the salt lake herald iv-the t salt lake herald 1 ss c per ounce copper uc per pounci established 6...

THE t SAL T LAKE HERALD 1 SS c per ounce Copper UC per pounci ESTABLISHED 6 1870 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAX JUNE 20 1905 P1UCE FIVE CENTS in ore 350 New Yor z t Iv- r V JE = UTAH GETS LITTLE FOR IRRIGATION Politics Cuts in to State of Larger Appropriation PLOTTERS HIT SALT LAkE INFLUENCE TURNED TO FAVOR SMOOTS COUNTY per cent of the water th zrus of Utah we peaUttg over the arid lands the MIlt of aid le This statement IS based upon the bet Iuormt14t obtaln- ahlp from the vk4tlRg cgreseme and thrs supposed to be In a poeitioH to knw Politics is tIowin from tlte JH- itioral jrrlgIItIOH mw faster ill much larger then water 1tah I will he for the CtUWW or tn down te the convktMn thAt 11 wilt in way f tIIVCL aiff- fI m the federal at the peed Tt time or In the iMmediate future I probable out of the I trawlerry iIley project Evtll here I tonnulttng engineers and no for of the work f tnde Sni should even now decide to vbandon this Strawberry valley and turn his atttntioR and his tn- othpr directions there would he nothing r to do hut pin end bear her I after the paege of the 1U- ttlnal It ws out that the ftah lake propoaltou was te- l tak up first in Utah It was as ted that there were greater poselbilt tics than elnewbere anti a great r number or people be benefited lurc a result of overnment aid A amount of pctmlnary work was and UK was held to be Whole State to Be Helped the of work spread A c mission was by the state t work in with the fMral in the settlement of Irr- itn prohlEms In time the iCheJRf for Itonal ski to Irrigation In Utah 11t until the BeAr lAke the Riqr the UUih lake and the Strawberry Rtver proimsltiorm wn1- H welded into ont largely t work of State Do- r 118 with mlwrM of f i ommiion and F S as for the The out to push All enter- s along parallel hues so that I hal a I would Joe sufficient t to keep all this I going Lintli the entire project was tked out work dn engineers end Import as In the way or- 1rllzmg water ers and I moving legal oMtAeks I This state of Mffalra when the T sent tte administratIon came Into Iwer It to ho I at thE head of Uw state aft rjr1istratiQn In conjunction the two I cited States senators that the dtpsrtment must be utltted In E I t t room for Cab Tanner 0 Utah I ont the entIre i ftR- Vih1 l1 much work had done I > rl R81d It seemed not 1h to from ricf hlt to repudiate everything 1ad Ili in way of aid I fre m the Ynnll4t The work of to ad existing rights in lake and Pr in rivrr and Utah lake Vo drppt and nothing since bee drnf al this All for Utah County This followed the announcement t1 the projf t t worked fIrst and then if the J rnment felt to more for 1h omf other prnjct would Joe taken I Ul This WM the smallest Iud l it to redeem a tract of land es- Unutd Jtt iI1IM acres In I U StlIt1urn part cOunty The IK that Selutlor Smoot t1 Imluant pnlitiel power In tM state l1l material largely eon r4 in It Is another that slob Tanner who Doromus from the office of I ftltr a man G rgf wto s at the head 1 Inl1Knt work in Utah fq T1n tooct to ha Do r r s i hal and r thit reason it easy for him his in favor of the scheme and agaInst all IIT at Indieaton that 1 i to bring ip the rear in the crcw of arid In the matter 0- Fring ski from general I The Strawberry ir OnnJRIf three and will coet In the JlleaDtIMf wIll bo on any other ni prellllllna measiirln Wllltt This SKM pro ITII1Ar work has been got Oft for the I past three flUS May Lose Valuable Rights I It i1 PUlfd It I 1 of Irrigation extension water f 11 oar the and appropriated indlviduala I tions of water Will n and more complicated and tile f will presented to the I for romluln troti d white the moucv in tY Is lMltttoml art simpler visit t the I dfk to Utah is not to i good to the state so far as suring aid to M concerned first place or t1 In thE fund is not T w in the control of COD I hw has Men it In on the stat tt hooks of the and I mrn have no more to about It than tht with like lufluenco II the iiW Wrt to rope4 or then th ngreMRttn wJ 1 hilt there no MOve on foot to I itlir inemt or I T man to he Ynsidered nfl1l Is the I of the lot rior who bas the of thE funds nd the ss Jn Ion of the In true flew F 11 wn has now more influence than un thi and con eseQllI eotn through Utah In Ute BOY CLAIMS HE WAS KIDNAPED BY TRAMPS I Butte June nPaul lHo Witt Ked 11 parent in Poca tello Ida and disappeared from Billings Mont two ago turned up here today He saYS he napEd in Billings where he was with his uncle and attending school by two tramps who him to Salt Lake they begged money and food He escaped from them Saturday and came here on a freight train STATUS OF HAWAIIAN ISLANDS TO BE FIXED Washlpgton June 19The coe of r Crossman Collector Bldwel1 or the Port of New York was docketed in the supreme court of the United States to- day suit is an effort to recover paId as duty on liquors imported from the Hawaiian islands Crossman con tendln that thE are and that therefore no duty hould be chared Deprive A I INETV dtt- tk as OYer- 1mfnt mrige irnwli end Vohinie k well Utah settle they gt 11w government wilt the tarrying It- Ifltst b remembered that no jment- ions have hae made by the boerd- ef C0tr1etS- been let any pert ft eject means f Utah lrss- itight Irrigation law given n I here would as large dcu prupooltion ZcasiIk thc n stope the appointed harmony gov- rrment the brod- t Weber Duehesue- Ttd This wee Engtheer ft F the other the i Rbchsrds rney commission policy was these the t would be benefited It was fit share of the reeIetIon- 1nd stork i Eetenslve peelbalnary by the tflt legal work asnoclatlono was the stfmed realised then by- th flwfl with Irilg- a1ti rsngthen1sg the poitkal nackhie stste arM land fnnd eommisi4on- wa wiped out A Dorennia was It rwn out of the stats engtneer nticP ma1t Y scheme so been wa- shod oueeaeery remore 1ngIueer Dorenius he I the oururing or- grizing water users aouoeiatiou it Besr river Veber has fl was by Valley was out inclined 1o least imi rtant propordtiou praented the stti it was estimated to eoet OflMfl sia from 2SO to of Utah rjeflee Reed hs interests V Utah county co I1 lene crowd- ed A F engineer is Utah ounty L Swendsen C irrigation ironoaneed IdOSS ImpracticaL 1iS was to- t rw influence ttrsw1rry the zrythin lreount t1 g pro Slatea the povorn- t Valley years 1 sw4itL notk4g what or done project- ts thing isi the 1r the meantime many the Weber Utah lake hr by the- rights become rL best- xt iaes be ov- I rment thow- 3t aItnether J firiJ expended where The itnit oxpet result aiiy great irV1t1O 1 the money irrigation The enacted country iitlzns be amen4j might be eons r C repeaL p Frtary aTprtionmont work senators lrud who passed last two clays years whose live wh weeks was kid z I where a VS U5 tiarids dcmeetje territory < < < > < < < JAPANESE ARE I PUSHING ONWARD I Russians Compelled to Evacuate Liao yangwopeng RETAKE TOWN AFTERWARD JAPS ADVANCING FROM CENTER AND WEST I H lADQ1JARTERS ot the Ru ian Army Manchuria Sunday Tune lSThe Russian cavalry have relaIfen the town of Liao yangwopeng The Japanese occupied the village of SumlentchellS on the main road to Chngtufu and Marnakai in the morn lug ol June 16 but they did not succeed in crossing the rover At I oTdock in the afternoon the RuSsians recaptured three squadrons of Jap sf050 retiring in a southwesterly dIrec tion LlNEVITCHS REPORT Nip and Tuck Skirmishing Accord ing to the Russians St Petersburg June date of June ii tele- graphed to emperor as follows From n a rn S a ra June j- our force engaged in the ncighborh Ii of Liso3o8ngwopeng a Japanese force oneisUng of infantry and two of which approached from the south to about five miles of Liaoyang wopeng Our detachment southward checked the offensive movement Japanese retired At about S a m a turninn move- ment tat the left executed by a Japanese infantry and three squadrons of cavalry was also reported Our right flank was turned by S of infantry several squadrons of cavalry and some artil lpry The commander of our detach- ment consequently was forced to eac- natf LiaoyangWoPeng and a Japanese force entered with a division of infan try thirty squadrons of cavalry and four batteries of Three Tap but our forced them to evacuate the place At dawn today a company of Ja- pan infantry resumed the of but were dis a of volunteer from Korea in the Tune IS there been no chanJe in the FLANKED THE RUSSIANS Japanese Advancing From the Center and Westward Manchuria June from the center tar and driving in the of Fur Wet the at Line Yang Cluing Peng flanking the Russians out of the a nightlong The of an division four arm ry thirty uadrons of of the lot During of Emperor with the his of to received at the are moving from Korea three and cor forces of and and These are heading for and Kenshan to of army from Solin to the Sea of Japan I RUN ON OHIO BANK FROM A VERY SLIGHT CAUSE June is much here over the big the bank OnE of the daughter of the bank her from this the that something was Five thousand have since Saturday are not trying to the run but are out as for their The has a surplus of and a of 0 I SENATOR MITCHELL ARRAIGNED IN COURT Ore June 19For the insuring the mont to plea of States of as by his last United today had Senator apr In in to make The not to charges him In fraud eases In this state The