the san francisco call. · 2017-12-18 · san franciscoindexof thecall's news today union...

is dep.ivcd'o^Jns ii^nmiryHyotc through' his; taihice to rcg^-: '.isterri^unfaithfurfto San Francisco and himself. .;_;_. j :: ."\u25a0[ \u25a0;\u25a0': \. . . ::i ppEGISTER ,*TQDAY PBICE v : FIVE CENTS: [j^jjgggR^NC^ INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY UNION LABOR CHAIRMAN PUNCHES CONGRESSMAN Blow[;StniclrfatT:Meeting cC Strike ' Settlement ;. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL. }i CHICAGOk*.* July 3 2 l".-^-The <mcc ting., of the' commercial "telegraphers'- union to-, day ."ratified," the \ action of the national executive— board . In » ita " of the *San Francisco 'and Oakland * strike. During^.the.. meetin =: Congressman Mc- permitt, Jwhb^sTa'member :of . the union, was' called** upon ; by -"'those'- present '; to .make.' an Taddre'ss.,- T .WTien.-he » stepped foswar^rChafrinkniMoore of .the tive t committee "objected -'.because th« congressman 'was ,not ;_'ln .',good ' stand- Tng'withHheTunion, having forgotten to pay 'his- dues.* . , point-was sustained by the chair. FlushVd" with '\u25a0 rage.. McDermltt made a_ reference .to -the -character, of Moore that caused Moore to jump at the con- gressman' and "land an uppercut blow square? in ;McDermltt's.' face,' knocking him;down and out.* BISHOP^ AND, PRIESTS ARE . MALTREATED>BY RIOTERS " ROME, "July 21.— The anticlerical agl- tation 'was ; expressed ' today In .a demonstration against- the' Madonna procession, ; which : was \ hissed and finally broken \u25a0 up. A r bishop and- sev- eral. prlest3 were maltreated by the rioters and . other ; persona* in : the pro- cession were wounded -before -the po- lice \u25a0• succeeded in driving back the manifestants. -Many arrests . were made. f*Cßp>p:<;july ? 2l.^Flfty7:workrnen^are Tep.o rtedUoJhayeJbeeh^suffocated as Uhe result i b»3a*"flrei> In ? a^sulphuri mine v in Gif^wtihßtcily^^y .-'r:-, '- '<-:':' -\ . FIFTY PERISH* IX tFIRE MISSING MAN'S REMAINS FOUND IN DEATH VALLEY jSup^os'ed?l^r^nd, : jWhom He of J \u25a0/Vv^K^S^i :Mm!derV" I\u25a0.\u25a0 V : % , j-:, •^PEC^AL i I«SPATCH TO THE.CALL ,"* ]:" I' Nev.,V;july.' \. 21.—The corpse"} t otind>.oh^ the .Steiningef, ranch- .*the -'edge^of 4 ; Death* yaljoy several' [days 'Vgrp^has rVbeen ',identified 2 'aV*that ,of^Johp'|Payloyic^of«Goldfield;V' Pav- ldvlcti f was \«on ,' the> bond of ..Tom r'Ar- rgehips; 'Charged CwifhNhorse a tealins,' In ith^Bum*, of [*sl, ooo^'ond 'started 'jtqr. Death"' Valley."with JXrsrentos -to- Jook \u25a0; at : tn tnlngr rproperty;- the i latter I had ; proro- x ;iied itojjdeed|hlm^ 'Argrentos jreturne'd alone :aiid -'could give ; no accoiint^of » his tprnpanlon* *^T ; t- J'l-,.'^ •'\u25a0; .'.^ '. \u25a0}'• Z&s% 'Tuesday k :a*;.prospe'ctor : found ; 'a partly.-, decomposed * body y on ; the ? Stein- : inger the .men were, last seen An . uncle /and a : cousin of...Payloyich-.went> to the* ranch -arid identified *the"body.* Argentos la*, in jaii^at^Tonopah' "on", a' misdemeanor charge/. ;He will .be*ex tradlted an/i.lrled ifor.rrn'arder.'in jlnyo :»*ouhty,' CaJifofn!a. ',' CO2I TUHViSD* OJf J S^SSiiS^^^ ?' linfieiteent: tjuestion No. 8 f , : . ? * WHy'Do You Lie? tKfeiTK>st ! o^ T¥:ition?r-ana>the pnererthe; better— 1he vjall' wiilpay SSEI^EyDOEt^RS/ .MF6r next five answeb S||he|^l^nip^G)NE DpL-LAjR/each: , : "printed next Wednesday \ '^ariclVcKeicks h^il^|^!tKe Avirinei^^t once. .Make . 1 1 - ;,-.MRE^IIgENT; :QUEST;IONS, .>^ MIXING " .-.Blue Ledge : mine, \u25a0' in Siaklyou . county,': Is ,sol J for' $ York"capitalist; .- frPageS One hundred stamp"erected 'fori'La'dy Washington \ mine"in " Tuolumne county Page 9 ' . Boxing ' enthusiasts throng , the training. quar- ters of ' Jimmy Brltt Vnd ; Battling Nelson, yP. ' S marine: Great school ' of whales accompany steamship Mera along the coast.' ' ' ' , * Page 10 ' Rocked - Asleep wins the. open . coursing.- stake at , Ingleslde. *!>»•' 4 Oakland \u25a0 and Los Angeles . divide ' Sunday ' base- ball; honors \ and ,' San Francisco" takes a" "game f rom - Portland. .. , - , . . ' Page 5 - San - Francisco state league baseball ' team \u25a0 ahnt out by- Oakland.- =• - ' : Page 5 SPORTS , ;\u25a0•.:\u25a0''\u25a0 ' Racing > yachts - : return - without \u25a0 mishap ' from their, cruise. to the Farallones. \u25a0\u25a0 ' .•Page* 'Carl Gardner defeat* Coast' Champion Long, at t*>nnl«. : -"-'- r '.' " ; \u25a0''.' ':.-': \u25a0' * ; :- 7 Page 4 Cuban patriots batch dark plot to*oust ' Amer- icans . from *\u25a0 Island. because .' cocoanut j p&l ms arc plnnted at Morro castle. . . Page 3 . . Rioters In Seoul still defy Japanese authorities and Marquis Itojis regarrlsonlng ': the*;~coun- try. '. ..' ..." . .' - \u25a0 , '.'.' » Pagea FOREIGN Liner Kaiser. Wilhelm ; 11, ' while coaling. %t Bremethaven,' lists suddenly and ,is sunk by water rushing \u25a0 In . through ' \u25a0 the - open . : . coal ports. -..