i y . ( >a k land. A FINE List of Bargains in Good Uprights This Week Only: Weber $ 50 Steinway Fisher (Sacrificed) Hemme & Long, and others very cheap. Open I'veninga until S:3O. fIARDNF.R & OLASSELL. 21« Post st. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest house west of Chicago is KOHLER & CHASE'S. 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell St.; pianos, organs and all other musical instruments of all grades and prices; terms easy; prices lowest; every- thing possible done to please and satisfy the customer. A FEW Bargains Until Christmas Only: Sterling piano: rosewood case $190 Royal piano; oak case 197 Miller piano, rosewood case 198 $6 per month; guaranteed 5 years. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 16 O'Farrell # st. DURING the next few weeks while our store Is being remodeled we will offer the greatest bargains In planoß and musical merchandise: call and get our prices. ZENO MAUVAIS , MUSK' CO.. 769 Market st. A STEINWAT, $175; Steck. $150; Estey, $225~[ Fischer, $250; Weber. $200; easy payments; pianos rented $1 SO up; rent allowed on pur- chape. Bruenn's Piano House. 204 Post St. WM. G. BADGER. 415 Sacramento St., agent for celebrated pianos of Francis Bacon of New York and Hallet & Davis Co.. Boston. AN elegant Steinway upright, but little used and In perfect order; a bargain. Spencer's Piano Warerooms, ISIS Market st. A FINE bargain; Weber upright, only $60. 216 Post st. A FINE Steinway nnd new Chickering upright sa<-r!nred. KEEFFE'S. 1119 Van Ness aye. JISfV-FlNFTstelnwayjgrent bargain. SCHMITZ, 1G McAllister st.. next Hibemia Bank. A PIANO that will please you, the Byron Mauey. 3os Pout st. HAINES Brns." and other flr«t-c!ass pinnos at reduced prices. W. C. HAMILTON. 524 Post. NEARLY new uprleht piano cheap: brilliant, powerful tone. HORNUNG, 218 McAllister. "AD" smnllest; prices lowest: uprights, $75 up; rents $2 up. HEINE. 136 Ellis st. KNABE pinnos: new scale; now styles. KOH- LER & CHASE. SO O'Farrell st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. ,TUT T.FTt. m.nkor. rern'rer. 2 Latham plnce FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. BOILERS engines, 2d-hand machinery. Ms- INTOBH & WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. ASK to see the 312 solitaire diamond rlnar: ask t see the $15 solitaire diamond ring. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. FOR sale— Small billiard table; almost new. 757 Harrison st. PICTURE framing with glass, now cheaper than ever; 7x9 Inches, 10c; 10x12. 13c; 12xl«, j We: 14x17. 2r,c: 16x20. SOc; ISx22. 35c; 20x24, 45c: 22x25. file; curtain poles complete, with wood or brass trimmings, 15c; room molding, all colors, lc per foot: colored pictures, studies, etc.. 3 for 10c. JONES. 547 Mis-lon st.. be- tween Flr^t and Second: open evenings. BARS, back bars, mlrrore, showcases, counters, [ linoleum, office furniture, storp and office fur- niture nrd fixtures: new and second hand. J. NOONAN, 1017-1013-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. FOURTEEN nice Shetland ponies for sale at J. D. HORAN'S Stock Yard, corner Tenth and Bryant sts.: among them are several nicely mated teams and ponies, suitable for saddle. MASTIFF pups, at Rose Cottage, Maple Court, off Fourteenth st., between Guerrero and Dolores. DOMESTIC sewing machine. 5 drawers, good order, cheap. 1315 Mission st.. near Fifteenth. GOOD seven-year-old horse, sound and gentle, for pale, at 2024 Mission Bt. DOUBLE cylinder 5 h. p. gas engine, in good running order. 648 Mission st. NEW sealskin sacque. Apply M. L., box iSS, Call office. BEAUTIFULdiamond bracelet, coat $350; also solitaire diamond ring, chenp. 43 Sixth st. SECOND-HAND engines, boiler*, pumps, hose, belting, etc. H. L. WHITE. 516 Mission St. SAFES— The Hermann Safe Co. moved to 417- 423 Sacramento st. J. R POOL, house-mover, dealer second-hand building material. 1124 Ml^lon; tel. South 787. SAVES—Bargains In new and second-hand: all sizee; half original cost. 109-111 Market, S. F. PETALUMA and Stockton Incubator; 300 and 240 eggs; brooder: $40 outfit. 280.'> Folsom st. 40.000 FEET redwood boards; second-hand lum- ber. Ist nnd Jeaele. Yard l.'th and Valencia. GASOLINE engines— l :. p, |MN; 2 h. p.. tlB; 3 h. p., $150; 4 hp . $17.-,. Fmlth Co.. ;27 Mission. SIX ho-sepower Zenith gas engine: nearly new. Caj Br>n c. •;\u25a0• M m «__ taj Br. 18. ONE and 2 bowl barber washst«nd3. cheap. HI'PSrHMIDT. f<l2 Golden Gate aye. BICYCLES. EXTRA fine pointer dog pup; 9 months old; will exchange for bicycle or chickens or sell. JONES. 565 Market st. ALMOST new high-grade wheel for sale cheap; | 22-inch frame. 722 Broderlck, near McAllister. PERSONALS. LEDERER'S Qulnonia Is the one tonic that helps hair that is thin or falling out; Joe bot- tle; try it. G. LEDKRER. 123 StocKton st. LEDERER, the hairdresser, has but one price, 25c, for a la mode styles; LEDERER'S FOAiIO. 5c package; use no other; switches, $1 up; open Sundays and holidays, 9 to 12. 123 Stockton &t. . SANTA CLAUS wig, whiskers and eyebrows, 75 cents, post paid; illustrated catalogue of Wigs, Plays, Tricks and Novelties free. Cha_. Marshall, Manufacturer, Lockport, N. Y. , __ _ DR. MORSE, eye specialist, formerly at 303 Eddy St., has moved to room 402, Parrott block, over Emporium. JOSEPH GREVEX, instructor of many now celebrated singers, will open by requeßt two classes, each with about 10 pupils, beginning January, being Impossible to receive the many applicants for single lessons; classes, month- ly >2. ensemble and single treatment; only those enlisting .before Christmas accepted. Rms. 121-122 Murphy.bldg., Jones and Market. CLOTHING, especially ladies' and children's; highest price; postal. H. Fabian, 1020 Folsom. STAMP Albums, best Christmas present; stamps bought. W. Sellschopp & Co., lIS Stockton st. ELECTRIC lights In every room; Winchester House, 44 Third st.. near Market: 200 rooms; 26c to Jl 50 per night: |1 E0 to S6 per week; free "bus and baggage to and frcin the ferry. CHRISTMAS Sale— Japanese bamboo furniture: all kinds to order: wholesale and retail: coun- I try orders. K. YOSHITANI CO. 313 Sutter. SUITS to order en installments at cash prices; tl week. N. Y. TAILORINGCO.. 115 Kearny. ———————\u25a0— —— i HOME in confinement: diseases of women. MRS. DR. FUNKE. 1416 Bth St.. Alameda. SUITS to order- on easy I-stallments. L. LEMOS. 1117 Market nt.. bet. 7th and Sth. DRESSMAKERS. LATEST style dresses made, $5 to $«; dresses made over. 3 Eddy St., rooms 14 and 15. SAN FRANCISCO Ladies' French Tatlortnt College. 916 Market: men and w.>men teacher*. .— . .—». —— —^— si'ihitua-ism. attentTonT mrs. dr. a. d. howe, The celebrated medium and clairvoyant of all clairvoyants, who sees it all, tells'you all and I Instantly gives you peace and happiness. She never asks a question, but before you utter a wcrd she tells you in full of all that you are interested in; business, speculation, love, jnarrlage, divorce, tells of friends and ene- mies, locates mines and burie.l treasures, TO THE SICK ESPECIALLY Her assistance is priceless. Her "Revealed ; Medicines," registered and copyrighted, cure all diseases on earth, consumption, paralysis. rheumatism, all skin diseases, heart and ner- vous affections. The wonderful cures which ehe has made are the talk of the whole slope. AH correspondence sacredly confidential. Treatment and consultation by mail always Fatisfactory and most successful. Address or call. MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE, 1104 Market st., S. F.. The Vendome. DR. m 7 MUEHLENBRUCH. the prophetic seer and psychometrist, box 118, Oakland, Cal., diagnoses disease by mail without symptoms required, from lock of hair; 5 2-cent stamps: rock from mines read, $2 50; life readings by mall. $2 50. ' MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, celebrated trance teEt medium, life reader, medical clairvoyant, cures disease with revealed remedies; consult when others fall: sittings J!. 232 Stockton st. MADAME AUGUST, clairvoyant, card reader and palmist; truth or no pay; 25c. 1150 Mis- sion st. BUSINESS medium' and palmist: readings 25c this week; satisfaction guaranteed. 2_-iV_ 6th. MRS. ELLIS: tests to all: Tue.«.-Frl.. 2 p. m.: Mon.. S- 25c: sittings .1. .M Valencia *t. ____________ ( LAIRVOYAN TS. A— MRS. DR. F. CLARK. Permanently Located in San Francisco, At 1023 1 Market Street. Between Sixth and Seventh. While entranced gives aid and advice which will overcome your enemies, remove family troubles, restore lost affections, make marriage with the one you lovt no failure, remove influ- ence, bad habits, cures witchery, fits and long- standing and mysterious diseases; will give cor- rect Information on law suits, sickness, death, divorces, absent friends, etc. N. B. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed mall. Send stamp for circular, with special terms, To MRS. DR. F. CLARK, 1023^4 Market st. MME. HANSON, palmist and card reader; past, present and future; 25c. 148 6th, rm. 10. CLAIRVOYANT card reader; 10c; ladles only. 643 Natoma St., bet, 6th and 7th. MME. ETHEL GRAY, scientific palmist, clalr- voyant and card reader. 1169 Mission, nr. Bth. MME. ; MOREAU/ the best medium and card reader; 25c up. 73 Fourth St.. near Mission. YOUR future told by cards, 25c. 221 Sixth street. Mrs. Hosklns, tr. medium, rdgs dally, $1; clr- cles Tues. eve., 25c. 322 S. Spring, Los Angeles. MME. DR. ANNA THOMAS, first in her pro- fession, has removed to 21S Stockton st. MME. RAVENA r»ads life fluently; business advice; names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth st. MME. SYBILLE, cradle to grave; future hus- band's picture. 25c; ladies. 9H O'Farrell st. MRS. B. BAUMANN, the well-known fortune teller, has opened an office at 315 O'Farrell st. HYPNOTISM COLLEGE Suggestive Therapeutics, 305 Larkln St., San Francisco— Diseases and habits cured at the college by -suggestion: occult science taught; hours to suit pupil; Tuesday evening clinic free; experienced teachers and prac- titloners. DR. S. TURMAN. _^ DENTISTS. A METAL plate for the .-ame price as rub- ber: full set of teeth. $5; crov ns. $3; fill- ings, 50c: teeth without plates a specialty; written guarantee for ten years given on all work; no students employed; extracting free when plates are ordered; consultation free. Modern Dental Parlors, corner Market and Mason. sts. Entrance S Mason st. - A FULL set of teeth, $5; see new flexibl. plates; light and thin; guaranteed 10 years; teeth without plates, crown and bridge work our epecialty; fillings,' 50c; crowns, $3 50: alt \u25a0work painless and ' warranted. Chicago Den- tal Parlors. 24 Sixth st. : telephone Jessie 1132. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK.'2O O'Farrell St.. ex- tracts or fills teeth painlessly by hts wonder- ful secret method; crowns $2. bridges J4; rub- ber or flexible plates $3: received S _rst prize.; . no students; guarantee 12 years. VAN VROOM Electro Dentnl Parlors; full set of teeth, $5 up; fillings, 25c up: all work pain- lers and guaranteed to F»and; open evenings 997 Market st., corner Sixth. FULL set of teeth, $4: fillings. 25c: 22k. gold crowns. $3: gold bridge, . $6; plates repaired; "painless extraction guaranteed. N. Y. DEN- TISTS, 569 Mission . fit. . .' . DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Market et.. near Eleventh: crowns, bridge work i.nd fillings a specialty; all work reasonable; gas given. , PARIS Dental Parlors, 235 Kearny; set of teeth, $4: filling, gold. BOc: sliver. 23c; crowns. $3.. \u25a0 THE Esmond dental parlors, 43 6th Crown and bridge work specialists: crowns $3; est. 15 yrs. SET of teeth without a plate. DR. H. G. YOUNG. 1841 Polk st. ALL work reasonable and warranted TR. J. W. KEY. 1320 Market St. ELEVENTH. 106—Branch offlc* of Th. Call. Subscriptions and ads taken. YUKON .MAIL, RELIABLE party returning to Yukon, via Skaguay and Bennett, over the Ice with dog teams, wIH leave San Francisco January 10 1533. for Dawson. Circle City and by ' sta- tions on the Yukon River, as far as Ram- part City; will receive and carry letters sent In Government stamped envelopes at $1 per letter: letters over 2 ounces will be charged extra: all must be stamped according to weight: letters for Atlln City will be for-| warded from Bennett. Call or address letters with -fee inclosed. > N. Letters received will be answered by postal, which forms a receipt, signed by the carrier, if fo desired. . Address C. G. JOHNSTONE, 331 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. . \u25a0 RESOLUTION. RESOLUTION—At a meeting of the Board of New City Hall Commissioners, held Decem- ber 16. IS9S, the following resolution was ordered passed to print: Resolved, that the following final ac- ceptance payment be passed to print: James J. O'Brien, on contract. No. 83, the sum of $30.0-. 06: also final payment to John J. . McGowan. contract No. S7, ' sum ' of $627 50; Jnhn D. Spreckels.& Bros. .C0.,-S7SG 50: John Quadt. $55; Gladding. Mcßean & Co., $608 50; W." H. McCormack, $25. : •-_.-,.. Ayes- ommlMSioners Phelan, Broderick. Gallagher. . SAMUEL H. BECKETT, -: Acting Secretary. ~™~~ 1 U'hWKITERS. ALL typewriters sold and rented, few partly : used -for sale cheap; send fcr samples and prices. ALEXANDER _ CO.. 110 Montgomery. A 'HAMMOND, $25: " Caligraph, $15; ; Yost., $25: get .ample work. SCOTT, 333 Montgomery at. ..\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 .'..••.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ... . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0" . -\u25a0' \u25a0,-\u25a0 CITY KEAL ESTATE. GOOD TIMES ARE NOW AT HAND! ~~ BUY REAL ESTATE. CITY REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. $620—Lot 37x120 feet, ready to build; 200 feet from Geary-st. cars. $975—Cozy cottage, with stable, nice yard: lot j has double front; great. bargain for Christmas. SltXO— 4-room cottage, vicinity Page and Web- ] ster sts. . - $1800— Two good flats: always rented; $20; near Jones st. ; only $680 cash. $90,G00 -MARKET 3T. Grand purchase near Phelan building; under long lease. $140.1100— PROPERTY. Grand investment north of Market st. ; very . cheap; pays 6 per cent; 10 years' lease; guar- anteed 5-story stone and iron building. $10,000— BUILDERS, ATTENTION. \u25a0 Turk-st. corner, with 3 frontages: 50x120 feet; chance not to be missed: must be sold. . $15,000— EDDY-ST. CORNER. " 40 feet front; good frame improvements; pays 8 per cent net; a snap-up. . "•-".»- \u25a0 \u25a0 . OTHER GOOD INVESTMENTS. A. M. SPECK & CO., 602 Market st. $450— NEBRASKA st, near Nineteenth and Lick School; 2"..\100; $50 cash, balance $S per month: corner $600. Inquire 1326 Hayes st. WE have one more 6-room cottage for $2200; Eec this bargain. RAND & CO.. 917 Market. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. CHOICE, rich farms of 10 acres, right at Ante- lope station, Sacramento County, may be bvuglit tor $500, but may be leased on trial at $20 per year and for 5 years. McEWEN BROS., lIS Montgomery st. A— s22oo—l4o- ACRE rarfch, 2 miles from town; Napa; nice ' house, barn; fine orchard of 4 acres; 4 horses; cows, tools, etc. SPECK & _ CO., 6C2 Market st. . BARGAIN— I4-acre orange grove, bearing, or exchange for S. F. property, at SPECK & CO.'S, 602 Market St. BARGAINS!— 3 20-acrb tracts: level, rich val- ley land: within 25 miles of Oakland;* price way down. Box 731, Call office. $650 WILL hulld 4-room bay-window cottage; good material. GEO. M. RALSBURY. Bulld- t. f2l X St.. Sunset district. ! PROPERTY WANTED. A—ssooo; Sutter-st. flats: want grain ranch, at A. M SPECK & CO.'S. 602 Market st. RANCH wanted In trade for 7-room house; 2 cor, lots; S. F. : $3600. J.. Call office. Oakland. : MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS on furniture or pianos in S. -F., Oak- land or Alameda' at " lowest rates, without removal; no commission; no delays. J. NOONAN, 1017 to 1023 Mission St., abore Sixth: telephone South 14. HIGHLY respectable and private place to ob- tain liberal advances on diamonds and jew- elry at the lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store, room 40S. Parrott building. - LOANS to salaried people: no security except name. New Era Loan Co., 1003V4 Broadway, Oakland. Hours, 10 to 3. . DIAMONDS, diamonds: highest amount loaned, lowest interest. UNCLE HARRIS, 15Grant ay. ON furniture. plano.