open a I GREAT Mississippi River Out of Its Banks on the Iowa SIde Mon June of from and danger at of are Inundated and the crop rty up Into of at A or of the trftf in The river is now of about one inch at who had gone through on the elec- tric to be removed the covered is falling at Dubuque Is rIsing at the danger Is of are on the the to through at RUSH OF WAR ORDERS June 19The war In the f- are is such a demand for that the manufacturers orders The Essen work have for the of monthly I for nearly two The company whIch another making eight of soon to a THE GodzyadkflI Sumlonteheng 19Genera- Lii vltth under the until artillery and the flank battalion of regiment artilIery anose squadrons occupied Ciminochen detachment offensive the railway lodged by detachment sharpshooters According to reporta enemy It advancing of- Kongchen and Munsan Telegraphing Linevitch said had situ- ation Lidhtpudzy 19The Japanese are advancing and are Russian south thor they turned Russian ox- I Saturday night position after light Japanese force consisted Infantry batteries of and cay airy General Mjsienkos cavalry subsequently retrievedsome ground iistehenkos tines Prince Frederick Leopold Prus ala representing William Russia army received baptism tire According information headquarters Japanese northwest columns which include reapondin cavalry field mountain artillery columns Chutsami Kmesan eomolote the line mas stretching the Moo frontier Akron Ohio 19There excitetent continued run today on Second National the depositors saw the officials of with- draw deposit and rumor started wrong hundred dollars been withdrawn afternoon The omcials 4op paying the depositors call money bank 40000 capital Portland purpose of govern 4 against any technical objee- tiona the United Senator Mitchell not guilty entered attorneys ueek States Distrlct Attorney Honey Mitchell 4 court person senator pleaded guilty the preferred against connection with the land 4 trial will tomorrow 4 f t t DONE Des Ta 19The Misels- sippt ut Its banks din ton ti Davenport Is near the line and Keokuk anile acres and loeft will rue the hundreds thousands The situation 3iuscafine and Clinton is criticaL rise another foot wilt flood part both cities the rate per The pleasure Island Davenport was surrounded today several thousand pen pie line by boat rod having been The rive but rapidly Burlington and apprehended Hundreds men levees at Musc- ates water threatening break any time Beriin causing sin German artillery are overrun with Krupps orderg delivery years only reeently built artil- lery factory these buildings must construct artillery foundry + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + +++ + ++ + OF I COLORADO MEET to the People of Centen REPUBLICAN PARTY OWNED DEMOCRACY WARNED AGAINST A LIKE FATE DENVER of state net slot here today in of a Some State tor Adams and H and other Drt of on of the a state of Address Drawn Up Tn conferee the of sid a by to an to of WAS don and as a of for This to the in Adams from governorship man who had for the and for whom a vote deter- mined to the of the msority o legal voter Against Rule thee COrO have see eo of at pint have of of For the of aiding way to of the or with in efforts and that laws rte In of jg the is a issue Is Laws Needed Other for Cold a equal law a law more or the tee a the that for of and an way a to be cnt or Is many a to who In I c RESULTED IN DEATHS Cause of the New York Subway Is Tune have from of steel and the clouds I which bier the of river on the upper West SidE yesterday The victims are J whose death resultEd from and old Marone three companions I swimming the Hudson when the over the water He was not again and I Is that he by a flying or I made and Four oth er who were are in a hospital in a condition and twenty who by are at their homes Two men under arrest and be held pending of the the men held by is Daniel Barry at the Subway house whore the He Is seriously Injured other is John who he is only a for the company and he had nothing to do of the panL- I BEAR HIDE ON of a Prominent Chicago Corn mission Firm Chicago June Co a prom- inent on the board of trade went Into the hands of a was at the bar having with the t the trade at once for a was made by the which Is to be involved to th tent of iOO and King of the and stock bureau was named receiver The to the fact that the has the ot the market to of the quota for have an upward bun In for was plete NOT DOWN Conference at the White House on Rebate Scandal 19A wag held at the between the president and to the to be pursue in the Santa Fe rebate case is At the conclusion of the conference Mr he In a yet to the president has the as to the of the of and is expected he supplement in an announcement the In which have between and Judson and the of I NATIONAL BANK CLOSED BY THE COMPTROLLER Washington June 19The Fredonia bank N Y tOday or the ot the on from the that Is W Schofeld has been re ceiver The statement of a show by sworn re for shows and capital 160 h4 t19 DEMOCRATS Address the thai State 19A joInt confemnco the Democratic committee and Democraflc leaders directly oonnected with the state oraslztIon as committeemen pursuance call Issued weeks ago by United Sean Teller and Pattorson flora Alva Charles Thomas leading men for the purpose of securing expression opinion the Issues day af- fecting the Colorado ordering rnembera the state that they did no only as Individuals confer 0504 instructed committee headed Senator Patterson prepare address the Colorado This the conference later heard it and endorsed It platform prior p4e the Colorado Democracy address after referring conspiracy which resulted unseating Alva the and installing a never been nominated place single hod not been rast warns the woiIe that the corporations 9iave deliberately state regardless wltt may decide Corporation The address declares that rations already one political strate- gic the control the another purpose every advance the and station people the Democrats Colorado the address continues are inhearty sym- pathy President Roosevelt his rate regiihttiig further be- itevo controlling are equalty necessary other Municipal ownership all public utili- ties warmly supported and claim that this local denied recommendations elude primary election eighthour that will closely limit the suspension the writ of habeas corpus and the operation of civil courts and regulation of trusts Subsequently state central commit adopted resolution to effect the was not yet ripe mu- nicipal ownership atilitles that it was question handled politically by city and This construed by as rebuke these Democrats are agitating municipal ownership Denver TWO Boiler Explosion in Being In- vestigated New York ILTwo deaths al- ready resulted the shower shattered of steam followed the explosion near banks the Joseph Morgan colored a fireman scalds years with was fell seen the police say It certain titan struck missile and instantly killed helpless drowned persons injured serious others were treated physicians are will Investigation the police assistant en- gineer Construction corn ponys Dower oxplo- slon occurred The L Keaveny says record clerk says with the operation s THEFENCE Failure 19Fyfe Maroon grain commission firm Chicago receiver to- day Notice posted notiving all persons firm close application receivership voluntarily firm said ox between Sooo- oUlrie president grain protection as failure is attributed firm recently favoed bear side corn Con- trary expectation firm tions corn shown tendency since the deal corn May delivery successfully corn p s- WILL Washington June conference White House today Attbrney General Moody with respect policy Secretary Mor- ton connected Moody said was iot position discuss matter The agreed with attorney genera publication details correspondence it will official statements made the letter passed Messrs Harmon department justice- S National Fredonja was comptroller currency Information received examiner It InsovenL- J appointed Its resozrces and liabilities its port LoanS discounts 7a9 stoek deposits AS L AND HPPEAS WE How R I PAt I j J I I I Mf EraG7- E6L c U I Th j lft I- g AS7 HOtJ Mi sine R IaR a A EIit- t I > TRIUMPHOF THE KAISER France Has Agreed to an Int Conference on the Moroccan Purpose Scope DIPLOMATIC rnatioAal QuestionAfterGerrnany DeflndIts and PARIS June 19n international for the consideration of the assured as of the Premier Roui r- and Prince Rad nd Is now to defining the scope or the conference are and the to be able to an nounce the plans for the in the of lour or days This severe strain which the of both governments has the of the tension of the foreign and the diplomats of the German embassy ageing that an adjustment hand Triumph of thE acceptance of the COn ference gives a vertaln measure ofwc cess to German yet Rou vier emerges from the controversy with theadvantage of having brought Ger to the or the conference and so to rid it of of being a to French interest the basis of conference lies not yet been it i that the two government on features involved has that had on the of but the nego affairs of Morocco Is now prac- tically the result conversation between linthe German ambas- sador attention directed Details being rapidly arranged officials expect conference course 1ve result after the tested diplomatic resources effect relievfiig the officials office amicable Germany Although diplomacy