the rise of europe: the early middle ages

The Rise of Europe: The Early Middle Ages

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The Rise of Europe: The Early Middle Ages. Decline of Roman Empire & Barbarian Migrations. Introduction: Western Europe 500-1000 A.D. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Rise of Europe: The Early Middle Ages

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Decline of Roman Empire & Barbarian Migrations

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Introduction: Western Europe500-1000 A.D.

• During the Roman Empire, Europe was linked by Roman Roads – spread classical ideas, Latin language & Christianity

• After fall of Roman Empire, invaders swept across Europe

• Trade slowed, towns emptied, learning almost ceased• Western Europe cut off from sophisticated civilizations of

Middle East, China, India• Focus of European history shifts North• New culture emerged-blended Greco-Roman, Germanic,

& Christian traditions• Medieval-Latin for “middle Ages”

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Geography: Resources• Frontier-sparsely

populated, underdeveloped

• Dense forests• Fertile soil• Minerals• Seas for fish &

transportation• Rivers for trade• Mountain streams for

water wheels

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Germanic Kingdoms

• Germanic tribes migrated across Europe were farmers & herders

• Very different culture from Romans

• No cities, no written laws• Small communities,

governed by unwritten customs

• Elected kings to rule during war

• Warrior nobles swore loyalty to king in exchange for weapons & loot

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Germanic Peoples• 5th- 6th centuries,

political unity of Roman Empire ended

• peoples moved southwards, attracted by Rome’s glory

• wanted fertile land/better climate

• organized into tribes • chief made final

decisions• lived in big wooden

houses• moved constantly• Called barbarians

(foreigners) by Romans

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5th Century Germanic Kingdoms

• Borders not fixed• Christian Church

provided order & security

• Several kingdoms in Roman territory– Franks– Visigoths– Burgundians– Anglo-Saxon– Vandals

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How were Germanic societies organized? • Germans were rural

– Most peasants – animal grazing and working

the land

• Most land in hands of Roman a& Germanic families

– Some small land owners

• Monasteries owned vast territories

– received donations in exchange for prayers said by the monks

• Population of cities decreased

• commercial activity had slowed

• currency had almost disappeared

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The New Society:

Germans & Romans • Germans were the

minority• Initially, Romans &

Germans maintained own laws, customs & religion

• societies started to blend-Germans adopted Roman institutions/laws

• Used latin• Converted to


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Government Changes

Rome• Loyalty to public

governments• written law• citizenship

Germanic Kingdoms• Family & personal ties

– Made it difficult to govern a large area

• Small communities• Unwritten rules &

traditions• Chief leads warriors

who pledge loyalty

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Art & culture in Germanic Kingdoms

• Few artistic artifacts remain• Some small churches• Art of gold & silver • Early Monasteries

– Community of monks – Daily life organized

according to rules• Saint Benedict

– Monasteries places of prayer

– cultural centers • school • a scriptorium where

manuscripts were copied

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Rise of Christian Monasticism

• Monasteries & Convents were separate religious communities for men & women

• Monks nuns held no private possessions; servants of God

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Rules of Benedict

• Strict yet practical• Give up attachment

to world & love of self

• Devotion to God• Balance between

work & study• Scholastica

– Twin sister?

– Devoted life to the church

– Took Benedict’s rules to convents

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Germanic Kingdoms: The Franks

• Strongest of the small Germanic kingdoms of Western Europe

• In 486, Clovis, king of the Franks, conquered Gaul, a former Roman province

• Converted to Christianity– earned the support of the

people – Christian Church of Rome

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Christianity Spreads

• Germanic peoples converted– missionaries

– fear of Muslim attacks

• New converts settled in Rome’s former lands

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Germanic Kingdoms: Europe & Muslim World

• Islam appeared in Arabia in 622

• Christians were stunned when Muslim armies overran Christian lands, building a huge empire from Spain to North Africa to Palestine

• Charles Martel stopped Muslims at Battle of Tours, France in 732

• Muslims advanced no further into Western Europe but continued to rule Spain

• Caused Christians great anxiety and hostility

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Age of Charlemagne • Grandson of Charles Martel

• Built empire across France, Germany, part of Italy

• Ruled for 30 years• Spent most of that time

fighting Muslims in Spain, Saxons in the north, Avars & Slavs in east, Lombards in Italy

• United much of Old Roman Empire

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Age of Charlemagne: The Carolingian Era • In 800, crushed

rebellious nobles at request of Pope Leo III

• Pope crowned him – gave him title

Emperor of Romans• Joined Germanic

power to Church & heritage of Roman Empire

• Laid path for future power struggles

• Emperor in Constantinople outraged

• Increased division between east & west Christians

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Age of Charlemagne: Government

