the ruby garland

!, 2&R3- w/- :. ?- $%- 2 - 3, :- ;?- GA- .GA= - :#R< - IA - (R - $ - 0E- <- $ :A-UJ%- 2- 8J? - L - 2- 28$?- ?R, , CHOM DEN DE NANG WA TA' YE KYI KYIL 'KOR GYI CHO GA PE MA RA GA'I TR'ENG WA SHE JA WA SHUG SO The Ruby Garland A Means for Accomplishing the Mandala of the Transcendent and Victorious Lord Amitabha

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Post on 18-Dec-2021




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!, 2&R3- w/- :. ?- $ %- 2- 3, :- ;?- G A- .GA= - :#R< - IA- (R- $- 0E- <- $ :A-U J%- 2 - 8J? - L - 2- 28$?- ?R, ,


The Ruby Garland A Means for Accomplishing the Mandala of the Transcendent

and Victorious Lord Amitabha


/- 3R- Kk- !- ;- A- 3A+- S- ;J, NAMO DHARMAKAYA AMITABHAYE — To the Dharmakaya Buddha, Amitabha, I bow down. :#R<- :.?- ;J- H2- 3R?- V=- (R?- GA- {, ,$.R.- /?- <A$- 0:A-;J- > J?- $%- 3,:- ;?, ,2.J- (J/- ?%?- o?- S A- 3J.- (R?- GA- {, ,2&R3- w/- $%- 3,:- .J- =- K$- :5=- = R, ,.3- w/-i=- :LR<- $%- 8A$- /A, ,$%- 3,:A- .GA=- :#R<- =- 8$?- /, ,.2J/- $/?- *3?- .$:- ;A.- :R%?- .2?, ,!J$?- #<- 3QA<- 30=- =, ,-- 5S3- 2- .$- 2!R.- S A- 29%- &$?, ,$;?- ?- i3- 23- m?- w/- .%- , ,$;R/- .- =?- 23- (?-2!%- 2>3?, ,3./- .- ]- $+R<- 0.- :.2- &/, ,:#R<- .- 2> R?- U/- 2o.- GA?- 2{R<, ,.!<- .3<- o/- .%- w/- 0- 2!R., ,(/- <!- *J<- ,R.- 3(R.- m?- 2>3?, ,2$J$?- $+R<- &R$- h R$- (%?- 2?- 2o/, ,-----

5S$?- GA- ;R- L.- 5%- 2<- 2N3, ,

Dharmakaya beyond all mental contrivance, perfectly pervading all of samsara and nirvana from the beginning, Amitabha, primordial insight into pure awareness from the very first, stainless dharmakaya, Buddha Great Bliss, to the Bhagavan Amitabha I bow down.

When entering the mandala of Buddha Amitabha, in the midst of a pleasant and delightful place of retreat, on a table, let the yogin or yogini of pure tantric commitment set up a mandala on a tripod support, arranging on it nine heaps of rice soaked in saffron water. To the right of this is placed the vase of victory filled with its ingredients, and, to the left, the activity vase, filled with water. In front of it is placed the torma with lotus petals acting as support for the life–force surrounded on all sides by eight smaller torma with ornaments of white and red. Prepare the amrit–nectar and rakta, the seven offering bowls, a torma for the removal of obstacles adorned with changbu and the various items of the feast. 2.J- 2:A- !/- :.$- o.- .%- /A, ,

Settled upon a comfortable seat, what then follows is the purification of the mind–stream.

/- 3R, l- $?3- !/- :.?- 2&R3- w/- $%- 3,:- ;?, , NAMO TSA SUM KÜN 'DÜ CHOM DEN NANG T'A YE At all times I and all living beings go for refuge *J- Y?- 2o.- .%- L%- ?J3?- .P- 2&R3- 5S$?, , NYE SE GYE DANG JANG SEM DRA CHOM TS'OG to the Transcendent Lord Amitabha, embodiment of the three roots,

2.$- ? R$?- :PR- i3?

- g$- +- *2?- ?- 3(A, , DAG SOG 'DRO NAM TAG TU KYAB SU CHI to the eight close sons, and to the host of bodhisattvas and arhats.

3- I<- ?%?- o?- ,R2- 0<- ? J3?- 2*J.- .R, ,

MA GYUR SANG GYE T'OB PAR SEM KYE DO I generate the enlightened attitude so that all who have been my mothers attain buddhahood. 8J?- =/- $?3, Recite this three times. 2$J$?- $+R<- V/- =, <&- ;&- #&- .%- <- =- >, =/- $?3, Sprinkling the torma for the removal of obstacles, recite RAM YAM KHAM and OM AH HUNG three times. L%- (2- 212- =- :5K- 2: A- 2$J$?, , JANG CHUB DRUB LA 'TSE WA'I GEG Spirits of obstruction hostile to the accomplishment of the enlightenment,


:.R.- ;R/- s- w/- $+R<- 3- =R%?, , 'DÖ YÖN NGA DEN TOR MA LONG take and rejoice in this torma of the five desirable substances. $/R.- ?J3?- %R%?- =- KA<- .J%?- >A$ , NÖ SEM PONG LA CH'IR DENG SHIG Relinquishing your harmful attitude, please leave this place. 2!:- =?- :.?- /- h=- .- 2_$ , KA' LE 'DE NA DÜL DU LAG If you disobey my command, I shall crush you to dust. >- 28A:A- }$?- 2eR.,

Recite the mantra of the four HUNGs1. 353?- $&R.- /A,

Cutting the boundaries >- ZA: <%- *A.- .2%- (J/- 0E- ;A, , HUNG HRIH RANG NYI WANG CHEN PA MA YI I am the Mighty Lotus Lord ,$?- = ?- <A$?- s: A-K$- 3 5/- :UR?, , T'UG LE RIG NGA'I CH'AG TS'ÄN 'TRÖ with the symbols of the five families streaming from my heart. !J%- :R$- KR$?- 353?- <2- $+3?- /?, , TENG 'OG CH'OG TS'AM RAB TAM NE Completely filling the zenith, nadir, primary and secondary directions, 3A- :.:- hR- e J:A- $<- .- I<, , MI 'DA DOR JE'I GUR DU GYUR they transform into an impenetrable vajra tent. <- 4N- 2#- <_- 0E- !k- <e- <e-@R: OM TSATRA BENZAR RÄTNA PEMA KARMA RAKSHA RAKSHA HOH 3(R.- m?- =- 2?%- (- :,R<- =,

Sprinkling the offerings with cleansing water, … A: !R%- $?=- 2eR.- V=- . %R?- 2>3?- 3(R.- 0:A- m?, , AH TONG SÄL JÖ DRÄL NGÖ SHAM CHÖ PA'I DZE The offerings, the inexpressible union of appearance emptiness, materially laid out <- =>- $A?- ;J- >J?- 2..- lA<- I<, , OM AH HUNG GI YE SHE DÜ TSIR GYUR is transformed into the nectar of primordial awareness by the syllables OM AH HUNG.

1. <- ?)- S- /A- ?)- S- /A- >- 1B; <- 3A- @- /- 3A- @- / - >- 1B; <- 3A- /-0- ;- 3A- /- 0- ;- >- 1B; <- A- /- ;-@ R:S- $- 7/- 2AP- <- 6- >- 1B;



<- 2#- A;)- =>- /?- >9:A- 2<- 2eR.,

Recite from OM BENZAR ARGHAM (PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GÄNDHE, NEWIDYA) AH HUNG on down as far as SHAPTA <- =>, ?j- 0O- A- WF- +- 3- @- <R- 2- =A%- +- >- ZA: C: 8J?- $?3- IA?- 3(R.- $+R<- i3?- LA/- IA?- 2_2?- =,

Reciting OM AH HUNG SARWA PÄNTSA AMRITA MAHA RAKTA BALINGTA HUNG HRIH TR'AH three times, consecrate the offering tormas. .% R?- $8A- /A,

The main practice A: $%- YA.- :#R<- :. ?- (R?- i3?- ! R%, , AH NANG SI 'KOR 'DE CHÖ NAM TONG All phenomena of the universe of appearance and becoming—both cyclic existence and ultimate peace—are empty.

.3A$?- 3J.- ~A%- eJ:A- KR$?- z%- V=, ,

MIG ME NYING JE'I CH'OG LHUNG DRÄL Nonconceptual compassion is free of all partiality or bias. 9%- :)$- l=- 3.%?- 3- :$$?- %%- , , ZUNG 'JUG TSÄL DANG MA 'GAG NGANG Never–ending manifestation of the continuum of primordial unity,

0.- ̂ :A- !J%- .- <%- ?J3?- ZA: ,

PE DA'I TENG DU RANG SEM HRIH my own mind appears upon a lotus and lunar disc as the syllable HRIH.

