the :r::;k'. :' · 2019. 11....

VOL: XIV McPHERSON McPHERSON, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1931 NUMBER 34 FACULTY OIANGE ABOUl' A MERGF.R I OF THE COil.EGE DEAN AND THE REGISTRAR COMING EVENT S JUNIORS "SNEAK" OFF FROM STUDENT BODY AND MOTOR TO SALINA FOR ANNUAL OUTING To Ta .ke Effect With The Openina Of Fall T erm · Thi.a Year-- Fr ed A. ReploSle. Cbicaao, To Tak e Over Fri.. 16- Dr. J. W. H ershey will entertain Chemll(try auh- anla. Mou., ll ay I I-Graduation ro- cltal. Co To Oak Dale Park-Popular Rendnvouo For McPbenon Colle1e Picnieke.--Enjoy Day Boatin11 ()a Smoky HiU River Outiea Of The Two Office. Tues.. Mar U -Dr. J. W. Her- MOHJ.ER. BLAIR TO TEACH Hct1Ju1 .10 SJ >tt l&ll)' Trained In Ad· nt.Ltut"'l fon Work--l. 'o1nlng To Collrl1' tttahl.>' Jl .( 'C'Om.mrodcd BUY YOUR SPECTATORS 1 ehC'!)' will give R•dlum lecture. I Tues .• May U- llcg:ular Y.W. Alld Y.M. m" t1n111. Sp.,.,ial Price Of $1 Now Beine SENIORS SNEAK Off Off e red TO HALSTEAD FOR DAY FF.RN HECKMAN WINS Sixteen Advanced Student& En- tered In Chem. 5pellinc Bee GO IN TRU CKS AND CARS A1,t•ml 1•1c 111n• Show In t-:"°c nt111 Be- run- lt.i•111rnlnJ: Tu c.; hlN .• Ma>· 11- f' ollovdng l ho Md· 11)' Dr. \'. I•'. lith" "" lm .. There still ttrue to bU)' Spee· , ·1.1111uror thtl 111•.Ht lor11 o f h u1t wook n ughrnhi g with lhO next RChool IJ\tora tor ne xt year, " 8.11) '8 Lloyd Sponaor Goea With c1 .. .,.__ T hurti., Mlly 7-Fcru Hec kmnn. tho JunlorlJ mornlux '1111p1;od o ff year thcro will bo 11ome. cha.ngc1 1n u.r·iu m. l>uslneSR manager of Tho Leave Campua At juttlo r. won r1r ,.t place ond $2.fiO in trl\Ck"' lmtl c11 n a nd tho organl1 n1Jou Of the work ot MSpcct•tor ror Sc ul<>ni nud S: OO A. M. t•ni; h 1u1 n ur\10 In lho adnnlmlf' l rn1 1t tlie tr ;1d. tlm11 1I fire" 11bl1u: o by l'l1on1011 colleco. DC l\11 R. E. Mohler others .,. 11 1) Jtl:\JI ll) m•xt your t·l 11.illll l!l t1·y match l llla urtc r- ei:t•r ullug tlwlr u1t1mi1I i;n t'nk. become• Doau of Muu nod riror e1111or aro ans,1 erlug th!;! urge to mnko ur· GO ON TO HUTCHlNS ON 110011 In the l!X':turn room of thtt d o- Tht• Junior" wit h lhc lr i;110111 m r, or biolo gy. Ho wnnta to, devote rangcru(!llls [or their ror next. 1 11u ·tmo 11t. tr euc Stover received $1 Dr. J. 0, Hrls:hl iuHI M u. Url 11ht. lu CI aomo tlrno to wo rk for tho Huard of year. The wpcclal price or U lH Pluy l'UC'h ll OM' iu l :i rev. urd ror place. early 1hhi m 11 r nllo:: i rnd motored to Rollglou 1 E ducnll on o r the Church 1 ot , l! ttlll good, and a ll s tudnnt.6 •tllut- And Uo 111 snll111 1. The llllY wu,. 111 ie11t 111 plny .. thu flrethr e n llt E lglu, Ill, Dur ng do not 1ilnn to be Jiero l1l!Xl )'CnT' l .ttte 'J ' h•t In.-: / .num bull 111111 hoat lnK on tho tho eua:n.mor ho will devot o full tlmo s hould ge t Ju touch with Lan um lll!l )'t'flr b) ' thl!I chcmhilr)' de partme nt. Smo ky Hi ll rh ·ur. ' rtHJ Oak Dalo to lbo w ork of that bo ard ancl (jur· fls po sslble. Thur t1 .. lil n)' 1- L lltC hu t nh clu lhO Sl xt-0cu coutel'l lunt a wc r·c entered In 1mrk tu Snl11u1 h tu• h f'•' o m o n 1>0 1rnla r Ing tHIXt wint er he will dcvo l< t wee'f!.t ml ortt wllh their Jlrnf, the co - ute.t l hl11 afte rnoon. rondenmn• fur ii:culckor-• fro m tho end • to It. Prof. J. A. Olnlr wlll GROTH TELLS VALUE M11.urlce A. ll eH. r et urn(ld trom llll bocomu Olrcc:tor of Te achi ng 11 tead where the)' oi:nt the d ay pla)' · a 11d profe11or or cdueaclon. He •·Ill OF CONFERENCE Ing fl;tt. m t::I, boatlUJ; :ind -.·ttllni: aHtr devote hitun limo tu t eaching a nd LJILJ rm<?aklni: awll)' from thu r{l•t of the tho direction ot t he work of practice . itudcnt body urly morn· t.oacblnc:. Many Widely Known tnJ11:. Dean Mohler and Profetaor Blai r To Be Prea.ent June 8 To 18 Thu c:laaa left Ule ••1tmpu1 abou1 haH both been ... ·Ith the Colle,;e tor th·e o"clock ycaterday morah11t In two many )'t:ars. T hc:r have r en d ered Tues .• May U- Wendcll Groth. truclta aod two cara. 1\ hcav-y menu t hFl r modt>t11 uf tr•n•rmrta• Don't •1strini A Line" The tlun Jo11r11eytJd to tho c lly wheru Speaker Auerta they rcrnilnl'd h>r thu a u !nlng tu QR• Joy the romhtrtit or tlried mu•· May I !- llfa Della Lehman rlt"S at a lheatre. A few •ludenu, told ttic ar1 o f c:0111'eraatl ot1 In the :1.1u.luu11 tu returri did uut J;O to Ibo w&ckly or the \'.W.C.A. tb b: .1buw- boc:auMt or urgtiut call· mornh1-. 111 1111! Y.W. room. Some mr; lhcm to Mrl'bcnon. the lnatltutlon <:tflclenl Hf'\"lce In iU&to Student \'. M. c. A .• &·. of bac:uo and e11•. l'liUec. br eak fut their rotpect h·e field•. DoUI a rel•poke ID Y. M. thi!J morning un lht:! l food. milk. and bana 11ait mado u1• thf' uaerul m en •·hose Influence extends Park t,:ontcreoce. I bttak(aal. Tho mor111n,; wu enj oy· tbroucbuut t he it.ate and be)'ond to ... ,. Groth S2.ld thH the >.:St n, ed plarl•• ba11e-ball. pltc:hlni: horao· on thlnt; ll tn do In belnK a good tollTC<CoaU....t •• ru• "nl'ft > C'Onference could be J1:um1ned up lu ahoe. and buatlng. In tho owenln111: nllonti1ll11;t llffl 10 dlaoover lotcrest· UFE MEASURED By th& rour •·orlb: Inspiration. recrca· betoro suuduwu the rla_,. and their Int LhlDl•. the apeaker s tate d, and lion. renowshlp a. nd beaut >'· Air. spODflOr &•In c:Umhcd Into their tn think about them. and then HERSHEY TAKES CLASS ON HUTCHINSON TOUR MIND AND THE c.irurL Groth al6o 6poke or tho leader•lt r uck• and cant; aud motof'(ld to them Ith o then11. Some t hfnp not ""1U ro r this year confereuce Hut chlnso11 where tbf'1 r emained for tG do are to talk abou t onc.1 11eH -- Among tb " ,.,.tdcb · ·kno"' ·n c:onft.he p icture 1how. 'Skippy." after c:onttnuall) a lld l nrnl'Yeitt. per· Go Down In Salt Mine--Vi•lt Sc.bwalm Say• Jt h Not Me.a· once lead en. . are t he lollowt ng: ... ·h leh lber conllnued homo. Uf"i o f o ther ()4'ople, • •• an ae ie r-- Jodu.strial CeDter l ured By Time Or S u. cc.eaa (loorge Powens Ha pgood, WU· o;dltor 'a Not e>- Th.e •fter e.Uoei. lio n o r Mias Lehman. "Two __ rred Jack1on,1lr. Mendenb,,all, 1!._Hloo lc an lmastnod . .. When tl:ie •tremea lo avoid 'st.rlni tng " Ma)' 8- lJr. J, 'Ylll•rd u, r- W od ., Mar &- ··r..t fe li "" not to be t&ttiburt a11d France. Mill er. Thi• Rrrh•ed a l'thc d orm llnry thoy d lfloCOY· lhrn' u.nd bul n1e ven • learned: ' .t1;ll C)' 11ml h1i. fo'rc."llhlllnn Chuml1lr r meuurcd b)' limo or hy 11ucccu,' aald 11ommcr'ti co uf ercnce mr:ct• Juno,cred the ir r ovm1 11t ac1ced to t he N1h A vocal .,010 ·· one Fleeting Ho ur·· clt111a of more thun GIJ 11lu<hu,1l1 Dr. v, }o\ Schwa tn 1 In 11: lvinB a brief 8 to IS. d a" r cc. Ahrny 11l11de 1tt11 In the wu tnrng hy Ori 11.I Bo wen. Jo urneyed to ll ut l' hh11ui11 cnrl)' lhl" rcvlo.w o f 11 bo uk h)' Ha hl.It Silver tn lrnllway, bolnR untlbl ,o t .o l(l\ ln (l U• mor11in1< for uu ull· th•)' Vllll ll ut hlli chapel ulk ihlmnrnlnnc. "Tho CASTLETON HI STARS l trancu I nto their roomA. DOYLE AND CADI ON 1Jut.r hl111u)11 011!1 m1 l111l1H1trh :A. KrO wlh of the mind 11.11d 11oul•.Ja tho . l\W Thu ij ruu11 v1 1t l11•ll Lhu t:Mu)' So ll wnr to m ... u rc JJro." WIN TENNIS TOURNEY GRADUATION SPEECHES SELECTED FOR TOUR "' 1 "" " '"' '' """· '"" '" ''" M lrnWProco.edlosc Or. $C'11 wuhn' 1' talk n lmu rd fl u:l01')'. Murtu11' " 1111uil, voc:tll J'OIO waa by Lu.vorll -- , BEING GJVEN BY PROFS. lfohrnm lfokcry, 11 1 111 t h •J u .,. Tnuor of Ctrntrul v.· ho 'recent- Take Both The Singles And To Compo..e Peace T eam For form School. uf Lho •t udcnl Jy "' 'OU .tint ph1cc lu 11 cou tc• t 110 11· The Doubl e a.-Civen -- Lectures Thia Summer n.1lur1wd to thti c111111>u11 11liu11t 0 p,111. tor(ld b)' coll cGe iit Llrid1- Med'ala. Si.rtin1 Thia Week On Hish Schoo ) Commencement bor g. Add re ate• Thl,11 6111111ntlr Mc Phcr &Oll l'Ulh.•Ae wltJ hft V(' a d etl nll t.t 11art In prum1>t· C UlDlt'C AUSTIN IS I Id rt I I t ti 1 1191: 11caca (l ducatlon. Miidred Doyl"· TO PRESENT " OUR EGG" TOMORROW IN CHAPFJ. Su11., Mny IO-C11sll-ctuu hhr: hl _ - IU\(\.LW sccbB: lc rn:obt. t Ju11lor. 1t11d l Alllnu Carl11011. ju nior. ELECTED PRESIDENT hero ,·eister day anti comp.l ekd t odoy fur h h; h tu:hu<>I rummenrcnurnt aOne-Act Comedy To Be Given at thht Mtlrlm:. Prof. (;. N. ftPnl •·Ill JO to Haver ford i;o llel@:e. Free for Everbody To Head The Junior Clan Next :r::; k '. 11 11 :! :'t r enru1y lunla, ror t wo wcekl 1t ud1 Year In Urn alnglee and de. rca ted him dom bl&h •c:huol on May and ::d:r:: In Tuca., Mar t ;:;;;; rlea Au1lla wlll win llle medal gl\'eu by al•o .evenl oUuin a r e ut1d t r con· nu with e rtlcle1u natfon•I aod lntrf' f). 1:pf'n11lon cla!• wlll prt.'M.'nl • one hea d the junior clau of next year The nna; match In 010 d oub l es ,. .. licdul" tor l>r. \I . natlonal leader• and rcprcisenta,h·ea lilCl C"Omcdr. " Ollts t-:1:111"," 8tutlflnlJI u a roaulL of an elecUon In ' he wu not la st ulgbt bl."- P. Schw•lm l• all follo.,.·•: for •af'lous collegt:L 11.. 11d fac11Ur uru ur ,.ed IU ace: tho pla7. aopho more claA loday noon. of darkoeu Ol'ertaldng the P lallaburK Mu J3; Qulntor. The McPherwon repreaentalln "l'l will So adml1>11lo11 wlll ht• cbar.:cd. c:IOH ra< ea dovelOPf'd In lbe elec:tlou pla)en and toda)' ul Muuodrld.gc Kau, a.iar ; t: "t+eue.eo. ll•Y I&; tl1en fur tell weeks In Han..,.ll The cut ll1clud1•• 1 .. 11111111 ll orntac, and a .econd \"Ol ct was nceeuary for Castle.Ion, Sm)·tb llnd 8111 ., 070 May J&: Hutictnlph. II: and gh'h1a; pe-ac4' 11rouarn• the p1u1 ur 11 yuuntt alrl O"Ycrr oUice. Glbb!t, defeated the Mouud rldgo Muquelle. Mi.y U; f:llllwurth, May 1tlmulatlntt thou1ChL and a<e:lou fol' In thu comedy and'd .Mlllor, • Olber o ff lcera elff:led Pe•,. •,I team ror t lnL place. T b<s Mlores for :O; NlckcrlllOll. ! I, Kummer· (Mi'11<ee In the cornmuultletl v ailed. ynung 11laywrl1Qn. who 11 hunUnc Walker. vlc o-prorildcnt : the lhree selJJ ••ere 6• .a, S-G, 6•4• rteld . May z: : Ht •thcl Jun"&. t or o plot for 111 uuc·iwt w1uicl cvlllo Moul ton .oerot.t.ry; Jay lleruler. Tho l'lt:hedult: ur l>u11 n. to ;. Mohler: S EVEN NEW BOOKS COME l!l ll lt. Leland J.lndcll. lhc t htrd treuurcr: Lilburn Oo1unann and RECITAL IN HONOR Of B wn II Mar 11 ; S<d•owl<k, INTO THE M. C. LIBRARY •h•r•<t<·r. Pi•r• th<• l'"rl ol •• Ile r Eit he r n: own. student counci l NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK s. :b·vlllc. ,..,.,. 13; Du. rha m, Al a)' In the r1· .. 1aura11t 11«."l.'Uf'. Tilt! CHl l• pruontatt_•_•·---- l .C; Cubll, Mar ir.: l_ .on Siit ln.c.a. .. a luu ,;h trot11 uverr• GO IDl!DI.' DIVIDE HONORS DruM·u And U. ngeufcl l er A11iH!a.r lo :\la y ZO; Oym111m. May :ll; l '•rtr ld · ('oul"PW°'" l k-nr flll."l l _ Ll"r.n..l l h. "CJh1I At U..11U.1tl. Cl1ur cb "'e, M11r 22; Mcl'hur11011 (lu 1 cuh 1· ucw booh b IMJen put QUADS , Off PRESS SOON · reato a ddre11•J. flht )' 2 4 ; and 8 .moh ui . on fl l e In thlJ lltJrary durJng 11 11) Dual Meet With Friedd" Held Suu. , May JO-In ob:!lcn a nee of A. Blul r: Pl1tl1Hl \' lllc, Mar 111u 1t wook. T .,. ·o uf thu 11c w hooka Here Laat Week Natlonal Mu:C Week a. two-piano r 20 : Cudoll. Ma)' H: f:J ba ll ow WMtt:Jr, will IHJ of ce11 oclal lnt e n .'tli t 11 the Will Bo Se. nt To The Binder& p 1f cltal was given th ls afternoon hy MBY U: V4;11&1)cr, May 2:; II lo om. .. Early Next We ek dl :!'Jdhcud ro. h. o 'n'".', 1::;- ,,',',c lhhc cr ,• •»ms•,,• orn •l JM .. I• ,• ,. PBorronw1Li,'".•, ·• , ," . ', •ldtc lr>Y • • ,',1•1 ' ," . date uot Y et d eride d. ..- . .., Storll)11 ot To day," nnd Leonard Saturdity t ho 1\f' :J. 1 Qu1t<4.ltl l llSd u• wlll Prlond1 unlvcrtll y here ur et Sheller, vJollnlat, and Mr a. --- - - 11 C! nrown '" "M<11l uru lcan and hKvc r-0uchud tho 8 er.uutl l!llM:u o f with Mt Phouon wtnnlnc one 1lnglo Anon C. Tate, soprano, in tho 1-Japtlat WILL PRESENT MEDJlJ..11,J flrh.lsh S ho rt Storlell". 8ha Pl '1ly'• c.:omitletlou. Tiie 1 ir1ui lr1J! hi to b4t and Frlend!l winning the doubles. chur ch. Thlpro g ram which inr.1ud• _ _ " •'llgh L"I Crom C h1tOA"'. hi. an a 11ti'on· completed by thhi d at(l at whlclJ thuf> Morrl, , McPhcu on., won his 1tn1l e ed tho memb ers or tho Co lloc o mu· H orae Shoe Doublet Tour n ey om1 r ftrti r enco t mo\. Maw1Jo rl"s "Hthey uu 10 b._, ,. 011 , to 111 ., h hidur it m atch wllh Whitelaw, and al e department, al.10 co mmemorated Attractin Man)t · Men Ket Dlct lo r1ary u! Syno111m11 a nd Wi ch ita. They will 1 10 by May Morrl• a.nd Lytle . Mc Pherson, 10f.t Mothe r'Day. The r ecital con.allted 1 Anton1m1," 11 • t:OV >' ot the lal t..'lit 22 a ll(I will tJo IHIU.!tl to the tud\l nt to Wbltelaw and Hu tead. Friends. of the rotlo wlog: Medall will I Ht ,111;l•en t he winner. rnt. lon of Ro,111;et' 1 ' 0 Theaauru_.,•• hodr Munday '-hr 2'. An la lbe,doublea. Rondo ro r two Plan°'" - Chopin In a doubl e. horao ahoe tournament wllldi I• ramllar to Jthetorl c atu· out•landl n11C book 11 h e h 11e aa11urcd. to be itaaed thl• weuk on t he campua, denll. · To the accor dlo' to an announcement made &on omte •tudern .. will be ilJler· Mn. Tale br Co&eh Meltln J. Binf ord. E•erY emtt d In llamlfo·a book " Tbe \\'ed., Ma r t '-"' IAtten," a 00 .. 0Hott e- --- · -S aar male i t.udent In the coll• I• I• urs ed or Ow oer -Pr odu<'Uon." T he other new act c:omed.r , ., .. p, ...... ted httore tbo to eeter the coutesl. Compet ition i. book• are t he "Ne• fl nerna, Mon .• May I o - Mllt!'I l>clla Ltb· Pflxl.llJa Att club Ulla att.e.naooa at Coneerto ____ __ Wlentaw.ll _ I lo be Il een and It ll t boucht t hal br\Yur hooll.' ' ro r 1131. and t l(e " Amer · man, head or 'be v:11reulon tJtpart· llM• or Mn. SbD"ermaa Illa Sbe1le7 orte.rtoc Pr1&e9 more • Ill be lc ao Sehool a od Unlwe n1timeat of the Coll<1e. had "harsQ of ; ..... cu.t cou.•t.M of lbf'M GeaUe La.rk-::.::_: 11..ea an IDCeDtlYt to eoter. c:atloD. ·11 be period lhl• mornln1. 8b• "' '-'• •• ..., .... &oa cia., t.- ... lfr-L Tate presented a 11roup or Jrltb rudl nl( cldtac Hote 11icu1, A.6l Bn.ak, U, Waltz from AAfta 4 ttnakJ 11141 la c.le of all trad• ts lb.• All tucabator cb k: k newer " naff " a. ad poem.a and an uplanatloo oC .... ,.. D9)1rL lu . ti. aolher.. eac:b. GIVE ONE-ACT PLAY LEHMAN LEADS CHAPEL