M many exactly define scope the ob- jeetlon menace the settled under- stood sub- stantially agree Germany sus- pected France designs sovereignty Morocco CONTRACT AWARDED Spokane June 19A contract been awarded by the Northern Railway to or St Paul work over abut rUes I or dos and involves I t Wazli 5001000 has Pacific company Guthrle Brothers The extends track near IdahoMontana boundary three heavy cuts reduce grades that France had not it was that France had not to the present or status QUO of This to have been one of Germanys chief apprehensions as change in status quo might involve an French protectorate to Tunis Question of Commerce both governments to the of to her status QUO it remains for the conference to adjust the or rights desires this from an conference or the of the Anglo French agreement Therefore the con ference is not to consider ehange in the status Morocco but and A dispatch to the Temps from Metz that the Sixteenth German corps showing than the and Sixth French corps as the corps has been on a and is prepared for immediate The dispatch the of been on sides However this has less marked eyes have been turned toward ParIs in the a favorable of the diOlmaUc tiations disclosed questioned this sovereignty Similarly disclosed designed interrupt tern torah political Moroc- Co appears any Moroccos ultimate similar that over With favorable sovereignty Morocco and territorial and political equality commercial as Germany assurance International Instead through operations likely political of rather International reform corn mercial privileges says army is less activity Twentieth army Sixteenth German army continually war footing mobilization says that inspection troois has ac- tive both ac- tivity been recently as all expectationof result negotiations MONEY IN BA JKS OF SAN FRANCISCO Bounty Swindlers Planted Part of the Gains Deputy Sharp Has located Be IJIGotte Sheriff the Funds and Suits Will Instituted to SAX FRANCISCO Cal 19Un Joseph C Sharp of Sal Lake has been in for two weeks from rooms in the for part of the funds or in Utah stolen by a band of bounty swindler of whom have Other are arrested and are have to this is that a of twelve or teen months the tate was of nearly Of thin amount between and was out of the state and later to this where was de Special The HraId June tr Sheriff this city last quietly directing his Grand hotel search counties systematically several several fled city It estimated during period 11 Mormon robbed 100000 15090 2OOOO shipped traced city It in banks in the robber to recover that was sent to San by the of Utah two ago and that he been successful In his was in a made tonight his Charles Pence who that Sharp was so that he had the money that suits for recover be here and Mrs John Meyers the wives of two of men now under In Salt City unconsciously gave the of stolen which in garnishments being fed upon the various banks In this podited var1us by aecom- plices gigantic It was Under Sheriff Sharp Francisco authorities weeks has mission evidenced statement by at- torney admitted confident located its instituted soon Mrs James Mitchell alleged the arrest Lake whereabouts tht money resulted POLYGAMY PROSECUTIONS PhoenIx Aria June 19At the instance of the department of jus tice Nave mons residing in county on the charge of the charges originated is not known here and the had no knowledge of the visit here of SEnator Dubois of who inquired the of the which he understood going on As the local were unaware or charges having Dubois the as above stated have been for about thirty in Utah 4 United States Attorney will prOceed against several Mdr Apache polygamy Where local officials them until recent Idaho concerning progress Investigations were authOrities itny been prepared wired Washington with result Subpoenas issued witnesses some residing TWO YEARS IN PRISON Norfolk Xeb who Kid at S D during last summers rush to that place has of to two at labor in prsn June 19Policeman- Ault killed English Bonesteel been convicted and sentoneed years hard the Sioux Falls WIND RAIN liGHTNING Great Damage Done in Wis Oho and Mch- gnFoodsinowa Madison June of last night the sidewalks and In the surounding thousands of worth of was done by covered the ground inches deep of window panes were smashed were trees were stripped and pounded into the Some stock and much was and a of per injured 0 June 19In Ohio the most severe wind and of the season caused hon to and fruit Ta Tune 19Floods are doing much The is ris- Ing Kalamazoo June 19t Aus struck a wagon in which employes Of a were asleep Ing one and others Three of the injured are I PROTESTS HIS INNOCENCE Condemned Lawyer Writes to Governor Higgins x T which Higgins has from Al T Patrick to In the week of Aug 7 on of the mur der of that Patrick is of murder and l never do not ask for I to for the mont of a to new etc to Rise to I apply to you or for in into I of criminAl in New York county lS to the manner of my 1 no I to for a of the which hamper me in my fight for Governor tonight that he the as asking for acton at his hands c TWO KILLED 36 WOUNDED Cossacks and Fight atLodz Russian Poland Pnlan Tune 19 Two were and thirt six were in a conflict and at Ldz yesterday- A of 2OOQ a flag was The thereupon and the and then charged swords the of the The disturbances were this morning at a itt the suburb of Ealuty which the troops cut oil from with Lodz HAY IN WASHINGTON 19Secretary Hay from New York at 630 oclock this evening Two hours later he at the and was at once I received the whom he spent the part of the eve- ning The who has been in complete is ex I to remain in Washington but a few days send the summer at his home on Sunapee New NOTIFIED TO LEAVE Junee 19American and European frs in have by the to depart and to remove their or the c now arrang tog to for that purpose tt n t tI1 11 t onsin Wri 19A downpour rain flooded streets carrying away filling cellars country dollars dam- age chiefly hail which Hun- dreds roofs splintered fruit grain was ground poultry killed number Sons badly Columbus central today rainstorm damage wheat corn Muscatine damage river rapidly tin lightning circus kill injuring five paralyzed Letter Albany June 19Tli letter Governor received bert condemned die convIction William 31 RIsc protnits innocent says have asked and clemency may appoint medical committee exnmlne the testimony consIder evidence as how Mr came his death may 4se the investization the admiNIstration justice eonvietioh will accept comurornise may apply von modIfication solitary confinement justice Iltgglflo said lid not understand letter any Socialists Wrsaw RussItn persons killed wounded between troops socialists procession carrying red stopped by Cossacks socialists fired Cos- sacks replied with- drawn thick pro- cession re- newed factory have communication ansj- Washington June arrived called White House by president with greater secretary taking a rest peeted Lake Hampshire Chefoo still Port Ar- thur notified Japanese authorities merehandl Many fluj hartemers + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + RUSSIA BEING REGENERATED I Zcmsto Received by I Emperor BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WILL BE SUMMONED 0 ST PETERSBURG June or zf this The at the at Pee Prince zestvo of in behalf of In a long in which the serious I cause the The was much the St His pled expressing deep st the I on tM war and abe everything at to the In the emperor New Order of Things Promised hI thank you for and I In to abut a new of things and to is unshaken I await Anx- iety the out of my You of the and throughout you assist me in this new for tuerly a emperor port of the on I of Shook Hands Upon completing remarks e penn the of the and having a few words for The fact that the not only so much as an of but with the therein and in the most and fashion summon the of pie made the the The an account of the to the St ma tomorrow and in their instructions as the im be to aU the zemJl vos and of Historic Address The at to St Petersburg for to the by a headed by hayden and dent of the appear that the document to his Prince Troti keys and in of the address to the The ut its form bids fair to of respect at and were and it otherwise un the pronoun The address and reminded the that his pledge to convoke a was slow of country was on the verge of civil and even ventured to a measure the of the power by the ukase June with the of the administra thc process the clitr been led to The address the of a that the war might a solemn reminder the sovereigns duty to and to fa therland and a prayer for was too late WILL WORK I Standard Oil Has Not Abandoned the Kansas Field Ian Ju enl Maitager OXeil of on and Gas made the aln- ounement that on pnny in the and the to dwLrkt and a for and in is the most important made in the the buying in laws by the last legislature Tills order th output at Drumm and which was cut by the order issued a to the generally and in the that to the meeting of the never in Kansas and notwithstanding to the nearly aU the above Dame districts of a c TWO LIVES LOST Ont liThe I was by at her dock here and two or were to oa and crew had barely In their night The sheds or the Grand Trunk their contents were also 4 C GOVERNOR MAGOON SICK Panama Tune lThe sick with fever contradicted by who the that the governor merely from a of malaria but is REPORT NOT READY Sew York June lPrlvatc Albany