«, city or Oakland; no re- moval; low rates: no commission; $25 up; private party. BONNELLI. 130 Powell st. ANY amount at 6,4 per cent on real estate, 2d and cd mortgages, estates, real estate in pro- bate. R. McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery, rm. 3. $5000 IN sums to suit: reliable parties. 120 Ellis st., room 4, until Jan. 1.". BORROW from the CUT-RATE LOAN OF- FICE, 22 Mason St.. opp. Olympla Music Hall.. ON furniture, pianos, without removal: no com- mlsslon; private. LICK. 116 McAllister, st. SECOND mortgages and undivided interests in estates a specialty. MURPHY. 636 Market Ft. $50 TO $.:-O.nO0: lowest rates; Ist and 2d mortg.: any proposition. Dryden 413 M mtgomery st. FINANCIAL. NOTES discounted; loans negotiated. SYL- VAIN SALOMON, broker. 32S Montgomery. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 9O3 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAXi ESTATE. 30 MINUTES from San Francisco: 3 minutes from station; In attractive neighborhood: new residence, 7 rooms; strictly modern; thoroughly constructed and finely finished; lot 40x125; i small payment and monthly install- ments can be arranged. HERON & HOL- COMB. 1050 Broadway. $4400—38 ACRES; cheapest ranch in California- 4 miles from canter of Oakland. OAKLAND HOUSES. EQUITY of $2000 in Oakland house and lot; ex- change for small Improved mountain ranch. Box 1859. Call office. \u25a0 OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE—Onod nn^rh^T^^^TiK^i^' HAAP' rid ffnrs 4ft« F!»V»-- 1 - -I J . V ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—6O cents on the dollar; one 6, one 6 and one 7 room cottage; also for Investment two 2-story cottapes; pay net 10 per cent- b«ft location. Apply to A. R. DENKE SR., Webster st. station, narrow gauge. HOUSES built to order at your own prices and on your own terms: call and see plans. J H YOUNG. Builder. 1243 Park st. HKT. 1.. . \ KEAL ESTATE. $1750— HOUSE of 5 rooms; large lot; street work all done; electric cars pass the doors- a bargain. Apply to JOS. J. MASON Real Estate, Berkeley. $3ooo— AFIRST-CLASS investment: house of 13 rooms; near the university; thoroughly well built; all the latest Improvements; street work all done; leased for $50 net monthly Apply to JOS. J. MASON, Real Estate Berkeley. FOR SALE—Fine place in the center of Berke- ley for chicken ranch, milk ranch or home: six acres: house, barn, outhouses, windmill and all Improvements: price $7000 D. J. TOBIN, Real Estate Agent. 2121 Stanford place. PLEASANT home of 7 rooms on improved street, for, only $2250. O. G. MAY & CO 2123 Center st. PHYSIC REMOVAL Notice—Dr. C. C. O'Donnell. office and residence. 1021 Market, bet. 6th and 7th. - STORAGE. . PIERCE-RODOLTH~^to7TgT^n^~M^ving~CoT Office 401 Post st.. cor. Powell; tel. Main £71* BIRTHS— MARRIASES— DEATHS, i Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not bo Inserted. They must be handed . in at either of the publication oftices and be indorsed with the r.ame and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BORN. . LEE— this city, December; 8, 1198, to the wife of Thomas Lee, a daughter. ~ DIED. Ames, Kittle McMurdo. Ellz'bth A. Brown. Amasa Macdonald. \u25a0 Margaret Carter, infant Moody, Edmund F. Cotter. Maurice. Nolan, Martin. Donahue, Patrick. Ntlsh, infant son. * Daly. Annie M. O'Brien. John. Degorskl, John. Roberts. Thomas. Flanigan, Lawrence. Robbins, Samuel L. ' Graham, Caroline. •\u25a0 Schwerin. Charles M Hussey, Hanna J. Stalder, Joseph. Klrby, Daniel. Sawyer, Susie E. Lorenz. Anna M. Scanlin. Cecelia M. Lynn, Cecelia. Tripp, Stephen. . McCarthy. Annie T. Teggart, John. Maxwell, J. H. Walsh, Margaret. ' Marvin, Marjorie. AMES—In Anßconda. Mont.. December 10, 1898. Kittle, beloved daughter of George E. and Addle P. Ames, and sister of Laura M. and George E. Ames Jr.. a native of Nevada, aged 2S years 2 months and 10 days. ICTFuneral services will be held this day (Monday), at the chapel of Cypress Lawn Cemetery on the arrival of the 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. BROWN—In Seminary Park. Alameda County, Cal., Amasa Brown, beloved father of Mrs. Abbie E. Stone. Mrs. Augusta E. Gates, Wil- liam L. Brown and Lemuel A. Brown, a na- tive of New York, aged 73 years 5 months and 25 days. CARTER— In Berkeley. December IS. IS9S, about 3 a. m., infant daughter of Robert J. and Maggie Carter, a native of Berkeley, aged 1 year 1 month and 16 days. EJTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 1 o'clock, from the residence of ; the parents, corner of Dana and Blake streets, Berkeley. . COTTER—In this. city. Maurice, beloved hus- band of Catherine Cotter," and father of Peter Thomas, Mary. Katie, Nora and the late David Cotter, a native of County Cork, Ire- land. DONAHUE— In ' this city, December 17, IS9S Patrick, beloved husband of; Margaret Dona- hue, a native of County Clare, Ireland, aged 73 years. -\u25a0•"•- -•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 tn7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, fr-nvhis late resi- dence. 236 Duncan street, . thence to St. Paul's Church, corner- Twenty-ninth end Church i streets, : where a requiem high mass, will be celebrated for the repose ;of his soul, com- ! mencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DALY— In this city, December 18, IS9B, Annie May, beloved daughter of Ada and the late ! Michael Daly, and beloved sister of John J.. William H. and Michael F. Daly, and be- loved niece of the late Margaret Barry and Mrs. Ellen Nelson, a native of San Francisco, aged 23 years 1 month and 29 days. IC7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend- funeral to-morrow 1 (Tuesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, JOOS Powell street, thence to St. Fran- cis Church, where services will be held for the repose of her soul, commencing at. 2 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery. DEGORSKI— In this. city. December 17, IS9B. John, dearly beloved husband of the late Emille Degorski, and father of Stephanie De- gorski. a native of Poland, aged 60 years. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 9 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 333 Eddy street, thenc? to St. Mary's . Cathedral, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery- FLANIGAN— In this city. December 17. IS9S, Lawrence, beloved husband or Annie Flani- gan, a native of County Galway, Ireland, aged 70 years. (uTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 2424 Harrison street, thence to St. Peter's Church, where a requhem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, oommencinz at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy I Cross Cemetery- i GRAHAM— In this city. December 18, 1898. j Caroline, mother of Ada and Harvey Graham, and sister of H. Dorry and Mrs. Western Campbell, a native of New York, aged 50 years. , HUSSEY (nee Ault)— ln this city. December 17, IS9S, Hanna J. Hussey, beloved daughter of Mary A. and the late Joseph P. Ault. and sister of Joseph H.. Samuel W. and Matthias P. Ault, Mrs. T. Lenehen and Mrs. P. Mul- holland, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years 4 months and 3 days. \u25a0 (Los Angeles papers please copy.) tCFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day I (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the residence I at her mother, 1042^ Folsom street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for services. Interment I Mount Calvary Cemetery. KIRBY— In this city, December 18, IS9S, Daniel, beloved husband .of Annie and father of Johnnie Kirby, a native of Bangor, Me., aged 41 years 11 months and 1! days. LORENZ—On Mission road, near Colma, Cal., December IS. 1898, Anna Meta, dearly beloved wife of Gustave H. Lorenz, and mother of , Adelphine, Anna and Hinrich Lorenz, a na- tive of Hanover, Germany, aged 56 years 11 months and 17 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tueßday), at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, Mission road, near Colma, Interment " Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeral car. , LYNN— In thiH city, December 18, 189S, at her residence. . 127 Duncan street, Cecelia, be- loved wife of Patrick Lynn; and mother of Henry Lynn and sister of Bridget Mc- Feeley, a native of Donegal. Ireland, aged 64 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gata Undertaking Company, 2425 Mission street, near Twenty-first. MCCARTHY— In this city, December IT. IS9S, Annie T.. beloved daughter of Timothy and ' Nellie McCarthy, and niece of Katie, Nellie and Dennie McCarthy and Mrs. John Sulli- van, a native of Chelsea, Mass., aged 1 year and 9 months. tuTFrlends and "acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the runeral this day (Monday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlors of J. C O'Connor & Co.. T67 Mission street. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. . * MAXWELL—In Ames, la., December 11, 1898, J. H., beloved husband of Joanna Maxwell, and father of Mrs. C. J. Blaisdell, a native of Eola, 111., aged 61 years. K7"Friends and acquaintances arerespect- \u25a0 fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from Ma*onic Tem- ple, corner Post and Montgomery streets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by 11:30 . a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. MARVIN— In Seattle, December 16. 189S. Mar- Jorle, beloved wife of C. E. Marvin, mother of Marjorie Marvin, daughter of May and the late Colin Mclntosh, and sister of Colin and J. F. Mclntosh and Mrs. A. W. Suther- land, a native of Australia. E7"Notlce of funeral hereafter. McMURDO— In this city. x December 16, IS9B. Elizabeth A. McMurdo <nee Quigley), beloved wife of Dr. John R. McMurdo, a native of Mariposa County, Cal., aged 33 years 5 months and 2S days. ICTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 1718 Geary street, thence to St. Dominic's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. In- terment Mount Calvary Cemetery. MACDONALD— this city, December 17, 1898. Margaret, beloved widow of the late John E. Macdonald. a native- of Launching Place. Prince -Edward Island, Canada, aced 79 years and 4 months. ICTThe funeral - will take place this day (Monday), at 9 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 1335 Jackson street, thence to St. Brlgld's Church. Van Ness avenue, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com-meneinsr at 9:30 a. m. - Interment prfvate, St. Mary's Ceme- tery. Oakland. Please omit flowers. ' MOODY— In this city. December 18, 1898, Ed- mund Francis, ' youngest son of John and Teresa .M. Moody, and brother of E. P. Moody, a native of San Francisco, aged 30 years. . •\u25a0 . (CTNotice of funeral hereafter.. Remains at the parlors of Carew & English, 41 Van Ness avenue." NOLAN— this city. December 18. 1898. at hla residence, 222 Birch avenue. Martin, be- loved husband of Bridget Nolan, father of Mrs. Joseph Rimlinger. Mrs. Joseph Miller, Mrs. Thomas Glynn and Mrs. Joseph Kelly, and brother of Maria and the late Patrick Nolan, a native of Athenry, County Galway, Ireland, aged 65 years. " •- C?*Notlce of funeral hereafter. NEISH— InOcean View, December 17, IS9B, In- fant of James and Lizzie Neish, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 month. : O'BRIEN—In the City and County Hospital, December IS, IS9S, John O'Brien, a native or England, aged 61 years. ROBERTS— In . Oakland, December 17,. 189S, Thomas, beloved husband of Bridget Rob- erts, and father of Thomas F., Delia and Richard Roberts. Mrs. Frank J. Kennedy and Mrs. Frank Smith, a dative of \u25a0 Wales, aged 60 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- \u25a0 fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 116S Twenty-second . street, near Adeline, thence to St. Francis de Sales Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- mencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. San Mateo County. " I 11. R. M.— The members of Manzanlta Trib« No. 4. I. O. R. M.. are hereby notified to at- tend the funeral of our deceased brother, T. C. Roberts, at 8:30 a. m., December 20, IS9B, from his late residence. 116S Twenty-second street, Oakland, thence by creek boat to city to Holy Cross Cemetery. J. L. GRIFFITH, Chief of Records. ROBBINS— this city, December 18, 1898, . at his residence. 20 Roach street, Samuel L. beloved husband of Josephine Robbins, I and father of Lottie. Samuel. Louis. Josie and Albert Robbins, aged 48 years 10 months and 23 days. SCHWERIN— this city. December 17, IS9B, Charles M., beloved husband 1I the late Marie Schwerin, and beloved father of Lizzie M. \u25a0Ihd William M. Schwerln, a native of.Ger- many, aged 62 years and 6 months. A mem- ber of Harmony Lodge No. 9, A. O. U. \V.; Fearless Legion No. 2..5. K. of A.; Harmony Lodge No. 15, K. of P.; Redwood Camp, Woodmen of the World, and the Teamsters' Union. 1C?" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi- dence 2324 Folsom street, thence to Alcazar building. O'Farrell street, where services will be held under the auspices of Harmony Lodge No. 9, A. O. U. W.. at 2 o'clock. In- terment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. A. O. U. W.—Harmony Lodge No. 9, A. O. U. W —Officers and members will assemble to- day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, at Alcazar building, 120 O'Farrell street, to attend the ' funeral of our deceased brother. Charles Schwerin. JAMES E. SAVAGE, M. W. D. McSWEENEY, Recorder. STALDER —In this city, December 17, IS9S, Joseph, husband of Mary C. Stalder, and father of Joseph Stalder Jr. and Mrs. E. L. Cutten. a native of Canton Lucerne, Switz- \u25a0 erland, aged 76 years and 2 months. : . Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. 2516 Sacramento street. Please omit flowers. Interment private. SAWYER—In this city, December 18, 1898, - "Susie E., beloved wife of Dr. H. C. Sawyer, '"a native of California, aged' 3S years 11 months and 7 days. E7" Services and interment private. SCANLIN— In this city, December IS. 189S, Cecelia Martha, beloved daughter of Hugh W. i and Nellie F. Scanlln. aged 5 months. !TEGGART— In . this city, December 18, IS9S, ; John Teggart. -aged -49 years. TRIPP— In this city, December 18, 1898, Stephen, beloved husband of Katie Trlpp, and. father of Henry and the late Stephen. Eva and : Catherine Tripp, a native of Rhode Island, 1; aged 60 years. WALSH—In this city, December 17. ISSS. Mar- garet, beloved wife of the late John Walsh, and mother of Anna, Neli, Agnes and the- late Maggie May Walsh, and sister of Mrs. j Mary Dunphy, a native of WaterviUe, County ' Kerry. Ir«land. , (E7"Friends and , acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 10 o'clock, from her late resl- dence, Abbotsford House, corner Broadway 'and Larkln street, thence to St. Brlgld's Church, Broadway and Van i«ess avenue, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of hpr soul, commencing at 10:10 \u25a0 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery. ;\u25a0" , HENRY J. GALLAGHER CO., . (Successors to Flanagan & Gallagher). FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALrTEBi 20 Fifth st.. opposite Lincoln ociiooi. : ; Telephone South 80. . McAVOY &. Co., * \u25a0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBaLMER» I 1235 Market st. between Bth and Sta. a Telephone. South 247. |

