the rise of the experience web: why your company must adapt or die

1 The Rise of the Experience Web: Why Your Company Must Adapt or Die

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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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The rise of the experience web (and the future of web content management) is here and we’re now in the most innovative era in the history of technology. Major advances are already on the short-term horizon, including wearables, the Internet of things, real-time geo-location targeting, drones, and even self-driving cars. The intersection of these new technologies creates tremendous opportunity for forward-thinking companies to redefine the customer experience through technology. Digital Marketers and IT Teams are at a crossroad: Those that put the customer experience first will succeed. Those that fail to think “digital first,” will become obsolete. In this webinar, Dries Buytaert, Project Lead of Drupal, and David Aponovich, former Forrester Analyst and industry veteran specialized in web content management and digital experience technology, will share with you: • An introduction to the Experience Web and how to tap into digital innovation • Why companies must alter their business model to exceed customer expectations • Signs your company or industry is at risk for disruption • How to quickly and cost-effectively pivot to a digital first approach • Examples of companies ahead of this trend


  • 1. 1The Rise of the Experience Web:! Why Your Company Must Adapt or Die!

2. 2 FoundedDrupal Co-foundedAcquia Co-foundedMollom Co-founded DrupalAssocia7on HoldsaPhDinCS Likesphotography, chocolate @dries 3. 3 Sr.Director,Digital Experience,Acquia FormerForresteranalyst 12yearsinwebcontent managementworld Workedmanyyearsasa journalist(print&online) @daponovich MEET DAVID APONOVICH 4. 4Agenda! Digital disruption in the real world no industry (or organization) is safe Innovation in action: History of the camera Welcome to the Experience Web The Open Web is closing up (and why you should care) Questions 5. 570% of the companies that were on the Global 500 list a mere 10 years ago have now vanished 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 9. 9One More 10. 10 11. 11 12. 12No Industry is Immune to Disruption 13. 13Innovation and Agility Create Winners 14. 14The Photographic Apparatus the photographic apparatus 1839 15. 15it was so simple! Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 12 16. 16the kodak 1885 it got simpler 17. 17 18. 181850 1920 1950 1970 1990 2000 2010 but that was just the beginning 19. 1935mm spawned a whole ecosystem 20. 20! Load Shoot Unload Develop Enlarge Print Store Share 35mm if we map the users journey... 21. 21! Load Shoot Unload Store Share 35mm instamatic 1985 each advance removes steps Develop 22. 22! Load Shoot Store Share polaroid 1970 reduces effort 23. 23! Shoot Store Share and simplifies the process canon digital 2000 24. 24Shoot Store share iPhone 2007 25. 25its all about the experience 26. 26optics eyeglasses telescope 1600 physics mechanics lenses } innovation enables experience 27. 27camera one print1800 silver nitrate metallurgy chemistry } innovation enables experience optics eyeglasses telescope 1600 physics mechanics lenses 28. 28film many prints1900 printing textiles plastics } innovation enables experience camera one print1800 silver nitrate metallurgy chemistry } optics eyeglasses telescope 1600 physics mechanics lenses 29. 29electronics LCD screen sensor1990 digital} innovation enables experience film many prints1900 printing textiles plastics } camera one print1800 silver nitrate metallurgy chemistry } optics eyeglasses telescope 1600 physics mechanics lenses 30. 30lets apply this to the web static web 1990 browser html http } 31. 31php dynamic web 1995 mysql apache }Linux static web 1990 browser html http } 32. 32content profile templat e deploy plan design paywall auth system error handler xml/json/ rss file system email handler css/js db schema queries relate data geo integration seo rest auth backup system web service The site builders journey in the dynamic web cachingrest endpoint 33. 33assembled web modules 2005 }themes web services php dynamic web 1995 mysql apache }Linux static web 1990 browser html http } 34. 34content profile template deploy plan design paywall auth system error handler xml/json/ rss file system email handler css/js db schema querys relate data geo integration seo rest auth backup system web service cachingrest endpoint 35. 35The assembled web made the journey many times simpler core modules theme content deployconfigure 36. 36assembled web modules 2005 }themes web services php dynamic web 1995 mysql apache }Linux static web 1990 browser html http } What Is Next? ?2015 } 37. 37The next 10 years will bring a new wave of innovation 38. 38 39. 39 40. 40 41. 41 42. 42 43. 43 44. 44Uber 45. 45All these technologies will come together 46. 46assembled web modules 2005 }themes web services php dynamic web 1995 mysql apache }Linux static web 1990 browser html http } 2015} We are at the beginning of the fourth wave experience web 47. 47what is the ! Experience web?! 1 commerce 2 search 48. 48STEP 1 Catalog 49. 49STEP 2 Website 50. 50STEP 3 Find + Select 51. 51STEP 4 Add to cart 52. 52STEP 5 Create Account 53. 53STEP 6 Enter Payment 54. 54STEP 7 Enter Shipping Info 55. 55STEP 8 Review + Submit 56. 56STEP 9 Product Shipped 57. 57STEP 10 Wait 3-5 Days 58. 58Imagine what it could look like. 59. 59STEP 1 catalog STEP 2 website STEP 3 find STEP 4 add to cart STEP 5 account ST EP 6 payment info STEP 7 address STEP 8 review STEP 10 wait STEP 9 ship Identity provider 60. 60STEP 8 review STEP 10 wait STEP 9 ship Drone Delivery STEP 1 catalog STEP 2 website STEP 3 find 61. 61STEP 9 ship STEP 1 catalog STEP 2 website GOOGLE glass + rfid STEP 8 review STEP 3 find 62. 62STEP 2 Glass STEP 10 ship 63. 63 64. 64 65. 65 66. 66 67. 67From 1-click purchase to 1-blink purchase 68. 68what is the experience web? 1 commerce 2 search 69. 69what is the experience web? 1 commerce 2 search 70. 70Search was just search 71. 71Search was just search 72. 72Search is becoming an experience 73. 73Search is becoming an experience 74. 74Will it be the whole experience? 75. 75 76. 76 77. 77in this future what is our role? 78. 78disintermediation (a big word for cutting out the middleman) 79. 79The web is disintermediating brick and mortar 80. 80Google is disintermediating the web 81. 81Chrome chromecast Maps Drive Glass NexusNexus car wallet Gmail Google+ Google now youtube nest its not just google 82. 82experience 83. 83lets talk about how this affects drupal 84. 84The open web is closing up 85. 85We wont be able to stop it It drives business $ Its easier for users CBA 86. ights from Boston" 87. 88google is the big box of the web 88. 89On the other hand Brands want to own the experience 2 Brands dont want to share customers 1 89. Brands dont want to share customers 1 My recent Amazon purchases" 90. 91 91. 92Brands want to own the experience 2 92. 93 93. 94GE selected Drupal for more exibility," better agility, integrate faster on " a centralized platform 94. 95DRUPAL.! EVERYWHERE.! NBC standardized on Drupal across entertainment, news, and sports sites 95. 96300 completely custom artist experiences on Drupal 96. 97" @dries :: [email protected] @daponovich :: [email protected]