:UR- :.?- ;R% ?- I<- 2. $- *A.- /A, , 'TRO 'DÜ YONG GYUR DAG NYI NI By the complete transformation of light radiating from and gathering back into this,

,$?- e J- (J/- 0R- {- 3.R$- .!<, ,

T'UG JE CHEN PO KU DOG KAR I arise as the Great Compassionate One, my body white in color,

8A- :63- ,/- $*A?- :PR- =- $9A$?, , SHI 'DZUM CHÄN NYI 'DRO LA ZIG smiling peacefully, my two eyes gazing on all living beings.

l- K$- ,=- .<- /R<- 2- .%- , , TSA CH'AG T'ÄL JAR NOR BU DANG My two lower hands, their palms joined before my breast, are holding a jewel

$;?- $;R/- >J=- UJ%- 0E- : 6B/, , YE YÖN SHEL TR'ENG PE MA 'DZIN while the upper pair, hold a crystal mala and a lotus to the right and left,

=R%?- ,R.-mR$?


o/- i3?- mR$?, ,

LONG CHÖ DZOG KU'I GYÄN NAM DZOG and, with the sambhogakaya ornaments perfect and complete,


0.- ̂ :A- $./- =- *A=- N%

- $?=, , PE DA'I DEN LA KYIL TRUNG SÄL I am clearly visualized seated in vajra posture on a throne of lotus and moon. 23- 3./- 3A- .3A$?- !R%- 0:A- %%- , , BUM DÜN MI MIG TONG PA'I NGANG In the vase before me, in a state of nonconceptual emptiness, $- 5S$?- 0E- :. 2- 2o.- .2?, , NA TS'OG PE MA 'DAB GYE Ü in the center of a variegated lotus k- L?- 2+J$?- 0:A- <A/- (J/- OA, , MA JE TEG PA'I RIN CHEN TR'I on a jeweled throne supported by peacocks, (- *J?- <A- 2 R%- :6B/- 0:A- .2?, , CHU KYE RI BONG 'DZIN PA'I Ü in the center of a lunar disc in the heart of a lotus

ZA:.3<- :UR- :.?-

;R%?- I< - =?, , HRIH MAR 'TRÖ DÜ YONG GYUR LE is the red syllable HRIH. Streaming forth and gathering back rays of light, 2&R3- w/- 3$R/- 0R-

:R.- .0$- 3J., ,

CHOM DEN GÖN PO Ö PAG ME it transforms into the Transcendent Lord, the Protector Amitabha.

.3<- $?=- 0E- <- $: A- 3.R$ , MAR SÄL PE MA RA GA'I DOG Brilliant red, the color of a ruby,

.2- =- $4$- + R<- 82?- :#R<- =RR, ,

U LA TSUG TOR ZHAB 'KOR LO he is complete in all major and minor marks without exception

35/- .%- .0J- L.- 3- =?

- mR$?, , TSÄN ZANG PE JE MA LÜ DZOG from the ushnisha crest on the crown of his head down to the imprint of wheels on his feet (R?- $ R?- i3- $?3- o/- IA?- 2[2?, ,

CHÖ GÖ NAM SUM GYÄN GYI LUB and is wearing the three dharma robes as his adornment.

K$-$ *A?- 3*3- 28$- z%- 29J.- :6B/, , CH'AG NYI NYAM SHAG LHUNG ZE 'DZIN Holding a mendicant's bowl, his two hands are in the gesture of even–minded meditative contemplation

82?- $*A?- hR- eJ:A- *A=- N%- 28$?, ,

SHAB NYI DOR JE'I KYIL TRUNG SHUG and he is seated with his two legs crossed in vajra posture.


3,:- {R<- 0E- :.2- 2o.- =, , TA' KOR PE MA 'DAB GYE LA Surrounding him on lotuses with eight petals :)3- .L%?- K$- hR<- ,/- < ?- $9A$?, , 'JAM YANG CH'AG DOR CHEN RE ZI are Mañjushri, Mahasthamaprapta, Avalokita, ?- ~A%- 1A2- ?J=- /3- 3#:A- ~A%- , , SA NYING DRIB SEL NAM KA'I NYING Kshitigarbha, Nivaranvishkambhin, Akashagarbha, L3?- 0- ?%?- o?- !/- +- 29%- , , JAM PA SANG GYE KÜN TU ZANG Maitreya and buddha Samantabhadra, <%- 3.R$- K$- 35/- ;R% ?- ?- mR$?, , RANG DOG CH'AG TS'ÄN YONG SU DZOG each one perfect in their own particular color and symbolic gesture and hand–held symbol. =R%?- ,R.- mR$?- {: A- o/- i3?- 3?, , LONG CHÖ DZOG KU'I GYÄN NAM TRE Adorned with the sambhogakaya ornaments, 82?- $*A?- *A=- N%- 0.- ̂ <- 28$?, , SHAB NYI KYIL TRUNG PE DAR SHUG they are seated in vajra posture on lotuses and lunar discs. .J- 3,<- L%- ?J3?- <%- o=- .%- , , DE T'AR JANG SEM RANG GYÄL DANG Surrounding these are the hosts of the sangha, */- ,R?- .$ J- a R%- 5S$?- GA?- 2{R<, , NYÄN T'Ö GE LONG TS'OG KYI KOR bodhisattvas, self–enlightened ones, pious listeners and monks, :.R.- ;R/- S$- $A- z- 3R:C- 5S$?, , 'DÖ YÖN DRUG GI LHA MO'I TS'OG and there is a countless host of goddesses of the six sense pleasures .0$- 3J.- 3A/- 5S$?- v- 2<- $+A2?, , PAG ME TRIN TS'OG TA BUR TIB like a vast gathering of clouds. $%- =- <%- 28A/- 3J.- 0<- 2|R3, , NANG LA RANG ZHIN ME PAR GOM Meditate on these as mere appearance lacking inherent existence. $4S- :#R<- $/?- $?3- :V- $?3- =?, , TSO 'KOR NE SUM 'DRU SUM LE From the three syllables in the three centers of the primary deity and his retinue,


:R.- :UR?- 2.J- (J/- 8A%- #3?- /?, , 'Ö 'TRÖ DE CHEN SHING K'AM NE light radiates forth and, from the Realm of Great Bliss, 2|R3?- 0- v- 2:A- ;J- >J?- z, , GOM PA TA BU'I YE SHE LHA deities of primordial awareness, jñanasattvas identical to those visualized, .0$- 3J.- +A=- $R%- #- KJ?- v<, , PAG ME TIL GONG K'A CH'E TAR are invited without obstacle ,R$?- 0- 3J.- 0<- ,/- S%?- I<, , T'OG PA ME PAR CHÄN DRANG GYUR in countless number, like the bursting open of a pod of sesame seed. .<- %R?- 2YJ$?- > A%- <R=- 3R:C- 1- .%- 2&?,

Burning mixed incense and with the sound of music, … >- ZA: /2- KR$?- 2.J- ( J/- .$- 0- 0E- 2!R., , HUNG HRIH NUB CHOG DE CHEN DAG PA PE MA KÖ From Padmavyuha, ‘Lotus Array’, the western realm of purest great bliss, H2- $.=- 1/- 5S$?- s- w/- 8A%- 3(R$- /?, , KY'AB DÄL P'ÜN TS'OG NGA DEN SHING CHOG NE the supreme realm of all–pervading fivefold perfection, 2.J- $>J$?- (R?- {- S A- 3J.- $9A- 2eA.- o=, , DE SHEG CHÖ KU DRI ME ZI JI GYÄL glorious and immaculate king of the dharmakaya of all sugatas, 3$R/- 0R- $%- 2- 3,:- ;?- $>J$?- ?- $? R=, , GÖN PO NANG WA TA' YE SHEG SU SÖL Lord Protector Amitabha, please come. L3?- 3$R/- :1$?- 0- :)3 - .0=- 3,- (J/- ,R2, , JAM GÖN 'PAG PA 'JAM PÄL T'U CHEN T'OB Protector Maitreyanatha, noble Arya Mañjushri and mighty Mahasthamaprapta, ?- ~A%- 1A2- ?J=- /3- ~A%- L3?- 0- 3$R/, , SA NYING DRIB SEL NAM NYING JAM PA GÖN Kshitigarbha, Nivaranvishkambhin, Akashagarbha, Maitreyanatha and Samantabhadra, !/- +- 29%- 0R- */- <%- .P- 2&R3- 5S$?, , KÜN TU ZANG PO NYÄN RANG DRA CHOM TS'OG the hosts of pious listeners, self–enlightened ones and victorious arhats, :.R.- ;R/- z- 3R- 3=- 0- LJ- 2- :23, , 'DÖ YÖN LHA MO TRÜL PA JE WA 'BUM the hundreds of thousands of millions of emanation goddesses of the sensory pleasures,


2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- z- 5S$?- 3- =?- i3?, , DE CHEN SHING GI LHA TS'OG MA LÜ NAM all the assembled divine hosts of Sukhavati without exception, ,$?- e J?- . $R%?- =- $/?- :.A<- $>J$?- ?- $? R=, , T'UG JE GONG LA NE 'DIR SHEG SU SÖL thinking of me with compassion, please come to this place of power. AJ- q- @A- 3- @- !- <- EA- !- SF- >- ;- ?- 3- ;- @R: ?- 3- ;- ! ), E HYA HI MAHA KARUNIKA DRISHAYA SAMAYA HOH SAMAYA STAM 8J?- ,/- S%?- > A%- , 28$?- ?- $?R=- 2- /A,