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Page 1: The :r::;k'. :' · 2019. 11. 16. · vol: xiv mcpherson qollegj~.mcpherson, kansas, wednesday, may 13, 1931 number 34




To Effect With The Openina Of Fall Term· Thi.a Year-­Fred A . ReploSle. Cbicaao, To Take Over

Fri.. ~•7 16-Dr. J . W. H ershey will entertain Chemll(try auh­anla.

Mou., llay I I-Graduation ro­cltal.

Co To Oak Dale Park-Popular Rendnvouo For McPbenon Colle1e Picnieke.--Enjoy Day Boatin11

()a Smoky HiU River Outiea Of The Two Office. Tues .. Mar U -Dr. J. W. Her-

MOHJ.ER. BLAIR TO TEACH Hct1Ju1 .10 S J>ttl&ll)' Trained I n Ad·

nt.Ltut"'lfon Work--l.'o1nlng To Collrl1' tttahl.>'



ehC'!)' will give R•dlum lecture. I Tues .• May U - llcg:ular Y.W.

Alld Y.M. m" t1n111.

Sp.,.,ial Price Of $1 Now Beine SENIORS SNEAK Off Offered TO HALSTEAD FOR DAY

FF.RN HECKMAN WINS Sixteen Advanced Student& En­

tered In Chem. 5pellinc Bee

GO IN TRUCKS AND CARS A1,t•ml 1•1c111n• Show In t-:"°cnt111 Be­

run- lt.i•111rnlnJ: Tu Jltd~hcnion-- • S1JOn~1r .\t't"um1m11lt~ c.;hlN

~1011 .• Ma>· 11- f'ollovdng l ho Md· 11)' Dr. \'. I•'. lith""" lm .. There 1~ still ttrue to bU)' Spee· , ·1.1111ur• or thtl 111•.Ht lor11 o f hu1t w ook

n ughrnhig with lhO next RChool IJ\to ra tor ne xt year," 8.11)'8 Lloyd Sponaor Goea With c1 .. .,.__ T hurti., Mlly 7-Fcru H eckmnn. tho JunlorlJ thl~ mornlux '1111p1;od off year thcro will bo 11ome. cha.ngc1 1n u.r·ium . l>uslneSR manager of Tho Leave Campua At juttlor. won r1r,.t place ond $2.fiO in ~l.' ft1rni1 11~ h~ trl\Ck"' lmtl c11n a nd tho organl1n1Jou Of the work ot Mc· Spcct•tor ror i !l~ 1 -3 2. S c ul<>ni nud S:OO A.M. t•ni;h 1u1 n ur\10 In lho adnnlmlf' lrn11t tlie tr;1d. tlm111I fire" 11bl1u:o by

• l'l1on1011 colleco. DCl\11 R. E. Mohler others .,.111) Jtl:\JI ll) m•xt your t·l11.illll l!l t1·y ~t'Mlllini:; match l llla urtc r- ei:t•rullug tlwlr u1t1mi1I i;n t'nk. become• Doau of Muu nod rirore1111or aro ans,1 erlug th!;! urge to mnko ur· GO ON TO HUTCHlNSON 110011 In the l!X':turn room of thtt do- Tht • Junior" with lhc lr i;110111m r, or biolo gy. H o wnnta to, devote rangcru(!llls [or their vain~r ror next. 111u·tmo 11t. tre uc Stover received $ 1 Dr. J. 0 , Hrls:hl iuHI M u. Url11ht. luCI aomo tlrno to work for tho Huard of year. The wpcclal price or U lH Pluy Ha~bnll, l'UC'h llOM' ~1101.,., iul :i rev.•urd ror '~econd place. early 1hhi m11rnllo:: irnd motored to

Rollg lou1 E ducnllon o r the Church1 ot ,l!ttlll good, and a ll s tud nnt.6 •tllut- And Uo IKN\tln~H.._•turu

111 ~:::: ~11A.t1~1~ ~:c~~d h~~=ll~:gri.~~~~11~ snll1111. The llllY wu,. 111ie11t 111 plny ..

thu flrethre n llt E lglu, Ill, Dur ng do not 1ilnn to be Jiero l1l!Xl )'CnT' l .ttte 'J'h•t ~IJ{ht In.-: /.num bull 111111 hoat lnK on tho tho eua:n.mor ho w ill devoto full tlmo s hould ge t Ju touch with Lanum lll!l ) 't ' flr b)' thl!I chcmhilr)' departme nt. Smoky H ill rh·ur. 'rtHJ Oak Dalo to lbo w ork of tha t bo ard ancl (jur· ~oou fls posslble. Thur t1 .. lil n)' 1- L lltC hu t nhclu lhO Slxt-0cu coutel'llunta wc r·c entered In 1mrk tu Snl11u1 htu• h f'•'om o n 1>01rnla r Ing tHIXt winter he will dcvol<t week· 'f!.tmlortt wllh the ir 11 1100~or. Jlrnf, the co-ute.t lhl11 afte rnoon. rondenmn• fur ii:culckor-• from tho

end• t o It. Prof. J . A. Olnlr wlll GROTH TELLS VALUE M11.urlce A. lleH. return(ld trom lllll· bocomu Olrcc:tor of Prac.:tlc~ Tea ching 11tead where t he)' oi:nt the day pla)'· a 11d profe11or or cdueaclon. He • ·Ill OF r~ CONFERENCE Ing fl;tt. m t::I, boatlUJ; :ind -.·ttllni: aHtr devote hi• t un limo t u teaching a nd LJILJ rm<?aklni: awll)' from thu r{l•t of the tho direction ot t he wor k of practice . itudcnt body urly ye~tcrdl\Y morn· t.oacblnc:. Many Widely Known tnJ11:.