\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0- ' Page 3 ' Haywood ; case \u25a0 at BotseJ will \u25a0 be submitted" to the Jury before. the end of the present week: P. 3 Noted French authority predicts a. big slump In prices of raw metals this fall. Pige 10 Michigan farmer kills his Invalid son, his wife and the latter's foster father. with ana .x end is shot dead by . a neighbor. . Page 3 Immigration commission may be -sent by .con- greos to study Important' questions in Asia.' P. 10 Verne . Hollet, yonnger of ' two San Francisco youths arrested* at Camp' Meeker," confesses-"rob- bery and arson and boasts of his crime* ' ~ ?ag-<> 8 East Oakland. c»r jumps rails at bottom of 'a steep bill end two persons are Injured.-' Pago- 10 Society turns out "in force' and makes fete.' *t Mount Tamalpais academy, a success. Paje 8 Bcildlng 'activity, lir 'Oakland \u25a0 shows - marked Improvement and realty dealers ' report train In demand for residence property. - > . Page 18' " Maurice Stewart," photographer of Oakland, U to wed nurse who attended him in hospital." P.; B Southern' Pacific engineers ; make ' preliminary Burveys for electrisation of - suburban 'lines In Oakland and Alameda. Pa^e 8 Thomas Starr King p&f»es examinations ;an<l will enter Annapolis naval : academy today. P. fl Testimony in cas* of old Costa? water ; cezspaas: Uwt?^"*] Oifc^'-'l^i^JU^r:^ C"in- . 4«T^^ ~i\- '\u25a0 ' \ •';\u25a0' :'\u25a0.-:\u25a0 ':\u25a0'.;\u25a0;\u25a0 fV. \u25a0 '?; i 'J$ 3P*S*>|B \u25a0 ' Christian EndcaTorcrs of bay counties welf<nnc Dr./IF. E. "*\u25a0 Clarke ? at ' First: GorigrecatUm'al "church.*; " " - :: ' _ ; ;'"•.\u25a0 '- ' :.' *•*«• " . -Sheriff leaves San .Diego for Clinton.' lll.,' witb Fred \u25a0) n. : ' Maglll\u25a0 and > wife, 1 accused ... of i innr- der. :. . o'-; ,^ . ; , PageS 'Standard oil properties and: big smelters of Contra - Costa . county are 6aid to ha ye been fa vored by Assessor Jones. . Page. 8 Samuel P. Johnston and Rollin >C. Ayres/ dis- cus* "San . Francisco's Seed ..of .Printers' Ink" in addresses before Pacific coast advertising, men at Sacramento. " Pag* 7 Body of Goldfleld prospector found in Death valley and man he befriended Is suspect rd of murder. Page 1 DOMESTIC Girl student of University of Chicago Is shown to be sister of negro gambling king. Page 1 j Leader of .union telegraphers' In.'.'. Chicago punches congressman ' at ' meeting held to 'ratify the strike settlement. ~ Pag« ":1 SUBURB AX Chamber of commerce, and . merchants' ' associ- ation address . letter to county committees of( la- bor, democratic . and ' republican parties/ roggest- tng nonpartisan ticket and indorsing direct .pri- mary law. : ; Pag»*l Erlanger's randeTille topllners next season. P.J6 American who ' has "• discovered ' a ' moantaln ' of silTcr in China returns home \u25a0to seek '"goVern-^ ment backing to enable - him ' to " begin I mining operations. 7-' Page* 14 ' Natiooal j guardsmen who I failed ' to report -;tcr duty with regulars may t>e censured. '\u25a0 ".P*g«9 Uiobard J., Jose, will sing as one of>Klaw.& Jules Pages may racceed ; Julian *as ? head ;of famous Parisian' art' ins titntel •" •' " Page 6 Nude body of. en unidentified woman found in sand dunes three and -a : half \u25a0 milce \u25a0 below ' Cliff bouse. Her, clothing \u25a0 was at a distance. " She was probably : murdered three months aco. ¥ 1 , Youths I make two I attempts to \u25a0 dynamite cars at " switchback - in ' Casselll ; avenue *on ' hill over- looking the Mission. \u25a0\u25a0.!'\u25a0,> Page 14 CITY Second \u25a0 streetcar riot ; in; Mission district : fol- lows *ma «h in? ' of ' cab ' and ~ mot ortn an is badly beaten by mob." " . , .' . ' Page 14 Hard elfdding for the; grafters.' . ''.* Paje 6 The prophet's grouch. . ! Pago 6 EDITORIAL. •'\u25a0 > > -\; Sprins , Valley's itapudrat demand. Ptgre 8 A great financial center. \ -'. Pay* C MothVr^ahd'^Baby.^Arei'-Bibwiir^ut . •of -a "' rH6use^v'Against^*a^"r^ j : '.;V-» Wire' Fence 'j- |: . WILLISTON, •. N> D.v Jul yi 2 1 T— At teV-'^ rinc.":,witid ;and jhaJliistorm^lastTnight destroyed t" 1 S i; d well ings. ",-.i injured fi'l' 25 people,, -2: of.'UhVm Vprobably- fatally? and i'dld'TmuchVother;; damage": to fprop- ertyj;:;in u^thls^city-iandiTsurroundirig, coVntry. '.•>*;.-•.- :±«^ ;,- ''/"f^.-!'" 1 \u0084, .Those"; believed v to be ;,'fatally ; I'.urt are*. : a;Vmari"i'namedT Holmeg .and^Mrs"; Co 111 n so n . M rs* , Col 1 ii n son t - ; a n d t*jf h" er baby \v/erer blown -out «of "-thelris house for a distance iof/aboutUOOiyards^land-j ing - against wire \ fence. ; Their.' house was Ventircly > destroyed: 5 •"^, \u25a0-\u25a0'.; •< Most \ of _ the- houses: demolished iwere in.the , suburb Cof-Westlawn and^were* small' structures.- .; 1 he ',•. courthouse/ Bchoolhouse r . and^ ; vunion;, '< block -:. .; sus^ talned : considerable 'damage, TWENTYi-FIVE f IN JU RlSb|f?