• Worked to create a united Christian Europe• Worked with Church to spread Christianity to conquered peoples• Limited power of nobles-(counts) • Gave land in return for support and soldiers for his armies• Missi dominici were officials sent out to check on roads, listen to

grievances & administer justice

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Age of Charlemagne:

Revival of Learning • Wanted to make his court at Aachen a “second Rome”

• Promoted education for all social classes

• Founded a school

• Curriculum was grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy

• Ordered monasteries to open schools - train monks & priests

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After Charlemagne

• His son Louis, took over 814 AD

• ineffective• He had 3 sons• They battled for 30

years• In 843, Treaty of

Verdun-split empire into 3 regions

• Central authority broke down

• Led to feudalism

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After Charlemagne: Legacy

• Extended Christian civilization into northern Europe

• Increased blending of German, Roman, & Christian traditions

• Set up a strong, efficient government

• Set an example for later medieval rulers

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After Charlemagne: New Invasions

• 800’s, Muslims conquered Sicily which became a thriving center of Islamic culture

• In 896, the Magyars, nomads overran eastern Europe and plundered Germany, parts of France, and Italy

• After about 50 years, pushed back into Hungary

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After Charlemagne: The Vikings

• Expert sailors from Scandinavia • burned & looted along the coasts

and rivers of Europe• Traders & explorers who sailed

around the Mediterranean Sea and across the Atlantic Ocean

• Opened trade routes that linked northern Europe to Mediterranean lands

• Settled in England, Ireland, northern France and parts of Russia

• Around 1000, Leif Erikson set up a short-lived colony on North America

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The Vikings

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Big Question

• What changes altered the economy, government, and culture of Western Europe?– Disruption of trade– Downfall of cities– Population shifts– Decline in learning– Loss of common language

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After the fall of Rome, what institution provided security and stability?

• The Roman Catholic Church

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Who was Clovis?

• Frankish king in region of Gaul

• Brought Christianity to the region

• Won the support of the Church against others

• United the Franks into one kingdom

• Mark the beginning of the alliance between political and religious powers

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Who was Benedict?

• Monk who develop a set of strict yet practical rules for monasteries.

• Became a model for religious communities

• Monasteries became centers of learning

• Venerable Bede wrote a history of England

• Illuminated manuscripts

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What were the most important events in the unification of the Germanic kingdoms?

• 400’s Roman Empire invaded• 511-Clovis unites Franks in Christian kingdom• 590-Gergor the Great becomes Pope• 732-Charles Martel defeats Muslims at Battle of Tours• 751-Carolingian Dynasty begins• 800-Pope crowns Charlemagne Emperor • 800’s-French, Spanish, other languages evolved from Latin

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What happened to Charlemagne’s empire after he died?

• Grandsons fought for control• Treaty of Verdun• Empire broken up into three kingdoms• Carolingian kings lost power• Central authority broke down• Lack of strong leadership created a new

system of governing and landholding• Feudalism is born!!!!

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Feudalism in Europe: The Impact of Vikings

• Climate Change• Sailed up rivers• Traders, farmers,

explorers• Russia• Constantinople• North Atlantic• Gradually accepted

Christianity• Warming trend in N.

Europe• Settled down


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Magyar Invasions-late 800’s AD

• Nomads from Hungary

• Horsemen• Took captives as


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• Came from south

• Strongholds in N. Africa

• wanted to spread Islam into Europe and plunder wealth

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New Political System: Feudalism

• Based on rights & obligations

• Loyalty & Military Service exchanged for Land & Privilege

• Loyalty & Labor exchanged for protection

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Social Classes

• Social status determined prestige & power

• Those who fought• Those who prayed• Those who worked• Inherited• Most people were

peasants & most peasants were serfs

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Manors: The Economic Side

• Manor was lord’s estate

• Provided serfs with housing, farmland, protection

• Serfs tended lord’s land, cared for animals, other tasks to maintain the estate

• Peasant women worked along their husbands

• All owed duties to the lord

• Grain, labor, etc.