Indicate Superintendent Hendricks report of his or the society not be compl ted for eral ONE MORE FATALITY June lt1b 1 t of Wet n1 station was to by death tonight a ralroad laborer Deputation the iLEsnper Nicholas received the deputation morning reception took place noon In Alexander palace Troubetakoy congress the 4oseow gov- ernment the Moscow dcl- egittion addressed the emperor speech he described internal condItions which have zemstvos to agproach his directly emperor evident- ly impressed M Fedeorotf representing Petersburg dole gation also spoke majesty re regret sacrifices consequent the disaster navy concltasion said gentlemen the ser timerits expressed join your desire bring order My will as emneror summon a as- semhly with carrying this Will can announce this to the Inhab- Itants towns villages Russia and from today will wcrk The national assembly will as establish united Rusaht and the will be the supreme gui conditIons based the principle Russian nationalism Cordially his em graciously greeted individual members elegatkas shaking hands wltltheni eec dial each emperor re- celved thq bOld plainspoken address without indication his disapprobation expressed full sym- pathy efforts to ameliorate the deploraIe state of affaIrs depleted direct cx- plicit renewed his promise te representatives the pee deepest Impression on delegation delegation Is now preparing audience which will be presented Petersburg pou accordance with well as penal wish will conununlested luetyors Russia address adopted by the aIlRusIz- eanstvos and JetUfliviuIL congress as- senthletl Moscow taken presentation em- peror deputation Count M ShipolT former press Moscow zetnstvo but it does not from the cable dispatch was handed ma- jesty although doubtless M Fedoroff their speet4ios ominuniented the substance emperor doc- ument original become historic The customary phrases the opening closing omitted was cerenionkus ernrloyiiig direct per- sonal arraigned the bureauc- racy emperor national assembly fulfillment It satd the war criticise royal contrasting increase police or 4 weakening which had exptet urged summoning national assembly be become national or cease and con eluded with of God the action before It RESUME Independence the Prairie company today tlke Standard corn will resume wwk Kansas oil field will relay pipe line the heavy oil pay 5 cents barrel all oil grading between 22 29 degrees quality This announcement oil ileki since Standard practically stopped Kansas following the stringent psaeed affects heavy grade oil Wayside Creek Coffeyville herryvale Chanute oil curtailment last spring It 1II have stimulating effect oil industry restores the conditions Kansas fields existed prior legislature The Standard Oil compeny stopped taking highgrade cli reports con- trary pcoduc of the was heavy grade Colllngwood June steamer City of ollingwood 8000 destroyed fire today her deck- hands burned death The cers tIme to clothes freight railway with destroyed rumor that Goveruor Magoon Is Is Secretary Reed informs AssocIated Press suffered slight attack well today ailvices- received from today that Investigation Equitable will soy days Baltimore tIetI resulting from the the Maryland railroad pur Saturday evening increased twentysix the of James Benner FIVE BOY JURORS PASS JUDGMENT Consider in Case i uvene FIND COMPANIONS GUILTY PRINCIPALS SHAKE HANDS AFT- ER VERDICT IS RENDERED A JrRY of in court yea JUdge Brown of been brought to a TM is of simple fact of the the to In the of n- 1Mt involve in a Fry a of bii Saturday knife from the of the Wee the lat tot wound a of arm to the of the An he had the he e and with tulprt of in to ers WAS up a the was with in by which told to forma but on the to of the O mt o ease Lectures the Boys It my said n- jJ that the po than 1 In the have und fault In t of was fortunAtE i1 that the one was as to of we might now n- rin this I do not think of is I think that they away A a ninny boys do I to of whAtever doubts may I to come this to act as it Is up to them t done into an adjoh- in room tM chair told A lie sat that playjr and when Kendal mire the at Hw sun to j who stun t him in the ankle with a vile name and W fell upon him and gave him a thrashilg- Sttturday the came again tn the And had en whittling a tick slasbj other about thE IAd Infliatina fi wounds and made a thrust for aide dJIUIg a wound in the left irn CowardlySays the Judge Who KeRdall the ta the others t but said had a did In auE giving him a th Both boys then questioned S Judge Browsjold the that cousin of Path You did act a manly r the judge yt yot but you did T would ItRv8one when he called you tb name As for you Kendall y conduct all the through was In the first place you should nt hn used such language no matter grr provocation and In the it cowardly ro you to use a knife on If you will ugh i ThE itlred and after fiff minutes on returned a YNh t that both at fault but that action was the As a of examination Mr Kendall dollar to the members or the jury they were Instructed to to nearest hatters and purchase hUT a hat straw or felt just M it suited J fancy and if there was any money wan to bP to Rend II The real difficulty then Mm up J Brown wasted the prIncipals to make into and the boys shook hands Y It is tentatively understood them t 1 while hrndilUles are at an end not In each others hock yards 4 CIVIC FEDERATION FILLED WITH DOUBT Chicago Tune 19The Chic Lion of Chicago adopted asp 1i report made by the executive t advising against municipal ow ship The report adopted commits 11 organization Against either ownership or public utilities by t the reason given being citys operation of Chkgo works system has not been enough to warrant a belief i city could successfully operate a stu car system or other public utilitiss a HABEAS CORPUS IN THE CASE OF MARY ROGERS Windsor Yt Tune 1tIt is here tonight that a writ of habeas pus In behalf of lary Rogr whose execution for the murder husband is fixed for Friday been granted late at by of the United Stat district court According to thE the prison he required t produce woman in court In t 11 at on Wednesday frty eight hours before the time set fr her It Is said that the 1 required to show that rgra is not illegally restrained of her liberty 0 CATHOLICS TO COMBAT SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA Rome June j9The has IsBmd encyclical encouraging to plr- tlclpate tn public rs While tag the of the enelllIca1 says CathOlics shOUld retain complete trrts action regarding their temporal Members of the reeOmmendI to refrain from participation in part strife The encyclical lies crested a sensatinr Its object is to induce Catholics to nfa so that they be a force against threat of socialism e r LIGHTNING STRIKES BIG TANK OF NAPHTHA Lima Ohio June 19A barrel tank containing 3600 barrels of raptha a barrel was struck by lightning today and the fire whistle of Standard Oil refinery a men from homes to protect other propertY Lest than 11 thousand barrels of Qit could pumped the tank it became too hot to and the loss is at nearly 2OOOOO I Lads Evidence Cutting Court 3 boys was the feature the juvenile Wllli3 Mkrmaly the case a ho named WiUlam Ken dali who had tw 1r Cutting playmate named Sidney West former 15 years age and Weed is 14 the cane were that boys close eah Other vicinity Seventh M became iuarrei i i game renewed evening when the Kendall boy used a pocket to defend himself vIgorous punches boy Inflicting on P and laceration the left 5 The matter having been ellM attention juvenile court Judaei- 3rown made investigation and when gathered all facts an in mooed the and their before him Mr Kendall and Mrs Weed To- spondod the youthful came five their companions age front eight twelve Tb buys head Itt bandage and on judges desk hat five holes it made the knife young Kendall bat wielded The judge those peonit that he did not Intend hold a court contrary was tutU s 1 let the companions boys pass judgment the demerits of the hs been experience average run of boys more real wisdom many this matter boys ediy eommkted the hett boyish passion It deed who uncertaIn the direction na blows otherwise be case from an entirely Uif forest viewpoint tla either titbee boys Incorrigible have just strayed little bit and for thn reason lneilnci give melt tI benefit there in regard to the facts in the For that reason have asked these ut little fellows here Mftertl jurors and a- tletermlne what should be Kendall was then sent and door was deed V I took the witness and his at ry- in straightforward manner last had been ball that fanned at- h from had complete their flings 1Its taunting remarks angers I Weed thereupon threw a Kendall striking X- dali retorted night ys eth darkness Kendall ala ti barely escaping serious t- Infileting ImFa was railed into the r- he admitted st- nients acted Wept wsr the was ness s addressing when threw stone what vile eowar5- ly how the second wi tbi boy Whepyoo fight fight Ialrt jury 5f4it s WdW K- dalis res5 the gav a accompany We o- It returned Mr Weed was willing but Kendall hold ta- A little moral suaslon was then hr play by they play Fe1et today i eon tee operstiot city that h wal sue e that rep ir i Mrs M if next 1i1 Brattlehr rsrt this a 2 only execution stRt- be urs al Cathoiha seeic eooiesisstlcal authori- ties lit are en- ter the lLOOO = companys thousand their be from befOre handle figured < ° =

