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The Revolution Method: An Uncommon Guide to Writing Remarkable Fiction and Failure Proofing Your Writing

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The Revolution Method:An Uncommon Guide to Writing Remarkable Fiction and Failure

Proofing Your Writing

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Brought to you by

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By Luis N Alvarado

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Revolutionary Writing Philosophy• Fundamentals of a Revolutionary:• Plans Fail, but Tactics are Flexible

Part 2: Getting Started• The Writing Fallacy• You Write What You Read• Paradox of Styles• Lighting the Ember

Part 3: How to Start Your Revolution• The Art of Lying• Fake it Till You Make• Know Your Audience Myth• One Size Fits All

Part 4: Creating the Connection• Fractionation Technique• Standing Out And Seducing Your Audience• Getting Them Hooked

Part 5: Conclusion and Guiding Principles• Parkinson's Law• Practicing the Fundamentals• The Revolutionary Message• Conclusion and Final Remarks

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The Revolution Method

"I think if one has gone into it very deeply, one can discover such a mind for oneself. A mind that has broken down, destroyed, all the barriers, all the lies which society, religion, dogma, and belief have imposed upon it, and gone beyond to discover what is true, is the true religious mind."~J.Krishnamurti

This guide is going to change your life. It was once believed that being a Revolutionary takes tremendous courage. It was also once believed that in order to lose weight, learn spanish, or learn any skill for that matter you needed to have the perfect method. Well, this is wrong. Here's the secret; To revolutionize anything in your life, you must failure proof it. This includes writing as well. In short, writing is the most personal thing you can do with your self. It is the ultimate form of self-expression, it is the direct bridge between the inner world of your mind, and the outer world of your environment. The proper union of these two can be extremely difficult and problematic. However, as a writer, you can take the immaterial thoughts of your mind, and transfer to the concrete reality of a page. Not only that, writing is a powerful medium for connecting with other human beings. By becoming a compelling writer, not only are you in touch with yourself, your passions, and emotions, but you become a light for the rest of humanity.

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Plans can fail, but tactics are flexible.

We are going to provide you the tactics to failure proof your writing, give you vision, and most importantly

give you the opportunity to enter a state of flow. If you can keep these principles in front of you and let them

guide your life, very soon you too will be able to call yourself a revolutionary writer.

Here are the three basic principles this site is founded on:

“ If you ever find yourself on the side of majority, pause and reflect.” ~Mark Twain

“Everything popular is wrong.” ~Oscar Wilde

“Know thyself.” ~Inscription at Temple of Apollo at Adelphi

In short, to be a revolutionary writer, you must go against the tide, you must obliterate your underlying

assumptions, and realize you don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to.

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Part 2: Getting Started

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."

~ John Wooden, Hall of Fame Basketball Coach(10 NCAA Titles in 12 Years)

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The Writing Fallacy

We've heard our whole lives that to be a great writer you need talent, and you must be an absolute bookworm. This is completely wrong. Albeit, each of these things play a role, they are not the end all-be all.

In fact let's address these myths:

Talent is Overrated:

Before 7th grade, I was as far from talented as any student could be. On the NJASK, New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge, I scored a below average 215 on the writing section. In relation, to everything one else I was just average, even though my grades told another story. It was in 7th grade, that I had my writing revelation. On the 7th grade NJASK, I scored a perfect 300, the only person in my school district to do so. How did I do this? Did the test get easier? Did I just mature as I writer? No. It came down to methods. I was able to now channel my intense imagination into words. What used to be conveyed in images inside my head, could now be transferred into detailed and riveting stories and essays. My new explosion of writing captivated my teachers, as they scrambled to figure out what I was doing differently. This new skill was tremendous confidence boost for me and changed my life forever, hopefully it is in this report and other things that I can share with you, to change you from average to captivating, and allow you to feel the peace, purpose, and joy too wonderful words that writing entails.

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Cultivating Selective Ignorance:

"It is vain to do with more, what can be done with less."

