the revenge of optimus prime

The Revenge of Optimus Prime By: Alex Houriet, Steve Trachtenberg, Zach Drake, and Scott Mathis

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The Revenge of Optimus Prime. By: Alex Houriet, Steve Trachtenberg, Zach Drake, and Scott Mathis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Revenge of  Optimus  Prime

The Revenge of Optimus Prime

By: Alex Houriet, Steve Trachtenberg, Zach Drake, and Scott Mathis

Page 2: The Revenge of  Optimus  Prime

As Optimus Prime roles past in truck form, he is the only one on the road. That’s because he stole all the fossil fuels and has run over all the plants in the

world to stop photosynthesis and destroy the carbon cycle!

Page 3: The Revenge of  Optimus  Prime

After Optimus destroyed all the plants, he went back to his evil lair, the ultra cave. He then discussed his new plans with his henchmen, Bumblebee and Ironhide on how to keep all the plants destroyed.

Page 4: The Revenge of  Optimus  Prime

As the combustion-run autobots patrolled for leftover plants, Pablo son of Chuck Norris saw then and thought something was up. After his jog and much respiration, Pablo decided to see what was going on. He flew down to Optimus’s lair on his nitrogen powered rocket shoes. When he saw it he yelled, “Good golly gosh! There is sooooooooo much oil and dead and Decomposed plants here! Optimus must be trying to destroy the carbon cycle!”

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Pablo’s sidekick, Big Mac Shaq, heard Pablo’s yell while he was at McDonald’s getting his daily big mac. As soon as Shaq heard the yell, he took two steps covered five miles, and was at Pablo’s side in his size 72 shoes.

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Once Pablo and Big Mac Shaq were finished being shocked, they headed out to stop Optimus. They traveled 600 miles before they found him and his gang. “Optimus! Stop right there!” yelled Pablo.

Bee boop bop bop. All three were now in autobot form and were ready to fight. “Bring it on, small fry!” Optimus taunted.

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As Optimus and his henchmen threw mud balls at Pablo taunting him, (He dodged every one thanks to his rocket shoes) Shaq snuck around the back, which would seem impossible, to bear hug all of them at once and wrestle them to the ground. Shaq was low on energy, so he ate the big mac off his head. Although, he is a noisy eater so the autobots heard him and started chasing him

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Just as Shaq was about to get caught, Pablo put his elaborate plan into action by trapping the autobots under the one tree they didn’t knock down. “Nooooooooooo! My plan to save the atomsphere is ruined because of you meddling kid and your oversized sidekick!” tearfully screamed Optimus Prime.

“Plan to save the world?” said Pablo inquisitively

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Optimus explained, “My plan was to steal all the fossil fuels so they could be preserved, and I wasn’t killing these plants, I was taking them to be converted for use as biofuel.”

“What? You destroyed the entire ecosystem and made most of the U.S. a desert!”

“I’m a robot! We didn’t learn human ecology in our monthly software updates as a baby toaster.”

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Optimus, now after being completely shamed by the whole country spent the next 50 years replanting the US. Pablo became the most well known hero and inventor in history for his work to save the ecosystem and making rocket shoes. The gas was never found again and people were more conscious about the environment. Optimus went 50/50 with Pablo, meaning that Optimus will replant the earth if Pablo markets and mass-produces the rocket shoes.

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10 years later, Optimus finally finished replanting the earth and now has to work the remaining 40 years in his 50 year contract being Pablo’s pool boy and Shaq’s foot cleaner. Pablo is now one of the richest people in the world from his rocket shoes and Shaq kept growing. He is now 15 feet tall and size 200 shoes. Bumblebee and Ironhide decided to stop doing controversial things by getting away from Optimus. Ironhide is now working for contractors as a pickup truck and Bumblebee is now Will Ferrell’s sports car.

Page 12: The Revenge of  Optimus  Prime


Fossil Fuel- a nonrenewable resource that forms in the earth’s crust from over millions of years from buried remains of dead organisms.

Respiration- molecules are broken down to release energy.

Combustion- process of burning fuel.

Photosynthesis- process of how carbon cycles from the environment into living things.

Decomposition- the breakdown of dead materials into carbon dioxide and water.