&|S DUST NEGRO GAMBLER'S SISTER FROM UNIVERSITY Ciiicagp f CpUege^Shocked- by r ''^Uiirnasking^of fOne^pi^ I \u25a0 ' .'--,. '--, Sorority ißellesl;^\- '-\i /SrECIAL'DISPA^CHCTOTnE CALL ' \ ', /i/ i CHICAGO,'] July.J 21^j-;The \ money i l)t "Mush : Mou'th", 'Johris^n; ;the "? notorious, negro .gambling vkingtpf city, ( paved . the' 'way!,* of *; fiis ' \sister '. int'o- the'Society "circles c-* :the;.Universlty- of Chicago. \Vor.-three"years Cecelia John-* son, relying uppn*her^freedomrf.rom : no-' tlceabl"e.racial I( chara"cteristics, i has*'posed among the; students r '6t" tlfe^uniyersity- as;a socle ty--leader,.a*awelli dresser/ and' a' lavish*:spender. /She.has. been: a ! mem-~ bett'of pne "of the sororities, and has* particlpated a*\ny, ;i of .{the' most Important scqlal, functions off and on the campus 'during her rfelgn'-*' •''<'< \u2666 . She' graduated .last; year^wlth'. honors* apd/is ; rj6w 4 pursuing, a post-graduate' course. t It .was left to. her to startle 1 the, undergraduate~wo'fld. with "the greatest sensation; that has '.been; sprung, inith'e historyVcfithe' university. /Her'idehtity4 was disclosed- : ,today, ; a.nd: the divulging, of •theifact:_that.,'the'! > dashing 'brunette' was -none ''other >'tliah^ the .3lster.*bfitl>e* most'^notorlous negro".' gamblerv'.in'-- the country^ stlrred-the; men; and. -women{ of \u25a0 the •university c 'prol6undly.i-~ The'soeiir' favorite Immedja'telyj'becameV an f ''out-^ 'casCrdlsowned *by|.the^Borbrlty t of;,wh4oh"' she^was ;biie^of ;the pearliest, members.! 1 '.The \u25a0 young -. woman planned > and exe-^ cutedjher.'game carefully; and.'cautfous-" ly^-yet'-''boldly,* and \but-.; for a ; the," recent story^of; 1 the '••failure'^ of .Mush/Mou th" 'Johnson* and*' 'his :\u25a0. proposed c . return j-'/to] Africa"" her identity^ might have'gone"un- revealed for a lbng.'tlrne.' ". : -'^V f-*l : this, story,', however, the: address of the ;- gambling;' king \ v/as ' given.; as 5830 \u25a0 Wabash , ' avenue.' < ' ThisT number. corres.ponded to .that .which 'Cecelia* had given, as ;•her r - residence.' '.\u25a0vinyestigation; staVted f .by :her "girl * associates p revealed the ,dual -] character;*of j the -'girl* of ] niysf tefy.".: ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0: ] '-y '\u25a0 y'-'-'r "\u25a0" ?:V V-^^ : » * : Costumed on race:, Ojfnm 0 THREE PARTIES ARE REQUESTED TO JOIN HANDS Commercial Bodies Address Letter to the County ; Committees MAKE A STRONG PLEA Ask That a Nonpartisan Ticket Be Named Immediately FAVOR AMENDMENT Direct Primary Advocated by Call Indorsed in Communication The trustees of the chamber of commerce, and of the Merchants' association have united in an en- deavor to have the union labor, the democratic and the/republi- can parties join in the selection ex a nonpartisan ticket for the November election. Letters con- taining this suggestion* have been addressed to the county."commit- tees of the three parties. The plea £3 made that if this plan should prove objectionable,- the three parlies adopt voluntarily the direct pri- mary method and ?el^ct.^th^r^'s^nii- Uutes- prior to the ejection for-prlmary 'i?2egate«. ". . . -. Tie letter commends the proposed cwindrricr.t to the state constitution / \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-- . ;•' ovid'ng for the direct primary as fiivocßc-iil by The Call and which the last legislature voted to submit to the ;isoj]fi. It is the object of the cham- ber" of commerce and the Merchants' association to induce the three parties to'E-srea upon one ticket, composed of met representative of the entire com- munity. The letter addressed to the three county committees follows: "The trustees of the Merchants' asso- ciation and of the chamber of. commerce beirtg desirous of removing all class and partisan feelings and working to- jrether for the best interests of our city, x^fcile disciaimin!? cny desire or intcntidr. cf. entering lr s to pirtisfc;* poli- ties, becj to cugrcst -that ia tht'tJ opin- ion the great majority of citizens are E!«nilw'.y disposed and are only eager for honesty and effectiveness in the ad- ministration of municipal affairs with- out regard to class or .partisanship. "Under such conditions we venture to suggest that your committee will best serve your party at this time by'e welfare of "the entire com-, m unity by arranging: a joint ticket rep- resentative of the whole people, and at the same time so selected as to com- ; ir.and respect and confidence. "If upon fair consideration this plan should seem impracticable, we would respectf-^ly suggest the advisability of your taking: the community into your confidence as to your plans for the com- ing campaign prior, to, the selection; of your primary delegates. "By act of the -legislature there will be submitted to the people of this state at the next general election & constitu- tional amendment permitting the legis- lature