Dean Mohler and Profetaor Blair To Be Prea.ent June 8 To 18 Thu c:laaa left Ule ••1tmpu1 abou1 ha H both been ... ·Ith the Colle,;e tor th·e o"clock ycaterday morah11t In two many )'t:ars. T hc:r have rend ered Tues .• May U-Wendcll Groth. truclta aod two cara. 1\ hcav-y menu

t hFlr modt>t11 ml'nm~ uf tr•n•rmrta• Don't •1strini A Line" The tlun ~n~ Jo11r11eytJd to tho c lly wheru

Speaker Auerta they rcrnilnl'd h>r thu a u !nlng tu QR• Joy the romhtrtit or r~slln• tlried mu•·

Tue~. May I ! - llfa Della Lehman rlt"S at a lheatre. A few •ludenu, told ttic ar1 of c:0111'eraatlot1 In the :1.1u.luu11 tu returri did uut J;O to Ibo w&ckly n11~eth1g or the \'.W.C.A. t b b: .1buw- boc:auMt or urgtiut call· mornh1-. 111 1111! Y.W. room . Some mr; lhcm to Mrl'bcnon.

the lnatltutlon <:tflclenl Hf'\"lce In iU&to Student \'. M. c. A .• &·. of bac:uo and e11•. l'liUec. break fut their rotpecth·e field•. DoUI a rel•poke ID Y. M. thi!J morning un lht:! l food. milk. and bana 11ait mado u1• thf' uaerul m en • ·hose Influence extends &Bl~ Park t,:ontcreoce. I bttak(aal. Tho mor111n,; wu enj oy· tbroucbuut the it.ate and be)'ond to .... ,. Groth S2.ld thH the >.:Stn,ed plarl•• ba11e-ball. pltc:hlni: horao· on thlnt;ll tn do In belnK a good tollTCf ·

<CoaU....t •• ru• "nl'ft> C'Onference could be J1:um1ned up lu ahoe. and buatlng. In tho owenln111: nllonti1ll11;t llffl 10 dlaoover lotcrest·

UFE MEASURED By th& rour •·orlb: Inspiration. recrca· betoro suuduwu the rla_,. and t heir Int LhlDl•. the apeake r s tated, and lion. renowshlp a.nd beaut >'· Air. spODflOr • &•In c:Umhcd Into their tn think about t hem. and then 1ba~


MIND AND THE c.irurL Gro th al6o 6poke or tho leader•ltruck• and cant; aud motof'(ld to them • Ith o then11. Some t hfnp not ""1U ro r this year confereuce Hutchlnso11 where t bf'1 remained for tG do are to tal k about onc.1 11eH

-- Amo n g tb" ,.,.tdcb ··kno"'·n c:onfM· t.he p icture 1how. 'Skippy." after c:onttnuall) a lld lnrnl'Yeitt.· Go Down In Salt Mine--Vi•lt Sc.bwalm Say• Jt h Not Me.a· once leaden.. are t he lollowtng: ... · h leh lber conllnued homo. Uf"i o f o ther ()4'ople, • • • an aei e r-- Jodu.strial CeDter

l ured By Time Or S (loorge Ccll~Jl&. Powens Ha pgood, WU· • o;dltor'a Note>- Th.e •fter e.Uoei. lion o r Mias Lehman . "Two U· __ rred Jack1on,1lr. Mendenb,,all, 1!._Hloolcan ~ lmastnod . .. When tl:ie •tremea lo avoid 'st.rlni tng " l<~rl., Ma)' 8 - lJr. J, 'Ylll•rd u,r-

W od ., Mar &- ··r..tfe li ""no t to be t&ttiburt a11d France. Miller. Thi• Rrrh•ed a l'thc d orm llnr y thoy d lfloCOY· lhrn' u.nd buln1e ven• learned:' .t1;llC)' 11ml h1i. fo'rc."llhlllnn Chuml1lrr meuurc d b)' limo or hy 11ucccu,' aald 11ommcr'ti couferc nce mr:ct• Juno,cred the ir rovm1 11tac1ced to t he N1h A vocal .,010 ··one Fleeting H our·· clt111a of more thun GIJ 11lu<hu,1l1 Dr. v , }o\ Schwa tn1 In 11:lvinB a brief 8 to IS. da"rcc. Ahrny 11l11de 1tt11 ~1~111 In the wu tnrng hy Ori11.I Bowen. Journeyed to llu tl'hh11ui11 cnrl)' lhl" rcvlo.w o f 11 bouk h)' Ha hl.It Silver tn lrnllway, bolnR untlbl,o t.o l(l\ ln (lU• mor11in1< for uu ull· th•)' Vllllll ut

hlli chapel ulk ihl• mnrnlnnc . "Tho CASTLETON HI STARS l trancu Into t heir roomA. DOYLE AND CADI "·ON 1Jut.r hl111u)11 011!1 m1 l111l1H1trh:A. KrOwlh of the m ind 11.11d 11oul•.Ja tho . l\W Thu ijruu11 v11tl11•ll Lhu t:Mu)' Soll

wnr to m ... u rc JJro." WIN TENNIS TOURNEY GRADUATION SPEECHES SELECTED FOR TOUR "'1" " " '"' ' '"""· '"" '" ''" MlrnW• Proco.edlosc Or. $C'11 wuhn'1' talk n lmu rd flu:l01')'. Murtu11'" ~u.ll 1111uil,

voc:tll J'OIO waa ~Ivon b y Lu.vorll -- , BEING GJVEN BY PROFS. lfohrnm lfokcry, 11 1111 t h•J ~t111 4,1 u.,. Tnuor of Ctrntrul collc~o v.·ho 'recent- Take Both The Singles And To Compo..e Peace Team For form School. Mw~t. uf Lho •tudcnl• Jy "''OU .tint ph1cc lu 11 coutc•t • 110 11· The Doublea.-Civen -- Lectures Thia Summer n .1lur1wd to thti c111111>u11 11liu11t 0 p,111. tor(ld b)' Dci~cu1y collcGe iit Llrid1- Med'ala. Si.rtin1 Thia Week On Hish

Schoo) Commencement borg. Add re ate• Thl,11 6111111ntlr Mc Phc r &Oll l'Ulh.•Ae

wltJ hftV(' a detln ll t.t 11art In prum1>t·

CUlDlt'C AUSTIN IS I Id rt I I t ti 11191: 11caca (lducatlon. Miidred Doyl"·


Su11., Mny IO-C11sll-ctuu hhr:h l _ -

IU\(\.LW ~~~~u sccbB:lc rn:obt. t :~u;::~;:nt uhe:~ rac:ltf;w.,~e=~l:~~1" ,:~r.11'111~1 i~~:,':!~ Ju11lor. 1t11d lAlllnu Carl11011. j u nior.

ELECTED PRESIDENT hero ,·eisterday anti comp.lekd todoy fur hh;h tu:hu<>I rum menrcnurnt ad· ~~~l b~heth~o~l~u~~~nl ;:::'~!~"l!::~ One-Act Comedy To Be Given at ~foundridgc. ~e~I thht Mtlrlm:. Prof. (;. N. ftPnl• •·Ill J O to Ha ver ford i;ollel@:e. Free for Everbody

To Head The Junior Clan Next ci:~~t;;d:~..::;~;~11 °,'h~:1~::0~a0t1:~ :r::;k'.1111:!• "f,:r:~::::. :'t ~1;.: ,~\nn~ r enru1y lunla, ror t wo wcekl 1t ud1

Year In Urn alnglee and de.rca ted him dom bl&h •c:huol on May I~. and ll::~;1:~;1 ::d:r:: In ~~=o;:~:.::~:1:~~ ~~•cl:d:~f!!:: Tuca., Mar t ;:;;;;rlea Au1lla wlll ~!· i~:ie~: win llle medal gl\'eu by al•o .evenl oUuin a re ut1dt r con· nu with e rtlcle1u natfon•I aod lntrf'• f).1:pf'n11lon cla!• wlll prt.'M.'nl • one

head the junior clau of next year The nna; match In 010 doubles •ld;~:u:;~alllmt ,. .. licdul" tor l>r. \I. natlonal leader• and rcprcisenta,h·ea lilCl C"Omcdr. "Ollts t-:1:111", " 8tutlflnlJI u a roaulL of an elecUon In ' he wu not compJe~ed las t ulgbt bl."- P. Schw•lm l• all follo.,.·•: for •af'lous collegt:L 11..11d fac11Ur uru ur,.ed IU ace: tho pla7. aophomore claA loda y noon. of darkoeu Ol'ertaldng the P lallaburK Mu ~ar J3; Qulntor. The Mc P herwon repreaentalln"l'l will S o adml1>11lo11 wlll ht• cbar.:cd. c:IOH ra<ea dovelOPf'd In lbe elec:tlou pla)en and toda)' ul Muuodrld.gc lh~ Kau, a.iar ; t : "t+eue.eo. ll•Y I&; tl1en ~orll fur tell weeks In Han..,.ll The cut ll1clud1•• 1 .. 11111111 l lorntac , and a .econd \"Olct was nceeuary for Castle.Ion donbl~, Sm)·tb llnd 8111.,070 May J&: Hutictnlph. ~•>' II: and ~ebn.111la gh'h1a; pe-ac4' 11rouarn• 11layho~ the p1u1 ur 11 yuuntt a lr l O"Ycrr o Uice. Glbb!t, defeated the Mouudrldgo Muquelle. Mi.y U; f:llllwurth, May 1tlmulatlntt thou1ChL and a<e:lou fol' In thu comedy and'd .Mlllor, •

Ol ber off lcera elff:led we~ Pe•,.• ,I team ror t lnL place. T b<s Mlores for :O; NlckcrlllOll. ~h•Y ! I, Kummer· (Mi'11<ee In the cornmuultletl v ailed. ynung 11laywrl1Qn. who 11 hunUnc Walker. vlco-prorildcnt : .~farga t he lhree selJJ ••ere 6 • .a, S-G, 6•4• rteld . May z: : Ht•thcl colli·111:~. Jun"&. tor o plot for 111 uuc·iwt w1uiclcvlllo Moulton • .oerot.t.ry; Jay lleruler . Tho l'lt:hedult: ur l>u11 n. to; . Mohler: SEVEN NEW BOOKS COME l!llllt. Leland J.lndcll. lhc t htrd treuurcr: Lilburn Oo1una nn and RECITAL IN HONOR Of B wn II Mar 11 ; S<d•owl<k, ~l•r INTO THE M. C. LIBRARY •h•r•<t<·r . Pi•r• th<• l'"rl ol • • • Iler Eit he r n:own. student council r~ NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK 1!~ s.:b·vlllc. ,..,.,. 13; Du.rha m, Ala)' In the r1· .. 1aura11t 11«."l.'Uf'. Tilt! CHl l• pruontatt_•_•·---- l .C; Cubll, Mar ir.: l_.on Siit ln.c.a. U.tHJk.,.i•~::.l~r_:ri~:ld:~1;;',: .. ~•or)' ::;~1111.whu; a luu ,;h trot11 uverr•

GOIDl!DI.' DIVIDE HONORS DruM·u And U .ngeufcller A11iH!a.r lo :\la y ZO; Oym111m. May :ll; l'•rtrld· ( 'oul"PW°'" l k-nr flll."ll ~-- _ Ll"r.n..l lh."CJh1I At U..11U.1tl. Cl1urcb "'e, M11r 22; Mcl'hur11011 (lu1cuh1· Sor~u ucw booh IMJen put QUADS, Off PRESS SOON

· r eato a ddre11•J. flht)' 24 ; and 8.mohui. on fl l e In thlJ lltJrary durJng 1111)