In short, you write what you read. As human beings, we are very impressionable. We are results of our genes and our environment. In this case, our environment is what we read. Before 7th grade, I read garbage. I read all the novels in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Captain Underpants series. In fact, it was this very critical change in what I read that lead to the remarkable change in my writing. I began reading philosophy and religious works, as I began to confront the big questions in life. I soon wanted to know why I was here, and how I arrived on this Earth, the latter solved pretty quickly by immature teenagers around me. However, these inquiries soon began to reflect in my writings. Little did my teachers know that I was now writing with the style of Alan Watts, Confucius, and Elie Wiesel, not simply copying their styles, but now viewing the world through their eyes and interpreting it through their pens.

The Paradox of Styles:

In writing their is no way, styles, or systems. Their are only tactics. Writing must flow, it must inhabit a page, but inhabit a lifetime, a person, some one who is now forever changed by what they have read. This can not be achieved through styles, but through freedom, freedom to draw from each style, way, or system and use it at one's own accord. This can only be achieved by selective ignorance. To become a compelling writer, you must read compelling writing. You must not only read, but intepret, question, and actively perceive what is happening on that page. If you do this step effectively, you will already see changes in your writing.

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Lighting the Ember Exercise: Estimated Time: 55 minutes

Take a walk to your nearest library and pick up two books. Now, don't pick anything dry like Diderot and Descartes. Please, you'll thank me later. What I do recommend is pick one book that covers a philosophy like Stoicism or Taoism and them pick up a book that contains a volume of short stories, anything in the Chicken Soup category will do. If you wish to skip this step I strongly recommend Philosophersnotes which will get you started very quickly, and will help you think deeply on various topics.

Philosophy as a Personal Operating System: Estamated Time: Two Days

Once you've exposed yourself to various philosophies, choose one as your base. For me, it was stoicism and the ideas and tenets of that really set a fire to my writing, however everyone is different. To fully utilize this approach, you need to hack away at the inessentials and reduce the philosophy to its basic principles. Once you have these principles and can fit on one to five pages, you can use this as a constant reference for your writing. Once you can operate from a particular philosophy, then you can create compelling stories that reflect this philosophy.

Remember the revolutionary writing equation: A Personal Philosophy+Compelling Writing Tactics= Revolutionary Writing

Once you're personal philosophy is established, and you can now call yourself a deep thinker, then you can employ the tactics that will turn you from average to revolutionary.

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Part 3: How To Start Your Revolution

Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.

~ The Daila Lama XIV

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How to Start Your Revolution:

This section is going to change your life. It is going to change how you view writing and human expression. If you can practice and absorb the various principles we are discussing then you will draw in your audience with a magnetic charisma you didn't even know you had.

The Art of Lying:

The best writer, is the person who can lie most effectively without getting caught. Now before you close this document, by lying I mean exaggerating. Throughout history, the best storytellers have been those that instill a wonder that captivates audiences, but is believable enough to be retold. Here's the trick, the different between an average and exceptional written piece is the amount of exaggeration. By exaggeration, we mean illumination. In order to use this to your advantage you need to highlight(illuminate) the details that contribute most to the story's wow factor.

The Writing to Your Audience Myth:

Ladies and Gentleman, if you have ever been told the Know your Audience tip, I just shed a tear for you. This is one of the largest dogmas in writing, and if you want to write with remarkable skill you must ignore this. Some people will disagree completely, others will close this report, but the writers who want to different and shine in an ocean of average writers please read on.

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Make Believe Your Audience Has No Idea Who You Are:

In most cases they won't, but in order to reach your full potential you must do this from the get-go. In 7th

grade, when I wrote my first essay for the NJASK, I chronicled my story as a down on my luck teenage drug

dealer, who throughout his struggles and demons, turns to God in the end and finds peace with what he has

done. I don't care who you are, but if that doesn't appeal to you then you are not human. Am I really I drug

dealer, who to feed his own family has to hustle and sell day and night. Of course not, however I did grow

up in Newark, NJ. In 1996, the year I was born, Time magazine ranked Newark "The Most Dangerous City

in the Nation. So as I child, I was well aware of the things happening outside my house. This exposure as a

child, gave me the background to tell an exaggerated, but believable story. Combined with the personal

philosophy system discussed in the previous chapter, the story of a teenage drug dealer, evolved into the

story of a teenage coming to grips with what he's done, and finding peace with himself through his Faith in

God. Much more interesting.