to enact that - primaries shall consist simply of voting directly for candidates for nomination and elimi- nating from our political system con- ventions, this reform "having been adopted' very successfully already in a number of states. "As conventions have become . merely ratification meetings, this seems a wise and wholesome provision. In the in- terest'of good government it has so operated wherever tried. "It appears to us that what the peo- ple are asked to enact as a salutary and beneficial measure should be adopted at thts^ time -by, the; parties vol untarily, 1 that- is -to say, vwithout waiting for the command; of the law. We accordingly urge upon you that in the spirit of, the amendment to the con- stitution which the legislature; decided to submit to the "people you select the best and most efficient men as your candidates and that you declare arid make public your selections prior to the election for primary delegates^ "Such action will- enable, the public to Judge the character of- the men i sug- gested and cannot .fail -to iserve'the Interests' of honest and. intelligent-gov- erntr.cnt. alv.ays needed, but raarej than ever at this time^;,^.: "A similar communication is* being se'hl'r to the other \u25a0 party organizations iind it is . believed that your compli- ance with this \u25ba request _ will do away ' /' : Upper picture j^ gelding of -United life : saving i service,^iphb found the; rDearmgapparel^bendih^ipv^^^'gra^} wfKC^il^^y^^^^^dis^^^^rß^o^is ' a diagrams the mi'nifeers >m lthe^plioiogra~ph\ and'i driving.^corresponding : ;. ;1 . Spot ; nvhere body was found a : 2.> Where I shirt l^a£B^afl ly^^^^^h^er^se^tljvc^} /oun JJr* 4. Clump i^of; pine i arid-: gum < ireeitTn* here )outa l^ garments x»ere \u25a0''discovered^ \u25a0 and : where attack may have been ; made.^Vln- the . \u25a0 '\u25a0 '-f^t ;*.. Y,;' . WEATHER "CdNDITIOIfS'--- YESTERDAY—PartIy.; cloudy ; ' maximum . tem- perature, \u25a0 6S;Vminlmnm, ; ; 50. . . .... \u25a0• * , rOBECAST FOR r TODAY— Fair;: fog in the morulaj: and at night ; fresh west wind. <Page 10 Woman's Body Found Near Beach and Signs Point to Murder Indications That Death Game After Struggle With An Assailant ; A- woman Yjbody, : : almost .nude •ahd: : badly '^ecomposedvwithvthe head 'severed' £ rbm 'the^trun^' was - found .' yesterday morning i in' ; the sand' dunes ithrVe- arid- a- 'Kali miles' south;bf the:Cliff jhbiise: arid*near, the function of^tKe: great'? highway and the Irigleside^road v >That;the woman =;niay^ Have $ been : murdered'; and : gave ,up ' her life after, a ;,des- perate ; fight > withyherj assailant iwas ' strongly :^suggested by ; ja^ 'survey of %r thc l? scene -of I the fcrime.', t mystery [surrouriding^herrdeathrnayl never ; be_t solved.':^.;; <r . i .; r *'''\u25a0' ;f':'rr' ' '\u25a0?'£\u25a0\u25a0 r ' ;r<( ; --.'^ traced foT'jQO^S'aVdsiffo^ grptvthto.f?'pJi«e£ahd;gum^ \u25a0nighiifn^cnetrablcrtl^ sancl.^The {definite ioVcicrVin;whj"c!i|th^^ 'k-i-TheliUcntnj;fo^th^ •Ev^i^thctage^jf I tlVe* wo^ of Cpo6r ty,^^ articles [foun^wkhin"uire]r^ 'derby> K^aT^ Detective Ross:.Whitakcr. mader a, cursory, investigations of . : the>caseund r'report?d*tHatfHeatjm^ *dcd^eS<^romta^cliain)tof J circumstances -which.- seem . -; to"4*link f together ja g£mlFmyt^ theory coliM;K^fe^^r^dA¥T.^Knu3s > e^^ and weiittbutrwith lariterhs.tbutjfoifttd nqvprte: . \u25a0 :\u25a0 "...jA U^^Por^three-ihTOnth^-the^corosevmustHhave^lan^underr.the^graj'jysky.^the drean rainvandithc^iriterrmtteotisun.VvWhether t 'thegwomani.wasi mourned^or mi«sed may never : be- known, forsthe^eiements- and 1 - the. 'beasts .'of ntheldunfes. h^ye^^nd^ej|idcn6^t^|^pos«W Head of Victim Completely Severed From Her Body -.:,.;. .^j '••',, i.l- >--*•:. i ' !• XliXJ.v/\/,Ctl*^v>^A ;•:.*. .•-..-! v;-i>' \u25a0-"\u25a0.\u25a0.;:;,* ,\u25a0\u25a0:•* '.,. TELEPHONE TEMPORARY- 86 MONDAY, JULY 22,. 1907. VOLUME CH.— NO; 52. THE SUN/DAY CALL * A coast record h^s been broken bjva; sailing .vessel iwliicifliad no crew and a woman for a pilot. IjA good slory_ about; it will- appear, in The San Francisco Call. BRANCHhOFFIGES Subscriptions :'_ and z Advertise-" menU.will :b'e received ihVSan- [FrancMColaVfollbwin^officesr ] 1«51 FIIiI.MORE i STREET . ;-\u25a0• ' Open.until,: 10 -o'clock; every -.night-*. i ',VsiSvVA"N7NESs7AVE>UE*"-V;'": f :'-i . Parent's •; Stationery J Store. > 7 .- '\ ,2390 FILL.MORE^STREET,' . Woodward's 'Branch. . , ] \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0" , •;, , MS *HAIGHTiSTREET . - " Christian's > Branch. SIXTEENTH A>D MARKET; '.'STSV'; i ; Jackso n's I Branch; ' rQ-':r Q- ' : _ ". \u25a0 \u25a0 974 ' - VALENCIA X STREET " Halllday's Stationery [Store. - ijosVva\iEncia' : [street';'. . ? -.'.:J 3011 ICTH ST. COR., MISSION;- V V-; lnternational ,3 Stationery; Store. '\u25a0. \ 2712 MISSION STREET.: V _'• "TlieNewserlei H: 1531 '• CHURCH '' STREET " George; Prewitt's I Branch. \u25a0