Dual Meet With Friedd" Held Suu., May JO-In ob:!lcn a nee of Mal~ro2f~·J . A. Blulr: P l1tl1Hl\' lllc , Mar 111u1t w ook. T .,.·o uf thu 11c w hooka Here Laat Week Natlonal Mu• :C W eek a. two-piano ro· 20 : Cudoll. Ma)' H: f:J ba llow WMtt:Jr, will IHJ of ce11oclal lnte n.'tli t 11 the Will Bo Se.nt To The Binder&

p 1f cltal was given th ls afternoon hy MBY U: V4;11&1)cr, May 2:; II loom. ~'.'°~~1~:;:,,~~1t::~.~t1~~~0~:~~01J ·~~o .. :~ Early Next Week

dl:!'Jdhcudro.h. o'n'".',, 1::;-,,',',c lhhccr'°,• •»ms•,,•orn•l JM .. I•,•,. PBorronw1Li,'".•,·•, ,". ',••ldtc lr>Y • •• ~di•• ,',1•1',". date uot Yet derided. • ..- . .., Storll)11 ot Today," nnd Leonard Saturdity t ho 1\f':J. 1 Qu1t<4.ltll llSd u• wlll Prlond1 unlvcrtlly here t~Js'aartcrnoon uret Sheller, vJollnlat, and Mra. ---- - 11 C! nrown '" "M<11luru lcan and hKvc r-0uchud tho 8er.uutl l!llM:u of th~lr with Mt Phouon wtnnlnc one 1lnglo Anon C. Tate, soprano, in tho 1-Japtlat WILL PRESENT MEDJlJ..11,J flrh.lsh S hort Storlell". 8ha Pl'1ly'• c.:omitletlou. Tiie 1ir1uilr1J! hi to b4t and Frlend!l winning the doubles. church . Thl• prog ram which inr.1ud• _ _ " •'llgh L"I Crom Ch1tOA"'. hi. an a 11ti'on· com plet ed by thhi dat(l at whlclJ thuf> Morrl, , McPhcu on., won his 1tn1le ed tho members or tho Colloc o mu· H orae Shoe Doublet Tourney om1 r ftrtirenco tmo\ . Maw1Jo rl"s "Ho· they u u 10 b._, ,.011, to 111., hhidurit a~ m atch w llh Whitelaw, >~rlcnd•, and ale department, a l.10 commemorated Attractin Man)t ·Men Ke t D lctlo r1ary u! Syno111m11 a nd Wich ita. They will 110 b~Hmd by May Morrl• a.nd Lytle. Mc Pherson, 10f.t Mothe r'• Day. The r ecital con.allt ed 1 Anton1m1," 11 • t:OV>' ot the lalt..'lit 22 a ll(I will tJo IHIU.!tl to the • tud\ln t to W bltelaw and H u tead. Friends. of the rotlowlog: Medall w ill IHt ,111;l•en t he winner. rnt. lon of R o,111;et'1 '


Theaauru_., •• hodr Munday mornln~. '-hr 2'. An la lbe,d oublea. Rondo ro r two Plan°'" -· - Chopin In a double. horao ahoe tournament wllldi I• ramllar to Jthet orlc atu· out•landln11C book 11 heh 11e aa11urcd.

~::.~~e~~~ ~:;;: to be itaa ed thl• weuk on t he campua, denll. · To the SoP~-----Curran accordlo' t o an announcement made &on omte •tudern .. will be ilJler·

Mn. Tale br Co&eh Meltln J . Binford. E•erY emtt d In llamlfo·a book " Tbe ~ct \\'ed., Ma r t '-"'IAtten," a 00 .. 0Hotte - lnt~rmeuo ---·-Saar male i t.udent In the coll•I• I• ursed o r Owoer-Produ<'Uon." T he other new

act c:omed.r, ., .. p,......ted httore tbo :~::e~~:e!~t~~0;;;-yt;a8"g~: to eeter t he coutesl. Competition i. book• are t he " Ne• flnerna, Mon .• May I o- Mllt!'I l>clla Ltb· Pflxl.llJa Att club Ulla att.e.naooa at Coneerto ____ __ Wlentaw.ll_I lo be Ileen and It ll t boucht t hal br\Yurhooll.'' ro r 1131. and t l(e " Amer· man, head or 'be v:11reulon tJtpart· llM• or Mn. SbD"ermaa Illa Sbe1le7 orte.rtoc Pr1&e9 more atudea.~ • Ill be lcao Sehool a od Unlwe n1ti: · pabll~ meat of the Coll<1e. had "harsQ of ;..... cu.t cou.•t.M of lbf'M membe~ ~,n:~::: GeaUe La.rk-::.::_: 11..ea an IDCeDtlYt to eoter. c:atloD. ·11be ~!lapel period lhl• mornln1. 8b• "' '-'• •• ...,....&oa cia., t.- ... lfr-L Tate • presented a 11roup or Jrlt b rudlnl(• cldtac Hote 11icu1, A.6l Bn.ak, U, Waltz from AAfta 4 ttnakJ 11141 l a c.le of all trad• ts lb.• dol~ All tucabator cbk:k newer "naff" poem.a and an uplanatloo oC

....,.. D9)1rL =~,.Mt;~..!! lu. • ti. aolher.. eac:b.


Page 2: The :r::;k'. :' · 2019. 11. 16. · vol: xiv mcpherson qollegj~.mcpherson, kansas, wednesday, may 13, 1931 number 34



nff..; ' :dlt.~ t t~ .._,.._ 1 ··~OR WOMEN.Mt! _' 11~11; 01ui tjW!JI.•• us at ••• talk1 ..

W-1,~ · :!ll'p~C Q •~ ~l'tJi::~T.IbW~ ._tHmlTAINEDBl~. A.U:fi. :::..•~1~~ :'.:.::~:·,.·~":,.~~:_?:,;:: ~ .. , '"""'"'"' ,, "'""'-• c.ll ...... '£!,....."" ~'"°"'' """"'"· .,,.,.;;;;,,,, •·-· ~~"{OR . · -- . . co:tor-•nd marriage I • n """

~ • _ Sat .• Mny 9-The A. A. U. W. ua'te cotu'!ll!-, anc1 dh•orce •~ gcuJng

TJJEQ;~:.::· OF - ~~ Mmber • ;:.-::.~: w .. ted: A' Junior w1oheo the de- ~~;·~~';,';.~11f!~;:;•::•tb~~;";:,"~.;::d,:~ eXoclkd from college-. .,. ~ tlntuon ot " cooperate•· D.$ uiutd by !fClllora ot tlle local ,hfgh SC!boot, 1 ,_-----~------,

.£nWred .., M«otid ci...1 malW-r Nq~l:Jf!r ~Q. HHT, u tbf' ~<Joffkc • t ~cPhll'nOl'l.. Seniors In lds t w eek's SpEctnlor. Central college, .and McPherson col-&.e .... vn~r lb• •ct vf M•~h 3. l!M'. '. .... • • ,,, Jcge. Dr. Mo.rgaret Ju•tln. aean of SEEN GN Y.HE CAMPUS

&ibserl11tlcin R·~ rcir ll~th~ au ~~&:nq h> Thurii:fbly'N Hl'Rllh Re' Jew home. economics at M:GnhaUan, spoke 'HEAR.D l.N THE DORM. 0114, &tbool Year nu: BPP.CTATO• Mr. BJowe'm h"8 c:i:uglil. bn)' fever on ··women and the c'hanilng oi-·1'--- - --------

·f1.M1- ... iftPhM100, 'Karia.. from lnhatln,; tho varlou!'I 110Wd(!rfl der."' Sovern! muel<ia:t selectlonl!f 'Were , _ . , , . . . strewn over hi• clothes and other were J;lven by McPherson col14'!ge . Ml&'J Bnln Dllekcnstl.lft or Norton. E~ITORlAL STAPF . , . nUHl~'ESS-ST~ .propertlel'!. Senior~ ci:tc mt sympathy atudcnta, lncludlng a ,·oca l ~oto by l\.'tonner 11tudt-nt, ht \'ll lllng frleni.1&

!'!::'t~...,~~;;.:~=."::=~r!:!:;:;' ~ ;1,:~- :::.~~:U~=~~~~-;;.-:~.':.~~.:i·ee: 'to htm nnd hope tho.t cff(>(tlvo rn· Rulh Turner nnd numb.:!·1'$ Qy ' i11e· on me CUtnl)tUJ this "'Cek.t\nd 0

a l A~•U EdltM.- ···-----··--·...A'lbl!rbi Yoda Au't. 111181.,, ... Man•••'- ·- ··-··-··Da...JJ bower. 'earch w ill clear up hh~ trouble. LlHllcs' qunrl•et. Ten wne served :it Mlssel!I Helen J)eArrn. • ~

Clrt1.1JatjQo lfa'n•rr .... _____ carrnll D. Wallru Mls~.He.n.p 1m,st.11.lnctl tnclol lnjurle:i !our o 'Clock. ~owerff and Plorcncc Stucky visited ------ In the form o( twelve rrcckleis on her ----- ' a:t Hope Nlcke l'!J home In W lchlt11

Vtm411Jlholldff omvesllaehlforJ

IU.:PORTER8 ChrbUriit ~k• Ethel Sb.d; Rd"• Nn-kt r.,·c-r.u.e Fa.nad1t Vr.rflbn Fli:!rl:,.. 'ltitrir,. ·~mwn

~:'~r:~~:n~ay dlsappeur with 11ro1'· .An i::iuncc lllf s traight ,;oocle butp lo.s~fr~e~~oy~id~arsen w(l~ lhe guest

vocr dose of s unshine whllc rowing It pound of ))()t air. ~ ot hls pttrf?nl.<i nl his home fn .Abl-'li.ot.ti T""'tk Edna Hoovitr Nina Stu.II

Mn."'°· ·a. Crabf.el. Cor,...·pcuuknt.----·--·-·----·----·---·--'-·--···:~ Jilll. Va. F~t¥ 1AdvlHr .. --··- ··-·- ··-···-"..w •.. ~. ···-··-··--·--·~---·-·--------Pr-Of. !ri&'rlff JI.. 'RM

cno~r dose or .!Unnl!lhlne while ro wl11g I HOT SHOTS


_lcne. Kan.t- IMt $0.turday nnd Sun-

o:nd pla)lni; bal!ebnlJ He 'I! be Wt>ll by frotn t'l1c Dan• Wce'kfJ' da~jlM Culah Hoover 11pent the. wed:

Su;~:: Tard) Ill tindt>r rhe wcnlhe1 NEWS ' end at htli- lu.1me In Quinter, Kan.

J111tt now with n had cold recc.h•eJ I Miss Florence r .. ehmnn, ·~o. or U-1'.!POHTIXG As A PltOl"l·:!iHIOS

There nre certain tradltlonul vlewa or ne wspaper!! that hav~ como down frotn too much cohl air whlJO r id- A!'l st.range ns lt _mny seem many CdTert. Kaul'!, vl"lted n.t t he dormf-from put ~enera'llOOl'I .• One o( t hem 111 thnt the ne-w111papcr r eporter Ill a Ing In l1ie truck Wo recommend n woman haM won In tho mntrlmon- tory t3:1t Snttiraav ha.ppy-go. Jucky Individual, wllh 110 purtlculnr trnh1tng, who tnkel'I hl111 . Ml:ts Doll's ointment known n1:1 !al hantllc:ip--hy a nec k .. _. Yeah' Mr. Leslie }.l)ers ~pent tho "''~k

;::\~~na t:e:~~t~~~ ::~i:::1;r::;!~ ~~;o~ city to cit.)' w ith no otl1er pur·J "'Everything" tHi lhe best rem edy. ~:~l8d1~ ~:t b:t R~~;o~vn~1:;.e. ~o~\.:~ ~:~.with his _ rmrcnts near Windom,

However. true U1la conception may hnvo been tifl>· yenn ago, It Is Mr. Wagers 11 In bed with J)!(:n lc ct\n emu ~et married tm time uow, Miss E~slo J<lmlHtll s pe nt Uto week tanltil!ltlC when applied lo the reporter or rndfty. The tntorvlow In The dyspepsia, n serious kirld of ehroilfe hul you will h1we to go to Germany end nt her Imme near Nickerson,

Star a rew d11y1 ago with Mr. A. D. MacDOnnltl. Tl!tlflltrnt or 'lhO Ptilllur !ilnefls. we 1,ellevc n c:ornpleLt) rt~t to do It-I.Hit where are we going Kan.

r:!::·.:: l~ee !~:~~nR:;:fufe~O:::~~:~.Olllit l~~~:~:;~l\'~mm~~C~l:~u:d Wal~~ OJI hot milk a'nd to:tst wl\J Cf(Cct n ~O. ~e-t Q~O:::r5~o y::t h~OveG=::r~n:~ da:!l;t f~~l;w)~~~~tt~[~::ll~~S~~~~ aequalntanco with lllernture and llfe, "'ho take the ir work ni; ~crlously fts cu~il>!l: Jamlpop, the re.mlnlo.e nUl· tho ·woman C.hnt wa?ted to join a O:iweon tonear Dnrlow, 1\nn.: Ml!<rl nny profeulonal man. letc, got lJil 011 lh~. forehead hr n f hrldRO cluh t.ut dldn t hnvo limo to Lofs Dell. Ml!'l1:1 Pt1uliru:t Dell. Mis~

tn fact, the modern rQll(>rter Is n profo88lonal mnn. He Wl')rks hard iHra ·lu horseshoe but was not t>Cr- ~ ga to a l1osplttll ror an operation ·so ,N:to·m1 Wilmore. ~1r. J{crtnit Hn)'C~. to ncqulr" the nec:eMary trulnln1: nnd l1> develop hlm!lelr In n br.oo.d way. lousiy ~urt. . I s he could llU\"(' ~ome snb1ect tor con· ·and Mr. T ed Dell. ' Ho 8Cf!klS nol merely to report 1rnrtace c venl!I., but to glvc an uudcrijt.o.nd- p r ll

11 !ti , veriiatlon •. · . We hn\'C ti. suit tor Miss Veta Th0!'.!1flXO.U"R mother

Jn,1 Interpretation ot them. He rceog11l:r.e" hlfl rc1ponslhlllty to Ills rende rs tlall~o :::;r In e~1a::s ::~:,,' ;,~0 ~~ i f'YCr}' dny ot the week - this 1-S It ana alstcr or ~·aldo. Kan .. \'.i!:iilt'd and to tho g rf;Jat public 11orvleo lrutltuUon wllh whlt h he Is Identified. l!ltrcnuous pt&rUe liinllon Jn lite base-- •


... . : "'S ile nce Is rhc sec ret o[ sue- wJlh her daughter last week end.