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govTHE SAN FRAXCISCO CALL, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1898. 9 HELP WAV ED-Cnntlnned. RECRUITS wanted for the United States Ma-rine Corps, United States navy; able-bodied,


HELP WAV ED-Cnntlnned.

RECRUITS wanted for the United States Ma-rine Corps, United States navy; able-bodied,unmarrle.l mer. between the ages of "1 and 30years, who are cttizens of the United States,or those who have lecally declared their In-tention to become such: must be of good char-ncter md habits nnd able to speak, read andwril English, and be between 5 feet 5 Inchesnnd 6 feet In helpht. For further informationapply al the Recruiting Office, 4J Ellis st.,San Francisco. Cal.

WANTED—Laborers and mechanics to knowthat Kd ltolkln. Reno House proprietor, >tillruns Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 largeroom?. 2."c per nig:. $1 to $3 per week.

MKNnnil women to •m barber trade at SanFrancisco Barber College. ISS% Eighth st.

BARBERS' Association Free EmploymentOffice^ S^ FT'CHS. Sec. 325 Grant aye.

TRY Lirulell House. Sixth and Howard sts.thoroughly renovated: 200 rms.: 15c, 25c night.

SINGLE rooms. V*c. 20c, 25c per night; 75c, }.to $2 M per wk.'Elcho House. 5634 Market St.

SAILORS, ordinary seair.en. rarpenters, coast,Australia. Europe. HERMAN'S, 2i; Steuart.

WANTED—To rrl!ect vragta due laborers andclerks. Kncx Collection Agency, 11] Sutier st.

SAILOrts ar.'i ordinary seamen wanted atLANE'S, itfi Davtn st.. near Jackson.

SINGLE, furnished, fine. Urge, sunny an.l airyroom. 2.1e r.lcht. Riseflale House. 321 E'.'.is st.

TRY Acme House. 957 Market st.. below Sixth,for a room: 25c a n:cht: $1 a week.

WINCHESTER H"u?p. 44 Third st.. near Mar-ket: TOO rroms. 2">c nlsrht: re.idlni; room: free'hy* nr:i ' --'L-e to nr.rl from the ferry.

AGENTS WANTED.AGENTS wanted—";?. 5.," guaranteed to ex-terminate ami irlve away every rat andmouse from any house or place within $ dayH;

not poison, nor willit kill or harm anythingbut nits and mice; greatest money makerever handled by agents; boys and girls make$12 to $15 weekly; write lick for terms andterritory; we also want hustlers to take Stateagency. 3. S. MFG. CO.. Chicago, 111.

LARGE insurance office desires city agent hav-ing goo.l connections an.l controlling busl-ness; salary paid. Box 724. 435 California st.

AGENTS wanted. Call 2C2 Sixth st. after 9

ROOMS AND HOARD WANTED.RO. M and board by middle-aped lady in_ -*«>te family; --•..-'• terms. Box 7(6.


Call.\\ \vn:;>_Mi«M i;ii.\ tttous.

BICYCLE in good order; cheap for cash- stateprice ami year made. Box Csc. Call office.

MEDICAL.ALL ladles willbe glad to Teara~thaT~Mrs7lbr'uwyer, furmerly of 226 Turk st.. has returnedto the city and resume business; a sure andEafe cure fur all female diseases from what-ever cause; all tho*? who are sick or discour-

aged should call on the doctor and state theircaFes before going elsewhere; they will findher a tr\;- friend; home for patients, withevery cemfort; satisfaction guaranteed by

'MRS. DR. GWYER, £10 Eddy st., between

'Hyde and Larkin.

ALL cases of monthly irregularities restored i• Instantly fno matter what cause); 6afe andsure at any time; my celel rate remedies andtment have never been known to fall;

travelers helped without delay; home in con-finement; medical attention; all those\u25a0Rho are uick and discouraged consult the re-liable tpeoiallsia free and confidential. MRS.DR. WYETH. 20S Turk st.. near Jones.

ALL Ladies—

C only Dr. and Mrs. M. Davles, itrue friends of all Invalids, men and women; 'f-0 years' pratcice;

—•\u25a0• and quick cure guar-

anteed: any disease or irregularity; disgraceavoided; kind sympathy and aid; sure relief,though else fail: delloacy, privacy, home,etc.: babies adopted: travelers treated; no de-lay; self-cure sent; call or write; free; onfl-dential. MRS. M. DAVIES, 122S Market St.;;::s. $1; very strong. $2.

ILLof Dr. Foulet's capsules are puaranteed

absolute cure for all female diseases; post- Ilively safe and sure; no danger of after ef-fects: taken tn time It also acts as a pre-\er.tlve; price $1 50 per box, sent free by mallen receipt of price: consultation on allspecialdiseases free. WALLER BROS.. 23 Grantaye.. S. F. A caution— Sefore purchasingelsewhere write us.

NEW process sent for female trouble; no mat-ter from hat cause and how long standing;every woman her own physician; safe andsure; no medicine or instruments used: con-sultation free: pills and capsules. $1; cure $5.By the well-known ladies' physician for 37years. Call and see me for a safe cure. DR.POPPER. $18 Kearny st.