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call. · 2017-12-18 · SAN FRANCISCOINDEXOF THECALL'S NEWS TODAY UNION LABOR CHAIRMAN PUNCHES CONGRESSMAN Blow[;StniclrfatT:Meeting cC Strike ' ... persona* in:

is dep.ivcd'o^Jns

ii^nmiryHyotc through' his; taihice to rcg^-:

'.isterri^unfaithfurfto San Francisco andhimself. .;_;_. j::."\u25a0[ \u25a0;\u25a0': \. . .








;. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL.}iCHICAGOk*.*July32l".-^-The <mcc ting.,ofthe' commercial "telegraphers'- union to-,

day."ratified," the \action • of the nationalexecutive— board . In » ita

"ofthe *San Francisco 'and Oakland *strike.During^.the.. meetin =: Congressman Mc-

permitt, Jwhb^sTa'member :of. the union,

was' called** upon ;by -"'those'- present '; to.make.' an Taddre'ss.,- T .WTien.-he » stepped

foswar^rChafrinkniMoore of.the

tive tcommittee •"objected -'.because th«congressman 'was ,not ;_'ln .',good


Tng'withHheTunion, having forgotten topay 'his- dues.* . • ,

point-was sustained by the chair.FlushVd" with '\u25a0 rage.. McDermltt made a_reference .to -the -character, of Moorethat caused Moore to jump at the con-gressman' and "land an uppercut blowsquare? in ;McDermltt's.' face,' knockinghim;down and out.*


tation 'was ;expressed'

today In .ademonstration against- the' Madonnaprocession, ;which :was \ hissed andfinally broken \u25a0 up. Arbishop and- sev-eral. prlest3 were maltreated by the

rioters and .other ;persona* in:the pro-

cession were wounded -before -the po-

lice \u25a0• succeeded in driving back the

manifestants. -Many arrests . were made.

f*Cßp>p:<;july ? 2l.^Flfty7:workrnen^areTep.o rtedUoJhayeJbeeh^suffocated as Uheresult ib»3a*"flrei>In? a^sulphuri mine v inGif^wtihßtcily^^y.-'r:-, '- '<-:':' -\.



ofJ\u25a0/Vv^K^S^i :Mm!derV" I\u25a0.\u25a0 V: %,j-:,•^PEC^ALiI«SPATCH TO THE.CALL,"*]:"I' Nev.,V;july.'\.21.—Thecorpse"} totind>.oh^ the .Steiningef, ranch-

.*the -'edge^of 4;Death* yaljoy several'[days 'Vgrp^has rVbeen ',identified 2'aV*that,of^Johp'|Payloyic^of«Goldfield;V' Pav-ldvlcti f was\«on ,' the> bond •of ..Tom r'Ar-

rgehips; 'Charged CwifhNhorse atealins,' Inith^Bum*, of[*sl,ooo^'ond 'started 'jtqr. Death"'Valley."withJXrsrentos -to-Jook \u25a0; at:tn tnlngr rproperty;- the ilatterIhad;proro-x

;iied itojjdeed|hlm^ 'Argrentos jreturne'dalone :aiid -'could give;no accoiint^of »histprnpanlon* *^T ; t- J'l-,.'^ •'\u25a0; .'.^ '.\u25a0}'• Z&s% 'Tuesday

k:a*;.prospe'ctor :found ;'a

partly.-, decomposed *bodyyon

;the ? Stein-

:inger the .men were, lastseen An. uncle /and a :cousinof...Payloyich-.went> to the* ranch -arididentified *the"body.* Argentos la*,injaii^at^Tonopah' "on",a' misdemeanorcharge/. ;He*ex tradlted an/i.lrledifor.rrn'arder.'in jlnyo:»*ouhty,' CaJifofn!a.

','CO2I TUHViSD*OJf JS^SSiiS^^^ ?'

linfieiteent: tjuestion No. 8f

, :. ?*

WHy'Do You Lie?tKfeiTK>st!o^

T¥:ition?r-ana>the pnererthe; better— 1he vjall'wiilpaySSEI^EyDOEt^RS/ .MF6r next five answebS||he|^l^nip^G)NE DpL-LAjR/each: ,

:"printed next Wednesday\'^ariclVcKeicks h^il^|^!tKeAvirinei^^t once. .Make

.11-;,-.MRE^IIgENT; :QUEST;IONS, .>^


.-.Blue Ledge :mine, \u25a0' in Siaklyou. county,': Is ,sol Jfor' $ York"capitalist; .- frPageS

One hundred stamp"erected 'fori'La'dyWashington \mine"in"

Tuolumne county Page 9

'. Boxing'enthusiasts throng,the training.quar-

ters of'Jimmy BrlttVnd;Battling •Nelson, yP.'Smarine:

Great school'of whales accompany steamship

Mera along the coast.''' ' ,*

Page 10


-Asleep wins the. open . coursing.- stake

at,Ingleslde. • *!>»•'4Oakland \u25a0 and Los Angeles .divide



ball; honors \ and ,' San Francisco" takes a""gamefrom

-Portland. .. , -

,. . 'Page 5


-Francisco state league baseball

'team \u25a0 ahnt

out by-Oakland.- =• - ' : Page 5

SPORTS , ;\u25a0•.:\u25a0''\u25a0 '

Racing >yachts-:return -without \u25a0 mishap 'from

their, cruise. to the Farallones. \u25a0\u25a0


'Carl Gardner defeat* Coast' Champion Long, att*>nnl«.: -"-'-r'.'