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Life on a Manor

• Self-sufficient• Peasant taxes

– grinding their grain– Marriage– Church

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Age of Chivalry

• Nobles constantly fought• Conflict kept Europe

fragmented• Violent society valued

combat skills• High ideals guided

warriors actions- glorified their roles

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Age of Chivalry: Education

• At age 7, trained as a page in castle of another lord;

• at age 14, trained as squire, acted as servant to knight;

• at 21, became a knight

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Age of Chivalry: Weapons & Equipment

• Saddles & stirrups from Asia• Armor• Long bow• Cross bow and missiles


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Age of Chivalry: War Games

• Fought in local wars or tournaments

• Combined recreation with combat training

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Code of Chivalry

• Be loyal• Brave• Courteous• Defend three masters:

– Feudal lord – God– chosen lady

• Protect the weak & poor

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Castle Life• Lived in & protected

home of feudal lords• castles designed as

fortresses, massive walls & guard towers

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Romantic Love

• “courtly love”• Ideal form of

spiritual love• Knight or courtier

completely devoted himself to a noblewoman

• Expected to defend his chosen lady & keep her entertained with love poems & songs

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The Art of Courtly Love by

Andreas Cappellanus

• Marriage is no real excuse for not loving. • He who is not jealous cannot love. • No one should be deprived of love without the very best of reasons. • It is not proper to love any woman whom one should be ashamed to seek to

marry. • A true lover does not desire to embrace in love anyone except his beloved. • When made public love rarely endures. • The easy attainment of love makes it of little value; difficulty of attainment

makes it prized. • Every lover regularly turns pale in the presence of his beloved. • When a lover suddenly catches sight of his beloved his heart palpitates. • A new love puts to flight an old one. • Good character alone makes any man worthy of love. • Love can deny nothing to love. • A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved. • A man who is vexed by too much passion usually does not love. • A true lover is constantly and without intermission possessed by the thought

of his beloved.

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How did feudal lords in Western Europe in the 11th century defend their

territories?• Private armies

• Rewarded knights with fiefs from their estates

• Allowed knights to use their wealth to purchase supplies; weapons, armor, horses for battle

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How were the lives of a noblewoman and a peasant woman different?

• Peasant woman– Worked as hard as a

man in order to survive– General work duties

• look after children & organize food for family and animals

• Noblewoman– Centered around

Church and home– Inherit husband’s

estate, title of military commander and warrior when husband was away in battle

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How did invading armies go about attacking a castle?

• To capture a castle, first engineers would check the walls to find any weak points

• Attacking soldiers would ram the walls with weapons such as the battering ram and then walls would collapse

• Attacking soldiers could infiltrate the walls of the castle

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How did some of the troubadours’ songs promote a false image noblewomen &


• portrayed noblewomen as always beautiful, constantly pure

• Reality Check: Knighthood was a particularly brutal office

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Power of the Church

• In 936,Otto I, crowned Holy Roman Emperor for protecting the Church

• Began Holy Roman Empire

• Close relationship between Church & State

• Tensions over who would appoint Church officials-investiture

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Conflict Between Popes & Emperors: Gregory VII

• Reform corrupt church leaders

• Make the Church independent of secular rulers

• 1075, Banned practice of “lay investiture”-(church official chosen by kings)

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Conflict Between Popes & Emperors: Henry IV

• Holy Roman Emperor• Angered by Pope

Gregory’s actions• Needed church

leaders to support him against powerful German lords

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Conflict Between Henry and Gregory• Henry IV demanded

that Gregory VII resign as Pope

• Gregory excommunicated Henry

• Henry realized he could not win so begged forgiveness

• Henry was forgiven

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Why was the Church so important in the lives of the people?

• Church was a unifying force in a time of political turmoil & warfare

• Church provided a sense of security

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How did popes in the 11th century use excommunication & interdicts as political


• Popes threatened excommunication to have power over them & the decisions they made

• The pope could threaten a king with an interdict to frighten the kings’ subjects in order to force him to submit

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What was the Concordant of Worms?

• Compromise between Church & emperor in 1122

• Church officials appointed church leaders

• King could veto appointments

• Kings could give titles& land grant to church officials

• 1st document outlining separate areas of responsibility for Church and State

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What happened at the Battle of Legnano?

• 1176,Frederick I’s army of mounted knights fought against foot soldiers of the Lombard League

• Lombard League was a group of Italian merchants who stood up to Frederick’s plundering of Italy

• The Italians, with the support of the pope, defeated Frederick’s army

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The Scriptorium: Remember Your Vow of Silence!!!!

• You are a monk in the scriptorium.

• Create an illuminated manuscript of the Latin proverb “Moderatio in omnibus rebus”

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The Dormitory: Remember Your Vow of Silence

• Pretend you are a monk in the dormitory at 9:00 pm.

• Put your head down on your desk, close your eyes

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The Workhouse: Remember Your Vow of Silence

• You are a monk in a workhouse. Today, you and your fellow monks are in charge of cleaning.

• Get paper towels, use Windex to clean all parts of your workspace.

• Work diligently and quietly with a cheerful spirit.

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The Chancel: Maintain total silence

• You are a monk in the chancel

• Sit and listen to the Gregorian chant.

• Think about how the Gregorian chant helped bring monks closer to God.