It IA the rnre,,t thin,; In the world fo r n reporter to belrny.. hl$ tru11t. bo.ll i:;nmt> Wednesday. · ::;~I~~~ ~·~ndcr $0 mnny lBon ge~ gu:;· 0~~~:e~:0~-l!~~~:.'~;lr.'"~:r~!'i~ Tb. N,·.• .. •:,•.•,-1• 1


'.•k m0

o1 ':




0'd' c0m,.n0n0dA0>1 1•,•."'.,~1,m1tnn0!1r0odpeo•nrtl1n1 gr<. _ _

• • .. fn l u - Tuf'5llt1)·'.s ("m;unUI~ W ith nll tJ1ese Junior and senior Flil'mlng, nt t!1e Flaming. home lil In kooplng the Jlt1bllc 1nformcd 11ud reporlcni cl n1M men.'lurc up to )fr. Tinyko!er, :Ml! f.l Columns, Mfas \ "ncaki. ono cnnnot help but wonde1· Hillsboro, J<an., last weok end. their hll'Ch opporuinlty.-Kn.nsas Clly Slat. La.nda, Mr. Durning, nnd Ml<iR Pork- It It doe11m't hue riornc effect cpon .Mllll'I Nina Stull \'IS!t~(I ~with her

man.n, arc not nble to attend cln3:., the lntclllgciic& o! the two lower ·l)fttenta. nenr Arllngtnn, Kan., ovnr THF: l'tl~H<'HNG OF :'.\I.ES today bccau~e ot the long C.Xf)OSure claH mcn .. _ . And tn lklng abou,t the week end. ,

lb the utc-ht air Monday mornlug. sm~akl'l-e\•en. n tombs~one would181ly Mr. Paul n owt-rs.. 39, Co\•crt. They have ·lnbored ngnlnn impo11lng odds thnt the!! orrlces might Mr. Straw!!, ~fi!IA Coshmnn. Miss !l'omethlng n110~1t a man "'.'hen he It Kan., visited l rle ml':l un the i::nm ptu

function properly. They hn-ve become expctta In tholr field~ . . They ha.Ve :LowdebrccJit, Mr. Dugle, Mis" Tnr, down ... . We Imagine th«t. some or. last Snturday and Sunday. Julfned th& retioect or the stutlent body and their cotitldence hnl'l never fall- a'nd Mr. YourtJ caps ized 011 the Smoky tho underclass "bo)'i!I" arc a s dumb J\Jr. and_ Mrs. Ra rr)· Lch1nnn fook , ered 1'n the ·eres Of thou they BJl.1!11At. No gre11.ter t.rlbuto could be pc~rded, "River while In the motor ' boat m~n- a a t.he tndlvld1111.l I hat tho·ught tho Sunday Qinncr at t he dining h;i.11. th~~ than to mention tho fuel tlml, they ha vo fulfilled their duties ant.I rfed by Dr. Brilliant, but were res~ Canadian border pnld rent •.•• The. M-IE1'11 ·E sthor Brown srieot the week purpdHt to the utmo11t of their ldoah' and nbltltles that v.·llnt they have, ctied ·Jmmedlat.el)· trouble wltb common senso Is that end at her hOme HuLchluson. done In the put might no~ be torgollen in tho future. They have never "Nl~eteen Hunilred"' It lan•t common_ .. . Thcra:tare hone ,..,.....,;~;;,;,,=;,,,,=;,,;,,==-" hesl!_atcd Jn anfl.werlng a request from any t>ludent, nor hn\•e 91,utlentJJ heal- . se1111e Is:\ reallll or e-ta'ble thln'kl~g. ·.·1 ... "-----'~-------, 1•i,G l1i _aPJi,oocblnl!' 'them wl<l1 tb·e1rprobloms. - ·-· - ---· - 'CRADLE ROLL . , . ; · My ra•mlt•"lm•mt In 1•1•'1• UI• j·_

it>"" ·~er smttrnr and soomlnrlY Always to be bnVJJY In their work, Dean 1 _ _ kind that brings my money In .•• - .

n . 'E. Mohler lind Prof, J. A. ·, hnve ond nlWO.)'IJ will be held 0$ lnaplra~ •Alph}" HQllOWOY.---~---Mlly 13 I nm not 80 cert ain that the eYU Tb· r" 0 Br d tlom1 ror blcher aceomr>llshmonts, tor more worthy thinking, to_r stralghl· Wiibur ?dcEtroy _______ .Ma>· 13 part o r It, hut money mu&t be at th'e . · 0 • - ea· forward endeavon, and for tho gronteii;t 11tnndnrd or lite-that of true Bruce Florn-------?itay 15 root or 1Jomethlng-the w:i~ I ,ba\e Christian 'lnen. · 1 !f.tattte Rlahcl---··--- Mn.)• JG I lo dig tor ft_ - •• An anUqu~ dealer Bt'ea:d ii your Bett Food.

, Dorothy Marchand _____ May 17 wn!J trying to tell tno tho other day E a t tnor'e of it. Chaperons • houM be !)Id. reeh!e nnd n~nrslghtcd l')t young, ncllve nnd 'Kenneth Stran~OL--~Mny 18 that o. certain vaae h8 had for ule

~roadmlndod. A · _was over 2,00:0 ye'1u·s ol~. 'Fte could- "(DEAL BAKERY lt Is not nlw4y& the engine thnt ~rnkc11 the rno:'lt nolao tbnt ... dOl!~e 'E!'l.'10.o\GIDlfl~T ANNOU!\'Cl-;n :::w ~001 ~s.T~~0'te~~;w't!b:n~se~9~~

most work. rend the tllm s11b11tftutes out loud Sa.t .• Ma>· 9-'l'he e ngagement. of

Tho three th-lnll!;s most dltrlcult nre--to keep a secret, to iorget an Ml.!!a Riith Turner, 'St, 1.0 Mr. P:HJI :=.==========:;,J .. ;;:.::_.::=========;_ Injury, a'nd to m'ako good U$4' of leteuro. Bowers, '3Q, was announced tont~ht

cfurlng a party gh•en by Miss H e lcu

1\1.\n. nRUMR Eberly at. tbe- home of Dr. V. F . $c:hwti1m".

PICTURE FRAM£S Made to Ord·er. . Matthew's oRiE: J. >.ilEI. Beauty Sh~ppe

Wa'r, ibo 'UnlYdrl!l•I tide ·ot human 'alaugh~r. has a. premature apPtal :'he evening "'01t spent ''ery plen· at Sma1le"y's Get 1~our Penunucnt Wn\'('ti, Plu-to a youn" generation lhnt wll1 hD.\'C to he nbollshed berorQ an attetrir>t can IAntly In ·pinyin,; gam~. A part of '--- ---------'II gcr Sels nnd MuN'('lll. be D\-Dde tor perma nent peace. This genero.:tlon la ra1telnC\ted, with the nd· the .enterta!nmcnt consl11ted of n Vt!lttlll'oao ·•ad tbrOllng uperl• ncee It plcturo.• and the hero ,,0,.,10 lt r;,adl••· ."The" Fltot Quat<cl," b~ ! t .rE All lln<'ff ol llenuty Work Mw ror mltnttetts. iris$ Della Lehmnn. . and o. solo.


Social A;ftnfrs.

We •re a <nation ·ot mfsbolleTcra ·and.<mlsropreHnlatlQn .ot our ·own. ·~other Machreo,'' b:r Mlae Turner ROY:A:L &'ARBER -Phone 3 18 ror :\p110lnbnt>nt. penon·at be11efl!I. tn tlmea ot war we Ore for war and not rot" peace. 'In At certain Hmcs during th.e evening . SHOP F.xr<-rle:~cct1 OIK! tlll!lfl.I of 4>eare we a.Te ·ror :peace and hate even the thought ot a nel:t war. the guests were required to carry 115 No rth Main tt · We preach a1•1n1L war and attempt to . plnce A l'll1on of thfi horrors ot dut. ~n~!ou.s:- ~tu~ts ... th~• ln.s t ·o.~e be-j ~§~§§§§§~~~§~·§§§§~§§§§§~ human conflict• before a 'Publtc that is bver roady to tl&ten-but aelc1~m lhg " lrca'aure ~unt~ LAter t\ej ; t o a~t. The tre ot dl1eontent or. uresent rooltng haa Ill ap()t!lnl for further tte&sure turned oot to be Cln e n­

.. thou~bt. We are • naUou ur "troedom or 1J1leetl1," ot "'equa l rlghtl!I," an:a· gagCment ~lng "'hlch Mr. Bowers ot "freedom of rellaion." we l!llng .tbe "peace on eaftb. good will toward p~ace_4 on tho engagement finger o' men." Yet we 10 to war. the left ba.nd ot hla flance. Tbe nn-

War bMak1 out-a -.. Ju• t" caUee 11s manlteeted-ln 11·eu~cJ.elense lliey rtohnce~ent came kit a &urprlsc to cry__. 'llf&r to end ...-ar 11 their appeal-... cnll for volunteena Is 11nswered- rbtiy o! ~he goncshl. a-brau ·band marebet tbrougb the street&-pJaylng 0 mnttary n.nd patriotic · n~freibmcnts were served, con­IDM"Ch-1'-e ·tl• te n-we aee othef"l!I join In the trek-we t()r get mcUieT siltlnt or ca1te and Ice cream mo)ded .: father, and •Weotheart-we dtl!lett our own teeUns• to .... a rd .war- lb~ lb'to tho shape of liearU.

; ba~d P1•11·on-tho music It as a doae Or liquor-we don't cue--We "ra lly _, ~ • . ••'l"d the llq"-'lbo fl•r-wo find. 'Ouroolvo• with the 'othe,.-10 tbe tlOME 'ECONOMlo; TO

Sheaffer Pent· and Pencils WaM Evenliarp J>en·s and Pencils We Ptt~ juSt '#'INat j'Ou ~ant. Come in and iet it here.