" ;\u25a0''.' ':.-': \u25a0' * ;:- 7Page 4

Cuban patriots batch dark plot to*oust'Amer-

icans . from *\u25a0 Island.because .' cocoanut jp&lms arcplnnted at Morro castle. . . Page 3

.. Rioters In Seoul still defy Japanese authoritiesand Marquis Itojis regarrlsonlng ': the*;~coun-try. '. ..' ..." . .' -

\u25a0 , '.'.' » Pagea

FOREIGNLiner Kaiser. Wilhelm ;11,

'while coaling. %t

Bremethaven,' lists suddenly and ,is sunk bywater rushing \u25a0 In .through ' \u25a0 the - open .:.coalports. • -..\u25a0\u25a0'. • \u25a0-

'• Page 3

'Haywood ;case \u25a0 at •BotseJ will\u25a0 be submitted" tothe Jury before. the end of the present week: P.3

Noted French authority predicts a.big slumpIn prices of raw metals this fall. Pige 10

Michigan farmer kills his Invalid son, his wifeand the latter's foster father. with ana .x end isshot dead by.a neighbor. . Page 3

Immigration commission may be-sent by.con-greos to study Important' questions in Asia.' P. 10

Verne .Hollet, yonnger of'two San • Francisco

youths arrested* at Camp' Meeker," confesses-"rob-bery and arson and boasts of his crime*

'~?ag-<> 8

East Oakland. c»r jumps rails at bottom of 'asteep bill end two persons are Injured.-' Pago- 10

Society turns out"in force' and makes fete.'*tMount Tamalpais academy, a success. Paje 8

Bcildlng 'activity, lir 'Oakland \u25a0 shows - markedImprovement and realty dealers 'report train Indemand for residence property.

-> . Page 18'

" Maurice Stewart," photographer of Oakland, Uto wed nurse who attended him in hospital."P.; B

Southern' Pacific engineers ;make'preliminary

Burveys for electrisation of-suburban 'lines In

Oakland and Alameda. Pa^e 8Thomas Starr King p&f»es examinations ;an<l

will enter Annapolis naval :academy today. P. flTestimony in cas* of old Costa? water

;cezspaas: Uwt?^"*]Oifc^'-'l^i^JU^r:^ C"in-.4«T^^ ~i\- '\u25a0 '\•';\u25a0' :'\u25a0.-:\u25a0 ':\u25a0'.;\u25a0;\u25a0 fV. \u25a0 '?;i'J$ 3P*S*>|B

\u25a0'Christian EndcaTorcrs of bay counties welf<nnc

Dr./IF. E."*\u25a0 Clarke ? at'

First: GorigrecatUm'al"church.*;

" "- :: ' _ ;;'"•.\u25a0 '-':.' *•*«•"

. -Sheriff leaves San .Diego for Clinton.' lll.,' witbFred \u25a0)n.:'Maglll \u25a0 and >wife,1 accused ... of iinnr-der. :. . o'-; ,^ . ; , PageS'Standard oil properties and: big smelters of

Contra-Costa .county are 6aid to ha ye been fa•

vored by Assessor Jones. . Page. 8Samuel P. Johnston and Rollin >C. Ayres/ dis-

cus* "San.Francisco's Seed ..of .Printers' Ink"in addresses before Pacific coast advertising, menat Sacramento.

"Pag* 7

Body of Goldfleld prospector found in Deathvalley and man he befriended Is suspect rd ofmurder. Page 1

DOMESTICGirl student of University of Chicago Is shown

to be sister of negro gambling king. Page 1j Leader of .union telegraphers' In.'.'. Chicagopunches congressman

'at'meeting held to 'ratify

the strike settlement.~

Pag« ":1


Chamber of commerce, and.merchants''associ-

ation address . letter to county committees of(la-bor, democratic . and

'republican parties/ roggest-

tng nonpartisan ticket and indorsing direct .pri-mary law. : ;Pag»*l

Erlanger's randeTille topllners next season. P.J6American who 'has "•discovered



silTcr in China returns home \u25a0to seek '"goVern-^ment backing to enable

-him 'to " beginImining

operations. 7-' Page* 14

'Natiooal jguardsmen who Ifailed

'to report -;tcr

duty with regulars may t>e censured. '\u25a0 ".P*g«9Uiobard J., Jose, will sing as one of>Klaw.&

Jules Pages may racceed ;Julian *as ? head ;offamous Parisian' art' ins titntel •" •' " Page 6

Nude body of. en unidentified woman found insand dunes three and -a:half \u25a0 milce \u25a0 below 'Cliffbouse. Her, clothing \u25a0 was at •a distance.


was probably :murdered three months aco. ¥ 1, Youths Imake twoIattempts to \u25a0 dynamite • carsat

"switchback -

in'Casselll ;avenue *on


looking the Mission. • \u25a0\u25a0.!'\u25a0,> Page 14

CITYSecond \u25a0 streetcar riot ;in;Mission district:fol-

lows *ma«hin?'of'cab


~motortnan is•badly

beaten by mob.""