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Page 1: THE SALT LAKE HERALD Iv-THE t SALT LAKE HERALD 1 SS c per ounce Copper UC per pounci ESTABLISHED 6 1870 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAX JUNE 20 1905 P1UCE FIVE CENTS in ore 350 New Yor


SS c per ounceCopper UC per pounci



r V




Politics Cuts in to State of

Larger Appropriation




per cent of the water thzrus of Utah we peaUttg over thearid lands the MIlt of

aid le This statement IS

based upon the bet Iuormt14t obtaln-ahlp from the vk4tlRg cgreseme and

thrs supposed to be In a poeitioH to

knw Politics is tIowin from tlte JH-

itioral jrrlgIItIOH mw fasterill much larger then water1tahI will he for the CtUWW or

tn down te the convktMn thAt 11

wilt in way f tIIVCL aiff-

fI m the federal at the peedTt time or In the iMmediate futureI probable out of the I

trawlerry iIley project Evtll hereI

tonnulttng engineers and nofor of the work

f tnde Sni should even now decide tovbandon this Strawberry valleyand turn his atttntioR and his tn-othpr directions there would he nothing

r to do hut pin end bear herIafter the paege of the 1U-

ttlnal It ws outthat the ftah lake propoaltou was te-l tak up first in Utah It was as

ted that there were greater poselbilttics than elnewbere anti a greatr number or people be benefited

lurc a result of overnment aid Aamount of pctmlnary work was

and UK was held to be

Whole State to Be Helpedthe of work spread A

c mission was by the statet work in with the fMralin the settlement of Irr-itn prohlEms In time the iCheJRf for

Itonal ski to Irrigation In Utah11t until the BeAr lAke theRiqr the UUih lake and the

Strawberry Rtver proimsltiorm wn1-H welded into ont largelyt work of State Do-r 118 with mlwrM off i ommiion and F S as

for the The outto push All enter-

s along parallel hues so that I

hal a I

would Joe sufficient t to keep all thisIgoing Lintli the entire project was

tked out workdn engineers end Import

as In the way or-

1rllzmg water ers and I

moving legal oMtAeks I

This state of Mffalra when theT sent tte administratIon came IntoIwer It to ho

Iat thE head of Uw state aftrjr1istratiQn In conjunction the twoI cited States senators that the

dtpsrtment must be utltted InE



t room for Cab Tanner 0 Utah I

ont the entIre i ftR-Vih1 l1 much work had done I>rl R81d It seemed not

1h to fromricf hlt to repudiate everything1ad Ili in way of aid I

fre m the Ynnll4t The work ofto ad

existing rights in lake andPr in rivrr and Utah lakeVo drppt and nothing since beedrnf al this

All for Utah CountyThis followed the announcementt1 the projf tt worked fIrst and then if the

J rnment felt to more for1h omf other prnjct would Joe takenI

Ul This WM the smallest Iudl

it to redeem a tract of land es-Unutd Jtt iI1IM acres In I

U StlIt1urn part cOunty TheIK that Selutlor Smoott1 Imluant pnlitiel power In tM statel1l material largely eonr4 in It Is anotherthat slob Tanner who

Doromus from the office ofIftltr a man

G rgf wto s at the head1 Inl1Knt work in Utahfq T1n tooct to ha Dor r s i hal and

r thit reason it easy for himhis in favor of thescheme and agaInst all

IIT at Indieaton that1 i to bring ip the rear in thecrcw of arid In the matter 0-Fring ski from general IThe Strawberryir OnnJRIf three and will coetIn the JlleaDtIMf

wIll bo on any otherni prellllllnameasiirln Wllltt This SKM proITII1Ar work has been got Oft for the Ipast three flUS

May Lose Valuable RightsIIt i1 PUlfd ItI 1 of Irrigation extension water

f 11 oar the andappropriated indlviduala

Itions of water Willn and more complicated and tilef will presented to the I

for romluln trotid white the moucv intY Is lMltttomlart simpler

visit t the I dfkto Utah is not toi good to the state so faras suring aid to M concernedfirst place ort1 In thE fund is notT w in the control of COD I

hw has Men it In on the stattt hooks of the andI

mrn have no more to about It thantht with like lufluenco II theiiW Wrt to rope4 or thenth ngreMRttn wJ1 hilt there no MOve on foot to Iitlir inemt or

IT man to he Ynsidered nfl1l Is the Iof the lot rior who bas theof thE funds nd the ssJn Ion of the In true flew F11 wn has now more influence thanun thi and con eseQllI eotnthrough Utah In Ute


Butte June nPaul lHo Witt Ked11 parent in Pocatello Ida and disappeared fromBillings Mont two ago turnedup here today He saYS henapEd in Billings where he waswith his uncle and attending school bytwo tramps who him to Salt Lakethey begged money and foodHe escaped from them Saturday andcame here on a freight train



Washlpgton June 19The coe of

r Crossman Collector Bldwel1 or thePort of New York was docketed in thesupreme court of the United States to-day suit is an effort to recoverpaId as duty on liquors imported fromthe Hawaiian islands Crossman contendln that thE are

and that therefore no dutyhould be chared


I INETV dtt-

tkas OYer-

1mfnt mrige

irnwli endVohinie k

well Utahsettle

they gt 11w


the tarryingIt-

Ifltst b remembered that no jment-ions have hae made by the boerd-

ef C0tr1etS-been let any pert

ft ejectmeans

f Utahlrss-

itightIrrigation law given



aslargedcu prupooltionZcasiIk

thc n stope theappointed

harmony gov-rrment the

brod-t Weber


This weeEngtheer ft F

the other thei Rbchsrdsrney commission

policy was thesethe

t would be benefited It wasfit share of the reeIetIon-1ndstorki Eetenslve peelbalnary

by thetflt legal work


was the

stfmed realised then by-th flwfl


a1tirsngthen1sg the poitkal nackhiestste arM land fnnd eommisi4on-

wa wiped out A Dorennia wasIt rwn out of the stats engtneer nticP

ma1tY scheme

so been wa-shod oueeaeery

remore 1ngIueer Doreniushe I

the oururingor-

grizing water users aouoeiatiouit Besrriver Veber


was byValley was

outinclined 1o

leastimi rtant propordtiou praented thestti it was estimated to eoet OflMfl

siafrom 2SO to

of Utahrjeflee Reed

hs interestsV Utah county coI1 lene crowd-ed A F

engineer is Utah ountyL Swendsen

C irrigationironoaneed

IdOSS ImpracticaL1iS was to-

t rw influencettrsw1rry thezrythin lreount

t1 g proSlatea

the povorn-t Valley

years1 sw4itL notk4g whator done project-ts thing

isi the

1r the meantime manythe

Weber Utah lakehr by the-rights become

rL best-xt iaes be ov-

I rment thow-3t aItnether

J firiJ expended whereThe

itnit oxpet resultaiiy greatirV1t1O

1 themoney irrigationTheenacted


iitlznsbe amen4j

might be eonsrC repeaL

p FrtaryaTprtionmontwork

senatorslrud who passedlast two clays

years whose livewh

weekswas kid

zI where




tiarids dcmeetjeterritory










Russians Compelled to Evacuate Liaoyangwopeng





HlADQ1JARTERS ot the Ru ian

Army ManchuriaSunday Tune lSThe Russian

cavalry have relaIfen the town of Liaoyangwopeng

The Japanese occupied the village ofSumlentchellS on the main road toChngtufu and Marnakai in the mornlug ol June 16 but they did not succeedin crossing the rover At I oTdock inthe afternoon the RuSsians recaptured

three squadrons of Japsf050 retiring in a southwesterly dIrection


Nip and Tuck Skirmishing Accord

ing to the RussiansSt Petersburg June

date of June ii tele-graphed to emperor as follows

From n a rn S a ra June j-

our force engaged in the ncighborh Iiof Liso3o8ngwopeng a Japanese forceoneisUng of infantry and two

of which approached from thesouth to about five miles of Liaoyangwopeng Our detachment southwardchecked the offensive movementJapanese retired