Bixby, Lind&lly & Co. i>RUGS •• . J EWELRY ' ~~-~akblnr with ~em anll ernrlnr tbolr ao•·••. at vlctory-'On we go • GIVE TEA, EXHIBIT

to war-to fl1bt-to till-to be ltlllOd-war-wa.r- -L- ~;;;;;~· ~-·;:;;·;·;·;;;:;;';!!~;;;±;;;;;;;::;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;: ,~et 'God b:ld, .. peace '6n eartb, Bobd wlll towa1'd men." Tt-1' !'o 8e Qlttn. 'Tofhorr,,w Aftel"" = · l

.... n,. 'Ibo ci... Prof~. · Di.rectory IUSS ·8!fpnl~ ~~ ll'i'.'i.. R080k s'ltJl)lNtS . . (f ~IJ,· ~ ~ TO ,BANQUET ll'QNIGHT ... l nrllatlono ·bare been aenl by the 'DR. A. A. ~ · i>r. 'w. C. H EASTON I Jlllilirlllt. JJia • -...,. Conw,t hlo- ~- ~ nome Eodn.omlca department or tho RistoraUu aad Prftentt"te .PBYSl.~N AND SlJRG'.BON

_,_.,wlaf'IN&h.fto 8tUe £loft-ft OoD* 9ta"&:.ri. ~ta ·Couere to nrloua lndlvlduals Inter· DE:kTnn&Y· ,. ,,. <ner llt.1ltQYlst'•·

hf., i.&1 •~1111u MarraNt Hocke-. " ~ Na'tto..l 'al'()tlp :':C:t!:cithae ;::r~::~~!~/:~:r::~~' l .::o;::u:::"::•_:P:.:b;•:; .. :.:":.:':..-;;;:.-:;::;.· .:":;;':x:..Jlj•it•"' ... · .. .... u_a_-_.. P_•_•_•_ .. _-_0-:"'_._ .. _


l11on. · tnirarlan....-1ed devolJoa.all Ill , , -- ProJect.8 hue been .. worked out' b)·ll oMpel lh" 111.9tnla1 attef .whlch Pu-. . It.. ~nquet will be b•ld lonlsbt 'at •eb m:emkr of the cl• ftes and wtll 1 r----'------""'""- ~...;.r;-,._....,_.,_ _ _._ __ _,_ _ _, Ml Dnil, hlsb.. tohQOI atadent· down' tb.• eltr h'lsb echool .Jor"membert be·"On 4lsplay,at tbe ·Ume ot t he: tea. F• a ... Pltone 411 Of.flee Phone JU &own, PllJod a cornet 10lo. M•. o1 ·~·· l<c_Ph~•• h11h ..:•ool cllf.p-, 'Tito _,.. will bf 0,.,. all liar. ••d, baiiita1li:ii DR." E.. L. HODGE, Dcatiat o. ... nee1u11 won. tint place lu tt~~·Of 'Ule ·aatloDal honor aoelet.:r ... , ... 1'11'9 .. 1 to '"' tbe ~tblt., ls • lee , ifcP.tienon.Cl~lll State Dank t•• *"• <IOtlttot hi eo.,.... ...... ,,b • bo .,.. _ .... or the•!!<· -· n• .• ,. ... i • .,.,,..~ 11111.- , C .,M ~ .. . • .-Dr. 8ftallt ma"'ae-6"a · •PJ>MI .to the JKJ.l wlao are •l•denta Ill lie- j_..._."or ~-d~ent wlU ·be prH·.111~·'".._;_ar4~•'·'-.,·~'f::"...._':' . .._.- ~~llL.._ ___ :-_...;.. .. _x--__ -:--.J ..... , 'Wr ..... flifttlJ'.1 for f8•d1 .fabJWOD. coUep .,. OJara Nickel. ht 'M ldtow tbo fl.ta t~ ••rlou1•"" , • lldll'• .-..·cil ·nMnMnl ,.,_.. .iirlldred oau~ lldltll ~·nu.,_.. ~'"- '""'°Joe'*· Teo •••ll m.b-•P 1"0"' l iioit;:--~ ..... -----"----. ....... tta8 ;~~1ie- ta lbe lltf« )ion O.lllacf ......... Bloff!• U~ • - . taste to Ute~ • '\ ._. V }if A V -. .,_. ._...'all --· Biiia. Naomi N0Niha1. Una 110~ Tb•_•,,_-··• •aJor· · • .,...,; • • :A. • ROBB

°"> . ' .... r Loaclle Crabb. B"IJD l!"teld&. ud ·--.-- DOetor: Att'JO•'taldmi1tii•~ _ ...... , ac u.. - t!C·J9U ..... - OllloolJ r .. u.. .. , · .°': .,..., .... _ 11 tbat _ .. -14 ~e - .... ~rt . . •• '!c::_. hiiiii - -

llJlf"lla.t.U .. 1Miot ........ ~,~I. tli'PO~aallertllollot· - : .... ~ Vat. Ud ........ ~ 11UWIW:. lllft'.';i...-~ ........... "'.'.',...,...-----.,....-----lrltill·


Page 3: The :r::;k'. :' · 2019. 11. 16. · vol: xiv mcpherson qollegj~.mcpherson, kansas, wednesday, may 13, 1931 number 34


W.£DNE§D,o\Y, MAY !8, lfll . . . ~

BOTH DJ:AN AND REQSTRAR , •U••• ••d or...Ut tbo 1l<art 01 • J. J. YODER HOM£ SCf.N£ . I ro rnn: A.'I ADORESS

. ARE HEARTILY IN f A VC>fi OF ~:Z!°:':~.!'.:~.:: :,°.:~ ~°!!b'';.': OF ~ER PARTY .-- • ..._ MERGlNG OF THEIR OFFICES ... ,. comlos to oar <ampaa.'' S.t .. Mar t-or. and >fro. J. J. Oea';; R. E. Mo:l•r wlll • 1•• Ibo

---~. - · 1 . . ~· _· l'odu entertained a grou~ or collegel:::~~.C:.~::h•:c:lt': ~~ l~~-~ ... , Ha Ye Been .PnUins ·For TltU Ch~ Fdl" taw. ntee Yeara0 TO RAvt AN M c tm girl'! lo .n 1h1mber part)' at their' Mille a•rtet ..,. Mn. A ~ c Ta

Says Mohler-0 "{he Preleftt Ch•"*" Moe\ eon~ I • • home on Conea:o nm ton I,; ht. The I q nn . te 1tructive Thin1 J>one .8lfice: ilJ 'HilTe . -. -- ~ ennluK wu nnJoyod playing p;anu;!'I, wlll ac~lTl"P&ny him and wrtl 'h'etp

·lteeo HeN'~---SJair \ To Make ReServatio~·a . Wilh ni11.kln1t curnly, nnd poppln.- corn. At jin 1lvfna- the erillre progratn tot the Roy 0. Frantz At Rocky a hour ~ndt ~lrl dre ._., 11 nutnberrtcrc<clnll'tlon exerclll•8.

That tM new channes thl\t oro to be brought aboat tn the mer11tfn1t ot Ford, 'Colo. dl.l11l,::1111.t1n1 1h e room In " 'hlch l'lhc · the n et.n"s a n<t n cgrlstrnr'11 ottlcefl ln'to ono l1 g11intng favor _l.1 evlclt>ncect -- would 1jlco11. T he next morning n. I T he gretuci t 01ithn181, we bclleTe, 111 IJft~ rnct 1.bnt the two m eu who now bold thc110 two po::illlonJJ arc heartll>' The College 111 mnkln1; ·n.rrftn~e· 1lcllclo u1' wnrcro brc>akfn111 "'ns 11er- 111 th ti J>(!rtU>n thllt wrlleio. n ~roH ln rrnor ot the 11ew t:Juuige. In a n Inte rview with Dea.n n. E . Sto'h ler nnd mcnt• to hnve f'l cnniri ,;round hf'rut- '"ed 10 .1hc folluwlnK 1;ucsti;: Albe rta word riuu:lo with n fount!l.ln n. Pref. J . A. DJair yeRterdR)' ma11y lntcrcsllng: faNs w ere brought to 11,:;ht n• qunrtcr.s for · 'MrPhl;"rson colle)::l'l Yod1•r, Adn Htu t\elll~ CQ11in11:, l)e

to " · luu advantagQS the new chanae would be. friend!! 11t. t'he Colonido SprlnJ:!I an- Vf!lml\ l\Oll<'r, Huth Tro::1tle. Lillian .~~~~~·~~~~~~~ "Tl1e ne•· change wlll re111ult In • • ,., ~l~ealn:~~'rC::n~:mo~u\~~e 1; 11,:rcJhG. of llornh111:. a nd Xnoml Wltmcrc. OkerlinJI f& Ao..-..-..1

the ffi()!J.~ eeono~ical type of admlnlA· ffom lbe North•·eJJtern unh·eralty 'f'V.•o ump lftes are hf'ing rnn- a arc -r-e• --~nttlon, Prott-Mor Blalr remarked. •nd wlll soon recel\""e.hl• Ph.D. rrom •ldered. one 25 blO<'h north of •he The 1rouble " ·Hh bu!!lncu 11 that The Clothee. c....-.... 'Thl!' pr<:5c1a srstem bu proved ll· the Unl\'eraltr or Chicago. He liaa Audllorham In t he c:th· and. the other ll hu too an:r.11)' prophl'U :and not ~ EMr Tl«. COUette Asent.

1telf Tery nneeonomlml a nd the "".': 'hacl eitperhmce as a U!:achM, prfncl• abobl IOt'en mlles ~ .... ,_,., In lhC ~nOUtth profllf!I, Plort'nttl WNTcr, Con <"1 e .r\aat-t. plan •·Ill result In better ~rteducr. pal, superintendent or srbools, tho 1 1 • j\f 1 • St I I . ......... ,._,....,,,....~....,.....,,.-,_....._._~·

ProrcliSOr Dlalr bec:ame Re&htrer director or young people"s -.·ork, and :::;enn~ a"::o::::uon:n~::·~ h:t~,a~ 1:-------------,lr-~.__..._.. .... _. ___ ..__ c f the College ln IU!. De fore he }or tbe ~11t two ye-an. he h u .er"ed both 11lat't-1 and Ole r:at~ l\re Terr The Wilbe1' BllTber Shop Bald~ Muaic S\ore took OTer hls new dullca no t'Omple;e • Ith . the Melhodl!l E durallono.I reiuonahl(!. If l!hffldent number 306 M. Main recorlls or stndent11 gratli,11 and t r'f· Dcud lb Cbfcngo as re~toa.rch rtlred· tend In ~serv11.tlon!'I t<pttlal ratet 3 OoorLll NorU1 c: Eaclld. d ilA hnd f'\·er been kept. He lnt tl- or. ma)' Uo 11ecured, lnrludlnR ~ns, hca.1. . The old ftliable

Sheet Mutlc - Cohl....,la "did VictOr It_.,..

tUtCd 3 ll)'St~m lh:ll 10011 found JIJtt 1pec[(l,J trO.inlng l!I in edtlCA• CllUI llll:hl Al A llpec JnJ price Of $1 per l 'opnll'lr 1~~11 11hO}IC ~-fnvnr mil only nmong lhe rnculty tlonul, allmlnlS'ft-u.tlve, and pc rKon- tll\y, '------------'l!...---...._.;.c...;..;.;....,...._.'""'....,..i 1J11t ah:m nmoni:t the Htudcn1s and hft.I 1101 work, thoul;'h he Is "l~n we ll Prn(lte lntr r e111l l'!r1 in t M!'I cAmp nrc JJro,·cd to be crrech:!nl, nnd 'trained 111 ·r ellgl6tu1 caucntlon. u ., ur1i:Nl 10 mnkc rt?snrnitlons with Ito>' If it'1 New we •how it. com1ilctc. hu taken cour.11es 111111"Ju11tlnl'.t t o o. fo'rnut&. noclc>· r~nrtl. Colo .. n11 Gordon '• faihibn 01\lund Studio

nerore tho decade the CollCJJO fl.bout n yca.r•a work above th'l ro- MOOIL :tll roMJhlc. II J"' rnui.:hly f'~tl· Sh '?"~ un1tlile t o t~sue ti rom11lctc trans- quired numbe"r t or bl!I J>octorato ~; mnlf'fl that arny he rnim 500 ' op

'f;•jr"'lllt t.':11111111 1:1iot01f111phy

crlpt o f 1;:rade111 for nn>· wt udent. A Uie Uuh·ers lt.y or Cblcn.;:o. t o l .000 In lhl.11 f'.&mp. Th<'>. eslt· Firat of AU-Reliability. .t~At dt'.';i l o r troiable ,. ... experienced He 11 3% years old, m arried 1nd nlatlnk nuu thrre .. -m be u,ooo '::=~~==~~=-~~~;;;;:::~~~~~~~~~~

Pho11a 8 1

by alumni members who returned h&1 one llDD. Ha will come tn Mt-- jl<topl~ In atlcndanct" 31 ihl!S lltlllutll .,--------------

for Lhelr gndes and credit.. PhcrM>n about Augus t 11nd wlll f'Ohft•rt'ut-e. ~ j Dean Mohler, mm tllo prM!ent re- begin bla work w-ttb the openlnJi; o r c.

i::rl.!1r~r. w-as of the opinion 1ha1.. tl1e tho nut at:hool )ear. 11ew pJ;rn -. m re!"ult In • mortt enl- One per.on tn wrillnit or Mr. nei-· TO GO TO 'CONFERENCE • dent off1c-c ··1 have been pulllng ro.~ Ioele uld, ··Replogl• 1.s ;i high .w:rn.tlie-1 __ m-:\·o ffl."!ft ,,.T AA')1'rt:nA -thl" ("hnnge ror the la11~ tbrco )'GO.rt, oiru1, pOll.!lesalng excellent nblllty, Malo Quartet And Mn. Tate 1- we cut tMm Preth )>_;_.cry Day. Deo11 Mohle r 11tl\ted. "hen approach· 1Tel\t 1nau~try. ud a fine pcm1unal· To Colorado Spring.. Phtmo t'7:! lWJ-M>1 N. J\Ah ~d as to His benefits he Atat e1I 11111.1 Jty. U e II the 111ort or mJn ~ho wouhl _ _ _