Having invited them in this way, next comes the request to remain ZA: <A/- (J/- $8=- ;?- 0.- :.2- 36K?- OA:A- .2?, , HRIH RIN CHEN SHÄL YE PE 'DAB DZE TRI'I Ü In this limitless jeweled mansion, upon these beautiful thrones of spreading lotuses, 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- z- 5S$?- 3- =?- 0, , DE CHEN SHING GI LHA TS'OG MA LÜ PA you divine hosts of the Realm of Great Bliss, all, without exception, .3- ;J- .LJ<- 3J.- 2g/- 0<- 28$?- ?- $? R=, , DAM YE YER ME TÄN PAR SHUG SU SÖL please be seated and take up your abode, conventional, visualized forms and deities of primordial awareness inseparable. 2.$- ? R$?- |R- $?3- $?- 0?- K$- :5=- = R, , DAG SOG GO SUM GÜ PE CH'AG TS'ÄL LO I and all others make respectful obeisance with body, speech and mind. 6:>- 2&- @R: ?- 3- ;- +AN- z/, A- +A- 0- @R: DZAH HUNG BAM HOH SAMAYA TIKTR'A LHÄN ATIPU HOH 3(R.- 0- :2=- 2- /A,

Making offerings >- ZA: $.R.- /?- i3- .$- .%R?- $%- ;A.- 3=- m?, , HUNG HRIH DÖ NE NAM DAG NGÖ NANG YI TRÜL DZE Utterly pure from the very first, this essence, physically present or mind–created, ;/- =$- 2o.- w/- SA- 3- 3J.- 0:A- (2, , YÄN LAG GYE DEN DRI MA ME PA'I CHAB offering–water, utterly pure, and perfect in its eight qualities, 2N- >A?- (- o/- o=- 2:A- 8= - .- :2=, , TRA SHI CHU GYÜN GYÄL WA'I SHÄL DU 'BÜL I offer to the mouth of the Victorious Lord as the streaming waters of auspiciousness. :PR- !/- 2N- >A?- 1/- ?3- 5S$?- 0<- >R$ , 'DRO KÜN TRA SHI P'ÜN SUM TS'OG PAR SHOG May all living beings attain the utter perfection of all that is auspicious.


%R?- .%- 4f/- SA- 8A3- %.- w/ - !/, , PÖ DANG TSÄN DEN DRI SHIM NGE DEN KÜN Made fragrant incense, sandalwood and all sweet–smelling substances, =?- !/- LJ.- 0:A- (- $4%- .3- 0- :.A, , LÜ KÜN JE PA'I CHU TSANG DAM PA 'DI this pure and sanctified water o=- 2:A- {- 3*J?- \ R- 2<- SA- 3 - .$ ,

GYÄL WA'I KU NYE LO BUR DRI MA DAG I offer to bring pleasure to the body of the Victorious Lord and wash away temporary stains. (- ,%- ;A.- *J?- 3J- +R$- 36K?- LJ.- !/, , CHU T'ANG YI KYE ME TOG DZE JE KÜN All the beautiful flowers of the lakes and meadows and those that are mind–born, .A/- 0:A- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- ,/- =- :2=, , JIN PA'I RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I CHÄN LA 'BÜL I offer to the eyes of the Victorious Lord as the very essence of generosity. :PR- !/- .0=- :LR<- 1/- ?3- 5S$?- 0<- >R$ , 'DRO KÜN PÄL 'JOR P'ÜN SUM TS'OG PAR SHOG May all living beings attain the utter perfection of wealth and prosperity. z/- &A$- *J?- .R<- 5B3- LJ.- 2.$- %R?- !/, , LHÄN CHIG KYE JOR TS'IM JE DUG PÖ KÜN All delightful perfumes, those that arise spontaneously and those that are manufactured, 5=- OA3?- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- >%?- =- :2=, , TS'ÜL TR'IM RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I SHANG LA 'BÜL I offer to the nostrils of the Victorious Lord as the very essence of morality. :PR- !/- ;R/- +/- 1/- ?3- 5S$?- 0<- >R$ , 'DRO KÜN YÖN TÄN P'ÜN SUM TS'OG PAR SHOG May all living beings attain the perfection of enlightened qualities. $?=- 8A%- 3A- $; R- 3/- ?J=- 1R/- 3J- :.A, , SÄL SHING MI YO MÜN SEL DRÖN ME 'DI This lamp of unwavering radiance that dispels all darkness 29R.- 0:A- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- ,/- =- :2=, , ZÖ PA'I RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I CHÄN LA 'BÜL I offer to the eyes of the Victorious Lord as the very essence of patience. :PR- !/- 35/- .0J?- ;R%?- ?- 2o/- I<- &A$ , 'DRO KÜN TS'ÄN PE YONG SU GYÄN GYUR CHIG May all living beings become perfectly adorned with the auspicious marks and characteristics of a great being. $<- $3- $- 0<- 4f/- i3- 3%- SA, , GUR GUM GA PUR TSÄN DEN NAM MANG DRI Perfumed waters of saffron, camphor, sandalwood and many other sorts


2lR/- :P?- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- ,$?- =- :2=, , TSÖN 'DRÜ RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I T'UG LA 'BÜL I offer to the heart–mind of the Victorious Lord as the very essence of diligence. :PR- !/- L%- (2- ?J3?- 3(R$- w/- I<- &A$ , 'DRO KÜN JANG CHUB SEM CHOG DEN GYUR CHIG May all living beings come to have the purity and perfection of the supreme enlightened attitude. <R- 3(R$- 2o- w/- 8=- 9?- 2..- lA- 3(R$ , RO CHOG GYA DEN SHÄL ZE DÜ TSI CHOG Foodstuffs of a hundred supreme savors, the most supreme of nectars, 2?3- $+/- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- u$?- =- :2=, , SAM TEN RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I JAG LA 'BÜL I offer to the tongue of the Victorious Lord as the very essence of meditative stability. :PR- !/- +A%- :6B/- 9?- GA?- :5S- 2<- >R$ , 'DRO KÜN TING 'DZIN ZE KYI 'TSO WAR SHOG May all living beings be nourished by the food of profound meditative concentration. ;/- =$- s- w/- ?A=- ~/- <R= - 3R:C- 1, , YÄN LAG NGA DEN SIL NYEN RÖL MO'I DRA Symphonies of sound from musical instruments in fivefold combination >J?- <2- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- ~/- =- :2=, , SHE RAB RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I NYEN LA 'BÜL I offer to the ears of the Victorious Lord as the very essence of perfect insight. :PR- !/- 9$- 3J.- (R?- =- ,R.- 0<- >R$ , 'DRO KÜN ZAG ME CHÖ LA CHÖ PAR SHOG May all living beings practice the immaculate Dharma. .2%- 0R- 5B3- LJ.- :. R.- 0:A- ;R/- +/- s, , WANG PO TS'IM JE 'DÖ PA'I YÖN TÄN NGA The five desirable qualities so pleasing to the senses ,2?- GA- <%- 28A/- o=- 2- i3?- =- :2=, , T'AB KYI RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BÜL I offer to all Victorious Ones as the very essence of skilful means. :PR- !/- 9$- 3J.- 1%- 0R- s- ,R2- >R$ , 'DRO KÜN ZAG ME P'UNG PO NGA T'OB SHOG May all living beings attain the five immaculate psycho–physical aggregates. 8A%- }$?- z/- *J?- 3=- 0:A- z- 3R:C- 5 S$?, , SHING NGAG LHÄN KYE TRÜL PA'I LHA MO'I TS'OG The host of emanated goddesses arisen from the realms of pure experience, from mantra and from spontaneous generation !R2?- G A- <%- 28A/- o=- 2:A- $9$?- =- :2=, , TOB KYI RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA'I ZUG LA 'BÜL I offer to the physical form of all Victorious Lords as the very essence of power.


:PR- 2- !/- IA?- 2.J- 3(R$- , R2- 0<- >R$ , 'DRO WA KÜN GYI DEM CHOG T'OB PAR SHOG May all living beings attain supreme bliss. 2.$- $8/- 3- =?- . $J- 2- =?- YR$- !/, , DAG SHÄN MA LÜ GE WA LÜ SOG KÜN The merit, bodies and life–force of myself and all others (R/- =3- <%- 28A/- o=- 2- i3?- =- :2=, , MÖN LAM RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BUL I offer to all Victorious Ones as the very essence of aspiration. 2.$- ? R$?- :PR- !/- ?%?- o?- ,R2- 0<- >R$ , DAG SOG 'DRO KÜN SANG GYE T'OB PAR SHOG May I, myself, and all other beings attain pure and perfect buddhahood. *J- :$$- $/?- V=- !- .$- (R?- GA- {, , KYE 'GAG NE DRÄL KA DAG CHÖ KYI KU The primordially pure dharmakaya beyond all arising, cessation or remaining ;J- >J?- <%- 28A/- o=- 2- i3 ?- =- :2=, , YE SHE RANG ZHIN GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BÜL I offer to all Victorious Ones as the very essence of primordial awareness. :PR- 2- !/- IA?- (R?- *A.- gR$?- 0<- >R$ , 'DRO WA KÜN GYI CHÖ NYI TOG PAR SHOG May all living beings realize the ultimate nature of reality. Sk- (R?- .LA%?- !R%- $?3- 3*3- 0:A- /%- , , BHÄN DHA CHÖ YING TONG SUM NYAM PA'I NANG Nectar of immortality compounded of eight primary and one thousand secondary substances l- 2o.- ! R%- .<- 2..- lA- A- WF- +, , TSA GYE TONG JAR DÜ TSI AM RI TA in a skull–cup vessel the size of the entire universe, the ultimate space of all and everything, 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- o=- 2- i3?- =- :2=, , DE CHEN SHING GI GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BUL I offer to all Victorious Ones of the Realm of Great Bliss. 9$- 3J.- 2.J- 2:A- ;J- >J?- :( <- 2<- >R$ , ZAG ME DE WA'I YE SHE 'CHAR WAR SHOG May the primordial awareness that is unconditioned bliss arise. t%- =R- 2&?- 0:A- !- 0- =- ; A- /%- , , CHANG LO CHE PA'I KA PA LA YI NANG The swirling rakta of samsara—the destruction of wrong views— =R$- g R$- l.- $&R.- :#R<- 2:A- <R- *A=, , LOG TOG TSA CHÖ 'KOR WA'I RAKTA KYIL in a skull–cup with matted locks attached