At about S a m a turninn move-ment tat the left executed by a

Japanese infantry andthree squadrons of cavalry was alsoreported Our right flank was turnedby S of infantry severalsquadrons of cavalry and some artillpry The commander of our detach-ment consequently was forced to eac-natf LiaoyangWoPeng and a Japaneseforce entered with a division of infantry thirty squadrons of cavalry andfour batteries of Three Tap

but our forced them toevacuate the place

At dawn today a company of Ja-pan infantry resumed the

of but were disa of volunteer

from Koreain the

Tune ISthere been no chanJe in the


Japanese Advancing From the Centerand Westward

Manchuria Junefrom the center

tar and driving in theof Fur

Wet theat Line Yang Cluing Peng

flanking the Russiansout of the a nightlong

The ofan division fourarm ry thirty uadrons of

of the lotDuringof

Emperor withthe hisof

to received atthe are moving

from Korea threeand cor

forces of andand Theseare heading for andKenshan to of

army fromSolin to the Sea of Japan



June is muchhere over the big

the bankOnE of the daughter

of the bankher from this the

that something wasFive thousand

have since Saturdayare not trying

to the run but are out asfor their The

has a surplus of and aof 0 I


Ore June 19For theinsuring the

montto plea of States

of asby his last

Unitedtoday had Senatorapr In in to make

The notto chargeshim In

fraud eases In this state Theopen


Mississippi River Out of Its Bankson the Iowa SIde

Mon Juneof fromand danger

atof are Inundated and the crop

rty up Intoof at

Aor of thetrftf in The river is now

of about one inchat

who had gone through on the elec-tric to be removedthe coveredis falling at Dubuque Is rIsingat thedanger Is ofare on the

the tothrough at

RUSH OF WAR ORDERSJune 19The war In the f-are is such a demand forthat the

manufacturers ordersThe Essen work havefor the of monthly


for nearly two The companywhIch another

making eight ofsoon toa




19Genera-Lii vltth under



and the

flankbattalion of


artilIeryanose squadrons occupied Ciminochen


offensivethe railway

lodged by detachmentsharpshooters

According to reportaenemy It advancing of-Kongchen and Munsan

Telegraphing Linevitch saidhad situ-


Lidhtpudzy 19TheJapanese are advancingand areRussian souththor they turned Russian ox-I

Saturday nightposition after

light Japanese force consistedInfantry batteries of

and cayairy General Mjsienkos cavalrysubsequently retrievedsomeground iistehenkostines Prince Frederick Leopold Prusala representing William

Russia army received baptismtire

According informationheadquarters Japanesenorthwest columnswhich includereapondin cavalry field

mountain artillery columnsChutsami Kmesan

eomolote the linemas stretching the Moo


Akron Ohio 19Thereexcitetent continuedrun today on Second National

the depositors sawthe officials of with-

draw deposit andrumor startedwrong hundred dollars

been withdrawnafternoon The omcials

4op payingthe depositors call moneybank 40000capital

Portlandpurpose of govern

4 against any technical objee-tiona the UnitedSenator Mitchell not guiltyentered attorneys ueek

States Distrlct AttorneyHoney Mitchell

4 court personsenator pleaded

guilty the preferredagainst connection with theland

4 trial will tomorrow

4 f t tDONE

Des Ta 19The Misels-sippt ut Its banks dinton ti Davenport Is near theline and Keokukanile acresand loeft will rue thehundreds thousands The situation3iuscafine and Clinton is criticaL riseanother foot wilt flood part

both citiesthe rate per

The pleasure Island Davenport wassurrounded today several thousand penpie

line by boatrod having been The rivebut rapidlyBurlington and

apprehended Hundredsmen levees at Musc-ates water threatening breakany time

Beriincausing sin

German artilleryare overrun with

Krupps ordergdelivery

yearsonly reeently built artil-

lery factory thesebuildings must construct

artillery foundry


+ ++ +

++ +

+ +

+ ++



++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + +



to the People of Centen



DENVER of state


here today in of aSome Statetor Adams and Hand other Drt of

on of the astate of

Address Drawn UpTn conferee the of

sida by

to anto of WAS donand

as a offor This

to thein Adams

from governorshipman who had forthe and for whom a vote

deter-mined to the of

the msority o legal voterAgainst Rule

thee COrOhave seeeo of at

pint have ofof

For the of aiding waytoof the or

with inefforts and

that laws rteInof

jg theis a issue Is

Laws NeededOther for Colda

equal law a lawmore or

thetee a thethat for

of andan way a to be


Is many ato who

InI c


Cause of the NewYork Subway Is

Tunehave from of

steel and the cloudsIwhich bierthe of river on

the upper West SidE yesterday Thevictims are

Jwhose death resultEd fromand

old Marone three companionsIswimming the Hudson when the

over the waterHe was not again and I

Is that he bya flying or I

made and Four other who were are in ahospital in a condition andtwenty who by

are at their homesTwo men under arrest and

be held pending of thethe men held by

is Daniel Barryat the Subway

house whore theHe Is seriously Injured

other is John whohe is only a for the

company and he had nothing todo of the panL-


of a Prominent Chicago Corn

mission FirmChicago June

Co a prom-inent on the board of tradewent Into the hands of a

was at the barhavingwith the t the trade atonce

for awas made by thewhich Is to be involved to thtent of iOO and

King of the andstock bureau was namedreceiver

The to the factthat the has the

ot the marketto of the quotafor have an upward

bun In forwas


Conference at the White House onRebate Scandal

19Awag held at thebetween the president and

to theto be pursue in the Santa Fe

rebate caseis At the conclusion of

the conference Mr heIn a yet to the

president has theas to the

of the of andis expected he supplement in an

announcement theIn which have

between and Judsonand the of



Washington June 19The Fredoniabank N Y tOday

or theot the onfrom the that Is

W Schofeld has been receiver

The statement ofashow by sworn refor showsand

capital 160h4 t19


Address thethai State

19A joInt confemncothe Democratic

committee and Democraflcleaders directly oonnected with thestate oraslztIon as committeemen

pursuance call Issuedweeks ago by United Sean

Teller and Pattorsonflora Alva Charles Thomas

leading men for thepurpose of securing expressionopinion the Issues day af-fecting the Colorado

ordering rnemberathe state that theydid no only as Individuals confer0504 instructed committee headedSenator Patterson prepare address

the Colorado Thisthe conference later heard it

and endorsed It platform priorp4e the Colorado Democracyaddress after referring conspiracywhich resulted unseating Alva

the and installing anever been nominated

place single hodnot been rast warns the woiIe that thecorporations 9iave deliberately

state regardlesswltt maydecide

CorporationThe address declares that

rations alreadyone political strate-

gic the controlthe another

purpose everyadvance the and station

people the Democrats Coloradothe address continues are inhearty sym-pathy President Roosevelt hisrate regiihttiig further be-

itevo controlling areequalty necessary other

Municipal ownership all public utili-ties warmly supported and claimthat this local denied

recommendationselude primary election

eighthour that willclosely limit the suspension the

writ of habeas corpus and the operationof civil courts and regulation oftrusts

Subsequently state central commitadopted resolution to effectthe was not yet ripe mu-

nicipal ownership atilitlesthat it was questionhandled politically by city and

This construed by as rebukethese Democrats are agitating

municipal ownership Denver


Boiler Explosion inBeing In-

vestigatedNew York ILTwo deaths al-

ready resulted the showershattered of steam

followed the explosionnear banks the

Joseph Morgan colored afiremanscalds years


fellseen the police

say It certain titan struckmissile and instantly killed

helpless drownedpersons injured

seriousothers were treated

physiciansare will


police assistant en-gineer Construction cornponys Dower oxplo-slon occurredThe L Keavenysays record clerk

sayswith the operation s



19Fyfe Maroongrain commission firm

Chicagoreceiver to-

day Notice postednotiving all persons

firm close

application receivershipvoluntarily firm

said oxbetween Sooo-

oUlrie president grainprotection as

failure is attributedfirm recently favoed

bear side corn Con-trary expectation firmtions corn showntendency since the deal cornMay delivery successfully corn

p s-


Washington June conferenceWhite House today

AttbrneyGeneral Moody with respectpolicy

Secretary Mor-ton connected

Moody said wasiot position discussmatter

The agreed withattorney genera publication

details correspondence itwill

official statementsmade the letter passed

Messrs Harmondepartment justice-


National Fredonjawas comptroller

currency Information receivedexaminer It InsovenL-

J appointed

Its resozrces andliabilities itsport LoanS

discounts7a9 stoek deposits















lft I-

g AS7HOtJ Mi

sine R IaR







France Has Agreed to an Int Conference on theMoroccan

Purpose Scope


rnatioAalQuestionAfterGerrnany DeflndIts


PARIS June 19n internationalfor the consideration of

theassured as of the

Premier Roui r-

and Prince Radnd Is now to

defining the scope or the conferenceare and

the to be able to announce the plans for the inthe of lour or days

This severe strainwhich theof both governments has the of

the tension ofthe foreign and the diplomats ofthe German embassy ageing that an

adjustment handTriumph of

thE acceptance of the COnference gives a vertaln measure ofwccess to German yet Rouvier emerges from the controversy withtheadvantage of having brought Ger