A TREATMENT that restores Instantly allcases cf ntbly Irregularities from whatevercause: no instruments used: guaranteed curent office. $."; traveler? helped instantly: hours8 a. m. to fi p. m. MRS. DR. KuHL, 1122.. <:,]i>i «t... 1., t llasnn an)

"AILMENTS'—Ladles In trouhle see Drs. Good-wln free: reliable, safe and sure: cure In 24

hours guaranteed: any complaints: no Instru-ments; maternity home; be«t medical at-tendance: cure. $5. Removed from 401DVanNess to 1362 AMkt.,bet. Jones & CityHall ay.

DR. G. W. O'DONNELL, world-renowned spe- \cialist; . a.l monthly irregularities restored;whatever cause; all cases relieved immedate- |ly; call or write; confidential. 1023H Market.

ALLmarried ladies know "Seguro." the neatest !

gboon to them. RICHARDS &CO.. Clay st.; jJl 50. Send 2c stamp for circulars to SEGU-RO MFG. CO.. £31 \u25a0\u25a0: St.. Sacran Cal.

DR. and MRS WEGEXER 1312 Golden Gateaye.; private home In conflnemeat, withevery jcomfort; best care and attendance: terms i

moderate; Infants adonte.l Into good mes.ALPEAU'S French pIIIR. a boon to ladles wlthv

female troubles: no'inger; safe cure: $2 50;

expressed C O. D.:don't delay until too late.OSGOOD BROS.. Coast Agents. Oakland Cal. .

MRS. ACHARD. midwife: pleasant, sunny

home in confinement. 156 Second st. Tele-phon< Green 52.

Bellevue Sanitarium— Ladles cared for durlni;confinement. 727 Beilevue nve.. T.o<> Ar.cele?. ;






HEALD'S Business College. 24 Post St.—Book-keeping, business practice, shorthand, typ-

'ing,telecraphy. languages, English branches: |. electrical, civil and mining engineering; suh- jveylngr, assaying, etc.: 20 teachers; UOu grad-uates placed since 1532; catalogue.

ATRES' Business College. 723 Market st.; Indi-vidual Instruction in shorthand, \u2666yplngr. book-keeping, telegraphy. penmanship, Englishbranches, etc.; life scholarship. <\u25a0**; low ratesper week nd month.

NO humbug— Mrs. Hamilton of 252H Fourth St..schgol of dre*scutting: will cut and fit freedresses brought in on the lMh, 10th and 21st.

LADY teaches piano and mandolin aghly:SOc an hour; excellent pianist and accompanistfor entertainments and vocalists. 1209 Octavla.

ENGINEERING School, civil, electrical, mln-ing meeh. survey, assay, archlt.: day * eve.;oft.' 1564. VAN DER NAILLEN. 953 Market.

ELOCUTION & oratory: F. C. Caldwell! 1C yrs'experience. Emma Ppreckeis

'ldg. 927 Market.

INSTRUCTION—VioIin, piano, met, mando-

"lln. etc. THE MISSES LANE. 3341 24th st.

BAN FRANCISCO Business College, 123« Mar-ket st;:400 positions secured in last 2 years.

BOOKKEEPING, rapid rnloulatlon, practicallyt.-iughf short time. •r-trr T72 Parrott b'dg.


$5 WARD for return: Ms Newfoundlanddot: white breast, white spots on paws. Cor.Twenty-fifth and Bryant; phone Blue 1452.

ON Dec. 14. from Poweil to Market. to Valencia

ttoTwenty-fourth st.. a box containing a<-- !

count honks nnd rtry fruits; lilH-ral reward.Ad«lre.«i« box 70!), Call office^

DIAMONP horseshoe s^.trfpin; liberal rewardfor return or Information of same. Box 637.Call office.

SUNDAY at ferry. Scotch terrier answering

name Mupple; nickel-plated collar: reward.C23 GoHen ClatP .t\e..—__»—^

——-———-——CUtFET CLKA.M\G.

CITY Steam Carpet-cleaning Worts— Cleans,

moves, lays carpets. C. H. STEVENS, Mgr..3S and 40 Eighth st. : telephone South 250.

WHEN yov: become distrusted with poor worksend to BPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet*bcatlne Works. 053-57 Teiiama St.; tel. S. 10.

CARI cleaned at 3c per yard: laid at 3c.STRATTON'S, 3 Eighth St.: tel. Jessie '.'44.j X MITCHELL Carpet-cleanlnr Co.. 240 14th

St.; cleaning 3c per yard: tel. Mission 74.

CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating Works. 833 GoldenGate ave.: 'tel. East 126.

ADVANCE Carpet-cleaning Co.. .02 Gutter St.;tel Mnln nnn4 OHO WOLCOM. '"'roßrtetor.


ADVICE frre: divorce law a specialty; private;no fee without success; collections. G. W.HOWE, atty-at-law. i&i Market, cor. Stocktn.

ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W.W. DAVIDSON, !)27 Market st.

ADVICE free: divorce laws; private. J. B.EVANS. 14 McAllister, next Hibernia Bank.

ALL private law cases, bankruptcy, collection,free advice; open evgs. A ttyMoCabe, 103 Larkin.

ADVICE free— W. P ADAMS, 807 EmmaSpreckels bldg.,i>27 Market: charges moderate.

1- B CLARK—Emma Hpreckels bldg, »27 Mar-;

ket: consultation free: no fee* In advance.

SEWING MACHINES^FOR sale, cheap— Singer and Wheeler < &l

\u25a0 Wilson Hecond-hancl sewing machines. .In-quire at 14-16 Battery st.

$2 MONTHLY, rented; repaired, nought, sold;.machine supplies. 145 Sixth; phone Mint 45.ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented;

renairinj; at lowest rates. 20i Fourth st.

BUSINESS CHANCES.A-S4OOO— HOUSE of 4 rooms, store "with~Btockof groceries liquors, etc.; lot 29x127:6; best

location on Mission «t.; death of owner causec: genuine bargain. WILKE & UNFUG 906Market St.

A—SI2OO—COAL and woo<i yard; establishedmany years; doing good business; horses andwagons; rent $25; death of owner cause eftI^t-v^t"}1.lnIf1?.4 ! vestment. Call WILKE& X NFUG, SO6 Market Et.


CirCOUNTRY resort Santa Clara County;S"lbaruom: 2 parlors; 7 bed rooms; largegrounds; horse and buggy; stock of liquors;{u_"-cl*M paying establishment; owner to

\viit.-J°J rJiast; a bargain. , ParticularsW ILKE& UNFUG. 906 Market st.A7ltr"J: S ,;0RXER srocery and bar; established>eari<, doing good-paying business; death of

wit u-p-aYiSe, f̂,«?ale; 4 llvln* rooms; rent $45.— IL___& UNFUG. SO6 Market et.Ar«.3S°i,.SALOONAr«.35°i,.SALOON near R. R. depot: net rent

«ni> $14; card and private rooms; the biggest•<?£ S«

ln,ln the mark WILKE & UNFUG,•SOS Market *t.

A-$7OO-DELICACY and grocery store on El-"s Bt.;5 livingrooms; rent $25: doing a goodraying business: ncr to leave tor NewYork. WILKE & UNFUG. 906 Market st.

A-s6so— COFFEE saloon close to Alcazar The-ater; first-class paying; rent $65; partnerscan't agree. WILKE & UNFUO, MM Market.

S. H. GOULD & CO., 632 Market st., oldestand most reliable flrm in this line in thecity, have for sale the following:

A—sl6oo: grocery and bar; best location inMission; > livingrooms; stable; low rent; finestock; good trade; stock will invoice fullyprice asked; thorough investigation.


$100; groceries and liquor*; living rooms;must sell; really worth Investigating.

A—s36o; candy route over 5 counties; teamand wagon; well-established trade; clearingnow net $75 per month.

A—-$1100; bakery and delicacies; old-estab-lished business: fine trade; large stock; willtrade for good rooming-house or sell eitherdepartment separate; investigation solicited.A—Bargains in cigar stands; $125, $150.

A—sl46o; meat market and fruit stand; cutsup 5 beeves, 2 calves. 35 sheep per week; 2

'horses. 2 wagons; all cash trade; thoroughtrial solicited.

A—KREDO & CO 22VJ, Geary stReal Estate and Business Chances.$s:.o— Grocery and bur; value In strk.

$7"o—Grocery and bar; Third st.: snap,$300— Grocery and bar; a real bargain.

KREDO & CO..$1750— Saloon; cor. Market; receipts $75 daily.$100

—Saloon; corner; near cattle market..... „ 224 Geary st.

$3,.»— Cijcar stand; clears $100 monthly.$175— Cigar stand; $10 dally.

KREDO & CO.A—slso; COFFEE and lunch; $15 daily: mustsell; other business. KREDO &CO.. 22% Geary.

'$1500— Lodging house: 40 rooms, bargain; part

cash If desired. M'LAUOHLIN & CO.. 777 jMarket st.

$10<)0—Partner wanted In saloon; established 30years: receipts over $SOO per month.M'LAUGHLIN& CO.. 777 Market st.


GROCERY store; north of Market st.;liquors by the bottle; stock worth the money.Mclaughlin & co., 777 Market st.

[ CANDY and Ice cream parlor and dcli-i cacy store; a bargain on account of departure.

Mclaughlin & co.. 777 Market st.$125

—COFFEE and chop house; a bargain Mc-

LAUGHLIN & CO., 777 Market st.$325—GROCERY; bar.

$600— Cigar stand; bargain.$275- Branch bakery.JlfiOO

—Candy store.


$1200— Saloon; down town.__^

JONES. 865 Market st.

!$100—PARTNER wanted in exclusive business; !$12 to $1S a week each. WESTERN INVEST-MENT CO.. 9 Geary st.

$400—PARTNER wanted In light business,where the services gf plain, steady man arepreferred to hired help; business long estab-lished and too much for one man: no expe-rience required; trial given; $1S to $30 a weekeach. Western Investment Co.. 9 Geary st.

M. W. MOON & CO.. formerly th NationalAgency at 7 Grant aye.. are now locate.! atIOOS Market Et. and have buyers to InvestIn any legitimate business; parties willingtosell give U8 a call.


CANDY store, factory and ice cream par-lors; the best town in State; will teach thebuyer the business. H. C. DECKER. 1020Market st.

-$60—CIGAR store: clears $1 50 a day; can be

increased. 141 Fifth st.

WELL-ESTABLISHED plumbing and hard-ware business In country town 60 miles fromSan Francisco; reasonable terms. For full jparticualrs apply H. HACKE. 675 Bryant st. ;

FOR SALE—A saloon and eating house In the :best part of the city; very low rent; partymust go Kast. Address 215 Stevenson st.TOM ROBINETT.

SMS—SEVEN furnl?h»<i rooms and bar; $315—4furnished rooms and cigar stand. WARD &MARTIN, lOis Mwket, opp. Hibemia Bank.

CRACKER route for sale; clearing $150 permonth; a trial given; this is a genuine busi- Iness. 1120 Church st., corner Twenty-third. ]

WANTED—Secretary for financial institution jwho will put in a few thousand dollars; mustbe competent. Address box 641. Call.

HALF interest In dairy; 150 cows. JOHNEGLI, 121 Sycamore St.. Ocean View.

HALF interest In photograph gallery for sale.Inquire 113S Market \u25a0•

SHOE shop: doing fine business: good loca- jtion; cheap rent: reasonable. 332 Bush st.$2000 CASH—Men's furnishing business for sale; \

located on one of the best business streets. :Address .rnishing, box 726. Ca!'. office.

$90—SALOON, fixtures and stock: complete;rent $20; genuine bargain. Apply 31S Minna.,

OLD-ESTABLISHED drinking saloon for salecheap. Inquire at 650 Sacramento, nr. Kearny. |

: PAYING bakery for sale. Corner Web-ster and Ellis sts. |

iBARBER shop— First-class two-chair 15c shop. II completely furnished rooms in rear: sickness. !

Address box 1937. Call office. |jGOOD paying grocery and bar in Mission; rea- j Inquire 1003 Mission St. «- j;WELL-EQUIPPED hoarJimr and livery stable; j

barn full: reason for selling sickness; mustsell before winter: 3S boarders; 20 Hvery andwcrk horses: buggies; surrieg: carriage; ;double and single harness; all that a good jetable requires. Address box 377, Call Office. ;

GOOD corner ba'ery; only store; doing good;business: reason for selling, other business \in the East. Apply Call office.