2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- o=- 2- i3?- =- :2=, , DE CHEN SHING GI GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BUL I offer to all Victorious Ones of the Realm of Great Bliss. 92- 3R- !R%- * A.- +A%- :6B/- g R$?- 0<- >R$ , ZAB MO TONG NYI TING 'DZIN TOG PAR SHOG May I realize deep concentration on the profundity of emptiness as such. <A/- (J/- s- w/-0.- $R.- ;% ?- 0:A- /%- , , RIN CHEN NGA DEN PE NÖ YANG PA'I NANG The great torma of the quintessence of five grains :V- 2&.- s- w/- 3- @- 2- =D- +, ,

'DRU CHÜ NGA DEN MA HA BA LING TA in a broad lotus–petal vessel of the five precious materials 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- o=- 2- i3?- =- :2=, , DE CHEN SHING GI GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BUL I offer to all Victorious Ones of the Realm of Great Bliss. 2.$- ? R$?- {- $?3- ;J- >J?- ,R2- 0<- >R$ , DAG SOG KU SUM YE SHE T'OB PAR SHOG May I and all beings attain realization of the primordial awareness that is the three kayas. o=- YA.- $- 2./- 2N- >A?- g$?- m?- 2o., , GYÄL SI NA DÜN TRA SHI TAG DZE GYE The seven attributes of a universal monarch the eight auspicious signs and substances, \A%- 28A- <A- <2- 30=- 5S3- 2<- 2N3, , LING SHI RI RAB MÄN DREL TS'OM BUR TRAM the four continents and supreme mountain arranged in groups as a mandala 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- o=- 2- i3?- =- :2=, , DE CHEN SHING GI GYÄL WA NAM LA 'BUL I offer to all Victorious Ones of the Realm of Great Bliss. :#R<- :.?- .LJ<- 3J.- ;J- >J?- s- , R2- >R$ , 'KOR 'DE YER ME YE SHE NGA T'OB SHOG May I attain the fivefold primordial awareness of the inseparability of samsara and nirvana. &J?- 3(R.,

Thus make offering. h R<- $?R<- S A=- .NR=- .%- 2&?- 2!R.- 0- /A,

Circling the vajra–scepter and ringing the bell, next come the praises. >- ZA: *J- 3J.- ( R?- .LA% ?- l=- $%- 3- :$$?- 0, , HUNG HRIH KYE ME CHÖ YING TSÄL NANG MA 'GAG PA The unceasing manifestation of the birthless ultimate space of all and everything; *J- 2:A- ( R?- :U=- (R?- {- $%- 3,:- ;?, , KYE WA'I CHÖ 'TRÜL CHÖ KU NANG TA' YE is dharmakaya Amitabha, the miraculous display of coming into existence,


0E- <- $: A- 3.%?- w/- 35/- .0J- mR$?, , PE MA RA GA'I DANG DEN TS'ÄN PE DZOG lustrous ruby red in color and complete in all the marks and signs of a great being— 3$R/- 0R- :R.- 35/- :2<- =- K$- :5=- 2!R., ,

GÖN PO 'Ö TS'ÄN 'BAR LA CH'AG TS'ÄL TÖ to the Lord Whose Major Characteristic is Blazing Light I bow down and make praise. {- ;A- $/?- S$- ,2- 0- <A$?- S$- ><, , KU YI NE DRUG T'UB PA RIG DRUG SHAR In the six centers of his enlightened body the sages of the six spheres appear, 1%- s- <A$?- s- #3?- s- ;3- (J/- s, , P'UNG NGA RIG NGA K'AM NGA YUM CHEN NGA the five psycho–physical aggregates are the buddhas of the five families, the five elements their five great consorts 5S$?- 2o.- $/?- .$- L%- (2- ?J3?- 0- 2o., , TS'OG GYE NE DAG JANG CHUB SEM PA' GYE and the natural purity of the eight modes of consciousness the eight bodhisattvas— :PR- 2:A- .J.- .0R/- 3(R$- =- K$- :5=- 2!R., , 'DRO WA'I DE PÖN TS'OG LA CH'AG 'TSÄL TÖ to the host of guides for living beings I bow down and make praise. :)A$- g J/- .2%- K$- :)3- . 0=- 3,- (J/- ,R2, , 'JIG TEN WANG CH'UG 'JAM PÄL T'U CHEN T'OB To Lokeshvara, Mañjushri and Mahasthamaprapta, ?- ~A%- 1A2- ?J=- /3- ~A%- L3?- 0- 3$R/, , SA NYING DRIB SEL NAM NYING JAM PA GÖN Kshitigarbha, Nivaranavishkambhin, Akashagarbha, Maitreyanatha and Samantabhadra, !/- 29%- */- <%- .$J- aR%- LJ- 2- :23, , KÜN ZANG NYÄN RANG GE LONG JE WA 'BUM the pious listeners, self–illumined ones and the hundreds of thousands of millions of monks— <2- :L3?- 8A%- $A- h=- ~J.- z- =- 2! R., ,

RAB 'JAM SHING GI DÜL NYE LHA LA TÖ to deities as many as there are atoms in the whole infinite universe I bow down and make praise. :.R.- ;R/- S$- $A- z- 3R- 3A/- v <- $+A2?, , 'DO YÖN DRUG GI LHA MO TRIN TAR TIB To the goddesses of the six sensory pleasures like a gathering of clouds 1/- 5S$?- s- w/- . $:- 2.J?- :LR<- 2: A- 8A%- , , P'ÜN TS'OG NGA DEN GA DE 'JOR WA'I SHING and the mandala of Victorious Ones of the perfection of aspiration, (R/- =3- ;R%?-P2- o=- 2: A- .GA=- :#R<- =, , MÖN LAM YONG DRUB GYÄL WA'I KYIL 'KOR LA the realm of fivefold perfection replete in happiness and bliss,


2.$- ? R$?- lJ- $&A$- $?- 0 ?- 2!R.- 0<- 2IA, , DAG SOG TSE CHIG GÜ PE TÖ PAR GYI I and all others bow down and make praise with single–pointed devotion. 8J?- 2!R.- .R,

Thus make praise. 2.$- 2*J.- GA- 2^?- .3A$?- /A

The visualization for recitation as the self-generated deity ZA: 2.$- *A.- :) A$- gJ/- .2%- K$- ,$?- !- <, , HRIH DAG NYI 'JIG TEN WANG CH'UG T'UG KA RU I am Lokeshvara and in my heart–centre 0.- .!<- ̂ - !J%- ZA: 3,<- ;A$- S$- 2{R<, , PE KAR DA TENG HRIH T'AR YIG DRUG KOR on a white lotus and moon disc is the syllable HRIH surrounded by the six syllables. :R.- :UR?- o=- 2- !/- 3(R.- LA/- _2?- 2#?, , 'Ö 'TRÖ GYÄL WA KÜN CHÖ JIN LAB DÜ Light streams forth, making offerings to the Victorious Ones, gathering back their blessings <A$?- S$- 1A2- .%?- KA- $R.- 2.J- (J/- 8A%- , , RIG DRUG DRIB JANG CH'I NÖ DE CHEN SHING and purifying the sins of the beings of the six realms. The outer world is the Realm of great Bliss,

/%- 2&.- ?J 3?- &/-

:1$?- 0- (J/- 0R:A- {, , NANG CHÜ SEM CHEN 'PAG PA CHEN PO'I KU and its content, sentient beings, all have the bodily form of Avalokiteshvara,

1- P$?- }$?- .%- S/- g R$- (R?- {:A-[ R%- , ,

DRA DRAG NGAG DANG DRÄN TOG CHÖ KU'I LONG all sound is mantra and all thought the expanse of dharmakaya. 3- ;J%?- P$- !R%- (- 2R: C- o/- 28A/- 2^, , MA YENG DRAG TONG CHU WO'I GYÜN SHIN DA Undistractedly recite like a streaming river of sound–emptiness.