to the or theconference and so to rid it of

of being a to Frenchinterest the basis of conferencelies not yet been it i

that the two governmenton

features involved hasthat had on the

of but the nego

affairs of Morocco Is now prac-tically the resultconversation between

linthe German ambas-sador attention directed

Details being rapidly arrangedofficials expect

conferencecourse 1ve

result after thetested diplomatic resources

effectrelievfiig the officials




diplomacy M

many exactly define scopethe ob-

jeetlon menace

thesettled under-

stood sub-stantially agree

Germany sus-pected France designssovereignty Morocco


contract been awarded by theNorthern Railway to

or St Paulwork over abut rUes I

or dosand involves It

Wazli 5001000hasPacific company

Guthrle Brothers Theextends

track nearIdahoMontana boundarythree heavy cuts reduce grades

that France had not

it was that France had notto the present

or status QUO ofThis to have been one of

Germanys chief apprehensions aschange in status quo mightinvolve an French protectorate

to TunisQuestion of Commerceboth governments to

the of to herstatus QUO it

remains for the conference to adjustthe or rights

desires this froman conference or

the of the AngloFrench agreement Therefore the conference is not to consider ehangein the status Morocco but

andA dispatch to the Temps from Metz

that the Sixteenth Germancorps showing than the

and Sixth Frenchcorps as thecorps has been on a

and is prepared for immediateThe dispatch

the of beenon sides However this

has less markedeyes have been turned toward

ParIs in the a favorableof the diOlmaUc

tiations disclosedquestioned this sovereignty Similarly

discloseddesigned interrupt terntorah political Moroc-Co appears


similar that over

With favorablesovereignty Morocco and

territorial and political

equality commercial asGermany assurance

International Insteadthrough operations

likelypolitical of

rather International reform cornmercial privileges

says armyis less activity

Twentieth armySixteenth German army

continually warfootingmobilization says that

inspection troois has ac-tive both ac-tivity been recentlyas all

expectationofresult negotiations


Bounty Swindlers Planted Part of the GainsDeputy Sharp Has located


IJIGotteSheriff the Funds and

Suits Will Instituted



Joseph C Sharp of SalLake has been in fortwo weeks from

rooms in thefor part of the funds or inUtah stolen by a bandof bounty swindler of whomhave Otherare arrested and arehave to this isthat a of twelve orteen months the tate was

of nearly Of thinamount between and was

out of the state and laterto this where was de

Special The HraIdJune

tr Sheriffthis city

last quietly directinghis Grand hotel search



severalfled city It estimatedduring period 11

Mormonrobbed 100000

15090 2OOOOshippedtraced city It

in banksin the robberto recover that

was sent to Sanby the of Utah

two ago and that he beensuccessful In his wasin a made tonight his

Charles Pence whothat Sharp was so that hehad the money that suits forrecover be here

andMrs John Meyers the wivesof two of men now under InSalt City unconsciously gave the

of stolenwhich in garnishments beingfed upon the various banks In this

podited var1us by aecom-plices gigantic

It wasUnder Sheriff SharpFrancisco authorities

weeks hasmission evidenced

statement by at-torney admitted

confidentlocated its

instituted soonMrs James Mitchell

allegedthe arrest

Lakewhereabouts tht money


POLYGAMY PROSECUTIONSPhoenIx Aria June 19At the instance of the department of justice Nave

mons residing in county on the charge of thecharges originated is not known here and the had noknowledge of the visit here of SEnator Dubois ofwho inquired the of the whichhe understood going on As the local were unaware orcharges having Dubois theas above stated have been for about thirtyin Utah


United States Attorney will prOceed against several MdrApache polygamy Wherelocal officials

them until recentIdaho concerning progress Investigations

were authOritiesitny been prepared wired Washington withresult Subpoenas issuedwitnesses some residing


who Kid atS D during last summers

rush to that place hasof to twoat labor inprsn

June 19Policeman-Ault killed EnglishBonesteel

been convictedand sentoneedyears hard the Sioux Falls


Great Damage Done in Wis

Oho and Mch-gnFoodsinowa

Madison Juneof last night the

sidewalks andIn the surounding

thousands of worth ofwas done by

covered the ground inches deepof window panes were smashedwere trees were

stripped and pounded intothe Some stock and much

was and a of perinjured

0 June 19InOhio the most severe wind and

of the season caused honto and fruit

Ta Tune 19Floods aredoing much The is ris-Ing

Kalamazoo June 19t Ausstruck a wagon in which

employes Of a were asleepIng one and others Threeof the injured are


Condemned Lawyer Writes toGovernor Higgins

x T whichHiggins has from Al

T Patrick to In theweek of Aug 7 on of the murder of thatPatrick is of murder and

l never do not ask forI to for the

mont of a tonew

etc to Rise toI apply to you or

for in intoI

of criminAl in NewYork county lS to the manner of my

1 no Ito for a of the

which hamper mein my fight for

Governor tonight that hethe as asking

for acton at his handsc


Cossacks and Fight atLodzRussian Poland

Pnlan Tune 19Two were and thirt sixwere in a conflict

and at Ldz yesterday-A of 2OOQ

a flag was Thethereupon and the

and then chargedswords the of the

The disturbances werethis morning at a itt the

suburb of Ealuty which the troopscut oil from with


19Secretary Hayfrom New York at 630 oclock

this evening Two hours later heat the and was at once


received the whomhe spent the part of the eve-ning The who has been in

complete is exI to remain in Washington but afew days send the summerat his home on Sunapee New

NOTIFIED TO LEAVEJunee 19American andEuropean frs in

have by theto depart and

to remove theiror the c now arrang

tog to for thatpurpose

t t n t tI1 11 t


Wri 19A downpourrain flooded streets

carrying away fillingcellars country

dollars dam-age chiefly hail which

Hun-dredsroofs splintered fruit

grain wasground

poultry killed numberSons badly

Columbus centraltoday

rainstormdamage wheat corn

Muscatinedamage river


tin lightningcircus kill

injuring fiveparalyzed


Albany June 19Tli letterGovernor receivedbert condemned die

convIctionWilliam 31 RIsc protnits

innocent sayshave asked and

clemencymay appoint

medical committee exnmlnethe testimony consIder evidence

as how Mr came hisdeath may 4se the

investization theadmiNIstration justice

eonvietiohwill accept comurornise may

apply von modIficationsolitary confinement

justiceIltgglflo said

lid not understand letterany


Wrsaw RussItnpersons killedwounded between

troops socialistsprocession carrying

red stopped by Cossackssocialists fired Cos-sacks replied with-drawn thick pro-cession re-newed factory

have communication


Washington Junearrived

calledWhite House

by president withgreater

secretarytaking a rest



Chefoostill Port Ar-

thur notifiedJapanese authorities

merehandlMany flujhartemers

+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +




Zcmsto Received by I






or zfthisThe at

the at PeePrincezestvo of

in behalf ofIn a

long in which theserious I

cause theThe

was muchthe St

Hispled expressing deep st the I

on tM warand abe everything at tothe In theemperor

New Order of Things PromisedhI thank you for

and I Into abut a new of

things andto

is unshaken I await Anx-iety the out of myYou

of the andthroughout you

assist me in this newfor

tuerly aemperor

port of the on I

ofShook Hands

Upon completing remarks epenn the

of theand having a few

words forThe fact that the not only

so much as an ofbut

with the

therein and in the most andfashion

summon the ofpie made the the

The anaccount of the

to the Stma tomorrow and intheir instructions as the im

be to aUthe zemJl vos and of

Historic AddressThe

at to StPetersburg for to the

by a headed byhayden anddent of the

appear thatthe document to his

Prince Trotikeys and in

of the address to the Theut its form bids fair to

of respect at andwere and it otherwise un


The addressand reminded the that his

pledge to convoke awas slow ofcountry was on the verge of civiland even ventured to ameasure the ofthe power by the ukase June

with the of the administrathc process the clitrbeen led to

The address the ofa that the war might

a solemn reminder thesovereigns duty to and to fatherland and a prayer for

was too late


Standard Oil Has Not Abandoned theKansas Field

Ian Ju enlMaitager OXeil of on andGas made the aln-ounement that onpnny in the

and the todwLrkt and

a forand in is

the most importantmade in the the

buying inlaws by

the last legislatureTills order th

output at Drummand

which was cut by theorder issueda to thegenerally andin the thatto the meeting of the

neverin Kansas and

notwithstanding to thenearly aU the

above Dame districts of a


Ont liTheI

was by ather dock here and two or

were to oaand crew had barelyIn their night Thesheds or the Grand Trunktheir contents were also