• . , .' . ' Page 14

Hard elfdding for the; grafters.' . ''.*Paje 6The prophet's grouch. . ! Pago 6

EDITORIAL. •'\u25a0 >>-\;Sprins,Valley's itapudrat demand. Ptgre 8A great financial center. \ -'.Pay* C

MothVr^ahd'^Baby.^Arei'-Bibwiir^ut. •of -a"'rH6use^v'Against^*a^"r^

j:'.;V-» Wire' Fence 'j-

|: . WILLISTON,•. N>D.v Julyi21T—AtteV-'^rinc.":,witid ;and jhaJliistorm^lastTnightdestroyed t"1Si;dwellings. ",-.iinjured fi'l'25people,, -2: of.'UhVm Vprobably- fatally?

and i'dld'TmuchVother;; damage": to fprop-ertyj;:;inu^thls^city-iandiTsurroundirig,coVntry. '.•>*;.-•.- :±«^ ;,- ''/"f^.-!'"1

\u0084,.Those"; believed v to be ;,'fatally ;I'.urt

are*.:a;Vmari"i'namedT Holmeg .and^Mrs";Co111nson. Mrs*, Col1iinson t

-;and t*jfh"erbaby \v/erer blown -out «of"-thelris housefora distance iof/aboutUOOiyards^land-jing

-against wire \ fence. ;Their.' house

was Ventircly > destroyed: 5 •"^, \u25a0-\u25a0'.; •<

Most \of _ the- houses: demolished iwerein.the ,suburb Cof-Westlawn and^were*small' structures.- .; 1he ',•. courthouse/Bchoolhouse r.and^;vunion;,'<block -:..;sus^talned :considerable 'damage,


DUST NEGRO GAMBLER'SSISTER FROM UNIVERSITYCiiicagpfCpUege^Shocked- byr''^Uiirnasking^of fOne^pi^ I\u25a0

'.'--,.'--, Sorority ißellesl;^\- '-\i


/i/iCHICAGO,'] July.J 21^j-;The \moneyil)t"Mush:Mou'th", 'Johris^n; ;the "?notorious,

negro .gambling vkingtpf city,(

paved.the' 'way!,* of *; fiis'\sister '. int'o-

the'Society "circles c-*:the;.Universlty- ofChicago. \Vor.-three"years Cecelia John-*son, relying uppn*her^freedomrf.rom :no-'tlceabl"e.racial I(chara"cteristics, ihas*'posedamong the; students r '6t" tlfe^uniyersity-as;a socle ty--leader,.a*awelli dresser/ and'a' lavish*:spender. /She.has. been: a!mem-~bett'of pne "of the sororities,and has* particlpated a*\ny,;iof .{the'most Important scqlal, functions off and

on the campus 'during her rfelgn'-*' •''<'< \u2666

. She' graduated .last; year^wlth'. honors*apd/is ;rj6w4 pursuing, a post-graduate'course. t It.was left to.her to startle 1the,undergraduate~wo'fld. with"the greatest

sensation; that has '.been; sprung, inith'ehistoryVcfithe' university. /Her'idehtity4

was disclosed-:,today,;a.nd: the divulging,

of•theifact:_that.,'the'!>dashing 'brunette'

was -none ''other >'tliah^ the .3lster.*bfitl>e*most'^notorlous negro".' gamblerv'.in'-- the

country^ stlrred-the; men; and.-women{ of\u25a0

the •university c 'prol6undly.i-~ The'soeiir'favorite Immedja'telyj'becameV anf''out-^'casCrdlsowned *by|.the^Borbrlty tof;,wh4oh"'she^was ;biie^of;thepearliest, members.! 1

'.The \u25a0 young -. woman •planned >and exe-^cutedjher.'game carefully; and.'cautfous-"ly^-yet'-''boldly,* and \but-.;fora

;the," recentstory^of; 1the '••failure'^ of.Mush/Mou th"'Johnson* and*''his :\u25a0. proposed c.return j-'/to]Africa""her identity^might have'gone"un-revealed for a lbng.'tlrne.' •

".:-'^V f-*l:this, story,', however, the: address

of the ;- gambling;' king\ v/as'given.; as

5830 \u25a0 Wabash ,'avenue.' <

'ThisT number.

corres.ponded to.that .which 'Cecelia* hadgiven, as ;•her r- residence.' '.\u25a0vinyestigation;staVted f

.by :her "girl*associates prevealedthe ,dual -]character;*of jthe -'girl*of]niysftefy.".:; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0: ] '-y '\u25a0 y'-'-'r "\u25a0" ?:V V-^ :»


Costumed on race:, Ojfnm 0


Letter to the County; Committees


Ask That a NonpartisanTicket Be Named



Direct Primary Advocatedby Call Indorsed in


The trustees of the chamber ofcommerce, and of the Merchants'association have united in an en-

deavor to have the union labor,

the democratic and the/republi-can parties join in the selectionex a nonpartisan ticket for theNovember election. Letters con-taining this suggestion* have been

addressed to the county."commit-tees of the three parties. The plea£3 made that if this plan shouldprove objectionable,- the threeparlies adopt voluntarily the direct pri-

mary method and ?el^ct.^th^r^'s^nii-Uutes- prior to the ejection for-prlmary'i?2egate«. ". . . -.

Tie letter commends the proposed

cwindrricr.t to the state constitution/ \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 • \u25a0--

• .;•'ovid'ng for the direct primary asfiivocßc-iil by The Call and which the

last legislature voted to submit to the;isoj]fi. It is the object of the cham-ber" of commerce and the Merchants'association to induce the three parties

to'E-srea upon one ticket, composed of

met representative of the entire com-munity. The letter addressed to thethree county committees follows:

"The trustees of the Merchants' asso-ciation and of the chamber of.commercebeirtg desirous of removing all class andpartisan feelings and working to-jrether for the best interests of ourcity, x^fcile disciaimin!? cny desire orintcntidr. cf. entering lrs to pirtisfc;* poli-ties, becj to cugrcst -that ia tht'tJ opin-

ion the great majority of citizens areE!«nilw'.y disposed and are only eager

for honesty and effectiveness in the ad-ministration of municipal affairs with-

out regard to class or .partisanship."Under such conditions we venture

to suggest that your committee will

best serve your party at this time by'e welfare of"the entire com-,

munity by arranging: a joint ticket rep-

resentative of the whole people, and at

the same time so selected as to com- ;

ir.and respect and confidence."Ifupon fair consideration this plan

should seem impracticable, we wouldrespectf-^ly suggest the advisability ofyour taking: the community into your

confidence as to your plans for the com-ing campaign prior, to, the selection; ofyour primary delegates.