<- 3- EA- 0E J->-ZA: h R- eJ- $?3- IA- %%- /?- 2^?- 0- lJ- $&A$- =- :2.,

With single–pointed concentration, carefully recite OM MANI PEME HUNG HRIH from the continuous state of the three vajras. 23- 3./- IA- 2^?- .3A$?- /A,

Recitation–visualization for the vase before you >- ZA: 23- 3./- ,$?- !<- 0.- ̂ :A- !J%- , , HUNG HRIH BUM DÜN T'UG KAR PE DA'I TENG In the heart–centre of the vase in front, on a lotus and lunar disc ZA: .3<- 3.%?- w/- 3,:- 3- <, , HRIH T'AR DANG DEN TA' MA RU and around a radiant red colored HRIH–syllable


A- 3A- KJ- 7: A- }$?- GA?- 2{R<, , A MI DHE WA'I NGAG KYI KOR spins the AMIDHEWA mantra. 23- z:A- ,$?- YR$- }$?- TJ%- =? BUM LHA'I T'UG SOG NGAG TR'ENG LE Light streams forth from the life–force syllable and mantra mala in the heart–centre of the vase deity :R.- :UR?- o=- 2- 3- =?- 3(R., , 'Ö 'TRÖ GYÄL WA MA LÜ CHÖ making offerings to all the Victorious Ones without exception, 3,- LA/- !/- #?- {:A- (- =?, , T'U JIN KÜN DÜ KU'I CHA LE and perfectly gathering back their power and blessings. L%- ?J3?- 2..- lA:A- o/- 22?- 0?, , JANG SEM DÜ TSI'I GYÜN BAB PE A stream of bodhichitta nectar falling from his body 23- 0- ;R%?- ?- $%- 2<- I<, , BUM PA YONG SU GANG WAR GYUR fills the vase to the brim. 3./- 2*J.- ,$?- = ?- :R.- 9J<- :UR?, , DÜN KYE T'UG LE 'Ö ZER 'TRÖ Rays of light from the heart–center of the deity visualized in front :PR- 2- <A$?- S$- #$- 2}=- .%- , , 'DRO WA RIG DRUG DUG NGÄL JANG purify the suffering of the beings of the six realms, ?J3?- &/- ,3?- &.- z- ; A- {, , SEM CHEN T'AM CHE LHA YI KU all sentient beings have the enlightened bodily form of the deity 1- P$- *J- 3J.- }$?- GA- 1, , DRA DRAG KYE ME NGAG KYI DRA and all sounds are the unborn resonance of mantra. ><- PR=- (R?- {:A- [R%- /?- 2^, , SHAR DRÖL CHÖ KU'I LONG NE DA Recite from the dharmakaya expanse of liberation on appearance. <- A- 3A-KJ- 7

- ZA: l- 2:A- ~A%- 0R:R, OM AMIDEWA HRIH is the primary essence mantra, and <- =>- Kk- !- ;- A- 3A- +- S- ;, +- ,- $- +- ;, An- +J- ?Mn)- 2:- ;, +H,, ?j- 0- 0)- >_D- !- <- J- @, ;%- ~A%-

4J=- 2:A- ~A%- 0R- 1/- ;R/- > A/- +- (J, 3R- /- :R.- .0$- $9%?- <A%- ;%- 2^,



enormous benefit to be added to this primary essence. If you prefer, however, you may recite the long dharani of Amitabha instead2. ,$?- eJ- (J/- 0R:C- <A$?- S$- $/?- .%- /A,

Avalokiteshvara's purification of the six realms of becoming 2.$- *A.- :1$?- 0:A- ,$?- !- /?, , DAG NYI 'PAG PA'I T'UG KA NE From the heart–center of myself, the Noble Lord, <- .!<- :R.- 9J<- z- ;=- :UR?, , OM KAR 'Ö ZER LHA YÜL 'TRÖ rays of light stream from the white OM–syllable to the realm of the gods. #$- 2}=- .%?- /?- :1$?- 0<- I<, , DUG NGÄL JANG NE 'PAG PAR GYUR Their suffering purified, they are transformed into the Noble Lord. z- i3?- :#R<- 2- !R%- I<- &A$ , LHA NAM 'KOR WA TONG GYUR CHIG May the cyclic existence of the gods be emptied. <- 3- EA- 0EJ- >, 8J?- 2^,

Recite OM MANI PEME HUNG. 3- =?- :R.- 9J<- u%- $- :U R?, , MA LE 'Ö ZER JANG GU 'TRÖ Green rays of light stream out from MA, z- 3A/- $/?- !/- :R.- GA?- $%- , , LHA MIN NE KÜN 'Ö KYI GANG filling the realm of the asuras with radiance. #$- 2}=- .%?- /?- :1$?- 0<- I<, , DUG NGÄL JANG NE 'PAG PAR GYUR Their suffering purified, they are transformed into the Noble Lord. z- 3A/- :#R<- 2- ! R%- I<- &A$ , LHA MIN 'KOR WA TONG GYUR CHIG May the cyclic existence of the asura realm be emptied. &J?- $R%- v<- 2^,

Recite as above. EA- =?- :R.- 9J<- ? J<- 0R- :UR?, ,

NI LE 'Ö ZER SER PO 'TRÖ Yellow rays of light stream out from the syllable NI, 3A- ;A- $/?- !/- :R.- GA?- $%- , , MI YI NE KÜN 'Ö KYI GANG 2. Cf. the final section of this cycle—the last page.


filling the human realm with radiance. #$- 2}=- .%?- /?- :1$?- 0<- I<, , DUG NGÄL JANG NE 'PAG PAR GYUR Their suffering purified, they are transformed into the Noble Lord. 3A- i3?- :#R<- 2- !R%- I<- &A$ ,

MI NAM 'KOR WA TONG GYUR CHIG May the cyclic existence of humans be emptied. &J?- $R%- v<- 2^,

Recite as above. 0.- =?- :R.- 9J<- }R/- 0R- :U R?, ,

PE LE 'Ö ZER NGÖN PO 'TRÖ From the syllable PE blue rays of light stream forth ..- :PR:A- $/?- !/- :R.- G A?- $%- , , DÜ DRO'I NE KÜN 'Ö KYI GANG to fill the animal realm with radiance. #$- 2}=- .%?- /?- :1$?- 0<- I<, , DUG NGÄL JANG NE 'PAG PAR GYUR Their suffering purified, they are transformed into the Noble Lord. ..- :PR:A- :#R<- 2- ! R%- I<- &A$ ,

DÜ DRO'I 'KOR WA TONG GYUR CHIG May the cyclic existence of the animal realm be emptied. &J?- $R%- v<- 2^,

Recite as above. 3J- =?- :R.- 9J<-.3<- 0R- : UR?, ,

ME LE 'Ö ZER MAR PO 'TRÖ Red rays of light stream out from the syllable ME, ;A- ?$?- $/?- !/- :R.- GA?- $%- , , YI DAG NE KÜN 'Ö KYI GANG filling the realm of the hungry ghosts with radiance. #$- 2}=- .%?- /?- :1$?- 0<- I<, , DUG NGÄL JANG NE 'PAG PAR GYUR Their suffering purified, they are transformed into the Noble Lord. ;A-?$?- :#R<- 2- !R%- I<- &A$ ,

YI DAG 'KOR WA TONG GYUR CHIG May the cyclic existence of the preta realm be emptied. &J?- $R%- v<- 2^,

Recite as above. >- =?- :R.- 9J<- /$- 0R- :UR?, ,

HUNG LE 'Ö ZER NAG PO 'TRÖ From the syllable HUNG stream black rays of light,


.M=- 2:A- $/?- !/- :R.- GA?- $%- , , NYÄL WA'I NE KÜN 'Ö KYI GANG filling the hell realms with radiance. #$- 2}=- .%?- /?- :1$?- 0<- I<, , DUG NGÄL JANG NE 'PAG PAR GYUR Their suffering purified, they are transformed into the Noble Lord. .M=- 2:A- :#R<- 2- ! R%- I<- &A$ ,

NYÄL WA'I 'KOR WA TONG GYUR CHIG May the cyclic existence of the hell realms be emptied. &J?- $R%- v<- 2^,

Recite as above. ZA: <A$- S$-$;%- ?- 2. J- (J/- 8A%- , , HRIH RIG DRUG YANG SA DE CHEN SHING The abyss of the six realms is the Pure Land of Great Bliss, :PR- S$- ?J3?- &/- :1$?- 0:A- {, , 'DRO DRUG SEM CHEN 'PAG PA'I KU the sentient beings of the six families have the enlightened form of the Noble Lord, 1- P$- P$- !R%- }$?- GA- 1, , DRA DRAG DRAG TONG NGAG KYI DRA all sound is the resonance of mantra—sound–emptiness— :#R<- :.?- <A$- ! R%- (R?- GA- {, , 'KOR 'DE RIG TONG CHÖ KYI KU and samsara and nirvana are the dharmakaya, awareness–emptiness. H2-2 h=- (J/- 0R:C- %%- /?- 2^, , KY'AB DÄL CHEN PO'I NGANG NE DA Recite from the continuum of all–pervading emptiness. <- 3- EA- 0EJ- >, 8J?- 2^,

Recite OM MANI PEME HUNG. <A$- S$- ?J3?- &/- i3?- :1$?- 0:A- {<- I<- &A%- $/?- %<- 2- /A,

The exaltation of these regions as all beings in the six realms of becoming transform into the enlightened form of the Noble Lord @R: .$ R%?- ?- $?R=- = R- $%- 3,:- ;?, , HOH GONG SU SÖL LO NANG TA' YE Please turn your attention to me, Amitabha. 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- z- 5S$?- i3 ?, , DE CHEN SHING GI LHA TS'OG NAM Divine hosts of the Realm of Great Bliss, ,$?- e J?- < A$?- S$- $/?- =- $9A$?, , T'UG JE RIG DRUG NE LA ZIG compassionately watch over the realms of the six kinds of being.