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The One Size Fits All Strategy:

So here's the protocol: Within the next week, reexamine your past and see if you can find anything that can

be used or that you have an extensive knowledge of: for example; Struggling as a single mother, growing up

in an inner city, struggling as grad student, or working your way up the corporate ladder, and use it as a base

for your writing. Once you have this solid base, try to come up with a story that talks about you or your

character facing a serious life event, then using the personal philosophy operating system we talked about,

show your character coming of age using the tenets of this philosophy. Once, you have the base of your

story, look for details throughout the story that can be somewhat exaggerated with out being noticed. Then,

make these details so visceral, that it will strike a chord with the reader. In the end, this can be done with

asking yourself the question, will this strike a chord with you. Remember the ultimate goal of writing isn't to

change your reader for better, but to change yourself. YOUR story must be believable, but compelling to you

first. The writer is the illusionist in human expression, the writer must give the illusion of an alluring story,

and one the ways to achieve this most effectively is through the fractionation technique.

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Standing Out and Seducing Your Audience

Remember all the writing fallacies we talked about? Well, fortunately for you writing does have some basic truths. The very basic truth of writing is this: Writing is about making emotional connections. If you are not able to connect on an emotional level with your audience you will fail as a writer from day one. From the first word you must create an emotionally charged plot, that is going to literally make the reader addicted to your writing. Now, there are many techniques out there that can be used to attempt to achieve this result. However, most fail from the beginning. In order to combat this, we must use human psychology to aide us. Now, don't worry, the work has already been done for you. All you have to is pay attention, and before you know it, you too can begin seducing your readers into reading further on. Are you ready?

What to Write To Get Your Audience Hooked:

Do you remember how it feels to have the love of your life sitting next to you, making you feel tremendously happy. Feeling appreciated, important, and loved, you lean over your chair and look them directly in the eyes. Enchanted by their gaze, you lean in and give them the softest and sweetest kiss, the kind that you wish never ends. Well, I've done that, however mine did end. The love of my life, got sick and died immediately when she arrived in the emergency room.

How does that make you feel?



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The Fractionation Technique:

The above passage is a perfect example of the fractionation technique. Also called the positive-negative theory in hypnosis circles, this technique is far from theory. This theory has been field-tested many times and is evident in the writings of great authors. Albeit, most of these authors use this technique subconsciously you can learn to use it with little effort and amazing results.

First rule of Fractionation: Talk to your Reader

If you're unable to talk to your reader you will be unable to connect emotionally. What do we mean by talking? Talking includes the use of double meaning, cold reads, and emotional triggers.

In order to get your readers to think of your work constantly the use of double meaning can be a potent tactic. Always be vague when you talk to your reader - so that they double-guess what you say. If you can make them feel slightly confused and start to wonder what you mean, then you will be able to make the reader think about you. On the other hand, if you wear your heart on your sleeve and make it a no-brainer for any reader to understand you, then you will NOT come across as effective at all. When you write your introduction or the beginning of your story remember to do this.

The idea of cold reads has been used with psychics for centuries, and is very popular among horoscopes. In order to fully understand this concept it is important to also understand the idea of cognitive biases.

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Some common examples of cognitive biases:• Self-relevance effect: In which memories that are personally relevant are better recalled than other,

similar information.• Suggestibility: In which ideas suggested by another person are mistaken for memory.• Confirmation bias: The tendency to seek and interpret information in a way that confirms one’s


Albeit, this is unimportant to the understanding of fractionation it is helpful to have an understanding of these concepts. The third and most important rule of fractionation is the formation of an emotional rollercoaster. This best achieved through the use of emotional triggers. Through the use of double meanings, and cold reads the outline for an effective emotional roller coaster is this: Talk about things that are pleasurable and then immediately talk about things that are painful. This positive-negative cycle is the foundation of remarkable writing as it does an effective job of drawing in the reader through pleasurable descriptions, and then flipping the emotional switch to confuse them into further reflection on your writing. Using this single technique increased my writing scores 50 points, and soon made my writing the talk of the school. Not only has this technique helped me, but it helped my friend Joe improve his NJASK 60 points and score a perfect score in the writing section. The fractionation technique here, was specifically used in Persuasive writing using the infamous RCI technique further talked about on this site.