COFFEE, tea and spice solicitors headquarters;fupplled as want.d at lowest prices. lO.*-UJEetle st


hTc. DEi ECER, 1020 Mark-- Fifth.110-room corner house $6500

'10-room house; worth $1000 EOO |32 rooms; fine corner 1850 .14-room house; only 60026-room house; rent $50 750 \u25a0

9-room house to rent; furnished6-room flat; rent $22 250

14 rooms; on Sutter st 45082 rooms; reduced from $5000 to 250010 rooms: on Sutter st 25024-room house; new house and furniture, 850 ,

S rooms; new furniture; cost $550 200 :12 rooms: on Market St.; rent $40 450

'10-room house; only : 1".O21 rooms: corner; clears $150...* BSO46-room house; corner 1200IHAVE HOUSES ALLSIZES ANDPRICES.


A—KREDO & CO 22>^ Geary st.Money advanced on all houses.

9 rooms; nice house; clears i'i'> $32510 rooms; bay-window corner; transient.. BfiO14 rooms: all bay-windows; a snap $0017 rooms; Jones st.; clears $75 70023 rooms: Fifth St.: clears $75 f|Oo30 rorm.-j; best en Kearny: offices 2200

105 rocms; best known house on <oaßt 4000 ;

And others. Call and get list. KREDO.A—slso0

—rooms; nicely furnish".-!; keeps 20 |

rooms for transient; always full; will clear$200 per month. KREDO & CO., 22% Geary.

wins: & CO.. 646 Market st.14 rooms; near Orpheum: cost $1500: must

rifice; almost a gift $ C5O j15 ms; offices; near Chronicle; cheap

rent: »in exceptional chance; see it 85010 rooms': sunny corner: If y v have $250

we w'll furnish the balance 45035 rooms: fac'ng Union square; rhea;>

rent: Inspection invited; A No. 1 place. 2300'S2 rooms; rent only 1200; water free;

greatest opportunity ever ouered: lnves-tlgate 2700

A—s?so; HOUSE of 35 rooms; rent $r.O: orFfrkton St.: alcknesw In family cause ofjrreat bargain. WILKE & UNFUG, 906Market st.

A—s2ooo CASH: R0 rooms; elevator: rent $200:clean $200. KPECK & CO.. 602 Market st.

A—SNAP: $1000: corner. 70. • rms; clears $100.At '"'X A CO.'B. 502 Market st

" ""!


FOR Sale Pair of well matched standard bredand very fast bay trotters, with buggy andharness," complete: fine road team for a gen-tleman. Address 8., 220 Montgomery aye.


CO HORSES of *ver. description at EmporiumBaleerardS. 220 Valencia *t.. bet. Thirteenthand Fourteenth: also buggies, wagons, har-nesß. etc.. at your own price.

<0 HORSES f r sale; also witions. buge'es.rsrts harness: Grand Arcade Horse Mar-

ket IT? Sixth: auction «n!e« rverv Wedne»- •

day SULLIVAN* T">OYT.F Aiirti.-ineers. ;


GENTLE black mare, top buggy harness, etc.;cheap; suitable for lady. 1031 McAllister st." ~~


FURNISHED hotel in Benlcta: 2 minutes' .walk to Baker & Hamilton's Agricultural ;Works. Apply American Hotel, Benlcia, Cal.

HOISES TO LET. jSend for circular; houses to let all parts of

city. G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery.


House of 7 rooms and bath; yard;rent $15. Apply 626 Eddy st.

TURK, 812, near Franklin— Modern sunnyhouse, 9 rooms: bath: garden front and rear. J

WE can rent you a house with or without aflagpole. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Mont-gomery st.

12-ROOM house; fine for renting rooms. 29 Oak6t.. near Market. Apply at 15 Grant aye.

$20—« ROOMS and bath (new); Sutro Heights:grand marine view; near 2 ,car lines. 410Fqrty-fifth aye.

', ' :



$15—COTTAGE, 4 rooms, bath, baßement; $15,upper flat, 5 rooms, bath. Apply at 220 13th.


BERNARD. 10, bet. Pacific, Broadway, Taylorand Jones

—3 rooms and bath, $11.

FELL. Flat. 4 rooms and bath; hot andcold water; yard and basement; rent $15;key 13 Fell.

FILLMORE. 2216%— renovated flat; 6large rooms and bath; reduced rent. BURN-HAM& MARSH CO.. 20 Montgomery St.

FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. S% Lewis St., oftTaylor, near Post.

MODERN flat of 4 rooms and bath. ISO7Eddy

Bt.. near Scott; rent cheap.

SECOND, 625—Flat, 6 sunny rooms, $14; alsosunny cottage.

SIXTEENTH. 3176, near Guerrero— flat, 4rooms and bath; modern Improvements; willlet cheap; also store; nice living rooms.

SUNNY flat, 6 rooms, bath; modern imp. .largesunny yard; rear entrance. 2806 Howard.

TWO sunny flats; newly papered and painted;$8 and $10. 2041 Harrison st.

WE can rent you a flat with or without aflaspcle. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Mont-gomery st.

$12. $14. $17; FLATS, light and sunny; 4. 5 and6 rooms. 2209 Geary St.

ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING.CLEMENTINA, 707—Nice sunny housekeeping

rooms; bath and wash room; $7.

EDDY, 4S3— unfurnished rooms; new flat; ele-gant parlor suite, with kitchen.

EDDY, 915—2 large furnished sunny rooms; allconveniences; line location; private residence.

EDDY, 817—Very desirable connecting house-keeping rooms; no children; private residence.

FIFTH. 909—New house; connecting suite, par-

Ir, bedroom, kitchen; sunny; running water;gas. j

FIFTH. 322—Large sunny front bedroom andkltchei grate, water, sink, bath; private; $11.

FOLSOM. 525—Large sunny furnished rocm;light housekeeping; $1 M weekly. |

FOLSOM. 1136—3 sunny rooms, complete forhousekeeping; rent $12 50.

FOLSOM, 1613, near Twelfth—Three sunny un-furnished housekeeping rooms: balU.

GROVE, 202. corner Van Ness aye.—Suite of 3Eunny unfurnished rooms, with gas range.

GUY place, 12, off First, Just above Folsom—$16: 6 rooms and bath; lower part of house.

HAMPTON place, off Folsom. bet. Second andThird—Bay window; irooms; yard; base-ment: $11.

HOWARD, 525—Pleasant front room; furnishedcomplete for housekeeping; others reasonable.

KEARNY. near Sutter— unfurnishedfront rooms for offices or housekeeping; gadfree; cheap rent. Apply 15 Grant aye. j

LARKIN. 433—2 rooms for housekeeping; rent !reasonable. i

LEAVENWORTH, 150S. nr. Jackson— 3 fur-'

nished sunny rooms; bath; $10.

MARKET, 102S— Large sunny front room andkitchen; folding bed; closet; call after 6 p, m.

MISSION, 1220— Sunny room for 2; runningwater; grate; light housekeeping; also single.

NINTH.21—Suite of sunny rooms furnished forlight housekeeping: running water: stove.

NINETEENTH, 4045. near Castro— 3 unfur-nished sunny housekeeping rooms; cheap.

OAK. 12— Large alcove room; running water;folding bed; cook stove; rent $10.

OAK. 111—2 or 3 nice sunny housekeepingrooms; modern improvements.

OCTAVIA. 311—Elegant new sunny furnishedbay window; corner floor: bath: gas: yard.

.sn,\'Kß. 165, nr. Fourth— Front parlor andkitchen furnished for housekeeping.


SIXTH, 21C%— 2 nlre sunny front rooms forlight hkpg: also single: reasonable; quiet.

SIXTH, 393. corner Harrison— Sunny frontroom3, furnished for housekeeping.

SIXTH, 42'"' -Housekeeping rooms; also elegantparlor suite; running water, bath, closets.

STEINER. 1433— Three or 4 rooms furnished forhousekeeping.

TEHAMA. *62, near Second— s3; lower part of ihouse; first rate order.

TENTH, 136, corner Minna—Sunny housekeep-ing rooms; running ter; stove.

VALENCIA. IC2S—3 furnished rooms for house-keep! rent $10.

4 ROOMS and bath and washroom. 1106V4 Treatavenue.

3 AND 2 large unfurnished rooms: cellar andyard: cheap. Inquire 66] Sixth st.


ARLINGTON House, 127 Kearny r.t.— Pleasantrunny rooms: en eulte or ingle: rrst-ciaajin every respect, terms reasonable,

BALBOA. The. 1049 A Market—Changed hands:renovated; rooms 50c, tultes $1 per day; lessper week: country trade solicited; elev'tr;tei.

BRUNSWICK—I43 Sixth St.. corner Howard-rooms en suite or single. 25c to $1 a night;$1 25 to $5 week; open all nlsrht; pass house direct from all trains.

BUSH SOS— Nicely furnished double rooms;suitable for couple; very rear.4iable.

BUSH, £63—

Nicely furnished sunny single ordouble room; private family; gents; refs.

CALIFORNIA,1520— Nicely furnished front hallroom, wii.. or without board; boarding.

CARROLLTON. 1206 Market, oor. Colden Gate-Nicely furnished room* and > fflces.

DELAWARE, 1433 Market— Furnished or un-furnished sinu-le and double rma.;$8. $18 mo.

DOLORES, 429—3 furnished rooms to let; rentcheap; coll evenings.

EDDY, 118— Sunny pleasant furnished rooms;central; very desirable; $6 per month upward.

EDDY, 207—

Nicely furnished sunny single room,$5; also 2 double sunny rooms, $7 and $8.

EDDY. 330, between Jones and LeavenworthHandsome parlor suite; also single rooms;carpets and furniture entirely new; at rea-sonable rent.

ELLIS, 41S (Grand Carnot)—Nice sumy suites& -In?.. $1 50. $6 wk.:60c, $1 day: tel. 81. 1354

FILLMORE, 1720—7 handsomely modern'

papered sunny rooms; larjje yard and b^- ... t.

GEARY, Newly fur. sunny front rms.: 3'unfur.; cor. rms.; Ist floor; baths; transient.

GEARY. 425, "The Gage"— Elegant furnished, |en hUite and single; hot and cold water; bath.

GEARY, 622—Large front sunny bay window1room; also others; hot and cold water.

GLOBE use, --' Howard— Per night, 25c to$1; week. $1 to $4; reading room; Howard cars.

GRAND SOUTHERN. SE. cor. teventh andMission—Pleasant sunny rooms; en suite andsingle: elevator; moderate rates; families.

HANCOCK House, 7SI Mission-Select familyrooming house; $1 50 to $6 • er week.

HASKELL. The. 121 Powell— New management;cheap, neat, light, sunny rooms; transient.


Sunny rooms cheap; or willsell out cheap; good location.

HOWARD. 953%. near Sixth—Newly furnishedsunny rooms; bath: $1 week up; quiet house.

HOWARD, 1800, corner Fourteenth— 3 sunnyfront rooms; rent $$.


To let, a large sunny front room,unfurnished.

MECHANICS' HOUSE, 456 Flfth-Everythlngnew; rms.. single or suite. $1 wk. trans-cient: bar inconnection. F. W. Gardener, bro.C. J. Gardener of Folsom and Rausch, prop.

MINNA,667, cor. Eighth—Newly furnished bay-window room, $1 per week; transient.

MISSION. 933 (Mint House)— Nice sunny fur-nl»>hed rooms; transient: new house; central.

NINTH, 20, near Market— bay-windowroom; folding bed: grate; gas; $S.

O'FARRELL. 20—Sunny furnished rooms; ele-vator; electric lights; day. week ,or month.

PIEDMONT House. 119 A6th—Nicely furnishedcunny front rooms; double, single; first class.

PINE. 1004, near Taylor—Sunny furnished andunfurnished rooms; reasonable. ;

POST. 909—Newly furnished sunny rooms;single and double; $5, $7, $8; private house.

SEVENTH, 178—Cheerful sunny furnished frontrooms; $! per week.

SEVENTH,' 179— New house, newly furnished;modern, sunny; Eingle or suite; $6 to $20 mo.

SHERMAN Apartment House. 23 Eighth »t..near Furnished and unfurnished. >

STOCKTON, 242— Sunny ',front rooms; \u25a0 suites,single; facing plaza; day or month.

SUTTER. Clean and comfortable furnishedrooms; single and en suite; very reasonable, |

V \u25a0

ROOMS TO LET—Continued.

TAYLOR, 109— Handsomely furnished suite.suitable for doctor's office, clairvoyant ormassage parlors; transient solicited.