}$?- GA- : R.- 9J<- :PR- 2<- 1R$ , NGAG KYI 'Ö ZER 'DRO WAR P'OG Immediately they are touched by the light rays streaming from the mantra, 3- =?- 2.J- (J/- 8A%- .- :1R, , MA LÜ DE CHEN SHING DU 'PO without the least exception, they all transform into the Realm of Great Bliss, ;A- $ J- S$- 0?- $/?- %<- <R, , YI GE DRUG PE NE PAR RO transported there by the six syllables. <- 3- EA- 0EJ- >-ZA:1B: 8J?- 3%- .- 2^?- > A%- 1B- GA- 1?-?J3?- &/- i3?- 2.J- 2- &/- .- %<- <R,

As you recite OM MANI PEME HUNG HRIH PHAT as much as you can, the sound of the PHAT–syllable lifts all sentient beings to Dewachen, the ‘Bliss–Endowed Realm’. =?- 23- =- .3A$?- +J,

Picturing the ‘activity’ vase,… >-ZA: =?- 23- .2?- ?- 0.- *A:A- ! J%- , , HUNG HRIH LE BUM Ü SU PE NYI'I TENG By perfect transformation, the red HRIH–syllable ZA: .3<- ;R%?- I<- g- 3PA/- /A, , HRIH MAR YONG GYUR TAM DRIN NI on the lotus and solar disc in the centre of the activity vase becomes Hayagriva, .3<- $?=- ,R.- .L$- 8$? - 0- :6B/, ,

MAR SÄL T'Ö YUG SHAG PA 'DZIN bright red in color and grasping a skull–tipped mace and lasso. ,$?- !<- Z A: 3,<- }$?- GA?- 2{R<, , T'UG KAR HRIH T'AR NGAG KYI KOR In his heart–centre is the syllable HRIH surrounded by the mantra, 2..- lA- 22?- 0?- 23- 0- $+3?, , DÜ TSI BAB PE BUM PA TAM and nectar falling from this fills the vase. <- q- PF- 7- >- 1B: &J?- 2^,

Recite OM HAYAGRIWA HUNG PHAT. $4S- .%- =?- G A- 23- z- i3?, , TSO DANG LE KYI BUM LHA NAM The primary deity and deities of the vase :R.- 8- 23- (<- .LJ<- 3J.- I<, , 'Ö SHU BUM CHUR YER ME GYUR dissolve into light and merge inseparably with the water of the vase. 8J?- 3*3- 0<- 28$ ,


Thus reciting, settle the mind in meditation. 30=- .%- +A%- :6B/- .2%- =J/- /A,

Mandala offering, meditative concentration and receiving the empowerments >- ZA: !R%- $?3- :)A$- gJ/- <A- <2- \A%- 28A- HR/, , HUNG HRIH TONG SUM 'JIG TEN RI RAB LING SHI KY'ÖN Mentally taking up the entire trichiliocosm along with its supreme mountains and four continents, 2.$- =?- $.R?- 2&?- . $J- l- )A- $J.- !/, , DAG LÜ DÖ CHE GE TSA JI NYE KÜN my own physical body and all roots of merit, wherever they may be found, ]R- ; A?- ]%?- + J- o=- 2:A- ,/- }<- :2=, , LO YI LANG TE GYÄL WA'I CHÄN NGAR 'BÜL I offer these in the presence of the Victorious One. 3(R$- ,/- :V?- 2- 5K- :.A<- ,R2- I<- &A$ , CHOG T'ÜN 'DRE BU TS'E 'DIR T'OB GYUR CHIG May I attain all ordinary and supreme results within this very lifetime. <- <_- 30=- =- 0- 6- 3J- ,- =>, OM RÄTNA MANDALA LA PUDZA MEGHA AH HUNG $?R=- $.2- /A,

A prayer of supplication GJ- @R- ?%?- o?- 2&R3- w/- . ?, , KYE HO SANG GYE CHOM DEN 'DE Please listen, Lord Buddha, Transcendent Victor. mR$?- 0:A- ?%?- o?- ]- /- 3J., , DZOG PA'I SANG GYE LA NA ME May the perfect and peerless buddhas *J- Y?- L%- (2- ? J3?- .0:A- 5S$?, , NYE SE JANG CHUB SEM PA'I TS'OG and their close sons, the assembled host of bodhisattvas 2.$- =- . $R%?- + J- {- $?%- ,$?, , DAG LA GONG TE KU SUNG T'UG please think of me and grant me the sacred accomplishments .%R?- P2- .3- 0- )=- .- $?R=, , NGÖ DRUB DAM PA TSÄL DU SÖL of enlightened body, speech and mind. =/- $?3- $?R=,

Repeat this prayer three times over. >- ZA: 23- 3./- z- 5S$?- , 3?- &.- GA, , HUNG HRIH BUM DÜN LHA TS'OG T'AM CHE KYI From the white OM–syllable in the foreheads of


.T=- 2:A- <- .!<- ><- IA?- :UR?, , TRÄL WA'I OM KAR SHAR GYI 'TRÖ the host of deities in the vase in front, light streams directly out, 2.$- $ A- (A/- 353?- =- ,A3- 0?, , DAG GI MIN TS'AM LA T'IM PE and, as it dissolves into the spot between my eyebrows, {- ;A- LA/- _2?- ,R2- I<- &A$ , KU YI JIN LAB T'OB GYUR CHIG may I attain the blessings of the enlightened body. 3PA/- 0:A- =.3<- ><- IA?- :UR?, , DRIN PA'I AH MAR SHAR GYI 'TRÖ As it streams directly from the red AH in their throats 2.$- $ A- 3PA/- 0- =- ,A3- 0?, , DAG GI DRIN PA LA T'IM PE and dissolves into my own throat, $?%- $A - LA/- _2?- ,R2- I<- &A$ ,

SUNG GI JIN LAB T'OB GYUR CHIG may I attain the blessing of enlightened speech, ,$?- !:A- >- 3,A%- ><- IA?- :UR?, , T'UG KA'I HUNG T'ING SHAR GYI 'TRÖ and, as it streams from the blue HUNG in their hearts 2.$- $ A- ~A%- $- =- ,A3- 0?, , DAG GI NYING GA LA T'IM PE and dissolves into my own heart–center, ,$?- GA - LA/- _2?- , R2- I<- &A$ ,

T'UG KYI JIN LAB T'OB GYUR CHIG may I attain that of the enlightened mind. z- 5S$?- {- $?%- ,$?- LA/- _2?, , LHA TS'OG KU SUNG T'UG JIN LAB Having received the accomplishments 2.$- $ A- .%R?- P2- ,R2- I<- /?, , DAG GI NGÖ DRUB T'OB GYUR NE from the blessings of the enlightened body, speech and mind of the divine host, ?%?- o?- .$R% ?- 0- 3*3- 0- *A., , SANG GYE GONG PA NYAM PA NYI may I become established in the even nature of the Buddha's intentionality, gR$- 5 S$?- V=- 2- < A$- 0:A- [R%- , , TOG TS'OG DRÄL WA RIG PA'I LONG the vast expanse of pure awareness beyond all discursive thought,


3- 2&R?- $.=- 2- (J/- 0R<- 28$ , MA CHÖ DÄL WA CHEN POR SHAG the unfabricated infinite expanse of enlightenment. &J?- ?%?- o?- .$R%?- 0- .%- <%- ?J3?- .LJ<- 3J.- GA- %%- =- 3*3- 0<- 28$ ,

Thus establish yourself in even–minded meditation where your own mind and the intentionality of the buddhas are one and inseparable. {2?- :.A<- 5S$?- 3(R.-L- 2- /A,

At this point comes the ritual of the feast–offering ,2?- > J?- GA- 29:- 2+%- &A- :LR<- 2?$?- =, <&- ;&- #&,

Over the assembled food and drink representing skilful means and wisdom, recite RAM YAM KHAM !R%- 0:A- %%- = ?- ;&- = ?- _%- <&- =?- 3J- ; A- .GA=- :#R<- I A- !J%- .- , R.- 0:A- +J.- 0- $?3- IA- #<, A- =?- Sk:A- $R.- .- 5S$?- m?- >- s- 2..- lA- s- 8- 2- =?- 9$- 3J.- GA- 2..- lA:A- o- 35S- (J/- 0R<- I<, <- =>, @- @R- ZA: TONG PA'I NGANG LE YAM LE LUNG RAM LE ME YI KYIL 'KOR GYI TENG DU T'Ö PA'I GYE PU SUM GYI K'AR A LE BHÄN DHA'I NÖ DU TS'OG DZE SHA NGA DÜ TSI NGA SHU WA LE ZAG ME KYI DÜ TSI'I GYAM TS'O CHEN POR GYUR OM AH HUNG HA HO HRIH Out of the continuum of emptiness, on a tripod hearth of three skulls above the mandalas of wind arisen from the syllable YAM and fire from the syllable RAM, in a skull–cup vessel arisen from the syllable A, the feast offerings dissolve into the five meats and five nectars, thus transforming into an inexhaustible ocean of ambrosia—OM AH HUNG HA HO HRIH <R=- 3R- .L%?- .%- 2&?- +J,