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Part 5: Conclusion and The RCI Technique

"If you wish to be a writer, write."

Applying the Principles

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Practicing the Fundamentals:

As a gift for reading this report, and in order to help you practice the fractionation technique, here's an example of an exercise we use, and an outline for using the fractionation technique. By using this exercise twice a week, you will begin to not only see the content of your writing improve, but also the content of your thoughts.

Using Parkinson's Law: A 45 minute writing exercise that Summarizes this Report

Parkinson's law is the adage first articulated by Cyril Northcote Parkinson as part of the first sentence of a humorous essay published in The Economist in 1955:[1][2]Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.[1] This is also true of our writing. In order to take full advantage of this principle, and to use it for effective practice we are going to format our writing into a prompt.

Here is the basic outline of the RCI Technique:

Paragraph 1: Rapport: Building Rapport through the use of cold reads, use anecdotes that appeal to everyone and exploit cognitive biases.

Paragraphs 2-4: Confusion: Through the use of double meanings and fractionation, create an emotional rollercoaster using emotional triggers.

Paragraph 5: Injection: Drive the point of the story or essay home with the use of the tenets of the Philosophy you studied, and show either your character, or the conflict of the essay being solved by the essay.

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That's it, use this outline for the first five minutes of writing, and then use the rest of the forty minutes to write your essay. Once you have done this, review the essay and see if it follows the Fractionation guidelines.

The Ready-Fire Aid Method and Working with The End in Mind

For tackling larger writing projects or longer stories, it is important, even critical, that you write with the end in mind. The purpose of having a solid prewriting plan is to develop the end of your story. Using your person philosophy system, and inspiration from what you have been reading, create the big idea or conclusion of your story first. Then from this point, work backwards filling out the details as you go along. This gives you more freedom to work on your fractionation or other writing techniques to keep your reader interested while knitting together a well-crafted story.Once this pre-writing approach is set: Aim and Fire. This is when you completely let yourself go, and let the words flow from pen. It sounds easy in practice, however it can be difficult to execute. What we do in this case then, is try to enter a state of flow. What is flow? It is a complete immersion into what one is doing. The equation for flow is this: Vision + Happiness in the Now= Flow. In order to apply this into our writing, by starting backwards it forces into flow. By creating a solid outline for your writing using the RCI technique, the vision of your story is set, all you have to do now is write. This is where you let yourself go, because you now no longer have to worry about your ending, middle, or beginning. Now you're writing is simply filling in the gaps, and answering the questions you anticipate the reader to ask.

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My Vision and Joining the Cause:

Here's the truth, I'm only 15. I know this might steer people away, but others will risk it and jump in with me. It is these people, I'm willing to talk to, and will absorb fulling the message of this site and of this report. The goal of writing isn't to make money, or make yourself seem important to others. Writing is a form or self-actualization. It is a form of self-knowledge. In the end, all knowledge is self-knowledge. To grow, to discover, we need involvement, which is something you must experience every day — sometimes good, sometimes frustrating. No matter what, you must let your inner light guide you out of the darkness. Writing can open new doors for you, and help you see the world in ways you never imagined. The purpose of this site is to destroy the preconceived notions of writing and self-expression, that way you too can penetrate the very depths of your being. In order to do this, we must seek to understand the root, not getting caught up in the branches, leaves, or the which flower, if you understand the root, you understand its blossoming.

What I can do for you?

By creating this site, I am going to guide you into the direction of your choosing by giving you the principles to succeed not only as a writer, but as a human being. Using the examples of writers like myself, and and advice from experts in the field, we will deconstruct what is useful and useless for your writing. I've given you the basics, and it's up to you to decide if you want to continue.

What will you do with this information? Write to your Senator?

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Lobby for New Toys in the Local Orphanage?Write the next best seller?Change the lives of others? Most importantly change yours?

The choice IS yours. Welcome to the Club,

Luis Alvarado, The Revolutionary

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[1] Wikipedia