TAYLOR. 223— Nicely lurnished tront rooms:fn suite or \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'gle: bath, gas.


BUSH. 1094—2 front rooms; excellent homecooking: 2 meals; reasonable.

FELL, 26—2 nicely furnished *unny rrx.m?, withboard: reasonable; gas; gents preferred.

FIRST, 415—Swedish private boarding, withroom, $4 a week up; elegant parlor suite.

HOTEL Fairmount. 1714 Market—Elegant newfurniture; first class in every respect; tableunsurpassed; hot and ccld water; elevator;suites, with board for 2. $50 a month up.

IRVING. 1070 Valencia— Large sunny front al-cove room.

O'FARRELL. 742—Sunny single rm :also sunnyparlor for 3 gentlemen; home comforts; piano.

SITTER, 112-S— Elegant ronm and board; loca-tion unsurpassed; reasonable.

VAN NESS. 400—

Large sunny room with boardfor two; separate beds: very cheap.

VAN NESS aye.. 519— Sunny furnished suitesj and 6ingle rooms; first-class table board.

VAN NESS aye., 712— Sunny pleasant rooms,with board; gas; bath; $20 per month up.

VAX .\"ESP. 9."'"»—Reautlful sunny rooms, withhoard: electric lights: reasonable.


WOMAN would like child to raise on bottle;mother's care: no other children: or wouldtake older child. 106 Natoma st.

IEXPERIENCED lady would board infant orI older children: mother's care; $10. 2SS2 Slx-j teenth st., near Howard.TURK, 524

—Wanted children or Infants to

board; Ger. fam.; good home: mother's care.


GROCERY and bar to let. Northwest cornerEighth and Natoma sts. ; living rooms.

STORE: 3 sunny living rooms; rent $12 50. 810Flllmore St., corner Haight.

TWI)-show-window store and two livingroomsto 1-t; cheap. ISO 2Howard st.


EMMA BPRECKELS building. 927 Market St.—Light, heat, ianitor and telephone; rents $12 50to $20. ASHTON & GARDNER, room 210.

jGOLDEN GATE aye., 503—Double parlors, car-i peted, suitable for doctor, dentist; gas; bath.


STABLE, 4 stalls or more If desired; $11 per1 month. 415 First st.


\u25a0 A BEAUTIFUL Hardman; used few monthsonly; a great opportunity. The J. DEWINGCO.. sole agents Hardman piano, secondfloor. Flood building.

A FINE practically new Chlckerlng upright;carefully selected by the owners at the Chick-ering fuctory; sacrificed Immediately on ac-count of loss of business. See ot at once atr\u25a0- m U\ Flood building.

A MAGNIFICENT new Hallet & Davis pianowillbe sold at once to beet offer. Room 12,

Flood building.


To puchase a good upright piano.Room 12, Flood building.


$3 50 per month rent; new pianos.Heine upright $293 00Bteinway upright 187 50('nickering upright 235 00Sohmer upright 115 00Knabe upright 275 00

And over 20 bargains from $40 up; buy directof manufacturer and save $50 on each piano.


ISG Ellis st.. Y. M. C. A. building.

AS we are selling good upright pianos for $6caph and $8 per month, we ask you to Investi-gate and approve this method; prices are thnFame as if purchased for all cash: bargainsIn good second-hand uprights upon same easyt aymente and some good pianos for $3, $4 and$: per month. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.,St. inwny dealer?, corner Kearny and Suttersts., San Francisco, and Thirteenth andBroad W;iy. ( >a kland.

A FINE List of Bargains in Good UprightsThis Week Only:Weber $ 50Steinway 1»Fisher (Sacrificed)Hemme & Long, and others very cheap.Open I'veninga until S:3O.

fIARDNF.R & OLASSELL. 21« Post st.

ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest housewest of Chicago is KOHLER & CHASE'S.26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell St.; pianos, organs andall other musical instruments of all gradesand prices; terms easy; prices lowest; every-thing possible done to please and satisfy thecustomer.

A FEW Bargains Until Christmas Only:Sterling piano: rosewood case $190Royal piano; oak case 197Miller piano, rosewood case 198$6 per month; guaranteed 5 years.

BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 16 O'Farrell #st.

DURING the next few weeks while our storeIs being remodeled we will offer the greatest

bargains In planoß and musical merchandise:call and get our prices. ZENO MAUVAIS, MUSK' CO.. 769 Market st.

ASTEINWAT, $175; Steck. $150; Estey, $225~[Fischer, $250; Weber. $200; easy payments;pianos rented $1 SO up; rent allowed on pur-chape. Bruenn's Piano House. 204 Post St.

WM. G. BADGER. 415 Sacramento St., agentfor celebrated pianos of Francis Bacon of NewYork and Hallet & Davis Co.. Boston.

AN elegant Steinway upright, but little usedand In perfect order; a bargain. Spencer'sPiano Warerooms, ISIS Market st.

A FINE bargain; Weber upright, only $60. 216Post st.

A FINE Steinway nnd new Chickering uprightsa<-r!nred. KEEFFE'S. 1119 Van Ness aye.

JISfV-FlNFTstelnwayjgrent bargain. SCHMITZ,1G McAllister st.. next Hibemia Bank.

A PIANO that will please you, the ByronMauey. 3os Pout st.

HAINES Brns." and other flr«t-c!ass pinnos atreduced prices. W. C. HAMILTON. 524 Post.

NEARLY new uprleht piano cheap: brilliant,powerful tone. HORNUNG, 218 McAllister.

"AD" smnllest; prices lowest: uprights, $75 up;rents $2 up. HEINE. 136 Ellis st.

KNABE pinnos: new scale; now styles. KOH-LER & CHASE. SO O'Farrell st.

SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H.,TUT T.FTt. m.nkor. rern'rer. 2 Latham plnce

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS.BOILERS engines, 2d-hand machinery. Ms-

INTOBH & WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st.

ASK to see the 312 solitaire diamond rlnar: askt see the $15 solitaire diamond ring. UNCLEHARRIS, 15 Grant aye.

FOR sale— Small billiard table; almost new.757 Harrison st.

PICTURE framing with glass, now cheaperthan ever; 7x9 Inches, 10c; 10x12. 13c; 12xl«,

j We: 14x17. 2r,c: 16x20. SOc; ISx22. 35c; 20x24, 45c:22x25. file; curtain poles complete, with woodor brass trimmings, 15c; room molding, allcolors, lc per foot: colored pictures, studies,etc.. 3 for 10c. JONES. 547 Mis-lon st.. be-tween Flr^t and Second: open evenings.

BARS, back bars, mlrrore, showcases, counters,[ linoleum, office furniture, storp and office fur-

niture nrd fixtures: new and second hand. J.NOONAN, 1017-1013-1021-1023 Mission St.,above Sixth.

FOURTEEN nice Shetland ponies for sale atJ. D. HORAN'S Stock Yard, corner Tenthand Bryant sts.: among them are severalnicely mated teams and ponies, suitable forsaddle.

MASTIFF pups, at Rose Cottage, Maple Court,off Fourteenth st., between Guerrero andDolores.

DOMESTIC sewing machine. 5 drawers, goodorder, cheap. 1315 Mission st.. near Fifteenth.

GOOD seven-year-old horse, sound and gentle,for pale, at 2024 Mission Bt.

DOUBLE cylinder 5 h. p. gas engine, in goodrunning order. 648 Mission st.

NEW sealskin sacque. Apply M. L., box iSS,Call office.

BEAUTIFULdiamond bracelet, coat $350; alsosolitaire diamond ring, chenp. 43 Sixth st.

SECOND-HAND engines, boiler*, pumps, hose,belting, etc. H. L. WHITE. 516 Mission St.

SAFES— The Hermann Safe Co. moved to 417-423 Sacramento st.

J. R POOL, house-mover, dealer second-handbuilding material. 1124 Ml^lon; tel. South 787.

SAVES— Bargains In new and second-hand: allsizee; half original cost. 109-111 Market, S. F.

PETALUMA and Stockton Incubator; 300 and240 eggs; brooder: $40 outfit. 280.'> Folsom st.

40.000 FEET redwood boards; second-hand lum-ber. Ist nnd Jeaele. Yard l.'th and Valencia.

GASOLINE engines— l:. p, |MN; 2 h. p.. tlB;3 h. p., $150; 4 hp. $17.-,. Fmlth Co.. ;27 Mission.

SIX ho-sepower Zenith gas engine: nearly new.Caj Br>n c. •;\u25a0• M m «__ taj Br. 18.

ONE and 2 bowl barber washst«nd3. cheap.HI'PSrHMIDT. f<l2 Golden Gate aye.


EXTRA fine pointer dog pup; 9 months old;will exchange for bicycle or chickens or sell.JONES. 565 Market st.

ALMOST new high-grade wheel for sale cheap;| 22-inch frame. 722 Broderlck, near McAllister.


LEDERER'S Qulnonia Is the one tonic thathelps hair that is thin or falling out; Joe bot-tle; try it. G. LEDKRER. 123 StocKton st.

LEDERER, the hairdresser, has but one price,25c, for a la mode styles; LEDERER'SFOAiIO. 5c package; use no other; switches,$1 up; open Sundays and holidays, 9 to 12.123 Stockton &t..

SANTA CLAUS wig, whiskers and eyebrows, 75cents, post paid; illustrated catalogue ofWigs, Plays, Tricks and Novelties free. Cha_.Marshall, Manufacturer, Lockport, N. Y., __ _

DR. MORSE, eye specialist, formerly at 303Eddy St., has moved to room 402, Parrottblock, over Emporium.

JOSEPH GREVEX, instructor of many nowcelebrated singers, will open by requeßt twoclasses, each with about 10 pupils, beginningJanuary, being Impossible to receive the manyapplicants for single lessons; classes, month-ly >2. ensemble and single treatment; onlythose enlisting .before Christmas accepted.Rms. 121-122 Murphy.bldg., Jones and Market.

CLOTHING, especially ladies' and children's;highest price; postal. H. Fabian, 1020 Folsom.

STAMP Albums,best Christmas present; stampsbought. W. Sellschopp &Co., lIS Stockton st.

ELECTRIC lights In every room; WinchesterHouse, 44 Third st.. near Market: 200 rooms;26c to Jl 50 per night: |1E0 to S6 per week;free "bus and baggage to and frcin the ferry.

CHRISTMAS Sale— Japanese bamboo furniture:all kinds to order: wholesale and retail: coun- Itry orders. K. YOSHITANI CO. 313 Sutter.

SUITS to order en installments at cash prices;tl week. N. Y. TAILORINGCO.. 115 Kearny.———————————



HOME in confinement: diseases of women.MRS. DR. FUNKE. 1416 Bth St.. Alameda.

SUITS to order- on easy • I-stallments. L.LEMOS. 1117 Market nt.. bet. 7th and Sth.


LATEST style dresses made, $5 to $«; dressesmade over. 3 Eddy St., rooms 14 and 15.

SAN FRANCISCO Ladies' French TatlortntCollege. 916 Market: men and w.>men teacher*.




attentTonTmrs. dr. a. d. howe,

The celebrated medium and clairvoyant of allclairvoyants, who sees it all, tells'you all and IInstantly gives you peace and happiness. Shenever asks a question, but before you utter awcrd she tells you in full of all that you areinterested in; business, speculation, love,jnarrlage, divorce, tells of friends and ene-mies, locates mines and burie.l treasures,

TO THE SICK ESPECIALLYHer assistance is priceless. Her "Revealed ;Medicines," registered and copyrighted, cureall diseases on earth, consumption, paralysis.rheumatism, all skin diseases, heart and ner-vous affections. The wonderful cures whichehe has made are the talk of the whole slope.AH correspondence sacredly confidential.Treatment and consultation by mail alwaysFatisfactory and most successful. Address orcall. MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE,

1104 Market st., S. F.. The Vendome.

DR. m7MUEHLENBRUCH. the prophetic seerand psychometrist, box 118, Oakland, Cal.,diagnoses disease by mail without symptomsrequired, from lock of hair; 5 2-cent stamps:rock from mines read, $2 50; life readings bymall. $2 50.


MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, celebrated tranceteEt medium, life reader, medical clairvoyant,cures disease with revealed remedies; consultwhen others fall: sittings J!. 232 Stockton st.

MADAME AUGUST, clairvoyant, card readerand palmist; truth or no pay; 25c. 1150 Mis-sion st.

BUSINESS medium' and palmist: readings 25cthis week; satisfaction guaranteed. 2_-iV_ 6th.