With music and song,... >- ZA: (R?- .LA%?- 3,<- ,$- 2.J- 2- &/, , HUNG HRIH CHÖ YING T'AR T'UG DE WA CHEN Ultimate space of absolute reality, $%- 2- 3,:- ;?- *J- Y?- 2o., , NANG WA TA' YE NYE SE GYE Sukhavati's Amitabha and eight ‘Close Sons’, L%- ?J3?- .P- 2&R3- LJ- 2- :23, , JANG SEM DRA CHOM JE WA 'BUM the thousand million million bodhisattvas and arhats, 3=- 0:A- ?%?- o?- z- 3R:C- 5 S$?, , TRÜL PA'I SANG GYE LHA MO'I TS'OG emanated hosts of buddhas and goddesses, .2%- (J/- g- 3PA/- 1$- 3R- ;3, , WANG CHEN TAM DRIN P'AG MO YUM Mighty Hayagriva and your consort, Varahi, 8A%- *R%- ;2- ;3- =- ?R$?- 0 :A, , SHING KYONG YAB YUM LA SOG PA'I local protectors in union and so on,


2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- z- 5S$?- i3 ?, , DE CHEN SHING GI LHA TS'OG NAM you divine hosts of the Realm of Great Bliss, :.A<- $>J$?- 5S$?- GA- 3(R.- 0- 28J?, , 'DIR SHEG TS'OG KYI CHÖ PA SHE please come here, enjoy this offering of ganachakra {- $?%- ,$?- GA- .%R?- P2- )R=, , KU SUNG T'UG KYI NGÖ DRUB TSÖL and grant the accomplishments of enlightened body, speech and mind. ?j- +- ,- $- +- $- E- 4N- 0- 6- #- @A, SARWA TATHAGATA GANATSATRA PUDZA KHAHI 8J?- 5S$?- 1.- :2=- 8A%- 2{%- 2>$?- /A,

The ritual of fulfillment and confession while offering the first part of the assembled feast >- ZA: 2&R3- w/- 3$R/- 0R- $$- 3,:- ;?, , HUNG HRIH CHOM DEN GÖN PO NANG TA' YE Victorious Lord, Protector ‘Limitless Light’, :R.- .0$- 3J.- G A- ,$?- .3- 2{%- , , 'Ö PAG MED KYI T'UG DAM KANG the tantric commitments to Amitabha are fulfilled. ~A%- eJ:A- $+J<- ( J/- ,/- <?- $9A$?, ,

NYING JE'I TER CHEN CHEN RE ZI Avalokita, ‘Treasury of Loving Care’ :)A$- g J/- .2%- K$- ,$?- . 3- 2{%- , , 'JIG TEN WANG CH'UG T'UG DAM KANG the tantric commitments to Lokeshvara are fulfilled. 3,- !R2?- .2%- K$- $?%- 2:A- 2.$ , T'U TOB WANG CH'UG SANG WA'I DAG Almighty Lord, ‘Lord of Secrets’, 3,- (J/- ,R2- GA- ,$?- .3- 2{%- , , T'U CHEN T'OB KYI T'UG DAM KANG the tantric commitments to Mahasthamaprapta are fulfilled. >J?- <2- 1<- KA/- :)3- 0:A- .L%?, , SHE RAB P'AR CH'IN 'JAM PA'I YANG The tantric commitments to Prajñaparamita, Mañjushri, ?- ;A- ~A%- 0R:C- ,$?- .3- 2{ %- , , SA YI NYING PO'I T'UG DAM KANG and Kshitigarbha are fulfilled. 1A2- 0- i3- ?J=- /3- 3#:A- ~A%- , , DRIB PA NAM SEL NAM KA'I NYING The tantric commitments to Nivaranvishkambhin, Akashagarbha,


L3?- 0:A- 3$R/- 0R:C- ,$?- .3- 2{%- , , JAM PA'I GÖN PO'I T'UG DAM KANG and Maitreyanatha are fulfilled. *J- 2- 3J.- 0- ( R?- GA- {, , KYE WA ME PA CHÖ KYI KU The tantric commitments to unborn dharmakaya Samantabhadra !/- +- 29%- 0R:C- ,$?- .3- 2{%- , , KÜNTU ZANG PO'I T'UG DAM KANG are fulfilled. */- <%- .$J- a R%- LJ- 2- :23, , NYÄN RANG GE LONG JE WA 'BUM The tantric commitments to the thousand million million pious listeners, self–illumined ones and monks— 3=- 0:A- .P- 2&R3- ,$?- . 3- 2{%- , , TRÜL PA'I DRA CHOM T'UG DAM KANG the emanated foe–destroying arhats—are fulfilled. :.R.- ;R/- z- 3R- .0$- 3J.- . %- , , 'DÖ YÖN LHA MO PAG ME DANG The tantric commitments to the countless goddesses of the sensory pleasures, g- 1$- ;2- ;3- ,$?- .3- 2{%- , , TA P'AG YAB YUM T'UG DAM KANG and Hayagriva and Varahi in union are fulfilled .GA=- :#R<- !/- IA- 3,:- *R%- 2, , KYIL 'KOR KÜN GYI TA' KYONG BA The tantric commitments to the ghayadhara, guardians of the limits of all mandalas, ,- ;- K- <:A-,$?- .3- 2{%- , , GHA YA DHA RA'I T'UG DAM KANG are fulfilled. 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- z- 5S$?- i3 ?, , DE CHEN SHING GI LHA TS'OG NAM Divine hosts of the Realm of Great Bliss, ,$?- .3- $*/- 0R- 2{%- 2:A- m?, , T'UG DAM NYÄN PO KANG WA'I DZE these substances of the strictest tantric commitment, KA- $R.- < A- <2- \A%- 28A:A- o/, , CH'I NÖ RI RAB LING SHI'I GYÄN the outer container of the Supreme Mountain and four continents /%- 2&.- 3(R.- m?- !/- 29%- HR/, , NANG CHÜ CHÖ DZE KÜN ZANG KY'ÖN and its inner content, the offering substances, all thoroughly excellent,


*J<- ,R.- :.R.- ;R/- o=- YA.- 2./, , NYER CHÖ 'DÖ YÖN GYÄL SI DÜN the seven outer offerings, sense offerings and treasures of a universal monarch, m?- g$?- |J$- ?R$?- z- 3R- 2o., , DZE TAG GEG SOG LHA MO GYE eight auspicious substances, symbols and goddesses, Lasya and the rest, (/- $+R<- <R- 5S$?- GA- m?, , MÄN TOR RAK TA TS'OG KYI DZE nectar, torma, rakta and the items of the feast, .%R?- :LR<- ;A.- 3=- 3#:- . LA%?- 2!%- , , NGÖ 'JOR YI TRÜL KA' YING KANG either physically present or mentally created and filling all of space o=- 2- Y?- 2&?- ,/- }<- :2=, , GYÄL WA SE CHE CHÄN NGAR 'BÜL I offer in the presence of the Victorious Ones and their sons. ,$?- .3- 2{%- =- *3?- ( $- 2>$?, , T'UG DAM KANG LA NYAM CHAG SHAG To fulfill all commitment, I confess all violation: 2{%- I<- .2%- .%- .%R?- P2- )R=, , KANG GYUR WANG DANG NGÖ DRUB TSÖL let them be fulfilled and grant me empowerment and accomplishment. <- 2#- ?- <- ?- 3- ;, ?R$ ?- ;A$- 2o- 2eR.,

Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra, OM BENZAR SATTO SAMAYA and so on. 5S$?- =- = R%?- ,R., z$- 3- 2#?- =, A- !- <R- $?3- 2eR.,

Enjoy the feast and then recite the A KARO3 mantra over the gathered up remainders three times. >- ZA: .0=- IA- 1- :22- z$- 3:A-2.$ , HUNG HRIH PÄL GYI P'A 'BAB LHAG MA'I DAG Mantra–born, born of the field, you guests who receive the remainders, }$?- *J?- 8A%- *J?- z$- 3:A- 3PR/, , NGAG KYE SHING KYE LHAG MA'I DRÖN these pure leftovers of the ‘Legacy of the Glorious One’, :.A<- $>J$?- 5S$?- GA- z$- 3- 28J?, , 'DIR SHEG TS'OG KYI LHAG MA SHE please come here and enjoy what's left of the feast offering. nJ/- %/- 2<- (.- .LA%?- ?- ?R=, , KYEN NGÄN BAR CHE YING SU SÖL Dissolve all negative conditions and obstacles back into empty space



2&R=- 2:A- U A/- =?- :P2- 0<- 36S., , CHÖL WA'I TR'IN LE DRUB PAR DZÖ and perform all activities assigned you. AoBI- =- #- @A, 8J?- :2=,