sick with fevercontradicted by who

the that thegovernor merely from a

of malaria but is

REPORT NOT READYSew York June lPrlvatcAlbany Indicate

Superintendent Hendricks reportof his or thesociety not be compl ted foreral

ONE MORE FATALITYJune lt1b 1 t of


station wasto by death tonight

aralroad laborer

Deputation the

iLEsnperNicholas received the

deputation morningreception took place noon In

Alexander palaceTroubetakoy

congress the 4oseow gov-

ernment the Moscow dcl-

egittion addressed the emperorspeech he described

internal condItions which havezemstvos to agproach his

directly emperor evident-ly impressed M Fedeorotfrepresenting Petersburg dolegation also spoke majesty re

regretsacrifices consequent

the disasternavy concltasion


gentlemen the sertimerits expressed join yourdesire bring order

My willas emneror summon a as-semhly with

carrying this Willcan announce this to the Inhab-

Itants towns villagesRussia and from today

will wcrkThe national assembly will as

establish united Rusaht andthe will be the supreme gui

conditIons based theprinciple Russian nationalism

Cordiallyhis em

graciously greeted individualmembers elegatkas shakinghands wltltheni eecdial each

emperor re-celved thq bOld plainspoken addresswithout indication hisdisapprobation expressed full sym-pathy efforts to ameliorate thedeploraIe state of affaIrs depleted

direct cx-plicit renewed his promise te

representatives the peedeepest Impression on

delegationdelegation Is now preparing

audience which will bepresented Petersburg pou

accordance withwell as

penal wish will conununlestedluetyors Russia

address adopted by the aIlRusIz-eanstvos and JetUfliviuIL congress as-senthletl Moscow taken

presentation em-peror deputation Count

M ShipolT former pressMoscow zetnstvo but it does

not from the cable dispatchwas handed ma-

jesty although doubtlessM Fedoroff their

speet4ios ominuniented the substanceemperor doc-

ument originalbecome historic The customary phrases

the opening closingomitted was

cerenionkus ernrloyiiig direct per-sonal

arraigned the bureauc-racy emperor

national assemblyfulfillment It satd the

warcriticise royal

contrasting increasepolice or

4 weakeningwhich had

expteturged summoning

national assemblybe become national or cease and coneluded with of

God theaction before



Independencethe Prairie

company todaytlke Standard corn

will resume wwk Kansasoil field will relay pipe linethe heavy oil pay 5 cents

barrel all oil grading between22 29 degrees quality This

announcementoil ileki since Standard

practically stopped Kansasfollowing the stringent psaeed

affects heavy gradeoil Wayside CreekCoffeyville herryvale Chanute

oil curtailmentlast spring It 1II have

stimulating effect oil industryrestores the conditions

Kansas fields existed priorlegislature The

Standard Oil compeny stoppedtaking highgrade cli

reports con-trary pcoduc of the

was heavygrade

Colllngwood Junesteamer City of ollingwood

8000 destroyed fire todayher deck-

hands burned death Thecers tIme to

clothes freightrailway withdestroyed

rumor thatGoveruor Magoon Is Is

Secretary Reedinforms AssocIated Press

suffered slightattack well today

ailvices-received from todaythat

Investigation Equitablewill soy


Baltimore tIetIresulting from the the

Maryland railroad purSaturday evening increased

twentysix the ofJames Benner



Consider inCase i uvene




AJrRY of in

court yea JUdgeBrown

ofbeen brought to

aTM is of

simple fact of thethe toIn the of n-

1Mt involve in aFry a of bii


from theof the Wee the lattot wound aof arm

to theof the

Anhe had the he


and with tulprtof

in to ersWAS up

a the waswith in by


to formabut on the

to of theO mtoeaseLectures the Boys

It my said n-

jJ that the pothan 1In the have undfault In t

of was fortunAtE i1

that the onewas as to of

we might now n-

rin thisI do not think

of is Ithink that they away Aaninny boys do

I toof whAtever doubts may

Ito come this

to act as it Is up to them tdone

into an adjoh-in room tM

chair toldA lie sat

that playjrand when Kendal

mire the at Hwsun to j

who stun thim in the ankle

with a vile name and Wfell upon him and gave him a thrashilg-Sttturday the cameagain tn the Andhad en whittling a tick slasbjother about thE IAd Infliatina fiwounds and made a thrust foraide dJIUIg

a wound in the left irnCowardlySays the Judge

Who KeRdallthe ta the others t

but said had adid In auEgiving him a th Both boysthen questioned S

Judge Browsjold the that cousinof Path

You did act a manly rthe judge yt yot

but you did T

would ItRv8one when he called you tbname As for you Kendall y

conduct all the through wasIn the first place you should nt hn

used such language no matter grrprovocation and In the it

cowardly ro you to use a knife onIf you will ugh i

ThE itlred and after fiffminutes on returned a YNh tthat both at fault but that

action was the As aof examination Mr Kendalldollar to the members or the jurythey were Instructed toto nearest hatters and purchase hUTa hat straw or felt just M it suited J

fancy and if there was any moneywan to bP to Rend II

The real difficulty then Mm up JBrown wasted the prIncipals to make

into and the boys shook hands YIt is tentatively understood them t 1while hrndilUles are at an endnot In each others hock yards



Chicago Tune 19The ChicLion of Chicago adopted asp 1ireport made by the executive t

advising against municipal owship The report adopted commits 11

organization Against eitherownership or public utilities by t

the reason given beingcitys operation of Chkgoworks system has not beenenough to warrant a belief i

city could successfully operate a stucar system or other public utilitiss



Windsor Yt Tune 1tIt ishere tonight that a writ of habeaspus In behalf of lary Rogrwhose execution for the murderhusband is fixed for Fridaybeen granted late atby of the United Statdistrict court According to thEthe prison he required tproduce woman in court In t 11

at on Wednesday frtyeight hours before the time set fr her

It Is said that the 1required to show that rgra

is not illegally restrained of her liberty0


Rome June j9The has IsBmdencyclical encouraging to plr-tlclpate tn public rs Whiletag the of

the enelllIca1 saysCathOlics shOUld retain completetrrtsaction regarding their temporal

Members of the reeOmmendIto refrain from participation in partstrife

The encyclical lies crested a sensatinrIts object is to induce Catholics to

nfa so that they be aforce against threat of socialism

e r


Lima Ohio June 19A barreltank containing 3600 barrels ofraptha a barrel wasstruck by lightning today and the firewhistle of Standard Oilrefinery a men from

homes to protect other propertYLest than 11 thousand barrels of Qitcould pumped the tankit became too hot to and theloss is at nearly 2OOOOO

ILads Evidence Cutting



boys was the feature thejuvenileWllli3 Mkrmaly

the case a ho named WiUlam Kendali who had tw 1rCutting playmate named Sidney West

former 15 years age and Weed is14 the cane werethat boys close eahOther vicinity Seventh M

became iuarrei i i

gamerenewed evening when

the Kendall boy used a pocket todefend himself vIgorous punches

boy Inflicting on P

and lacerationthe left 5

The matter having been ellMattention juvenile court Judaei-3rown made investigation and when

gathered all facts an inmooed the and their beforehim Mr Kendall and Mrs Weed To-

spondod the youthfulcame five their companions

age front eight twelveTb buys head Ittbandage and on judges desk

hat five holes it madethe knife young Kendall batwielded The judge those peonitthat he did not Intend hold acourt contrary was tutU s 1

let the companions boys passjudgment the demerits ofthe

hs been experienceaverage run of boys

more real wisdom manythis matter boys

ediy eommkted the hettboyish passion It

deed whouncertaIn the direction na

blows otherwise becase from an entirely Uif

forest viewpoint tlaeither titbee boys Incorrigible

have just strayedlittle bit and for thnreason lneilnci give melt tIbenefit therein regard to the facts in theFor that reason have asked these utlittle fellows here Mftertl

jurors and a-

tletermlne what should beKendall was then sent

and door was deed V Itook the witness and his at ry-

in straightforward mannerlast had been

ball that fanned at-h from

had complete theirflings 1Its taunting remarks angers I

Weed thereupon threw aKendall striking X-

dali retortednight ys eth

darkness Kendall alati

barely escaping serious t-

Infileting ImFa

was railed into the r-

he admitted st-

nients actedWept



ness saddressing when

threw stone what



the second witbi

boy Whepyoo fightfight Ialrtjury 5f4it s

WdW K-

dalis res5the gav

aaccompany We


It returned Mr

Weed was willing but Kendall hold ta-A little moral suaslon was then hr



Fe1ettoday i



city that h

walsue e


rep iri

Mrs Mif

next 1i1


this a2 only

execution stRt-be urs


seeiceooiesisstlcal authori-








theirbe from befOre