MRS. ELLIS: tests to all: Tue.«.-Frl.. 2 p. m.:Mon.. S- 25c: sittings .1. .M Valencia *t.____________



Permanently Located in San Francisco,

At 10231 Market Street.

Between Sixth and Seventh.

While entranced gives aid and advice which

will overcome your enemies, remove family

troubles, restore lost affections, make marriage

with the one you lovt no failure, remove influ-ence, bad habits, cures witchery, fits and long-

standing and mysterious diseases; will give cor-rect Information on law suits, sickness, death,

divorces, absent friends, etc.


Perfect satisfaction guaranteed mall.

Send stamp for circular, with special terms,

To MRS. DR. F. CLARK, 1023^4 Market st.

MME. HANSON, palmist and card reader;past, present and future; 25c. 148 6th, rm. 10.

CLAIRVOYANT card reader; 10c; ladles only.643 Natoma St., bet, 6th and 7th.

MME. ETHEL GRAY, scientific palmist, clalr-voyant and card reader. 1169 Mission, nr. Bth.

MME.;MOREAU/ the best medium and cardreader; 25c up. 73 Fourth St.. near Mission.

YOUR future told by cards, 25c. 221 Sixthstreet.

Mrs. Hosklns, tr. medium, rdgs dally, $1; clr-cles Tues. eve., 25c. 322 S. Spring, Los Angeles.

MME. DR. ANNA THOMAS, first in her pro-fession, has removed to 21S Stockton st.

MME. RAVENA r»ads life fluently; businessadvice; names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth st.

MME. SYBILLE, cradle to grave; future hus-band's picture. 25c; ladies. 9H O'Farrell st.

MRS. B. BAUMANN, the well-known fortuneteller, has opened an office at 315 O'Farrell st.

HYPNOTISMCOLLEGE Suggestive Therapeutics, 305 Larkln• St., San Francisco— Diseases and habits cured

at the college by -suggestion: occult sciencetaught; hours to suit pupil; Tuesday eveningclinic free; experienced teachers and prac-titloners. DR. S. TURMAN.



A METAL plate for the .-ame price as rub-ber: full set of teeth. $5; crov ns. $3; fill-ings, 50c: teeth without plates a specialty;written guarantee for ten years given on allwork; no students employed; extracting freewhen plates are ordered; consultation free.

Modern Dental Parlors, corner Market andMason. sts. Entrance S Mason st.

-A FULL set of teeth, $5; see new flexibl.

plates; light and thin; guaranteed 10 years;teeth without plates, crown and bridge workour epecialty; fillings,' 50c; crowns, $3 50: alt\u25a0work painless and

'warranted. Chicago Den-

tal Parlors. 24 Sixth st. : telephone Jessie 1132.

DR. GEORGE W. LEEK.'2O O'Farrell St.. ex-tracts or fills teeth painlessly by hts wonder-ful secret method; crowns $2. bridges J4; rub-ber or flexible plates $3: received S _rst prize.;

. no students; guarantee 12 years.

VAN VROOM Electro Dentnl Parlors; full setof teeth, $5 up; fillings, 25c up: all work pain-lers and guaranteed to F»and; open evenings997 Market st., corner Sixth.

FULL set of teeth, $4: fillings. 25c: 22k. goldcrowns. $3: gold bridge, . $6; plates repaired;

"painless extraction guaranteed. N. Y. DEN-TISTS, 569 Mission .fit. . .' .

DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Market et.. nearEleventh: crowns, bridge work i.nd fillings aspecialty; all work reasonable; gas given. ,

PARIS Dental Parlors, 235 Kearny; set of teeth,$4: filling, gold. BOc: sliver. 23c; crowns. $3..


THE Esmond dental parlors, 43 6th—

Crown andbridge work specialists: crowns $3; est. 15 yrs.

SET of teeth without a plate. DR. H. G.YOUNG. 1841 Polk st.

ALL work reasonable and warranted TR. J.W. KEY. 1320 Market St.

ELEVENTH. 106—Branch offlc* of Th. Call.Subscriptions and ads taken.


RELIABLE party returning to Yukon, viaSkaguay and Bennett, over the Ice with dogteams, wIH leave San Francisco January 101533. for Dawson. Circle City and by


tions on the Yukon River, as far as Ram-part City; will receive and carry letters sentIn Government stamped envelopes at $1 perletter: letters over 2 ounces willbe chargedextra: all must be stamped according toweight: letters for Atlln City will be for-|warded from Bennett. Call or address letterswith-fee inclosed. >

N. Letters received will be answeredby postal, which forms a receipt, signed bythe carrier, if fo desired. . Address C. G.JOHNSTONE, 331 Kearny St., San Francisco,Cal. . \u25a0

RESOLUTION.RESOLUTION—At a meeting of the Board of

New City Hall Commissioners, held Decem-ber 16. IS9S, the following resolution was• ordered passed to print:

Resolved, that the following final ac-ceptance payment be passed to print: JamesJ. O'Brien, on contract. No. 83, the sum of$30.0-. 06: also final payment to John J.. McGowan. contract No. S7, 'sum '

of $627 50;Jnhn D. Spreckels.& Bros. .C0.,-S7SG 50: JohnQuadt. $55; Gladding. Mcßean & Co., $608 50;W." H. McCormack, $25. : •-_.-,..

Ayes- ommlMSioners Phelan, Broderick.Gallagher.. SAMUEL H. BECKETT, -:

Acting Secretary.~™~~

1U'hWKITERS.ALL typewriters sold and rented, few partly: used -for sale cheap; send fcr samples and

prices. ALEXANDER _ CO.. 110 Montgomery.

A 'HAMMOND,$25: " Caligraph, $15; ;Yost., $25:get .ample work. SCOTT, 333 Montgomery at.

..\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 .'..••.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ... • . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0" . -\u25a0' \u25a0,-\u25a0




$620—Lot 37x120 feet, ready to build; 200 feetfrom Geary-st. cars.

$975— Cozy cottage, with stable, nice yard: lot jhas double front; great. bargain for Christmas.

SltXO—4-room cottage, vicinityPage and Web- ]ster sts. . -

$1800—Two good flats: always rented; $20;near Jones st. ;only $680 cash.

$90,G00 -MARKET 3T.—Grand purchase near Phelan building;

under long lease.$140.1100— PROPERTY.

Grand investment north of Market st. ;; pays 6 per cent; 10 years' lease; guar-anteed 5-story stone and iron building.

$10,000— BUILDERS, ATTENTION. \u25a0 •Turk-st. corner, with 3 frontages: 50x120 feet;

chance not to be missed: must be sold. .$15,000— EDDY-ST. CORNER.


40 feet front; good frame improvements; pays8 per cent net; a snap-up. . "•-".»- \u25a0 \u25a0 .


$450—NEBRASKA st, near Nineteenth andLick School; 2"..\100; $50 cash, balance $S permonth: corner $600. Inquire 1326 Hayes st.

WE have one more 6-room cottage for $2200;Eec this bargain. RAND & CO.. 917 Market.

COUNTRY REAL ESTATE.CHOICE, rich farms of 10 acres, right at Ante-

lope station, Sacramento County, may bebvuglit tor $500, but may be leased on trialat $20 per year and for 5 years. McEWENBROS., lIS Montgomery st.

A—s22oo—l4o- ACRE rarfch, 2 miles from town;Napa; nice 'house, barn; fine orchard of 4acres; 4 horses; cows, tools, etc. SPECK &_ CO., 6C2 Market st. .

BARGAIN—I4-acre orange grove, bearing, orexchange for S. F. property, at SPECK &CO.'S, 602 Market St.

BARGAINS!— 3 20-acrb tracts: level, rich val-ley land: within 25 miles of Oakland;* priceway down. Box 731, Call office.

$650 WILL hulld 4-room bay-window cottage;good material. GEO. M. RALSBURY. Bulld-t. f2l X St.. Sunset district. !

PROPERTY WANTED.A—ssooo; Sutter-st. flats: want grain ranch, at

A. M SPECK & CO.'S. 602 Market st.

RANCH wanted In trade for 7-room house; 2cor, lots; S. F.:$3600. J.. Call office. Oakland. :

MONEY TO LOAN.LOANS on furniture or pianos in S. -F., Oak-

land or Alameda' at" lowest rates, withoutremoval; no commission; no delays. J.

NOONAN, 1017 to 1023 Mission St., aboreSixth: telephone South 14.

HIGHLY respectable and private place to ob-tain liberal advances on diamonds and jew-elry at the lowest rates. Baldwin JewelryStore, room 40S. Parrott building.

-LOANS to salaried people: no security except

name. New Era Loan Co., 1003V4 Broadway,Oakland. Hours, 10 to 3.• . —

DIAMONDS, diamonds: highest amount loaned,lowest interest. UNCLE HARRIS,15Grant ay.

ON furniture. plano.«, city or Oakland; no re-moval; low rates: no commission; $25 up;private party. BONNELLI. 130 Powell st.

ANY amount at 6,4 per cent on real estate, 2dand cd mortgages, estates, real estate in pro-bate. R. McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery, rm. 3.

$5000 IN sums to suit: reliable parties. 120 Ellisst., room 4, until Jan. 1.".

BORROW from the CUT-RATE LOAN OF-FICE, 22 Mason St.. opp. Olympla Music Hall..ON furniture, pianos, without removal: no com-mlsslon; private. LICK. 116 McAllister, st.

SECOND mortgages and undivided interests inestates a specialty. MURPHY. 636 Market Ft.

$50 TO $.:-O.nO0: lowest rates; Ist and 2d mortg.:any proposition. Dryden 413 M mtgomery st.


NOTES discounted; loans negotiated. SYL-VAIN SALOMON, broker. 32S Montgomery.


OAKLAND REAXi ESTATE.30 MINUTES from San Francisco: 3 minutes

from station; In attractive neighborhood:new residence, 7 rooms; strictly modern;thoroughly constructed and finely finished; lot40x125;ismall payment and monthly install-ments can be arranged. HERON & HOL-COMB. 1050 Broadway.

$4400—38 ACRES; cheapest ranch in California-4 miles from canter of Oakland.


EQUITY of $2000 inOakland house and lot; ex-change for small Improved mountain ranch.Box 1859. Call office. • \u25a0


FURNITURE—Onod nn^rh^T^^^TiK^i^'HAAP' rid ffnrs 4ft« F!»V»-- 1

--I J . V



FOR SALE—6O cents on the dollar; one 6, one6 and one 7 room cottage; also for Investmenttwo 2-story cottapes; pay net 10 per cent-b«ft location. Apply to A. R. DENKE SR.,Webster st. station, narrow gauge.

HOUSES built to order at your own prices andon your own terms: call and see plans. J HYOUNG. Builder. 1243 Park st.

HKT. 1.. . \ KEAL ESTATE.$1750— HOUSE of 5 rooms; large lot; streetwork all done; electric cars pass the doors- abargain. Apply to JOS. J. MASON RealEstate, Berkeley.

$3ooo— AFIRST-CLASS investment: house of 13rooms; near the university; thoroughly wellbuilt; all the latest Improvements; streetwork all done; leased for $50 net monthlyApply to JOS. J. MASON, Real EstateBerkeley.

FOR SALE—Fine place in the center of Berke-ley for chicken ranch, milk ranch or home:six acres: house, barn, outhouses, windmilland all Improvements: price $7000

D. J. TOBIN, Real Estate Agent.2121 Stanford place.

PLEASANT home of 7 rooms on improvedstreet, for, only $2250. O. G. MAY & CO2123 Center st.


REMOVAL Notice—Dr. C. C. O'Donnell. officeand residence. 1021 Market, bet. 6th and 7th.


Office 401 Post st.. cor. Powell; tel. Main £71*

BIRTHS—MARRIASES—DEATHS,i Birth, marriage and death notices sent bymail willnot bo Inserted. They must be handed. in at either of the publication oftices and beindorsed with the r.ame and residence of per-sons authorized to have the same published.

BORN. .LEE— this city, December; 8, 1198, to the

wife of Thomas Lee, a daughter.~

DIED.Ames, Kittle McMurdo. Ellz'bth A.Brown. Amasa Macdonald. \u25a0 MargaretCarter, infant Moody, Edmund F.Cotter. Maurice. Nolan, Martin.Donahue, Patrick. Ntlsh, infant son.* Daly. Annie M. O'Brien. John.Degorskl, John. Roberts. Thomas.Flanigan, Lawrence. Robbins, Samuel L.