Offer it saying UTS'ITA LA KHAHI $+%- <$- 3(R.- 0- /A,

The thanksgiving offering <- 2#- A;)- T- +Ao- J- @, /?- >9:A- 2<- 2eR., Recite from OM BENZAR ARGHAM (PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GÄNDHE, NEWIDYA) PRATITSA SOHA on down as far as SHAPTA 2.J- (J/- 8A%- .- (R?- GA- :#R<- =R- 2{R<, , DE CHEN SHING DU CHÖ KYI 'KOR LO KOR Turning the Wheel of the Dharma in the realm of Great Bliss, ?J3?- &/- i3?- =- g$- +- ,$?- e J?- $9A$?, , SEM CHEN NAM LA TAG TU T'UG JE ZIG always caring for sentient beings with compassion, .3- 2&:- 8=- 28J?- :PR- 2:A- .R/- 36.- 0, , DAM CHA' SHÄL SHE 'DRO WA'I DÖN DZE PA you who have undertaken and vowed always to work for the benefit of living beings, $%- 3,:- 3*3- 28$- 36.- =- K$- :5=- 2! R., , NANG TA' NYAM SHAG DZE LA CH'AG 'TSÄL TÖ to you who bring about the meditation of limitless radiance I bow down and make praise. &J?- 2!R.,

Thus offer praise. 2}R- 2- /A,

The dedication .$J- :.A?- :PR- 2- 3- =?- 3, :- [?- !/, , GE 'DI 'DRO WA MA LÜ TA' LE KÜN By this merit, may all the innumerable beings without the least exception #$- 2}=- =?- 1R=- 2. J- (J/- 3(R$- $A- =3, , DUG NGÄL LE DRÖL DE CHEN CHOG GI LAM be freed from their suffering and swiftly traverse the path M<- 2-*A.- 2PR.- ( R?- {<- ?%?- o?- >R$ , NYUR WA NYI DRÖ CHÖ KUR SANG GYE SHOG to the Realm of Great Bliss, there to attain the and pure and perfect buddhahood of the dharmakaya. (R/- =3- /A,

Prayers of aspiration @R: 2. $- .%- :PR- S$- ?J3?- &/- i3?, ,


HOH DAG DANG 'DRO DRUG SEM CHEN NAM As soon as I and all the sentient beings of the six realms $.R?- 2&?- =?- :. A- 2 R<- 3- ,$ , DÖ CHE LÜ 'DI BOR MA T'AG quit these material bodies, 2.J- (J/- 3#:- ,R.- .$- 0:A- 8A%- , , DE CHEN KA' CHÖ DAG PA'I SHING may we miraculously take birth 2m?- +J- 8A%- 3(R$- .J<- *J?- /?, , DZÜ TE SHING CHOG DER KYE NE in the pure Celestial Realm of Great Bliss, ?- 2&- =3- s- 3,<- KA/- >R$ , SA CHU LAM NGA T'AR CH'IN SHOG and there bring to completion the ten stages and five paths. *J<- 2#- /A- g J/- ;R.- /- 2g/- 28$?- L, 3J.- /,

As regards the dissolution, if there is a supporting image, perform the ceremony of establishing them in it. If not,… 23- 3./- ;J- >J?- 2&R3- w/- :.?, , BUM DÜN YE SHE CHOM DEN 'DE The Transcendent and Victorious Lord of the vase in front (R?- GA- .LA%?- ?- 2#- 3: CHÖ KYI YING SU BENZAR MUH dissolves into the ultimate space of absolute truth— BENZAR MUH. .3- 5B$- z- i3?- <%- =- ,A3, , DAM TS'IG LHA NAM RANG LA T'IM The conventionally visualized deities all dissolve back into me, <%- ;%- :R.- 8- , A$- = J<- ;=, , RANG YANG 'Ö SHU T'IG LER YÄL and I myself dissolve into light and vanish like a t'igle, *J- 3J.- $/?- =$?- K$- o- (J, , KYE ME NE LUG CH'AG GYA CHE entering into the utterly unconditioned expanse beyond all grasping, :6B/- 3J.- 3R?- V=- [R%- .- 28$ , 'DZIN ME TRÖ DRÄL LONG DU SHAG the natural state of the all–encompassing seal which never comes into existence. >- >- >, 1B- 1B- 1B: HUNG HUNG HUNG PHAT PHAT PHAT a<- ;%- ,$?- eJ- ( J/- 0R- ;A, , LAR YANG T'UG JE CHEN PO YI


… Then, once again arising in the primordially nondual bodily form of the Great Compassionate One, 9%- :)$- {<- w%- ,R.- =3- *R%- , , ZUNG 'JUG KUR DEN CHÖ LAM KYONG I continue upon the path of activity. > A?- 2eR.- /A,

The auspicious verses ZA: $$- YA.- :#R<- :.?- H2- 2h=- (J, , HRIH NANG SI 'KOR 'DE KY'AB DÄL CHE Great One pervading all of samsara and nirvana, $%- 2- 3,:- ;?- 2N- >A?- >R$ ,

NANG WA TA' YE TRA SHI SHOG may there be the auspicious blessings of Amitabha. ~A%- eJ:A- , 2?- GA?- :PR- 2- :.=, , NYING JE'I T'AB KYI 'DRO WA 'DÜL Subduing beings with your compassionate skilful means, ,/- <?- $9A$?- GA- - 2N- >A?- >R$ ,

CHEN RE ZI KYI TRA SHI SHOG may there be the auspicious blessings of Avalokiteshvara. 3,- !R2?- .2%- K$- $?%- 2:A- 2.$ , T'U TOB WANG CH'UG SANG WA'I DAG Mighty Lord, Lord of Secrets K$- /- hR- eJ: A- - 2N- >A?- >R$ ,

CH'A NA DOR JE'I TRA SHI SHOG may there be the auspicious blessings of Mahasthamaprapta. :)3- .0=- ?- ~A%- 1A2- 0- ?J=, , 'JAM PÄL SA NYING DRIB PA SEL Mañjushri, Kshitigarbha, Nivaranavishkambhin, /3- ~A%- L3?- 0- !/- +- 29%- , , NAM NYING JAM PA KÜN TU ZANG Akashagarbha, Maitreya, Samantabhadra, */- <%- .$J- a R%- LJ- 2-:23, , NYÄN RANG GE LONG JE WA 'BUM and the thousand million million pious listeners, self–illumined ones and monks, :#R<- :.?- 2&?- 0:A- 2N- >A?- >R$ ,

'KOR 'DE CHE PA'I TRA SHI SHOG may there be auspicious blessings encompassing all of samsara and nirvana. ?J3?- &/- ,3- &.- ?%?- o?- GA, , SEM CHEN T'AM CHE SANG GYE KYI May all sentient beings come to dwell impeccably


?- (J/- 0R- =- <2- $/?- >R$ , SA CHEN PO LA RAB NE SHOG on the great level of pure and perfect buddhahood. &J?- > A%- 2eR.- .%- (R/- =3- IA?- 3,:- 2o/- /R, ,

Thus ornament the closing with prayers of auspiciousness and aspiration. #R- 2R- .!R<- 9/- :O=- 0:A- $%- 2- =- 2.J- 2- &/- IA- 8A%- #3?- =/- $*A?- 8=- 3,R%- 2- .%- , 3- 9.- 2.J- 2- &/- .- (R?- GA- :#R<- = R- /3- 2{R<- ;%- ?J3?- =-

:(<- :.$ 9R$- m/- 3- ;A/- ..- w/- .%- 2- :S J/- KA<- 5?- 0- ;A/, 8J?- 0- 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- (R- $- 0E- <- $:A- UJ%- 2- :.A- /A- <%- aR2- .$J- aR%- E- ?J<- :6B/- 0- L3?- 0- o=- 35/- IA?- //- (J<- $?%- 2{=- v<,

z R- eJ- S%- .!R/- 3(R$- 2!/- :6A/- UA/- =?- 3,<- KA/- IA?- t$?- g- = R<- D- :1%- 2.J- (J/- <2- o?- \A%-

$A- 3P R/- $*J<- ;J- > J?- o- 35S:C- 2.J- (J/- 8A%- $A- z- #%- .- .<- 2:A- ;A- $J- 0- /A- .!R/- 3(R$- 2lR/- :P?- GA?- VA?- 0- ?- 6- ;_,, ,,

I, myself, a mere devourer of offerings, have twice had a hallucinatory vision of the Bliss Endowed Realm, and, furthermore, whenever I have turned the wheel of teaching on Dewachen, its manifestation is there in my mind

and, not speaking of what does not exist, I have taught it to uplift the minds of those with faith. At the insistent request of his disciple, the yellow hat monk Jampa Gyälts'än, this means of attainment for the

Realm of Great Bliss called The Ruby Garland was composed by Lho Jedrung Könchog Ten'dzin Tr'inle T'archin in the year of the iron horse in Secretary Yeshe Gyamtsho's Realm of Great Bliss chapel at Ts'apang Dechen

Rabgye Ling. The scribe who set it down was Könchog Tsön'dru.

DZAYANTU—May it be victorious.