"By act of the -legislature there willbe submitted to the people of this state

at the next general election & constitu-tional amendment permitting the legis-

lature to enact that- primaries shall

consist simply of voting directly forcandidates for nomination and elimi-nating from our political system con-ventions, this reform "having beenadopted' very successfully already in a

number of states.

"As conventions have become .merely

ratification meetings, this seems a wiseand wholesome provision. In the in-terest'of good government it has so

operated wherever tried."Itappears to us that what the peo-

ple are asked to enact as a salutary

and beneficial measure should beadopted at thts^ time -by, the; parties

voluntarily,1 that- is -to say, vwithoutwaiting for the command; of the law.We accordingly urge upon you that in

the spirit of,the amendment to the con-

stitution which the legislature; decidedto submit to the "people you select thebest and most efficient men as your

candidates and that you declare aridmake public your selections prior to theelection for primary delegates^

"Such action will- enable, the public

to Judge the character of- the men isug-

gested and cannot .fail -to iserve'theInterests' of honest and. intelligent-gov-

erntr.cnt. alv.ays needed, but raarej than

ever at this time^;,^.:"A similar communication is*being

se'hl'r to the other \u25a0 party organizations

iind it is.believed that your compli-

ance with this \u25ba request _ will do away

'/':Upper picture j^ gelding of-United life:saving iservice,^iphb found the;

rDearmgapparel^bendih^ipv^^^'gra^} wfKC^il^^y^^^^^dis^^^^rß^o^is'a diagrams the mi'nifeers >m lthe^plioiogra~ph\ and'i driving.^corresponding :;. ;1. Spot;nvhere body was

founda:2.> WhereIshirtl^a£B^aflly^^^^^h^er^se^tljvc^}/ounJJr* 4. Clump i^of;pineiarid-:gum <ireeitTn* here )outal garments x»ere \u25a0''discovered^ \u25a0 and :where attack may have been ;made.^Vln- the . \u25a0

'\u25a0 '-f^t;*..Y,;' .


'maximum . tem-

perature, \u25a0 6S;Vminlmnm, ;;50. . • . .... \u25a0• *

,rOBECAST FOR r TODAY—Fair;:fog in themorulaj: and at night;fresh west wind. <Page 10

Woman's Body Found Near Beach and Signs Point to MurderIndications That Death Game After Struggle With An Assailant

;A-womanYjbody,::almost .nude •ahd::badly '^ecomposedvwithvthehead 'severed' £rbm'the^trun^' was

-found .' yesterday morning iin';the

sand' dunes ithrVe-arid- a-'Kalimiles' south;bf the:Cliffjhbiise:arid*near,

the function of^tKe:great'? highway and the Irigleside^road v>That;thewoman =;niay^Have $been :murdered'; and :gave ,up

'her life after, a;,des-

perate;fight > withyherjassailant iwas'strongly :^suggested by;ja 'survey

of%rthcl? scene -ofIthe fcrime.', tmystery [surrouriding^herrdeathrnayl

never ;be_t solved.':^.;; <r.i.;r *'''\u25a0' ;f':'rr' ' • '\u25a0?'£\u25a0\u25a0 r';r<( ;--.'^

traced foT'jQO^S'aVdsiffo^grptvthto.f?'pJi«e£ahd;gum^\u25a0nighiifn^cnetrablcrtl^sancl.^The {definiteioVcicrVin;whj"c!i|th^^

• 'k-i-TheliUcntnj;fo^th^•Ev^i^thctage^jfItlVe*wo^

• ofCpo6r ty,^^articles [foun^wkhin"uire]r^'derby> K^aT^

Detective Ross:.Whitakcr. mader a, cursory, investigations of.:the>caseundr'report?d*tHatfHeatjm^*dcd^eS<^romta^cliain)tof Jcircumstances -which.- seem .-;to"4*linkf together ja

g£mlFmyt^theory coliM;K^fe^^r^dA¥T.^Knu3s>


and weiittbutrwith lariterhs.tbutjfoifttd nqvprte: . \u25a0 :\u25a0 "...jAU^^Por^three-ihTOnth^-the^corosevmustHhave^lan^underr.the^graj'jysky.^thedrean rainvandithc^iriterrmtteotisun.VvWhether t 'thegwomani.wasi mourned^ormi«sed may never:be- known, forsthe^eiements- and 1

-the.'beasts .'ofntheldunfes.


Head of Victim CompletelySevered From Her Body

-.:,.;..^j '••',,i.l->--*•:.i

'!• XliXJ.v/\/,Ctl*^v>^A;•:.*. .•-..-! v;-i>' \u25a0-"\u25a0.\u25a0.;:;,* ,\u25a0\u25a0:•* '.,.


MONDAY, JULY 22,.1907.



* A coast record h^s been broken bjva;sailing .vessel iwliicifliadno crew and awoman for a pilot.IjA good slory_ about;

itwill-appear, in The San Francisco Call.

BRANCHhOFFIGESSubscriptions :'_ and zAdvertise-"

• menU.will:b'e received ihVSan-[FrancMColaVfollbwin^officesr

] 1«51 FIIiI.MOREiSTREET . ;-\u25a0•'

Open.until,: 10 -o'clock; every -.night-*.

i ',VsiSvVA"N7NESs7AVE>UE*"-V;'":f:'-i. Parent's •;Stationery JStore. >7.-'\,2390 FILL.MORE^STREET,'. Woodward's 'Branch. .,]\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0" ,

•;,,MS *HAIGHTiSTREET . -"Christian's > Branch.

;« SIXTEENTH A>D MARKET;'.'STSV';i;Jackso n'sIBranch; •'

rQ-':rQ-':_ ". \u25a0

\u25a0 974'-


Halllday's Stationery [Store.-

ijosVva\iEncia':[street';'. .?-.'.:J

3011 ICTH ST. COR., MISSION;- VV-;lnternational ,3 Stationery; Store. '\u25a0. \

2712 MISSION STREET.: V _'•"TlieNewserlei H:



George; Prewitt's IBranch. \u25a0