It wlll he n ~r4:al e-cauomy or time hwa.lum the re11pcct ond adnllrntlo11 I Tlit' Colle~G 111 1:i.Jdng tile .Mnl<' -·- ' ~ u • Lfrn~ . ~

Uc1111 or Hu:~ College Jn 1926 rrnd ha Tbo mcm --·Ith w11om J~e hM1 ht'f'n (.'n lo1·ndn S11rh1~s for t ho n11111rnl L k s • L b" c nnd lahor. Denn Moh\er bocomc of collel{e atudonl.!!." ' lttArt,•it nnil Mr&. c. Tnt~ t o ~

htul held thl~ JIO~!llon fahhfully a nd at ,.,·ork on t11c Mcthodls..t Bonrd ()f conroreucc or 1he f'hurch o( tl1e a e upenor um .er Ol'A"l'UY ·c~ecutcd his chnles lo the height, o r F.:ducatton sayt1 or Mr. n cplogl<>: "'ft•, nr~·lhrcu to be held 1lu rin,.; the wet>k ~ ....... ctrlclc ncy. tia1 an Inquiring mind un cl n rouf'iKft rrnrn Juno 10 to tr.. 1'hb1 1nl{'11ll • • • d

Ae 11 r l'fmll ()ft.ho ml!rglng of theH 'Dhtlb04 which ha!! f!tted him R~l mlr· ''"Ill l'l.'llrf>l'l('tll Lhe Collrcr'l\ part Ju Bu1ldm· g· Ma· ter1al an two offlc-<"ll the <-ducallonal dl!PIUH· 1tbly tor our work In r(>,flea rc-h. A t ur11h1hln10: <'ntertalnnu-nt durl11~ th<- · /

mcnt wll~ prob31JI)• be divided fMo •oun'4 lrno..-ledr;e, compn.rflllvely qui· conft<ren~e. COAL 1wo dh·le.on.s. Jt 11' 1h., present plan 0-l modest ma nner, and hla ablllty ' J t o BCp.nrale It Into ( J) psyebo1orr to qu1 his finger on Lho Important BOT ANY CLASS ON A dlYlalon, and t!> admlnlttraUTe 41· mauen, a.uaH7 lu.splre!I con-Udenee. · I Phone 40 Tlslon. Profe!illor Blair tntend1 to. • " Kr. Reirlorte 1., .bastcallr relfP PART DAY FIELD TRIP

;-cm:iln la Cull charge cf t he par~ oua In . our many con1crences h e l°lflll Jl'nlnl l'I otintrn-8t XorihN!fl otll~§§§§:i§§§§§~~~~~E:~§~§~~~~ ~:01:::. ~;le~::· ::ce~:~d\h~t·~~~. ~~~ :::~n~~t :e~:::i~d •:t~~t; ~1rr'hdrf4>~udt ~mM I .J training nnd whlcb frJ o r more Inter- con1ft.tzcUvo 801titlb'n ot the reu.I F'lt>w<'"'°' I f•11t to h im. The. eec::ond C!Malon, 1pro'blem1 rcla'ted tO gnlllln~ folk In~ --thnt of ttdniliiltrath·c, w ill b~ taken to 'moa aHnA:f'ti:'l a n4 lnaplrlng rclo.tlon- Thurf .• 11111y i - Thc bntnny ~ln!l11. cnr4.l or hy Mr, flf:! lll(>~lf:!, who IH\lt r o- 1blp with God," 111ulc1· tho dlrecllon or Oenn IL J."!. 1

CC'IVctl es pecial trnlnlng In t h h• tla ld Ono .who has worked with lllm " Mohlt•r, rc \0 C!r11NI 1hc tn10 or Jr 1uw n of mluc-atlon. p eo.t Getll '1JB)'11, "Ho Is o. a (lHmdld In· dlJ1.C'tu111tlo11 todny h )' J;Oing 011 nn foX·

Friendly Five Shoes For Men

Lawson-Sweeney SHOES ••• HOSl.ERY

Hec:rnsc of the hea''Y d11ttea of tvldual with whom coopernUon Is tc1111lvc fl t!h l trtJ1. Thi~ afternoon I~ lllr. Hc1>logle he wlll prcJ°LAhly not 9111y, ff


c la opC:U. minded and nlllo 1111t11lcnt1 111111 the lns trucror m o tored ' t<!ach 11wrc tha u atx hnun1 or "'Ork 10 ta.kc 1ugr;etatlone. Yet hi!- wlll bo 10 11ol11!H1 north or l .. Htle R i\'llr n1111 rlurin& hi,,: firl'Jt year at Mcrhel"fl:on. rouna ' 'Cry capa'ble c: rirlglnralltJ and lhuc1ue11,.. The )' Tl!!hl"'d Natural The two coune• thin will lodude fndh'Jdual lnltlatlTe. /~: a penon· Corr('!, lriC'11lf"l:I "''C'll oi ~l1m1uet1e. , tllo •Ix l1our.i1 ""ill probtibly be prln· ne1 worker he wouJd lead the Atudcnt M1U1)' types c f natur(l"• art •·rro ob·

clpal• or educa.Uon and hlch tchool bodr to come ror advice and dire.-- aul'NI hul a<1Jlt-"C'lal cmrih:ud s •H I~===~~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~ :tdmlnls ln.Hon. Uon. I baYe seen tbf!I happen nor· pin.«'(! u pon n o ... l'f'I: and rcrH. A;;

"'The present rhanr;e Is the moat mallf and naturally many llmH. He pk11lc 1up1ter ,,. .... r njo)"erl hy t'lan ronstrucli"e thing th:u bu been baa a forceful poWer of lansuac11 bf.tor11 tllcy r elurn1·tl to tl1r tampuR done," ProfeASOr Bla tr atated, "1IDCC! &:ad a iplend.ld abllfcy to l!{tHP 1ltu- hue thlt1 C1'~nln•.

1 llA\'e been connected with McPher· I ;;==========~~======~====:::::., ~on college."' Dotll Dean Mohler and Ii rrorC!IROr Dlalr arc hmdfnlfl: a ll or SJw:.nrln·\VflllnmA l'o1-nhl fflld \11tn1l1'l11•" U11c1I l\1141 lh~nunl'nch-tl their 11:1111port t.n t he new plnn and f (!(ll Certain that ft ls ROlnK to Jjrove u wonderful 1rnccc.s.'1.

l'ho nt•: 4 ·ii\


McPheno~, Kanaa" E1tim•let Cheerfully Given


tbe oullrlnK' reaches or tho :VcPher· •on collec e area. Bath haYe •olun·



HcPbenoa, Kanaa9 A B omc-Owaed Shop

leered ln ch:inge their progT1m toJ~§§~§§§§§§§§~:!§§§:::::§§§§§~! pro,.lde fo r 1be re-orr;anbatlon wblch l; wlll brln« to the campus one H­

P«lally trained ror edacatlonal ad· mlnls uaUon. Tbts wu Initiated 111oro than a rear age> whe n Dea n Mohler to be r etle Yed o t t he Deantihlp " " soon 0$ conv~nfent. Doth h i.YO, <is'l>reHed their dcelro · to co9llnue their work In the · cone'° with tho mamo,-c.nthualasm and de~otJon wblch hu 1.lwaya cha:racrerlted them, Fdf


Building Material and Coal

Phone 16

- ::!~r :~:1~d~: e~~!~~ ;Qnabeh~~~ McPherson, Katlsas


We are boo•tinl' you, Bulldoa•. May you exceU in aU e'di• itin. Coopera~io! brinl" auccdH.

:===~~~~~~==--FOR BETTER. PRINTING.


The Daily Republican . McPherson, Kansas

:H BULLDOG BARKS or the ·College, they baTe add C:

ed co lhe debt or cratt1aa. an •h•,~:=======~=;i====~===;;;:;;;;~rn frko:nda of McPbersOa co1le1e owe.I tbe111-.


Out o f 1ehool-ln10 tho"'prac­

llcal, comi>e:llllnt world, tho

Dalldos fkuslor .oou leeru to

appreelafl that 1pfrft of tenac·

111 acquired In &be 111. c. ken" n~I.

Thne •Ill be added t o lb• tacett1 F'ftd A. Replocle, now ol Cblcaao. wbo wm .Omli! or ll11 admta. lalnJJf'e datle. no-w cared t or bJ' Proteuor• •otder afld 1J1str •ltd wlll oleo be professor In the field of _.a~ c:aUoa. and reUg:loue edaeaU0114 Ht wlll be.come Dean ao:d Re111tnr or Collece. '

( . .,. :~ -· ~ J ' - . , l , · \ I· n . \ .. ~--·-

, --·~--', r .~

• A • I.·~ .le •' .- I 11' .. ..

i JO i:. l!locHd ~ Block Eaot H.._ Hdw.

Sure-ltfe 11 a tua: of war­l>ut a Dulldo1 nt•er' qutu1.

MutuallJ :roun.

Mr. Re;to&le 1' a maa Of "1eallna _ ... ui,.. ot ..... u ••• , .. 1111ac • .,, The Farm~r. Alliahce ·Jnaurance Co. ::::' ~ ... u:.:;;.:•.;;.,jll .... il!l .... ll!lllll ....................... 111!1"111!1" .. .,.llliPl __ ·_ .. ~u:.!r:"":~:_:..,.:::;u:.....,:::.:s...::,::"":'_',::~M: ............ ::.;:::::::..•~K:...,..::::._.....:_..i


Page 4: The :r::;k'. :' · 2019. 11. 16. · vol: xiv mcpherson qollegj~.mcpherson, kansas, wednesday, may 13, 1931 number 34

... hGEFoUR WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 .. 1931


At: SAUNA FRIDAY - PqT JN THIS ·WEEK• ley Barbot and Beauty Sbop. Aok

The new ai.~ tor the horae our nulldoc Frlond1. Permaneoll

Tbe Kanau conrarenca track aad 1hoe pitching field arO bolng Installed U .00 and $10.00, Phone 4H-ad.-.

tleld atate meet wlU be h~ld oa Ut• !!'~: :re:e~-:e;i:e;~~~::•:::°~:1:~ BETHANY DEFEATED IN DUAL MEET WITif M. C t

- DRIPPINGS -, ...... track a t Kan°* We•leyan, Friday (lfa lhat h'Te already been construct-1..----.._-------i a tlerooon'" a nd o~gbl, "1•1 16• with od. Jt 11 fe lt br atudellll that tbla Rt:al Ba~fns In Poot.wear

THE .DOPE BUcKET alx lllCtfOOll flnt.ered . " new improvement fultlll" il dedded for )'Our \'n r.atlun. Compollllon will como from• St. ueed upon the camvu1 lu prC1iervhig

Ancie nt. RivaJa Sl"ake Only Five Fint-Bulldo1•

Take Nine

Marya, Ottawa, Kanso.-1 We1leyao. the campus beauty. Talk about. being lnte rttted In a Bethany, Dater, and Ale Pheraoa.. .

Boob Bootery t.rad: ud field meet, wo thlot t hat Pre Umlnarfea wlU be held durtog tb• JUNEl\FEl' APl-'OISTlll::ST .. Cuh" Carl.on or Betbao7 take• the ~tternoon with t he Unal1 '!Clng d~ 1 McPHERSON 78, BETHANY -48 "'cake." During the dual meet her• cldcd that night. The flnal1 '41 Emery C- Wine, ·u. ltcPhersou wJtb the " Swede5" l!'rlday, •lart at 1 : 30 o'chx:k unde r the flood eollugo, who has bef!n 1chool ~uvor· SWEENJ::Y

BARBER SHOP Ulhfonl'l'J Cl"('w ] •!xct."lllJ IJ1 The Da11IH.'fl /\ nil Jlliitauw Huua:

--otmuu·t T•ke.!J The Quarc-C."r

•·cu~" &nt In hJa car pracl1011ll)' nll l h; ht11 Qf the Wesleyan uulvert ll7_ tnll'ndont at Zonda, Kum1 .. In roccut dte rnoon 4ud 11eemed to take no lo- 7cart1. httfl reccotly rec;ol\'ed an ap- Haircut 35c tereet what1oevcr In bla l.eaui.. He THREE MEN ARE LEFT polntment as elementary tchool prln-1 1081' 8. Mala must ban a Jood deal or lnlcrOlt or - - " clpal lo Wkhlta. \....-----------' fallb In hlt tum to leaTe them to llonte HliOc To Ile t •l•>"fti Otr

t"rl., Y•r s - )lcPheraon ronece the mercy or lh{!lr ()ppoueut1 without Somethn1,1 ThJs Wet>k I !:-::;:::-=-=-=-=-::-=~--=-=~~======: '.- -----------: thl11 alwrnoon nnnued a Tlctor)' over bla help or • ur1;;e.stlon. t the BeUrnnr "S"1,.edee" In n dunl Tuc3'., Mny t 2- 0nly thrco men track and tlold meet hct"e, ouq1olnl· 'tho etate meet 1eems to b~ con!Al~- artl l!ow lc rt to decldo th~ flnflla In I Ing their anchllH riva l& 78 to <48. ed a round K111u1u1 Wu1leyan, Onawa , tho mon '• hono shoo tournament. l

• Despite the tact t!Jat a 11troo~ wind a nd nntr:er. who hal'e all thM b~en John Klndy, Jun!or , l1aa rHched tho

Ice Cream ...