Graham, Caroline. •\u25a0 Schwerin. Charles MHussey, Hanna J. Stalder, Joseph.Klrby,Daniel. Sawyer, Susie E.Lorenz. Anna M. Scanlin. Cecelia M.Lynn, Cecelia. Tripp, Stephen.. McCarthy. Annie T. Teggart, John.Maxwell, J. H. Walsh, Margaret.• ' Marvin, Marjorie.

AMES—In Anßconda. Mont.. December 10, 1898.Kittle, beloved daughter of George E. andAddle P. Ames, and sister of Laura M. andGeorge E. Ames Jr.. a native of Nevada, aged2S years 2 months and 10 days.

ICTFuneral services will be held this day(Monday), at the chapel of Cypress LawnCemetery on the arrival of the 11:30 o'clocktrain from Third and Townsend streets.

BROWN—In Seminary Park. Alameda County,Cal., Amasa Brown, beloved father of Mrs.Abbie E. Stone. Mrs. Augusta E. Gates, Wil-liam L. Brown and Lemuel A. Brown, a na-tive of New York, aged 73 years 5 months and25 days.

CARTER—In Berkeley. December IS. IS9S, about3 a. m., infant daughter of Robert J. andMaggie Carter, a native of Berkeley, aged 1year 1 month and 16 days.

EJTFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 1o'clock, from the residence of

; the parents, corner of Dana and Blakestreets, Berkeley. .

COTTER—In this. city. Maurice, beloved hus-band of Catherine Cotter," and father of PeterThomas, Mary. Katie, Nora and the lateDavid Cotter, a native of County Cork, Ire-land.


this city, December 17, IS9SPatrick, beloved husband of; Margaret Dona-hue, a native of County Clare, Ireland, aged73 • years. -\u25a0•"•--•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0

tn7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend • the funeral this day(Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, fr-nvhis late resi-dence. 236 Duncan street, . thence to St. Paul'sChurch, corner- Twenty-ninth end Church istreets, :where a requiem high mass, will becelebrated for the repose ;of• his soul, com- !mencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy CrossCemetery.

DALY—In this city, December 18, IS9B, AnnieMay, beloved daughter of Ada and the late

! Michael Daly, and beloved sister of John J..William H. and Michael F. Daly, and be-loved niece of the late Margaret Barry andMrs. Ellen Nelson, a native of San Francisco,aged 23 years 1 month and 29 days.

IC7"Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend- funeral to-morrow

1 (Tuesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi-dence, JOOS Powell street, thence to St. Fran-cis Church, where services will be held forthe repose of her soul, commencing at. 2o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

DEGORSKI— In this. city. December 17, IS9B.John, dearly beloved husband of the lateEmille Degorski, and father of Stephanie De-gorski. a native of Poland, aged 60 years.

CTFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Tuesday), at 9 o'clock, from his late resi-dence, 333 Eddy street, thenc? to St. Mary's

.Cathedral, where a solemn requiem highmass willbe celebrated for the repose of hissoul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. IntermentHoly Cross Cemetery-

FLANIGAN—In this city. December 17. IS9S,Lawrence, beloved husband or Annie Flani-gan, a native of County Galway, Ireland,aged 70 years.

(uTFrlends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi-dence, 2424 Harrison street, thence to St.Peter's Church, where a requhem high masswill be celebrated for the repose of his soul,

oommencinz at 9 o'clock. Interment HolyI Cross Cemetery-iGRAHAM—In this city. December 18, 1898.j Caroline, mother of Ada and Harvey Graham,

and sister of H. Dorry and Mrs. WesternCampbell, a native of New York, aged 50years. ,

HUSSEY (nee Ault)—ln this city. December 17,IS9S, Hanna J. Hussey, beloved daughter ofMary A. and the late Joseph P. Ault. andsister of Joseph H.. Samuel W. and MatthiasP. Ault, Mrs. T. Lenehen and Mrs. P. Mul-holland, a native of San Francisco, aged 20years 4 months and 3 days. \u25a0 (Los Angelespapers please copy.)

tCFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral this day

I (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the residenceI at her mother, 1042^ Folsom street, thence to

St. Patrick's Church for services. IntermentI Mount Calvary Cemetery.KIRBY—In this city, December 18, IS9S, Daniel,

beloved husband .of Annie and father ofJohnnie Kirby, a native of Bangor, Me.,aged 41 years 11 months and 1! days.

LORENZ—On Mission road, near Colma, Cal.,December IS. 1898, Anna Meta, dearly belovedwife of Gustave H. Lorenz, and mother of, Adelphine, Anna and Hinrich Lorenz, a na-tive of Hanover, Germany, aged 56 years 11months and 17 days.

Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Tueßday), at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi-dence, Mission road, near Colma, Interment" Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeralcar. ,

LYNN—In thiH city, December 18, 189S, at herresidence. .127 Duncan street, Cecelia, be-loved wife of Patrick Lynn; and motherof Henry Lynn and sister of Bridget Mc-Feeley, a native of Donegal. Ireland, aged64 years.

Notice of funeral hereafter. Remainsat the mortuary chapel of the Golden GataUndertaking Company, 2425 Mission street,near Twenty-first.

MCCARTHY—In this city, December IT. IS9S,Annie T.. beloved daughter of Timothy and'Nellie McCarthy, and niece of Katie, Nellieand Dennie McCarthy and Mrs. John Sulli-van, a native of Chelsea, Mass., aged 1yearand 9 months.

tuTFrlends and "acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the runeral this day

(Monday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlors ofJ. C O'Connor & Co.. T67 Mission street. In-terment Holy Cross Cemetery. . *

MAXWELL—In Ames, la., December 11, 1898,J. H., beloved husband of Joanna Maxwell,and father of Mrs. C. J. Blaisdell, a nativeof Eola, 111., aged 61 years.

K7"Friends and acquaintances arerespect-\u25a0 fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow

(Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from Ma*onic Tem-ple, corner Post and Montgomery streets.Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by 11:30. a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets.

MARVIN—In Seattle, December 16. 189S. Mar-Jorle, beloved wife of C. E. Marvin, motherof Marjorie Marvin, daughter of May andthe late Colin Mclntosh, and sister of Colinand J. F. Mclntosh and Mrs. A. W. Suther-land, a native of Australia.

E7"Notlce of funeral hereafter.McMURDO—In this city.x December 16, IS9B.

Elizabeth A. McMurdo <nee Quigley), belovedwife of Dr. John R. McMurdo, a native ofMariposa County, Cal., aged 33 years 5 monthsand 2S days.

ICTFrlends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her lateresidence, 1718 Geary street, thence to St.Dominic's Church, where a solemn requiemhigh mass will be celebrated for the reposeof her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. In-terment Mount Calvary Cemetery.

MACDONALD— this city, December 17, 1898.Margaret, beloved widow of the late JohnE. Macdonald. a native- of Launching Place.Prince -Edward Island, Canada, aced 79years and 4 months.

ICTThe funeral - will take place this day(Monday), at 9 o'clock, from her late resi-dence, 1335 Jackson street, thence to St.Brlgld's Church. Van Ness avenue, where arequiem high mass willbe celebrated for therepose of her soul, com-meneinsr at 9:30a. m.

-Interment prfvate, St. Mary's Ceme-tery. Oakland. Please omit flowers. ' •

MOODY—In this city. December 18, 1898, Ed-mund Francis, 'youngest son of John andTeresa .M. Moody, and brother of E. P.Moody, a native of San Francisco, aged 30years. • . •\u25a0. (CTNotice of funeral hereafter.. Remainsat the parlors of Carew & English, 41 VanNess avenue."

NOLAN— this city. December 18. 1898. at hlaresidence, 222 Birch avenue. Martin, be-loved husband of Bridget Nolan, father ofMrs. Joseph Rimlinger. Mrs. Joseph Miller,Mrs. Thomas Glynn and Mrs. Joseph Kelly,and brother of Maria and the late PatrickNolan, a native of Athenry, County Galway,Ireland, aged 65 years. " •-

C?*Notlce of funeral hereafter.NEISH—InOcean View, December 17, IS9B, In-

fant of James and Lizzie Neish, a nativeof San Francisco, aged 1 month. :

O'BRIEN—In the City and County Hospital,December IS, IS9S, John O'Brien, a native orEngland, aged 61 years.

ROBERTS— In. Oakland, December 17,. 189S,Thomas, beloved husband of Bridget Rob-erts, and father of Thomas F., Delia andRichard Roberts. Mrs. Frank J. Kennedyand Mrs. Frank Smith, a dative of \u25a0 Wales,aged 60 years.

Friends and acquaintances are respect-\u25a0 fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his lateresidence, 116S Twenty-second . street, nearAdeline, thence to St. Francis de SalesChurch, where a solemn requiem mass willbe celebrated for the repose of his soul, com-mencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy CrossCemetery. San Mateo County. "

I11. R. M.—The members of Manzanlta Trib«No. 4. I. O. R. M.. are hereby notified to at-tend the funeral of our deceased brother, T.C. Roberts, at 8:30 a. m., December 20, IS9B,from his late residence. 116S Twenty-secondstreet, Oakland, thence by creek boat to cityto Holy Cross Cemetery.

J. L. GRIFFITH, Chief of Records.ROBBINS— this city, December 18, 1898, . at

his residence. 20 Roach street, SamuelL. beloved husband of Josephine Robbins,

I and father of Lottie. Samuel. Louis. Josieand Albert Robbins, aged 48 years 10 monthsand 23 days.

SCHWERIN— this city. December 17, IS9B,Charles M., beloved husband 1Ithe late MarieSchwerin, and beloved father of Lizzie M.\u25a0Ihd William M. Schwerln, a native of.Ger-many, aged 62 years and 6 months. A mem-ber of Harmony Lodge No. 9, A. O. U. \V.;

Fearless Legion No. 2..5. K. of A.;HarmonyLodge No. 15, K. of P.; Redwood Camp,

Woodmen of the World, and the Teamsters'Union.

1C?"Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi-dence 2324 Folsom street, thence to Alcazarbuilding. O'Farrell street, where services willbe held under the auspices of HarmonyLodge No. 9, A. O. U. W.. at 2 o'clock. In-terment Odd Fellows' Cemetery.

A. O. U. W.—Harmony Lodge No. 9, A. O. U.W —Officers and members will assemble to-day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, at Alcazarbuilding, 120 O'Farrell street, to attend the' funeral of our deceased brother. CharlesSchwerin. JAMES E. SAVAGE, M. W.

D. McSWEENEY, Recorder.STALDER —In this city, December 17, IS9S,

Joseph, husband of Mary C. Stalder, andfather of Joseph Stalder Jr. and Mrs. E. L.Cutten. a native of Canton Lucerne, Switz-

\u25a0 erland, aged 76 years and 2 months. : .Friends and acquaintances are respect-

fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Tuesday), at 11 o'clock, from his late resi-dence. 2516 Sacramento street. Please omitflowers. Interment private.

SAWYER—In this city, December 18, 1898,- "Susie E., beloved wife of Dr. H. C. Sawyer,'"a native of California, aged' 3S years 11

months and 7 days.E7" Services and interment private.

SCANLIN—In this city, December IS. 189S,Cecelia Martha, beloved daughter of Hugh W.

i and Nellie F. Scanlln. aged 5 months.!TEGGART—In. this city, December 18, IS9S,; John Teggart. -aged -49 years.

TRIPP— In this city, December 18, 1898, Stephen,beloved husband of Katie Trlpp, and. fatherof Henry and the late Stephen. Eva and

: Catherine Tripp, a native of Rhode Island,1; aged 60 years. • •

WALSH—In this city, December 17. ISSS. Mar-• garet, beloved wife of the late John Walsh,and mother of Anna, Neli, Agnes and the-late Maggie May Walsh, and sister of Mrs.

jMary Dunphy, a native of WaterviUe, County'Kerry. Ir«land., (E7"Friends and,acquaintances are respect-

• fully invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 10 o'clock, from her late resl-dence, Abbotsford House, corner Broadway

'and Larkln street, thence to St. Brlgld's• Church, Broadway and Van i«ess avenue,

where a requiem high mass will be celebratedfor the repose of hpr soul, commencing at 10:10

\u25a0 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery. ;\u25a0" ,

HENRY J. GALLAGHER CO.,. (Successors to Flanagan & Gallagher).

FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALrTEBi20 Fifth st.. opposite Lincoln ociiooi. :

;Telephone South 80. .

I» McAVOY &. Co.,*


1235 Market st. between Bth and Sta. aTelephone. South 247. |