Ffi>untain Drinks .. . Students Free Delivery Meet Me at

wat: blowlnC f rom l be norl11 iwmo m-01;tln.g good times during; tho •U· finals In hi• bratket and In tbe other I ratrly good tJm("I were madu In the aon. oua wa doublc..-d tho ICON on ·bracket lh<l seml-flnal!f ar6 to be

1 Bring the Sweets where they

dl1taut ru11a.!ll'.!r "''''' lh_., St. Mar11, l:it. Mnrn dufcatcd Me· 1•luycd h)' Norrl11 N cl1wu o.ntl Jo"'rank I JOO yard clui h fl)r MCPh-Oniou In Phen1on. 111111 Haker !nu held the Ilutchln~on. The tlnullf wlll prob· 1 IO.I t1ecou'1-. No relay w1111 ru" !Jc. odge on !:H. Mary11. ·Competition w lll ubly b\l 1•10.ycd .i'IOmclln\C thl1 wcok.


cau11e or DeU11111y aot entering auy. be kceu.

Mt:Phcuon captured nloo flr1ta out of the l '4 e Yents. McPbenon " tagg, Ottawa, aad Hoch1trauer, wu wcakeit ht tho high Juui11 11nd ldcPher.on, •re fJriYorlt<.-'9 In th~ q u ... •~· lk:Cha nJ' Crew Takcs Uuth SlnglcJ tho broad Jump, only earnlu& one ter m ile ruu al the 11tulu moot f r~ Ami IJoubk'til point In each e vl!nt. • dri)'. Mclutyrc , Wcshiyuu, bc11t out I

Tho ~umml\rh:~: Hoclu1tr1m1cr lu th<: Ponuuu:ular Jo'rl .. Mo.y 8-The Rolhouy goUct1' 100 yard d1u1h: by lluch· cneet, • 0 It 111 8 inu.~t~r ~111 c~icllt~lt~~: tod11y woll ov1:r the Mc-P hc r&on te11m'

1trasM:r, Mc Pht,lnon; Ohn1»rt, Ale- ond spc•ed to Hee ,.,. 0 w rea In bol.h the !t"ogk~ and cloubles. Phonon. •econd; Carl.11on, O.Ctha nr . Uape first. L)·Ue, llC'rht'rsoo. lust lo Larson,


•bird. Time, JO.I ieconda_ Unilc r Ideal condllion.s aomo or tb~ ~:~~7;'.1~,:~h:r::.g~~11:'d;;f:elll:~u~~: 220 yard d Hh: W on by llrtch- tr:u:l.: nrnrkl!I. nnrl (l~rhn11is tioma or MumHHI ot Bc lhnll)' . I

11trMiror, MePht;irson ; Oluurul, Mc· Uie field, llrtl likely 10 t.o.11 Lhl11o year, Pheraon, 11cco1u:I: Alll!.n, Dcttuwy, 11,.0 new markK having betJn mudri HAMMANN PRESENTED IN

can get Sweets. , . , MC\ry Ann


McPherson & Citizen• State Bank

of lltPhcqon, Kata-.

Capital and Surplua $127,000.00

1110 l'rablem o f lho Sludcnt b our cluinco to a1111ly the "Golden

R o.le". Coma Jn.

Busy Corner Down Town

Modern Library

Cnat Book1 a t only

95 ell each

Smalley's lhlrd. TJmc, 23 1ux:onds. _ lul year. The iwo shon daith rna.rkli,

uo yard duh: w on by Ohmart. beld by r uckt't1 or l tt:rbenon. wdll A GRADUATION RECITAL I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ McPherson;) Allen, Beth•nY, !hit~. be lcsled Hvt.·rf"l)' a11 "' Ill lhu Javec- A~lh:d Uy lfrndr-lrkiJon, :(hll)', And Bowen, Md llcir1on third. Time, [;0 . ., Utt n oeord nf 170 feel J<C\'t: ll Inches .eicanda. held by YounK or Duker. Morlnn

880 yard d111Jh : Won by Cum11l1t1ll,

McPhcr.1Jon; Mi.!OHI. McPlu.mwu, KC· Doxbcraccr. W~111Clyo.·11, rank• hl,;ll Mou .. Mny ll-Mh1~ Myrcla L .

TAXI ..• BAGGAGE: . •. TRANSFER Anytime -:- Anywhere

cond; A11dur1on. llcthany. third; In the rlchf owenls. P.nd ho ho• aaally Hammanu. s t udent In tha pltrno de- Phone 111 523 N. Aa.b

Time. %:15 minutes_ proved the beiL ot tho ibot putten partment of l he School or ""lae Arlsj:§§§§§§§§§§§~§§§§§§§§§§§~


Mlle run: Won by Della , Mc Pher- and Jucllu tbrowe.n. altbou~h he or the Colle,;c, pte:sentod a gradua-.JOD, and McOlll, McPl1e...un. (tied>: had he<!n beaten o nce by bo•h Zinn lion racllal for n plauo dlploma Anderson, Uoll•• n)', t.blrd. T lriit.i .~ : !I 1,1f M~Pher1on "nd Toow8 of Dotho.11y. cour11"' tonli;lll In the.- College t hauel m lriut.ea. - L. E. L. I auditorium. Mh1" Jbmmnun wna

T wo mllo ru11: \You by Wllllrrn111, n.&1ts tod by u cth H e nd r lc k¥Ot1, rei:id* Mt>P.tumon; Can111bc ll. Mcrhor•on. GIVE uMOTHERS" DAY rr, Mattie Shay, Ylollnlll. 11nd Un:1.

~~.::.d~l : :oh~~:~t.:ctbany, third. PROGRAM C. E. SUNDAY ~;;~::·: pianist. The recltal was u

Hieb hurdln: Won by $!~le. l t"•·aturo Sonwi, RNullnJC!i, ,\ lld T».lk.s So1u~t11 Jo: minor .. Grieg Be.£bauy; J<lndy, Mcl'henion, e<.-oond; AL, \\'f'Ckl)' Mt.'(lllUI( • ~:;~ul~~iut~~i.:~o Mowbra.;, Merborsou. thlrcl. T ime, f'Junlu .Moho Allegro

11 ~:u1~1~~dlOI' Won by Carleon. Sun .. Muy 10- 111 the Cullcg?. C. t; Al!be1 ot lt~~~JSl:l8 lf.~~~·:!11~~nct• U'Arey

PU~AN The Place You Will Be Treated Right.

COME IN! Bethany . lloch11tra11!er, Mcl'hcr.on. ~~~~~~ ~::. 11

:,:r :~ ·:;:~~:; ao~::~ )tip _ l-lendrickMJ~tock .. y

:.:nd1~t=~· Dctbllo7, lhlrd. Time deTotto ns were led b)' Margtirel ::;:~':a ogp_~;- ~~:--~lchar~~~=~r= :::-:-:-========-==================: Sl1ot 11ut : Won by Zinn. M<il''her- Moulton. llulh t~1re11to110 ~n\'e o Val1e A .. "lat M:1Jor .. •. Chopin

son: Toew&1, Dothv.ny, 11cco11d ; J11ml· :~·.~:~isu;~~:;~ ~-~::;~0~6:·~:\;~:!:~ Srnnun A 1.:~J~~ ~-:~~.~.1.~1.1 ...... -HundcJ ;::~. !'~!~chho:::)U, third. Ul11t1111cu, 38 or Oud," by •·ruucls L;·do. wa~ given ~tt~:~~O

J'\Yelto: w on br Rhorer, UetlHlny; ~~~~t: .. T~~~:::~-~;l~e;:e~tc~~:~~ : :: Thrt!ll;!'hl~!~~:11;! ~'r'4:.i~!o~ln~ ~·:;be~:=~~~=: n-::::~. ::~';:'~: ! De11a Lehman read ll. t:uulu,; f~<>m - - "Miu ~r~~':;'1~:!,.~:nl"t) Cook 7 !·! Inch , • \llie boo" " Mother" by Ka lhloon Nor· Sta~c,alo Etude - --· Rubc1111tt:!l11

Discus: ~v:C,n by 'z 1n11, 'Met'h""ou; r ls. Ml1111 Hammann

:i-b:•;,0~~1~~1111:~. sce;:~~~ocJ:.1111ai°211;tco.t; ' ISIT lffTCll. !i;t't1C>o1, ~~------- - · t eel. ' - - 1 -

H:lgb Jump: Woo by Carl•OD, Deth': ))(). a y I l-f't'f'e ,;lrll of the McPherson Laundry any. and wnon, llettiaay, (Uocl); Home 11omte1 department or t.he • Wllllami, Mt.Pbanon, .ud llr•dJ~r. Colle1:0 \'lalled lb& Junior ulle ge in Chas. L. Au.stint -M\!Phoriou. ( tlod) . li<llght, G hw · l1u1ehh111ou this morning. Tllo10 who College A &'ent 4 1nche1. j mndu the 1r111 to Hutc:lllruwn were Basket in boy's dorm.

Broad Jump: Won by C11.rl• on, llutb · Tro1ulc, £duo Hoo'f'or, Pcurl i..-------------; lletha11r: Soderberc. Bcthauy, 11~ HotdcrNad. Oraco Early, a nd Ida cand : Dndltr. McPbenon, third.I Le.nclc. PARKER Dlataoee, 11 '"'· 11 tochea. j The Lile lune Pen

Pote Hull: W(ln br 1-1. z111u, Mc· ·' UAt"OHTEu u; Uolt.!'' Almen-Lovett P.beraon; J ornl)\'lrg, Dctbany, nndl ... - - D C Dradlor, .• Mc Phetillon. l.hlrd. ( tlcd),l A dnughlc r, who ha1 beau tinmcd , _____ r_u_:g::....;;_O __ , _ _ _, Height, tO tetit, G lneh<.!t1, IM1uhm Je woll, wns born 011 Ma)' 6 .• ------------;

JUie r'elay: Not run. to Mr. 11nd MN . W. H. CLuul c1 or

I New York Chy. Mn. Charles wlll be SHOE REP.AIRING

HAl'•:H TO T >;ACH rtmerubered a1 Ml.a Edna Uol\her ot CH AS. DARON'S , lho <lua or ""· SHOE SHOP

A Century's Use---by banks the world over has proved the banking-by-mail

principle to be u safe and convenient method of t rans­

porting fund•. And whenever you cannot come into the

bunk pel'Sonaily, this s~me method is open to you.

Peoples State Bank "Strength and Ability .. •

P lua the Willma:neu to Ser-.."

Keith U11ye., president or ' th I LocAtod with Dt>oti' Dootery.

Hnlor elau aad Im ou111taodlng clo· ============1''------'------..Jll ba ter and orator .. ot tbt.t Collogo, baa

"SOiar-'' Straw.s

•lined a c.~utract t o t each 1ll1tory I and debate tn the high. 1tthool •rs· lea at Holllln1tan, Kau.


8ATJKPl•:o Cl.:8TO~u;ns Keep U• n._,,·.

V 01~ Electri~ Shoe Shop 10".li Eu&. 11.'lll"lk1

Dot.'a R. E. lf(lhler motored to BrOWU• ll Monday. a !terDoo•. whe"' Gifta that" Please lll• deJiffred tbe Hlgh Sc.boot Com·

The Gift For H er .

I • • ._..,, add,... KoDda, utsbt. Fo., Graduation. a ... fte11 ls a · ·man town uo mllu' aad Men'• wriat

weat at aifcPbenon... H bbell' Dru t atrap watcb-. . · 'Troth .,., bo • ll•~•••r Uian 11.,. U S g Now Waldemar chalna. rillr•

Uoa*· ba t tt wlU aenr .ell to r •&.. aad b.raceMta.

...... - Store ' I J . Ed. Guata&on Pa\- - ,.... te -· but Ill N. 11A1M STR££T ~- - .. UU\. t1i...-.i....-..:;... ____ ._l, . .

~--­. .,.~ 11 ·~-,....--s---'•S 98 aimtilae cmalort ODd ltJle, ,.... mfslll u · ' • well lllmc Pa to. lut Whieer'1 Iott. n.en;.. .....: '. I ...... ,.!Wt,bowewr,_ ...... __ a ..

I "Salm'" :. ,..._ ~ . .......,. •t99 I '..;t~~·---~· . _,. , - .
